Navkolishn_y light: Lyudina and і light, pictures by him. Nature is everything that will deplete us and is not crushed by the hands of people

Topical topic for the lesson: Nature and lyudin

Epigraph before the lesson:

« Nature is not the ones that were taken away from the ancestors in the decline, but that they were taken to the Borg near the landmarks"(Old-time Indian Sentence).

Meta lesson:

  • Dati to understand the knowledge about the development of nature, about those who are lyudin - chastina її;
  • Show the links of animate and inanimate nature;
  • Lay the foundation for the ecological culture of scientists;
  • Date of the understanding of the rational nature conservation;
  • Shows on the butts - like pouring the state of the people into nature;
  • The robbery of the scraps of correct moral and aesthetic ambushes;
  • Virobiti the minds of those who are healthy, the camp of nature is the turbo of the skin of the people;
  • Practice of collective robotics, in the name of the work of vibrating the necessary information.


  • Images of ptahiv, tvarin, roslin in the unenclosed fox;
  • The image of technological disasters і їх shkodi, created by living nature;
  • Posters for the protection of living and inanimate nature;
  • The projector, if only, is capable of displaying images.

Go to lesson:

1. Safety instruction. Organizational moment.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

teacher:“Children, let me tell you, be a weasel, on a little food:

  • Is it nature?
  • Yaka won boo? (Alive and not alive)
  • Do you like nature?
  • How good is the nature of our people?
  • Yak sama?
  • What needs to be done in order to cleanse the nature from ourselves? "

teacher:“Writer George Orwell said,“ Lyudin is the only one, I live well, nothing is rocking. Win doesn’t give milk, win don’t carry yauts, winn’s even weak to pull the plow, winn’t enough to catch rabbits. And all the same, the supreme vladyka is over the usim of the creatures. Winning his wife for a robot, guiding his wife for feeding ryvno stiles, so that the stench did not suffer from hunger - all the same it is necessary to get lost in yo volodinny. »І really truth in yogo words. Mi іsnuchi - zmіnyuєmo light, nature for itself. Ale can you think about it? Chi is not familiar to my shkodi for everything, why is it parallel to us? "

3. Vivchennya new material:

Well, this is also nature? Lyudina yak a part of the navkolishny light of nature

teacher:“First for everything, before the ear of those, I will let you know that this year we will have a group project for the lesson - homework... Yake itself - I'll see you at the end of the lesson. That group, yak, according to the spilny voice, will be a winner, - we will deny the letter and certify to "5" for any lesson on our subject. "

teacher:“Who knows what the word“ classification ”means? Right. tse podil foreign group, Masi on the part, according to the special features. For example, by age, people are classified as high and low, for everything - young and old ... "

teacher:“How can you qualify nature? That's right, - won’t be alive and lifeless. "

teacher:“Children, are you a part of nature? Lyudin to be perceived as a kind of nature? That's right, lyudin is a part of nature. "

teacher:"Let's give a name to the inanimate nature." (Water, fortunately, earth ...)

teacher:"Who are the representatives of wildlife?" (Lyudina, animals, birds, roslini ...)

teacher:“The light of living nature has 4 kingdoms - creatures, roslin, mushrooms, bacteria. All kingdoms are alive, the stench of nature is smelled of living particles-cells. "

teacher:“Deyaki vіdminnі characteristics of objects of living nature:

  • Living organisms require dichanna;
  • We live organisms need їzha;
  • In the process of one's life, the stench fizzles and progresses;
  • Alive organisms multiply;
  • Alive organisms die in an hour. "

teacher:"Yakiy zvyazok є mіzh live і inanimate nature? Let's look at the butt:

(The teacher includes a slide de written 5 sliv - 1 stovpchik water, earth, povitrya, sun, 2 stovpchik - roslin)

  • Roslina - Earth - root to live dew from the ground;
  • Roslina - Povitrya - green legends pereroblyayut carbon dioxide gas on kissen;
  • Roslina - Water - the roots of the roslin absorb water from the soil;
  • Roslina - Sontsi - sleepy promenades give the necessary warmth for the life of Roslin. "

teacher:“For the price of the scheme, you can select the links of any representative of the same classes. І zvіrіv, і coma, і people ... "

teacher:“Life on the Earth is not merciful due to the presence of any factor in inanimate nature. The loss of water, the earth, the loss of the Sonce - everything is lost. It is important to learn to know your own - you will live from us a hundred, if everything is worthwhile. "

teacher:“Lyudina deserves herself as the King of Nature and thinks that I have the right to order everything that is Volodya nature. Vin lama, virubu, drive in, zbira ... "

teacher:“How can the representatives of the twins and the roslin get along without people? And wine without them? "

teacher:“Lyudin is not a part of Nature at all, guilty of obeying the laws. In his midst of living, he is guilty of leading himself, yak lich. Є such a hang: "Nature, like a corista, is not those who have deprived us of our ancestors, but what they took to the Borg from our land." Yak vi rozumite tsei visliv? "

teacher:“There are no non-negotiable and non-transferable inherited inheritances from the relationship of people and nature. On the cob of an hour, Lyudin zbirav і їv, having fallen in love and having woken up only those that nature gave him. And she was generous with him: hedgehog, zhitlo, riba, game, berries and root crops ... Evolutionary lyudina became the vimagati of the big and the big one, becoming a snake, overwhelming light for herself. About any inheritance of wine, I didn’t pretend to. "

The teacher is to put on a slide demonstration the image of man-made disasters, shkodi zavodnaya human nature.

teacher:“Yak itself, Lyudin is wandering about nature? Who has a yakis mіrkuvannya? "

teacher:"Why do people want to take mercy on Tim, how can they save nature from themselves?"

teacher:“Why should Lyudin be deprived of writing to his own sites? But it’s better for them to ruin everything. "

teacher:“Let's read V. Chizhov's versh at once:

Nature is beautiful -

Surprise, and sound,

Now dew trees

Ogortau tremtinnya.

Kudi, dzyurkochuchi, strumok to live,

See the slope,

About scho pid evening, in the field of life,

Sleep quail ...

Let me become your heart

Zrozumіla birdie mov -

І you are likely to

Take care of everything. "

teacher:“Yak vi think, about scho tsey virsh? Who sings us to ask for zrobiti? "

teacher:“In order to remember about those who are visible to nature. About those that the life of the growls and the creatures is in our hands. About that harmony of living and inanimate nature is our task. It is necessary to write us a memory of the people for you. Let us write in leather for the proposition, as it would help to save nature. For example, change the tree.

Scientifically developing propositions.

teacher:“Zavdannya people, vikoristovuyuchi knowledge about nature, additional help їy. Take care of our nature, skin її picture. And we will be guilty of being in the hands of the Earth for those who have stolen us, violated us and gave us their gifts. "

teacher:“People are not the first time to forget about those who will speed up their negative plans for nature. Organization is being created, books are being written, new sparing technologies are being developed. Ale, be-yaka, help in a straight line - bezinna. Zmіnyuvati light needs fixing for itself. »The teacher turns on the projectors of propaganda posters about the protection of living and inanimate nature.

4. Leading the lesson.

Closing the grafting material

teacher:“Children, please say:

  • Is Lyudina a representative of living or inanimate nature?
  • Do you know any representatives of living and inanimate nature?
  • What's the smell of borrowers?
  • What is the need to rob people in order to preserve nature? "

The teacher marks the most important scholars and wants good grades.

teacher:“In the end of busyness, I will read you a versh:

For a few svitanka, come in purple,

Bliskavki-heavenly gurkit,

For all the natural things,

For nadra rodyuchi,

Scho mother-earth is a capital there zberigak.

For the specks of dew kryshtalev,

For khmari sumnі.

For the noise of the spring board, I LOVE NATURE! "

Home zavdannya

Teacher: “And at once a group project. Behind the list in the class of 3 people in the group will be guilty, you will come up with an agitational poster for people about those who need to take care of nature. "

Show children films about the protection of nature.

NATURE is everything that will leave us and is not crushed by the hands of people. Nature is classed or raised into groups for living and non-living for such signs: live and grow, grow, grow, grow, bear offspring, die. Zavdannya 1 Think, that the image here can be brought to nature, but it is created by people. Put in ob'єkti, svorenі people.

Picture 4 from the presentation "Holy people and light of nature" before lessons on the topic of "Lyudin and nature"

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Lyudin and nature

"Protect nature" - In you, we are virimo, I will not break, Ti take care of us, take care. ". I whisper from the continent: "Take care of us, take care." At three voices and foxes. Taimir reserve. Onions are rich in valeriani, in the fossil there are convoys. Roslini. Yak birds in the sky, yak winds in the meadow. Take care of your planet, Adzhe іnshy in the light of the dumb. Let's walk through the pockets І "hello!" For example, a skin card.

"Light of people and light of nature" - This is also the land. Alive and inanimate nature. Hto keruє power. Have raised objects of living nature. Bilochka took in the mountains. Sleepyattya. All-round dance. Nature has everything to do with it. Lyudin. Suspense. Nature is alive... Among the creatures there are also few smart ones, for example, dolphins. Guess kazk hero, Yaky bouv of isolation from people.

"The problem of nature and people" - It is impossible to lamate trees and chagarniks. Biliy grib Borovik. Buy great murashin before autumn - for the suvor winter. Pidbereznik. The tree was remembered as a bar. Bagato roslin v'yat. A few days later, one can see some clouds - until it gets colder, it gets dark until the board. Take note of the people. gold autumn... Necessary for the health of the people.

"Nature and Lyudin" - To give a palm tree "A °" to Yaky? Why is the weather good? You will have to discover the secret of the onset of events and manifestations: Climatologists. Boil water on Elbrus at 100 ° С And will you fall off without a cloud? Chi іsnu zvyazok mіzh atmospheric grip and litter? Meta Doslidzhennya: Who Gentlemen for "Kitchen Wait?"

"Kudi vikinuti smittya" - Pislya such "tidying up" in the back of a lot of living things. Yaky beautiful smittya. Dirt. Smittya recycling plant. Let's get it right. I didn’t think too much before and didn’t think about such wonderful products. Think, yak zrobiti so, so bob will be less smittya. I love lads who throw smittya horrible.

"Children and nature" - grade 3 Teacher Mityukova Є.І. Nature itself told us that Baikal is alive in vikas! Chervona book. There is a great number of quotes for the rainbow eye, for the mood. Insensitive home school-boarding school № 21 VAT "Russian Railways". Knowing to teach children are living in the light of living and inanimate nature. Sturgeon.

All in all 15 presentations

Lyudin and svit, opened by him

Lyudin's ties with nature with invisible threads. Nature is not the same as the mind of the material life of the suspension - let me live, warmth, light.

The process of their life and activity of people is gradually infused into nature and change. The first people have known in nature іzhu і vikoristovvali like life, whether natural ukrittya, stemmed by nature: foxes, dugouts, pecheri, yari. Tsi zhitla vikoristov were taken by people to capture the unfriendly weather minds and hut creatures.

Ishov hour. Mastering the fire, thoroughly understanding the pratsi allowed people to stay less in nature: people went over to the production of products necessary for life on the basis of the development of farming and animal husbandry. Lyudina pochala buduvati zhitla with children natural materials... First settlements and places appeared.

Christmas light of people performances of great versatility: great places, modern garni booths, Bezlich factories, industrial backwaters.

Near the towns and small settlements, Lyudin was prompted by shops, schools, children's kindergartens, schools, theaters, museums, libraries.

In his own life, a lyudin has a TV, radio, computer, telephone and other electronic attachments.

Speeches, like this year's chill out to people, conceal their history. People need a lot of time to keep an eye out for clothes. Found the passage of the great flat stone. With a metal hammer, straighten the folds on the overalls. In Russia, they used a rocking chair to wrap around a bilizna, as well as a glass of water, a dance of dancing and a bunch of gurts, reminiscent of hot water or baking vugillas.

Suchasny praska is a whole electric tool, which is good to iron and every kind of speech. Creations of the people.

Identify your first mittens. Tse little mice from the strap, yak repaired on the wrist. At the same time, they say that the wine should be laid on the Egyptians. Piznіshe in mіshechki shattered two sounds for the great and talented finger. One of the found mittens of the bullet was known by archaeologists during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. In the pharaoh's mittens, all fingers were separated.

It is important for us at once to show our own light without a year. The history of the anniversary of the years of ancient times, that of the first years, as people see it, date back to 1100 years before our era. Tse buv a drowsy year, so at that hour the man sped behind the ruins of the Sontsya and was hanging over a new oriєntuvatisya. The first sleepovers were wines in China. Bilsh thoroughly sleepy year of vinaysli piznish in Egypt.

Years of God were laid out from a high obelisk and a ground scale. І by the tіnі from the obelіsk on the scale from the beginning of the hour. The visota of the obelisk of sleepy Egyptian years is hostile to the future. The Egyptians were able to reach the old year, which stood to our days, and the height of the obelisk of which became 34 meters. Ale at the tsyo year of the year, the buv is short: there is no sun - it is not a matter of significant hour. Brought to the people of the wine and the old man. A watery and a year old has appeared.

At the water springs, water dripped smoothly through the opening and saw, in this order, an hour. Behind the watery years appeared і dry, just like that, like in our hour.

The first mechanical year of birth appeared in 1250 rots. Tsey godinnik pratsyuvali behind the help of the weight, yaka launching the mechanism of the godinnik. Piznishe Dutchman Christian Huygens Vinayshov year with a pendulum. Already in the 18th century, a year began to appear, as they were lucky. Infected the year with a whole lot of zvychayna ric.

Ale on the butt cikh speeches mi bachimo, like a lyudin snake light around himself. Besides the material speeches of Lyudin, she created culture, mystery, having violated the laws and rules, for which people are guilty of life. Lyudina dissolved the suspension and allowed the suspension of dictuvati, as well as robity of the people. Lyudin and the suspension opened the state and allowed the state to govern itself.

Progressive development gives people a generous amount of new wine, and more and more from the distance from nature. At the same hour, Lyudin is a part of living nature, and guilt is not guilty of forgetting about it.

The skinny ludina is guilty of seeing the light of the roslin and the creature, the consciousness of her being with nature.

The interaction of people, nature and light, established by people, is even more important. The light, created by people, is not guilty of seeing from nature. Thousands of years pass, and people become abandoned in nature. Winning the fruits of nature, vikoristovu natural resources, Vidobuvak korisnі kopalini, vicorist energy vodi i sontsya.

It is a creative light, people are in a permanent relationship with nature, and the relationship is aimed at saving nature.

Lyudin and nature

Nature is the main thing that will drain us away, but it is not done by people. natural

about'єkti і objects, svorenі people. Lifeless and alive nature.

Signs of objects (color, shape, razmіri і ін.). put on

natural phenomena:, for a feast day, for a fall, a fall of leaves, overflows of birds,

change.time dobi, svitanok, zahid, viter, boards, thunderstorm.

Rechovina is the center of all natural objects and objects.

Riznomanitness of speeches in navkolishny light. Put the words: sil, tsukor, water, natural gas... Solid tila, ridini, gas. simplest practical robots with rivers, ridges, gases.

Stars and planets. The dream is the best light for us, the light and warmth for all living things on Earth. The Earth is a planet, the background of the form and dimensions of the Earth. Globe yak model of the Earth. Geographic map and plan. Continents and oceans, name them, rostashuvannya on globes and maps.

Naivazhlivishy natural ob'ykti their land, district. Orієntuvannya at the place. Compass.

The snake of the day and night on Earth. The wrapping of the Earth is the cause of the winter of the day and of the night. Pori rock, їх specialties (on the basis of caution). Zvernennya Zemli navkolo Sontsya is the reason for the wink of the feast. Zmіna feast in the native land on the basis of caution.

Weather, її warehouses (temperature in the morning, coldness, fall, winter). Keeping an eye on the weather in his own land. Wait for that meaning in the lives of people.

form earthly surface: Rivnini, gori, pagorbi, yari Features of the surface of the native edge ( short characteristic on the basis of caution).

Water wealth, їх versatility (ocean, sea, river, lake, rates);

vicarystannya people. Water riches of the native land (name, short characteristic on the basis of caution).

Povitrya - sumy gas. The power of power. Significance of food for roslin, tvarin, people.

Water. The power of the water. I will become a vodi, її wider in nature, meaning for living organisms and the gospodar life of people. Cool * speaks of water in nature.

Girski breed and mineral. Korisnі kopalini, їkh meaning in the state of the people, dbayliva putting people to kinnі kopalin.

Brown kopalini on the edge (2-3 butt).

Soil, її warehouse, meaning for wildlife and for the life of the people of the state.

Roslini Part of the roseline (root, stem, leaf, quilt, plid, nasinnya). Mind, necessary for the life of the growth (light, warmth, goodness, water). Sparing the growth of roslin, fixing the change. Trees, chagarniki, grass. Wild plants and cultivated plants. The role of growing people in nature and the life of people, even more than putting people to growing up. Roslini near the edge, name and short characteristic on the basis of caution.

Gribi, їх versatility, meaning in nature and life of people; їstіvnі and otruynі mushrooms. Rules for picking mushrooms.

Creatures, їх versatility. Be mindful, necessary for the life of creatures (goodness, water, "warmth, їzha). Komakhi, ribs, birds, animals, їх ideas."

Peculiarities of the food of the young creatures (huts, roslino, all). Breeding of creatures (on the butt comas, ribs, birds, animals). Wild and domestic critters. The role of creatures in nature and the life of people, even more than putting people to creatures. Creatures of the native land, name, short description on the basis of caution.

Fox, meadow, water - the unity of living and inanimate nature (sleepy light, food, water, soil, dewline, creatures). Circuit of rechovins. Interconnection in natural alcoholic breeding: roslini - їzha і ukrittya for food; creatures - all kinds of fruit and roselin. Influencing people to natural food production. Natural sportsmanship of the native land (2-3 butts on the basis of caution).

Natural zones of Russia: the backyard, the main natural zones (natural mind, Roslinny i tvarinny svit, Especially pratsi that beat people, pouring people into the nature of pre-slidzhuvanih zones, nature protection).

Ludina is a part of nature. The fallowness of the life of people from nature.

ethical i aesthetically significant nature in the life of people.

Positive and negative influx of people's energy into nature (including on the butt of new life). Ecological problems and ways of seeing. Rules of behavior in nature. Protection of natural treasures: water, povitrya, cinnamon copalins, roselin and tvarinny svitu. reserves, national parks, Їх role in the protection of nature. Chervona book of Russia, її meaning, about the representatives of Roslin and tvarin of the Chervona book. I can do my part in the protection of nature. Specialist vidpovidality of skin people for the protection of nature.

Svitova spadschina. International Chervona book. International ecological organizations (2-3 butts). International ecological days, their significance, the fate of children in their conduct.

The headline of the announcement about Budova is tila people. Systems of organs (support-rukhova, herbal, dichal, blood-bearing, nerve, organ-sensitive), their role in the life of the organism. Hygina of organ systems. Vimіryuvannya temperature til people, pulse frequency. Specialist in the opinion of skin people for the camp of their own health and the health of people who feel sick. Uvaga, turbo, shanobly shielding to people z ample opportunities I'm healthy.

People of suspensions - the supremacy of people, who are united by the social culture and are tied one with the other by the spirit of the spirit.

Spiritual, moral and cultural values ​​are the basis of living standards.

Lyudina is a member of the suspension, the nose and the creator of culture. The reason is that the culture of suspension and dermal penis develops and develops.

Information about the introduction of traditions and traditions into the culture of the people relative glances native peoples... We share the same people with other people. Culture spilkuvannya with representatives of different nationalities, social groups: Having developed povagi, vzaєmodopogi, vminnya listen to someone else's thoughts. Internal light people: the background of the manifestation of human power and quality.

Sіm'ya is the closest thing to people. Family traditions.

Vzaєmovіdnosini in the family and in mutual assistance to the members of the family. We will grow up to the best we can. The turbot is about children, people who have been abducted, and people with ailments - the ties of skin people. Lordship of the family. Rodovid. Name and name of the members of the family. Folding schemes of the family tree, history of the family.

Spiritual and moral values ​​in the family culture of the people of Russia and the world.

Young schoolboy. Rules of behavior in schools, at lessons. Beastly to the head. classy, school team, Spilna navchannya, gris, vidpochinok.

Folding the schoolboy's day regimen.

Friends, intercourse with them; the value of friendship, goodness, mutual help. Rules of engagement with adults, one-year-olds, culture of behavior in schools and other community masses. Uvaga to odnolіtkіv, classmates, nasty Volodya Russian language, help him in the organization in the beginning of the middle and navkolishny otochennya.

Economics, її warehouses: industry, silske statehood, Budivnystvo, transport, trade. Comrades and servants. The role of pennies in the economy.

State and family budget. Ecological inheritance of the people's state-of-the-art activity. Most simple ecological forecasts.

Pobudova of a safe economy - one of the most important enterprises of the suspension.

Natural wealth and the right of people are the basis of the economy. Significance of pratsi in the life of people and suspensions. Pratsovitst as a suspiciously significant value in the culture of the peoples of Russia and the world. Professions of people. Specialist in the attitude of people for the results of their work and professional skills.

Hromadsky transport. Transport mista abo village. Land, damage and water transport. Transport rules. Set up a call: mail, telegraph, telephone, electronic mail.

Create mass information: radio, TV, press, Internet.

Vibratingness in case of corruption by means of mass information for the sake of preserving spiritual and moral health.

Our Fatherland - Russia, Russian Federation... Tsinnіsno-sensei zmіst understand: Batkivshchyna, Vitchizna, Batkivshchyna. State emblem of Russia: State emblem of Russia, State ensign of Russia, State emblem of Russia; rules of behavior when listening to a hymn. Constitution - Basic Law of the Russian Federation.

Child's rights.

The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state. The leadership of the head of state for the social and spiritual and moral well-being of the community.

It is sacred in the life of the suspension for the improvement of the suspicious solidarity and the improvement of the spiritual and moral ties among the spirits. Noviy Rik, Ryzdvo, Day of the homicide of Vichizni, 8 Bereznya, Day of Spring and Pratsi, Day of Peremogy, Day of Russia, Day of the Victim of Children, Day of People's Unity, Day of Constitution. The decoration of the poster is abo the st_nn_vka to the susp_lnaya saint.

Russia on the map, sovereign cordon Russia.

Moscow is the capital of Russia. Saints of Moscow - saints of Russia. Memories of Moscow: the Kremlin, Chervona Square, the Great Theater and I.

Characteristics of the surroundings of the historical podіy, tied with Moscow (the headquarters of Moscow, the life of the Kremlin and іn.). Coat of arms of Moscow.

Roztashuvannya Moskvy on the map.

Mista of Russia. St. Petersburg: memorials (Winter Palace, monument to Peter I - Midniy top, Razvіdnі bridges across the Neva and іn.) Holy place of Russia.

Russia is a large-scale power. The people who inhabit Russia, their name, characteristic features pobutu (for a vibor). The main religions of the peoples of Russia: Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism. Shanobly staged to their own people, their religion, culture, history.

Conducting a sports sacred on the basis of traditional children igors of the people of their land.

The native land is a part of Russia. Ridne misto (village), region (oblast, krai, republic): name, main memorials; museums, theaters, sports complexes, etc. Special features of the people of the native land, their profession. Name the nations of the world, who live in the days of the world, their sings, the characteristic features of the pobut. Important views from the history of the native land. Holy land. Spending the day in memory of a prominent compatriot.

History of Batkivshchyna. Rakhunok of rock in history.

Some of the most important and luminous pods of the suspicious and cultural life of the country in the historical period:

Longtime Russia, Moscow state, Russian empire, СРСР, Russian Federation. Pictures pobutu, pratsі, spiritual, moral and cultural traditions of people in the historical hour. Vidatnі people of іnіnіh epochs as nosії basic national values. Protection of monuments of history and culture. I can do my part in protecting the monuments of the culture and culture of my land. Specialist vidpovidality of skin people for the preservation of the historical and cultural decline of their land.

Land and people of the world. The headline of the announcement about the development of lands, peoples, religions on Earth. Knowing about the decalcom of the countries: name, distribution on political cards, Capital, head of the name of the memorial. Dbaylive shutter up to cultural decline people - the borg of all suspension and skin people.

The rules of a safe life

The value of health and a healthy way of living.

The schoolboy's day regimen, working hours and adjustments in the day regimen; osobista gіgієna. Physical culture, Zagartovuvannya, іgry on the next day, mind saving and improving health.

The specialness of the dermal people for the protection and improvement of their physical and moral health. Telephone numbers for extra help. First aid for minor injuries (blow, pore, opic), frostbite, overheat.

The road from the booth to the school, the rules of safety on the roads, in the forest, on the early hour rock. Anti-fire safety rules, basic rules for gas, electricity, water.

Not a safe place in the apartment, the booth and the outskirts (balcony, front door, elevator, budmaidanchik, pustyr, etc.). The rules are safe for contacts with unknowable people.

Rules of safe behavior in nature. The rules are safe when wounded by a cat and a dog.

Ecological safety. By-water filter for cleaning water, yogo pristіy and vicoristannya.

Turbota about health and care for people who are sick is a moral bond of skin people.

idea of ​​business development;

idea of ​​the integrity of the light;

Idea povaga until the light.

Riznomanittya as a form of snapping light and clearly manifests itself both in the natural, and in the social sphere. On the basis of integration of natural sciences, geography, historical sites in the course of vibration yaskrava picture action, which depicts the development of nature and culture, types of human action, land and people. It is especially respectful to come to know the young schoolchildren for natural development, how to look at and how self-worth, and how intelligent, without any uncomfortable understanding of people, satisfaction of their material and spiritual needs.

The fundamental idea of ​​the integrity of the light is also later realized in the course. Realization of communication through the openness of versatile connections: between inanimate nature and living, in the middle of living nature, between nature and people. Waking up, looking at the significance of the natural skin component in the life of people, analyzing the positive and negative influx of people into the central component.

It is important for the children to understand the nature and the suspension, the integrity of the suspension itself, the relationship between people can be included in the program of accommodation in the field of economy, history, and the current program of life in society.

Worship to the light - the whole of its kind is the formula of a new set before the new, based on the knowledge of the self-worth of existence, on the included in the moral sphere of life, not only to the other people, but to nature, to the man-made Russian world, to the cultural and cultural hopes of the people.

In the basis of the methodology for the course " Navkolishniy svit"To lie down with a problematic and sounding pidhid, so that I will not" see "children of new knowledge and actively develop different ways piznannya navkolishnyogo. At the same time, it is worthwhile to study versatile methods and form the creation of systems and methods to create a single informational and educational middle ground. Scientists lead the way of guarding the phenomena of nature and suspicious life, carry out practical robots and until, including pre-slidnitsky character, Rіznі creativity zavdannya. Didactic and role-playing games, initial dialogues, modeling of objects and events of new life are carried out. For a successful introduction to the course, important excursions and walks, learning with people of different professions, organizing feasible practical activity to protect the midst and all the other forms of robotics, without forgetting Busy can be spent not only in the classroom, but on the street, in the forest, in the park, in the museum, etc. It is even more important for reaching the planned results in a small organization design activity uchn_v, yak is transferred to the skin distribution by programs.

According to the names of the provincial ideas, they are especially important in the implementation of the programs may be new for practice cob school See the capabilities of the scholars before which to be applied:

1) designation of natural objects for the additional help of an atlas-viznachnik specially crafted for the cob school and;

2) modeling of ecological links behind additional graphical and dynamic circuits (models);

3) ecological intelligence, including the analysis of the power to the light of nature and behavior in the new, the assessment of the young people, the revision of the current norms and rules, like the book should be specially read for additional reading

The primary course "Navkolishniy svit" is borrowed especially from the middle school subjects of the cob school. Figuratively, it seems, tse those who "depend on you", the reflections of the children of the newest light are not surrounded by the framework of the lesson. It’s trivially consistent in schools and beyond. myself initial courseє a kind of systemic shearing process. The axis is important, that the robot is working with children, it’s spoken in the classroom, it’s trivial in that form and at the end of the day. The reader should also be pragmatic until the old man learned from his children, learned from their children, to wake them up in the classroom. There is a great deal of information and specific work for home slides and advice, reading and rejecting information from adults.

Misce course in initial plan The course "Navkolishny svit" in the skin class of the cob school is introduced for 2 years per day.

The program has been insured for 270 years:

1 class - 66 years (33 educational years) 2, 3 and 4 classes - 68 years each (34 new teachers).

- & nbsp- & nbsp-

2. Planning the results of the course of the Program will ensure that the students of the cob school and the advanced specialties, metasubject and subject results are available.

Mastering the course "Navkolishniy svit"

- & nbsp- & nbsp-

the formulation of the foundations of the Russian huge identity, considering the pride in their Fatherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, assimilating their ethnic and national belonging;

the formation of the values ​​of the bagatonational Russian suspension;

the formation of humanistic and democratic values ​​\ u200b \ u200b;

the formulation of a socially oriented look at the light in its organic unity and versatility of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

the formation of a mischievous staggering to the idea, history and culture of the other peoples;

adaptations to dynamically change and develop with cob rolls;

accept and master social roles in order to start, the development of motives primary activityі the formulation of a special sense of knowledge;

development of self-reliance and special prominence for one's children, including in "informational activity, on the basis of a statement about moral norms, social justice and freedom;

the formulation of natural needs, values ​​and sentiments;

development of ethical sentiments, good-naturedness and emotional moral sentiment, mind and spirits for others;

development of a quick start for growing up and one-year-olds in different social situations, as long as there are no conflicts, but there are also spiritual situations;

the formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy way of life, the manifestation of motivation to creative work, robots towards the result, careful shutter to material and spiritual values.

Meta-subject results of modernization of building, taking into account and taking care of the goals and mastery of the primary activity, a joke for the purpose of good health;

mastering the ways of resolving problems of a creative and sound nature;

the formulation of the planuvati, the control of the evaluation navchalnі dії subject to the assignment of the staff and minds of the implementation; to start the most effective way to achieve the result;

the formulation of the reason for the success / failure of the initial performance and the building of constructive action in situations of failure;

assimilation of cob forms of cognitive and special reflection;

registration of sign-symbolic features of information presented for the establishment of models of pre-existing objects and processes, schemes of development of new managers and practical buildings;

active victorious events of the young people and information communal technologies(ICT) for the creation of communal and educational establishments;

vikorstannya navalnyh ways of making a joke (in pre-dividing dzherels and in the informal informational space of the Internet), sampling, sampling, analysis, organizing, transmission of andinterpreting information technology

Ovolodinnya logical actions of the development, analysis, synthesis, publicity, classification according to generic signs, establishing analogies and causal-inherited sounds, inspire the world, make it clear to us;

readiness to hear from a spy dealer and conduct a dialogue; readiness to recognize the ability to identify different points of view and the right of the skin mother; vikladati your thoughts and arguments;.

the designation of the spіlnoї meti and the nobles and the achievement; remembering about the development of functions and roles in business activities;

provide mutual control of social performance, adequately assess the behavior and behavior of the children;

Collected cobwebs about the day-to-day and special features of objects, processes and phenomena of action (natural, social, cultural, technical, etc.) are ascertained before the change of the primary subject "Navkolishny";

ovolodinnya basic subject and interdisciplinary understanding, how to visualize a hundred links and information between objects and processes;

ministry of pratsyuvati in the material and informational center of the cob home coverage(Including with the primary models) in the adaptability to the versatility of the primary subject "Navkolishniy svit".

Subject results

the rationalization of the special role of Russia in the history of the world, the feeling of pride in the national atrocity, vision, changes;

the formation of a shanobly staggering to Russia, native land, His family, history, culture, nature of our land, and a happy life;

assimilation of the integrity of new knowledge, development of the basics of ecological literacy, elementary rules of moral behavior in the light of nature and people, norms of healthy behavior in the natural and social environment;

mastering the available ways of raising the nature and the support (keeping track of, recording, reviewing, advising, interpreting, classifying and creating information from the family archives, about the people of all people)

the development of the navichok to establish and detect the cause and inheritance

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Duration of the lesson: keeping an eye on the bells and whistles between people and navkolishnіm middle (both natural and social її warehouses); a statement about the science of "ecology" and the importance of protecting nature.

Planned results:
Subjects: Rise up the links between the objects and the manifestations of nature, explain the actions of the interconnection in nature, between nature and people.
specialties: a positive attitude and interest to the development of nature and people.

metasubject: accept and take advantage of meta educational performance, Know and need information in the handbook, information, presented in the view of the text, diagram.

Go to lesson

organizational moment

Voice-activated calls,
To obey a lesson in a little light,
Change the readiness before the lesson.

Knowledge with a hand
Є on earth the majestic booth
Pid dakhom blakitny.
To live in a new sun, boards and gram,
Fox and sea surf.

Live in new birds and apartments,
Veseliy dzvin strumka.
You live in that little booth with light
And all your friends.

Do not lead the road,
Be sure you will be in new.
By the nature of the native land
There are a lot of booths.

I am glad to see you at the lessons, de mi diznaєmosya richly tsikavy and wonderful! What is the name of the subject, before the vivchennya of what my seizure is happening today?

In our lessons, be sure to be respectful and wine-loving, addictive and sitting. Anyone who is ready to proceed to the robot, show it by landing. Diznatysya richly tsіkavy about navkolishnіy svіt us additionally the assistant "Navkolishniy svitu", which for you was created by Galina Grigorivna Ivchenkova and Igor Volodymyrovich Potapov.

actualization of knowledge

Hang on, my friend,
What about being near?
The sky is bright and blaky,
Light the dream in gold,

Viter to the leaves of the gra,
Hmark in the sky.
Field, river and grass,
Burn, die and leaves,

Ptahs, animals and foxes,
Grim, fog and dew.
Lyudin and it's time for rock -
It's all about ... nature.

Forgive me, we will talk to you in the lessons of the newest light? Well, this is also nature?
Visible handcuffs on the side. 7, nature is a priceless light in all the unfinished development of its manifestations.
When you look around you can, you can beat a rich tsikavogo, I will turn you off. ce i ossinє leaf It’s like sharudging with your feet, like a dream, like a bunch of leaves of trees, like a chill, like becoming even colder than a lie.

What is it called nature? Who do they call vcheni "tilami of nature", and who - "virobs"? Guide the butt of the living and non-living bodies of nature. Hover butt virobes.
The Sonce, the Earth with twists, waters, sand, clay, dews and creatures - all nature will drain people away. Lyudin is a part and it is impossible to live without her. Nature pleases us with beauty. The knowledge and the mind of the people develops the will and mind of the people.

Yak vi rosumієte tverzhennya about those who are lyudin - a part of nature?
- Lyudina is a part of nature, so you can't live without her life (for example, without a twist)
- Yak and all those who are alive, people live and grow.
- Yak and everything is alive, ludin is not virib, guilt of nature.

nature - it’s not a natural tree, і lіs, і drip of water, і whole sea, wіter, hmari, povіtrya, creatures. The park, the field, is also a part of the nature that is now our own, but the re-creation of the people’s activity. That ludina herself is part of nature. Win can not live without water, food, rose and tea light.

Ale on the vidminu of the roslin and tvarin, people are necessary for the establishment of the suspension of these people.
What do people want to know for the support of these people?
Are the sounds of people objects and products that smell like a smell?

vikoristovuchi natural wealth People use their own practice to create everything that is necessary for life: booths, bridges, transport, small attachments and tools, and a lot of things.
Yakim bully know most of the first people?
Compare the names of the first people with the other ones.
How can you use clay, wood, lion, wheat?
Nature, including people, and everything created by people, is a priceless light or a middle class.
Lyudin's yak flowing into nature?

The navkolishnє center is to be found in these people. If it is not in the mind to take care of nature and the results of their work, to put it in a bad way before other people, then life is important in the light of day. And yet it is right to live in new, you need to try to learn, like a light of power.

In bagatokh vipadkah people themselves are found to have a character of change, which is seen in nature. Injection can be either positive or negative. People can only get rid of the negative influences, if the stench will be good for the nobility and the mind of nature, and the laws.
It is necessary to grow up, but Lyudin has trimmed it out for life purely good, Water, huh?

Lyudin was born of nature, a part of wine. If you are in the middle of a life, you have been feeling sick, being in the middle of the year, without having infused it into your life, you have grown up in your power. Aleksandrovna has become a vivilnatyasya in the chain of fallowness. I regretted the unreasonable love: they drove in more animals, they didn't need it for the education of life.
To what did you call?

The mammoths were blamed by the people of the Kam'yanov vik. This was one of the first ecological catastrophes. Then the people became vipalyuvati foxes, so that they would be able to grow the earth for the sake of living. For a long time, all of the people didn’t know the great nature of the country, but they didn’t know how to be self-renewed. Ale lyudin felt his strength more and more. Add the brown kopalini, win the board burn and wick the naphtha.

Great emptiness prevailed under the earth earth measles... Pikluyuchis about the growing of dry lands or otrimannye electric power, people rowing on rivals, opening a piece of water supply, minutia right by the current rivulet. The whole process was far from awkward. The range of the dyyalnosti people of such razmіrіv, but the winykla is not safe for the fact that the changes are already unhealthy and lead to an ecological crisis.

What is the word "ecology"?
The word "ecology" is often infectious. Most often, they get used to it, if they talk about the dysfunctional camp of our middle class.
Well also ecology?

Ecology - the whole science about the interaction of living things with a navkolishnim middle.
Vcheni-ecologists thought that in nature everything is interconnected. For example, the caterpillars of snowstorms gnaw at the leaves of the roslin. Years later, the caterpillars will transform themselves on the growing snowstorms, as they gnaw on nectar. Snowstorms, transferring from a ticket to a ticket, sip them and additionally help to re-create in fruit from our days. New roslini will develop today. The first caterpillars, and the snowstorms themselves - the price for birds.

Zmіni in in the midst of the midst viklikayut snakes in the life of the living isstot. Look at the little ones on the side. 8. For example, ryasn_ boards wiklikayut shvidke growing herbs. Tse to produce up to an increase in the number of mish, as they gnaw on cumin herbs. Misha get a fox and owls. The nature is not always interesting for one. Yakshcho lyudin is thoughtless to get involved in the tsyu rivnovagu, trap bida.

Basically, the development of ecologists is to see how the life of the people of our planet is changed as a result of the greatness of the people. In the distant past, the inflow of people into nature was insignificant. The population of Bulo Nabagato is smaller. People vikoristovyvali primitivny znaryadya pratsi. The infection of the doors of the machine, which caused the inflow of people to nature in a rich development. As soon as people do not play the bells and whistles in nature, there are crises and disasters.

Save the Earth. To save
Zhayvoronka in blakitny zenіtі,
Blizzard on birch leaves,
On the stitches of sleepyheads ...
Yastruba, hover over the field,

A clear month over the river calm,
Blinking, blinking in life.
Save the Earth! Take care!
What needs to take care of the Earth?

During the last year's class, we tried to wonder at the navkolishny light of the doctor-ecologist, and they thought about who the skin of you is to blame for being an ecologist.

reflexion of activity

I have power before you: how do you see before the end of the lesson?
What's your mood?
Continue phrase:
Years at the level of men bulo tsikavo ...
I know ...

Test number 1 "How will we leave us"

1. Add objects that do not belong to nature.
a) televizor
b) Sonce
c) olіvets
d) by chance
e) sklo
f) roslin

2. Would you like to take care of food for the protection of the new life?
a) biologists
b) ecologists
c) zoologists

3. We saw an object of inanimate nature.
a) ptah
b) riba
c) chmara
d) їzhak

4. Put it in vіrne vislovlyuvannya.
Stone, fall, fall - nature is inanimate.
Litak, space ship, planets - nature is inanimate.
Sleep, lyudin, komakha - nature is alive.
Earth, kishka, birch - nature is alive.

5. Have seen an object of wildlife.
a) vestka
b) hmari
c) sun
d) birds

6. End the proposition.
Soil, burn, fall off, cloudy, dry - __________________ nature.

7. Explain, to what kind of changes in the product given the power people.
- You will become less than fools, to know a lot of roslin and creatures.
- obstruction of the soil, obstruction of the growths and creatures.
- You will become bigger than the woods, there will be new growths and creatures.
- If you have more water, you can eat food for people.

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