When you write a questionnaire, you will be asked for a questionnaire. A questionnaire for a radical manifestation of a bazhany with a report video instruction to her. New formulation of the situation

date ___________ Application form №_____


Ob'єkt (X) - the reason for your torment (lyudin abo obstavini)

1. The situation, as my dissatisfaction winked. How can I sleep at once:

2a. Claims to X: I am angry with you for those who: ___________________________

2b. Your behavior is at my place (if you want your help here): _____________________________

3. I love and accept my respect and no longer condemn them.

I am summing up

4. I am the master of my sentiments. Nichto can’t make me feel better than it wouldn’t be there. My feeling is an image of the fact that I am baching the situation.

I am summing up

5. If I do not want to see what I want to see, I am now mindful that I have solved the situation for my new life and growth.

I am summing up

6. I bach in my life deyakі keys, - and I repeat the situations and іnshi "zbіgi", - how to refer to those that I have a lot of opportunities to improve, as I have not helped at any time. for example:

I am summing up

7. I am ready to know, that is my mission, or the "contract of the soul", including the whole of dosvid, - and for those reasons, as my nobility is not obliged.

I am summing up

8. My dissatisfaction with this situation served as a signal for me that I had let myself X love - that I manifested itself in condemnation, unjust deceptions, bazhans, X changes, and in the Duma, some X misunderstandings. (Overextend your ochikuvannya and diii, as you know about those who you wanted, but X changed.)

9. I am mindful that I will be tormented only todly, if I am into resonance with these aspects of my society, which I am not allowed to do, I am projecting on people.

I am summing up

10. X are images that I need to love and accept in myself.

I am summing up

11. X appears to be able to take advantage of the efficiency. Forgiving X, I am creating a new reality for myself.

I am summing up

12. Now I am mindful that none of the events of X, for those people, are not ni nasty, they are not good. I see from be-like sujen.

I am summing up

13. I sound from the consumer to judge and to rule. I WANT to brush up on the fineness of the situation, yak won є.

I am summing up

14. If I want to leave, I do not mind, as for what it is worth seeing, I understand that the offense was rejected by those who were skinny from us who were vibrating at home. We danced a dance at once.

I am summing up

15. I dyakuyu tobi, X, for those who wait a while to play their part in my mind. I am writing myself for those who played a role in your vision.

I am summing up

Chim the elder Lyudin grows old, I regret to accumulate more money from the new one. I also regret about the missed opportunities, unrealized plans, or about the unrealized ones, or about the living of sickly living situations (violence, joy, etc.). All the generations of the cause of guilt for the fortunes of the fortune, for those podії in which the brothers had a fate. Even the negativities, which are strained, still smell and smell us in the middle. It’s important to get around to see them. I zagaly, everything is tied with each other with itself, wake up the most difficult.
If the food forgiveness of those who are being forgiven can be easily finished in an hour, then the axis of forgiveness to oneself, the price of food forgiveness is detailed and comprehensive.

It’s the concept of Radical Probation, and you’re wandering around with philosophical science, our life, our inner light.

So, if the life of the new life is not happy, not realized, not successful, then the claims are not up to the circumstances in which they were determined, not to the minds, as they were, not the image of the incompleteness of the pig, but to myself, the beast in my life I didn’t procrastinate, but in my life it’s not so, as I want.

Naivazhche, ale and naivazhlivishe - try yourself! Let yourself go all the way and know the joy of life and again in new realization!

Important! Zapovnennya price of the questionnaire can be re-privatized more nіzh, for 5 min. So yak processes are guilty but without interruption.

Please edit the video instructions to the Radical Problem Questionnaire for yourself, save the form below:

Send this message to your friends. The stench will be vyachnі to you!

Introducing. Your Respect for a Radical Probability Questionnaire, how to deal with a blocked energy and a problem through how you will memorize the Questionnaire will act as the most beautiful rank for you.

As soon as you are imminent, you will be able to see the life of the colony and not on the warmth of the frantic around people, as there is no point in your life before short life That is the door to a new reality. “... every time, if someone torments you, or if you have negative emotions, people just give you the opportunity to try. And there, if you want to download it in your drama, now it is enough for you to take the application form and start the process of forgiveness. Memorize questionnaire by questionnaire until quiet feast, as long as the energy does not grow, accumulated about the situation, people, or whatever. You can, for whoever will need a few days and a few days. If you don't want to be turned on, you can see one questionnaire. It is all because of the fact that the situation and the emotions in you are to wake you up because of some problems. "(Colin K. Tepping)

Instructions for storing

1) Do not go overnight to store one by one Questionnaires to drive a bag of people;

2) Take care of one problem, do not get overwhelmed, but all at once great problems svogo past.

3) The questionnaire will not show you sickly rozkopok from the past, if we will allow the traumatized situations to pass. On the right in that, that person, how to bring you the tortured or inappropriate at a time, will help you with the VSIX, who will deliver you the same little things in the past.

4) Be-yak will torment you with the situation of the fact that you can use a questionnaire. And even for the call, not even a serious problem of the day, for the right to be masked by serious blocks. Remember those, well, do not take care of other problems, you will allow them to grow beyond all limits with greats.

5) Try the Questionnaire for a fee, which is simple and does not mean a particularly serious emotional support.

6) Remember, that the forgiveness is good for the respect of your sight from the testimony of the victim.

Questionnaire "Zvilny space for a miracle"

Date: ______________

ob'єkt (NS)- the reason for your being tortured __________________________________________


N ° feed of the questionnaire Your opinion
1 The situation, as my dissatisfaction winked. How can I sleep at once?
2-a claims before NS: I am angry with you for those who:
2-b Your behavior, wiklikє, is so good for me (see your reference emoticons here):
3 I love and accept my respect and no longer condemn them.
4 I am the lord (lord) of my sentiments. Nichto can’t be less aware of the fact that it’s not been there. My feeling is an image of the fact that I am baching the situation. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
5 If I do not want to see, for what reason it should be, I am now mindful that my soul has opened up a situation for my new and special growth. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
6 I bach in my life deyakі keys, - and the very situation and іnshi "zbіgi" are repeated, - to mention those in my life that there are a lot of possibilities of lіkuvannya, as I didn’t remember my hour (a). for example:
7 I am ready (a) to recognize, that is my mission, or “contact of the soul”, including in itself a whole lot of advices - and this is the reason, as it is not necessary for me to be nobility. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
8 My dissatisfaction (discontent) with this situation served as a signal for me to let my love for myself and NS - which manifested itself in condemnation, wrongdoing, bazhanni NS change, і in the Duma, nіbi NS misunderstandings. (Overreach your ochikuvannya і dії, as to inform you about those who you wanted, shchob NS change.)
9 I am mindful that I will be tormented only todly, if I am into resonance with these aspects of my society, which I am not allowed to do, I am projecting on people. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
10 NS ____________ imagine that I need to love and accept in myself. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
11 NS ____________ imagines my pomilkov to take action. forgiving NS I create a new reality for myself. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
12 Now I'm thinking, scho niyaki dei NS for those people are not bad, they are not good. I see from be-like sujen. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
13 I sound from the consumer to judge and to rule. I WANT to brush up on the perfection in the situation, like. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
14 If I do not want to leave, I understand that the offense (all at once) was rejected by those who vibrated from us at home. We danced a dance at once. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
15 I am a child NS __________, for the time being, I had a chance to play my role in my improvement. I am writing myself for those who have played a role in your vision. - ready (a) - hesitating - not ready (a) - schilny (a)
16 I am sounding my testimony from all of them (those who were rewarded in column 2-b):
17 I am a child NS __________, the readiness to become a mirror of my gracious pardon і for those who have given me the opportunity to show radical forgiveness and accept such (forgiving) myself as (yak) I є.

- ready (a) - I am summing up

- not ready (a) - schilny (a)

18 Now I understand that I will go through everything (the history of the victim) in the exact images of my unhealthy reception of the situation. Now I am mindful that I can change the "reality", simply by showing the goodness of perfection in the whole situation. Forward? (Try to reformulate the situation from the point of view of a radical vibration. There can be no big words, you know everything absolutely, for example, a specific analysis of your situation, if you really want to know, as in no time you have shown yourself to be perfect. )
19 I will forgive myself, ______, I will accept myself as a lover, generous I am creative... I am amazed from whether or not to consume chickens for negative emotions and ideas, but I am not happy with myself. I am thinking of directing my energy in the past and all eavesdropping, but they saw me in love and prosperity, like I am Volodya. I create my thoughts in my senses and life, I rotate my right to love madly and give myself such a (taku), which (yak) I am in all my beauty.
20 Now I see myself in the possession of Vishoi Power, as I call God, Vishya Power, Universal Rozum, ___________. I am inspired by the fact that the situation will be developed and developed with a thorough rank, in the years with the Divine order and spiritual laws. I recognize my unity with Dzherel and see my connection with him. I have turned (as) to my true nature, like є Love, and now I know I am put to X with love. I close my eyes, I see how love flows through me. The joy that goes hand in hand with love is less important.
21 Note toby, X __________: Years, having memorized the questionnaire, I _______

I forgive you with all my soul, X, Oskil now bachu, not killing me any filthy and everything that has become in order of Divine order. I am unclean, I accept and love you without any other minds - such (taku), such (yak) ti є. (Note: It doesn’t mean that I’m a true behavior, for I don’t get to work in my own life. human society.)

(Write the text of the note in the right margin)

22 Note from sob: _________ I know, I’m a spiritual day, I’m experiencing a human life. I love and take advantage of all my human manifestations

(Commentary Kolin K. Tipping "Radical Forgiveness")

1. Situation, as my dissatisfaction wicked. How can I sleep at once:

(Jeff is not good at me, seeing all the love and respect for my daughter, Lauren, but I’m absolutely ignorant. Where to. Separation, I am guilty of all. Win. Jeff sniff me less)

Ask the graph about those who will torment you. Give the value of the situation. Do not stream Chi to yourself. Describe how you are backing the situation at the moment. Unique self-censorship and some kind of spiritual and psychological tlumachen. It is necessary to see the right place, you know, to see how you are in the minds of people, - the lights of its and illusions. The very realization of the fact that you are experiencing an illusion and that you need to experience it, by the first crocus on the way to the sound of the illusion.

Navigate if you have meaningfully moved your views and spend a part of your life in the light of the Divine Truth, remember that it is awkward to bring you into the light of day and see you in the light of his sacrifice. Tsei dosvid necessary people. We can’t be happy and peaceful and thorough in all situations without blame.

2a. Claims to X: I am angry with you for those who;

(Ty zruynuvv our family life. Ty imagining and seeing me. From your behavior to stink behind the kilometer, and I go to you, bastard!)

Formulate your claims up to the X Yakomoga Rizkishe, and specifically, in what you are calling. The count's time is not large beyond the size, but try to catch your whole voice in quiet, non-magical words, as you can make yourself up here. Since the X factor is not good, let him write about him, how about a man. As far as the crooked person is alive, to write like this, it’s dumb to sit right in front of you. If you want to see your claims more generally, write an okremiy sheet (Div. Rozdil 24). Daniy Krok allows you to turn up to the crocodile without any preference. However, do not act as those. Do not discuss in the questionnaire, but in the list of third parties. In order to reach your goals (radical vibration), you need to clarify the very ones who are turbulent at once.

26. Your behavior is at my place (see your help here):

(To a glimpse of the image. I see that they left me and hurt me. I didn’t feel like it was the same. I didn’t deceive me).

You need to give your opportunity in the world to experience your feeling. Do not let їkh censorship and do not stifle. Remember: we have come to this world for the very purpose of experiencing this life - in the whole day of the human being. All emotions are good, as long as you can't suffocate. Applied emotsies to construct unsafe power units in human bodies.

Think about identifying the same emotions, as you are worried, and not thinking about vlastnykh pochutty... Are you angry, happy, addicted, afraid? Yaksho you cannot specifically value your own emotions, nothing terrible. For good people, it is even more important to feel good about it. As long as you have as many as such people, just look for your emotional mood at the connection with the situation.

If you want to see it stronger or more differently, take a tenuous racket and hit a pillow. B'yuchi pillow, try to blow out more noise. Iakshno vlasniy gn_v lyakє you, ask, that you will be given the right to help you. Tsia Lyudina is guilty of feeling you feel good about it (or some other emotions) and instilling in you the feeling of goodness. Another effective way to get out of the way is to scream into your pillow. As I have already more than once realized, what more and more you see the image, there is a haze or fear, as you can go after the nest, it is more beautiful.

3. I love and accept my respect and no longer condemn them.


· I am summing up

Not ready

A whole important croc will help you in the world of love, in the case of reconciliation, not so much, because of the bitterness, revenge, jealousy, zeal and invisibility, filthy things, and when you are locked up in you. If you want to see your emotions, you are guilty of seeing them in that viglyad, in which you smell, - more feeling є by the manifestations of your spirits. Your soul wants to see them in the world. You should know that all the emotions are thorough, and you should try to judge yourself for those that you have a stench є.

Try to integrate and accept your own feeling for an additional offensive three-step process:

1. Try to feel it in the new world, and then identify it: what's the point - anger, joy, confusion, fear?

2. Let the feeling in your heart - like a stench є. Love їх. Accept їх. To love this part of yourself. Know the perfection in them. It’s unwise to go up to the vibrations of joy, if you don’t accept your feeling and don’t make peace with them. Vimovte nachne tverdzhennya: "I ask the girls to love everything you feel like the stench є, embrace them with your heart and accept them like a part for yourself." 3. Now see love for yourself for those who see you respectfully, and mindfully, how you see how you feel about yourself, and how you can direct your energy to recovery.

4. I am the Lord of my sentiments. Nichto can’t make me feel better than it wouldn’t be there. My feeling is an image of the fact that I am baching the situation.

Tse tverdzhennya nagaduє to us about those who, however, cannot feel us, it wouldn’t be there. Our emotions are ours. If Lyudin sees her, she knows and loves them without any pre-existing minds, we ourselves know again the freedom to surrender them in case of their own, or accept. Knowing how to rob us by the strong, for the sake of the intelligence, so that the problem was not in the world of light, but in the middle of us. And yet, at the same time, we have learned by our first croc to see the archetype of the victim. Vazhayuchi, none of these people, or to find the situations created in us, viciousness, joy, confusion or fear, we ourselves see all our strength.

5. If I do not want to see, for what reason it should be, I am now mindful that my soul has solved the situation for my development and development. (Put a note in the previous column)


· I am summing up

Not ready

You can, tse navazhlivishe firm in the questionnaire. Vono poklikan to celebrate you in reconsideration, but the lives of people do not come out with thoughts, feelings and manifestations. Moreover, the soul organizes its reality in such a rank, so that it can take its spiritual growth. Varto seeks to understand the truth, and the problem is likely to be known. So it’s obvious that the problems aren’t for the sake of truth - they aren’t the only ones who don’t think about it.

The reason for calling us is to accept the possibility that the situation served as a singing man, and to accept the need for a song, as for what it was.

Here, people with an intellectual warehouse have a lot of problems. Persh nіzh povіriti in shhos, the stench vimagayut "provіv". The stench is ready to see to that, that the situation does not have the power to learn, only for the mind, that you know what to see.

Tse is a deaf kut, splinters of z'yasovuvati, for what it is all to be seen, it means to magick to penetrate into the numbers of God. And at the moment of their spiritual development, we cannot penetrate into them. That needs to be seen from the bazannya to know “what” (it’s more important in any way of food, power to the victims) and carelessly take a thought about those who God doesn’t have mercy and everything is in order.

The meaning of the croc pole is in the fact that it helps you to see the image of the victim and the power, that the person, the fact, or the situation, which became the cause of your problem, in the accuracy of imagining that part of you, who told you accept. At all stages of your visit, the Divine beginning is all around you, knowing a part of your essence, the soul - as they didn’t name it, - specially organized the situation, so that you could see it, the virgins and cuddling around in their hearts.

The first croc, as well as the front, helps you to know the power. Varto people are intelligent, since he himself has solved the situation, and the power of the mind will flow into the new one. The new one has a vibration: either to respect yourself as a victim of obscurity, or to back up in them the power for the new, growing up and svidomoy organization of a powerful life.

Do not judge yourself for those who have discovered the situation. Remember: your Divine principle has opened. Yaksho vi judge the Divine principle in your own, meaning, you judge God. Viznayte, scho vie - a wonderful creative Divine day, like a viclada, lessons on a spiritual path, - lessons, like in a kintsev rakhunka to invite you to the house. As soon as you zoom in and out, you can trust your Divine ear, and then you can destroy everything else.

6. I bach in my life deyakі keys, - and the very situations and іnshi "zbіgi" are repeated, - how to apply to those who have a lot of possibilities of lіkuvannya, as I didn’t remember for an hour. for example:

At all stages, it is demonstrated that we are in charge of the natural human addiction and the unseen thirst of the nobility, for which speech is heard in this way, and not in a word. We knew that they were guilty of being brought in from their own consumables by the nobility. And all the same, at all stages, it is permissible for anyone to be interested in looking at the most obvious keys, as to serve as a confirmation of the fact that the situation is determined by the unfailing rank of perfect. I don’t put such proofs by the bounds of mind to take the thoroughness of the situation, our policy not to bring any kind of shkodi, - but we can shed light on I'll put in a picture scho vidbuvaєtsya. At the end of the day on uvaz, you don't have to hit on any keys to clarify the situation. It's not terrible. Just skip the questionnaire column and go to the next one. It’s not because of the fact that there’s nothing wrong with the situation. The keys can be as follows:

· Repeated situations: There is an obvious key. But here you can serve vipadoks, if you know and know how to make friends with people of the same type. For vipadok, if a lyudin vibrates with his fellow survivors, similar to mater or daddy. Another signal is the repetition of the same type of situations. First of all, if you have people at times, if you don't want to be told or do not want to be heard, then you can serve as a key until you need to collect from all kinds of tributes.

· Suggestion numbers: Buvah, one and the same situation is not just repeated, but it follows a singular numerical pattern. For example, lyudin's skin is two fateful to the robot, for the skin is nine rocky to the partner's change, get involved in knowledge of three times each, when I get sick in the same vice, who's your daddy, you will constantly come across one and the same number, etc. D. You will be easier to see the keys, if you will stay with the team's diagrams on the screen of my sister, as soon as you can see my sister. Put down on the right hour of the date of all podіy and brutal respect on the intervals between them. You can, you know, I think it’s important.

· These keys: Your name will give you tips. Mozhlivo, do you know and know about problems in one side of the floor? For in the areas tied with the singing chakras, but what about the problems of the chakras? Books by Karolini Mis, Liz Burbo and Luizi Hey to help you see the meaning of the processes, to see at your person, and to read the message as if it stinks to you. So, praying with cancer ailments, we viyavili, that the cancer was dependent on serving as a visitor to the requested love, for seeing and letting it go.

· Zbіgi і "wondrous vipadki": Here are hidden bags of keys. Every time, if you want to be awesome, unwavering, or so, to supervise the theory of immorality, you should know: you have a fairy tale in your hands. On the other hand, it’s amazing to see both girls, as they seemed to want to see the people in love, such as Jill, was called Lauren (not even more widespread in England). Not only that: the stench of offended blondes, offended blakitnooki, and offended - the elders of three children in the family. Jeff can be led in a completely powerless manner. Qiu lyudin niyak would not be called harsh or soulless. Navpaki, wine is douzhe good, turbotlivy and low. I can’t tell if Jeff is callous to someone. It was wonderful for me to be like that with Jill. There, de earlier, we were backed by vipadkovosti and zbіgi, now we were able to help Synchronicity, organized by the Spirit of enriching our food blessing. The synchronicity is intertwined in our history, and, having shaken it, we can accept the power of intelligence: "My soul has opened up the situation especially for new and growth."

7. I am ready to know, that is my mission, or the "contract of the soul", including in itself a whole lot of dosvid - and this is the reason, as it is not necessary for the nobility. (Put a note in the previous column)


· I am summing up

Not ready

Tse tverdzhennya can just tell you about one of the provisions of radical vibration: we come to the whole world of the singing message. In other words, we have put a “contract” with the Spirit to develop, to lead oneself in a singing rank or transform energy. Whatever our mission would have, we should end up with the nobility, well, be it a message in the whole world, not a lot of this role, like a gramophone. You can serve the story of Princess Diani to the illustration of the idea. To brutalize respect, that the rest of the hardened part of us is the need of the nobility, in which our mission is polarized.

8. My dissatisfaction with the given situation served as a signal for me that I had allowed myself X love - that I manifested itself in condemnation, unjust deceptions, bazhans, X changes, and in the Duma, some X misunderstandings. (Overextend your ochikuvannya and diii, as you know about those who you wanted, but X changed.)

I understand that I was thinking to bring, even Jeff is wrong, and it’s in his own way, discomfort, - I wish I myself bear witness to everything that has become. I condemned yogo and respected me, I didn’t care for the goiter, I was less happy. I vimagala, sob vin buv is not like that., Yakiy vin, є. I didn’t bach sprazhnyy I’ll make speeches: I don’t love me.

If we see, it’s involved in people’s calls, we cannot love him. If we are condemned by the people (for myself) і stverdzhuєmo, nіbi vin is not maє ratsії, I am relieved of yogo (for myself) love. Navit todi, since it’s true, none of the people’s right, all one is amused by this love, and our love is put in the backwardness of its rightness.

If you try to change someone else's tied to the amalgamation of love, our bastard will change the person on respect, as if he were wrong (and the need for a serpent). Moreover, we need to help people learn how to do it, so that we can get it up to date. Adzhe to naviuchi from the short sponukans, to our entourage we can get a spiritual lesson, overshoot the message, start developing.

All tse nabagato is thinner, less thought. For example, it’s like a bachimo, what a person is sick, and who doesn’t care about energy, we have a warehouse of judgment, but people are out of order and who’s not guilty but we’re sick. And who gave us the right to accept this solution? Mozhlivo, a sickness is the very thing that is necessary for a person for spiritual growth. Naturally, if a person is asking for help, then it’s because of the right and all of us to blame for the fallow, so that it’s okay. Protect me from the Bachiti, the thoroughness in the people and in the life, so that you can see them.

Also, in the first graph you will need to write about all the badges, if you wanted to forgive something different from what you wanted. Guess about ice vlovim zasudzhennya at the address of the people, how to tell about your lack of acceptance of such, like wine є. Guess about your behavior, in which condemnation was manifested. You can, see you good, that you have seen, that people are bazhannya in your mind about the most beautiful thoughts, and that they are changing for the sake of your good, for the truth is all the more condemnation from your side.

If you want the truth to the nobility, your very condemnation will open up in the people of the world. Varto you admit the condemnation, and, yes, the person will change. It's funny, what's wrong?

9. I am mindful that I will be tormented only todly, if I am in resonance with these aspects of my society, which I in my own mind forbid, change and project on other people. (Put a note in the previous column)


· I am summing up

Not ready

10. X imagines that I need to love and accept in myself.(Put a note in the previous column)


· I am summing up

Not ready

Here it is due to the fact that the behavior of people will torment us only todi, if it is to serve in the mirror the quiet aspects of our society, which are especially not loved in themselves, and that project is only for those who are comfortable.

As soon as we see in the abundant world, why not look at the thought about those who give us a chance to accept and love that part of ourselves, as we were cursed, and how, in all the times we see people, our angel will have time to see, wake up.

As soon as they meant vishche, they didn’t call it all, but forgive you when you were sympathetic. Just visit your new mirror, suck up your soul for an additional questionnaire and continue your life.

Nemaє consume and z'yasovuvati, as the very part of our community has become a cheat. Would you like a vipadku, tse chirp hard food... Allow all of them and not to get involved in the analysis. Everything is most beautiful and so.

11.X I see it as a way of thinking about action. Forgiving X, I am creating a new reality for myself. (Put a note in the previous column)


· I am summing up

Not ready

It’s true to serve us with the help of our history (which we can imagine) no life and reality. We will bring people to ourselves, as they imagine our graciousness to take care of, we ourselves give us the opportunity to seek gratification and collapse right into the truth.

12. Now I am mindful that none of the events of X, for those people, are not ni nasty, they are not good. I see from be-like sujen.

Tsey Krok to supervise everything that we were told by the children, nachayuchi see well from the filthy, good from evil.

Aje, vreshti-resht, the whole light of the overflowing between the sides. So, we know, that the human light is all the less illusory. Protect our human dosage of non-mystics without being able to develop polarity.

Good and bad, good and evil do not grow apart from one another, since we are astonished at them in the broadest spiritual perspective - in the light of the Divine Truth. When you look at you, you can go beyond the boundaries of your sensitive feelings and sensible motives and to start in your mind, to see the Divine meta and meaning. Varto we marvel at the situation in this perspective, and mi bachimo, but in none of it is not good, not filthy. Won is just є.

13. I am sounding from the consumer to judge and to rule. I WANT to brush up on the fineness of the situation, yak won є.(Put a note in the previous column)


· I am summing up

Not ready

The graph will instruct you on the thoroughness of the situation and see your readiness to improve the thoroughness. If people want to see it hard, for the blessing in such a manifestation, because of a child, you can see how you can see how you can see how you look at judgments and judgments. If we want it to be difficult for us to know, what the tormentor, and torture by the rank of ourselves have set up the situation, why the vigilant from her a lesson on the souls, and that, we can transform the situation, for the sake of show the bazhannya razglyanuti qiu dumka.

Obviously, chim stronger than lyudin learning in a situation, which is more important than you need to work in detail. However, perfecting the depth does not mean the intelligence of yogo. We cannot know the reasons why everything is seen in the same way, and not in the past. It is simply necessary to check that everything will be thoroughly ranked and for the sake of the good of the skin.

Look at your nevgamovnim bazhannya buti we rule. People are afraid to make a colossal contribution to their innocence and from the childishness of being brought into being, so you must be tied up because of the need to make someone else wrong. I know the value of the visa is based on the fact that it is often right. It’s not surprising to us that it is so important for us to know that it’s just that it’s just not right or wrong, we’re kind and rotten. As at this stage, it’s not even able to see the drive from the drive, you’ll be zhakhlivy, just look with your respect (Div. Column No. 3 of this questionnaire), see them in the rest of the world. not ready to make such a croc. However, to show the ability to see from the estimated judgments. Bazhannya is eager to serve as a key. Bazhannya is an energetic matrix of radical vibration. As soon as there will be an energy supply, everything will be available.

14. If I want to leave, I do not mind, because I understand that the offense was rejected by those who are skinny from us who have been vibrating at home. We danced a dance at once. (Put a note in the previous column)


· I am summing up

Not ready

More than once again, I’ll tell us about those who can easily feel their perceptions, as if wondering how to see our life. At the skin moment of our life, the very ones who we want to see are seen. At rіvnі; Our souls vibrated all the situations and experiences of our life, and the vibration cannot be insane. It may be the same for all the participants in the game. Remember: do not boom tormentors and victims - only graves. The skinny participant of the situation will reject those who want it. We all take part in the whole dance.

15. I want to be, X for those who wait a while to play their part in my mind. I am writing myself for those who played a role in your vision. (Put a note in the previous column)


· I am summing up

Not ready

Totally dyakuvati X for those who have solved the situation at once with you, as we can help you to understand the reconciliation, to your life. X merit thanks to the blessings, the spirits of the mental creativity and knowledge gave you the opportunity to learn about the power of the perekonannym, and that means, to get around them. If you want to see what you want from life, you can look over your perekonannya by a certain rank. Y X also є let us know about the relationship to you; Good luck - for quiet reasons.

16. I am aware of my testimony from all the sentiments (pererahovannyh in column 26): Image, self-reliance, confusion and malice, and also saw that they left me and hurt me. (Put a note in the previous column)


· I am summing up

Not ready

Here you will take away the possibility of nakedness, as well as sound from the senses, who were rewarded in column 26. As long as all the emotions and thoughts get lost in the sight, the stench will make you understand your memory, and the reason for thinking has been taken. Yaksho vi yak and earlier you see the connection with the situation is strong with respect, it means that your contribution to the mercy of taking action is in the power of reconciliation, interpretation, and early judgment. Do not evaluate the facts and do not change your investment. Just zvernit on tse respect.

Your emotions in conjunction with the situation can turn around hour by hour, but it may not need to be of special significance. You just want to show your confidence in the world and in the world you want to see it, so that the light of understanding has grasped your beauty and giving you a good idea of ​​it. Once again, you can take the decision to be amazed at the situation.

The sound of emoticons and general ideas plays an important role in the vibration process. Let the tsі thoughts become powerless, the stink of vivifying the energy of the old perekonan system - the very one that reality has created, as it is now being transformed. Stverdzhuyuchi, so we let the yak feel, so and tied with them thoughts, we ourselves give a cob to the process of fixing.

17. I am a friend to you, X, for being ready to become a mirror of my gracious friend and for those who have given me the ability to show radical forgiveness and accept such a thing as I am є.

There is only one possibility of seeing up to X for those who have come to your life and after a while and dance with you.

18. Now I understand that I will go through everything (the history of the victim) with accurate images of my unhealthy reception of the situation

Now I am mindful that I can change the "reality", simply by showing the goodness of perfection in the whole situation. Forward? (Try to reformulate the situation from the point of view of a radical vibration. There can be no foreign words on the basis of that, you know, everything is absolutely, for the specific analysis of your situation, as long as you see it in action, as in now it has manifested itself. you won’t bachiti.)

Now I am mindful that Jeff has just taken my mind over to the fact that I am not a lover. Tim himself, having given me the power to improve. Jeff loves me a lot, so he’s ready to put up with the discomfort, dressing with the need to play for me in an unacceptable situation. Now I bachu, I have taken away everything I need for my restoration, and Jeff has taken away everything I need for my restoration. In general, the situation of the Bula has come to a head, and won’t be the witnesses of the spirit of my life, as well as of the one that I am a kohan.

If you can’t come up with a new interpretation of your particular situation, it’s not a problem. You can simply reformulate the situation in foreign terms from the point of view of radical vibration, for example: “Everything that has become no less than the Divine plan. My Vischa "I" was organizing the heat of my spiritual growth, and all the participants in the situation danced at once from me to the dance of the stage, so that for the sake of truth there wasn’t any filthy devil ”. Completely pre-vernacularly write in the graph in the first place at a glance. On the other hand, if you have a world of peace, because of the rank in your situation you showed perfection, - it is more beautiful.

But it’s marno, so it’s because of the interpretation of what I’ve become, I’m starting to pick up the ear in the people’s light, - for example, explain the reasons, through how everything became, and true. Tim yourself can simply change one system of pardoning forgiveness and forgiveness into pseudo-forgiveness. The new interpretation is guilty of helping you to polish the thoroughness of what has become from a spiritual point of view and is seen for the gift that the situation has been given to you. It is necessary that a new formulation should be used to shake the hand of the Lord in the situation, for the Divine Rose, which with majestic love will do you for your good.


You can, you will have a chance to memorize a lot of questionnaires from the drive of the same situation, first of all, you will start to learn this thoroughness.

Be absolutely honest in front of yourself and be eager to feel your feelings. There are no correct views, no goals, no evaluations, no final product. The whole value of the process is in the new one - in the robot you carry out. Be the result of thoroughness. Fix the description of the editorial and estimate written by you. You can't spell it wrong.

19. I will forgive myself, Jill, anyway, if I accept myself as a lover, I am generous and creative. I am amazed from whether or not to consume chickens for negative emotions and ideas, but I am not happy with myself. I am thinking of directing my energy in the past and all eavesdropping, but they saw me in love and prosperity, like I am Volodya. I, the creator of my thoughts, feeling and living, turn my right to madly love and admit myself - so, as I am, I have all my writing.

The value of this solidity can be reassessed. Imagine your voice and see with your whole soul. Do not let the words come to the moon in the middle of you. Self-condemnation is the root of all problems, and, having ceased to judge and forgive them, it is not easy to continue judging yourself. To get to the point where I will sue oneself for schlichnity to self-justice.

It is important for us to rozіrvati tse kolo persh for everything that seeks him to lie down from our guilty due to the drive of that, like mi є. Why it is more beautiful for us to give in to the forgiveness of the others, it is more easy for us to magnetize it to us, see the guilt in the connection with them, as they are. I’ll explain why it’s uncommon for us to get a colossal opir, if we go along the way. A leather croc on the whole road becomes a threat to him, and it’s too long to fight for himself. The results of the whole struggle will be manifested only if, in spite of the intention, the questionnaire of the radical vibration is not remembered, for if it is known to cause new projects to project on X their provocation and see themselves as a victim; for if it is not possible to spend an hour for meditation; for if it’s forgotten about the robbery of the speeches, the cry of nagadati, what’s wrong. As our neighbors come to the possibility of being able to shake off some of the factors that will be guilty, we will be stronger than the motions and volatility of him, with all our forces we will overshoot the process of vibration.

So, be ready to support yourself and remember, well, having poured it in, you will know calm and joy. First, get ready to go through bіl, depression, chaos and sum'yattya, which can fall on you on a whole path.

20. Now I see myself in the possession of Vishche Sili, as I call God.

I am honored in the fact that the situation will and must develop in a thorough rank, in the year with the Divine order and spiritual law. I recognize my unity with Dzherel and see my connection with him. I turned to my true nature, like є Love, and now I know I am put to X with love. I close my eyes, I see how love flows through me. The joy that goes hand in hand with love is less important.

Tse is the last crock to the vibration process. However, do not live the croc. If you don't, declare about your readiness to grow and finish the process. Ask about those who have finished with the grace of God and who have turned to their true nature, like є love, and until Dzherel, which is also є Love.

The whole series of conclusions will give you the ability to see whether words, thoughts and concepts and how to see love. If you get to the day, only love will be lost. If you can, in a fair way, connect to the whole dzherel of love, that means, you will; means we are at home. No more robustness is needed.

To him come a little bit of meditation at the heart of solidification and awaken for love. You can, persh nіzh vії see, you will be able to develop the right to develop a lot. Alone once, if you are the least ochikuvati, you will be grieved with love and joy.

21. Note tobi, X:

“Today, having memorized the questionnaire, I ... I learned how I have spared you in my life. I knew from the very cob that we thought we were judged at once, and now I was thinking about what. I forgive you with all my soul, X, Oskil now bachu, not killing any filthy thing, and everything that was brought in order to the Divine order. I am unclean, I accept and love you without any other minds - such as those є ”.

We sent the robot over the questionnaire with claims to X. Silently, your energy, ymovirno, has become aware of the ruin, it seems like it was put just a couple of seconds ago. How much do you see on a date up to X at a time? Would you like to say X? Try to write down the lines, including the testimony and not evaluating your word. Let it be written zdivuє visit you yourself.

If you want to do it, you will accept and love X without any prior minds, such as a vin є, see and vibrate a projection, through how you were welcomed, any X in the edge of misunderstanding. Now you can love X, you don’t sound bizarre, you’re more intelligent, but you can only love a person like that. Now you love X, you learned about it, that this way of a boot in the world is one of a lot for a new way of a boot. The spirit is virіshiv, scho itself is so guilty of buty X in relation to you.

22. Note sob.

I give myself more due to those who have lost my manhood to go through the whole process and for those who have lost my strength to complement the victim's testimony. I viznayu, as a spiritual day, as I am experiencing human dosvid. I love and take advantage of all my human manifestations.

Remember: forgiveness must obey yak nonsense. If a person is mending the process, there is no forgiveness in his heart, and there is no forgiveness in his heart, and he walks along the path from the boast to the right one. To that, give yourself more dearly for those who have broken. Ale, please, be happy to yourself, and the process of forgiving a loan for an hour, as you need to bring it to the end. Show patience. Support yourself for those who have given you the smilosity, just memorize the profile of the radical vibration, - more, just use the questionnaire, and have created your demons. For this purpose, the viconate to the robot, people are brought to show a non-abyss in vidvaga, will and vira.

K. Tepping

urivki from the book by K. Tepping "Radical Forgiveness"

Zvіlniti space for a miracle

Radical Forgiveness Questionnaire- one of the main tools of the RP, її memorized has a therapeutic effect.
The Radical Forgiveness questionnaire changed the lives of thousands of people.

Fluently explain how and why you have given such results, - only, how can you say, why, how do you help people, you need an energy supply.

In fact, by itself, the registration of the questionnaire є with energetic advice.

Here nigolovnishe - your bazhanya try.

The questionnaire is just a way to declare about the price. As a result, energy is blocked, and the situation is self-defeating.

The questionnaire is not only for a friend, as it’s good for her, ale and pouring on the new pages and furnishings.

Memorize the questionnaire for the questionnaire until quiet feast, as long as the energy is not lost, accumulated about the situation, people or people. It is possible, for a person to know a few days or months.

When bazhanna, you can number the questionnaire and send it. Todi you can periodically look at them and evaluate the changes at the power of the testimony. For, maybe, you will see a change in the ritual bedroom of the questionnaires, as part of the process of Radical Forgiveness.

The questionnaire to repair for food: Do you interrupt at a time? Do you see yourself as a victim? Chi see?

Do you see yourself feverish?

When you see you, explain the situation, yak, to your thought, wiklikє you have discomfort.

I ask you to recognize your volodya and love yourself for those who smell like you.

Let’s help you to interpret the situation, which was suggested and explained how the winner was.

As soon as you know, the winnickl situation was not on its own, but you did it yourself.

Tobto vi set new framing.

Final stage - integration process news history(Your history in a new frame) in physical tilo. And it’s worth seeing, if you write a message, and also say it in a voice.

There are many types of questionnaires.

Є reports questionnaires, with explanations, and є larger short version.
Fix it more beautifully with the report questionnaire and more beautifully with the vibration of the people.
Zapovnennya report questionnaire for a loan you have from 1.5 to 2 years. Ale tse varto that.

So, by the way, one of the most powerful tools. Take out the maximum amount of intelligence.

Zapovnennya price of the questionnaire can be re-privatized more nіzh, for 5 min. So yak processes are guilty but without interruption.
It is also a short and short version.

Її vimagatime storage is approximately 30 minutes of your hour.

Tse basic. I stagnate more often, not all of them.

If you have є an image on yourself, then you will know the Questionnaire of Radical Forgiveness and Accept Yourself. As much as a painful and old situation, then one questionnaire is not enough here, only 10-15 questionnaires are required for one situation.
If a person wants to go to the singing camp, then it is necessary to direct the questionnaire from time to time, periodically every hour.
It’s not enough to work out one questionnaire a day, or every other day, not more than enough.

I know people who have been regularly filling out profiles for 21 days.
And the best way is still good, as it allows you to go to the most important cause and proprieties.
Likewise, I would like to see them, if a woman came to the seminar before Kolin and brought the results of diagnostics to her health for the first time.

In addition, as I learned about the technique of Radical Forgiveness, I started working on the questionnaire.
She periodically robbed the diagnosis of her health and showed Kolina for the seminar the cob variant and the results after 3 months and the test.

Colin asked me to translate for new results.
There, there were a bunch of other bad health indicators, problems with pechinka, zhovchny mikhur, nirkas, boules and problems with a penny and in a hundredths.

Ale vona kozhen day prodovzhuval zapovnuvati questionnaires.
And in her step-by-step she changed her friends, she could pay off with the Borgs, and her health grew significantly.

To those who have never tried to register a questionnaire - I still recommend it, I myself use an excellent tool and a good therapy, as you can give it yourself!

If you need a questionnaire, you can write me, and I will send you all the options.

The main tool of the Radical Probing. Qiu opening technique Colin Tipping, English psychotherapist, what a long time spent working with oncological patients. Moreover, those emotions, which were born, didn’t get fired at the light, they didn’t get stifled, and all the people in the middle didn’t. The image, feeling guilty and trash, is driven by aggression and hatred - all of them, if they don’t hang out, or don’t give, to eat people in the middle and often to develop a small ringtone and crayfish clitins.
Radical forgiveness yakraz allows you to let the heart of your life and just try to help yourself and desperate people.
Instructions before the Questionnaire
1. Here is a list of my history. I open up and reveal that situation, as my dissatisfaction wicked.
At all stages, it is important to give free rein to all your evil sentiments. Do not stream yourself, but turn as hard and aggressively as possible, all of the emots went from the bottom of the house and went out to be named. Only todi can be accepted and released.
2. On the other stage, it is important to see your feeling. Accept їх like a stench є. Viznati, scho tsi respect - images, gniv, malice, guilt, litter - є in me, I accept and do not condemn.
For the whole, it is necessary to simply submit a questionnaire to the nutrition, or select one of three options: so, as long as I don’t know, it’s not.
At the same time, be-a kind of vidpovidi - correct. It is not necessary to analyze it anyway. It is important to write those who are more persistent. It’s not necessarily a matter of weather, but it’s written in the questionnaire or it’s in the center. The process of vibration must be repaired, yak hacked.
3. At the third stage, I hide from my history. So, I see those who really saw what I thought up and clocked.
At the first stage of the memorization of the Questionnaire of the Radical Probation, I once again fix myself to see my far-fetched ideas, twisted thoughts, so that it’s because of something that hasn’t really gotten out of the way, but I myself am the people in my own experience.
4. At the fourth stage, I am amazed at my situation already from the other side. I bachu, I won’t be given a boolean for my development and growth. It’s a lyudin’s, for whom I am trimming the image or malice, for the right to play the role of my helper and clerk. Win additional help to me to help and correct in those that I myself did not change my way and change without my participation.
At this stage, I fix my mind, but everything that has become - I myself have chosen for myself, so that I can go through the singing session. And people will help me in a whole lot of patience. Tobto, according to the essence, nothing filthy did not become and just forgive nothing.
5. At the last step of the fifth stage, I still like the ones who closed the snakes. I will accept a new mindset of reality and mend life according to new knowledge. I am a lover of everyone, who took part in this situation: і Vishy rozum, і my "crook", and myself.

Add the Form in PDF >>>

radical TASTED


Ob'єkt / lyudin, wiklik in me got confused ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Situation, as my dissatisfaction wicked. How can I sleep at once? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 a. claims before NS: I am angry with you for those who: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 b. Your behavior of a wiklikє for me is so much (if you need your help here): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

radical TASTED


ready sklo-
I am
Chi not
3. I love and accept my respect and do not condemn Boche.
4. I am the Lord of my sentiments. Nichto can’t make me feel better than it wouldn’t be there. My feeling is an image of the fact that I am baching the situation.
5. I do not want to, as and why do I want to see, I am fit, so the situation is set for my new and growing.
6. I bach in my life deyakі keys, and I myself, scho repeat
situations and іnshi "zbіgi"
there was a lot of opportunities for lykuvannya, as I didn’t spare my hour, for example: ______________________________________________
7. I am ready to see that my mission includes in itself a whole lot of information, and for that reason, as it is not necessary for my nobility at once.
8. My dissatisfaction with this situation served as a signal for me that I let my love for myself and X, which manifested itself in condemnation, unjust deception, bazhanna, and how X changed. І in the Duma, scho X misunderstandings (overhaul your cleansing і dії, whісh informs about those who you wished, schob X changes): _______________________________________________________________
9. I am mindful that I will be tormented only todly, if I am in resonance with these aspects of my society, which I in my own mind forbid, change and project on other people.
10. X ______ imagine that I need to love and accept in myself
11.X ______________ shows me how to take action. Forgiving X, I create a new reality for myself.
12. Now I am mindful that none of the things of X but those people are not bad, they are not good. I see from be-like sujen.
13. I am sounding from the consumer to judge and to rule. I WANT to brush up on the fineness of the situation, yak won є.
14. If I want to leave, I do not mind, because I understand that the offense was rejected by those who are skinny from us who have been vibrating at home. We danced a dance at once.
15. I want to be, X ________ for those who wait a while to play their part in my education. I am writing myself for those who have played a role in your vision.
16. I call my testimony from all the sentiments (re-insured in clause 2 b)
17. I am good to you X _______, for the willingness to become a mirror of my gracious friend and for those who have given me the opportunity to show radical forgiveness and accept someone like me є.
18. Now I understand that I will go through everything (the history of the victim) with accurate images of my unhealthy recovery of the situation. Now I am mindful that I can change the "reality" simply by showing the goodness of perfection in the situation. For example: _______________________________________________________
19. I will forgive myself and accept myself as a lover, generous that creative specialness. I am amazed from whether or not to consume chickens for negative emotions and ideas, but I am not happy with myself. I am thinking of directing my energy in the past and all eavesdropping, but they saw me in love and prosperity, like I am Volodya. I am the creator of my thoughts, I feel and live, I turn my right to madly love and admit to myself something like I am in all my beauty.
20. Now I see to myself AT THE VLADA of Vishoi strength, as I call God, the Universal Rose, _______________, I am inspired by the fact that the situation will be and will develop in a perfect rank, in the age of the spiritual law. I recognize my unity with Dzherel and see a connection with him. I have turned to my true nature, like є love. Now I know I am put to X __________ with love. I close my eyes, I see how love flows through me. The joy that goes hand in hand with love is less important.

radical TASTED


21. Note tobi, X __________________________: Years, having filled in the questionnaire, I _______________________________________________________________

I forgive you with all my soul, X, now oskilka bachu, not killing any filthy and everything
which has become in line with the Divine order. I am unclean, I accept and I love you without any other minds - such, like ti є (note: it doesn’t mean that I
your behavior, for I don’t get to live in my life).

22. Note sob: _________________________________________________________________________________

I viznayu, as a spiritual day, as I am experiencing human dosvid.
I love and take advantage of all my human manifestations.