The table of strong performances of the German translation. Strong words in good news. Vivchennya vіdmіnuvannya nіmetskіh dіeslіv

It was taken in respect of these differences on weak and strong types, the main reasons for the formation of the latter result in the particularities of the changes, and, in the course of understanding the imperfect forms (Präteritum), Partizip II and unimportant At the same time, the main classification criterion here is the formative factor, and the verbal affixation is the main indicator in the process.

Numerous at its warehouse and, overnight, a productive verb group in the present moment to demonstrate weak words, to follow the same rules of the world. So, weak nimetski dієwords, persh for everything, see in every day of the day, whether they are from their root voices (lernen - lernte - gelernt; arbeiten - arbeitete - gearbeitet іtіstannya, etc.) for Imperfekt forms (frag-en - frag + te), as well as with the addition of the suffix - (e) t and the prefix ge- to the basic forms Partizip II (frag-en - ge + frag + t).

In connection with the cims, it means that there is a special group of weak ideas, which form a single one, which demonstrates the prominence of one hundred percent to the root of the vocal in the Information and in the form of II. Before the warehouse of the group, there are a number of diesliv (brennen - brannte - gebrannt; senden - sandte - gesandt; denken - dachte - gedacht and in.)

In his own house, the rules of formulation for the presentation to strong dusliv have a special character and it is practical to be supervised by the vowel in the root. Some of the urahuvannyas are signs of strong nimitski words to divide into a number of groups - Ablautreihen, of which there are all (a number of varied vowels in the root - 1.spring-en - sprang - ge-behl-behl-behl -en. 3. - mitlauf-en -

lief mit - mitgelauf-en і ін.). Besides the cherguvannya of the root voices, especially for the strong type, in the nimetsky movi, you can use the annuity of the suffix -t / -te in the form Imperfekt (ringen - rang; geh-en - ging), as well as the goodness in the form of accepting geben - gegeben; rann - geronn-en). At the same time, a group of Nimetsian works was given, even more unnumbered and more beautiful to learn.

As a special person, as weak, so and strong, useful forms of art, so called, except for the prefixes (besuchen), but also the prerogative of the weak Partizip II (beginn-en - begonn-en (strong word); besuch-en - besuch-t (weak word)). One hundred percent, in which the prefix can be seen, the form-setting prefix ge- is introduced on the place between it and by the root (abfrag-en - ab + ge + frag + t), in the Präteritum the separable prefix is ​​given to carry the word, in the case (abfrag-en - frag + te ab; mitlauf-en - lief mit).

In general, the main indications are weak and strong words nimetskoy movi Including the operation of root voices in the system of cherguvannya root voices, it seems to be very important for the correct designation of the basic daily forms and for a problem-free optimization of the basics of visualization.

It is related to the type of speech in the name of moving on the next group:

1) strong words in nimetsky (die starken Verben);

2) weak words in good news (die schwachen Verben);

3) wrong words in nimetsky movs (die unregelmäßigen Verben). Qiu group I call change of words in the name of the move.

The unreliability of the word in the nimetsky one until the first time the word is laid down in the way of approval Imperfekt і Partizip II, Yaki order s Infinitivє basic forms and serve for the illumination of all other forms of work.

Strong words in good news

The main forms of strong deeds in the Nimetsky May of the coming signs:

1) Zmіna of the root vowel in the Imperfekt and often in Partizip II

Infinitiv Imperfekt Partizip II
lesen(Chitati) las gelesen
finden(You know) fand gefunden

2) Sufiks -en v Partizip II

Infinitiv Imperfekt Partizip II
bleiben(Get lost) blieb geblieben
sehen(Bachichi) sah gesehen
singen(Spіvati) sang gesungen

In the case of strong people, the words are also deeply rooted. d - t,h - g:

leiden litt gelitten
ziehen zog gezogen

From the guided butts, you can see that the root voice is not in Imperfektі Partizip II, Abo get into Infinitiv і Partizip II, Abo win in all three forms of children.

Weak words in good news

We have the most group of ideas at the present moment of the weak words. The group is expanding more and more, so as here are the words that have recently appeared: filmen- carry out a kinosyomka, funken- radiruvati, radeln- take a bike ride, entminen- rozminovuvati: filmen - filmte, funken - funkte that in.

The main forms of weak thoughts in the good news may be the signs:

1. the root voice does not change;

2. Imperfekt pretend to be sufiks - (e) te ;

3. Partizip II pretend to be sufiks - (e) t .

sufiksi -eteі -et get used to the words with the base, yak end on d, t, m, n in front of us dm, tm, dn, gn, chn, ffn).

for example:

Infinitiv Imperfekt Partizip II
atm-en dikhati atm-ete geatm-et
ordn-en okay ordn-ete geordn-et
begegn-en arrangement begegn-ete begegn-et
zeichn-en maluvati zeichn-ete gezeichn-et
öffn-en vidkrivati öffn-ete geöffn-et

Wrong words in nimetskіy movі (change group)

Incorrect words in nimetsky movs are called such words, which appear from strong and weak powers when the basic forms are established, in some cases, when Präsens . With the help of a short memory, such words are divided into three groups:

Group 1.

Tsi dieswords set up their basic forms, as weak dieswords, ala in Imperfektі Partizip II stink e on a.

Infinitiv Imperfekt Partizip II
kennen- nobility kannte gekannt
nennen- naziwati nannte genannt
brennen- burn brannte gebrannt
rennen- bigti, mchati rannte gerannt
wenden- turn around wandte gewandt
senden- please sandte gesandt
denken- think dachte gedacht

Group 2.

When vivchennі nіmetskoy movi especially respect come dіeslіv. Qia chastina movi є obovyazkovyu when prompted nimetsky proposition And also there are, not less important, functions. Dієslovo - the tse part of the move, which signifies the stand of an object.

Unregelmäßige Verben

all words of nimetskoy movi morphologically can be divided into weak, Strong i wrong... The most difficult thing to do when vivchenny is to click the wrong words.

Wrong to call the words, but see for the method of establishing the basic forms of strong and weak ideas.

Tsikavo! It will be an hour for the cordon to understand the "strong" and "wrong" words in the necessary move to complete the rosmit. It is not easy to help the process of starting all the useful words to add only two groups:

  • weak, Establishment of the basic forms of which are readable classifications;
  • All of them, With the approval of Imperfekt (Präteritum) and Partizip II, it is difficult for those who are prone to win. It is possible to bring both strong words and wrong words to the whole category. The basic forms of the group's activities are recommended to remember to remember. For greater efficiency, a table of strong and wrong ideas of the name is created.

Ale! Strong words are not wrong, because the way of establishing the basic forms of them can be classified.

Wrong words of a good name can be cleverly divided into three subgroups:

persha pidgrupa

friend pidgroup

third pidgroup

kennen (nobility)

können (mogti)

nennen (naziwati)

müssen (bootie)

haben (mother)

brennen (gorіti)

dürfen (might)

gehen (yti)

rennen (бігти)

wollen (want)

werden (stavati)

denken (dumati)

wissen (nobility)

stehen (to stand)

senden (posilati)
wenden (turn it around)

sollen (bootie goiters)
mögen (bajati)

tun (robiti)
bringen (to bring)

persha pidgrupa

The songs of the community of the group set up the basic forms according to a weak principle, but they are characterized by the snake of the root voice e on a v Imperfektі Partizip II:

Be respectful!
The word mögen will also be replaced by the root voice g on ch... At the word wissen Korenev i in Imperfekt and Partizip II change to u:

In the present hour (Präsens), the words of the word change in such a rank:



Table of wrong messages of a good name




Partizip II

kennen (nobility)

nennen (naziwati)

brennen (gorіti)

rennen (бігти)

denken (dumati)

senden (posilati)

wenden (turn it around)

können (mogti)

müssen (bootie)

dürfen (might)

wollen (want)

wissen (nobility)

sollen (bootie goiters)

mögen (bajati)

haben (mother)

werden (stavati)

gehen (yti)

stehen (to stand)

tun (robiti)

bringen (to bring)

As far as the tables are concerned, the number of wrong messages in the case of a certain move is not great. Words and words are often victorious in spilkuvanni, and the actions of them serve to establish time forms. For example, the word werden is for setting the Maybut hour (Futurum). Ich werde lernen. I'll be reading.

For convenience, the table is divided into three blocks. Mem'yatovyuchi all seven words, even after three days, without special zusil, vocabulary stock to be replenished with new korishny words, povnotsinne spilkuvannya without which is simply unfortunate.

words- tse words, scho describe the development of the development, vchinki, the process of abo stan. Cob form (die Grundform) nimetskogo word є info der Infinitiv, Yakiy end on - (e) n: z.B. schlafen, machen, glauben, gucken ...
Yakshcho come to the end information -en, Then we can recognize the basis of the word (Der Verbstamm), but itself schlafen => schlaf, glauben => glaub, gucken => guck, machen => mach.
Nimetskі dієslovа підвладні dієvіdmіnі And this means that the stench will change its shape in the presence of the fact that it will be damaged.

The revision of useful works can be divided into 4 criteria:

1.die Person und der Numerus - Personality and number (one or more multiple number)

Butt: glauben (verity / mabut)
Singular plural
Person ich glaube (I viru) wir glauben (mi virimo)
Person du glaubst (ty virish) ihr glaubt (vi virite)
Person er | sie | es glaubt (win / won / won) sie glauben (smell)

2.das Tempus (Zeit) - Hour

Butt: words singen (sp_vati) and gehen (yti)
Praesens er singt ich gehe
Perfekt er hat gesungen ich bin gegangen
Futur i er wird singen ich werde gehen

3.der Modus - nahil

Indikativ (action) - Anna bleibt / Klaus meint
Konjunktiv I- Anna bleibe / Klaus meine

4.die Handlungsrichtung - zaporuka (directly d_y)

Aktiv Matilda ruft ihr schlagt
Passiv Matilda wird gerufen ihr werdet geschlagen

Likewise, in a few words, there are different views of the events: weak, strong, change, additional, modal ..

Part 2: Weak and Strong Good Words

Who thinks about weak and strong good words?

Schwache Verben (weak words)

- When viewed weak nimetski words do not change in its own way voice!

Infinitiv (Grundform) Präteritum Partizip II
sagen sagte gesagt
fragen fragte gefragt
tanzen tanzte getanzt
kaufen kaufte gekauft

Weak word in nimetskiy movi I will fix the shape of the last hour Präteritum by way of the end of the day -te to the base of the word:
sagen => sagte, fragen => fragte, kaufen => kaufte, tanzen => tanzte

- Weak words in Partizip II prefix before the base of the word ge- and end with -t:
gesagt, gefragt, gekauft, getanzt

Strong useful words when you see change in its own way voice! (Add with the words laufen (bigti), trinken (piti), treffen (zustriti), versprechen (obitsyati)).

Infinitiv (Grundform) Pr ä teritum Partizip II
laufen lief gelaufen
trinken trank getrunken
treffen traf getroffen
versprechen versprach versprochen

- Strong words to finish the last hour das Pr ä teritum,zmіnyuchi voice in the base. strong words do not find any ending in the 1st and 3rd individuals alone: ​​ich trank, er lief. In the same persons / numbers the stench is recognized as the end, as in case of a sinister vision: wir tranken, du trankst, sie liefen, ihr lieft.

- The form of a strong word in Partizip II end with -en:
getrunken, getroffen, versprochen, gelaufen

Part 3: Zmіshanі dієslovа in nіmetskіy movі - Mischverben

Zmіshanі dієshanі words appeared in inheritance understanding the principles of educating strong and weak souls.
Zmіshanі words, also like і strong, change your voice at your base.
ale, end have the same children, like in weak children -te(Pr ä teritum) / -t(Partizip II).

To such deeds to be admitted: rennen (mchati, bigti), kennen (nobility, buti know z chimos l / kimos l), denken (dumati), wissen (nobility about l), nennen (nazivati), brennen (goriti / paliti), senden (posilati), wenden (turn / turn) ..
Infinitiv (Grundform) Pr ä teritum Partizip II
rennen rannte gerannt
kennen kannte gekannt
denken dachte gedacht
wissen wusste gewusst

Part 4: Verben mit regelmäßigen und unregelmäßigen Formen - words in the right and wrong form.

At the nimetskiy there is words, such as Mayut in Pr ä teritum і Partizip II yak correct, so і irregular shape... Most of these types іsnu difference in meaning.

Butt with word senden:

Invalid form =>

Infinitiv (Grundform) Pr ä teritum Partizip II
senden sandte gesandt

put on : Wir sandten ihnen einen Gruß aus der Heimat... - We sent you a gift from Batkivshchyna.
Die Firma hat mir die Ware direkt nach Hause gesandt.- The company sent the goods directly to home.

Correct form =>

Infinitiv (Grundform) Pr ä teritum Partizip II
senden sendete gesendet

put on: Das Fernsehen sendet heute eine interessante Komödie.- TV broadcast (broadcast) of the season comedy.
Das Radio hat vorgestern gar nichts gesendet.- The radio station did not transmit anything to the father. (Nothing was broadcast on the radio).

Behind the method of establishing the basic forms, all the words in the right language are to be played on the weak, the strong and the wrong. Osvita Imperfekt (Präteritum) and Partizip II of all weak deeds should be ordered by one by the ruleі not wiklikє quickening. The main forms of wrong doings can be remembered for a few days, as a number of such misses are framed.

Strong words in good news such a number, what is the need for a power... As a matter of fact, everything is not so scary.

Also, why should there be strong minds versus weak ones in good news?

The root voice when changing, for example:

Partizip II
(Come on)
nehmen (brothers)

end -en in Partizip II (the end of weak deeds in Partizip II -t), for example:

belly umlaut for the root voice e, ä abo ö on i at 2 y. one і 3 y. some Präsens (do not wait), for example:

raten - er r ä t (wін rade)
stoßen - er st ö ßt (vin shtovhaє)
bergen - er b i rgt (vin ryatuє)
essen - er i sst (він їть)

For the one who has forgotten the memory,list of strong diesliv nimetskoy movican be divided into a pidgroup (for the nature of the root voice in basic forms):

ie - o - o
(Association - kimono)

lіtati - fliegen - flog - geflogen

i - a - o

peremagati - gewinnen - gewann - gewonnen

i - a - u

you know - finden - fand - gefunden

e - a - o

brother - nehmen - nahm - genommen

e - a - e

i - a - e

ask - bitten - bat - gebeten

a - u - a
(Bakugan, cotton)

wear - tragen - trug - getragen

e / ä / ö / ü - o - o

піднімати - heben - hob - gehoben

a - ie - a
(Raspberry, viburnum)

grease - braten - briet - gebraten

Table of strong skills of the Nimetsky movi. Top - 30

I will create a table of strong and incorrect messages that can be found in the vocabulary. Zapam'yatati everything - to finish smoothly, for a whole it took less than an hour. We will propose to you about thirty of the best living in a great number of strong souls.

Strong words (die starken Verben) are the most folding words in a new movie. The memory of 5 new words is to make the process of vivification simpler and easier.