The share of the Isaev stirlіtsіv pіslya vіyni. Who was the prototype of Shtirlits in real life? People of Maxim Isaev

Max Otto von Stierlitz (nominated Max Otto von Stierlitz; at the same time Maksim Maksimovich Isaev, reference name Vsevolod Volodymyrovich Vladimirov) - a literary character, the hero of the creative work of the Russian radio station Yulienartyanskyr Semenov, at the Nazi Nimechchin and deyaky other lands.

dzherelo: Literary works by Yuliana Semenova, TV movie "Seventeen mitts of spring".

Role of the viconav: Vyacheslav Tikhonov

All-Union glory to the image of Shtirtlitsa was brought about by Aunt Lioznova's richly gray television film "The Seventeen Mitts of Spring" for one novel, played by Vyacheslav Tikhonov. The whole character became the most famous promoter in the Radian and Victim culture, born to James Bond in the Western culture.


In all the expansions of the Duma, the reference name of Shtirlitsa is NOT Maksim Maksimovich Isaev, as it is possible to let go of the "Seventeen mitts of spring", but Vsevolod Volodimirovich Vladimirov. The nickname of Isaev is presented by Yulian Semyonov as the operational pseudonym of Vsevolod Volodimirovich Vladimirov in the first novel about a new one - "Diamanti for the dictatorship of the proletariat."

Maksim Maksimovich Isaev - Shtirlits - Vsevolod Volodimirovich Vladimirov - was born on the 8th of 1900 rock ("Expansia-2") in Transbaikalia, de jogo dad were in political power.

Batko - Russian, Volodymyr Oleksandrovich Vladimirov, "professor of law at the University of St. Petersburg, for his great thinking and closeness to the people of social democracy." Attracted to the revolutionary ruch Georgiyam Plekhanov.

Mati - Ukrainian, Olesya Ostapivna Prokopchuk, died of dryness, if there were five rockies in synovia.

The fathers got to know and made friends in misdirection. After finishing the missed Batko and Sin turned to St. Petersburg, and then spent an hour in emigration, Switzerland, in the towns of Tsurich and Bern. Here Vsevolod Volodimirovich showed love to literary pratsi. Bernie has a podroblyav at the newspaper. Father and son turned to Batkivshchyna in 1917. Seemingly, in 1911, the way of the elder Vladimirov and the big ones rose. Already after the revolution, in 1921 - at the hour when he was in Estonia - Volodymyr Vladimirov was going to the direction of the service to the Eastern Siberia and there tragically waving through the hands of the gangsters.

Relatives from the side of the mother:

Did - Ostap Mikitovich Prokopchuk, Ukrainian Revolutionary Democrat, also sent to the Trans-Baikal region for his children Olesya and Taras. Pislya zasannya turned to Ukraine, and went to Krakow. Zaginuv rotsi in 1915.

Dyadko - Taras Ostapovich Prokopchuk. At Krakow, I became friends on Wandy Krushanskaya. In 1918 rosі razstrіlyany.

Two sister - Ganna Tarasivna Prokopchuk. Two children. Professional activity: Architect. In 1941, the whole family went to the Nazi concentration centers ("The Third Card"). She died in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

In 1920, Vsevolod Vladimirov was praying for the sake of captain Maxim Maksimovich Isaev in the press service of the Kolchak district.

In 1921, the bandi of Baron Ungern, having seized power in Mongolia, tried to strike at Radianskoy Russia. Vsevolod Vladimirov penetrated into Ungern's headquarters under the view of the Biloguardian captain and transferred his command to the enemy's strategic plans.

In 1921, he was still in Moscow, "pratsyu at Dzerzhinsky" as an assistant to the head of the VChK Foreign Office Glib Boky. Send Vsevolod Vladimirov's stars to Estonia ("Diamanti for the dictatorship of the proletariat").

In 1922, a young chekist-peddler Vsevolod Volodymyrovich Vladimirov, on the basis of a certificate of approval, travels from Vladivostok to Japan, and goes to Kharbin (“The password is not required”, “Needed”). Throughout the offensive 30 years of age, he will always be on the overseas robot.

Tim for an hour in Batkivshchyna at the new one to be deprived of his one for all the life of love and sin, which was born in 1923 rotsi. Sina's name was Oleksandr (the operational pseudonym in the development of the RFC is Kolya Grishanchikov), and the mother's name was Oleksandra Mykolaivna Gavrilina (Major Vikhor). About Sina Shtirlitz, for the first time, it is known in 1941 that he was from the official of the Radiansky trade mission in Tokyo, kudi vin viyizhzhak for the creation of Richard Zorge. In 1944, the rock standartenfuehrer of the SS von Shtirlitz vypadkovo creation of his own sine in Krakow - that one was bought here at the warehouse of the development and sabotage group ("Major Vikhor").

From 1924 to 1927 Rik Vsevolod Vladimirov lives in Shanghai.

At the connection with the strength of the national socialist nimetskoy robotic party and the keenness of the parish of Adolf Hitler to rule in Nimechchin in 1927, he was sent to the distance of Maxim Maksimovich Isakhove. A legend about Max Otto von Shtirlitz, who was robbed in Shanghai by a Nimetsian aristocrat, who was shouted at the Nimetsian consulate in Sidney, was written for the whole boole. In Australia, Shtirlits spent a day in a hotel with a Nimetsian ruler, tied to the NSDAP, who sent him transfers to New York.

From the party characteristics of a member of the NSDAP in 1933, von Shtirlitz, Standartenfuehrer SS (VI eddil RSHA): “Authentic arієts. Character - Nordic, Vitriman. With fellow robotics garnie vidnosini... Indiscriminately to the vison of the obedience services. Merciless to the enemies of the Reich. A leading athlete: the champion of Berlin in tennis. disappointment; in the bells, scho to hack yogo, not to mention buv. By the meanings of the cities of the Fuehrer and the henchmen of the Reichsfuehrer SS ... "

At the rock of the Other Svitovoi Viyni Shtirlits was a spy protester of the 6th edition of the RSHA, who became SS Brigadefuehrer Walter Schellenberg. In the operational robots in the RSHA, they were victorious in the pseudonyms "Brunn" and "Bolsen". In 1938 there were workers in Spain ("Spanish version"), in the winter of 1941 - in the warehouses of Edmund Weesenmayer's group in Yugoslavia ("Alternative"), and in Ukraine - in Poland and for the payback Oberlander, Stepan Bandera and Andrei Melnik ("The Third Card").

In 1943, rotsi walked around Stalingrad, de demonstrating vinyatkov's husbandhood with radianski shelling.

At the end of the meeting, Yosip Stalin added the link to the end of the meeting: stop talking separately from the start. The SS Reichsfuehrer Genrikh Gimmler was repairing it since 1943, through his associates, having established contacts with representatives of the western secret services in order to establish a separate peace. Heads of manhood and intellect of Shtirtlitsa, talk to bully zirvani ("Seventeen mitts of spring").

The three Americans who had a backstage conversation with the leaders of the Third Reich, Yulian Semyonov ordered Allen Dulles, as if he had mischievous the American headquarters in Berne, the capital of Switzerland.

The head of the IV department of the RSHA, the Buv SS Gruppenfuehrer Genrikh Muller, who was the victor of Shtirlitsa in the 1945 rock, however, the chaos was created during the storming of Berlin, the plan of Müller was stopped against the victorian state.

Likes to drink Shtirlitsa - Vermenskiy cognac, love to cigarettes - "Karo". Vin drive a "Horch" car. In the name of James Bond, before the women of Shtirlits, they are cold-blooded. On the cry of the win, call out the message: "Hi, more beautiful than Kawi." Movna characteristic, which is repeated in tvir: phrases often end in food "Ні?" for "Chi is wrong?"

Before the end of the war, Shtirtlitsu was awarded the title of Hero of the Radiansky Union. Pislya the end of the Other Holy War of Shtirlitz in an unknown camp, wounded by a Radian soldier, to be transported to Spain as a family, New America... There, they viyavlya were conspired by the fringes of the fascists, as they flowed in from Nimechchin.

From the hour to the next hour and to the next day, the work is done by the pseudonyms: Bolsen, Brunn and іnshі. Yak im'ya beckon to vicoristovuv in the options of the name "Maxim": Max, Massimo ("Expansion").

In Argentina and Brazil, Shtirlits was done together with the American Paul Ruman. Here it smells like the conspiratorial Nazi organization of "ODESA", like Keru Mueller, and then there is the appearance of the agent's hedge and the capture of Mueller. Reasonably, because of the promises of Winston Churchill from Fulton and Hoover's "love for the views" Mueller can unknowingly for his mischief, the stench smells of the sight of this radian order. Shtіrlіts go to the Embassy of Radianske, de vіdomlyaє, hto wіn such, as well as information about Müller's mission. The sportsmen of the MDB go to the SRSR. Isaev drink up to vyaznitsi ("Vidchay"). There I’m going to see Raoul Wallenberg and I’m going to vlasnu gru. Tim for the hour of the day and the squad to shoot for the orders of Stalin. After the death of Beria Shtirlits to go free.

Through the month of writing, he was awarded the "Gold Zirkoyu" I started pratsyuvati in the Institute of History on the theme "National Socialism, neo-fascism; modification of totalitarianism ". Having familiarized himself with the text of the dissertation, the secretary of the Central Committee, Mikhailo Suslov, recommending that Comrade Volodymyrov give the doctor of science steps without taking over, and transferring the manuscript to the special storage ...

More than once, he was discovered by his old men, known in the RSHA, by the Nazis, in Zakhidny Berlin in 1967 rotsi ("Bomb for the head"). For all times, Alena did not lose her grip on Isaev, going into the privacy of a private corporation and into the radical sect of the Holy Asia ...


Shtirlits is a character of one of the greatest cycles of Radian anecdotes, sings the stench of parodying the voice of the announcement, constantly commenting on the thoughts of Shtirlits or similar to the film. At the serial "The Eighteen Mitts of Spring", the voice of the BDT actor Yukhim Kopelyan was heard.

Tsikavi facts

For the sake of the nickname Sti (e) rlitz is not ісnu; most similar - Shtiglitz (Stieglitz - "schiglik" (Carduelis carduelis)), in Russia. Also in the period of the Other Holy War in the Third Reich, Buv Vice-Admiral Ernst Shirlitz (Schirlitz) - the commander of the German fleet in the Atlantic.

As an impostor, Shtirtlits had no reason to serve in the SS at such a high place, as the Nazi security services were revising the specialty of a skin candidate for a few generations. In order to go through such a reversal, Shtirlits is guilty of not just the mother of a reference document, but of the real name of Max Shtirlits, who is really alive in Nimechchina and similar to a new name. If I want some kind of ideas and practice by the special services in the case of illegal agents, in reality, all of the Radians' intelligence in the other echelons of the Reich, about as if at once, bully recruited by the anti-fraudsters.

Shtirlits graduated from university, specializing in quantum mechanics. The chain was easily reconverted. Quantum mechanics Bula in that hour is admirably young science. At the end of the day, I’ll be busy with her, please see me.

Shtirlitz is the champion of Berlin in tennis. This fact can be easily confused. It’s untrue immediately Bula b rozkrita, ale Shtirtlits-Isaev singingly becoming a champion, without deceit. It's an hour for a new one.

Before Shtirlitz, "Shtirlitz" is going on, not "von Shtirlitz." As a matter of principle, it is also allowed to be brutalized, especially in quiet cases, as the name of a noble title (count, baron and іnshі). But in the same way, in Nimechchina, it was less than such "democracy", it was more marvelously a little bit brutal without the "background" of the lower-standing individuals.

Shtirtlits smoking, superechit the policy of fighting against the chicken in the Third Reich. In 1939, the NSDAP introduced a fence in the kitchen at all its installations, and Genrikh Gimmler fence in the officers of the SS and police to smoke during working hours.

Beer Shtirlitsa - "Rough Gotlib" is loved. They had supper with the pastor and had a meal of beer, and in order to do so, we went out of the “tail” of Mueller's agents. At the "role" of the community there is a vidomy Berlin restaurant "Zur letzten Instanz".


Traditionally, it is important to become one of the prototypes of Shtirtlitsa becoming Rikhard Zorge, a vendor of Radiansk, while Shtirlitsa and Zorge cannot be overlooked by facts of biographical descriptions.

Another vigorous prototype of Shtirlitsa - Vili Lehman, SS Hauptsturmfuehrer, spіrobіtnik IV wіddіlu RSHA (Gestapo). Nimets, a passionate racer at the races, he was recruited in 1936 by a rosy rassvidkoyu. Wearing the operational pseudonym "Breitenbach". At the RSHA, I was engaged in anti-Radianskiy promyslovy shpigunism.

Vili Leman failed in 1942, under circumstances close to those described by Yulian Semyonov: yogo radio operator Bart, anti-fascist, before the hour of a surgical operation, under anesthesia, after talking about ciphers and bells in Moscow, they sent a signal. In 1942, Willa Lehman was born in 1942, and he made a decision through a few months of development. The fact that a high-ranking officer of the SS BUV of adherence was born - to visit the squads of Vily Leman, they saw that they had lost their heads, having consumed the trip. The story of Ville Lehmann is described in the memoirs of Walter Schellenberg, from which, obviously, Yulian Semyonov was suspicious.

According to the news of the newspaper "Vesti", the prototype of Shtirtlitsa, Buv Radyansky investigator Isay Isaevich Boroviy, who has been alive in Nimechchyna since the end of the 1920s, but has been praised near the house of Gimmler. In 1944, the deaths of Stalin were brought to the fore by the head of the process at the right of Beria.

Velmi is the prototype of Shtirlitsa and is the brother of Sergiy Mikhalkov, Mikhail Mikhalkov. Yulian Semyonov has made friends on Katerina - the daughter of Natalia Petrivna Konchalovsky is the first whore. The axis of fact of the biography of Mikhail Mikhalkov: on the ear of the Great Vіtchiznyanoї vіyni having served in a special service of the Pivdenno-Zakhidny Front. In the spring of 1941, after having spent some time at the brink, at the end of the day, having served as an illegal agent, the development organizations of the Chervona Army were not provided with important operative information. In 1945, the hour of battle in a nimetsky form crossed the line to the front and was taken over by the organs of the military counter-intelligence "SMERSH". For the call at the spіvpratsі with the nimetsky development there are five years of connection, a sprinkle in Lefortovo vyaznitsі, for example, in one of the camps on the Distant Descent. In 1956 he was rehabilitated. Yulian Semyonov can (and better for everything), having learned a part of the history of Shtirlits from the family reports of Mikhail Mikhalkov.


Krim V'yacheslav Tikhonov, who, madly, is the head of "Kinolitsa" Shtirlitsa, the character of the grab and the actor. In general, five novels have been screened, de dyn Shtirlits or Maxim Maksimovich Isaev. The role of Shtirlitsa in the cich films of the Viconal:

Rodion Nakhapetov ("Password not required", 1967)
Volodymyr Ivashov ("Diamanti for the dictatorship of the proletariat", 1975)
Uldis Dumpis ("Spanish version") (the hero's film sounds like Walter Schulz)
Vsevolod Safonov ("Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce")
Danilo Strakhov ("Isaev", 2009 - TV screening of novels "Diamanti for the dictatorship of the proletariat", "The password is not required" and the notification "Nizhnist").

Quotes from the film "Seventeen mitts of spring"

Do not lie to the one who will love you with the foul weather in Switzerland. It's drowsy and warm here.

And I want komus giving prochukhana? I'm old good lyudin, Yakogo hands down.

You have a lot of cognac.
- I have є cognac.
- So, you have no salami.
- I have є salami.
- So, we are with you for one year.

And you, Shtirlitz, I will ask you to get lost.

I am Einstein in love!

Truly: if you smoke American cigarettes - say you sold Batkivshchyna.

You can see the products from the perevagu - our virobniztva, anyway ...
- Abo. Let it be not patriotic, but I am giving the product reloading, prepared in America from France.

We have mercy on the number, friend. Wee were pardoned with a number.

Wee zanadto know a lot. You will be welcomed with honors in the event of a car accident.

If you are zib'yut (on viyni, yak on viyni), if you are guilty you will be responsible for the leaf, it will not unfasten the straps of your parachute.
- I can’t do it, so I’ll be dragged along the ground. Ale perche, I’m sick, unbuckling my parachute, and I’m wearing a leaf.

A little nonsense, a big misunderstanding.

Can't you skarzhish in memory?
- P'yu iodine.
- And I - a gorіlka.
- And why should I take a penny for a pot?
- Take swag.

Vіn prokinetsya іvno through twenty hilin.

Nobody can get infected. Navi sob. I can.

Wonderful power of my physiognomy: everyone should be built, but they have been baching me here.

Do you have a lot of canned food? I am God without ribby. Phosphorus, you know, vimagayut nerves of cells.
- Yakogo virobnitstva vіddaєte perevagu, our abo ...
- Abo. Let it be unpatriotic, even if I see the product reloading, prepared in America, or from France.

Do you have nirkas?
- Ні.
- Duzhe Skoda.

Heil, Hitler!
- That year for you. To tinkle at the wuhah.

A good ad'utant is a tse yak mislivsky dog. For love, it is indispensable, but it’s like the ekster garniy is іnshі mislivtsі to sleep.

If you know two, then you know a pig.

I will grati zahist Karakai, only vie me, be a weasel, do not win.

I know your wedding! After reading їkh, hearing in the tape recorder. And the stench vlashtovuvali me - to the current wound. And from the current wound, the stench has ceased to vlashtovuvati.

I love movchuns. If you are a friend, then alone. If you are a thief, then a thief.

I am asking you to deliver me a new Swiss leza. De? De ... Hto robbing a change?

I’ll come at once, go write me a couple of formulas.
- Swear!
- I'm dead.

Clarity is one of the main forms of fog.

; new. StandartenfЕhrer Max Otto von Stierlitz) - legendary radyanskiy razvіdnik Maxim Maksimovich Isaev from the books of Yulian Semenovich Semenov. Pid im'yam Shtirlitsa Isaev pratsyuvav at the Nazi Nimechchin. From the novel to the novel by Yu. Semyonov, the formation and development of Maksim Isaev, a communist, soldier, and anti-fascist, is being quilted. Mi Bachimo Isaєva-Shtirlitsa before the hour of the huge war in Spain, in Belgrade and Zagreb; we live with him at Krakow, which the Nazis used to sacrifice. All-Union glory to the image of Shtirlitsa was due to the television series "Seventeen Mitts of Spring", the role was played by V'yacheslav Tikhonov. The most famous image of a parent in Radian and Victim culture, which can be derived from James Bond in Western culture. For the sake of the nickname Sti (e) rlitz is not ісnu; The most similar is Stieglitz, in Russia. biography The party characteristics of the NSDAP member from the roku von Shtirlitz, the Standartenfuehrer of the SS (VI eddil RSHA): "The true arієts. The character is Nordic, vitriman. The fellow in robots are trained by the good fellows. : the champion of Berlin from tenisu. Unfairness; in the sounds, how to bang yogo, not to mention not. ... The head of the fourth division of the RSHA, Buv SS Gruppenfuehrer Henrikh Müller, who was Shtirlitsa "caught the whole hour, but I didn't catch it." In the book of the Other Holy War, Comrade Stalin entrusted the Shtіrlіtsu vіdpovіdalne zavdannya: zіrvati separate talks nіmtsіv іf Sunset. Repairing Gimmler from the lithuania through his trustworthy contacts with the representatives of the foreign special services with the help of separate peace... Heads of manhood and intellectu Shtirtlitsa and talk to them. The three Americans, who had a backstage conversation with the leaders of the Third Reich, Semyonov ordered Allen Dulles, as if he had blinded the American headquarters in Berne, Switzerland. The drink of Shtirlitsa's love is a cognac. Він drive a car brand Horch. In the name of James Bond, before the women of Shtirlits, they are cold-blooded. On the cry of a povіy wіn, call out the message: "Hi, more beautiful than kawi." Zgіdno Semenov, before the end of the war Shtіrlіtsu was awarded the title of Hero of the Radiansky Union. Pislya Shtirlitsa's turn to Batkivshchyna was decided by the sportsmen of Beria. Only the death of Stalin vryatuval Shtirlitsa from the bend. Pislya tsiogo Shtirtlits pratsyu in Pivdenniy America - as seen by the journalist in the wines of the undeath nazis. Jokes Shtirtlits є the character of one of the greatest cycles of radian anecdotes, call out the stench of parody constantly commenting on the voice "from the author" under the film. Bagato from a number of anecdotes prompted me to move on: Shtirlits putting the safe on the priest. Pastor Shlag grunting and pishov towards the Swiss cordon. Shtirlits biv melodiously. It’s melodious not to fix the opir. Todi Shtirtlits was shot at point-blank range. The emphasis is broken. The light was extinguished by the raptor. Shtіrlіts dvіchі whistles into slіpu. Slipa fell. It is not easy for the actors to play around when they played in the series "Seventeen Mitts of Spring": Shtirlits whistled to Muller's head. Kulya jumped up. "Armored", - thinking Shtirtlits. In a number of anecdotes, all SS scholars appear to be the Radians' agents for a change: Müller is suspicious, and Borman is a Radian spigun. At the same time, they pulled on a motorcycle in the corridor with Shtirlitz: my native... Sit to check. Yde Borman, stumbling, seemed to:
- Oh blin!
- Well, ni fig sob!
- Quiet, quiet, comrades! A lot of anecdotes ironic over the building of Shtirlitsa vikruchuvatsya because of folding situations: Ide stayed at Hitler's. Raptom to the room vbigak cholovik, vistachaє secret card from the table and znika. All of them.
- Who tse buv? - power up Hitler
- So tse Shtirtlits from my keruvannya. Vin naspravdi is a radiansky investigator Isaev, - vidpovida Mueller.
- So don't you zaareshtute ?!
- Marno. All is one to win. On the table

Characters who reproach such popularity are not called cult characters. And the one about whom I’m dying for this year, on the victim’s expanse of dos “number one”. The head manager of Radiansk TV screens Max Otto von Shtirlitz with the special Vyacheslav Tikhonov and earlier in the ranks and won the hearts of new generations of TV watchers. Years of shukaєmo in the history of yogh prototypes.

resident's share

Persh for everything we will have to come to finish the rich respect for the biography of the literary character. Adzhe, unaffected by the love of the whole people, for the absolute greatness of the Shanuvalniks Shtirlits is a character in the TV movie Tetyanya Lioznova 1973 rock, the role of Vicon V'yacheslav Tikhonov. The deyaky think of the same ambiguous creation of the TV series by Sergiy Ursulyak "Isaev" 2009 with Danil Strakhovim. And also, Yulian Semenov wrote thirteen novels and stories and one notification about an important seller. Moreover, there is a large number of screenings of these books - it is true that in one of them the hero does not appear. Then the book was screened two! Ale about everything in order.

Max Otto von Shtirlitz, in the same Maxim Maksimovich Isaev, and for good reason Vsevolod Volodimirovich Vladimirov was born on the 8th of 1900 in Transbaikalia. Yogo dad got to know there, perebuyuchi on misdirected for political reasons. The father of the character is Volodymyr Oleksandrovich Vladimirov, professor of law at St. Petersburg University, Russian, for his political change, having lost the department.

Mati, Ukrainian Olesya Ostapivna Prokopchuk, died of dryness, since there were five rockies. Professor Vladimirov turned in blue to St. Petersburg, and then returned with him in emigration to Tsurikh, and then to Bern. Here maybutn_y researcher thoroughly opanuvav nіmetsku. In 1917, Volodymyrov's rots turned to Russia.

Until the end of the hour, between the blue and the dad, he was thinking of a breakdown with political motives. Vladimirov the youngest Zhovtnev revolution and pishov pratsyuvati in the Cheka. And a colossal professor, a social democrat, who was by far a good know and companion of Plekhanov himself, was put down to the brightest in a negative way.

In 1920, Vsevolod Buv was promoted in the ranks of Admiral Kolchak's bіlogvardіtsіv. Winning for the first time quickly became an operative pseudonym Isaev and pratsyuvav in the press service of the "Supreme Ruler of Russia", adding important information for the Center about all the thoughts of the administrator. Fatally from this legend, he went to the headquarters of Baron Ungern, who seized control of Mongolia, and transferred the plan of the gate to Moscow.

When our hero turned to the capital for a day, he was promoted to the assistant of the head of the All-Russia Cheka Department, Glib Boky. At the end of the hour, after taking the zeal of the investigation of the stolen diamants from the Gokhran, they were taken by the evil group to the territory of Estonia. One of his father, Volodymyr Vladimirov, was sent to Shidnyy Siberia, devin bending over the hands of the gangsters, grabbing the big shooter.

In 1922, a young chekist was a visitor to Vladivostots, having once again turned to his legend "Captain Isaev" from the headquarters of Admiral Kolchak. After the end of the mission, I will abolish the mandate to go to Japan, and then to Harbin (China). The beginning of 30 years of wines spent far from Batkivshchyna.

Radianskiy Russia lost the love of all her life - Oleksandra Mykolaivna Gavrilina. About those who won’t be on the road, I don’t know when evacuating. In 1923, Oleksandr was born. I felt about the child Isaev only in 1941 in Tokyo, where I arrived for the show with Richard Zorge. From 1924 to 1927, Rik Vladimirov lives in Shanghai in the middle of many emigrants, and in every way, he pragmatically turns to Russia, albeit at the Center for New Calls of the Plan.

Moscow has begun to seek a quest for the political situation in Nimechchina, allowing a potential arrival to the power of the National Socialist Business Party and Leader Adolf Hitler. In 1927, Isaev's rotsi were victorious in the ranks of the German fascists. The bulwark destroyed the legend of the Nimetsian aristocrat Max Otto von Shtirlitz, who was robbed in Shanghai. With a legend and documents, Vsevolod appeared at the Nimetsk consulate in Sidney, de-recognizing the message and acknowledgment. Having zatrilis for a decade in Australia, and then in New York, win, nareshty, got over to Berlin. In 1933 rotsi Shtirlits joined the Hitler's party.

With a tip of the Other Holy Way Shtirlits appear in subordinate status. Become a radian distributor, without interruption, the necessary information is required and the establishment of the Center can be confirmed, one hour "official" to serve in a new development. Win is an advisor to the 6th visit of the Head Directorate of Imperial Security (RSHA) - the so-called "SD-Zakordon". Isaev to serve as the certificate of Walter Schellenberg and the vicon of his second assignment - in 1938, in Spain, in the birch quarter of 1941 - in Yugoslavia, and in the middle of the same Ukraine - in Poland and in the future. Andrei Melnik. One hour, the vicon and the attendant of Moscow, not safe situations... So, in 1943, rotsi wines walked around Stalingrad, de showing a special manhood before shelling.

Borrow a lot of posts in the Reich and do not transfer to the Black Order - in the SS - it’s practically unwise. Shtirtlits also joins the organization of the organization and until the end of the day we will remove the rank of the Standartenfuehrer (approximately named to the Radiansk Colonel).

Vosseni 1944 rock in Krakow Vladimirov vipadkovo stuck in blue. Oleksandr pishov in the footsteps of the daddy - he served at the development of the Red Army under the operational pseudonym Kolya Grishanchikov. At the warehouse of the development and sabotage group of Major Vikhor, he was killed by the name of Krakow.

At the end of the day, Shtirlits took over the new house of the Center - zyasuvati, hto from the top of the Reich behind Hitler's back, we were talking about setting up a separate peace with the Sunset, and zirvati їkh. Isaevu in the distance to stand up, to deal with Reichsfuehrer SS Genrikh Gimmler, і zupiniti yogo. For the price of vin otrimav the title of the Hero of the Radiansky Union. However, the chief of the IV viddilu RSHA (the sovereign state police of the Reich, "Gestapo") Genrikh Müller vikriv Shtirlitsa as a Radiansky resident in 1945. Isaev was in the distance to carry his group beyond the borders of the Reich, ale you were ordered to turn to Berlin in a night for a distributor, last days win. Happily, Mueller didn’t keep up with Shtirlitz, but in the chaos of the storming of Berlin, Shtirlitz went into the distance.

I know the subordinate status of the nobility. Shtirtlits was wounded during the storming of Berlin by a Radiansky soldier, and they took him to Spain, and then to Pivdennu America. Win without a call from the Center. Here, the Isaev wicked vicious fringes were caught up in the form of the Nazis against Chol with Müller. Shtirtlits transferring information to the Embassy of Radianske, and at the same time, it’s okay. The Ministry of State Security of the Transaarest and Forwarding to Moscow. One hour in SRSR zareshtovani, and then razstrіlyanі th squad and syn.

Vladimirov to go free after the death of Stalin and Beria. At the same time, the lіtnіy razvіdnik pass on the path of science. The topic of his dissertation at the Institute of History: “National Socialism, Neo-Fascism; modification of totalitarianism ". Mikhailo Suslov, having familiarized himself with the text of the dissertation, recommends that the comrade Volodymyr's lectures be awarded the steps of a doctor of sciences without a scholar, and the manuscript of the viluchiti, transferred to the special storage.

In 1967, rotsi Isaev for the last time fought against the great Nazis in Zakhidny Berlin. Winning the stolen nuclear technology.


Yak is not covered, in the reality of the razvidnikov with such a foldable share did not disappear. There were plenty of successful saboteurs, a few successful operations, and residents, some of the rockets supplied information from the enemy camp. Altogether, these functions, laviruvannya between style and possible failures, vvadzhennya to the top in such folding situations - to the lot of one people also did not fall.

To finish is often brought to some extent, as the prototype of our hero became the famous Rikhard Sorge. The protection of the sawing of these biographies does not appear as a matter of fact. This can be done because Sorge, in our tradition, is a real "researcher No. 1", and Shtirlits is a literary-cinematographic one. Sorge and Shtirlits lived a few rockies in Shanghai. Vvazhaєtsya, scho Zorge after passing about the day a corncob against the Radiansky Union, and the date is seen heartily shukav Shtirlits. The axis is everything, which is united.

In the early 90s, in the Eastern and Baltic Russian Communist Party press, the first version was announced. As a matter of fact, we are the only concrete prototype of Shtirlitsa buv Isay Isaevich Borovy. The journals have come to the rescue of Veniamin Dodin, who sent him back to Siberia at once. Nibito Beria from hatred to the supernatural of the special services was viral in the name of the visitor in the camps. Boroviy, for the most part, having become a resident in Nimechchin, rose to the rank of colonel, at the request of Moscow, he offered up to the Americans, who sent him to the SRCP, having spent his time at the end.

This version of the hour every hour will guess and this year. It is a pity that there is not much more information about it. Isaak Isaakovich Borovy has done well after serving in the Radians' development, and after having spent time with the camps and forwarded. However, he was registered in 1938 as a resident in Nimechchin before the hour was not bought. At the same time, they don't seem to be about those who Borovy Bouv ... are purebreds of time.

And all Yulian Semyonov wrote his novel not on an empty copy. Win vivchav is a majestic number of historical documents - the very fact of this book can be seen reliably and overly. And at Shtirlitsa, insanely, prototypes were dashed. It’s just that there’s a lot of salesmen. The first acts of the epizodi from the biography of the Isaev-Shtirtlitsa were suspected of the lives of people of reference. About them and let's go.

reference isaev

In 1921, the VChK sportsman Yakiv Grigorovich Blumkin, having recognized the establishment of his own malignant calls from the sportsmen of the Gohran for the cordon and assign them the reason for the stolen road For a number of purposes, win with the pseudonym isaev (tse bulo the name of the yogi) gode in Revel - ninishniy Tallinn - de seen by the jeweler provoking the projection of illegal equipment.

The same episode took Yulian Semyonov as the basis for the plot of the book "Diamanti for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat", which allows us to say: Blumkin is the prototype of the young Isaev.

In the case of Semyonov, the documentary is more abundant. Dyysno, in the State Households of Vicrit and Suvoro, a group of razkradachiv was punished. At the right, 64 people passed, 19 boules were convicted before the shooting, 35 - before the latest terms of prison, and 10 - for vypravdan. The main accused were the jewelers-evaluators Yakiv Shelehes, Mykola Pozhamchi and Mikhailo Aleksandrov. Semyonov remembering only the father of zlochints.

It is noteworthy that the middle of Blumkin's pseudonyms can also be seen in Vladimirov. Ale in the biography of the tsiy distributor deprived me of the memory of the life of the book Shtirlitsa. I want and even tsikava.

Simkha-Yankev Gershevich Blumkin, Vin Yakiv Grigorovich Blumkin was born on October 8, 1900, when he entered the VChK. Tse zbіgaєtsya with the date of the people of Vsevolod Vladimirov according to the books of Semenov. At the same questionnaire, the distributor is stverdzhuvav, who was born in Odessa, in Moldavants; However, in 1929 he sent a name to the city of Vinnytsia, calling it a misce of the people of the people of Sosnytsia near Chernigov. For the third version, the dignity of Yakov passed to Lvov.

Whatever kind of vipadku, his youth was amazed by the tumultuous hours of the Russian revolutions and the first light of life.

In 1914 he worked as an electrician in the tram depot, in the theater, at the canning factory of the brothers Avrich and Izrailson. Yogo's brother Lev was an anarchist, and sister Rosa was a social democrat. Politics grabbed Yakov, having joined the party of the European Union and took part in the enclosures of the Jewish self-defense against the pogroms in Odessa. In 1918 Sichni 1918, having taken on a fate and in the "expropriation" of the values ​​of the sovereign bank Moiseym Vinnytsky ("Mishko Yaponchik"), moreover, for being sensitive, he could not imagine.

In 1918, Blumkin went to Moscow. The party of all eseriv delegates to the Cheka, we will enlist the fight against international spygunism. From the worm of 1918 to the fate of Blumkin, having become aware of the counter-security warnings about the guarding of the embassies and their young evil activity. Blumkin is busy with nimetsy spiguns.

Without a bargain for the instructions of the party, win vivstvo nimetsky ambassador in Radianskiy Russia of Count Mirbakh. On the 6th of April 1918, he came to the embassy of Nimechchin at the same time with his advisor Andrєєvim Nibito to agree on the share of the distant relative of the ambassador, the Cheka was resigned. It’s just an hour of development Yakiv kilka developed a whistle in Mirbach, and Andrv, at that moment, threw two bombs into the virtual room. The ambassador went to the place.

The victorious tribunal, having sued Blumkin before the destruction, protest Lev Trotsky, cynuvav the healthy young man, domigsya, and the death penalty was substituted for "spokuta guilt in battles against the defeatist of the revolution."

Blumkin was sent to Ukraine, which was reclaimed by the Nimetsy, and was, devin, engaged in the formation of the anti-metskiy pidpill. Yak in the preparation of the terrorist attack against the hetman Skoropadsky, and in the swing at the field marshal of the German occupation of Ukraine Eykhhorn. If there was a revolution in Nimechchina and some people left Ukraine, Blumkin turned to Moscow and the whole Gromadyanskaya war, having served in the headquarters of the People's Commissariat of Defense Trotsky as the head of the special guard. Then they sent him to navchannya, and after that he was transferred to the organization of the Cheka.

In 1920, Blumkin appeared in Persia. I take care of the fate of Kuchok-Khan and the arrival of Khan Ehsanulla before the reign of Khan Ehsanulla, who was adopted by the martyrs "livi" and the commune, and then - at the beginning of the Russian Communist Party. At the First Z'izdi of the Driven People to the Descent, which was clicked by the bolsheviks in Baku, the wine represents Persia.

In 1920, the fate of the hour of battles with Baron Ungern's vіyskami, who seized power in Mongolia, Blumkin, as and the character of Semyonov, entered the headquarters under the glance of a bіlogvardіysky officer and transferred to the Center of the planner of the dictator.

Blumkina is highly priced by Felix Dzerzhinsky and a recommendation for joining the Bolshoi party. Yogo will be sent to the school for the first time - at the Academy of the General Staff of the Red Army at the Faculty of Descent. After completing the course, Blumkin became Trotsky's official adjutant. In 1923, the rock for the proposition of Dzerzhinsky Blumkin became a sportsman of the Foreign Ministry of the ODPU. Yogo being a resident of the Palestinian Authority, albeit not badly.

Yakiv to the Nimechchin for the instruction and posting of the liberation of the Nimetsian revolutionaries, and then again to take care of the Retreat. Pratsyu in Transcaucasia as a political representative of the OGPU and a member of the Transcaucasian Cheka collegium, as an assistant to the commander of the OGPU in Transcaucasia, and we will instruct the People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade in combating smuggling.

Blumkin brave the fate of the strangled peasant insurrection in Georgia, having commanded the storming of the Bagram-Tepe place, seized by the Persians in 1922, entering into the prikordonnu committee on the regulation of spirits food from the SRSR, Turechchina and Persia.

Before the speech, in Shanghai in the 20s, Blumkin is also alive, ala in the past. For the occasional endowment of wines, I went to the powerless lands of the Near and Distant Descent, including Mongolia, China, and Palestine.

A little later in 1929, Blumkin arrived in Moscow to learn about nearby robots. Yogo added to the confessions of the members of the Central Committee and the OGPU servant V. Menzhinsky. One hour, Yakiv made good calls with Trotsky from the SRSR. The deyakis premonitors vvazhayut, who is guilty for the approval of the certificate as a provocateur; In protest, in the autumn of 1929, on the denunciation of the kohan Liza Rosenzweig about the calls with Trotsky's winners when they tried to get into the cordon to chase the gunmen on the streets of Moscow.

The exact date of the shooting of Blumkin is unavoidable. Produce 3 leaf fall and 12 chest 1929 rock. For one version in the front door before the shooting of wines, he vyguknuv "Hi, comrade Trotsky!"

Spіvrobіtnik RSHA

Crazy, the most interesting period of the Shtirtlits 'performance for the victims' readers and glazes is "nice". Here, as a prototype, the most frequent guesses are Willa Lehmann, SS Hauptsturmführer.

Shtirtlits to serve in a very serious household in Nimechchin - in the first development, a member of the SS of the highest rank. Providing a distributor at the same place bulo b is excellent. Race purity and genealogy have been revised since 1750! All the same, and on similar gardens, Buli Radianski Agents. It's just that they are purebred nimtsi.

In 1884, in front of Leipzig, a simple school teacher Gustav Lehmann was born Sin, who was named Wilhelm in honor of the decline to the throne of Nimechchin. Vili finished school, became a carpenter, and at 17 he volunteered for the navy. By the way, in 1905, the rock of the wine was hosted near the island of Tsusima, a Russian-Japanese sea battle and a boom for the husbands of Russian sailors.

In 1913 Roci Villi arrived to Berlin. Winner of his old friend Ernst Kura, who served in the Berlinsky local political police. Chicks wielding Lehman on the robot in the police as a patrolman. Through the rik of that, it was transformed into the counter-intelligence department of the police-presidium of the city of Berlin. Yak a counter-investigator, I won’t be called upon to the army before the hour of the First Holy Day.

In 1918, a number of Radians' representatives were seen in Berlin, and Lehman saw him as a spirits.

In the first publications, they wrote about the new one, that they adored the races and recruits in 1936 by the Russian developmental staff of the teeth addiction. The Russian agent posed the sum of money to the chimal, and then proponed a good fee for the secrets of the house.

For the іnshoy, big version, Lehman himself made contact with Radianskoy intelligence, being an ideological enemy of fascism. As a matter of fact, Ernst Kur is the name of his great comrade in the service of the Radio Station in Berlin. Vvazhaєshis, wіn buv recruiting in 1929 rotsі, having removed the agent number A-201 and the pseudonym "Breitenbach".

So chi inakshe, ale Lehman, rightly handing over to the Information Center, yaku zdobuv, vikoristovuchi service in the camp. For the joy of the resident, he joined the Nazi party, and later in the SS. Tse allowed me to send the arrival of the Nazis to the government to visit services in the Gestapo and provide access to more important information.

Since 1936, Leman has cleared out the counter-intelligence at the enterprises of the Ukrainian industry of Nimechchina - who were the ones who defended the Radiansky industrial spygunism. However, on the occasion of the delivery of the information about the rocket and the thermo-rocketing of armored vehicles and self-powered harnesses, about the conveyor of the suction-metal warheads, about the laying of the ocean-going steam-powered parasites, the ... Moreover, Lehman, having conveyed information about the development of the Nazi regime, about the structure of the German special services, about the personnel warehouse and methods of robotics, about the introduction of agents in the community and about counter-security operations.

Looking at the value of the agent, the Center prepared a passport for a foreigner for a new one and launched an operation on a visit from Nimechchin to the extremity of the vipadok. Leman suffers from diabetes and nirkovy kolikami, yomu buli needed kosty. Already guessing the winnings on the podromes in recent publications explain the need to transfer a large amount of pennies to the game.

In 1936, Rotsi Lehman had a meal at the reception for calls at the Radiansk trade representative. A collection of wines having respected a stezhennya. Then we wake up to the boss and put on a wonderful power supply: "Leman, do you have a kohan?" Breitenbach is famous, well є. However, the Gestapo's interchange showed that the Kokhan was not tied to this woman, but she wrote a denunciation: "Having thrown me an officer of the Gestapo, Vilhelm Leman, is a Russian spigun." Yshlosya about yogo povnomu teztsi.

In 1937, repression against chekistiv resumed in the USSR. The clinks of the agent Breitenbach bully vidklikanі, in vіvіvіvіvіvіvіh nadіv svі. Winning the preparation until the end of the day and in the distribution of the wishes of the future advancement of his robotics. However, the zim did not fold. Viyna resigned, and Leman continued to provide information "in style". At the same hour, he prodovzhuv to serve the Reich and send the Gestapo to the warehouse of the RSHA, having cleared the abstract of the foreign counter-intelligence. Win buv was one of the chotiroh officers, who were handed portraits of the Fuhrer with his autograph and honorary diplomas.

At the razpachi in 1940, Vyshov himself answered the call, dropping a sheet into the box of the Radiansk Embassy. Win asking to contact him secretly and having forgotten the password. “If it’s impossible to find out,” he wrote, “then my robot can be drawn into the Gestapo by a sense.”

Leman handing over the radian development of the most recent materials, selected for two rockets, including keys to the Gestapo ciphers. Attached to 1941, informing the Radyansky investigators about the Maybut invasion of the Wehrmacht into Yugoslavia, about the expansion of the states in the family of the Soviet Union against the SRCR. 19 worm 1941 Lehman told the resident about the date of the transfer of the ear of worm - 22 worm.

Vrantsi 22 chervnya Budivlya Radianskogo embassy on Unter den Linden in the center of Berlin bulo blocked by Gestapo officials. The link with Ville Lehmann was drawn into the back.

Dovgy hour, Lehman's share is a mystery. In the beginning we have become familiar with the agents. Near the ruins of the headquarters of the Gestapo on Prince Albrechtstrasse, in the middle of the documents, they found an obliteration card on Wilhelm Lehmann, from which they vypivala, which was the case of the congregations of the Gestapo in the 1942 breast. The reasons for the areshtu were not included.

Further razsliduvannya allowed details. In 1942, an agent of the Radian development Beck (Nimetsky communist Robert Barth, voluntarily staying in Radiansky full) left the village in Berlin to renew the call from Breitenbach. The Gestapo came to the next and came to the rescue. Lehman's building is finished with tortillas. At the front of the day of the Revolution of 1942, the rock Vili Terinovo was called to the service, the stars were no longer turned around.

By virtue of the fact that he had borrowed to reach a distant camp, information about the presence of a secret agent in the nadra of the Gestapo was violated. In 1943, in the service visitor of the Gestapo, it was published by the name of the criminal inspector Vili Lehman in 1942, he gave life for the Fuhrer and the Reich. The members of the team saw that Vili started to attack the diabetic.

It is classified as a specialty in the Radianskiy Union. Bagato documents, tied with the agent of Breitenbach, got the stamp "Tsilkom tamno" deprived of it in 2009. So why is it a prototype of Shtirlitsa? In general - ni.

Tovstiy, sickly nimets, razrivayetsya between the squad and kokhankoyu buv not like our hero - Russian, athlete, monogamous Vladimirov. The one in the rock, since Semenov wrote "The Seventeen Mitts of Spring", the information about Lehmann Bula is classified. And all are two important nuances. In the first place, there is a lot of information about the failure of the agent Breitenbach, you can say good-bye, having guessed Walter Schellenberg in his memoirs. Vin wrote that in the nadra of the Gestapo there was a Vykritiy Radiansky Shpigun in the nadra of the Gestapo, who conveyed important views to the enemies of the Reich. Yogo was classified vipadkovo. Yogo is viscous after demanding medical assistance. While under anesthesia, he started talking about the code and calls to Moscow, and the drugs were reported to the Gestapo. 3 memoirs of Schellenberg Semenov buv znayomiy. The very first time he served as a bookstore Shtirtlitz. And on the edge of failure, our hero appeared to finish him off with a similar rank, if the radio operator was vipadkovo wicked in the hospital.

In addition, from the help of the Radian agents Leman herself, I borrowed from the Isaevim Posad - a high-ranking officer of the SS, who entered the Holy of Holies of the Reich;

Issues with a turn

Anatoly Gurevich is called another prototype of Shtirlitz.

Winnavsya in Leningrad in the zaliznichny institute, then in the institute "Intourist" for the specialty "Robot with foreigners". Volunteer to go to huge vіynu in Spain. Serving as the adjutant of the commander of the submarine chavna. In the past, only the Spanish are listed as guilty of the Bully, and they were named Antonio Gonzalez, Lieutenant of the Republic of the Fleet.

Pislya turned in 1938, they were sent to become a professional distributor. The GRU got robots with codes and radio stations. With a Uruguayan passport on the name of Vincent Sjurra in 1939 Anatoly returned to Brussels. For the legend, in the blue of the rich family of Montevideos, they came to Europe to improve the quality of the sounds. In the Office of the Winner, having renounced the pseudonym Kent. Tsey cholovik formed in the "Chervoniy Kapeli" - anti-gitler Russia, having united development groups in Nimechchin, Belgium, France and Switzerland.

Near the Berezní 1940, the fate of the GRU was brought up, but Nimechchina started preparing for the attack on the SRSR.

At Belgium Gurevich became friends with the daughter of Czech businessmen. Father-in-law, traveling from the country, handing over his sons-in-law his enterprise "Simeksko", which became a primer for the manager and dzherel financial. The levy of 1941 rocky transmissions were tracked. Kent all at once with the squad to France, then to Spain. In the early 1942s, the rock was resided in Marseille. Tіlki Todі Margaret Sєrra knew, that її Cholovіk is a Radiansky Razvіdnik. It became vidomo, scho yogo kody evil and nimtsi ostanniy rik actively broadcast all kinds of misinformation.

In the end of the day, having separated from the squad, Gurevich turned to the SRCP, de-buv zareshtovany. Virok - 20 rocky ties. After the death of Stalin, they were scandalized, ale nezabarovy zaashtuyu familiar. All wines of the provisions for gratis in the SRCP are close to 25 years. The document about the rehabilitation of Gurevich only took place in 1991, and was invoked in the health of the nobility. Todi zh yogo znayshov sin Mishel, Spanish journalist.

Mozhlivo, the very vicissitudes of his life "got" to the hero of Yulian Semyonov. Anatoly Gurevich Gerasimchuk 2 September 2009 rock. Win died at the ninety-second time of his life with important and trivial ailments.

The axis is such a bullet for people - and do not bother with them, they will not be built on their own, but the stench will bulge all at once.

Іsnu іstorіya, scho come kіnets life of the old Leonid Ilіch Brezhnєv, peering in chergovy time the film "Seventeen mitts of spring", written by the Chergovy serii rapt in the presence of the audience: "Have we piled up Shtirlitsa?" I will show you the bulo only zbentezhene movchannya. Brezhnev rocked і rozporilsya secretly give Stirlitz the title of the Hero. Vihid knew - they piled up V'yacheslav Tikhonov and his colleague.

Chi bulo take it for good - unwittingly. That is, when re-telling the history from the dzherel's values, guess the book of Colonel of the Zavny development of the KDB E. Sharapov "Two Lives", and then ask the assistant secretary general A. Aleksandrov-Agentova.

deyaki kuryosi

Smoke at the Semenov Shtirlitz. V'yacheslav Tikhonov from the film - also. However, it is obvious that in the Third Reich the vice was victorious. Genrikh Gimmler zaboroniv SS officers and policemen smoke during working hours.

Shtirtlits of disagreement and childlessness, so as the statute of the SS goiters'you have a skin member of the organization of up to thirty years to have seven and three children.

The Gestapo and SD scholars wear the famous black SS uniform for 1934 rock. In reality, she went from the hanged vid until 1939 to rock. The structures of the RSHA, kudi included the police department, and the Reichsfuehrer's security service (SD), wore the form of a blue-green or peasant color behind the back of the SS and the Wehrmacht.

If you want to deny legal access, ask the Russian radio operator Ket, Shtirlitz will explain to my boss, Walter Schellenberg, who will not be able to transmit any more messages. Ale yogo vidomstvo - SD - do not engage in counter-intelligence in the territory of the Reich. Tse viklyuchna jurisdiction of the Gestapo.

The characteristics of the Nazis, as sounded in famous paintings The same words will be repeated: "sound, how to defame yogo, not mav". I only have the Mask of Otto von Shtirlitz: "in the sounds, how to juggle him, no mentions".

Max Otto von Shtirlitz, the opening of Yulian Semyonov, many prototypes. There were a few real specialties, as a whole, could overwhelm the writer. One of them is a Radyansky investigator, a checker. Among the first numerical pseudonyms - "Max" and "Isaev" (Isaєm was the name of the teacher's father). Zvidsy and could have come to the name of a literary character, a Radiansky agent in the tylo of a fascist vorog, Maksim Maksimovich Isaev.

In addition to the fact that Blumkin is the prototype of Shtirlitz, there is another fact from his biography. In 1921 he was sent to the Baltic region of Revel (nini tse Tallinn). There, the manager of the jeweler will be able to communicate with the Radyansky sportsmen of the Gokhran with the earth agents. Semyonov vikoristovuvv tsei epizod when writing the novel "Diamanti for the dictatorship of the proletariat."


The character and biography of Shtirtlitsa were taken, like a puzzle, from the development of the lives of young people. In one of a series of films about a new one, it will be guessed like about the Berlin champion from tenis. Only one Radyansky manager of a bouv tenisist - Korotkov A. M. Aleksei is not a champion in any kind of sport, but he didn’t become a good agent. A rosevidnik cannot be such a dirty figurine.

Nimtsi could have nibbled Semenov

Another prototype of the "Radiansky Bond" is the name of the SS Hauptsturmfuehrer and the "true arity" Vili Lehman. About lyudin vіdomo, wіn dovgo spіvpratsyuvav from CPCP and from one of the best agents. The exact motives of yogo vchinki are not visible. obviously, chimalu role played and іdainі world. Not everyone in the camp of the Third Reich sympathized with the panіvnaya ideology.

Buli is also the version that Leman became a spygun after one program at the races in 1936. One znayomiy, who appeared as an agent of the Radians'koy development, pozichivshy penny. Lehman's recruiting became a message for the whole episode. For even more important vіdomostіvі vіn, having removed from the Radiansky district of non-repudiation the fee. In 1942, the Nazis rozkrili zradniki in their ranks, and Lehman Buv razstrilany.


The fourth prototype of the Shtirtlitsa in the small dzherels is called more than one distributor - Mikhail Mikhalkov, the brother of the poet Sergiy Mikhalkov. Wait an hour for Mikhailo Volodymyrovich, having settled down in the Nimetsky polony. Youmu have gone into the tekty and get out of the way. Tsey dosvid serving as a shipment for yogo maybutnoy dіyalnosti in the capacity of an illegal agent. Mikhalkov supplying Radianskoi army price list

In 1945, the counter-intelligence officer "SMERSH" was deployed on the first day, and it called out against the corny of nimts. 5 rockies Mikhailo Volodymyrovich was seen at the time and only in 1956, when he was re-introduced. Yulian Semyonov has made friends with his relatives, Katerina Konchalovskoy. Melodiously, Mikhalkov's specialness could have nadihati the hour he was writing the novel.

"Muzoyu" Semyonov is a whole-hearted person and a sales associate Norman Borodin, associate of Lenin's associate Mikhail Borodin. With Norman, the writer spilkuvavsya especially, knowing a lot about his foldable and lustful life. People who could become prototypes of Shtirtlitsa, bezlich. The share of the bully is similar among the Bagatykh Radianskih agents, who tried to beat the enemy. The non-flamboyant razvіdnik Isaev is a shining zbіrniy image of usіkh tsikh heroes.

Max Otto von Shtirlitz, the opening of Yulian Semyonov, many prototypes. There were a few real specialties, as a whole, could overwhelm the writer. One of them is a Radyansky investigator, a checker. Among the first numerical pseudonyms - "Max" and "Isaev" (Isaєm was the name of the teacher's father). Zvidsy and could have come to the name of a literary character, a Radiansky agent in the tylo of a fascist vorog, Maksim Maksimovich Isaev.

In addition to the fact that Blumkin is the prototype of Shtirlitz, there is another fact from his biography. In 1921 he was sent to the Baltic region of Revel (nini tse Tallinn). There, the manager of the jeweler will be able to communicate with the Radyansky sportsmen of the Gokhran with the earth agents. Semyonov vikoristovuvv tsei epizod when writing the novel "Diamanti for the dictatorship of the proletariat."


The character and biography of Shtirtlitsa were taken, like a puzzle, from the development of the lives of young people. In one of a series of films about a new one, it will be guessed like about the Berlin champion from tenis. Only one Radyansky manager of a bouv tenisist - Korotkov A. M. Aleksei is not a champion in any kind of sport, but he didn’t become a good agent. A rosevidnik cannot be such a dirty figurine.

Nimtsi could have nibbled Semenov

Another prototype of the "Radiansky Bond" is the name of the SS Hauptsturmfuehrer and the "true arity" Vili Lehman. About lyudin vіdomo, wіn dovgo spіvpratsyuvav from CPCP and from one of the most recent agents. The exact motives of the first person are not visible. Obviously, the role of the Chimal was played by the ideals of the world. Not everyone in the camp of the Third Reich sympathized with the panіvnaya ideology.

Buli is also the version that Leman became a spygun after one program at the races in 1936. One znayomiy, who appeared as an agent of the Radians'koy development, pozichivshy penny. Lehman's recruiting became a message for the whole episode. For even more important vіdomostіvі vіn, having removed from the Radiansky district of non-repudiation the fee. In 1942, the Nazis rozkrili zradniki in their ranks, and Lehman Buv razstrilany.


The fourth prototype of the Shtirtlitsa in the small dzherels is called more than one distributor - Mikhail Mikhalkov, the brother of the poet Sergiy Mikhalkov. Wait an hour for Mikhailo Volodymyrovich, having settled down in the Nimetsky polony. Youmu have gone into the tekty and get out of the way. Tsey dosvid serving as a shipment for yogo maybutnoy dіyalnosti in the capacity of an illegal agent. Mikhalkov has sent the Radiansk Army to the Central Military District.

In 1945, the counter-intelligence officer "SMERSH" was deployed on the first day, and it called out against the corny of nimts. 5 rockies Mikhailo Volodymyrovich was seen at the time and only in 1956, when he was re-introduced. Yulian Semyonov has made friends with his relatives, Katerina Konchalovskoy. Melodiously, Mikhalkov's specialness could have nadihati the hour he was writing the novel.

"Muzoyu" Semyonov is a whole-hearted person and a sales associate Norman Borodin, associate of Lenin's associate Mikhail Borodin. With Norman, the writer spilkuvavsya especially, knowing a lot about his foldable and lustful life. People who could become prototypes of Shtirtlitsa, bezlich. The share of the bully is similar among the Bagatykh Radianskih agents, who tried to beat the enemy. The non-flamboyant razvіdnik Isaev is a shining zbіrniy image of usіkh tsikh heroes.