"Sounds, and the letter M." Summary of speech therapy sessions for a preparatory group of children with GNR. Sound i letter M lesson plan for learning to read and write (preparatory group) on the topic Learning to read and write sounds m letter

Tikhonenkova Olena Pavlivna

Teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU special education kindergarten No. 62 "Perlina m. Mitishchi, m. Moscow

Tikhonenkova E.P. Lesson summary from preparation to literacy: "Sounds M, M and letter M"// Owl. 2016. N4(6)..10.2019).

Purpose: clarification of knowledge about the sounds [M], [M”]


  • Osvitny: Learn the sound [M] and the graphic form of letters, teach children to correctly give acoustic-articulatory characteristics, formulate the skills of sound analysis.
  • Developing: develop skills in word-writing for names and names, develop fine and creative motor skills, verbal movement and strength of voice, phonemic hearing, respect, intelligence, space for communication;
  • Vikhovny: Keep up with your friend until you see him


Demonstration material: a beautiful envelope with the indicated address of the group, leaves from a light paper, "stones" - letters, kilim - "river", a great labyrinth with "minks", a toy bear, a little booth, a letter of letters, letters of the task from a work sheet, three boxes of carved items magnitude.

Distribution material Separate pictures for a group of children, worksheet with assignments, olives, dances with elements of letters, symbols-words, mugs (greens, reds, blues).

Stay busy

1. Organizational moment

Children are greeted at the entrance to the group. “Good morning, guys! So, who of you arrived at the fish tank too early, and did you remember to get in and brush your teeth? Guess what we’re doing.”

- Self-massage and articulation gymnastics

Water, water, mind my face ( We guide the palms of the hands along the forehead from the center to the back)

So that the eyes were shining ( from the bunches of eyes along the faces to the bottom)

With red cheeks (We rub our cheeks with the palms of our hands in a circular manner)

Let your mouth smile (with pointed fingers in the center above the upper lip, and then under the lower lip, move to the edges of the lips)

A clean and white tooth (laugh, show your teeth and waste a bad time)

Speech therapist: Today a message from the land of sounds and literature has arrived for you in the kindergarten! (Shows the envelope) “Dear guys! We ask you to visit our land, get acquainted with a new sound and learn to write the letter that this sound means.”

- work over the power of movnogo dikhannya

When children give in and wander off the road, the road is blocked by the Swede River. There is no way to cross it.

The speech therapist asks children when it’s time to play outside and encourages them to learn. (Children name the signs of winter.)

Speech therapist: And our snowflakes covered everything during the dance. Let's all take a deep breath with our noses and blow hard on the snowflakes, holding our lips together like a tube.

Children blow leaves and roll “stones” with the letters A, O, U, E, I.

Speech therapist: These stones are used to cross the river.

The stones are placed across the river, and the child, under the teacher’s gaze, moves from stone to stone, calls out the letter loudly and clearly with a firm attack.

Having moved to the other bank, the children build a house. "Who's alive today?" Children guess the riddle:

At the underground, at the commercial place

Live at nirtsya

Sira malecha

Who is this?... (Bear)

3. Congratulations to those.

- Work on the vocabulary of the name tag

The speech therapist takes out the gentleman bear. “Misha is in danger. What can you call Misha, who is the living human being in Budinka? (Domestic Misha). Misha for a computer? (Computerna). And Misha, how is he alive in the field? (polova) The axis of the Polova bear is sweet and prepared for you today’s treats.

- Work on orientation to paper and the development of auditory awareness.

A tablet appears in front of the children - a labyrinth.

Speech therapist: The field mouse has a lot of smells and all the stench comes from underground passages. With my hint, let’s go into the first chamber and find out what sound you want to recognize us with.

The speech therapist shows the route, and the child leads along a new bear: “We go along the arrow uphill, turn right-handed, down, turn the little button.” Remove the mink from the tablet, turn it over and read “?” (Nutrition). The teacher shows a card with objects: kviti, stil, stylets, lay. Ask to re-handle items: “What’s on the card? (Machine. Why? (types of children) This wonderful picture will help us in creating those activities. We can see once again the word “machine” and perhaps the first sound" (mmmachine).

Children see the sound [M].

And the axis is another thing, who is the one who is after this card?

We see once again the word “witch” and the so-called first sound” (mm-witch).

Children see the sound [Мь].

Name the first sounds of these words.

Mmmachine. [M]

Mmvedmed. [My]

Speech therapist: We talk about the same sounds today.

4. Characteristics of sounds based on articulatory and acoustic signs.

Speech therapist: Look in the mirror and say the sound [M] right away. And now the sound [Мь]. (in chorus, then individually)

Powered by the circuit:

Are your lips open and stools? (The stinkers sit down for a moment, and then soften up.)

Where do you know the language? (Vin lie at the bottom of the company)

Why does it matter to the windy jet to come out of his mouth? (so, ruin it)

Abstract: What do we call the sounds when the stream shifts when there are certain types of vibrations? (Zgіdni) Well, what are the sounds [M] and [Мь]? (Zgidni).

Speech therapist: We know that high-pitched sounds can be loud or dull. Let's understand how our sounds are loud and dull. For this purpose it is applied to the throat, and the sounds [M] and [Мь] are visible. ...Can you feel how the voice rings? Do the sounds [M] ta [M] mean? (dings).

Speech therapist: So, even higher-pitched sounds can be soft or hard. Are solid sounds represented by what color? (Blue). What about m'yaki? (green).

5. Development of phonemic spelling.

The speech therapist instructs the other child to go to another hole with a teddy bear. (Let's go uphill, turn the left hand, uphill, turn the door, turn the boletus mushroom) The other side of the mink has a painted ear.

Speech therapist: Let’s play with the group “Catch the Sound.” I call the sounds of carnage. If you feel [M], grunt at the bottom, and if [M], stamp with your foot... (With a small screen, the speech therapist covers his mouth in front of the children’s eyes and hears sounds) O-oo-oo-oo-oo-sh-n -nn-mm-mm-mm. (Then warehouses) Ma-so-mi-ti-im-om-im-no-no-no. Then the words: spoon, fish, honey, cats, dim, tomato, raspberry, lick, pen, light, bik, dim.

And now physical education.


6. Vimova to the sound of words. The position assigned to the sound of a word

Children on the tables work with cut-out pictures on the child’s skin: on the 1st row there are 5 cut-out pictures: raspberries, carrots, honey, lemon, frost, tomatoes.

On the 2nd row there are separate pictures: fly, car, tram, self-skid, motorcycle, metro.

Speech therapist: Name the collection of images in one word. (products, transport)

The child again names the selected picture, hearing the sound [m] or [m] in her voice, and explains where she sensed the sound. (On the cob, in the middle, for example, words). I places the circle at the required place.

7. Assignment of sounds [M] and [M] with the letter “EM”.

One of the children again goes to the labyrinth and walks all the way to the bottom for instructions. There is an olive on the inside of the mink. “Boys, what do you think we can do with you now?” (Become good at writing the letter M).

Guys, we were talking about the sounds of M and M. We were listening for them, asking for money, and what should we do to enrich them? What do we need for this? (Litera).

Speech therapist: So, we need a letter that means the sounds. Axis out.

Children sit at writing desks. The teacher shows the letter M on the card. How many elements does the letter have? Yaki? (several vertical sticks),

Speech therapist: Take letter M from 4 elements, which lie next to each person on the table.

- The development of the dawn spirit.

Speech therapist: Having decided to check you, I will also close the letter from our eyes, hiding it behind the baby (shows a card and honors the children on their work sheets) (Addendum)

Find the letter behind the lines and fill it with half blue, half green olive. And for the lettera to come out hot, you need to lift your fingers.

- Finger gymnastics.

At our little house

There are gray bears

So they blink around

Everything in the kitchen is clean

Circle your fingers

Then stand dumbly under the table

Caress with milk

I want to sit on the lava

And the boys are barking there


Then bears will climb onto the wardrobe

It’s deserted on the streets

So I want to sleep

And the stink shmig under the light

Shvidko loves the bear

Then the children spell out the letter.

Speech therapist: Now let’s write the letter in the letter: (Speech therapist explains and shows)

That stick is that stick,

There is a tick next to them.

And it dawned on everyone:

Letter M has been published.

Many times children “write” a letter on the surface together with a speech therapist. Then the speech therapist puts the butt of the attack on the board. The children of the village are over-armed on work sheets. Children begin to write the letter in simple letters along the dotted lines. Children trace the letter on pieces of paper, then write the letter on their own.

8. Development of phonemic manifestations and work on the sound analysis and scheme of the word “dim”.

The requested envelope has sounds: we can’t make them out, but we can just barely. If you call the sounds “Swidko” from the same guy as you caught them, then you recognize the word from the envelope.

The speech therapist stands up and “throws” the sounds [d] (Masha, what sound did you catch?), [o] (Ivan, what sound did you catch?), [m]. What was the word on the envelope? (budinok). Well done, you got out of trouble well.

Children on the tables are waving envelopes with cups for sound analysis. They need to put together the correct pattern from the circles.

Now come up with a garni of words with this word.

9. Organization of the completed lesson.

Our business has come to an end.

What sounds did you get to know?

What kind of treasure did you most deserve?

Speech therapist: I was honored to appreciate your price, so I have prepared a surprise for you in preparation for the riddle. The wine is not found in the first place or in the tall box.

Children guess. This is a picture of the remaining tasks from the worksheet. Children are introduced to the wicket of the garden - to guide the bear through the labyrinth until the end - for the bazaars on their own or with their fathers at home.

Summary of frontal speech therapy sessions from preparation to literacy for children of the senior group with GNR.

Topic: Sound of the letter “M”



  • count the meaning of the first vowel sound, hardness - softness, soundness - dullness, the position of the sound in the word (cob, end);
  • reinforce the strong visual sound M, understanding “warehouse”;
  • direct in sound analysis and synthesis of warehouses, division of data into warehouses;
  • activate the word dictionary.

Corrective-developmental: develop auditory awareness, phonemic awareness, articulatory and vocal motor skills, visual-motor coordination, memory, mental skills.

Correction-vikhovny: vihovuvati positive position to occupy; to control the power of language; formulate a newbie for spivrobitnicstva, for the first time hearing a spivrozmovnik; vikhovuvati šanoblive stavlenya one to one.

OBLADNANNYA: pictures: girl Masha, kishka Murka, kviti - daisies, poppies, tulips, aistri, little flowers; manna porridge and milk, pictures with the sound M and without sound, great letter M, mosaic, chips in red and blue colors, sound track.


1. Go through sound paths, naming the skin letter.

Today I want to tell you one amazing story about one amazing girl Masha. And what’s amazing is that today she figured out a new game for herself. Today, Masha woke up, calmed down, did her exercises, and didn’t forget her tongue.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

a) Toads grin - pull their lips straight to their ears (“Smishka” from
closed lips);
b) I inherit an elephant - I pull it with my “trunk”;
c) The uvula is wide, smooth - a “scapula” appears

Today Masha thought: “I smell the first sound, I’ll be with him all day long.”
Murka's cat came running in and began to talk to Masha: “Mu-u-u-r-r...”
Masha chuckled - it means that today I’m playing and making friends with the sound... (what, lads?) with the sound M.

3. Articulation and characteristic of the sound M

Lips are closed, teeth are open, tongue is calm
lie down. Zgіdny (є pereshkoda - lips), hard, jinky.

Masha went to the kitchen. There the mother was preparing food. How did your mother cook porridge? How do you like: Greek, semolina or rice? Why?
Masha went to the garden to let her flowers grow, and sang songs along the way:

4. Creation of warehouse rows: mi-mo-mo, mo-mi-mu, mi-mo-ma...(the skin helps Masha to sing a song)

There were a lot of flowers growing near the garden (pictures on the underside), but Masha chose flowers with the sound M. ( aystri, daisies, little bells, poppies, tulips).

What kind of cards do you need to collect? Why? (Types of children)
What is a bouquet of poppies called, just like a bouquet of tulips is called tulip. Z makiv? ( poppy), with daisies? ( chamomile). Masha turned to the kitchen from the cups. And it was already on the table manna porridge milk. What was on the table? (manna porridge and milk). Masha laughed: “Mommy, what a great fellow you are, you help me in my game.”
- Why did Masha say that?
Masha kept going and said something.
Now we’ll show Masha how we can play with sounds.

5. Sound analysis and synthesis of warehouses.

Label the warehouses with chips: ma, om, mu.

Gra "Live Sounds"

Masha took the book and began to joke about pictures with the sound “m”. We also have pictures, take them under the headings.

6. D/i “Find a picture with the sound “m.”

Meaning, the sound M is on the cob and for example words. For the one who has pictures with the sound M, for example, on the cob there are pictures without the sound M.

Let us divide into words the words you have collected:

7. D/i “Words were put into warehouses” (you can choose from children).

fly- we splash,
auto- we drown,
mu-ho-more- Prostribuemo.

When she turned around from work, Masha started talking about pictures with the sound “m”, as she had been joking all day. I just came across some pictures - fly, auto, bear. Dad chuckled, what's the point in talking?

8. D/i “Pick up a word”

Fly- flies, jiggles, gathers, sits, returns...
Auto- here, squealing, schastya, zhizhaє, vizhzhaє...
bear- squeak, make noise, grizzle, joke, run, shave...

9. Getting to know the literature.

Guys, we remember that the sounds we feel and hear, and the letters we read and write. The axis and the sound “m” bear its letter “M”.

That stick is that stick,
There is a tick next to them.
And now everything has become clearer
The letter "M" was published.
Children put the letter from the mosaic.

10. Busy bag.

What is the sound of being at work today? How loud is it? Is Dzvinky deaf? Hard or soft?

FIZMINUTKA(In the middle of work)
With my hands - clap-clap-clap (6 times),
With my feet - top-top-top (6 times).
We knock with our fists (6 times),
Let's turn around and move (cover your mouth with your hand).

Anzhero – Sudzhensky district
Municipal budget preschool lighting installation
Combined type children's cage No. 42
The author of the material is a speech therapist teacher:

Let's wonder who else will come to us for fun? (Demonstration of a fragment of the cartoon “Masha and the Witch”, the witch appears).

Let's sit on the leaves.

Apparently my name is Masha. What a first sound we feel. Which wine? Is this a vocal sound? (Zgidny) Why? (change code for wind - lips). Let's see that sound again. Which wine is hard or soft? (hard)

Which color should we use as a light to represent the sound? (blue) The teacher attaches a blue square to the back.

And now let’s say the word “witch”. What is the first sound we hear in this word? Which wine? Is this a vocal sound? (Zgidny) Why? (change code for wind - lips). Let's see that sound again. Which wine is hard or soft? (soft)

Which color of light should we take to represent the sound? (green) The teacher attaches a square of green color to the back.

What sounds were we talking about? What did we find out about them?

Guess the words that make the sounds [m] [m'] (children name words).

Listen to the story about Masha and the Bear.

One sunny summer day, Masha and the witch were sitting on a forest heap. And Masha says:

- Mishko, let’s figure out the tops.

The veterinarian waited a while. I axis that he wrote:

Bdzhilka flies over the Chernev meadow,

It collects sweet nectar from kvitas.

The butterflies have nectar in their mouths,

Savory, life-giving...

- Sik! – Masha shouted joyfully.

- What a hell of a time this is! I want to say “delicious living honey.”

It's wonderful! And now I’m guessing... What about?
- Well, I wanted to come up with an idea:

On the kvitka, jiggle, sit,
Let yourself enjoy the nectar,
He is hairy, like yalina,
Similar to bdzholu... (jmil).

- Oh, doctor, you’re great for guessing! - said Masha. - Listen to the axle.

Yellow eyes in white eyes,
For the joy of people, for children and for birds.
Snowstorms love them, mosquitoes love them,
These little flowers are called (Chamomiles)

- Well done, doctor, you guessed it. And now it’s yours, now you can see.

And the medical doctor says:

Forest berries

To love the storms of the witches,

Not a pea, not a viburnum,

And with thorns... (raspberry)

Do you know stars so much? - Masha asked.
- Anyone who reads a lot knows a lot! — it’s important to believe the witch.

What did Masha and the witch write about? (Children's instructions, children go out one by one, attach pictures, choosing from those that lie next to their daughters).

We need to “ignite the fire” under the skin baby. And for this we need to really listen to the word and know what sound - [m] chi [m'] mi - is felt by someone. If we smell [m], then we light up the light of the green color, and if [m'], then the light of the green color.

Children ask for words, the teacher identifies the children’s characteristics and asks the child to attach a lighter to the required color.

Oh, we can’t sit on the leaves anymore, the wet stench is overwhelming. Let's sit on the chairs.

The children sit at the tables. The teacher takes a deep breath into the seat.

What sounds were we talking about? What did we find out about them?

Do you know what letters mean and sounds? (M) So maybe it’s half the letter M? Where's your friend's other half? Perhaps Masha lost it in the forest. I'll be amazed. (the teacher displays two fragments of the letter: the element of the letter A and the element of the letter M) select the one that is suitable).

The teacher takes half of the letter to a friend, pins it on his back, showing respect to the children as soon as the letter comes out).

The letter M appears. Marvel at the letter M. What does it look like? (Types of children)

And the axis is also similar to the letter (the teacher shows pictures and reads the vertices):

Goydalka axis-

Here's a hit

Everything is possible.

Holding hands, we stood up

I became similar to M.

In the envelopes of the children there is a “khutryana” letter.

Run your hand over the lettering, stroke it, trace it with your finger. There you go, fluffy one.

Let’s give this same writer a quick wake up call.

Constructed lettering from a single point.

Now let's spell out the letter correctly. Marvel at the double-colored letter. Why? (The letter has two sounds). Take the olive and mince your letter


Reinforcing the keys to the correct visual sounds [M], [M'].

Learn from the letter M.


Correction and illumination:

Lock the tip:

- designate the position of the sound of a word;

Analysis and synthesis of the word “mother”;

Know the tasks of the sound of words,

Differentiate between hardness and softness of sound,

secure the connections between the sound image and the visual (graphic);

Improve your knowledge of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

Clarify the articulation of the sounds [M], [M'];

Use the names with the appropriate borrowers: my, my, my, my.

Corrective and developmental:


Hearing memory, respect, inspiration;

Remember to concentrate your respect;

Auditory memory, phonemic awareness, facial expressions, prosodic components of language (rhythm, voice, intonation expressiveness);

Movlenneve dikhannya.

Look for the smell of roses.

Correction - supreme:


Please practice in micro-groups, groups;

Bazhannya will help one;

Interest in playing with sounds.

Slovnikov's robot: sings, in letters.

Front of the robot: Exposure massage, review and conversation about the cartoon “Masha and the Witch”, game “Fold the picture”, learning physical education, massage with the help of a large bead

GCD integration:“Piznannia”, “Socialization”, “Physical development”, “Safety”, “Health”.


Heroes of the animated series Masha and Mikhailo, crocodile, writer;

6 envelopes from one part of the whole picture;

Two daisies with green and blue centers, pellets with object pictures, the names of which are sounds [M], [M'];

- “enchanting” names;

Lemon-scented bowls and eggs;

Kasi letters;

Arkusha with letters M, which have all sorts of elements;

Cat for chips;

Chips for reflection;

Raspberry jam.

Hid NOD.

Organizational moment.

A) – It was invented simply and wisely

When there is zustricha, hang out - “Good morning.”

Good morning! I'm glad to see you! Let's play our valleys, say hello one by one.

Revealing massage.

Sleeping with a speech therapist and massage

Sonechko threw up, Rocs, why should I pet them?

The forehead stuck out,

Held the prominence,

And stroked, and stroked.

B) Listen carefully to the riddle and guess who will be our guests today.

An animated series about a girl who gives no one peace of mind, and most importantly, her friend. All the living creatures around the house are afraid of it! You might think that she is a real hooligan. However, it’s not just the desire to gain something that’s ruining it, but the sheer impossibility. And if it turns out to be quite unacceptable, the girl tries to rectify the situation. She cooked the jam and forked the woks. The girl's friend in the cartoon is also kind. Instead of getting rid of a girl, you have to endure it every day.

Masha the Witch from the cartoon "Masha the Witch".

Masha is seeing different games today. Os and today wants to play with you.

Masha and Mishko brought envelopes, in the envelopes there is a part of the whole picture, to collect the picture you will need to get together in groups of three people.

Take your own envelope, look at the picture on the envelope, go to the table where the picture itself is located.

Children form small groups and choose pictures from three parts.

The skin microgroup shows and choruses the name of its object.

All children notice how certain sounds are repeated in words.

III. Congratulations to those NODs.

Have you guessed what sounds Masha and Mishko will sing today?

(Zi sounds [M], [M']).

Children give a description of the sounds “M”, “M” based on the speech therapist’s nutrition and demonstration material “Budinochok of high-voiced ringing sounds” and the table “Characteristics of sounds”:

Is the sound “M” vocal or vocal? Why?

Is the sound “M” ringing or deaf? Why?

Is the sound “M” hard or soft?

What color chip represents the sound M?

The sound "M" - is it vocal or vocal? Why?

Is the sound “M” a jingle or a deaf sound? Why?

Is the sound "M" hard or soft?

What color chip represents the sound M?

V. Gra No. 2. "Sing"

Masha really loves to play clean ups and wants to play singers with you.

Do you know who sings like that? Sing and guess the verses.

For example: MA-MA-MA - I’m home myself.

I call the warehouse and leave the word for cleaning, and you store all the cleaning.

ma - ma - ma - winter will come to us soon

mu - mu - mu - milk to whom


mo - mo - mo - mi favorite eskimo

mi - mi - mi - accept us from the group

VI. Grad No. 3 “Daisies for Masha and Misha”

Grass is coming, we need to pick daisies. In one daisy the center is green, in the other it is blue. Children take pellets.

Request: It is important to admire your subject, see what sound is felt in the word “M” or “M” and place the pellet to the clear middle.

The first team must fold the card with a blue color in the middle (with the circles, choose the ones in the names that contain the hard sound “M”).

The other team has to fold the card with a green color in the middle (choose the paper in the names that contain the hard sound “M”).

Name the object, determine the position of the sound in the word.

VII. Fizminutka.

We stomp our feet,

We splash our hands,

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands,

We stomp our feet:

Top - top - top.

We throw up our hands:

Clap - clap - clap.

Let's separate our hands,

Kolom must all go.

VIII. Gram No. 4 “Navchimo Masha and Misha speak correctly.”

Taking over borrowers MY, MY, MY, MY.

It seems that Masha came to visit Misha, drinking some honey and saying:

Drink tea with my honey.

What did Mishko say correctly?

Mishko can’t waste words, let’s get started!

Marvel at your object and think about how you can say MY, MY, MY, MY about it.

Example: My furniture.

Working with individual pictures.


Masha and Mishkom, so as not to get sick, drink tea with honey. And I also know how wonderful it is to drink tea - lemon.

There are charming little bags lying on the table. Take a pouch of your skin and, importantly (behind your nose), where the lemon is located.

We will give charming bags with lemon to Masha and Misha.

I sit down at the table and listen to the story of what happened to Masha.

As if Masha went fishing and caught a fish. A crocodile ran from the Viyshov River and said: Masha, I’ll borrow it for you. Masha was angry and wanted to shout: “Mom!”, but she got everything mixed up and shouted “Am-am.” The crocodile sensed it and started getting angry. At first, you wanted to shout “Am-am,” but the ferry got everything mixed up and came up with: “Mom.”

So the stench stood there and they said their prayers. Masha said “Am-am”, and the crocodile said “mother”.

B)Manipulation with writers.

How did Masha scream? "Am - am."

Insert two words from a separate letter.

Yak screaming Crocodile? "Mother".

Rearrange the letters so that the word “mother” comes out.

How many warehouses does MAMA have?

How many voice sounds?

How many vocal sounds?

Let's define the sound with sound chips.

I'm rolling cola with Namistinka,

I'm walking back and forth.

I’ll stroke it and touch it,

And then I’ll squeeze the coins.

While Masha and Mishka were making jam, the evil letter of the letter “M” was broken. Help Masha - please, be kind.

Guess how many elements make up a letter.

Well done, you got along with all the games of our guests. As soon as it’s time for you, it’s easy to give Masha and Misha a gnome, and if it’s easy - Luntik and tell you why you couldn’t (chips in the cat).

Our guests are treated to a surprise - raspberry jam!

List of references and addresses of Internet resources:

1. Nishcheva N.V.. Subgroup speech therapy notes can be borrowed from the kindergarten pre-school group for children with GND.

2. Zhurova L.Є, N.S. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevska"Literacy for preschoolers"
3.A.V. Nikitina"33 lexical topics"
4. T.B.Filichova, G.V.Chirkina“Addiction of GNR in children of preschool age”
5.E.V. Borodina“The use of modeling and symbols during preschool preparation will lead to the development of literacy in the minds of the kindergarten”

6. http://www.radionetplus.ru/izobrazhenija/krasivye_kartinki/23165-masha-i-medved-20-kartinok.html

Summary of literacy lessons for the senior group Sound “M”, letter “M”

Software change:

1. Practice the clear sound of the “m” sound.

2. Formulate the concept of “new sound”.

3. Develop auditory awareness.

4. Know the letter “M”.

5. Develop fine motor skills, vision, memory, and mental skills.

Activity activity:

1. Organizational moment:

White snow lies on the ground

Snowflakes are falling

Oh! Frost stands behind the yalinka

Sit down, children, kiss your nose.

Guys! Do you like to solve riddles?

It's getting cold

The water turned to ice.

The witch stopped roaring:

The witch fell into hibernation near the forest

Who can tell, who knows

When does it happen? That's right, guys, there is a charge.

2. Main part:

Gra "What's powerful in words?"

Fly – cute – raspberry – skein 3 – 4 options lantsyuzhka

Guess what are those sounds? (This is what we feel and see).

Vimovim sounds [m], [m].

How did we pronounce these sounds?

Articulation of sounds (position of lips, teeth, tongue, air passage, voice).

The sound [m] is signified by a sound circle.

The sound [m] is indicated by a sound circle.

They put their finger on the blue edge - they “revived” this sound, now on the green edge - they “revitalized”.

Characteristics of sounds behind an acoustic sign.

Guys, what can we tell you about these sounds?

The sound [m] is a vocal, hard, ringing sound, symbolized by a blue color.

The sound [m] is a vocal, soft, ringing sound, signified by the color green.

How do these sounds appear?

How are the smells similar?

Guys, why does the sound rise from the letter? That's right, the sound is mi chuvєmo ta promovlama, and the letter is written ta bachimo.

Listen to me

Repeat after me

I sewed the cloth myself


Things went wrong for the chef


I don't understand anything


Maybe you're dreaming about me,


Do not hang there, marvel


Gra “Sit down if you hear the sound [m]” p, n, m, k, l, m, pa, na, ma, po, mo, mi.

Grass with a ball “name it affectionately” (snigir, tit, blue, horobets, shpak, crow, swallow)

Gra "Kamіn i vata" (Sea, light, mavpa, murakha, metro, bowl, birch, car, milo)

Getting to know the letter

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know that the sounds [m], [m"] are represented by the same letter?

Children: No.

Speech therapist: Stinks are indicated by the letter m (I show it on the back: m).

Speech therapist: Guys, what elements make up the letter M?

Children: Letter M consists of 4 sticks.

What kind of sticks are there in size?

Children: Two long and one short.

Speech therapist: Take the sticks and put out the letter M. (Children put down the letter).

3. Busy bag.

Speech therapist: What new sounds did you learn about in literature?

Children: We learned about the sounds [m], [m"] and the letter M.