How I relieve stress with English. All about stress in English. Dialogue about stress in English

Tsukrovih Ganna. Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia
The version is in English with translation. Nomination Otherwise.

Work like the main factor of stress

This is important for all people to earn money. Labor and remuneration, opportunities for mothers to have the necessary social status as a good thing, as self-realization. Of course, it takes a lot of time and effort, and it’s also important to earn what you do in torture.

Any work in some degree can cause stress. For example, fatigue-induced stress may result in depression due to a long period of overwork. For rich people, prolonged periods can lead to physical fatigue. On the other hand, there are practical practices that will be practiced for long hours in order to save more pennies and easier punishments and actions from them only for self-affirmation in the profession.

Survival stress can be associated with an unfortunate or challenging situation during work. You will need to be physically and materially prepared for such tests, since there are different situations in life and in work.

Internally generated stress happens because of a tense, hurried approach to life. In order to avoid problems during the day and, if possible, the food may be different.

Job stress may also arise due to the tension in the working environment. It is very important to practice this if you communicate with colleagues or executives. Because subordinates have enormous pressure from the boss, it can lower their desire to work for the company.

At first glance, we can think that for punishment stress it is necessary to choose a suitable job that will not cause unpleasant feelings, and every day will not turn into torture. In addition, you must try to be social and make money for people with your colleagues so that at any moment they can come to help you.

For every human being it is necessary to mother a robot. A job gives a salary, the ability to gain the necessary social status, and also self-realization. However, this robot takes a lot of energy and time, and it is necessary for the robot to be suitable, otherwise the work will result in cakes.

No matter what kind of work you do, stress will come to you in another world. For example, stress can manifest itself due to the high number of over-the-standard years at work. For most people, the above-standard birthday can be called physical again. On the other hand, there are workaholics who are happy to work beyond the norm in order to earn extra money and allowances for the job, and sometimes simply for the sake of self-esteem in the profession.

The stress of living can be caused by an unsafe or difficult situation at work. It is necessary to be mentally and physically prepared for such tests, because both in life and at work there are various important situations.

Internal tension arises through tension, a vigorous approach to life. To avoid this, you need to practice solving problems as quickly as possible and avoiding important situations whenever possible.

Stress can also be caused by a tense core. It’s even harder to work if your relationship with your colleagues and bosses is bad. If the bosses put a strong moral pressure on their subordinates, this can reduce their duty to work for the benefit of the company.

In conclusion, we can say that to eliminate stress, you need to choose a suitable job so as not to experience unpleasant feelings, and not to overdo it on the cake. Moreover, it is necessary to become a friend and communicate with colleagues, so that in any important situation you can ask for help in others.

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What is stress

homeward bound - to turn back home, which leads directly to Fatherlandism
eustress - positive stress, eustress
distress - physical pain, illness, grief, misfortune, mental suffering
stressor – stress factor, stressor, stress factor
nomadic - nomadic, wandering
wear and tear of life - life beaters
finite - bordered, what is between
liken like (to); revive; relate (to, with)
draw on - scoop, positivate, vikorystuvati
eventually - zreshta, zreshta, zreshta; with an hour
vicious circle

It is different things to different people. This mountaineer is a challenge of pushing physical resources to limit by striving to achieve a demanding goal. Until homeward bound motorist it can be heavy traffic and exhaust fumes. For a student you can use exam pressure.

Such a list of letters and tell the word stress at the top. Press on all the words and images that lead to your thoughts, what you think about this word.

Most people understand the word stress in negative ways. The stench stands like a destructive force. However, not all stress is negative. The word eustress has been coined to describe positive stress. Eustress is a type of stress, and it is good to show that you are wasting a large sum of pennies or adding something unknown in detail or turning back. Eustress is the stress of winning and achieving.

Negative stress is distress. This is the stress of losing, failing, overworking and not coping. Slaughter of people in a negative position is a harmful manner. We can test everything from hour to hour. It is a normal, unavoidable part of living.
Stressors Cause Stress
Stress results from failure to additional cope with stressors. Stressors can be painful, uncomfortable Air-conditioning, debts, ringing telephones, broken relationships, unrealistic deadlines, discouragement, fear, pain and thousands of other things that impact upon us in normal course of life.

It is not possible to avoid stressors. Just a few stress-free state is death! Stressors will always be those who live in a hopeless and inexorable world, which is what we need to call out to get stressed. We experience stress as body adjusts to external demands placed upon it. Our bodies need sex to maintain stability and stress is usually sensed as body readjusts to too much pressure.

We will need to help our Bodies to cope with additional stress because our natural biological stress-ajustors are not ideally matched to modern living. Our Bodies are well suited to the gates of distressing activities that lead to our primitive anthesters. Stressors were working at the side of people, which is indicated for the everyday cunning-gamanian life, but is clearly different for the everyday life of life.

Our anesthesia doors will require chemical reactions at all times. If you physically walk near your work place, if you walk at the top place, it will not interfere with your position in the organization. Of course, if you throw it back and forth, if you think you have time to avoid discrepancies and reverse damage that generate wide voltage levels.

English cards Incorrect words with transcription and butts. Tests ЄДІ, TOEFL

Writing department 09 z ЄДІ. English language

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position

Some people respect that they need to improve their sports abilities to change stress, and other people claim that sports can be healthy for their health.

I think that sports reduce the level of stress indeed. The first thing that plays sports is to forget about your problems, if the stink is extreme. This means that stress is being displaced by positive emotions. There is already a great number of scientific studies about those that result in usefulness sport. Stress is the result of hardwork, overwork or unpleasant activity mixed with worry. Strength in sports involves thorough activity, which naturally does not overcome stress.

At the same time, the situation will be clear if people are stuck to their heath doing sports. For the butt, the stink broke their legs or the army played football. Abo there is a great fight after the ragby border.

My Duma is not to blame for the confusion of playing sports and overdoing sports. I've tried it a lot of times. After all, since there are a lot of stressful lessons, if I love absolutely horrible things, we will play football and it will be completely refreshed. I'm ready to study again.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that playing sport is a great thing that reduces stress. I believe that playing hard in sports can be unacceptable and one can expect injuries like bruises and scratches. If one's careful enough there should be nothing more than that. Participate in sports activities to ensure sleep and a stable diet, which is an important part of our overall well-being. Any harmless activity can become harmful if one’s not careful. One person is guilty of gambling in sports shops between the mandrious staff and everyone who is kind.

Beating stress

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Do you know you can apply the 'STRESS' theory to change stress? Find out more from Emily.


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I wanna talk about beating stress today. You know that Hong Kong is very stressful so I think toy's topic is very useful for everyone because we can do something about it, just to cope with the stress. If you experience a significant change(s) in your life, it may be a big change or a small change, but let us know that we believe that you owe it to your mother to have a positive atmosphere and think about change as an essential part of life.

And I think maybe here in Hong Kong, families (families) - melting in the spirit of a small living space, with maybe you would sometimes argue with your family and I think try (trying) to resolve the disagreement with people is very important Notes and keep commitments You have made. For example, we can get along quickly ourselves and you want something comfortable and I think that people can get along quickly in a human way, which is even more important, as you have a few friends, they can be insured before you, they can get along quickly. actions of stress through communication to them.

And do you know that actually I find a very funny thing that if you want to reduce some stress, you can reduce this by the word S-T-R-E-S-S, that's stress. How about, let's begin with the 'S'. Well, I think 'S' is that you can have the 'scheduling', for example, you don't have to schedule too many things in your day and if you feel you are too busy, you can cut out activity or two .

And how about the ‘T’ word? The 'T' word is 'treat your body well', which is why experts say that exercise can change stress and ensure that you have a healthy diet, your health will be yours and your body will need more.

And the word is 'R'...the next word is 'R' - 'R' is very important, it says 'relax'. You can develop hospitality or have fun, which you can do quickly, you can read a good book or learn a new hobby and spend some time with your pet, or you can visit (visit) spa and you can develop a very good character. And for me, I can play drunk if I knock and I can only do this for an hour (movies), which will give me likes (forever) and more.

And the next word is 'E' – 'E' is about expectations, and I think be realistic about yourself is to (be) true to yourself and others. Because of this, it is possible to earn the most valuable one and would not want to work, and it is not possible to identify others in order to be ... for those who need to earn and change the stress for you and the people around you.

And the next word is 'S' – 'S' is, stands for 'sleep' and I really love to sleep to be honest, that's my hobby I think, because sleep…if you get a good night's sleep, then it will keep your mind and your body in shape. And experts say if you sleep more than seven hours, you will actually get tired, so don't sleep too much in the day, just sleep it when you feel enough.

And the last word is 'S' again. First of all, to make a decision, the word is 'smile' – because you are a believer and have confidence, your feelings and your thoughts influence the way you see things. And if you are a negative person, you can actually think about many positive ways to make you feel more comfortable when you are stressed. In general, I think that it is your responsibility to follow and apply these tips to our lives, whatever may be stressful.

Wie kann man Stress reduzieren?

Heut zu Tage gibt es kaum jemanden, der ohne Stress lebt. Ce gіbt з solche Situationen, wie Konflikte bei der Arbeit oder in der Familie, Prüfungen in der Schule oder Uni, Staus auf den Straßen und andere alltägliche Probleme.

Ständiger Stress kann zu gesundheitlichen Problemen führen, von Schlafstörungen bis zu ernsten Krankheiten. Was kann man machen, um den Stress and Müdigkeit abzubauen?

Dafür gibt es folgende Tricks:

Erstens. Legend Sie während der Arbeit kurze Pausen ein. Die Pausen können Sie nutzen um einfache Atem-oder Sportübungen auszuführen. Sie können auch eine Tasse Kaffee trinken oder einen Apfel essen. Ein kurzes Gespräch mit Kollegen kann ihre Stimmung ebenfalls verbessern.

Mehrere kleine Pausen helfen Ihnen, den ganzen Tag lang eine gute Arbeitseinstellung zu bewahren.

Zweitens. Machen sie einen Spaziergang, eine bestimmte Sportart oder unternehmen Sie einen Saunabesuch. Körperliche Anstrengung reduziert stark Stress und Anspannungen.

Drittens. Widmen Sie sich einem Hobby wie zum Beispiel Singen, Musik Spielen oder Malen. Hobbys reduzieren Alltagsstress indem sie von Negativen Eindrücken des Tages ablenken und positive Emotionen erzeugen.

Viertens. In der Stressbewältigung bieten Haustiere positive Unterstützung. Ein Haustier kann helfen, Misserfolge in der Partnerschaft, Probleme im Beruf oder Ärger im Straßenverkehr zu beheben. So, ein Spaziergang mit dem Lieblingshund gibt Ihnen gute Laune und Bewegung in der frischen Luft.

Funtens. Nehmen Sie sich eine Auszeit auf dem Land. Hier kann man im Garten arbeiten und dabei Produkte Ihrer Arbeit genießen: leckeres Obst und frisches Gemüse. Manche gehen gerne in den Wald, Pilze zu suchen, oder zum Fluss oder See zum Angeln.

Wie Sie sehen, gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, sich vom Stress zu befrien. Sie können das aussuchen, was Ihnen am Nächsten liegt.

  • Heut zu Tage at our hour
  • Schlafstörungen- (Schlaf + Störungen) - ruined sleep
  • um abzubauen- (Inf. abbauen) - to speed up, speed up
    The grammatical construction is um+zu+Inf. Marvel here.
  • Legend Sieein- (Inf. einlegen) - lay down, plan
  • können nutzen. auszuführen- (Inf. ausführen) - You can vicorista. Schob Viconati
  • helfen zu bewahren - help you save
  • Widmen sich - dedicate something to yourself
  • Möglichkeiten. sich zu befreien- Possibility. fall out
  • amNächsten liegt - closest

Nowadays there are quite a few people who procrastinate without stress. Situations such as conflicts at work or in the family, problems at school or university, traffic jams and other common problems are often dealt with.

Chronic stress can lead to health problems (from the beginning) to sleeplessness to (eventually) serious illness. What can you do to reduce stress and that's why.

For whom do these take:

First of all. Plan to take short breaks between work hours. You can use pauses to practice simple mental or athletic (physical) movements. You can drink kava or eat an apple. A short conversation with colleagues can also brighten your mood.

A few short pauses will help you maintain a good working mood all day long.

In a different way. Go for a walk, play any sport, or go to the sauna. Physical exercises are good for reducing stress and tension.

Thirdly. Find out (for yourself) what hobbies you like, for example, sleeping, playing music or painting. We would like to replace our daily stress with the fact that smells counteract the negative emotions of the day and give positive emotions.

On the fourth. Pets help fight stress. The stench helps to reduce problems on the job and rots through the roof at the door. So, for example, a walk with your beloved dog will give you a great mood and a rush in the fresh air.

Among the five. Spend the weekend away. Here you can work in the garden and enjoy the products of your household: delicious fruits and fresh vegetables. People (people) love to go to the forest to pick mushrooms or fish on rivers or lakes.

As you know, there are many possibilities of stress. You can choose for yourself which suits you best.

Main views on the topic:

anxiety [engz'ayeti] about/over smth. - restlessness, anxiety about something;
tension [tension] - tension;
stress [stress] - stress, emotional distress;
stress-related illnesses [stress ril'eytid 'ilnesiz] - illnesses caused by stress;
intense/deep anxiety [int'ens/dip enґz'ayetі] - very restless;
anxiety disorder [engz'ayeti dis'ode] - anxious disorder;
nervous tension [neves tension] - nervous tension;
to be under stress [too bi 'ande stress] - to experience stress in the mind;
emotional stress [im'oushnl stress] - mental worries, emotional stress;
to cause anxiety/stress [to kіz engz'ayetі] - call for restlessness/ be the cause of stress;
to release tension [turil z tension] - release tension;
skills to cope with stress [skіlz tu k'oop uіz stress] - to cope with stress;
a stressful job [e st'esful job] - the job is stressed (what leads to stress);
emotional well-being [im'ooshnl u'elbiin] - emotional well-being;
negative and positive emotions/feelings - negative and positive emotions/feelings;
helathy lifestyle [x'elfi l'lifestyle] - a healthy way of living.

Phrases and persistent expressions on the topic for getting into dialogue with:

Take it easy. [Take it 'Izi] - Relax.
Relax. [Ril'ex] - Don't boast.
She is suffering from stress. [shi z s'affering from stress] - Vaughn is sensitive to stress.
I'm exhausted. - I was exhausted/very tired.
You will need to get rid of it. [yu nіd tu hev erest] - You must be respected.
Calm down! [Cam d'aun] - Calm down, don't worry!
Everything will be OK. ['evrisin uil b_okay] - Everything will be fine.

Dialogue about stress in English

- Hey, buddy! You look sad. That's all, is it OK?
- Everything is fine. I'm just under a lot of stress at the moment.
- Why? What's the matter?
- I'm completely exhausted.
- Is it family or work?
- Work, as usual. I've been working day and night lately.
— I think your job is not stressful. You will need to get rid of it. Such a great day at work.
- Yeah, I think I'll do that. But who is going to do my job?
- Don't worry! Everything will be all right.

Ways to release tension.

What can you do to relieve tension? (How can you know the voltage?)
What helps you to relax? (What helps you relax?)

Version options:
to do yoga (do yoga); to eat a balanced diet; to take a walk (take a walk); to take a hot bath (take a hot bath); to listen to chillout or lounge music (listen to music in the chill-out chi lounge style); to exercise (do physical exercises).

Today you read in newspapers, books and stores that are important for stress. Stress can kill, they say. Stay calm. Be relaxed. Slow down. Don't worry so much and don't work so hard. Unfortunately, this is difficult. Eliminate all financial problems and family problems. Our place has increased traffic and noise. Stressful situations seem to be everywhere.
When people are under stress, stench comes out in a variety of ways. Acting people find it difficult to stay calm and often become tense. Malі things, like a baby crying, can become irritated. The stench is out of the blue, as the stench can linger for a long time, even during a busy hour in a store or restaurant. These people are screaming even more loudly. One minute they are fine and the next they can be really angry – absolutely furious. Other people suffer from madness all the time, and rarely get angry. For example, since the stench is terrible in sophisticated transport, the stench cannot be frustrated. The stinks sit silently in their cars, as they themselves know that the stinks cannot be avoided. These people cannot fight for everything. The stench does not change from moment to moment, but will continue to live in the mode of its emotions.
Acting doctors can call up to two types of people: Type A and Type B people. Type A work very hard, worry a lot, and are often bad-tempered. Type Bs = opposite. They don't worry. Work's are not important to them and the stench cannot go away easily when angry. Relax a lot and have fun. Doctors respect what will happen for your health and life, as you are a Type B person.

Stress and Anger

Every day you read newspapers, books and magazines, so it is important to avoid stress. It seems that stress can be driven in. Calm down. Relax. Galvanize. Don’t boast so much and don’t work so hard. It's a pity, but it's important. And forever the penny problems and problems in the family. Our places are above the road noise and noise. Stressful situations seem to be here.
When people are under stress, they react in different ways. Actors value the importance of being deprived of calm and are often tense. Friends, like a screaming child, can make them irritated. The stinks are fighting harder because the guilty ones will spend a few extra bucks at stores and restaurants. These people start to sound even more hospitable. One day the stench is cheerful, but the next they can be truly angry - absolutely angry. Other people seem to stay calm for most of the entire hour and rarely get angry. For example, if you get rid of the stench from a traffic jam, you won’t get rid of the stench. They sit quietly in their cars, telling themselves that they can’t accomplish anything in this situation. These people didn’t warm up and started burning. The smells don’t change in a second and you’ll always wonder if they can control their emotions.
Acting doctors have called two types of specialness: type A and type B. People of type A work diligently, boast richly and often get angry. Type B people are bedsores. The stinks won't go away. Work is not that important to them and they are not easily angered. You love to relax and have fun and have fun. Doctors say that your heart is better for your health, since you are a Type B person.

Presented in the original English language Stress with translation into the Russian language.

Most everyone is society has a job to do. It is important for a job to earn a high social status, collect a salary and maintain self-esteem. Job can be rather rewarding. However, many people today are leading hectic lifestyles. The stinks work too much and have malé breaks.

This inevitably leads to stress. We often hear the word “stress” in everyday life, although it is not clear what it really is. "Stress" means pressure and tension. It is a common problem in modern life. Incredibly, even more significant stress results in physical, emotional and medical problems.

The reasons for stress are numerous. It's not only overworking or having no time for rest. Stress factors also include non-sharing interests, difficulties at home, divorce, loss of close friends, etc. Changes for better can also cause stress. For the butt, postacchanya zanuryuvasya, mayuchi baby, moving houses, entering a university. Of course, everything depends on the way a person reacts. Experts have no time to advise what to do and what to do in any case. It is very important to try the system and believe in its minimization. When noticed on early stages, it can be fixed easier.

One of the best ways to combat stress is to indulge yourself in some humor in different situations. Every doctor respects that Lighter is the best medicine for anyone who gets sick. Other ways to cope with stress include regular leisure activities and interesting hobbies. When activities are relieved, because good exercise is practiced yoga or swimming, bicycling, knitting, gardening, painting, etc. If we can help people, to come to their senses and turn a new leaf on life, and be reasonable, to help.

Maybe everything in the marriage is working. The mother of the robot is very important, as long as she gives a high social status, pays a salary and maintains a sense of well-being. The work can be even more cinnamon. Tim is not the least, there are too many people at this time leading an unsettled way of life. They work too much and get little satisfaction.

This inevitably leads to stress. We often hear the word “stress” in everyday life, although it is not clear what exactly this is. Stress means pressure and tension. This is a problem that often arises in everyday life. Unfortunately, too much stress can lead to physical, emotional and mental health problems.

The reasons for stress are impersonal. It’s not less than a lot of work and time to get things done. Stress factors also include unsafe situations, problems at home, separation, loss of close friends, etc. Changes to beauty can also lead to stress. For example, fun, children's people, moving, entering to VNZ. Of course, everything depends on how people react. Fahivtsi please do not boast too much and remain calm in any situation. It is important to avoid stress or to keep it to a minimum. If it is diagnosed in the early stages, it can be easier to recover from it.

One of the best ways to combat stress is to preserve your sense of humor in difficult situations. Doctors hope that laughter is the best remedy for dry illnesses. Before other ways to deal with stress, it is necessary to regularly avoid burying. If you feel depressed, good resolutions will come from yoga, swimming, cycling, knitting, gardening, painting, etc. Everything that can help people relax and start a new life is respected by the red ones.

The Effects of Stress

There is a famous expression in English: "Stop the world, I want to get off!" This turns out to be a feeling of panic, or stress, to stop people, to get to the point where there will be a stink, to relax, and to calm down again. 'Stress' means pressure or tension. This is one of the biggest health problems in everyday life. Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and medical problems.

There are numerous physical effects of stress. Stress can affect the heart. This can cause pulse rate, make the heart miss beats, and can cause high blood pressure. Stress may appear in the respiratory system. This can lead to asthma. This can cause a person to breathe too fast, resulting in carbon dioxide. Stress can appear on the hook. This can cause aches and problems digesting food. The stench is just a few butts of a great number of illnesses and symptoms that go under stress.

Emotions are also easily affected by stress. People who are sick due to stress often feel anxious. The stench can cause panic attacks. The stench can linger all day. When people are under stress, smells begin to overreact to small problems. For the butt, as a rule, a person's parent under great stress in a robot can yell at the child to get glass of juice. Stress can make people angry, moody, or nervous.

Long-term stress can lead to a variation of serious mental illnesses. Depression, extreme feeling of sadness and hopelessness, may be the result of continued and increasing stress. Alcoholism and other aspects develop as a result of additional alcohol or alcohol prior to relevant stress. Eating disorders, such as anorexia, are associated with stress and often made worse by stress. Because stress is allowed to continue, one's mental health is put at risk.

It is obvious that stress means serious nutrition. This attacks the body. This affects the emotions. Untreated, it may eventually result in mental illness. Stress has a great impact on the health and well-being of our bodies, our minds, and our minds. So, change stress: stop the world and rest for a while.

Today you read in newspapers, books and stores that are important for stress. Stress can kill, they say. Stay calm. Be relaxed. Slow down. Don't worry so much and don't work so hard. Unfortunately, this is difficult. Eliminate all financial problems and family problems. Our place has increased traffic and noise. Stressful situations seem to be everywhere.
When people are under stress, stench comes out in a variety of ways. Acting people find it difficult to stay calm and often become tense. Malі things, like a baby crying, can become irritated. The stench is out of the blue, as the stench can linger for a long time, even during a busy hour in a store or restaurant. These people are screaming even more loudly. One minute they are fine and the next they can be really angry – absolutely furious. Other people suffer from madness all the time, and rarely get angry. For example, since the stench is terrible in sophisticated transport, the stench cannot be frustrated. The stinks sit silently in their cars, as they themselves know that the stinks cannot be avoided. These people cannot fight for everything. The stench does not change from moment to moment, but will continue to live in the mode of its emotions.
Acting doctors can call up to two types of people: Type A and Type B people. Type A work very hard, worry a lot, and are often bad-tempered. Type Bs = opposite. They don't worry. Work's are not important to them and the stench cannot go away easily when angry. Relax a lot and have fun. Doctors respect what will happen for your health and life, as you are a Type B person.

Every day you read newspapers, books and magazines, so it is important to avoid stress. It seems that stress can be driven in. Calm down. Relax. Galvanize. Don’t boast so much and don’t work so hard. It's a pity, but it's important. And forever the penny problems and problems in the family. Our places are above the road noise and noise. Stressful situations seem to be here.
When people are under stress, they react in different ways. Actors value the importance of being deprived of calm and are often tense. Friends, like a screaming child, can make them irritated. The stinks are fighting harder because the guilty ones will spend a few extra bucks at stores and restaurants. These people start to sound even more hospitable. One day they are cheerful, but the next they can be angry—absolutely disgusted. Other people seem to stay calm for most of the entire hour and rarely get angry. For example, if you get rid of the stench from a traffic jam, you won’t get rid of the stench. They sit quietly in their cars, telling themselves that they can’t accomplish anything in this situation. These people didn’t warm up and started burning. The smells don’t change in a second and you’ll always wonder if they can control their emotions.
Acting doctors have called two types of specialness: type A and type B. People of type A work diligently, boast richly and often get angry. Type B people are bedsores. The stinks won't go away. Work is not that important to them and they are not easily angered. You love to relax and have fun and have fun. Doctors say that it is better for your health and heart than you are a Type B person.

Tweet in English on the topic of stress

English version with translation

How to deal with problems

How to cope with problems

Thank you for everything, we have food, but you can’t motherly know about those who are with him. So, the best thing will be to ask someone to help you. It’s crazy if you’re nervous or not in a good mood to solve your problem. Then you’ll need a person who will give you helpful advice. For example, there are a lot of people, like one head is good, but 2 heads are better. I think it is an auseful phrase in our situation. If you see a problem, you can talk about it in some way. In addition, you will work great in the future.

All I all, every person should find an outlet by himself. Asking for help is a thing that should not scary because we are not perfect creatures and we can also make mistakes in our lives. Don't forget that there are a lot of people who would be kind enough to help you.

First of all, sometimes you don’t have enough knowledge to solve this other problem. The best way out of this situation is to ask someone for help. Moreover, there are moments when you feel bad or feel bad, so that you can go back to your problem one by one. In your situation, you simply need someone who can help you with joy.

So many people seem to think that one head is good, but two are still better. In my opinion, this Vistula is very close to the point of our discussion. If you are facing any problem, it is better to discuss it with someone you completely trust, and you will immediately find a solution.

I would like to say that as a human being, we are trying to figure out a way out on our own. If you ask for help, it is not necessary for those who are barking, because we are not ideal and can still make amends in our lives. Let us not forget that we were touched by so many people who were ready to extend a helping hand to us at any moment.

Topic 1354. (C). Work as a major stress factor

Tsukrovih Ganna. Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Khabarovsk Territory, Russia
The version is in English with translation. Nomination Otherwise.

Work like the main factor of stress

This is important for all people to earn money. Labor and remuneration, opportunities for mothers to have the necessary social status as a good thing, as self-realization. Of course, it takes a lot of time and effort, and it’s also important to earn what you do in torture.

Any work in some degree can cause stress. For example, fatigue-induced stress may result in depression due to a long period of overwork. For rich people, prolonged periods can lead to physical fatigue. On the other hand, there are practical practices that will be practiced for long hours in order to save more pennies and easier punishments and actions from them only for self-affirmation in the profession.

Survival stress can be associated with an unfortunate or challenging situation during work. You will need to be physically and materially prepared for such tests, since there are different situations in life and in work.

Internally generated stress happens because of a tense, hurried approach to life. In order to avoid problems during the day and, if possible, the food may be different.

Job stress may also arise due to the tension in the working environment. It is very important to practice this if you communicate with colleagues or executives. Because subordinates have enormous pressure from the boss, it can lower their desire to work for the company.

At first glance, we can think that for punishment stress it is necessary to choose a suitable job that will not cause unpleasant feelings, and every day will not turn into torture. In addition, you must try to be social and make money for people with your colleagues so that at any moment they can come to help you.

For every human being it is necessary to mother a robot. A job gives a salary, the ability to gain the necessary social status, and also self-realization. However, this robot takes a lot of energy and time, and it is necessary for the robot to be suitable, otherwise the work will result in cakes.

No matter what kind of work you do, stress will come to you in another world. For example, stress can manifest itself due to the high number of over-the-standard years at work. For most people, the above-standard birthday can be called physical again. On the other hand, there are workaholics who are happy to work beyond the norm in order to earn extra money and allowances for the job, and sometimes simply for the sake of self-esteem in the profession.

The stress of living can be caused by an unsafe or difficult situation at work. It is necessary to be mentally and physically prepared for such tests, because both in life and at work there are various important situations.

Internal tension arises through tension, a vigorous approach to life. To avoid this, you need to practice solving problems as quickly as possible and avoiding important situations whenever possible.

Stress can also be caused by a tense core. It’s even harder to work if your relationship with your colleagues and bosses is bad. If the bosses put a strong moral pressure on their subordinates, this can reduce their duty to work for the benefit of the company.

In conclusion, we can say that to eliminate stress, you need to choose a suitable job so as not to experience unpleasant feelings, and not to overdo it on the cake. Moreover, it is necessary to become a friend and communicate with colleagues, so that in any important situation you can ask for help in others.

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Nowadays, you can definitely find a person who doesn’t know what is under stress. There are a lot of stressful situations these days, such as: problems at work, preparation for exams, traffic jams, relationships with other people and so on. And it is not often easy to reduce stress level.

The what should we do to deal with stress? First, everyone must understand the tension with the help of a deep drill. It is also important not to dwell on your problems and worries and talk about them without other people, as this will lead to a high level of stress.

If you work hard hard for hours, the best way to overcome stress is to take a break. However, it won’t do you any good. Your excursion work will be incredibly annoying afterward.

No, if you are on break, you can almost relax and get rid of your thoughts. You can have a healthy snack, dance or do some other physical exercises, turn your favorite music on or even call a friend.

Even a 10-minute break will help you. You will see how much better you feel afterwards. And a short break can guide you with greater energy to your work. Moreover, if you are abstract from your robots for several things and smells, it’s up to you to look at it and perform actions. As a result, you will have better quality of work.


At this hour, you can hardly know a person who would not be under stress. Today, there are no stress situations, such as problems at work, preparation for tests, traffic jams, relationships with other people, etc. And it is often important to reduce stress.

So, what should we do to deal with stress? We need to be aware of the pressure to get help from deep breathing. It is also important not to get “stuck” in your problems and worries, and also to talk less about them with other people, as this will lead to a higher level of stress.

If you spend a lot of time working hard, the best way to relieve stress is to take a break. You can reconfigure for yourself that you will be absolutely free once you finish and can still add some finishing touches. However, this will not be of any use to you. Your body, of course, is uneasy afterwards.

So now, if you are on a break, you can take a shower to relax you and get better. You can have a snack, dance or do other physical exercises, turn on your favorite music, or call someone else on the phone.

This ten-week break will help you. You will see how well you feel about yourself after this. A short break can give you a little extra energy to continue your work. Moreover, if you go back to work on a piece of paper, and then come back to it again, you will be able to look at it in a new way and improve it. As a result, you will reach the best part of the robot.

Phrases the words:

To be under stress

Reduce stress level - reduce stress level

To put off - add (for later)

Take a break - take a break

To do good - go to hell

To take one’s mind off things – get out of the way

To abstract from – get excited about what

To re-examine - take a fresh look

To make improvements - paint it