I will become an interaction in the system of people living in the middle. The interaction of people with the middle of living can be either positive or negative, the nature of the interaction creates flows of words, energy and information. Umovi pratsі

The life of the people is uneasily tied to the navkolishn_m middle of living. In the process of the life of the people and the middle, they gradually interrelate one with one, establishing the system of "people - the middle of living".

life- the price is increased by the efficiency and the reasons, the way of getting people out of it.

Seredovische livingI'm going to leave Lyudin Wednesday, at the Danish moment of sukupn_styu factors (physical, chemistry, biological, social), which are fixed directly or intermittently, or in a way that has been infused into the potential of people, their health and offspring.

The main motivation of people in their relationship with the middle of living is focused on the solution, yak minimum, two main buildings:

Safeguarding your needs in food, water and food;

The activity and victoriousness of the negative influences of the middle of the living.

In the system "Lyudin - the middle of living", there is an uninterrupted exchange of speech, energy and information flows. It should be considered according to the law of protection of life of Yu.N. Kurazhkovsky : "Life can only be realized in the process of destruction through the lively streams of speech, energy and information."

The streams of rivers, energy and information may be natural, technogenic and anthropogenic nature, there is a lot to lie in on the scale of the redevelopment of the power of people and from the stand of the dovkilla.

Lyudin and the navkolishnє yogo middle ground harmoniously interact and develop only in comfortable minds, if the streams of speech, energy and information are found in the boundaries, it is friendly to the human and natural middle ground.

Comfort - lightness, order, calmness.

Achievement of comfort and convenience for a highly effective workmanship and improvement, with a good self-esteem of people. Comfort to ensure optimal performance in microclimate, normative parameters in illumination, rational organization of the working mission and in the areas of adjustment, to those who are thoroughly familiar with the types of transport.

Be-like a change of zvichny rіvnіv streams supervodzhutsya negative influxes on people abo navkolishnє middle ground. The result of injecting a factor into the flow to the object is to lay down the powers and parameters of the flow, as well as the powers of the object.

With the change of streams in the middle of the dawn, it is possible to eliminate a number of characteristic situations of interaction in the system of "people - the middle of living", and itself:

Comfortable (optimal), if the flows meet the optimal minds of the interaction: create the optimal mind and output; change your mind to show the best quality and legacy of productivity; to guarantee the protection of the health of the people and the integrity of the component of the center of living;

Suppose, if the streams are pouring into the people and the middle of the living, do not hesitate negative infusion on health, alto to produce discomfort, lowering the efficiency of the efficiency of people. The loss of the minds of permissible interaction guarantees the unhappiness of recognition and the development of non-turning negative processes among people and in the middle of the world;

It is not safe, if the streams overwhelm the permissible levels and repair the negative influx on the health of the people, wickedly during the triviality of becoming ill, or cause the degradation of the natural middle ground;

Superbly not safe, if the streams high rіvnіv in a short period of time an hour can cause injury, lead a person to a lethal result, viciousness ruinuvannya in the natural environment.

Among the characteristic staninas of people’s fashion and the middle age, two (more comfortable and permissible) make the minds of everybody’s life positive, and two of them (it’s not safe process for people)

Nebezpeki і їkh dzherela

Negative influx into the system "lyudin - the middle of living" is taken by nazivaty nebezpek.

not safe- the power of living and inanimate matter is negative, it is built on the perception of the school of motherhood itself: people, natural middle-class, material values.

Dzherel is not safe for everything alive and inanimate. Ludin, natural middle ground, material values, is not safe to drink. Dzherelami (noses) are not safe for natural processes and manifestations, a technogenic middle ground for those people. It is not safe to be realized at the sight of energy streams, speeches and information, the stench is in the air and in hours.

Nebezpeka is the central figure in the safety of life . The development of natural, technogenic and anthropogenic activities is not safe.

natural problems enrich the elementary manifestations, climatic mind, Relief of missions and t. P. Earthlings, volcanoes, storms, hurricanes, landslides, avalanches and others. Often supravodzhuyutsya injuries that kill people.

Negative inflow on the people and the middle ground is not intertwined with natural problems. Lyudina continuously infuses into the middle of the living with her own activity and products of activity (technical means, vikids of the growing variety, etc.), anthropogenic and technogenic are not safe.

People who are not safe, they call it technogenic, a anthropogenic people are not safe in the result of pardon or unauthorized people or groups of people.

shkidlivy factor- a negative inflow on a lud, yak to produce self-esteem to the point of destruction, or to become ill.

Traumaє (trauma-unsafe) factor negative infusion on a lyudin, which can lead to injuries or deaths.

All are not safe to classify for a number of signs (table 1).

Table 1 - Classification of non-safety

signs of classification view
Behind the views of dzherel viniknennya nebezpek natural
Behind the views of streams in the living space energy
For the moment of disagreement forecasts
For triviality in pouring post_yn_
Change, periodical
short hours
For the size of the streams in the living space marginally admissible
not safe
superbly not safe
For good health, people are not safe by the bodies of sentiments see
By sight I am pouring into ludin shkіdlivі
injuries unsafe
According to ob'єktah zahist Diyuchi on Lyudin
doing on natural middle ground
Diyuchi on material resources
integrated in
For the number of people who are sick to the point of failure specialties
Group (collective)
For the size of the zone and in the pour local
Behind the types of zones, they are not safe virobnichi
zoni ns

They are not inadequate in terms of efficiency in flowing to people and in the middle of living, they are growing in potential, real and realizable.

potential nebezpeka to become a threat to the character, not tied with space and for an hour.

real not safe It is tied to a specific threat inundated to the lude, it is coordinated in the vastness and in the hour.

implemented nebezpeka- the fact that I am injected with a real concern for people, for a moment of feeling, which is a call to the loss of health, or to a lethal result of a human being, to material expenses... If the vibuh of the tanker trucks were grafted to the end of the day, people died, or because of the reason for the wake-up, then the problem was not implemented.

Potency not safe can be assessed for additional risk.

rizik- the quality of the implementation of the security problems. The mill is safe for transferring the visibility of the risik, so that the visibility of the possibility of realizing is not safe. On a practical basis, the bezpeka is not sufficient; Zabezpechennya bezpeku zd_ysnyuєtsya to lower riziku not bezpechenya to deyakogo installed acceptable rizik.

The main characteristic of bezpeki rіvnya is the amount of permissible risik for people. To provide an acceptable risk with a complex of calls: technical, organizational, and allow to bring to the minimum the cause of the failure.

To the reasons of the blame, it is not safe to introduce the human factor and the technical character. Before human factor Introduce:

shortcomings in professional preparation;

Vidhilennya vid normative vimog in the organization and technology virobnstva;

Technological indiscipline;

Weak control in the conducted viprobuvan possession;

Revealing factors of discomfort in robots (stress, stress);

Necessity of the necessary supplies for the sack.

To not be safe for the technical character, they include:

Incomparability of technical problems;

Lack of reliability of technical systems; -

The visibility and the disparity of the control and visual possession.

Realized problems have been taken on the way, overwhelmed, emergency, catastrophe and spontaneous dashing.

podiya- the way to store up with negative influx from the backs of the Shkodi human, natural and material resources.

Superscripted pod_ya (PP)- the way to get through in a short hour and in a high rate of negative influx on people, natural and material resources. Until the PP, great accidents, disasters and spontaneous dashing are reported.

avaria- a move in a technical system, not supervising the bend of people, with any renewal of technical resources it is unfortunate or economically unreasonable.

catastrophe- go to the technical system, to supervise the bend or the missing people.

Spontaneously pod_ya, tied with spontaneous manifestations on the Earth and called to ruin the biosphere, technosphere, to bend or lose the health of people.

Supervision Situation (NS)- the camp of the ob'kta, the territory of the aquatorium, as a rule, when the NP is in place, in case of any kind of threat to life and health for a group of people, material is applied to the population and economy, degrading the natural environment.

The reasons for pod_y in technical systems are vidmov and incidents, the number of such the rest of the rock faultless growthє.

vidmova- a podіya, scho polyagaє in the ruined state of the art technical system.

incident- vidmov technical systems, victories by incorrect actions of the operator.

Awareness of the relationship between people and technical systems allows identification of injuries and long-term factors, as well as virobiti methods of assessing the quality of certain situations.

The first method is the accumulation of statistical data on accident rate and injury rate. The shortage of the method is the lack of interconnection, the unhappiness of the experiment, and the inability to assess the need for new technical systems.

Another method is the theory of hope. Hope - the power of the object to save in the hour in the establishment of boundaries the meaning of all parameters, so that it allows the visibility of the necessary functions.

One of the main things is to understand the theory of hope. Vidmova - the destruction of the original technical annex through the adjustment of the function of abnormal changes in its parameters.

The theory of hopes allows for the assessment of the terms of service, for the end of any technical due to the possibility of capital repairs, modernization.

The third method is a method for modeling unfavorable situations. Shikuyutsya with diagrams - a tree of pod_y for additional special signs.

The fourth method is the method of expert assessment, vikoristovuyutsya at the preliminaries to complete folding objects, if it is difficult in the established reliable models of the functioning of great systems.


The main meta of the safety of life yak science is the capture of people in the technosphere from negative influences of anthropogenic and natural walking and reaching comfortable minds of living.

In order to achieve the process of thinking є realizing the knowledge and intelligence by means of a suspension, directing to the change in the technosphere of physical, chemical, biological and negative influences up to acceptable values. The value of knowledge is essential to enter into the science of the safety of living, as well as the center of the Belarusian Railways, in the foreign region of knowledge - the ecology of the technosphere.

Bezpeka zhittadіyalnosti - the science about comfortable and safe interaction between people and the technosphere.

Basics of safety of life. Vzaєmodia people і dovkіlla

The life of the people is uneasily tied to the navkolishn_m middle of living. In the process of the life of the people and the middle, they gradually interrelate one with one, establishing the system of "people - the middle of living".

Life - the price of increased activity and reasons, the way people are learned.

The navkolishn middle-class is the navkolishn people’s middle, it was summed up in the Danish moment with the sukupnіstu factors (physical, chemistry, biological, social), who are fixing directly or mediating negativity or the future of health in people’s life,

The main motivation of people in their relationship with the middle of living is focused on the solution, yak minimum, two main buildings:

  • - securing your needs in food, water and food;
  • - mainstreaming and victoriousness of the negative influences of the middle of the living.

In the system "Lyudin - the middle of living", there is an uninterrupted exchange of speech, energy and information flows. It should be considered according to the law of protection of life of Yu.N. Kurazhkovsky: "Life can only be realized in the process of destruction through the lively streams of speech, energy and information."

Streams of rivers, energy and information may cause natural and anthropogenic nature, there is a lot of stench in what can be found on the scale of the new development of the people and the country of the dovkilla.

Lyudin and navkolishnє yogo middle ground harmoniously interconnect and develop only in the minds, if the streams of speech, energy and information are found in the boundaries, friendly to the human and natural middle ground. Whether it is a change in the spirits of the streams, it will lead to negative influxes on the people and / or navkolishnє middle-class.

Changing the size of any flow from the smallest to the most youthful value, you can go through a number of characteristic stances of interaction in the system "ludin - middle of living":

  • - more comfortable (optimal), if the flows meet the optimal minds of the interaction: they create the optimal minds and efficiency; change your mind to show the best quality and legacy of productivity; to guarantee the protection of the health of the people and the integrity of the component of the middle of the living;
  • - for example, if the streams flow into the people and the middle of the living, do not curb the negative flow into the health, or cause discomfort, lowering the efficiency of the people’s efficiency. The loss of the minds of permissible interaction guarantees the unhappiness of recognition and the development of non-turning negative processes among people and in the middle of the world;
  • - it is not safe, if the flows are permissible, and to repair the negative influx on the health of people, wickedly during the trivial process of becoming ill, and / or to bring about the degradation of the natural middle ground;
  • - it is not safe, if the streams of high levels in a short period of an hour can inflict injury, lead a person to a lethal result, wickedness in the natural environment.

Among the characteristic staninas of people’s fashion and the middle age, two (more comfortable and permissible) make the minds of everybody’s life positive, and two of them (it’s not safe process for people)

The interaction of people with the middle of living can be either positive or negative, the nature of the interaction creates flows of words, energy and information.

disaster nebezpeka technogenic anthropogenic

The interaction of people with the middle of life in the process of living is based on the transmission between the elements of the system "people - the middle of living" streams of mass communication, energy of all kinds and information.

Characteristic flows of mass, energy and information of living space

Streams in the natural environment:

  • sleepy viprominuvannya, viprominuvannya zirok and planets;
  • space promenades, drank, asteroids;
  • electric i magnetic fields earth;
  • circulation of rechovins in the biosphere in ecosystems, in biogeocenoses;
  • streams tied with atmospheric, hydrospheric and lithospheric manifestations, including those with spontaneous;
  • іnshі streams.

Technosphere flows:

  • streams of syrovini, energy;
  • product streams of economy halls;
  • enter the economy;
  • information streams;
  • transport;
  • svitlov_ (piece of illumination);
  • flows during technogenic accidents and іnshi.

Streams in the social center:

  • information (navchannya, state management, International Spіvrobіtnitstvo і t. P.);
  • people (demographic vibukh, urbanization of the population);
  • streams drug addiction, Alcohol and ін.;
  • іnshі streams.

Streams that live and are seen by people in the process of living:

  • streams of sour, vodi, їzhі and іnshih speeches (alcohol, tyutyun, drugs, etc.);
  • energy flows (mechanical, heat, sleepy and in.);
  • information streams;
  • flows of input in the process of living and in.

This kind of modality will ensure that the basic needs of the people are satisfied: in food, water, sleep, sleepy energy, information about the life of the middle class, in the vision of life in the current life of heat flows in the mass of the animal.

According to the laws of biogeocenosis, the flow of speech and energy is exchanged in nature without the participation of people: the nature of the middle does not provide for the flow of sleepy energy on our planet, as well as for the stem of the flow of arrivals and sprouts. streams of different types of energy.

The technosphere is going to exchange flows of all types of energy and energy, and dynamic flows of products and flows of products and flows to the air (go into the atmosphere, throw off the water, come and go, come and go). There and then spontaneously there can be significant flows of mass and energy (in case of all kinds of technogenic accidents, disasters, etc.).

It doesn’t happen that there is a significant exchange of flows, but it’s growing in the social middle, it’s generating and living in all kinds of flows that are characteristic of people as a specialty, including all the growing control over the flow of information. social center leading streams of all types, directing to the transformation of natural and man-made light, at the same hour form the problems of safety in suspensions, connected with social behavior: chicken, aided by alcohol and drugs, etc.

Changing flows in the middle of the day, it is possible to recognize a number of interactions in the system "ludin - the middle of living", which is characterized as:

  • comfort (Optimal), if the flows lead to the optimal minds in interaction: to create the optimal minds and decisions; change your mind in order to show the best quality, like inheritance, productivity and efficiency; to guarantee the protection of the health of the people and the integrity of the component of the center of living;
  • admissible If the streams pouring into the people and the middle of living, do not curb the negative influx on the health, or cause discomfort, lowering the efficiency of the people’s efficiency. The loss of the minds of permissible interaction guarantees the unhappiness of recognition and the development of non-turning negative processes among people and in the middle of the world;
  • not safe If the streams overwhelm the permissible rivni and repair the negative influx on the health of the people, wickedly during the trivial development of the disease, and / or cause to the degradation of the natural middle ground;
  • superbly not safe If the streams of high equals in a short period of an hour can cause injury, lead a person to a lethal result, viciously ruinous in the moment. The collapse of the body is seen at the values ​​of the factor in the flow, but the posture lies in the zone of tolerance, її can be seen as the process of the loss of the body in the simple pidsystem.

Comfortable and permissible I will become in the fashion of people from the middle of living, I will bring positive minds of everyday life, not safe and superbly safe - unacceptable for the processes of life of people.

The inflow of the middle of living on the living can be either positive or negative, the nature of the inflow starts with the parameters of the streams of speech, energy and information and the health of the living body.

  • 3. The role of flora and fauna in the living of people
  • 4. Rizik motivation
  • 5. Methods for securing the best possible performance
  • 6. The main reasons for the degradation of the midst of the colony
  • 7. The current biosphere camp. The noosphere is the evolutionary camp of the biosphere.
  • Topic 3. Interaction between people and technosphere. plan
  • 1. Understanding the technosphere.
  • 2. The structure of the technosphere and її components
  • 3. The genesis of the technosphere.
  • 4. Ob'єkti zahistu.
  • 5. Problems in the systems without baking.
  • Topic 4. Identification and pouring into the people of high-class and unsafe factors of the middle of life. plan
  • 1. Classification of negative factors of natural, anthropogenic and technogenic activity.
  • 2. Shkіdlivі and not safe negative factors
  • 3. Systems of recovery and compensation by organism of people of high school officials of the Dovkilla.
  • 3.1.1. Organi chutta
  • 3.1.2. Nervous system
  • 3.1.3. Homeostasis and adaptation
  • 3.1.4. Natural systems and organisms
  • 4. Boundly permissible equivalents of unsafe and extreme factors are the main vision and principle of establishment.
  • Topic 5. The zealousness of people and dovkіllja from shkіdlivny and not safe factors of natural, anthropogenic and technogenic promenade. plan
  • 1. The main principle is not safe.
  • 2. Systems and methods for the acquisition of people and culture in the midst of the main types of unsafe and high-flown natural, anthropogenic and technogenic promenade.
  • 4. Methods for control and monitoring of insecure and difficult factors.
  • Topic 6. Providing comfortable minds for the life and the spirit of people
  • 1. Comfort (optimal) mind life.
  • Organization of the working mission
  • Technical aesthetics
  • Meteorological report on virobnistvі
  • illumination
  • light technical values
  • Basic health functions
  • Topic 7. Psycho-physiological and ergonomic bases of security
  • 1. The main psychological reasons for pardons and the establishment of unfavorable situations.
  • 2. Professiogram. Engineering psychology. Psychodiagnostics.
  • 3. See and witness labor efficiency.
  • Topic 8. Supervised situations and methods of taking over in minds and implementing the Plan
  • 1. Classification of supervised situations
  • 2.Phase of development of emergency situations
  • 3. Negative factors in extraordinary situations
  • 4. Lіkvіdatsіya inheritance in supervised situations
  • Topic 9. Management of safe living
  • 1. Legal and regulatory and technical bases of management of safe living
  • 1.1. Laws and regulations.
  • 1.2. Normative and technical documentation (NTD).
  • 2. The system for monitoring vimog safety and environmental friendliness
  • 2.1. Management of the protection of the navkolishny natural center.
  • 2.2. Management of protection of the law.
  • 2.3. Expertise and control of ecology and safety
  • 2.3.1. Ecological examination.
  • 2.2.2. Environmental control at enterprises.
  • 2.3.3. Inspection of safety.
  • 2.4.4. State examination of the minds of pratsi.
  • 3. Economic aspects of safety of living
  • 4. International sports
  • 2. The interaction of people with the midst of іsnuvannya.

    Lyudin and navkolishnє yogo middle-class in the process of living continuously together. At the same time, life can only be borne in the process of ruin through the lively streams of speech, energy, information (Law of the preservation of life, Yu. N. Kurazhkovskiy.). Z In the midst of the middle class, you can press on the rise (good-natured or unhelpful) pouring into the camp of the health of the people, their self-respect, prasezdatnist, vidpochinok. A large number of vipadkiv see a small amount of rivn in pouring on a ludin

    It is possible to see the offensive characteristics of the relationship in the system "Lyudin - the middle of living":

    1. Comfortable (optimal), if the flows meet the optimal minds of the interaction: create the optimal mind and output; change your mind to show the best quality and legacy of productivity; to guarantee the protection of the health of the people and the integrity of the component of the living environment.

    2. It is permissible, if the streams pouring into the people and the middle of the population, do not curb the negative influx into the health of the people, or cause discomfort, lowering the efficiency of the people’s efficiency. Not catching the minds of permissible interaction is a guarantor of the unhappiness of recognition and the development of non-backward negative processes among people and in the middle of the world.

    3. It is not safe, if the streams overwhelm the permissible level and repair the negative influx on the health of the people, wickedly during the trivial process of becoming ill, and / or cause the natural middle ground to degradation.

    4. It is superbly not safe, if the streams of high levels in a short period of an hour can cause injury, lead a person to a lethal result, wickedness in the natural environment.

    The first two stanzas of the system of "ludina - the middle of living" make the minds of everyday life positive, and the other two are unacceptable for the processes of life of people, preserving the middle, the development of natural E.

    3. Understand "nebezpeka", "bezpeka".

    The first rooks of their own insight into the subject of the Belarusian Railways are developed within the framework of the intrinsic theory of security, as it is impossible to understand and value.

    Unconditionally, all negative influences into the system "ludin - the middle of living" were taken to be not safe. One of the keys to understanding the theory of safety.

    Nebezpeka is a mobility, a threat to a deiya, a catastrophe, something that is not necessary. Nebezpeka is the possibility of determining the furnishings, with any kind of matter, field, information, or else, in such a way, it can be inserted into the folding system, so that it can be brought to the point of destruction or the unhappiness of the function of furnishing and development. Nebezpeka - the power of living and non-living matter, information, watering, building the knowledge of the school, the school of the mother itself is negative.

    The understanding of "non-bezpeka" is opposed by the understanding of "bezpeka".

    In the most Zagalom viglyadі safety - the price of safety. The servant of safety can explain himself when looking at the young and unsafe factors of life, real life situations, specific extreme minds, etc. For the smartest way of thinking the understanding of "safety", it is important to make respect for the words, as vikoristovy for the meaning of other safety standards and processes: "no inheritance", "negative pouring", "waste", "Skoda", "shkoda", "shkoda" T . D. Slid to the development of unsafe and high-quality factors, such as to produce undesirable inheritances, and the most undesirable consequences for people and suspensions. Some of the most important bureaucrats can bring up to one and the same one. Nawpaki, one and the same factor in the minds of a child is not too quick to make a bad beat, or not to make it to the point.

    It’s not safe and long-term factories, so negative inheritances of their own kind can be very young. Skoda can think of the most dynamic for the change, the intensity and scale of the phenomenon, which is seen in the course of the Belarusian Railways for the latest reports: natural, technogenic, social, etc.

    Catching in unfavorable situations can be physical, moral or material. The catch will follow the events and processes that are significant for people and fix themselves in their quality and value. The first thing in the quality of the people is the value, which is similar to the Skoda, Tim is more than the Shkodi, which is the quality of Lyudin vbachak in a whole lot of zbitki. To the values, which are not safe for the people and the support, are not only physical, moral, moral (moral) and material (economical) I have given a tendency to depict a specific change in the course of the Belarusian Railways, in which there are different factors behind the changing factors, in economic, political, cultural spheres, in the world

    In the backyard plan, for shkidlivny and not safe officials, there is a sense of furnishings, so that they unpleasantly infuse people and suspensions on them.

    Shkіdlivі officials - furnish, negatively affect people і suspension, which will cover the whole period of interaction with people, a group of people. For high-class factors, action is characteristic, length of time is injected into people and society. ...

    About spare factors - furnish, as you can suffer unhappiness, inflict a skoda for people, beasts (economical, physical, moral, etc.). For example, it is not infallible to be included in the primacy, zapovnenie tyutyunovy dim, so as vіn zdatny zdatniy zavdat shkodi is healthy.

    Shkіdlivі and unsafe factors can lead to the emergence of emerging situations, for some reason. According to the situations, it is worthwhile to understand the nature of the segment of social life, for some characteristic mice, hour, sub'kti, change of activity, social context. Situations are cute. From the point of view of the subject of the Belarusian Railways, the greatest interest is not safe (maybe the officials are not safe, i.e. right up to the direct hitting of people and navkolishny middle) of the situation.

    The term "risik" is little meaning. The terms are derived from the zmist. Rizik in the terminology of insurance vikoristovuyutsya for the meaning of the subject of insurance of the industrial enterprise, as well as the form, the insurance type of life, fire, vibration, insurance sums are not important in the penny period, for the negligible term Economics and statistics, as they are stuck with a lot of food, are risky as in the world of potent inheritances, as they manifest themselves at the singing moment in the future. According to the psychological vocabulary, risik is a type, which is straightforward to add to the meta, which is connected with elements of insecurity, a threat to waste, a situational characteristic of efficiency, as it is a glimpse of unimportance and unpleasantness to be great The meaning of a term describes a risik, as a result of a non-dangerous vypad. Unhappy vipadki: nebezpeka, accident, catastrophe. Unspeakable vidbuvayutsya when singing minds virobnstva abo navkolishny people of the atmospheric middle. The value of the active activity of the sub'ect, the active power of the navkolishny among .. Generally, all the indications include the subject. There will be no podіya, which will not be undesirable podії. Name the іmovіrnіsnіnіnіwіr world of technogenic events and natural phenomena, which supervise the diagnoses, formulated and even unsafe applied at the whole social economical and technological school. Rizik, zvichayno, іmovіrnіsna mіra viniknennya tehnogenno abo natural yavisch, SSMSC suprovodzhuyutsya viniknennyam, formuvannyam i dієyu nebezpek deposited at tsomu sotsіalnogo, ekonomіchnogo, ekologіchnogo vidіv zbitku i vreda..Pod rizikom rozumіyut ochіkuvanu purity abo ymovіrnіst viniknennya nebezpek pevnoї the category, rozmіr zbitku, shkodi is not considered a podії, deyaku a combination of values.

    Rizik is, in fact, not a world of safety. Vikoristovuyt understand the steps of the risik.

    To understand the steps of risk (Level of risk) is not to see the understanding of the risk.

    The steps of the risik are the size of the vimiryuvan.

    The term risik vikoristovuyutsya in a given hour during the analysis of insecurity and management of the safety (risik of technological processes) and virobnitstvom.

    The formation of unsafe and superstitious situations is the result of the singularity of factors in the development, which are generated by various dzherels.

    One hundred percent to the safety of life, this can be the death of a human, an accident, a catastrophe of a technical system, or an attachment, an obstacle, or a destruction of an ecological system, the death of a group of people, an increase in the death rate of a population, a loss of life.

    The skin doesn’t need a pod_ya can be recognized according to the worn to the singing sacrifice - ob'єktu rizik.

    Development of individual, technical, ecological, social and economic issues.

    Technical. Technical systems and facilities. Violation of the rules of operation and technical systems and facilities. Avaria, vibukh, disaster, fire. Anthropogenic ecological disasters, technical dashing.

    Ecological. Ecological systems. Anthropogenic involvement in the natural environment, technogenic oversized situations. Anthropogenic, ecological disasters, spontaneous dashing.

    Social. Social groups. Super-specific situation. Decrease in the quality of life. Group injuries. Zahvoryuvannya. The death of people. Growth rate of mortality.

    Economic. Material resources. The security has been added. There has been a change in the nature of the environment. Zbilshennya vitrat for bezpeka. Catch because of lack of prey.

    Individual. Lyudin. Mind the life of the people. Zagvoryuvannya. Injury. Invalidity. Death.

    Individual risk of thinking about potential problems in the event of unfavorable situations.

    Dzherelami of individual risk є: 1. The internal environment of the human body: old age, social ecology, poor food, water, food products, virus infections, due to injuries, life. Non-safety and high-quality military factors: transport results, accidents and disasters of transport problems, interruption of human transport. accident, disaster, unprofessional performance, sport. Social middle ground: violent conflict, vbivstvo. The navkolishn natural middle ground: earthquake, volcanic rupture, povin, zsuvi, hurricane and іnshi spontaneous dashing.

    Technical rizik. The pardons are at the viznachenny exploiters navantazhen. Incorrect vibration of constructive materials. Insufficient supply of food. Visibility in projects of technical safety equipment. Inappropriate finishing of constructions. Technologies. Documentation on safety criteria. Serіyy issue of not unsecured technology. View of the given chemical materials. Lack of accuracy of constructive dimensions. Damage to the regimes of thermal and chemical - thermal processing, details. Violation of the regulations of the assembly and the design and construction of machines. Violation of the rules of infinite exploitation of technical systems.

    Vikoristannya of technology is not for priznachennya. Destruction of passport design modes, exploitation. Unprecedented prophylactic look around and repair. Destruction of transport and security. Punishments for the staff. Weak tips for a folding situation. Inability to assess the information about the process. Weak knowledge of the essence of the process, how to see. Self-control in the minds of stress. Lack of discipline.

    Ecological risik. Ecological risk bends and the nature of environmental dashing, catastrophe, destruction of the current normal functioning and destruction of ecological systems and objects as a result of anthropogenic involvement in nature, the middle of a spontaneous dashing.

    Dzherela and officials of the social rizik. Urbanization of ecologically unstable territories. Settlement of people in the zones of the mobility of advanced seismicity. Industrial technologies and companies are not safe. Avars at the AES, TES, chemical combinats, road routes. technogenic zabrudnennya dovkilla... Social and vіyskovі conflіkti. Boyovі dії. Zasosuvannya zbroї massovogo urazhennya. Epidemii. Expansion of external infections. Unsatisfactory living but talking.

    The economic risky is to start with the production of corysty and shkodi, possessed by the suspension in the form of activity.

    The situation is not safe - the abundance of not safe factors, the building staff of the shkodi people, the naval middle class.

    An extreme situation - the situation on the singing territory, when there is a need for the people, the navkolishny middle ground is great, but for the desertion the greatness of Zusill is needed.

    An overwhelming situation - the situation at the singing situation, which was formed as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a spontaneous dreadfulness, as it may be due to or blamed a human victim for a victim, a school of health minds of life of people.

    In the process of living a person is drunk in a situation of a growing kind and type. It is true that the role of the people themselves is not safe, and because of the fact that there really is a chance for Shkodi, situations can be safe, if the stench does not take revenge on changes of mind until the time of shkodi people; Potentially unsafe (sub'active or objectively); really not safe and not.

    Axiomi of science about safety of living. Analyze real situations, formulate a number of axioms of science about the safety of living in the technosphere:

    1. Whether the performance is potentially not safe, and in one form of performance it is impossible to reach absolutely safe, the main thing is to bring the risiki to the minimum.

    2. Technogenic problems are not safe, as the streams of speech, energy and information in the technosphere transcend the thresholds of meaning. Not limiting the borderline permissible values ​​of the flow of the natural environment.

    3. All elements of the technosphere є dzherels of technogenic problems. They do not know if there are defects or faults in the technical systems, if the technical systems are incorrect, and also because of the pardons of the service personnel, the visibility of the inputs, such as supervising the operation of the technical systems.

    4. Technogenic problems are not safe to play in space and in hours. The stench is smelled everywhere and in the presence of any technical systems, including simple ones (niz, syrniks, hammer, doors, etc.).

    5. Technogenic are not safe to immediately repair negative influx on people, society, natural environment and elements of the technosphere. Lyudin and navkolishny nature, suspension and technosphere, pereblyuyut in uninterrupted material, energetic and informational exchange, establish continuously the vastness of the system "people - suspension - technosphere" - nature.

    6. Technogenic are not safe to destroy people's health, cause injuries, material losses, degradation of the natural environment, social problems. Injection of high-profile factors, as a rule, trivial; to destroy the negative influx into the camp of the health of people, to produce professional or regional illnesses. Influenced by nature, the middle, shkіdlivі factories to produce up to the waning and the end of the representatives of flora and fauna. Injury-free events are diagnosed in case of accidents and disasters, in case of vibuchs, ruinous wake-up call. Zones of such negative injections, as a rule, are enclosed, if they can be extended to significant territories (for example, an emergency at Chornobilskiy AES).

    7. Zachist from technogenic problems to reach thoroughly technical facilities, which are not safe for dzherelami; For the increase in the size of the dzherel, they are not safe and will not be able to get away with it.

    8. Competence of people, knowledge of security and ways of finding out about them - it is necessary to be mindful to achieve security of life. The growth of technogenic problems, the visibility of natural mechanisms in the minds of them, can be used by people to find and neutralize the problems, and the lack of security in the mind. The price can only be reached as a result of the beginning and the information on all stages of the education and practical activity of the people. The cob stage of modern nutrition is guilty of living in pre-school education, and the kintsev one is responsible for the period of advancing qualifications and retraining of personnel in all spheres of economy.

    9. Fast communication of risky and non-safe zones is corianne. Some of the most difficult in the interconnected areas of development of the zones are inflowed by the well-trained officials at the time of the operation of the systems of power supply (storage in carbohydrates, chemistry, P. AEC). In case of accidents on such facilities, they are not safe zones, as a rule, not only virobnichi zones, but rather zones and population transfer. The main steps of the reduction of the security of additional objects є:

    Adequate equipment safety systems;

    Change of development of non-secure facilities;

    Distance to industrial and living areas;

    Actively vikorystannya zahisnyh systems and annexes;

    Bezperervny control dzherel is not safe;

    Reaching the high professionalism of operators of technical systems;

    Masovye navchannya population to the fundamentals of safety of living, virishennya nagalny social-by-business needs.

    However, when looking at the problems of the preparation of students, the author doesn’t explain the situation, as the situation itself (potential or real) stinks in respect. Timing an hour to be ready for active, adequate actions in a real situation (in case of fire, change, bullying, etc.) does not mean being ready for the right actions in a potentially insecure situation. In other words, the people are nastyly prepared with their actions in a potentially unsafe situation of building a real Skoda and we will feel good.

    Pidvodyachi short bag of a well-spoken, you can change the bag on the next step:

    The understanding of "security" is to serve as a criterion (criterion of assessment) of the abduction of people and of the suspicion of insecurity (shkodi, zbitkiv, vtrat, indispensable inheritance);

    Safety as an objective reality manifests itself in everyday life or to the minimum (to reach a low one, which is acceptable for a particular person in a particular situation) is equal to the risk of winning the mother's interests (healthy, well-being.

    You may not be aware of the safety of living, to lay down and from the out-of-the-way middle, and from the people themselves, from the point of not eating in not safe situations, Willingness to accept a visit to a zahist, culture is safe.



    Lyudin and middle-class living

    The life of the people is uneasily tied to the navkolishn_m middle of living. In the process of the life of the people and the middle, they gradually interact one with one, setting up the system of "the middle of the people of living".

    Life - the price of increased activity and reasons, the way people are learned.

    Seredovische living- navkolishnє people mean, pummeled in the Danish moment of sukupnіstu factors (physical, chemistry, biological, social), who are fixing directly or indirectly, inappropriately or seemingly for the health of people, their offspring.

    The main motivation of people in their relationship with the middle of living is focused on the solution, yak minimum, two main buildings:

    Safeguarding your needs in food, water and food;

    The activity and victoriousness of the negative influences of the middle.

    Changing flows in the middle of the day, it is possible to eliminate a number of characteristic situations of interaction in the system "ludin - the middle of living", and itself:

    Comfortable (optimal), if the flows meet the optimal minds of the interaction: create the optimal mind and output; change your mind to show the best quality and legacy of productivity; to guarantee the protection of the health of the people and the integrity of the component of the center of living;

    For example, if the streams flow into the people and the middle of the living, do not curb the negative flow into the health, or cause discomfort, lowering the efficiency of the people’s efficiency. The loss of the minds of permissible interaction guarantees the unhappiness of recognition and the development of non-turning negative processes among people and in the middle of the world;

    It is not safe, if the streams are permissible to overwhelm and to repair a negative inflow on the health of people, to be vicious during a trivial process of becoming ill, and / or to bring about the degradation of the natural middle ground;

    It is superbly safe, if the streams of high levels in a short period of an hour can inflict injury, lead a person to a lethal result, viciously ruinous in the natural environment.

    Among the characteristic staninas of people’s fashion and the middle of a woman’s life, two (more comfortable and permissible) bring positive minds of everybody’s life, two of them (the middle isn’t safe and dangerous for people)

    At all stages of the development of the lyudin and the suspension, they were continuously poured into the middle of the living. І as long as the bagatyokh is stretched out: if the inflow is insignificant, then, fixing it from the middle XIX century, I will re-create the role of the people in the development of the living middle-class has become quite simply.

    At XX century. On the Earth, there have been zones of increased anthropogenic and technogenic inflow into the natural middle, which has called up to partial, and in the number of vypadkiv and to the whole of regional degradation. Tsim zmіnam rich in chomu were drunk:

    High rate of growth of population on the Earth (demographic vibuch) and th urbanization;

    Growth of living and concentration of energy resources;

    Intensive development of industrial and silky consumer goods;

    masov vikoristannya zasob_v transport;

    Growing vitrate on vіyskovі cіlі and a number of other processes.

    As a result of the active technogenic activity of people in the regions of our planet, the biosphere is structured, and a new type of middle-class living is created - the technosphere.

    biosphere- the area of ​​extended life on the Earth, which includes the lower sphere of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the upper sphere of the lithosphere, but they did not know the technogenic inflow.

    Technosphere- the region of the biosphere in the past, the reincarnations of people behind the help of direct or indirect infusion of technical means with the best of their own

    material and social and economic needs (the technosphere is the region of the place of the industrial zone, the production area, or the middle ground).

    Creating the technosphere, Lyudin pushed to the advancement of comfort, to the growth of communication, to the protection of natural negative influences. Everything was graciously on the minds of life and in fact, due to other factors (medical service, etc.).

    Technosphere - a child of the XX century, come to the change of the biosphere.

    To the new, technospheric, to be introduced to the life of the people in the places and commercial centers, Virobnichi, transport and bybout minds and living. Practically all urbanized populations live in the technosphere, and most of them live in the biosphere.

    The emergence of the technosphere was called upon before the biosphere in the regions of our planet became actively replaced by the technosphere. On the planet, there are few territories with non-native ecosystems. Nybіlshoyu world of ecosystems zruynovanі in deceived lands- in Europe, Pivnichniy America, Japan. here natural ecosystems They were saved mainly on the adjacent areas, the stench is a small beach of the biosphere, otocheni from the sides of the broken people and territories, and this is given to a strong technospheric grip.