Everyday life of the Tsar's family in Tobolsk. Yak lived tsar's family of Romanov's last days before the shooting Pobut and life of the family of Nikolai 2

Daily distribution

“The whole worldly and spiritual way of the family life of the royal family is characterized by a typical image of the pure, patriarchal life of the simple Russian religious homeland, - Zgaduv M. Do Diterichs. - Stand up for a lie from sleep, or in the evenings, in the evening, the skin of the members of the family has received their prayer, when they say a lie, having chosen as soon as they can, mother or father voicedly read it to the members of the last day of the day.

So, by itself, sitting at the style, or standing up at the table, writing the hedgehog, with a skinny supplication of the prayer, and only to do it, taking the hedgehog or you to yourself. Nicholas didn’t sit down for the style, as the daddy got a tight grip: they checked yogo. ”

In a whole family of cherguvannya children, it is also well regulated, and the regime is strictly adjusted. Ale is not too strict, it’s unbearable for children. Order of the day obtyazhuvav tsars and tsarevich.

If the imperial family passed through in Tsarskoe Selo, the life bore a greater family character, less in the midst of the masses, where the bully was surrounded by the filth of self-esteem of the emperor. The retinue at the palace didn’t live, for that one at the table it was without anyone else and absolutely easily. Children, growing up, were treated at once with their fathers. P'єr Zhilyar, having overshadowed the description of the winter of 1913/14 to the rock, which was held by his homeland in Tsarskoye Sely. Lessons with a spadekom were resumed about 9 years old with a break from 11 years old and noon. During the interruption, we went for a walk in a carriage, sleigh, or a car, while we were busy we were renewed until the day, until the first year of the day. The teacher and the school teacher spent two years learning. The Grand Duchesses and the Sovereign, if the Buvav Vilny, came to them, and Oleksiy Mikolayovich having fun with the sisters, descending from the Kryzhano Mountains, the yak bullock is whipped on the birch trees of a small piece lake. About 4 days, the lessons were renewed until the next day, which was given about 7 years for Oleksiy Mykolajovych and at 8 for the other members of the family. The day ended with reading voices like a book.

The bully's uncomfortableness is absolutely alien to the homeland of the former emperor. To navigate a visit to the village, which was visited by Tsarskoe Sely, Mykola Oleksandrovich with the family of the head of the village at the time. Behind the words of M. Do Dieterichs, “we got up about 8 years old; prayer, rankovo ​​tea all at once ... Walking was allowed two times a day: from 11 to 12 years old and from 2 half to 5 years of the day. It’s worth taking an hour for the sovereign and the daughters were sewing something, embroidered, or knitted, ale nikoli didn’t get lost without some kind of help. The sovereign reads at once in his office and organizes his papieri.

Mourning, drinking tea, dad coming to the house of his daughters; They put a crystal, a table, and read Russian classics in a voice, and the squads and daughters, hearing, vichivati ​​or painted. The sovereign of the dynasty has been grafting to physical robotics and grafting his children to her. An hour of a rank-and-file stroll, the emperor beckoned by living on the motion of the day; the stench was smashed into the happy ones worried by those. One day, the deputy of Dolgorukov's yogi supervisor of the daughters, if the stench of the smell of his ailments.

For an hour of daytime walks, all the members of the family, for a vignette of the empress, took up physical practice: they cleaned the park's roads from the snow, or they chopped ice for the ice, or they chopped off dry nuts and chopped down old trees for harvesting. During the warm weather, the whole family was busy with the addition of the great city, and in the whole robot, the officers and the soldiers took the part at once, they also sounded to the royal homeland and lost their respect and kindness.

About the same writing and Zhilyar, we will tell you about the arrangement of the royal family in Tobolsk: “The Emperor was suffering from the unstable physical work. Colonel Kobilinsky, as if the wine was on the price, having ordered to bring birch stovbury, having bought saws and sokiri, and we could now prepare firewood, which they so demanded in the kitchen, as well as in the booth for the fire of our stoves. The robot's turn on the obvious turn was for us a great rozvagoy for an hour of our transfer to Tobolsk. The Grand Duchesses are especially passionate about this new sport. "

Here it is necessary for such a busyness, as, for example, weeding the Boer in the city, the grand duchess did not row until the areshtu. Older daughters in the rest of the rock tsaruvannya їkh daddy, go to the hour of the First light of the day, boules zavantazhenі to the border. The Empress, who was in charge, reported on all the reasons before she gave a real cinnamon to the neighbors, and turned the children down to the right of goodness. Proceedings, delivery of reports.


In the comments to the schoolchildren's notes and the leaves of the Empress Oleksandri Fedorivnyi, I read it, as soon as the first rocky came out, the people had interruptions for two rocky children and the children themselves were very happy, at the same time the school was busy reform plan v'yaznitsa. Vlasne stan іmperatritsі bulo is small, and for carrying out its blessing actions and bringing urizati to the specialties of vitrati. After an hour of hunger in 1898, the rock yogo gave 50 thousand rubles to fight against him for the rakhunok of power prices - the eighth part of the family's income. Tse ponad і krim zvychaynyh good fortune.

An infinite number of developments, often unwell herself, the Empress traveled from Tsarskoe Selo to St. Petersburg to find ailments. Being a good mother herself, she was especially fond of the primes of those mothers. People who knew well, and those who knew ice, all were singing, how to know Oleksandri Fedorivnya's side warmly with her bids.

With a special warmth to guess about Oleksandr Feodorivna and close friends Anna Tanova and Yulia Den. Smells were the tsarina's friends, and not the ladies of the court, they stuck closely with the seven emperor and they forgot about her without any meaningful records. Tanova richly helped the Empress in good-natured repairs, until the royal children were constantly working. Rose Gannie Tanєєva duzhe tsіkaviy. “Vikhovati in England and Nimechchina imperatritsa,” wrote Vona, “the empty atmosphere of St. Petersburg's light was not appropriate, and everyone was encouraged to eat the taste of it. At the same time, the Fellowship of the Handler fell asleep, the members of which - the panian of the goiter's crocheted boule spratsyuvati not less than three speeches in the ric for the people. A handful of everyone took up the robot, ale nezabarom, like, until everything, our ladies got sick, and it wasn’t possible to send three speeches into the river. The idea was not pinned. Uninvolved on the tsar prodovzhuvala vіdkrivati ​​on all Russia the booth of pratsyovitosti for the unproblematic, fell asleep the booth pіkluvannya for the sick children, we carefully took all the prices to the right ...

Describing life in Crima, I am guilty of saying that the sovereign took a hotter fate in the share of tuberculosis, who came to Krim, Sanatoria in Crima bully of the old type. Having looked around at everything in Yalta, Pani showed up at the same time to stay at her specialty in the sanatoriums in the sanatoriums from us, which were well-made, and it was crumbling. In the years I rose by the orders of the sovereign on licenses, nourishing ailments from the sovereign about all their needs. I drove a few pennies from the greatness to the salary of being unimportant! As soon as I knew a screaming vipadok of a self-inflicted sick person, the Empress at once replaced the car and drove by me I didn’t know about it, but I didn’t know anything about it: the sovereign fended me and said about it.

Empress of co-organized chotiri of the great bazaar for tuberculosis in 1911 - 1914; the stench brought Masu pennies. Vona herself did the trick, painted and painted for the bazaar and, unaffected by her German health, stood all day long for a kiosk, prepared by the majestic NATO people. The police were ordered to let them all through, and the people crushed one of them, but they could not cut it off from the hands of the sovereign, or even touch the cloth; I didn’t get tired of selling speeches, as they literally violated from the hands of Little Oleksiy Mikolayovich, standing on the counter with her on the counter, straightening her pens with the speeches of the flooded NATO. On the day of "bіloї kvіtki", the Empress went to Yalta in a sharabanchika with cats bіlih kіtіv; children are superfood and food. The flood of the population did not boil between. People, in that hour, they are not engulfed in revolutionary propaganda, they have burned their magnificence, and the price cannot be forgotten ...

The sovereign loved to see the ailments - she was like a sister of mercy; Vona brought with her to the sickness badorism and moral education. The wounded soldiers and the officers often asked for them to be given important dressings and operations, it seems, "it is not so scary" if the queen instructed. Yak vona went for her ailment, the lady-in-waiting, Princess Orbelian! The life of the princess lost her life to the rest of the day, and she closed her eyes. Bazhayuchi pinch the knowledge and keep an eye on the nemovlyaty, the Empress at the specialty of the cat fell asleep in the Tsarskoe Sely school of nannies. On the cholі of the church, stand the childish lykar Dr. Rauchfus.

At school there is a lane for orphans for fifty lizhok. Also, she fell asleep on her bed at an ancient booth for two hundred soldiers - Invalidiv Russian-Japanese wine... Invalid came here to every craft, for the sake of the great mainstern at the booth, near the invalid booth, prompted in the Tsarskoye Selo park, the Empress ruled the whole colony of small weekends in one kitchen The Empress appointed Count Shulenburg, Colonel Ulansky to the Great Regiment as the head of the Invalid Booth.

Krim, who were guessed by me, established, pani fell asleep in St. Petersburg school folk art, Kudi welcomed the girls from all Russia to the handicraft. Turning around to their village, the stench became the instructors. Children were trained in schools with great dwellers. The Empress was especially decorated with handicraft art; Throughout the years, she was picking up the little ones from the head of the school, coordinating the color and so far. One of the tsikh dіvchat wiklada to my legless іnvalіd wіth wіth kilimіv. The Bula school was staged miraculously and small majesty ...

Everyone, who was suffering, was close to her heart, and she saw everything to herself, and in the wake of sorrow in the people.

Until the date of the date of the friend of the Empress, there is practically no date. In the course of the discussion, as well as in the absence of any help, it is absolutely obvious that the children were led by the motherless people, who were directed to help people. So it was in the hour of peace, albeit especially in the hard days of the Russian-Japanese and First Holy War. Hall of the Winter Palace її greatness burst into the mainland, took over hundreds of noble ladies and women, organized the working community. She herself did a lot of work, and all the daughters took a butt from their mother, they sewed and knitted, they didn’t get sick and Grand Duchess Olga Mikolaivna, she didn’t like vishivati. From one of the Kharbinsky depot, from the Winter Palace up to twelve million speeches.

“Nayasnisha's homeland was not surrounded by a penny aid, it even sacrificed its own special ancestors, - to bring the monk Seraphim (Kuznetsov) in the book“ Orthodox Tsar-Martyr ”. - With the hands of the tsaritsa and daughters, the air of the church was filled with vividness, curving those speeches, which are distributed to all, monastic and everyday churches. I was especially encouraged to bachiti and tsar's gifts and mothers to visit me in a distant empty dwelling ”. Oleksandra Teodorivna herself wrote to the sovereign for the hour of the First Holy Week: “Vistavka-bazaar is still good. Our speeches are sold persh, the stench doesn’t appear; skin is given to us to make a pillow and a pokrishka. "

Until the Petrovsky hours, the hands of the handicraftsmen were busy and the tsaritsa and the tsars, albeit the robot of friends and daughters of the emperor, like medical sisters, were seen by the uninvolved, as a result of the wake-up call in the development of the drug and drug addiction. Bulo is absolutely impertinent, most urgently needed. They were called into hypocrisy, they didn’t know, but the hot work in the hospital, after the witnesses, didn’t admit it. early wound until late night. The sovereign and the eldest daughters got up early, kicked about another year's nights. If the sanitary voyages arrived, the Empress and the Grand Duchess were robbed of dressings, but they didn’t get sick from 9 years old until 3 days old. Before the hour of important operations, the wounds blessed the sovereign, they asked them to sit down, rub their hands or their heads, and they calmly soothed them for many years.

Krim robots in Tsarskoe Sely, Oleksandra Teodorivna, one of the sovereigns, and one of the two older daughters led the way, set up the Red Cross in the remote and central places of Russia. Great princes were often told to supervise the sovereign on trips around Russia, the stench was brought to the state hospitals, and they went to the Headquarters. “The Grand Duchesses were still fond of trips to Mogiliv,” wrote P. Zhilyar, “and it was always short, as it was good: it made a small change in their one-time and suvor life. The stench of koristuvalis there is more freedom, lower in Tsarskoe Selo.

The station in Mohyliv was farther away from the place and stood right in the field. The Grand Duchesses were curious about their calls, and they were able to drive out the village peasants and family services. It's simple, and the naturalness of kindness overwhelmed everyone's heart, and because the stench was loved by children, it is possible to build a lot of children with new ones, as they took the stench along the way and made a good day with tsukerki. "

Alec, behind the words of T. Melnyk-Botkin, "before the hour of death and without that modest life of the tsar's family passed the same day, day at work." It’s not a similar way of life of the divine family to those who can be smacked in the seven happy nobles and quietly, who’s reaching out for a lot of nobility! Why wonder, how the svit's suspension hated the holy family so much, the life of a bully with a rifle butt, for which they did not want to.


Oskіlki hour of the Emperor Mikoli was given a full list of state certificates, Oleksandra Teodorivna was the guardian of the children. P'єr Zhilyar, who guessed his first lessons with Olga and Tetyana, who buto todi ten and most rocky, thus describing the imperative to to occupy daughters: “The Empress does not miss out on my favorite word; I have an absolutely clearer idea that it’s not a lesson that I’m giving, but sleep, for which I’m giving in ...

With a hand of advancing tendencies, the Empress was regularly present at the lessons of the children ... She often brought up, if my daughters missed us, I talked over the methods of victories of living moves, and I was wondering how I was penetrated by the healthy judges of the eyes. The housing was clearly given to such proteges of the sovereign, and "took absolutely no trouble about extreme interest, from which the Empress was introduced to the introduction of her children, and I added her own requirements." Winners about those who Oleksandra Teodorivna wanted to respect their daughters with respect to the mentors, “I’m looking after them in order, as if I’m the first to be smart ... the skin of my pupils. Nicholas didn’t cheat me for the money ”.

Not only Gilliard will bring such respect to the sovereign before the chiefs take the children. Sofi Buchsgevden also writes: "Oh, it befits those who are present in the classroom, discuss with the teachers directly and take the lead." The same Oleksandra Teodorivna told the Emperor in the sheets: “Children have started their winter lessons. Maria and Anastasia are not satisfied, but for Baby, everything is one. I’m ready to read it even more, so I said, that the lessons were hard to replace forty and fifty khvili, so now, thank God, I’m awash in the morning. ”

The deyakі opponents of the canonization of the tsarist family were stupefied, as the Orthodox fathers could, as they may have the opportunity to choose mentors for their children, to designate the Inozems, the Slavs as teachers before them. Having known before the fall of A.A.
“As a senior teacher, who enlightened me about my knowledge, I was named P. V. Petrov. Win recognizing before them their mentors. Krim nyogo, z inozemtsiv bouly Mr. Gibbs, English, і Mr. Gilliard. The first teacher of the bullet is Pani Schneider, the former teacher of the Grand Duchess Alizaveti Fedorivnya. Then there was the Russian move to the young sovereign, and so it was lost at the court. In the trine - as the queen called - but do not expect an acceptable character, Ale vona Bula was seen from the royal family and followed her to Siberia. The most loved by the readers of the children and greatness was Gilliard "a" Mr. Gibbs "also loved; the offense went to Siberia and fell into the tsar's family, as long as the bolsheviks did not separate them. "

To guide the message of the sovereign to the throne and the imprisonment of all the motherland, I don’t know what the check of all of them is in the future, our fathers virishili, that the children are not guilty of confronting the beginning. “In the world, the finer things of the high school took up lessons, albeit so as the reader was not allowed to see them, for the blame of the areshtovan Gilliard, then because of the constraints and the magnitude of the distribution between usim. Vona especially viclated the Law of God to all children, its greatness - to Oleksiy Mikolaievich geography and history, Grand Duchess Olga Mikolaivna - to her young sisters and brother English mov, Kateryna Adolfivna - arithmetic and Russian grammar, Countess Genna - history, Doctor Derevenko was given the victories of Oleksiy Mikolayovich of natural science, and my father took up Russian reading with him. The stench of offense was lamenting with the lyricism of Lermontov, like Oleksiy Mykolayovych to remind him; besides, having written the transcription and create behind the pictures, and my daddy is busy with many busy people ”(TS Melnik-Botkina).


Those who were not tsar's children didn’t sit with their hands together, it doesn’t mean that they didn’t smell the stench. The tsar’s children also respected the right, and the right ones are important: “It’s just evil - stifle the child’s joy and make the children look frowning and important ... Fathers do not want to mess with the stench of rattling and emptying at once with children. Probably, the stink itself is closer to God, if you just shout on a robot, on your mind. "

Father, who wants to listen to the wise for the sake of the Empress Oleksandri Fedorivnya, and words can be guarded at once from two pardons. First: for the grown-ups є the smartness of the child's amusement is quick, but often forgotten, but children and children cannot be constantly sacrificed to take them away, let them find them. Another pardon: let the child go for self-fuel, do not be busy in the years of delivery, as, for example, shake off a lot of mothers, allowing children in years to grab without interruption in the computers of the game. Organize the child unobtrusively and wisely - a great talent. Happily for themselves, the tsar's children did not know computers, and they have wisdom, loving dad, ready to share their fun, and for that, the great princes' wicks and the dull wits make them happy and healthy.

Yakbi at once grabbed the kids for themselves, or if you just thought about it, you’ll be grabbing and how to roam your children, it’s possible to unknow your children. The price is not too much. What is it for baby gras? The act of creativity, learning, the first lessons of life. It is normal for a child to play a child, to learn to accept a solution, but to be independent. True, the price does not mean that the children іgri demand is strictly regulated. Inakshe dad, angry to fall into two first pardons, to break the third - to become gradually involved in the bunch of children "with their own growth of speed", bazhayuy to grow and develop correctly.

About those who are not greatness through " pedagogical principles", Aleksandr saw the need to distribute children, to speak of the knights from the first leaf to the older daughter:" And those who love you old mother are looking for ailments, they will also give you life, old children. For me, even Skoda, I can’t spend more than an hour with you, reading, and noise, and gratitude at once, but I am guilty of all the vitality. " Absolutely comedy!

Tsar Mikola, as it has already been guessed, even loving to spend an hour with children, playing with them. “For an hour of daytime walks, the sovereign, loving a lot of walks, viciously bypassing the park with one of his daughters; "(P. Gilliard). Mykola Oleksandrovich's bosses loved the physical right. The sovereign himself, for the announcement of Yuliya Den, loving Buvati on a new occasion, Win Buv as a famous shooter, a wonderful athlete. Have a new bully superbly strong hands... Let's love yogo rosvagoy rowing bull. Win loving kayak and canoe. If the imperator family lived in the Finnish skerries, the sovereign spent many years on the water.

Zovnishnіkh rozvag, nachebto visits, balіv, tsar's children practically did not know. The stinks themselves came up with their own busyness, krim іgor for meals, strolls and physical rights, - for example, they organized home theater performances. All the little ones always became a radio idea, gave both children and fathers sincere tips to find a way to find tragic days. The Grand Duchesses loved virishuvati puzzles. And Tsarevich Oleksiy, as if he was a little cotton, took in the swarm of all kinds of children - flowers, motuzki, and so far - good ones.

The great joy of the boule for the royal children of the trip to the skerries or to the Krim. For an hour the sailors drove the children to sail at low prices. “Ale і crіm bathing, in the cycle of trips there is a lot of radio: boat trips on boats, trips to the shore, to the islands, it is possible to fiddle around, pick mushrooms. And a little bit of tsikava on yachts and ships, їх super-juggling! Rowing and sailing races of boats, fireworks on the islands, descent of the ensign with a ceremony ”(P. Savchenko).

The whole family loved creatures. Krim dogs and a cat, they have a donkey named Vanka, with whom the Tsarevich loved the grati even more. “Vanka buv is unintelligent, smarter and more cheerful than a creature, - Zgadu P. Zhilyar. - If they wanted to give a donkey to Oleksiy Mikolayovich, they turned to all Barishniks in Petersburg without any result; until the circus Chinizelli, after a while, the old donkey, because of its marasmus, was no longer suitable for detection. The first axis with such a rank "Vanka" appeared at the court, completely appraised, mabut, palatsov's stainyu. Winn added us, as he knew a lot of new tricks. Win with great spritin viverts in the swarm in the hope of knowing malt in them. Vin knowing the special beauty in the old gum balls, yak nedbalo zhuvav, twisting one eye, like the old yanki. "

This was the way the chotiri daughters and the emperor Mikoli II were given a dose. Okh іgry that rozvagi, with a sense of life, anіtrokh didn’t destroy the child’s bezposerednostі, they celebrated the friendship of children with daddies. Tsia tisna friendship has given the family not only in joy, but in the mountains, since the family has shown the divine butt of love to be seen by them, and squeezed before the incriminating deadly.

Istoria, as a corrupt girl, is a fool for a new "tsar". Axis i News of history our land was richly developed. "Vidpovidalny" and "unprecedented" historians rewrote biographies and reduced the proportion of people in the Radiansky and the Suffering period.

Alle the seasons to the archives of the archives access to the views. Only conscience is the key. Those who are bit by bit to the people, do not overwhelm the baiduzhim quiet, who live in Russia. Quiet, who would like to write with your land and wykhovuvati your children as patriots of the native land.

Russia has historians - I want to row a gati. If you throw a stone, then you can eat it in one of them. Ale the axis has passed less than 14 rock_v, and reference history The last century can’t stand up anyway.

Suchasni pіdruchnі Miller and Baєra steal from Russians in their utmost effort. Those who mock the Russian traditions, the masnitsa in the fierce zatіyut, then the Nobel Prize will lead the door to the door.

And then we wonder: why in the country with abundant resources and cultural decline, Such a common people?

Zrechennya Mikoli II

Emperor Mikola II from the Throne does not come. Tsey act - "fake". In the buv of warehouses and handing over to the drukarsk machines by the Quartermaster General of the Headquarters of the Supreme Head Commander A.S. Lukomsky and the representative of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation under the General Staff of N.I. Basil.

Writing the text of the 2nd birch 1917 to fate, not the Sovereign Mikola II Oleksandrovich Romanov, but the Minister of the Imperial Court, the general ad'utant, Baron Boris Frederiks.

After 4 days, the Orthodox Tsar Mikoli II was rejoiced by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, who brought the whole of Russia into Oman, so, a false act, the clergy saw him for justice. I was sent by telegraph for the whole Empire and for the rest of the world, so the Sovereign, moving, was sent to the throne!

6 birch 1917 The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church was heard in two antecedents. The first - was issued on the 2nd birch of 1917 to the fate of the act about the "maturity" of Emperor Mikoli II for himself and for the return to the Throne of the Russian State and for the creation of the Supreme Power. Another - was issued on 3 birch 1917 to the fateful act of the grand duke Mikhail Oleksandrovich's vidma from the Verkhovna Vladyka.

Hearing rumors, before the establishment in the Zbori Establishment of the method of governing new basic laws of the Russian State, PUNISHED:

« The meaning of the act of taking before the house and the visitation and the nakedness at all Orthodox churches, in the city of Moscow - in the first writing of the text of these acts of the day, and in the Silk - in the first time, for the Holy Day, the message of the Divine Liturgy for God, for God from the voices of the many years of the God-protected State of Russia and the Blagovar Timchasovaya Order of her».

I would like the top of the general government of the Russian Army in a large part of its warehouse to be located from the Jews, al the middle office corps, and a few other ranks of the general, such as Fedir Arturovich Keller, did not pass the fines

At the very moment and after a rosary of the Army, you have re-transformed yourself into Gromadyanska vіyna!

The priesthood and all the Russian suspension are pricked up.

Ale Rothschildi solicited the head - they departed from the administration of the land of the Legitimate Sovereign, and they decided to finish off Russia.

The revolution of all made the Tsar of the Archbishops and the Priests happy, he was spirited by death and rozsiyuvannya in the light of the swearing oath before the Orthodox Tsar.

1 May 1919 r of the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Lenin signed, until now, a document was given to the people:

Golovi V. Ch. K. No. 13666/2 com. Dzerzhinsky F.E. K. and Radnark needs to be better off with the priests and religion. Popov are to be found as counterrevolutionaries and saboteurs, they are being fought mercilessly and everywhere. I can be more. Churches pіdlyagayut zakrittyu. Attachment of churches to seal and re-create in a warehouse.

Head V. Ts. І. K. Kalinin, head of Rad. bunk bed Komisariv Ulyanov / Lenin / ".

simulation of driving

About the transfer of the Sovereign from the seven to the link and the misdirection, about the transfer to Tobolsk and the Ekaterinburg information rich in information, and to finish the truth.

And chi bov rozstrіl? Abo, mozhlvo, bula yogo іnscenuvannya? What is it possible to bulo bigti or buti vivezenimi from the booth of Ipatyev?

Appear, so!

There was a factory nearby. In 1905 rotsi gentlemen on the fallacies of being overwhelmed by the revolutionaries, having cut through to her the ground. When the bulldozer fell into the tunnel, the bulldozer fell into the tunnel, not knowing anything about it.

Heads of Stalin and officers of the General Staff's development department, Tsarska Sem'ya Bula was vivezen in the Russian province, with the blessing of Metropolitan Makary (Nevsky).

On the 22nd of April 1918, Eugene Popel took away the keys from the sporzhnil house and sent the Cholovikov, N.N.

Evacuation of Radianskiye Institutions took place in Yekaterinburg at the link with the staff of the Biloguardian Army. Documents were transported, many and valuable, including the family of Romanovs (!).

White Czechs and Cossacks occupied 25 limes.

Stronger hvilyuvannya broadened the middle of the office, since it became apparent that in which there were the little rooms of Ipatyva, Tsarska Sim'ya lived. They went to home, the skin wanted to take a great part in the meal: "de f Voni?"

Some were looking around at the booths, ominously clogged doors; іnshі, they picked up speeches and porches; third, played from the ovens. The fourth, nishporil in the courtyard and garden, peering into the mustache and walked. Kozhen deyav independently, not relying on one to one, and pragmatic to know the answer to all food.

The officers looked around the rooms, people came to make money, took away a thrown lane, and then went to the bazaars and flea markets.

The head of the garrison, Major General Golitsin, having designated a special committee for the warehouse of officers, cadets of the Academy of the General Staff, for the head of Colonel Sherekhovsky. Yakiy completed the bulo rozibratiya with sorcerers in the district of Ganin Yami: the villagers, fired recent bonfires, knew the burnt speeches from the Tsar's wardrobe, including the cross with expensive stones.

Kapitan Malinovskiy otrimav the order to obstruct the area of ​​Ganin Yami. 30 lime trees, having taken Sheremetyevsky along with them, who was next to the right-hand seats of the Yekaterinburg District Court A.P. Chemodurova, viyhav tudi.

So there was a special note about the knowledge of Sovereign Mikoli II, the Empress, the Tsarevich and the Grand Duchesses.

The comic of Malinovskogo drew close to the moment. Ale herself won the name of the area of ​​all the farther days in Yekaterinburg and the outskirts. She herself knew the testimonies of the otocheniya Koptyakivskoy road near Ganin Yami chervonoarmiytsy. I knew it was quiet, hto bachiv the wagon train, which went all the way from Yekaterinburg to the middle and back. Dobula prove the torment there, in the halls of the mines of the Tsar's speeches.

For that, as the entire warehouse the officers went to Koptyaki, Sherekhovskiy divided the team into two parts. One, yaku polishing Malinovsky, ran around the booths of Ipatyva, іnsha, Lieutenant Sheremetyevsky, with signs of signs, took care of Ganina Yami.

When looking around the booth of Ipatyev, the officers of the Malinovskiy group for a long time stand up to see all the main facts, on which the spiraling succession is.

Through rіk pislya rozslіduvan, Malinovskiy, in chervna 1919 r showing Sokolov: "As a result of my robots at the right, I’m overconfused, so Naiyasnіsha is alive ... all the facts, like I helped in the fall, the time of the simulacrum" ...

On the mіsci podії

On the 28th of April to the headquarters of AP Nametkin's inquiries, and from the side of the power of the land, since the civilian government has not yet been formulated, it is proponently to take care of inquiries about the Tsar's family. We started to play until we looked around the Ipatiyivsky booth. Doctor Derevenko and old Chemodurov were requested to participate in the published speeches; in the position of an expert, the professor of the Academy of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Medvedev, took part.

30 lipnya Oleksiy Pavlovich Nametkin took on his fate in looking around the mine and playing with Ganin Yami. After looking around, Koptyakivska peasant passed the majestic diamond to Captain Politkovsky;

Nametkin, looking at the rooms of Ipatyev from 2 to 8 sickles, wikipedia by publishing the resolutions of the Ural Council and the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Exhibition Center, who saw about the shooting of Mikoli II.

A look at the awakening, as it was built and signs of shed blood, confirming the fact that people can die in the whole house.

As soon as I look around at the Ipatyev's booth, the stench of the hostility of the unsuccessful knowledge of yogh bags has been smelled.

5, 6, 7 8 serpnya Nametkin prodovzhuv having looked around the booth of Ipatyev, describing the camp of the rooms, de mistilisya Mykola Oleksandrovich, Oleksandra Fedorivna, Tsarevich and Great Princes. When looking around the knowledges of rich other speeches, they followed, behind the words of the valet T.I. Chemodurov and lykar Spadkoєmtsya V. N. Derevenko, members of the Tsar's Family.

Being found out by the trainee, Nametkin, looking around the world, stating that in the Patriarch's House he had seen the strategy, and that he was not supposed to be built from the members of the Royal Family.

They repeated their tributes to the winners officially in Omsk, giving the interview to the earthly, leading rank American correspondents on the topic. Having declared, that at a new one є prove that Tsarska Sim'ya was not beaten in from 16 to 17 years, and was trying to document it without a bar.

Ale yogo zmusili conveyed the message.

Vіyna zі wіdchіmi

On August 7, 1918, the State Court submitted a statement to the Yakaterinburg District Court, and was not approved for the Prosecutor Kutuzov, against the court Glasson, the Yekaterinburg District Court, a large member of the Imperial Court of Justice before

For the transmissions of the right, the housekeepers, they denoted the primacy, they burned it, and called the next Archive of Nametkin to the end.

The main idea in the detective's robot at the stage is to shout in what is not possible in the laws and handlers, and if you plan to go on the skin and the situation. Tim і shkіdlivа іх change, but with the entrance of the colish next disappearance of his idea of ​​solving a tangle of riddles.

13 serpnya A.P. Nametkin passing on 26 numbered arkusha to the right І. A. Sergeev. І after taking Yekaterinburg bіlshovikov, Nametkіn bіv rozstrіlyany.

Sergov having mastered all the complexities of a possible investigation.

Winners, smut, it is necessary to see those killed. Adzhe in criminalistics isnu zhorstka installation: "dumb corpse - dumb drive." Great ochikuvannya resigned themselves to the expedition to Ganinoy Yam, de facto they shooed the work, pumped water from the mines. Ale ... knew only an abrasion finger and a prosthesis of the upper slit. True vityagnutiy buv і "corpse", ale tse buv the corpse of the dog of the Great Duchess Anastasia.

In addition, there are signs that bach the empress and children in Perm.

Likar Derevenko, who took Spadkoєmtsya, who’s like and Botkin, who’s supervised the Tsarska’s family in Tobolsk and Yekaterinburz’s, once once upon a time it’s been told that if someone didn’t know a corpse, I don’t have a king / s head. followed by the blow of the Japanese Shabbla in 1891

There were also spiritual individuals about the royal family: Patriarch St. Tikhon.

Life of the Tsar's Family of Death

At the KDB SRSR on the basis of the 2nd Head Office of the buv special. viddil, who spared for all the changes of the Tsar's Family and their territories on the territory of the USSR. It looks like a tse comus chi ni, ale z tsim it will be rakhuvatisya, і, again, look at the policy of Russia.

Daughters Olga (lived before Natalia) and Tetyan stayed in the Divine Monastery; Tetyana moved to Krasnodar Territory, Viysla zamіzh and lived in Apsheronsky and Mostovsky districts. Pohovana 09.21.1992 r in the village of Solon, Mostovskoy district.

Olga, through Uzbekistan went to Afghanistan with Emir Bukhari Seid Alim-Khan (1880 - 1944). Go to Finland to Virubova. Since 1956, she lived in Viritsa for the names of Natalia Mikhailivnya Evstignova, de and died in Boze on January 16, 1976 (November 15, 2011 from the grave of V.K. Temple).

6.10.2012 r ї ї і і і інші relics of bully viluchenі from the grave in the storeroom, brought to vikradeny and haunted bіlya Kazan temple.

Mykoly II's daughters Marya і Anastasia (lived yak Oleksandra Mikolaivna Tugareva) Daytime bully hour in Glinskoy Pustin. Then Anastasia moved to the Volgogradsk (Stalіngradsku) region and to the farms of Tugarev, the Novoanninsky district, she moved. Zvidti moved to st. Panfilovo, de і was taken on 06/27/1980 r A ї ї cholovik Vasil Evlampiyovich Peregudov zaginuv zahischayuchi Stalіngrad in the present 1943 r Marya moved to the Nizhny Novgorod region in the village of Arefino there and was abducted on 05/27/1954

Metropolitan Ioann Ladozkiy (Snichov, Rose. 1995), the daughter of Anastasia, Yuliya, was found in Samara, and the archimandrite Ioann (Maslovim, Rose. 1991) was registered in the city of Samara and Tsarevich Oleksiya. Archpriest Vasil (Shvets, Rose. 2011) was the daughter of Olga (Natalia). The son of the young daughter of Mikoli II - Anastasia - to Mikhail Vasilovich Peregudov (1924 - 2001), who came from the front, worked as an architect, behind this project was inspired by the railway station in Stalingrad-Volgograd!

The brother of Tsar Mikoli II, Grand Duke Mikhailo Oleksandrovich, was also zmіg vtekti from Perm right under the nose of the Cheka. Some of the winners are still alive at Bilogir's, and then having moved to Viritsa, de and slept with Boz in 1948

Tsaritsa Oleksandra Fedorivna Until 1927, she went to the Tsarsky dacha (Vvedensky Skete of the Seraphim of the Ponetaevsky monastery of the Nizhny Novgorod region). I at the same hour moved to Kiev, Moscow, Petersburg, Sukhumi. Oleksandra Fedorivna took the name of Xenia (in honor of St. Xenia Grigorivnya of Petersburg / Petrova 1732 - 1803 /).

In 1899, Tsaritsa Oleksandra Fedorivna wrote the prophecy virsh:

“On the very quiet of the monastery,

De yangoli-ohorontsi litayut,

Far away from the focus and the plot

Vaughn is alive, whom all are dead.

I think Vona is still alive

At the Divine Heavenly Sphere.

There is a stupa behind the walls of the monastery,

Surrender to your adult viri! "

The Empress was instructed by Stalin, who said to the first: "To live quietly in the Starobilsk town, but to get involved in politics is not required."

The intercessor of Stalin defied the Tsaritsa, if on her monastic checks they got criminal records.

The Tsaritsa from France and Japan were regularly visited by pennies. The Empress їх і passed on chotiroh child cages for corny. Tse pіdtverzhuvali colishnіy keryuchіy Starobіlskie vіddіlennyam Derzhbank Ruf Leontiyovich Shpіlyov and the head KLOKOL.

The empress of vichivati, wearing sweaters, scarves, and for the preparation of droplets, they forced straws from Japan. Everything was aimed at replacing the fashionistas of the world.

Empress Oleksandra Fedorivna

In 1931, the Tsaritsa appeared in the Starobilskiy okrviddiliv GPU and stated that in the Berlinskiy Reichsbank for the її rakhunku ї 185,000 marks, and also in the Chikazkiy bank for 300,000 dollars. All the tsi koshty won, if you want to transfer to the order of the Radiansky district for the mind, so you can take care of the old age.

The statement of the Empress was forwarded to the GPU URSR, which gave the so-called "Credit Bureau" to negotiate with the Zakordon about rejecting these deposits!

In 1942 r Starobilsk buv of occupation, the Empress on the same day, the bullet was requested for a picture to Colonel-General Kleist, who proponated this trip to Berlina, on which the Tsaritsa from the Russian leader would like to see it: They proponated the vibrati, be it a kind of small house in a place like you won’t get it: it’s not good, moving, such a person is tulied in this earthy dwelling. Ale won і from all was seen.

Alone, the Tsaritsa stayed for a while, koristuvatisya the servants of the Nimetsian physicians. True, the commandant of the place still ordered to put up a sign at the living of the Empress with the inscription in Russian and Nimetsky: "Do not turbuvati Її Greatness."

Why, she was even glad, there were some splinters in the earthlings behind the screen ... the wounded Radianski tanks.

Nimetske leaks even more in the present. Tankistiv went into the distance, and the stench happily crossed the line of the front. Krystyuchie roztashuvannyam vlady, Tsaritsa Oleksandra Fedorivna hid the richly rich and monstrous inhabitants of the city, as she blocked the law.

Empress Oleksandra Fedorivna from 1927 to her death in 1948 lived in Starobilsk Lugansk region. She took monastic vows from Oleksandri's im'yam in the Starobil'skiy Holy Trinity Monastery.

Kosigin - Tsarevich Oleksiy

Tsarevich Oleksiy - becoming Oleksiyem Mykolayovich Kosigin (1904 - 1980). Two Hero of Socialist Pratsi (1964, 1974). Knight of the Great Cross of the Order of the Sonce Peru. In 1935, he graduated from the Leningrad Textile Institute. In 1938, the head. viddilom of the Leningrad Regional Party, head of the viconkom of the Leningrad City Council.

Druzhina Klavdiya Andriyivna Krivosheina (1908 - 1967) - A.A. Kuznatsov's niece. Daughter Lyudmila (1928 - 1990) Bula is befriended by Jermen Mikhailovich Gvishiani (1928 - 2003). Sin Mikhail Maksimovich Gvishiani (1905 - 1966) from 1928 in the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of Georgia. U 1937-38 rr. deputy. heads of the Tbiliskyi Misquikonkom. In 1938 r 1st st. People's Commissar of the NKVD of Georgia. U 1938 - 1950 rr. och. UNKVDUNKGBUMGB Primorsky Territory. U 1950 - 1953 rr. och. UMDB of the Kuibishev region. Onuki Tetyana and Oleksiy.

Sim'ya Kosigina was friends with the seven writer Sholokhov, composer Khachaturian, missile designer Chelomey.

U 1940 - 1960 rr. - stagnant poper. Radnarkom - For the sake of the Ministries of the SRSR. 1941 p. - the patron flooded. For the sake of evacuation of industry in the skhidnі regions and the SRSR. From now on, in 1942, the fate of the State Committee of Defense in the besieged Leningrad was approved. Taking part in the evacuation of the population i industrial enterprises and lane of Tsarskoe Selo. The Tsarevich walked along Ladozi on the yacht "Standart" and knew the outskirts of the Lake well, thus organizing the "Road of Life" across the Lake to build a place.

Oleksiy Mykolajovych opened the center of electronics in Zelenograd m, the Aleksiy in the Politburo did not allow him to bring the idea to the meeting. І on this year Russia has been impressed by the purchase of a bit-of-technology and computers in the US.

The Sverdlovsk Oblast celebrated everything: from strategic missiles to bacteriological zbroi, and the bullet was filled with underground ministries, which were used by the indexes "Sverdlovsk-42", and there were more than two hundred such "Sverdlovsk" ones.

Winning assistance in Palestine, so as Israel expanded the boundaries for the rakhunok of Arab lands.

Wine has been involved in the development of gas and naphthonic genera in Siberia.

Ale Yevrei, members of the Politburo, spent the head of the budget exporting oil and gas - replacing the export of recycled products, as well as Kosigin (Romanov).

At 1949 rotsі, pіd hour of promotion GM Malenkovim "Leningradskogo spravi", Cosigin divom utsіlіv. Walking hour Mikoyan, st. heads For the Ministries of the SRSR, "having organized a trivial trip of Kosigin across Siberia, in connection with the need to strengthen the cooperation, to provide information on the procurement of agricultural products." Tsiu vidryadzhennya Stalin, after a while with Mikoyan, immediately, more than a splinter from the ear of a sickle until the end of the breast, 1950 r, lying in the dacha, wonderfully lost alive!

At the beast's Oleksiyem - Stalin affectionately called him "Kosiga", so yak he was his nephew. Inodi Stalin called him Tsarevich at all times.

U 60-i pp. Tsarevich Oleksiy, the intelligence of the ineffectiveness of the functional system, proclaiming the transition from social economics to reality. To conduct a field of realizable, not viralized products as the main indicator of the efficiency of robotics of enterprises, etc. P. Damansky, having settled in Pekin at the airport with the Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Zhou Yenlaum.

Oleksiy Mykolajovych visited the Venevsky monastery of the Tula region and spilkuvavsya with the maiden Gannoy, as a call from the Tsar's family. Winning a gift once with a ring with a diamond, for reading forecasts. And nezadovgo to death, having come to her, I won’t say to you that Win will die on 18 breast!

The death of Tsarevich Oleksiy was celebrated on the day of the people of L.I. Brezhnev on 12/18/1980 to fate, and in the middle of the day the country did not know how Kosigin died.

The ashes of the Tsarevich from 12/24/1980 r rest in the Kremlin wall!

Panakhidi for the best Motherland did not get

Until 1927, Tsarska Sime was perpetuated on the stones of St. Seraphim of Sarov, entrusted with the Tsarskoy dacha, on the territory of the Vvedensky Skete of the Seraphim-Ponetaevsky Monastery. The infection from the Skete was deprived of the baptismal mound. Yogo was shut down in 1927 by the forces of the NKVS. They were overwhelmed by the general obshuk, for which all the maidens were moved to the monasteries of Arzamas and Ponetaevka. And іkoni, kosttovnostі, dzvony and іnshe maino were taken to Moscow.

U 20 - 30 pp. Mikola II zupinyavsya in Divevo for the address of st. Arzamaska, 16, in the booth of Oleksandri Ivanivny Grashkina - schema-nun Dominika (1906 - 2009).

After staying at the dacha in Sukhum, Stalin ordered to give the Tsar's Family and to come here for the performances with the Emperor and his two-year-old brother, Mikoly II.

In the form of officer Mikol II, he was in the Kremlin near Stalin, for example, he was appointed to the generals of vats (office 2004), serving in the guard of Stalin.

Marshal Mannerheim, having become the President of Finland, immediately joined forces with the Emperor. And in Mannerheim's working office there is a portrait of Mykoli II. Spiritual officer of the Tsar's family from 1912 r about. Oleksiy (Kibardin, 1882 - 1964), residing in Viritsa, the yak arrived there from Finland in 1956 on the settlement of M. Zh. The Tsar's elder daughter Olga.

At the time of Sophia's revolution, during the awakening of the Holy Synod on the square of St. Oleksandr Nevsky, the spiritual father of the Priest Vladik Feofan (Bistrov) lived.

Vladika nikoli did not serve the Panahid for the best Motherland and said to his cell, that Tsarska Sіm'ya is alive! I traveled in 1931 to Paris for a performance with Tsar Mykola II and the people who were involved in the Tsarska Sime's connection. Vladika Feofan also said that in an hour the Rid of the Romanovs will be renewed, alas in the wives' line.


Head Department of Biology of the Ural Medical Academy Oleg Makev, saying: “Genetic examination in 90 years is not only foldable due to the changes that have been introduced into the tissue, but it is impossible to give an absolute result in the case of a retailer. Methods, vicoristan in the already carried out preliminaries, before the zhodny court in the light does not appear as a proof. "

The foreign expert committee on the investigation of the Tsar's family, completed in 1989, after the head of Petr Mykolayovich Koltipin-Wallovsky, replaced the post of the Stanford University with the DNA proof of the evidence

The committee gave a fragment of the finger of V.K. St. Alizaveta Fedorivnyi Romanova for DNA analysis, the relics of which are stored in the Jerusalem Church of Mary Magdalene.

« Sisters and children are guilty of the mother's identical mitochondrial DNA, but the results of the analysis of the remains of Oleksandri Fedorivnyi are not published earlier than the DNA of those who passed on the remains of Oleksandri Fedorov

The experiment was conducted by an international group of students under the certificate of Dr. Alec Knight, a molecular taxonomist from Stanford University, for the participation of geneticists from the Skhidno-Michigan University, Los Alamos National Genetic Laboratory, with the participation of the Doctor of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences.

For death to the organism of DNA, it will be quickly laid out, (rubbed) on parts, and more than an hour to pass, the more time on the part. After 80 years, without the establishment of special minds, DNA cuts of more than 200 - 300 nucleotides are not available. And in 1994, during the analysis, we saw an increase in 1.223 nucleotide».

With such a rank, he was given to Petro Koltipin-Wallovskaya: “ Geneticists were familiar with the results of the examination, which was carried out in 1994 in the British Laboratory, at the presentation of which there was a study of the details of Tsar Mikola II and the Family of Yekaterinburg remains.».

The Japanese celebrations presented the Moscow Patriarchy's results and their achievements, as well as the "Yekaterinburg remains".

12/7/2004 r in the MP, Bishop Oleksandr Dmitrovskiy, Vikariy of the Moscow Eparchy, assisted by Doctor Tatsuo Nagaya. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Department of Ship and Scientific Medicine at Kitadzato University (Japan). In 1987 he worked at the Kitadzato University, Vice-Dean of the United School of Medical Sciences, Director and Professor of Clinical Hematology and Marine Medicine. published 372 scientific robots and having performed with 150 additional talks at international medical conferences in the Russian lands. Member of the Royal Society of Medicine in London.

Winning the identification of the mitochondrial DNA of the last Russian Emperor Mikoli II. For an hour to swing at the Tsarevich Mikoli II in Japan in 1891, he lost his hoot, which was laid to the wound. In 1998, the structure of DNA from cuts in 1998, in the first place, to be understood from the structure of DNA as in the other, and in the third type. Ocholyuvanna Dr. Nagai doslidnitska group I took a withered sweat from Mikoli II's clothes to go to the Katerininsky Palace of Tsarskoye Selo, and performed this mitochondrial analysis.

In addition, after conducting a mitochondrial analysis of the DNA of the hair, the cyst of the lower slit and the little finger of V.K. Having left the DNA from the cuts of the cysts, enthralled in 1998 in the Petropavlovsk Fortress, from the blood of the native nephew of the Emperor Mykoly II Tikhon Mykolayovich, as well as through the sweat of the blood of Tsar Mikoli II himself.

Visnovki by Dr. Nagai: "We have discarded the results, we have seen the results, recognized by doctors Peter Gill and Pavel Ivanov for five points."

glorification of the King

Sobchak (Finkelstein, rose. 2000), being a mayor of St. Petersburg, having burst into zhakhlivy zlochin - seeing the testimony about the death of Mikoli II and members of the family of Leonid Georgiyivna. Winning the sight of witness in 1996 - to visit the office of Numtsov's "official committee" without a daughter.

"Defending rights and legal interests" "Imperial House" in Russia was revered from 19 1995 by Leonid Georgiyivna, as for the daughter of her daughter - "the head of the Russian Imperial House", came back from a member of the Russian Imperial House. , and see the testimonies about their deaths. "

On December 1, 2005, an application was submitted to the Prosecutor General's Office about the "reabilitation of Emperor Mikoli II and members of this family." Having filed an application for the assignment of "princess" Maria Volodymyrivnya, attorney G.Yu. Luk'yanov, who changed the position of Sobchak.

The glorification of the Tsar's family, who wanted to see him at Ridiger (Alexy II) at the Archbishop's Cathedral, was all too prone to "sanctify" the temple of Solomon.

Aja tsar in the face of the Saints can only glorify the Pomisny Cathedral. To that end, the King is the defiance of the Spirit of all people, and not only of the priesthood. The axis of the decision of the Archireyskiy Cathedral 2000 r can be hardened by the Cathedral.

Behind the ancient canons, it is possible to glorify the saints of God because of the fact that on their graves one can see the development of ailments. Trying to change, like the one who lives ascetic. Yaksho is alive to the righteous lives, which means that the vision is seen from God. Iakshcho - ni, then it’s such a task to rob Bis, and the stench then turn into new ailments.

In order to go to the vlastnoy dosvidі, you need to go to the grave of the Emperor Mikoli II, to Nizhniy Novgorod at the storeroom "Chervona Etna"

Nizhny Novgorod Elder and Priest Grigoriy (Dolbunov, Rosem. 1996).

The first thoughts about going from Tsarskoye Selo came to an end near the August birch trees of 1917, but later through Count Benckendorff, it was announced that “we will need to finish the journey here” (the Emperor’s record from 11 birch trees). On April 11, 1917, I know I’ll have a record in Mykoly II’s schoolboy about those Kerenskyi seeing about the possible trips of the family for the week.<арского>Village before the troubled capital ". I hope for those who will be transported to the Crimea, to Livadia, the Tsarska family took the mayzhe until the very end, at that hour, as Kerensky had already changed his decision and returned respect to the place Zakhidny Sibir... Piznishe vin zgaduvav, the idea about Tobolsk has come to a new vipadkovo. Knowing that it is better to go to the center of the "mission" for all the parameters, Kerensky accepted the residual solution. The bouv of the nobility is not guilty of the decision, the tse bulo of the sovereign vagi. Ale nezabarom, the tamnitsa bula was given "in secret" to all of Petrograd. Popovzli rіznomanіtni keen about those who bring the Tsar from the Oleksandrivsky palace to Kostroma, then to Tobolsk.

E.A. Narishkina, who had gone up to that moment with a link, already at 16 limes, so about two days before going, wrote: “Book. Paley said to me, please call the good knowledge of the English in the name of the vchor, or the baggage of the Oleksandr Palace, on Thursday, on Friday, they were taken and delivered to Tobolsk! I was energetically forgetting, a little more subtle to bring up the idea of ​​running around in the twilight. " There was a bit of a version about the Patriarch Monastery in Kostroma.

“To bring ... to one of the distant provincial towns ...

The topic of the trip was the same: “Everybody thought and talked about the trip; Wonderful to be built from the stars of the 4th month of the year. " The stench is picking up speeches and more and more conducive to going to Livadia. Three days in advance, they decided to bring them “not to the Crimea, but to one of the distant provincial towns in three or even days to go to the road! Ale kudi itself, I don’t seem, - the commandant didn’t know. And so they rozrakhovuvali at the trivial perebuvannya in Livadia ", - write the Emperor.

31 lindens, on the day you go, you see your brother Grand Duke Mikhailo Oleksandrovich, ale they said the stench was just 10 khviliin і under Kerensky. The process of going from Tsarskoe Selo took a trivial hour and finished about 5-6 years.

Having reached Tyumen, the family went to the steamboat "Rus", which delivered it to the place of recognition.

On the way to Tobolsk, there were no sharp changes, but life became all the same. In the first chapel, the tse is tied with the booth itself, where they settled Tsarska sim'yu. Tse buv a two-topped mansion on the outskirts of the city, first for lying down to the governor, and now zanedbaniy, empty and absolutely not prepared for life. An unfortunate Timchasovsky district, only it survived the "Lipnev crisis", driven by the bigshikers and into the whole sea of ​​problems in the social-economic, political and all-important spheres, but not even spritely. The oblastuvannya booth was occupied by a close proximity, stretching out like Tsarska Sem'ya was motivated to live aboard the ship "Rus". “The booth is empty, brute, and nothing has been prepared in order to spend it in a new place. I know on board the ship, until a quiet feast, as long as I do not prepare everything in our booth and all the booths ", - write down the Empress. Only the 13th sickle appeared to be able to settle in the governor's booth, wailing the hostility of the unattended and empty. "13 sickle. Sunday.<…>A lot of rooms are not crumbled and may be an unattractive viewer.<…>All the old people are zanedbanii viglyad, ”wrote the Emperor.

The Tsarska homeland occupied all the other on top of the booth, servants and servants settled on the first, and there was a dormitory in the same place. A part of the servicemen huddled in a small booth navproti, the so-called "Kornilov booth." It took an hour to get to the oblastuvannya of life. So, on the 20th of Veresnya, Baron Bode arrived, as a gift from Tsarskoe kilimi, curtain and in. “Heather 26. Vіvtorok.<…>For tea, they picked up the new kilims and embellished our rooms with them, ”reads the schoolboy.

With frost at 22 degrees in the office of the Emperor and his daughters, bulo + 10 ° С

Once at times there were problems with the breakage of the channels, broken through the wind of glass and in. On the cob, the sternum in deyaky rooms may not be scorched. With frost of 22 degrees in the office of the Emperor and his daughters, it was + 10 ° C, "that day and until night I sit in Circassian Plastunskoi."

At the first hour of moving to Tobolsk, seven buvs were not set up. From the sickle to the ear, the lessons were not boiled, all the forces of the Tsar's family will be thrown into the beautification of the booth that is adjacent to the territory. They put goydalki on the podіr'ї. We often use gris: domino, kistki, gorodki, Bezik; Alone, he didn’t stick to it, - the whole ceremony of the Tsar's seven divine services. "Such a heartfelt joy in the hour!" - writing the Emperor on the 22nd letter in the letter to receive the Holy Gifts. Before the speech, on the vidminu from Tsarskoe Selo, here it is allowed to buvati in the church. If I wanted to see the Blagovishchensky church, one of the beloved podіy of the family was built;

The service was conducted in one place from the bay of the governor's booth. The maidens came from the St. John's Monastery in the capacity of spouses and a priest from the Church of the Annunciation.

Immediately after the arrival of the booths of the blessing of consecration: “At the 12th prayer service, 4 women from the St. John's Monastery slept. The Mother Superior gave N. the image of St. John Maksimovich. " Priest Oleksiy Vasil'ev served with a spate. Mykola II said this about him: “We must become like a priest who will serve with us; drink chotiri blue ".

"We went to the service in the cathedral ... for those who were in front of the spraved church, for 6 months in the future"

The first divine service in the temple was brought in on Friday 8th Sunday - holy. The entrance of the church, which is the posture of the walls of the governor's booth, bulo, mabut, is even more serious action, for that, it took more than one day to prepare for Vlad Mistsev. Judging by the fact that the number of guards was so great, how the bridle of the road was fluttering, according to which Tsarska sim'ya went to the temple, it is possible to let it go, when Vlad was poured into a chimali rizik. “12 went to the service in Blagov<ещенский>sob<ор>pishki, I'm on my own river, through the garden of the city; the soldiers were placed on the whole road, all over there, de crossing the street. It’s even more disagreeable, ale, protest, vyachna for those who were at the church in the past 6 months [next] ”, - write down the Empress. The Tsar's family allowed only early service. “Mi buli are present at the early stage, - the teacher french movi P. Zhilyar, - mayzhe one in the whole church, ice blessed decilcom with wax candles. "

The introduction of the small church was a pleasure for the emperor, but the recognition of his lack of freedom was especially welcome here, in the distant provincial town of Zakhidny Siberia. “There is a feeling of being in the middle of the castle.<арском>Z<еле>", - write to the Emperor in the schodennik from 26 serpnya.

Earlier in the evenings it was trivial to read books, as now they read in voices not only Mikola II, but Tatishchev, Dolgorukov, Botkin. Not far from the booth there is a zanedbaniy cage - the "rotten city", as it was called the Sovereign. At the time of the day, Mikola II took up the procurement of firewood for the house and made a small rate for the jock. “Bagato bouly on the twilight; by matching the rates for jocks and sawing wood for our bath. " Sawing firewood nezabarom became zagalny busy, re-making for the daughters of the Emperor in a free sport. Pislya ruinuvannya by the soldiers of the kryzhanoi girka on the cob 1918 the fate of the tse became a single rozvagoi. Oleksandra Fedorivna in a whole hour was busy with needlework, painted or wrote sheets.

More than one busy person who delivered the satisfaction of the Emperor's family was booted up with war soldiers. Until 1918, the princess and the Emperor could walk into the house of warriors, move and grate with soldiers. “The Grand Duchesses, with their charming simplicity, loved to talk with tsim people, like, like, and stench, they could see themselves tied up in the past,” said P. Zhilyar.

With the arrival of the bolsheviks to the power, mind the immorality of the Tsar's ties began to change. In 1918, in 1918, the fate of the zmist was passed up to 600 rubles. on the people, who are seen from their special status, they cleaned up the oil and the rosies from the ratsion, the warehouse of the goods, the change was made: the boorish and unprincipled "chervons" came to replace the good-natured soldiers.

Lessons from the Tsar's children were held in the middle of spring: “28th spring. Four. On the cob of living, the children went through the hustle and bustle; I will continue my lessons in history and geography from Oleksiyem. " Vikladaє items have been lost by the same. 8 zhovtnya bulo admitted to vikladannya children K.M. Bitner: “June 10. Vіvtorok.<…>Two days ago, Klavdiya Mikhailivna Bitner came here and handed me a sheet of paper from Ksenia. Vona this year started taking care of the children, Olga's crim, with the children. " They were busy from 9 to 11 a.m. and they were tricked for evening tea until 6 a.m. Due to the increase in the number of lessons, the walk has now ended about 4 years. The distribution can be borrowed from the zvyazyka zmyakі zmіni. Oleksandra Fedorivna and earlier than Vikladal Marya, Tetiana and Oleksiya is the Law of God, and Tetiana is a nimetsky one. The Empress doesn’t make a detailed summary of all the lessons. Tse is tied, mabut, with the destruction of health.

During the last hour of the price increase for the future and moving to Tobolsk, the health of the members of all the motherland was changing on a better day. The larger world can be seen behind the camp of the Empress. In the schoolchildren, written in Tsarskoe, it is practically impossible for Oleksandri Fedorivnya's skargi to be on their health; її pains in the heart, which, obviously, are identified in the schoolboy by the icon of the heart, the hour went up - 5 sickles, then continued in the evenings of the 8th. 9 sickle of the heart, mabut, rested at Mary, as a result of whom her temperature rose. Before moving to the booths, the princess mayzhe viduzhala. Right up to the zhovtnya Oleksandra Fedorivna, don't write about heart attacks. The stench was new only at the end of the week and gave the pain three days off - from 19 to 21, then we got sick. In addition to the pain in the heart, the Empress suffered from a toothache and a headache and a lack of sleep. The sickness was trivialized alternately from the sickle to the spring. On the 17th, the dentist Kostritsky arrived from Krima, who had a visit to the Tsar and Tsar.

Tsarevich Oleksiy for descriptions of frequent ailments. On the 25th sickle, a slight bronchitis with pain in the head appeared, on the 29th sickle, he recovered. Then, from the middle of the day, the boy got sick and his leg swollen, and just through the circle of days - his hand and another's leg.

Because of the life of the Tsar's family in Tobolsk, you can call it idyllic or bezhmarny. In general, the order of the day was taking place, but here life flowed more and more tediously. And to that, all the shorter are schodennikov records, more often the words: "The day will be successful." With a great number of vidnosini s "possession" have become better and control has become stronger. Whilst, the control of the Tsar's family was completely lost, the sovereign did not let go of the freedom of the sovereign's neighbors. The servicemen could go overboard in the place, go to the vintsenosti at an hour; So, often before Spadkoєmtsev came Kolya Derevenko - sin life-hirurg V.N. Village. Tse abundantly in what allowed the family to know, to see "in the light". And just one hour in Petrograd, there were pod-ies, so that the share of the Tsar's family and Russia was assigned: on the 25th, the bolsheviks came to power.

A spate of Timchasoviy uryad will wait for a visonati to speak. Already 8 birch 1917, General Mikhailo Aleksyov will see the tsar, but “we can respect yourself as a bi-resident.” A decade later, from London, having given the year for those who want to come to the Romanov family, come to see about 21 workers. Mykola II and the whole homeland of the boule were officially taken before the war.

Crumbs more nizh across the river, 17 lime 1918 rock, the rest of the tsarska sim'ya Russian Empire will be built in a tysnomu pidvali in Yekaterinburz. The Romanovs piddavalisya to amusement, all the nearer and nearer pidbirayuchis to their gloomy finale. Let's marvel at the funny photos of the members of the last tsar's family of Russia, growing up a day before the start.

Pislya of the Lute Revolution of 1917 to the end of the day tsar's family Russia for the decisions of Timchasovogo was sent to the Siberian town of Tobolsk, to cleanse the people. For a few months before the Tsar Mikola II, he saw the throne, as a result of which more than three hundred years of rule of the Romanov dynasty were interrupted.

The Romanovs celebrated their five-day rise to Siberia in the serpentine, in advance of the 13th day of the people of Tsarevich Oleksiy. Up to seven members of the family have received 46 servants and a visitor escort. The day before, as they reached the point of recognition, the Romanovs were flowing through the local village of Rasputin, which eccentrically pouring into politics could make its contribution to the sorrowful finale.

The family arrived in Tobolsk on the 19th serpnya and resumed life at the usual comfort on the banks of the Іrtish rivulet. At the Governor's Palace, de їkh rozmіstili, the Romanovs did a good year, and the stench could be richly copied one by one, not being allowed to the state's righteous and official come. The children set up p'єsi for the fathers, and the family was often vibrated in the place at the religious service - the tse bula is the only form of freedom allowed.

If, for example, in 1917, the bolsheviks came to power, altogether, a little bit better for the regime of the tsar's family. The Romanovs were fenced in to enter the church and to leave the territory of the mansion. Kava, tsukor, vershok butter and tops were unstoppable in the kitchen, and the soldiers, assigned to the zahist, wrote obscene and obscene words on the walls and parkans of their life.

Make sure everything is right and wrong. At the quarter of 1918, a komisar arrived, yakis Yakovlev, with an order to transport the king of the coli from Tobolsk. The Empress Bula is unprepared for her bazhanna, supervodzhuvati cholovik, for comrade Yakovlev bully, and instruct them, as they have made everything easier. At the end of the hour, Tsarevich Oleksiy, who is suffering for hemophilia, through a little bit of suffering in parallel, both nig, and everyone checked, to send them to Tobolsk, and to be distributed for the period of their death.

Vimogi komisara about moving bully nepohitni, to that Mikola, Oleksandr's squad and one of their daughters, Marya, left Tobolsk without bargain. Vreshti-resht stinks were sent to the trip, to go through Yekaterinburg to Moscow, the former headquarters of the Red Army was. However, Komisar Yakovlev was rescued for trying to vryatuvati the king's family, and Romanovs went to Yekaterinburz, in the very heart of the territory, flooded by the bolsheviks.

At Yekaterinburg, before the fathers, they came and the children - all were locked up in the Ipatyev's booth. Some of them were placed in a different way, and they increased the view of the last light, hammered the windows and put the door blya in the wart. The Romanovs were allowed to go out on a daily basis.

On the cob of linden in 1918, the rock of Radyanska Vlada felt like getting to the strati of the Tsar's homeland. Representatives of the Cheka replaced the soldiers on the guard, and the Romanovs were allowed to go to the service the last time. Having conducted the service, the priest became aware of the fact that nothing from the motherland did not give a word to the hour of service. On the 16th linden - the day of driving - five vantages were filled with barrels of benzidine and acid.

Early in the 17th day of the Romanovs, they picked up and informed about the Nastya of the Bily Army. Sem'ya lost, how it is easy to translate into a little enlightenment to the heart of the zahist, and soon it will not be safe here. Close up to the point of strati, the last tsar Russia has gone through a lot of vantages, one of which will soon be lying just for the time being, it’s not easy to see, as the share of the check is terrible for the squad and children.

At the driver's seat Mykola was told to spend it all at once. Not having perverted the wicked wukham, having overreached: "Who?" - Immediately after what the checkist Yakiv Yurovsky shot the tsar. More than 11 people pulled the trigger, pouring blood over the Romanovs. Oleksiy saw the first construction, and even finished off the other Yurovsky's construction. On the coming day, members of the rest of the Tsar's family of Russia were burned 19 km from Yekaterinburg, in the village of Koptyaki.