My life and mind to you. Tvir on the topic: Meta in life. Apply an ese on the theme "Sens my life"

Put on the subject " A sense of my life. "

Kolukanova Anastasia
The skin people have a sense of their own life. Ale is not skinny about being missed. At the very end of the day, there is nothing, nothing about it, there are problems that come up. It’s early in the morning that we ask for food: so for whom is it alive?
Who has a polyagaє sense of my life? For those who want to give me happiness and joy, warmth to those close to me, like my father for those who I got excited about, and for those who have put in me the style of love, because I for all my life, singingly, I can’t give me a gift. If you want to succeed in a good way, do not marvel at all the hard times of being human, to help others, as it can be seen that it is necessary, and do not check, if you ask about it. In order to know a true friend, on whom it is possible to obey in be-yak khviliu, kokhanoi people, in whom it is possible to be singled out for a hundred miles, but some circumstances do not dare to take his place before you. Analyze the topic, I can aim the butt. I know a lyudin, as all her life is seen by herself as robots and to people. Yaky kupuє gifts to your children and onuks and calls of nothing is not vitriolic on yourself. For every penny there is no meaning, I want everything in our life to lie in them. I am writing Tim, for a miracle Lyudin - my granny. Melodiously, sense of life and polyagaє in that, how to live it like that, you were remembered, you were written, magalized but you are similar to you.
Kozhen wait a little longer, but life is not easy, but in any moment of his life it is necessary for the nobility, it’s smut, but it’s different. You cannot forget about those for whom you live.
Soldatov Anton

The skin of a person is to blame for the importance of life for itself and for the work, which mold and, according to the day, store it for life. Reaching the goals means going to the singing stage in life, on which it will be necessary to give an active assessment and to set in front of you new needs and goals.

If you look at the sense of life from a purely biological point of view, then the sense of life is a sense of life. The head meta of the dermal living organism is able to see it in the eye.

On the current day, the suspension is far from ideal, because I think it’s unlikely that you can compete. In the great cities-megacities, Lyudin is truly alive. Most people get involved in the "life-race", for an hour they forget about their relatives and loved ones, not even if they are not about the really important aspects of life.

Before the inflow of suspensions, like trimming on "penny pidvalins", the people themselves do not need to become greedy and baiduzhim. People become heartless. On їkhnyu dumka, tse svit - de kozhen for itself. Is Hiba so possible? Even if it’s vzaєmodopomoga, spіvchuttya and zvychaynіsіnka human kindness, she was breaking a whole light in such a way, like a wine at a time. Ninish generation is not mindful, but it’s okay for this year’s day.

Still, it’s deprived of a small part of people to give in to protect people by exposing them. People who help one to one. I do not miss the opportunity to help.

So what is the "sense of life" from our, living point of view? On my dummy, the head of the department is meta. Meta, yaku is guilty of pereshіduvati kozhna lyudin in his life. Tse zrozumіlo turbo about Batkіv. Lyudin's skin saw herself in the borg in front of them. Before Timi, having given him life.

So, it is possible to say a lot about something else and so far, but on the other hand, there is nothing to do. Who is my mother for this day? Yak often my bachimo my fathers? Do you help me? Quiet oh? Ridko, infrequently .. I think the dermal lyudin is guilty of pondering over the food. Lyudin's skin is guilty of thinking about those who are sore, if it is elementary forgotten about them through what is right and elementary time, the race of life, the pursuit of "prosperity". If they turned to go for a cup of tea, or if they turned on robots and started ringing, they started ringing. Stink check. To navit decals know, well marno, ale check. At the same time, it’s not reasonable at all, but rather early in the morning we’re talking about it at the time. We will be like that. Let us be mindful of our children in the same way as to smell the smell. So, before the elders, the people become humble, wise, but all the same, this behavior is unacceptable. And the little ones barked from the daddy through the drums, as they raised them? Ale tse is still the same, ale me to be built more global problem, Nіzh theme of tsyogo ECE.

I think head problem"Sensu zhittya", є those who want people to get hung up on other row-by-side goals and employees, about material values, etc. And even in the bag, all one will come to one, headache. In the course of the life of a man, more and more I understand my meaning. Yogo rozum more and more to get into the essence of light. Lyudin is more and more likely to become more aware of her life. For whom is it here. Especially my thought, a glimpse of the fact that people in a whole life are not given a gift. Here, in all sorts of light, Lyudin is going through the hours of the day, albeit with the mark of rejecting the admission, for some kind of transition, and then go into the day, or light, on the way to the powerfully self-confident and reaching the maximum point of self-consciousness. Our rosum is surrounded by strict frameworks, but there is no way for the nobility to check us in front of us. Tse suto and especially my point of view, as there can be super-readings of other people's thoughts.

So why should I be ashamed of me? In my life I have a few goals:

Vivchitsya in school and enter there, where I want

Reverse the robot in order to open and secure its own family

Help the fathers and see about them

Engage in self-development for spiritual contentment

I vvazhayu, as it is in them and the sense of my life.

I don’t know who will help me to be like someone else’s, because we’ll have mercy on my thought ... I’m all the same. I am firmly convinced of my goals and purposes. I will go to the end of the game without affecting it.

Zulyanshina Galina
There is no way to give specific information on the price of food. Aje kozen z us about tse zamislyuvavsya would like b times. Throwing tsyu topic, rozumiyuchi, how senseu life is dumb. Htos, having written down the points of his life and suvoro touch on them, but htosh tsei sense shukaє all the life.
Especially I cannot live without something new. I need a change, the appearance of a new spirit, new ones to take and history. I want to kill, which is more grandiose: to strip with a parachute, climb the mountain, get my sister - іnvalіda to her feet, reject my profession, the profession I like most, play I like to dream on a motorcycle, ride on my bike. I would like to kill those whom I cannot find for a moment. I breathe cim, grunt. It is necessary for the nobility, which is more beautiful, nіzh buv, sho ty killing those who want. If I don’t see anything new, I just fall into depression. I'm fixing my interest to life, male sense.
For me, it means a laugh, see yourself, see your loved ones, just see people who want to go around and write energizing happiness.
That is all the life of shukaє sense of life, if you don’t be happy. Live and be happy!
Visnovok: in a zagalny, sensible life of a polyag in the її thoroughly and thoroughly rejected the joy of seeing. Yak on me it is necessary to love life, innakse life - not life.

Savchuk Mikita

Who has a polyagaє sense life? All people are very early adopters of food. Pragnennya to Happiness is a sense of life be-like people.

Little children, like the stench of love and turbo batkiv, are happy, they come to the senses, but the newfold light is foldable and versatile, life is to put a serious meal in a child's life. Happiness is not an easy task for a grown-up people. That same kind of happiness in a good way for young people. All to deposit from national, cultural, social features, from vikhovannya.

For me to be happy, the opportunity to covet my goals and if people close to me entrust them with me.

Bootie happy - tse bootie healthy To that, if a person is sick and physically weak, then I can't remember realizing myself.

happy in vidnosyna- spіlkuvannya with people, who can do it, who can take care of it. Households with many people are effective.

happy in robots- tse on the right, yak to bring income and allow you to deny financial independence and freedom. A robot that wants to see and develop.

Є people, like in the first place, pragnut to material wealth, at the same hour, forget about spiritual development. Reach for material riches, the stench zapovnyuet inadequacy of spiritual riches with expensive speeches, contentment, and in deyakk situations alcohol, psychotropic rhetoric. As a result of fair happiness, the stench does not seem so much, but everything without it - without it - without a glitch.

See Happiness, just live by their principles and mothers are spiritually healthy - altogether normal and natural. The role and purpose of change, but the principle is lost. The skin may be guilty of developing and fully developing, so that you will gradually become happy.

Tvir "Meta in the life of people".

The skin of a lyudin should be placed in front of him with singing tsil, on which it is straightened. We have a good idea to acquire something, something, see if it’s a mischief, make a singing robot and a lot of it. Meta in the life of people is in the image of a lighthouse, without which we will simply be lost on living way... Tse will summarize the need for the correct designation of our directly.

So also meta?

I vvazhayu, that in the capacity of me I can vistupaty everything, whom the bazha lyudin, and also help him to develop. For her reason, the final result. For example, students start at universities in order to get a diploma for a second time, while the process of starting to supervise a lot of positive moments and passing through difficult difficulties. Initial processє tsіkavim і significant, oskіlki mi develops in such a rank their own creative hist. Those people who go to school and who do not want to lay them off, should not be able to miss, abstracted from school / university life. Tsim stench even more vrachayut. Go out with a butt, a lot of noise, shlakh, yakim mi demo to your mark, no less important, no more.

Rіznitsya mіzh mriєyu i metoyu

Meta і mriya is a developmental understanding. For the purpose of thinking, a necessary result was taken, as the need for active actions from our side. Protest, mrії allow us to pay attention to those whom we most want to covet in the whole life. Otzhe, it is from the world that our goals arise. In the world of people, you can see freedom, do not contemplate on being bridged, and for that, which the bazhan is unhappy with.

If you see, what your world is, is it necessary in life, now, if it is necessary to transform it into a goal. We must rely on the respect for the knowledge of the nobles and the deeds, which are necessary for the achievement of the goal.

Importance of visibility

There are a lot of young growths, it is possible to go for noble or hisistic, however, the stench spokes people to develop. Kozhna nova has been given a meta-response to the development of the unknown, the development of new skills and the development of good health and talent. Golovne, they didn’t trick us. I can’t get hung up on those who have reached the point, oskil the price to give a shkodi emocynogo camp people.

On this day, with my head, I’m going to reject a good profession, as I’ll increase my satisfaction, with all this, I can allow my life in abundance.

Everybody got pragnemo in their life. I want kimos stati, shhos mother, here pobuvati. Meta in life is a lighthouse, without which it is easy to perish on the living road. It is also very important for this to be correct, to collapse in a straight line. At my glance, in my life, I can be those who you want to, but allow you to develop, and also bring cinnamon to some people.

The meta zzvychay means the end result. For example, when we work, we need to remove the necessary knowledge and attestat. However, in the process of navchannya we carry out without

Khvilin ї years, seemingly positive emotions, passable testing. The very process of navchannya is important and tsikaviy, it develops its own health, injected into spilkuvatisya. And ti, hto just "go to school," school life, Douzhe vrachayut. To go out, which way to the point is so important, as the very thing!

More often it is said that meta see from the world team, how you won’t see us as active people. Ale me to build, mrії still help us with the name of the one whom we would like to reach in life. The aim is to populate with the world. At mriyah you can be awesome, but not

Think about the cheating and unhappiness otrimate the bazhan. And if you see, well, those who are important for you in your life, it's time to re-create the world on the right - think up, how to reach, and children!

Cycles are great and small, noble and hisistic, but the stench will lead us through life. It seems that the lyudin is getting into a rocket, if you don't want to be pragmatic. Kozhna new meta - a way of learning to be unheard of, mastering new skills, developing your health and talents. However, it is important that our goals didn’t play tricks on us - they didn’t take our time to see our loved ones, and they also didn’t give any shkodi to us.

I should feel ashamed of my great advance in my life if I reject a good profession. I vvazhayu, tse even more important and vidpovidalny croc, I also like the robot to rob the life of a man in a fair way, and it is not possible to transform to a heavy burden. I want my schob maybutnya profession Bula is tied with people. Shvidshe for everything, I'm going to read a psychologist, I think I have less good reason and help people. Obviously, there are fewer global goals - to buy speeches, how to be fit for me, go for the cordon, drive a car ... life of life!

Create by topics:

  1. The order about those who are good for the achievement of all are good, to finish the spirna, and the meaning should not be interpreted unambiguously. Aje ...

Utegenova Bayan Nomirbaevna

At the same time, the student has caught her year from the point of view of the author of the statti "Meta and self-assessment" D. S. Likhachov, talks about the problems of young people.


Front view:

Yes, "Vibir tsili zhittya" by the article

D. S. Likhachova "Meta and self-assessment"


imeni M.O. Auezova

G. Baikonur

Utegenova Bayan Nomirbaevna

Kerivnik robots:

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Nuraleva Raikhan Alenovna

Vibir meti life

My knowledge of Dmitry Sergiyovich Likhachov, to be more exact, from his pratsy, was recently introduced. For me, come to see the Kazakh middle school, Іm'ya great vcheny bulo malovіdomim. Having revived the biography and pratsi of Dmitry Sergiyovich, I was zealous, how the stench evokes great powers for thinking over the sense of life.

I have fifteen rockies. Zdavalosya, it’s time to be beautiful ... However, it’s time to build up like that for the first time. For the sake of it, it’s important for me because I don’t know how to eat, as I torment in a sleepy night and do not play well. Why do people want to come to the whole world? How can I know my own place in life? Yak vtіlyuvati your world, think about life? Yak people do not get lost in the sweat of great changes? Are you ready for the recipes for a happy life?

I am not the only one with such a sincere camp among my one-liners. I get a little bit out of the way of the word out of touch, I see. "I got my life." “Vtomivsya all the minds of the minds. I don’t know what kind of work?

At the statti, the author taps a topical folding theme of choice of life goals, self-assessment of people.For the transfer of your position, for the sake of the importance of the looming thoughts, for the greater contention by the author vikoristov public style... Win vidkrito demonstrating his thoughtsabout those who are maє buti meta life, for the sake of whom people live on earth. It is impossible not to wait with the author, as you write, "... the people are intuitively vibrating their own in life, I mean, life is zavdannya ...". So, covetousness from life without a specific mark to finish smoothly. I often turn my thoughts to the paradox of old Greek people: “I know when I’m joking, then I’m making a joke, but if I don’t know if I’m joking, then I’m joking now, and if I don’t know if I’m joking, then I can joke ". Likhachov pragne to convey to us head dumka about those who “only life is necessary to allow people to live their life with the help of life and to correct the happiness”. "By the fact that the person's heart is alive, one can judge about his self-opinion - low or high." The author's position is to appear to me to be overconfident, because it’s good for the people in the life of material good (a beautiful car, carried out by business, fashionable clothes, zamyskiy elitny business), then I think I’m on the level of good things. For new people, who do not have a beautiful car, or an elegant booth, or business, are built by small people. Beauty and wealth internal light common people he doesn’t have any wicked povagi. Vin nikoli not satisfied with tim, scho maє, pragne chase for chimos. You must be built, your life is short, you must be remembered wherever you are, you must miss it in life. Potential thoughts about the blessings of material blessings to bring them out of earthly happiness, to create chaos, sorry, fear of the future. Dmytro Sergiyovich will tell us that such people check: “... -grieved ....- Tormented ... .- I’ll add again .... more prikroshiv, not happy ...” on the simplest human joys, there may be a lack of it. That is why I am honored that people need to put their spiritual light in order, so that there is not a lot of zeal, corystiness, greed, fear.

All have mercy on the way until life is reached th tsіlі. Have mercy on the politicians, law enforcement officers, maybe, and our good readers. Tomit is impossible not to wait through the all-important academician, who will lead us to the point of being downright simple: in life, there is no insurance for pardons, a fatal pardon is the wrong way of thinking about life.

The author, who vikoristovuchi a word in a commanding way (a call), proponates the readings, contemplating on the food: “Think: how can a person put goodness to his beloved people in life, bring people happiness, how can they fail?” Naygolovn_she, on Likhachov’s thought, moreover, goodness came from a rational heart, and not from a head, it wasn’t just one principle. I am adding the author's thought, I will do the right thing, not for someone and not for something. The author of the sound of our intelligence, that people need an inner need, an inner voice, which tells you "Come, help your neighbor!" “... the smut of life is not guilty but it is closed only on vlast successes, it is guilty of dictating kindness to people, love to these people, to their own place, to their people, to all things». U tsyomu rechenniBasically, the main idea is rendered to the text. Dmytro Sergiyovich zvertaє I respect the reader for those who are guilty of life, who are guilty of dictating love until now. Dyisno, kindly take the cob from the colisse, from the native vognisch.

Dmytro Sergiyovich Likhachov in the book of statistics, yes it is wise to please: “But the task of living does not need to be seen in the eyes of other people. It is not required to re-create another row in the first row, and it is not required, but the head meta will be visible to you there, at all it is not necessary ”. True, we will be good, but we will be kind.

I’m happy, I’m so uncoordinated in my vision with a wonderful human being. Dumki, please s small books of the writer have become my companions. Friends who are addicted to those who have become boring in life, I say: “Do you have a meta in your life? Yaka won? If nothing is said, then, come on, let's talk! "

“Lyudina, I’m not thinking about myself — the phenomenon is not normal ...” So, I often think about my maybut. I have few plans: I want to successfully finish school, enter before master mortgage, Become a likarem, yak mom. I am thinking about those who will succeed in my career and how happy my family will be. I know thatin the way of reaching my life goals, I will depend on singing moral principles. That is why good, straightforwardness, peace of mind and orderliness, kindness to lead people to reach the goal, to success and harmony with themselves. The stench itself, in my eyes, is more moral, happy to tempt the sick.

I am still honored. Hi, I'm singing.

Meta, yaku lyudin peredіduє -

eagerly prikhova. Dіvchina, yak mrіє about zamіzhzhya, mumble about it for a call to an unattended person. Young lyudina, who thirsts for glory, does not know the same glory. Those who give sense to our children are dependent for us - they are totally unaware.

Kundera M.

Kozhen for us more than once pissed over the tim, for which all those who are robim, kudi mi, demo. The head is constantly hammered with miseries, illusions, fears. Often our smile does not convey a quiet feeling, but for the right to express our hearts.

The head of food, the yak is guilty of putting a little ludin, - for what am I living? For the bagatech, it is smart to be built. People shy away from the eyes, not all the phrases and real life stink do not play a special role.

Ale, if you dig a little more, then it’s my mind, that it’s food, like it’s thinking about itself, but it’s not like everything. People are often simply afraid of learning, as long as they have long gone to the same side. Such fear is not safe for us. Win zakryva eyes, do not give the correct vibration.

Mayuchi on meth, mi know kudi ydemo. Meta gave us strength to collapse. Vaughn will help us to give us some help. As soon as we seep forward, we can see some of the intelligence that changes in us.

People who live without a brand often get tired. Rocky, because, looking back, stinks wondering why life was going wrong, and the reaching of the one, to whom the stink was so pounded, did not bring satisfaction, but only empty.

One of the home baseball players was supposed to be powered up, but the nobility would have been out of the way, if only they had repaired the gratis. Vin Vidpov: “I’m willing, I’m going to get ahead of me, and when I reach the top, I don’t know anything there!” It is a pity that the emptying of the bagatech of life's goals is to open up only through the rich rockyv, like the boules of vitrachenia on their own.

Ale, do not marvel at all failures and failures, you need to know and know to get up, collapse forward, know a new world, visuvati tsili and unpretentious collapse before them. Life is a wonderful hour, if you can show it to everyone, and if you do it yourself, it’s special.

I was less likely to be hostile to Thomas Edison, who had 6,000 experiments for his own. For that, the light bulb went off, it is guilty that I know the hair. Bagato would stay on the 50th or 100th sprob. Ale tsya lyudina goriv mriyu i vin tse zroiv. Tur Kheyirdal, an anthropologist, wanted to bring his theory to light, but the Polynesians settled from the descent. Yogo was respected by the divine, but only to bring his innocence, having flown 8000 km on a wooden raft. 100 days in a row fighting storms, sharks and not safe food. Win is not surprised at those who are not in the middle of the raft, for he does not know how to enter the singing interruption. Win pishov for his peace and development.

People who achieve special results are hostile to us. We hear about them from the drowning. Alas, for some people, those who smelled like people like me fall for the thought. They didn’t have much strength, they were afraid of the stench, they might cry at night, but they knew that they shouldn’t be amazed at all the nonsense, the stench would go to their mark.

Kozhen is guilty of us fighting. Don't sit with your hands together. Unleash your dreams. They are special, and they do not grow up with you. Do not hear, if you’re going to say, you’re a divak, because you don’t see anything. Henry Ford was called divine. Vin spent the whole hour at the garage and was ready to eat. Nіkhto not vіriv in nyogo, except for the squad. The first time, I visited that garage by car.

Lyudin's skin has great potential. Remember that you want to be special, just unique and unique, be yourself!