The first theoretical approaches in psychology: structuralism and functionalism. The birth of psychology as a science. Introspectively directly in the history of psychology: structuralism and functionalism The emergence of scientific psychology structuralism and functionalism

2.3 Structuralism and functionalism

Throughout the 19th century chemistry and physics reached significant progress in the analysis carried out when folding folding devices (molecules) onto elements (atoms). Successes, reached by the many sciences, pushed psychologists to the jokes of psychic elements, in the absence of such a life-long experience. But maybe, similarly to chemistry, retail water for water and pink, psychologists can give an analysis of the relish of lemonade (drink), and put it on the liquor, hot and cold elements (vidchutty). The main clerk of such an approach in the New States was EB Titchener, a psychologist who worked at Cornell University and underwent training with Wundt. Titchener viv term structuralism, which means the analysis of psychic structures, in the sense of the name given galuzy psychology.

However, the psychologists did not accept the purely analytical nature of structuralism. William James, a visual psychologist, is a good practice at Harvard University, having taken into account that, later on, we need to give less meaning to the analysis of elements of evidence and to come up with greater respect for our ancient and individual nature. The fragmentation of them pidhid I will call it functionalism, which means the development of the power of the rose, which allows the body to adapt to the new medium and function in it.

The interest of psychologists in the 19th century before the process of adaptation was the result of the publication of Charles Darwin's work on the theory of evolution. According to the theory, evidence of evolu- individual activity... Functionalities were considered, so for that purpose, organisms adapt to the middle, it is necessary to support their actual behavior. Tim by himself functionalism expanded the cordon of psychology, including behavior in the number of subjects. Protect and structuralism and functionalism prodovzhuvali to look at psychology as a science about the admission of information.

2.4 Biocheviorism

[Biocheviorism - in English. behavior - behavior. - Approx. transl.]

Structuralism and functionalism played an important role in the early stage of development of psychology. Oskilki be-yaka science point of view є systematic approach to the general scientific discipline, offense directly began to be seen as competing people psychological schools... However, prior to 1920, the rock of offense at the stench was in three different schools of thought: biochevorism, gestalt psychology and psychoanalysis.

Three three new schools are the most important in the development of scientific psychology in the American American culture. Yogo the master John Watson, having taken the opposite point of view, it is necessary to trace the spheres of psychology by means of information. Watson doesn’t feel bad when the animals are vivified, not being killed before the witness of witness. I’ve come to see it, so the psychology of the creature and the child’s psychology is not only self-discipline, but it can be seen in the quality of intelligence, which is guilty after the psychology of grown-ups.

Watson respected that for that, psychology could be respected by science, psychological tribute to blame, but available to the utmost caution, as a tribute of be-as-a-kind science. Zovnishnim - huge - є behavior, that is, like witness є internal - special - sphere. Science is only to blame for the facts available to the suspension. Oskilki psychologists are less and less satisfied with the method of introspection, once again the biochevorism has become more popular; A lot of young American psychologists began to call themselves "behaviorists." (I would like to be conducted by the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov) mind reflexes I can see how important additions are at the pre-treatment behavior, the very bachelorism of Watson, having filled in a wide flow.)

Watson began to think that practically all forms of behavior are the result of the formation and the middle of the form of behavior for the additional development of specific reactions. For example, when it comes to giving a child, it’s okay to stop skiglity, and to serve the child’s nicknames of phikati. Mind reflexes were looked at as elementary stores of behavior, from which more folding forms of behavior could develop. Whether it was a type of folding behavioral patterns, as a result of a new study or illumination, there were no more fabrics in the interconnected reactions.

Bіkhevіoristi bouly shilnі look out be-yakі psychological phenomena in terms of stimuli and reactions, which gave rise to the name psychology "stimulus-response" (CR-psychology). On the other hand, it means that C-P-psychology itself is not a theory, but it’s not a theory, but it’s deprived of the supremacy of terms, which can be used for transmission of psychological information. Z-R-terminology is often vicious and modern psychology.

2.5 Gestalt psychology

Close to 1912 rock, at about the same hour, since in America the popularity of biochevorism, gestalt psychology appeared in Nimechchina. nimetske word"Gestalt", which means "form" or "configuration", bulo vikoristano in the name of the way that Max Wertheimer and his colleague, Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Koehler were thinking about; All the stinks were emigrated in the USA.

Gestalt psychologists tsіkavilo overwhelmingly sleep; the stench was respected that the perceptual admission was started by patterns, by the stimuli, as well as by the ways of organizing the admission. Those that are actually bachimo are tied to the background, which is the object, as well as the other aspects of the integral pattern of stimuli. In such a rank, the order is not expensive for the first part, but for the purpose it is to start with one pair of small parts and parts. For example, we are shown in fig. 4, mi poachimo one great trikutnik yak єinu form abo gestalt, and not three okremikh kuta.

Small. 4. Gestalt image.

Wonder at three kuti, roztashovani in the tops of a one-sided trikuti, mi bachimo one great trikuti, and not okremi kuti.

Gestalt psychologists are also trained to take care of it; Tim, as people assess the size of the objects; as well as the characteristics of the colour when different minds illumination. The managers of their own interest to the tsikh so stink a number of basics on the peculiarities of the interpretation of such processes, such as the creation, memory and solution of tasks, by themselves having laid down the foundation of successful achievements in the psychology of cognitive psychology.

Lyudina is guilty not of her own house, but of her manager. For a more lost development of the basics of human behavior in the sphere of economy, the type of economic behavior of specialness is discernible. Knowing the psychology of behavior of the people of the people transferring not only pragmatically touching all the details of their emotional, emotional mood, directing thoughts, transferring them to their ...

Sip the loot. It can be, as it is not the heroism of NATO, then the civilization and not winnable on our planet in the richness, in the won є. NATO behavior behavior Psychology of behavior The behavior of NATO shows itself as ideological in flow, for the addition of some people are prepared for singing, as well as changes in psychic countries, which are seen in the form of specific ...

Memory process. While in the early stages the development of the child most of all is represented by an associative memory, then the mature people have a greater character of mnestic activity. The Psychology of Behavior is developed to promote the activity of the body and the image of the person who is comprehended, reminded a psychologist DIALITY OF PEOPLE Behavior of people includes not only ...

Psychic control of activation is carried out, but it’s true, there’s a psychic regulation of the backward straightforwardness and dynamics of behavior. Behavior of people overwhelming situation 2. Psychological readiness of people for overwhelming situations Spontaneous dashing, great accidents and catastrophes, tragic inheritance of people who have great emotional zeal, ...

Periodization: end XIX - ear of XX century

glossary :

analytic introspection- Mental analysis, which is based on highly organized introspection, behind the addition of some structure, we tried to find out how much was found (non-extravagant crushing) fundamental odds - elements, which are not very sensitive. (National Psychological Encyclopedia)

Pardon stimulus - talk about introspective experiences, turns in terms of new ideas, and not in terms of powerful ideas and qualities. The term psychology is introspective, which shows it as atomistic straightforward. (Dictionary of a practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.)

vasomotor reactions They were taken away to the body, if in addition there were factors in the judgment that changed its diameter. (Medical doctor of terms).

Potency of svidomosty- Understanding, which shows the flow of evidence and without interruption. ( Glossary of a practical psychologist. - M .: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998. )

Pragmatism philosophical judgment, how to look at the idea, to docileness in the capacity of the central one, which is the origin of the power of the human day. ( History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia. - Minsk: Knizhkovy Budinok. A. A. Gritsanov, T. G. Rumyantseva, M. A. Mozheiko. 2002. )

Positivizm- philos. Directly 19-20 centuries, when the hope and value of positive scientific knowledge in the context of philosophy and other forms of spiritual ( Philosophy: Encyclopedic Glossary. - M .: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivina. 2004.)


Titchener E. (1867-1927)

Anglo-American psychologist-experimenter.

The titchener for the first time introduced the term "structuralism" for the meaning of Wundt's pre-day walk, in contrast to William James's function. Winning himself has progressed to the development of the Danish pidhid, he wants and changed from the Würzburg School of Introspection as a method of developing mental processes. Winning the power of the psyche in the warehouses of the items, which wines have accumulated up to 30,000, and which wines are tied up with chemical items. At the same time, it is impossible not to assess the reports of the list of mental processes and reactions, the storage of the manager, similar to Titchener's previous reports. In honor of the new one, the "Illusion of Titchener" is also named: the circle, made with the help of small stakes, is built with a smaller diameter than the larger diameter of the outskirts. (T. Likhi. The History of Successful Psychology, 3rd ed. SPb.: Peter, 2003. - 448 p.)

James W. (1842-1910)

American philosopher and psychologist, one of the forerunners and provincial representative of pragmatism and functionalism.

Actively engaged in parapsychological illusions and spiritualism. Z 1878 to 1890 pp. James is writing his "Principles of Psychology", in which the atomism of useful psychology and the creation of specific facts and becoming of witness, and not of the knowledge of being "in" svidomosty, is seen. James looked at the consciousness as an individual reason, in which there are not two one and the same thought or thoughts. One of the important characteristics of James's performance is respecting his vibrancy. From the point of view of James, the testimony of the function, as "all the way, as well as the most biological functions, developed to that, which you won’t have." Due to such a prejudicial character, the testimonies of the people lead to the important role of instincts and emotions, as well as to the individual physiological characteristics of people. Widely expanded the visunuta in 1884 by the theory of James James. The theory of specialness, which is introduced in one of the chapters of "Psychology", is a small contribution to the formulation of personology in the United States. Order of Stanley Hall James is a single psychologist who became president of the American Psychological Association in 1894 and 1904. (Gevin U. Understanding "non-virality" in the philosophy of W. James // Nutrition of Philosophy. 1996.-№ 3.- P. 79-91)

Lange K. (1834-1900)

Danish physician, physiologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, philosopher, professor of pathology at Copenhagen University (1885), Honorary Doctor of Lund University (1893).

In 1868, K. Lange had an advanced bulbar syndrome, in 1874 - chronic polyomyelitis.

The particular popularity of K. Lange was brought about by the peripheral theory of determination of emots - the court-rukhova theory of emots, in which the role of wine is introduced into the somato-vegetative component. In nіy emotsії it is interpreted as a sub'єktivnі affirmation, which is in vіdpovіd on the nerves of excitement, enveloped in the camp of energy and the width of the blood-bearing vessels of the visceral organs. The theory of Lange hanging out, not being aware of the theory of W. James (1884), I called the theory of James-Lange.

From the wide spectrum of problems of souls, they saw and reportedly heard those, who called them “the most dynamic and characteristic emotions”: joy, confusion, fear, gniv, and also with acts of pretense: embarrassment, impatience. K. Lange described the basic rice "physiology" and "physiological" emotsiy, the other physiological and behavioral components.

Moreover, K. Lange was first to describe the psychotropic power of life. ( Psychological vocabulary. I.M. Kondakov. 2000.)

Dewey J. (1859-1952)

Amerikansky philosopher and teacher, representative of philosophical straightforward pragmatism.

Due to the development of a new version of pragmatism - instrumentalism, breaking the pragmatist methodology in the field of logic and theory of knowledge.

Three paths for detailed information about Dewey: 1. Social reconstruction, 2. Stagnation of scientific methods to the knowledge. high technologies”, 3. A perfect misnomer.

Social reconstruction - a thorough understanding of the suspension itself - mindful of the information, a small part of it is necessary to accumulate in the midst of the suspension. Dewey shattered the theory scientific method as a tool of successful human performance, reaching goals. In view of the failure of Dewey in the development of the theory of the scientific method, and in the knowledge of the problematic situation, it seems that the knowledge and correctness of the knowledge of the єкта пізнання - knowledge of the knowledge itself of the subject of knowledge. "

Meta vikhovannya, according to Dewey, is a vikhovannya of specialness, as it is in the minds of a vilenuyu teacher. The experimental method of D. Dewey admitting, as is well known, is only those and todes, if we can make actionable changes in speeches, as if we could confirm or simply use our knowledge. Without a lot of knowledge zalishayutsya only poached. Dew looked at the process of accumulating and reconstructing before the death of his social wickedness (Gurєєva A. V. Critical analysis of the pragmatic aesthetics of D. Dew. - Moscow: Publishing house of Moscow State University, 1983.)

Woodwards R. (1869-1962)

American psychologist, "father of American psychology", a representative of one of the direct functional psychology, called dynamic psychology.

The first in the pouring of Woodworth's thoughts on the problem of "postponed" in the new city was spillover with E.L. Thorndike in 1901 and published in the journal "Psychological Review" No. 8. In the robot, it was brought that the training of one function did not add much to the mind. Tse helped to develop the "doctrine of formal disciplines in education".

Woodworth's important robot was built on anthropometric 1100 prescripts, which was built up to older races (1904 r International display in St. Louis). Woodworth has shown that there is more importance in the middle of the population than in the race. For that hour, the revolution was solidified. In 1918 V. published the book "Dynamic Psychology", in which he developed the idea about the principle of the importance of dynamism of motives in organizing behavior and popularizing its introduction of the term "dynamic psychology".

Inspirational formula for the behaviorism of "stimulus-reaction" is not true, Woodworth includes in itself in the capacity of mediating lanka such a determinant, like organism, with the motivational parameters that are in power ("stimulus - organism - reaction). Good motivation, right from the instincts, they zoomed in their formulation.

As a result of Woodworth's vicious activity, he wrote Psychology (“Psychology”, 1921), showing five re-seeing (stopped in 1947), and “Experimental Psychology” (“Experimental Psychology”, col. 1938, H. Schlosberg, 195 ), has become for some of the generation of students the head master in experimental psychology. Woodworth's book Contemporary Schools of Psychology (1931, 1948, 1964) became one of the first historical insights into psychology. They have their own methodological position of peace and eclecticism and criticism of "university and zhorstki" methods of E.B. Titchener and J. B. Watson. Woodworth's publicity ideas were taken back to the last great version of "Dynamics of Behavior" (1958).

Spencer G. (1820-1903)

Spencer Bouv positivism, in line with what kind of wine and having pushed the transformation of the methodology of associative psychology. The basis of positive psychology is Spencer, like Ben, to rob the theory of Evolution. In such a rank, in the theory of yogi they are intertwined in the infusion of positivism, evolutive approach and associationism.

Having glanced at the subject of psychology, having seen the first way to identify specific forms with internal, associations among them. In such a rank, we expanded the area of ​​the psyche, including in it not only associations and internal factors, that is, E. Associations in the field of witness, but the link of witness from the callous light. Prior to this, the role of the psyche in the people’s evolution, in his book of psychology "Fundamentals of Psychology" (1870-1872), Spencer wrote about those who are psyche - the mechanism of adaptation to the middle. So, in science, a new approach to the determination of the psyche is biologic, which is based on the change of mechanistic explanation. On the next step, it’s natural for the singing stage of the Evolution, at that moment, if the life of the living is slowed down, then it’s hard to get to them without an adequate image of it. Spencer broadened the laws of evolution not only on the psyche, but on social life, formulating the organic theory of suspension. Vin talking about those that people need to become attached not only to nature, but to social development, so that their psyche develops at once from suspension. Winning one of the first psychology in correcting the psychology of the savage and the bitter people, and making a visit about those who are more rosy among the savages, at that time, as the first people were getting more rosary. At that time, the prices of visas in that hour were full of unconventional and principles, the stench allowed us to develop the appropriate methods of psychotic people, as they were widespread. Analyze the difference in the mental development of people, how to lie before the older peoples and live in early hour, Spencer took a look at the richness of associationism at the introduction of knowledge. I wrote that most of the often repeated associations do not know, but rather become embedded in the brain of the people and are transmitted in the recessions, in such a rank, "the evidence is not a pure arcus, which is generally prepared by the association." The growth of associations and the growth between the brain of Europe and the nation, the growth between the minds of the other peoples. The theory of Spencer rejected the knowledge of the middle of psychology, celebrated a great inflow on the further development of psychology, the first for everything to make it possible for the connection with natural knowledge and the tricks of the practical method, and took the root of experimental psychology. (Martsinkovskaya T. History of Psychology)

Throughout the 19th century chemistry and physics reached significant progress in the analysis carried out when folding folding devices (molecules) onto elements (atoms). Successes, reached by the many sciences, pushed psychologists to the jokes of psychic elements, in the absence of such a life-long experience. But maybe, similarly to chemistry, retail water for water and pink, psychologists can give an analysis of the relish of lemonade (drink), and put it on the liquor, hot and cold elements (vidchutty). The main clerk of such an approach in the New States was EB Titchener, a psychologist who worked at Cornell University and underwent training with Wundt. Titchener viv term structuralism, which means the analysis of psychic structures, in the sense of the name given galuzy psychology.

<Рис. Вильгельм Вундт основал первую психологическую лабораторию при Лейпцигском университете. На фотографии он изображен в своей лаборатории со своими ассистентами.>

However, the psychologists did not accept the purely analytical nature of structuralism. William James, a visual psychologist, is a good practice at Harvard University, having taken into account that, later on, we need to give less meaning to the analysis of elements of evidence and to come up with greater respect for our ancient and individual nature. The fragmentation of them pidhid I will call it functionalism, which means the development of the power of the rose, which allows the body to adapt to the new medium and function in it.

The interest of psychologists in the 19th century before the process of adaptation was the result of the publication of Charles Darwin's work on the theory of evolution. Apparently, prior to the whole theory, the evidence of the evolu- tion was greatly increased due to the fact that it served singing purposes, guiding individuality. Functionalities were considered, but for this purpose, organisms adapt to the middle, it is necessary to support their actual behavior. Tim by himself functionalism expanded the cordon of psychology, including behavior in the number of subjects. Protect and structuralism and functionalism prodovzhuvali to look at psychology as a science about the admission of information.

The birth of psychology yak science

At the earliest of the 19th century, the development of psychological knowledge was stimulated by insights not in the field of mechanics, but in physiology, which is keruvalas "anatomical ear". Psychic functions of people have been getting more and more out of the way from the beginning of their fallowness to the organ, its anatomy. I know the buli vidkriti (div. Vishche) of the visibility of sensitive and ruff fibers of the peripheral nervous system, a reflex arc is described. In addition to the formulation of the law of "specific energy of organs in the minds", it is also a common source of energy, except in the case of physics, nerve tissue is not volatile. The Austrian anatomist F. Gal, who vivchav the fallowness of the appearance of the nerve substrate, injecting the great cerebral infusions on the measles, de-localized "rosy strength"

First of all, the knowledge of the effective methods for the development of mental behavior, in the experimental analysis of the efficiency of the organs in the opinion of the bullets, great successes have been reached in connection with the perceptions of regularity, mathematically numerical This has played a major role in the reincarnated psychology in independent experimental science.

Physiologist Ernst Weber (1795-1878). Yogo until that mathematical wiki has become a dzherel of psychophysics. The table of logarithms appeared to be applicable to the manifestations of spiritual life, the behavior of a sub'ect. Drawing from psychophysiology to psychophysics, he divided the principle of causality and the principle of regularity. Psychophysics has brought, in psychology and for the whole day, knowledge about this substrate can be seen as a very empirical law, which is a pivotal phenomenon.

One hour English John Mile (1806-1873) Talking about mental chemistry.

At the core of the foundations, on which psychology and science will be based, the role of Hermann Helmholtz (1821-1894) is great. Genial misler has a lot of ideas, including about the nature of the psyche. M bully іdkritі fastness of passing an impulse along the nerve, the law of conservation of energy. "Every child is a dream," he said, "a more living organism, from the position of physics," a system, in which nothing else is, just a re-creation of other types of energy. " Yogo until it was introduced, that the image of a new subject arises from the independent form of the modern mechanism. This is how the basis of psyche and svidomosty began.

The Dutch physician F. Donders (1818-1898) attributing his presentiment to the shyness of the reaction of the sub'kta to the problem of using it. Nezabarom I.M.Sechenov, do their best for the hour of the reaction as the process, which will help the brain's integrity, receive: "Psychic activity as if it were an earthly thing to say goodbye in".

Provisions about those that the psychic factor is a regulator of the behavior of the organism, was known in the robots of the physiologist E. Pfluger. Having criticized the scheme of the reflex yak arc, in the docentral nerves, the staff switched to the center, they played one and the same standard reaction. Having decapitated the toad, having guided the toad in life, think. It appeared, that the nervous-myazovy reactions changed at the change of the new middle-class (on the table I woke up, I swam by the water). E.Pflyuger has broken the visnovok, so that the reason for the prejudicial actions is not itself by itself of the nerve-myasic connections, but the sensory function, which allows the development of the mind and, as is evident to them, the snake behavior.

Before E. Pfluger saw a special causality - psychic. Vidchuttya (what E. Pflyuger called "sensory function") - tse, vvvazhav vin, not physiological, but psychological day; The "sensory function" is in the development of minds, in which organism is located, and in regulation, as it was before them, as a matter of fact. At the development of the fact that one is seen in the new environment, and the reaction to the path in them, and the fundamental characteristic of the psyche, the head living sense, is formed. Until the last glimpse, take a thought about those who are psyche and svidomost - one and the same (about how witty can be found in a beheaded toad!). From the point of view, the majestic area of ​​the unaware psyche (unaware) is not created either to the nervous system, or to the system of svidomosty.

The revolution in the psychological mission was celebrated by the birthday of Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Darwin's victory marked a sharp turn from mechano-determinism to biodetermism. First for everything, Ch. Darwin has put on the natural change as the factor of organisms' vision in the constantly threatening environment. By the way, in the course of the Evolution you see that you are more likely to become more effective; saw in the struggle for the idea of ​​transferring their power to the sites. Oskіlki natural vіdbіr vіdsіkє everything is not necessary for life, then it is guilt and mental functions, which do not take pride. The process of looking at the psyche is like an element of adaptation to organism to the newest middle ground.

Psychic could not be more represented as an isolated "island for the spirit". Psychology is fundamental to the development of "organism-middle-class", the substitute for the environment. There is a new systemic style of misinformation, which in general has called for a change, but the subject of psychology is not the identity of the individual, but his behavior in the call of the middle, which changes his mental warehouse.

Understanding about the individual options є the warehouse part of the evolutionary theory of Ch.Darvin. It has become a bootie, before them the variations in the sphere of the psyche are being introduced. Tse gave an impulse to the development of a new one directly in psychology, the subject of which was vivchennya individual views mіzh people, summed up by the laws of decline. It has changed in a great way of differential psychology.

In addition, Darwinism stimulated the development of psyche in the creation of the world, and became the basis of zoopsychology, a wide range of methods (with additional experimental methods) of the mechanisms of mental regulation of behavior.

Ch. Darwin, analyzing the instincts of sponcous or behavioral forces, criticized the version about their intelligence. At the same time, it was bored, so the roots of instincts go in history, without them a living organism cannot be seen; Instinctly tied with emotions. Until the end of the day, Ch. Darwin didn’t think about it from the point of view of being learned by the sub, but spiraling to watch out for the wobbling ruffs, which was previously a little practical sensation (for example, squeezing the curses by the number of nasty teeth, to fight). The naturalness of the pre-Darwinian period was honored with the elements of svidomosty. For Darwin, emotion, self-conscious individual, I am taking on the qualities of phenomena, such as, wanting and psychic, the protein is the first in terms of quality. The most interesting wiklikє is the book of Ch.Darvin "The Walking of People and Articles of Dobir", seen in 1872.

One hour with Charles Darwin, the idea of ​​evolutionary psychology was developed by the English philosopher Herbert Spencer (1820-1903). At his work "Fundamentals of Psychology" (1855r.) The main provisions of this robot are as follows. Those who see everything in the middle of the body (from the same, and witness) can be seen less in the system of the new (adaptation) to the new middle. To see, the organism of perturbations vstanovlyuvat the sounds and their reactions to them. Vipadkovi, for the vision, carry the call of the ignore, and the call, which is necessary for the news of the director, is the motto fiksun, "in reserve", for the new confrontation with the help of the overwhelmed Adaptation to this type of display does not only mean attaching to new situations in the senses of the information about those who are being called (as, for example, to feel the sensitivity of the eyes in the dark). It is a special kind of association - between internal mental images and realizing the adaptation of the central body by means of muscular actions. So there was a sharp turn in Russian psychological thought. Three "fields of witness" threw herself into the "fields of behavior".

In the separation of psyche and evidence, there is a great deal of malignancy in the diagnosis of hypnosis. The forerunner of the scientific hypnology of the history of the Portuguese abat Faria, who was the former vicorist of the method of verbal knowledge in hypnosis.

Hypnotic séances added to the popularity of the author of the work of the Austrian licar Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) in Europe. It is well known from this mystical theory, the light of penetrations with a special rіdina - magnetic fluid (Latin Fluidus - fluid), which is volodya with power. If you accumulate yak in reservoirs in specialties specially gifted for yogi, magnetic fluid, according to F.A. Mesmer's glances, can be transmitted through ailments and vilikovuvati. Pіznіshe Anglіyskiy lіkar Brady navivsheval role in the hypnosis of a psychological bureaucrat. From the end of the 70s of the 19th century, the French neuropathologist Jean Martin Charcot (1825-1893), a teacher and mentor of the young Austrian lykar Z. Freud, was the beginning of the diagnosis of hypnosis.

Hypnosis (from the Greek. Hypnos - sleep) is not only demonstrating the facts of a psychically regulated behavior with the perception of witness (we are aware of the unawareness of the psyche ourselves). Schob viclikati gipnotichny stan, buv consumer "rapport" - the beginning of the situation of interaction between the likarem and the patient. It is revealed when there is a whole lack of psychic knowledge, from the socially-unawareness, to the fact that it is not possible to be controlled by people who carry out a hypnosis.

Stasis methods of hypnosis in all robotic educators create an atmosphere of peace, pidvischuy steps in flow to the science, yo podvischuyu, vyklicaє stan pidvishenny funktsionuvannya mnestic functions (memory, respect). Tse reach for the rakhunok pіdstroyuvannya to move and move the thoughts of the spіvrozmovnik. Like a chameleon, it is necessary to inherit the intonation, rhythm, steps of purity and vividness of movement, and the manner of trimatisation, mimicry, tinsel and moods, and the characteristic of movement.

Until the 70s of the last century, there was a need for the development of knowledge about the psyche for the development of a particular science discipline. The transformation of psychology into an independent science became possible because the psychology was gradually transformed from the described science into the experimental science. The ear in prompting psychology as an independent science was worshiped by W. Wundt (1832-1920) and F. Brentano (1838-1917).

V. Wundt organized the first Psychological Institute in Leipzig (1875r.). At the connection with the cym, we are even more important. In the new subject of psychology, the knowledge of "bezposredniy dosvid" is the zmist of svidomosty; The main method is introspection (watching the sub'єkt behind the processes at its own svidomosty, scho vimagalo special trivial training).

One hour with V. Wundt the philosopher F. Brentano viclav the program of the development of psychology in the robot "Psychology from the empirical point of view" (1874). Zgіdno F. Brentano, the field of psychology is not a change of witness (seeing, thinking, thinking, feeling), but what it is, psychotic children, who know how to be. For example, one is light, and one is an act of light. For the favor of the philosopher, the creation of acts and the unique sphere of psychology.

In scientific outlets there are theoretical concepts about the subject of psychology, which are developed from a particular empirical robot, when the experiment has gone down to a wider range of manifestations.

Methods of experimental psychology after the development of the German psychologist G. Ebbingauz (1850-1909). Win experimenting mnemonic processes, more folding, less sensory. At the book "About memory" (1885) Vyklavs of the results of the conduct of the preceding days with the help of the laws, for which the materials are obtained and created. In case of viral problems, there are 2300 non-glazed words, which can be stored in three sounds - good + vowel + good (for example, "mon", "pit", etc.). Bully vyprobuvani and retally prokhovani vizni options, you will spend an hour and a lot of money, you will learn, dynamism, you will be , small fragments of material (on the cob to the list of warehouses and the first copy).

Psychological practice of vimagal information about mental functions with the help of diagnostics of individual visions among people, it’s worth knowing and seeing folding forms of intelligence. The first version of the version was presented by the French psychologist Anri Bine (1857-1911). At the jokes of psychological problems, for the help of which there is a distance from children, who are old until now, who are quiet, who are suffering from intellectual defects, experimental memories of the memory of A. dermal growth of which was indicated to the employees, who were the normal children of the singing vіku.

Piznishe nimetskiy teachings V. Stern vvіv understand "kofіtsіnt іntelektu" (in English - I-Q). According to the new definition, "rosumovy" vіk (visasnachable on the scale of A. Bine) s chronological ("passport"). Їх distribution was considered as an indicator of either rosum performance or giftedness.

Chim success went into the psychology of the experimental robot, the wider field became the field of manifestations that she could see. Felling the intelligence of the self-enclosed light. Sneaking and memory, tips and misinterpretations, attitudes and feelings have become interpreted as their "tools" to the body, to work over the revisions of the buildings, with which to take the life of the situation.

At the earliest of the 20th century, there is a shortcut in psychology, where one can see one point of the subject of psychology, using the methods of reaching that basic system to understand. In Europe, Freudianism and Gestalt psychology, in the USA - functionalism, biochevorism and the school of Kurt Levin.

In 1912, in Frankfurt-on-Main, under the supervision of M. Wertheimer (1880-1943) Vinikla New School of Psychology - Gestalt Psychology (from the name "Gestalt" - form, structure). She included psychologists V. Keler (1887-1967) and K. Koffka (1886-1941). In M. Wertheimer's preludes, the boolean was installed in the warehouse with a view to displaying a sense of light (gestalty), but not to be placed on the sensorial elements, so that the mental image is not complex to see.

The progressive meaning of gestalt psychology posed in her podolannii "atomism" in psychology - the manifestation of those, how the images of evidence will be seen from the eyes of the eyes. It is clear that the cob is in the order of the sensory-intellectual structures. M. Wertheimer has become a chill-out of the daily life of witness: witness is active, behind the help of the singers, it will be the image of the newest light, spiraling to the link of the obvious structure - gestalty.

In doslіdzhennyah Gestalt psychologists Bulo vіdkrito Hope hundred zakonomіrnostey Zorov spriynyattya: appertseptsіya (zalezhnіst spriynyattya od passed dosvіdu, od zagalnogo zmіstu psihіchnoї dіyalnostі Lyudin) VZAYEMODIYA fіguri i background, tsіlіsnіst i strukturnіst spriynyattya, pregnantnost (pragnennya to simplicity i vporyadkovanostі spriynyattya) konstantnіst spriynyattya ( becoming to the image of an object unimpressed by the change of minds of your child), the phenomenon of "closeness" (the tendency to unification of elements that are sumptuous in the hour and space), the phenomenon of "fading" (tendencies to the preservation of glades with elements)

Adaptive behavioral forms were explained to universally understood "insight" (in English. Alas, unfortunately, the gestalts were magalized to explain the testimony, which is from the very person.

At all times, in American psychology, it’s usually called behaviorism (in English "Behavior" - behavior). Biochevorism recognizing as a single object of psychological development of behavior, behavior reactions. Certainty, as it is not possible to be guarded, is included in the sphere of behavioral psychology. Vyvchavsya leash is really a behavior. Tse good weather with a pragmatic direct of all American science of that hour. One of the forerunners of biologicalism, Bouv E. Thorndijk (1874-1949), Yakiy Viklav the Great Experimental Material in his doctoral dissertation "Intellect of Tvarin. Experimental Preceding Associative Processes"

Win vivchav on tvarin zakoni to intellectu yak navchannya. For many vikoristovuvav so called "problem" boxes. Placed in a box, the creature could go out of it, or it could be done away with, depriving it of having grafted a special attachment into it - by pressing on the spring, pulling the loop, etc. A handful of creatures were struck by helpless ruffs, fell into the sides, cracked a box, etc., until one of the ruins was vaguely known for a distant one. "Punch, pomp and vypadkovy success" - such a ball of visnovok, take a drink for all types of behavior like tvarin, as well as people. Vidkrittya E. Thorndike bully vitlumacheni as the laws of education navichok. At the same time, the intellect is too small for the respect of the organizm's "formulas" of real actions, so that one can successfully cope with the problem situation. Introduced into the general "imovirnіsnyy style of the misnomer": in the organic light, you see only the one to whom you feel, "trying and having mercy", see the most glorious way about the possible options for the reaction in the middle.

Foldable behavior of creatures and people of behaviorism by looking at how common the reactions (R) in response to the call of the water - stimulus (S). S-> R - this is a formula for bicheviorism. Achievement of biochemistry has become the distribution of experimental techniques based on the control of new inputs and reactions to organisms at the center of the process. It is well known to lyudin's bicheviorism in the case of folk there is a large number of inborn patterns of behavior, over which folding forms - "behavioral regulators" - are awakened. In the distance, the reaction will begin to appear in a likely trend until the end of the day. Zakrylennya reactions vіdbuvaєtsya according to "the law of the right" - as a result of bagatoraz repetition of the stench are automated. American businessmen carry out parallel development of the child and the development of the primary suspension during the period.

Within the framework of bicheviorism, there have been established a lot of regularities for the rotation of the buttons. Ale buli іgnorovanі nayvazhlivіshі components of the diї - motivation and mental image of the diіі yak іnіntovna basis of its realization. Psychologists will increase the social factor. Mozok looked out yak "black box".

It also offered a wide range of perspectives for introducing into the psychology of statistical methods. A lot of them tied with the rosette of F. Galton (the nephew of Ch.Darvin) the problems of the genetics of behavior, individual characteristics. F. Galton stuck his father-in-law to feel the robotic organs in the time of reaction, figurative memory and their sensitive-rocking functions. At this laboratory in London, you have a skinny need for a small fee for your physical and mental abilities. Its viprobuvannya vin meaning the word "test", as it has been widely used in the psychological vocabulary. In his book "The decline of talent" (1869r.) The presenter argued, appealing to the impossibility of facts, which are likely to be transmitted during the decline.

Functionalism has expanded the subject area of ​​psychology, hunting for mental functions such as internal operations, which are carried out not by a non-forest sub'ekt, but by organism with the satisfaction of their needs in the presence of the middle.

In 1895, the head of the Department of Nervous Ailments of the Vydensky University, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), started working on the "Project of Science Psychological Programs" Freud's psychoanalysis has obviously implicitly poured into all contemporary psychological theories.

Orthodox psychoanalysis of the knowledge of Sigmund Freud at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, so that in the period of breaking the traditional, for that hour, the manifestation of the psyche and mental processes. A panic methodological principle in psychology and medicine is based on the localization of von Virkhov's ideas, so that it is a joke of a specific "sex", similar to a skin disease.

The recognition of new strains in psychology, sociology and philosophy dazzled the university, primitively the discourse of causal-inherited links in the localization of the approach. The problem of unaware (unaware) mental processes has become a subject of respect for pre-old specialties.

І. Kant, speaking about the unawareness in the psyche of people, describing the "confused" manifestation, like the rosum to be filled with opanuvati, for that, it’s not a good thing, "I’m not happy to see it quietly, until it’s possible to bring in the flow of cichus to the phenomenon ...". Hegel looks at an unrecognizable confusion, in which "there is no end to the lightness of images and a manifestation without manifestation in the presence of svidomosty". A. Schopenhauer to see through the trochs of distance, formulating a story about the primacy of the unaware over witness in his own creation "Svit yak will and manifestation". F. Nietzsche will remind him of unaware plot mechanisms, such as "unaware will to power." Before end of XIX It is not only philosophers who are concerned with the problem of the unaccountable, but representatives of the experimental directly in science. In 1868, the English physiologist Carpenter began to recognize the unrecognizable cerebral activity of the people. Dopovid, rumors in the London Royal Institute wikipedia live discussion. In 1886, Myers wrote a thought about the idea of ​​"pidkirkovoi svidomosty", which functions in the acts of life of the people. These facts served as an active corollary for the development of the famous psychoanalytic theory by Freud.

Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in the Freiburg metro station (Moravia colishna), which entered the warehouse of the Austro-Ugorshchyna (Nini - Czechoslovakia). Rice in a middle-class bourgeois family. In his autobiography (1925), he wrote: "My daddy's been bullies, and I have become overwhelmed." In 1873 he entered the medical faculty of the Vienna University, showing interest in such sciences, such as anatomy, histology, physiology. As a student, under the leadership of Brücke, the vicon has a number of independent educators in the disciplines. Since 1882, he has been working as a doctor at the visualized internal ailments of the Renaissance class, far - in the psychiatric class given by Meinert.

1885 I went to the rychnya internship before Charcot in the "Salpetrior" clientele (Paris). In the same place I will use the method of hypnotherapy. After listening to the course of lectures on psychology of the philosopher Franz Brentano, for whom it is meant to be interested in the psychic life of people and laws. Carl Kohler has been able to insist on anesthesia and cocaine. He started to study the pathogenesis of the history, published the first clinical statistics, right at the same time with Breuer, mainly hypnotherapy. Water hour prodovzhuvav to a purely neurological character (problems of child paralysis, aphasia, localization of cerebral functions).

Until 1895, he worked with Breuer, having broken the method of hypnokatarsis. In 1895 I wrote a monograph "Project" for a number of key publications in 1895, in which I see the first person in order to intelligently break out the laws of performance in the mind of the people.

In 1886 they became friends with Martha Berney. Until 1901 (the publication of the monograph "Tlumachennya dream"), the method of hypnosis and development of the original method of vilny associations was introduced. In 1904-1905 the rock of the publication "Psychopathology of the Poor Life", "Precedence of and His Attitude to Unaccountable", "Three Naris in the Theory of Sexuality" and in the monographs. Until the moment of the First Holy Life 3. Freud is engaged in the development of philosophical and historical-sociological aspects of the life of the suspension, in order to initiate a "metapsychological" theory. In 1908, the I International Psychoanalytic Congress was held in Salzburg. In 1909, the first international psychoanalytic journal was published in the book. In 1909, with K. Jung, I taught the United States, I read a course of 5 lectures at the Massachusetts University, after completing the course I will take the steps of an honorary doctor of law. In 1910, an international psychoanalytic association began to emerge. In 1920, the first psychoanalytic institute in Berlin appeared. In 1930, Freud won the International Prize. Goethe. In 1936, the rotsi became an honorable іnzemniy member of the King's Science Association of England. In 1939, the publication of the great pratsy "Moses and the Divine God" was published, in which he promoted the development of his cultural and historical concepts.

For the occupation by the Nazis of Austria, it should be transferred to home harassment. For the cares of a number of crowned persons and the great wikup, paid to the Nazis by the International Union of Psychoanalytic Associations, he was sent to London, de and died 23 May 1939. They didn’t zoom in to see the sisters in Austria, as they were stuck in the gas chambers. In the rest of the fate of life, suffering through the big visions (cancer of the lower slit). The death of the founder of psychoanalysis in the world of psychoanalysis did not blame him directly for oblivion.

Introspective psychology of witness V. Wundt

The vision of psychology in independent science was marked by the repair of the 60s. XIX century, I will appear the first programs (V. Wundt, I. M. Suchenov), the roots of special scientific-pre-modern installations - psychological laboratories and institutes, departments of higher education institutions, as they did not wait for the preparation of scientific frames for psychologists, a journal psychological partnerships and associations, held international congresses on psychology. Wilhelm Maksimilian Wundt (1832-1920) was practically all of the best.

In the robot "Principles of Physiological Psychology" (1873-1874), for the first time, the value of scientific psychology was given, Wundt voted "the dispute between two sciences": physiology and psychology. The third, physiological psychology, has become the result of the zlittya cich two sciences. Qia is a new science to start from physiological processes and to magnetize to demonstrate, in what rank the stench is injected into the sphere of inner warnings.

V. Wundt gave a more precise definition of new methods, behind the addition of which there will be a scientific psychology. The main method has become introspection, and more precisely - experimentally controlled introspection. Wundt recognizes the fact that the science of witness can be motivated only on the basis of objective, repeatable results, based on standardized minds, as to create that systematic change. To reach the point of reaching the goals, it is brought into psychology, the deceptively unprotected panuval of philosophy, physiological (i.e., experimental) methods.

Introspection is a special procedure for special training. With a perceptive self-conscious people, it is important to recover from a mental health internal process from the received object, which is not psychic, but given in the last word. The introspection of this sort was carried out in a kind, uncontrolled rank, and at the same time it was not possible to deny the results, as it is possible to be stashed in scientific psychology. Viprobuvaniy is guilty of the volatility of the world’s last year, so that it’s getting to the spontaneous "mother" of witnessing. Experimental self-guarding, in a form of introspection that is valuable for science, in the course of which "spostering" is stuck in standard, repeated situations, asking for a description of the Chinese news. The experimenter asks the situation and picks up a poster about those who appear in their testimony.

From the point of view of Wundt's hypothesis, the elements of evidence can also be read (emoticons). Skin feeling feels like three vimiri: a) satisfied - dissatisfied, b) stress - weakness, c) restlessness - calm. It’s just a bit like psychic elements that they change for their quality and intensity, but be it any of them can be characterized in all three aspects. This hypothesis gave rise to impossibly experimental robots, in some order from the data of the introspection of the bully vikoristani, as well as the active indicators of changes in the physiological conditions of people during the tests.

For its nature, the method of experimental introspection is interconnected with the development of the normal mind of normal grown-up people, that is, E. Rozum has spostered in experiments. The order of experimental and introspection Wundt has made an appropriate psychological and historical psychological method. Wundt has become a biogenetic law, which means that the development of the individual is repeated in the evolution of the species. I’ll look at the price, win vvvazh, so we will expand in a way to inspire the theory of psychological development є vivchennya historical development of human race.

Wundt writes a magnificent work in ten volumes - "The Psychology of Peoples", with a great number of materials from ethnography, history of movement, anthropology. From the point of view of people’s mind, how to live is a product of the development of the mind, but the skin of a person cannot be understood. Doslіdzhennya creatures and people are surrounded by virtue of the fact that the stench of building has been reduced to introspection. History has expanded the range of individual properties. Zokrema, a spectrum of common human cultures є different stages of cultural and psychological evolution, from primitive tribes to civilized national powers. In such a rank, the historical method for the preliminaries to the product of collective life - especially moving, myths and appearances, which give the keys to the essence of goodness.

V. Wundt is the creator of the psychology of the scientific discipline, but the correct way to see it, I will pass the figure from the philosophical past psychology to the future. The theoretical and programmatic design of the vcheny didn’t showcase the vip test for an hour. Wundt vvvazvshis, that experimental vivchennyu p_lyagayut only elementary mental processes (see, most simply). And for the larger folding forms of mental life, the experiment is not regular. And yet the most important scientists have brought such folding processes, such as misdirection and will, so it is very evident for experimental analysis, as it is elementary.

Discussions about the drive of these theoretical positions, the prospects for the establishment of experimental methods, the clarification of the subject of psychology and the problems of the same problems stimulated further development of psychology, led to the emergence of new concepts and directly.

Functionalism F. Brentano, understanding of mental phenomena as acts;

The breakdown between structural and functional approaches was not only in American psychology, but in European science. At the end of the day, we wrote about the need for dynamic dynamics of mental processes and factors in order to summarize these ideas on the singing meta. The psychology act of the Austrian philosopher and psychologist F. Brentano (1838-1917) is an essential part of functional psychology.

At the head of the work "Psychology from an empirical point of view" (1874) Brentano opposed the experimental method of Wundt, meaning that, as and when, from the point of view, to complete the interchange for psychology, internal phenomena The Brentano method is a variant of the sub-active method of self-guarding. Let's head for new food about the day of the psyche as a subject of psychological dosage. Winning against psychology as a science about the means of witness. A fair psychological reality є not a stench, but an act of our svidomosty - vvazhaє impressions [Quoted. 15 each; 542].

By such a rank, the subject of psychology and psychic phenomena, such as acts - bachennya, hearing, judgment and so on. Ale the act is not for sense, since it is not guilt on the object. The act is intentionally to take revenge on the object, on the way of rectifying. This is the main characteristic of psychological acts, according to Brentano, the main thing is that the stench of volodymy is an immanent subject matter, so that it is straightforward to the object. Testimony є depends on information about .... It is a skinny act to take revenge on one's own object in a special way. Items in Brentano's sense are not real material, but intellectual ones. Tse are ideal objects, as they themselves are in the soul. Brentano yak bi puts all the subject matter into the soul of the people.

Based on the method of placing Brentano's subject matter, the classification of spiritual acts into three types: act of manifestation, act of judgment, act of feeling. The submitted subject has a certificate. Modifications to the whole act є to take, come to know, understand. In the midst of all the psychic acts, the submissions should have a role to play.

Sudzhennya is the іnshiy type of stove to the object. According to Brentano, the decisions of their own are thought to be true or pardon, according to Brentano. In acts, the sub'єkt is put to svogo ob'єktu yak to good chi evil. Tsei classes of mental phenomena want to also bazhanya and will. Vchennya about pochuttya Brentano poklav in the basis of his etiichnyh uyavleniye.

Seeing three types of acts, Brentano has made a mistake in their unity in the whole spiritual life, in the view of the physical world, in which case one can draw like a speech. Riznomanittya and related acts of perception, hearing, hearing, seeing heat and smell, and at the same time with them one-hour feeling and feeling and thinking, like internal sleep. The testimony in one of the acts of Brentano is tied to the child, in which one praise follows the one.

In the psychology of intellectual acts, there are three important nutritional aspects of the psychology of svidomosty - objectivity, activity and unity. In cich powers, according to Brentano, the specifics of psychic manifestations appear. However, by virtue of idealistic positions, the view of the evidence in the form of practical activity of the people, Brentano did not know how to critique the real characteristics of the property.

Reference experimental development of Brentano about the act in psychological functions of K. Stumpf (1848-1936), the great Nimetsky psychologist, the master of the psychological institute at Munich (1889) and Berlinsky (1893) universities. The scholars of Stumpf in the winter hour of the boule E. Husserl, K. Levin, one year from the master of gestalt psychology.

The central understandings of Stumpf's psychology are the understanding of the function, as the understanding of Brentano's act. Stump for the development of evidence of properties, mental functions, and products (for example, understanding the product as a product). At the same function, they are the most important in the mental life and in the life of the child. Yavischa deprived of material for robots of the mental organizmu. The most common feature of this part is, for example, a singing tone in a chord. Shtumpf viroblyaє classification of functions. Їх experimentally listening to the hearing materials to remove, the sound of music. Shtumpf, in a great deal of his experimental robots, has grown up on the vivification of musical tones. Tsi robots bouli uzagalneni in the yogo two-part practice "Psychology of Tonіv" (1883-1890), which made significant contributions to the pre-development of psychological acoustics. ...

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Having appeared in the United States, becoming the founder of John Watson in 1913 was the main object of psychology - the behavior of people. The evidence is included in psychology. Watson took as a basis Pavlov's robot with smart reflexes. Behavior of the explained how the reaction (ruch, verbal and emotional reactions) to the stimulus (infusion of the new middle age). S R. Head of psychology - explain the links between them.

The behavior of people and creatures is the same. To that, the behaviorists, spending their time on big pikes, transferred their results to people. Watson, having respect for the singing rank of manipulative mockers, it is possible to prepare people for any kind of warehouse, given the behavior. "Give me a dozen healthy children, and I’m trying to get out of them on the choice of their own investigators: a drug worker, a merchant, a lawyer, and a marriage and villainy, just because of their talents, naughty." The peculiarity of the people is all the lack of the existence of behavioral reactions. The connection between the stimulus and the reaction can be made possible, as well as on the basis of the influence of Thorndike.

Letters can be positive - praise, material wine city, a positive result, and negative - blah, punishment, criticism too. Behavior of people to respond to negative attitudes and to reflect positively. Changes in stimulation and development, it is possible to program the behavior of people.

Neob_chev_orizm. At 30 rr. Watson's followers tried to remember the radicalism of bichevyism and reconcile it with the manifestation of the individual's reconciliation, motives, interests and manifestations of mental life. Tsei straightforwardly won the name of nonbehaviorism. The most important representatives are E. Tolmen, K. Hull, B. F. Skinner. Tolmen saw the insight about the intermediate winters, and the day between S and R. For them, there are the minds, the clever, the well-known officials, such as the hypothesis, the mind, the knowledge, the cognitive map of the world. First and foremost industrial changes are also guilty of an active caution.

For Hall, the industrial winter mizh S and R have become organic consumer goods (food, sexy, demand uvi si) - drive. It can also be established behind the additional help of active methods. Requirements for the power supply, as it is recharged when there is an onset, when the reaction starts, it closes up and starts learning.

The head idea of ​​Skinner has been managing behavior. For the whole, the experimenter is guilty of controlling all the changes that lie in the habit. I mark a special box in vinayshov, in which biliy shchur (abo blue), pushing on the important, will be removed from the window. Important information with the recorder, which is a restructuring (operant reaction). The display can be tied with light, sound signals.

Skinner grounded on Pavlov's theory of reflexive thinking. Skinner explained the idea of ​​operant navchanna. Х indications: Pavlov's reaction is only a response to a stimulus (a clever or a crazy cheerleader), and from Skinner, a creature has a sprinkle of viral reaction (an onslaught on an important) Skinner's undeniable merit is the transfer of operant education to pedagogy: the establishment of the programmed equipment and the primary machines, de-skinning operations to open the door (to serve as a signal for a ringing ring). The skinner was able to start the program of preparing people for a new suspension.

Perevagi bіchevіorism. To become vicious in psychotherapy: in case of licking rozumov in children, neurotics, mentally ill.

Incomplete. Biochevorism forgiving the nature of humans, putting yogo on the same line with creatures. Vylyuchiv from the explanation of the behavior of people and their testimony, ideals, interests. Imagining the behavior of a human being is machine-like.

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Psychoanalysis (Freudianism).

Yogo founder - Austrian neuropathologist, psychiatrist Z. Freud. Freud took up the lіkuvannya іstії (nerve-psychotic disorders). For a reason, there was an unhappy view of the anatomical and physiological features of the nervous system. At the same hour, Freud was told about the results that Breuer recognized. At the age of hypnosis, the children guessed about the pod, yak, ymovirno, bully the reasons for the illness. At the same time, he himself spoke about the reasons for relieving the patients in terms of symptoms of illness. Postupovo Freud has come to a notice about the discovery of such a psychic manifestation as "unaware".

The whole psychic life of a specialness is made up of three rivniv: Id (vono - unaware), Ego (I - preconsciousness) and Super-Ego (ponad-I - witness). Unsatisfactory - dzherelo psychic energy, instinct of people, like Freud leading to sexual (libido), and less to aggressive (instinct ruinuvannya - thanatos). Unsatisfied with the principle of satisfaction.

This sphere is permanently located in the sphere of evidence, in which it is represented by the moral fence, stemmed by the suspension. Tse censorship, as does not allow instincts to become learned. Between them there is Ego, as it is in accordance with the principle of reality, to increase the level of performance in the image of Id and Super-Ego. If Ego will accept the solution for Id, if not against the Super-Ego, if not inevitably, you will see a little guilt, finish your own. Iakshcho on the Super-Ego - neurosis develops. Ego will inevitably be in a conflict, a spree. I take the springs and help me with the existing mechanisms - vitality, sublimation and in.

Vitisnennya unrecognizable impulses, whimpering to the door, ale, stealing with censorship of information, realizing in invariably neutral forms, which may be another symbolic plan: dreaming, frying, humor, obvovki, speeches, forgetting. The energy of instincts can also be transformed into a form of activity that is accepted for the suspension: creativity, art, labor activity. The stench will help you to distribute the springs.

In the development of the child, Freud saw a number of stages linked to the metamorphosis of sexual instincts (up to 6 stages of infantile sexuality - oral, anal, fallen stage, from 6 stages to adolescence - stages of sexual initiation, latency) The formation of the child's psyche is seen through the podolannya of the Edip complex. The slammer was pulling up to his mother, the daddy was sprying the yak of a supernick, and the wicked one immediately and the drowning, and the fear, and the hatred. The boy wants to be similar to the daddy, but he immediately bangs his death, tse rozhu pozhutta guilt. Up to 6 rockies of the Edipiv complex, the complex is subject to the incessant fear of castration. A new one is developing super-it. Features of sexual development in childish viznachayut the specialness of the grown-up people.

In practical practice, Freud used the method of vilny associations. Associacii can tell you the reason for getting sick (if you have suffered a mental trauma), I’ll get sick. Analysis of dreams - symbolism.

Incomplete with Freudianism. Excessive roles of the sexual sphere in the life and psyche of people. Lyudina grows up as a biological reason, being in the station of permanent success with the suspension.

The glory of Freudianism lies in the fact that it has screwed its respect to the vivchennya of the unknown, to the internal conflicts of particularity. Psychoanalysis has expanded into a wide range of psychotherapy, consultation, psychiatry.

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Neopsychoanalysis. Representatives - A. Adler, K. Jung, K. Horni, Sallivan, E. Fromm. Freud's messengers, pranguchi to correct the one-sidedness of psychoanalysis, did not see it from this head category - an understanding about the incomprehensibility. The stench tasted the overwhelming biology of psychoanalysis. The great role of the bulwark is given to the inflow of the social and cultural middle ground.

K. Jung. Krim is a special, unaware, collectively unaware. Wono є vrogenim, transmitted from distant ancestors. Appear in dreams, fantasies, hallucinations, mental disorders and cultural works. By breaking the typology of characters: extroverted (beasts of call, bursts of social activity) and introverted (beasts in the middle, introspector).

A. Adler. Individual through the forest shortages of visions of some disingenuousness (complex of disruptiveness). The complex of disagreement є the basis of neuroses. The reaction to the whole complex is the self-assertion of the middle (social factor). Mechanism - compensation and overcompensation Navkolishn_y light sorcerous people. Lyudin pragmatically aspire to pass over the іnshim.

K. Horni. Dzherelo neurosis - NOT dissatisfied with sexual consumption, but a basal feeling of the child's triviality, self-contained in the other person's light. All the conflicts that occur in the child, are born of the same children with their fathers. The uneasiness of the naughty character and transform into a neurosis, as the father does not seize him with love and affection. Feeling the troubles, three types of neurotic needs are born: rush to people (joke of love and fight for any price), to people (seeming from suspension) and against people (aggression, prying to power).

E. Fromm. Purely human consumption (not organic) is a product of social progress. Lyudin does not live in harmony with suspension. Having gained freedom in the period of the Renaissance (in the middle of the century, people knew their own place in the suspension and did not see themselves in self-reliance, in the view of others), people were drawn into the socially safe, in Mechanisms in the course of freedom: sadism, masochism, destructivism and automatic conformism. Only through the love of people you can reach harmony, reach the unity of light and yourself.

Food number 49

Humanistic psychology. Vinikla at 50-60 rr. as an alternative to psychoanalysis and biochevism. Yak ob'єkt until the last time they were not neurotic, like in psychoanalysis, but healthy, creative specialty, Meta yakoi - self-actualization. Representatives of cognitive psychology - A. Maslow, K. Rogers. The main problems are the problems of humor to the sense of life, self-creation, creativity, freedom of choice, versatility. On a thought, a humanistic psychology, people have the power of uninterrupted development and themselves can be cheruvati.

Maslow, vikoristovuchi biographical method, having quilted the history of development of the most prominent features. Win vibuuvav the onset of the hierarchy of needs: physiological needs, need in safety, need for belonging and love, need for food. And at the top of the cycle of architecture there is a need for self-actualization (self-expression), which is the main dumbbell of people's activity.

It’s a kind of need a kind and a polyag in the fact that people are pragmatic and realizuvati the tribute to them from the nature of health, the ability to bring people good and badness, to develop their own specialties. As soon as a person is relieved of the world of mobility, mind life to gain self-realization, a conflict develops in people, and the result is neurosis. Only 1-4% of people can reach the level of self-actualization.

Humanistic psychology is called to that, on the thought of Maslow, people are hungry for the need for kindness, morality. Possibility for the satisfaction of consumers in self-actualization of the wine, if they have taken the satisfaction in front of the consumer.

As soon as people are not satisfied with the basic consumption, it stinks for a new consumer.

Here the basic shortcoming of Maslow's theory is laid down - it is unreasonable, as if it was a consumer, it would still be formed by helpless people, who would not be satisfied with the first group of consumers. Biological tendencies - the moral consumption of a human being.

Food number 50

Cognitive psychology. Born at 60 pp. 20th century in the United States, it is an alternative to biochemistry from ignorance of cognitive processes. Tsey is directly connected with the development of cybernetics, informatics.

Lyudin seems to be like a system, busy with the active chatter of the buildings, the overloading of the data, and the vicarious information when the decisions are taken. Piznavalny processes are looked at by analogy with computer programs. From cybernetics and informatics to the psychology of boule, such terms have been transferred, such as code, signal, information, program, code, diagram, input and output of the system. About'єkty cognitive psychology є sprynattya, memory, misleading, uyava, mova, mova, cognitive development.

Buv of fragments of visnovok about equal organization of educational activity. The cognitive processes of the boule are presented without the help of structural models. Representatives of cognitive psychology є W. Nyser, G. Simon, L. Festinger, D. Norman, F. Haider.

Incomplete. One theory, which explained the cognitive processes, was not developed. Ignore the problem of the sub'єkta.

Food number 51

Vigotsky (cultural and historical concept of the development of the psyche or the theory of other psychic functions). For the help of the sign, the pratsi ch-k have opanuvav by nature, and for the help of signs - with their psyche. Psychic functions are regulated by signs (words), which are developed by culture. A new sign, similar to the people of pratsi, re-creating the inner light of the people. Signs are recognized for their mental functions (understandable misdirection, logical memory, great respect, great respect and ingenuity) psycho development(For twins, for example, sensorics, motor skills, memory). Awareness, verbosity, prioritization, trustworthiness, sociality of the VPF.

The development of other psychic functions is displayed in spilkuvanni. Spiraling on the position of Janet, Vigotsky is looking at the process of developing a property like internalization (the law of developing a VPF is a psychic function, which can be developed in a child's social capacity for growing up, in the midst of a family). Those are afraid to form an internal move. A selection of psychological signs (signs) appear in the first, material forms and in the spilkuvanny as the medium is poured onto the one. s hour h-k start the atrocities on yourself, on your own psyche, self-discipline. Signs from zovnіshnіkh are reimagined at internal, tobto rozumovі.

It is not the function (respect, memory, misinformation) that is taken to develop, but the whole system of functions (psychological system). At the same time, during the period of development, the function changes: in the early childhood of the provincial function, in the preschool - in memory, in the schoolboy - in misery).

Vigotsky viv understand the ZPD - the distribution between the old buildings, as a child can be independent, and as a senior citizen. Navchannya, opening the ZPD, leading the development.

Rubinstein. Unity of quality and performance. All psychic pr-s are looked at like the sides of one in view of performance. The freedom to form in the spirit. Spіlkuvannya h-ka with light is not є direct і bezposrednіm, but huddled for additional work with information about the light. The nature of svidosti is social, enveloped by suspicious vidnosin. Svіdomіst - historically small product, fragments of suspіlіnі vіdnosіtіvіt from era to era.

Leontyev. Budova dіyalnosti. Vaughn includes motives. Tsіli, dії, which set up the system.

Catering number 52

One of the founders of Radian psychology, L.S. Vigotskiy (1896-1934), with the magnificent additions to the roster of methodological foundations; having created the cultural and historical concept in psychology, she rejected the advancement in the general psychological theory of action, disintegration A.N. Leontyevim, A.R. Luriei, P.Ya. Galperinim, D.B. Elkonina that in.

“Treating L.S. Vigotsky of the mediated structure of human psychological processes and psyche as human intelligence served as an external stone, the basis for all scientific and psychological theory - the theory of the psycho-psychological "- natural (" cultural VM Leontyev at his own necrolosis L. S. Vigotsky. Here A.N. Leontyev naming it the basic idea of ​​L.S.

Vigotsky viv ponder about great mental functions(Misleading in understanding, clever mova, logical memory, respectful, etc.) vchennya about the development of other mental functions... Stattya became the first viclad "The problem of cultural development of children".

The efforts of the onset of fate right up to death (1934) were tied to a systematic experimental and theoretical development of the basic idea. From Kerivnistvom L.S. Vigotsky from a small group of scientists and associates (A.R. Luriya, A.N. Leontyev, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.I. Bozhovich, N.G. Morozova, L.S. E. Levina) in the Institute of Psychology, a school was formed, as it was transformed into one of the greatest and infused schools in Radiansk Psychology. A super wide range of Vigotsky's doslijens: child psychology, psychology, defectology, psychology of mystery, methodology and history of psychology and in. All the stench is related to a backward theoretical approach and a single problem - the problem of genesis, structure and functions of human psyche.

Already in the statti 1928 r_ to take revenge idea ahead of time as a form of rice of other mental functions: the structure of mental functions is schematically presented for them for the first time.

“Inclusion in any process of behavior of the sign“ I will overwhelm the whole fashion of psychological operations, I will also be included in a work operation. The structure itself, as an integrated process into the warehouse of cultural acceptance of behavior, transforms acceptance into a psychological function, as well as the process of working towards behavior as a whole "- wrote L.S. Vigotsky in the tsy statty.

Food about genesis of vital mental functions buv head in the theory of Vigotsky.

Vigotsky having formulated laws for the development of other mental functions... "The first of the tsikh laws of the field is in that the very determination of the mediated structure of the mental processes of people є the product of their activity as a suspicious people... A group of social and social calls have been redrawn, you don't have to be reimagined in an individual, psychological and internal, based on the principle of a single structure, ”wrote O.M. Leontyev in necrolosis.

Inspiration on the Marxist "statement about the suspension-historical nature of the human psyche" and against the mechanical manifestations of the mental processes of people like the same with elementary purely associative processes (for example, E. the function of depriving the wickedness (E. Spranger, V. Diltey), Vigotskiy showed that in the process of cultural development, new things are historically determined to form and methods of activity - to see mental functions.

The price of the social genesis of mental functions of people I will name the law of development of other mental functions... “Skin psychic function is in the process of development of the behavior of two: a combination of functions of collective behavior, as a form of social behavior, as a form of social attachment, to name a category interpsychic, And then suddenly, as a way of individual behavior of a child, as a special attachment, as an internal process of behavior, so as a category Intrapsychological».

For example, it’s logical that the winery is not earlier, but not in the childish collective of the winery; volova processes also develop according to the rules of behavior for the team, for example, in the group; mova z zovnishnya yak will occasionally be re-transformed from the inner yak. thank you misleading. Historically, the vicinities of the vicious. mental functions as new forms of human misery and behavior are tied to the development of labor activity. Food mental functions are not a product of biological evolution. Smell the social history... “Only in the process of collective suspicious life, all the forms of intellectual performance that are characteristic of people have evolved.”

Provisions about the dispute of practical and intellectual functions called for an update about “psychological leaders”, in the sense of which they appear as a number, ”a sheet, etc., Created by people, in a whole sensible piece, but not social. Psychological know-hows come to the fore; As long as the rest are straightened to the state of nature by the processes of nature, then the psychological know-how will start pouring into oneself and by virtue of which to shake the mental processes with great and svidomim. Behind the zm_stom psihologichnі znaryadya are signs that may mean meaning. The main sign is є mova, word. So namіtilasya lіnіya doslіdzhen "tied with vivchennyam role movi in ​​the mental development of a child.

last value showed that at the child's development stage the development of the word stands for the meaning of the word. Started to see the development of the meaning of the word in a childish vice. The meaning of the word rozumіlosya yak uzagalnennya, the meaning of the word development of svidomostі. Among the presenters of science and life to understand »to understand the establishment of the stage of development of the public: from the syncretic image to the complexes (in the other versions) and from them to understand and from the point of view to the point of understanding in L.S. Vigotsky ototozhnyuvav zі values. After the development of the meaning of the word, Vigotsky was called to the problem of systemic and message-based communication. It is shown that “in the fallowness of the fact that the world of the child's dossom at the development of the meaning of the words, there are all the basic systems of their mental functions”. On the basis of psychology, as vivchala vіkovі vіkovі zmenі funktsіy, vіvchalіvі zmіyno and okremo one in one, Vigotsky has developed the theory of systemic and message-based education ("Lectures from the history of pedagogy." According to the principle of the theory "the change of the functional budget and the witness to become a head and the central change in the whole process of mental development."

Zagalom picture of the development of the property was painted as a change in the structure of the property with the last dominance of the other spheres. “The history of the development of a rosy child is to teach us, after the first stage of development of a child in a child's life, which is characterized by undifferentiated surroundings of functions, there are two children - an early child. preschool, W yakih in pershіy diferentsіyuєtsya i proroblyaє Basic Way rozvitku spriynyattya, domіnuyuche in sistemі mіzhfunktsіonalnih vіdnosin in danomu vіtsі i viznachaє yak Central domіnuyuchu funktsіyu dіyalnіst i rozvitok vsogo іnshogo svіdomostі, and drugіy stadії takoї domіnuyuchoyu funktsієyu Je visuvaєtsya on perednіy rozvitku plan pam'yat ". Repaired from the old age with the dominant function of the old misery. The main mechanism for the development of mental functions in ontogeny is INTERIORIZATION.

L.S. Vigotsky vkazuє on P. Janet, Yaky developing some ideas. Vishіchnі funktsії vіdbuvayutsya zznі, the stench "awakens with a collection of such new forms of behavior and spiral to the sign". Vigotsky development of elements - lower - processes, win nazivaє natural psychological functions, Some psychophysiological functions and other mental functions. The development of the lower mental functions in a child's life cannot be promoted, and their manifestation is characteristic of primitiveness, that is, for people who have not seen cultural development, have not opted for cultural and psychological signs that have opened up in the process of history. The primitiveness is built to the point of invariably creeping up to the natural forms and manifesting psychological functions.

At the statti of 1928, the memory of L.S. Vigotsky described the chotiri stages of development of the surrounding psychic functions:

1) the stage of primitive behavior: the memory is seen in a natural way; 2) the stage of the new psychology: it’s given over, as it’s not enough to be victorious; 3) the stage of the call of the intermediate acts: the child is correct to use the call for the call of the first operation; 4) the call to the outside of the sign to go to the inside, the call to the inside and the back to the inside, the act of getting to the inside.

The transition from the interpsychic to the intrapsychic function is to be seen in children with children and in children with adults.

Vigotsky pidkreslyuvav the important role of a child in a special child and in a social center on the skin of a child... The price of the change from one child to another is “absolutely free, specific for the given age, vinyatkov, but one and only one and the same time between the child and the whole society, in front of us. The goal of what is called the social situation development in this particular business. " From the end of the mental development of the child Vinik noviy pidhid until the vivchennya vіdnosiniya mіzh development and navchannya.

Oskilki vischі psychic funktsії mayut with their dzherel spіvrobіtnitstvo and navchannya, ostіlki buv zrobleniya visnovok pro I will play a role in mental development... Tse meant that navchannya go ahead of the branch. The area of ​​accessible children from the spyvpratsi will be named zone of the most suitable development, Region of viconuvany self-contained - area of ​​actual development... "The zone of the closest development is of no greater importance for the dynamism of intellectual development and success in development, below the actual development of the development."

On the thought of Vygotsky, the tsі prelіdzhennya blame it on the basis of pedagogical practice. "The pedagogue is guilty not for the first, but for the tomorrow's day of the child's development", - writing to L.S. Vigotsky. Deyaky development took into account the prelude to the historical form of mental processes.

The advancement of a new subject - the development of psychic functions - has jammed the rocket of a new method, so that L.S. Vigotskiy, “the technique is guilty of bringing out the nature of a pre-sluggish object”. Vigotsky naming his method abo experimental genetic, Abo causally genetic.

With a specific viraz tsiy to the Bull method method of sub-line stimulation For the help of which were carried out the experimental memory of the memory, respect and in. Clinical and psychological analysis of the anomalies of the mental development Vigotsky has looked at the genesis of the psyche of people, the role of development in the process of mental development. Vin called the vivchennya development and vikhovannya rozumovy, deaf, psychopathic child "experiments set by nature itself." Tom pratsi L.S. Vigotskogo on defectology to become a part of his general psychological theory.

Principle sense to the method of L.S. Vigotskogo polyagaє in that, wіn showing that dino is adequate to the problem of development, tobto The experience of that new thing in the psyche of people can only be a way of piecemeal renewal to the genesis and development of the pre-sentient process... The whole method of taking the cob is a fundamentally new methodology of psychological development, which has taken a significant development in modern psychology ( P.Ya. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davidov ta in.).

All the presenters of L.S. Vigotsky spіlkuvannya ditini z we will grow up vistupaє yak naivazhlivіsha umova psycho development... Oskіlki spіlkuvannya are seen for additional words, referring to the clarified development of the mental functions and specialties in the whole central mind of the winners and development of the old man. Here, there was a difficult time, tied up with a dzherel of psychotic development. It was difficult to set new perspectives on the revision of the problems introduced by Vigotsky and the development of specific human mental functions. S.L. Rubinstein and A.N. Leontyev came up with the idea of ​​object-related evidence of the child's mental development. At the same time, the role of spіlkuvannya is not forbidden, but I didn’t lose the power.

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The term "structural functionalism" appeared only in the XX century, - and how the theoretical paradigm of the ideological concept was left behind in the other half of our capital, - the first to speak to the protagonists of sociological theory, G. On the right, in the fact that the structural functionalism goes from such a phenomenon about the suspension, which is unreasonably tied to the formulations of sociology and the significance of self-reliant science. Wine is a suspension as an active reality, it is stored from interconnected and interconnected parts, development and function, which can be explained only "in the middle". The method, which seems to be a structural functional, is the old method of classical sociology - the historical-historical method.

For the sake of reason to find the clerks on the way, just talk about it not about the theory, but about the method of analysis, which is the most important adjunct for dealing with sociological problems, if it is not a good news of all. An important stage in the history of this approach is the American structural functionalism (T. Parsons, R. Merton et al.), Which has developed and expanded the functional methodology in all divisions of sociology. With a wide range of scientific developments in structural and functional analysis, as a result of systemic methodological concepts, it is progressively growing with the new sociological theories of walking and the ear is related to them.

Chapter 1. development of functionality

1.1 Functionality

The basic ideas of functionalism were formed by Comte, who clearly linked them to his sociology as a whole. Durkheim also looked at the functional analysis as a key part of his formulation of the establishment of sociological theory and sociological thought. However, on the development of functionalism in the twisted viglyad, significant influx of significant influx was made by the efforts of anthropologists. Right up to the ear of the twentieth century, anthropology was based on the head rank on materials of additional reports and documents of colonial officials, misconceptions and mandates. For a reason, the anthropology of the nineteenth century has been speculative in the past world and has not spiraled into documentary dzherela. The authors have opened books, they can put them on the back, for all the reliability of the butts, as well as the manifestation of certain cultural contexts, which practically did not cite. For example, the analysis of the relevance of the relationship, as a rule, is a rule of thumb of unlawful revision and the relevance of the practices of absolutely different cultures.

Today, anthropology is to be resumed from that hour, since a certain period of time has ceased to satisfy the presenters, and the stench has begun to carry out three years of polishing the preliminaries of the old cultures. The founders of the Polish approach to the anthropology of the boule were A.R. Redkleff-Brown (1881-1955), an English author who tested the strong inflow of Durkheim, and Bronislav Malinovsky (1884-1942), a Pole, whose science was mainly British. Malinovskiy to lay down one of the most popular anthropological doslidzhen, which was the result of the author's trivial transfer to the Trobriand Islands The Pacific... Redkleff-Brown vivchav the population of the Andaman Islands, the archipelago, the roasted bilya of the Uzbek Birmi.

The insult of the glorious person was respected, that they were guilty of vivchati suspension or culture as a whole, because they want the intelligence of the institute and explain why their members should behave like this, and not in the same way. For example, we can analyze the relevance of this suspension only for the reason that we can see the connections with the other institutes within the framework of the whole suspension, some of the suspensions of one part.

The function of any kind of social activity or institute means the analysis of the contributions to the safety of the living of the whole. Let us reduce the way of explaining the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bserving an analogy with human body, - a similar analogy was used by Kont, Durkheim and a lot of authoritative functions. Vivchayuchi is a deyakiy solid organ, for example, in the heart, I am guilty of the mind of the eye, as it is tied with the same parts of the body. Pumping the shelter of all the body, the heart of the face will find a role in the development of life to the body. Let's take a rank, the analysis of the function of this social object means a demonstration of the role of the wine in the development of the spirit. For example, relіgіya, on the thought of Durkheim, will preserve the lust of the people of the basic social values ​​and by the very same ideas of social attitudes.

1.2 lucky development functionality

The most recent hour of the functional misinterpretation of the bulo, imovirno, leading the theoretical tradition of sociology, especially in the New States. V the rest of the rock the popularity of functionality began to decline; prote to cich pіr tsei pіdhіd maє obvious adherents. Behind Merton's blame, practically all functional theorists (for example, Tolcott Parsons) overwhelmingly put pressure on officials, in order to preserve social identity, overshadowing the issue of confidentiality. Besides, on the thought of the criticists, a functional analysis of the suspension of such qualities as the stinks are not really volatile. Functionalists often write about the "consumer" and "goals" of partnerships, do not care for the respect, but the understanding of the senses only in stasis until the end of the day. At the same time, for example, I am dancing the board by Merton. For Merton, a ceremony was given to the integration of Khony's culture; showing tse, mi yak bi, explained the factual reason, I want it to be known, that dancing for the sake of justice is not wikliko boards. Tse bulo b razionalnye explanations, if only to accept the postulate, the suspension of Khonya "sponuka" of her members should be "needed" for a new project. However, this is not the case: partnerships do not lose willpower and do not put a mark in front of them, they will only shake off the individual.

chapter 2. structuralism

Similar to functionalism, structuralism has become famous for Durkheim's robot, but linguistics gave a head start to its development. At the early stage, the robots of the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) became the most important structured ideas. If Saussure wanted to write only about the language, his ideas were known by way of being transformed into social and humanitarian disciplines.

Prior to Saussure, doslіdzhennya movi bouly zooseredzhenі is mainly based on the analysis of detailed changes in the methods of victorious slіv. Zgіdno Saussure, such a procedure of release from respect is the main feature of movi. If we are going to respect the animals only for words, as they are victorious in moving people, then it is not possible because of the importance of its main characteristics, but of the structure. Mova is composed of grammatical rules and meanings, which lie behind words, altogether that is not meant in them. Simple butt: in English, I would like to see if I want to, but I want to tell you about the next hour, before the word, call me the end of the "-ed". There are only one thousand grammatical rules, like the knowledge of skin nosy moving and how to be victorious for the construction of what is said. Zgіdno Saussure, analyze the structure of movi - means, shukati rules, which set the invisible basis of movi. Most of the tsikh ruled me implicitly: it was not easy for us to see what it was about. In fact, according to the linguistics practical vicarystanny move.

Saussure stverdzhuvav, where the meaning of words is carried out by the structures of the mov, and not the objects, which mean words. We can naively recognize, for the meaning of the word "tree" є ob'єkt s leaves, like and maє on respect of terms. However, apparently from the point of view of Saussure, this is not the case. At the same time, it is possible to turn over, as if to brutalize respect, but in the first place, without knowing any words - the words in kshtalt "i", "ale", "one". Moreover, there are words in the sense of the word that mean mythical objects and do not seem to mind any kind of relationship to reality - for example, "Edinorig". As the meaning of the word vinikє is not a subject, їm meaning, then the stars? At the same time, Saussure is prompted by the rules of the movement. The meaning of the word "tree" is derived from the fact that the "tree" from "overgrowths", "chagarnik", "lisu" and lackluster words, but may not be identical - meaning. This rank, meaning, is established in the middle of the word, and not in the objects that are known behind the help of the word.

chapter 3. Structural functionalism of T. Parsons

Look at T. Parsons, you need a mother to respect the strategy that the American sociologist does in every aspect of his creative life. In the first place, he pushed back to the all-inclusive sociological theory, so that he synthesized the succession of the preceding ones (I’ve rejected the name “out-of-the-box theory of action”). In a different way, it’s possible to develop analytical tools, systems and understand the categories that come with the development of a large-scale project.

In the first (pre-war) period of creativity Parsons has grown up in pre-social events. Vidilena їm the structure of the "elementary" does not appear to be especially original. diyova person(Actor); b) meta; c) think about the situations that pour goals and objectives into the vibrating actor; d) values ​​and norms, which are also injected on the designation of the goals and vibrations of the system; e) make sure that the actor accepts the decision to achieve the goals.

Ale vzhe perehіd od doslіdzhennya odinichnih sotsіalnih Act reasonably to vzaєmodіy, pragnennya viyaviti i poyasniti "funktsіonalnі require іntegratsії i minds neobhіdnі for funktsіonuvannya bezlіchі aktorіv yak" єdinoї "system", led Parsons to stvorennya kontseptualnoї System Diagram dії scho vklyuchaє Vier pіdsistemi: osobistіst; organism; social system (structure) and culture. With the system of diy Parsons is able to respect the style of communication in a mutually organized way. The vision of such subsystems in them, such as specialty, organism, culture, social structure, is, at first glance, amazing. On the other hand, the need for mothers to respect the particularity of the Parsonian theorizing: the sociologist pragmatically evokes and imagines in the understanding not empirical objects, but their systemic aspects. Yak wrote to Parsons, "the understanding of the process does not explain to specific phenomena, but to the elements that are linked in them, which are similarly seen from those elements." In such a rank, the need is for the opinion and the opinion of the sociologist of the system, and the description, and the interconnection between them.

The social system is set up and institutionalized by recruiting roles, or, in other words, style models of interaction. The system of interconnection includes the powerless actors, such as the singular status and vikonuyut pledges on the norms of the role.

The social system, in such a rank, does not consist of people; people in niy only "take the fate" of their own aspects. Moreover, the integration of individuals into the social system is based on a number of roles. Integration into the social system will be taken care of when the status is linked to the cities, higher statuses give a larger wine city, etc., so that they motivate the idea of ​​an individual. Pranguchi to the city, people react to the roles of ochikuvannya, to adhere to the social system, to adhere to the norms, in order to play social roles. The social system is an integrated system of individual needs of people and of a system that allows order.

Vinnennya social system Parsons will explain for the help of the understanding of the institute. Vona means the processes of verifying norms in the course of mutually narrowing the organization of actors, as well as the re-implementation of these norms in the various regulators of interactions. Moreover, the change and the "variability" of the norms, the possibilities of the determination and the change in the amount of cultural insights; culture to put the most important framework for the formulation and function of the social system and integration of specialness in it.

Specialist system. As a matter of fact, Parsons has a "voluntaristic" theory of social action - a subjective choice of goals and objectives. That is one of the central workshops of the sociologist of the field in that, to show how "vilna" is the specialness of integrating into the social system, according to the rules and regulations.

The specialty is looked at by Parsons, the first for all that is the supreme motivation. Vona swear by the needs-attitudes, so that it is pragmatic to reach the satisfaction, or to take care of the inappropriateness from the side of the situation. The quality of the service is the most important feature of this system - the quality of the start and the selection of the goals, the decision to take into account the achievement.

The motivation for the organization is not only formed on the basis of power consumption attitudes, but on the basis of the social system and culture, such as changing, modifying, developing and enclosing it. At the connection with the Parsons' cym, there are two mechanisms that integrate the specialty into the social system. Tse of socialization and social control. Socialization - processes, in the course of some cultural insights - values, look, words and symbols - are translated into the internal plan of specialness (interiorized). The order of specialness, such a rank, is based on culture, the smell does not seem to be individual, social, zmist. The dominant system is in terms of value and range of vibrations for individuals, based on type and value. Mechanisms of social control, on the thought of Parsons, and such ways of organizing social roles They lead to the minimum of death and spill between them, and confront them.

Culture system. Take revenge on the numerical "cultural insights", that is, values, reconciliation, ideas and ideology, models and evocations of behavior, as well as words, symbols, signs, meaning and meaning. The qia system has given a strong inflow on the main subsystems of the home system. Vono polyagaє, persh for everything, in that the culture "supply" is specialty and social structure with the main "resources" necessary for interaction. Tse, for example, mova. The zmist of the culture of the establishment of socialization is to enter the system of specialness and infusion into the structure of needs, people, or extinguishing motives, victories of the actor's gratitude ti chi іnshi roles. The culture is surrounded by the social system, more intelligently to regulate the social relations. In the mind, on Parsons' thought, culture is the basis of the і system and specialty, і social system; tsi two systems are not so inshe, as the image of overwhelming cultural images.

Organism, or behavioral system. Parsons came up with a lot of respect. It is possible to learn something like biological or physical changes of minds of people of the day, or else - in a larger and more accelerated form - as the quality of educational and emotional health, as well as reflexive

Small. 1 - Parsons model

In the 1950s and 60s, Parsons took his respect for the manifestation of the functions that govern these systems. This function requires intelligence as a major problem, as the system is guilty of virishuvati for its vision, as it is vimogi, or imperative, as it is to stand in front of it.

Such functions, zgіdno Parsons, chotiri: adaptation; reaching the goals; integration; latency.

Adaptation - the whole function of attaching systems to other systems. Vona zdіysnyuєtsya yak exchange mіzh system i navkolishnіm middle resources, energy, information, as a counter to the system and aggressive injections and as a preservation of the autonomy of the system, of the features and value.

The zagaln_y system has the function of the vison, the behavioral pidsystem. Look out for the most valuable resource for all systems and systems. Reaching the goals. This function includes the processes of value, visuvannya, selection of goals, establishment of priorities among them, as well as mobilization of goals for their achievement. Zrozumіlo, so tsya function to establish, first for everything, pіdsystemі features. Integration means the function of securing the coordination between the elements of the system, the life of publishing between them. Vaughn is attributed to the social pidsystem, which is the integration of the cultural pidsystem and the consumption of particularity. Latency. In the interpretation of Parsons, the function of preserving "form" is the reflection of social relations, as well as the knowledge of those different from the participants in the interest of the different ways and the unimaginable way of bringing the "form" into the process. The function is to shape the culture. Universalism prompted by Parsons to the system of polyagu, in Perche, in the fact that you can see it in the capacity of an analytical model of any system. In other words, she herself is "vlashtovan" according to the principle of "matrioshka", so that the skin from the subsystems can and must be looked at. Yak system, which can be stored from special systems, organism, culture, social structure, etc. chi is not up to nonsense (div. fig. 1).

chapter 4. Robert Merton on Structural Functionality

Robert King Merton (born 1910) is one of the most representative representatives of structural and functional directly in contemporary sociology. His broad erudition, great knowledge of the robots of the classics of sociological knowledge, and the vigorous, unabashed talent of the old age helped him to develop the paradigm of functional analysis in the minds of horrible criticism, which collapsed into the functions of 60-70. Win vvazhav and prodovzhuv vvazati, but functionalism is the key form of theoretical judgments about suspension, which convey its active character. First and foremost, the sense of functionalism is the main, though not the only one, method of targeting, attributable to the science of sociology as an independent discipline.

On the concept of R. Merton, there was a significant injection of robots by M. Weber, W. Thomas, E. Durkheim and T. Parsons, we will learn what kind of vin bouv. Look at the analysis, I’ve come to the end of the day, when I’m aware of the suspicion of an active, structured phenomenon, and it’s pouring into the behavior of individuals, leading to a significant expansion of sociological knowledge, which is not a problem, which is not a problem. The idea of ​​generating problems, like “I know about problems and how I know about problems, which I know more effective, not all those who I know,” wrote R. Merton.

The theme of such an overhaul is the theme of social structure and the theme of social action. Already in his doctoral dissertation (1936), written by the insane infusion of the "Protestant ethics" by M. Weber, I owe my respect for the interconnection of the growth of Protestant communities and the development of the 17th (Religion Organizacii) shedding light on the change in the spirituality and perception of people. Let's look at the same bureaucracy as the "ideal type" (in Weber's mind) of social organization. By the way, following M. Weber, most of the ideas of the organization of bureaucratic organization, the process of transition, but also a formal, rational organization of the social structure, including a clear meaning of the organization of the process, the ideological ... Win vvazhaє, the bureaucratic structure of vimagam is formulated in individuals of singular special rice, or, shonaymenshe, without zaperechnyi structural vimogam. The imperativeness of the cich can be brought up to the order of the regulators without understanding the goals, the enrichment of some of the regulators and the establishment. I want a stench; With the reception of an effective organization function, the stench can also negatively infuse into the whole function, create superconformities, and lead to conflicts between the bureaucrat and the client. R. Merton empirically to the point of infusing social organization into specialty, then move on to theoretical postulation.

The empirical directness of R. Merton's robust vivid look at sociological theory. Win is just a stverdzhu, but T. Parsons's analysis is too abstract, not in detail, and that is not in the past social realities... Imprisoned in a new colossal power does not flow through the great vision of empirical phenomena, but also a bulky system and is seen between understandings, relieved of the nuisance, but, for oneself, in the imagined "feelings" clear facts... To his own employees R. Merton set the stem of the "theory of the middle rivnya", like a bulwark with a free "backbone" between empirical uzagalnye and abstract schemes of the Parsonian.

Pobudova takoї "teorії serednogo rіvnya" zgіdno R. Merton, Mauger Buti zdіysneno on osnovі poslіdovnoї criticism naybіlsh wide, nevipravdanih uzagalnen poperednogo funktsіonalіzmu i Introduction novih understand scho serve tsіlyam organіzatsії that іnterpretatsії empіrichnogo materіalu, ale not Yea "empіrichnimi uzagalnennyami" tobto they do not vibrate inductively from obvious facts. The critical criticism also includes clarification of the main ones to understand, "but often one term is used for the development of different appearances, as well as that of the same kind of things that rotate in different terms."

The first provisions to accommodate the criticism of R. Merton, є provisions about functional unity. Win vvazhaє, with my head thinking about the forefront of the func- tionalism, it was started about those, all parts of the social system, and together, one by one, to achieve harmony. Functional analysis after taking into account the internal connection of the parts of the system, when the dermal part is different, it is functional for all those who are not aware of the superintense and conflicts between the parts. However, it is also out of the functional unity, it is possible in theory, on R. Merton's thought, to transcend reality. Those that are functional for one part of the system - dysfunctional for both, and navpaki. In addition, the principle of functional single allowance is based on the need for the adaptation of the most recent middle ground, which, naturally, may be unconnected in reality. Criticizing the principle, R. Merton proposes to introduce an understanding of "dysfunction", as if guilty of representing negative inheritance in one part of the system into the mind, and also demonstrating the steps of integration of this social system.

The other is untrue to be talked about, as seen by R. Merton, directly whimpering from the first. Winn the name of the provisions about "universal functionalism". Oscillations of the modality of the parts of the social system are "unproblematic", then all the standardized social and cultural forms may be positive functions, so that all the institutionalized educational ideas are due to the need to serve the institute - for the preparation of a suspension unit. Zvidsey, whether the norm is correct and reasonable, and the need to grow up, and not minus, is correct. As early as the first introduced by R. Merton, the understanding - the understanding of "dysfunction" - prohibits the possibility of such universal functionality. If you look at other positions, if you come before a week about those skinny shards, you can be immediately and functional and dysfunctional, then talk more beautifully about the need for such an institute social media in terms of the balance of functional and dysfunctional inheritance, but not on the basis of its overall functionality. In such a rank, all the norms of R. Merton are functional not to the one that smells like (instituting), but to the fact that they are functional to experience the dysfunctional.

The third unjustified functionality, as seen by R. Merton, appears in the seat of the "thoroughly important" singing functions and, apparently, material objects, ideas and revolutions. It is an absolute need for singing functions before the day is set for the very beginning of the suspension as a whole, whether it be the one of the social system. For the most part, it is well known to R. Merton, a vaping understanding of "functional prerequisites", becoming self-sufficient and over-reliant, for example, in the sociological analysis of T. Parsons. On the other side of the surrender є fostering the importance and life of the need for cultural and social forms, which rotate and function. R. Merton does not prohibit the possibility of realizing other functions and turning them around. Win stverdzhu, such functions can be useful for business partnerships and social systems. It is necessary to empirically reconsider and structure the introduced skin functions of such functions, and not extrapoluvate them on all social systems and all historical development. For such a statement of the problem of “functionally necessary minds”, I propose to introduce the concept of “functional alternatives”.

R. Merton analyzes one problem that is often perceived as opponents of functionalism. The problem of polarity is in the vagueness of the common motives of "certain motives", which encompass the core of the social life and the "active inheritance" of the society. Once again, I am fond of the structural and functional analysis of the state of affairs. In order to unify the pardons of their predecessors, they denounced the inheritance as a result of their share of participants, and to introduce a difference between the "obvious" and "prikhovannye" functions. For a new "explicit function" - tse such objectified inheritance of the child, directing to the attachment of an adaptation of the system, which is intelligent and perceived by the participants; the accustomed functions will be such inheritances, as they are not intelligent, they are not comprehensible. "

In such a rank, criticizing the foregoing functional analysis, R. Merton to make amendments in order to change the most odd and unacceptable provisions for functionalism, which, by the way, do not change the model. Winning the main provisions of the classics of sociology, including T. Parsons, about those who suspicion is a special kind of active reality, but the process of individuals is rationally and overwhelmingly motivated! Social appearances are looked at by him for all the structures that start the behavior of people, that surround their rational vibe. Introduced understanding: dysfunction, balance of functional and dysfunctional inheritance, functional alternatives, the function of serving "nobility" is obvious and appropriate, as well as being recognized when analyzing empirical facts. At the same time, taking care of the day-to-day functionalism, R. Merton took into account his motives for criticism. The basic principles of the criticism are similar to those who saw it in terms of the old theory of social systems by T. Parsons: conservatism and utopianism I will look at social life; static theoretical models I will not explain social snakes; The concept of specialness is supersocialized; increase the freedom of people, as freedom of choice and socially structured possibilities, etc.

May be good, that R. Merton’s pidhid revolves around the old world in E. Durkheim’s music. However, this addition to functional analysis includes the possibility of being smart about the fact that social structures, being differentiated, can experience social conflicts and how they smell at once as the elements of the structure. R. Merton to try to reproduce and justify the oldest and traditional method of sociological world. And, perhaps, I’m guilty of being a dermatological sociologist - a part-time structural functionalist, and a person who is a sociologist.

R. Merton's additions served as a garnit for the "life-style" of the structural-functional method of theorizing, however, criticism of functionalism through ignoring the problems of social conflict appeared on the ground for a strong reason.


Hromadske life is understood by structural functionalities as an uninterrupted lifelessness and intertwining of the interconnection of people. For the analysis of the stench, it is not enough to use the system, in which stench is seen. You need to know stiyki elements in the whole system, the aspect of the stable is absolutely rugged. Tse і є structure. Operations of the structure of the structure are the essence of the function. Some of the functions of the structure can be of a stable nature, the structure itself and the function itself become clear, then, in one glance, the structure appears, from the bottom - the function, and the navpaki. Pererahuvannya vimog, vikonannya vikonnya is necessary for vizivannya system, leading to the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bfunctional (and structural) need, in a larger form - a functional imperative. Whether the social system is guilty of coping with the choir by complexes of problems: the problem of rational organization and the development of its resources in singular ways, to reach the goals of the system; the problem of determining the main goals and adjusting the process of reaching; the problem of preserving solidarity; the problem of adapting the motivations of characters in the context of social roles.

In recent and foreign critics, they name such heady solutions to functionalism, and to indicate the potential for conservatism in the system of systems and look: a reassessment of the normative element in the suspension harmony and application of the current significance I want a quiet feast, as for the first time, the visceral's functionality is important, the conservative organization has been protected.

List of vikoristanikh dzherel

functionalism Parsons Merton motivational

1. The history of sociology in Zakhidniy Europeі USA. Pidruchnik for universities. Vіtchiznyany editor - Academician I 90 RAS G.V. Osipov. - M .: Vidavnistvo NORMA, 2001 - 576 p.

2. Gromov I.A., Matskevich A.Yu., Semenov V.V. Zakhidna theoretical sociology. M .: Vidavnistvo "Olga", 1996 ..

3. Sociology: Pidruchnik / Ed. prof. SOUTH. Volkov. - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M.: Gardariki, 2003 .-- 512 p.

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