What is the value of an emotional camp from a photo? Determination of emoticons from photos. Microsoft can help you not only to become people by photography, but to become people by photography

Instructions. I have for you є duzhe tsikava gra. You know that all people are injected with joy, if they marvel or be angry. Infectious, I will show you a decal of photographs, on which images a person is depicted with an emoticon on guise (for example, joy, grief, fear, death, contempt, ogidi, sorrow, interest, hate). Axis is a list of cich emots. Try to see the value, as the very emoji is depicted on the skin photo.

The experimenter will show 9 photographs and write down the child's instructions on the form with the number of the photograph.

Form for restoration of reports

Order number Photo vidpovid Note

622 Dodatok

There are a number of correct views, for those who judge about the formations ™ instead of starting the emoticon behind the face of the face.

Viznachennya emotsiy on pantomime

Instructions. And now I will show you pictures, which can also depict a person with experiences. Try to see the value, like the emotion є from the people on the skin pictures.

Viprobuvannye will be shown on the basis of 8 pictures and will write down on the form of yogo vidpovidі.

Form for restoration of reports

Order number picture vidpovid Notes
M +. + .IP - MM

There are a number of correct views and judging by them about the formations - and in the name of the sign of the pantomime emoticon.

Vivchennya sprynattya viraznoy side malunka

The methodology is taken from the statistics: Rupina T.A. Doschikattya by preschool children on the side of the baby and pouring on the children to the hero of the book // Pitannya psikhologiya. - 1960. - No. 5.

Preparatory education. Give 10-14 reproductions of paintings, in which emotsiynie it is transferred by the way of showing the mimics and gestures, positions of heroes, mutually identical characters in one to one, or to put them to the desired objects.

Carrying out doslіdzhennya. The experiment is carried out individually for children of 3-6 years. Children lastly show pictures and ask for inquiries about them. I can’t do it at the inventory, ask for the power supply (get ready for a long time), I’m sure it’s okay, because it’s reasonable, the plot of the image, the heroes' heroes.

Processing of Danihs. Give the number of correct views, if the children seem to have a good sense of the plot and the emotional camp of the heroes. Pidrakhunok carry out on the skin pictures. The results are drawn up in a table by vikov groups: 3-4 rock, 4-5 rock, 5-6 rock, 6-7 rock.

You can see the pictures on the little ones, like the emoji, the right way to take the kids and in any way. Like a stink, I can smell the mimic of joy and fervor, the vague and sadness, and all the emotional experiences I’ll tie a sweet little boy, like the sentiment of the emotional snake, transferred for the additional position and gestures of the hero.

Vivchennia of emotional manifestations of children during the development of plot scenes

The technique is taken from the book: Emotion tkhne preschool student / Ed. A. D. Ko-shelev. - M., 1985 .-- S. 100-102.

Preparatory education. Take the situation from the life of children who are close and intelligent, for example:

supplement 623

1. Sick mom to lie in the lіzhka, older daughter ( preparatory group) Bring brother (nursery group).

2. For an hour, I’ll go to the group, the boy hatefully pouring soup, all children drink and mix; lads of shuffling, vikhovatel suvoro, I will explain why you need to be careful and how you are absolutely dumb here.

3. The slammer has thrown away the mittens, and during a walk, his hands were very cold, and he didn't want to show them to those who were already frozen.

4. They didn’t take the girl into the groove, she went into the little room, lowered her head and moved, the axis-axis wept.

5. Slap (little girl) radin for his friend (girlfriend), whose little one we see in the group.

Pidgotuvati 2-3 children for the introduction of these plots. Carrying out doslіdzhennya. The preliminaries are held between 4-7 years of age. Persha seria. Prepare for the children early to play a scene in front of the group, then the experimenter will feed the boys to see the characters of the scene. Friend seria. The experimenter will describe the situation and proponate the image.

Situation I - show the summery, revealing mami, the whimsical cry of the boy and the sensitively revealing the little girl.

Situation II - show suvore denouncing the vigilante, amidst the confusion of children, without exposing the boy.

Situation III - yak boy doesn’t want to show, he’s frozen.

IV situation - show the image of the girl.

Vsіtuatsіya - show an incomparable joy for the person. It’s as if the children are inadequate, or it’s wrong to portray some and all of the characters, the experimenter will know the situation and describe the situation in detail, as he sees the skin of the characters.

Processing of Danihs. Analyze, like children, include the heroes' heroes in the scenes. To cheat on the variability and richness of expressively miniscule attitudes about the development of the mind to help other people. The data should be drawn up in a table (Table 6).

Instructions. I have for you є duzhe tsikava gra. You know that all people are injected with joy, if they marvel or be angry. Infectious, I will show you a decal of photographs, on which images a person is depicted with an emoticon on guise (for example, joy, grief, fear, death, contempt, ogidi, sorrow, interest, hate). Axis is a list of cich emots. Try to see the value, as the very emoji is depicted on the skin photo.

The experimenter will show 9 photographs and write down the child's instructions on the form with the number of the photograph.

Form for restoration of reports

Order number Photo vidpovid Note

622 Dodatok

There are a number of correct views, for those who judge about the formations ™ instead of starting the emoticon behind the face of the face.

Viznachennya emotsiy on pantomime

Instructions. And now I will show you pictures, which can also depict a person with experiences. Try to see the value, like the emotion є from the people on the skin pictures.

Viprobuvannye will be shown on the basis of 8 pictures and will write down on the form of yogo vidpovidі.

Form for restoration of reports

Order number picture vidpovid Notes
M +. + .IP - MM

There are a number of correct views and judging by them about the formations - and in the name of the sign of the pantomime emoticon.

Vivchennya sprynattya viraznoy side malunka

The methodology is taken from the statistics: Rupina T.A. Doschikattya by preschool children on the side of the baby and pouring on the children to the hero of the book // Pitannya psikhologiya. - 1960. - No. 5.

Preparatory education. Give 10-14 reproductions of paintings, in which emotsiynie it is transferred by the way of showing the mimics and gestures, positions of heroes, mutually identical characters in one to one, or to put them to the desired objects.

Carrying out doslіdzhennya. The experiment is carried out individually for children of 3-6 years. Children lastly show pictures and ask for inquiries about them. I can’t do it at the inventory, ask for the power supply (get ready for a long time), I’m sure it’s okay, because it’s reasonable, the plot of the image, the heroes' heroes.

Processing of Danihs. Give the number of correct views, if the children seem to have a good sense of the plot and the emotional camp of the heroes. Pidrakhunok carry out on the skin pictures. The results are drawn up in a table by vikov groups: 3-4 rock, 4-5 rock, 5-6 rock, 6-7 rock.

You can see the pictures on the little ones, like the emoji, the right way to take the kids and in any way. Like a stink, I can smell the mimic of joy and fervor, the vague and sadness, and all the emotional experiences I’ll tie a sweet little boy, like the sentiment of the emotional snake, transferred for the additional position and gestures of the hero.

Vivchennia of emotional manifestations of children during the development of plot scenes

The technique is taken from the book: Emotion tkhne preschool student / Ed. A. D. Ko-shelev. - M., 1985 .-- S. 100-102.

Preparatory education. Take the situation from the life of children who are close and intelligent, for example:

supplement 623

1. A sick mother is lying in the bed, the older daughter (training group) will bring her brother (nursery group).

2. For an hour, I’ll go to the group, the boy hatefully pouring soup, all children drink and mix; lads of shuffling, vikhovatel suvoro, I will explain why you need to be careful and how you are absolutely dumb here.

3. The slammer has thrown away the mittens, and during a walk, his hands were very cold, and he didn't want to show them to those who were already frozen.

4. They didn’t take the girl into the groove, she went into the little room, lowered her head and moved, the axis-axis wept.

5. Slap (little girl) radin for his friend (girlfriend), whose little one we see in the group.

Pidgotuvati 2-3 children for the introduction of these plots. Carrying out doslіdzhennya. The preliminaries are held between 4-7 years of age. Persha seria. Prepare for the children early to play a scene in front of the group, then the experimenter will feed the boys to see the characters of the scene. Friend seria. The experimenter will describe the situation and proponate the image.

Situation I - show the summery, revealing mami, the whimsical cry of the boy and the sensitively revealing the little girl.

Situation II - show suvore denouncing the vigilante, amidst the confusion of children, without exposing the boy.

Situation III - yak boy doesn’t want to show, he’s frozen.

IV situation - show the image of the girl.

Vsіtuatsіya - show an incomparable joy for the person. It’s as if the children are inadequate, or it’s wrong to portray some and all of the characters, the experimenter will know the situation and describe the situation in detail, as he sees the skin of the characters.

Processing of Danihs. Analyze, like children, include the heroes' heroes in the scenes. To cheat on the variability and richness of expressively miniscule attitudes about the development of the mind to help other people. The data should be drawn up in a table (Table 6).

The Microsoft corporation, having launched a service into the robot, allowed visibility, sent it out. Now the fahivtsi companies have worked out an algorithm, which is the origin of the people pictured in the photograph. All the change is seen in eight positions: anger, satisfaction, satisfaction, fear, happiness, neutrality (read - seemingly violated), confusion, zdivuvannya.

Rosrobniks try to make sure that the results are no less accurate, but it’s obvious that assessment id exact, niz in the form of a vik. Yak butt can be taken from us in the form of a photograph of Kianu Rivza, who is sitting on a bench and a zhu. Microsoft vvazhaє, scho taka emotok, like troubles, may be seen on the face of the actor (0.01831), which is neutral.

Another kind of photograph will show us a child, who has an emotional camp of assessments, like "malice". Here we have a total of 0.98752 points.

The company’s robot over such algorithms is a big deal. The corporation will be able to get the most out of the software, which will help you to review the photos. Uninvolved on acts of pardon (especially on viznachennyam vіku) all viglyadaє tsіlkom cіkavo. Microsoft plans to introduce API for its services for robots from images, so it will be possible to open software and web services, assorted photos for the emots of people, images on signs.

Let’s be surprised, how do you see Bill Gates?

Tim Cook

Fallout 4 heroes

Do you want to viprobate a resource in robots? No problems, axis

Intentions of material: portraits of images (photographs) with children and grown-ups, those who have an emotional camp (joy, fear, grief, grief); plot pictures from images of positive and negative children and adults.
The order of the conduct. Individually with children of preschool and young shkіlnogo vіku held in two series of preliminaries.
Persha seria. Children lastly show the portrait pictures from the pictures of the children and the grown-ups and ask the food: Who are the pictures for the little one? Who is it to rob? How can you smell it? What about you? Describe what kind of bachish in karting?
Friend seria. Children lastly show plot pictures and ask food: How to play with children? How does it stink (amicably, brawl, do not kill one-on-one, etc.)? Yak good luck? Who cares for them, and who cares? Yak good luck?
Processing and interpretation of results. The number of recent reports in the latest in groups okremo by skin series and by skin pictures. See, who are more accessible to children in the smiles of old-age and one-liners, for some signs of stench they start to see who is more beautiful than smiles - an overbearing one-liner. Visually, the abundance of cich indicators from all children begins.

Methodology "Viznennya emotsіy on fotіyah"

Incentive material: a set of 9 photographs from images of people, on the face of which is depicted the same emoticon, and the list of emots.
The order of the conduct. Instructions: “I have tsikave zavdannya... You know that all people are in no way radio, for an hour to marvel or to be angry. Infectious, I will show you a decal of photographs, on which a person is depicted in a singing emotional camp (joy, grief, fear, death, contempt, ogidi, sorrow, interest, abhorrence). Axis is a list of cich emots. Try to see the value, as the very emoji is depicted on the skin photography. "
The experimenter will show 9 photographs and write down the child's instructions on the form with the number of the photograph (Table 3).

Table 3
Form for restoration of reports

P / p No. Photo vidpovid Note

Processing and interpretation of results. There are a number of correct views, for which to judge about it was formed in the name of the initiation of the people by the viraz of denunciation. 50% and fewer correct indications indicate an even lower level of social development.

Methodology "Special aggressiveness and confusion" (E. Ilyina, P. A. Kovalova)

1. Scales of urgency and vigor
Meta: it is the strength of the people to the fortune that manifests itself through the urgency and revenge.
Stomleniy material: test of an opytuvalnik, which can be stored for 20 tverdzhen, proponated dal.
The order of the conduct. Instructions: “You will hear a number of hardwoods. If you have them, put a plus sign (+), if not, put a minus sign (-). proponated hardened
1. In less part of everything, they do not come to my right for everything.
2. If it’s unfair to me, I’m talking about myself.
3. Situations may be friendly to others, but not to me.
4. I vvazhayu, scho was extinguished from the cartoon "Tooth for a tooth, whist for a whist" fair.
5. I often look at the respectfulness of the others, to think that it’s reasonable that the stench is fair.
6. Often I find out that there is a risk that I could have collapsed on my crooks.
7. Less visibility of respect from the side of people.
8. It is innocent of the image to become uncarnated.
9. I want to see that the middle of the city is for the right, in which I have taken my fate, no less.
10. I will not rest until quiet feasts, as long as I have no pity on the crook.
11. I also think that it is often unfair to mend it,
12. I vvazhayu, shho good is more beautiful to swear.
13. I don’t look at the heat of my friends, because the smell is even worse.
14. People befitting me, as they do not remember evil.
15. I'm not a chipak, because when praising for I'll go to the robot I’m not guessing.
16. I believe that for evil it is possible to pay with good, and I act in such an order.
17. I have a pity for overwhelmingly educated people.
18. I have a negative attitude to take revenge on people.
19. I don’t want anyone to be smart about talking to me about my inadequacies.
20. Do you justly think: if you were given a gift, then you need to present it?
Processing and interpretation of results. Efficiency scale: for skin hardening according to points 1,
3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and for skin care with points 13, 15, 17, 19, get one point each.
Scale of revenge: for skin hardening according to points 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and for skin not year with points 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 one point each. Dal'y to get rid of the amount of points on the skin scale.
Chim is more sum of money, it is more than vyprobvaniyah schilny up to urgency and avenging (range from 0 to 10 points), and in the out-of-the-way sum - to upward (in the range from 0 to 20 points),
2. Scale of ignition
Meta: diagnostics of the level of emotional malaise by the method of self-assessment.
Stomleniy material: test of an opytuvalnik, which is stored for 10 tverdzhen, proponated dal.
The order of the conduct. Instructions: "Read the confirmation message for you, after it put a plus sign (+), if not, the minus sign (~)."
proponated hardened
1. I am easy to fight, I will calm down shvidko.
2. I do not want to vivodit myself, I don’t wrap my head around.
3. I can take advantage of my gratitude.
4. I always react calmly to criticism, find myself unfair.
5. It won't be like me anymore, if you laugh at me.
6. My nicholas didn’t get sick.
7. I get stupefied, if people shtovhayut me on the street or in transport.
8. Have Conflict Situations I behave calmly.
9. I can’t stream, if I don’t deserve to go.
10. Call yourself less important.
Processing and interpretation of results. For years on points 1, 3, 5, 7.9, and not a year with points 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, get one point at a time. Pidrakhovuat the sum of the collected points. As well as gaining 8-10 points, at the new height of the emotional zeal, as well as gaining 4 points and less, at the new level of the emotional zest. Bali from 5 to 7 characterize middle rivn emotional zestiness.

Card methodology for assessing empathy among young schoolchildren

Smelling material: a set of pictures from images of everyday life situations.
The order of the conduct. Children demonstrate a number of pictures, in which the artist depicts the real situation from the life of children and grown-ups. Show the first picture and insert a silhouette in the lower right codend. Instructions: “Wonder, you are here. Tell me, like and please, are you zrobish in this situation? »Record the child in the test report (Table 4) under the picture number. In the graph "Primitka", it should be restructured to show it when you receive a message.

Table 4
experience protocol

School anxiety test (F. Fillips)

Smelling material: a test that can be stored at 58 meals, which can be read to schoolchildren, and can be taught in a written view.
The order of the conduct. Instructions: “If you are infected, you will be prompted to learn about the food that you will feel in school. Make sure to give it a lot and truthfully. Do not forget about the views. On the basis of food, write down the number and name: put a plus sign (H), if you are using it, or minus (-), if it is not good. "
1. How important is it to trimatisya on one level with the class?
2. Hvilyєshsya, if the teacher speaks, how do you go to reconsider, how much do you know the material?
3. How important is it to be pratsyuvati in the class so, what does the teacher want?
4. Do you dream for an hour when a teacher in fierceness because you don’t know a lesson?
5. Chi trapalosya, what hto-nebuzh from your class hitting you?
6. Do you often want to, why should the guru not be asleep when explaining the new material, leave no light, why should I say?
7. Do you feel badly when you see it, or if you have a visitor?
8. Why trap with you, why are you afraid of being caught up at the urotsi, why are you scared to make a bad pardon?
9. How much do you have a colony, if you receive a message?
10. Do your classmates often make fun of you if you are grateful in your childhood?
11. What to eat, how do you put the bottom score, do not score?
12. What do I want you to eat about those who do not want you to miss the second rik?
13. Namagahshsya chi ti unikati іgor, in which to be afraid to vibrate, to what do you, as a rule, do not vibrate?
14. Chi buvaє in an hour, what a whole tremtish, if you wink to see?
15. Do you often see that you do not want to rob the ones you want from your classmates?
16. How much do you swear to Tim?
17. How important is it to trim the signs that the daddy should check from you?
18. Do you fear for an hour that you will become bad in the class?
19. Would your classmates be ridiculed over you, as if you’re grateful when you see?
20. Chi similar to tee on their classmates?
21. Having vindicated zavdannya, turbuєsh about those who are good to him?
22. If there are pratsyush in the class, why are you singing in the fact that everything is good zapam'yatєsh?
23. Do you dream of being in school and can't take the teacher to the power supply?
24. Well, really, why are there more lads to be put before you in an amicable way?
25. Pratsyush ty is great, as you know, how the results of your robots will be in line with the results of your classmates?
26. Do you often talk about those who are less hvilyuvatisya, if you need to power it up?
27. Are you afraid to enter the super-list for an hour?
28. Do you see that your heart is beginning to be bitter, if the teacher speaks, is it possible to get to overturn your readiness before the lesson?
29. If you get rid of the garnie assessments, do you think that there are any of your friends who want to serve?
30. Why do you feel good to yourself with those of your classmates, before which lads are put with special respect?
31. Chi buvaє, who do the guys in the class say so, what do you want?
32. What do you think, do you want to waste time rooting out of those scholars, how can you not cope with the news?
33. How can I say, why most of your classmates do not respect you?
34. Are you often afraid of being blindfolded?
35. What do you want me to give you?
36. How much does your mom help you in organizing parties, like іnshі mami?
37. Why did you feel bad about you, if you didn’t think about you?
38. Spodіvaєshsya ty in the maybutnomu read more beautifully, not earlier?
39. Chi vvazhash ti, who is dressed for the education of the school and so kindly, like your classmates?
40. Do you often think about you, thinking about those who think about you at all?
41. Would you like to know that you have special rights, which are not common among the young boys in the class?
42. Are you angry about your classmates if you are more beautiful than you?
43. Do you want to be satisfied with your teammates?
44. Do you feel kind to yourself, if you have lost one on one with the teacher?
45. Do your classmates watch your name and behavior?
46. ​​When you think about your school, please ask more, not the guys?
47. If you can’t understand, if you power it up, you see, why will the axis-axis cry?
48. If you are lying in bed in the evening, thinking for an hour in the morning about those who will be at school tomorrow?
49. Pratsuyuchi over important zavdannyam, chi vіdchuvash ti o o o o clock, who called me forgetting speeches, how did I know good before?
50. Trembling chi lightly with your hand, if ty pratsyєsh over zavdannyam?
51. Chi vidchuvash ti, who started nervuvati, if the teacher gets to give the class an opportunity?
52. Chi lyakaє for you a revision of your knowledge at the school? 1
53. If a teacher gets involved in giving a class zavdannya, why do you see fear, what is the time of marriage with him?
54. Chi dreamed for an hour, how can your classmates kill those who can't?
55. If the teacher explains the material, you should be built, but your classmates will be more beautiful than you?
56. Chi turbuti on the way to school, so the teacher can give the class I will change the robot?
57. If you have a vikonush zavdannya, chi vidchuvash zazvychay, how robish tse is rotten?
58. Tremt chi lightly your hand, if the teacher ask the viconati zavdannya on doshtsi in front of the class?
Processing and interpretation of results. When processing the results, the food is seen, it does not appear on the basis of the dough.

P / p No. factor roomy pitan
1 School anxiety 2,3,7, 12, 16,21,23,26,28, 46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53, Σ = 22
2 Experiencing social stress 5, 10, 15,20,24,30,33,36,39, 42, 44
Σ = 11
3 Consume frustration in your success 1,3,6, 11, 17, 19,25,29,32,
Σ = 13
4 fear of self-expression 27,31,34,37,40,45
Σ = 6
5 Fear of the situation of misconception 2,7, 12, 16,21,26
Σ = 6
6 Fear of not being able to see people who are sick 3,8, 13,17,22
Σ = 5
7 Low physical definition of stress 9,14, 18,23,28
Σ = 5
8 Problems and fears of people with teachers 2,6, 11,32,35,41,44,47
Σ = 8

Key to food "+" - So, "-" - Ні.

1- 17- 33- 49-
2 - 18- 34- 50-
3- 19- 35 + 51-
4- 20 + 36 + 52-
5- 21 - 37- 53-
6- 22 + 38 + 54-
7- 23- 39 + 55-
8- 24 + 40- 56-
9- 25 + 41- 57-
10- 26- 42- 58-
11- 27- 43 +
12- 28- 44 +
13- 29- 45-
14- 30+ 46-
15- 31- 47-
16- 32- 48-


1) The number of razbіzhnosti ("+" - So, "-" - Ні) by skin factor ( absolutely a number sales, in percent:<50%; >50%; > 75%):
a) the number of razbіzhnosti for all tests. As much as more than 50% of the number of food dough, you can talk about an increase in the anxiety of a child, as well as more than 75% - about a higher anxiety;
b) the number of skin tests for eight factors of anxiety, which is seen in the test, multiplied by the factor (As). To analyze the internal social camp of a schoolboy, it’s quite a lot to start with the appearance of some of the most troublesome factors.
For the skin responder.
2) Giving tsikh tribute to the viglyadi of individual diagrams.
The number of razbіzhnost by skin vimir for the whole class: absolute value -<50%; > 50%; > 75%.
3) Giving tsikh danih to viglyadi diagrams.
4) The number of scientists, which may be lost according to a certain factor<50% и >75% (for all factors).
5) Submission of consistent results with repeated tests.
6) Information about the skin study (based on the test results).

1. The out-of-town triviality in the school is the child's emotional standard, tied with the child's forms of inclusion in the life of the school.
2. The experience of social stress is the emotional standard of a child, on the basis of which social contacts develop (the first for everything with one-liners).
3. Frustration of consuming in reaching success - Hi-friendly psychic background, which allows children to develop their consumption in success, reaching high result etc.
4. Fear of self-expression - negative emotional experience the situation, due to the need for self-awareness, presenting themselves to others, demonstrating their abilities.
5. Fear of a situation of reversal - a negative setting and experiencing of triviality in front of a reversal (especially public) knowledge, achievement, opportunities.
6. Fear of not giving the opinion of those who are desperate - an idea of ​​the significance of those in the assessment of their results, in the opinion of others. Trivogue to drive estimates.
7. Low physiological determination of stress - the peculiarities of psychophysiological organization, which reduce the child's partiality to a stress-generating character, which leads to the middling of an inadequate, destructive factor.
8. Problems and fears of children with teachers - a negative emotional background of children with grown-ups in school, lowering the success of children.

Tvir-competition "Who smiles - that minds"

Meta: discovering the peculiarities of the behavior of children. Qia meta is disguised. Children need to say briefly about their behavior and humor. Not at all tse viyde, ale sprobuvati varto. First, it’s tsikavo and fun, but in a different way, it’s possible to use the name of prikhovani or unaware of the character.
The order of the conduct. Before the start of the competition, the reader of the quotation from the works of third-grade students, for example: “Well, be surprised, as teeth are at the cat, I tried to see the mouth. The teeth are good. My hand didn’t heal dosi. ” Prize to be awarded for short tvir, Yake children assess from the point of view of the truth of what was said, humor, originality of the described situation.
You can put a specific situation. Peremoga will not be awarded, as children show inaccuracies.
Processing of results. The teacher conducting the competition will take out information about those: 1) how a child will evaluate her own children; 2) how to evaluate classmates; 3) check the opinions in self-assessments and assessments of the latter.
At the same time, data is accumulated about strong and weak qualities, children appear, who require behavior correction.

automation that mathematical analysis Today we see more and more aspects of our life, one of which is the main part of our memory - photographs, in which images, our friends, memories of moments and a lot of them. Not so long ago, the Microsoft company was already breaking the first and filling the picture of the photos - a splitting algorithm, which allowed the visibility of images of people (). Allow an hour not to stand at a meeting, but the new algorithm, proponed by Microsoft - is published on the basis of a photo.

All is possible to start, see if there is a person in the photo, but why can you see it? You can appear! Let us be amazed at once, but also for vimir.

For the cob, go to the side of the project https://www.projectoxford.ai/demo/emotion#detection.

First and foremost, butt to the robotic algorithm. We will try to get started, well, and then we will carry out a series of experiments.

Otzhe, evil is the analysis of the image, in the form of an individual. Immediately, it became clear that the algorithm can see everything in photographs and analyze the skin.

On the right (if you are hovering over the frames on the guises) є the area, like revealing a bunch of unreasonable text (indicating the text is the result of a robotic algorithm in a special format), let's put it apart.

In the first row, write "detection result" - "analysis results".

"FaceRectangle": (

"Left": 488,

"Top": 263,

"Width": 148,

"Height": 148

"Scores": (

"Anger": 9.075572e-13,

"Contempt": 7.048959e-9,

"Disgust": 1.02152783e-11,

"Fear": 1.778957e-14,

"Happiness": 0.9999999,

"Neutral": 1.31694478e-7,

"Sadness": 6.04054263e-12,

"Surprise": 3.92249462e-11

Does it all mean?

At the “FaceRectangle” fragment, the coordinates of the cuticles of the skin frame are indicated, the bulo zrozumilo, emoji-yakoi people will be surprised.

The “Scores” fragment presents the results themselves. Oskіlki the algorithm for leaving in the knowledge mode, the results are not crumbled into a "human" viewer and are presented in a “siren viewer”. Ale not lyakaєmosya - everything is as simple as that! Є a list of eight emots:

Anger - gniv

Contempt - contempt

Disgust - vidraza

Fear- Fear

Happiness - happy

Neutral - neutral

Sadness - haze

Surprise - zdivuvannya

The first insertion of skin emotions into the rural emoticon of people in the photo appears from 0 to 1 - the larger the number, the more significant the value of the emoticon.

At the bachimo, who is looking at it, I’m looking at the face of the lyudin in the photo, and I’m very happy. Do not shy away from the meaningless value of the form "3.92249462e-11" - tse mathematical form recording the number, de "e-11" means to transfer signs to someone, so that the number "0.0000000000392249462" appears in the attachment, as it is not enough.

Now you can fantasize about storing the algorithm for detecting emoticons from a photo. For me, for example, to bounce a photo album in social media, which is in the presence of the opposite status of koristuvach (trouble, joy, or nudge) automatically rearranging the photos from the settings. For a small butt, you can take a look at the pictures in the framing, the camera of your device will photograph you and the algorithm starts with the settings, and then it will be displayed before looking at the image, see the picture in a positive way, for example, look like a bar.

I vpevneniy, that the algorithm knows the powerless ways of storing. Moreover, Microsoft has provided an API for accessing the algorithm, and it means that it can be quicker and faster, and the processing results can be done in the most convenient ways.

Well, for the rest of the time, I have to indulge in the automatic recognition of emoticons, and I want to show you what happened.

Perse the photo, as I have changed, tse, zychayno well, the celebrities terminator is a master of nezvorushnist. The first algorithm is less adaptive - 0.89 neutrality.

Why not try it more fun? And what is more beautiful for all to grimace and to have fun is the first thought of the Mask. I monophonic - a person outside of "Happiness".

Once the filmy has already gone, then you need to try and get a hobby. Here I myself can’t bring the whole gamut of emoji to face and the algorithm is good for me. However, at the moment I didn’t go through the trick - if I hover the cursor over the frame in the photo, then at the end of the results, I take it, especially if it’s rich.

I know Jim Carrey, well, I’m going to have a job, and I’m even more excited about my emotions. I am not merciful to rent.

In the photo, a young Lyudin, the emotional camp of her name was marked as a new one.

Establish the setup and the algorithm for the early preparation of the photo emoticons. Individuals are obviously not called upon by nature for a clear transmission, but everything is meant for a very high accuracy.

Well, let's cheat. Chi is not a photo, but a portrait, painted by the artist from our site () and I put in the result there may be bad results!

Obviously, I didn’t get into it and tried to recognize the Cheburashka and lost nothing - the algorithm for thinking about the character of the cartoon.

Let's look at the algorithm for recognizing emoticons from photos, Microsoft's implementations, I would like to see even better results from this robot and a great number of accurate recognitions. For a demo start, just an indication of the result! We will check out new tsikavih solutions.