Internal light of Larissa Ogudalova. Characteristics of the image of Larissa Ogudalova

Ogudalova Larisa Dmitrivna - the main heroine of Ostrovsky's miraculous p'usi "Bezpriannytsya". Tsia dvchina is young, superbly beautiful, ale bidna, for her they do not give any dowry. Such a camp is humiliatingly in the region, Larisa is especially hospitable, and, according to her nature, she is smart and proud of her specialness.

The heroes of the bereaved were introduced to Ostrovsky's drama and earlier: Marya Andriyivna ("Bidna is named"), Nadya ("Vikhovanka"), Aksyusha ("Lis"), Nastya ("Not a penny").

In the midst of all the heroines of Larisa Ogudalova, Volodya Nitonshoy by nature and soulfulness. Larissa is alive, nibi "over the top", do not poke around with all over the place, living predilections and kramaryuvannya. Your soul is always pragmatic: in a forest, in a village, beyond the Volga, in a word, in a quiet little cuckoo, like a ram. Larisa samotnya, and in the soul of a tragic breakdown. Everybody wants to see it, they expect it, but there is no one to trick, but go to the girl in the middle. It’s not so easy to show a simple, a little warm and broad word, welcome and participation. Vona live in the situation, yak more nagadu "bazaar" and "tsigansky tabir".

You cannot find peace in the home of the dvchin, її sniff, laugh, impose the bridegrooms. Larissa is passionate about going to Paratova, albeit not in this specialty of quality, but in that world about a beautiful life, like a good life. Paraty associate with Larissa's testimony with a light, poetic light, as you know only behind the verses and romances, in reality, the light is inaccessible. Having waited in the absence of a turnaround to go in for the other official Karandishev, Larisa found herself belittling herself. The nouns-nevdakh dratuє її, if you start to grow up with Paratov, who won’t and will sooner, do not care about them. In the soul of Larissa, there is a zhakhliv struggle between women to reconcile with the share of the squad of a civilian official and the world about a beautiful and bright life. If we have a chance to win our share, Larisa will go with Paratov in a compromising trip to the steamfloor. Before the hour of the trip, Larissa is unsuccessful because her reference camp is garnie igrashki, since the choloviks cannot help themselves. Paraty turned out gravely, Karandishev, hoping to learn from the wide love, just for the sake of it just quiet his self-esteem, and the friend of the child Vozhevatov came up with the idea of ​​playing in the "eaglet" with Knulov, the great.

At the end of the story, Larissa guinea sees the hands of her named Karandishev. Yogo deadly built becoming for her a reference point of residual moral death. Larissa dyaku before dying of her own for those who are dying to drink from this terrible light, in what is not a saint, but a man can easily appear as an object of purchase and sale. Larissa thought so much about spravzhnya, shiru love, ale її everyone took it off, yak fun. Nobody was bored before going to the soul. Still, Larissa forgives everyone, there is no trim in evil. The image is invariably poetic and beautiful, it has an indelible trace and will be forgotten for a long time.

Larisa Dmitrovna Ogudalova is the main heroine of P'usi. Vona is young and beautiful, ale bedna, she is not given a dowry for her. The position of the bereaved is humiliating, and especially the witness of L. - the woman is intelligent and proud.

L. to love Paratov. Ale to love not for this specialness of quality, but for a world about life, like a good old date. We paratove, in the testimony of L., it was revealed about the light and poetic light, which is inaccessible and how you know only from her favorite songs and romances.

Vyhodyachi for Karandishev, L. saw him humiliated, unjustly condemned to no life, as if he could give another official. Tim can’t take Karandishev’s failures better than he’s getting better at Paratov: “Wow! Chi can also be blinded! "We will call L. the only way we do not love him, but for Paratov we go to the edge of the world." In the souls of the children, there is a struggle against the enemies to reconcile themselves with the share of the squad of a common official and tight for a beautiful life. L. namagaєtsya itself virіshiti its share. Take a ride on the chapel. Tsya trip vіdkriva L. ochі na її sprazhnіy camp - a beautiful speech, like a man oskarzhuyut like myself: “Stink of race, I’m a rich man, not a man. I got over it all at once ... " Before the death of the heroine, the dyakuє yoma for those who were guilty of dying from a terrible svit, de not knowing a saint and a man є about buying and selling: “I made love and did not know. I marveled at me and marveled at the yak for fun. Nicholas didn’t try to look into my soul, no one I didn’t bachelors about ... years of shukati ”. For Ostrovsky, Mriya L. Illusorna, won’t marry the mayor in the person of Paratov. With one reckless vchinka, L. tried to reject love and happiness - all the way from his own share. That will inevitably be a tragic rozcharuvannya heroine.

Larisa Ogudalova - the heroine of the dramas of O. M. Ostrovsky "Bezdannytsya" (1878). The image of L. completes the low "Dowry" in Ostrovsky's drama. On the vidminu from Mary Andriyivnya ("Bidna is named"), Nadi ("Vikhovanka"), Aksyusha ("Lis"), Nastya ("Not a penny ta raptom altin") L. - nature is thin and nervous, overwhelmed by a special sincere cry. The soul of L. isnu yak bi “over the top” - over the essence of kramaryuvannya, living predilections and struggle of Marnoslawism. L. all hour to "beckon" whither: to the village, to the forest, beyond the Volga - to the "be-like quiet kutochok", which is to be built in "frame". Life path L. - path of spiritual self-reliance and tragic breakdown. She will all zhaoplyuyuyutsya, її zhadayut, ale it іѕ nіhto not to look їy into the soul, nor from anyone not senses "a warm, broad word." L. was mesmerized by life in a situation where it was a “bazaar” or a “tsiganskiy tabir”. I only in spіvі romances can be won over with respect. Booths "before the hour of a terrible, deadly tightness to be kind, to laugh, to impose on the groom." Karandishev, in whose love L. fell into and gave the year for a shyub, through her own pride did not spare her pride. Paraty, for whom L. was passionately fond of, and for the sake of which she had flowed in, she lured and thrown. A friend of the family, Vasya Vozhevatov, rozіgrav її in a "coin" with the great deal of Knurov. Rishennya L. "shukati gold" and the article "dear, dear dear" to put її on the brink of failure. The deadly construction of Ka-randishev appears for her "good things", as a result of the residual moral decay. Neither do you "skarzhachis" and do not "look", L. in the world with words of love and forgiveness. The image of L. from his journey and lyrical reflection appeared to the great artists of Ostrovsky, who preceded the appearance of Chekhov's heroes. First viconavitsya role of L.- G.N. Fedotova (1878). Sered іnshikh viconavits - M. N. Yrmolova (1878), M. G. Savina (1878), V. F. Komissarzhevskaya (1896), M. I. Ba-Banova (1940), K. F. Roek (1948) ...

Continuing the tradition of my sketches about literary characters and now I will introduce you to my image of Larissa Ogudalova from Oleksandr Ostrovsky's "Bezdannytsya", I think that I know a lot about tvir based on the movie "Zhorstokiy romance".

If you say briefly about the life of Larissa, then just like this: "The life of Larissa is the way of spiritual self-reliance and tragic breakdown." Diyno, tsya divchina is thin, shyra, pure, naivna nature, which began to be born in the wrong place and at the wrong hour. Born in the noble family and possible noble family, you might, if your talent would be appreciated for merit, and in the suspension of her, you wondered if you were a good guy, and not like a year in the hands of a gamer, if not tomorrow ".

Be Larissa more sophisticated in life, won’t be heard to please her mother: "We are people, we are humiliating all our lives. So it is more beautiful to belittle the youth, then live like human beings ... I pretend, and do not make mistakes! as it is itself from a new bigash. "However, Larisa is so yaka є, in her soul there is no sense of knowledge, cories and strangleholds, a skin day, taking" the necessary guests to the house "

But maybe, її the share went to ії, as well as in її living way not a game of Paraty, a ludin without honor and worth, a marnotist of life. Live Larissa, cherishing a rose, and not a heart, but maybe, won’t be rozgledіla b in Paratov yogo the essence, however, for simple Larissa “Sergiy Sergiyovich - the ideal cholovik”. The image of Paratov stavati the culmination in the life of the tragedy of Larissa. I make a mess of Larissa's head, having seen the little house of Ogudalov all the transferring grooms, Paraty rapta іde and Larissa in the rozpachі vіrіshu to go to stand in favor of a be-like mother, who is in the hateful and hateful mother

Such a people for Larissa, the old Karandishev is a small person with an official bureaucratic soul, a stranger of nobility and honor. Karandishev talk about love before Larissa, protest for the new, also like for Paratov, all the more beautiful ric for self-confidence. Karandishev condemned Paratova, ala, in the soul of the world, he is the same "shining panom", who will be the first person in the suspension and cries out for the beauteous ladies. Yaksho Paratova is the best to characterize such a word "Sho take" Skoda ", which I do not know. ... I know the vigoda, so I will sell everything, very good ", then Karandishev will read the words of the said toast" to Larissa, in the best way for all those who won’t "be able to pick people up" and that vibrate yogo ".

For Paratov, on the right, the principle is to turn back Larissa's cunningness. I know how to make friends with a variety of names, otherwise Nasamkinets will not grow up, especially as such a beautiful girl marvels at a new yak on short people on the ground. Larissa's share of the paratovo can be great, for a new, first-class satisfaction and a party.

The stage is lowered into the Ogudalovs' booth, de Paraty will sing Karandishev, belittling publicly and by ourselves to quieten their vanity and show the reign. For me to write more about the scene on "Last", if Paratov has seen Larissa, she is dishonored in the eyes of the suspension, and does not know now of life.

Vozhevatov is one of the daughters, may be great statues, I will help you, I will help you, I will get ahead of you about those who do not get involved, but do not want to get involved with Larissa’s mother. For Vozhevatov, it’s more to the heart of rozіgruvati її in a toss with the merchant Knurov, for a long time they put Larissa in a kohanka-utriman. It is sorrowful that a man is the only one to come to the whole world, and he is brought up in his whole life only on himself, that is, he is called relatives or friends, he walks in parallel with life, but it is also in such a friendly moment of life that it is necessary to cope with such an argument. To that the way of Larissa is the way of spiritual self-reliance, it’s dumb on whom to creep into, I don’t want to see it.

Built Karandisheva for Larissa is a good job. It’s a pity that death is more beautiful than life, more pain, trash and hanbi. Such saintly people, like Larissa, are similar to the angels on earth, and the stench is not attached to life in the midst of moral abuse, flesh and health, which are in abundance in the midst of people. Living a life of life, such people are brightly burning, like candles, and by themselves we see a path and give the attachment of spirituality and purity.

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The main heroine of A. N. Ostrovsky's art "Bezdannytsya" є Larisa Dmitrivna, daughter of Hariti Gnativna Ogudalova. Її mother is a "small statok", give a dowry there is nothing, so as you are alive, everybody accepts, "to love and it is fun to live." Kharita Gnativna is duzhe spritna: "The daughters of those who are not working together", daughter of the "Garnenka", perfectly plays and knows how to play with young instruments, they can be satisfied with them. Ale for all the price you need to pay: "... to whom the daughter deserves, so and so be generous." All with the help of tsya zhvava zhynka shukak for her groom's daughter.

Ale Larissa is a lyrical person, talented and sensitive, she can't live with such lives, she shot her mother into the booth. Їy be brought to laugh, fall, go to the heads, to see them and pay pennies for the price. Might be, the stench їy zvsіm is not befitting, or simply ogidni, it’s guilty to endure everything, so it’s necessary to rob those who tell the mother. Larissa is subtly aware and worried about being around her. Such a divine seeks itself to itself and quietly in navkolishny light, which is a reappointment of copycat addictions, itsism, and it’s de facto how to show it to yourself.

It’s not necessary, there’s probably one, at the same time with your thoughts and worlds. At the same hour to talk about her, she will be excited about her, she will be happy with her, but Larissa herself will not be too worried, thoughts and feelings of the soul of a woman will not be cited.

Vona rose, vreshti-resht, for Lyudin Paraty, and ale and vin buv for her, the ideal of the middle of the choloviks. Through passionate love, you can’t beat anything about yourself, go for a walk along the Volza with him, you will be encouraged, you will be able to kill your own squad, and you will be wrong. Larissa chekah girke rozcharuvannya, so as Paraty spend in these last days, that he himself will be friends with the woman, who are rich.

The main heroine is to come before the decision to end life by suicide, but it is not allowed to start, trim. “It’s a pity for the weakness of life, I wish it’s not, that life ... if life is not possible and not necessary. Yaka, I’m zhayugidna, not happy ”, - as if there, standing there, bilya grat.

If before she comes to see the insight about those who are the people who feel like they are, what it means to them, Larisa knows the truthfulness of Karandishev's words: “Stink of wondering at you, like a woman, like a man, - Volodya's share of his share; stink of wondering at you, yak at rich. "

Having learned about those who Knur and Vozhevatov rocked in a coin, Larissa started to perceive herself as a "ricchu", an apathy in her soul, she became a baiduzha before herself and those who were. The main heroine is to say: “I made love and did not know. They wondered at me and marveled, yak for fun. Nikoli nik ^ O not trying to look into my soul to my heart, no where I did not bachelors, I didn’t have a warm heart word. But life is so cold. I’m not guilty, I was joking about love and I didn’t know ... I’m dumb in the light of ... years of shukati. I didn’t know love, so I will shukati gold ”. Three words won’t go to Knurov, who is guilty of the mother of the ruler. Ale was built by Karandishev and made life happy at the same hour. Larissa vyachna youmu: "... death will not allow їy Pushcha to descend і to suppress morally." Vaughn in the world with the words: “Don't have fun, whoever is having fun ... I don’t want to mess with anyone! Live, live everything! You need to live, but I need ... to die. I don’t lean on anyone, I don’t look at anyone ... good people... I love you all ... I love all of you. "

Tsey built Larissa to turn to herself, won, all right, forgiving everyone.

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Characteristics of the image of Larisa Ogudalova

Ostrovsky wrote the drama "Bezdannytsya" in 1879, tobto in the last, third period of his creativity. Until the end of the playwright, having finished the p'єsi "Thunderstorm" and "Hot Heart". There are three dramatic works by Ostrovsky about one theme. Katerina in Grozi, Parasha in Hot Heart, Larissa in Bezpriannytsia - all the stinks can be attributed to one type of women, women with a rebellious soul. Ale, do not marvel at those who experience all the girls through love, they have their own drama in their lives.

"Bezdannytsya" is seen from two of their creatures, but in them the main heroine is to hang out with the harsh light of bourgeois people, and not to oppose the "dark kingdom", like in "Thunderstorms." Head topic p'єsi - drama human specialties in a non-human suspension. The first dramatic specialty in the work of Larisa Ogudalova.

Larisa Dmitrivna is a wicked and kind girl. Stars і її garnet shutter to people, її povagu to mother. We are old Skoda heroine, if mi bachimo її mother. Vaughn in usy shukaє vigoda, I want to know the daughters of the rich named. For a whole mother to teach Larisa cunning, as she is guilty of stasis in life. Elder Ogudalova is more grounded and practical in nature, not young. The price of unreasoning between mother and daughter, igniting the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200btheir characters rush into the eyes. Crazy, Larissa is only more important. Moreover, she had already once rozcharuvala in kohanna, appeared deserted, so now she is guilty of humiliating herself with the buzz of rich suitors. With such a rank, Larissa's life in her home is not fabulous in the light of the world; Mati divchini kazhe: “Mi people are living, we diminish all life. So it’s even more beautiful to belittle yourself when you are young, then to live like a human being ”.

Naygolovnіsha drama Larissa - tse ї ї soul, heart experiences. The girl already knew her love and joy, since Sergiy Sergiyovich Paraty, holding out two months, traveled to her, “the bridegrooms all saw”, and then there was no kudi.

Larissa does not lose her way, as I go to replace the old Karandishev, the most famous name, which is to amuse this humiliation. Maybutnіy cholovіk, on the thought of a dіvchini, call not like that, yak Paratov, who won’t love in a fair way, and you can’t forget. Larissa to bail out all the goodness of Karandishev, to make a mess of it, and it’s not good for everyone. From all bids and to the weed little girl, the shukak little child in the village, in nature. Vona constantly speak to the mother, who wants to go to the village, de nareshty in the soul. Timchasov is at ease with Larissa, if the sounds take away from problems. In the її musical and chuynoї soul to sound a tsigansky song and a Russian romance, the verses of Lermontov and Baratinsky. Internal light Larissa Bagatiy, on the view of Knurov and Vozhevatov. Poetic nature of the dvchini is to fly over the light on the krill of the music. No wonder the її іm'ya in the cross section of the walnut movi means "seagull" ...

If Paratov turns around, Larissa thinks that it’s a stranger to that light of cold and diligent people. Having idealized the image of the kohan, the dvchin vvazhaє yogo "sovereign", I am ready to follow him to the edge of the world. With all my heart and soul, throw myself at Vir Kokhannya, see Paratov for myself, do not see it, but it’s not good. Yogo spiritual light is more primitive, developing and proud, not the soul of Larissa. I would like to have fun spending a surplus of "idle days" Sergiy Sergiyovich kliche divchinu on the Volga. Larissa, having pummeled her quirkiness, fell into love, took her in, and went to a bright and clear happiness. However, Knur and Vozhevatov know Paratov more beautifully. Smell you guessed, “there’s not without deception, but I know with words beckoning to її,” the stench knew that Sergiy Sergiyovich didn’t trade a beggar for a milioner.

The dramatic scene of Paratov and Larissa's journey along the Volza was added to the drama. The girl checked the propositions of her hand and heart miracle words, An hour, spend with her? Ale Paraty not only didn’t justify her hopes, but he portrayed Larissa with horror, having talked about those who were already enrolled. Hiba tse is not a drama? How can you be better? Trust the people, to give a part of your soul, and the nature of rejecting the bad gross, empty words, and, vreshti-resht, is a terrible health. Larissa showed up as an igrashka, a rocking device for Paratov. What are some of the things that are different from life? Now I can’t get away from Karandishev. Wanting Karandishev all the same rhytuє її: vistrіlivshi, win to rob "blagodiyannya". Before the death of Larissa, the collapse of his illusions, and the effect is to be seen: "Stink of the race, I am a rich man, not a man." All right, there is Dyaku Karandishev for those who gave me the opportunity to drink from the light, in which the roasting of a high ideal and de vona saw myself “ricchu”, the subject of purchase and sale: “I knew love and didn’t know. They marveled at me and marveled like for fun. "

drama head hero In fact, the spiritual light cannot be found in the suspension of pennies and primitiveness, in which the interest of people and women is surrounded by a six-digit dowry. The material here is kindness, sincerity and love. Love should stand on the other, and then the third place of pennies and putting in suspension. Larissa could not become addicted, could not fall in love with the rubles of Karandishev and experience the rozcharuvannya in her established image of Paratov. It’s absurd: good doesn’t rewrite evil, love isn’t worth a dowry, as you want to see on the sides of large books. Ostrovsky, having written "Bezdannytsya", realized that the reader was thinking about it for a long time, having grasped the problem of communication in the mind and rosary. If all of us will vibrate with a friend, then in the light of love. What kind of material well-being? I think ni.

If I want the piece "Bezdannytsya", it was fired for more than one hundred and twenty rockets in that, and at the same time it’s easy to read or wonder on the stage. In our hour, it is possible to see the roving Paratov and the landed Karandishevim. I think that Ostrovsky can say thank you for those, that such people are getting less and less for the bagatoraz performances of "Bezdannytsya", and the woman with the soul of Larissa Ogudalova is getting more and more, and try to know her happiness in her life.