Jahlivi disasters. The most terrible disasters in history. Most air disasters in light through the human factor

Stretching out, the spontaneous dashing did not let people in. The deyaky trapils were laid on for a long time, but at the end of the day, one cannot assess the scale of ruinuvan. For example, it is important that the Middle Sea island of Stroggle was built from the face of the earth as a result of the volcano's upset about 1500 times before our time. The Viklikan tsunami blamed the entire Minoan civilization, but I do not know about the number of those who died. However, as a result of 10 of the most ruinous disasters, including earthquakes and winds, about 10 million people died.

10. Earthletrus in Aleppo - 1138, Syria (Victims: 230,000)

One of the most needed earthlings, seeing the people, and a quarter for a number of victims (for an approximate estimate of 230 thousand. Zagiblikh). Misto Aleppo, a great and richly populated city center since antiquity, geological changes in the ancient part of the system of great geological faults, to which it is also possible to be seen in the depressions of the Dead Sea, and how to get to know The Damaskian writer Ibn-al-Kalanisi, writing down the date for the earthling - the middle, 11 October 1138 fate, and also indicating the number of victims - ponad 230 yew. Cholovik. There is a similar number of victims and the ruin of the shokuval of modern people, especially of the ancient people-chreston-bearers, of the people of today in the old-time Europe, the majority of them were born in a small population of 10. Send to the earthquake the population of Aleppo has become deprived of cob XIX capital, if in the world the population of 200 thousand is registered. residents.

9. Earthquake in Indian Ocean- 2004, Indian Ocean (Victims: 230,000 +)

The third, and for deyakim assessments and others for strength, is a sub-water earthquake in the Indian Ocean, as seen on the 26th breast of 2004. Wono became the cause of the tsunami, as they inflicted the main part of the whip. Vcheni estimate the magnitude of the earthquake from 9.1 to 9.3 points. The epicenter is known by the water, on a private island from the island of Simeolue, on a private island from the Indonesian Sumatri. The majestic withers reached the shores of Thailand, on the second day of the Indian and Indonesian. Todi height hvil up to 15 meters. The majestic Ruynuvan and victims were known to be rich in territory, including in Port Elizabeth, PAR, which is 6900 km to the epicenter. Precisely, the number of victims is impossible to estimate, from 225 to 300 thousand people. The truth is that the figure cannot be given away, since it is simply empty water in the sea. Tsikavo, even a few years before the arrival of the tsunami, the rich tvarin chuyno reacted to the disaster that had come - the stench left the coastal zones, moving to the top of the hill.

8. Ruinuvan Banqiao Rowing - 1975, China (Victims: 231,000)

Find out the estimates of the number of victims of the disaster. The official figure, close to 26,000 people, all of a sudden sank without a trace at the very beginning; with urahuvannyas perished as a result of epidemias and famine, as they expanded as a result of the catastrophe, then the number of victims becomes, according to the low estimates, 171,000 or 230,000. 306 mm drop per day). However, in 1975, it was the worst for 2000 years, as the inheritance of the typhoon forced Nina and December days of record storms. Poin viklikala majestic water 10 kilometers wide, 3-7 meters long. The flood per year flows 50 kilometers from the coast and spreads out the rivers, opening there piece lakes with an area of ​​12,000 sq km. Seven provincial boulevards were flooded, including a thousand square kilometers of silky masses and a small number of communes.

7. Tangshan Earthquake - 1976, China (242,000 casualties)

Another earthquake for the strength also came to China. On the 28th of 1976, the Tangshan earthquake was brought to the rock in the province of Hebei. Yogo magnitude dropped 8.2 to the ball, which allowed to respect the future of the greatest natural catastrophe of the capital. The official number of those who died put down 242 419 people. Protest shvidshe for all the figure Bula is underestimated by the rule of the People's Republic of China by 3-4 times. The age is based on the fact that the strength of the earthquake will be 7.8 points behind the Chinese documents. Tangshan boulevard is practically at once skimming by forceful shipping, the epicenter of which is located on the road 22 km away from the city. Ruynuvannya knew to visit Tyantszin and Pekin, which is located at 140 kilometers from the epicenter. The traces of the catastrophe bully zhakhlivim - 5.3 million of budinks appeared zruynovany and shkodzhenim to such a world, as in them the unhappy life appeared. The number of victims was increased by the number of items in a series of shipments up to 7.1 points. Today in the center of Tangshan there is a stele, like a shit about a thirsty catastrophe, a financial and information center, of assignments to these podias. Winning museums with a wide range of themes, united in China.

6. Pivin in Kaifeng - 1642, China (Victims: 300,000)

I know China, which is very hostile. Formally, the whole thing can be dashing to the spontaneous, ale the people who wielded their hands. At 1642 rotsi in China was added Selyanske rebellion, Leader of yaky bouv Li Zicheng. The insurgents went to the place of Kaifeng. In order not to allow the drowning of the place by the rebels, the command of the All dynasty of Min was instructed to flood the place and the outskirts of the Huang He. If the water came in and the wickedness ended in pieces, the hunger was overwhelmed, but only half of the 600,000 people of the population of the place and the outskirts lived. At that hour, there was one of the most popular punitive shares in the whole history.

5. Cyclone in India - 1839 rocky, India (Victims: 300,000 +)

If I want a photograph of a cyclone not to be recognized as a rock until 1839, it is possible to assess the whole world of natural phenomena after it. The Indian cyclone of 1839 rock itself by no means will be ruinous, ale vin viklik in the tidal tides, as they drove 300,000 people. The tides have worsened the town of Coring and sunk 20,000 ships, which were in the bay of the town.

4. Great Chinese earthquake - 1556 (Victims: 830,000)

In 1556, the most ruinous earthquake was raised in the history of people, called the Great Chinese earthquake. It became the 23rd of 1556 near the province of Shensy. History vvazhayut, but spontaneously famously took the life of close to 830 thousand people, more than not, be it іnsha similar podіya. Deyaki districts and Shensi became deserted more, and in them more than half of the people lost their lives. Nastіlki is a majestic number of victims, who explained to him that a large part of the inhabitants lived in the forest caves, which, during the first shipment, immediately collapsed, as if the bullets were flooded by mudflows. good luck current assessments the whole earthquake was assigned a category of 11 points. One of the eyewitnesses, having passed over their grounds, about those who are not so hard on the cob of dashing straight into the street: “If a bird is falling from a tree, it’s the most common egg to become unintelligent.” Such words are to the testimony of the fact that people were lost in abundance when trying to leave their homes. Ancient steles of Xian, selected in the Beilin Musical Museum, are about the ruinousness of the earthrus. A lot of them got scorched or cracked. It's an hour for the cataclysm to be here. The pagoda of wild geese has stood up, the foundation has been protected by 1.6 meters.

3. Cyclone Bhola - 1970 (Victims: 500,000 - 1,000,000)

A ruinous tropical cyclone, which opposed the territory of Pakistan and India's Western Bengal 12 leaf fall 1970 rock. The most deadly tropical cyclone and one of the most subtle natural forces in happy history... Close to a family of people, their lives were shocked by the impact of a storm surge, which flooded the uninhabited islands of the Ganges delta. There was a storm cyclone behind the rakhunka during the hurricane season in the Indian Ocean of the 1970s, and the strongest in the whole country.
The cyclone formed over the central part of the Bengal inflow of 8 leaf fall, for which it became a pincer for pivnich, gaining strength. In the evening of the 12th leaf fall, at the same time, contact with the coastal line of Shidny Pakistan is established. The storm surge has drained the numerical coast of the island, living on its way through the whole of the village and on the way to the village and the region. In the most affected region of the land - Upazile Tazumuddin - 45% of the 167 thousand population have lost their lives.
political heritage
Immortal tempi of robust robots only contented the bitterness and vision in the Great Pakistani and gave the support to the muscular arm. Subsidies were needed every now and then, transport was inexpensive to deliver the necessary goods in the stormy territory. In the birch forest in 1971, the spirits grew without interruption, the provinces began to become overwhelmed by the earthly factions, they were afraid of the splashes of violence. Nadal the situation continued to pogirshuvatisya and grew into a war for independence, but the 26th birch tree has returned. Lastly, in the middle of the same rock, the whole conflict expanded into the third Indian-Pakistani war, which ended with the rulers of the state of Bangladesh. The paths that can be seen can be respected by one of the first ones, if natural phenomenon provoked a huge war, a call to the intervention of a third force and a fall of one land on two independent states.

2. Pointing in the valley of the river Zhovtoi - 1887 China (Victims: 900,000 - 2,000,000)

One of the most frightening times of the day history of people, Yake, behind the small dzherels, lived from 1.5 to 7 million of human lives, which became in the spring of 1887 a rock in the winter provinces of China, in the valley of Zhovtoy Rika. Strong boards may be more on the whole territory of Hunan this spring. Perche turned into a steep viginu, on the outskirts of the Zhangzhou city.
Day after day, the scurrying waters invaded the territory of places, rushing and emptying. In all cases, 600 mst were affected, which were raised on the banks of the rychka, including the enclosures by the wall of the Hunan locality. The fast drive prodovzhuvv the capture of fields, creatures, places and people, flooding a territory 70 km wide with water, the depth of which was 15 meters deep.
Water often poured over the terrace after the terrace against the wind and the tide, 12 to 100 seeds accumulated on the skin. 10 weekends have lost one or two. Half of the wake-up bullet is covered with water. People were lying on the dakha of the budinks, and the people of the kidnapped vik, who had not died of hunger, were dying in the cold.
The top of the poplar, which stood in a row, were washed from the water, like the growth. Here and there, behind the old trees, with the help of those spikes, strong choloviks sat down and clicked on help. In one moment, a box with a dead child was nailed to a tree, which was placed there for the safety of his father. In the drawer was a hedgehog and a note from the im'am. In the іnshomu mіsci, a family has been revealed, all the members of whom have died, a child who has been given a place to find a place ... kindly nakritiy odyagom. "
Rozruha and desolation, they were lost because the water was asleep, they were just stingy. The statistics could not fit well because of the employees - pidrahuvati. BEFORE 1889 fate, if Zhovta Richka, nareshty, turned in its own channel, until all there was no luck that came along with this ailment. It is transmitted that the pivmilion of people died of cholera.

1. Great Povin - 1931, China (Victims: 1,000,000 - 4,000,000)

The lithuanian period of the monastic boards in 1931 was seen to be a wonder of the burkhliv. Spilled planks and tropical cyclones of shalens in the pools of the rivers. The dams stood against the strongest anger and storms, the red stench didn’t show up against the backdrop and collapsed in hundreds of months. Approximately 333,000 hectares of land have been flooded, 40,000,000 people have become overwhelmed by the dakha, and I am blooming with majestic boules. On great areas, the water did not go down for three to six months. Ailments, lack of food, the visibility of the dakha over the head led to a total of 3.7 million people.
One of the epicenter of the tragedy was the place of Gaoyu in the Jiangsu pivnichniy province. A pressurized typhoon hitting the 26th sickle of 1931 on the P'yat beyond the size of the lake to China Gaoyu. Riven in the new one has already grown to a record height as a result of strong boards, which passed in the forefront. Shkvalisty vіter got a lot of sickness, scho fought about the dam. Pislya pivnochі bіy bulo prograno. The dams broke through in six months, and the most break reached 700 m. Just one wound in Gaoyu, nearly 10,000 people went down.

About catastrophes for a long time - the price of volcanoes and tornadoes, and tornadoes. In the rest of the country, there were fewer water disasters and terrible nuclear disasters.

The most terrible disasters on the water

Lyudin is sailing on vіtrilniki, chavny, ships across the vast oceans and seas of hundreds of rocks. Over the course of an hour, there were no problems of disasters, ship accidents and accidents.

In the 1915th rosі nіmetsky submarine torpedoed a British passenger liner. The ship sank for about fifteen chilines, known to be thirteen kilometers from the shores of Ireland. One thousand one hundred and ninety weighed cholovik disappeared.

At the end of 1944, a catastrophe was terrifying in the port of Bombay. All in all, when a single-screw steam melt was unbound, a bout of bridging with gross deterioration of the safety technology, a straining vibuch was put on. Vіdomo, scho on steam-fired bulo pіvtori tons of vibuhіvki, kіlka tons of bavovnya, sіrka, derevina, gold bullions. Pislya the first vibuhu breaking through the other. Palyuchiy bavovna rose in the radio by almost a kilometer. Practically all ships, warehouses burned, burned burning in the place. Extinguish it into the leash in two times. As a result, nearly two and a half thousand people were drunk until they died, a thousand three hundred seventy people were killed. See the port forward only through seven months.

Nayvidomisha from water disasters - the end of the Titanic. Having hit the iceberg before the first hour of the voyage, the ship sank. Ponad p_vtori thousands of people were lost.

In the middle of 1917, the French ship "Mont Blanc" and the Norwegian ship "Imo" stuck to the rock near the place of Galifax. Having become a straining vibuch, as a call to ruinuvannya not only the port, but the first part of the place. On the right in that "Mont Blanc" buv zavantazheniy viklyuchno vibuhivkoyu. Two thousand cholovik disappeared close, nine thousand bullets were wounded. tse most needed vibuch pre-nuclear era.

Three thousand one hundred and thirty people died on a French cruiser during a torpedo attack by a German submarine in 1916. As a result of the torpedoing of the Nimetsian floating hospital "General Steuben" nearly three thousand six hundred and eight people were lost.

At the chest of 1987, the Philippines Pasazhirskiy sometimes under the name "Donya Paz" is connected to the tanker "Vector". Lost with a whole chotiri thousand three hundred seventy five cholovik.

In 1945, a tragedy in the Baltic Sea struck fate, as the life of nearly eight thousand people took away. Vantage ship "Tilbek" and liner "Cap Arkona" were attacked by British aviation. As a result of the torpedoing of the ship "Goya" by the ship "Goya" in 1945, six thousand nine hundred people were lost.

"Wilhelm Gustlov" - this is the name of the German passenger liner, flooding of the sub-water choven for the command of Marinesko in the modern 1945 rock. The exact number of victims of an unacceptable person, approximately - as many as nine thousand individuals.

The most terrible disasters in Russia

You can name a few terrible catastrophes that have become on the territory of Russia. So, in the middle of 1989, not far from Ufa, there was one of the greatest major disasters in Russia. Progrimyv a tense vibuch, at that hour two passenger pulls passed the yak. The unmeasured gloom of firing-and-twisting commotion vibrated, as it was approved through an accident on the pipe line. For some tribute, five hundred seventy five cholovik went down, after the others - six hundred and forty five. More than six hundred people were wounded.

The most terrible ecological catastrophe on the territory of the colysus of the Soviet Union of Soviet Socialist Republics invades the bend of the Aral Sea. For a number of reasons: runtovyh, social, biological, for fifty years the Aral Sea has risen to the ground. Most of this influx in sixty rocks of vikoristovuvali for the growing up and for some of the people of the agricultural consumer. The Aral Sea is a quarter of the size of the lake svitu. So as the tide of sweet water quickly passed, the lake gradually died.

Vlіtku 2012 rock in Krasnodar Territory added to the new scale. Vono get involved in the greatest catastrophe on the territory of Russia. For two linden days, the vipala is a five thousandth rate of falloff. Misto Krymsk practically raised the zest of water. Officially, 179 individuals were known to have died, of which 159 were residents of Krimsk. More than 34 thousand inhabitants of the city suffered.

The most terrible nuclear disasters

A great number of people are falling into the tide of nuclear disasters. So in 1986, the rock vibuhnuv one of the power blocks of the Chornobil AES. Radioactive speeches, which were consumed in the atmosphere, were located near the village and the place. Tsia avariya is one of the most ruinous in her own kind. Hundreds of thousands of people took part in the liquidation of the accident. Kilka hundreds of people have gone missing or rymala kalitstva. Near the AES, a thirty-kilometer zone has been established. Until now, the scale of dashing has not been discussed.

In Japan, in the birch of 2011, at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, a vibuch was placed on the earthquake for an hour. Through the price, a large number of radioactive streams were consumed into the atmosphere. The first hour, officials concealed the scale of the disaster.

The story of the Chornobil catastrophe, the most significant nuclear accident, began in 1999 in the Japanese city of Tokaimur. At the factory, processing uranium, there was an accident. Hundreds of choloviks were rejected, while people were lost.

Newest disaster in the history of humanity

The most pernicious catastrophe for the biosphere for the entire hour of human life is to get involved with the vibuh naphtha platforms in the Mexican place in 2010. The platform itself went vibuhu out of the water. As a result, in the ocean of light, having spent a magnificent obsyag of naftoproducts. Filling in one hundred fifty and two days. The naphtha float covered the area, equal to seventy-five thousand square kilometers in the Mexican city.

For a number of victims of a new scale, a catastrophe is involved, as in the chest 1984 the fate of the rock began in India in the place of Bhapol. Vitik Khimikativ was installed at one of the factories. About fifteen thousand people have disappeared. Until now, the cause of the catastrophe has not been clarified until the end.

It is impossible not to say about the most frightening pozhezhi that came to London in 1666. The fire has bliscavically widened along the place, there have been nearly sixty thousand budinks, nearly ten thousand people have gone. Pozhezha triva chotiri dobi.

It’s not only disasters that are terrible, but the thunderbolts. On the site site є rating of the most terrible attractions in the world.
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This period has become a bitter one for the densely populated regions of Pivdenno-Central China. For a couple of rockies before the land panuval in the region, however, the snowy winter came, and ryasny boards spilled onto the ground. Richkas traveled from the banks, however, they didn’t get angry, and they didn’t get angry: they fell on a crescent tree in 1931. The neymovirna activity of cyclones - 9 for one only lime against the primary 2 cyclones in the river - made its contribution to the accelerated and already catastrophic situation in the region.

The result of the weather anomalies was an increase in the scale. Most of the rivers of the land (Huanghe, Yangtze and Huayhe) went from the shores, so until the middle of the sickle, the water went over the norm by 16 meters! Nankin mayzhe rises under the water, and the rupture of the dam of the Great Canal, taking away the life of mayzhe 200,000 cholovik - the sleeping townsmen were simply sickened by the sounding streams of water.

Ale and the whole dashing of the Chinese people did not end there. Through the majestic number of people, how to open up and high prices, the epidemic typhus and cholera were born, and hunger from the hunger of the business woman for an hour, they would be tempted to go to the extreme and come to visit their relatives. According to the recent estimates, in that period, from 1,000,000 to 4,000,000 people went down.

Rik 1918: Spanish flu

Famous "Ispanka" has become, mabut, the newest pandemic influenza for the whole history. In the period from 1918 to 1919, from 1918 to 1919, 29.5% of the population of the entire planet suffered from it - about 550,000,000 people were infected. As a result, the fifth part of it died.

The Epidemic fell at the end of the First World War and was well aware of the most (at that time) violent conflict in the world in terms of the number of victims and lethality. It’s very important for the glorious ones to get involved in the fact that the epidemic has taken on a colossal scale: unsanitary conditions, hunger, the buying up of people in the camps - all this gave a fertile ground for the expansion of the virus. The name of the pandemic was rejected by the zavdyaki to the fact that ailments caused severe sleep in Spain themselves.

Rik 1347: Chorna's death in Europe

Singingly, at the same time, there are no people who are zhednoy, like they wouldn’t be afraid of the summoning epidemic of plague. Dzherelo is still invisible to this day. Historians have gone visnovka, as a Masovian pestilence, which, having taken on a truly colossal scale, is the result of a lack of factors. An unstable climate (hunger and dryness, and then a hurricane and anger on the territory of China) called up before the hordes of other grisons came out of the common wastelands closer to the human life in jokes to the side street. The shchuri itself does not suffer from illnesses, but because of natural carriers, and in the minds of unsanitary conditions and hunger, the epidemic quickly took on a local, but also a global character.

To sacrifice China and India, the black death went along the Great suture road to the lowlands of the Don and the Volga. Having Vikosiv Zolota Horde, the ailment was swallowed in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, and even the genoese were brought to Europe - ymovirno, the workers were all the same shipworms. Cold and angry, as well as the epidemics of natural wines and leprosy, which not well tormented Europeans, weakened their immunity and made them super susceptible to infection.

As a result of the black death, the deprived of it was up to 1353 rots, taking into the whole life about 60 million people in the whole world.

1201 rik: syriyske zemletrus

In the linden of 1201, Egypt and Syria began to shake like a forceful earthquake, as if they had lost a lot of energy for themselves. The yogo epicenter is located at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, protest seismic hvili went to Mesopotamia, Sicily and Egypt. Near the central part of the Seredzemnomorya, having suffered from the catastrophe, the urge to assess the current situation at 8 points on the Richter scale. In general, as a result, the "treminnya of the Earth" has lost 1,000,000 people. The reason for such strong shifts geologists vvazhayut a rosette, like proishov along the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Rik 541: Justiniyan's plague

Over the course of his time until the Black Death, the deathly infestation was carried along by the light, and history gave him the status of a pandemic - the Holy Epidemic. Vona hunted all of Asia, Pivnichnu Africa, Blizkiy Skhid i, vividly, to Europe. The blame for the tragedy was already known to us the scythe and the fleas, which were fed from Egypt and the land. I went to Constantinople in the holds of ships, which transported grain. Bacillus (bacillus Y. pestis) penetrates the human roof with a flea bite: in one bite, the carrier can transmit up to 24,000 bacteria, if only enough for the infection 3.

At the height of the Epidemic, the plague took 10,000 lives a day. The dead were so abundant that they didn’t rise up the hovati — they simply piled them up on the streets, as a result of which the corpses were repaired and the ailments widened more quickly. Occasional episodes of the Epidemic periodically took on more than 200 rockets when it was extinguished, hoping for the level of toxicity in the year and becoming weaker.

Rik 536: the most terrible risk in the whole history

Wonderful, isn't it? Is it possible to break the middle of the 6th century with massive epidemics and ruinous cataclysms? However, not long ago, they came to the weekend, and the male rik became the best for all the history of people that we have seen. What is the reason for this decision?

Historian and archaeologist McCormick, who wondered at the Harvard University Institute of Science about people passed, in the words, “Tsei rik became the ear of one of the most recent periods in history”. It’s important not to wait: a mysterious fog bored Europe, Close Skid and a part of Asia into impenetrable temperament - stretching for 18 months and a day, and at night there was an impenetrable darkness behind the window. Vizantiyskiy historian Prokopiy wrote, “The sun has seen light without yaskravosti, similar to Misyats, stretching out all the fate”. At the end of an hour, the temperature dropped to 1.5 ° C, rising to 2.5 ° C - the colder ten years after the rest of 2500 rocky. It has become an ear of the global climate change, and it has become a fertile ground for all cataclysms and epidemies of the coming capital.

Vlіtku in sleepyachny regions China vipav sіg, and ireland hunger through neurodevelopment. Bubonna and Justinian's plague were tortured for the winter tributes from 1/3 to half of the population of the Roman Empire, which precipitated the collapse. Lachey recently let us examine into the distance the reason for such disasters. Having carried out a precise analysis of the ice taken from the Swiss iceman, the McCormick and glasiologist Paul Mayvsky's team from the Institute for the Protection of the Climate of the University of the State stronger vyverzhdeniya volcano in Iceland, which vikinuv into the atmosphere of the majestic number of singing. In the 540 and 547 rockies, two more leaps were picked up, and then the plague came - and Europe got bogged down in the sprawling "dark" capital.

Yak viyavilosya, the volcanoes wandered into the atmosphere sirku, vіsmut and іnshі chemically active speeches. Once again, I create a shielding veil of the type of aerosol, as it drives a sleepy light back into space and, as a heritage, it means a cool planet. Vchenі viyavili, that the skin is colder than the last 2500 years are tied with volcanic wikids.

Below the submission is a list of the ten most spontaneous forces in the history of people. Rating of warehouses from the number of zagiblikh.

Earthletrus in Aleppo

Number of dead: close to 230,000

The rating of the greatest spontaneous hardships in the history of the people earthquake in Aleppo is shown with a magnitude of 8.5 points on the Richter scale, which was placed in a few steps near the city of Aleppo in the winter of Syria 38 January 11. Yogo is often called the fourth earthquake in history for a number of dead. Well-known to Damascus, the writer Ibn al-Kalanisi lost about 230,000 people as a result of the catastrophe.

Earthletrus in the Indian Ocean in 2004 rotsi

Number of victims: 225,000-300,000

Pidvodne zemletrus, which was placed on the 26th breast of 2004 in the Indian Ocean of the western Uzbek coast of Pivnichnoy Sumatri, 250 kilometers away on the first stage of the city of Banda-Aceh. Get involved in one of the strongest earthlings of the XX-XXI century. The yogo magnitude, according to the rise in estimates, ranged from 9.1 to 9.3 points on the Richter scale. Having reached the depths of about 30 km, the earthquake wicked into a series of ruinous tsunamis, the height of which perevischuval 15 meters. They brought up to the majestic Ruynuvan and took away their life, for a small estimate, from 225 thousand to 300 thousand people in 14 regions. Uzbeks of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand suffered the most from the tsunami.

Number of dead: 171,000-230,000

Banqiao Dam - rowing in Richtsi Zhukhe, Henan Province, China. On the 8th sickle, 1975, as a result of the forced typhoon "Nina", the rowing of the bull was zruynovana, wicked by itself to the majesty of the tree 10 km wide and 3-7 meters high. The catastrophe for the small assessments took life from 171,000 to 230,000 people, and about 26,000 lost their lives without a break. Rashta died because of the epidemics and hunger. In addition, 11 million cholovik lost their booths.

Victims 242,419

Tangshan earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2 points on the Richter scale - the most deadly earthquake of the XX century. It became 28th April 1976 rock in the Chinese city of Tangshan at 3:42 a.m. after the month's hour. The Yogo Hypocenter is located not far from the industrial place-millionaire at a depth of 22 km. Repeated shipment of tough 7,1 created even more shkodi. For the tribute to China, the number of victims killed 242,419 individuals, but some 800,000 residents were lost in the same dzherels, and 164,000 more were seriously injured. As a result of the earthquake, the population was also affected by the settlements, which are located 150 kilometers from the epicenter, in the middle of them Tianzin and Pekin. More than 5,000,000 budgets will increase in size.

Believe in Kaifin

Number of dead: 300,000 - 378,000

Convince in Kaifin is a man-made disaster, a yak in the first place fell on Kaifin. There are a lot of hoops on a birch tree in the Huanghe River in the Henan province of China. In 1642, the city was flooded with the waters of the "Zhovtoi Rika", for which the army of the Min dynasty drove the dike, so that it would be impossible for Li Tszichena. Today, as a result of the occasional hunger and plague, about 300,000-378,000 people died.

Indian cyclone - 1839

Number of dead: ponad 300,000

Take a place in the rating of the greatest spontaneous hardships in the history of the loan Indian cyclone - 1839.16 leaf fall 1839, 12 meters thick, wicked by a forced storm, caused the great port of the city of Koringa, in the state of Andhrash Todi has lost more than 300,000 people. The message of a catastrophe is not so and there is no new update. There is a small settlement on the yogo place with populations (2011) - 12,495 inhabitants.

Number of dead: approx. 830,000

The whole earthquake was magnified at about 8 points, it became 23rd 1556 in the Chinese province of Shensy, within an hour of the rule of the Min dynasty. From now on, 97 districts have suffered, on an area of ​​840 km everything has been blasted, and in some districts 60% of the population has disappeared. On the whole Chinese earthquake taking life about 830,000 people - more, not be-like the one earthquake in the history of people. The majestic number of victims was amazed by the fact that the part of the population of the province lingered in the forest caves, as the boules were blasted or flooded by mudflows at once due to the first shipments.

Number of victims: 300,000-500,000

The most ruinous tropical cyclone in history, which opposed the territory of Pakistan (Nini Bangladesh) and the Indian state of Zahidna Bengal 12 leaf fall 1970 rock. 300-500 yews went down for the estimates. Cholovik, mainly as a result of a storm surge with a height of 9 m, which flooded the deserted low-growth islands in the Ganges delta. Tkhani and Tazumuddin areas were affected by the cyclone, more than 45% of the population was lost in them.

Number of dead: close to 900,000

Tse ruinіvna povіn vіdbuvsya 28 spring 1887 in the province of Henan, China. The blame for everything was the torrential boards, as they were here stretching out for a long time. Through the planks of the river the water in the river Huangkhe went up and down the dam, not far from the city of Zhengzhou. The water has widened rapidly throughout the entire private part of China, for a territory of approximately 130,000 square meters. km, having taken close to 900 yew at the end of the life. cholovik, and having overshadowed about 2 million

Number of victims: 145,000-4,000,000

The greatest spontaneous dashing in the world is in China, and more precisely, a series of twists, which became in 1931 in the territory of Pivdenno-Central China. During the catastrophe, overwhelmed by dry land, yak trival from 1928 to 1930 rock. However, the winter came, it was even more snowy, the hangings were full of fallen, until then stretching last month The land was suffering from the torrential boards. All the facts were of the opinion that there are three of China's greatest small rivers: Yangtze, Huaihe, Huanghe went from the shores, taking their life for winter dues from 145 thousand to 4 million people. It is also the most spontaneous in the history of the epidemic of cholera and typhus, and yet it caused hunger, before the hour, the fall of children from violence and cannibalism was observed.

Dozens of the most terrifying man-made disasters are being seen in the light of the day, which are responsible for the birth of the nation's history of ecology. Today I will propose to you to read about the decal for them in the advanced statistics.

Petrobris is a Brazilian state naphtha company. The headquarters of the roztashovan company in Rio de Janeiro. Lipna has a 2000 rock in Brazil as a result of the catastrophe at the naphtha refinery in Iguas, the vitteklo is more than a million gallons of naphtha (close to 3,180 tons). For the sake of it, 50 tons of syroe naphtha were not too far away from the resort island in Thailand.
The setting of the beach has dried out over the course of the flow, and it will warmly siphon off the water immediately for the decor of the places. Likvidatori avarii drove a sprinkle of out-of-town bar'ariv, ale zupiniti naphtha in the distance leftover on the fifth. One part of the oil was taken from the surface of the water, and it went along specially stimulated by the two channels.
The company "Petrobris" paid 56 million dollars in a fine up to the state budget and 30 million - up to the state budget.

Spring 21, 2001, in French Toulouse, at the AZF chemical plant, a vibuch was placed, the legacy of which is one of the greatest man-made disasters. 300 tons of ammonium nitrate (strong nitric acid) was boiled, which were transferred to the finished product warehouse. For the official version, the wine of the certificate for the combinat, I didn’t care about the safety of the vibration-free speech.
Traces of the catastrophe bully gigantskі: lost 30 people, the number of wounded people - 3 00, the bully was destroyed or the few thousand living days and waking up, including mayzhe 80 schoolchildren, 40 students or 40 children, 2 universities more than 130 enterprises have actually done their job. Zigalna zbitku - 3 billion euros.

On the 13th of leaf fall, 2002, the rocky shores of Spain had consumed the naphtha tanker Prestige in a strong storm, and in the holds that were known to be more than 77,000 tons of fuel oil. As a result of the storm in the hull of the ship, a trail of nearly 50 meters was established. 19 leaf fall the tanker broke up and sank. As a result of the disaster, 63,000 tons of fuel oil were consumed at sea.

The purification of the sea and the shores of the fuel oil cost 12 billion dollars, and it is unwise to assess the cost of applying ecosystems.

On the 26th of September 2004, near to Cologne, at the entrance of Nimechchin from the Wiehltal bridge with a height of 100 meters, a fuel tanker fell, which transported 32,000 liters of fire. Pislya fall a fuel truck vibuhnuv. A sports car was the blame for the accident;
The time of the accident is one of the most important technological disasters in history - the hourly repair of the bridge costs 40 million dollars, and the additional reconstruction costs 318 million dollars.

19 birch, 2007, through the vibukh methane at the mine "Ulyanovsk" in the Kemerovo region, 110 ossib were lost. Slide after the first vibuch, after 5-7 seconds, a cheek of vibuha sounded, but the great ones fell in the viroboks at once in the deciduous mice. Lost the head engineer and all the mine's core data. Tsya avariya є the most in the Russian in coal for the remainder of 75 years.

On the 17th of 2009, a man-made disaster at the Sayano-Shushenskiy GES became a fateful one. It has become an hour to repair one of the hydraulic units of the GES. As a result of the accident, the 3rd and 4th water conduits were routed, the walls became ruined and the engine room was heated. 9 out of 10 hydroturbines povnistu went out of the fret, HES bullet zupinena.
Through an accident, the power supply of the Siberian regions was destroyed, in addition, the supply of electricity to Tomsk was interrupted, and several Siberian aluminum factories were connected. As a result of the disaster, 75 people were lost, more than 13 were injured.

A bitrate from an accident at the Sayano-Shushenskiy GES has changed 7.3 billion rubles, including a bitrate from ecology. During the days in Khakassia, we started the process of the information about the technogenic catastrophe at the Sayano-Shushenskiy GES in 2009.

On 4 October 2010, a great ecological catastrophe has become a fate at the entrance of the Ugorshchyna. At the great plant, aluminum vibuchs are used to row the tank with separate entrances - this is what we call the worm slime. Nearly 1.1 million cubic meters of water was flooded with a 3-meter stream of Kolontar and Dechever, 160 kilometers away on the west side of Budapest.

Chervony sludge is a tse of sieges, which can be established when aluminum oxide is violated. When it gets on the shkira, the wine is poured into its meadow. As a result of the catastrophe, 10 individuals were lost, close to 150 were neglected with injuries and diagnoses.

On April 22, 2010, the rock in the Mexican island of the Uzbek state of Louisiana was sent to the vibuhu, which took the life of 11 people, and the 36-year-old dead, the deepwater Horizon drilling platform sank.

Zupiniti vitik naphtha leaped into leash 4 serpnya 2010 rock. Near the waters of the Mexican inflow, there were close to 5 million barrels of syroe naphtha. The platform, which became an accident, was owned by a Swiss company, and at the time of the man-made disaster, the platform was managed by British Petroleum.

On March 11, 2011, the rock at the winter gathering of Japan at the AES "Fukushima-1" was the greatest for the last 25 years after the catastrophe at the Chornobil AES accident. As a follow-up to the subterranean shipments of magnitude 9.0, the majesty of the tsunami came to the Uzbek coast, as it drove 4 out of 6 reactors at the nuclear power plant and installed a cooling system, which called up to a series of vibuhiv water, the zone of melting.

A general round of wikids in iodine-131 and cesium-137 for an accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant with 900,000 terabekrels, but 20% of the wikis were sent to the Chornobil accident in 1986.
The total cost of the accident at the Fukusima-1 nuclear power plant was estimated by the experts at 74 billion dollars. On the basis of the liquidation of the accident, including the dismantling of the reactors, the loan was close to 40 years.

AES "Fukusima-1"

On April 11, 2011, a vibukh was placed on the Vyskovo-Maritime base not far from Lymasol in Cyprus, which took 13 lives and put the island power on the brink of an economic crisis, most power station islands.
Some people called the President of the Republic, Dimitris Khristophias, in that he was negligently raised to the problem of storing ammunition, confiscated in 2009 from the ship "Monchegorsk" for growing up in smuggled goods. For the fact that the ammunition was taken directly to the ground on the territory of the Vіyskovo-marine base, and they were detonated through the temple temperature.

Zruynovana power station Mari in Kiev

On the 28th of February 2012, at a chemistry enterprise in a Chinese province, Hebei became a vibuh, taking away the life of 25 individuals. Vibukh progrim_v in the workshop with the nitroguanidin vyrobnitstva (yogo vikoristovuyt in the capacity of a rocket firing) at the chemical plant of the Hebei Keer company in the Shijiazhuang city

On April 18, 2013, a straining vibuch was placed at the Dobriv plant in the state of Texas in the American West.
As many as 100 budinks in the vicinity of the boules were zruynovany, from 5 to 15 people were lost, close to 160 people were wounded, and the place itself became similar to the zone of vіyskovyh dіy, or to the notorious maidanchik of Chergov's film about the Terminator.