Pori rock and mіsyatsі for children.

All the didactic materials help children learn to learn and remember, name them feast and misses. Download and open up a calendar picture, it will be necessary to visit a prominent place in such a rank, so that the child often sets up the calendar throughout the day. In memory, you will be scrolling in memory, name the feast, winter, spring, summer and autumn months.

Naturally, before the cim, it is necessary to have children with the cim pores of the rock. Find out your way with winter. Obviously, take note of how to see in the whole hour of fate in nature, as the weather stands, and when the child sees and clearly recognizes her picture, I will bring the picture to the season.

charge the day is short. The dream stands low and the weight is weak. Vipada snig. Coldly. People wear winter odyag. Taking us svyatkuєmo of loves usim is holy - Noviy Rіk.

canopies day for the grown-up. The dream is more beautiful. It's getting warmer. Sneg tane. Beat little streams. Leaves appear on the trees. Fix the grass. Open a room. Fly birds arrive. People wear demi-season clothes. Naividoms is holy of spring - tse 8 birch and pershoven.

vlіtku The sun is high, the light is bright, good grin. Varto weather is very specific. There are flowers in bloom and berries. People wear letters of clothing. You can swim in natural waters and sunbathe.

ascend the day is getting shorter. The sun is lower. Cold. The harvest of vegetables and fruits is achieved. The trees are covered with leaves. The birds are flying on the weekends. Often llє boards. People wear warm odyag. Nayvidomish osinnє is holy - the day of knowledge.

I know it's winter ...

Do not forget to discuss and understand "pori rock", but also rіk. Children often wander "it's time for rock", "dobi hour", "tidden", "month" and just "hour", at once intertwine the witness. Help in tsyom riddles:

There is a tree in the Tsar's garden. On one boat they grow, on the other they fall, on the third fruit they ripen, on the fourth the knots grow. What a tree? (Rik)

Birds and a rope to fly,
I do not turn back any more.
A bird of skin has a little bird,
You see the stench of everything! (Dni tizhnya.)

twelve brothers
Wander one by one
Ale cannot outwit one alone. (Misyatsi.)

prostrating mest
For seven miles,
And at the end of the bridge -
Gold verst. (Tyzhden.)

come chilly
Before us:
One sivius,
The youngest,
Third race,
And the quarters are crying. (Pori rock.)

Propagate the children themselves and come up with a message about the time of fate.

Do not forget to tell the child, how can you store up for 12 months, І for the skin time, the fate is brought in 3 months.

Pori rock calendar

Distant knowledge can be lost, smashing to see in nature for the month, as shown in the pictures. Ask the child's food: "if the leaves fall from the trees?" and for that matter, well, bless you in the memory of the material.

We are selling calendars with a torn arrow for vivchennya hours and months of rock. Such a calendar can be drawn with your own hands, simply by opening the arms of the little ones and fastening the arrow from the cardboard.

Kindly help children in the knowledge about the fate of the kartka, baby-roving and riddles.


It is necessary to distribute on the lines.

At a child's garden, or a booth, you can create an applique from the color paper on the theme of feast. sample:

Name the yak with the child of vivchity

The memory of the month is also easier to remember:

Oleksandra Kuzhel ishov, all the frosts of the winter tsars!
Nazdoganyav yogo lutiy - putting in a shawl from the hurtovini.

Arrived for the winter birch trees, zazveniv: "Spring, to the start!"
By the streams, the flood of water, wine in the cliff, nis krapel.

Rustling leaves of grass: "Know the warm jacket!"
Kulbaba n_s worm. Do you want a diva? Just blow!

And in linden, and in linden we have seen it at sea!
Serpnya bdzholami gudiv, so mushroom in lis sidiv.

The golden heather has been told about the baked goods!
Viter dmukhnuv zhovtnem: leaves zhovtikh typed!

We froze leaf fall, throwing snow on the ground.
The axis of the breasts is to us іde, completing the next rіk!

(C) Irina Gurina

Vivchili name the month and the order, now it is possible to pick up a child's secret, as a matter of importance / prachuvati number of days at a month on the fists :)

Don't forget about the leap market!

Thirty days from Veresna,
In the kitchen, worms and falling leaves.
A day more in the nights of the first,
Only fierce pіdrіvnyati do not want.
He has twenty whole days,
Ale in rіk is a leap-day wine for the day before.