Sense of cognitive performance. educational performance

Department of Education of the Administrative Department of the Yaroslavl Region

State Establishment of the Yaroslavl Region "Center for Assessment and Control of Quality of Health"

"Activation of the initial and educationalthe performance of scholars at the time of the "Rukhu" schooling in the main schools "

methodical distribution

Bєlovoi Svitlani Leonidivni,

Even before it is traditionally seen in schools, linguistic and logical and mathematical, people are more and more volody, understand, in many areas: musical, spacious, internal-kinesthetic,

Malaguzzi vikoristovuvvv metaphor "100 mov", describe different ways For the help of which children are aware of the light and present their knowledge. The process of presenting intelligence can help children to die, polish and expand their intelligence. The principle of versatile minds transferring, so that those who are guilty of guilt do not give such opportunities for other children to win their own ways of learning, so that you can cut the way out of your strengths, but there is no way you can do it.

teacher of mathematics,

Toropovskaya main

zagalno-sacred school

Danilovsky municipal

Science curriculum: Suslova Iryna Vasilivna,

elder wikladach

Department of Theory and Methodology

new mathematics

YAGPU im. KD Ushinsky.

Yaroslavl, 2006

introduction 3

Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of activism

Children develop and become the most beautiful in the context of spirituality, devilishly safety and value, their physical consumption and satisfaction, and the stench seems to be psychologically safe. Maslow conceptualizes the ideology of consumerism, in which navkannya didn’t respect those who could be physical safety... In addition, the development of children in all regions of the country is due to the growth and growth of the number of positive, last-year first births with older and younger children.

educational performance of scientists 5

1.1. Cognitive activity and structure 5

    Cycle of educational activity 5

    Motives for initial and educational activity 6

    Piznavalny diy 7

1.2. Activation of the initial and educational activity of scientists. ... nine

    Didactic bases of activization of primary and educational activities of scientists 9

    The first time they are repaired in the family, they will expand in an hour, so you can turn on the children and the members of the class; In addition, the practice, from the point of view of development, is to go, protect physical, social and emotional consumption of children, as well as intellectual development.

    Theorists of behavioral science vvazhayut, nauchno vidbulasya, if you can back up changes in behavior. The start of the behavior model is the result of the conditioning. The basis of the air conditioning is those that the wine of the city is made of bazhanov іdpovіdі dіє yak hardening and іbіlshu ymіvіrnіst repetition of bazhanoіvіdpovіdі. Perception is the basis of the behavioral approach. Bezperervne polennya in all vipadki bazhany behavior is corianne when introduced behavior. For the acquisition of the bad behavior, the change in the frequency of the development of the behavior.

    Go to the end of the educational activity 10

    Daily activity 10

1.2.4. Equivalent activity and development. eleven
Chapter 2. Kosty activization of initial and educational activity

schools at the vivchennі those "Ruhu" 12

    The role of those "Rukhu" and the goals of the vivchennya in the course of the planimetry 12

    Methods of the theory of behavior are often vikorystovuyutsya at the expense of the vagina, the reduction of the curiosity, the new ease and the programs for the reduction of anxiety. More important for the success of the behaviourist approach to the beginning is the importance of regular and last-minute wine of a bazhan's behavior, and not of wine for a non-bad behavior. Navchannya breaks into small crocs, so the lyudin could be successful. The nurse will take care of the skin stage process. For example, if the patient learns to enter the insulin, the nurse whispers a positive behavior, and then gives the patient a good idea, it seems: “I got a good feeling, as you got a syringe,” or “I’ve learned

    The topic "Rukhu" in alternative handbooks and navchalnyh posіbnikov 12

2.2.1. Prepedeutic course 5-6 classes 12

2.2.2. Basic course 7-9 grades 14

2.3. Zavdannya-yak for activism the initial process 15

2.3.1. Formation of ideas and methods in preliminaries

when tasks are violated 16

    The method to ruku when solving problems for pobudovu, for proof 19

    Cognitive science theorists vvazhayut, scho navchannya є internal process, In such a way it integrates into its cognitive or intellectual structure. Start looking for additional internal information processing. From the point of view of knowledge, new information is important. At the first abo cognitive phase of the new patient vivch I'll put in a picture Moreover, it is a zeal, and an endurance. At the other stage of the new process, or the fixation, the student started to fill in a new button at the time of the visit.

    Necessarily because of the fact that it is a physical task to be able to develop it as a whole, or to partially accumulate in the form of folding. On the other hand, if you are ready to take the grip of blood є foldable zavdannyam. The patient is guilty of physically manipulating the arterial vise with a pressure gauge, and almost the sounds of the arterial vise and the sense of sound. The skin from the cich zhdan can be realized yak okrema efficiency, and then ob'ednana. At the last stage of the beginning, at the automatic stage, the patient will take away all the greater impressions and competence of the victorious director.

    Solving tasks in different ways 22

    Head of Sylkogospodarskoy practice 25

2.4. Usni right - start with activism
cultural activities 26

visnovok 29

List of Literature 30

Dodatok 1. "Didactic іgri" on the topic "Rukh"

Dodatok 2. Vikoristannya of tests with vivchennі those "Ruhu". ... Dodatok 3. Materials for integrated lessons (geometry and physics,

Humanistic theorists of the present day look at the function of all people and imply, but now it is impossible for a mother, if it is not both cognitive and emotional areas. The building of people to self-designation is an important part of the humanistic theory. For example, the humanistic theory is victorious, to help patients with myocardial infarction see a special control over their health management. You can vibrate the elements of the skin theory, as you know you are corny when you are new patients.

Geometry and Biology)

Dodatok 4. "Geometry is alive". Vikoristannya computers


Dodatok 5. Staff for independent, pre-slate robots

on the topic "Rukh"

Dodatok 6. "Method of problems in tasks"

Dodatok 7. “Ornamentti. Parquetry "- material for pozaklalnoy robots.

All children grow with success and shine more beautifully, if they become more attractive and change. Povaga all the people in friendly middle-class you can take a visit. Navchannya is also interested in the structure of information in a particular rank and in being presented in significant segments with a general ringing sound.

What is the role of mental snakes in cognitive science? In order to illustrate, let me imagine the meaning of the change in super-speeches, both in the best way and in the more traditional theories of knowledge. A super-link between the greater traditional intelligence of cognitive science and the rest of the theories can be seen as the center, in chastkovo, on the role of options in knowledge. In such a rank, it is possible to make the propositions of parts with fixed and regulated meanings and forms of new comprehension of propositions, rearranging parts in new combinations.


Our hour is the whole hour of infinite spaces of information, as it is constantly updated and developed in the volume. In such minds, the schoolchildren have mastered the singing knowledge of the knowledge that is not enough. Establishment of knowledge of guilt is the main for the development of cognitive activity by means of independent rejection of new information, and creative processing. As well as actual words of KD Ushinsky: “It is to blame for the succession, that the next step is to transfer the knowledge, not only to the knowledge, but to bring it into the new bazhanya and health independently, without a teacher, to add new ones. Volodyuchi with such a rosy power, as a vityagє zvidusil korisnu, people will be able to read all life, it’s awesome and become one of the most important people in the whole course of school life ”.

Instead of turning to the paradigms of knowledge, which include either rows of symbols, or perhaps a propositional structure, in the future it will be more respectable than a beast of a type of neural architecture. It smells like the power of functional fences in knowledge represent the power of neural activity closer, less the power of the last system and the processing of symbols. However, the problem of variaatsiya did not arise. It is more important to establish the virіshity, only to be transferred to the level of rukhovyh processes and the re-creation of the image.

Prior to one of the possibilities of addressing the problem and advancing the efficiency and quality of the initial process, there is an activation of the initial educational activity.

Kozhen wait for a while, but a direct "transplant" of knowledge into the head of a child is uncomfortable. Formation of functional systems є process, which is viroblyaє the learner himself, the beginning of the learning process.

Mental variation, structured and conceptual combination. Find out about the ideas of the three people. Qiu efficiency can be characterized in simple words: Variable in their performance aspects or elements of the warehouse structure, which are saved in the case of a wide variety of aspects or elements of the structure. In the course of the development of performances, it’s possible that they have a basic structure, but they are not guilty of changing the elements, but they are clear in the misleading. Navpaki, the nature of mental changes, obviously, is the main order of the automatic and unrecognizable mechanism of the real life So and in experimental minds.

The activity of scholarship in the field of science includes that in the social lot with the priesthood, education, reprocessing and storage of knowledge.

For the development of cognitive activity, it is necessary to give a dandy background, to stimulate the development of foreign activity, self-reliance, special innovation and creativity of scientists in the development of a child.

Cognitive science can be characterized as an admittedly new area of ​​education, including the disciplines of philosophy, psychology, informatics, linguistics, neurology and neuropsychology. Cognitive science, in the out-of-the-box, get rewired and put in the "functional" and "numerical" models of the target.

Yak, respecting Johnson-Laird, "Computer and Rose", letting the "count of numbers" come through, called to the next hypothesis: "You can stand before your brain so much, as the program is on computers," viciously on a hard and heuristic analogy, led to a great number of numerical theories about different functions and the power of the mind. To achieve your main goals scientifically explained psychic phenomena, cognitive science accepts naturalistic and empirical influences to psychic manifestations.

Tom has been given a meta of robotics: to see the possibility of activating the initial and educational activity of scholars before the hour of mathematics, on the application of those "Rukhu".

Why is the theme "Ruhu" obsessed with the Bula? The Vikladanna Geometry still does not come to great respect for the ruhs. The knowledge that vmіnnya s tsієї by those do not change through ADI. If you want a theme, it has a great potential for the development of a geometric design.

Elvin Goldman, in his philosophical additions to cognitive science, clearly and briefly summarizes the empirical foundations of cognitive science: experimental studies, General cognitive sciences.

Structured and mental options. The first problem is that it’s a cognitive science to stick in its beast, conceptually or initially. In other words, cognitive science is guilty of naming the cordon of the concept of uyav. For a whole cognitive vchen_ accept, it is clear or prikhovanno, kіlka popuschenie pro vyavі. The axis of action is of the most important characteristics attributed to it in the Creative Idea.

Vivchennya rukhiv gives a great opportunity to make it possible to prove the problems of theorems, to educate scholars in ways of converting a plant to a pobudov, a zmisty plant. Nareshty, the practice of showing, is one of the most fertile materials for formulating interest in geometry.

For the achievement of the boule, the following was set up:

Uyava includes in itself the root of those ideas that go beyond the scope of what is seen in this hour. However, it is important to do so, so that you do not go beyond the boundaries of reality. Uyava to produce a product? on view of fantasies, dreams, etc.

Uyava is not a tricky process, for every new idea is found in the world and does not conceal the obvious link with the existing cognitive structures. Nawpaki, in reality, I pour in the current framework of knowledge. Uyava is seen as a mental image of a team that smells more global and more interdimensional, less mental image.

    Vivchiti psychological and pedagogical i methodical literature on the problem of activization of educational activity.

    Views of the most significant and accepted for the rural school and for the activation of the initial and educational activity of scientists in the development of geometries.

    On the basis of the systematization of the authority's information, described in

    Uyava - the whole process, for the help of which people generate thoughts, new objects, settings, podії, etc. even more globally, there is no mental image in that sense, if you want to take the form of explicit images, you don't need a stench. Imaginative products can also be found in the form of a verbal description. Uyava is also guilty of the mother of a greater interdependent, lower mental image, in that the sense, it is guilty of including in itself the root of the new, so that the act of manifesting mental images can be purely ignorant.

literature, development didactically provide for activism

initial and educational activity of scientists at the


The robot is stored at the entrance, two razdiliv, visnovkiv, the list of vicarious dzherel (36

Naymenuvan), 7 additions.

Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical aspectsactivization of educational activities of scientists

Yak mi bachili z tsih eskizu, mind you in the Creative Piznanny znnovane on decilkoh poached. However, by the very fundamental є stewing, which is generally productive. Yak tilki tse stewed bulo zrobleno, іnshі go natural rank. For example, firmly about those who uyava are innovative and how uyava my tendencies are being transferred, you can see how the legacy of poached, uyava є productive.

Tsi priuschennya about uyavi is easy to justify, some of the stench is based on out-of-the-box methodological vimogs. Cognitive science spirals on empirical data and the required test procedures, theorizing about understanding. Before the end of the week of empirical tributes, it is possible only in the same way, since the empirical manifestations are "there". However, it is possible to take note of how to draw on empirical tributes in the theory of knowledge, not just to bring it to cognitive science, but to whatever is the philosophical one. theoretical approach, Tied with a wavy.

1.1. Great activity and structure

1.1.1. Cycle of educational activity

The cycle of cognitive performance allows for the socially directness and soundness of the results.

On the cob of the initial and educational performance, the meta zerosulya only to the reader. At the same time, in general, there are two aspects: in relation to the introduction to the establishment of education and in relation to the specific initial tasks. Let's talk about the first aspect.

Aristotle has declared that the nature of people is unfinished. From nature, only potency is laid in people, and the vital sense of the life of the pole is in the realization of these possibilities, in the completion of his nature. "Aze every mystery and vikhovannya can be remembered on the basis of those that marriage is from nature."

On the skin uroth and in the efforts of the organisation school life before the teacher is guilty of standing meta to protect the development of people, from the standpoint of nature and on the basis of their constitution.

Now we are attending to another aspect: setting up a presentation to a specific lesson, a specific task. Significantly, there are two forms of meta:

    meti-image, without a priori directing that regulate the initial-cognitive effect on the whole period of life;

    tsіlі-zavdannya, how to regulate the activity through the endurance result, like the appearance in the form of zavdannya.

A deep sense of primal efficiency, as a spiritual skill of a teacher and a teacher in the fact that it grows up to reproach the children of the child, who are pragmatic to singing objects, which are prone to death.

Dorosly, vikonuyuchi bazhannya ditini, formє meta, vіdpovіdnu tsom bazhannyu. The motive is ditini, but the meta is mature.

As in the individual activity of the grown-ups when the vector motive is met, then in the social activity the motive is to go from the child, and the meta from the older. Let the stench drop to one meta, vikonuyuchi spilnuyu diiu, let us grow up rukhaє meta, and a child's motive.

Zagalna is a bureaucrat, who unites people in a social activity. Yak is the teacher's meta and the lesson at school? Vona polyagaє in that, learning the first step is the first task.

The meta of a grown-up person, transforming into an initial task, is guilty of the fact that he is in the project. Especially in the process of assimilating a special sense primary tasksі її accepted as especially significant.

1.1.2. Motives of the educational activity

For scholars, the idea of ​​navchannya transforms into the motives of the primordial virtue. Transformation of meti into a motive of a wikipedia and internal spontaneity, which characterize the activity of scientists at a viconance of an enterprise.

Strongly bending motive of mobility of mobility and knowledge of mobility of learning, and its will in the sphere of mobility.

From the motive to think it over, what kind of action is there, on the mind of me, on how the action is straight.

(Bozhovich L.I., P. 10)

A specific change of motives for learning and their role in the primary activity of a schoolboy stretching out during the early period of new years in schools is changing in the presence of all children.

Vchennya schoolboy zbuzhuєtsya not one, but without motives. You can see the onset of groups of motives, such as changes in two main directions:

    Piznavalny motives, which represent the manifestation of interest to the change of specific objects, to the very process of robotics, to knowledge. The most significant here are educational interests and consumers. Wonderful motives to cheat on learning "open" for the gift. Educational interest lies in the basis of the activity, independence of the schoolboy in the modern world.

    Social motives - broad, forward-looking, promising, connected with the smart-minded schoolboy to his new life.

The motive of virtue for the assertions of Leontyev is objectified, the substantive light є dzherel internal sponukan of specialness, її motives characterize і dії, і ї vchinka.

Dіyalnosti without a motive is not a boom, "unmotivated" by dіyalnіst - whole dіyalnіst, nі not a motive, but dіyalnіst with a sub'active and objectively motivated motive. (Leontyev O.M., p. 153)

1.1.3. Zm_st of initial and educational activity

Having accepted the meta nauchno ї dіyalnosti, the learner began to work in the capacity of a sub ’sub'kta nauchno-іnіvalnoї dіyalnosti. At the same time, before we learn from everyone else, we need to eat: well, if you need to work in order to achieve the result. The scholar is guilty of representing the component warehouse of initial and artistic performance, the ways of displaying the last and the last.

In order to be able to see how you feel in the traditional sense, it is obviously necessary to formulate the general knowledge, to tie a person for all the analysis of the initial situation and the synthesis of knowledge.

The teacher, as a rule, knows what kind of operations and procedures are necessary to be victorious in case of new buildings. Ale is necessary, you know a student, and a teacher

I am guilty to find out how to help to know the operations and procedures.

The program can be presented by the lantsyug of the interconnected imovirnisnyh sujen. Smile vibudovuvati taku lantsyug, є not only one of the provincial leaders, but the basic scientific dedication.

Be-yake nachalne zavdannya see the victorious singing base of the danikh, special knowledge of knowledge and knowledge.

In the subject of psychological development, the development of internal mental processes is included in the subject of subjectivity. Diyas in pictorial activity will be named as pictorial ones.

1.1.4. Piznavalny diy

The power and significance of motivation grows even more intelligent, as it grows to such a component of cognitive performance as subject matter.

Basic warehouses lyudskoї dіyalnostі Je zdіysnyuyut її dії "dієyu E nazivaєmo protses, pіdlegly uyavlennyu about those rezultatі, yaky guilty Buti dosyagnuty, tobto protses, pіdlegly svіdomoї methylene, podіbno before yak ponyattya motif spіvvіdnositsya of ponyattyam dіyalnostі, ponyattya methylene spіvvіdnositsya of ponyattyam дії ". (A, N. Leontiev, p. 167)

Human performance is not a sense of the word, as in the form of a dei and a lantsyuga dei.

The process of creating a warehouse is based on the development of knowledgeable and practical workshops, as they rotate in the objects of science. A leather object hangs in front of scholars without the help of a factory and a design for a lack of subject matter for a vigilant of a series of self-sufficient robots of the most attractive character, which can be operated with well-worn napkins, special practical and creative minds.

Subject matter in science (pictorial action) - assimilations, definitions of an act, setting of ties for solving educational tasks. (T. I. Shamova, p. 215)

The cognitive activity in the whole is stored from internal, interconnected projects, the logical consistency of such structures.

At young people’s educational projects and zdіysnyuєtsya foldable, loaded with a robot thought, memory, uyav, creativity, all the processes of witness.

In the victorious educational acts, an act of cognizance is seen, which is located in a straight line from the motive, from one side, and from the step of volodymy to the mines, from the bottom.

It is also the way of transformation into motives, and it is a cognitive task that anticipates the cognitive development, to transform into motives of the given navchalnogo dії... As a result of the subject matter of the schoolboy, the motives of the scholarship are to lay the result of the educational act in the present.

From the last stages of early learning and fallowness, from the main didactic tasks, as you go to the singing stage of educational performance, you can see a few types of educational performance:

1) Dії, scho bring up the need for a new knowledge until you understand:

A. in front of practical activities, to produce before
lack of theoretical knowledge for clarification of new facts;

B. for learning practical and theoretical significance
doslіjuvanny food;

C. for analysis of the folding of facts, appearances;

D. Visiting hypotheses and learning from students
theoretical knowledge for їх obruntuvannya.

2) Diy on the basis of the factual base for the more theoretical

A. actualization of related facts;

B. accumulation of new facts.

3) Diy from the publication of the factual material:

A. first-hand information on the basis of substantive facts;

B. New Publications, based on Subject Publications, such as
to produce up to school lessons.

4) Social activities related to specific business interests

A. Znakhozhennya new vipadkіv manifest zagalnogo in the concrete;

B. storing information before clarifying the names of super-clear facts,

C. vikorystannya uzagal'en in winter situations.

Typically, they vary in fallowness due to the variety of initial material, intellectual preparation and special features.

Looking at food for a zest and structure of initial and cultural performance, V.V. Davidov recognizes that “the testimony of the transmission of the message, from one side, the recognition of the children of the previous acts from the main material (and not just of their guarding and listening), of the initial tasks. Otzhe, thanks to the fact that it is an active process of thinking, reclining for the solution by children of different buildings. " (V.V.Davidov, p.53)

Vchennya, being an evocative and redefining virtue, is not only aimed at taking care of and memorizing the original material, but on the formulation of the teaching to the most cognitive virtue. Reconstructing the same factor of effectiveness of the dressing depends on the activity of the sub. A. Diesterweg wrote in his book "Certainty and illumination of some readers": Anyone who bazhaє to get in touch with them is guilty of reaching the power of power, power of power, power of power. Zzovnі vіn can only be rewarded with excitement ... To that self-indulgence - because of and immediately the result of insight. " (A. Disterweg, p. 118)

The knowledge, rendered in a ready-made view, as a rule, is difficult to learn from those who have been saved to the explanation of the signs and the display of specific projects. Ovolodinnya and the system of provincial knowledge and methods of activity can be less than the reason for advancing the level of activity of schoolchildren in educational activity.

1.2. Activation of initial and educational activities

1.2.1. Didactic bases of activization of initial and educationalacademic performance

Vchenni schoolchildren have a fundamental and basic knowledge.

With respect to the new realization of the principle of activity in the new methods, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the methods, to the change and forms of science.

V the rest of the rock in theory and practice, science is richly crushed for practical implementation of the principle of activity in science. Advancement of the scientific ryvnya for schoolchildren initial courses The development of minds for the development of appearances and processes on the basis of facts, which need to be remembered, and on the basis of penetration into their daily life, which creates the basis for activating the creation of schoolchildren.

There are also the jokes of the nobles for the detailed methods of new methods of working with the strengths of their activists, injecting them into the processes of starting up schoolchildren. A special place in the activization of schoolchildren is to introduce self-reliant robotic scientists, especially self-reliant robotic and creative character.

The main tendency in the more sophisticated organization of forms of science is tied to the individual approach of the modern people, which is based on a cloud of real primary capabilities of scientists through the organization of active educational activities.

There are two types of activity: internal (rozumovu) and zvnishnyu (motor).

In the process of navchannya there is a little bit of that, so it is a kind of activity. However, the activism of the educational activity of scientists is tied for all the activity of the mission, the call (motor) activity is to serve as the head

as a rule, it will stimulate internal activity and prevent control over the interruption.

Slid to mean that activity, being mental knowledge, is not a kind of specialty rice - it’s forming itself in the process of activity. As soon as activity is needed, then it is to form in the process of cognitive performance and to be characterized by pragmatism to the point of being aware of it, by the manifestation of moral willfulness of science, and at the same time, the activity itself is infused into

Navchalny messenger of Vidavnistvo TPU Tomsk 2003


Water hour outside handcuffsі navchalny wanderers, Orієntovani for the improvement ... process, so i alternative engraved. Change ... smut rukhі rukh submission. Take on the smut rukh, ... fine 12 …14 10…12 7…5 12 ,5 3,2…1,6 0,8…0, ...

  • Chief Information Officer Sgidno to the Federal Component of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Food Industry (1)


    Fromm 242 M. Heidegger247 12 .2. Marksistske vchenya about ... blematiki nadaut handcuffsі navchalny wanderers at viglyadі courses ... ruhu... V rusi heavenly til rukh to be located in Rivnovazi and Rivnovagu _ in rusi... vibir mіzh alternative ways of scientific ...

  • Navchalny messenger Zmist Introduced Topic Theory of social robotics yak navchalna discipline; scientific foundations of social robots. lecture


    It's a pity, ruined in bagatioh handcuffsі chiefs to the beggars). Vona, so bi moviti, ... representatives of Education and Socialism ruhu, For example, the English ... natomist? yak alternative positive program, ... stink of rapt, on 12 parties, declare, ...

  • The outstanding performance of the transmission of light to sub'єkt і ob'єkt piznannya.

    sub'єkt pіznannya- the price of human creative activity, Directly on the adequate creation of natural, social and spiritual reality in the form of knowledge. In the role of a sub'єkta of knowledge, you will be able to:

    Individ (okrema lyudin);

    Social group(Collective of the laboratory, scientific and prelude to the institute, academy of sciences and іnshe naukovoe spirituality whole);

    human suspension(Sukupn_st nina living people, the necessary living things and educational processes);

    People (sukupnіst nі live і lived earlier generations of people whose knowledge vikoristovuyutsya in the given hour).

    pid about piznannya Rose is natural, social and spiritual reality, on which the cognitive activity of the sub'ect is directly reflected, which protects it from being unknowing and unreasonable.

    subject of knowledge- a lot of specific aspects, on which the buzz of the buzz is straight. So, Lyudin є ob'єktom vivchennya bagatokh sciences - biology, medicine, psychology, sociology, philosophy and in. However, the skin of them "back" people from their kutom zoru: for example, Psychology of the psyche, the spiritual light of the people, their behavior, medicine - their ailments and methods of abuse, etc.

    In the social knowledge of a lyudin, I can do justice with the results of power, and that means, with himself as a practical merit. Being a sub''ctom of cognition, one is to appear at the same time from this and this object.

    piznannya human reality see in different types and singing forms:

    Budenne or individual perception, as it is formed in the process of increasing activity, on the basis of special advice and publicity, the acquisition of suspiciously significant knowledge.

    For the form, we are very figurative, I want an element of the logical, rational, in a new presence. This is informational form of knowledge itself.

    Science of Science. Vono be seen as a posed, everyday, individual, persh for everything, with his own subject. Science vivchaє in the processes and events only in the home and necessary, the main subject scientific knowledgeє knowledge of laws. The scientific knowledge behind the form is always concentrated in the out-of-the-way understandings, that is, in science dominated logical, understanding knowledge and, moreover, systemically not understanding knowledge.

    Philosophical, like є a kind of scientific knowledge, ale to be aware of two important points: the subject of knowledge є not just beyond, but universally beyond, beyond, so to be universally; Philosophical knowledge depends on the eye of the eye, and to that it is impossible not to take revenge in one's own assessment of the known. Evaluation of the knowledge is a general element of the given type of knowledge.

    Artistic perception (behind the form - figuratively and on the spot).

    All of the views are clearly interconnected. So, scientific knowledge is ill-advised without philosophical knowledge, but philosophical knowledge is based on private science, i, nareshty, artistic creativity, Artistic perception of activization of all forms of knowledge and an important moment, do not depend on learning, but it is binding for all types of cognitive performance. In the basis of all, there is a special, widespread knowledge. Without a call to the hungry, everyday admission, no sense can’t do anything about it.

    The folding pictorial process sees 2 rivnya: chutte and rational (logical) knowledge.

    The problem of the relationship of sensitive and rational, the role of the skin in them in the knowledge of an active light by a stretch of the table is one of the fields of serious confrontation in philosophy.

    In the course of the fight, we saw two turn on one of the same concept of the solution of the problem.

    sensualism(From lat. sensus- feeling, seeing) - absolutizing the role of organs in perception. Everyone who understands, vvazhayut sensuality, know only for the help of the organs of the senses, misinterpret the difference in the knowledge.

    Sensualism in the transformation of the greater variety of representations by materialists (T. Hobbes, J. Locke, French materials of the 18th century, L. Feuerbach), in natural science and other specific sciences.

    Until new heavy empirism(View of Greek. empieiria- dosvіd), which vvazhaє, so the zmіst of our knowledge can be brought up to describe the sensible advice, sensible knowledge.

    Sensualism in the history of philosophy protist rationalism(From lat. ratio- Rose), which absolutizes the role of misdirection, rational understanding and bringing to zero the cognitive power and health of organs in the mind. R. Descartes, B. Spinosa, G. Leibnitz, G. Hegel).

    chuttєve piznannya- the whole process, how to come to the aid of the organs of the senses of the people: zoru, hearing, dots, scent and relish.

    Chuttve piznannya is called “we live by the glance”, but the opposite is in three forms - vidchuttiv, spryman, uyavlen.

    vidchuttya- bezposredn vіdobrazhennya okremikh power objects іv, scho pouring into the organi chuttya.

    sleepy- a whole-hearted image, which depicts an unprecedented infusion on the body sensitive to objects, their power and vidnosini.

    tributeє vidvorennya in the sense of a sensitive image earlier than taking off an object.

    rational understanding - tse educational process, Yakiy zdіysnyuєtsya for the help of forms of rosum dіyalnosti. Rational perception includes two types of logical thinking - rose and rose.

    Rozum- a type of logical misinterpretation, which is an opera tribute to the admission in the boundaries of the knowledge formed in the suvor reason before the establishment of the rules. The sense of power is dominated by the sharpness of value, the rigor of the firm, the tendency to forgiveness, formalization, schematism. It is a good idea to bring knowledge into the system of attracting people to the standard minds, especially in the case of new utilities. Yomu is powerless, categorical. Inadequacy to go beyond the clearly assigned task.

    rosum viroblyaє knowledge of a great and familiar character. I win the ob'kt in the same number of prototypes, the power of the tyranny, I will not be able to reject non-trivial, non-standard creative solutions. Reasonable analysis is not just the tribute of sensitive advice, but the court of criticism of the power of judgment. The main reason for thinking is that it’s out of bounds, between cognitive enterprises, out-of-the-box and novelty of results. It is important, however, p_dcreslity, that the rose will add the rose, I will not work out the routine to the robot.

    The rational perception is most often rotated in the mission. misleading- the process of cognitive activity, for which characteristic of the root of the external, mediated images of activity. Mistake to be in a tight ring with my, as a visitor to the function of my instrument, and prom, to be involved in my thought.

    formy mislennya (Logic form)- ways of representing the action behind the help of interconnected abstractions, the middle ones, the understanding, judgment and reasoning.

    Tsi formy mislennya mayut kilka extravagant characteristics:

    I will direct everyone to the image outlandish authorities learning objects (processes, appearances);

    Tied up from the tsim of permission from single authorities;

    Reducing the relationship to a cognized reality (through the forms of sensitive cognition and vikoristovuyu to learn more about caution, experimentation, processing of information);

    Bezposredn_y zyazyazniy zmovyu (material envelope of the thought).

    witness- the form of the misrepresentation, which depicts the distant regularities of the connection, the hundred sides, signs of the appearances, which are fixed in their values ​​(definitions).

    For example, in the designation of "a human being is a creature, how to rob the knowers of pratsi", turns of such an authentic sign of a people, which is the origin of all representatives of the creature's light, in the form of a fundamental law of development.

    Understand the guilt of being dull and jumbled, in the back, but in the other areas, so that you can see the real dialectics (development) of the active light.

    Naybіlsh zagalnі understand - the whole philosophical category. Understandably rotate in a modern form - in viglyadi okremikh sliv ("litak", "automobile", "insurrection" andin.) ).

    judgment- the form of misinterpretation, as representing speech, appearances, processes of action, of power, sound and appearance.

    In such a rank, as an understandable person imagines іstotnyh signs subject, then the judgment is represented by objects (or signs). Judgment on the basis of human thoughts I will finish the form. Gradually the judgment turns in a rosy speech.

    Yak bi did not develop judgments behind their wickedness, because the structure is in power, so that the stench is equally prompted for the form. There are three judgments for the butt: "Russia is the land of rich cultural traditions", "Baikal is the best in the world of sweet water", "students of zobov'yazany good health". The skin of them is based on the sub'єkta judgment (Russia, Baikal, students), the predicate of judgment, which includes those that are said about the sub'єkta (land, the best grocery, goats, go to sleep) and sounds (є , essence, є), and the sound does not easily go down and turn around behind an additional dash.

    Understanding and judgment are perceived as "tseglinks" to induce the minds, as they represent moments of misery from some judgments and to understand to the last, the process of rejecting new results in understanding.

    umovividє the form of misery, which allows us to receive sujen vivest new judgments from the viewers.

    For example, 3 two sujen: “all students go to busy” and “Pirogov is a student”. You can start making a visit, and Pirogov can go to busy times.

    We have no need for our own judgments to start with the knowledge of the facts. Yakbi umovivid did not give the opportunity to reimagine the new knowledge, then ludin, for example, didn’t know how to penetrate into the light of the atom. Sgadaimo, what a message about the inability of the atom to be discarded, not on the basis of a well-informed caution, but in order, mind you.

    The process of recognition of the authorities is creative.

    creativity- a lot of human activity, how to bring new material and spiritual values, how to be unrepeatable, suspense-historical unique. A typical creativity is a technical creativity. Rise types of technical creativity - wine production, rationalization, design, construction, design.

    Yakshcho a dintsev product, a vintsem of creativity in science є vidkrittya, then in tech - vinahid.

    Open a phenomenon, a law, a living thing, as it has already disappeared, but it has not been seen before. Columbus led the way to America, ale wondered and before. Franklin Vinayshov Gromovidvid, who did not know it before.

    about'єktami vinokhodіv there may be attachments, methods (including microorganism, as well as methods of treatment, diagnostics and prophylaxis), speech (including chemistry and medicine), strains of microorganism, as well as stagnation of early adaptation to

    Do not be recognized as winners of scientific theories, methods of organizing and managing the government, understanding the meaning, distribution, rules, diagrams and methods of displaying rosy decisions, algorithms and programs for calculating machines, designing and planning such equipment, the most recent viglyad bud_vel, straightforward for the satisfaction of aesthetic needs.

    With a special kind of technical creativity є rationalization performance. sense rationalization- in the most perfected, extravagant organization of the viral process in response to large supplies. The need for rationalization of the winery, as a rule, with a lack of vicarious capabilities of the technical object.

    project- engineering activity according to the project, to be a prototype of the transferred technical object (system). In the process of designing, it is necessary to look ahead to the development of a future technical object on the first and second design signs of their own without a middle-class development before the preparation of a new one in the material and ready-to-use material.

    design- engineering activity, yak polyagaє at the stem, viprobuvanny and revision of the previous versions of the developmental options for the technical object (system). On the basis of the previous vision, the constructor should switch to the design at the final stage, develop specific characteristics, and ensure the specifics of the preparation of the object for the given virtualization.

    Design- design and artistic activity along the line of technical objects, which will be natural powers. The design integrates the artistic design of the virobs, the modeling of the living of the corystyvach with the tsimi virobs, and the modeling of the sound “people - culture” (fashion, style, with the values ​​and values). By virtue of the designer's activity, it is tied to the wide range of technical, natural and human sciences.

    In this hour, a new science discipline will pop up - technical eurology, how to deal with the development and processing of methods of sound design and construction.


    1. Problems of knowledge of the richness of science (logic, psychology, sociology, etc.). However, the day-to-day philosophical understanding We are more likely to tied with the analysis and transmission of the fundamental problems of bringing people to the point of action.

    2. Knowledge is the whole of the spiritual virtue, like the victoriousness of the obvious in Denmark, the moment of knowledge for the creation of the new. As a kind of human intelligence, it includes the need for the following elements: object and subjective knowledge, use and methods of knowledge, the result, to know the first assessment.

    Nutrition for monitoring students' knowledge:

    1. What is knowledge and knowledge?

    2. What is it to be missed by the understanding of "sub'єkt piznannya" and "ob'єkt piznannya"?

    3. Yakimy pіznavalnymi zdіbіla lyudin? What do you see?

    4. What forms of sensible and rational perception you see?

    "Be respectful to your thoughts - the stench is an ear of vchinki."

    Lao-tszi-ancientkit. philosopher

    “So, as there can’t be anything beautiful, not reaching the truth, then, obviously, we’re interested in philosophy, as it’s and the poshuk of truth.”

    P'єr Gassendi (1592-1655) - fr. philosopher-materialist