The general characteristics of the IVA group of the Periodic system. General characteristics of elements of the IVA group For the atoms of the IVA group of the periodic system

elements carbon C, silicon Si, germanium Ge, tin Sn and lead Pb are stored in IVA-group Periodic systems D.I. Mendeleva. The initial electronic formula of the valence equivalent of atoms of cich elements - n s 2 n p 2, re-fermenting stages of oxidation of elements in the days +2 and +4. For the elektronegativeness of the elements C and Si are brought up to non-metals, and Ge, Sn and Pb - to amphoteric elements, metal power that grows in the world of increasing the serial number. In addition, in the form of tin (IV) and lead (IV) chemical bonds are covalent, for lead (II) and in the smallest world for tin (II) there are crystals. In a number of elements from C to Pb, the strength of the oxidation step +4 changes, and the oxidation step +2 increases. Lead (IV) spoluks are strong oxidizing elements, the removal of these elements in the oxidation step +2 are strong indications.

simple speech in carbon, silica and germanium it is chemically useful to add energy and do not react with water and non-oxidizing acids. Tin and lead also do not react with water, and even after some non-oxidizing acids pass into the range of tin (II) and lead (II) aquacation. Meadows in charcoal do not overlap, silicon overlaps with pracea, and germanium reacts with meadows only in the presence of oxidizing. Tin and lead react with water in a puddle center, passing into tin (II) hydroxocomplexes and lead (II). The reaction of the simple words of the IVA-group-pi will adapt to the increased temperature. So, when heated, all stench reacts with metals and non-metals, as well as oxidizing acids (HNO 3, H 2 SO 4 (conc.) І ін.). Zokrem, nitric acid is concentrated when oxidizing carbon to CO 2; Silicon chemically decays in the sum of HNO 3 and HF, converting into hexafluorosilicate water H 2. Nitric acid is added to convert tin into tin (II) nitrate, and concentrated - into hydrated tin oxide (IV) nН 2 О, titles β - stannous acid. Lead from hot nitric acid and fix nitrate to lead (II), at that hour cold nitric acid passes the surface of the metal (oxide melt is established).

Coal in viglyadі coke stagnates in metallurgy as a strong lead, which is approved for powdered CO and CO 2. It is also possible to eliminate the vilny Sn and Pb from the oxides - natural SnO 2 and PbO, containing sulphurous boiled boiled Silicon can be trimmed by the magnesium thermal method with SiO 2 (with an excess of magnesium, Mg 2 Si silicide is also set up).

chemistry in coal- the chief rank of chemistry organic spoluk... Inorganic obsolete in coal are characteristic of carbidi: salt-like (such as Cac 2 or Al 4 C 3), covalent (SiC) and metal-like (for example, Fe 3 C and WC). The heavy salt-like carbide will increase hydrolysis due to the appearance of carbohydrates (methane, acetylene, etc.).

I will make two oxides in carbon: CO and CO 2. Monoxide in carbon is vicious in pyrometallurgy as a strong precursor (convert metal oxides into metals). For CO, the same reactions are characteristic of the adoption of carbonyl complexes, for example. Carbon monoxide - non-salt-forming oxide; vіn otruyniy ("chadny gas"). Carbon dioxide is an acidic oxide, in the aqueous solution, in the form of a monohydrate СО 2 · Н 2 О and a weak dibasic carbonic acid Н 2 СО 3.

silicon confirms a bottle of watery z'adnan (silanes), which lead to high volatility and reactionary health (self-igniting on the next). For the removal of silanes, vikoristovuyut the interaction of silitsidiv (for example, silicide magnesium Mg 2 Si) with water or acids.

Silicon in the oxidation stage +4 should enter the SiO 2 storehouse and і large numbers and often even more collapsible behind Budovoy and silіkatnyh ions storehouse (SiO 4 4-; Si 2 O 7 6; Si 3 O 9 6; Si 4 O 11 6; Si 4 O 12 8- і ін.), An elementary fragment of some є tetrahedral groups. Silicon dioxide is an acidic oxide, wine reacts in the meadows when alloyed (approved by polymetasi-Likat) and in rosette (as approved by orthosilikat-ions). Disintegration of silica solids in iron metals with acids or carbon dioxide in the presence of precipitates to hydrate silicon dioxide SiO 2 n H 2 O, in a low concentration, in a low concentration, there is always a weak ortho-silicic acid H 4 SiO 4. Water solutions of silica in other metals in case of hydrolysis may have a pH> 7.

tinі lead in the oxidation step +2, the oxides SnO and PbO are added. Tin (II) oxide is thermally unstable and can be deposited on SnO 2 and Sn. Lead (II) oxide, navpaki, even stiff. Win to get up with the burning of lead in the twilight and grow up in nature. Tin (II) hydroxide and lead (II) amphoteric.

Aquacathion of tin (II) exhibits strong acidic power and that is strong only at pH< 1 в среде хлорной или азотной кислот, анионы которых не обладают заметной склонностью вхо­дить в состав комплексов олова(II) в качестве лигандов. При раз­бавлении таких растворов выпадают осадки основных солей раз­личного состава. Галогениды олова(II) – ковалентные соединения, поэтому при растворении в воде, например, SnCl 2 протекает внача­ле гидратация с образованием , а затем гидролиз до выпадения осадка вещества условного состава SnCl(OH). При наличии избытка хлороводородной кислоты, SnCl 2 нахо­дится в растворе в виде комплекса – . Большинство солей свинца(II) (например, иодид, хлорид, сульфат, хромат, карбонат, сульфид) малорастворимы в воде.

Oxide of tin (IV) and lead (IV) amphoteric acidity. Om vidpovidayut polygidrat EO 2 nН 2 О, scho go over to the range of hydroxocomplexes before the excess of meadows. Tin (IV) oxide is set up when tin is burned on povitri, and lead (IV) oxide can be removed only when strong oxidizing agents (for example, calcium hypochlorite) are used with lead (II).

Covalent tin (IV) chloride is more hydrolyzed by water from the form of SnO 2, and lead (IV) chloride falls apart from day to day, which is visible chlorine and is introduced to lead (II) chloride.

Tin (II) halves are very powerful, especially strong in the puddle center, and lead (IV) halves - oxidative power, especially strong in the sour middle. Let us extend the lead to the є th subordinate oxide (Рb 2 II Рb IV) О 4. The process of the production of nitric acid falls, and lead (II) goes into the range of the cation, and the lead oxide (IV) ... The presence of lead (IV) oxide in the subsurface leads to a strong oxidation power.

Sulfide of germanium (IV) and tin (IV), due to the amphotericity of cich elements, when an excess of sodium sulphide is added, the solution of thiosalts, for example, Na 2 GeS 3 or Na 2 SnS 3. II) SnS when oxidized with sodium polysulfide. It is thiosalized due to the presence of strong acids due to the appearance of gas-like H2S and precipitation of GeS 2 or SnS 2. Lead (II) sulfide does not react with polysulfides, but lead (IV) sulfide is nevidomia.


  • camp in coal and silicon in the Mendelian table, which is known in nature practical sucking;
  • budov atom, valence, oxidation steps in carbon and silicon;
  • ways of rejecting and power of simple words - graphite, diamond and silicon; new allotropic forms in carbon;
  • basic tipi z'єdnan in carbon and silicon;
  • special features of elements in Germany;


  • the accumulation of simple reactions to the possession of simple words in coal and silicon and reactions, which characterize the chemical power of these words;
  • to carry out the establishment of the authorities of the elements in the group in the coal;
  • characterize practically important parts in coal and silicon;
  • to carry out rozrakhunki for rіvnyannnykh reactions, in which take the lot in coal and silicon;


By means of predicting the progression of reactions for the participation in coal, silicon and їх z'єdnan.

Budova atomіv. Wideness in nature

Group IVA of Mendelian tables is stored in five elements with paired atomic numbers: carbon C, silicon Si, germanium Ge, tin Sn і lead Pb (Table 21.1). In nature, all the elements of a group are sums of stylish isotopes. I have two izogon - * | C (98.9%) i * §C (1.1%). Besides, in nature є next to radioactive isotope "| t t= 5730 rock_v. It is possible to gradually establish itself when the neutrons of the cosmic vyprominuvannya with nuclei nitrogen in the earth's atmosphere are closed:

Table 21.1

Characteristics of elements of group IVA

* Biogenic element.

The leading isotope in carbon is of particular importance in chemistry and physics, since on its basis the atomic unit is adopted, and { /2 part of the mass of the atom 'ICO So).

Silicon has three isotopes in nature; the middle of the most widening (^) Si (92.23%). Germanium maє p'yat isotopes (j ^ Ge - 36.5%). Tin - 10 isotopes. Tse record mid chemical elements... The most widening is 12 5 gSn (32.59%). For lead chotiri isotopi: 2 § Pb (1.4%), 2 § | Pb (24.1%), 2 82? B (22.1%) i 2 82? B (52.4%). Three residual lead isotopes and endsex products, a drop in natural radioactive isotopes in uranium and thorium, earthly crust moving forward for an hour and a half.

For the widening in the earth's crust, it is included in the first ten chemical elements. Wine grows at the sight of graphite, bagatio of types of wine, in the warehouses of naphtha, natural combustible gas, layers of vapnyak (CaCO e), dolomite (CaCO 3 -MgC0 3) and other carbonates. Natural diamond wants to become a small part of the obvious in coal, a little more superbly valuable as the most beautiful and most solid mineral. Ale is it, find value in a coal glade in the fact that it is vin є the structural basis of bio organic speeches, Scho approve all living organisms. Vuglets rightly respects the first middle of the bagatokh chemical elements that are necessary for living life.

Silicon is another element of earth measles for the broadening. Sand, clay and a lot of stones are stored in minerals of silicon. Behind a vignette of crystalline varieties in silicon oxide, all of these natural spheres are silikati, Tobto salts of polymeric silicic acids. Self and acid and individual speech are not rejected. Orthosilicates are made of SiOj ~, Metasilicates can be stored from polydimensional lances (Si0 3 "). silicon is carried by quartz Si0 2, polovi spar (orthoclase KAlSi 3 0 8), mica (muscovite KAl 3 H 2 Si 3 0 12). there is little difference in silicon minerals near the water. If there are thousands of rocky hot underground jellies, there can be growth and crust of silicon. girskikh breeds jasper is used for this type.

About an hour of exposure to coal, flint, tin and lead, say nothing, but in the eyes of simple speeches, because there is a stench from the old hours. German Vidkritiy K. Winclair (Nimechchina) in 1886 in the Ridkish Mineral Argyrodite. Nezabarom z'yasuvalosya, іsnuvannya element with such authorities bulo transferred to D.I. Mendelєєvim. The naming of a new element wicked a polemic. Mendeleev in sheets to Winclair rishuche pidtrim in name german.

Elementi group IVA s-і р-підрівні:

Electronic formulas of atoms:

In the main camp, the element is bivalent, and in the awakened camp, it is chotero-valent:

In carbon and silicon, there are even fewer chemical spoluks in a bivalent camp; mayzhe in all spoluks the stench of chotirovalent. Further down the group in Germany, tin and lead, the strength of the bivalent camp grows and the strength of the covalent one changes. To that, with half of lead (1U), it is strongly oxidizing. Qia regularity is manifested in the VA group. An important view of coal from the other elements of the group є the state of the art in making good connections in three new hybridization mills - sp, sp 2і sp 3. It is practical for silicon to have only one hybrid mill sp 3. It should be shown on purpose in the case of the rulership of z'єdnan in coal and flint. For example, oxide in carbon C0 2 is a gas (carbon dioxide gas), and silicon oxide Si0 2 is a refractory river (quartz). The first word of the gas is similar to the fact that when sp Hybridization in carbon, all covalent links are frozen in the CO2 molecule:

Heavy molecules are weaker, and cym is poured over the standard of speech. In silicon oxide, chotiri hybrid 5p 3 orbital silicon cannot be closed on two acid atoms. The silicon atom will come from the chotirma with the sour atoms, the skin of the skin will come into its own with the silicon atom. Go to the frame structure with the same pattern of links between the atoms (Div. Scheme, vol. 1, p. 40).

Deduction in carbon and silicon with the same hybridization, for example methane CH 4 and silane SiH 4, are similar in structure and physical powers. Offended speech - gazi.

The electronegativeness of IVA elements in relation to the elements of the VA group is reduced, moreover, it is especially similar for the elements of the 2nd and 3rd periods. The metallicity of elements in the IVA group is more pronounced than in the VA group. Vuglets at the sight of the graphite є the guide. Silicon and germanium are conductors, and tin and lead are reference metals.

IVA group of chemical elements of periodic systems D.I. Mendelian includes non-metals (carbon and silicon), as well as metals (germanium, tin, lead). The atoms of these elements take place on the most recent energetic level of the elektron (ns 2 np 2), two of which are not paired. In addition, the atoms of the elements in the data can be manifested by the valence II. Atoms of elements of the IVA group can be transferred to an increase in the number of unpaired electrons up to 4 and, depending on the date, show the valence of the group IV. In coal in the daytime, oxidation steps are shown from -4 to +4, for those stabilized, the oxidation steps are: -4, 0, +2, +4.

In the atom in coal, for each element, the number of valence elec- trons is equal to the number of valence orbitals. One of the main reasons for the durability of the C-C link is that of viklyuchnoy schlichnosti in the coal until the establishment of homochains, as well as the creation of a great amount of food in the coal.

In the change in the powers of atoms and in the row in the series C-Si-Ge-Sn-Pb, a second priority is manifested (table 5).

Table 5 - Characteristics of atoms of elements of the IV group

6 C 1 4 Si 3 2 Ge 50 Sn 82 Pb
atomic mass 12,01115 28,086 72,59 118,69 207,19
valentni elektroni 2s 2 2p 2 3s 2 3p 2 4s 2 4p 2 5s 2 5p 2 6s 2 6p 2
The covalent radius of the atom, Ǻ 0,077 0,117 0,122 0,140
Metallium radius of the atom, Ǻ 0,134 0,139 0,158 0,175
Umovny radius ion, E 2, nm 0,065 0,102 0,126
Umovny radius of ion E 4+, nm 0,034 0,044 0,067 0,076
Energy ionization E 0 - E +, ev 11,26 8,15 7,90 7,34 7,42
Instead of the earth's crust, at. % 0,15 20,0 2∙10 –4 7∙10 – 4 1,6∙10 – 4

Secondary periodicity (non-monotonous change of power of elements in groups) is enveloped by the character of penetration of the call of electrons to the core. So, the non-monotony of the snake atomic radios during the transition from silicon to germanium and from tin to lead, it is poured into the penetration of s-electrons, apparently from screen 3d 10-electrons from germany and sub-screen 4f 14 - and 5d 10-electrons from lead Oscillations of penetrating building change in the series s> p> d, internal periodicity in the change of powers is most clearly manifested in the power of elements, which are usually s-electrons. Tom won є find an update for the A-group elements of the periodic system, superficially oxidized elements.

Coal is often derived from the group's r-elements to the highest values ​​of the energy of the ionization.

Coal and silicon may polymorphic modification with a pink crystal lattice. Germanium has a metal, medium-white color with zhovtuvatim vidtinkom, ale and diamond-like atomic crystal lattice with mint covalent links. Tin can be polymorphic modifications: metal modification with metal crystal lattice and metal ring; non-metallic modification with an atomic crystal lattice, like a stike at temperatures below 13.8 C. Lead is a dark gray metal with a metal face-centered cubic crystal lattice. A change in the structure of simple words in the series germanium-tin-lead physical authorities... So germanium and non-metallic tin are conductors, metallic tin and lead conductors. The change to the type of chemical link is highly covalent to metal super-conductive to a decrease in the hardness of simple words. So, germanium to finish hard, lead is easy to slip into thin sheets.

Deduction of elements from water may have the formula EN 4: CH 4 - methane, SiH 4 - silane, GeH 4 - german, SnH 4 - Stannaev, PbH 4 - plumbane. Near the water From top to bottom, in a row of watery z'єdnan, їх stijkіst changes (the plumban is unstable, which can be judged from indirect signs).

Z'єdnannya elementi z kisnem mayut head formulas: EO і EO 2. Oxides CO і SiO є non-salt-forming; GeO, SnO, PbO - amphoteric oxides; CO 2, SiO 2 GeO 2 - acidic, SnO 2, PbO 2 - amphoteric. With the advancement of the level of acidification of the acid power of the oxides grow, the main power is weakened. Similarly, there is a change in the power of all hydroxides.

| | | | | | | |

In the IVA group there are many elements, without which we would not be able to live on. Tse vuglets is the basis of all organic life, and silicon is the "monarch" of the kingdom of mines.

If carbon and silicon are typical non-metals, and tin and lead are metal, then germanium is borrowed in the interim. Some handlers bring it to non-metals, and others - to metals. Wine of a medium-white color and a call similar to metal, an ale and diamond-like crystal lattice and a conductor, such as silicon.

From carbon to lead (due to changes in non-metallic powers):

w change the strength of the negative stage of oxidation (-4)

w change the strength of the food positive stage of oxidation (+4)

w to increase the strength of the low positive stage of oxidation (+2)

Vuglets - basic warehouse all organisms. In nature, there are both simple words, approved in coal (diamond, graphite), as well as in carbon dioxide (carbonate gas, different carbonates, methane and natural gasі naphtha). Masova chastka vugletsu v kam'yanomu vugili reach 97%.
The atom in carbon in the main camp can establish two covalent links with the exchange mechanism, but in ancient minds such a half cannot be established. The atom is in the carbon, passing into the zbudzheniy camp, vikoryє all chotiri valence elektroni.
In the coal I will approve to finish the rich allotropic modifications (div. Fig. 16.2). All diamonds, graphite, carbine, and fullereni.

V inorganic speech stages of oxidation in carbon + II і + IV. With such stages of oxidation in carbon, two oxides are removed.
Oxide in carbon (II) - barn-free, odorless, bran gas. The name is trivial - foul gas. To take revenge on the fiery coal in the face of unrepentant fire. Electronic budova yogo molecules, see on the side. 121. For cheeky authorities CO is a non-salt-forming oxide, when heated, it exhibits an additional power (changes to the metal oxide are not over active metals).
Carbon oxide (IV) is an odorless, barnless gas. The trivial name is carbon dioxide gas. Acidic oxide. In water, it is slightly soluble (physically), it is often reactive with it;
Vugilny acid - acid is even weak, dibasic, fixing two series of salts (carbonate and hydrocarbonate). The majority of non-essential carbonates near the water. Hydrocarbonates and individual words are used to eliminate only hydrocarbonates and ammonia. І carbonate-ion, і hydrocarbonate-ion - particles from the past, to that і carbonate, і hydrocarbonate at water levels go hydrolysis after anion.
The most significant carbonates are sodium carbonate Na2CO3 (soda, soda ash, praline soda), sodium hydrogencarbonate NaHCO3 (pitna soda, kharchova soda), potassium carbonate K2CO3 (potash) and calcium carbonate, CaCO3
Yakisna reaction to the presence in the gas sum in carbon dioxide: Establishing a siege of calcium carbonate when passing a pre-sludge gas through vapnyan water (a range of solutions for calcium hydroxide) і further resolving a siege with a farther passing gas. Contrary to the reaction:

Ca2 + 2OH + CO2 = CaCO3 + H2O;
CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O = Ca2 + 2HCO3.

Pharmacology and medicine have a wide range of microorganisms in the presence of carbon in carboxylic acids, Різні heterocycles, polymerization and іnshі spoluks. So, carbolene (aktivno vugillya), stagnates for absorption and vivedennya from the organism of young toxins; graphite (in viglyadі ointments) - for the treatment of shkіrnykh zhvoryuvan; radioactive isotopes in carbon - for scientific doslіdzhen(Radiocarbon analysis).

Vuglets is the basis of all organic words. Be a living organism to be stored in the meaning of the world in the coal. Vuglets is the basis of life. Dzherelom in coal for living organisms zzvychay є CO 2 from the atmosphere anyway. As a result of photosynthesis, they are consumed in biological food lantsyugi, in which living things there are one one, or the remains of one one, and by themselves they get a lot of coal for the awakening of power. The biological cycle in coal will end either to oxidized or to the atmosphere, or to those who are attracted by viglyad or naphtha.

Analytical reactions carbonate - ion СО 3 2

Carbonate - salts of unstable, even weakly carbonic acid H 2 CO 3, as it doesn’t occur in water droplets and folds in the form of CO 2: H 2 CO 3 - CO 2 + H 2 O

Carbonate ammonia, sodium, salt, cesium rose in water. Carbonate lithium in water is of little difference. Carbonates of the other metals have little outgrowth in the water. Hydrocarbonates are available near the water. Carbonate - they are at the water level without barriers, they are hydrolyzed. When added to them, phenolphthalein drops should not be taken into account in the form of hydrocarbonates in other metals.

1.Reaction with chloride bar.

Ва 2 + СОз 2 - -> VALT 3 (bilium alcrystalline)

Analogous opaque carbonates give calcium cation (CaCO 3) and strontium (SrCO 3). The precipitate is found in mineral acids and in ostovy acids. In the case of H 2 SO 4, the siege of BaSO 4 takes place.

To the sediment in every case, add the HС1 razchinennogo razchinennogo siegenogo razchineniem siege: ВаСОз + 2 НС1 -> ВаС1 2 + СО 2 + Н 2 О

2.Reaction with magnesium sulfate (pharmacopoeia).

Mg 2+ + СОЗ 2 - -> MgCO 3 (bilium)

Hydrocarbonate - ion НСО 3 - solves MgCO 3 precipitates with magnesium sulfate when boiling: Mg 2+ + 2 НСОз- -> MgCO 3 + СО 2 + Н 2 О

The precipitate of MgCO 3 develops in acids.

3. Reaction with mineral acids (pharmacopoeia).

CO 3 2 + 2 H 3 O = H 2 CO 3 + 2H 2 O

HCO 3 - + H 3 O + = H 2 CO 3 + 2H 2 O

H 2 CO 3 - CO 2 + H 2 O

The presence of gaseous CO 2 appears as a turbid baritone or vaporized water in the attachment for the evacuation of gases, bulbs to gas (CO 2), in the sample - pick up - dim.

4. Reaction with uranyl hexacyanoferrate (II).

2СО 3 2 - + (UО 2) 2 (brown) -> 2 UO 2 CO 3 (barnless) + 4 -

The brown color of uranyl hexacyanoferrate (II) can be removed, and the uranyl acetate (CH 3 COO) 2 UO 2 can be removed with the range of hexacyanoferrate (II) calium:

2 (CH 3 COO) 2 GO 2 + K 4 -> (UO 2) 2 + 4 CH 3 COOK

To the smashed mark, add Na 2 CO 3 or K 2 CO 3 by mixing to the brown markings.

5. Separate form of carbonate - ionic and hydrocarbonate - ions by reactions with calcium cations and ammonia.

As soon as the presence of carbonate - they and hydrocarbonate - is available, the skin can be viewed from them.

For a wide range of up to the analyzed range, add an oversize range of CaC1 2. With a full COz 2 - precipitate near the view of CaCO3:

COz 2+ Ca 2+ = CaCO 3

Hydrocarbonate - they become in the range, as Ca (HCO 3) 2 in the range of water. The siege will be taken out of the line and will continue until the end of the line. НСО 2 - -anion with ammonium and calcium cations give a knowledge of CaCO 3 siege: НСО 3 - + Ca 2+ + NH 3 -> CaCOz + NH 4 +

6.Inshі reactions carbonate - ion.

Carbonate - ions in the reaction with chloride of zaliz (III) FeCl 3 set up storms of precipitation Fe (OH) CO 3, with nitrate of medium - bilium precipitates to carbonate of the medium Ag 2 CO3, opened in Н'ТОз and expand when boiling near water to dark siege Ag 2 O ІСО 2: Ag 2 CO 3 -> Ag 2 O + СО 2

Analytical reactions acetate - ion CH 3 COO "

Acetate - іon СН 3 СОО - anion of weak monobasic acidic acid СН 3 СООН: at water levels it is barren, it is susceptible to hydrolysis, not in oxidative-water-borne power; to finish an effective ligand and approved stiyky acetate complexes with cations of bagatokh metal. When reacting with alcohols in an acidic medium, give folding ether.

Acetates of ammonia, good and large metals, are good to be found in water. Acetates of the medium CH 3 COOAg and mercury (I) are less than acetates of other metals.

1.Reaction with zaliz (III) chloride (pharmacopoeia).

At pH = 5-8 acetate - ion with Fe (III) cations formulated dark chervonia (strong tea) acetate or galiza (III) hydroxyacetate.

At the water level of wine, it is often hydrolized; acidification of hydrolysis with mineral acids, and to produce a red acidification.

3 CH3COOH + Fe -> (CH 3 COO) 3 Fe + 3 H +

In the case of a boil over the range of vypadaє chervono-buria sieges of the main acetate of gold (III):

(CH 3 COO) 3 Fe + 2 H 2 O<- Fe(OH) 2 CH 3 COO + 2 СН 3 СООН

Falsely as a result of the concentration of salt (III) and acetate - ions in the warehouse, the siege can be changed and given, for example, by the formulas: Fe OH (CH 3 COO) 2, Fe 3 (OH) 2 O 3 (CH 3 COO), Fe 3 O ( OH) (CH 3 COO) 6 or Fe 3 (OH) 2 (CH 3 COO) 7.

The carried out reaction produces anioni CO 3 2 -, SO 3 "-, PO 4 3 -, 4, but also anioni SCN- (give red complexes with cations Fe 3+), iodide - ion G , to oxidize to iodine 1, 2, before the opening of the barbecues.

2. Reaction with acidic acid.

Acetate - іon in a strongly acidic middle, goes into a weak otstic acid, a bet which may have a characteristic odor of otstu:

CH 3 COO + H +<- СН 3 СООН

The carried out reaction produces anioni NO 2 \ S 2 -, SO 3. 2 -, S 2 O 3 2 -, as well as see in the middle of the concentrated H 2 SO4 gas-like products with a characteristic odor.

3.Reaction of Acetic Efiru (Pharmacopoeia).

The reaction is carried out in a syrchan acid medium. With ethanol:

CH 3 COO + H + - CH 3 COOH CH 3 COOH + C 2 H 5 OH = CH 3 Coos 2 H 4 + H 2 O

Ethyl acetate is visible behind the characteristic odor. It is a salt that catalyzes the reaction, so it is recommended to add a small amount of AgNO 3 during this process.

Similarly, in the reaction with amyl alcohol Z 5 HcON, the same volodya as an acceptable smell of amyl acetate CH 3 Coos 5 Hі (-pearium-) appears, a characteristic smell of ethyl acetate can be seen, which can be felt when the heat is kept warm.

Analytical reactions tartrate - іona grew СН (ОН) - СН (ОН) - COMPOSITION. Tartrate-ion - anion of weak dibasic tartaric acid:



Tartrate - Ion is good at water. In water razchina tartrate - they are without barvn, admit to hydrolysis, syphilis to complexation, give stiky tartrate complexes with cations of bagatokh metal. Tartaric acid fixes two rows of salts - middle tartrate, and to replace two-charged tartrate - ion SOSN (OH) CH (OH) COO -, and acid tartrate - Hydrotartrate; ... Calcium hydrotartrate (-win stone-) KNS 4 H 4 O 6 is practically not a solution in water, but it can be used for the formation of calcium cations. The middle calciferous silt is also very poorly differentiated in the water. Middle caliber K2 Z 4 N 4 O 6 is good to be in the water.

I. Reaction with calcium chloride (pharmacopoeia).

З 4 Н 4 О 6 2 - + К + + Н + -> KNS 4 Н 4 О 6 1 (bilium)

2. Reaction with resorcinol in acidic conditions (pharmacopoeia).

Tartrate when heated with resorcinol meta - Z 6 H 4 (OH) 2 in the middle of concentrated syrup and confirm the reaction products of cherry - red colora.

14) Reactions with the ammonium complex of the medium. Vipadaє black siege of the metal medium.

15) Reaction with saline (II) sulfate and aqueous peroxide.

A supplement of the diluted water solution FeSO 4 і Н 2 О 2 to the extent that you can take revenge on the tartrate. to produce up to the approval to the approval of the unstable complex of the harvested color. Subsequently, grind in the meadow of NaOH to produce a complex of blakite colora.

Analytical reactions of oxalate-ion Z 2 O 4 2-

Oxalate-ion Z 2 O 4 2- - anion of dibasic oxalic acid H 2 C 2 O 4 medium strength, usually good in water. Oxalate-ion at water levels without barn, often hydrolyzed, strong lead, effective ligand - Image of strong oxalate complexes with cations of bagatokh metal. Oxalate metals, magnesium and ammonia are found in the water, and the other metals are rarely found in water.

1Reaction with chloride bariu Ba 2 + C 2 O 4 2- = BaC 2 O 4 (bilium) The precipitate is broken up in mineral acids and in ocetic acids (at boiling). 2. Reaction with calcium chloride (pharmacopoein): Ca 2+ + C 2 O 4 2 - = Cac 2 O 4 (bilium)

Sediments are found in mineral acids, but not in mineral acids.

3. Reaction with sodium nitrate.

2 Ag + + З 2 О 4 2 - -> Ag2C2O 4. |. (Sirnisty) Test for the distinction. The siege lasts for 3 parts:

a). In the first test tube with a siege, add on the drifts when mixing HNO 3 until the siege is resolved;

b). At a friend, a test tube with a siege is added to the drifts when mixing the concentrations of the amiaku razchin until the siege is resolved; v). At the third test tube with a siege, add 4-5 drops to the HC1 gap; in the sample, there will be a lot of sludge to the chloride of the medium:

Ag 2 C 2 O 4 + 2 HC1 -> 2 AC1 (bilium) + H 2 C 2 O 4

4. Reaction with calium permanganate. Oxalate ion from KMPO 4 in acidic conditions is oxidized from CO 2; the difference between KMPO 4 and manganese (II) is due to the change of manganese (VII) to manganese (II):

5 Z 2 O 4 2+ 2 MnO 4 "+ 16 H + -> 10 CO 2 + 2 Mn 2+ + 8 H 2 O

Breeding of KMPO differences 4. Remaining secure; Stimulate the vision of bulbs to gas - CO2.

38 Elementi group VA

Zagalna characteristic VA group of periodic systems. the viglyad s x p y has an electronic configuration of the latest energy level of the VA group's elements.

Mish'yak and surma may be different allotropic modifications: both from molecular and from metal crystal lattice. However, in the production of porosity of cationic forms (As 3+, Sb 3+), mish'yak is brought to non-metals, and surma to metals.

oxidation stage for VA group elements

From nitrogen to bismuth (due to changes in non-metallic powers):

w change the strength of the negative stage of oxidation (-3) (m.

w change the strength of the food positive stage of oxidation (+5)

w to increase the strength of the low positive stage of oxidation (+3)