Theory of Vsesvit. What is the answer to Vsesvit? Theory of the Great Vibuhu: Vsesvit. Religin theory of judgment to Vsesvita. Great vibuch and prying to Vsesvit. Riddles to Vsesvit: what a bulo at Vsesvit

The greatness and growth of the new light is good enough to prevent it from happening. All objects and objects that can feel a human being, some people, little things like roselin and food, particles, which you can touch just behind the aid of a microscope, as well as non-detective signs of purchase: all this is understood.

Theories of judgment to Vsesvit have been broken up by people for a long time. Unimportant to see the cob-talker about religion or science, in the addictive minds of ancient people, the food was found out about the principle of personal organization and about those who are people in that space, like they will work. Skіlki іsnu theorіy іnіknennya Vsesvіtu tіgodnі, neatly and porahuvati, doyakі from them vіvchayuyutsya the most advanced wіth sіtіvіy names, and inshi - wіdverto fabulous.

Cosmology and subject

Modern cosmology is a science about the structure and development of Vsesvit - looking at food about the first time as one of the most common and lack of educational mysteries. The nature of the processes, they took the cognizance of stars, galaxies, sleepy systems and planets, their development, dzherelo show to Vsesvita, as well as the development of those boundaries: all it would be is to have a short change of delicious food.

The questions about the main riddle about the light of the day led to the day before development theory viniknennya, іsnuvannya, development to Vsesvita. Hvilyuvannya fakhivtsіv, as whukajut іvіdpovіdі, as there will be and inverting hypotheses, it is true, even the theory of popularization of the whole world of development for all people and the worlds of the planetary systems of life

Theory of judgment to All the evidence of the nature of scientific concepts, surrounding hypotheses, religious science, philosophical phenomena and myths. Їх everything is cleverly subdivided into two main categories:

  1. Theories, all the way down to all the ideas of the creator. In fact, it seems that the essence is in the fact that the process of the establishment of Allsight will be learned and naturalized, the manifestation of the will of the divine mind.
  2. The theory of judgment to Vsesvit, prompted on the basis of scientific officials. Їх postulates categorically indicate that a creator is aware of, so is the possibility of an acquired knowledge of the light. Such hypotheses are often based on what is called the principle of transcendence. The stench allows for the appearance of life not only on our planet, but on our planet.

Creationism - the theory of the establishment of light by the Creator

Yak viplivaє s name, creationism (creation) is the purpose of the theory of judgment to Vsesvita. Tse svitoglyad is based on the concept of the root of All-Sight, the planet and the people of God or the Creator.

Idea was a trivial hour until the end of the 19th century, if the process of accumulating knowledge in the very spheres of science (biology, astronomy, physics) was accelerated, and the evolutionary theory was also widely expanded. Creationism has become a freakish reaction of Christians, as they see conservative glances at how they see it. Dominucha in that hour, the idea of ​​evolutive development only managed to resist, so that it could be understood between the religious and theories.

What we learn from science and related theory

Heads of insight and theories of different categories speak for everything in terms of how vicarious they are. So, in scientific hypotheses, nature is the substitute for the creator, and the nature of the foundation is prodigality. The order of the number of food items, as a certain rank, according to different theories, or to increase the number of duplicates.

The theory of verdict to Vsesvita, how to refer to other categories, in a reasonable way, I will appear. For example, for the data of the most popular hypothesis (the theory of the great vibuhu), Vsesvit has accepted nearly 13 billion rubles.

On the contrary, the relevance of the theory of judgment to Vsesvita is to give the names of the figures:

  • In the form of Christian dzherels, in the name of Vsesvit, created by God, at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, it became 3483-6984 rock.
  • Induizm transmits, but our light is worth 155 trillion rubles.

Kant and yogo cosmological model

Until the 20th century, there were a lot of people who thought about the lack of endlessness of the whole world. The quality of the smell was characteristic of the hour and space. Besides, on the other hand, Vsesvit volodya is static and one-size-fits-all.

The idea of ​​the lack of space to Allwith in the open space by Isaac Newton. I was engaged in the development of this run-up, having broken the theory about the visibility of the clock between. Sinking into the distance, in theoretical implications, Kant broadened the inconsistency of Allworld to the number of young biological products. This postulate means that in the minds of an ancient and majestic light without a tip and a ear, there can be a small number of possible options, as a result of which there is really a kind of biological appearance.

As a result, a little bit of evidence has been shown, and there are 40 characteristics that are necessary for the development of civilization. American astrophysicist H'yu Ross Bula carried out an assessment of the immobility of a similar hateful zbigi. The result was the figure 10 -53.

Our Vsesvit includes a trillion galaxies, 100 milliard stars per skin. The number of planets is guilty of becoming 10 20. The figure is 33 orders of magnitude lower than the number of planets before. Also, there are planets in all galaxies that can’t draw the mind, as it would be for a momentary life.

The theory of the great vibuch: a verdict to Vsesvita from a tiny little part

At the same time, as they adapt the theory of the great vibuhu, they support the hypothesis, all the way to what is known as the heritage of the grandiose vibuhu. The main postulate of the theory of old is firmness about those, until the end of the day, all the elements of the ninety all-inclusive bully are packed into particles, which are small microscopic dimensions. Overburdened in the middle of it, the elements were characterized by a singular stance, at which such indicators, such as temperature, strength and grip, could not be vimiryan. The stench is uninteresting. The laws of physics are not infused into the matter and energy in the whole country.

The reason for the vibuhu, which has become 15 billions of rock, is called instability in all the middle parts. Rozletіlisya other elements poured an ear of that light, as we know this year.

A collection of Vsesvit buv foggy, approved by other parts (the other atom). Then, once in a while, the stench formed the atoms, which served as the basis for the starry galaxies. Look at the food about those who went up to vibuhu, and also, what became the reason for them, who were the most important from the establishment of the theory of judgment to Vsesvit.

The table schematically depicts the stage of the formation of the light of the great vibuhu.

camp to VsesvitaTimchasova Visbefore the temperature
Expansion (inflation)From 10 -45 to 10 -37 secondsPonad 10 26 K
There are quarks and electronics10 -6 sMonday 10 13 Until
Confirm protons and neutrons10 -5 s10 12 Before
The nuclei are known to be helium, deuterium and lithiumVid 10 -4 s to 3 minFrom 10 11 to 10 9 Until
approved atomy400 yew. Rockiv4000 K
Gazova Khmara prodovzhu15 million rubles300 K
The first stars and galaxies are born1 billion rubles20 to
Vibuhi zirok provoke the formation of important nuclei3 billion rubles10 to
To support the process of the people of zirok10-15 billion rubles3 Before
Energy of all zirok hang out10 14 rockiv10 -2 before
Chorni diri hangs and pops up elemental particles10 40 rockiv-20 to
Viparovannya of all Chornikh dir10 100 rockivFrom 10 -60 to 10 -40 K

Yak vipliv with the help of danikhs, Vsesvit prodovzhu expand and cool.

Continuously growing into galaxies is the main postulate: those who see the theory of the great vibuhu. Winning Vsesvita in this way can be confirmed by knowledge of evidence. It is also presented and presented for the whole day.

problematic theory

I will look at those who have not brought the theory of the great vibuhu to practice, I will not be victorious about those who have a good meal, if they are not in a snake to date:

  1. Singularity. This word means the camp of Vsesvita, stisl_y to one point. By the problem of the theory of the great vibuhu, I will be unhappy to describe the processes that come into the mother and the space in such a country. The primordial law of validity is not applicable here, so at the same time a mathematical description and standard for modeling is possible.
    The principle of the unkindness of rejecting the feed about the original state of the whole world discredits the theory from the very ear. Її science-popular wiklad will want to change it or zgaduvati it’s more foldable. However, for those who are educated, how to work over them, how to bring a mathematical base to the theory of the great vibuch, also the folding camp is recognized by the head junction.
  2. Astronomy. In tsіy spheres the theory of the great vibuhu sticks to that, but we cannot describe the process of walking galaxies. Out of the latest versions of theories, you can transfer those that are one-day gasps. At the same time, until the last hour, she is guilty of folding close one atom to cubic meter... To reject what is more, one cannot do without correcting the vicious camp of Vsesvit. The lack of information and practical advice in the whole sphere is becoming serious transitions to the way of fake model.

There is also a sense of inconsistency in the indicators of the rosary mass of our galaxy and these data, which are discarded during the development of a large scale up to now, our galaxy ten times more, earlier.

Cosmology and Quantum Physics

Years of dumb cosmological theories, which were not ruled out for quantum mechanics... Aje wondered about the description of the behavior of atomic and subatomic particles. visibility quantum physics of the classic (viclated by Newton) in that, which is spostering and describing material objects, and the first transferring is a mathematical description of the most cautious and vimiryuvannya. For quantum physics, material values ​​do not represent the subject of presentiment, here the sposterik himself is a part of presentiment of the situation.

There are many peculiarities, quantum mechanics is difficult to describe to Vsesvit, and sposterigach is a part of Vsesvit. However, those who talk about the confession of all things, it is unwise to reveal the third parties. Try to develop the model without the participation of a third-party sposter.

The essence is that at the skin moment of the hour the split of the All-Holy and the approval of an endless number of copies is seen. Have a bag of skin parallel alliances can be observable, but sposter can be found in all quantum alternatives. With a lot of cob and new lights are real.

Inflation Model

The main employees, as they poklikana the theory of inflation, began to think about nutrition, but they have lost the ignorance of the theory of the great vibuch and the theory of expansion. And itself:

  1. What are the reasons for Vsesvit to expand?
  2. Who is the great vibuch?

With the help of the inflationary theory, the theory of the transmission of the extrapolation expansion to the zero moment to the hour, the change of the whole mass to All the world at the same point, I will learn about the cosmological singularity, which is often the same.

Obviously, the irrelevance of the out-of-the-box theory of viability, as it cannot be stagnated at the moment, has become irrelevant. As a result, for the development of a larger theory (aka "new physics") and the expansion of the problem of cosmological singularity, it is possible to use only theoretical methods, calculating and calculating those rules.

New alternative theories

Unimportant to the success of the model of space inflation, which at the beginning, as opposed to being called unsuccessful. Їх the main argument of the critic is the proponated theory of solutions. Opponents try to dismiss the decision to lose the deyaky details by introducing it, to replace the problem of cob meanings, the theory is deprived of the mainstream of the drapery.

Alternatively, there are a few exotic theories, the idea of ​​which is based on the formulated cob meaning up to the great vibuhu. The new theory of judgment to Vsesvit can be briefly described with the following rank:

  • String theory. Ї hitchhikers proponyut, except for the wicked ones, in the open space and for an hour, to introduce additional wimiri. The stench could play a role in the early stages of Vsesvit, and in Danish the moment is known in the compactified camp. Informing the food about the reasons for this compactification, we can say that it is the power of superstrings є T-duality. To that, the strings will be "wound" on additional sizes and interlaced.
  • Bran theory. It is also called M-theory. According to the postulates, on the cob the process of establishing Vsesvit is cold in a static five-dimensional space-hour. Chotiri from them (spaciousness) may be intercourse, or else there are three-Branches. Our space is represented by one of the walls, and the friend is by the haunted. The third three-brane is spaced out in the chotirivimir space, її flanks the two border Brani. The theory of the development of the third warfare from our and the creation of a great amount of energy. You will be able to become friendly for the manifestation of the great vibuhu.
  1. Cyclical theories to prevent the uniqueness of the great vibuhu, but to make sure that Vsesvit move from one camp to another. The problem of other theories is the growth of entropy, due to the other law of thermodynamics. Otzhe, the triviality in front of the cycles was less, and the temperature of the speech is just the same, not at the great vibuch. This quality is superficially small.

Independently of the fact that some of the theories have been denounced to Vsesvit, only two of them have been trying to reconcile for an hour and have solved the problem of an all-too-simple entropy. The stinks of the razroblenі vcheny Steinhardt-Turkіv and Baum-Frampton.

It is true that the theory is new to Vsesvit visunuti in the 80s of the last century. Smell there are a few of the last messages, as they are developing the models on the basis of the її basis, to be engaged in a joke in proving the reliability and work over the usunenny of supernaturalities.

String theory

One of the most popular meanings of the theory of condemnation to Vsesvit is string theory. First, go to the description of the idea, you need to get in touch with the understandings of one of the closest competitors, Vona transfer, how you can describe a singing set of parcels that can be divided into several groups:

  • Quarks.
  • Leptoni.
  • Bosoni.

Particles є, by the way, are lightweight, so as the stench of the floor is small, it’s not possible to distribute it to warehouses.

The theory of strings in mind is firm about those who are not like particles, but ultra-microscopic strings, so that the sound can be lost. At the same time, you can use different frequencies, the strings become analogous to the small particles described in the standard model.

For the rationalization of the theory of learning, the strings are not just a matter of energy. Otzhe, rob the visnovok, so that all the elements of Vsesvita are stored with energy.

A good analogue can serve the fire. When you look at a new one, the hostility of its materiality appears, however, it cannot be sprymati.

Cosmology for schoolchildren

Theory of vyniknennya Vsesvita briefly vivchayut in schools in astronomy lessons. The scholars will describe the basic theories about those, like our light of statements, how to see him now and how we will develop from now on.

Through the lessons of learning about the nature of children, the formation of elementary particles, chemical elements and heavenly til... Theory of vyniknennya Vsesvita for children to raise the theory of the great vibuch. Vikladachi vicoristovuyt onochny material: slides, tables, posters, illustrations. I will be interested in the main employees of the children until the next day.

Pavlo 12.03.2017 16:44
The steel of the constants for the milyardi rocky, yes, yes, by the time of the verdzhuvati - all the same is not endless in space and time. Many parts of the electron and the proton are not vapid, it is wonderful to be precisely narrowed by the magnitude of the lightness and the energy vacuum. The statement about the expansion only on the basis of the Doppler effect cannot be without change. Expanded Vsesvita "on the spot" to supervise the stability of the changes in hocha b sleep system, Rosemiriv Earth. On the Earth there are no geological tributes to confirm the significant size of the Earth and the greater size of the sleepy system. Fantasies can bust out distant horizons, but they have no nose right in front of them. Great shock - the collapse of the theory of BV is not far off. "And the korlo is naked!"

Pavlo 11.03.2017 20:46
Oleksandr Kozlov. You are absolutely right. Robit is such a large scale, primed only on the Doppler effect, do not bother with respect to those screaming prototypes - just a child of lightness. Bіlopіlskiy and Tsvikki explained the background spectrum of the old photons. This is how the acceleration of the launching of galaxies is connected with the mass of the vibration of the mirror, and it is possible to be gravitated before the gravitational process. The big report wiping BVs are displayed in the book: "The Great Vibuch: The Cause of Reality", author: PD Shpakov, GM Degtyarov, OV Tsvєtkov, є in libraries. So, as all the constants are tied to the energy space (vacuum), then with the expanded space, the drift of the constants and changes in space objects, including those in the Earth, is made possible. The lightness of the "pidrivniks" is just quiet. An American astrophysicist, a lady, unfortunately, having forgotten her name, brought her argument about B. V's unhappiness, - according to the names of such a path, it is 10 in the minus 500 steps.

Pavlo 11.03.2017 11:03
The Great Vibukh (BV) is a great delusion. It is refuted by the BV elementary: for 2 billion Rockets of light constants have not changed, the price is supported by an analysis of the isotopes of a natural nuclear reactor in the Oklo region (Gabon). With the expansion of the space, the blame for the change in the brightness of the light, as it is without a priori tied to the energy vacuum. Any negative process in nature is characterized by the power of the middle, in which it expands, but the theorists of the Security Council do not know anything about the physical power of the vastness, and about the nature of the lightness of the light, it is impossible to blunder about the BV. The physical power of the vastness to manifest itself in the magnitude of physical fields, in the magnitude of all constants, which logically set up the system. People's materiel from energy is brought to a vacuum in strong gravitational fields

Oleksandr Kozlov 21.12.2016 21:22
Astronomical caution is required to correctly tlumachit, and not to get tired and tired, as it is necessary to keep things going and robbed in the past, the henchmen of the "Great vibuhu". Until then, nourishment, like looking at matter, all the light, space and hour, be quicker, to philosophy, and not to astrophysics. And the philosophy is unambiguously seen-all-important in the hour and in the open, because the "Great Vibukh" didn’t know how to give the ear of something that’s senselessly and indefinitely. Apparently, as it is all-important in the hour and indefinite in space, then it is easy to expand and not. Being ignorant of materialistic philosophy, physics and astrophysics, I will come up with "black diri", "dark energy", "Gravitational", "wiggle space", I would like to think of something else.
There are no real proofs to support the theory of the "Great Vibuhu" and cannot be due to all that has been said.

25.07.2016 02:35

20.05.2016 12:40
"And having said God: so there will be light. And there will be light ..." It is a sign of the year, that light is instantaneous and electromagnetically vivid, and energy. Tobto, the very basis of the creative act is the root of energy. I would like, according to the theory, the first parts of the city began to appear until the very light, tsikavo, but in the period from 10 to 32 seconds, the people of Vsesvit were practically filled with photons. It became through those, where the symmetry between the bits of the snake matter and the anti-materie of the bullock was destroyed by the acridity of the first, and in the bag, when the snake particles came into contact with the anti-stink particles, annihilated and photographed the parts of the pig. Tobto, Vsesvit was doing the very fair svitlov show.

01.03.2016 21:20
The cosmological concept is logically completed. In order to reveal the boundless space with a few elements: 1.Type (one way) complete - to achieve the presence of two elements in a new one from SIMPLY and FOLD
/ Closed systemically manifested by day-to-day 2. heterogeneous completion - to complete the postuvatie presence in another
element - the All-Supreme and the Almighty God - from the open systemically manifest
It’s not important to let it go, but even with the minimal possible deployment of the material component of the essence of God - the Spirit of God - for rivn
cob descendingly rectilinear post-laryngeal spine of the material
component of the essence of God;
fall through the block of descent ascendingly directed
gradually develop non-material components in their days /, yak
as much as possible from the point of view to the day of God minimally possible in number
elementary unidirection (1H), and God, on the basis of material components from 1H, unfolds as little as possible until the day as much as possible numerically
elementary uniqueness (2H). The process of the throat 2H was honored in the vidomy of God the moment the hour was respected from the moment of the completion of the throat. throat
The Spirit of God to the level of the cob razgortannya once again razgortaetsya 1H - the potential of God for the transformation of 1H in 2H and 2H in 1H bezmezhny!

Huseyn Gurbanov, Baku, Azerbaijan 01.03.2016 21:18
It is unwise to mask the blindness of being "self-similar to Vsesvite"
"Singular" minu with term "year-old" mechanism.

Huseyn Gurbanov, Baku, Azerbaijan 01.03.2016 21:17

Huseyn Gurbanov, Baku, Azerbaijan 01.03.2016 21:17
Logically completecosmological concept. / Due to lack of knowledge of the English language was not
able to correct the translation Implemented by Google / Inorder to present the unlimited space originally: 1.homogeneous - enough to postulate the presence in it of two elements with Simple
and Complex / closed systematically / 2.heterogeneous - enough to postulate the
presence in it of one more element - the Most High and Almighty God - with
open systematically.Itis easy to assume that even at the lowest possible deployment of the intangible
component of the essence of God - the Spirit of God - for the level of the
original downwardly directed the permanent deployment of the material component
of the essence of God, there is a curtailment of Simple and Complex /i.e .. It
is their decay due to blocking of origin upwardly directed constantly deploy
intangible components of the entity / as much as possible heterogeneous to
God "s essence minimum possible number of cell uniformity (1H), and God on the
basis of the material components of the 1H deploys the minimum possible
heterogeneous to its essence as possible numerically elemental homogeneity
(2H). Coagulation process will begin in 2H known God start time since the completion
of its deployment. curtailment of the Spirit of God to the level of initial
deployment again unfolds 1H - God potential for transformation 1H into 2H and 1H into 2H limitless!

The theory of the Great Vibukh is based on a tsikava and enigmatic theme for rozmovyh svitu. TBV in the main bullet with a break, rozpochatoi astronomers, explain how our Vsesvit appeared on the light.

So what does the word Vsesvit mean for us?

Otzhe, I will try to describe the Theory of the Great Vibuhu with my simple words.

All-light includes everything that is called mother. To the її "warehouse" you can bring the sun, the month, the stars, galaxies, atoms, molecules.

As a result, the last day of the day was over, but the Alliance has close to 100 billion galaxies. It’s a little marvelous, Allsvit is deprived of 10% of the mother and 90% of the dark space.

"The darker space is carried to the masi, which is not allowed and not used for electromagnetism."

Otzhe, how did it all come up and on this day?

It is well known to the Theory of the Great Vibuch, all the time came close to 14 million years ago. All the while, having snoozed at the sight of a small material object with a diameter of a few milimeters, it is possible to fold out from even small particles (like an atom). In science, such a camp is called cosmological singularity. There is a small even higher temperature, and it was even lower - a small, uninterrupted mass, and, as a result of a boil, an uninterrupted force of gravitation.

At the same time, it’s so hot that it’s so hot, that at the singing moment of the hour, I’m vibrating, opening up the space for opening to Allwith, and I’m taking it, but it’s not “vibrating”, but “expanding” until the end of the day we are alive today. Moreover, the expansion to the size of the Sonyachnoy system has become a neymovirnaya shvidkistyu - porodnya shvidkistu light (300,000 m / s). Strictly, so as to expand the view at a time. Probably to know the proof.

The glimpses of the populace of the people through the hundreds of millions of rocky passages of the Great Vibukh. Found small particles, approved as a result of vibuhu under the influx of forces of gravity steel, crumple, curl, make rіznі speeches, Galaxies and stars. A gigantic collection of stars, gas and saw to stand on this day, be it the galaxy. The very fact is that there are millions of galaxies near Vsesvit.

For the Theory of the Great Vibuch in the center of the skin galaxy there is the majestic Chorna Dira. Before speech,

Our earth is located in the galaxy under the name Chumatsky Shlyakh and the ensuing of the galaxies from our Chumatsky Shlyakh on significant speed to bring the expansion of the road. The expansion of the whole world as a result of the Great Vibuch will be explained by the Vibuch Khvili. Schodini Vsesvit grows a billion miles along all the streets.

In 1963, two American scholars, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, vyavili, scho microchillers fall to earth from space. Tsі vipromіnuvannya also confirms the theory of the great vibuhu. It is permissible that the vipprominuvannya comes from the endurance shvidkistyu from space to the Earth. For the sake of it dzherelo buv active far in the past. For example, bulo vyavleno, so relict viprominuvannya bulo viprominuyuchi 13.7 billion years ago. In such a rank, vivchayuchi reports Physical power viprominuvannya, we can learn about it from Vsesviti in an even early hour, so as viprominuvannya, like my bachimo this year, for the sake of it passed magnificently and it was dying, perhaps, not already.

And now it's nice. On the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bVchenykh, it is early to expand all the way to the end of the vibration. At tsei moment, the whole Vsesvit is conceited as a rivnovagi. Ale to the right in that, the power of the heavy black dyoks, as they work in the centers of galaxies, do not pin their dyu. So that black diri will be with a growing force to tighten in itself the navkolishnі parts. For a rakhunok tsiogo allsvіt more and more to squeeze back, until it’s early enough not to transform into a small object with a critical mass and the power of gravity (all yak on the cob). Two parameters will also continue to grow, which will be insanely brought to a new great vibuch .. At the same time, it is impossible to conceal the fact that the whole thing is composed of a great number of such objects, which will shrink and expand immeasurably richly. Skіlki evolve so much trivati ​​- a riddle for all.

The axis is so, in a nutshell, in short, we tried to describe the theory of the great vibuhu in simple words... Thank you, the article was honored to you, to write your nutrition and amendments to the comments. Well, at the end of the day, the video "Theory of the great vibuhu in simple words."

The theory of the Great Vibuhu has become such a well-received cosmological model, as the Earth wraps itself around Sontsya. Apparently before the theory, close to 14 billion rubles in that spontaneous conversation in absolute emptyness led to the appearance of Vsesvita. Of course, it grew up to the size of a subatomic part, and it expanded to the size of a subatomic part in a fraction of a second. But in the whole theory there are a lot of problems, over which there are physics, all new and new hypotheses are hanging.

Not so with the theory of the Great Vibuhu

Theory of viplivay, all the planets and the stars were set up with a saw swept across space as a result of vibuhu. Ale scho overwhelmed youmu, it is not clear: here our mathematical model stops working for an hour. Vsesvit vinik from the cob singular camp, to the point of not storing the current physics. The theory also does not discern the cause of the singularity or the matter of energy for the determination. To get involved, referring to the nutrition about the sensation and walking of the cob singularity will give the theory of quantum gravity.

Most cosmological models are transmitted, It is more common for Vsesvit ma razmir nabagato is larger, but the part is spherical with a diameter of approximately 90 billion light rocks. Mi bachimo only that part of Vsesvita, the light from which it reached the Earth for 13.8 billion rubles. Ale telescopes become more and more beautiful, all the more distant objects are seen, and leave the space before you take care of the process to stop.

At the moment of the Great Vibuhu Vsesvit expands from the accelerated. Foldable riddle of bitter physics - food about those who are wicked. It is a well-known working hypothesis that the All-Sight has an invisible warehouse, which is called "dark energy". The theory of the Great Vibuhu will not explain, if Vsesvit will expand indefinitely, and if so, then to what end it will be known or not.

I want Newtonian mechanics to be suppressed by relativistic physics, It is not possible to name it pomilkovo. The protection of the light and the model for the description of the whole world has changed. The theory of the Great Vibuhu delivered a number of speeches that had not been seen before. With such a rank, as soon as the theory comes in the first place, then it is guilty of a similar and wider understanding of the world.

We are based on the most popular theories to describe alternative models of the Great Vibuhu.

Vsesvit yak mirage chornoi diri

All the winners are responsible for the collapse of the zirka in the chotirivimirny Vsesvita, vvazhayut at the Institute of Theoretical Physics "Perimeter". The results were published in Scientific American magazine. Niyayesh Afshordi, Robert Mann and Razi Purkhasan seem to think that our trivial Vsesvit has become a kind of "holographic mirage" with the collapsed chotirivimirny glimpses. On the basis of the theory of the Great Vibukhu, for the reason that Allsvit the wine is superbly hot and childish for an hour, the standard laws of physics do not become stagnant, a new hypothesis about the widespread reason for the beginning will explain

Surely from the script, formed by Afshord and his colleagues, our trivial Vsesvit is a perfect membrane, as it is great for everything, as it is as if we are. Yakby in the whole chotyrivimir space, they snuffed out their chotyrivimirny stars, the stench was also vibuhali, like and trivial in our Allworld. Internal ball stavav bi black droid, A call wikidavsya used in space.

Our Vsesvit black diri has a sphere called the horizon of the pod. First in the trivial space (Yak membrane) Then, in the chotirivimirny all-light horizon, it will be enclosed by a sphere, as it is in three vimirs. The computer's modeling of the collapse of the chotirivimirny zirki showed that the trivial horizon will gradually expand. Female and sposterіgaєmo, naming the development of 3D-membranes to Vsesvit extensions, vvazayut astrophysics.

The freeze is great

An alternative to the Great Vibuch can be Great Frost. A team of physicists from Melbourne University at a chol with James Kvatch presented a model of the people to Vsesvit, which is more nagadu steps in the process of freezing amorphous energy, not just a glimpse and expansion in three straight lines.

Formless energy, on the thought of the people, like the water chilled to crystallization, having opened three spacious and one hourly vimir.

The theory of the Great Frost is set for the day, take the firmness of Albert Einstein about the continuity and smoothness of space and hour. It is not included, but there is a lot of storage space - non-standard blocks for the intelligence of cryptic atoms or pixels in the computer graph. The blocks of the floor are small, so they are too uncomfortable to support, protest, following the new theory, it is possible to detect defects, which are guilty of breaking the streams of the smaller particles. In the past, we virahuvali so effectively behind the aid of a mathematical apparatus, and now we will try to evolve them experimentally.

Vsesvit without a cob and kint

Ahmed Farago Ali from Bench University in Egypt and Saur Das from Lethbridge University in Canada raised a new solution to the problem of singularity, considering the Great Vibuhu. The stench was brought into Fridman's ryvnyannya, which describes the expansion of the All-Sight and the Great Vibukh, the ideas of the famous physicist Devid Bohm. “It’s wonderful that the amendments are not big, and they can be so rich in nutrition,” - even Das.

Otriman's model has combined in its own general theory of validity and quantum theory. It’s not just the singularity that overwhelmed the Great Vibuch, and it didn’t allow Vsesvit to squeeze back into the first camp in an hour. It is well-known to the otrimanimi tributes, Vsesvit is a modern age and an endless hour of life. In a physical rotated model, the model describes Vsesvit, reminiscent of a hypothetical quantum age, as it is stored in Graviton - particles, so that gravitational interaction is not guaranteed.

Today, it is also possible to compare the results with the last results of the assessment of the scholarship to the All-Russian Union.

Unscented chaotic inflation

The term "Inflation" is the sign of the expansion of Vsesvit, as it was announced by the exponent in the first message of the Great Vibukhu. By itself, the theory of inflation is not simply the theory of the Great Vibuhu, but deprived of its own interpretation. Tsya theory is virіshu kіlka fundamental problems of physics.

It is a well-known inflationary model, since the birth of Vsesvit has been expanded for a short hour by the following exhibitors: All in all, it takes 10 to -36 steps of seconds Vsesvit has been changed in sizes like a minimum of 10 to 30-50 steps, and maybe even more. In the end of the inflationary phase, Vsesvit was memorized by a super-hot plasma from strong quarks, gluons, leptons and high-energy quanta.

concept for uvaz) non-isolated one kind of one all-round with a small attachment

The physicists have come to a meeting, but the logic of the inflationary model does not overstep the ideas of the continuous multiplicity of new people. Quantum fluctuations - also, like that, through how our light has appeared - we can win in any number, as for the whole mind. All in all, our svitobudov went out of the fluctuating zone, and lay in the middle of the street. You can also let it go, if there is something and something in our All-Sight there is a fluctuation, like a "vidme" young all-ness of all sorts of people. For such a model, all the daughters can see everything without interruption. With a lot of calls it is not necessary, but in the new lights, one and the same physical laws... The concept is based on uvaz, which, in the light of the whole world, is isolated, one form of one all-inclusive with the attachments.

cyclic theory

Paul Steinhardt, one of the physicists who laid down the paths of the inflationary cosmology, developed the theory and distance. Vchenyi, what a vision of the Center for Theoretical Physics in Prinston, together with Neil Turok from the Institute for Theoretical Physics "Perimeter" viclav an alternative to theory in the book Endless Universe: Beyond the Big Bang ("Unskinchenna Vsesvit: Beyond the Great Vibuhu"). The Їх model is based on the well-known theory of quantum superstrings, like the M-theory. As a matter of fact, the physical light is 11 vimiryuvan - ten spacious and one watch. In the new "float" the expanse of smaller dimensions, so called Brani (The speed of the "membrane"). Our Vsesvit is just one of these branes.

The Steinhardt and Turok model is sturdzhu, so the Great Vibuch was created as a result of the interruption of our battle with the third brane, which is unheard of to us. There is no end to the screenplay. According to the hypothesis of Steinhardt and Turok, entrusted with our brane "floating" one more trivial to the brane, was sent by the crying ones. It also expands, shrinks and empty, and even through a trillion rocks of Brani, it’s close and it’s stuck. At the same time, one can see a majestic amount of energy, particles and vitality. A whole cataclysm to launch a cycle of expansion and cooling to Vsesvita. With the models of Steinhardt and Turok followed, the cycle of boule and in the past and in order to repeat itself in the future. For whom the cycle has rested, the theory will change.

yak computer

Another hypothesis to talk about Budov's all-power is that all our light is not more than a matrix or a computer program. Idea about those who Vsesvit is a digital computer, for the first time the Nimetsky engineer and pioneer of computer building Konrad Zuse in the book of Calculating Space ("Computational space"). Sered is quiet, hto also having looked at Vsesvit as a giant computer, there are physicists Steven Wolfram and Gerard "t Hooft.

Theorists of digital physics allow for that Vsesvit - according to the essence of information, and, from the same, it is calculated. Z tsikh pripushen slid, scho Vsesvit you can see the result of the robot computer programs or a digital obschlyuvalny annex. The whole computer can be, for example, a gigantic classic machine or a universal Turing machine.

indirect proof virtual nature to Vsesvit call the principle of non-value in quantum mechanics

As a matter of theory, be it a subject and a theme of physical light, it is taken from the setting of food and re-staging of the ideas "so" and "ni". To do everything that we want, there is a code that is analogous to the binary code of computer programs. And mi - a kind of interface, for which there is access to the tributes to the "universal Internet". Indirect proof of the virtual nature of Vsesvit is called the principle of non-value in quantum mechanics: particles of matter can be nudged in an unstable form, and "closed" in a specific state only when being careful behind them.

John Archibald Wheeler, the ambassador of digital physics, wrote: “It wouldn’t be unreasonable to see that information is in the core of physics as it is in the core of a computer. All for a bit. In other words, everything that іsnu is a dermal part, a dermal force field, to wind the spacious-hour continuum itself - we will reject its function, its own sense, into a finnage, its very own sense. "

The great vibuch is carried out to the range of theories, which are formed in the general community of simple life, the history of the people of the Allsight, the importance of the cob, the current and final processes in the life.

What was it before that Vsesvit appeared? Tsey external, practically metaphysical nutrition to be asked at the present day. Winning and Evolution all the way to the prospect of the bully and becoming the subject of sticky super-spikes, name-calling hypotheses and mutually exclusive theories. The main versions of everything that I am deprived of was divinely entrusted from the church interpretation, and the scientific light was adopted by the hypothesis of Aristotel about the static nature of light. The rest of the model was adopted by Newton, who seized the immeasurability and steel of All-power, and Kant, who developed the theory in his work. In 1929, the American astronomer and cosmologist Edwin Hubble radically changed the look at the light.

Win not only revealing the presence of the number of galaxies, but the expansion of the All-Sight - an uninterrupted isotropic expansion of the cosmic space, which has fallen into the mite of the Great Vibuch.

To whom are the goiters' knitted to see the Great Vibuhu?

Albert Einstein's robots over the theory of viability and gravity allowed de Sitter to establish cosmological models Vsesvita. For more advanced bullets, they are linked to the model. In 1923, Weil started up, space the word is wide and wide. The great significance in the development of the theory of robotics of the prominent mathematician and physicist A. A. Fridman. As early as 1922, rotsi vin allowing the expansion of the All-Sight and breaking the rimmed visnovka about those cobs of all materia that were in one endless point, and the development of everything was given by the Great Vibuch. In 1929, Hubble published its own statistics, explaining the order of the exchange of fluidity in the future, by which time the robot became known as "Hubble's law."

GA Gamov, spiraling to Fridman's theory about the Great Vibuch, breaking the idea about the high temperature of the Great Vibukh. Likewise, letting go of the manifestation of cosmic viprominuvannya, which is not wicked about the expansion and cooling of the light. Vykonov vykonov in front of the front of the moister temperature of the surplus viprominuvannya. The transmission of this value was known in the range of 1-10 K. Until 1950, Gamov shot more accurate pigs and the result in 3 K. The temperature was equal to 3 K. The number of houses became the most important for the Gamow robots and the moment of the release of the new type of business. Steps to the cosmic background, held in into space, Residuously brought the variability of the rosary. You can get acquainted with the card of the promotional vipprominuvannya by.

A recent announcement about the theory of the Great Vibuhu: how has it become?

One of the models, comprehensively explaining the emergence and development of the all-important to us, became the theory of the Great Vibuhu. It is widely accepted nowadays, with some cosmological singularity being present - the camp, which volodya has an endless mental and temperament. Physicists have broken down the theoretical structure of the people to Vsesvit from the point where the over-the-top degrees of power and temperature are small. An uninterrupted process of expansion and stable cooling began to flow to the cosmos. At least 13.7 billion rubles have been deposited with the earliest days left by the earliest days.

Vіdpravnі perіodі y formvannі Vsesvіtu

The first moment to be allowed physical theories, - the time of the Planck era, the formation of what became possible in 10-43 seconds after the Great Vibuhu. The temperature of the material reached 10 * 32 K, and the thickness of the door was 10 * 93 g / cm3. At the end of the period of gravitation, self-reliance has grown, having emerged from the fundamental relationships. Uninterrupted expansion and lowering of the temperature triggered the phase transition of the elementary particles.

The onset period, which is characterized by the demonstration of extensions to Vsesvit, instructed in 10-35 seconds. Yogo was called "Cosmic Inflation". It has become a streak-like expansion, at a large extent it has developed a peevish. Tsei period having given an opinion on food, why is the temperature in different points of Vsesvit the same? The song of the Great Vibukhu speech did not immediately spread across Vsesvit, more than 10-35 seconds it took to reach a compact and in a new heat rіvnovagu, not damaged by an inflationary expansion. Period giving the basic material - quark-gluon plasma, which was victorious for the formation of protons and neutrons. The whole process has come up with a slight change in temperature, so “bariogenesis” is changing. The birth of the mother is supervised by the one-hour antimatter. Two antagonistic speeches annihilated, flooding into prominence, and even a few small particles prevailed, and allowed the Allswitness to win.

Chergovy phase transition, which was put on when the temperature dropped, grafting elementary particles that were visible to us. She came as a follow-up to the era of "nucleosynthesis" and was marked by the introduction of protons in the isotope legend. The first illumination of the mali kernels is a short term, the stench disappeared with the inevitable hitching up in small parts. big stiyki elements there were already three hilines, but they were gone by the end of the day.

The dominance of gravitation over those obvious forces became an offensive banner. Through 380 yew. Rock in the hour of the Great Vibuhu the atom of water has appeared. The improvement in gravity served as the end cob period the formation of the Alliance and gave a start to the process of determining the first zoryan systems.

Navigate through the Mayzhe 14 billion Rockets in space, all the while saving the rewarding experience. Yogo iznuvannya in the complex of worms for wickedness is induced as an argument for the confirmation of the power of the theory of the Great Vibuhu.

cosmological singularity

I will, vicariously, I’ll go back to the theory of durability and the fact of uninterrupted expansion to Vsesvit, turn around before the ear of an hour, then change it to zero. Cobbing moment, for science cannot accurately describe the vicarious physical knowledge. Zastosovuvani ryvnyannya, do not go for such a small object. A necessary symbiosis, a building up of quantum mechanics and the out-of-the-box theory of validity, alas, it’s a pity, it’s not gone.

Evolution to Vsesvit: how is it going to be in the future?

There are two possible options for the development of podіy: the expansion of the whole process will not end, for there is a critical point, and there will be a revolting process - squeezing. The whole fundamental vibe is to be found in the size of the average proficiency of speech, which is to be found in the warehouse. If the number is less than critical, the prognosis is more friendly, if it is more, then the light will turn to a singular camp. At this point, I don’t know the exact value of the described parameter;

The imposition of religion before the theory of the Great Vibukhu

The basic principles of the people: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Islam, in their own way adapt the model of modernity. Liberal representatives of the cikh religious confessions wait for the theory of victory and as a result of such unreasonable engagement, that the Great Vibukh will begin.

Knowing to all the light of the theory - "The Great Vibukh" - the bulo of mimovoli was presented by the opponent of the version about the expansion to Vsesvita Hoyle. Winning this idea "absolutely not satisfactory". For the publication of the thematic lectures of the tsikaviy term, the community immediately picked up.

The reasons why the Great Vibuch were wicked were certainly not. For one of the numerical versions, A. Yu. Glushko should be able to trace it to the point where the speech line of the bulo chornohyper-droy is located, and the cause of the vibration is the contact of two such objects, which are stored in particles and antiparticles. With the anigiliation, the materiel of the private community gave an ear to our Vsesvit.

Engineers Penzias and Wilson, who showed the release to Vsesvita, Nobel Prizes by physics.

Indicators of the temperature of the relaxed vipromynuvannya with a bulo even higher. Through a chain of millions of rockets, the parameter has appeared in the boundaries, so that the birth of life becomes unhealthy. Until the end of the period, the number of planets was not very large.

Astronomical warnings and recent advances help to know the answers for the people who eat: "How did it all appear, and what is the matter with us?" Regardless of those, that not all the problems of the appearance, and the first reason for showing to Allwith a dumb, strict and stringy explanation, the theory of the Great Vibuch knew enough of a number of answers to cope with the basic and accepted model.