The most important steps of adaptation are the most important steps of adaptation. Submission of theoretical model by L.M. Koval'ovoi and Yu.A. Oleksandrivskyi spilo with the method of diagnostics in the process of adaptation Rivne adaptation high middle low

Entry 3

Chapter 1.The problem of adaptation of children to school navchannya

1.1. Understanding the adaptation and analysis of social and psychological literature

s problems of adaptation of children to school education 6

1.2. Conceptual scheme for the follow-up of the emoticon

I will become scholars and adaptations to school education 15

Visnovka on the first razdіlі 17

Rozdil 2. Empirical advancement of the emoticon camp

studies and adaptations to school education

2.1. Methodical pіdhіd until the end of the emotional

I will become scientists and adaptations until November 20

2.2. Results until 22nd

Visnovka according to another distribution 29

visnovok 30

supplement 34


The robot is assigned a foldable and, insanely, significant problem of child psychology - inducing the role of an emotional student in adapting to schooling.

relevance By those who have been advised in the meaning of the world, the problem of the psychological development of the emotional development of first-class students on the stage of adaptation to the beginning of school scientific problems First for everything, to the fact that the number of psychosomatic illnesses among the middle class students, their maladaptive behavior, and one of the manifestations of neuroses is growing.

Adaptation is the natural camp of people, who appear in the presence of new minds, new activities, new social contacts, new social roles. The significance of the period of entry into the life situation that is not important for children is manifested in the fact that, due to the well-being of the child's life, it is not only the success of young people in the beginning of the day, ale and the comfort of going to school, going to school,

An ear of school life is a serious viprobation for large children. The stench is guilty until the new team, the vimogs, the haunted obligations. As a rule, the lads are schoolers, but for them there is a school order to appear behind the rules and strict. If there is a child's need, you will not be satisfied with a child's need, you will not be satisfied with a child's need, but you will turn around in fear of a school or an unwanted child. It is especially easy to stay for these children, who are not ready for the role of a schoolboy, for them the period of adaptation can be traumatic.

Meta doslіdzhennya: vivchennya emotsiynogo stanu ucheniya i viznennya yogo role in the adaptation of uchnya to school.

Ob'kt doslіdzhennya: a group of scholars of the first class.

Subject of the advancement: injecting an emotional camp to the level of adaptation to schooling.

theoretical students before the breakdown of G.M. Chutkina equal adaptations to school education. Vivchayuchi the camp of scientists, we also went to the position of V.V. Kogan and T.D. Dorozhevets about school maladjustment... The reason for school maladjustment is often an unsuccessful social camp of scientists.

Hypothesis of the last post: to transfer, so that the success of the adaptation of children to the beginning of school is to stay in a state of affairs.

For the implementation of the set and reconversion of the hanging hypothesis in the pre-release boulevards of the beginning zavdannya:

1. Visually, the understanding of adaptation is to conduct an analysis of the social and psychological literature on the problem of adaptation of children to school education.

2. Encourage the conceptual scheme of the development of the educational camp of scientists and adaptations to school education, introduce methodical tools.

3. Preceding the development of scientists and adaptations to school education.

4. Vyaviti the role of the social camp in the adaptation of scholars to school education.

Doslidzhennya method:

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical dzherel from the problem of preschool;

Empirical dosage, which includes a projective test of special wives, social emotions and central ideas "Budinochki";

Methods for the cynical and intelligent analysis of empirical tributes.

practical value in the past, in that the results allowed the development of a number of psychological and pedagogical recommendations for the development of the educational camp of scientists, as a legacy, the advancement of the adaptation to school education.

Reliability and reliability donated to robots, to take care of the methods that are adequate to the methods of thinking, methodical apparatus of psychological science, good analysis empirical material.

structure course robots. The robot's reference is stored in the entry, two razdiliv, visnovkiv, list of vicarious dzherel from 22 nymenuvan and supplements. The text of the course robot has 3 tables and 3 figures.

Chapter 1. The problem of adaptation of children to school education

1.1. Understanding the adaptation and analysis of social and psychological literature on the problems of adaptation of children to school

Adaptation to school - over-learning, motivational and emotional spheres of a child during the transition to a systematic organized school education. It’s safe for the social minds to come to adapt, and it’s not so well to maladaptation.

The main features of the systematic schooling є offensive:

in the first place, with the entrance to the school, the child starts to work, it is suspiciously significant and suspiciously appreciated by the virtue - the primal virtue;

in a different way, a special feature of systematic school education є those who have a number of general rules for all the same rules, as all the behavior of the student is ordered from the hour of his transfer to school.

Nadkhodzhennya to the school of singing ryvnya development of misinterpretation, modern regulation of behavior, a quick spinner. The assessment of the level of school adaptation is based on the upcoming blocks:

1. Indicator of intellectual development - carries in its own information about the development of food mental functions, about building up to the beginning and self-regulation of intellectual activity of a child.

2. Indicator of emotional development - showing the level of emotional-express development of a child, yogo special growth.

3. Indicator of the formation of community tools (from the areas of psychological new solutions to crises of 7 rocks: self-assessment and the level of homemaking).

4. The level of the child's schooling maturity in the preschool period.

Results doslidzhen G.M. Chutkina showed that they were able to develop skin conditions from the level of dermal development, they could see three levels of social and psychological adaptation to school.

1. A high level of adaptation.

The student should be positively placed before school, so that he can be presented adequately; you can easily master the material; more and more overwhelmed with program material; virіshuє accelerated zavdannya, diligent, respectfully hearing vkazіvka, explanation of the teacher, vikonuє completing without call control; show great interest in self-reliant initial robots (always get ready for all the lessons), the huge assistant to the vicon eagerly and summarily; Loan in the class with friendly status.

I will describe it, I will describe the development of all indicators that have been overhauled before, and are considered high. The characteristics of a child with a high level of adaptation to school and adapt to the characteristics of a child who is ready to go to school and after having survived the crisis of 7 births, as in this case, the presence of a clue to the formed power. (7) self-assessment and housekeeping) without the necessary involvement of teachers and psychologists.

2. Average level of adaptation.

The student is positively placed before school, її її її ії ії does not wііklіk іn negative experiences, reason in the main material, as well as the teacher of wіklad yogo in detail and forcibly, I will learn the basic wisdom chief programs, Independently virishu types of management, zooseredzhenii and respectful in the case of a visitor's office, a supplementary service, orders of an old-aged person, albeit in case of his control; buva zooseredzheniy only tіlki todі, if the occupation is necessary for new tsіkavim (get ready before lessons and vikonuє home zavdannya mayzhe zavzhdi); community to the vison is sumly, to be friends with bagatma classmates.

3. Low level of adaptation.

The student is negatively or indifferently placed before school; unrepentant skargi for ill health; dominance of attitudes; fostering a breakdown in discipline; explain the material by the teacher fragmentarily; robot self with a handcuff is complicated; at the vison of independent chiefs, the managers did not show interest; to get ready before lessons irregularly, continuous control is required, systematic nagging and sponding from the side of the teacher and father; protection and respect for additional pauses for completion, for the understanding of a new and solution of tasks at a glance, it is necessary to start with the help of the teacher and father; community assistance to the vison under control, without special bazhannya, passive; I can't have close friends, I know by names and nicknames, I am deprived of a part of my classmates.

In fact, there is also an indicator of "school maladjustment".

In this type of specialty, the vision is easy, so as I can help with the damage to the somatic and mental health of the child, it can be the primary factor of low level of development of the processes of mental health, the function of respect for the processes of the mental health of the child.

In such a rank, by virtue of special features First-class students of the sixth century can reach only the middle level of adaptation to school during the day, special organization by the teacher of the initial process and psychological education.

The offensive aspect, on the other hand, is a beast of respect, є the unpleasant result of the adaptation process, the reason why it leads to the so-called maladjustment.

It is worth noting that, formulated by V.V. Kogan, “school maladjustment is a psychogenic illness or a psychogenic form of a child’s specialness, as it destroys an active and sub-active status in schools and families and begins to become the primary student.”

Three witnesses will tie the vision to school activity - difficulty in the modern day, confrontation with classmates, etc. mental health problems can be found in mentally healthy children, for children with neuropsychiatric disorders, but do not expand on children, which may be damaged in the beginning of the initial activity of mental retardation, physical disabilities.

Vivchauchi behavior of six and seven children, first class students, T.V. The roadwoman saw three maladjustments to the style: accommodation, assimilation and immorality.

The adaptive style depicts the child's graciousness to the general order of her behavior in the middle.

For the asymmetrical style, the child's pragmatic podporodkuvati social middle ground is characteristic to their needs. In the case of an immature style attached to, tied to the psychological immaturity of a child given to vik, I can tell you about the lack of it before accepting a new social situation to develop.

There is an increase in the degree of skin swelling from the cich styles of adherence to the disease to school maladjustment.

Rizna behavior of cich children in school. Schoolchildren with an adaptable style of adherence to the typical image of a "good student", ready to adhere to all the rules and norms of school life, and by themselves, as a rule, it seems to be the most normal

Positive assessments from the side of the readers, the leaders of the highest authority, take the form of a positive "I-concept" of children and the promotion of their sociometric status.

Children with an asymmetric type of adaptation, as they ignore school rules that are new for them, or if they are aware of them in the presence of a teacher, appear, as a rule, maladapted, as a rule, as a rule, they are not adaptable enough to accept the initial, educational ones. Typically, in such cases, negative assessments of the teacher at the presence of classmates lead, as a rule, to an even greater decrease in authority, status in the class, and accelerate social adaptation by ourselves. However, it is obvious that children’s interest in the authority of the teacher is admittedly weak because of a strong underestimation of self-esteem.

It is very important for children to adapt to an invisible style, if they are reasoned by a lack of development of will. Such children do not know how to coordinate their behavior in accordance with the rules and norms of school life.

In the literature, the term “school phobia”, “school neurosis”, “didactogenic neurosis” is introduced to the understanding of “school disadaptation”. As a rule, school neuroses are manifested in unreasonable aggressiveness, fear goes to school, see the lessons, etc. Most often, there is a tendency to become a school of anxiety, as it manifests itself in ill-fatedness, brought up at the time of the initial situation, ochikuvanni filthy confrontation to oneself, negative assessments from the side of teachers, one-sided.

In the case of didactogenic neuroses traumatic є in the first place, the system itself is navchannya. In modern schools, as a rule, the teacher’s ability is not much of a learning curve, at that time it’s the teacher’s intellectual ability and learning and the most effective way of transferring information and knowledge. The goal of the teacher and the teacher is to get away from it: the teacher is guilty of reading, the student is guilty of reading, so to hear, to remember, to remember, etc. educational activity, such is the need for initial activity.

Didactogenic neurosis in the development of sixtypes can be blamed if the teacher is not important to the first and the psychological peculiarities. On the thought of bagatokh authors (D. B. Elkonin, Sh.A. Amonashvili, V. S. Mukhina, etc.)

For many children, there can be important training sessions for school children. I would like to get rid of the skin of a child for one of the onset problems:

    Difficult mode (the smell of polarity is evidently low in the level of regulation of behavior, organization);

    comunicative difficulties (most often they are more likely to be among children, who may be able to see them with one-sided children, are manifested in the foldability of calls to a classy team, to the point of being a fancy in a whole team);

    problems with the teacher;

    problems connected with the changing family situation.

In such a rank, school adaptation is the process of awakening the cognitive, motivational and emotional spheres of a child during the transition to a systematic, organized school education. The success of such a wake-up call, from a psychological point of view, to lay down the development of intellectual functions, emotional-volitional sphere, the formation of communal navigators, and so on. ...

According to the general classification of forms of maladjustment, impairment of the adaptive process to school and can be manifested in vigiladi:

    non-molded elements of primary activity;

    lack of molded motivation;

    nezdatnosty modern regulation of behavior, respect, initial performance;

    nevminnya pristosuvatisya up to the pace of school life.

Vіk 6-10 rokіv is carried to the affective stage of the form of specialness. In the whole hour, the collapse of the nerve processes is growing, and the processes of excitement prevail over the processes of galvanizing. Tse viznachaє takі characteristic features young schoolchildren, as the lack of serenity and increased emotional zest. Emotional response is the main response to the organism on "shkidlivost". As if in a whole child's life she underwent a mental trauma, an important ailment, or just being in a chronic situation of neuropsychiatric stress in school, for at home for different reasons, one might be able to see the development of a special structure on the form of aaffective and there will be such risks as emotional instability, lack of responsiveness to new situations, lack of confidence, lack of confidence in oneself, anxiety, fearfulness, asthenia of behavior and fear of power It’s not only possible for the character to accelerate the adaptation of the child to the middle, to lower the building to the correct assessment of the situation, but to appear in some differences in the role of the factor in the development of the near-border mental disorders. With the entrance to the school and the inner light of the child changes. Let us carry out the old motive of duty, if the motive is still stronger in Bagatyokh. Conflict of motives "I want - demand" can be vicious with a child, as it manifests aggression, as well as important internal confrontations, ailing emotions, fears. The whole conflict can change the specialness of the child. At the same time, in 7 years, in conjunction with the development of the role of another signaling system, the child will form the building of differentiation of his / her emotions for additional communication, and the differentiation of the regulators of the important aspects. On the basis of the provincial prodigy, the aim is to build more and more dominant values ​​and to start working on all the functions of the intelligence, which are intellectualized and become pretty. Such a rank, for a child, is the possibility of more and more advanced and learned development of emotions and feelings.

The need for education in the educational camp of scientists is tied to the principles of low nutrition:

1. The inflow of singing emots_ynyh stan_v on the action. In this hour, great experimental data have been accumulated about the infusion of emotional stress into the activity (F. Meerson, 1981, G. Selye, 1972, V. Suvorova, 1975, K. Sudakov, 1981, J.S. Everly, R. Rosenfield, 1985 and ін.). The main sensation of the results of the cich to the last few days is in the fact that, in terms of the size of the emotional stress, the productivity of the activity and the duality of behavior, that is, the high and the low level of activity disorganize the development of life. Robots E. Helhorn and J. Luffborrow, A. Svyadosha have a look and a straightforwardness of the disorganizing emoticon. The stench of disorganization is not only misleading, memory, yyava, but the very emotional behavior. Emotions tied with intellectuals, by volunteer processes, Stink є їх binding regulatory components. Such emotional conditions, such as anxiety and frustration, pour into the productivity of activity, including the initial one. So, the frustrations of all people are superfluous to develop negative forms of negative emotions that disorganize behavior. A high level of anxiety, which manifests itself in disorganization of activity, є one of the reasons for the "chronic failure" of scientists.

2. Adopted emotional sensitivity, emotional instability, the leading rank in a small decrease in one of the factors that make it difficult to make school. Emotional neuromuscularity, anxiety, fear of alcoholism, isolation, being peculiarities of the psyche, formed by the infusion of exogenous and endogenous factors, є reasons for social maladjustment and confusion /

Vyhodyachi z usya vyshekazanogo, mє obov'yazkovo carried out until emotional sphere schools of the young school age. At the same time, next to mother on respect, psychodiagnostics is not an end in itself, not critical to the child, but deprived of the first stage of the robot with the child, the information for thinking up as a basis for the further psychological analysis, the vision of the problem with them.

1.2. Conceptual scheme for the advancement of the educational camp of scientists and adaptation to school

1. Rozpitati Batkiv.

1. Interrogation of fathers. Oskіlki hour and termіn tsiy call to lie down not see a psychologist, docіlly look for the sake of it. The experience can be carried out in a group option - at Batkiv's meetings or by distributing the text of the teacher to the Batkivs and a further collection of memorized ideas. This is the first and the best way to avoid your overwhelms and shortcomings, kindly to the practitioners.

Oskіlki opytuvalnik vikoristov Inadequately vikoristovuvati when experienced such a formula, as "signs of a child's nerves", so as tse viklikє inadequate reaction of fathers. It’s more beautiful to just pererahuvati її show concrete.

It is not difficult to process the tributes that were taken for the help of the teacher. In the end bag, you can come up with options:

    Psychosomatic symptoms, no illness.

    Zrіdka may miss the functional breakdown.

    Mali mіsce zvoryuvannya, psychosomatic symptoms are spared.

2. Analysis of medical statistics:

    Ailments pershoklassnikiv in the adaptation period.

    Victimization for medical assistance for the drive of possible psychosomatic symptoms and traumas (boo, daddy, especially as a first-class student in the group of an extended day, I just don't know about it).

    Vidmovi daddy from the planned chips, motivated by the nasty self-respect of the child (it's no secret that in pohatkov_y school daddy often enjoy the child himself, spending two or three days in his house, so the child's presence in school may not be recorded as being ill).

3. Expert experience of the teacher. Opituvannya vchitel_v (or vchitel_v) thoroughly carry out vikoristovuyu speeding options for the picture with the help of M. Bityanova. There is no need to store a card on all students in the class. It is necessary to ask the reader to assess the activity of the upcoming children:

    viklikayut poboyuvannya at the very teacher;

    may fail to see, lack of development, fixed when the child is taken to school;

    often ailments, showing psychosomatic symptoms;

    May the inversion of color, the weak differentiation of social emotions and showed a negative attitude towards oneself, the process of giving to the reader (according to the method of "Budinochka").

Otriman's information is given a thorough interpretation at the same time with the teacher in the next three categories:

    the first-grade student will increase the school program;

    a first-class student in his school program in chastkovo (in general, it is necessary to clarify in what exactly the polarity is not good);

    a first-grade student does not master the school program (maє sense concretizuvati - no navchalnі dії ta in.)

4. A projective test of special social events, social emotions and valuable organizations "Budinochki".

To carry out the technique, the following materials are required:

    List of messages.

    A lot of color olivts: blue, chervony, zhovty, greenery, violet, gray, brown, black. Olivtsi are guilty of being the same, prepared in color, similar to a slate.

Before it is more beautiful to spend with a group of first-class pupils -10-15 cholovik, children bazhano rozaditi one by one. Yaksho є the power, you can get for additional help senior pupils, having given instructions first. The help of the teacher and the presence of the teacher, as well as the idea of ​​bringing children to school life, including to the teacher.

The procedure for the final storage is made up of three plants for growing and borrowing close to 20 hvili.

The establishment of indicators in the physiological, mental and emotional components to allow the quality of adaptation of the first class students:



    lack (for maladaptation)

On the basis of otrimanikh danikh can be finished with a formalized view of the first class students, which require the individual respect of a psychologist. It is necessary to produce two groups of such children until necessary:

    first-rate students with lack of adequate adaptation;

    pershoklasnikiv with private adaptation.

Visnovka on the first razdіlі

From the same time, adaptation to school - perebudova educational, motivational and emotional spheres of a child during the transition to a systematic organized school education. It’s safe for the social minds to come to adapt, and it’s not so well to maladaptation.

Results doslidzhen G.M. Chutkina showed that they were able to develop the skin and re-insure indicators from the level of development, it was possible to see three levels of social and psychological adaptation to school:

1. A high level of adaptation.

2. Average level of adaptation.

3. Low level of adaptation.

By virtue of the peculiarities of the sixth grade students, students of the sixth grade can only reach the middle level of adaptation to school during the day, special organizing by the teacher of the initial process and psychological education.

School maladjustment - the establishment of inadequate mechanisms of attracting a child to school and in the form of problems of development, behavior, confrontational problems, psychogenic discomforts and reactions, a particular development of anxiety

The main reason for school maladjustment in young classes, for G.M. Chutkina, tied with the character of the family vikhovannya. It’s like a child to come to school from family, devin not seeing the experience of “mi”, but to a new social spirit - school - to enter with practice.

The reason for the failure of maladaptive behavior can be overwhelming and overwhelming. The very entry to school is a turning point in the child's life. The success of the new year in school lies in the peculiarities of the education in the family, the level of preparation before the school.

A number of authors (O. Novikova, G.V. Burmenskaya, V.Y. Kagan et al.) Vazhayut, that the main reason for the school maladaptation is not the blunders in the initial activity, but because of the child's business with the teacher, but the experience of ...

In such a rank, school adaptation is the process of awakening the cognitive, motivational and emotional spheres of a child during the transition to a systematic, organized school education. The success of such a wake-up call, from a psychological point of view, to lay down the development of intellectual functions, emotional-volitional sphere, the formation of communal navigators, and so on. ... To that end of the social sphere of scholars of the young school age, there is a need for work.

To assess the success of the adaptation of first-class pupils to school education, you can vicoristovuvat the following scheme:

1. Rozpitati Batkiv.

2.interv'yuvav the reader.

3. Analyze the data about the disease of first-class pupils and wives for medical aid in schools for the past period.

4. Conduct a group of regular students for the additional methodology of special education, social and social activities "Budinochki".

Rozdil 2. Empirical progress of the educational camp of scientists and adaptation to school

2.1. Methodical development until the end of the educational camp of scientists and adaptation to the beginning

The pre-school development of the educational camp of scholars and the qualifications of the adaptation to school was carried out using an additional methodology of special social events, social events and "budgetary" budgets.

The presenters took part in 10 first-class pupils from the MOU SZSH No. 20 m Tyumen.

The methodical basis of the test is the color-associative experiment, vidomy according to the test A. Etkinda. The breakdown test of O.A. Orekhova and allows to carry out diagnostics of the child's emotional sphere in the area of ​​upper emotional social genesis, special transitions and advanced ideas, so that he can be especially useful from the point of view of the analysis.

To carry out the technique of vicoristani nasty materials:

      List of messages (div. Dodatok).

      A lot of color olivts: blue, chervonia, zhovty, greenery, violet, gray, brown, black. Olivtsi of the same, made up in color, similar to the lead.

The procedure for storage is three times.

Instructions: we will be taking care of the growers for the next year. Know in your leaflet # 1. A chain of eight straight outcrops. Viber that person, who you accept the best and pick up the first rectum. Place the olives aside. Marvel at the olivtsi sashtu. Which of them are you more befitting? Rosefarbay їm another rectangular. Take the person to the side. I am so far away.

Know the factory # 2. In front of you are the little ones, їkh tsіla street. They have a lot of ours to live with. I will nazivatya respectfully, and see to them the appropriate color and rosefarb. Olivtsi contributions are not required. You can rozfarbovuvati tim kolorom, as on your thought go. Budinochkіv is rich, їkh gentlemen can be seen and can be similar, and hence, the color can be similar.

List of words: happiness, grief, justice, image, friendship, welding, kindness, malice, nudga, drowning.

For children, it was unreasonable, which means a word that needs to be explained, vikoristovuchi dіeslіvnі predicates and heirs.

Know the factory # 3. In cich little girls, miracles are especially special, and the sackcloths in them are independent. Your soul is alive with the first budinochka. What color can I go? Rosefar

Budinochkiv appointment:

No. 2 - your mood, if you go to school,

No. 3 - your mood for reading lessons,

No. 4 - your mood for the letter lesson,

№5 - your mood on the lessons of mathematics

No. 6 - your mood, if you are working with a teacher,

No. 7 - your mood, if you are involved with your classmates,

No. 8 - your mood, if you are at home,

No. 9 - your mood, if you have robish lessons,

No. 10 - come up with yourself, who is alive and how to roam in the whole house. If you finish yo rozfarbovuvati, quietly say to me, who is alive and who is there to be robbed (in the general arch to be afraid of the sign).

The technique gives a psychotherapeutic effect, which can be reached by the victors themselves, the ability to respond to negative and positive emotions, in addition, the emotional series ends in a major tone (drowning, power vibration).

2.2. Doslіdzhennya results

The cleaning procedure is to be repaired from factory # 1. Calculated vegetative efficiency for the formula:

VK = (18 - misce of a red colora - a misce of a blue color) / (18 - a misce of a blue color - a misce of a green color)

Vegetative efficiency characterizes the energy balance of the body: its health is up to energovitrate or tendency to energy saving. Yogo value changes from 0.2 to 5 points. The energy indicator is interpreted by the offensive rank:

0 - 0.5 - chronic overload, visibility, low coverage. Impossible for a child

0.51 - 0.91 - the mill is compensated for. Self-renewal of the optimal rate of performance to be considered for the period of periodic decrease in activity. It is necessary to optimize the working rhythm, the mode of work and the adjustment.

0.92 - 1.9 is the optimal rate of attendance. Ditina is growing up to be healthy, healthy, ready to get energovitrate. Customization to meet the possibilities. The way of life allows children to see vitrachen energy.

Ponad 2.0 - overexcited. Most often є the result of a robot child at the edge of her abilities, she can produce to a shimmery visage. It is necessary to normalize the tempo of performance, the mode of work and adjustment, and in some cases, the reduction of the option.

The indicator of total recovery from autogenous norms will grow further. The singing order of kolorіv (34251607) is an autogenous norm - an indicator of psychological well-being. For the development of total coverage (CO), the calculation is calculated from the difference between the really occupied by the client and the normative provisions of the color. Poti rіznitsі ( absolute values, Without a sign) The CO value varies from 0 to 32 and can only be guys. The meaning of the CO is a strong emotional background, to override the child's mood. The numerical values ​​of CO are interpreted by the offensive rank:

More than 20 - revaluation of negative emotions. The child is dominated by the foul moods and unrepentant experiences. Є Problems, such as a child, can not be independent.

10 - 18 - an emotional mill in the norm. The child can be happy and painful, having brought her for the rest of the world.

Less than 10 - revaluation of positive emotions. Dytina is cheerful, happy, and optimistic about the setting.

Head # 2 and # 3 on the day to decipher the emotional sphere of the first-grade student and help the reader in the potential problems of adaptation.

Head # 2 characterizes the social sphere. Here it is necessary to evaluate the steps of differentiation of emotions - in the norm, positively, the child's rosefarb are considered basic colors, and negatively - brown and black. Weak or lack of differentiation is caused by deformation in quiet blocks of special types:

Shchastya-gorі - a block of basic comfort,

Justice - image - a block of special development,

Friendship - welding - block of interconnection

Kindness - evil - a block of potential aggression,

Nudga - zhopolennya - block of knowledge.

With the presence of an inversion of a color thermometer (the main colors are borrowing the rest of the world), children often have a lack of differentiation of social issues - for example, and often, welding can be signified in one and the same way. In the end of the demand, I respect you, like a rozfarbov child of a pair of categories and a far cry from a bet in a color vibor.

The relevance of the child's experience of that chi-nshy feeling in the place in the colonic thermometer (plant No. 1).

At the head of the department No. 3, the child's attitude to herself, to her schoolmates, to her teacher and classmates is depicted. Zrozumіlo, scho, with the appearance of problems in such spheres, the first-class pupil rozfarbovuєs the very same little girl with a brown or black color. Dottsіlno vidіliti a number of objects, like a child, denoting the same color. For example, a school-happiness-flooded or home school is a woe-nudga. Lantsyuzhki associatsіy to reach the insight for the understanding of the emotional education of the child to the school. Children with weak differentiation of emotions, better for everything, will be ambivalent and in emotional assessment of types of activity. Based on the results of plant # 3, you can see three groups of children:

    positive positions before school;

    with ambivalent protestations;

    s negative protections.

The results of the follow-up are clearly visible.

Results of test # 1.

Table 1 shows the results of the analysis of the energetic balance of the scientists.

Table 1

characteristic of the camp

Number of scholars, chol.

% Scientific in the form of fermented

Chronic perevtom, visnazhennya, low prasezdatnist

Compensated for

optimal coverage


From table 1 it can be seen that the chronic overturning in the pre-juvenile is not spared, but the camp is compensated for by the attuned large scholars - 6 chol. (60%), the optimal rate of acceptance is for three students (30%), for one student (10%), overexcited.

The structure of the energetic balance of scientists is shown in Fig. 1.

Small. 1. Energy balance of scientists

The results of the analysis of the type of autogenous norm are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

characteristic of the camp

Number of scholars, chol.

% Scientific in the form of fermented

Respecting negative emotions

Emotional camp in the norm

Respect for positive emotions

Table 2 shows that half of the pre-juvenile people experience negative emotions - 5 chol. (50%), three scientists (30%) and two (20%) have more positive emotions.

The structure of the type of autogenous norm is shown in Fig. 2.

Small. 2. The structure of the type of autogenous norms

The results of the last differentiation of the emoticons (plant No. 2) showed the following razpodil: 5 chol. (50%) - normal differentiation і 5 chol. (50%) - lack of differentiation.

The results of the advancement for work No. 3 are presented in Table 3.

Table 3

Characteristics of the emotional shutter

Number of scholars, chol.

% Scientific in the form of fermented

Positively placed before school

ambivalent position

Negative shutting

The data of table 3 show that the majority of those who were pre-school (6 people. Abo 60%) tended to be positively assigned to school, ambivalently assigned to the attracted 4 students (40%), negatively assigned to school and not to be discouraged.

The structure of the social institution to the school is shown in Fig. 3.

Small. 3. The structure of the emotional shutter

Recognized results and results of preliminaries, bully qualified adaptations of first-class students until now:

Sufficient Riven - 5 chol. (50%).

Particle rіven - 4 chols. (40%).

Lack of rivn - 1 chol. (ten%).

On the basis of the conducted analysis of social and psychological literature on the problem of adaptation of children to schooling and empirical preliminaries, it is possible to make a recommendation.

1. Fathers, who want to help their child, reduce the level of anxiety, need to be sure to work on this problem together with the child's teachers.

2. In order to really reduce the child's anxiety, it is necessary for teachers and fathers to know how to play a child, to know the child's way of thinking, if the style is correct and the type of father to be successful in grating, to forget і ін.). The child needs less barking and more praise, and moreover, he doesn’t break them with others, but only with him, evaluate the improvement of his powerful results (more beautifully less teaching; better tidying up and doing things);

3. Necessary sparing assessment regime in the region, in which the child's success is not great. However, if the one who showed up would like to have the best success, it would be absolutely necessary for him.

4. Greater respect for the beasts of the situation, how to be stored at home and in schools. warm Emocyyni Vidnosini, A good contact with the grown-ups can be a decrease in the child's anxiety.

5. It is necessary to develop a system of special kind of children in the class, for this purpose it is necessary to formulate a child in the class of a friendly emotional climate.

6. It is impossible to leave unpopular children without respect. Slid to evolve and develop their positive qualities, to underestimate self-assessment, to raise the level of households, to polish the position in the system of misconceptions. It is also necessary for the teacher to look at his special position before the children.

7. A child inherited from an old age is not only in behavior, or to become infected with assessments. As soon as a man has grown up, it is forgiven to speak with an ostrich in his voice, then the whole camp will be passed on to the child, and it has also begun to be afraid. In addition, because of the guilt of a child, they are seen anxious, steric people, for the stench of guilt, take care of the camp of their psyche. Likewise, as if the child was blindly licked out of the ailments, as if at home there were grown ailments, it would be so unfortunate to help the children, if they could see some non-factor, as they would have a relapse.

Stabilization of the social camp of first-class students at the stages of adaptation to school and use of specially broken down programs to allow for the development of the psychological competence of the teachers, the psychological literacy of the fathers and the teaching sanctuary(A teacher-psychologist, teachers, scholars and fathers) to the point of psychological comfort for first-class students. The programs are guilty of transferring the implementation of the corrective-developmental robots with the okremnyh first-class pupils on the basis of the results of the degraded diagnostics, which have revealed problems in the development of children.

Visnovka differently

Based on the results of the conducted follow-up, it is possible to start the attack.

The success of the adaptation of scholars to schooling is to lay down from the emotional camp. To this, the diagnostics of the emotional camp of the first-class pupils adds one of the most important values ​​in the initial process.

The first month of the beginning of children in school is characterized by an increased emotional stress. Children in the 6-7 years of age often experience triviality, fear and stress, tied to the initial situation, poorly controlling their emotional camp and not volodying themselves. Tse viklikє, in his own curse, is inadequate behavior among pershoklasniki: verbal and non-verbal aggression, I will straighten it out on myself, so on quietly, how to feel, the development of neurotic reactions, reactions to protest, etc.

Prompt psychological diagnostics, the initial social camp of a first-grade student, lighting process at viglyadі іgrovyh and creative workshops, scho conducted in natural minds lesson. Diagnostic methods organically entered into initial process, Allowing to spend time together, so that the winners of the first-class students in front of a new kind of performance, do not turn into an early hour of children, we ourselves do not increase the time, do not push the drama in the end of the new day.


As a result of the preliminaries of the bullet, all the statements were made and by ourselves a hypothesis was made about the success of the adaptation of children before the beginning of the school year to stay in the state of the modern age.

Baby bags can be done by any means.

School adaptation - the whole process of awakening the educational, motivational and emotional spheres of a child during the transition to a systematic, organized school education. The success of this kind of awakening, from a psychological point of view, lies in the emotional-volova sphere.

Vіk 6-10 rokіv is carried to the affective stage of the form of specialness. In the whole hour, the collapse of the nerve processes is growing, and the processes of excitement prevail over the processes of galvanizing. The main reason for this is the characteristic features of young schoolchildren, such as the lack of serenity and emotional zeal. Emotional response is the main response to the organism on "shkidlivost". As if in a whole child's life she underwent a mental trauma, an important ailment, or just being in a chronic situation of neuropsychiatric stress in school, for at home for different reasons, one might be able to see the development of a special structure on the form of aaffective and there will be such risks as emotional instability, lack of responsiveness to new situations, lack of confidence, lack of confidence in oneself, anxiety, fearfulness, asthenia of behavior and fear of power It’s not only possible for the character to accelerate the adaptation of the child to the middle, to lower the building to the correct assessment of the situation, but to appear in some differences in the role of the factor in the development of the near-border mental disorders.

As a result of the theoretical and empirical education, the development of the emotional sphere of the young school education is carried out in a general manner.

Fathers, who want to help their child, to lower the level of anxiety, need to be able to tackle the problem at the same time with the child's teachers.

The necessary sparing assessment regime in this region, in which the child's success is not great. However, if the one who showed up would like to have the best success, it would be absolutely necessary for him.

I respect the situation more than animals, like being stored at home and in schools. Warm emotsiynі vіdnosini, good contact with the grown-ups can be taken to reduce the overwhelming anxiety of the child.

It is necessary to develop a system of special kind of children in the class, for this purpose it is necessary to formulate a child in a class, for a dermal child in the class of a friendly, social climate.

It is impossible to leave unpopular children without respect.

By virtue of their peculiarities, first-grade students can only reach the middle level of adaptation to school during the day, special organization by the teacher of the initial process and psychological education.

Besides stabіlіzatsії emotsіynogo will pershoklasnikіv on etapі їh adaptatsії to school spriyayut spetsіalno rozroblenі prog scho dozvolyayut pіdvischiti psihologіchnu kompetentnіst vchitelіv, psihologіchnu gramotnіst batkіv i uchnіv and takozh i іntegruvati skoordinuvati dії vsіh sub'єktіv osvіtnoї dіyalnostі (educational psychologist, vchitelіv, she uchnіv їх batkіv) to the point of psychological comfort for first-class students.

Such a rank, which will be friendly to the educational camp, will be equal to the level of adaptability until the beginning of school.

List of Victory Literature

    Adaptation of a child in school: diagnostics, correction, pedagogical training: Zb. method. mat. for admin., teachers and school. psychol. / Bityanova M.R. - M.: Illumination. center "Pedagogical poshuk", 1997. - 162 p.

    Aleinikova T.V. Vіkova psychophіzіologії: Pіdruchnik for students іschіvіh navchalnyh pawns / T.V. Aleinikov. - Rostov-on-Don: UNDI valeology RSU, 2002 .-- 421 p.

    Oleksandrivska E.M. Social and psychological criteria for adaptation to school / E.M. Oleksandrivska. - M .: Klas, 1988 .-- 153 p.

    Andryushchenko T.Yu. Correction of psychological development of young schoolchildren on the cob stage of education / Andryushchenko T.Yu., Karabekova N.V. // Nutrition of psychology. - 1993. - No. 1. - S. 17 - 20.

    Artemov S.D. Social problems of adaptation / S.D. Artyomov. - M .: Eksmo, 1990 .-- 180 p.

    Ball G.A. Understanding the adaptation and meaning for the psychology of specialness / Ball G.A. // Nutrition of psychology. - 1989. - No. 1. - S. 36 - 40.

    Bezrukikh M.M. Difficult learning in pohatkovy schools: Reasons, diagnostics, complex additional help / M.M. Handless. - M .: Eksmo, 2009 .-- 464 p.

    Bityanova M.R., Azarova T.V., Afanasyeva O.I., Vasil'va N.L. Psychologist's robot in pochatkov_y school. - M: Doskonalist, 1998 .-- 418 p.

    Bozovic L.M. Specialty and formulation in a child's life / L.M. Bozovic. - M .: Prospect, 1968 .-- 267 p.

    Vasilyuk F.E. Psychology of experiencing (Analysis of critical situations). - M .: Doskonalist, 1984 .-- 99 p.

    Venger A.L., Tsukerman G.A. Psychology of young schoolchildren. - M .: Vlados-Press, 2003 .-- 120 p.

    Diagnostics of school maladjustment / Ed. Belicheva S.A. Consortium "Social Health of Russia". - M., 1995 .-- 79 p.

    Dorozhevets T.V. Vivchennya school disadaptation / T.V. Dorozhevets. - Vitebsk: Znannya, 1995 .-- 182 p.

    Kolominskiy Y.L. To the teacher about the psychology of children of the sixth century / Ya.L. Kolominskiy, E.A. Panko. - M .: Doskonalist, 1988 .-- 265 p.

    Miloslavova, I.A. role social adaptation/ I.A. Miloslavova. - L., 1984 .-- 284 p.

    Ovcharova, R.V. Practical psychology in pochatkovy schools / Ovcharova R.V. - M .: KVITEN Press, 2000 .-- 208 p.

    Orkhova O.A. Colline diagnostics of the child's emotion. - SPb.: Peter, 2002 .-- 116 p.

    Practical psychology of education. - M .: Sphere, 1998 .-- 351 p.

    Prikhozhan A.M. Trouble among children and children: psychological nature and dynamic dynamism / A.M. Parishioners. - M .: Yurayt, 2000 .-- 230 p.

    Psychologist in pochatkov_y school: Basic practical book / G.S. Abramova, T.P. Gavrilova, A.G. Leders and I.; ed ed. T.Yu. Andrushchenko. - Volgograd: Zmina, 1995 .-- 61 p.

    Timofev V., Filimonenko Yu. Short blog practical psychologist on vikorystanny color test M. Luscher. - SPb.: Peter, 2005 .-- 54 p.

    Yasyukova L.A. Methodology for the value of readiness before school. Forecast and prevention of new problems in pochatkovy schools: Methodical book. - SPb.: Peter, 2006 .-- 77 p.

    Torque of the same problems- early gifts. On ..., which is the sign of success adaptations... Until the end of the molding experiment at a large children rivn creativity bouv ...

  1. Chornogolova 2011 r Chernogolovka 2011 r Science and Information Oglyad


    A detailed analysis of the day is given problemsadaptationschildren before schoolnavchannya in the vіtchiznyans and foreign education ... in the collective M .: Education, 1999. In choli 2 "problem the establishment of the psychological climate in the pedagogical collective "...

  2. Science Center for Mental Health Shmakova Olga Petrivna School adaptation of children and children with mental health issues Dissertations on the health of the scientific level of the candidate of medical sciences Specialty 14 00 18 - "Psychiatric" Doctor of Medicine

    abstract of dissertation

    ... CHAPTER 1. OVERVIEW OF LITERATURE 1.1 History of vivchennya nutrition Specialties adaptationschildren and food with mental dispensations before the process navchannya... more competent to go to problemsschooladaptationschildren and pіdlіtkіv, whichever psycho ...

The little ones from the fakhivtsi told the daddy about those who need to take the child to school before they need to be able to increase their energy, and try to drag their children to the beginning earlier. Surely, one part of the little ones adapt completely successfully, and the insha - no.

The process of adaptation is cleverly divided into 3 types: low, middle and clear. And as far as the last form of adaptation of the claims is mute, and until the middle of the day, perhaps, then the low level of preoccupation is a signal of further problems, which are not only in cob classes.

For the skin child, the school life as a whole has a traumatic character - a new community role, new knowledge, new mind. And if your child is not morally ready for this, then you will not uniquely adapt to the low level of adaptation.

Signs of a low level of adaptation:

Parts of skargi on self-esteem;

The baby has no friends among classmates;

About the school of a child, she rozpovidaє in a negative way and doesn’t go to her;

Malyuk can't take over the whole lot school material, Catching it fragmentarily;

A child cannot go without the help of an old-fashioned virginity of an elementary type of work.

The whole complex of uncomfortable symptoms, unfortunately, does not appear on an empty mission. And the main reason for this is the fact that your child in this world is simply not ready until the beginning. Ale the bezlich Batkiv will take off the understanding of the "readiness" as a philosophical and abstract phenomenon, as there are no spilnyh zitknen s real light... The viznovok is like this: more moms and tat are simply not reasonable, about scho specifically id mova.

For the sake of it, the axis is simple. head problem unpreparedness of the child for the schooling process є lack of maturity of the frontal forms of measles infecting the brain. It’s been an hour until it’s turned out that the growth in the “readiness” of the frontal messages in children can become up to 1.5 years!

However, with a bazhanna dad, he can independently make a difference, the steps of his child's readiness to school life. Become supportive for your child, for example, as soon as the little one was amazed at the animated film "Luntik", and at the same time switch to "Fiksik", which means that the little one has already begun to attend school with young people. The main activity of young schoolchildren in the beginning. Naytsikavishe those who are not necessary for the show of great providdity to the fathers, their children do not need anything, they just don’t need to go to the moment.

Another main problem of low adaptation can be the fact that children do not rise to the limit. For good reason, the little ones do not volodyut with the necessary tips, the stench simply does not matter, but it’s necessary to work with the rank of children. Adzhe tilki for the help of the playfulness of the child can see his maybutny social role study.

The article has been read 95 times (a).

You think that the problem of adaptation is confined to only the first class students and their fathers, and you will have mercy. Be prepared for other situations: when the child goes into a class, new school... How to help the children adapt before the process of starting and get in touch with the difficult ones, as you can see after reading the article.

Dytina went to the first class - radіsne, dovgoochіkuvane and immediately anxious podіya.

We pity the grandmothers until the tears of a little Skoda, even outside the threshold of the school, they check the vip, and the win, such a careless and dumb hand, is always ready to come to help.

For some people, the process of sounding is an old folding step in the life of a first-class student and all the family. Because of the fact that you feel like a school of life of a baby, how you can become a team, lay down the whole process of a frivolous navchannya.

Adaptation of a first-class student is the price of staying attached to new minds.

Difficult adaptations to school

Children’s children sounded to a comfortable regime of the day - busy, іgry, іzha і sleep at the disposal, and school life is more dynamic. Ditina gets tired, often does not meet the teacher's preoccupation, wakes up, vered. At home children, the process of making it go faster.

Into the psyche and the emotional stance of the child inject:

  • special quality of a cool kervnik
  • a team of classmates
  • changes in the daily routine
  • the need to sit in one session for a lesson
  • liabilities, as for a new one to pay

Ditina is not a mind to whom they have been amused by the possibilities of big, grati, but to sit at one point for a new person is a tedious and important task. I’m sure it’s okay to start growing at the level or to turn around, take away the respect. Do not go to earn praise from the teacher i Garnu assessment- the stars of the image, the charm and the first difficult:

  • nasty success, discipline
  • lin and not good reading
  • Demonstration of his position before school and readers
  • negativism to everything that is seen in schools.

How to fit in and overcome the problems - the mastery of the father and the pedagogical team.

Equivalent adaptation of a child to school

The idea of ​​the first spring is different, the third and it becomes clear - it is easy for some children to enter the school life, in the process of going through the whole process more often, with tears and hysterics. Children can be divided into three groups according to building, adapting to the rules of the school.

It is a pity that it is practical for half of the first-time students to pass the ear of the long and folding way to the beginning.

Adaptation of the high rivnya

Ditina without any problems, on the positive, take a new mind, vimog those connections.

  1. The child will be happy with the satisfaction, respectfully hearing the teacher, without pratsyu program material, virishu folding staff, active in the classroom.
  2. Zavdannya on the bedside vison with satisfaction, without nagaduvannya batkiv, showing interest in school subjects, vivchaє material thoroughly and gliboko, refer to additional material.
  3. Komunikabelniy, at the new warehouse there are good students with classmates and teachers.
  4. From the satisfaction of the rise, as the day has passed, it’s a great day, and it’s new.

Adaptation of the middle rivnya

Ditina without pratsi attach himself to new minds.

  1. Kindly learn and use the basic material of the school programs, the reader's hearing is eager, if the topic is yomu tsikava, I will take an active part in the discussion.
  2. Viconuє is similar to a home robot (practically dependent), however, respectable and only in the same way, if the subject befitting to you.
  3. Active, take part in the life of the class and school, because of the satisfaction of the vicon of the community, the communal cable, a lot of friends and not only of the class.

Low level of adaptation

Ditin is negatively put before school, classmates and teachers.

  1. The child doesn’t seem to be able to read, she’s constantly simulating sickness, she don’t go to school.
  2. At the level of passive, not the hearing of the teacher, he is allowed to use the most suitable devices, the obsolescent material from the objects in his own part.
  3. The daddies are brought to the child's heart to learn the lessons і gradually nagaduvati, so that without breaking the homework, you don’t want to see it, because you can’t do it without the help of the daddy or the teacher.
  4. It’s reluctant to talk about school;

Adaptation process before school

Adaptation of a child loan singing hour i go in stages:

  • Ditina come to school

To fix the first stage of the child's preparation before school.

  1. The pedagogical team will know the child from the territory around the school, show, if there is a sports, assembly hall, library, class, in which one will be able to read (learn about the excursion).
  2. Conducted employment with dibnoi motor skills (malyuvannya, flickering, aplication).
  3. Busy physical culture for the development of great motor skills (gram, hard tennis, vidzhimannya).
  4. Children are vikonuyut with the teacher to the right to develop a figurative and logical message.
  • Ditina zvikaє to school

Psychologists introduce pivrok, for whom to stink a visnovok, as children adapt to school.

  1. For a whole hour, the teacher is guilty of knowing the special character and power of the skin science.
  2. A teacher and a psychologist will find help for first-grade students in their adaptation to the initial process.
  3. The most classy kerіvnik pіdtrimu continuous contact with daddies, who, in their own devil, are guilty of how often they go to school and grow up with a teacher.
  • Ditina can't adapt to school

For the first semester, the best student will be seen by the fathers, such as the success of the children for the new period and the problems of adaptation of the educational institutions.

Robot with important children is planned for the next semester, mentally with a teacher, psychologist and fathers, until the end of the day, the child became a regular member of the school team.

When showing the first signs of maladjustment of the first-class student:

  1. The school psychologist took care of the child's eyes, and gave recommendations to the teacher and a consultation father.
  2. Carrying out a pre-order robot in a pose within the framework of school programs for the effective development of a child, you will see health and flexibility in realizing.
  3. To cope with psychological tests of the level of self-assessment, aggressiveness and anxiety in education.
  4. In kіntsі rock, childrens bags for sleeping robots are provided with the adaptation of a child to school.

Mind adaptations before school

The child's child is easy to sound and attaches to new minds, it is necessary to adapt especially to school and organism, nervous system and behavior in the collective and support.

Physiological adaptation to school

With a ear of navchannya, the child's body will be awakened, the skin process will take about an hour.

In the first place, the bagatokh malukіv try to reduce the appetite and waste the vagi. Ditya to skarzhitsya on the second, the head is more painful to throw a lie. Often, the arterial grip is reduced, problems with the circulatory system arise, as in the whole period the arterial vise changes.

Vinikaє pitannya - how robiti?

Be fond of banal, kindly, recommendations:

  • Nothing new: mode and again - mode

For a first-class student, a prototype of every kind of advanced, see how the minds of a child and one take away from schools and turn to babies, children, sisters.

  1. Children of 7 years need to sleep at least 11 years, then exercise and sleepy girls, if the student is sleepy before going to school, then the first lesson is in spatime.
  2. Writing lessons about viscous buds, but a lot of sleep. For the first class, the teacher is not guilty of making a home.
  3. A quick hour to spend with the child is 9.00 for another child and 16.00 for the first.
  4. When you are busy working on small physical culture, it’s a matter of rosy and physical practice.
  • More ruhiv - fewer missed lessons

Pershoklasnik collapses a little, it is installed, it is on active children at nyogo ide pivgodini, vividly, є physical culture lessons, ale the stench do not solve the problem.

  1. Do not run around the child on walks for lessons, for yourself, take a walk with the baby before going to bed on a fresh meal. It’s more beautiful to play with friends, not to sit at a computer.
  2. Enroll the student in the pool, in the sports section. While busy with sports, help to overcome the ailment.
  3. Make sure the child is a good place to occupy, to respect the illumination and how to sit, so that there are no problems with the ridge.
  4. Go to school and marvel at the comfort of the baby in the class, like and devin sit, for enough time in the class.

It's a pity, for the statistics of the dad in a large number of vipadks, due to occupation or non-baldness, it is not enough to take control of the child. It’s not okay, it’s horrible, it’s quite an hour to spend in front of the computer, not in a new twist. About good self-respect for the years of the Kazati.

Psychological adaptation to school

Psychological readiness until the beginning of the day - even if a child is like going to school, having a good grasp, and at a new mood. The protylezhne camp in the behavior of the baby talk about those who are internally, mentally, not ready to go to school.

Yak ditina psychologically adapt to school, lie in front of you. A few simple recommendations to help children:

  1. Your little one is guilty of the nobility, who wants to be loved, to navit, as well as not to go
  2. Do not shout, do not bark, do not allow physical punishment for the child
  3. Control, altogether without addiction, let's be more self-reliant
  4. Show interest until the next day and the child's school life, guilty of seeing your fate and turbot
  5. Don't put a stick in the butt of young children - it's a blow to vanity
  6. Praise yogo for small peremogi, or do not over praise, stimulate until new successes and hunt yogi

Do not forget that the skinny pershoklassnik is unique, because of his character, type of temperament. Wait, choleric people, due to the collapse of the nervous system, smoothly go to the lessons and for the homework, and the phlegmatic person - to take a quick decision.

Social adaptation to school

Yakshho child came to school from a child's kindergarten, I’m a cobbler of socialization in the school, she’s seeing a first-class student, who’s going to school with my mother or a nanny.

It’s not a big hour, and a group of children will be reimagined, with the help of a teacher, psychologist and father, into a friendly team.

Dytina is guilty of making friends with children and teachers, making knowledge, showing her thought and giving the power to the child. In case of confrontational or folding situations, the child is guilty of guilty about coming from them and independently taking decisions.

The head of the father's and pedagogues is to help the first-time students to know their own day in the collective, not to be ignorant.

Readiness and adaptation to school

Fathers pomilkovo vvazhayut, but the child needs to read, rakhuvati, zdalegіd vivchіd a table of many, i wіn ready to school. If you start the initial process, you stink, wondering why the child, it’s wonderful (for a dummy) preparations before school, when classmates are seen.

  • Intellectual readiness
  1. The child's well-being is to put the words together correctly, and to convey their thoughts intelligently and harshly
  2. The mind of the first-class student sees the smut, the uzagalnyuvati, the robiti visnovka
  3. The power of the child mirkuvati, grounded on their guards and living awareness

All the advantages are to help a first-grade student to start a school program, to become interested in subjects, how to learn and learn more, expanding the scope of school programs for themselves.

The behavior and success of the child is infused with her classmates, the guilt is on the life in the collective.

  • Social readiness
  1. Dytina is guilty of nagodzhuvati with classmates, mothers of a special spilkuvannya
  2. Take a present to yourself, fix it yourself, or fix it yourself
  3. At the new guilty party, the tips for spilkuvannya with grown-up people - teachers, administrators
  • special readiness
  1. Dytina rozumin, wіn wіn virіs і childish garden is still behind, to repair a new, more promising і grown-up, step in life.
  2. Yomu has a clear motivation for getting started, and I’m on the point of achieving good results. You can really assess your health and intelligence, which you need to find a lot of.
  3. You know, they don't care about those who are grateful, not home-grown, or even need to grow in the first place.

Adaptation of students to school

Talking about the adaptation of a child to school, it is hard to overlook without respect the folding process of the transition of children from the cob school to the middle. As fathers are first class, I know that it is difficult to bring their children to the first class, I know that it is difficult to bring children to children, but fathers of five classics don’t wonder about the folding adaptations of their children to new minds.

  1. At the cobbled schools, they smelled like the oldest, and when they arrived in the middle, they turned out to be the smallest, they change their status, and they can easily reconcile themselves.
  2. She became a different mother - the first teacher is already talking about the new first-class students, and the fifth-graders see themselves abandoned.
  3. Do not know objects and new gurus, skin with their vimogs - all the wikkicks feel the troubles and inevitability.
  4. New classes are being formed, newcomers are coming, and they can be folded.

Often, the adaptation of a fifth-grader is easy and painless:

  • come from good mood from schools
  • go to busy without vmovlyan
  • self-visitor at home, in small families to ask for help
  • vivchennya school programs are not vicious
  • I have a lot of friends, I take an active part in the life of the class

Everything is right in the behavior of the child of navpaki, which means that it is difficult to adapt, you need help. Try to grow the yakomog more with the child, just like that, you can learn how you turbine and try to fix all the problems with him at once.

Video: "Who can help the child adapt to school?"

more adaptations

A.L. Vengera has seen three levels of adaptability of first-class students:
1.Visoky Rivn of Adaptation ... The student is positively placed before school, which is presented adequately, the initial material is easy to read, it is very much and more often used by the program material, and the system is ready for delivery. Elderly, respectfully hearing the instructions and explanations of the teacher, the visitor without the control, has shown great interest in independent robots. Be sure to get ready for all the lessons, the large-scale tutoring of the vicon is eagerly and summarily. Loans in a class with a friendly status.
2 .Average level of adaptation ... The student is positively placed before school, її її її dіnіnі not wіklіkє negative experiences. Reasonable material, as a teacher of the victorious in detail and on purpose, I will use the main master of the initial programs, independently, type navchalnі zavdannya... Zoseredzheniy і respectful with the visitor's office, additional service, instructions for the elderly, albeit with his control and todі, if we have a lot of problems for ourselves. Hromadsky druchennya viconuє sumly, to be friends with Bagatma classmates.
3. Low level of adaptation. The student is negatively or indifferently placed before school, unrepentant trash on ill health, dominated by attitudes. Discipline breaks down, which is explained by the teacher, the material is learned fragmentarily, the robot's self-reliance with the primary material is complicated, it is difficult to train irregularly before the lessons, the necessary continuous control, systematic improvement and spontaneous preparation. Zberigay praise and respect for additional pauses for fixing, for clearing up a new and solving tasks for a clearer need, additional help from readers and fathers is needed. Gromadski doruchennya vikonuє under control, without a special bazhannya, close friends can’t, know by name and name, deprive part of classmates.

Methods of implantation of school adaptation and maladjustment

5.1. Card with caution "Adaptation / Disadaptation"

1st scale - initial activity.

5 - actively working at the level, often giving a hand, seeing it correctly.

4 - at the level of practice, positive and negative views are suspected.

3 - a little bit of a hand, ale of a verb.

2 - often do not feel like eating, activity is short-lived.

1 - passive at the level, yes negative messages.

0 - the beginning of the day is increasing.

2nd scale - mastery of software materials.

5 - correct and bezpomilkove vikonannya of the chiefs of the headquarters.

4 - one by one pardons.

3 - unstable success, if there are correct and incorrect views.

2 - filthy mastery of materials one at a time.

1 - parts of the pardon, inaccuracy at the visitor's office, richly corrected, chained.

0 - filthy software materials, rude pardons and a lot of them.

3rd scale - behavior at the level.

5 - the sum of the visibility of all the teachers, discipline.

4 - the vison of the vimogi of the reader, ale innode of the lesson.

3 - often razmovlyaє with comrades, not selected.

2 - skutiy at the level, stress, appearance is small.

1 - vikonuє vimogi chastkovo, spinning, swingingє.

0 - overloading the games of interest, at the level of taking care of the third parties on the right.

4th scale - behavior during breaks.

5 - temples іgrovy activity, willingly take the fate in the іgrovykh on the right.

4 - a small step of activity, vazhaє for beautiful employment in the class of kim-nebud one of the boys.

3 - the activity of the child is interspersed with the busy type: to rob lessons, the little one, tidy up the class.

2 - you can't know any kind of stagnation, go from one group of children to one.

1 - passive, unique.

0 - I will often break behavior norms.

5th scale - in interaction with classmates.

5 - friendly, easy to contact with children.

4 - little initiative, less easy to come into contact, as well as to kill.

3 - the sphere of spilkuvannya is surrounded, merge only with deyakim.

2 - the order of the children is more beautiful, or does not come into contact with them.

1 - closures, isolation from others.

0 - showing negativity in relation to the relationship to other children.

6th scale - shutter to the reader.

5 - showing friendliness in relation to the teacher, often merging with him.

Stanley Weinbaum

Vishcha steps of adaptation

Otzhe. Winning the buzz of komakhi with the most suitable stage of adaptation. I who would you think tse viyavivya?

The dark eyes of Daniel Scott were glimpsed with a sense of enthusiasm, if he glanced at the place, in the first place, at that part, as you can see from the window of Dr. Hermann Bach's office in the Grand Mercy hospital. Silence fell for a decade, and the old doctor smiled happily.

Then, - prodovzhuvav Scott, - I felt alive with organisms with the highest level of adaptation. What would you think of twisting my respect? Zrozumіlo, komakhi. As soon as the komakha has a crunch, it’s on the contrary, it’s new. If the head of one coma is transplanted to the one, then there is an increase. Vi, slyly, power up, colleague, what's the secret of such a high level of adaptation?

Dr. Bach lowering his shoulder:

Well, what's the point?

Scott's persona was unsuccessfully frowning.

I don’t know for sure myself, ”he muttered. - It’s crazy, it’s all out of the way of robots. All the processes in the body keep hormones. - Exposing yogo became clearer. - However, I see those.

Ant? - Dr. Bach has been showing up. - Bjoli? Termiti?

Ні. Smells are very bad for comas and not great health before adapting. Ale the fringe of a coma, in view of my own goodness, there is the greatest number of mutations, not be it іnsha. Himself stuck Dr. Morgan in his last few years in flux of X-ray trades for a drop. Tse zvychayn_sіnka fruit fly-fruit fly. Her eyes may have reddish vidtinoks, protesting from the tricky x-ray exchange of the viroblya on the light-eyed offspring. Moreover, the spite of the mutation, the splinters of the large color of the eyes, are transmitted in the recession and the distance. It was accepted with respect, so that the power of power is not transmitted to posterity, but the white eyes of Drosophila were transmitted. Tom ...

I know, ”Dr. Bach interrupted.

Otzhe, I skimmed fruit flies, - pidsumuvav Scott. - I gave it to the process of distribution and we will deny such a rank with an extract of an extract of a cow. It’s better to light it up with a white pull, to wash it off in vacuum and other cleaning processes. I think the technical details will be awkward for you. Zagalom, I reconverted the diyu sirovatki on guinea pigs infected with tuberculosis. The first lady helped! The pigs have adapted to tuberculous bacilli. Then I viprobuvav dіyu sirovatki on utterances of the dog - and I won’t get it! Pislya tsyogo cherga went to the kishka with a wicked ridge. Kishka has become a newcomer. And now I ask you, if you have given me the opportunity to try your friend on one of your patients.

Dr. Bach wrinkled his forehead.

It’s too early, ”he said. “You’re going to be able to go to rock by two, Dr. Scott!” Use a selection of your own experiments. Try it on mapps, then try it on your own. I do not give up the right to risikuvati to the lives of the people, and to inflict such a sumptuous experiment, yak yours!

Everything is correct. However, I am absolutely healthy myself, but I need money to buy a man-like mavi. I tried to covet his vision, ale marno. Maybe bootie, do you have some kind of viyde?

Try to turn around with your rogue before installing Stoneman.

And the stench is to assign all my merits and to give your medicine the power to grow more importantly. Hey, Dr. Bach, I ask you to give me less power. Dovіrte me like a hopeless ailment! Zhebraka yakogos, nareshty!

Zhebraki and unproblematic are also people, ”Bach locked up, glaringly looking at his hands. “Hear me, Dr. Scott. I do not give up the right to rob you of the ideas, oskil how to supervise any medical ethics, even if I have a good fortune to call the hopeless and the patient especially to give the year to vikoristovuvat your vivorotka, I will go to the risik. The axis is the stop word.

Scott zitchnuv:

Such a vipadok is unlikely to be chi vipade. Leave the patient at the svidomosty, the skin is able to be supported, and if it is in the svidomost to take in, then you can’t give it to the year! So the right is hopeless!

However, everything became innakse. It was less time to spend a lot of time, and in the little laboratory of Dr. Scott, I rapt the selector:

Dr. Scott, come in, be weasel, to the chief's office.

Having added a dash of numbers to the result of the last analysis, Scott was quick to take a poke. If he went to the office of Dr. Bach, the director of the clinic nervously crooked from one corner to another.

Scott, we have a common ailment for you, - having seen yourself. - If I want to supervise all the rules of medical ethics, I’ll just look at my camp, I don’t think you can do anything more. However, we slid to buy. Let's go to the isolator.

The offense of the doctor hastily straightened it out. Finding himself in a creepy, square crumpled, Scott stuck his face up until he scrambled a figuru.

Dіvchinka! - drilled win.

Vona Bula is invisible and poor, however, the person, who is already engaged in a deadly blatant, gave her a look of gloomy gidsty. The dark, short-cropped hair had become tangled, and the denunciations looked unattractive. The eyes of the bully zakriti, і yakbi not weak dikhannya, with a wheeze virivayutsya from the breasts, її can be mistaken for a flicker.

What do you call a type of drop for me? - having powered Scott, no hostility. - Aje vona mayzhe nebizhchik!

Dr. Bach nods.

Tuberculosis, - having said vin. - Kintsev stage. Life is overflowing with a kilka of years.

The little girl coughed, her blue lips appeared like a beach of blood. Vona woke her eyes up to her eyes.

Well, the axis, - having said Bach with a rewarding badior, - the axis of the mi has gone. Let me introduce you to Dr. Scott. And tse, - I glanced at the card, fastened to the back of the sled, - Mіs Kira Theias. As I have already told you, M_s Theias, Dr. Scott is a newcomer. Nayimovirnishe, won’t be vicious as a radical polіpshennya, but it’s all right to try! Besides, I don’t mean that it’s already zastosuvannya in the given hour. Do you know me?

Surely, even for me, all is one end, doctor! Rob everything, you value your needs.

Todi are all garazd. Wee got the syringe ready, Scott? - Bach took a syringe with a glimpse of a syrovatkoy and pressure on a new head. - Introduce a song into a yakes? Ні? Ale, brightly, internally. - Vin having inserted the head into the patient's hand, and Scott respected that she did not respond to the injection with the best care. Lysha lay in a state of apathy, her eyes twisted, leaving the thirty cubes in the lines of her blood.

The stench entered the corridor. Bach shut the doors behind him.

Damn it, they took me, it should be like me! I see myself as mute ... mute desecrator of corpses.

However, on the coming day, he woke up, having poured his sum of money.

Tsya patient, Theias, is still alive, - having seen Scott, - and if I get a headache to look at my eyes, then I will say, well, I will start to win the troches by turning. Ale, maybe buti, tse just cheating zoru? I keep on continuing to respect the hopeless ones.

On the coming day, sit in the office of Dr. Bach, Scott thinking in the eyes of the old lung.

Divchintsi is more beautiful, - muttered Bach. - Without a sum. Ale do not suck in your head, Scott, miracles have been trampled on and before, without any help. Pona spastered after her more.

Until the end of the day, it became clear that there was no need in any caution. Kira Theias oduzhuvala on eyes, mute shvidkorostucha tropical roselin. If I wanted to blish, and did not go away from denouncing, altogether it absorbed the deadly blat, popovnila, those who had cleared up, but looked at it.

Trace tuberculosis in the legends to learn, - Bach said. - There’s no more coughing, but a smear of tuberculous bacteria. Ale nytsіkavіshe those who react to injections. Yesterday I took a blood test from her for Wasserman's reaction ... Squeaky, it sounds like an idiot, ale ... a puncture from the goalkeeper, I’m curled up, now I’ve got to collect one cube of blood. Close up and live! If I was in the ward, I didn’t run out of things!

Completion of the day.

Scott, I don’t want to cut Theias down in the classroom. Vona is healthy. Ale me, I wanted my mother to go with her hand, so I had the opportunity to support her. Your sirovatka nadaє yakes tmniche dіyu on organizm. And besides, I do not want to, if the child prodovzhuval to lead the colishniy way of life.

And what did you do before yak go to the kliniku?

Sewing drops in the mine for twenty-five cents per year. Vona raspovіdaa, so rose robiti two or three drops in a year, leaving the bullet in the snake of pratsyuvati. Kira is uncomfortable and unattractive as a divine, as she didn’t reject neither vikhovannya, nor education. Ale me її skoda. And besides, in niy є it is addictive. Vaughn will adapt very quickly.

Scott glanced around him wonderfully.

So, - having said vin, - you need to adapt quickly.

I have a winikl dumka, - prodovzhuvav Bach. - I think that Kira could live in my house. Todi we would have had the opportunity to support her, and the girl would have helped to save money. Tsey vipadok zats_kaviv less ... duzhe zats_kaviv. Mabut, I am sickening such a proposition.

I was dead.

From the satisfaction, - the message from Kira, and from the personality of the child, cleared up. - Thank you.

Bach giving your address.

I’ll call my economy Misis Getz and I’ll go ahead and I’ll accept you. Don't worry about anything this year. That th vzagalі, you bi didn’t take a walk in the park for a couple of years.

Scott marveled at їy usid, since the girl walked along the corridor to the elevator. Kira Trokhi recovered, ale was still more and more thin, and worn out by the blackness of the dress bovtav on them, the dumb on the Vishaltsi. Because of that, as a divine, the likar thoughtfully proceeded to the vikonannya of his ob'yazkiv.

On the first version of the yogo checker was not a match. Two policemen brought in the dead a lonely man with a broken head. Staff to finish off without a blind eye. By the entrance, Scott remembered the great purchase of people.

What was the trapil? - having supplied the wine from the policeman. - An awful vipadok?

Nichogo sob not happy vipadok! - in that. - Say more beautifully, swing to drive! Yakas the woman knocked the old man's head with a stone in the park and took it from the new hamanet. In front of everyone. The middle of a white day!

Scott threw a glance into the bik park. In the middle of the human yurbi, scooped up to the old part, a green car appeared. Two hefty policemen brought a small figurine to her in a black one and shoved it into the middle.

Scott was overwhelmed. Tse bula Kira Theias!

Throughout the day, Doctor Bach sat in his virtual room, marveling in the dark opening of the stone.

Tse is not ours on the right! - repeating vin.

Oh my god! - viguknuv Scott. - Not ours on the right! Hiba, we can find myself recollecting the song, why does the tragedy have no fault of ours? Sounds to us nobility, why do not we marry її rozum for pouring in ін'єкції? Tse could buty wiclicano to the wrecked robots zaloz. Along with our speech, pouring into the same place. Maybe they were, they were breaking the divine.

Stop it, Scott, said Bach. - Tomorrow we’ll be on the ship for a while, and if you’re right, you’re not respectful, then it’s seen in the direction of a lawyer, and, say, bazhaєmo come out as evidence. Possibly, it’s just that she’s written from the books, and I can’t refer to her children.

On the coming day, the stench of offense was sitting in the hall of the court and heard the testimony of the incident:

Tsey pan kupuvav at me in a kiosk arachis for pigeons. I have known him for a long time. At the end of the day, a new one did not appear, and he climbed into a swarm of gamanets. If it’s okay, I’m thinking that the gamman is full of pennies. And through chilin, I raptom bach, like a child from the earth, stones and b'є them on the head of a cholovik. Let's get out of the jungle and take away a penny ...

Describe її, be a weasel.

Hood, in black cloth. Do not shine with beauty. Chestnut hair, dark eyes, I don't know for sure, blue or blue.

The zachist can put the power supply on, - the prosecutor has voiced.

In the morning, a young cholovik appeared, who seemed to be nervous, - because of the indications of the court, the owner Kiri Theias.

You said, - after winning, - why does the attacker bully have chestnut hair and dark eyes?

I ask the accused to stand up.

Kira Theias was celebrating this day. Scott and Bach bachelled out of their backs, ale tilo Scott with a rapt mimovolі pruded. The name was changed by a marvelous rank: the worn-out pay was no longer worthy of it, like in Vishaltsi. The part of the її figuri, yaku vin mіg bachiti, was given to you just a miracle.

Know, be weasel, your droplet, Miss Theias, - asking the owner in a raspy voice.

Scott was overwhelmed. Dense masa її hair was covered with platinum.

Yak you can turn over, pan your head, the color of your hair is not chestnut. And the eyes in her are not dark, in which you can turn around, moving closer. You may think that, before the hour, my pidzahisna got stuck with her hair, and that, - having lifted my hand up the hill, trimmed the knives, - I’m ready to put my hair on the analysis of what kind of chemistry, what kind of pride. Hair pigmentation is absolutely natural. And what about the color of your eyes, maybe the new prosecutor's office will see the thoughts, how are you and you know?

Turning around to open the door to the mouth of the svidkov:

Tse the same lady, how did you bachil zd_ysnuvala zlochin?

Cholovik looked round about the sides and looked up in a ruffled manner.

E ... e ... I don't know.

Tse bula won qi not won?

Lawyer rosmіyavsya:

Thank you, you won't eat more. Mis Theias, let me ask you to take a picture of the testimonials in the mice.

Rukhi divchini buli m'yakimi, yak at the panther. Scott grabbing Bach by the arm. Tse extravagant stems with platinum hair, light eyes and alabaster skin without the knowledge of the most beautiful woman, as if it were not bachiv.

Zahisnik prodovzhuvav:

Razkazhіt in your own words, as everything has become, Mіs Theias.

Dyvchina began to speak in a grasping sonorous voice. Scott forcibly letting his mind into his mind and concentrating his respect on the serpent of words - also charmingly vibrating at the new sound of his voice.

As soon as I signed up to the Gran Merci hospital, I didn’t miss it, and I spent a few months in a lot of important ailments. I walked through the park, like a rapt, a woman flew into me in black, thrust a hamman into my hand and flowed in. And through the slime, the screaming NATO і ... well, the axis, in general, і everything.

Did you say that the hamman will be empty? - by feeding the storage tank. - And what about the same pennies, which appeared at your handbag, how the shanovny was wrapped in vvazhaє vykradenim?

The stench should be me, - said the divine. - There are close to seven hundred dollars.

Tse nonsense? - whispered Dr. Bach. - If she had hoped for us, she had two dolari and thirty-three centities with her.

Scott marveled at the new one:

Do you think that Kira Theias herself was lying in our clinic?

Do not know. Ale, I would like to once again touch your damn syrovattsi ... wonder! Wonder Scott!

Її hair. Wonder ... if the sun falls on them! ..

Scott marveled at your respect. Sleepy light penetrated through the temples every hour, when Kira Theias turned her head, falling on her hair with metal. The first skinny time, if the sleepy hair stuck out, the stench changed its color from platinum to golden. "

Yogi's brain was spraying with raptom. An explanation was given here. All parts of the mosaic are in manifestation, albeit more importantly folded in one whole. The girl in the drug and the wonderful reaction to the body's pricks, the same girl in the courtroom and the reaction of the hair to the sleepy light.

I am unmistakably guilty of her, ”whispered Dr. Scott. - I need a cheap z'yasuvati!

Zakhisnik at the end of the hour yakraz completing my short run:

I ask the other members of the court about the fact that they have been accused of being accused.

Judging by hitting the table with a hammer. To my mind, I glanced at the girls with their divine hairs, and briefly said:

The claim is accepted. Really pinned!

Near the hall there was a metushna, a sleeper began to shine. With the superstitional grace, the girl was witnessed and, laughing at the camera, rushed to the exit. Having finished the check, if she passed again, Scott called out:

Mis Theias!

She zupinilsya. Viraz її light-blue eyes spoke of those who recognized him.

Dr. Scott! - a melodic voice blowing through. - I wi here, Dr. Bach!

The price is really big. Tsia supervisingly addicted to the woman more recently, she was a dull, unbarless girl, as she was lying in an isolator at the time of her death. Close by Scott, knowing the rice and revealing, he wants the stench like a mysterious rank and changed.

At the same time, she squeezed through the alliance of photographs, ship reporters and voices.

Do you have a є bed? - supplying the wine. - Dr. Bach's proposition to be in power.

Kira chuckled.

I’m a bit too smart, ”she muttered and immediately turned to the reporters with the words:“ Dr. Bach is my old friend.

In the midst of the out-of-the-way metushna, she was calm, she behaved superbly coldly.

Come here, - Scott said, vkazuyuchi on the doorstep, go to the street. I was astonished and astonished at her. The bright light of the midday dream of the child’s school didn’t have more than an alabaster color, it’s got a peach tree, it’s been dumb for a long time. And the eyes of the rapt became dark violet. Ale bolsh for all of Scott, countering the fact that the hair was hairy, we could see the drop of the drop, the black steel, like the gates of hell.

Kira didn’t want to buy some kind of shabby black cloth, and as a result she added a whole wardrobe. Soon I was already sitting in the library of Dr. Bach, sinking into the soft sofa, with her feet falling. She scrupulously lashed out at the figure, the black shavkovo of the dress, made a superb contrast with the smooth white shkіroy, as if the spirit was gushing.

Vaughn threw an innocent glance at Scott.

What can I not allow myself to do? Having turned the court over my pennies, and now I can buy everything I want on them.

Your pennies? - viguknuv Scott. - If you have missed a lycarnya, you have not got three dollars!

But now there are a few pennies for me.

Mis Theias, - having said to the patience, - did you take a penny?

When we have denounced what we have become, we are clean and blameless, dumb with the saints.

The old one.

Vi ... hammered in yogo!

Chomu ... ah, yes, slyly.

Vin convulsively prokovtnuv.

Oh my god! - simply driving a vin. - Do not you mind, are you guilty about the appearance of Vlady?

Kira, with a laugh, turned her gaze from one cholovik to the other, and slightly stole her head.

Dear Scott, if you won’t become anybody else, the splinters are still going to be bezgluzdo. Surely from the Constitution, I cannot judge two for one and the same mischief. At least in America.

Why have you been killed, Kira?

And wi b on my mice prodovzhuvali to lead the colishnіy way of life, how did I indulge in your hands before you? It's awesome! I needed a penny. I knew it and took it.

Tse bulo vbivstvo and robbery!

My situation is in the best way!

Hi, they could have punished you for the price! - gloomily shutting off the wine.

But they didn’t punish me, ”Kira guessed meekly.

Scott sniffed gravely.

Kira, - turning to her, changing the topic. - Why are the colors of your eyes, hairy and shkiri becoming darker on the sun?

Truth? - the won. - I haven’t said anything yet.

Vona tugged at the strings of her legs and stretched out and sank.

Mabut, I’m going to lie down, ”she said, marveling at both choloviks by the unaware of the eyes, and exposing them in the presence of a mildly sneering viraz. Then Kira got up and went to the room, having pressed Dr. Bach in the order of the day.

Scott marveled at his colleague.

Do you mind? - quietly supplying the wine. Porushennya zaveda youmu talk. - My God, look, what's on the right?

And vi, Scott?

Step by step, everything becomes clear.

To be built, I may!

I vvazhayu, - prodovzhuvav Scott, - that the oath sirovatka has taken the steps of adapting the church of the divine to the nebulao step. Why is the mother of the inanimate alive? Krym Usiy іnshogo - his own building before adaptation. Matter is alive to grow up to the midst of life, and what is more and more health before adaptation, so that organism develops more successfully.

Lyudin's skin can achieve significant health before adaptation. With the introduction of sleepy exchanges, for example, our body is viral pigments and the skin turns brown. Zasmaga is not so іnshe, yak pristosuvannya to the middle, yaku sonyachne light. Having sucked in his right hand, the lyudin will be drawn into the power of love. Tse іnsha form of adaptation. In case of a cramped skin, the process of healing and regeneration is still one of the manifestations of attachment to the body.

In winter, in hot and drowsy lands, people tend to have darker hair and skin, in private areas, residents see light colors of hair and hair - but I know it’s not a good thing, as a form of adaptation.

I can explain the problem with Kiroya Theias, but I can’t explain the building before adaptation, because of the non-communicated biochemical reaction that I’ve become in the body, but I cannot explain it textually. Vaughn will instantly become attached to the peculiarities of the middle. Have a drink on the sun, її shkіra nabuv brown vіdtіnku, and in tіnі I know instantly blіdne. Sleepy eyes and hair have become characteristic of the people of the tropical race, in those they are Nordic. And if I’ve seen a threat, I’m in the courtroom not safe from the side of the jury, the judges accused, as, before the speech, all the bully cholovikami, won’t be attached to the whole position! Vona made herself aware of the fact that she didn’t just change her name, she didn’t just change her name, but she didn’t give such a beautiful beauty, but any person didn’t have the power to win, and she didn’t have the power to win!

Here is the deputy and marveling at Dr. Bach.

Ale yak? Yakim rank?

You can, at the price of food, you can take a woman, - Vimoviv Bach. - The development of people is controlled by the robot of zaloz, and the minds of the races are insanely primed on the same processes. Mabut, the most effective organs, for the help of which there is an adaptation of the people, the brain and the nervous system, whose development is often controlled by a small zloza, which has been rocked right in front of the brain, which has taken part in the ancient soul. Zrozumіlo, I am on uvazі pineal hair. Obviously, your goal is to take revenge on that very hormone Pinealin, which until the cich pir unsuccessfully recovers from the biochemistry, and even fails to respond to the hypertrophy of the pineal-like lumps in Kiri Theias. Look, Scott: since the building was so thorough before the adaptation, it means that it’s not only the fault, but it’s not irritating.

Scott vows convulsively.

Vi maєte ratsіyu! They couldn’t be used to strut on the electric style, the fragments won’t be attached to the middle at once, like a small electric strum. Kulei її can be hammered in, it’s not a bad thing, it’s hard to get hurt, it’s so fast it’s just like it’s before being pricked. First ... Ale des is to blame for the booty border.

Crazy, - confirmed Bach. - For me, for example, it’s ice, but you can stick to the middle, if by the end of the day there’s a hundred-ton locomotive. And besides, we didn’t take another important moment: the very partiality of the two sides.

Two sides?

So. One of them is biological, and one is spiritual. Biohimik, nachebto us, if you will be engaged in depriving one of them, oskil you are nearer. However, it is impossible to forget about іnshy. Biological attachment of my masters to the mind with roslin and creatures, won’t be deprived of simplicity for attachment to in the midst of the midst... The chameleon, for example, shows the same goodness, as well as Kira Theias, just like the sable itself, which is less charged, and brown. Everybody lives constantly to become accustomed to the midst of the midst, but it has ceased to exist. Aleh lyudin is still far away.

Nabagato gave. Human adaptation is not just a growth from the middle, but a change to meet your needs. The first person is the first person, who has lost his cave and stayed in his bed, changing the middle of the day. First, the whole scientific and technical progress of the people is based on one principle: the change of the moment, the change of the moment, replace the preoccupation with it.

Now we know that Kira Theias is good at being biologically adapted. Hello, how is Volodya in the old world and in great health? If this is so, then God alone can transfer the final result. We can deprive us of sposterіgati after her, to quilt, in any direct way from її development, і, vividly, daring to be beautiful.

Everything in human organism is initiated by the robot of zaloz. For mutants - and the dvchina is no less a mutant, not less than your blue fruit flies - everything is possible. As soon as I have bored myself to interpret from the point of view of philosophy, then having said bi, well Kira, I might be the stage of human evolution.

I vvazhayu vyazhayu vygadki bezpidstavnymi.

Well, every time, I don’t think that the evolu- tion was brought up permanently, as having respected Darwin. There are a lot of reasons for that. Vіzmemo, for example, eyes. Darwin respecting, absolutely deed, stretching out thousands of generations, at some sea creature on a small place, sensitive to the light, and at the same time gave him an overwhelming joke in jokes, due to their competitors. I have seen a sight, at that hour I have seen it. And now it is respectful to wonder: if the eye is growing in every way, then why are the first representatives of this species, who haven’t been quickened yet, there is little more chance of seeing, lower than others? And marvel at the krill. What is the use of krill, because it is not possible to do it in a new way? The surroundings where the folds of the skin between the front paws and the breasts appeared in the lithuanian lizard, so that the fungi lay down, this does not mean that the lizard could see there, deceased guilty bully die. Yak umovi summoned to the point where the crunch rose to such a level, why would it be worthwhile?

And how, in your opinion, has it become?

The priests of the mutational theory of evolution seem to be guilty of the revolution in leaps and bounds, so when it first appears, it must be still productive, so that you can preserve your gentlemen's progress until you see it. I became more and more with krill. Tse racing mutations. Our Kira is also a mutant, a fungus from a human to a great extent. Mozhlivo, up to the man.

Scott rolls a nod. Vіn buv grounding і to finish strongly nervuvav. Then, after giving Bahu a favor, he returned to the house and spent several years lying awake in thought.

On the coming day, the stench took offense. Scott moved for an hour to Bach's booth. Partly through the great interest of Kyri Theias, partly - from innate altruism: Scott was afraid that Kyra could beat Dr. Bach without great help. Tom wins if he wants to perebuvati close, so as not to allow a new evil.

Win provinces in Kiri’s suspension is only for a few years, since Bach’s words about the Evolution and mutations have come up with a new meaning. On the right, the bula is not only in Kirin chameleon-minilo-zvnishnosti, not in wonderfully innocent rice, denouncing it, and not in introducing neymovir beauty. It was booming. Winn’t at once vis-a-vis, ale divchina Kira didn’t look like a human being.

Come, yaka winked at a new enemy, as she wandered around midday. Bach pishov from the house on his right, and Scott rozpituvav the girl about її power feud about the experience.

- ... Ale hiba vi don’t know, did you change? - supplying the wine. - Hiba vi don’t think about the changes that have come to you?

I didn’t hesitate. tse navkolishn_y light change.

Ale your hair is boiled black. And at the same time they have light metal blisk.

Ignorant? - the won.

Vіn rozcharovano simply distilled:

Kira, you are guilty about yourself, I want some nobility!

Her unwitting eyes rushed to the new one.

I know, - I got it right. - I know that I want to be built, I want you, Den.

Youmu stood up, but at the same moment he changed. The beauty of the ball is not the same, as before, in the wild, p'yanka. Vin zrozumiv, so tse meant: in the її ї ї ї ї ї there was only one cholovіk, before that there was no baiduzh, and Kira attached itself to the new, flocking to the charming itself for the new one.

Bach, hesitated, sensing the situation, without saying anything. For Scott, it’s a lot of flour, it’s more of a winn’t well assimilated, that Kira Bula’s biological views, and that it’s better, is cold-blooded. But in the coming days, everything went smoothly for them. Kira shvidko adhered to home order, she was ready to read all food and patience and endured everything.

Then an idea came to Scott. Vin took from his laboratory guinea pig, which introduced an analogous syrovat, and the stench stood up unbarrily, that the creature reacted with the same rank as that of Kyra. The stench drove the zvira, and Bach squeezed his brain.

That's right, - having said vin nareshty. - At the manifestation of the hypertrophy of the cone-like nest.