Self-awareness of the specialness of life and life. Chapter xx Chapter xx. self-certification of specialty and life path

SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS is the development of the psyche of the people, so that people learn and appreciate their psychological peculiarities, on the basis of which a whole system of self-awareness is formed. Self-awareness of the allowance for seeing oneself from the new world, the knowledge of one's inner light, the experience of oneself and one being placed before oneself. An important factor is the formulation of putting people to themselves - people. Skin new social contact can change the expression of people about themselves, they can grow larger and larger. Learning to oneself how a stable object of transferring the internal integrity, becoming a specialty, as it is right in small situations, has become self-evident. Seeing people’s own uniqueness, it’s possible to experience an uninterrupted experience at the hour: people’s memory about the past, experiencing a happy life, being able to do the maybut. Self-awareness of a visitor is important function in the life of a people: the function of self-awareness is the main function of self-awareness of a person in the fact that the ability to grow is accessible to people; the function of self-meaning - for people it is most significant to become themselves (formulate for yourself what specialness), to become self-deprecating in any situations; fixed function- those who know their own individuality to win, take pride in getting rid of the pollution, take care of yourself at important camps; The function of self-comprehension is the understanding of one's strong and weak sides, which will help people to build a program of thoroughly comprehensible. Talking about the self-confidence of people, it means that it’s how to shape up as a result of combining with other people, as a result of making yourself against others. As a result of the establishment of a certainty, as a result of the awareness of this group, the establishment of self-confidence is recognized as professional self-confidence, national self-awareness, and the relevance of self-awareness. Life path of specialness is the process of development in the capacity of a sub''kta of vlast life, in the course of which there is a regulation of the life process and the formation of a stiff-plastic structure of specialness. The analysis of the problem of life is carried out in psychology for help to understand: strategy of life, life plan, life scenarios, life tactics too. Life plan is a structural integration of the life plan. One hour, he imagines the strategy of life and life scenario, which is a sukupnist life of tactics. Life plan is determined as a result of generalization of goals, motives and priceless ideas, such as ordering their privacy, bypassing special features. One hour the process of concretizing the goals goes. In the world of an abstract ideal, as a result of incomplete goals, a more realistic plan of action and behavior can be acted on. It’s two steps to explain the process of the structure of the life path for the additional help of the plan and scenario involvement. From the point of view of the first step of Lyudin herself, by virtue of the start of her life, by the choice and regulation of her life living shlyakh... At the same time, the role of the fathers in the formulation of the child's appearance is important. life cycle and structures of the living way. Another idea of ​​motivation for the development of a child's development is not important for an unaccountable choice of living plan and scenario involvement.

The specifics of the way people live in their own way of life are seen in their own “I” in the given way of life, as a matter of comprehension and intelligence. The process is called form self-awareness of people.

Isnu kіlka dots zoru schodo formaa self-esteem people.

1. Self-awareness is a vicious, genetically primordial form of human evidence. The quirks of this concept are based on the principle of primal self-feeling (self-feeling), the synthesis of two different systems is perceived as “I” and about everything else as “not-I." Take a psychotic call (for her) facts.

2. Self-confidence is a specific type of evidence, which is the result of the development of evidence in advance (point of view of S. L. Rubinstein). The given concept is motivated by the fact that our psyche is directed at the best stage of development, and only at a certain moment people appear to be good at self-perception. The image of a new light is a universal channel of socialization, which is the primary side of the image.

3. The testimony of the inviting light and the self-assurance of the winery evolved overnight, only one and interdependently (I. M. Suchenov). Change your mind about self-awareness in the so-called "systemic perceptions", which are psychosomatic in nature. Moreover, the first half of the "feel" is the object of the newest light, the other half is self-evident. In the world of unification of "subject views", there is a perception of people about the call of light, and as a result of the synthesis of self-perception - a statement about oneself, so that the certainty of the image of one's own reaction and psyche is The battery pole of the psyche becomes the basis for the formulation of individual self-awareness.

self-identity - assimilation of putting people to their needs and health, sipping and motives of behavior, experiencing and thoughts.

Self-confidence is in the context of the understanding of the people of their sub-active abilities, as it is in the capacity of giving the quality of life and education. If you are interested in doing business, the individual will become an object of social assessment - as if you are happy with it or not if you are satisfied with the technological vimogs. Lyudin is transformed into the mind of realizing (actualizing) himself. "I", how to look at a special person as a mind of self-realization, build a special sense. Sens "I", in such a rank, and the one of self-awareness. As one of the self-aware sense "I" is to avenge the cognitive, emotional and relational component, the binding with the activity of the sub'єkta, as the posture is perceived, so that it is socially active. Self-confidence allows the specialness of manifesting its social value and sense of one's own bootty, form and change of expression about one's maybut, past that day (V.V. Stolin). On the individual level, the sense "I" is partly the same self-concept.

self-assessment (Inodi: self-attitude, sub'actively put to oneself, I-concept) is a structurally assertion style, endowed with a specialty for meaningful power value and significance and infusion into development, activity and behavior.

Self-assessment of people is formed on the basis of assessments that will help them to feel good about themselves. From the point of view of T. Shibutan, the skin of a person is self-supporting as an object in the midst of his symbolic otocheniya. People are not aware of himself direct images of that, who is guilty, for that, who is guilty of robbing. Lyudin feels about himself for the help of linguistic categories and the out-of-the-way changes in her culture. S. L. Rubinshtein pidkreslyuv, that "the pusher to himself is prioritized to the pushers before me." Empirically, in the life of the people, the assignment of these people is prior to the new assignment to them.

The spontaneous and constructive role of positive self-assessment is tied to the formulation of the specialty of important social and psychological qualities, which may have a strong motivational potential: people are trying to experience themselves as an active sub-dy, a creator of alternatives, vibrant samostverdzhennya (R. M. Granovska).

It is shown that all situations are a primus and a vice, which obstruct self-production of specialties, allow the right to vibrate, negatively infuse the actualization of people's abilities (L. I. Antsiferova). Negatively putting oneself in front of oneself with a webbing on the road of developing social infusions in the sphere of professional and basic activity, spilkuvannya and family life. In the jokes of people’s self-assertion methods, it is not easy to fall into non-constructive forms of behavior.

Self-assessment is the basis for the development of strong success and failure, reaching the goals of singing rivn, so that the level of specialization (the term of introductions to psychology by K. Levin and his scholars).

Rіven domagan specialties - pragnennya people until reaching the goals of this foldability, for which it is important for yourself to be good.

The ruin of the home of specialness is formed as a result of the experience of the very specialty of their own until they were successful or unsuccessful. Rivn domagan can be adequate to the capabilities of the specialty and inadequate (envy or underestimation).

In such a rank, the day of the psychological mechanism of individual self-awareness is to be seen as a subset of the integral personality center of the system of self-awareness of the basic mental processes of specialness, as in the human nature, " ...

Doslіdzhuyuchi vpliv suspіlstva on osobistіst can skazati scho vpliv norms i pripisіv suspіlstva, zvichaїv i іnstitutіv deposits od obsyagu i method organіzatsії knowledge, od perekonan i svіtoglyadu osobistostі, od її zdatnostі korektno osmislyuvati sotsіalnі situatsії adequately spriymati spіvrozmovnikіv, vbachati іstotnі superechnostі in problematic surroundings. The accumulated psychology has a lot to understand how to relate to the child's visions by sight: "cognitive map of light", "sub'active picture of light", "system of special constructs" and іnshi.

Within the framework of humanistic psychology, self-awareness is defined by the term "inner self". For the meaning of this understanding, as a transpersonal (to be posed) psychic reality G.I. Gurdzhi and yo messengers (PD Uspensky) vikoristovuyut term "day" (essense). Tsei term, which is down to the Latin word essere - buttya, in an analogous meaning (day in sob - in-se) is also used in the conceptual apparatus of A. Meneghetti's ontopsychology. In analytical psychology, the central mental institution is known by the term "I", or "self" (seif). In psychosynthesis, for the meaning given to the center of the psyche, which is accustomed to the "scale of specialness" and to become "the heart of the psyche of the people" (R. Assagioli), the term "vishka I" is victorious. A. A. Radugin in the analysis of the structure of self-awareness of the vicarist understanding: more precisely "I" and special "I".

Naybilsh is simple in science model of the structure of self-awareness proponated K. Jungі is based on the opposed learned and unaware elements of the human psyche. I have seen two lines of self-reflection:

1) sub'єct of human psyche є so called “self”, as to take revenge in the big world unseen processes, to be special, such as є;

2) the form will manifest “self” on the surface of evidence, so called “I”, is a secondary product of the familiar and unaccountable sensation of people.

Vіtchiznyana psychology (S. L. Rubіnshtein), discerning self-identity as the emergence of apparently new possibilities of the individual, presenting structure of self-awareness:

1. Bezposeredno sensitive rivn, through which self-awareness of the individual is perceived psychosomatic reactions and processes (self-perception).

2. Whole-special riven (personification), tying with perceptual mechanisms of special centers (sprying, experiencing and learning to oneself, like a real ear).

3. Intellectual and analytical level, which before and after the theoretical stage of self-cognitive activity (self-guarding, introspection, self-comprehension).

4. A straight-forward-dynamic riven, which appears by a free synthesis of three visible, through which the image and the coring of the animal sounds of the psyche from the subject and the powerful sub'active.

The structure of self-awareness is linked to the provincial functions of self-awareness: regulatory-behavioral and motivational.

The sub-active picture of the life path to the self-consciousness of the people will be based on the individual and social development, which is based on the biography and historical facts. To give oneself to the forms of social life, in which life and children come to pass, having revealed their versatility, particularity, and at the moment of giving their meaning to their place in these forms, structures - this is one of the main tasks of individual life. The intelligence of the life of the specialness is not like a lance of vividness, but through the її regularity stage, Sh. Buller tried it for the first time. Individualnu, or a special person, she called the life zhittєvim way specialties.

Life Shlyakh Specialist - the life of a specific specialty, which can be described and explained; Evolution of the specialness, the last of the new stages to the development of the specialty, stages of the biography; the turn of the specialness to higher, more detailed forms, to the brighter manifestations of the human psyche.

S. L. Rubinstein, presenting the life path of specialness yak the whole, in a kind of leathery stage, ready and pouring into the offensive. Yak of the structures of life and one of the analysis of the way of life Sh. Buller vidіlyaє podії, SL Rubinstein - turning stages in the life of people, as they begin to be special. The specialty of organizing one's life, regulating the movement, vibrating and healthy directly. S. L. Rubinstein saw the special role of self-awareness in organizing the specialness of his life.

Life's path for periodization, not only for life (dignity, youth, maturity, old age), but also special, as you might not be able to get away with it. The qualities of the specialties appear as the ruins of the power of life dynamism, the change of life. Sponce to dії, domagannya, zdіbnostі, namіri, straightness, interest to rotate in life manifestations of specialness. Good luck to the specialties before organizing life, before resurrecting and rubbing, before encouraging the valued ones to call life position, as they are special living and special solutions.

Life position- a way of self-designation of specialness in life, socializing on the basis of life values ​​and in response to the basic needs of specialness, as a result of the interdependence of specialness from the power of the life, the power of the dignified.

Life position is characterized by super-spheres of particularity and ways of seeing. Ilyustratsієu nezdatnostі virіshuvati zhittєvi vyttirіchchya є two phenomena - to look at the attitude of prominence on the other. The lack of habits of life is manifested in a pragmatic zberigati look at life, "principle", little clues, spilkuvannya, etc. invisible.

The life position of specialness can be determined through the activity of the way of suspension life, the place in the profession, the way of self-expression, the quality of the new life. Realization of the life position in the hour and the surroundings of life, based on the dynamic characteristics of the life path, is called the life line.

life line- the value of the consistency (or lack of consistency) of the specialness in the implementation, the implementation of your life position, the verity of your principles and the synonyms in the minds, how to change the surroundings.

The main characteristic of a progressive life line is the uninterrupted flow of results in the forward stage (solution, vchinkiv, etc.) on the offensive.

Satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with living is an indicator of real problematicity (obviousness) of specialness. The strategy of life for the peculiarities of the field is in the open and general reasons for the vicious problems, and not in the unique ones by the way of life. The health of the specialty of virishuvati is protected by the miril of the social and psychological maturity, manhood, stiffness and principles.

life strategy- tse ways of changing, re-imagining minds, situations of life, depending on the values ​​of specialness; encouraging the life of the wandering from its individual possibilities and possibilities, how to wander into the life.

The principle of change of life strategy of the field is not only in the unique structure of the bath, in the organization of life, but in the creation of the spiritually valuable, spiritually ethical family and the way to bring happiness to the people.

Talk about psychology, it’s unique, what psychology, how what’s more, less tempting for those who are right in the book books, psychology, like how people saw it, they could not live in abstract guilty, passing through vivchennya functions, processes and so far. In the kintsev rakhunka leads to the action knowledge of real life, living people. Spraved sense of the way we traveled in that field, which is not the last one, as lastly, croc by croc, lay the trail of our pictorial penetration in the psychic life of specialness. Psychophysiological functions were included in the psychological processes. Psychology. Course of lectures / Ed. I.A. Furmanova, L.A. Weinstein and I. - Mn., 2002. We have learned from a collection of analytical processes of psychic processes, being in reality the parties, moments of concrete activity, in such a stench it is really formed and manifested. As per the date of the visit mental processes passed into vivchennya dіyalnosti - in that specific spіvvіdnoshennі, as viznachaya minds її real zdіysnennya. The development of the psychology of performance, it is necessary to really go in the form of a specialty as a sub'єkta of the process of performance, bulo, according to the essence, in the development of the psychology of particularity in the nation of performance - and motives, goals and enterprises. That is why the development of psychology of virtue is natural and natural to pass from the vivchion of the authorities to specialness - attitudes, health, rice to the character that appears and is formed in action. In such a rank, all the mentalities of mental phenomena - functions, processes, mental powers of activity - enter into the specialty and change in the singleness. The very fact, whether it’s the ability to go through a specialty like a sub'єkta і, such a rank, on the skin given stage, a specialty є smart, cob, psychology of a specialty in the whole might be deprived of all the wickedness, completed mental manifestations, lastly critical in new psychological perceptions in their integrity and unity. To that, at any time trying to look for a psychology to think about a special person, inevitably, every specific psychological zmist will be seen. The I specialty of appearance in the psychological plan is like an empty abstraction. For the unfortunate disclosure of a list of the psychic wickedness, it’s taking into account the biological characteristics of the body, metaphysical concepts about the sub'єkta, and even social analysis of the psychology, the bulk of the nature is like that. Pervin L., John O. Psychology of the Specialist: Theory and Dosage. - M., 2000 ..

And as the importance of the problem of specialness in psychology is not great, specialty as a whole cannot be included in the whole of science. Such a psychologization of specialness is wrong. Particularity is not the sameness of information, not of self-information. Analyzing the pardons of the Hegelian "Phenomenology of Spirit" Marx is one of the main meanings, but for Hegel the sub'єct is dependent on self-evidence. Absolutely, vis-à-vis the initial, provide for people in general, not in biological, but in a huge pattern of development. The head of psychology is the psychology, testimony and self-awareness of specialness, but the essence of the truth is that you won’t be able to win the psyche and the testimony of "real living individuals" in the reality.

Ale, if the specialness is not built up to її і ї і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і і of, then won і is not good without them. Lyudin is a special person, deprived of a glimpse of being seen from nature, and his being placed before nature and before other people is given to him as a kind of relationship, but not from a new person. the process of becoming human specialties including in itself, as an unrecognizable component of the formulation of one's self-awareness and self-awareness - the process of developing one's own specialties. Whether it’s the interpretation of specialism, the pose of specialness can only be idealistic, it’s whether it is the interpretation of specialism, which does not include the interpretation of specialism and self-awareness, it can only be mechanical. Without evidence and self-awareness, there is no real specialty. The specialty of yak svidomy sub'kt is learned not only by navkolishnє, but by itself in its own vernaculars from navkolishnim. If it is not possible to bring specialness to self-confidence, to "I", then it is not possible to bring one of them into account. That is why the final meal, as I stand in front of me in the plan of the psychological development of a specialty - the price of food about self-confidence, about the specialty of "I", as in the capacity of a sub'kta, I will take everything to myself in order to rob people. Please refer to the author and the creator for them. The problem of psychological development of specialness does not end with the development of mental authorities of specialness - health, temperament and character. It will end with the self-certification of the specialness. First for everything, the unity of the specialness of a certain sub'ect, which volodya is self-aware, is not a pohatkovoy given. Seemingly, the child is far from immediately grasping the yak "I". With a stretch of the first rocks of wine, he himself often-densely calls himself by name, as he calls him to feel good. It is quicker to find a way to find for oneself as an object for those people, but not as a self-reliant subordinate to them. Learning to yourself the yak "I" є, in such a rank, the result of development. Psychology of specialness in foreign psychology. - SPb., 2000. With a lot of development in the specialty of self-awareness, it takes place in the very process of becoming and development of self-awareness as a real sub'єkta of activity. Self-confidence is called upon to call over the specialness, and to be included in it. Self-awareness is not an independent way of development, except for the development of specialness, but it is included in the whole process of development of specialness as a real sub'kta at the moment, side, component. Speak about self-confidence, I will be a mother on respect, wake-ups, and deyaki ruin in yo development, for the optimal "serviced" people as specialties and as an individ, so that the functions of the "wake-up call" so the very "anomaly", "pathology", appeared not to be amenable to the meaning of the subject of our analysis as a whole. So, for example, if a person understands how to empty and lack the blindness of a vile life and to oneself in one - it is impossible to name the damage of self-confidence, but in such a way, it is possible that the form of self-awareness is adequate once і th life. At the same hour, the experience of being blind to oneself and one's life cannot be respected and normal, even if the experience is more difficult, and also that the senses can be guilty of knowing. On the other side, as for the people there is a characteristic "inner slap", I cannot understand the sense and meaning of my own ideas for myself and for those who feel comfortable, but, obviously, it is not normal from the point of view of ethical and moral values, but at the same time the law within the framework of the development of this special feature. Vivayuchi term "self-awareness", mi mali on uvaz, so those who see the sub'ktu in the new one, and those who are guilty of driving oneself, є the special camp of the "I" the development of both the specialty and the social individual.

The literature describes a lifeless phenomenon, which can be referred to the characteristics of self-consciousness, and withering to its weakening, dysfunction, and spontaneity. Inventories, protest, will often arise from the background of young theoretical positions, so that hostilities take place, and the stench is carried over to the new age of homo sapiens. Ob'dnati tsі inventory, it is possible to deprive singular theoretical scheme. The development of three integrity, like a human being at once, - the integrity of a person, like a social individual and an active living organism, has become such the best out-of-the-box environment for us.

Nutrition, tied from the moral value to the motive and from this function, as not to be embarrassed by the evil-making, ale of the inner moral justification and the priming of one's "I" by the people, to be put in the philosophy of philosophy There were also such categories of moral attitudes of the people, such as moral obligations, visibility, honor, honor, conscience. The skin is not only in the way of assessing vlast vchinki, but the character of the internal motive is not the only way. As a phenomenon of self-confidence Borg, vidpovidality, honor, honor, conscientiousness to concretize for the social individual and for the specialness and moral value of the suspension, as kindness, justice, people. The phenomenon є, in such a rank, the form of the rotation of the most intelligent person in the singing sphere of the people, in order to embrace the fact that, with his own vision, the moral wicked motive, to lead people beyond the framework of their personal adaptive life until this year But we need to tie people around with the problems of the era, suspension. For philosophers-Marxists, axiomoyu are those who "wear the ring, in Perche, class, in a different way, historical character." In addition, the category of moral principle allows, motivating and regulating the function of morality, for people by forms of “self-legislation”, so that people are worried as a part of their very own, of their suspense, the fault of taking on the concreteness of being simple moral vimogi of one hundred percent specific minds of specific situations of one's own life. Moral categories also transfer the freedom of will of the people, the freedom of choice to the line of power behavior. Everything in the maximum form is rotated in the constellation. Psychology of specialness in the work of the last psychologists. - SPb., 2000 ..

Moral vimogi to the people - write Drobnitsky, who may be on your side for all conscience, to be set up not only by the system of reading the ideas and the needs of the suspension, but by the historical possibilities, how to turn around in the "immorality". Critically putting to oneself, giving oneself the service of a "high idea", recognizing the special knowledge of historical problems of the era, including and demanding the minds of the minds of the people of their own special power of judgment, their own private , as well as to recognize from other internal motives.

My knowledge of the field is in order to show how the change in the manifestation of the people about the psychic phenomena in the process of historical development and as at the same time changing the subject of the psychological science. From a point of view in the history of psychology, one can mentally see the chotiri stages. At the first stage, psychology was taught as a science about the soul, on the other - as a science about witness, on the third - as a science about behavior, and on the fourth - as a science about psyche. About the steps I can send and view the reports.

The special psychology of the scientific discipline is those who, with the manifestations of the psyche of people, wander into quiet feasts, as soon as they become familiar with the people. However, the psychic manifestation of a trivial hour has become an unburned mystery for the new one. For example, among the people there is a deeply rooted manifestation of the soul as a special substance, around it. Such a thought was formulated in people through the fear of death, which is more important than people knowing that people and creatures are dying. At the same time, the human rosum is not in the snake of the buv to explain, well, to see the people, if the wine is dying. At the same hour, even the most important people knew that if a man was asleep, so that he did not come into contact with a bright light, then to bump from below - an imperceptible image of an inexplicable reality. Ymovirno, pragmatically explaining the life and death, the interplay of the mind and the invisible, invisible light, and called to the verdict to be mistaken about those, how people fold up in two parts - that is inconceivable, From the point of view of life and death can be easily explained by the camp of one soul and body. For the rest of the lyudin is alive, his soul is in tilo, and if it leaves tilo, the ludin is dying. If Lyudin is asleep, the soul leaves only for an hour and is transported in any place. In such a rank, back to that, as the mental processes, power, I will become the subject of scientific analysis, the people are magical to explain their walk and change in the forms available to themselves. Psychology of self-awareness / Ed. D.Ya. Raygorodsky. - Samara, 2000 ..

The third time passed even more than an hour, but at the same time I cannot explain the rich psyche. For example, before the tsikh pyr the mechanisms of interaction between the psyche and the body є an unvolved riddle. Protest, for an hour people have learned accumulated knowledge about mental phenomena. As a result of the development of psychology as an independent science, I would like some of the psychological knowledge to be accumulated on a per-bit basis, or even a living one.

Living psychological views, rejecting from the enormous and special information, establishing pre-scientific psychological knowledge, informing people about the need for intelligence in people in the process of spiritual experience, social life, correct life. The knowledge can be perceived as an attitude in the behavior of people who feel comfortable. The stench may be correct, but in the whole stench the systematicity, glibini, and proofs are added to the stench. In general, that the pragmatic people grow up in themselves called for the adoption of one of the first sciences - philosophy. Itself, within the framework of the center of science, the food about the nature of the soul was seen. It is not vipadkov, but one of the central nourishment, be it a philosophical one, directly to the problem of humanity and spirituality. And the very thing is primary, the soul, the spirit is ideal, for that matter, the mother. Another, not less significant, nutrition of philosophy is the value of nutrition about those who can learn about the reality of us and the people themselves.

For a reason, as philosophers have taken on the basic nutrition, and all can be brought to the singing philosophical schools and straightforward. It is accepted to see two main directions in philosophy - idealistic and materialistic. Philosophers respected ideals, which are the first, and the matter is second. With a little bit of spirit, and then a mother. Philosophers - materials, navpaki, talked about those who are the primary matter, but the ideal is outside. Slid to mean that this kind of philosophical straightforwardness is characteristic of our hour. There has not been a collection of ideas for materialistic and idealistic philosophy. It was developed on the basis of belonging to the current philosophy of philosophy, which in a rational way was based on the basis of philosophy.

Psychology, as it is more, less tempting for those who are in need of the right in the book chrobakyv, psychology, as the fact that a person has seen her life and strength, it is impossible to be intertwined with abstract vivchennyy functions; she is guilty, passing through the vivchennya functions, processes, etc., to bring the real life, living people to the point of view of the real life.

Spraved sense of the way we traveled in that field, which is not the last one, as lastly, croc by croc, lay the trail of our pictorial penetration in the psychic life of specialness. Psychophysiological functions were included in the psychological processes. Given the possibility of an analytic introduction of mental processes, being in reality the parties, moments of concrete activity, in such a stench they really form and manifest themselves, were included in the whole stay; As a matter of fact, before the whole development of mental processes, it turned into the development of activity - in that specific aspect, as it should be initiated by the minds of real health. The development of psychology of performance, it is necessary to really go through the specialties of the sub'єkta of the community of performance, bulo, according to the point, the development of psychology specialties in її dіyalnosti- її motives (sponukan), tsіley, zavdan. That is why the development of psychology of virtue is natural and natural to pass from the vivchion of the authorities to specialness - attitudes, health, rice to the character that appears and is formed in action. In such a rank, all the mentalities of mental phenomena - functions, processes, mental powers of activity - enter into the specialty and change in the singleness.

The very fact, whether it’s the ability to go through a specialty like a sub'єkta і, such a rank, on the skin given stage, a specialty є smart, cob, psychology of a specialty in the whole might be deprived of all the wickedness, completed mental manifestations, lastly critical in new psychological perceptions in their integrity and unity. To that, at every attempt to look for a psychology to think about a special person, inevitably, every concretely psychological zmist; the peculiarity of the appearance in the psychological plan as an empty abstraction. For the unfortunate disclosure of a list of the psychic wizard, it is easy to take into account the biological characteristics of the organism, metaphysical mirrors about the sub'єkta, dusi, etc. And by the social analysis of the specialness, the huge nature of such a person is psychologized.

As a matter of great importance, the problem of specialness in psychology, specialism in general cannot be included in the whole of science. Such a psychologization of specialness is wrong. Particularity is not the sameness of information, not of self-information. Analyzing the pardons of the Hegelian "Phenomenology of Spirit", K. Marx is one of the main meanings, but for Hegel the sub'ect is based on evidence or self-evidence. Evidently, it is not a metaphysics of Nimets' idealism - І. Kant, I. Fichte and G. Hegel is guilty of becoming the basis of our psychology. Osobistіst, sub'єkt - tse is not "pure witness" (Kant and Kantіantsyami), do not depend on own "I" ("I + I" - Fіkhte) and not a self-developing "spirit" (Hegel); tse concrete, historical, lively individual, inclusions from real life to real light. Absolutely, vis-à-vis the initial, provide for people in general, not in biological, but in a huge pattern of development. The head of psychology is a psychology, witness and self-awareness of specialness, but the essence of the matter is that you won’t be able to win the psyche and the testimony of "real living individuals" in reality.

But if the specialness is not built up to її evidence and self-awareness, then it’s impossible without them. Lyudin is a special person, depriving him of a glimpse of himself from nature, and his being placed before nature and before the other people is given to him as a relationship, so that he has a chance to see him from nature. The process of becoming, human specialness, includes in itself that as an unprecedented component of the formation of one's own characteristics and self-awareness: the process of developing one's own specialties. Whether it’s the interpretation of specialism, the pose of specialness can only be idealistic, it’s whether it is the interpretation of specialism, which does not include the interpretation of specialism and self-awareness, it can only be mechanical. Without evidence and self-awareness, there is no real specialty. The specialty of yak svidomy sub'kt is learned not only by navkolishnє, but by itself in its own vernaculars from navkolishnim. If it is not possible to bring a specialness to self-confidence, to "I", then it is not possible to bring one of them. To that end, the final meal, as it stands in front of us in the plan of psychological education for specialness, - the price of food about її self-awareness, about the specialness of yak "I", as in the capacity of a sub'kta, I take over everything, to rob people, to see to myself all the old things from the right and to myself, and apparently take on myself for them the opinion of the author's work and the author's work. The problem of psychological development of specialness does not end with the development of mental authorities of specialness - health, temperament and character; it will be completed by the self-certification of the specialness.

First for all the unity of the specialness of a certain sub'ect, which volodya is self-aware, is not a pohatkovoy given. Seemingly, the child is far from immediately grasping the yak "I": by holding out the first rocks of wine, he himself often thickly calls himself by name, as he calls him to feel; to find a way to find for oneself sooner as an object for those people, below as self-reliant in relation to them sub'ect. Learning to yourself the yak "I" є, in such a rank, the result of development. At the same time, the development of self-confidence is seen in the very process of becoming and development of self-awareness as a real sub''kta of performance. Self-awareness is called upon to call over the specialness, and to be included in it; self-awareness is not an independent way of development, except for the development of specialness, it is included in the whole process of development of specialness as a real sub'kta at the moment, side, component.

The unity of the organism and the independence of one's organic life є the first material change of mind, one of the special features, ale of change of mind. The I vіdpovіdno to tsogo elementarnі psihіchnі Stani zagalnoї organіchnoї chutlivostі ( "senestezії") pov'yazanі of organіchnimi funktsіyami, Yea, obviously peredumovoyu єdnostі samosvіdomostі, oskіlki klіnіka showed scho elementarnі, grubі torn down єdnostі svіdomostі in patologіchnih vipadkah so Ranks rozdvoєnnya abo rozpadu specialties (depersonalization) are tied with broken organic sensitivity. It’s a bit of a vision of one organic life in a remote organic sensibility є just a change of mind for the development of self-awareness, but not a dzherel. Dzherelo self-awareness is not brought up to shukati in "living organisms with oneself", it is played in reflex acts, services for regulating its functions (in some shukas, for example, P. Janet). Helpful dzherelo and rushіynі force the development of self-awareness is required to shukati in the growing real self-independence of the individual, so to rotate in the wake of the others.

It is not the self-awareness of self-awareness, of the "I", but the self-awareness of the winners in the course of the development of the quality of specialness, in the world as it becomes an independent sub'ctom. First of all, it’s a sub'ctom of practical and theoretical virtue, “I” itself is formed in it. Real, but not falsified, the history of the development of self-awareness is indiscriminately tied to the real development of specialness and the main principles of the life of the world.

The first stage in the formulated specialness is like an independent sub'єkt, which is seen from the nascent, the dressing from the well-groomed body, from the promises of the great ruffs. The process of formation of the first subject matter continues.

A fake ride on a tsiom well є an ear of walking, self-sucking. And in another, as in the first, the kind of thing is not really a style by itself, the technology itself is right, a bit of a change in the minds of individuals with people who appreciate the possibility of self-reliant self-reassurance, such Alone, both in and out, all at once with the child's self-reliance in relation to the relation to other people. Ditina really started making an admittedly self-contained sub''єkte of young things, really seen from the beginning. With the knowledge of this objective fact and the origin of self-knowledge of specialness, the persistence of self-awareness about one's self is connected. With a whole lot of people, they learn their independence, their self-reliance from otochenya deprivation through their views of the people who feel comfortable, and to come to self-confidence, to the knowledge of the powerful "I" through the knowledge of the people. Not the "I" posture is accepted to the "ti", nor the "self-aware" posture of assimilating the human being as an independent sub'ect. Self-confidence is an unmistakable product of the development of self-awareness, which, as its basis, is transformed into a child's becoming a practical sub'ctom, by and large seeing itself as a result.

It’s quite a lanka in the low main podias in the history of the formation of self-awareness and self-awareness, which is a form of misdirection and information as a whole. I have a grave role in the development of the child's svidomosty, but at the same time, it’s more than once the child’s power, changing her relationship with the children. Replace that, but you will be able to direct them on a new day of desiring grown-ups, a child, opanuyuchi promyshlennuyu, fill up the ability to direct the other desperate people for their bazhannyi and for the middle of the other people to pour into the light. All the changes in the behavior of a child and in their relations with those who are able to breed, understand, changes in their lives, and changes in their lives in their own line lead to the change of the behavior of the inner people.

Food about those who are individ sub'ktom with self-awareness and vision of themselves from otochennya, understanding their attitudes to the point of being seen, is not possible metaphysically. There are a number of steps in the development of specialty and self-awareness. In the series of the zonnіh podіy of the life of the specialness, everything is included here, that is to frighten the people with an independent sub'єct of a suspicious and special life: from building to self-service to the ear of labor, how to frighten him with material material. The skin from the cich zvnіshnіh podіy has its own inner side; about active, zvnishnє, the change between the common people and the people who feel in their own way, the change and the inner, the mental state of the people, awakening their self-confidence, of the inner people giving

However, there are a lot of calls and these internal changes, as the stench wicks, in no way can you see the process of becoming and development of specialness.

The independence of the sub'єkta niyak is not perceived by the state of affairs. Vaughn includes a large amount of building on its own, with confidence to put in front of you those who are responsible, as well as to start directly with your own spirit. Central to the great internal robots, transferring the building of self-mission and linking to the visualization of the visual. If you have a child, a youngster will see a robot: you will be more critical, you will not be able to form an eye-gaze, and a little bit closer, and I will enter into independent life with a special guest to put food in front of the young man about those who come to a special place. tse zmushuє serioznіshe ponder over himself and to bring up to the smallest development in a child and a youth of self-awareness. The development of self-confidence to pass through a whole series of steps - from the naïve misunderstanding of yourself to more and more deadened self-knowledge, so that you can find yourself in the middle with all the more meaningful and occasional self-awareness. In the process of development of self-awareness, the center of stress for the adult is more and more transferred from the outer side of the specialty to the її inner side, from the larger-scale rice to the character as a whole. From the tsim of the linkage of learning - inodi surpassed - of its own capacity and transition to the spiritual, ideological scales of self-evaluation. As a result, a person will self-identify as a specialty at a higher level.

On a large scale, the development of specialness and self-awareness is especially significant, individual views appear. The skin of a lyudin is special, we are a sub''ctom, we see volodin and we see self-awareness; But it’s not at the skin of a man who is like that, because of what kind of wines we are aware of the specialness, presented in the common world, because of this strength and strength. Obviously, the deyakyh people are the very enemy, but in a given person, I will be right specialty in a special meaning of the word, panun over usim іnshim. We do not mind the enemy to visit those closest to you, I would like to see you, how could you call me, seemingly about a person who is individuality."Individual", - we say about a bright man, so that we see the freedom. But if it is special, it is given to a person to be special, it means more and more. I am special in a specific sense of the word є lyudin, who has his own position, his own way of being put to life, svitoglyad, to what kind of triumph is the result of a great kind of robot. The specialness has its own identity. Such a person is not easy to see in that hostile, as it is in honor of the one; I myself have seen it myself. In other manifestations of its own, there is a transfer of distinctive independence of thought, non-banality of feeling, power of will, I like choice and inner prejudice. At the same time, in the skin, there are some significant specialties of the origin, such as it is seen from the action, ale, such as it is to a greater penetration in it. Glibin and the wealth of specialness allow for the abundance and wealth of connections with the world, with the people; Razviru cich zv'yazkiv, self-isolation to empty її. Ale osobistіst - the price is not іstota, yak has simply grown into the middle; specialness є lyshe lyudin, it’s good to see yourself with your otochennya for that, in a new way, essence vibirkovo Get in touch with him. Specialist є lishe lyudin, yak be made singing rank to otochennya, I will establish my position so that it appears in all essence.

Just the specialness of the value of their assignment to the main manifestations of the life of the snake and their self-importance. Before people, in which specialness can be seen, it is rare to be put on a baiduge, so it’s like itself not to be put on a baiduge until the others; yogo to love or hate; New friends have friends and neighbors. Yak bi peacefully didn’t cross the life of such people, internally in the new one was more active, offensively, as well.

Yak bi there was no bulo, skinny ludin, being witness to a huge history, a sub'kt of practice, history, є by the very specialty. By starting your assignment to some people, it is your responsibility to self-signify. Tse svidome self-designation rolls in yo self-esteem. The specialness in the її real butti, in the її self-knowledge є those who are people, assimilate themselves as a sub'ukta, calling their "I". "I" is a specialness in general, in one of all sides of the butt, is visualized in self-awareness. Radical-idealistic current of psychology to develop a specialness to self-confidence. U.Jems overpowered the self-awareness of the sub'єkta as a spiritual specialty over the specialty of physical and social. As a matter of fact, the specialness should not be raised to self-assurance, and the spiritual specialness should not be overdue over the physical and social. If only there is one specialness - people of flesh and blood, well, thanks to the enormous value. Yak "I" vin vistupaє, oskilki with the development of self-knowledge, I understand myself as a sub'єkta of practical and theoretical virtue.

To his own specialness, a person is to bear his tilo, the fragments of her love, and organisms become the first signs of the world in the light. Build on the basis of the unity of the body, the specialness of the whole body of one's own, bring to one's "I", I will master the fragments of that, and revel in it. Lyudina pov'yazuє bolsh-mensh mіtsno and its own specialty і with singing call viglyadom, exceptionally in a new arrangement of different moments and to see the warehouse of yo life and style of dіalnosti. To that, if only people are involved in the specialty, and their identity, there is no reason to talk about the physical specialty and the specialty of spiritual side of the specialty. Not at a change, if not in greater, steps to be taken up to the spiritual side of the specialness; there is no special spiritual specialness in the viglyad who is a pure spiritless spirit; independent sub'єktom won є, deprived of the splinters, being a material thing, you won’t need to push material into the fuel. In such a rank, physical and spiritual, are the sides, which enter into the specialty of a deprivation in one and the same internal connection.

Until then, "I" is a ludin in a still larger world, below his own spirit, to bear the inner psychic wisdom. But not all and from the new wines in the rural world are included in the specialty. In the psychic sphere of a person, it is important to bring to his "I" his health and especially his character and temperament - that is the power of the specialness, which is the beginning of his behavior, giving his wisdom. In a whichever wide sense, you will experience everything as a human, all the psychic wisdom of your life to enter to the warehouse of specialness. But in a more specific sense of his own, how to lie down to your "I", people are not familiar with everything that has been seen in your psyche, but only those that have been experienced in a specific sense of the word that have grown in the inner history of your life. I don’t think I’m thinking, as I saw yogo testimony, a man in the old world of his own, and only taku, as he didn’t take it in a ready-made view, but mastered, having thought it over, so that it was the result of a powerful yogi.

Likewise, the very thing, if you don't mind, which touched your heart with a great deal, is a human being in his own world, and only like that, which was the beginning of his life and activity. But all the tses - і thoughts, і respectfully, і just like that, the bazhannya itself - a man who is in a shorter form of his own, in the power of "I" was guilty to include the deprivation of power of his own specialties - his character and temperament, his goodness and before them a thought, which has given all its strength, and it seems that the whole life has grown up with it.

The real specialty, like, being aware of their self-awareness, recognizing for themselves what kind of "I" is, as a sub'kta of its own performance, suspiciousness, we will include in the suspension wines and suspicious functions. The real thing is that specialness is really important to start with a suspicious roll: that, being seen in self-awareness, the community's role can be included by a human being in his "I".<…>

The installation of specialness was known to be reflected in the psychological literature. Putting his own for food about those that include the specialness of the people, W. Jams makes it clear that the specialness of the people becomes the backbone of everything that can be called your own. Inakshe kazuchi: lyudina є those who are maє; yogo mineo become yogo day, yogo power poglina yo specialty.<…>

At the given time, we can, in an astonishing way, say that it is important to draw the line between what people call themselves, and that is why they are so important. Those who love people with their own, meaningful world are the originators and those who win themselves є. Along with the situation, we have one of the most common antiquated wines. To his own people, he doesn’t care so much, as if he’s got it, if I’m right, if I’ve seen it, then it’s awesome, if it’s included in it. To your own people, you are impressed by your love of robots, your own winners are impressed by the fatherland, by your winners, by your winners, by the interest of people: the stench of yogo, it’s because of it.

For us, Lyudin is the first to start for everything moisture, and yogo to yogo pratsi. <…>That і th self-assessment is to lay aside the fact that it’s like a suspicious individual to work for a suspicion. We will do this, we will put it up to the point, we will cut it, on which the whole psychology of specialness will be overwhelmed; then we will become the basis and we will cut the self-confidence.

The self-confidence of the people, imagining real but the specialness, is not passive, it is not mirror-like. When people are aware of themselves, to see about the powerful psychic powers and qualities, it is far from being adequate to see them; motives, like a person visually, show their behavior in front of other people and in front of themselves, to see if it is not correct to visualize their spontaneity and subjectively, I am not looking forward to really visualizing it. The self-awareness of a people is not given without an average in their experiences, but it is the result of knowledge, for which it is necessary to understand the real knowledge of their experiences. Vono can be big-mensh adequately. Self-confidence, including those who are put to oneself, are clearly tied and self-assessment. The self-assessment of the people is literally overwhelmed by the oversight, the initial norms of the assessment.

People's testimony is not only theoretical, more knowledgeable, but moral testimony. The roots of their wonders in the booth of the specialties. I will deny my psychologically real view in that which is internal sense nabuvaє for people, all those who see around them themselves.

Self-confidence - it is NOT obvious danity, attracted to people, but a product of development; At the same time self-confidence is not in its own right in the form of specialness of the line of development, but as a side in the process of real development is included. In the course of development, in the world of that lyudin nabuvay life dosvid, in front of him all the new sides of the boot are not only visible, ala and the big-mensh gliboke reappraisal of life. Tsey process її reappraisal, go through all life of the people, Approved the main change of the essence, the origin of the motives of the day and the internal change of the building, as it is in life. Health, like to go around in the life of people, to comprehend the life of the great plan and to recognize those, which is important in this truth, it is not just to know what is worth for the idea of ​​thinking about it, so you should start thinking about it yourself to the nobility, kudi in life iti now,- it’s worth, I will endlessly overturn everything, I want it to have a great supply of special knowledge, pricey and expensive power - wisdom.

Life Shlyakh Specialist

Osobistіstu, yak mi bachili, people do not populate; specialty of winners. The price of the development of specialty is often seen as the development of the organism, so that it grows in the process of simple organic maturation. daily life specialties to know your final viraz in the fact that it doesn't just develop like an organism, ale and maє my history.

On the basis of these living people, people have a history, and not just repeat development cycles, so that the activity of people, change their work, to become active in the products of material generation and spiritual culture, in the future. Through them, in the middle, there is a downturn in the middle of the generations, the leaders of the next generation do not repeat, but move on the right in front of the front and spiral on the crumbling with the help of those in the middle, whine the stench I fight against them.

Those who are introduced to the people as a whole cannot but be put in this time and to the skin people. Not only people, but a skinny ludin є in the world as a participant and sub'ct of the history of people, and in this case it is itself a history. Lyudin's skin has its own history, some of the development of specialness is mediated by the result of the dyialnosti, similarly to the development of people by the products of suspicious practice, behind the addition of which there will be a historical decline. To the one who should be aware of his development in the right day, people are guilty of looking at them in the singing aspect: am I boo? - What am I shattered? - what am I becoming? It would be wrong to think, in their right, in the products of their own performance, in their own specialness, they should not appear, being ready before and after them, and if they were sent to them, chim the bully. Lyudin, as she was shattering, became a human being this time. Yes, it’s right, and those, well, well, it’s not worth it, it’s necessary for the mother to be able to do it. However, the ability and the potential of people to become deaf and recover, as the stench does not come true; if in the world of that the specialty is objectively, objectively realized in the products of one's work, it grows and forms through them. Between the specialty and the products of the pratsi, the less the tim, the wow, the wicked, the clever dialectics. The call is not obov'yazkovo, but lyudin has picked up for himself in the right, as it has been zrobiv; Nawpaks, people who see how we see it, how they smelled the stench, how they smelled the stench, invite us to draw in a purely special interest for us. Todi, if it’s bachimo, it’s like I’m blessed with myself, I’m not included in those who’ve been deadly, I’m not picking up the time, I’m aware that there’s a human being alive behind the right, the specialness of which is a special person. For such people, there is a lot of inner work to be done to their own right, to the products of their own activity; do not take yourself into them, they smell the inner strength and power for the new ones.

Mova, in such a rank, isn’t about those, how to bring the history of human life to a number of well-known references. Naymenche is also acceptable for the psychology, for the very internal psychic change and the psychic development of the specialness; But the essence of the matter is that the very psychic development of the specialness is mediated by practical and theoretical performance, by the right. The line, which leads from the one that Lyudin was at one stage of his history, before, when he became on the offensive, to pass through those who were vicious. In the spirit of the people, in the right, practical and theoretical, psychic, spiritual development of the people is not only manifested, ale and vidbuvaetsya.

It’s the key to the development of special features - that, as you form, here’s your life path. Psychic health is not just Peredumova, ale i resultїї vchinkіv і dian. They won’t only appear, but form. The idea of ​​a vcheny will be shaped in the world of that, as it is in the formulas in his pratsy, the idea of ​​a huge, political guy is in the right. As soon as you can populate yourself from your thoughts, plans, thoughts, then and your very thoughts will be generated from your right. The identity of the historical day is shaped and developed as an understanding of the fact that through the new and for its fate one can see, for the sake of the fact that if the sculptor's face was shaved with stone, the image of a human being was not depicted by the artist. The artist's style is a viraz of yo individuality, ale and the very individuality of his as an artist is formed in his robot over the style of creation. The character of a man is manifested in yogo vchinka, ala in yogo vchinka vin and form; the nature of the people - і changing the mind, і the result of their real behavior in specific life situations; ponderous behavior, wine in behavior and warehouse. Smiliva lyudin acts boldly and noble to behave nobly; Ale, in order to be smart, we need to grow up in our life, please, and help stat dyysno noble, - make vchinki, as they would put the seal of nobility on a man. Disciplined lyudin beckon to be disciplined, ale yak hundred wines discipline? Only in order to order their behavior day after day, from year to year, unhealthy discipline.

In the same way, it is necessary to become overwhelmed by the scope of science and mystery, it is necessary, absolutely, in terms of health. Ale, realizuyuchis in a kind of non-fiction, buildings do not only appear in them; stench in nіy і mold, і evolve. Between the health of the people and the products of their efficiency, their practicality, there is a great deal of interconnection and good communication. It is good for people to develop and turn to those who do not want to be robbed. The practice of living gives a rich, factual material to the skin, which is to tell about those who are like robots, in the new and practical ways to develop and see the health of people.<…>

For the people, they are not vipadkovim, callous and psychologically biased by the furnishings of their biography, their own kind of history of their "living way". It is not for nothing that the biography of a people includes the first for everything, de and navchavsya, de and yak pratsyuvav, scho win zrobiv, yogo pratsi. Tse means that in the history of people, I am guilty of characterizing yogo, I include the first for everything, in the course of the development of the development of the people as a result of the forward historical development of the people, and the blame itself for the most vivid sound ...

In quiet people, if they are included in the history of people, there is also a specialty of robbing historical information, so please, that it is not only to enter this special department of history, but in the history of the suspension of science, - in the history of this science itself people, in the history of mystery, and not just aesthetic vikhovannya and development of this particularity, etc., - won’t historical specialty in vlasnoy rozumіnnі words. Ale its history is a skinny ludin, a skinny human specialty. Lyudin's skin can become a history, and some of them are included in the history of people. You can say that people are deprived of their rest and specialness, and that people have their own history. In the course of the process of individual history, there are also their "podiums" - institutes of higher education and turning stages of the life of the individual, since those who want to go on a journey for the most part are trivial.

At the same time, all those who want to roam the people are prioritized by their henchmen before the other people, and that is not a huge human snake. At the sound of the tsim, right, how to rob a ludin, call to overgrow him, a bit of stench є huge on the right. At the same time, people have overgrown their right, some of their testimony є a suspenseful testimony. It’s not only the people’s priests that start to form the products of their power, but the people’s priests form all areas of the history of the development of human practice, human culture. Through the middle of the active products of their work and the creativity of people, people become people, and through all those who can be robbed, people are eager to relate to people.

* * *

The dermal theory is based on ideology; behind the dermal psychological theory - as the outward concept of the people, I will take into account the special changes in the new big-mens. So, Pevnyi kontseptsіya lyudskoї osobistostі stood behind traditsіynoyu, Sotho spoglyadalnoї, intellectualized psihologієyu, zokrema psihologієyu asotsіativnoї, yak zobrazhala psihіchne Zhittya yak smoothly protyagom uyavlen, yak protіkaє tsіlkom in odnіy ploschinі Process, vregulovany zcheplennyam asotsіatsіy on zrazok bezperebіyno pratsyuyuchoї machine in yakіy OAO All Chastain applied one to one; and in the same way, its own concept of people like a machine, or, in fact, an appendage to the machine, lie in the basis of behavioral psychology.

Its own concept of human specialty is varto and for all the reasons of our psychology. The whole real is alive with flesh and blood; You are not a stranger to internal wiping, someone is not just seeing, feeling, thinking, but also consuming, and pulling; Conflicts are in your life. But the realm and the real significance of the other steps of witness are growing and growing. Tsі vischі іvnі svіdomoіy life does not need to be called over the lower rank; the stench is getting into them all the way and to overwhelm them; consume people, and everything in the big world becomes fair to human needs; They do not consume anything in their natural naturalness, the stench of themselves, and not only those built on over them, show people ideally, everything in the big world is reimagined in the manifestation of a historical, suspenseful, fair human day-to-day life.

The price of the development of people’s svidomosty, її growth and establishment її in the new is seen in the process of real dіyalnosti people. The svidomosty of the people is indiscriminately tied to the action, and the virtue is tied to the witness. If it’s just a man who has collapsed with his needs and interests, all the new and all the more sophisticated products of his own work, in which they’re self-developed, are developing and growing, are being developed and developed. ... Through the products of her own work and her creativity, which is dependent on the products of her own work and social creativity, people herself in a spirited sense, develop their own specialty, expand and grow in life. Tse in a closed viglyadі is also tsіlіsna psychological concept... Behind her, like a real prototype, the image of a human-creator, like, changing nature and overdriving suspension, changing its own power of nature, which in its suspension practice, generates a novel culture in the collective culture of humanity in looking people.


Historical context and modern sounding of the fundamental prats of S.L. Rubinstein

The author of the whole book is Sergiy Leonidovich Rubinstein, one of the greatest psychologists and philosophers, born on 6 (18) worms in 1889 in Odessa, died on 11 September 1960 in Moscow. Vishta svita having trimmed in 1909-1913 rr. in Nimechchin - in the universities of Berlin, Marburg and Freiburg, de vivchav philosophy, logic, psychology, sociology, mathematics, natural science. At Marburzia, she blistily took a doctoral dissertation on philosophy "To the problem and the method", assigned the leading rank to the critical analysis of the philosophical system of Hegel and, for everything, to rationalism. Turning to Odessa, Rubinstein became an associate professor at Odessa University, and after the death of the seeming Russian psychologist N.N. Lange from 1922 to the Department of Psychology and Philosophy.

Immediately after the revolution, S.L. Rubinstein will take an active part in the development of the system of the greatest school in Ukraine. Difficult re-creation of the high school in Odessa, not accepted by the odesa psychologists of philosophical ideas, such as in the 20th century. Since the beginning of the development of his courses, S.L. Rubinshtein is thinking about going to the victorious activity and accepting the post of director of the Odessa Science Library. In total, 20 pp. in the biography of Rubinstein - the period of intensive scientific jokes, the formation of the philosopher and the methodologist of science, the establishment of the foundations of the philosophical and psychological concept. Mastering the robots, written by S.L. Rubinstein, is only to be repaired. In 1979 r, and later in 1986, they revised the first statty, but they started to blast on the ear of the 20s. methodology of science. In his manuscripts 1916-1923 pp. Rubinstein is namichan and everything is clearer as a "third" path in philosophy - the third in terms of both materialism and ideology. Ale at 30-50-i pp. in my opinion, it is only dialectical materialism and materialistic dialectics.

At the statti "The principle of creative self-motivation (up to the philosophical steps of modern pedagogy)" Rubinstein opened the essence of a deliberate approach and an initiative to develop a philosophical, pedagogical and psychological aspect. The essence of this approach is the author himself, for the most part, in the fact that the subject in his actions, in the acts of his creative self-initiative, does not only appear and manifest, it is possible to be created in them, and to start. є; Directly, it is possible to form and form this very. On which only the power of pedagogy can be grounded, at least pedagogy in the great style ".

In this statistic, Rubinstein analyzed some of the most important features of performance, such as: bedroom before being "a teacher and by the scholars of a known object); 2) the concept of philosophy, reality, the subject; 3) the creative and developmental specialty of character. The characteristics of performance, which became key in the process of philosophy, philosophy x pp., completed in the 50s and published after his death.

U 20-i pp. not only in Odessa in the psychology of the panuvali mechanistic, reflexological, behavioral manifestations, incomprehensible due to the principle. In Ukraine, at that hour, the Department of Psychology will be reincarnated in the Department of Reflexology. We will often explain why Rubinstein didn’t take pictures from the side of his colleagues at Odessa University and didn’t want to publish his great philosophical and psychological manuscript, even with a short fragment of what was the bullet of the article. To protect myself, I am promoting my philosophical and psychological advice. In a number of statistics and in their innumerable publications of the 1920s, Kolya Rubinstein started to break up the original concept of a sub''kta of that kind of work, I should not try to think of the philosophy of K. Marx, so it’s (such a closeness has been seen since the publication of Marx's early philosophical manuscripts in 1927-1932).

The encyclopedic education, renounced in the universities of Nimechchin, in some way brought people closer to the people of the Renaissance era. They saw the methodology of philosophy at the Marburg School of Philosophy, - the first for all the jokes about the synthesis of sciences about the spirit (human) and about nature, brought S.L. Rubinstein to the forefront of modern scientific knowledge, especially about problems of methodology, modern science and ontology. Batko Rubinshtein is a great lawyer - he knew about G.V. Plekhanov and after an hour of trips abroad, he often visited a new one, it became one of the reasons why young Rubinstein sponded to see the philosophy of Karl Marx. However, Rubinstein was not only posed by Marx to the problem of synthesizing social and economic characteristics of a boot, but a way of combining all the qualities of a human and a thug in a boot. U 20-i pp. not only lay the foundations of the sight, but the scientific style of S.L. Rubinstein is formed, but at the same time the vividness of the methodological joke with the nimble pedantic rigor and systematicity in prompting the concepts.

The unpublished manuscript of the 20s. S.L. Rubinshtein gave a critical analysis of the methodological principles of the philosophy of the ear of the capital - Husserlianism, neo-Kantianism, neo-Hegelianism, linking the main methodological problems from the enthusiasts to inspire the ontological pro-human structure To open up the type of causality, key for the humanities, the fundamental idea of ​​his philosophical and psychological concept - Idea sub'єkta. Tsya ideya on the cob of the 30s. to be formalized in a way that is methodological to the principle of psychology - the same quality and intelligence. Rubinstein comes to the whole principle, having stagnated to the psychology of Marx's intelligence, pratsi and suspicious vidnosin.

In such a rank, the formal periodization of the scientific creativity of S.L. Rubinstein, if 10-20-i pp. vvazhayut vlasne philosophical stage, and 30-40-i pp. - psychologichnym, with the whole 50th pp. look at the period of turning to philosophy, finish the surface. When rozrobtsі in 20-і pp. principles of their problems of methodology of sciences (in Radianskiy philosophy, the smells began to be systematically broken down, they started to break down, they were deprived of fixing since the 60s, so that after Rubinstein's death), we wondered if the philosophical psychology of cyber problems, science

The vision of the world is great for thinking about food, to which Rubinstein gave it a lot and originally in his "Fundamentals of Foreign Psychology" viral problems that have occurred at the turn of the XX century. The standard of a great methodological crisis of science, including psychology, has put the methodology on the first plan. Radianski psychologists, who paused in the 20-s pp. perebuduvati psychology on the basis of Marxism, but the professional philosophers did not bully such a level, which was the decision of the danikh zavdan. Rubinstein mayzhe did not take part in the discussions of psychologists of the 20s, Aleh otriman їm illumination, as she made him a signer not only of Russian, but of light psychology and philosophy, yakladannya, correcting from 1916, curriculum i pp. Philosophical analysis of the science of science to indicate the fundamental nature of this experience in this area. Tom yogo "strimke" emerging in psychology on the ear of the 30s. from the program article "Problems of Psychology in the Problems of Karl Marx", which is considered to be virile for the Marxist formation of the whole of science, for the most part, it was prepared as much as two ten years in front of the robot.

Rubinstein, having started to build up his mind to inspire psychology on a dialectical and materialistic basis, being also an original philosopher. Tse allowed you to go out of the tsilisnogo Marxist vchennya, and not to commit yourself to that, more close to the psychology of the situation.

Approximately at the same hour, about three times, T. Kuhn went to the end of the methodology, but rather abstracted from specific sciences and the univer- sally foreign area of ​​philosophical knowledge. Before the development of the methodology, Rubinstein proceeds as the method of knowledge in a concrete science, a non-edifice of the science of science. On the basis of a social and critically reflective reappraisal of the method of psychological development, Rubinstein thinks not to go into the field of private problems of psychology, to see how it is connected to the dialectical intelligence of the object, specialness, importance psychology, rivnya of dialectic ts'go obruntuvannya. Tsim will explain in detail the philosophical understanding of Rubinstein's last period of life. As soon as Kunivska methodology is transformed into philosophy, being transformed into abstract and formal scientism, then Rubinstein's methodology will change the link between philosophy and concrete science. The decision to inspire the methodology of concrete science began for Rubinstein to test the possibilities of the philosophical method, the operational analysis of the philosophical mission. As a matter of fact, being engaged in psychology, I will continue to promote my philosophical dosages.

Having clasped the crisis of light psychology with the crisis of the methodology of science, Rubinstein did not interfere with the projects on the psychology of what he knew in the 1920s. Philosophical and ontological principle of sub'єkta і th іth dіyalnosti, іkіlka as inspirations unique in any apriorism і put with an emphasis to the internal logic of development of any phenomenon, including scientific knowledge. Insecurity until the internal deterioration of psychology is revealed, we must categorize the crisis as a result of polarization in front of two direct psychology of the XX century. - psychology of svidomosty and biochevorism. The whole polarization of the bull is tied to the idealistic minds of the mind, and I want the biochevorism in its own right, the opposite of the psychology of the self, as the alternative, the alternative, the one from the same mind, the simple mind of the home

The anti-crisis crisis of psychological science did not pass by the side and the radian psychology of the 1920s. "The paradox of the situation," - assessed by the historian of radio psychology, E.A. Budilova, the basic concept of psychology of that hour, They introduced them to a passive role in the remixing of call stimuli to a ruffian reaction. The unkindness of the crisis of light psychology is tied to the mechanistic character of the past.

Rubinstein, having spotted the key problem, could not get the podolan without the detection of such a crisis, - the problem of identity and efficiency, zooming out the internal connections of these categories of workers to open up through categories. Having introduced the sub'єkta to the warehouse of the ontological structure of the boottya, immediately hesitated to lose and concretize the intelligence of the activity in the way to the sub'єkta as a problem to the method of all humanitarian knowledge and more specifically - psychology. Smartness of activity is not like a closed one in its own day, but a subtle manifestation (in its history, in its system of suspicious ideas, etc., rightly with K. Marx), allow Rubinstein to formulate a statement about the broaden the active response to the intelligence of the sub-active. The dialectics of object and sub-activity is not for the hegelian self-healing of the sub-food, but for the active-effective and sub-active-based diet of the food given by the sub-food

With such a rank, the ring of witness and virtue is not just postulated, but flared up. After Rubinstein qualified the principle as an offensive rank: "The affirmation of the real, the real, it meant that the intelligence was required, the psyche could not be deprived of the passive, glaring, receptive, subjective in the behavior of people in the development of their psychological warehouse and development in such a rank, the very activity of people is the subject of psychological education. " However, it was a bit of admiration, when Rubinstein realized the mental (which they called it) to get to the point of view, which actually was based on the principle of sub'kta meaning to the house, not specific Navpaki, the principle of uniqueness and efficiency is based on the rational and innovative modalities, and the dyyalniy pіdhіd serving as a means of actively revealing the specificity of the activity of witness.

Suddenly, from the cim Rubinstein, the methodological concretization of the philosophical understanding of the sub'ect: it is the very sub'kta, which is healthy and in which the links of the present psychological Such a sub'ctom is specialness. Psychic and testimony are not self-sufficient, not self-sufficient, but to be found in people, more specifically - specialties. The specialty in Rubinstein's mind, how to go from the category of the sub, instantly appears to the most specific connoisseurs, who are supposed to be non-specific, without subtlety, and to that the abstract character is connected with the connectivity and the meaning. Through the specialty of Rubinstein, a system of different links in quality and performance has been developed: in the specialty and in the specialty of links, it stops and goes. The very specialty of visibility begins through the triad - whoever wants a person, but for a new person, addiction (this is the name of directing as a motivational system of specialty, value, installation, ideals), but maybe people (at the same time, health), on a gift Tobto s yogo tendencies, attitudes and behavior have become entrenched in yogo character. In a trio of unrepentant definitions and dynamical characteristics of specialness (straightness, motives) and style of quality - character and health. Re-phrasing prices for the current year, it is possible to say that the specialness of what the sub''ct and the way of living their bazhan is, motivated by their health in the form of their character in the process of realizing life,

For Rubinstein, specialty is the main psychological category, the subject of psychological preliminaries, and the methodological principle. As all the methodological principles of psychology, such as ruined by Rubinstein, there is a special principle in the development of this concept and all in the whole of the Russian psychology of the development of the methodology in its own form. On the first stage of the yogo rosette on the cob 30s pp. First for everything in the meaning of the program statute of 1934, a special principle has been applied to a number of critical enterprises: the development of the idealistic intelligence in psychology, the addition of the methodology of the function, but not the process of the specialty of the specialty. One hour and three times Rubinstein began to establish positive employees, which were based on this principle: through specialness, it was not only the connection of quality and efficiency (to preserve the psyche of all the storage processes), but the designation of that quality and the way of organizing the psyche, as it can be reached at equal specialties; nareshty, the emergence of a special way and the quality of the very specialness, as it appears only in a special way and process of development - life path. People are introduced to the establishment of the development of the specificity of self-development and the formulation of such characteristics (the development of the development and development, development and development), the development of the dialectics of the specific and internal type,

However, the middle of the whole impoverished concrete plant, which was last seen by Rubinstein, cannot be missed the main point, like, mabut, it can be reflected only when comprehended by all the history of children's social psychology If only the tendencies are visible, it is possible to say the next: on the frontiers of the 20-30s. to repair the development of specialties and especially the specialties of the child, ale of the crisis of the situation of the radiant psychology, the connection with the development of social psychology, psychotechnics, pedology, so that the organization of the subject matter of pedagogy in the internal science, The specific development of the theory of specialness (V.N. Myasishcheva and I. and reachє in the 40s. its climax. Itself, especially in the context of the era, which pushed to the point of detachment, even more importantly and even more importantly, those Rubinstein, who have been fixing since the 30s, have subsequently realized a special idea to the subject of psychology and destruction of their theory.

The world of culture as a whole enlightens a number of methodological workshops, up to the date of some Rubinstein preparations, by the first steps of his creative path and from the development of some wines since the theoretical and empirical days in the 30s. 1930-1942 pp. store the Leningrad period of yogh life and creativity, ties with the move from Odessa to Leningrad and an ear of powerful psychological scientific activity in the capacity of the head of the Department of Psychology in the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. A.I.Herzen, kudi vin buv requests M.Ya.Basov.

Stretching out for a superbly short hour, Rubinstein opened a new scientific team, propelled by a number of experimental advances and attacks until the development of the dialectical and material foundations of psychological science. The great stage of the revision of this work became the viewpoint of the first monograph "Fundamentals of Psychology" in 1935. pedagogical sciences(According to psychology).

The formation of psychology on the basis of a dialectical methodology means the formation of a new type of knowledge and knowledge, the essence of what is a field in a more specific way of understanding the philosophical and methodological structure of the adequacy of the very method of developing the subject matter. Also, the priority is not only a modern design but rather an apiorism of philosophy (in the most intelligent way of science) in relation to a specific science, ale to ontological philosophical concepts of the mental system of the psyche material light And that is about the active visions of promising direct lines of the last few years. Podіbny Apriorism viklyucheny, oskіlki vibіr fіlosofskih kategorіy, SSMSC vistupayut in rolі metodologіchnih printsipіv science i potіm sluzhbovtsіv orієntirami at viznachennі napryamkіv її doslіdzhennya, zdіysnyuєtsya on osnovі uzagalnennya vsogo will psihologіchnoї science, not Shlyakhov zovnіshnogo vipadkovogo "dodatka" to psihologії vsіh pіdryad PROVISIONS i kategorіy Marxist philosophy (as, for example, in the 20th century, they were mugged directly to the point of being overwhelmed by the psyche of Marxism about the class struggle).

So, the principle of uniqueness of information and efficiency, visions in the capacity of the central for the purpose of the subject, the formulations, which has already meant, on the basis of critical comprehension, I will become a light psychological science, and not just in the order of psychological development of specificity and specificity. On bazі viyavlenih protyagom іstorії fіlosofskoї SMMC naybіlsh іstotnih zakonomіrnostey dіysnostі psychology, vstanovlyuyuchi vlasnі metodologіchnі principles SSMSC Je vazhlivimi for viznachennya її object oderzhuє origіnali, adekvatnі її sutnostі orієntiri for svogo doslіdzhennya dіysnostі scho viklyuchaє purely empіrichny, vipadkovy, deadlock nature such doslіdzhennya.

The establishment of the foundations of science, how to go along with the new philosophical paradigms, and even more so, as a new type of scientific knowledge, was unique for psychology. The uniqueness is the first for everything with the most important details of the design and structure of psychological knowledge, which is small in the same way in Western European and American psychology. This psychology has been promoting its own understanding, since it did not add a bit of capital to the methodological crisis and that it did not compensate for its inheritance by a wide sphere of psychology's use in practice (clinical, engineering, etc.). In the 30th offensive rock in Western European and especially American psychology, great original concepts are being developed. However, it is impossible to forbid against the fact that they do not pretend to play the role of integration of all psychological knowledge. The rest is presented more in the informational, lower in the interpretative, as, in the form of numerical books, to compensate for the lack of related knowledge and views from different psychology breakdowns.

During the hour of development of psychological science in the SRSR, on the basis of Rubinstein's revision of the methodological work, it is a development, seemingly modern, systemic knowledge, in order to become a true, unique and special personality. However, the appearance of the numerical internal links of the subject of psychology, before starting Rubinstein in his first appearance of his "Fundamentals ..." (1935), can only be based on the methodologically adequate value of the subject. The principle of unity of quality and efficiency, as well as the specialness of the sub'єkta of unity, emerging as such a borderline and intelligent person, on that stage - into the distance integrate the psychological knowledge of the whole system. The system, I repeat, is not classifiable in nature, it appeared as a categorical logic of integration of the old and the rejection of new knowledge.

This is a categorical systematization of knowledge, as Rubinstein has revived in his first psychological monograph, we will be approaching new psychological problems in order to serve as a way to breed new knowledge, to evoke the function of developing it. The disclosure of the role of social determinations in the rational connection of intelligence, intelligence and psyche has become a big reason why a single principle of the position of radiant psychology in case of manifestation in them rіznіkh straitsі school, in іnіnіс aspects іn view іn thе fallowness і in a reasonable sense the role of dіyalnіstі in the specificity of the mental (D.N. Uznadze, S.L. Rubinshtein, B.M. Teplov, A.N. Leontyev, B.G. Anan'ev ta in.).

Also, in the book "Fundamentals of Psychology" in 1935, S.L. Rubinstein, on the basis of the principle of singleness of information and performance, first presented the mentalities in psychology of historical data, directly those problems like internal interconnection and common sense. One hour, on the basis of the principle of guilt, I took up a number of new psychological problems of misinformation, memory, sprying, moving, etc., which were carried out at the Department of Psychology of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute in a number of ways.

A great theoretical and experimental robot on the basis of a theoretical principle was also conducted by B.G. Ananiev, A.N. Leontiev, A.A. Smirnov, B.M. Teplov, and a lot of the most radiant psychologists. For example, in the course of P.I. Zinchenko, A. A. Smirnova, A. G. Komm, D. I. Krasilshchikova memory through the manifestation and formation of the specificity and active nature of the memory and back. Through the change of the minds and minds of intelligence, the day emerged of these mental processes. "With a position, with a fixed principle," Rubinstein wrote with a start, "there has been a lot of disintegration in the radian psychology of the problem of sensorics, memory, health."

In the context of the educational approach, the categorization of types of performance was considered to be based on the principle of a provincial role for development (children), which spirals onto the outward psychological classification of types of performance (gra, navchannya). These problems were discussed by S.L. Rubinstein with B.G. Anan'ev, A.N. Leontyevim, B.M. Teplova, D.N. Uznadze and those in discussions about the development of maturity and development, initiation and development of a child. U 30-i pp. to fix the psychological advancement of the peculiarities of the child, which is of a provable kind of performance for the formation of the psyche and the personality of the child (A. N. Leontyev, D. B. Elkonin and I. N.).

Intensive development of cich theories and concrete empirical thoughts of Rubinstein's sponding until the writing of a new, more powerful and empirical foundations in a new direct version of "Foundations ...". Unsatisfactory writing of the entry in 1935, "Fundamentals of Psychology" was in the attack until the end of his capital work "Fundamentals of Psychology", in which he presented and generalized all the theoretical and empirical achievements of the Radian psychology of the 30s.

One of the methodological haircuts in the community is the way to look at the psyche, characteristics and specialties in development. Here Rubinstein has prodovzhu in a new way in Radianske psychology in the 20s. the tendency to respect the problem of the development of the psyche, constituting the psychology of the given subject, and before the development of the psyche of the child - one of the leaders for their meanings and the wagon (P.P. Blonsky, M.Ya.Basov, L.S. Vigotsky, etc.). At the new pratsi S.L. Rubinstein, the development of the psyche and butto-biographical - the development of specialness is developed in the same historical, anthropogenetic, ontogenetic, phylogenetic, functional aspect. The system of psychology is broken up and given to him through the architecture of everything to accelerate in the scope of mental processes and establishment.

The very activity of the sub'kta can also be seen in the process of becoming and in depth: in the early stages of accelerating the life of the world, the effectiveness of accepting a new form and being awakened. On the axis of what Rubinstein, in the first place, will shut out the role of performance in the mental development only before trenuvannya, but I do not allow any new structures, but to show that on the new development I am starting to develop a new psyche, wake-up process in a new way of performance, vicoristovuyuchi old mental health deprivation in the reconfigured, well-known viglyadі. On the other hand, he protects his concept in all ways of intelligence, mental development as a pure maturity, with any pledging of nature, the inclinations to function independently from the minds of concrete performance. The very same in the concept of Rubinstein, the adversarial and genetic aspect, B.G.

A similar assessment was adopted by the team of the Institute of Psychology at the Moscow State University: foreign minds of new scientific psychological thoughts and ideas of new ideas of the future development of fruitful development on the basis of Marxist-Lenin methodology. Because of the number of problems they have violated, they have neglected the original solution, which is of little fundamental importance for the development of philosophical and psychological thought. yennya im problemsi budovi It became really possible to start a new solution to psychophysical problems, given by Rubinstein on a broad genetic basis. The solution to the problem, which is related to the interconnection and interconnection of the budov and the functions, gives a new explanation of the genetic roots of the development of the psyche. S.L. Rubinstein gave a revision of the basic nutrition of the theory of psychological knowledge in the light of the Marxist-Lenin theory of visualization. Professor Rubinstein has developed his own method of psychological awareness - an original version of a natural experiment, which is realizable in the method of psychological awareness and knowledge. "

The principle of the unity of witness and virtue, formulated by Rubinstein in the article "Problems of Psychology in Karl Marx's Works" (1934), appearing in "Fundamentals of Psychology" (1940) in a concretized and dismembered viewer. The Danish principle of transmitting the credibility of unity in the aspect of the function and development of the quality through the activity. Here it is necessary to adhere to one absolutely special change in relation to the extraordinary genetic development that is adopted in psychology. In the traditional development of the development, it was seen as the passing of the last ones, so that the onset at the hour one by one, the stages, should have a non-negotiable character. Determination of the cich stages mated one from the other - deprived of the inner - minds; todі development rosumіlosya yak dosrіvannya. In the last vipads, navpaki, the role of calling minds was absolutized, and the development of the development was brought to the mechanistic concepts of assignment, training, etc. Rubinstein in his classical formula has a link between the quality and efficiency of the development through the dialectics of the sub-object, and the development itself will come closer to the function of one ...

In the "Fundamentals of Home Psychology", one of one offense aspect (or meaning) of the development principle is modified: genetically after the last stage of development, to recognize its own value, to appear as a new formation in the formation of the structure in an optimal way - it is not optimal in conjunction with action. In other words, it’s like the wisdom of the mind, svіdomosti, specialties, etc. on the skin two after the last stages of development, so that a new creation is born and, moreover, the idea of ​​a new way of functioning, it is not inevitably to lie down in the middle of the development of these stages, but in view of the nature of the function. Tse and є most of the people have shown and formulated evidence in activity, which is largely due to the activity of the sub-region. Those who are deprived of the functions of structures on the level of biological society, however, have a special quality of performance, activity on the level of people. However, in a purely categorical manner in "Fundamentals of Foreign Psychology" is presented the unity of the structure and function, function, as it allows the simple development of the aspect of development in its specificity for the kind of people and people. Summarizing, it can be said, Rubinstein's concept of development is not structurally genetic, as there is a greater concept of development in psychology, including the concept of J. Piaget, the concept of development of the specificity of S. Buhler and the rich structural and structures are not immanent, but lie in their own capacity in the type of interaction or function, and in people - in the nature of the activity.

Rozvivayuchi slіdom for ANSevertsov i І.І.Shmalgauzenom principle єdnostі Budova i funktsіonuvannya, Rubіnshteyn rozkrivaє vazhlive Statute about those scho on rіznih genetichnih schablyah skladaєtsya vіdpovіdno rіzne spіvvіdnoshennya mіzh parties tsієї єdnostі so self yak spіvvіdnoshennya mіzh parties tsієї єdnostі іstotno for the change of genetic and last stages of abo structures. When looking at phylogenetic and ontogenetic evolution, Rubinstein saw the development of two different ideas. The first order to interconnect determines the nature of the budget and the function: "it is not only the function of storing from Budov, ale and Budova from the function." Another - on the meaning of the way of life for the whole process of development: "Directly, the way of life is transformed into an initial role in development and budget, and the function in all things, and moreover, injecting the way of life into the future. Three cich ideals in their own mind are a vivid methodological criticism of the strategy of ravnialny doslijennya, how to go from the primate of Budovia, morphology, etc. In addition, to carry out his task in the early stages of development, stages, development of the community of Budovia. Criticism of Rubinstein Bull is straightforward against the idea of ​​the genetic principle on the basis of the principle, but it is significant for the establishment of the same principles in psychology, in the form of structurally-porous and solidified functionally (structurally) -genetically to the principle. This criticism is tied to all of the obviously new intelligence of the ontogenetic development of a specialness, and only on the basis of this, it is possible to intelligence the essence of longitudinal awareness, the importance of its strategy. The development of spirits, the development of small groups in their formed fixed structures does not allow the development of their genesis, the dialectics of the primary and internal, functional types of the structure of that particular structure. Rubinstein relies on the static nature of certain types of development, as they do not open the patterns of development.

How is it possible to establish the functional-genetic principle before the revision of the development to induce the system of psychology? In the first place, wine integration offends the stage of development of the psyche - among creatures and people. At the same time, the functional aspect of the psyche of people is concretized through the dialect. Chi is not behavior (in the behavioral sense), but the function itself appears for Rubinstein in a category, which allows the creation of an infinite number of different stages in the development of the psyche (tvarine and people). It is important in the region for criticism of the biological tradition in psychology, as it was sensible to see Pavlov's opinion about clever reflexes, as it was insanely functional concept to bring the call to behavior, to make the reflexive In a different way, the functional-genetic principle allows, through a rational development, to describe the development of a function and a structure in one category of psychophysiological characteristic of the psyche, from one side, and from one side, and from one side. Requirement to say that another dedication to the functional-genetic principle faced Rubinstein in the 50s, since the Pavlovsk Session of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR and the Academy of Medical Sciences of the SRSR (1950) asked for the specific subject in not without a lot of physiological psychology.

The psychophysiological problem is analyzed in the "Fundamentals of foreign psychology" in the categories of brain structures and functions, allowing the psychophysiological concretization of the principle of development (as a single and for different functions). At the same time, criticizing the concept of functional localization (as one of the theory of the structure and function), Rubinstein develops an idea of ​​those who are in the evolutionary structural series of "If phylogenetic ancient" mechanism "is phylogenetically, it is the same great function of localization", and since all phylogenetic gatherings are far more static, localization is more static to participate in dynamic and systemic "Food about the functional localization is guilty of being guilty in a reasonable way for young genetic stages - one for birds, in a way for cats and dogs, and again, in a way for people."

The inevitable methodological significance of this state of affairs can be opened up in the context of the onset of the development of psychology and physiology, which has already emerged from the already advanced Pavlovian session, which led to the physiology of psychology. Tsia fiziologizatsii manifested itself in the direct transfer of the state of I. P. Pavlova about the clever reflexes of the creatures, which led to the erasure of the edges of the biological people and the creatures, and then - until the very last moment - until the specificity of the biological people became clearer. The whole butt confirms the significance of Rubinstein's position on the methodological context of the specifics of the social structure and function in the new stages of development, on the specifics of the general performance of the creatures and people.

The genetic principle in the above mentioned reason permeated all the theoretical prompts of S.L. Rubinstein's books. As already implied, the evidence is seen here in the great number of genetic (in a broad sense of the word) aspects, the front of the history of the diagnosis has been retrospectively analyzed - the number of problems of classical zoopsychology, the principles of development of the stage, the psychology of psychology Western European and Greek psychologists (V. Kelera, V. A. Wagner and I.). In the case of skin chapters, assigned to the essence of mental processes (cognitive, emotional, moving, nareshty, completely special - volovyh, etc.), ideas of razdil, assignments to the genesis of this process of abnormal functions. (We have distributed the boules of speed in the third form of "Fundamentals", but it is also necessary to take into account the strategic and methodological role in the first and the other and this book as realizing the principle of development in all aspects, in all specificities psychological stages development.) The best way to develop the methodological principle of development and the best sense to open up the thesis about the potential as about the insane flexibility of the development of people "is irrelevant until we will establish scale ", like the formula of K. Marx. It is the most important point to be informed about the development of development, the theory of localization and rigidity of structures, in which developments to be realized. Development of structures is the goal of developing generalization - from the generalization and yes the possibility of non-interchangeable nasty public calls between them.

Leather new development, well-known to Rubinstein, sees all the breadth of possibilities, and the realization of these possibilities in its own form is a new structure - such a philosophical and methodological sense of the development of a structured function. Rubinstein's concept of development is not just stadial, but also іnrarchіchnіst. The structures of the food ryvnya vyzminyuyut the way of functioning of the lower one, to talk with them, but I’ll fold the phenomenological picture, I didn’t think I could explain, for example, K. Buhler, "vityaguyuchi", behind Rubinstein’s hanging, really building up one over one stage razdіlenu into three strictly adjoining vіdrizka ".

Developing the idea of ​​architecture development, Rubinstein zooming out is not only the role of other folding stages of development in terms of development to the lowest, but the first is the understanding. The development of people for Rubinstein is becoming, which includes the principle of self-development and self-improvement.

The unity of the functional and genetic aspects, such as Rubinstein's ideas, is topical, there is some evidence and in the current psychology to the broadening of the methodological principles of psychology, the hard-edged function and development. At the end of the day, the people’s activity is starting to look like a normative function. With all the legitimacy of a similar view, when specific professional enterprises are designated, it cannot be transferred to the rationalization of the psychological aspect of performance, if the transfer of power and the need to develop people as a sub'ukta.

The idea of ​​development is to become a category of sub'єkta, its self-development as a result of active development of light. Realizing the principle of development in the psychology of knowledge and intelligence of people, Rubinstein discerns the stadial development through the understanding of understanding and behavior, as a whole suggesting the outward genetic approach.

Forms of behavior and knowledge, which are stored lastly at the younger stages as fixed and types for them, may be internal budov and visually, there are a lot of opportunities in the sub'єkta with svitom. The very distribution of internal budget forms in the process of real interaction in the light of day to the activation of the functional capabilities of the sub-unit, to the taste of new methods of communication (albeit not so, but the internal functional possibilities skin forms okremo). Rubinstein opened the inner Budov and the psyche, and the properties, and the peculiarities, and the efficiency, which is the power of value, as it is the vision, the style and one hour of the ability to increase the capacity to expand The unity of the forms, for being based on the idea itself, and not the sameness, in which the spirits are not always dull, the endless power of their development.

Such stable forms, such as character and health, Rubinstein doslidzhu on the basis of specialness. І character, і building, і will look not only in its static forms, but in dynamism, as a specific viraz of process development. І for these forms, the uniformity of the stylish and dynamical ones grows in genesis. Stability, value of forms is not fixed. Steadiness and stability are manifested in the function, in order to avenge endless possibilities to diminutiveness. The character is manifested in activity, in behavior, in a new and in form. The dynamism of the form is tied to the power of the diagnosis in the skin new situation a new way of behavior, like with a bit of a sauce, you can reimagine the character on the rice.

In such a rank, the principle of development in all the richness of its intelligence permeates the entire work of Rubinstein.

The principle of uniqueness of quality and efficiency is also present in the powerless aspects, in terms of positive (methodological, theoretical, empirical), as well as critical functions. The whole principle sets a system for the separation and integration of psychological problems. Through this, a new understanding of the subject of psychology and methodological significance of the nature of the psyche is given: the psyche as the unity of the image and the vision, the knowledge and experience, the epistemological and ontological. Through the same principle, the adherence to a certain sub'ect is revealed, which is brought to the attention of the author of the manifestation of a new property. Viznachennya vіdbivnoy nature of the psyche has become a mental knowledge. However, the qualification of the psyche, like an experience, like a singing ontological camp, was not given before, nor was Rubinstein's writing. The truth of this aspect has become especially evident in the context of the development of psychology: the actions of the authors of the act have gone down to ideal forms. Especially bright tendency manifests itself in philosophy and psychology, if we talk about the sameness of quality and performance, but, well, the same, about the spirituality of their budovy.

Rubinstein's value of the psyche as a sense of visualization and visualization, knowledge and experience, the development of thinking in the ideal and real, objective and sub-active, to represent the psyche in the systems of philosophical science Viznachennya svіdomostі subject yak yak i sub'єktnogo, tobto yak virazhaє vіdnoshennya osobistostі to svitu, traktuvannya svіdomostі yak vischogo rіvnya organіzatsії psihіki, Money Does on vіdmіnu od іnshih rіvnіv pritamannі іdealnіst, "objective meaning, smislove, semantically zmіst" rozumіnnya svіdomostі yak determіnovanogo odnochasno Suspicious individual butts and suspicious testimony show productive wiping. The genesis and dialectics of the three sub'ectics - until the light of day, to those of you and yourself (as well as the blue bullets seen by Rubinstein as they were constructing in 1935 in the "Fundamentals of Psychology") - to create the basis of self-awareness Nareshty, the control of the quality of the lower level by the level of the psyche, allows the intelligence of this role as a regulator, as well as as a regulator of the integral performance of a sub'ect in the first class of performance.

The price of the regulatory function of the visibility is also a characteristic familiarity of Rubinstein's concept. Certainty can act as a regulator of activity only due to its lack of necessity, due to its particular modality: in some way, all the active do not lie on the surface of the day of the boot). The very fact that everything is given in the light of the world, everything is in the distance at the hour and the vastness, everything for which people do not enter or can not enter into a mediocre contact, the specialty is not closed in the building of a certain kind of far beyond the boundary "I". You can set your own coordinate system for what is significant for her in the whole world and by yourself regulate your activity and realize your experience. Idea about the regulatory role of svidomostі go down to the Marxist philosophical intelligence of yogo activity, from one side, and from the bottom - to the natural-scientific phenomena about the regulatory role of the psyche. However, I will remain unrepentant as a principle without interrupting the line of the psychology of the psychology Rubinstein, having begun to elaborate in detail, as well, when I wrote to another view of the "Fundamentals of the psychology of the world", to be from the mid-40s of the rr.

From the point of view - through the principle of uniformity and efficiency - Rubinstein shukak through schoі yak won’t be manifested in virtue. Tsei pіdhіd buv implementations in the cycle of advancing the problems of the child S.L. Rubinstein and his spirits still in the 30th pp. in Leningrad. As soon as one hour, it is going to go straight ahead - the way of active formulation of specialness and quality through activity. Stitching links of evidence and performance, Rubinstein shows how evidence is such a mental process, such as dressings with the regulation of the specialty, are stored in the range of performance. The evidence is not just a special statement, but there are three interconnected functions: the regulation of mental processes, the regulation of the dynamic and the regulation of the activity of the sub'ect. Svіdomіst, such a rank, is the building of an active sub'єkta. The freedom to bring him to light, and not to be stuck in his own, some of the determination is not only by himself, but by the support. Determination of the sub''ctom of its own activity is stored in a special process - the life of a specialty.

We are principled for Rubinstein є nutrition about the development of self-awareness and self-awareness: it is not the identity of developing from self-awareness, a special self, but the self-awareness of the wine in the course of the development of the old The stage of self-awareness Rubinstein is looking at the stage of seeing the connection, seeing the sub-unit with no middle ringing and no-ringing with the light and the young with the ringing. It is well known to Rubinstein that witness and self-confidence - it will induce me to be special through my life through my life, and immediately turn my way to the light of day for the rest of my life. From such a rationalization of self-awareness and self-awareness by S.L. Rubinstein, in the self-consciousness of S.L. the knowledge of the powerful "I" through the knowledge of the people. Self-confidence in such a sense is not just a reflection of one's self, having learned about one's way of life, one's own way of life, one's own vision of one's own people.

At the re-establishment of all indications of the value of evidence - gnoseological, socially-historical, anthropogenetically, completely psychological, socially-psychological (communication of individual and collective evidence), unsettled, moral - moral Vaughn pretend herself with genetic discernment. Tіlki rozglyad svіdomostі in rozvitku dozvolyaє spіvvіdnesti, rozrіznivshi іstorichny (Anthropogenetical) i developmental Process rozvitku svіdomostі, Show Yednist i spetsifіku іndivіdualnogo that Gromadska svіdomostey, viznachiti svіdomіst yak Etap rozvitku osobistostі ditini, potіm - yak Etap zhittєvogo high road i novoї yakostі in stanovlennі osobistostі, yak a way and a new quality of life and a sense of self-reliance on performance. The stage of personalization to life is a new quality of svidomosty itself; The specialness of being a sub''ktom of life is not the one who won’t have a certainty, character, health, but that and in this world, in which he won’t have his own intellect, his health for the purpose of living will be life in his own order,

Glyboko rozkrito S.L. Rubinshtein genesis of communal functions of information, which appears in the news and in the news: "The breeders move the testimony of one people become a danist for the one". Mova є in the form of thinking і virazom vіdnosini, so that the functions of movi can also quilted a sense of knowledge and vіdnosini. We are extremely important є, according to Rubinstein, the genesis of quiet functions of movi, which are tied to the needs of the child of intelligence and to the pragmatists, but to the intelligence of the children. Yogo analysis of the consumer's mind, how to supervise the overconstant criticism of J. Piaget, partly close to Bakhtin's ideya dialogue. However, the fundamental peculiarity of the position of Rubinstein Polyag is in the fact that M. Bakhtin’s view of the demand, which follows the founder of hermeneutics F. Schleiermacher, on the importance of inter-subjective activity, “abbreviated madness”, Rubinstein’s mind.

The genetically dynamic aspect of witness will negate the most specific implications when looking at S.L. Rubinstein's emotions and will. Itself in them is the testimony of the post as an experience and a relationship. If the need from a blind sip will become familiar to the subject of the bazhan, we will direct it to the singing object, the people know who you want, and you can organize your play on the basis of this. In the genesis of the beastly needs, the intermixing of the determinations from the internal to the last officials of Rubinstein's concept, they are approaching the concept of activation of D. N. Uznadze.

In such a rank, the opening of the genesis and structure of the characteristics of the consciousness and experience, as the regulator of the people's activity, gave the opportunity to imagine the different qualities of the psyche - educational processes in the unity of the experiences (emotsii) and the health of the house to the light (will), and putting it to the light of intelligence as a regulator of the activity in the psychologic and powerfully special process of large-scale mental structures of the mysterious and every day until the light of day.

Rubinstein's intelligence of witness itself gave a new intelligence to the subject of psychology, and a new structure of psychological knowledge. The principles of uniformity of svidomosty, efficiency and specialness formed the basis of the motivation for the psychology of the system.

* * *

The most important role of S.L. Rubinshtein in the systematic and glib development (repaired since 1922) of the spiritual principle in the psychological science is guilty of being specially adapted for the purpose, some of the long-term use of the 20-25 in a number of encyclopedic presenters about the price of a dumb word. For an hour in our country and beyond the cordon, we will find more and more widening of the wide range of solutions in the process of progress, if it is not easy and without the clue of authorship or the sponsorship of S.L. Rubinstein. It’s not marvelous, but it didn’t happen that way, for example, with a kindly philosophical and psychological scheme for analyzing the performance in terms of the head components (meti, motives, actions, operations, etc.). At its core, the scheme was broken up by S.L. Rubinstein and A.N. Leontyev in 30-40th pp. Infections are even wider and stagnant and thoroughly (sometimes criticized) by foreign and foreign psychologists, philosophers, sociologists.

Vishchev has given a scheme for analyzing the power of Rubinstein after being broken up in his program statty "Problems of Psychology in K. Marx's Problems" (1934) and in the forthcoming monographs. So, in the monograph "Fundamentals of Psychology" (1935) Rubinstein bully systematized the first achievements in the implementation of the spiritual principle. First for everything in the very activity of the sub'єkta їm boules її psychologically suttuvі components and concrete interconnection between them. Such, zokrema, diyu (on the basis of reaction and ruku), operation and vchinki in their spividoshenny with the method, motive and minds of the sub'ekt's activity. (In 1935, Rubinstein often referred to the operation.)

On the basis of the reaction, the action is an act of action, which is not a straightening on a teaser, but on an object. Putting to the object of appearance for the sub'kta itself as a matter of fact, if only partly to understand and by that specific rank, regulate all the activity. "It is a great idea to see something unknowable in its most active way: its structure and its position before the situation, in which it is seen, it is the opposite."

The action is not only from the reaction, but rather from the reaction, but rather to start in front of the first viraz in the form of a sub'ukta. Diya sta vchinkom in this world, in which it is governed by more learned living things, wow, winter, visually start by the stage of self-consciousness.

In such a rank, the unity of the quality and the intelligence is concretely manifested in the fact that the development and the types of evidence, in the minds of the psyche, are revealed through the apparent development and behavior: in the hands - in. The very fact would like to be partly assimilated by people’s intelligence - minds and goals - change in character and change.

Rubinstein has broken down the system of his ideas in greater detail in the first (1940) version of the "Fundamentals of foreign psychology". Here, more specifically, the dialectic of performance is revealed, and the operation is carried out in every single one in front of the goals and motives. The purpose and motives characterize and function as a whole, and the system must be included before it, or characterize it in a reasonable way.

One of the goals of the sub'ect and the quiet motives that spontaneously. The motives for the goal of performance on the basis of such for the environment are of an integration character, and the directness of the specialness is more important. All kinds of motives and ideas. On the younger stages, the smell generates different private motives and goals, which characterize those children.

The motive of people’s actions can be made of bandages with їkh metoyu, oskіlki motive є sponucannya or pragnennya її reach. Alle the motive can be transformed from the point of view and change 1) to the very activity (like a boom in the group) and 2) to one of the results of the activity. The other has a vicious result of the old age.

Otzhe, in 1935-1940 rr. Rubinstein is also aware of all the middle activities of the developmental components: ruh - dia - operation - vchynok in their interconnection with goals, motives and minds of activity. The center of the developmental components is located in the center. The very same thing, on the thought of Rubinstein, a kind of "cliché, one" psychology.

Continuing in another (1946) form of "Fundamentals of foreign psychology" psychological analysis of the power of those components, S.L. Rubinstein, zokrem, write: in different ways(Operations), or by means (methods), to be transformed into a call to the factory "and to immediately roast the wine:" The food of the budov and the children is specially trained by A. N. Leontyevim. "

U 40-i pp. and from the point of view of A. N. Leontiev, having published a number of articles and books, in which there is presented his point of view on the way of performance - action - operation in conjunction with the motive - with the mind - with the minds. Tse persh for all yogo "Naris development of the psyche" (1947), "Problems of the development of the psyche" (1959), "Dіyalnіst, svіdomіst, osostіst" (1975). On yogo thought, "in the zealous flow of activity, what is the motive of human life in the minds of others, in the midst of mental images of manifestations, an analysis of the vision, in the first place, around (especially) far from the process. Nareshty, tse opertsii, such as to lie down without a doubt in all minds to reach a specific point. "

In the context of the schema, the understanding of the intelligence is zealously associated with the understanding of the motive, and the understanding with the understanding of the understanding. In our opinion, a more promising view is not a simple scheme, it is clear for both, for the purpose, for the reasons, for the motives, and for the purpose, but in the first place the stench is more out of the ordinary, but in the other - it is more. Whilst, in some and in Leonty himself, he will be able to see him in the home and in private and only others without prior discussion. Tim himself at this point intends to be closer to the position of Rubinstein and Leontyev. At the same time, among them, there are a lot of ideas, the first for everything in the interpretation of the sub'ect and his motives. In addition, as it was already, Rubinstein spent the whole hour in a fundamentally important role of vchinka, since, from this point of view, the power of "old behavior" in the moral (albeit, altogether, not behavioral) sense word.

In general, the out-of-the-box scheme is described for the development of intelligence, action, operations in their connections with motives, goals and minds, an important step in the development of radianskoy psychology. Not vypadkovo won still feast widely victorious. At the same time, S.L. Rubinstein and A. N. Leontyev have broken up the scheme, which is not very easy to look at, as there is little more than the current state of affairs in the world of morality. At our glance, tse, zychano, not so. The meaning of the problem is the most important for psychology - it’s not a zagalny scheme (because it’s not like canonizing), but opening through Marx’s category of meaningfulness people in the world and the intelligence of the psyche as a combination of the fundamental interconnections included in the ciu.

At the point of view of performance and posture in conjunction with her actions, operations, motives, goals, etc. have long been the subject of advances in psychologists of the Bagatokh region. For example, K. Levin і th school was richly prepared for the іvchennya dіy і motives, and J. Piaget і yo scholarship - for the implementation of operations and dіy. Aleksei in Radiansk psychology, which was developed on the basis of dialectical-materialistic philosophy, was especially thoroughly analyzed with the connection of people and their psyche with light. Some important criteria for such an analysis were taken from K. Marx's categories of ob'kta, performance, efficiency, etc. And in the first place (first for everything in the development of the problematics of performance), the psychological psychology of modern methodological changes, for example, in front of the same J. Piaget, who did not know how to uniqueness a certain roll in the biz of operations.

Rubinstein is not only an author, co-author and author, but also one of the organizers of psychological science in the IWSR. Win persh for all the delay and in the way of making creative contacts, and it is a good idea to talk with the psychologists of the country in quiet ways, if the stench was seen by the suttau points of view. The axis, for example, when I wrote about M.G. Yaroshevsky 100% of the Leningrad period of Rubinstein's scientific work: yogo department Luriya, Zankov, Kravkov and іnshi. Wonderfully informing about the establishment in psychology - the wisdom and the light, Rubinstein created the close contacts with them, who worked on the forefront of science. "

Bagato in no way distribute the positions of L.S. M.I. Herzen. Winnie also had a chance to see Vigotsky's passing in 1933 as an official opponent in the course of the dissertation Zh.I. Schiff, a student of Vigotsky, who was able to understand the development of science from schoolchildren. (Behind the words of J. I. Schiff seemingly, that I wanted to finish the last time I had been reading with Rubinstein, I gave a report to understand what the essence of this critical presentation to Vigotsky's theory was. iak to be in the Institute of Defectology of the APN SRSR.)

Especially pleasing boules of creative contacts and contacts of Rubinstein with his allies and partly one-thinkers on the basis of the development of a creative approach - from B. G. Anan'ev, A. N. Leontyevim, A. A. Smirnov, B. M. Teplova and іn. They were unimportant on the basis of the difference between them in the interpretation of the efficiency, and psychologists in many ways mentally developed and promoted a different idea, in the odds until some time they had been overwhelmed by the psychologists, including Dobrin, P. A. Shevarev and the first collegiate scientists of G. I. Chelpanov - the first in the Russian Institute of Psychology).

Rubinstein having asked to go to the Department of Psychology at the Pedagogical Institute. A.I.Herzen A.N. Leontiev for reading lectures to students. At the same department of winners he organized the doctor's dissertations by B.M. Teplov and A.N. Leontiev, having entered in the capacity of one of the official opponents. Taku line on the sp_vpratsyu m_zh piznimi science schoolsі straightforwardly Rubinstein prodovzhuvav і on his journey from Leningrad to Moscow in 1942 r

If Velika respects Vitchiznyana viyna Against Hitler's Nimechchiny, Rubinstein fell into the overlaid Leningrad, to that, having respected with his enormous obedience as a vice-rector, he was organizing the work of the pedagogical institute in the suvorikh minds of the blockade. In Persh, I am going to live the blockade winter (1941/42). Winning over other views of his "Fundamentals of Foreign Psychology"

In 1942, the first appearance of this "Fundamentals of foreign psychology" was honored with the State Prize for contributions to a number of psychologists, as well as prominent figures of V.I. Vernadsky and A.A. Ukhtomsky; The original contributions to the development of cich sciences and the philosophical and psychological pratsyu of S.L. Rubinstein were highly appreciated.

In 1942, Rubinstein made transfers to Moscow, deactivating the Institute of Psychology and opening the Department of Psychology at the Moscow State University. (In 1966, on the basis of A.N. Leontiev, he organized the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University.) Rubinstein asked for a robot not only from his Leningrad scientists - M.G. Yaroshevsky, A.G. Komm and I., Ale and A. Leontiev, P.Ya. Galperin and A.V. Zaporozhets, and earlier co-ordinating a collective creative robot of psychologists from children’s installations and science schools.

In 1943 Rubinstein became a member-correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and became the first representative of psychological science. For this initiative and for the first time it was established in 1945 in the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the sector of psychology - the first psychological laboratory in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In addition, in 1945, the rotsi was found to be the Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Russian Federation. All this is the result of the great and well-deserved insight of his "Fundamentals of foreign psychology" (1940).

Especially broad perspectives for new people creative people the hinges of 1945 came to the rock, fascist Nimechchinoy... In 1946, if there was a friend, and the introduction of "Fundamentals of foreign psychology" was expanded and expanded, S.L. Rubinstein also corrected the layout of his new book - "Philosophical roots of psychology". The book, behind a philosophical glimpse of nagato, overturned "Basics ..." and signified a fundamentally new stage at a later stage of development. I’m guilty of going to the house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and, when he was there, he couldn’t get over it. Protected by the growth of the rosary, and the whole ear of menace, which vibrated in 1947, if S.L. Rubinshtein was involved in cosmopolitanism, tobto "Shilyanny before the Inozem region", in the underestimation of the vitality and so on of life science. Stretching 1948-1949 rr. he was touched by his posts; truly "great trees attract a blisk".

Serii "prophet" was honored, the discussion, more precisely, the condemnation of the "Fundamentals of foreign psychology" etc.). At the first discussion, after passing in the Institute of Philosophy from 26 birch to April 4, 1947 Rubinstein and quietly, he didn’t think about it, into the distance as it was "seen". Chastkovo helped to conclude the word of BM Teplov. However, all the onset of the "performance" marked a new battle by psychologists and philosophers of the "Fundamentals of Zalous Psychology" and the intellectual approach presented in them. One of the reasons for such a "negotiation" was the revolving review of the offense of the "Fundamentals of Zalous Psychology", written by P.I. The review ended with the offensive, downright sinister words: "The book of S.L. Rubinstein depicts Russian and radiant science in its entirety, the psychology of the world and the image of the" specialization of the psychology of the world "of the world’s flawless worldly mind. vidkryєmo way for її fruitful development ".

Nastilki and the undeserving chase of the bureau of education and the first laureate of the State Prize - psychophysiologist N.A. Bernshtein. Pislya Pavlovsky session (1950), physiologists L.A. Orbeli, P.K. Anokhin, and a lot of scholars became victims of the persecution. (All the stinks, like Rubinstein, bully step-by-step renewal of the rights to deprive the death of I. V. Stalin.)

In the midst of important things and fraught with terrible traces of rock (1948-1953) Rubinstein prodovzhuzhu razroblyaty dyalnіsny pіdhіd. For unpublished, altogether protected in the version of the monograph "Philosophical roots of psychology" viris new philosophical and psychological pratsyu "Buttya and svidomist", which was published in the distance in 1957

Especially strong changes in the philosophical and psychological concept of S.L. Rubinstein have become known in the interpretation of people and theory of action (the first for everything in mindfulness like action). The basis of the evolution of yogic glances is the systematic breakdown by Rubinstein of the philosophical principle of determinism: call causes deprivation through internal minds. A breakdown of the principle given to the principle of wines so far in 1948-1949 rr.

Reincarnation of people (in the course of activity) about the knowledge and about himself Rubinstein analyzes on the basis of the prominence of the categories "butt" and "object" buttya squarely from sub'єkta, ale in yakosti ob'єkta won’t get paid him. Speeches, which can be heard right from the sub'ect, become objects in the world of that, as the sub''kt is put in place before them, so that in the course of the knowledge and the stench they stink into speeches for the sub'ect.

For Rubinstein, the ability to start with his own object, albeit not directly, but mediated, through the internal specific laws (through the goals, motives, etc.) scheme "stimulus-response"). For example, in the experiments carried out by the scientists of Rubinstein, it is shown that there is a reason for the problem (the experimenter's suggestion), in addition to the problem of getting rid of it in the world of forming the inner halls of the minds of the future ... As the tse of suvannya is insignificant, the viprobation cannot be adequately vikoristovuvati will help the call. This is how the active role of the internal minds is clearly manifested, so that all calls of the mind are intercepted and that they begin to take part in the same process of determining the life of the sub'ukt for the most important reasons. Іnakshe kaznіshnіkh reasons that only go through the internal mind, it is necessary to lay from the rest (why don't you want to be able to cope with them, which analyzes Rubinstein's principle of determinism). In the process of development - especially phylogenetic and ontogenetic - the growth of the pitoma of the internal minds, breaking all the waves. Three positions Rubinstein gave a great and original solution to the problem of freedom (and necessary).

When any psychic manifestations are explained, the specialty of the appearance, according to Rubinstein, is the integral system of internal minds, through which all calls are broken (pedagogical, etc.). The internal minds are formed in the deposits of the foreground inflows. Otzhe, the breaking of the new through the internal means the advance of the new injections in all the history of the development of the specialty. Tim by himself determinism includes history, ale already niyak not to be raised to new. The history of revenge on themselves and the process of the evolution of living things, and the history of the people, and the special history of the development of the given people. In addition, in the psychology of particularity, the component of the dynamic level of socialism and style, for example, for all people and the historically unassuming power of the world, the ін.). To that the power of the special is to avenge it in the home, in particular, and in the singular. The specialty of a team is more significant than in the individual manna in the hall.

With such positions Rubinstein has broken his mind about the subject of social and historical psychology. Yaksho zhalna psychology vivcha zalnoludski the mental power of people, then the social psychology of typology Rise of the psyche, the power of the people as a representative of the singing suspension, I will arrange, class, nation, etc., and historical psychology is the development of the psyche of the people of that generation, for an hour of life that there is a transformation of suspension. However, in whatever kind of vipad the psychology of vivchaє the psyche of people only in the course of individual ontogenetic development and remnants, splinters to come out into the open in front of the psyche process, A collection of inclusions in the seamless interaction of people with light, tobto in activity, spirituality, etc.

For Rubinstein, process є Main way of understanding the psyche. The Іnshі ways of yogo іnuvannya - the whole mental power (motives, healthiness, etc.), I will become (emotional and in.) І products, the results of the mental process (image, understanding, etc.). For example, mislennya vistupaє not only yak activity sub'єkta from the side of yogo goals, motives, diy, operatsіy etc., ale і yak process in one of the cognitive and affective components (the mental process of analysis, synthesis and marketing, for the help of which people put іvirіshu zavdannya). The process of misrepresentation (on the basis of the misdirection of the misdirection) will ensure the maximum prompt contact of the sub'єkta with the known object. Vivchayuchi people in their activity and spirituality, the psychology is vividly psychological aspect, so that the first for all the basic level of regulation of all life is a mental process. The main characteristic of the psychotic process is not just a simple time frame, dynamism, but a way of determination: why it’s not a problem to be asked, it’s straightforward to interrupt the process, but to wrap up, start a sub-process along the way. In this kind of intelligence of the psyche, the ontological inspiration of Rubinstein is manifested, and the existential psyche is revealed.

In the course of their activity, people create material and ideal products (promises of virobi, knowledge, understanding, create a mystery, sound, sound, etc.). In the chihs, the products clearly show the level of psychotic development of the people - their health, navichki, vminnya, etc. Such a psychological aspect of meaningful products, which characterizes the results of the mental process, such as taking part in the regulation of all the subjective activity. Psychology and vivchaє "vseredinі" dіyalnosti people persh for all the mental processes in spіvіdnіshennі with yogo results (for example, the rosy process of analysis, synthesis and wishing in spіvіdnіtnі from thіѕ own), the result is not understood by itself with a mental process). If you stay away from the pose of such a sound, the stench will come from the subject of psychology and from the other sciences. For example, the witness - without urahuvannya їх bring to the mental process - to enter into the subject of logic, rather not psychology. "Through its products of the target, to move from the most psychological sphere to the sphere of the other sciences - logic, mathematics, physics, etc. To become educated, an insight into the minds of a child is to impart to oneself a psychologist who is not safe in the mind of an utterly powerful" subject.

With such a rank, even after the completion of "Fundamentals of Zagal'noi Psychology", it was being repaired since the mid-40s. (From unpublished books"Philosophical roots of psychology"), Rubinstein systematically and more and more differentiation in the psyche, two and more components - the mental process and the result. With a great number of victorious and developing things, everything is rational, but it has been introduced into the roster of this problem, from one side, I. M. Sechenov, and from the bottom - gestaltists, immediately criticizing the main shortcomings of their theories.

Yaksho at his down In the opinion of the insult to the component of the psyche, as it is great for the psychological science, then in all the upcoming monographs I am especially interested in the importance for some of the psychotic - as the middle process, which is formed in the course of the lifeless people People have this kind of interaction in other forms: activity, behavior, watching, etc. The psychic process takes part in the regulation, so that it is in the warehouse of activity, behavior, etc.

Three positions in the last 15 years of his life S.L. Rubinshtein theoretically and experimentally breaks down the concept of the psyche as a sub'єktno-dyalnіsnogo pіdkhodu). In the philosophy of wine, at all times, the original concept of people is presented in his manuscript "Lyudina and Svit", posthumously, ale with cuts, published in one volume of his work "Problems of the Beyond Psychology" (1973, 1976).

The theory of the psyche as the process was broken up by the head rank on the material of the psychology of the mission. The specificity of this theory can be developed especially clearly by the introduction of the chapter about misinformation in "Fundamentals of foreign psychology" from Rubinstein's monograph "About misdirection and ways of yogh prelude", as it develops the important human processual aspect. In "Fundamentals ..." 1946, the title of the head rank is the meaning of the sub'єkta. Inakshe kazuchi, Rubinstein has opened up here the motivations and actions special characteristics miscellaneous performance in the main components (goals, motives, intellectual operations, etc.). And in the book of 1958, it’s not just the subtlety (to the side of the side, motives, operations, etc.), but the regulator, like a mental pictorially affective process (analysis, synthesis) ob'єkta).

The term "process" in a very wide sense is constantly victorious in psychology (for example, in "Fundamentals ..." 1946) and in the basic sciences. Ale in the ancestors of Rubinstein, the rest of the rocky life of the world, the terms are fixed in a strictly meaningful meaning. In "Fundamentals ..." 1946, in the distribution about misinformation, є distributed "The Psychological Nature of the Rose Process", in which the process becomes even more meaningful: action, act of intelligence, dynamism, operation, etc. Particularly important are the offensive positions: "The whole process of misdirection in a whole along the lines of intelligence is due to the regulated operation"; "The efficiency of the system is very straightforward and characterizes the intelligent process ... It is easy to bachiti, a rosy process in essence can be identified here with an intelligent operation or a system of operations that are regulated on the basis of reflexes. The price is one of the components of the special (persh for everything) aspect of the message. In fact, it seems, misinterpreted in the "Fundamentals" in 1946 r as the main rank deprived of the quality of activity, but not the process (the words of the university sense).

Go to vivchennya mislennya yak process buv is necessary for a greater degree of development of the most psychological to the aspect of efficiency and sub'ukta. Sub'єkt, yogo performance and components (meta, motives, acts, operations, etc.) can only be perceived not only by psychology, but rather by philosophy, sociology, ethics and ethics. In addition, S.L. Rubinstein and O.N. Leontiev have broken up a scheme for analyzing the performance of these components, which is necessary, but even a disadvantage, for psychological science.

For example, from the point of view of the theory of the psyche as to the process, both and the operations are already formed as before, so that we will merge the minds of intelligence. The whole sense of the smell lacks plasticity and labile, which appears in a new situation, which has changed, if the stench is not entirely adequate. On a daily basis, the process is extremely labile and plastic. In the course of the rosy process of a man, everything is more and more precisely open to concrete, gradually changing, all the hour long he thinks of his new skill, mastery, etc., in the world of forming new and changing ways of doing things. Also, the missed process is the first and the most dull in terms of performance before the operations, as in the case of secondary and fewer nasty components, they are identified and developed in the course of the process, and it is necessary to form.

It is especially important to note the same as the process of sending, receiving, etc. Against the backdrop of a lack of evidence (the situation was lacking in the "Fundamentals ..." in 1946, there was an emphasis in them on the oversight of the regulation of the operation). Allegedly, yak performance - on a special level - is regulated by a sub'ctom in the meaning of the world, assimilated by additional reflection. Rubinstein in 1958 was specially trained to see and interconnect between many aspects of targeting: "It is clear that the process and performance can not be opposed to one one. The process is to be determined - in the absence of certainty.

In such a rank, the introduction of the processual aspect of the psyche means a greater degree of psychological awareness of the sub'kta of that yogo performance. Without the opening of the psyche, the process is ill-informed about the formation of such components of performance, such as the whole, the operation, etc., and the psychological specifics of the relationship between them. In addition, it seems that the interaction of people with light is not only on the level of creativity, but on the level of mental process. Tse one with the line of Sp_vvdnesennya "Fundamentals ..."

* * *

In all his psychological preliminaries, Rubinstein is the first to be a methodologist and a theoretician, last but not least organically, the theory of psychology, history and experiment will be integrated into the whole system. Itself so vin being his concept and giving a critical selection of the concept, seeing in them the first for all the theoretical core. I myself have looked at the theories of the gestaltists, V.M. Bekhterev, P.P. Blonsky, L. S. Vigotsky and bagatokh іnshikh. Velmi critically analyzes, for example, the reflexological theory of the old Bekhterev, at the same time highly appreciated the actions of this experimental robot.

In a special sort of need, as for us to be built, food about S.L. Rubinstein's staging to the cultural and historical theory of Vigotsky. Behind the words of Rubinstein and Vigotsky's student Zh.I.Shif, we see it on the ear of the 30s. in his conversations with LS Vigotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, in general, did not wait with the main provisions of this theory, wanting to see a number of these ideas and sorcerers in bagatokh private problems. His little thought about the theory of Vin Viklav is posed in his "Foundations ..." 1935, 1940 and 1946 pp. I call it briefly in the book "Principles and paths to the development of psychology" (1959). Naybіlsh lecture yogo position is presented in "Fundamentals ..." 1940, de for some time, the Vigotsky loan was given to the first place in the middle of the Radianskih psychologists.

The main shortcoming of the cultural and historical theory of Rubinstein is rightly reflected in the dualistic opposition of the cultural development of the child to the natural development. However, he immediately responded in a special way: "Criticizing the theoretical installation of Vigotsky, it is necessary at once from this point of view, that Vigotsky and his spirits may have some merits in the development of the child." Also, the knowledge of Vigotsky's merits is ruined, unimportant to those who write at home decree (1936) of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks "About pedological twisting in the system of the People's Commissariat for Education", all psychologists tied to pedologists (for example, P. P. Blonsky and L. S. Vigotskiy), bully piddans of beggar critics and books bully vilucheni from bibliotek (protest in the bibliography of his "Basics ..." Rubinstein includes some robots by both authors).

However, in general, Rubinstein at the moment of the discovery of cultural and historical theory did not match the head ideas. On yogo thought, її the main shortcoming of the pole in the offensive: "The word-sign is transformed into the demigurge of the target. The misnomer does not appear in the imagination of the bootty, but in the one of the promotions on the basis of the suspicious word practice, the funniest thing." Here Rubinstein correctly denotes the insight between the theories of Vigotsky and his own. At the first vipadku word-sign є by the provincial power of the psychic development of the child. In another person, the psyche is formed and manifested in activity (a handful of practicality), on the basis of which the child is opanov, as we have given a quick flow to all psychic development. At the same time, it seems that the reason for the inactive (familiar-centered) approach of Vigotsky and those for the effective walk of Rubinstein (in "Fundamentals ..."

Bagato psychologists themselves appraised approximately the same at that hour (and in the beginning) Vigotsky's theory. For example, in the public statistics "Psychology" A.R. Luria and A. N. Leontiev wrote, on the cob 30-x pp. "The most significant experimental development of memory, misinterpretation, transformation of those psychic processes, which is due to L.S. with the development of practical efficiency and with such a rank, it is without a doubt vivodivya because of the fact that people are growing overwhelmed with ideal products (mova, priest) ... ". In the list of literature before the given statty Luriya and Leontyev mention "Fundamentals of Psychology" by S.L. Rubinstein (2nd ed. M., 1939).

P. I. Zinchenko, P. Ya. Gal'perin, EA Budilova, D.B. Elkonin, and it was more than once implied that the theory of L.S. Against the backdrop of the fate of his life and in front of his previous assessments A. N. Leontiev shattered the onset of the moment: "Win (Vigotsky) zoom out, which is the central category for the Marxist psychology of the blame of the subject" for the term. pratsyakh not to be aware, ale such an objectival sense yogo robot, so bully and yo sub'active thoughts. " A part of psychologists stayed a bit longer with the cymnivore.

The situation was paradoxical. On one side, stretching out the rest of 60-65 years, a point of view on the cultural and historical theory of Vigotsky was not-made in its basis was formulated with a whole argument. Quite the position of podіlyav and development, zokrema, Rubinstein. On the other hand, the rocky 20-25 of the year is opposed and the point of view is not argued, but because of Vygotsky herself, he is not a little bit of a founder of a creative approach; Moreover, the clerks of the given position, by the way, ignore the opposite look.

The link with the cym, obviously, can and should be supported by the new vision of Rubinstein's "Fundamentals of psychology" both scientific discussions, and all pre-Slavic culture.

The appearance of the new vision of "Fundamentals ..." is an important theme in the life of psychological spirituality.

This monograph is an innovative fundamental practice, in which the author has consistently and systematically broken down and concretely implemented all of the methodological principles: the principle of specialness, development, presentation and presentation, and the principle of giving

The talent of a fair scholar in the knowledge of encyclopedic education, manhood, honesty and principles in the fight for truth, for the high culture of our science to bring in minds the cult of the individual Stalin, in the minds of the cult of the individual yogo first capital monograph. In the course of creative critical rework, there may be all the radians and foreign psychology of the camp in the 30s and 40s. and as a result of his theoretical and experimental studies, Rubinstein has developed an original integral system of psychological science in his monograph, and is based on the latest advances and new philosophical paradigms. For a glimpse of theoretical analysis, subtle analysis and richly sided accumulation of empirical material, this encyclopedic self-study practice still has no analogies in ancient and foreign psychological philosophy.

The price of a fundamental advancement in the meaning of the world has secured its relevance for our days, for everything in its methodological attitudes and theoretical public relations, such as opening up the basic psychological basis of the psychological day-to-day life, etc. A monograph that is alive and early, victorious and cited in the ranks of new psychological robots as an authoritative and overwhelming first person was a little bit older, who were prompted or continued on the basis of this. The book was published in Japan in 1986, it was published in Japan in 1984, and the 10th time in Berlina was published in 1984 (the first time is 1958). New, the fourth saw of the "Fundamentals of Psychology" has turned us to the last - up to one round of psychological science in the SRSR and in the same hour in the future, some in the whole, like in any fundamental pratsi, which is very rich in potential unassimilated, unreconstructed.

K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavska,

A. V. Brushlinsky

Rubinstein S.L.

Psychology, as it is more, less tempting for those who are in need of the right in the book chrobakyv, psychology, as the fact that a person has seen her life and strength, it is impossible to be intertwined with abstract vivchennyy functions; she is guilty, passing through the vivchennya functions, processes, etc., to bring the real life, living people to the point of view of the real life.

Spraved sense of the way we traveled in that field, which is not the last one, as lastly, croc by croc, lay the trail of our pictorial penetration in the psychic life of specialness. Psychophysiological functions were included in the psychological processes. Given the possibility of an analytic introduction of mental processes, being in reality the parties, moments of concrete activity, in such a stench they really form and manifest themselves, were included in the whole stay; As a matter of fact, before the whole development of mental processes, it turned into the development of activity - in that specific aspect, as it should be initiated by the minds of real health. The development of the psychology of performance, it is necessary to really go in the form of a specialty as a sub'єkta of the process of performance, bulo, according to the essence, the development of the psychology of specialty in this performance - ї motives (sponukan), goals. That is why the development of psychology of virtue is natural and natural to pass from the vivchion of the authorities to specialness - attitudes, health, rice to the character that appears and is formed in action. In such a rank, all the mentalities of mental phenomena - functions, processes, mental powers of activity - enter into the specialty and change in the singleness.

The very fact, whether it’s the ability to go through a specialty like a sub'єkta і, such a rank, on the skin given stage, a specialty є smart, cob, psychology of a specialty in the whole might be deprived of all the wickedness, completed mental manifestations, lastly critical in new psychological perceptions in their integrity and unity. To that, at every attempt to look for a psychology to think about a special person, inevitably, every concretely psychological zmist; the peculiarity of the appearance in the psychological plan as an empty abstraction. For the unfortunate disclosure of a list of the psychic wizard, it is easy to take into account the biological characteristics of the organism, metaphysical mirrors about the sub'єkta, dusi, etc. And by the social analysis of the specialness, the huge nature of such a person is psychologized.

As a matter of great importance, the problem of specialness in psychology, specialism in general cannot be included in the whole of science. Such a psychologization of specialness is wrong. Particularity is not the sameness of information, not of self-information. Analyzing the pardons of the Hegelian "Phenomenology of Spirit", K. Marx is one of the main meanings, but for Hegel the sub'ect is based on evidence or self-evidence. Evidently, it is not a metaphysics of Nimets' idealism - І. Kant, I. Fichte and G. Hegel is guilty of becoming the basis of our psychology. Osobistіst, sub'єkt - tse is not "pure witness" (Kant and Kantіantsyami), do not depend on own "I" ("I + I" - Fіkhte) and not a self-developing "spirit" (Hegel); tse concrete, historical, lively individual, inclusions from real life to real light. Absolutely, vis-à-vis the initial, provide for people in general, not in biological, but in a huge pattern of development. The head of psychology is a psychology, witness and self-awareness of specialness, but the essence of the matter is that you won’t be able to win the psyche and the testimony of "real living individuals" in reality.

But if the specialness is not built up to її evidence and self-awareness, then it’s impossible without them. Lyudin is a special person, depriving him of a glimpse of himself from nature, and his being placed before nature and before the other people is given to him as a relationship, so that he has a chance to see him from nature. The process of becoming, human specialness, includes in itself that as an unprecedented component of the formation of one's own characteristics and self-awareness: the process of developing one's own specialties. Whether it’s the interpretation of specialism, the pose of specialness can only be idealistic, it’s whether it is the interpretation of specialism, which does not include the interpretation of specialism and self-awareness, it can only be mechanical. Without evidence and self-awareness, there is no real specialty. The specialty of yak svidomy sub'kt is learned not only by navkolishnє, but by itself in its own vernaculars from navkolishnim. If it is not possible to bring a specialness to self-confidence, to "I", then it is not possible to bring one of them. To that end, the final food, as it stands before us in the plan of psychological education of specialness, is the price of food about self-awareness, about the specialty of "I", as in the capacity of a sub'kta I will take everything in myself, to kidnap people before of the author and the creator. The problem of psychological development of specialness does not end with the development of mental authorities of specialness - health, temperament and character; it will be completed by the self-certification of the specialness.

First for all the unity of the specialness of a certain sub'ect, which volodya is self-aware, is not a pohatkovoy given. Seemingly, the child is far from immediately grasping the yak "I": by holding out the first rocks of wine, he himself often thickly calls himself by name, as he calls him to feel; to find a way to find for oneself sooner as an object for those people, below as self-reliant in relation to them sub'ect. Learning to yourself the yak "I" є, in such a rank, the result of development. At the same time, the development of self-confidence is seen in the very process of becoming and development of self-awareness as a real sub''kta of performance. Self-awareness is called upon to call over the specialness, and to be included in it; self-awareness is not an independent way of development, except for the development of specialness, it is included in the whole process of development of specialness as a real sub'kta at the moment, side, component.

The unity of the organism and the independence of one's organic life є the first material change of mind, one of the special features, ale of change of mind. The I vіdpovіdno to tsogo elementarnі psihіchnі Stani zagalnoї organіchnoї chutlivostі ( "senestezії") pov'yazanі of organіchnimi funktsіyami, Yea, obviously peredumovoyu єdnostі samosvіdomostі, oskіlki klіnіka showed scho elementarnі, grubі torn down єdnostі svіdomostі in patologіchnih vipadkah so Ranks rozdvoєnnya abo rozpadu specialties (depersonalization) are tied with broken organic sensitivity. It’s a bit of a vision of one organic life in a remote organic sensibility є just a change of mind for the development of self-awareness, but not a dzherel. Dzherelo self-awareness is not brought up to shukati in "living organisms with oneself", it is played in reflex acts, services for regulating its functions (in some shukas, for example, P. Janet). Helpful dzherelo and rushіynі force the development of self-awareness is required to shukati in the growing real self-independence of the individual, so to rotate in the wake of the others.

It is not the self-awareness of self-awareness, of the "I", but the self-awareness of the winners in the course of the development of the quality of specialness, in the world as it becomes an independent sub'ctom. First of all, it’s a sub'ctom of practical and theoretical virtue, “I” itself is formed in it. Real, but not falsified, the history of the development of self-awareness is indiscriminately tied to the real development of specialness and the main principles of the life of the world.

The first stage in the formulated specialness is like an independent sub'єkt, which is seen from the nascent, the dressing from the well-groomed body, from the promises of the great ruffs. The process of formation of the first subject matter continues.

A fake ride on a tsiom well є an ear of walking, self-sucking. And in another, as in the first, the kind of thing is not really a style by itself, the technology itself is right, a bit of a change in the minds of individuals with people who appreciate the possibility of self-reliant self-reassurance, such Alone, both in and out, all at once with the child's self-reliance in relation to the relation to other people. Ditina really started making an admittedly self-contained sub''єkte of young things, really seen from the beginning. With the knowledge of this objective fact and the origin of self-knowledge of specialness, the persistence of self-awareness about one's self is connected. With a whole lot of people, they learn their independence, their self-reliance from otochenya deprivation through their views of the people who feel comfortable, and to come to self-confidence, to the knowledge of the powerful "I" through the knowledge of the people. Not the "I" posture is accepted to the "ti", nor the "self-aware" posture of assimilating the human being as an independent sub'ect. Self-confidence is an unmistakable product of the development of self-awareness, which, as its basis, is transformed into a child's becoming a practical sub'ctom, by and large seeing itself as a result.

It’s quite a lanka in the low main podias in the history of the formation of self-awareness and self-awareness, which is a form of misdirection and information as a whole. I have a grave role in the development of the child's svidomosty, but at the same time, it’s more than once the child’s power, changing her relationship with the children. Replace that, but you will be able to direct them on a new day of desiring grown-ups, a child, opanuyuchi promyshlennuyu, fill up the ability to direct the other desperate people for their bazhannyi and for the middle of the other people to pour into the light. All the changes in the behavior of a child and in their relations with those who are able to breed, understand, changes in their lives, and changes in their lives in their own line lead to the change of the behavior of the inner people.

Food about those who are individ sub'ktom with self-awareness and vision of themselves from otochennya, understanding their attitudes to the point of being seen, is not possible metaphysically. There are a number of steps in the development of specialty and self-awareness. In the series of the zonnіh podіy of the life of the specialness, everything is included here, that is to frighten the people with an independent sub'єct of a suspicious and special life: from building to self-service to the ear of labor, how to frighten him with material material. The skin from the cich zvnіshnіh podіy has its own inner side; about active, zvnishnє, the change between the common people and the people who feel in their own way, the change and the inner, the mental state of the people, awakening their self-confidence, of the inner people giving

However, there are a lot of calls and these internal changes, as the stench wicks, in no way can you see the process of becoming and development of specialness.

The independence of the sub'єkta niyak is not perceived by the state of affairs. Vaughn includes a large amount of building on its own, with confidence to put in front of you those who are responsible, as well as to start directly with your own spirit. Central to the great internal robots, transferring the building of self-mission and linking to the visualization of the visual. If you have a child, a youngster will see a robot: you will be more critical, you will not be able to form an eye-gaze, and a little bit closer, and I will enter into independent life with a special guest to put food in front of the young man about those who come to a special place. tse zmushuє serioznіshe ponder over himself and to bring up to the smallest development in a child and a youth of self-awareness. The development of self-confidence to pass through a whole series of steps - from the naïve misunderstanding of yourself to more and more deadened self-knowledge, so that you can find yourself in the middle with all the more meaningful and occasional self-awareness. In the process of development of self-awareness, the center of stress for the adult is more and more transferred from the outer side of the specialty to the її inner side, from the larger-scale rice to the character as a whole. From the tsim of the linkage of learning - inodi surpassed - of its own capacity and transition to the spiritual, ideological scales of self-evaluation. As a result, a person will self-identify as a specialty at a higher level.

On a large scale, the development of specialness and self-awareness is especially significant, individual views appear. The skin of a lyudin is special, we are a sub''ctom, we see volodin and we see self-awareness; But it’s not at the skin of a man who is like that, because of what kind of wines we are aware of the specialness, presented in the common world, because of this strength and strength. Obviously, deyakyh people are very hostile, but in a given people, I can right with a specialness in a special meaning of the word, panun over usim. We do not mind the enemy to see those even dear ones, I would like to see you, as you call me, seemingly about a person who is indivisible. "Individual", - we say about a bright man, so that we see the freedom. But if it is special, it is given to a person to be special, it means more and more. I am special in a specific sense of the word є lyudin, who has his own position, his own way of being put to life, svitoglyad, to what kind of triumph is the result of a great kind of robot. The specialness has its own identity. Such a person is not easy to see in that hostile, as it is in honor of the one; I myself have seen it myself. In other manifestations of its own, there is a transfer of distinctive independence of thought, non-banality of feeling, power of will, I like choice and inner prejudice. At the same time, in the skin, there are some significant specialties of the origin, such as it is seen from the action, ale, such as it is to a greater penetration in it. Glibin and the wealth of specialness allow for the abundance and wealth of connections with the world, with the people; Razviru cich zv'yazkiv, self-isolation to empty її. Ale osobistіst - the price is not іstota, yak has simply grown into the middle; I’m special because I’ve lost a lyudin, it’s good to see myself with her own otochennya for that, in a new way, it’s really vibrating with him. I am special if I am deprived of a lyudin, as I am introduced to the rank of singing until otochennya, I will establish my position so that it appears in all essence.

Just the specialness of the value of their assignment to the main manifestations of the life of the snake and their self-importance. Before people, in which specialness can be seen, it is rare to be put on a baiduge, so it’s like itself not to be put on a baiduge until the others; yogo to love or hate; New friends have friends and neighbors. Yak bi peacefully didn’t cross the life of such people, internally in the new one was more active, offensively, as well.

Yak bi there was no bulo, skinny ludin, being witness to a huge history, a sub'kt of practice, history, є by the very specialty. By starting your assignment to some people, it is your responsibility to self-signify. Tse svidome self-designation rolls in yo self-esteem. The specialness in the її real butti, in the її self-knowledge є those who are people, assimilate themselves as a sub'ukta, calling their "I". "I" is a specialness in general, in one of all sides of the butt, is visualized in self-awareness. Radical-idealistic current of psychology to develop a specialness to self-confidence. U.Jems overpowered the self-awareness of the sub'єkta as a spiritual specialty over the specialty of physical and social. As a matter of fact, the specialness should not be raised to self-assurance, and the spiritual specialness should not be overdue over the physical and social. If only there is one specialness - people of flesh and blood, well, thanks to the enormous value. Yak "I" vin vistupaє, oskilki with the development of self-knowledge, I understand myself as a sub'єkta of practical and theoretical virtue.

To his own specialness, a person is to bear his tilo, the fragments of her love, and organisms become the first signs of the world in the light. Build on the basis of the unity of the body, the specialness of the whole body of one's own, bring to one's "I", I will master the fragments of that, and revel in it. Lyudina pov'yazuє bolsh-mensh mіtsno and its own specialty і with singing call viglyadom, exceptionally in a new arrangement of different moments and to see the warehouse of yo life and style of dіalnosti. To that, if only people are involved in the specialty, and their identity, there is no reason to talk about the physical specialty and the specialty of spiritual side of the specialty. Not at a change, if not in greater, steps to be taken up to the spiritual side of the specialness; there is no special spiritual specialness in the viglyad who is a pure spiritless spirit; independent sub'єktom won є, deprived of the splinters, being a material thing, you won’t need to push material into the fuel. In such a rank, physical and spiritual, are the sides, which enter into the specialty of a deprivation in one and the same internal connection.

Until then, "I" is a ludin in a still larger world, below his own spirit, to bear the inner psychic wisdom. But not all and from the new wines in the rural world are included in the specialty. In the psychic sphere of a person, it is important to bring to his "I" his health and especially his character and temperament - that is the power of the specialness, which is the beginning of his behavior, giving his wisdom. In a whichever wide sense, you will experience everything as a human, all the psychic wisdom of your life to enter to the warehouse of specialness. But in a more specific sense of his own, how to lie down to your "I", people are not familiar with everything that has been seen in your psyche, but only those that have been experienced in a specific sense of the word that have grown in the inner history of your life. I don’t think I’m thinking, as I saw yogo testimony, a man in the old world of his own, and only taku, as he didn’t take it in a ready-made view, but mastered, having thought it over, so that it was the result of a powerful yogi.

Likewise, the very thing, if you don't mind, which touched your heart with a great deal, is a human being in his own world, and only like that, which was the beginning of his life and activity. But all the tses - і thoughts, і respectfully, і just like that, the bazhannya itself - a man who is in a shorter form of his own, in the power of "I" was guilty to include the deprivation of power of his own specialties - his character and temperament, his goodness and before them a thought, which has given all its strength, and it seems that the whole life has grown up with it.

The real specialty, like, being aware of their self-awareness, recognizing for themselves what kind of "I" is, as a sub'kta of its own performance, suspiciousness, we will include in the suspension wines and suspicious functions. The real thing is that specialness is really important to start with a suspicious roll: that, being seen in self-awareness, the community's role can be included by a human being in his "I".<...>

The installation of specialness was known to be reflected in the psychological literature. Putting his own for food about those that include the specialness of the people, W. Jams makes it clear that the specialness of the people becomes the backbone of everything that can be called your own. Іnakshe kazuchi: lyudina є those, scho vin maє; It’s easy to get it, it’s the power of it, it’s special.<...>

At the given time, we can, in an astonishing way, say that it is important to draw the line between what people call themselves, and that is why they are so important. Those who love people with their own, meaningful world are the originators and those who win themselves є. Along with the situation, we have one of the most common antiquated wines. To his own people, he doesn’t care so much, as if he’s got it, if I’m right, if I’ve seen it, then it’s awesome, if it’s included in it. To your own people, you are impressed by your love of robots, your own winners are impressed by the fatherland, by your winners, by your winners, by the interest of people: the stench of yogo, it’s because of it.

For us, a person is worthy of persh for everything, not for everything that is put up to that power, but for everything that is put before it.<...>That і th self-assessment is to lay aside the fact that it’s like a suspicious individual to work for a suspicion. We will do this, we will put it up to the point, we will cut it, on which the whole psychology of specialness will be overwhelmed; then we will become the basis and we will cut the self-confidence.

The self-confidence of the people, imagining real but the specialness, is not passive, it is not mirror-like. When people are aware of themselves, to see about the powerful psychic powers and qualities, it is far from being adequate to see them; motives, like a person visually, show their behavior in front of other people and in front of themselves, to see if it is not correct to visualize their spontaneity and subjectively, I am not looking forward to really visualizing it. The self-awareness of a people is not given without an average in their experiences, but it is the result of knowledge, for which it is necessary to understand the real knowledge of their experiences. Vono can be big-mensh adequately. Self-confidence, including those who are put to oneself, are clearly linked and self-judged. The self-assessment of the people is literally overwhelmed by the oversight, the initial norms of the assessment.

People's testimony is not only theoretical, more knowledgeable, but moral testimony. The roots of their wonders in the booth of the specialties. I will deny my psychologically real view in the fact that there is an internal change for people, and all those who are seen around and around themselves.

Self-confidence - it is NOT obvious danity, attracted to people, but a product of development; At the same time self-confidence is not in its own right in the form of specialness of the line of development, but as a side in the process of real development is included. In the course of development, in the world of that, as Lyudin poured life up to life, before him all the new sides of the boot are not only visible, but more and more people are looking at the reappraisal of life. The whole process of reappraisal, how to go through all the life of the people, setting up the change and the main change of its essence, the origin of the motives of the day and of the internal change, the building is quiet, as is the life of the life. Health, like to go around in the life of people, to comprehend the life of the great plan and to recognize those, which is important in this truth, it is not just to know what is worth for the idea of ​​thinking about it, so you should start thinking about it yourself To the fair nobility, where in life it is and most importantly, it’s priceless, I endlessly overturn every point, I want a great store of special knowledge, expensive and simple power - wisdom.

Life Shlyakh Specialist

Osobistіstu, yak mi bachili, people do not populate; specialty of winners. The price of the development of specialty is often seen as the development of the organism, so that it grows in the process of simple organic maturation. The essence of human specialness is to know its final viraz in the fact that it’s not just developing like an organism, ale and my own history.

On the basis of these living people, people have a history, and not just repeat development cycles, so that the activity of people, change their work, to become active in the products of material generation and spiritual culture, in the future. Through them, in the middle, there is a downturn in the middle of the generations, the leaders of the next generation do not repeat, but move on the right in front of the front and spiral on the crumbling with the help of those in the middle, whine the stench I fight against them.

Those who are introduced to the people as a whole cannot but be put in this time and to the skin people. Not only people, but a skinny ludin є in the world as a participant and sub'ct of the history of people, and in this case it is itself a history. Lyudin's skin has its own history, some of the development of specialness is mediated by the result of the dyialnosti, similarly to the development of people by the products of suspicious practice, behind the addition of which there will be a historical decline. To the one who knows how to make his own development in the right day, people are guilty of looking at the singing aspect: what am I? - What am I shattered? - what am I becoming? It would be wrong to think, in their right, in the products of their own performance, in their own specialness, they should not appear, being ready before and after them, and if they were sent to them, chim the bully. Lyudin, as she was shattering, became a human being this time. Yes, it’s right, and those, well, well, it’s not worth it, it’s necessary for the mother to be able to do it. However, the ability and the potential of people to become deaf and recover, as the stench does not come true; if in the world of that the specialty is objectively, objectively realized in the products of one's work, it grows and forms through them. Between the specialty and the products of the pratsi, the less the tim, the wow, the wicked, the clever dialectics. The call is not obov'yazkovo, but lyudin has picked up for himself in the right, as it has been zrobiv; Nawpaks, people who see how we see it, how they smelled the stench, how they smelled the stench, invite us to draw in a purely special interest for us. Todi, if it’s bachimo, it’s like I’m blessed with myself, I’m not included in those who’ve been deadly, I’m not picking up the time, I’m aware that there’s a human being alive behind the right, the specialness of which is a special person. For such people, there is a lot of inner work to be done to their own right, to the products of their own activity; do not take yourself into them, they smell the inner strength and power for the new ones.

Mova, in such a rank, isn’t about those, how to bring the history of human life to a number of well-known references. Naymenche is also acceptable for the psychology, for the very internal psychic change and the psychic development of the specialness; But the essence of the matter is that the very psychic development of the specialness is mediated by practical and theoretical performance, by the right. The line, which leads from the one that Lyudin was at one stage of his history, before, when he became on the offensive, to pass through those who were vicious. In the spirit of the people, in the right, practical and theoretical, psychic, spiritual development of the people is not only manifested, ale and vidbuvaetsya.

It’s the key to the development of special features - that, as you form, here’s your life path. The mental health is not just a change of mind, but the result is a change and a day. They won’t only appear, but form. The idea of ​​a vcheny will be shaped in the world of that, as it is in the formulas in his pratsy, the idea of ​​a huge, political guy is in the right. As soon as you can populate yourself from your thoughts, plans, thoughts, then and your very thoughts will be generated from your right. The identity of the historical day is shaped and developed as an understanding of the fact that through the new and for its fate one can see, for the sake of the fact that if the sculptor's face was shaved with stone, the image of a human being was not depicted by the artist. The artist's style is a viraz of yo individuality, ale and the very individuality of his as an artist is formed in his robot over the style of creation. The character of a man is manifested in yogo vchinka, ala in yogo vchinka vin and form; the nature of the people - і changing the mind, і the result of their real behavior in specific life situations; ponderous behavior, wine in behavior and warehouse. Smiliva lyudin acts boldly and noble to behave nobly; Alright, for that, we’ll be smart, we need to make a good job in our life, and to become truly noble, - to make a lot of things, as they would put a seal of nobility on a human being. Disciplined Lyudin is encouraged to be disciplined, how can we become disciplined? Only in order to order their behavior day after day, from year to year, unhealthy discipline.

In the same way, it is necessary to become overwhelmed by the scope of science and mystery, it is necessary, absolutely, in terms of health. Ale, realizuyuchis in a kind of non-fiction, buildings do not only appear in them; stench in nіy і mold, і evolve. Between the health of the people and the products of their efficiency, their practicality, there is a great deal of interconnection and good communication. It is good for people to develop and turn to those who do not want to be robbed. The practice of living gives a rich, factual material to the skin, which is to tell about those who are like robots, in the new and practical ways to develop and see the health of people.<...>

For the people, they are not vipadkovim, callous and psychologically biased by the furnishings of their biography, their own kind of history of their "living way". It is not for nothing that the biography of a people includes the first for everything, de and navchavsya, de and yak pratsyuvav, scho win zrobiv, yogo pratsi. Tse means that in the history of people, I am guilty of characterizing yogo, I include the first for everything, in the course of the development of the development of the people as a result of the forward historical development of the people, and the blame itself for the most vivid sound ...

In quiet people, if they are included in the history of people, there is also a specialty of robbing historical information, so please, that it is not only to be included in the history of the history, but in the history of the history of science, - in the history of this science itself people, in the history of mystery, and not just aesthetic vikhovannya and the development of this particularity, etc., - won’t become a historical special in the powerful intelligent words. Ale its history is a skinny ludin, a skinny human specialty. Lyudin's skin can become a history, and some of them are included in the history of people. You can say that people are deprived of their rest and specialness, and that people have their own history. In the course of the process of individual history, there are also their "podiums" - institutes of higher education and turning stages of the life of the individual, since those who want to go on a journey for the most part are trivial.

At the same time, all those who want to roam the people are prioritized by their henchmen before the other people, and that is not a huge human snake. At the sound of the tsim, right, how to rob a ludin, call to overgrow him, a bit of stench є huge on the right. At the same time, people have overgrown their right, some of their testimony є a suspenseful testimony. It’s not only the people’s priests that start to form the products of their power, but the people’s priests form all areas of the history of the development of human practice, human culture. Through the middle of the active products of their work and the creativity of people, people become people, and through all those who can be robbed, people are eager to relate to people.


The dermal theory is based on ideology; behind the dermal psychological theory - as the outward concept of the people, I will take into account the special changes in the new big-mens. So, Pevnyi kontseptsіya lyudskoї osobistostі stood behind traditsіynoyu, Sotho spoglyadalnoї, intellectualized psihologієyu, zokrema psihologієyu asotsіativnoї, yak zobrazhala psihіchne Zhittya yak smoothly protyagom uyavlen, yak protіkaє tsіlkom in odnіy ploschinі Process, vregulovany zcheplennyam asotsіatsіy on zrazok bezperebіyno pratsyuyuchoї machine in yakіy OAO All Chastain applied one to one; and in the same way, its own concept of people like a machine, or, in fact, an appendage to the machine, lie in the basis of behavioral psychology.

Its own concept of human specialty is varto and for all the reasons of our psychology. The whole real is alive with flesh and blood; You are not a stranger to internal wiping, someone is not just seeing, feeling, thinking, but also consuming, and pulling; Conflicts are in your life. But the realm and the real significance of the other steps of witness are growing and growing. Tsі vischі іvnі svіdomoіy life does not need to be called over the lower rank; the stench is getting into them all the way and to overwhelm them; consume people, and everything in the big world becomes fair to human needs; They do not consume anything in their natural naturalness, the stench of themselves, and not only those built on over them, show people ideally, everything in the big world is reimagined in the manifestation of a historical, suspenseful, fair human day-to-day life.

The price of the development of people’s svidomosty, її growth and establishment її in the new is seen in the process of real dіyalnosti people. The svidomosty of the people is indiscriminately tied to the action, and the virtue is tied to the witness. If it’s just a man who has collapsed with his needs and interests, all the new and all the more sophisticated products of his own work, in which they’re self-developed, are developing and growing, are being developed and developed. ... Through the products of her own work and her creativity, which is dependent on the products of her own work and social creativity, people herself in a spirited sense, develop their own specialty, expand and grow in life. The price in the closed view is also a psychological concept. Behind her, like a real prototype, the image of a human-creator, like, changing nature and overdriving suspension, changing its own nature, which in its suspension practice, generates a novel culture in the collective culture of humanity in viglyad human