It is called speech therapy programs. The working program of the speech therapist with the correct and educational performance in the minds of the preschool speech therapy center of the child's cage. Verbal mental processes

Working program "Korekts_ya movnykh porusheni at the preschool speech center"

She was rooted for vikhovanets on the 6th and 7th fate of life.
Termіn realizatsії 2 rock.
zmist programs
1. Explained note
3. Integration of educational areas in speech therapy robots
4. Speech therapy robot
5. Planning the results and mastering the work programs
6. Supplements
7. List of Literature

1. Explained note
Preschool navchalny pledges є the first gathering of uninterrupted education and enter into the system of suspicious preschool education. I have to lay down a provincial role in the development of children, in preparation for school.
At this time in our preschool education, the development of the educational process is prompted by the educational program of preschool education on the basis of educational preschool educational programs of preschool education. Veraksi, T.S. Komarovoi, M.A. Vasil'voi. A program is given for the transfer of directly "Piznavalno - movlennivy development" in the illumination hall "Komunikatsiya"
children s wrecked as a group of pedagogical scholars, that is why their physiological and psychic specialties accelerate their success in mastering them in the primary material in schools. Preparedness for schooling is a lot more dependent on the hour of the day. Children with disabilities are in need of special organization of correctional and speech therapy assistance, changes, form and methods of their obedience to be adequate to the possibilities and individual features of children.
I mark the protection of the diagnostic and correctional superconduct of vikhovants, in the child's garden there is a Logopunct function.
At the connection with the appearance in the great gardens of a great number of children with damaged children, including children with important injuries, such as poorly repaired moving children, there is a need for the introduction of special items on the logopedichesky
- "The program of preparatory work for children and for children underdeveloped by children" (TB Filicheva, GV Chirkin);
- “Program for the development of children from the ONR of the 6th fate of life” (TB Filicheva, GV Chirkin);
- "Program for the creation and development of children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment" (TB Filicheva, GV Chirkin);
- “The program to take on the development of phonemic hearing and mental health, sound analysis and synthesis in children of preschool age” (TB Filicheva, GV Chirkin);
- "System korektsіynoi robots in a speech therapy group for children from OHR "(NV Nishcheva);
- "Usunennya ONR among children of preschool viku" (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina)
- “Speak correctly. The system of corrections of the over-the-counter maladjustment move in children of 6 years. "(T.A. Tkachenko)
Meta programs - formulate a new phonetic system of moving, develop phonemic spillovers and tips of cob sound analysis and synthesis, automate hearing and pronunciation skills in different situations, develop the mind of moving.
In the process of the correction of children of speech paths, the following steps are expected:
- early revelation and quick reversal of the younger ones;
- Usunennya defects in sound warehouse structure) І development of phonemic hearing (health of the operation of development and recognition of phonemes, warehouse sound shell of the word);
- development of a sound analysis tool (special designations for the differentiation of phonemes and the establishment of the sound structure of a word);
- clarification, expansion and expansion of the lexical side of the movement; formulating grammatical budovi movi; development of the ringing movement of preschool children;
- healthy offensiveness in robots with fathers of vikhovants, pedagogues of preschool educational institutions and faculty of children’s polyclinics, medical institutions;
- a turbot about health, emotional well-being and free all-round development of skin babies;
-variety of vicarious materials, which allows the development of creativity according to the interests and nahili of the skin child;
- shanobly putting to the results of childish creativity;
- The number of children in the minds of a preschool mortgage and family.
The revision of the meanings in the program of goals and the establishment of a vykhovannya is more likely to be deprived of the teacher's direct input for the child from the first days of his transfer to the preschool naval mortgage.
Achievement of the set-up and revival of the establishment of the building shall be based on the following principles:
- the principle of a forward-looking approach, which dictates the need for early detection of children with functional and organic visions at the development, from one side, and the distribution of adequate speech therapy injected - from the bottom;
- the principle of developmental approach (primed on the idea of ​​L.S.
- the principle of a multifunctional approach, such as the transfer of one hour of the transmission of a number of Korean enterprises in the structure of one employment;
- the principle of children’s independence and activity, which means that the teacher is responsible for the transmission of children’s educational skills in their work. In front of the child, it is necessary to put a pictorial factory, in the bathtubs of some wines to spiral to the power of the wines. The whole principle of taking a more intensive mental development of preschool children and transferring awareness of child material and success in storing it in practical activity in the farthest;
- the principle of accessibility and individualization, so that the transmission of information about them, physiological features and the nature of the pathological process. The action of the tsy principle will be based on the decline of rukhovyh, movnyh aspirations;
- the principle of step-by-step change in order to transfer step-by-step transition from more simple to more folding buildings in the world of modernization and fixing a button to form;
- the principle of deliberation, which will preserve the tight interconnection and wide interconnection of all analytic systems of the body with the help of the preparation of auditory, healthy and emotional images of children.
Characteristics of the Vikhovanets contingent
The structure of the deterioration of movement among preschool children is not uniform. For speech therapy employment, ensure that children are advised by the next time they come:
- phonetic-phonemic underperformed movi;
- phonetically unapproved movi;
- zagalne nedorozvinennya movi - 3, 4 r_ven movny development.
In case of emergence of a foldable mobile pathology (ONR), a speech therapist should be advised to give fathers a consultation with a district speech therapist in a child polyclinic, neuropsychologist, and a neuropsychologist. At the time of the testimony of the recommendations of the fathers of the child, the teacher-speech therapist does not have any reason for the defect.
Characteristics of children with phonetic-phonemic underperformance movi (FFNR)
Phonetic-phonemic underappreciated movi - the destruction of the process of the formation of the pronunciation system and native movi in ​​children with small changes in the number of defects in spirits and vimov and phonemes.
Visually, the familiarity of the phonemic underreported є the ability to analyze and synthesize new sounds has been reduced, as it will prevent the phonemic composition of Movies from being removed. In the case of a child's promos with phonetic-phonemic underappreciated, it is difficult to formulate sounds, which are perceived by subtle articulation or acoustic signs.
The lack of molding of vimov and sounds in the region is variable and can be rotated in the child's movie in a fashionable way:
replacing sounds with more simple ones for articulation;
difficult development of sounds;
peculiarities of implantation of correct sounds in the context of the whole world.
A provincial defect in FFNR is the lack of molding of the processes of removing the sounds of movi, which are more difficult for children with practical rationalization of the basic elements of movi. In addition to all the overwhelming features of Vimov and the difference in sounds, in case of phonemic underdevelopment, the prosodic components of children are not easily destroyed in children: tempo, timbre, melody.
Show most of the underappreciated in this category of children in a large number of cases is not sudden. The vocabulary is important, and it is insignificant for the formulated grammatical budovi movi. When the children are dead, there may be notes about the pardons in the old ones, in the living folding applicators, in the agreement of the primes and the ordinal numbers of the names of the men, etc.
Characteristics of children with phonetic underreported movi (FNR)
Phonetically unapproved moving is a degradation in the sound (phonemic) design during the normal functioning of all operations.
The destruction of the sound design of the movi is encumbered by incorrectly formed articulatory positions. Most often a wrong sound is close to correct in its acoustic effect. The reason for the spoken vimov and sounds provoke a lack of formation or impairment of articulatory motor skills.
Razr_znyayut such destructive sounds:
- vimova was spoken to the sound;
- the visibility of the sound in the movie;
- replacing one sound to those who are close to their articulatory way.
Characteristics of children with zagalnyy underreported movi (ОНР)
The headroom of poorly acclaimed speech in children with normal hearing and primary preservation of intellect is an abnormality, when all components of the speech system are formed: sound, sound analysis, vocabulary, grammatical tone. The main contingent of senior preschool children is starting the third stage of development.
The third level of destructive development is characterized by the appearance of flared poppin 'moving without rude lexico-grammatical and phonetic appearances. At the same time, there is inaccurate knowledge and living of the bagatech and lack of formation of a number of grammatical forms and categories of Movies. In the active vocabulary, there are names and words, a lack of words, how to understand the qualities, signs, actions, I will become objects, I will be awed by words, difficulties to do one-root words. For grammatical budovy, there is a characteristic pardon for implanted applicants: in, on, on, before, on, on, off, etc., in the narrowest parts of the country, motivate the proposals. The sound of children is not susceptible to the standard of sound: the stench does not grow on the ear and the sound of the sound is close, it creates a warehouse structure and the sound filling capacity of words. Read more to see the children see in the daytime, in the sequence of the week, in the new side of appearances and not to be insured;
Children from the ONR develop from their own normally developing one-sided peculiarities of mental processes. They are characterized by instability of respect, lowering of the verbal memory and productivity of the memory, the presentation in the development of the verbal and logical message. The stench is caused by a swishy stomachache, distraction, a piddling visnazhenistyu, before the appearance of a kind of pardon. A lot of children from the ONR may cause a deterioration in the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus: a change in muscle tone in the movable muscles, difficult in subtle articulation differentiation, amalgamated with the power of powerful collapses. Disorders of movement are closely related to impaired hand motility: lack of coordination of fingers, lack of coordination and lack of hand, stuck in one position.
Appointments in the development of children, who suffer from various anomalies, are NOT spontaneously overcome. Stinks in specially organized robots according to їх korektsії.
2. Organizational education
The effectiveness of speech therapy robotics is based on the clear organization of children during the period of being transferred to the child's garden, the correct development of the day, coordinating and advancing in the robot all the sub-logical processes:
The organization of the activity of a speech therapist, henchmen, and others of the world will begin with the set up of dedicated work programs. Speech therapy routine is carried out from 1 to 15 days, from 15 to 31 days. (Dodatok 1) Frontal speech therapy (subgroup) and individual occupations are held from 15th Sunday.
Number of times to borrow: 2 times per day (individual and frontal). Rzpodil take over the development of the move, carrying out a stretch, the satisfaction of all the children in the DNZ, sanitary regulations No. 2.4.1.-1249-03. It follows from the standards of "Sanitary and Epidemiological Vimoga until the Power of Power, Trimming and Organizing the Robotic Regime of Preschool Educational Establishments. SanPin ", hardened by the Head Sovereign Likar Russian Federation And also to inform, the function of preschool speech therapy items in showing, how to change the number of frontal and subgroups to take, and take an hour for an individual robot. I will look at the vimogi before organizing the regime of the day, and those who are in charge of taking the maximum allowable social security service are not guilty of changing the norms of the allowable SanPin (clause 2.12.7). According to SanPiN it is triviality to take the 6th fate of life 25 khvili, from the children of the 7th fate of life 30 khvili.
The program has been broken down for implementation in the minds of a speech therapy station baby cage zagalnorozvyayuyu kind, so that in the distribution without an average illumination performance is not transferred to a special hour for the frontal performance of the teacher - speech therapist. Speech therapy individual occupations are held from Sunday 16th to Sunday 15th May, from the beginning of the day, from the middle of the day, and from the beginning of the day. The speech therapist takes care of the children at any hour, except for physical culture and music.
Busy people with vikhovantsy are held both individually and in a microgroup (2-3 people). The main form of speech therapy correction є individual busyness. Periodicity of microgroup and individual take Become a speech therapist in the presence of heavy degradation of development. Microgroup employment is carried out with vikhovantsy, such as: in the back room of the poorly acclaimed move; the same type of sound damage.
The release of children is carried out by reaching out to the beginning of their fate in the world of usunenia, they have defects in their movement.
The program is composed of the basic forms of organizing the Koreans to take:
іndivіdualny - the main meta - pіdbіr complex rights, aimed at usunennya specific damage to the sound side of the move in case of dyslalia, dysarthria. At the same time, a speech therapist is able to establish emotional contact with a child;
Zmіst іndivіalnyh occupy:
development of articulatory praxis;
flash right;
clarification of the articulation of the correct sound in the new sound-warehouse data;
victories and setting of out-of-the-way sounds or correction of twisted sounds;
cob stage of їkh automation in lodged phonetic minds.
microgroup - the main meta - vikhovannya navichok collective robotics, in the mind of hearing and a bit of a speech therapist, vikonuvati at a given pace to the right with the development of power to the voice, modulation changes (chorus, vibirkovo); adequately assess the quality of children's products. Speech therapist can organize a simple dialogue for training in one of the most important tools; trenuvati children in the development of phonemes similar to the sounding in vlasny and chu¬zhoy movi. For speech therapy robots, for an hour in a microgroup room, take 2-3 children to get together for the familiarity of the same type of sound damage. Warehouse for children in microgroups stretching through the rock periodically. The price is poured over with dynamic wins in the correction of the movement of each child. Warehouse microgroup є with a cleaned system, Ask for a speech therapist's examination in the presence of dynamism in the form of a speech therapist.
The head of the microgroup occupy:
secured navichok vimov and vivchenikh sounds;
іdpratsyuvannya quick start and build foldable warehouse structures, consisting of correct sounds;
vikhovannya readiness to sound analysis and synthesis of words, which are stored in the correct sound;
expansion of lexical stock in the process of consolidating earlier sounds;
consolidation of grammatical categories available for all grammatical categories with corrections on individual sounds.
The important form of the Korean robotics is individual busy, so there is no thematically promising planning of group robots for children. Planning for speech therapists to occupy the day: describe the main straightforward, for which plan to practice on busy, name didactic igors, articulatory rights... Also, the plan allows for more specific steps, on which the robot ended on the previous jobs and, also, more efficiently carry out the correction.
The order of vivchennya sounds, the last of vocabulary, but you can take a change to the speech therapist's examination.
Planning to take a day for children to diagnose FN, FFN, ONR-III level r.
6th fate of life, distributed for 3 periods in the beginning
I period - zhovten - leaf fall. 9 jobs, 18 jobs - 2 jobs per day,
7 years old. 30 min.
II period - breast - 12 days, 24 take - 2 times per day,
10 years old.
III period - birch - grass 12 days, 24 employees - 2 employees per day, 10 years.
- zvukovimov + zv'yazkova mova
In total 66 are employed in rіk, 27 years 30 min.
Z 15 May - repetition of the material covered
Planning to take a child, which may diagnose FN, FFN, ONR-III-IV level r.
7 the fate of life is distributed for the 2nd period of the month
I period - zhovten - breast. 13 jobs, 26 to take - 2 jobs per day,
13 years old.
II period - very grassy. 21 days 42 employees - 2 employees per day, 21 years.
- to a sound character, training before the beginning of the literacy + zyazkova mova
Only 68 will take 34 years in rіk.
Z 15 grass - repetition of the material covered.
Triviality to take for children: FN - from 3 to 6 months;
FFN and FN (polymorphic display) - 1 pik
ОНР-III level r. - 1-2 rock.
Individual busy.
The frequency of carrying out individual psychophysics begins with the character and the degree of turn of the mental breakdown, for example, with the individual psychophysical peculiarities of children, the triviality of the individual take 10 minutes.
FN - 2 times per day;
FFN - 2 times per day;
ОНР-III level r - 2-3 times a day.
Cooperation with teachers of preschool educational institutions and fathers
This program may have been successfully implemented for being included in the correction and development of the activity of the fathers (for example, such as they will stop), as well as pedagogues and faculty in a child's garden, ... The robot for the development of children is carried out not only by a speech therapist, but in the unregulated activity of the drivers: on walks, in the evening and in the ranks, as well as during the hour of no-mediocrity. Fathers of the child and the teachers of the child's garden gradually consolidate the form of the child's life and navichki.
When organizing educational activities, prioritize the priorities in the work of older participants light process:
- psychodiagnostics;
- viyavlennya compensatory capacities;
- trainings are right.
Speech therapist:
- diagnostics, setting and automation of sounds;
- frontal corrections of busyness;
- indivdualny korektsіynі busy;
- excursions, caution;
- commenting on your own performance (promising in the voice of a frivolous act);
- іgry that is right for the development of foreign and other motor skills;
- right to the form of the correct physiological studiesі phonation vidihu;
- ruhlivi іgri with a voice superwire on the fastening of a navichok the correct vimov and sounds;
- іgri for the development of spacious organization;
- right to the development of the auditory sprymannya, rukhoi memory;
- іgri, to the right on the sprouting color і form.

- movne і new development.
- іgry that right on the development of articulatory motor skills of the child;
- control over the visitors of the household;
- control over the correct Vimova child;
- vikonannya recommendations of all fahivtsiv;
- fixing the navichok and expanding knowledge.
Musical Kerіvnik:
- elements of the logo;
- setting the diaphragmatic-motive dikhannya;
- development of coordination of rukhiv;
- music therapy;
- development of foreign and other motor skills.
- automation of sounds;
- development of phonemic hearing;
- expansion of the vocabulary;
- the development of a ringing movement.
Physical culture instructor:
- development of great and dynamic motor skills in the games and in the right;
- Integration of mobile and rudder functions;
- development of the main types of ruch.
Interaction of a speech therapist with the participants in the correctional-pedagogical process

Physical culture instructor vikhovannya Muzychny
Organization of a subject-spacious developing center
1. Mirror with a lamp of pre-lighting.
2. Stil, 2 Stilchiki to borrow from the mirror.
3. A set of probes for setting sounds.
4. Disposable spatulas, cotton wool, cotton sticks, gauze servet.
5. Alcohol, sterilizer.
6. Dikhalnі simulators, іgrashki, іbniki for development of dіkhannya.
7. Card file of materials for automation and differentiation of sounds (warehouses, words, words, propositions, little words, pure phrases, squashes, texts)
8. Speech therapy album for objectivity.
9. Subject pictures, series of plot pictures.
10. "Algorithms" for the folding of descriptions.
11. Subject and plot pictures for automation and differentiation of sounds.
12. Desktop-handled games for automation and differentiation of sounds.
13. Subject pictures on lexical topics.
14. Igri for a thoroughly grammatical fret movement.
15. Didactic іgri for a thorough memory, respect, healthy and auditory spirits.
16. Noise, musical instruments for the development of phonetic style.
17. Help for the development of all types of motor skills (articulatory, dynamic, foreign).
3.Integration of educational areas in speech therapy robots
Osvitnya galuz Zavdannya Type of activity
Physical culture Development of coordination and accuracy of work. - finger gymnastics
- mova in ruhom
- physical culture
I’ll put my healthy Formuati correctly when I sit at the table. Expanding knowledge about the budget of the articulatory apparatus and its function. - besіda

Communicating Vikhovuvati is more active and respectful to Movy, be sure to listen aloud to the beast of Movies, intelligence and zmist, a little bit of mercy in your own and someone else's move. It is necessary to make sure to "rehearse" the game situation and on the basis of the development of the communal function of the mobile. - games situations
- mini inspiration

Reading to children of artistic literature Rozvivati ​​is interested in artistic literature, navik hearing of artistic creations, formuvati emoticon before the read, before the heroes; read and listen to your position before reading.
Read vividly to read the verses, brother, share in the incidents - the automation of the delivered sounds in the verse texts, announcements
Readiness to pick up objects, їх power, tear things up, pick up a group of items for a given familiarity. Developing rumors respect and memory when receiving non-new sounds. Take a good look at the sounding of decilkoh іgrashok or child musical instruments, objects_in the intercessor; strong and quiet, high and low sounds. Prodovzhuvati development of the target at the right for the grouping and classification of objects. The shape is quilted with the function of the eyes and fingers. Developing respect and memory in robots with free pictures and puzzles. Undoubtedly and develop constructive praxis and other motor skills in robots with free pictures, puzzles, didactic games, games, finger gymnastics. - folding of descriptions
- Automation of the delivered sounds in words
- didactic іgri on the development of auditory and healthy sleep
- іgry with mosaics, puzzles, with other objects
- finger gymnastics

Muzyka Rozvivati ​​is smart and rhythmic baby. Read to convey the rhythmic babies. - didactic іgry that right
Artistic creativity Rozvivati ​​graphomotor navichki. - shading
Socialization of development in the group of community navichki. Make sure you get the help of the grill in the field-handled didactic games, read the rules in the gri. Development of cleverness and insights, development of sketches. - insistently-trained didactic іgri
- theatrical іgri
- automation of sound delivery for calls, notifications, spontaneous messages
Pratsya Rozshiryuvati uyavlennya children about the pratsy grown up, sniff up the interest to the pratsi grown up. Robit the scraps of bazannya to create order on your working mission. - besіda
- automation of the delivery of sounds in the ringing movement
- reassurance
Bezpeka Vchit dotrimuvatisya bezpeki technology. Close the rules of behavior on the streets, with homeless creatures, with bummed butts. - іgry with other objects
- automation of sounds in a ringing movement (re-delivery or folding notification)
- besіda
4.Contents of the Korean Robot
Thus, it is important to secure children at the Logistics Center, as they may fail to correct the structure of their work
Destruction of Usny Moving
Phonetically unapproved movi - Korektsiya soundimovi
Phonetic-phonemic under-acclaimed movi - Phonemic phonetic message

Zagalne underreported movi -
-Exquisite grammatical Budovi
-Exquisite ringing movement
-Development of phonemic sync
-Advanced warehouse structure of slips
- Correction of sound

In case of phonetic underdevelopment, phonetic-phonemic underdeveloped mov and zagalny underdevelopment, correction of sound, including the onset of steps:
I. Preparatory - 4-12 occupy;
II. The stage of the formation of the first ones will be reduced and the button - 20-50 to take;
III. The stage of the formation of communal minus and navichok is 2-4 to take.
The robot at the preparatory stage is focused on:
- Vibrating the clear coordinated rucks of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, preparation of the organs of the articulation before setting quiet sounds.
On the given stage of articulation of articulatory gymnastics, the training is right:
for all sounds: "Vіkontse", "parkanchik",;

- the development of a free movement and a strong and trivial chic structure:
"Who is captured?", "Football", "Ship", "Storm in the Glasses", "Propeller".
The stage of the formulation of the first ones to reduce the number of tips:
1. Setting of broken sounds, vicoristy and developmental methods of imitation, mechanical, changes.
The setting of sounds to be heard in such a sense, as is determined by the natural (physiological) course of the formation of sounds in children in the norm:
whistles С, 3, Ц, С ", 3"
sizzles W, W, H, Sch
Sonora J, L, R, R "
Changes in the aftermath of the sounding are based on the individual features of children.
The robot, according to the production of sounds, is carried out only individually: showing the articulation in front of the mirror, showing the profile of the given sound, showing the position of the hand with a penzel, specifically demonstrating the sound.
2. Automation of sound delivery:
1) isolated vimovi;
2) in warehouses;
3) in words;
4) in words;
5) in propositions;
6) in the text.
3. Differentiation:
1) isolated sounds;
2) in warehouses;
3) in words;
4) in words;
5) in propositions;
6) in the text.
The stage of the formation of communal intelligence and a key to the automation of sound delivery in spontaneous movement.
In case of phonetic-phonemic underdeveloped speech and overwhelming underdevelopment of the development of one of the most important directions of the robot є the development of phonemic hearing.
In the case of a Korean robot, the following steps are included:
I. Development of the auditory sprymannya, uvagi (get ready one hour with a preparatory stage);
II. Development of phonemic hearing (start immediately with the preparatory stage and stage of the formation of the first ones to be smart and navichok);
III. Formation of sound-alphanumeric and warehouse analysis and synthesis of a word (follow the steps of the formulation of the first and the most important and communal miner and navichok).
At the stage of development of the auditory sprymannya, the following should be carried out:
1) to the right, straightened on the differentiation of sounds, which is developed for tonal, visoti, triviality: "Guess whose voice", "Know a couple", "catch a whisper", "Zhmurki with a voice", "Guess, dear called? »Ta in ..
2) making a rhythmic baby by ear: "I love you",
The stage of development of phonemic hearing includes:
1) to the right at the recognition of the given sound of the middle phonemes and the definition of the word in different positions: "Lick if you hear a sound", "Make a difference to the sound in words";
2) have the right to differentiate sounds that are close in articulation or acoustic power: "Take a necessary symbol", "One, two, three, repeat after me"
The stage of formulating the sound-letter and warehouse analysis and synthesis of the word transmission:
1) the last identification and sounding of sounds in the words of a small warehouse structure: "Sound Domino", "Fun Ribalka", "Budinochki", "Who's for Kim?"
2) the last identification and addition of warehouses in the words of a different warehouse structure: "Prove the word", "Plutanin", "Cheerful pity", "Uudziki",
3) the recognition of voiced and inaudible (solid and soft) sounds by means of chips of the following colors: "Widbury Pictures", "Sound Lotto", "Vidgaday", "Say Navpaki";
4) folding of clever and graphical schemes: "Telegraphist".
In case of underdevelopment, the movement of the edge is overwhelmed by the following robots:
Population of the vocabulary (follow the steps for the formulation of the first ones and the communal ministers and the navichok):
1. nominative vocabulary;
2. predicative vocabulary;
3. vocabulary sign;
4. numbers and bunnies;
5. word-creation tools.
A perfect grammatical fret (stay at the stages of the formulation of the first vimovnyh and communal minutiae and navichok):
1. words;
Adequate for the ringing movement (at the stages of the formulation of the first time and community miner and navichok):
2. Distribute according to a series of plot pictures;
3.Reply by plot pictures... (Dodatok 2)
The basis for the conduct of the development of the development is to serve the step-by-step expansion of the knowledge of children about the new life according to the topic ("Adoption of a child's cage", "Professia", "Odyag", "Dishes", "Products" , "Vegetables", "Fruits", etc.) (supplement 3)

5.Planning results and mastering work programs
- correctly articulate all the sounds of the move in different phonetic positions and forms of the move;
- Differentiation of all sounds;

- know the words in the spoken words from the given sound, to start the sound in the words;
- understanding the understanding of "sound", "solid sound", "soft sound", "dull sound", "sound", "warehouse", "proposition" in practical terms;
- to name the meaning of words in words, warehouses and sounds in words;
- viroblyati elementary sound analysisі synthesis;
- Opanuvati onintonazymi ways of variation in change, reading of verses.
- the size of the change is based on the parameters of the group;
- phonetically correct the sound side of Movi;
- to correctly transfer the warehouse structure of the slips, which are vikoristovuvanih in the independent mov;
- koristuvatisya in independent movement with simple extensions of words, volodyti naviks to unite them in order;
- reloading with elementary clues;
- Volodya with the help of dialogue movement;
- with the help of word-creation: produce the names of the names of the names of the men of the children, of the names of the men of the men and of the children, of the change-over-festive and of the higher forms of the men and of the children;
- grammatically correctly formulate the self-regulation of the move, up to the norms of the move. Vіdmіnkovі, generosity ends when guilty are pronounced clearly; simple and even all folding receivers - get used to it adequately;
- vikoristovuvati in the spontaneous brutal words of the young lexico-grammatical categories (imenniks, deesliv, priest, prikmetnik, zaimennik, etc.);
- Volodya elements of literacy: habits of reading and teaching of deyaky letters, warehouses, words, short sentences in between programs.


Dodatok 1
movna karta
1.Agreement to the child __________________________________________
2.Date the People ________________________________________________
3. Home address ______________________________________________
4. P.IB. batkiv:
Matir: __________________________________________________________
Father: __________________________________________________________
5. About family _______________________________________________
Mova Batkiv __________________________________________________
What kind of vaginosity _____________________________________________
Moving development: (if you have appeared)
Gulinnya _______________________ Babble ______________________________
Words _________________________ Phrase _______________________________
Overwhelmed chi new development _____________________________________
Chi studied early with a speech therapist ______________________________________
7.General sounding Movi:
voice ___________________________________________
Movement rate _____________________________________
Melodic-іntonatsіyna side of the move ________________________________
dikhannya __________________________________________________________
Step of spirits moving _________________________________________
8.Constance of the motor sphere
a) Mental motor skills
Motor memory (repeat after a speech therapist 4 hands for hands): ___________ A decent galmuvannya (marching and quickly zupinitisya from the bavovnya): __________________________________________________________ Static coordination of rucks (stand one foot behind one line of sight; ochima): _________________________________________________________ Dynamical coordination (marshiruvati cherguyuchi croc і bavovna): __________
The pace of the rucks (stretching out the singing hour, utrimuvati tasks the pace in the ruffs of the hands): ______________________________________________ Vidchuttya rhythm (tapping a rhythmic baby behind the teacher): _________________________________________________________.
b) Manual motor skills:
Static coordination of rukhiv ___________________________________
Dynamical coordination of members _________________________________
9.Construction of the apparatus of articulation
a) Mimic musculature in calm: nasolabial folds, bend, smoothed; nasolabial folds symmetric, asymmetric; mouth open, mouth closed; sleepless є, dumbє; lip asymmetry є, dumb; lips and wrinkles shitlno, vіlno; gіperkіnezi є, dumb
b) Lips: natural goods, tovsti, splitting of the upper lip, pislyoperatsіynі cicatrix, labial vortex, short vortex of the upper lip
c) Teeth: good, healthy, rotated posture of a slit arc, broken, broken, crooked, poorly adjusted, carious, normal size, distempered
d) Bite: physical, frontal, bicritic, unilateral, bilateral
e) Budova slit: progeny, prognathia, norm
f) Firm pidnebynnya: domed, overworldly vuzke, temple, flat, low, gorge of the hard palate, splitting of the alveolar ridge, submucous gorge, norm
g) Uvulyus: out-of-the-way, shortened, split, wobbly along the middle line, going to the side, normal
h) Mova: tovstiy, mlyaviy, stresses, small, dovgy, vuzkiy, do not rotate parts of the move, pull in a company, posture of mouth emptying, norm
i) Pid'yazikova bridle: short, elastic, taut, low, nonelastic, normal
10.Phonetic side of Movy
Sound Stan:
I will show my character:
a) Isolation of damage
b) damage in warehouses
c) ruin in words
d) broken phrases
Whistling Fizzes Sonorns Tremulous primitka
z z "z z" c w z h w l l "p p" j to "g g" x Інші
Skips - n
Sportivenya - i
Replace - s
11. Phonemic recognition and phonemic hearing:
a) seeing the sound (warehouse) in a row of sounds (slav): clap, if you smell a sound (warehouse);
b) repetition of the warehouse by ear:
sha - sa _________ sa-sha __________ ta-da ______________ ka-ha __________
ka-ha-ka ________ ta-ta-ta _________ pa-ba ______________ ba-ba-pa _______
c) seeing the first sound in words:
Anya ___________ booth ___________ kit _____________
d) seeing the rest of the sound in words:
beetle ___________ eyepieces ___________ ____________
e) pidbir pictures for sound assignments.
f) Development of sounds-paronims
Kachenya - vudka Dakh - schur Mishka - bowl
Cancer - varnish Wuh - vusa Kos - goat Nirka - barrel
12. The syllable structure of the word, propositions:
a) lyki ____________ elephant ____________ television _________
school ___________ board _____________ cup ____________
b) children were angry with a person ________________________________
the bird called the nest ___________________________________
13. Vocabulary
subject vocabulary
a) name the subject pictures:
eyes ___________ ball ________ spackles ________
go __________ Likes ___________ Ravlik __________
bird ___________ dog ___________
b) name the dia in the classroom:
snake ____________ riba _______________
bird ____________ dog ____________
c) name the subject by the yogi:
mode _________ wondering ___________ pilaєmo ___________
nyuhaєmo ___________ shiєmo ___________ written ___________
d) name the subject according to the yogo description:
Who is oblique, weak, fearful? ___________
How to light, syє, grіє? ___________
How do you call yourself primitive, do you read and buy books? _____________
e) name of ditinchat: cats ________ dogs ________ cows __________ goats ___________ horses _____________ hammers ___________ pitching ________ vovka ________ foxes _________ wed __________
f) Cozy witness:
Dishes ________________________ furniture ___________________________ vegetables _________________________ food ___________________________ food _____________________ fruits ____________________________
Reasonableness in the last hour of the cholovik. і squads. kind:
Zhenya danced Zhenya danced
Valya spіvala Valya spіvav
Shura painting Shura painting
vocabulary sign

Relish: berry ____________ lemon ______________ groove _____________
Give a sign to the subject: їzhachok _______ khmara _________ yalinka _______

Pidbir antonimiv: great ________ cold ________ clean ________ solid ________ dull _________ wet _________ wide _________ svitliy ________ high ________ senior ________

14. Grammatical budova movi
a) Vzhivannya іmennikiv od. h. in different views: їм .___ born .___ dates .___ wine .___ create .___ propositions .___
b) Osvita forms of the generic name of a plurality of names:
"What is rich in lisi?" ____________________________________________ "What is rich in the garden?" _______________________________________________
"What is rich in this room?" _________________________________________
c) Revision of od. h. mennikiv among others: goat _______ eyes ________ stilets ________ zagin _______ forehead ________ vuho _______ tree __________ mouth _________ ticket _________ feather _________ visually __________ sleeve ________ gorobets ____________ doctor ___________ swamp __________ lion _________
d) Implantation of applicants: at ___ for ___ s ___ s ___ for ___ pіd ___ w-pіd ___ w-pіd ___
e) Uzgodzhennya number ___ two olives ___ three olives ___ seven olives ___ one apple ___ three apples ___ one apple ___ two olives
a) Osvita change in the shape of the imennik: kilim __________ nest __________ head __________ bag _________ vіdro _________ ptah __________ grass ___________ vukho ________ forehead _________ gorobets __________ style __________ tree ___________
b) Osvita primetniks from imenniks: snig ____________ papir ____________ slope ____________ plastic _____________ hutro ____________ wool ___________ down _____________
c) Osvita folding slavs: stone crushing _________________ scoop earth _________________ сіно mowing _________________
15 the state of ringing
Folding propositions according to plot pictures _______________________
Folding razpovіdі on plot pictures ___________________________________________________
Collaboration for a series of plot pictures

16.Understanding of Movies and Features of the Missing
a) folding from part of the whole
b) seeing a borrowed subject
c) spacious-hours of manifestation:
right hand liva hand
top - bottom high - low
far - near the middle
parts of the add-on ___________________________________________________
pori rock __________________________________________________
d) sprinkling of colors: chervonia _____________ blue _________________ zhovty ______________ greens ____________ biliy _____________ black ______________ brown ____________
e) knowledge of geometric figures: square __________ tricycle __________ colo ____________ rectangular ________________
f) rakhunkov_ operations:
straight rahunok __________ vortex rahunok _________ ordinal rahunok _________
g) clarification of the text:
Kishka slept on the dakha, clenched her paws. The village was bilya kishki birdie. Don't sit close, birdie, cunning little ones!
Was the cat asleep?
Was yak sleeping?
Who sіv bіlya kishki?
What do we say, birds?
17. Speech therapy visnovok ________

Dodatok 2
The robot will make a sound correction and repair it from the middle of the spring, after the completion of the situation.
It is carried out every day up to 1 worm, except for winter and spring canals. At the heart of the individual-subgroup Korektsіynyh take for VIMO organizing excursions, rozvagi, іgri.
The entire individual subgroup of the robot's correction is cleverly divided into several steps.
I. Preparatory
Supervisor: Retailer and all-purpose preparation of a child up to trivial and copyright correction robots, and itself:
a) viklicati interest to the speech therapists to take, find the need for them;
b) development of auditory respect, memory, phonemic reception in games and special rights;
c) the formation and development of articulatory motor skills to the level of minimum sufficiency for sound production;
d) in the process of systematic training in the complex of finger gymnastics;
e) improvement of physical health (consultations of physicians - university faculty, if necessary drug treatment, Massage, sour cocktail).
Yakisna preparation of the robot will ensure the success of sound production and all the correct robots. Tom won the greatest respect for a speech therapist and great vitrats for an hour.
II. Formation of vimovnykh min and navichok
a) usunennya defective sound;
b) development of less and less differentiating sounds, articulating and acoustic;
c) the formulation of practical cleansing and the basics of correcting corrected (phonetically clean, lexically rosy, grammatically correct) by promiscuity.
See the Korean robots on this stage:
1. Statement of sounds in the following sequence:
whistles С, 3, Ц, С ", 3"; sizzles W, F, H, Sch; Sonora J, L, R, R "
(The way of setting the changes).
Training right (except for articulatory gymnastics):
for all sounds: "Vіkontse", "parkanchik";
for whistlers: "Misimo Tisto", "Mlinets", "Drive the ball at the gate", "Kitska";
for sibilants: "Goydalka", "Cup", "Snot", "Parachute";
for L: "Steamfloor Gude", "Evil Bear";
for Р, Р ":" Painter "," Indyki basic "," Woodpecker "," Konyachka "," Mushroom "," Accordion "," Drummer "".
Robot for sound production is carried out only individually.
2. Automation of cutaneous sound corrected by
The world of staging can be performed individually, as well as in groups:
a) S, 3, W, F, Z, 3 ", L" are automated from a collection in direct warehouses, then in the backyard and in the rest of the room in warehouses with a lot of ears;
The given endurance is determined by the natural (physiological) course of the formulation of sound in children in the norm and in the formulation of the program of the new speech therapy group (after the end of the frontal occupation).
However, let’s admit that the stench is dictated by the individual peculiarities of the children and the success of their success.
Dzvinki prigolosnі 3, Zh, 3 "cannot be automated in zvorotnyh warehouses.
b) Ts, Ch, Shch, L - navpaki: sprinkle in zvorotnyh warehouses, sometimes in the straight from zbіgom inaudible;
c) P, P "can be repaired automatization from the protorous analogue and parallel to the vibration of the vibration.
3. Automation of sounds in words is carried out according to the traces of automatization in warehouses, in the same post-date.
In the world of ovolodinnya, it is inaccurately introduced into the skin fold of the skin and locked in words with a given style. To carry out robots for the automation of sounds in words, children with any defects are united in a group. All submission of a robot's correction is carried out in pidgroups.
4. Automation of sounds in propositions.
The skin of Vimov's words is inaccurately included in the surroundings of the proposition, at the same time in small announcements, amusements, phrases, verses with the given word are chosen.
5. Differentiation of sounds:
З 3, З З, С-Ц, С-Ш;
F 3, F-W;
Ch-S, Ch-G, Ch-Sch;
Shch-S, Shch-T, Shch-Ch, Shch-Sh;
R-L, R-R ", R-L", R-Y, L-L;
6. Automation of sounds in spontaneous movement (in dialogue movement, in games, events, regime moments, excursions, pratsi ...).

III. A perfect phonemic mindset and a hint of sound analysis and synthesis in parallel with the correction of sound production.
IV. Systematic exercises for the development of respect, memory, targeting on materials spent in VIM.
V. Development of ringing viral moving on the basis of correct sounds.
Lexical and grammatical right; normalization of the prosodic side of the move; navchannya rozpovidannya.

supplement 3

Literature for Batkiv:
1. Agranovich Z.. Speech therapists and fathers can help. A collection of home establishments for the development of the phonemic side of the movement among older preschool children. - SPb .: DITINSTVO-PRES, 2007.
2. Baskakina I. V., Linskaya M. I. Speech therapy іgri. - M .: Airis-PRESS, 2008.
3. Bliskovskaya Y., Grozovskiy M., Vorlamova N. Alphabet. - M .: Rosmen 2009.
4. Bortnikova E. Wonderful training. - Yekaterinburg: Literature, 2006.
5. Vasil'va S. A., Sokolova N. V. Speech therapy games for preschool children. - M., 1999 ..
6. Vorobyova T. A., Krupenchuk O. І. Ball and mova. - SPb., 2001 ..
7. Zhukova NS Primer. - M .: EKSMO, 2008.
8. Zhukova O.S. Rozvivamo mova. - M .: Astrel, 2008.
9. Kolesnikova Є. B. Development of phonemic hearing in children 4-5 years old. - M .: Juventa, 2007.
10. Kolesnikova Є. B. Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old. - M .: Juventa, 2008.
11. Kolesnikova Є. V. Testi for children of 5 years. - M .: Juventa, 2001 ..
12. Kolesnikova Є. Q. Is your kid ready for school? - M .: Juventa, 2007.
13. Skvortsova I. V. Speech therapy іgri. - M .: OLMA, 2008.
14. Tkachenko T. A. Sound analysis and synthesis. - M .: Knigolyub, 2007.
15. Tkachenko T. A. Logic right for the development of mov. - M .: Knigolyub, 2005.
16. Teremkova N. Ye. Home speech therapy staff for children from OHR. - M .: Gnome, 2007.
7.List of Literature
1. Agranovich Z.E. Zbіrnik domnіkh zavdan for podolannya lexico-grammatical underappreciated movi in ​​preschool from ONR.-SP.: Ditinstvo-Pres, 2002
2. Borovtsova L. A. Documentation of the teacher-speech therapist DNZ. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.
3. Volkova G.A. Methodology of psychology-logpedicheskogo situation for children
z ruined movi. Nutrition of differential diagnostics. - SPb., 2005.
4. Kiryanova R.A. Comprehensive diagnostics and testing by a speech therapist in correctional robots with children of 5-6 years, which may be important. - SPb, 2002
5. V. V. Konovalenko, S. V. Konovalenko. Frontal speech therapy is busy with the senior group for children and for children who are not well-versed in speech. - M .: Gnom-Press, 1999 ..
6. V. V. Konovalenko, S. V. Konovalenko. Frontal speech therapy employment in a preparatory group for children with phonetic and phonemic underdeveloped mov. - M .: Gnom-Press, 1998 ..
7. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Individual subgrouping of the robot by sound correction. - M .: Vidavnistvo GNOM i D, 2001 ..
8. Kurdvanovskaya N.V. Planning a robotic speech therapist for 5-7 years of age. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.
9. N.V. Nishcheva. The program of korekts_yno developing robots for children from OHR. - SPb.: DYING - PRES, 2004.
10. Povolyayeva M.A. Dovidnik speech therapist. - Rostov-on-Don: "Fenix", 2001.
11. Polozova N.V. The main thing is to protect the good health care in the preschool mortgage. Collection of documents and recommendations. - M .: ARKTI, 2005.
12. Stepanova O.A. Organization of speech therapy robots in preschool naval pawns. - M .: TC Sphere, 2003.
13.Tkachenko T.A. vchimo speak correctly. The system of ONR correction for children of 6 rokiv. A book for wikers, speech therapists and fathers. - M .: "Vidavnistvo GNOM i D", 2004.
14. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Vikhovannya and navchannya children of preschool
vіku s phonetic-phonemic underappreciated. The program is a methodical recommendation for preschool initial mortgage of a compensating type. - M .: Shkilna Presa, 2003.
15. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. Korekts_ya porushennya movlennya // Programs of preschool educational establishments of a compensating type for children with vads movlennya. - M .: Education, 2008.
16. Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V .. The program of education and development of children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment .- M .: MGOPU, 1993
17. A. V. Yastrebova. Yak will help the children to develop their development. -M .: ARKTI, 1999.

Natalia Buliaeva
Program for individual speech therapists to take "I will speak correctly"

Information map program

additional education for children.

straightness: Special pedagogical

view of the sanctuary dіyalnosti: Korektsіyno-expanding

Name program: « I will speak correctly»

teacher- speech therapist

abstract program: Вік children: 3-6 rock_v

Terms of implementation program lie in the gravity of the destructiveness.

ryk rozrobki: 2017r.





Formation of povnotsinnykh vimovikh navichok;

Role of phonemic hearing, phonemic

detection of available forms of sound analysis and synthesis;

Udoskonalennya lexico-grammatical zasob_v movi;

The development of self-propelled phrase-mongering.

speech therapist yak:


Ochikuvani results.

As a result speech therapy warehouse analysis and synthesis.

The stage of real development of these characteristics and healthiness of a child should be shown before the moment of transition to the onset of illumination. individual peculiarities of development of a concrete child.

status program: Broken down into basics:

« speech therapy program author "Education", 2009. program .

« speech therapy program author: T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkin, T. V. Tumanova and I., "Education", 2009. program recommended by the parliament of the DNU "Institute of Korean Pedagogy Russian Academy cover ".

program hardened:

I. Cylindrical cut program

1.1. Explains the note

Federal State Standard for Preschool Education psychological characteristics specialties of the child at the stage of completion of preschool education, the middle of the loan, one of the central places of the self-formed function, and the same: Until the completion of the preschool education of the child, good mind, I’ll fall asleep and I can listen to my thoughts and bazhanya. So the mova itself is included in the quality of an important component, such as for spilkuvannya, knowledge, creativity in the offensive orintiri:

Actively interact with one-year-olds and grown-ups, take care of the fate in the spilnye games;

The building is homely, vrahovuvati interest and respect for the others, to cope with the failures and to the success of the others, to the extent of the victories to the conflicts;

Can fantasize in a voice, sing with sounds and words;

You see addictiveness, ask for food, to feel close and distant objects, and appearances, to appear with causal-hermetic calls (like? Why?

Volodya pochatkovy knowledge about himself, about the subject, natural, social and cultural light, in which wine is alive.

As a matter of fact, it is impossible to achieve progress without mastering the new culture from the whole organization of preschool education.

To complete the whole life, it is necessary to systematically prevent and correct young children, some of them may be very special, as they can destroy the spirited overturning of the ontogenesis of the most active children,

In conjunction with the growing tendency, in the mass gardens of a great number of children appear in the gardens of the ruins of the moving stage of gravity, including children with important breakdowns of the bloody accessibility from one side and acceptance of new federal educational standards for preschool education transfer the power of organizing and opening of special minds for children in May interconnected opportunities health from the side, є the need for functionality for such children psychological speech therapy service... Analysis of the organizational and zesty sides of the action psychological speech therapy service When you read the organization, you can have a high efficiency of a correct, pro-active, versatile person for a choice and an extremely important role in the young and out-of-school preparation of children.

reference program be of a korekts_yno-developmental character. Vona is designated for the development and development of children 5-7 years old my:

Phonetic deterioration (simple і foldable display, as well as shortcomings in vimovi, accumulation of ruins in the budget and decay of the mobile device - dysarthria, rhinolalia);

Phonemic misunderstanding;

Phonetic-phonemic unapproved.

program folded s:

Law of the Russian Federation "About education";

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;

UN Convention on child's rights;

declarative baby's right;

Approximate enigmatic program preschool education "Children's Garden-2100";

Instructional sheet of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation from the 14th breast of 2000 r No. 2 "About the organization of robots speech therapy the point of the sacred mortgage ";

By order of the Department of Education of the Moscow City issued on August 11, 2005 No. 2-34-20 "About organizing robots for children, as program preschool education ";

provisions for psychological speech therapy services GBOU School № 2072 preschool education;

Sheet of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 27.06.2003 r No. 328-51-513 / 16 "Methodical recommendations for psychological to the physician-pedagogical supervisor of the scientists in the initial-vikhovny process in the minds of modernization of education. "

program written all the way up to the occasion of the science about the mechanics of the formulation of sound in children.

theoretical basis programє Provisions for the promotion and development of corrections and distribution by L. S. Vigotskiy, P. Ya. Galperinim, B. D. Elkonina.

V programs also knew the vision of ideas to a number of scholars them: G. A. Volkovoi, L. S. Volkovoi, V. A. Kovshikova, R. I. Lalaeva, L. G. Paramonova, O. V Pravdino, T.B. Filichivoy, T.B. Chirkin, M.F.

The versatility, variability of victorious methods, allowing for the prevention of differentiation of types before the correction of new problems, INDIVIDUALIZUATI korekts_yno-development process, to ensure individualne suprovid of skin children in the form of debris and structure of debris, the presence of secondary destructions of development, micro-social minds of the life of vikhovanets.

program spiral on the offensive principle:





Obkhidnyi shlihu;

General didactic (accuracy, accessibility, individual entrance, Svidomostі).

1.2. planned results

Tsilovi orintiri, formed in the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

Cilovi of anti-preschool education є social and normative characteristics of young children at the stage of completion of the preschool education.

Tsilovi orintiri in the framework of the implementation of work program on the support of children of the senior preschool age with the damaged movement.

As a result speech therapy in pouring mova preschool children are guilty as much as possible to get up to the standards. The price is manifested in a vile, bezpomilkovom volodinny dialogue and monologue prominence. The phonetic design of the move is guilty of adhering to the norms of the native language. In addition, the children are guilty of completing the formed operations of sound warehouse analysis and synthesis.

2.1. Tsіlі, zavdannya, zmіst і form speech therapy injected.

The establishment of the degree of turn, structural defect allows for significant meta, production, change and form speech therapy injected.

tsіlі program:

Usunennya of the child's defect and the overcoming of the youngest difficulties in the mastery of the school knowledge, summed up by the underappreciated ones.

Ovolodinnya my yak with the help of splitting and culture. Zbagachennya active vocabulary, development of the ringing grammatically right dialogue and monologue movement, development of sound and іntonational culture of movement, phonemic to hearing, formulation of sound analytical and synthetic activity, such as changing the mind before literacy.

Falling as a child's destruction (FN, FFNR, HBONR, ONR, zavdannya:

Formation of povnotsinnykh vimovikh navichok;

Role of phonemic hearing, phonemic expression,

accessible forms of sound analysis and synthesis;

Udoskonalennya lexico-grammatical zasob_v movi;

The development of self-propelled phrase-mongering.

To the development of the aspect of the reader's speech therapist The preschool educational institution has to bring not only the specific management of the development of modern processes among the vikhovanets and vads of the movement, but also the establishment, yak:

Development of motivation until the beginning;

Promotion of self-control for your own language;

Development of mental processes, such as interconnections with the development of mobile functions: Zorovy and auditory-speech respect, memory, sleep; sensorimotor coordination, spacious organization, nauchno-shaped misinterpretation, elements of verbal-logical misinterpretation.

The robot is shaped by sound.

The development of the rupture of the articulatory apparatus.

Knowledge of the articulation of sound.

Statement of sounds for a child.

Automation of the delivered sounds at the mov (in warehouses, words, words, speeches, texts, orders, Virshakh, squash). -Differentiation of fluctuating sounds (Rumor).

Robot over warehouse structure of the word:

Conservation of slavs warehouse structure and sound filling.

Robot for the development of phonemic hearing, phonemic phenomena, accessible forms of sound analysis and synthesis.

Introduced to the sound of all sounds, warehouses, Sliv.

vision warehouses and with sound.

Add new rows warehouses and sliv.

Viznachennya rhythmic structure of the word.

form of phonemic analysis: Meaning the sound in words (Ear, middle, end); nazivannya to the sound, to stand in front of the cymbal sound and the message.

development of synthetic dіyalnosti: Folding from the names of sounds warehouses and sliv.

branch of phonemic manifestation: Pidbir sliv on assignments sound, warehouse; pidbir of pictures for the singing sound; re-creation of words (Dodati cob abo kintsevy sound).

Udoskonalennya lexico-grammatical zasob_v movi.

Formation of the system of words.

Practical knowledge of the patrimonial belonging to the nobility of the assignment of the appropriate haremen my, my, my (Cholov_chiy, zh_nichy and middle born).

revised designs

Uzgodzhennya prikmetnikiv with menniki in the family, number.

Formation of the resolution of the number of prefixes in words: U-, pri-, vid-, pid-, on -, s-, for -, re-, v- (Lіta, walk).

Uzgodzhennya іmennikіv with іmennikіv (One, one, two, two, three, chotiri, five).

Uzgodzhennya prikmetnikiv and numberednikov with menniki.

Practical right in the mind and active lifestyle priymennikiv: U, in, on, on, on, on, close, mіzh.

Formation of system and word creation.

Osvita іmennikіv zі changed-variegated suffixes: TO-; ok, ok, uk; -check, -chik; -echk, -echk, -Oculyari; -ts; -shk -, - ішк-, -ishk -, - yushk.

Osvita primetnikiv with changed-variegated suffixes - onk-, - enk-.

Osvita іmennikіv behind the help of sufіks - nits - richly meaningful (For the soup - a tureen, for the settler - herring).

Osvita sliv with other meanings (Anthony from the number of men, prikmetniks, heirs, diesliv).

The study of the forms of one and a plurality of menniks with suffixes, which is called ditinchat -onok, - enok, - ata, - yata.

Osvita vіnnosnykh primetnikіv (Spіvvіdnіstіst with products, roslins, seasons, materials) and uzgodzhenya їх with іmenniki nazivnі vіdmіnk in kind and number.

Osvita of the appropriate registrants from the names of the men.

The development of self-propelled phrase-mongering.

Formation of syntactic fret movi: Read the fold. - Warehouse propositions according to basic words given in cob form.

- rosy- descriptive and alert mova: Ob'єnuvati simple speech in a short break; fold razpovіdі for series of plot pictures; put together a report on the plot of the picture.

According to the federal state educational standard, the main form of robotics with children-preschool children in all straight development є іgrova efficiency.

2.2. straight robots are considered to be the most damaged children.

Correction-unfolding robot of the reader speech therapist with a specific vikhovanets GBOU Gimnazii № 2072 includes straight, Iakіdpіdautіyut the structuresі th mоvnogo damage.

straight korektsіyno-developing robots with a superconduct of children of senior preschool wіk with wrecked motions.

Destruction of the Usny Movement

straight korektsіynoi robots

Phonetically unapproved movi

Sound correction.

Phonetic-phonemic misunderstood movi - sound-sounding core.

Perfect warehouse structure.

HBONR, ONR - sound correction;

Role of phonemic recognition;

Perfect warehouse structure;

Udoskonalennya lexico-grammatical zasob_v movi;

The development of self-propelled phrase-mongering.

III. organizing distribution program

organization of activity speech therapist stretching out to fate, start by employing program.

3.1. speech therapy diagnostics of the child's development.

Robot reader speech therapist I will be with the urahuvannyas of the Vikovs, individual features of children, The structure of the poorer destructiveness, the stage of corrective robots with the skin child, as well as the special and the illumination of the child.

speech therapy diagnostics of the level of the child's development.

type of diagnosis speech therapy diagnostics of rivnya movnoy development of a child

The form of provisional testing of tests is the establishment of urahuvannya vіku і mnogo diagnostics of the child.

Dzherelo "Methodology for the development of preschool children" O. A. Bezrukova, O. N. Kalenkova.

Methods and parameters of the fixation of the Protocol for the development of children, individual Moving pictures with fixing symptoms in young people.

3.2 The form of organizing the correct-developing robot.

speech therapy robot go to individual employment.

3.3. planning individual robots.

chiefs plan to take I will be in rosrahunku 2 busy in tijday... With a broach to take change views of activity.

programmatically-Methodical safety of the correct-developing robot of the reader speech therapist


« speech therapy program robots from the phonetic-phonemic short-term reproach from children ", author: T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkin, T. V. Tumanova and I., "Education", 2009. program recommended by the parliament of the DNU "Institute of Korean Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education".

« speech therapy program robots from the podolannya zagalnogo unapproved move to children ", author: T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkin, T. V. Tumanova and I., "Education", 2009. program recommended by the parliament of the DNU "Institute of Korean Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education".


1. speech therapy technology for the formulation of the pronouncing side movi:

Polyakova M.A. speech therapy... Universalnoe krivnitstvo. Moscow: T. Dmitrieva, 2012.

Spivak Є. M. Modern material for automation and differentiation of sounds for children 5-7 years old. -M.: Vidavnistvo GNOM, 2012

T.A. Tkachenko speech therapy album. –Ekaterinburg: TOV "Vidavnichiy dim Litur", 2009

Bogomolova A. I .. -M.: Vidavnitsvo-school, 1996.

Dyakova E.A., speech therapy massage... - M.: Academy, 2003 p.

Pozhilenko E.L. -M-L 1999r.

Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. individually-subgroup robot for sound and sound correction and a set of sounds for fixing sound and sound at preschool children. - M .: Gnom i D, 2001 p.

Tkachenko T.A. talk... -S-Pb. 2000.

Development of phonemic reception and sound analysis. speech therapy zoshit... - S-P. 1998

Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. -M, 1993.

Bogomolova A. I. Speech therapy tool for taking children... - SPb, 1994 p.

Fomichova M.F.Vikhovannya at children right vimovi... - M, 1989.

Reznichenko T.B. Larina O.D. speaking correctly(Albums)- M, 2003 r

Zhikhareva-Norkina Yu.B. Speech therapists take children: Posibnik for speech therapist and batkiv: In 9 vip.:. -M.: Humanitarians, ed. center VLADOS, 2005 .-- 136 p.: il. - (Korean pedagogy).

Paramonova L.G. SPb., 1999.

2. Formulation technology warehouse word structure.

Markova A.K. warehouse the structure of the word in children, as they suffer alaliyu.

Agranovich Z. Є. speech therapy the robot has been destroyed warehouse structure of children. - S-P. 2000

Babina G. V. Safonkina N. Yu. Warehouse word structure: Defend and form in children with underachievements. - Book lover, 2005r.

Tkachenko T.A. warehouse word structure... - M., 2001 ..

Bolshakova S. Є. Podolannya porushen warehouse structure of words in children. Moscow: Sphere, 2007.

Kurdvanovskaya N.V. Vanyukova L.S.Formuvannya warehouse word structure: speech therapy staff... M .: TC Sphere, 2007

3. Technologies for the recovery and activation of vocabulary, the formulation of grammatical budovy movi:

Smirnova L. N. Speech therapy in a child's garden, Moscow: GNOM i D, 2001 p.

Teremkova N.E. speech therapy homework for children 5-7 rocks from ONR (4th album, - M. TOV "Vidavnitstvo GNOM i D", 2008r.

Tkachenko T.A. stock: Zoshit. - Ekaterinburg: TOV "Knigomir", 2011

speech therapy staff. ... - M .: Vidavnistvo "Scriptorium 2003", 2010.

N.V. Nishcheva speech therapy groups for children from OHP. - SPb, Ditinstvo-Press, 2001r.

Agranovich Z. Є. Homework for lexical and grammatical underdevelopment at preschool children from ONR. - SPb: Dignity-pres, 2001r.

Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. - M. 2000.

Tkachenko T.A. speech therapy zoshit... - S-P. +1999.

Nabir Igor - to take, Crafting by the pedagogical collective of the child's cage №1565.

Aleksandrova T.V. - M. 2003

Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. - S - PL 1999.

Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova Є. M., Filicheva T.B. Podolannya ZRR. - M. 1973r.

Zhukova N.S., Mastyukova Є. M., Filicheva T.B. M., 1990 p.

Dateshidze T.A. SPb, 2004

4. Technology of forming a noisy movi:

Smirnova L. N. Speech therapy in a child's garden, Moscow: GNOM i D, 2001 p.

Bardisheva T. Yu., Monosova E. N. Zoshit speech therapy staff. (Zoshiti for small vik groups)... - M .: Vidavnistvo "Scriptorium 2003", 2010.

Arbekova, N.E. Have 3 albums / N.E. Arbekova. - M .: Vidavnitstvo GNOM, 2012.

Vasil'va S.A. -M. 2002.

Konovalenko V.V. (Winter; Autumn; Spring)- M. 2001

Konovalenko V.V. Konovalenko SV. Formation of a ringing movement and a logical message among children of senior preschool age from ONR. -M. 2003

T.A. Tkachenko speech therapy right for the development of movi. -M. 2001.

Tkachenko T.A. -M. one thousand nine hundred and fifty-one

Tkachenko T.A. speech therapy zoshit... -S-Pb. +1999

Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. Usunennya ONR in children of preschool age. Practical Posibnik M., 2005 p.

Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Chirkin G.V. - Bustard, 2009r.

5. speech therapy technologies navchannya literacy:

Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Kislova T.R.

Kuznotsova Є. V., Tikhonova N.A. schools: Navchannya literacy of children from vada movlennya. - M., 1999 p.

Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. -M. 2000.

Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Chirkin G.V. - Bustard, 2009r.

Tkachenko T.A. -M., 2000r.

Tkachenko T. A. Write, read! Early literacy methodology. The worker is sewn up. - M .: Eksmo, 2013

Tkachenko T.A. Early literacy methodology. - M .: Eksmo, 2013

Regional state budgetary educational pledge, which implements adapted educational programs

"Boarding school number 12"

Working program with speech therapy

start to start 4 class


Navchalny Rik: 2018-2019

Zagalna for years (borrow)68, number of years (borrow) from one day2


Teacher speech therapist:

Zhidkova Lyubov Viktorivna


p / p




whole lot


Home designation programs


meta programs



Ochіkuvanі results and mastering the Korektsіy course "From the sound to the word."


zm_stovny razd_l


The program of the Korean course "From the sound to the word"


organizing distribution


Thematic planning of Korean courses


Thematic plan of the Korean course "From sound to word"


Dodatok 1 (Speech therapy)

Cilovy razdil.

  1. Home designation programs

The given Robocha program is designated for organizing and carrying out of the corrective and pedagogical roboticswith scholars with a small and an important level of intellectual disability, as well as with children with important multiple breakdowns in development.The program is broken down according to the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation";

Federal State Educational Standard of Education
start with a rose-based view (intellectual
ruined). Order of the Ministry of Education of Science of the Russian Federation dated 19 March 2014, No. 1599 "On the consolidation of the federal state-owned educational standard for education of scientists with a
(Intellectual damaged) ";

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

UN Convention on the Rights of Children;

UN Convention on the Rights of Invalids.

The working program is broken down on the basis of the Adapted basic educational programs (AOOP) for scientists with intellectual disabilities (intellectual disabilities) and formed as a program for speech therapy suprovide of children with a foldable structure.

The work of the program is of a korekts_yno-developmental character. In the work program, the main focus is on the robotics of the speech therapist, think and formulate and improve the education of students in boarding school No. 12.

The main directions of a speech therapist robot:




advisory and educationalі preventive straightforward;

organizationally and methodically.

Teacher-speech therapist to carry out diagnostics of scholars on the ear of the beginning of the day with the mark of the level of development and the peculiarities of the language. Based on the results of diagnostics and the strict recommendations of the CPMPC and / or PMPK, the teacher-speech therapist will complete the warehouse of scientists, with which they will conduct individual employment, visually start a correct course for the skin specialist. All in the program there are 4 korektsіynyh courses, in the fallowness from the level of the development of the child, from every day to the open-ended phrasal movement. A short-term insurance course for 1 month for 64 employment and for the end of the course for the individual to take the results of the work. If necessary (if the results were found to be deficient), the course will be duplicated. With the achieved good results for the correct course, the course will be accelerated by offensive rik Above, learn to be admitted, a speech therapist will take care of the busyness of the teacher, who will need additional help from the faculty (for the visnovka TsPMPK i / abo PMPK).

* "Protocol for the diagnosis of the study of the folding structure of the defect" div. Dodatok 4

The basis of the Robotic programs for scientists with peace, importance and
glib rosum v_dstal_styu (intellectual damage),
important and numerous damages in the development of pledges
differentiations and practical steps.
differentiation pidhiduntil you induce the robotic programs to transfer special lighting needs, which are manifested in the heterogeneity of the possibilities of mastering the knowledge.
Stagnation of the differential approach to the stem
educational programs will ensure the versatility of the wolf,
nadayuchi nachayuyu with peace, importance and deep rosum
vіdstalіstyu (intellectual damage), important and
by many damages in development, the ability to realize
Individual development potential.

dіyalnіsny pіdhіdground on theoretical positions
vichiznyanoy psychological science,
regularities and structure of education with regard to development specifics
special features of the fact that one is looking for a rose-based view (intellectual
Dіyalnіsny pіdkhіd in illumination will be on the insight of that
development of the specialty of scholarship with room, importance and great
rozumovuyu vіdstalіstyu (intellectual damage), important and
many breakdowns in the development of
organizing accessible and practical activities (subject and practical
The main way to implement a professional approach to
education and development of the process of organizing cognitive
subject-practical activity of scientists with a
glib rosum v_dstal_styu (intellectual damage), important and multiple damage in development
I will give them a zest of illumination.
Realization of a professional approach will not provide:

Providing results in the education of socially and especially significant

mіtsne learned scholarship with peace, importance and great
rozumovuyu vіdstalіstyu (intellectual destructions), important and numerous destructions in the development of knowledge and information about the development of intelligence and behavior, the possibility of self-development in the subject areas;

There is a lot of motivation and interest until the next day,
add new insight to the activity and behavior;

securing the minds for extravagant cultural and special development
to start with a small, important and high level of intelligence (intellectual breakdowns), important and many breakdowns in the development on the basis of the formation of basic basic ideas, as they forget about the results of academic failures for everythingliving competence, To become the basis of social success.

  1. meta programs

meta implementation Working programs of a speech therapist - safety of the Federal State Educational Standards (FGOS) to educate scholars with intellectual disabilities.

For children who are awakeaccording to the AOOP developed for scientists with a small, important, big rosum vidstal
(Intellectual damage), with important and many
impaired development, the main one is the development of specialness, the formation of a foreign culture, a kind of moral and social cultural values, the formation of the necessary for self-realization and life in the suspension, the maximum practical understanding
Mobility of independence and independence in the haunted life.

  1. Planning (ochіkuvanі) results.

Basic ochіkuvanim result osvoєnnya SSMSC navchayutsya logopedichnoї Prog Je rozvitok mozhlivostі vikoristannya MTIE of metoyu sotsіalnoї komunіkatsії scho spriyaє rozvitku maksimalnoї samostіynostі (vіdpovіdno to Yogo psihіchnimi fіzichnimi mozhlivostyami i) at virіshennі povsyakdennih zhittєvih zavdan, poshirennya osobist dosvіdu i zadovolennі іndivіdualnih required.

The Federal State Educational Standard will set up to the results of the development of the AOOP, as it looks like it is possible (approximate) and the ability to learn about specific needs

Vimogi will get up to the results:

special, including the formation of motivation before the beginning and development, social competence, special quality;

subject, including the mastery by the scholars in the course of vivchennya of the new subject, which is specific for the given subject area of ​​activity in terms of rejecting new knowledge and storing.

1.3.1. Ochіkuvanі results and mastering of the korektsіy course "from sound to word"

The little girl did her bestdemand in spilkuvanni , Winning requests and you can choose an alternative or additional community.

the articulation of mobility has expanded, the imitative movna activity, Editing the rhythmic-rhythmic contour of the words.

there were a number of words (simple, often sensitive words), like vikoristoyutsya with the mark of communion, babbling words change from overflowing.

Having grown up the rosumіnnya zvernenoї movi, having filled up the vocabulary stock.

simple grammatical categories can show a meaningful function.

vikoristovuє komun_kativeno-meaningful one-word phrase ("give", "go").

dyed a lot of children’s possibilities in practical impressive and / or expressive moving as for the new life of the people living in the buildings, as they look for the new life, the special

2. Zm_stovny razdіl

Explains the note

2.1 Program of the Korean course "From sound to word"

Danish Korean breakdown course for children with broken intellect, as in the independent mind, to actively complete a number of verbal patterns in an independent way, such as sounds and actions, in the meantime - sound complexities and sounds However, they have a lot to do with them in the edge of the border. An active vocabulary of children is composed of a small number of unclear, young, often babbling and diffuse words, onomatopoeia and sound complexes. It is evident that there is a lack of formulation in the impressive side of Movi. For them, we will twist є intelligence like some simple use (“in”, “on”, “pid” and іn.) With the help of rice, the development of the rіvnya є is surrounded by the building of the sprinkling and the development of the warehouse structure of the word. The low mobility of children is supervised, everyday life is admitted, surrounded by undifferentiated statements about new life, mental energy educational processes... Otzhe, my children, as they start to follow a given course, have little intelligence for those who are sick and have a lot of situational talent.

The main scientist of speech therapy robotics

Formation of the out-of-the-box mobile navichok.

Start children to the optimal type of physiologicaldikhannya ... Start to a mobile dichotomy (a quiet short breath and a smooth trivial vidyh) without a dull suprovide ("sniff a note", "Boats", "Metelik fly" and іn.) F], [X], warehouses with a voice.

Formation of the firstіntonational differences Move for the help of emotional reading to children, verses, simple ones behind a snake of short texts. The beginning of the antonomic inheritance of the voices of creatures and birds.

activization of rukhiv articulatory apparatus and mimic musculature in the process of vikonannya players are entitled to inheritance.

Forming vminnya to convey the accent by blows to the bubo, blows to the hollows and vitrimuvati pauses. navchannyacreation of a rhythmic baby words with one-hour vidstukuvannyam hand.

Formation of psychological basis of movement.

Formation of a sufficient auditory and healthy sleep, respect and memory, open-air manifestations.

Closing the occupied areas and area geometric

forms. Development of stereognosis information. Fixation of the acquired values ​​of objects. Closing the registered apartments.

Start of distribution of items by color. The beginning of the classification of objects and the formation of one or two signs in the absence of any luck.

Formation of a headset for the appearance of spacious openings (up, down, right-handed, hand-handed, in front, behind), roztashuvannya subject

according to the opinion to yourself. Start sprinting and recognizing objects, pictures for naming (organizing sprinting

by word).

Expansion of the obsyagu zorovoi, rumors and auditory-speech memory. The detailed processes of memorizing and creating (from the collection of objects, two or three subject pictures,


Development of an impressive move.

Forming the mind aloud in the language, intelligence and sound, taking the message out of the voice and giving the information about the words and the sound reactions.

Adequate intelligence on the basis of self-improvement of complete words, received by children ("Show the little baby", "Show the little ball", "Show the doctor", "Show the little baby" - "Bring the little baby").

Reasonable two-step instructions ("Go to the shafi and take the witch doctor", "Take the spoon and wait the little lolka", "Take the cubes and wake up the booths").

Clarification of the reason for the name of the items in the toilet, home furnishings, navkolishnogo svitu, igrashok, schoolyard, ogyagu, bloated, food products. Clarification of the reason for the name of the child, as the child herself is robbing, as it is here that you are close, for as it is possible to bachiti.

A further development of the substantive, predictive in the process of developing protolezhnyh for the meaning of diesliv (naliy - wiliy, zastebni - rostebny, odyagny - with knowledge, zazyazuє - rozv'yazuє, zakryvaє - vidkrivaє, lazymet - zazniki low, dovgy - short), heirs (in front - to the back, below - up, high - low, far - close, a lot - not enough).

Navchannya rozuminnyu pitan: Who? Whoa? De? (“Show me to lie down”, “Show me how to sleep”, “Show me how to lie down”, “Show me how I’m hooing, but how do I twitch”, “Show me how I can sleep, but how I sit”, “Show me, de kishka to lie, and deceive ").

Spіvvіdnesennya there is one - a lot with a variety of objects and great words - small because of the size of objects.

Navchannya rozuminnyu indirect nourishment from vicarious nourishing words: to whom, from whom, niz, kudi ("Show to whom mom gives milk", "Show who has the ball", "Show, nіzh baby girl", "Show me, kudi grabbed koshenya ").

The beginning of the minds of the common simple uses ("in", "on", "pid" and in.)

Methodical priyomi:

Showing and naming objects;

Recognized for description and attributes;

Vpiznavannya diy on pictures;

Victory of 2 secondary instructions;

Vykonannya instructions for the development of od. і MNJ. h.;

Reasonable nutrition according to the demonstrated show.

Korekts_ya porusheni phonetic side of Movi.

The development of elementary vimovnyh navichikov in robots above the voice [A], [Y], [I], [O], [E] and the voice of early ontogenesis [P], [B], [M], [T], [D] , [N], [K], [G], [X], [F], [V] with sounds (without їх differentiation on m'yakі and solid, deaf and dzvіnki) based on special symbols of sounds.

Zakr_plennya vimovnykh navichok (in the boundaries of the available vocabulary).

Start children to learn and create voices based on soundless articulation.

Role of phonemic recognition.

Formation of the difference in contrasting voices ([I - U], [I - O], [A - U], [E - U]) and close to the articulation of voiced sounds in very critical warehouses (as well as the participation of meek food [- B ], [N - D]; behind the month of illumination [P - T], [T - K], [M - N]).

Formation in children of the sound-storage structure of the word with the correct revisions of the shock warehouse and the rhythmic baby in two-fold words, which are formed from the open warehouses in the offensive end: with the voices in the voice sounds: , [I] (kitsya, Nina, threads, sit), [O] (axes, mows, booths), [I] (cute, dinya).

Start of spirits and creation of rhythms simple spoken words (immediately discussed and unlocked).

Formation of a simple proposition (from two or three words) on the basis of the acquired elements of the word creation.

Activation of the movement of children for the rakhunok of a practical set of propositions, which are formed from sliv-roots ("di" -Idi, ydi, "tu-tu" - poyhali, "gu" Walk).

The creation of children is built of simple phrases that can be stored:

from a vaz_vnogo word (there, tudi, tsey, axis) і іmennik in a nazivny vіdmіnku ("Axis tato", "Here Anya");

from obіgu і dієslovom in a commanding way ("Tata, give", "Olya, go".);

from the word of the ordering method and the name of the person in the name of the person;

from the modal heralds and words in the information ("I will drink."

from obіgu, dієwords in the orderly way and the name of the man in the nazivny vіdmіnku ("Dad on the ball");

Formation of the invitation to the food service.

Formation vmіnnya zinchuvati, distributing the teacher's proposition based on the picture.

3. Organizational distribution

3.1 Thematic planning of the Korean courses

Planning is stacked on the basis methodical recommendations before the AOOP for scientists with pomirny, big, serious damage to the intellect, with important multiple damage in development, folded by E.A. Rudakova, O. Yu. Sukharev.The program is backed up for the 4th grade SUKHOVSKY Polina. The main form of organizing the educational process is individual employment.

The transmission program will take two days to complete. The triviality of being busy is 30 minutes (I turn on the child’s suprovid to the office of the speech therapist and back). On the ear and for example, the teacher-speech therapist will carry out diagnostics of employment. On the cob of rock with the mark of the viznachennya rіvnya movnogo development, the specifics of the movable poles and the selection of the singing korektsіy course. In the final analysis of the assessment of the achieved results, the correction of the programs for the onset of the new crisis. Kozhen korekts_yny course includes 34 occupations.

3.2 Thematic plan of the Korean course

"From the sound to the word"



Busy theme

Number of years

See Robit

Determination of articulation motor skills

Іgry that right

Coercion of phonemic recognition

Іgry that right

Determination of the process of reading and writing letters

Zavdannya i right

Lexical theme: "Autumn". Development of auditory uvagi.

Zakryplyuvati know and basic signs. Karting robot "Autumn".

Vocal sound "A". Sound enjoyment. The understanding of "the same - dear".

Close the minute you see the sound on the cob and the middle of the word.

Lexical topic: "Vegetables". Confidence to understand "the same - childish"

Robot on the plot of the picture "Zbirannya vrozhayu".

Vzhivannya diesliv: "give", "on".

Robot according to the picture scheme.

The voiced sound "U". Sound enjoyment. Knowing the witnesses "cholovik", "woman".

Robot based on pictures.

The voiced sound "U". Sound enjoyment. The topic "Fruit" is lexicon.

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. The meaning of the letters of the middle letters. Reading sliv:ay, ya... Did. play "In the Garden".

Voice sounds "A", "U". Sound enjoyment. Knowing the understanding of "live" - ​​"inanimate".

Significance of letters of the middle letters. Shtrihuvannya letter. Robot with a retail alphabet.

Vzhivannya diesliv: "give", "on", "lay down", take away. "

Robot with objects.

Voice sound "I". Sound enjoyment. Differentiation to understand "alive" - ​​"not alive"

Lexical theme: "Odyag". Vzhivannya simple acts: "give", "on", "naditi", "znyati".

Robot based on pictures.

Vocal sound "O". Sound enjoyment. Seeing birds in the middle of objects.

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables. Karting robot "Yak Petrik dressing up".

Voice sounds "I", "O". Sound enjoyment. Seeing birds of the middle creatures.

Zakrіpiti vіdmіnnya vіdmіnіy ptakhіv vіd tvarin. Reading warehouses.

Voice sounds "A", "I", "O". Differentiation of symbols and gestures.

The topic is lexical: "Lyudina, parts of the house." Knowing about the rabbits "vin", "won".

Karting robot "Lyudina".

Voice sounds "U", "I", "O". Differentiation of symbols and gestures.

Vikladannya z letter warehouses, reading warehouses. Karting robot.

Clarification of vimov and voice sounds. Viconannya diy: go, sit, stiy.

Viconannya diy.

Organize articulations. Spіv angry voice sounds. Reasonable meaning of the acts "spivati", "movchati".

Vikladannya z letter warehouses, reading warehouses. Karting robot.

Viznachennya consistency of sounds in sound complexes.

Vikladannya z letter warehouses, reading warehouses. Karting robot.

Sound "M". Sound quality: "mu", "am", "meow", "me". Seeing people in the middle of the community.

Sound "M" Words: mom, my, Mila, miti.

Vikladannya z literal warehouses. Reading warehouses. Robot with pictures.

Sounds "P", "p". Sound quality: "pi", "fluff".

Conduct a sound dictation. Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading warehouses according to tables.

Sounds "P", "p". Emotional viguki ":" op "," strip ".

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.

Sounds "P", "p". The words "tato, fields, piti".

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.

Sounds "M", "P". Cholovik is a female child.

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.

Sounds "M", "P". Development of the male and female genus of the Menniks.

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.

Sounds "B", "B". Zvukonaslіduvannya: "be", "bom", "bi-bi", "bul".

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.

Sounds "B", "B". Emotional viguki: "buy", "bo-bo", "boo".

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.

Sounds: "B", "B". The word "woman". One-word phrase with Emotional Viguk.

Significance of letters of the middle letters. Reading warehouses according to tables. Robot with the text "Baba".

Vidpratsyuvannya sounds "B", "B" in words. Vmіnnya rozvitok aloud in MOV. Robot with the text "Baba".

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.Robot with the text "Baba".

Sounds "V", "V". Sounds vіtru. A robot with a voice.

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.

Sounds "V", "V". Vchimosya vimovlyati words: cotton wool, water, Vitya, Vova. Differentiation of words for the first style.

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses, from tables.

Sounds "V", "V". Robot with the text "Vova".

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Chitannya to the text.

Reasonable meaning of simple deeds: sitting, living, living, being, varto. One-word phrase with an Emotional Viguk.

Sounds "К", "Кь". Zvukonaslіduvannya "ku", "ko", "kar", "quack".

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.

Sounds "К", "Кь". Sound quality "ku-ku", "Yakist", "cap".

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled. Reading of warehouses according to tables.

Sounds "К", "Кь". Words: Katya, Kotya, Kitsya, Kolya.

Robot based on pictures. Reading warehouses, simple words.

Activation of the movement. Implanting phrases based on the previously used material. "Katya, boo" "Kittya, op." "Kitty, kach-kach".

Robot based on pictures. Reading warehouses, simple words.

Ob'dnannya subjects for zmіst. Suprovid diy available in my language ("cap", "bi", "am", "down").

Robot in retail alphabet.

Understand the "great-small". Voice modulation: "TOV!", "Pi-pi-pi".

Robot with objects.

Creatures and ditinchat. Cheat the creature.

Pictures of tvarin. Karting robot "On the farm".

Sounds: "Г", "Гь". Zvukonaslіduvannya: "ha-ha", "ghoul", yoke. "

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled.

Sounds: "Г", "Гь". "Gop" - їdemo at konyachtsі. Differentiation of the vocal sound "o" in warehouses.

Reading warehouses, sliv.Read the differential sound "o" in warehouses.

Beast. Vzhivannya simple dіeslіv.

Karting robot.

Sounds "X", "hh". Sound analysis to the "Uh" warehouse.

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled.

Sounds "X", "hh". Vzhivannya emotsіynykh vigukіv: "Ah", "Oh", "Uh"!

Learn to live in the Movies of Emotion:"Ah", "Oh", "Uh"!

Sounds "T", "T". Zvukonasliduvannya: "tyuk" (sokira), "tik-tak", "tu", "tuk". Spіvvіdnesennya words with a picture.

Sounds "T", "T". Emotion viguk "top". Vzhivannya phrases "Dad, top", "Titka, top" etc.

Read the phrases live"Dad, top", "Titka, top" etc.

Sounds "T", "T". Vzhivannya sliv: "Tata", "Tolya", "Toma", "TITKA", "Kotya", "Katya".

Sounds "T", "T". Pure phrases. A robot with a rhythm.

Reading warehouses, sliv. Robot based on pictures.

Sounds around us. Clarification of vimov and inaudible sounds in sound effects. Functional designation of objects.

Repeated passing letters. Carrying out a literary dictation. Robot with pictures.

Sounds "H", "H". Zvukonasliduvannya: "Ale".

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled, shaded.

Emotion viguk: "On"! Vzhivannya phrases; "On, tit", "On, kitty".

reademoji viguku: "On"! Vzhivannya phrases; "On, tit", "On, kitty".

Sounds "T", "T", "H", "H". Words "Nata", "Subject". Folding words from letters. "Dress up, children for a walk."

Robot with a retail alphabet. The knowledge of the letters of the middle. Karting robot.

Sound "F". Kviti. Emotional viguki: "Fu!", "Fo!", "Fe!"

Sound "F". Voice sounds and sound "F" "Produce food". Single and multiple number of names.

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled, shaded. Reading warehouses according to tables. Robot based on pictures.

Lexical topic: "Sіm'ya". Name of loved ones.

Karting robot.

Lexical theme: "Sіm'ya". Vzhivannya zaimennikiv "I", "stench".

Learn to live in the Movies of Bunnies.

The topic is lexicon: "Objects of the best workmanship." Reasonableness of the value of the applicants "on" - "pid".

Reading warehouses, simple words according to tables. Robot based on pictures.

Clarification of vimov and inaudible sounds. A robot with a rhythm. Вірш "Igrashki".

Robot in retail alphabet. Robot with "Igrashki"

Clarification of vimov and inaudible sounds. A robot with a rhythm. Вірш "Дім".

Reading warehouses, simple words according to warehouse tables. Robot with the "Budinok" revision.

Clarification of vimov and inaudible sounds. Robot with іntonatsієyu. Virsh "Dosch".

Reading warehouses, simple words according to warehouse tables. Robot with the "Dosch" virhem.

Razrіznennya earlier vivchenykh dіeslіv. Vchimya vіdpovіdati on a short word (sound).

Outline of vivchenyh letters behind the stencil, shading. Robot based on pictures.

Clarification of vimov and the sound "I" (viklikannya). Knowledge with a symbol.

Vikladannya letters with sticks, stenciled, shaded. Reading warehouses according to tables. Robot based on pictures.

Viznachennya voiced sounds in one-fold words (pom, am, op, poppy, budynok, bik, kit).

Robot in retail alphabet. Robot with pictures.

Debauchery moving.

Municipal educational establishment - middle school № 6 of the place of Marx


Kerivnik ShMO

/ Danilova E.A./

Protocol No. 1

see "" 2015r.


Intercessor of the Director of Z NVR

/ Fedorova G.Yu. /

« » 2015r.

"I will harden"


MOU-ZOSH No. 6 of the city of Marx

/ Polishchuk G.M. /

Order No.

see "" 2015r.

The program of korekts_ynoy robots with the scientists of the cob classes with the damaged mov.

orders -

teacher speech therapist

Fedorchuk L.A.

Viewed for the sake of pedagogy

protocol No. 1 vid 2015r.

201 5-201 6 Navchalny Rik

The structure of the programs of the Korean robot:

1.Explanatory note. 1-4 side.

2.Characteristics of education and development. 5-6 side.

4. Perspective planning work, including planned results 10-36 sides. Korekts_yno-developing navchannya.

5. List of Literature. 37 pages


1.Explanatory note

Given the program of the basic robotics, it was broken up according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the Pochatkovo Obshchestvennoy Education. According to the standards of another generation, on the first place, we can go to the results of mastering the education, as well as the quality procedures for confirming the results of really reaching the results.

Methoy to educate the old special, social, educational and communal development of educational institutions.

Speech therapists at the school speech center are importantly aware of the onset indicators of the standard approach of the next generation:

Providing results in the education of a socially and especially significant character; more noun and learning to learn knowledge;

іstotne advancing motivation and interest to the beginning; securing the minds for extravagant cultural and special development on the basis of the formulation of univer- sal primary activities.

The results of the performance of the school speech therapist can be safely infused into the skills of the literary reading, Russian mov, navkolishny svitu, scho, yak mi bachimo, є fundamental for the general mastery of knowledge by scholars in the main cob schools. With the introduction of a new standard for home education, the activity of a school speech therapist as a secondary participant in the process of education is guilty of something more significant, specifically and vimirnoy. The decision of the sukupnosti meaningful staff can be successful in organizing a methodically competent speech therapist supervisor.

Components of a speech therapy support є:

prevention of mobile damage;

speech therapy diagnostics; Correction of movable defects;

the formulation of all sides (components) of the move; development of non-verbal psychic functions; development of emoji - volova sphere;

the formulation of the moral attitudes of the ditini.

Meta programs: Korektsiya porushennaya usny and writing change and complex preparation of children, which may be difficult in the beginning, until the end of the school-significant, universesal naval activities from the Russian language and reading.

Zavdannya programs:

    Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis;

    The development of free analysis and synthesis in the same style, words,
    speech to the text;

    Formation and development of grammatically correct movement;

    Formation and development of a varied, ringing movement;

    Zbagachennya vocabulary stock;

    Role of phonemic recognition;

    Clarification of hearing-related differentiations of phonemes;

    Development and refinement of spacious-hourly operating systems;

    The development of analysts, who take part in the act of the sheet: auditory,
    healthy, kinesthetic.

    Development of educational processes: auditory respect,
    zorova respect, auditory memory, zorova memory,
    a logical misnomer.

Conceptualism of programs. In the process of speech therapy robots from the prevention and correction of speech therapy and writing, the most significant are the following principles:

    The principle of complexity - speech therapy injecting to the whole complex of young people (sleeping, reading and writing). 1

    The pathogenetic principle is the correction of the damaged mechanism, the formation of quiet mental functions, which will prevent the operation of the process of reading and writing.

    The principle of maximum reliance on polymodal events, on more number functional systems, on the basis of analysis.

    The principle of reliance on the protection of Lanka is ruined function.

    The principle of the step-by-step formulation of rosumovyh actions is the development, automation of call operations, translation from the internal plan.

    The principle of the area of ​​"the best development" (for L.S. ...

    The principle of step-by-step acceleration of the development of the main material - the speech therapy of the robot by the form of the quiet motive functions is guilty of being carried out step by step, with the step-by-step acceleration.

    The principle of consistency - the method of prophylactic and corrective robots is a system of methods that are straightened on the side of the main defect, on the stem of the functional systems... The treatment of the skin method starts with the main method and the beginning of the zagaln_y systems robots.

    The principle of a smart approach is to infuse at all stages of the process of writing as a way of performing well (operational, operational and stage control).

    The ontogenetic principle is a line of stages and end-to-end formulation of functions, which will prevent the processes of writing and reading.

    General didactic principles (accuracy, accessibility, individual approach, convenience)

addressee programs Learning from old destructions, as they find it difficult when they are overwhelmed with letters and promises.

children given categories to see difficulties whendeveloped programs cob navchannya general educatornew schools, due to the lack of well-formedness of the modern function and psychological changes before rejuvenationin the mainstream.

Mind the organization of the root and development robots.

Speech therapist's office, mirror, individual mirror, zoshiti for individual robotics, farbi, olivtsi, actually, didactic material.

Zarahuvannya on speech therapy employment is based on the regularity of teaching, as it is carried out from 1 to 15 days and from 15 to 30 days.

Boundary is the napovnuvanism of the speech therapist to the post of no more than 25 people. For the skin specialist, insured for the speech therapist, the teacher - the speech therapist will save the card.

The release of scholars from a speech therapy center is carried out by stretching out a new letter to the beginning of the day.

Employment with scholars is conducted both individually and in a group. The main form is є groups of busyness, which are carried out 2-3 times per day with a triviality of 30-40 khvili.

Periodicity of group and individual to take up the seriousness of the destructive development. The vibe of the few years of age starts at the same time as the folddestructiveness, individual features of children, education material. Groups of employment will be held:

with scholarships, such as the destruction of the translation and the destruction of reading and the letters, the memory of the impertinent ones, no less than three times for the day;

with scholarship, phonetic - phonemic abo 2

phonemic nedorozvinennya movi; the destruction of reading and writing, the rumination of phonetic-phonemic or phonemic underappreciated mov, - not less than two times per week;

s scholars, which may have a phonetic defect, - not less than one - two times per day;

Individual employment is carried out according to the need for fallowness from a structural defect from 1 to 3 times per day, the number of individual occupations is 20 quills.

If there is a need for clarification of the diagnosis of scholars from medical psychologists, psychologists are sent by a teacher - a speech therapist, as a matter of fact, a prophylactic mortgage for information by doctors, neurologists, doctors comic.

Investigation for the obligation to be given by the scholars to take in a speech therapy center is a teacher - a speech therapist, Klasny Kerivnik, Kerіvnik zagalnoosvіtnogo mortgage, dad.

The teacher - speech therapist to carry out the busyness with the scholars of correcting the destructive problems of sleep and writing.

1. Development of the sound side of the move.

2. Development of vocabulary and grammatical budovi movi.

3. Formation of ringing movement.

4. Development and thoroughness of psychological changes before the beginning.

5. Formation of new leaders.

6. Development and thoroughness of communal readiness until the beginning.

7. Formation of communal minds and tools, adequate to the situation primary activity.

Krіm of vchitel speech therapist zdіysnyuє vzaєmodіyu of teachers of power osvoєnnya uchnyami zagalnoosvіtnіh programs (Especially of rіdnoї MTIE) podaє kerіvnikovі zagalnoosvіtnogo mortgage schorіchny zvіt about Quantity uchnіv scho toil torn down in rozvitku usnogo that pisemnogo movlennya in zagalnoosvіtnomu zakladі that result navchannya in speech therapy item.

Programmatically methodically secure

In the process of realizing the programs of the corrective robots, one needs to use the correct and develop programs, the diagnostics and the development of the tools, recommended by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for health professional performance teacher-speech therapist of the school.

To improve the development of the development move and vikoristovut change options

test speech therapy diagnostics - standardized, neuropsychological methodology for improving the ball-level assessment system (Fotekova T.A., Akhutina T.V.). A method of permissiveness is givenє clarify the structure of a defect and correct a new profile; vibuduvati system of individual korektsіynoi robots; complement of food groups on the basis of the spirit of the structure of the structure; the dynamism of the development of the child and the assessment of the efficiency of the correct infusion.

Robots are trained to learn to correct speech therapy technologies: the technology of modeling and processing of words, the formulation of the warehouse structure of the word, the elements of isotherapy (Tkachenko T.A.), Zbagachennya and activization of the vocabulary stock. (Filicheva T.A.), V.

The core-developing robot was prompted according to the methodical recommendations of A.V. Yastrebova, T.P. Bezsonova, I.M. Sadovnikova, L.N. Efimenkova, N.G. Andrєєvoi, E.V. Mazanova. Tsei pidhid is not only correct, but proactively straightforward: allowing the number of scientists to be hunted, to carry out the correct-developing robot in the offensive:

    podolannya vіdhilen movlennvogo development of children (in order and formulation 3

    new opportunities, necessary for the development of new development);

Making changes for usunennya clearances in the knowledge of software material, summarized in the development of usny movlennya children;

The development and development of psychological and communal changes until the beginning of the day, the formation of new chief executives and communal skills, adequate to the situation of initial activity).

Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the correction. The dynamics of the development of sound, usny motions, letters, readings.

In the quality of diagnostic materials, there can be tests of control and conversion of robots, which include: dictation, copying, testimony, conversion of reading technology and input. (At the speech therapist's hearing).

Robotic method:
If you talk about the methods of speech therapy injected, then within the framework of the programs of correction, the main thing is to use practical methods. The price is right:

1.Construction of the robotics for the refinement of optical-spatial differentiations (construction of letters with elements, with one literi іnshu);

2.Creative - for an hour of robotics in the form of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.


4.Visual - demonstration,

Forms of organizing the activity of scientists:


Robot in pairs


Predicted results. Carrying out a correction in the injection of organizational school navchannya as a whole. In such a rank, speech therapy is a speech therapy robot from the days of writing and writing in young schoolchildren to accept the form of a communal culture, to enliven children with a sense of knowledge, to develop a glance and feel more comfortable.

2. Characteristics of educational institutions with changes in development.

I. Destruction of the phonetic-phonemic component of the moving system.

    Defective vimova 2-5 sounds, which will grow into one or two groups of different sounds. For children who have gone through preschool education, the sound can be found in the boundaries of the norms, or it is insufficiently viable ("zmazanim").

    Lack of formation of phonemic processes.

a) the lack of the formation of changes to the spontaneous development of a button for the analysis and synthesis of the phonetic structure of the word;

b) the lack of the formation of changes before the successful completion of changes;

c) difficult writing and reading (the appearance of specific descriptive pardons on the only great number of business people).

In schools with ruined movings, they are not entirely formed, meaningful for the new school, communal and social functions of movi. As soon as the function appears to lie down, as soon as the child will be defrauded by the food rinces of witness and behavior. The communal and social functions of the movement are formed in a narrow unity: for the help of the child, I will not only accept new information, but will take care of it. So, being included in the process of receiving, there is a lot of socialization and differentiation; verbalization to remember the memory of the comprehension of the memory. Children without special training appear undead to take school program... Tsya category of scholars to be included in the so-called group rizik and to become a significant amount of unattainable from the Russian language.

II. Destruction of the lexico-grammatical component of the moving system.

    The lexical stock of encircling by the frames of the by-by-by-by-beat themes, obviously disagreeable (illegitimate expansion of the meaning of words; pardon for implantation of words; change for the snake and for acoustic power),

    I am grateful for the lack of moldings. The promos have folding syntactic constructions, the presence of many agramatisms in the propositions of simple syntactic constructions.

As a result, children of this category are encouraged to:

a) lack of intelligence in verbal instructions, head chiefs, Instructions, instructions of the reader;

b) it is difficult to cope with the knowledge of the head, terms;

c) problems and formulation and formulation of vlastnykh dumok in the process original robots;

d) lack of development of ringing movement.

Monologue movement is especially important for cih scholars. Besides, s Іmptomatics the deterioration of writing in young schoolchildren is polymorphic in nature, typical of manifestations є: lack of volunteerness in basic terminology and the formulation of spelling rules, it is difficult to master the principle of spelling rules, especially morphological

III. Psychological specialties.

Due to the peculiarities of the cognitive activity, the emotional sphere, and the character of the behavior of young schoolchildren from the new pathology, one can see it as one-sided and special shortcuts for compensation.

rozumova activity

Significant is the freedom to emerge in the development of the rosy dyyalnosti. To turn around in the ruined such operations such as analysis, synthesis, in unimportant vision a hundred signs items and business travel, at low prices 5

the development of an abstract target.

The analysis of the objects of this group of scholars is driven by a lack of subtlety. As a result of the stink you see in the image, there are less signs that one-lines are developing normally. The activity of children during the analysis is carried out most often chaotically, without a plan.

For even more sophisticated children with special educational needs, there is a lack of dullness of misery, skill up to stereotypical, stereotyped ways of broadcasting.


The uvaga of young schoolchildren in the field of development is characterized by increased distraction, lack of concentration on the object.

Most scholars of this category have respect for the nestyke - quickly and quickly switch. Such children are built until they learn only a small amount of information.


The schoolchildren of the Bagatyokh schoolchildren, with their incompletely refreshed memory, have little memory, and all kinds of memory stink: mimic і preval, short-hour and pre-fabulous. In the first place, the memory of the memory has been reduced and the memory of the memory has been reduced. Tsi specialty is infused into the memory of both scientific material, and (especially) verbal, but one cannot fail to start with success.


The quickness of the reception among children in the vast majority of development will become less important for the one that is normal for the given age, in fact, in case of being aware of the optimal minds. Such a way to make a mess of illumination, rostashuvannya of an object from an invisible kut to a zoru, the appearance of a commission of other analogous objects

(With a good sprinting); frequent change of signals (ob'єktіv), as well as one-hour appearance of decіlkoh signals (especially characteristic for auditory spillover).

Inadequacies in auditory sprying in young schoolchildren of this group are manifested in phonemic disorders. Operations on the differentiation of sounds, the vision of the sound from the word, the establishment of the consistency of sounds in the words of a folding warehouse structure, etc. cich children have difficulties.

Especially because of the shortage of spacious sleeping in children - logopaths (for example, directly or simply rostashuvannya of the surrounding elements in a folding image). The spaciousness of the space is formed in the process of the folding interaction of the sound, ruddy and tactile analyzer. Tsia vzaєmodiya is stored in children for all pathologies due to their memories and for the last time they appear to be unfaithful. The inadequacies of this type of reception are quicker to read and write letters, which are even more important in the development of elements.

Such a rank, it becomes clear, that it is difficult, that the group of schoolchildren is discernible when they acquire the program material of the backbone school from the old age, they are informed not only by the modern poorly reputed young people, but by the form of modern life.

3. Speech therapy suprovid is carried out for the offensive steps:

come in

Posting lines

1.Organizational, diagnostics of the robot

Preparing a room for a new naval rock.

First and foremost and perished is the obsolescence of the weary and writing of children (on the cob, in the middle, in the end).

Carrying out mass maintenance of the schools of the cob school, because of the deadened maintenance of children,

insured at the Logistics Center (neuropsychological technique Fotekova T.A.)

Vivchennya documentation of children, newcomers to speech therapy employment.

Collection of anamnestic tributes and vipisk from medical cards of educational institutions, necessary for a teacher

Carrying out monitoring of usny and letter transfer of children

Storing new maps, protocols for checking and writing letters, processing of results, writing analytical evidence

Registration of documentation of a speech therapist for the ear and end of the beginning of the year.

Registration and revision of the necessary documentation, completing the package of documents according to the recommended transcript

Zarahuvannya of scholars, which require speech therapy assistance, in the majority of groups because of urahuvannya to a defect

Complete set of bathing groups for korektsіynoi robots

Folding the distribution of speech therapists to occupy and use the administration of the school.

Updating material for teachers of schools and batkiv on the school site

once a month

Adding special options for registration of a speech therapy cabinet.

Stretching out to rock

Robotics advancement in systematization methodical material in the electronic viewer.

Stretching out to rock

Analysis of the core robotics.

2.Correction robot

Carrying out the frontal ones should be taken from the viewers of the group, the individual ones according to the cyclogram of the working hour.

    Scientific-methodical robot, pro_lactic

The development of programs for the development of speech therapy students to take the correct movement in children (group "Speech")

Stretching out to rock

To promote self-education on the topic "Korektsiya zagalnogo nedorzvinennya movi"

Stretching out to rock

Development of synopses, a robot with a group of scientists, which can be misunderstood. Timely new knowledge, familiarize yourself with innovative programs and technologies.

Consultation for Batkiv:

Individual consultations.

Entry into the 1st class


Knowledge of the results of speech therapy

obsozhennya. The specifics of the robot, the mastery of the form of speech therapy robots.

"Artistic gymnastics". Issue of methodical recommendations for fathers;

Vidviduvannya zboriv in 1 x classes "Destruction of letter movement".

carrying out very busy(Type of cob)

Fathers, vchiteli OU.

Carrying out of critical and individual ones to borrow for the fathers.

Stretching out to rock

I ask the daddy, whose children see speech therapy busy. Topic: start by a speech therapist long-term plan

Vivchennya methodical and practical materials

Have a current year

the journals "Defectology", "Vykhovannya and new children with damaged development", "Speech therapy", "Shkilny speech therapist", " Pochatkova school"That іnshikh drukovanikh vidan, statti to the Internet

    Interconnection with OS fahivtsy

Knowledge of diagnostics of sensory and cognitive spheres of children with disabilities, which is carried out by a teacher-psychologist.

A separate exchange of information, with the note of clarification and concretization of the arrangement, as well as for the folding of individual programs of development

Recipients of the Koreans take

Stretching out to rock

From a psychologist: "Interconnection in the robot of a school psychologist and a speech therapist"

At the teachers of pochatkovo lanka

Introduction of lessons in Russian language, reading in 1 - 2 grades with control over the promotion of children, presentation of the results of the correct development and provision of practical assistance to the reader in the logos of robots.

Stretching out to rock

Preparation of documentation for PMPK.

Speech therapist, psychologist and other teachers of the educational institution spilly store a package of documents, if necessary, for the child to submit to the PMPK (for the sake of the father).

Robot plan

Speech therapy

The plan of fragmentation based on the methodical systems of robots, A.V. Yastrebovoi, I.M. Sadovnikova, L.N. Efimenkova, N.G. Andrvoi and signs for speech therapy robots with a group of scientists of 2 classes, which are difficult to formulate writing and reading, summarized by OHR III level.

All material, presentations in the plans, insurance for one price per day with urahuvannya special features education and education programs of the cob school.

The number of years per year is 61, the number of years per day is 2 years.
Primary-thematic plan

I step. Development of phonetic and phonemic sides of the movement. (44h.)

    development of new phonemic processes; development of the analysis and synthesis of the sound-letter and warehouse word; the formulation of initial and speech therapy terminology (appearance, proposition, word, warehouse, sound);

    close the witness"Sound", differentiation of voices of the first and another row;

    the formulation of changes in the minds of singing spelling, spelling,

which are tied with additional statements about the sound structure of the word;

    differentiation of solid and soft inaudible sounds;

    form in uchn_v cleverly vibrate a voice letter (grapheme), spiraling on hardness / softness to stand in front of the voice;

    the formulation of vmіnnya chuti in the words meaky voiced і a small pause before the sounding of the second vowel in the second row; the formulation of the correct spelling tip"B": Differentiation of inaudible sounds: Differentiation of solid - soft inaudible sounds; differentiation of dvinkih - deaf sounds; expansion and activeness of the vocabulary, the formulation of lexico - grammatical budovi movi, propaedeutics of grammatical rules, clarification of the singing grammatical to understand the rules.

Communicative and movable staff:

    the formulation of information and communication mines; the formulation of regulatory-communal minds; the formation of affective-communicative minds. ten

p / p

speech therapy



straight to the robot


Development of non-modern processes


After reading and writing letters. Doslidzhennya non-modern mental functions. Speech therapy visnovok.

Proposition and word. Analysis of the proposition.

Uzgodzhennya prikmetnik with іmennik in the family and in the number and in the opinion.

The development of free analysis and synthesis on equal terms.

Head members of the speech. Intonation of completion of the proposition.

Folding the propositions from the words, closing the clues to the global analysis and synthesis, establishing the logical connections between the words in the middle of the proposition, trenuvati in the grammatical text.

Words that mean an object.

The development is a quick start for analysis and synthesis.

The development is a quick start for analysis and synthesis.

Differentiation of words and objects and words of objects.

The development is a quick start for analysis and synthesis.

The development is a quick start for analysis and synthesis.

Control robot

A short reflex. Folding the plan for reloading.

Formation vmіnnya fold povnі propositions - an explanation of the lexical meaning of the word, briefly re-interpret the text, start the sequence of parts to the text, fold the re-order plan, re-fold the plan with a short re-word.

Development of vmіnnya orієntuvatisya in the causal links of the statty, seeing the smut, revealing facts, robbing visnovka.


the role of the voice.

Warehouse analysis and synthesis of slabs. Warehouse.

Voice and voice sounds

Rozpodil sliv in the warehouse. Vidіlennya voices from a number of sounds, warehouses, slavs.

Nagolos. Vidіlennya stressed vowel and stressed warehouse in words.

Viznachennya percussive vocal sound in words, the meaning of the yogo mistsya.

Control robot

The last transfer of texts based on power supply. Folding suggestions (more suggestions for nutrition).

Formulate the message to the food by repeating the proposition, lastly replay the text based on the nutritional plan, fold the other propositions, explain the lexical meaning of the word.

Usna zvyazkova mova to hearing, respect, sprynattya, memory and entertainment in space

Solid and meaky thumping sounds and differentiation.

m'yakі voices

Voices I and In a row. Osvita voices 2 rows.

Letters "I", "e", "u", "e"

Differentiation of voices 1 and 2 rows. Differentiation of voices [a-z].


Development of phonemic expressions, feelings, hearing, respect, memory.

Development of phonemic reception, logical misinterpretation, healthy memory, a quick start for sound analysis and synthesis.

Formation of acceptance of initial efficiency and self-control.

Formation of acceptance of initial efficiency and self-control.

Differentiation of voices 1 and 2 rows. Differentiation of voices [y-y].

The designation of the flesh of the voices of the voices behind the aid."Chu-schu"

Differentiation of voices 1 and 2 rows. Differentiation of voices [i-i].

The designation of the pulp of the voices who are heard behind the help. The writing of the voices of the sibilants"Zhi-shi"

Differentiation of voices 1 and 2 rows.

The designation of the flesh of the voices on the letters is numbered in a row.

M'yaky sign at the end of the word. The meaningful role of the soft sign on the end of the word.

The faint sign is an indicator of fleshness. Litera"B"

A faint sign in the middle of the word. The meaningful role of a soft sign in the middle of a word.

The letter "ь"

Rozdilovy meaky sign.

The designation of the pulp of a soft sign, the function of the subtle.

Control robot

Creative transfer according to the designated cob rozpovіdі.

Sound and deaf ears and differentiation.

dzvіnki prigolosnі

Development of phonemic and auditory reproduction, respect, auditory memory, analysis and synthesis. Move the robot over the rhythmic side, change the robot and develop coordination.

Differentiation [b-p]

Inaudible sounds and letters [b-p]

Differentiation [t-d]

Inaudible sounds and letters[T-d]

Differentiation [g-k]

Inaudible sounds and letters[Y-k]

Differentiation [z-s]

Inaudible sounds and letters[Z-s]

Differentiation [in-f]

Inaudible sounds and letters[V-f]

Differentiation [w-w]

Inaudible sounds and letters[Sh-f]

Control robot

Creative redelivery according to the designated end. Folding the plan out.

Formulate in mind the beginning and open the topic to the text, pick material according to the topic, as if to live the words in the text, and start the end of the parts to the text.

II step. Zapovnennya glades at the development of vocabulary and grammatical budovi movi. (17 years old.)

Initially-educational staff:

    Clarification of the meaning of explicit words in children, further expansion of vocabulary stock, accumulation of new words of new parts of the language and in different ways of word creation;

    Clarification of the meaning of vicaristic syntactic constructions;

    Forward development and thoroughly grammatical design of the ringing movement by the way of the word by word-received words, the sound of words from the words and models of different syntactic constructions;

    Clarify the statement about grammatical categories of words.

    Children are more sensitive to me, so they are better and better in hearing, I respect the word, in the perception and intelligence of the lexicon, in the mind of the correct choice and living to use the word in the context, spiraling in the lexical

p / p

speech therapy



straight to the robot

grammatical budova

Development of non-modern processes

Practical knowledge of drives.

Semantics of Appliances.

Rozdіlnja writing of applicants.

Formation of vmіnnya orієntuvatisya on the system of signs (minds). Development of spacious-watchdogs.

The reason is in, on.

Reason for that, s (s).

The reason for that in, z.

Reason s, s.

The reasons for this, because.

Reasons for, for.

Cause it over, pid

Reasons for that під, з-під.

Appliance closure. On the right, in the separate writing of the application in words.

Control robot

Folding the propositions of given words with drives. Vzhivannya priymennikiv in a ringing movement.

Disputed words. The back part of the dispute.

Formation of vikonuvati logical actions: analysis, analysis, installation, publicity.

Controversial words and synonyms.

Disputed words and words with homogeneous roots.

However, the writing of the root in single-root words

One-root words. The root of the word.

See the roots in single-root words, develop single-root words and synonyms, single-root words and words with homogeneous roots.


Basic vimogues before knowledge and until the end of the 2nd class:

Scientific guilt of the nobility:

voiced and voiced sounds, letters, signs; vocal percussion and non-vocalization; inaudible solid and soft, deaf and dzvinki; name the items for different vocabulary topics; structure of the proposition.

Scientific guilt:

Correctly put the meaning before the word і from the meaning of the word meaning the object, the sign of the object, the meaning of the object;

Rozp_znavati letters, which may be close to the acoustic-articulatory way of sounds;

Rozp_znavati letters, such as sounds close to the kinetic way;

Develop sonoric sounds and letters;

Rozp_znavati guys thump;

Begin in letters the flesh of voices with voice letters 2 rows and a letter B;

Write separately in words;

Correctly write down the propositions: live the great letter on the ear of the proposition; put a speck, a sign or a sign of nutrition in the word.

- planuwati maybutnyu robot;

Start the way and start reaching the beginning;

Control your activity;

Pratsyuvati at a singing pace;

Report on food in the exact form of instructions, staff;

Vіlno foldati rozpovіdі, perekazi;

Volodya with creative ideas;

Diagnostics is carried out 2 times on a rіk: entry (spring), pidsumkova (traven).


    Diagnostics of letter writing (veresen)

    Diagnostics of letter writing (traven)

    Reconstruction of the robot No. 1

    Reconstruction of the robot No. 2

    Reconstruction of the robot No. 3

    Reconstruction of the robot No. 4

    Reconstruction of the robot No. 5

    Reconstruction of the robot No. 6

    Diagnostics of letter writing (veresen)

meta: to find the scientists with the damaged letters and due to the reason for this damage


    prepare didactic material for diagnostics

    to conduct an analysis of letter robots; to carry out maintenance

    for the results of the rigorous formulation of the group for the Korean robot

new material (Sadovnikova I.M.):


Kolya and Masha go for a walk in the forest, followed by the dog Sharik. At the fox, the birds sleep, the woodpecker knocks the strings.

Reconstruction of the robot No. 1

1.Underline words that lead to food?

Dіvchinka, riba, doors, vіkno, woodpecker, steel, handle, kit

2.Note * proposition

Petya and Oleg were eating cherries.

green yalinka

3.Underline words that mean other things

sleep, chervoniy, book, leg, ust, bizhit

4.Add words:

kavun (yaky?) ...., sky (yake?) ......, tsukor (yaky?) .....

dіvchinka (yaka?) ......

Reconstruction of the robot No. 2

1.Sections of words in the warehouse

pencil case, hand, kit, back, apron, machine

2. Put a voice in the words:

Olya, car, lizhko, soda, owl

3.Special words, highlighted in numbers, add a number of warehouses in words:

fox, vovk, bilka, raspberry, cherry

4.Vypіshі words, which cannot be transferred:

nіzh, tarіlka, barrel, basin, vіdro, mug

5.Sp_sh_ propositions, on the seat of voice letters:

Ira is reading a book.

6.Underline the voice in words:

dziga, leg, fruit, autumn

Reconstruction of the robot No. 3 ( Voice 1 and 2 row, soft sign)

1. Read the text. Pidkresli voices 2 rows

Yak Lyuba cooked compote.

Mom and Lyuba went to the bazaar. There they bought stinks of fruit and berries

for compote. Then my mother took a plum, a crane, a half-moon and a pear. Lyuba gave a great casserole and poured water into it. Mom put the casserole on the stove. If the water boiled, the little girl put sugar into the water and threw berries and fruits. Soon the tasty and stocky compote will be ready!

2. Read the text and insert into words, it is necessary, b. Write off the text.

For raspberries.

Nastav іyul_. Varto sil_naya spec. Let's go to the forest_ for mushrooms and berries. On bushes there are large zapashnі berries. Ol_ga axis. Vona loves raspberries. She has a full cat of yagid. Mikita helps ol_ge carry the berries. Until the evening, the speka slept. A dark gloom overwhelmed. Hlopsi bis_tro go home.

Reconstruction of the robot No. 4 (Differentiation of the opposing voices)

1 Insert missing letters (B-P, V - F, G - K)

Glasses, _bird, _a_ushka, _olk, _onar, lo_it, _іlіn, by_ranichnі_, wake up.

2. Finish the propositions, write them off.

The door is ______________. Cut firewood ___________. On the pockets the growth of juice _______. Tsvyakhi score ___________.

3. Make up the words: get the words coming from the left side of the line with the words from the right side of the line. Write down the word




Reconstruction of the robot No. 5

Get up and write down the propositions:

Children go (....) School. (... ...) tables lie a book. The cat has covered (... ..) a tree. (... ....) milk was poured into the jar. (... ...) girls a new fur coat. (... ...) the drills are falling.

Reconstruction of the robot No. 6

It's a warm summer day. There is a great cloud in the sky with a plive. Here is a strong gram. Persian drops fell to the ground. Watering the rain. Where are the bags? Vasya and Yulia got away with it.


Through the interchanges of the grassy son, everything is growing rapidly. We've grown lightly and lightly. Near the meadows, strings of kilim are unrolled from grasses and leaves. The buds were poured onto the bird cherry. Let us take the aroma from the tree. Vrantsi grimaced at the cold. Rankovy fog did not grow like a ring from the fossil galyavin. Win died and lig inneum on the ground. Silence in Lisy.

Robot plan

with groups of scientists of 1-4 classes (individual).

Speech therapy visnovok:

(FNR) Phonemic damage

Correction of the robot from the usunennya porushennya poleag in the corrected shortcomings of movi. The main method of korektsіynoi robots in case of disalia є the formulation of the mind and the button of the correct creation of the sounds of the move. Align with the principle of speech therapy injected with dyslalia, to conduct speech therapy and psychological pedagogy. The results of the rigidity allow the organization of the work to be done with the help of practical, verbal and verbal methods.

The plan was put together on the basis of typical programs T.B. Filichev, G.A. Kashi. "Program for speech therapy groups" .

This program is written in accordance with the basic principles of speech therapy injected and realizes speech therapy methods and accepts at all stages of the correction.

A plan of signs for speech therapy robots with a group of scientists, or individually, to learn the difficulties of Vimov.

Years: (you can change through individual health)

60 years of employment are held on one day - 2 times

Basic directions of robots

1. Development of the sound side of Movi ... Formation of new ideas about the sound warehouse of a word on the basis of the development of phonemic processes and a tool for the analysis and synthesis of the syllabic warehouse of the word. Correction of defects in Vimovi.

2. Development of vocabulary and grammatical budovi movi:

Clarification of the meaning of the obvious words for children and further away from the vocabulary stock as a way of accumulating new words, so that they can be referred to the new parts of the word, so for the development of the development of the children, they are actively using words by using new ways;

Clarification of the meaning of vicaristic syntactic constructions;

3. Formation of ringing movement:

The rosette navichok induce the ringing lingering; the program of the senses and the meaning of culture;

The establishment of logic (sensibility, consistency), more precisely and readily the formulation of thoughts in the process of preparing a noisy lingering;

4. Development and detailed psychological changes before the beginning:

stikosti uvagi; sposterezhlivost_ (especially before the young ones); building up to memory; building before switching; a little bit of self-control; educational activity; satisfaction and behavior.

5. Formation of new leaders:

planning of future activities: (accepting the initial development; actively comprehending the material; seeing the basic material in the initial material; assigning the nobles and taking in the achievement of the starting point); control over the progress of one's own activity (from clearing up the steps to clearer through special methods of self-control);

a robot at a singing pace (quick and clear writing, rakhuvati; conduct analysis, analysis, installation, etc.); storing knowledge of new situations;

analysis, assessment of the productivity of power efficiency.

6. Development and detailed communication readiness until the beginning:

in my opinion respectfully hearing and a little bit of a speech therapist, do not change for 17


injected; to order your own instructions (to take the position of the teacher);

vmіnnya vzmіtіtі and take over the head, put in the verbal form;

verbal recognition by verbal communication with the help of a clear message, fixing and reporting the initial establishment according to the established instructions;

7. Formation of communal minds and tools, adequate to the situation of primary activity:

advice on food in the exact form of instructions, staff; feedback on food in the course of the initial robotics with adequate feedback on the acquired terminology;

in two or three phrases in the course of the naval robots' bags (a cob shaped like a ringing lick); storing instructions (diagrams) during the preparation of an open-ended lumbar movement along the way and for children of the starting robot; implantation of the acquired initial terminology in the viscous lingering; beating up to a speech therapist or comrades in groups for problems; an explanation of the instructions, the main tasks of the newsletter of the new terminology; razgornutiy sounds about the last day of the visit of the primary robot, the introduction of busy people; the formulation of the acquisition of collective views of the original robot; Carrying out a differentiated assessment and assessment of the views of your comrades (in the role of a standard of new types of the initial robot); hittrimannya no etiquette in case of spilkuvanny (beastly, prokhannya, dialogue: "Say, be affection", "Thank you", "Be lovable", etc.); the folding of the sound of the sleepy licks with the elements of creativity (fantasy).

Basic steps of the Korean robotics

Korektsіyna>< работа > >< про­ >< водится >< v >< chotiri >< step .

1st >< stage >< - >< diagnostic .

It starts with sound, sound analysis and synthesis, phonemic reception;>

2.22222 change>< состояние >< lexical-grammatical>< строя, >< со­ >< стояние >< связной >< речи. >

appear>< индивидуальные >< особенности >< таких >< психичес >< ких >< процессов, >< как >< мышление, >< внимание, >< память. >

appear>< наличие >< мотивации >< к >< коррекционной >< работе >< по >< устранению >< дефекта.

2nd >< stage >< - >< preparatory.

    To clarify the directions in the process of changing the mind and growing the memory (healthy gnosis, mnezis, optical space of awareness).

    The robot is carried out to develop such rosy operations, such as analysis, synthesis, adjustment, installation.

    The robot is carried out to develop the powers of respect, memory.

    It is carried out to go in for the correction of handwriting (with the possibility of adapting for the given vik to the right, directing to the development of other manual motor skills).

3rd>< этап >< - >< коррекционный. >

< Осуществляется >< работа >< по >< преодолению >< dizorfographiches>< ких >< нарушений. >< Она >< проводится >< на >< фонетическом, >< лексическом >< и >< синтаксическом >< уровнях >< по >< направлениям, >< according to>< основным >< видам >< ошибок. >< Комплексный >< подход >< данной >< методики >< по >< коррекции >< дизорфографии >< предполагает >< при >< необходимости >< параллельную >< работу, >< направленную >< на >< устранение >< нарушений >< sound>< чтения >< и >< письма.

< 4-й >< этап >< - >< оценочный. >

    < Оценивается >< эффективность >< коррекционной >< работы. >Assessment of correctly articulate the sounds of the move in different phonemic positions and forms of the move.<

Primary-thematic plan

promising plan Individual and group robots when correcting phonetic and phonemic incomplete speech.

Etapi robots

Number of years

see robots

Ustatkuvannya and materials

Stage 1:

Development of foreign motor skills:

gymnastics of hands, nig, tuluba

armchair figur

outlined templates


Maluvannya along the contour

finger gymnastics

auditory respect and memory

Knives, stencils, balls

Subject pictures,

didactic іgri

paper tubes,

cotton wool

Stage 2:

Correct for the sounds S, сь, З, зь, Ц

Correct for sounds Ш, Ж




Show in front of the mirror

Mirror, іgroviy material

Smugs to the paperu


the chaplains of the new age,

Stage 3:

Robot over sound:

(Pid in a voice at the warehouse)

Closing the sound in words with direct warehouses

(Without a voice in the warehouse)

Closing the sound in the text

virshah, skoromovkah


Emptying of warehouses, sliv,

pure clauses,


the robot is deformed

wim text

plot pictures

plot pictures

Stage 4:

Vikoristovuvan literature:

1. Skvortsova I.V.

Speech therapy іgri.

2.Novotortseva N.V. Working investment for the development of

sounds S, Z, Ts.

3. Konovalenko V.V.

Home zoshiti No. 1,2,3,4

for fixing vimovi sounds S, Z, Ts

It is promising to plan individual and group robots when correcting phonetic and phonemic shortcomings of the Movies.

Sonorna group of sounds (R, Rb, L, L)

Etapi robots

Number of years

see robots

Ustatkuvannya and materials

Stage 1:"Development of foreign, movable motor skills"

Development of foreign motor skills:

gymnastics of hands, nig, tuluba

The development of other sleeves of the hands and fingers:

armchair figur

outlined templates


Maluvannya along the contour

finger gymnastics

A boom of a dear hearing, a healthy one,

auditory respect and memory

Development of the collapse of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (right for the tongue)

Іgri for development of coordination and respect to the rhythm

vikonannya zavdan pid visual speech therapist

Іgri are straightened to the development of healthy respect and memory ("Rob so," What a snake "," Know a figur for a likeness "

Right in front of the mirror (in class, at home, independent)

Knives, stencils, balls

Subject pictures,

didactic іgri

paper tubes,

cotton wool

Stage 2:"Sound production and correction"

Knowledge of sound articulation

Correct for the sound P

Correct for sounds L

1 way: wicking interdental L

2 ways: setting from additional sounds A chi I

Sound correction: Robot over sound




Reaching the stiffness to the result

Show in front of the mirror

fixing the articulation-x right

Іgry is directed to the development of articulatory motor skills:

Іgri to play the vibrating rods of the kinchik language, the robot over the power of the vidihu

Mirror, іgroviy material

Smugs to the paperu


chaplains of small breeds, olivtsi

Stage 3:

“Automation of the delivered sound in the movie;

development of phonemic recognition, phonemic phenomena and analytical and synthetic intelligence "

Robot over sound:

Sound lock in warehouses (straight)

Closing the sound in words with direct warehouses

(Pid in a voice at the warehouse)

Closing the sound in words with direct warehouses

(Without a voice in the warehouse)

zakrіpennya sound in warehouses

Closing the sound in the words in the warehouse

Closing the sound in the words in the warehouse (without the voice in the warehouse)

Zukaplennya Zukav in the words of zbig voices

Consolidation of sound in propositions

Closing the sound in the text

Fixing the sound in the listeners, orders,

virshah, skoromovkah

Differentiation of sound changes


Emptying of warehouses, sliv,

propositions, reading texts, robots with warehouse tables, memorizing verses,

pure clauses,


the robot is deformed

wim text

Re-transfer of texts, folding notification, inventing a part of the story.

Warehouse tables, subject pictures, pictures with riddles,

plot pictures

plot pictures

Stage 4:“Automation and Differentiation of Sound in Independent Movies. Closing the sound in the movie "

Introducing sound into self-regulation mova

Vikoristovuvan literature:

1.Fomicheva M.F.

2.Povalyaeva M.A.

Kazki about a fun tongue

3. Konovalenko V.V.

Home zoshiti No. 5,6,7,8

for locking vimov and sounds R, R, L, L

Perspective planning of individual and group robotswith folding dyslalia(FFNR)

99 years old, busy is held in tijday - 3 times

grammatical and vocabulary, Vikoristovuvani on busy

Number of years

Preparatory stage

manual development

motor skills, articulation of the apparatus, inonematic hearing, right to the dichotomy, clarification of the spacious-hour

Family, home, autumn.

korekts_yny stage

sound z

Sound production S. Automation of sound in direct warehouses.

Autumn. osinnі mіsyatsі.

Automation of sound in words in direct warehouses

Automation of the sound in the words in the sound of the loud

Chagarniki, wood.

Sound automation


Automation of sound from words from sound warehouses, propositions

Pratsya of people of the rise.

Automation of sound from in mov.

Setting the sound to sound. Automation of the sound in straight warehouses, words.

Famous pratsi

Automation of sound in words, phrases, propositions, texts

Wild creatures

sound Z

Setting the sound to Z. Automation of sound in direct warehouses, words in a voice in the warehouse.

Ditinchata of wild creatures

Automation of sound in words in direct warehouses without a voice in warehouses, in pure phrases

Transfused birds

Automation of sound in propositions.

Automation of sound from in mov.

Setting up the sound. Automation of sound in direct warehouses, words

The reasons for that

Automation of sound in words, phrases, propositions, texts

sound C

Staging the sound of the c.

Winter. Winter months.

Automation of the sound of c in words from direct warehouses before in a voice at the warehouses, clean phrases

Winter fun.

Automation of the sound of c in words from the warehouse

wintering birds

Automation of c in propositions

Meeting of the New Rock.

Automation of sound c in prom


Differentiation of sounds z-z-c


sound sh

Sound production of sh. Automation of sound sh in direct warehouses, words in direct warehouses before naked in warehouses


Automation in words with direct warehouses without a voice in warehouses, in pure phrases


Automation of the sound in the words in the sound.

Shkilne pryladdya

Automation is in words from a warehouse in a warehouse, in a speechless way to a warehouse, in pure phrases

Automation in words with rotary warehouses without a voice in warehouses

Automation of sound in propositions


Automation w in prom


Differentiation of sounds


sound w

Sound production for sound. Automation of sound for sound in direct warehouses

Household critters

Automation in words with direct warehouses without a voice in warehouses, in pure phrases

Ditinchat's house.

Automation of sound in warehouses, words


Automation of sound in propositions

Ditinchata house.

Automation for Movies

Musical Instruments

Differentiation of sounds


Differentiation of sounds


sound l

Sound production l

Automation of sound l in direct warehouses, words in spoken words in warehouses

Spring. Spring months

Automation of sound l in direct warehouses, words without a voice in warehouses

Automation in pure clauses

Behavior on the little pictures

Automation of the sound and the words from the sound of the loud

A lot of people canopy

Automation l in words zіvotnymi warehouses. pure clauses

Rooms Roslini

Automation l in propositions


Automation of sound l in prom

Dni tizhnya

sound p

Setting to the sound of the r.Automatization r in the words of the sound of the voices.

Summer. Summer months

Automation of sound r in warehouses, words in spoken words in warehouses

Automation of sound in words from rotary warehouses without a voice in warehouses, phrases

Automation of sound in words from direct warehouses before speaking in a voice at warehouses, phrases

Automation of sound with words and with sounds

See sports

Automation p in propositions

Pori rock

Automation p in prom

Pori rock

Differentiation of sounds r-l

In kіntsі rock, children are guilty of:

correctly vibrate all the sounds of the move; knows the moment the sound in the word; the power supply of the reader; fold small difference according to the picture and from special information; live in the movable form of propositions; planuwati maybutnyu robot; start the way and start reaching the beginning; control your activity; pratsyuvati in singing tempo; report on food in the exact form of instructions, staff; vіnno foldati rozpovіdі, re-order;volodyty clues creative development;

27 A long-term plan of robots with a group of scientists, which may be in the middle of an underappreciated move III rivnya

META . podolannya vidhilen in mobile development i

carrying out of corrective robots with the prevention of all types of disgraphs.

children for other social activities.


Navchannya to different forms of word and ways of word creation.

Development of vocabulary stock and development of coherent movement of scholars.

Starting phonemic analysis and synthesis, Sound - warehouse analysis.

Development of non-modern mental processes: Dikhannya, articulatory and manual motor skills;detailed analysis and synthesis; development of auditory and healthy sleep and recognition; expansion of the health and auditory memory.

Development and understanding of psychological changes until the next day:style of respect, sparing of young men,

goodness to memory, goodness before mixing up uvaga; vikhovannya navichok i take self-control;formulation of cognitive performance.

Development and comprehensiveness of communal readiness until the beginning,

Formation of communal smart and navychok, adequate situations

primary activity.

Insurance robots plan for 62 years, fragmentation based on

- of the instruction sheet of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 12/14/2000 No. 2 "Pro

organizing the robotics of the speech therapist to the point of the sacred mortgage»;

instructively - methodical sheet« About the reader's robot-logopedist at

outbound schools »Pid ed. A. V. Yastrebovoi, T. B. Bezsonova (Moscow, 1996).

Number of years




grammatical budova

zv'yazkova mov

Mova. Text. Proposition. Word. Differentiation to understand. Member of the text on the proposition. Analysis of propositions. Role of іntonatsії. Warp text.


Winter in nature.

"Roslinny light"


(Purple, crimson, zhovty, chervonia, golden, orange, leaf fall)

Rozpodil sutsilnogo text on the proposition.

Deformed propositions.

The order of words in the speech.

on pictures

On basic words

Voice and voice sounds and letters. Head articulations of information.

The value of the number and the last of the sounds in the word.

Pratsya of people of the rise.

(Agronomist, harvester, combine, hliborob, wheat, oats, barley, grain)


Zmіna іmennikіv for:

Last transfer with support:

on pictures

On basic words

Rozpodil sliv on the warehouse with support on the voiced sound.

Distribution of voice sounds from warehouses.


Uzgodzhennya with іmennik:

beyond the numbers

After childbirth (past. Time)

(Z + G) (M + G) (G + C + N)

Rozpovid - describe by pictures.

Nagolos. Shock and non-rolling stock.

Formal role


Viznachennya percussive vocal sound in words, the meaning of the yogo mistsya.

Berries. Home preparations.



(Metal, zalizo, chavun, steel)

Osvita prikmetnikiv from n.

Expansion of suggestions for nutrition.

Zvernennya uvagi on uzgodzhennya reportuchi. і noun in kind, number, pedigree. Edits the text.

We will fold the plan in advance.

Good solid and meats. Understand about voice I and II row.

Transport. Road rules.

(Electricity, train station, metro, passenger, passenger, train, controller, green road, sidewalk, tram, trolleybus, svitlofor).

The sound of words at the speech.

The sign of the flesh of those intoned with a faint sign:

At the end of the word

In the middle of the word

Analysis of words from a voice on the cob (II), the meaning of the message of TV .. and me. sound in words.

Music instruments.

Professions of people.

(Composer, artist, conductor, violin)

The sound of words at the speech.

Robot over deformed texts and propositions.

Start to fold the plan and annually fold back the plan.

Rozdilovy meaky sign.

Analysis of words from a voice on the cob of a word, from a soft sign, from a voice.


Tvarinniy svit.

Household creatures, ditinchata їkh.

Behavior and preparation of birds, food before winter.

Extension of a simple proposition

(Words-antonyms, words-synonyms:

Vchora, season, front, back, full, fast, top, bottom, pizniy, early)

Razpovіdі for a series of plot pictures.

Sound and deaf sounds and differentiation

Winter in nature

creature behavior

Folding rozpovidі behind the guardians of nature

Dif-I of the inaudible Z - Z

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.


Propositions with the unflinching imenniki.

Dif-i B - P

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.

Winter fun for children. Novorichne is holy.

Folding razpovіdі according to the picture and the finished cob.

Dif-i D - T

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.

Wild creatures.

Creatures Pivnochі.

Ditinchata of wild creatures.

Uzgodzhennya imennik with a number

Dif-i V - F

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.

Rowing wild and domestic creatures.

Razpovіdі on basic words.

Dif-i G - K

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.


(Cars, professions)

Foldable propositions with the union A, ALE, I

Dif-i F - W

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.


Foldable propositions with the union A, ALE, I

Collaboration on a given topic.

Dif-i S - W

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.

Daily regime.

Foldable propositions with the union A, ALE, I

Collaboration on a given topic.

Dif-i Z - F

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.

Vodny light

Dif-i C - C

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.

Winter in nature

Folding folding propositions with the unions of TOMU, SCHO; YAKSCHO TO; KOLI, TODI.

Folding re-ordering after reading

Dif-i H - W

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.

Transfused birds

Wild birds.

Ditinchata ptahiv.

Folding folding propositions with the unions of TOMU, SCHO; YAKSCHO TO; KOLI, TODI.

Folding re-ordering after reading

Dif-I Ch - Sch

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.

Home birds.

Ditinchata їkh.

Folding folding propositions with the unions of TOMU, SCHO; YAKSCHO TO; KOLI, TODI.

Dif-i Ch - Ts

In warehouses

Do words

In propositions

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.

Rowing wild and domestic birds.

Collaboration of razpovіdі with creative employees.

Razrіznennya letters B - D

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.


Robot with foldable, foldable speech.

Collaboration of razpovіdі with creative employees.

Razrіznennya letters P - T

The meaning of the explicitness and the sense of the voice in the word, the membership of the word.


Robot with foldable, foldable speech.

Collaboration of razpovіdі with creative employees.

Dif-I acceptors and prefixes.

Day of Peremogi

Pidbir disputes

Osvita sl_v suffixal-prefixal way.

The reasons for that are the prefixes.

Expansion of propositions.

Collaboration of razpovіdі with creative employees.

Scoring result.

As a result of regular exercise, articulation of motor skills in children,

develop dribna and zalny motor skills, mova їkh stan more readily, Emotion - fabulous and varied, add and activate vocabulary of scholars.

The program for the Russian language is easier to use, in letters mov is less than pardons(Replace, missed, omitted letters, warehouses).

As a result, mastering initial material program scholarship

pribaty takі vminnya.


- good decay of organs of articulation, until you have a lot of mova, Gubi,

lower slit, m'yake pіdnebіnnya;

accuracy, strength and differentiation of arms of various organs;

- Vibrating the pockets and positions of the organs

articulatory apparatus, necessary for correct sound.


- see from the stream, Viznachaty їх

number, a little bit, from which skin to be immobilized;

vikoristovuvaty pick up the root of the difference: Zabarvlennya voice (іntonatsіyu),


- nutritional support and development, Instructions for the reader;

- find out how to get it on the basis of the schemes, Malyunkiv.


- rose"Sound" and "Litera", correctly name the sounds and letters;

- see the sounds of a word and characterize it; see warehouses, kindly solicit

percussive and unbalanced voices, paired and unpaired for deafness-voiced voices.

movnі (grammatical and phonetic-Graphic):

- by the start of inter-propositions, correctly understand їх with leaves(ear -

great letter, Kinets - a point, food signs hail );

- ask food before sleep-The items ( including foodhto ?

scho ?), from the word- Subjects words - diii words sign;

- develop sounds and letters. Vikonuvati sound analysis of sliv, design sounds

movi, see the words, give it a characterization, start the message.

Gіgієnіchnі, graphic, spelling:

- dotrimuvatisya rules of landing at the table, zoshita, Handles in ruci;

That's right, neat, randomly and beautifully write letters and arrange;

- comprehended by the meaning when the leaves are hard and soft;

- zastosovuvati rules for making cordon propositions, the writing of the Vlasnyh names, separate writing of words, and also the writing of the letters of the voice in the warehouseslive shi , cha ucha , chu shu ;

- write a dictation, cheating from the handled and written explanation of the word i

propositions, learning spelling rules and transfer rules

Robot plan

with a group of scientists of 2 classes.

Speech therapy visnovok: dysgraphia on the ground

Folded up to the programs "Correction of disgraphia on the ground, deterioration of the analysis and synthesis" (

The problem of the deterioration of letter writing (dysgraphia) among schoolchildren is one of the most relevant for school students, a sheet of paper from the cob nave will be reimagined in the context of the general rejection of knowledge by scholars. Basically, the staff of a school speech therapist is a polyagin in the fact that it is possible to quickly evolve and fill up the mess of writing, do not allow the transition, so that the initial learning activity of scientists, at the onset of the new stage, is accelerated.


Correction of the deterioration of letter writing in class 2 studies, which may prevent the deterioration of the writing process, of the incomplete operation of the analysis and synthesis;

Giving additional help in advancing the quality of reading, letters, development of the movement;

Activation of educational activity.


1.Formation of the secondary sound-letter analysis
Establishments of spіvvіdnoshennya mіzh letters and sounds in words;

2.Differentiation flies on the sheets of letters that mean
sounds close in acoustics and articulations;

3. Clarification and publication of information about the sound-letter warehouse of the Russian

4. Formation of analysis of propositions into words;

5. Enrichment of vocabulary stock and accumulation of knowledge about
navkolishn_y light;

6. Development and clarification of spacious-hour events;

7. Development of respect, memory, misery;

8.Formation and development of ringing viral mov, zbagachennya
vocabulary stock;

9. Development of analyzers (auditory, healthy and kinesthetic),
to take part in the act of moving, writing and reading.

The main directions of the robot:

1.Formation of analysis and synthesis of simplicity

2. Formation of a list and tips for warehouse analysis and synthesis of slips.

3. To form a navik of phonemic analysis and synthesis of words, readings
children vibrate elements and folding forms of sound analysis
and synthesis.

4. Vibrate self-control in the writing process.

5.Teaches children aloud in the language of the children, there is control
bloody mov.

6. To develop the mental functions of scientists, how to correct the process

p / p

Busy theme

Quantity. godin

provision of education

provision of education

Move sounds. Voice and voice sounds.

Sound i letter A

Sound i letter U

Sound i letter Pro

Sound i letter E

Sound i letter I

Sound і letter І

letter I

letter U

letter E

letter E

Letters R-L

Letters M - H

Letters B - P

Letters Г - К

Letters V - F

Letters D - T

Letters З - З

Letters Ж - Ш

Go up to the land of the Deaf Sounds

Development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words

Sound-letters analysis and synthesis of words. pidsumkove busy

Store. Warehouse analysis of sliv


Store. Warehouse analysis of two-storey and three-storey slots

Warehouse. Differentiation of one-, two-, triskladovyh words. Development of warehouse analysis and synthesis

Progress bar for warehouse analysis and synthesis. pidsumkove busy


Nagolos. Shock warehouse. percussion voice

Differentiation of applicators and prefixes

Promotional tool for analysis and synthesis


The designation of the flesh of inaudible sounds by the letters e, є, yu, i, i.

A faint sign on the end of the word yak is an indicator of the flesh of an inaudible sound.

A faint sign-indicator of the flesh of a voiced

the sound in the middle of the word.

Words that mean an object

Words that mean an object

Words that mean the subject.

Words that mean the subject.


The development of words, which means an object and a diy.


Words that represent a sign of an object.


Differentiation of sliv-objects, sliv-diy, sliv-sign.

The reason is in, on.

Reasons for that before, see.

The reason is with (s).

Reasons for that, before, see.

The reasons for this, because.

Cause in, for

Reason for that in, at.

Reason for that on, over.

Word of the outcome.

The sound of words at the speech


Folding propositions according to plot pictures


The letter on the cob is great. Rozdіlovі signs in kіntsі rechennya.


The letter is great in the names and names of people, the nicknames of the creatures.


speech therapy quiz


provision of education

Until the end of the day, children are guilty of the nobility.

1. Vowels and voices and letters.

2. Viznachennya understand: sound, letter, warehouse, word, word, speech, text, lead, percussion voice, percussive warehouse, unstressed vowel, non-misleading warehouse.

3. What is seen between oneself: sounds and letters, voices and voices, folds, words, words, sentences and text.

4. A couple of voice sounds;

Until the end of the day, the children are guilty.

1.Distinguish inaudible and voiced sounds.

2.Differentiate sounds and letters, folds and words, words and sentences, a set of related sentences and text.

    Beginning shock and non-use voice, warehouses

4. Beginning in words the song and the lasting sound: voices and voices.

5. To start a number of sounds in words, words in words, words in words, words in texts.

6. To produce sounds, letters, warehouse analysis and synthesis of words, as well as modern analysis and synthesis of propositions.

7.Use the voiced letters II in a row abo b for the meaning of the flesh of the voices in letters;

List of literature.

1. Altukhova N.G. Some sounds come along. Yak effectively educate a child to school: development of phonemic hearing in preschool children. SPb.: Lan, 1999 ..

2. Volkova L.S. , Seliverstov V.I. Reader of speech therapy volume 2 M., 1997 ..

3.Efimenkova L.N. Korektsіya Usnіy і Lettersіy Movі Scientists On Cob Classes: A Book For Speech Therapists. - M .: Education, 1991.

4.Efimenkova G.S. Misarenko G.G. Organizational and methodological methods of corrective robotic speech therapist at a school speech center: a handbook for a speech therapist. M., 1991.

5.Efimenkova L.N., Sadovnikova I.M. Correcting and improving dysgraphia in children with vіkom. - M., 2006.

6.Concept of federal state educational standards of foreign education: project / Pic. acad. cover; ed ed. A.M. Kondakova, A.A. Kuznetsov. - M: Education, 2008.

7.Kornev A.N. Destruction of reading and letters from children. St. Petersburg, 2003.

8.Lalaeva R.I. speech therapy robot in the Korean class. - M .: Vlados, 1999 ..

9.Logopedia // Ed ed. L.S. Volkovo. - M., 1995.

10.Lalaeva R.I. Usunennya destructive reading and letters in the schools of the pre-secondary school. - M., 1978.

11. Mazanova Є.V. Correction of acoustic dysgraphia. Take notes for speech therapists. - M., 2007 ..

12. Mazanova Є.V. Correction of optical dysgraphia. Take notes for speech therapists 2nd ed., Іspr.i-M.: Vidavnitstvo "GNOM і D", 2007.

13. Mazanova Є.V. korekts_ya disgraphії on the ground, damage to the analysis and synthesis. Take notes for speech therapists, Moscow: Vidavnistvo "GNOM i D", 2007.

14. Mazanova Є.V. I can hear pratsyuvati in the word. The album is right on the basis of the correction of agrammatic dysgraphia. 2nd ed., Іspr.i-M.: Vidavnitstvo "GNOM і D", 2008.

15. Mazanova Є.V. I do not cheat sounds. (Album 2, right on the basis of the acoustic dysgraphic correction) - M., 2008.

16. Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 12/14/2000 r No. 2 "About the organization of the speech therapy to the point of the outgrown mortgage" / Psychological and pedagogical advice and support for the development of a child. Handbook for a teacher-defectologist, M. - МІЦ Vlados, 2003.

17. Sadovnikova I. M. Destruction of letter writing among young schoolchildren. - M., 2005.

18.Approximate basic program coverage holy mortgage. Pochatkova school . Standards of another generation

19.Federal State Educational Standard of Cob Signal Education, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia 6 October 2009 r No. 373... Registration No. 15785 of the Ministry of Justice of Russia on the 22nd of February 2009 / Federal state educational standard pochatkovo zagalnoy coverage. Standards of another generation // Ed ed. I.A. Safronova, M. - Education, 2011 rock.