Understanding the individual style of pedagogical activity and spirituality. Abstract topic: individual style of performance as a result of the formulation of the effectiveness of pedagogical practice. styles of pedagogical performance. pedagogical style

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Pivnichny (Arctic) Federal University

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


Discipline Pedagogy

On the topic of individual style pedagogical activity

Murasheva Anastasia Volodymyrivna

Arkhangelsk 2013




1 Universal principle




Kozhen has a free style of vikladannya, the style of bringing order to the level and the style of creation and order. It is not enough to be overlooked about those, which is a unique process of viroblenya in a skin teacher with an individual style of curriculum, robots with scientists. The word "style" in the common sense is the tse of imposing on the singing patterns of ways, ways of living and doing, especially as it is about the way that I mean the role, the way of setting, volodya creative work. In such a rank, Polyagaє, the style of the power of the skin of the people, it is possible to evolve for її winks, actions, for manners, judging from behavior and according to the way, at the same time, do not marvel at those who are engaged in work. A. N. Sokolov designates the style of the yak system, in which all the elements are found together in one.

Loan style navkolishnіm middle... The current pedagogy is to teach maybutnyh pedagogues, but they are smart, comunicable, kindly educated and so far. It’s all right, but in such a design, it is possible to destroy the value of individuality until the main event. Navchalny plans, posting to the robot, post-changes in the system of education, leading to another plan of smut - love for children, respect, vikhovannya, navchannya, individual robot with children.

Theme control robots sound offensive rank: "Individual style of pedagogical performance." Qia theme is relevant at the hour of the day, for a long time already there is no robot using templates. Educators are indivual in the same way, as well as scholars, so they are not afraid of breaking the vlast style of Vikings. For the whole hour, it is necessary to shukati new methods, to develop new techniques, ale style, like a visitor card, is guilty of becoming involved with the teacher. Meta control robot: formulate your understanding - individual style of pedagogical performance.

In order to reach your goal, you will need to visit a number of buildings:

z'yasuvati to understand the word "style", as meaning vono maє in vicladic activity and func- tion in own way;

the main characteristics of the style, the basic principle of the style;

the value and importance of the "individual style" of pedagogical activity;

to look at the functions of the individual style of pedagogical activity;

Visnovoks and dates of visnovoks, not clear individual style of pedagogical activity.


First of all, the teacher of leather is guilty of learning for whom, for whom it is worthwhile. A fair teacher is guilty of evaluating his success, the success of his scholars, at the same time he is not guilty of doing what he has reached, but navpaki, he is guilty of continuing to fight for success.

Something vvazhayut, so vvazhnykh vchitelіv can vivchit. However, the stench cannot be found in incubators, nor can it be found on technological lines, or in universities. A brilliant teacher is a tseto, who is constantly self-sufficient. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “... it is possible to be a good teacher, only by being a good vigilante ... Without participation in wicked robots the whole pedagogical culture, all the knowledge of the teacher is a dead baggage. "

Those who like to talk to us (it is not respectful - in lectures, laboratory robot in the university), called a style. The assignment of the teacher to the teacher can be through an object (teacher - "professor"), through friendship (teacher - "friend") or through style (teacher - "artist"). Because of that, as a teacher, before learning, there will be success, a step towards mastering the basic material. All the nobles, madly, concede the right to be sure, but at the same time they do not fence them off.

A leather teacher is a living Lanka through learning and learning lessons. Style navchannya yak bi odyaga on the study of filter eyepieces, which tend to stink at those who are in the country. The style of the Victory can be astonished at the original material yak on the tsikave, right and on the ground, like on the opposite side.

We will be happy to be a teacher and we will learn, it is necessary, of course, that the stench is guilty but friendly, reciprocal, kind. The teacher is guilty of loving all his scholars permanently and without care. Guilty is guilty of additional assistance with the help of others, not only in words, but in the first place. “It’s impossible to love children, neither in any pledges, nor behind any handlers, books, and the development of a building in the process of people's participation in a fun life, in which they are connected with other people. Ale for its nature, pedagogical pratsya - a povsyakdenne spilkuvannya with children - loves love to people, faith in new. Poklikannya to pedagogical efficiency to develop in schools, in the process of social activity ", as V.O.

The teacher needs to adapt his style to the situation and the tempo, and the timbre of the voice, and the zest. The skin situation can have a graceful role, as the role of the teacher in the initial process is versatile. In the head of memory, how the teacher is guilty only of the one in whom he is competent and how to become his moral essence.

“As a teacher of little love until the right, there will be a good teacher. As a teacher, there is only love until you learn, as a father, mother, - I will be more beautiful than a teacher, who after reading all the books, but I don’t have much love until the right, but not before studies. As a teacher, the teacher will be alone in his love until the right and before the scholars, and the teacher is a thorough teacher "(L. Tolstoy)


1 Universal principle

The style of pedagogical performance is a whole system of methods, acceptance of performance, manner of behavior of the teacher, how to appear in the minds of the young, professionally viroblen, but derived from the individual. The style is amalgamated with the specificity of performance, individual-psychological features of the sub'єktiv - teacher (vicladac) and scholars (schoolchildren, students).

The universal principle is to take revenge in one’s main joy, for the help of which the teacher will be able to organize an effective robot.

Address of the Victory Day. The teacher is guilty of pam'yatati about quiet, whom to teach. The teacher is guilty of hearing his scholars, being respectful, streaming. The teacher is always guilty of giving back to learning, and not making their posture respectful.

Lessons are not guilty but boring. Tedious abo tsikavo - vibir for the teacher. In addition, as a teacher, go to the explanation of that material, there will be a lot of learning material. V. A. Sukhomlinsky, for all the rock of his robots, is kind and highly responsive to the thoughtfulness of teachers, and that, injecting into the initial process, infuses an independent principle of the Victory: , beautify, gri, how can you give a teacher. "

The style of the Victory is within the competence of the reader. Tsіkave vikladannya not є by itself - it is guilty but boutique, planned in advance.

Can't forget, scho in haunted life we have a lot of rich roles: squad, cholovik, friend, dad and so far. So in the life of the reader. The teacher is guilty of grati the role of the teacher, as if she would nudge the scholars on the role of scholars. 5. The style and manner of the Victory is the beginning of the boundaries in which to pass the present. It is not necessary to rakhuvatisya not only with the topic of busyness, with special features studies, and ї z audit settings, її number, gender (article) features.

The quality of the appearance is different in style. Without changes in pedagogical creativity, there can be no change in the mastery of the initial material. Above all, if you want to be good teachers, you will not find yourself in the crowd, they will grow up in the process of post-robots over yourself. As soon as you get ready to trim these principles, then you can virobiti the system of navchannya, as it will be combined, and not stereotyped. What you need is to reach it, depending on what you need to learn from the basics.

“You can read it until it’s quiet, leave it alone” - KD Ushinsky.

2 Main characteristics of new style

The peculiarities of the Victorian style are easy to recognize. Difficult in the one. Nutrition depends on what it is that you should hope for and for yourself.

The teacher is guilty of the special development and development of the child and all the subtleties, the teacher needs to develop his own style of pedagogy. Children for their own nature are addictive, cheerful, absorb like sponges, as they love everything that is simple and unaccountable.

In addition, I will look at the characteristics of the style of the Victory, to the reader of the vikoristovuvati deyaki priyomi:

Innocent in navchanni is an effective reception of an unsuccessful woman. Children are not in the middle, they are transcendental. Everything that is new will easily rivet respect and awaken interest.

In fact - one of the "golden rules" of the theory of science.

The skin lesson is guilty of being unique, unrepeatable, unrepentant.

The style of navchannya is guilty of butti atrocities to all the senses of the people.

The style of navchannya is guilty of the bootie, the booze.

The teacher of zobov'yaziyat all minds for engaging and re-verting scholars.

If you try to catch up with all the joy, follow the principles, then you will be already halfway in the kishine.

3 Types of teaching style

Emotional-impromptu. Orієnuyuchis it is important for the process of navchannya, the driver is insufficiently adequate in terms of performance to the endurance results; for a lesson, win vidbiraє most tsikaviy material, mensch tsikaviy (hocha and important) is often required for independent robotic scientists, based mainly on strong scientists. The teacher's activity is highly efficient: at the lesson, it is often the case to see robots, to practice collective discussion. However, there is a wealth, an arsenal of victorious methods of modernization to be confronted with low methodology, lack of presentation of consolidation and repetition of initial material, control of knowledge of scientists. The teacher's skill is characterized by intuitiveness, advanced sensitiveness in the fallowness of the situation at the level, special anxiety, numbness and impulsiveness. According to the knowledge of such a teacher of trocha and penetration.

Emotional and methodical. They focus on the result, as well as on the process, step by step through all the initial material, not missing the consolidation, repetition and control of the knowledge of science. The teacher's ability is highly efficient. The teacher is pragmatic for activating the scholars, not for the calling, but for the peculiarities of the subject itself. The teacher is sensitive to the change of the situation at the level, especially anxious, altogether and penetrating according to the relationship to scholars.

Reasoning - empirical. For the reader, a characteristic orientation to the processes and results of the preparation, adequate planning, efficiency, and intuitiveness and reflection. The teacher learns to be less guilty of the varied methods of starting, I don’t expect to see the high pace of the lesson, don’t wait for the vicarious collective discussion. But the teacher himself speaks less, especially for the hour of learning, vzhayuyu for beautifully pouring into the study by an indirect way, giving the opportunity to see in detail to draw up a view. Readers of the style are less sensitive to changes in the situation at the level, they have a demonstration of self-amity every day, they are characterized by protection, tradition.

Reasoning and methodical. Being focused on the results of the training and adequately planning the initial process, the teacher shows conservatism in the vicarious in the way of pedagogical activity. Visoka methodicalness is united with malim, a standard set of methods of modernization, an experience of reproductive efficiency of scientists, and a good deal of collective discussion. The teacher of the whole style is driven by reflexivity, little sensitiveness to changes in situations at the level, I am safe in my endeavors.


1 Understanding and the day-to-day of the individual style of pedagogical activity

individual style of pedagogy

You can talk about the individual style, and it is also very special, as it is a special, apparently independent kind of performance. The teacher has a great role in the development of the style of the teacher with the scholars at different stages vіkova development... Psychological and pedagogical literature on the basis of explicit knowledge is seen five of the most often developed styles of curriculum by scholars, but itself:

· autocratic (self-controlled);

· democratic (reliance on the team and stimulation of self-reliance of scientists);

· іgnoru (practically assertion from the core of the scholarship, formally the vikonannya of its own obligations);

· non-posledniy (situational system and interdependence with scholars).

Individual style of pedagogical performance - a system of tips, methods, receptions, ways of building a building in the process of robotics is characteristic of a given teacher. The complex of individual features of the teacher can be less than partly satisfied with professional vimogs. To that, the teacher, thanks to his spontaneously mobilizing his professional qualities, in that hour will compensate for the fact that those qualities must be given in order to overcome the achieved success. As a result, an individual style of performance emerges - a unique type of robotics typical for a given teacher in typical minds for a new teacher. With the effective and individual style of pedagogical performance, such a style, in addition to the teacher, is constantly aware of the optimal way of stimulating, reorienting and mobilizing educators, to the point of dreadful allowance for the situation. The singing algorithm of chih is given in the organization and regulation of the pedagogical behavior and characterizing that individual style.

The endowments, the creative person of a lyudin, is the end of the individual. Formation of individuality with a teacher creative specialties ditini. The skin has grown up as a human being, by the way of choosing a pedagogical profession, until the moment of such a choice it has already been formulated as a specialty and, mindlessly, indivisibly. More than a few teachers and psychologists are able to show up with special features, it’s just because they’re stinking and moving children, so that they’ll be helplessly young and suddenly corny children.

With an individual style, develop a reasonable style system of ways, or even more efficiently. Falsely from individual features nervous system There can be polarity, individual style and performance, allowing people to reach the same high results. At the same time, whether a kind of individual style of performance can be formulated only for the mind of the subjectivism of the positive submission to her. The individual style is presented at once and as a singing way of turning the specialness to the really good effect of it, because of the idea of ​​shaping it in the background from the sub'kt actively and creatively putting it up to her.

You can talk about the individual style, and it is also very special, as it is a special, apparently independent kind of performance. The teacher has a great role to play in the development of the style of their development with the scholars at different stages of development. The style of pedagogical efficiency is there, and the teacher has freedom of self-expression. The teacher, bachachi of the development of the ways of demonstrating professional performance, can be intertwined with one, which is a stock of this style of performance. The zone of unimportance is sub'active and is located there, de one teacher to bash unimportant pedagogical decisions, in which to bach only one. Finesse to a high frequency of injections, meticulousness in robots is not loosely tied to disorganization in the process of injections, because of the inadvertent knowledge of the psychology of people around them before the development of an individual system of injections.

With the effective and individual style of pedagogical performance, such a style, in addition to the teacher, is constantly aware of the optimal way of stimulating, reorienting and mobilizing educators, to the point of dreadful allowance for the situation.

3.2Functions of an individual pedagogical style

The methodology of the style sees the offensive functions:

) Style є the manifestation of integrity, individuality;

) The style of dressing with the singing straightened and the system of values ​​of the specialness;

) The style of the viconuє compensatory function, in addition to helping the individuality, is most effective to stick to the middle.

The head in the pedagogical spilkuvanna is the cornerstone for the learning of the situation to success. The main respect of the rector is guilty, but it is straightforwardly based on constructive (schoolchildren must creep into the teacher’s assignment to oneself), positively (for its positive assignments of victories to learn the teaching of the categories of success), If a positive self-assessment of their primary health is formed in the knowledge, then the new will develop interest until the beginning. For the realization of this directly in the robotics with the studies, it is necessary to have an individual pedagogy to a child, the basis of which the teacher forms an individual style of powerful pedagogical activity.

I need to know and be smart about special features. It’s important that the price didn’t get in the way, that’s the rampage, the shaft, the time of entering, the “zagal”, if the individual specialty is actually consumed and the splash only when the bids were trampled. Scientists vvazhayut for more beautiful people, as it is faster to become more disciplined in flow, behavior of those who see it numb, adequately to the individuality of learning and to the structure of the lesson.

Recipient of the teacher with the scholars - one of the most important nobles of the wicker injected into the specialness of the schoolboy. However, the reader does not want to have good relations with the scholars. There is a lot of reason to lie in the style of core, or because of the style of sharing with them, because of the individual style of pedagogical performance. In order to realize the idea of ​​pedagogical efficiency in the country, the teacher needs to be willing to use a nasty, individual style. An important component of buzziness is the cognitive style as a stable, individual and psychological way of receiving and processing information. Vin is characterized by the "gostry" eye and mind of the teacher. Cognitive style includes:

a) the backyard of the veiled in the vicious activity, including the latent signs of a specific situation;

b) reserve storage (note those that have not been requested this year, or perhaps tomorrow, tomorrow);

c) perspective perspective (emergence of new, positive parosts, so that you can hide in your pedagogical solutions). The positive or negative traits of the teacher's professionalism are based on special features such as a sub'kta of pedagogical performance, the specificity of an object, universalism and change of pedagogical performance.

In general, it means a substitution for the strategy of perspective, in the course of practice until it is one to work for one, as a result, an hour of work to achieve the desired result. Todi the teacher "is given the evil system for the hwist": the scenario is set up, and the behavior of the teacher is zoomed out: the reflexive control of the field at the end of the call pedagogical minds They become internal minds, which regulate the activity (behavior, professionalism) of the learning.

Be mindful of the pedagogical skill to be reimagined in order to achieve optimal health, if it smells like:

) Create friendly stimuli (external and internal) for actualization creative potential specialties of science;

) To become a support for the achievement of pedagogical goals (for which it is necessary to include a constructive goal, it is very helpful to know those who can hide in their activity on this stage of the visit);

) Latent, admitting to the specific situation, being responsive, "working" and really pouring in on the success of the pedagogical virtue, as the teacher in my backyard is close, as if no one is rosy, creative mission... Otzhe, a psychologist can help the teacher find out such minds, especially latent, and vrahovuvati in concrete pedagogical activity.

Good guilty readers are not anonymous, faceless, but motherly manners and personal appointees until the beginning of the day. If the teacher does not want to virobit the individual style in his professional performance, then it is not possible to take the author's position in the educational process and space.


Vikladach is a butt for the inheritance, it is responsible for the memory of leather. We are also very important for that є those who will feel good. Style is one of the most important warehouses. Into the distance z'yasuvati scho style - the price of volodinnya with its voice, til, mimikoyu, the price of the steps of being overwhelmed by the subject. Such a rank has become intelligence, and style is not a manifestation of individuality, as it is tied with the minds, in the way of eating viclades.

The style of viclianism can be formulated on the side of all labor activity... It’s crazy, the skin people have their own style, the teacher є has his own system of victories, in which it is possible to mean such moments, such as those that are invented only by the cyclist. The control robots have learned the principles, the characteristics of the styles, and their views. It’s a memory of its own, as a leather teacher is guilty of wearing it when he wants to periodically distribute and divine actions.

Often it is possible to learn from a good teacher, with wonderful knowledge, bazhannyi pratsyuvati, but at the same time, if you go to your lesson, you can see that it’s incomplete, monotonous, monotonous. Because of the fact that the template is taken as a basis, ale it is not guilty and not new. But there is a need for intelligence, as a teacher - everything is for the teacher. It’s boring for a child, because it’s the fault of the teacher to understand the essence of the lesson.

The individual style of the Vikings is based on the basics. Heads of the individual style of vicious performance, the teacher is constantly aware of the optimal way of stimulating, reorienting and mobilizing scientists, as well as possible admissible pedagogical situations

By the method of control robotics: formulate your understanding - individual to the style of pedagogical activity. At my own glance, the individual style of the Vikladzkoy dyalnosti - the whole complex of individual features of the teacher, such as, zovnishniy viglyad, Behavior, style of performance, and types of styles of Victory, which most favorably developed in an hour of pedagogical activity. So the very individual way of carrying out to occupy, Yaky supervodzhutsya extraordinary, unaware, tsіkavimy pіdhodami. Ridly, if it is possible to discern the individual style of the Vikladzkoy performance among young people, coaches of teachers, ale and і viklyuchennya. In the main, it is obvious that teachers with experience, as there are more than one issue of scholarships behind their backs.

Schools of guilt carry out trainings and additional busy for pedagogues, on whom there will be problematic nutrition of the given right, as well as there will be given butts to fight with them. The help of fakhivts is necessary for those who know their strengths and weaknesses, knowing which style of capital is close to their powerful style. The robot fakhivtsiv, psychologists are needed in order to help increase the awareness of the teacher's ability.

List of vikoristanikh dzherel I DODATKOVOY LITERATURI

1. Kukushin V.S. Introduced into pedagogical activity. Vidavnichy center "Mart" Moscow - Rostov - on - Don, 2005

Sukhomlinsky V. A. About vikhovannya. Vidavnytstvo Political Literature, Moscow 1975 r

Zimova I. A. Pedagogical psychology. Vidavnitstvo "Fenix", Rostov - on - Don, 1997 ..

N. V. Klyuva Pedagogical psychology. Moscow "Vlados - Pres" 2003 r

5. Nemov R.S. Zagalna psychology... At t. 3. Vidavnistvo: Yurayt - Publishing, 2012 rock -<#"justify">THE POWER

V.V. Starikov Wikladan style different types specialties of teachers. page 246

Kukushin V.S. Introduced into pedagogical activity. P. 7

Kukushin V.S. Introduced into pedagogical activity. C. 8

Kukushin V.S. Introduced into pedagogical activity. P. 9

Kukushin V.S. Introduced into pedagogical activity. P. 136

Kukushin V.S. Introduced into pedagogical activity. P. 137

Sukhomlinsky V. A. About vikhovannya. P. 16

N. V. Klyuva Pedagogical psychology. P. 81

Sukhomlinsky V. A. About vikhovannya. P. 78

Kukushin V.S. Introduced into pedagogical activity. P. 136 - 139

Kukushin V.S. Introduced into pedagogical activity. S. 139 -141.

N. V. Klyuva Pedagogical psychology. P. 86 - 87

N. V. Klyuva Pedagogical psychology. P.83

Nemov R.S. Zagalna psychology. Volume 3, section 6, ch. 29

N. V. Klyuva Pedagogical psychology. P. 82

N. V. Klyuva Pedagogical psychology. P. 83

N. V. Klyuva Pedagogical psychology. P. 84


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A source of understanding about the style of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical skills, like і be-like іnsha, are characterized by the singing style of vikonannya. In the zealous sense of the understanding, the "style" is based on respect for the manifestation of what has become of the system and ways and for the acceptance of the development of activity. Qia system є stable rice that appears in different minds When you are brought to visonuvati I will give... Those vikonannya style itself is formed at the sub'єkta of іyalnosti, amalgamated in the first place with individual and psychological features - the type of temperament, rice character, we will evolve the development of professional health and іn. According to E. A. Klimov's designation, the style of performance in a completely psychological sense is “amalgamated with typological peculiarities of the style system of methods, how to be stored among people, but even before the most beautiful health of the given system ... people spontaneously come out with the help of the most beautiful visualization of their typological understanding of individuality with the subject-minded minds of intelligence. " The price is especially suitable for the chair, so that the most beautiful performance can be reached by the manufacturer of an individual way of obtaining and using methods.

The skin has grown up a lyudin, with the help of a pedagogical profession, at the time of the last choice, and in what way it was formulated with its own individual features... The individual qualities of a teacher in any kind of guilt of guilty of giving foreign psychological help to the given profession. In addition, in pedagogical activity, to be considered the type of professions "ludin-ludin", in the general order, it is necessary to provide psychological specialties of the first side - scholars. For example, the style of robotics and education with the scholars of the cob class as well as the middle class, so the posture of it will be similar to the style of education, for example, the teachers of chemistry are very good At his own school, the school’s victories in the style of performance will be meaningfully seen from the school teacher, including the same discipline. In such a rank, the individual style of pedagogical performance is being shaped into three main officials: 2) psychological peculiarities of self-activity; 3) specialties of scholars (vik, become, status, level of knowledge, etc.).

The main areas of manifestation of the individual style of pedagogical activity are:

> Temperament (hour and speed of reaction, individual pace of the robot, emotional responsiveness);

> The nature of the reaction to those pedagogical situations, as well as to the development of children and scholars;

> Vibir methodіv navchannya;

> vibir zasobiv vikhovannya;

> The style of pedagogical spilkuvannya;

> Zastosuvannya zasob_v psycho-pedagogical injected into scholars, including perevagu quiet chi інsh vidіv zaokhochen i punish.

It is necessary to realize that the formulation by the skin teacher of an individual style of efficiency is imposed on the natural environment for the vicariousness of someone else's pedagogical awareness, to invite the most advanced. It is important for the teacher to remember that the advanced knowledge is practically independent of the specialness of the author, and is a kind of extraordinary pedagogical knowledge and individuality of the pedagogue, the result of a quiet, direct copying of the teacher. The teacher with a large set of individual rice also has the most ways and means to achieve healthier performance, which is more important than involvement, and it is far from waiting for it to be far away. The stench may simply not go well for the specialty and individuality, and if there is more pressure for his involvement, then he will reduce his efficiency. advanced pedagogical dosvid it is necessary not just to copy, altogether, and creatively overwhelm: we’re sure that we’re able to think in a new way, the teacher must be guilty of being deprived of himself, that is, a good pedagogical and individual advanced pedagogical advice.

Classification of styles of pedagogical activity in the presence of character. Naybіlsh more vigorously disclosed about the style of pedagogical activity has been proponated by A.K. Markova.

· The basic signs of pedagogical activity, individual to the style, are clear. Wien to manifest:

o in temperament (hour and speed of reaction, individual pace of the robot, emotional responsiveness);

o the nature of the reactions to those other pedagogical situations;

o selection of methods of preparation;

about picking up the wickedness,

o styles of pedagogical performance;

o reacts to children’s diy and vchinki;

o manner of behavior;

o reloading the quiet of the іnsh views zaokhochen і punishment;

o zasosuvannya zasob_v psychological and pedagogical infusion on children.

A.K. Markova and A.Ya. Nikonova ( Markova A.K., Nikonova A.Ya., 1987.S. 41-42) Look at three groups of characteristics of individual style of pedagogical performance - 1) change, 2) dynamic and 3) effective indicators (Fig. 14).

1. Among those who have found different characteristics vchenі will say so, yak:

o the rewarding of the teacher's orientation: on the processes of starting, processes and results and results of starting, only on the results of starting;

o the adequacy-inadequacy of the plan for the initial and violent process;

o operability-conservativeness in the vicarious in the way and in the methods of pedagogical activity;

o reflectiveness -intuitiveness.

2. Similarly seen dynamic characteristics (Fig. 15).

3. Talking about the individual style of pedagogical performance, call to the attention of the people, how vibrate it is for the pedagogical infusion and the form of behavior, the teacher of his own individual scholarship. Teachers, who are willing to live with individuality, from the bereaved of the bosses and directors, can vibrate the same way, but they can do it in a different way.
(Http://www.voppsy.ru/journals_all/issues/1997/972/972014.htm; div. Statute of N.A. Aminova "Nature changes pedagogical styles at the viclacs of the cob school ").

pedagogical acmeology

pedagogical acmeology - the whole science about the way to reach the professionalism and competence of the teacher. One of the central ones to understand pedagogical acmeology is to understand professionalism of a teacher(Markova A.K., 1996; Div. Instructions). From him there is a sense of the integral characteristic of the teacher's specialty, so that the teacher's skills are conveyed to him by the types of professional skills and the teacher's knowledge of professionally important psychological qualities, Yakі be sure to effectively develop professional pedagogical schools for new and vykhovannyu (children, grown-up scholars).(Acmeology, 2002, p. 444)
(Http://elite.far.ru/; see the website of the Department of Acmeology and Psychology of Professional Activity of the RACS).

· On the dumka of A.K. Markova, the teacher's professionalism is guilty of giving a number of criteria, the middle:

o on'active criteria: the effectiveness of pedagogical activity (the main types - initial, developmental, educational, as well as additional ones from the teacher's assistant - diagnostic, correction, advisory, organizing and management; self-management, self-administration;

o sub'active criteria: the style of pedagogy is straightforward (bazhannya to become involved in the profession), the mindfulness of the teacher's professionalism, the positive attitude to oneself as a professional, satisfaction with the practice;

o process criteria: victorious as a teacher of socially acceptable, humanely direct methods, technologies in their own practice;

o effective criteria: reaching the pedagogical prats of the results required by the suspension (the formulation of the characteristics of the specialty of the scientists, so that they will not be able to prepare for life in the small suspension) (Akmeologiya, 2002).

Equivalent to the professionalism of a teacher of the є step, stage and stage to the highest indicators in pedagogical practice:

o the level of a healthy professional, adaptation to it, the first time a teacher has learned the norms, mentalities, Necessary priyomy, technologies;

o the level of pedagogical majorship as a result of the good level of education of the advanced pedagogical advice, accumulated in the profession; volodinnya by the methods of transferring knowledge that are obvious in the profession; zd_jsnennya especially-organized navchannya and ін.;

o level of self-actualization of the teacher in the profession, assimilation of the capabilities of the pedagogical profession for the development of his own specialty, self-development in the profession, as a result of improving his positive qualities and smoothing out negative emotions;

o the level of pedagogical creativity as a result of pedagogical admiration of his profession for the special creative contribution made by the author's suggestions, as it is necessary to encompass the creation of new buildings, to create new processes, to organize new processes, and to organize pedagogical systems navchannya and vikhovannya (Kukharev N.V., 1990; div. instructions).

A.K. Markov is broken down into the modular presentation of the professional competence of the reader, and L.M. Fridman, having proponated the scheme of psychological analysis of pedagogical information (div. Animation)
(Http://www.pirao.ru/strukt/lab_gr/l-prof.html; see Laboratory of professional development of specialty PI RAO).


· Zdіbnostі - individual and psychological specialties of people, which are manifested in the intelligence and the mental success and performance.

o On the current day, come up to the date of health. A glib analysis of the problem of health problems by B.M. Thermal. It is a good idea to develop іm і th іth scholars of the concept, who can be deprived of anatomical and physiological functional features people who are making changes in their minds for the development of health, called the makings.

o Foreign health - those are the individual power of the specialty, which will ensure the ease and productivity in the modern knowledge and good health.

o Special health - a system of special powers that help to achieve high results in such a way. Special goodies organically knitted from outside.

· Pedagogical health is called the essence of individual and psychological peculiarities of the teacher's specialty, as well as showing the pedagogues of pedagogical competence and visibility of success in a young and healthy way. The view of the pedagogical health from the pedagogical is less than the polygons in that the pedagogical health is the specialness of the specialty, and the pedagogical mind is the value of the activity of the pedagogical competence, for the most recent people

o To the group of pedagogical health in the first place it is possible to mention: pedagogical sparing; pedagogical knowledge; the ability of yak rice to character; pedagogical tact; organizing health; simplicity, clarity and overconfidence of mov.

o Pedagogical excellence is the goal of the teacher, which is manifested in the cleverness of the suttas, characteristic, to help the little-liked authority of the scholars.

o Pedagogical tact is based on the principle of pedagogue's attention to the principle of entering the classroom with children in the most diverse spheres of activity, while vibrating the correct way to study.

· In this hour of the concept of pedagogical health, N.V. Kuzminoi, is the best systemic interpretation. The concept of all pedagogical health in the field of teaching has the main aspects (sides) of the pedagogical system.

o The pedagogical system starts as a functionless interconnection of structural and functional components, in accordance with the goals of education, education and development of the growing generation and growing older people.

o Numerical psychological and pedagogical pre-education, conducted by N.V. Kuzmin, have shown that self-development of teachers will take care of reaching a high level of formation of such extravagant health, such as: gnostics; projectors; constructive; communal; organizers.

· Before the warehouse of professionally clever authorities and characteristics of the lecturer, which were already meant in the foregoing topics, include: actions of specific qualities; professional training; physical and mental health.

o In the Danish hour, the model of the teacher's specialty is developed in the context of this scheme "efficiency - intelligence - specialty" is seen five professionally significant qualities, which appear to be two groups of educational health projects (according to N.V. Kuznetsov: perceptual health.

o reflexive-perceptual mind of a teacher to establish an organic complex of knowing vigorous individual-psychological features, assessing one's mental state, as well as helping a childish child with adequate mental health.

o Mechanisms of identification, empathy and decentration, which were important in the process of learning by the teacher of the specialty of education.

· Style of performance - the price of relationships is related to the identity of individual features, the way and the nature of the performance of singing performance, as it is transmitted, as a rule, interaction with people and the appearance of a stereotype as a dynamic.

o A.K. Markov is unique to the chotiri of the most characteristic of the teacher's style: emotional-empirical; emotional-methodical; Reasoning-empirical; Reasoning and methodical.

o A.K. Markova and A.Ya. Nikonov sees three groups of characteristics of pedagogical performance that is individual to the style: 1) change, 2) dynamic and 3) effective indicators.

· Pedagogical acmeology - the whole science about the way to achieve professionalism and competence of the teacher. One of the central ones is to understand pedagogical acmeology - the understanding of the teacher's professionalism. For him, the integral characteristic of the teacher's specialty, which gives him / her the types of professional skills and knowledge of the teacher's knowledge of the professionally important psychological skills, how to forget

o Psychological structure of teacher's activity includes offensive components: projecting; constructive; organizer; communal; gnostic.

o The professionalism of the teacher is guilty of a number of criteria, the middle: sub'active criteria; process criteria; effective criteria.

Glossary of terms

1. Didactogenia

2. The makings

3. Pedagogical acmeology

4. Pedagogical skill

5. Pedagogical system

6. Pedagogical tact

7.reflexive-perceptual mind

8. Reflexion

9. Good luck

10. Good academic

11. Healthy gnostics

12. Good didactic

13. Good communication

14. Good constructive

15. Good news

16. Good organizers

17. Good pedagogues

18. Healthy perceptual

19. Hello specials

20. Empathy

Food for self-revision

1. How is psychology interpreted as good?

2. How do you get the property from the deposit?

3. How to grow up in science schools BM Teplova?

4. How do you match talent and geniality with good health?

5. So also "zalnі zdіbnostі"?

6. Name the main lines of health improvement in psychology.

7. Give the understanding of "pedagogical health".

8. Who are the authorities in pedagogical health?

9. What kind of "pedagogical tact"?

10. How do you start teaching sparing in psychological and pedagogical literature?

11. Name the basic pedagogical health.

12. What kind of pedagogues did you see FN Gonobolin?

13. Give a description of the organizers' health.

14. The power of the reader, V.A. Krutetsky?

15. So also "perceptual health"?

16. How do you see the reader's health from the community?

17. What are the functions of the vicon pedagogy (or predictive health)?

18. Who has broken down the most systematic treatment of health on this day?

19. What is also a "pedagogical system"?

20. What structural components are the essence of the pedagogical system?

21. What are the functional components of pedagogical systems and structural ones?

22. Yakі іvnі pedagogіchnykh zdіbnosti vidіlyaє N.V. Kuzmina?

23. What is the first level of health from another (according to N.V. Kuzminoi)?

24. Name the home pedagogical health.

25. What are the Gnostic Buildings from the Projects?

26. What is it that "cares for" the communal pedagogical health?

27. Professionally informed about the power and characteristics of the reader of the video A.K. Markov?

28. Scho includes, according to A.K. Markova, the structure of sub-active officials?

29. What about "autopsychological competence"?

30. Yakі three main sides of the teacher vidіlya А.К. Markov?

31. Chim, according to N.V. Kuzmino, do you think about design-gnostic buildings from reflective-perceptual ones?

32. Who is the essence of the reflexive-perceptual mind of the reader?

33. What are the mechanisms that have been found in the process of learning by the teacher of the specialty of the teacher?

34. So also "empathy"?

35. How to interpret reflexion in psychological and pedagogical literature?

36. Name the basic teacher's memory.

37. Who is the essence of the projecting minds of a teacher?

38. Does it include a constructive component of the teacher's strength?

39. Transfer of basic organizers' menu.

40. So also "the style of pedagogical performance"?

41. The most characteristic of the style of the teacher's work is A.K. Markov?

42. Chim grows, according to A.K. Markovaya, emotional-methodical style of pedagogical activity from Reasoning-impromptu?

43. Name the main signs of pedagogical activity, individual style.

44. There are three groups of characteristics that are individual to the style of pedagogical performance, A.K. Markova and A.Ya. Nikonova?

45. So also "pedagogical acmeology"?

46. ​​Name the main criteria for the appointment of professionalism according to A.K. Markovo.

47. Describe the basic principles of the teacher's professionalism.

List of Literature

1. Acmeology: Pidruchnik / Ed. A.A. Derkach. , 2002.

2. Belukhin D.A. Teacher: from love to hate ... (Technique of professional behavior). Book. for the reader. M., 1994.

3. Bodalov A.A. Specialty and quality. M., 1995.

4. Gonobolin F.N. About the pedagogical health of the teacher. M., 1964.

5. Druzhinin V.N. Psychology of out-of-town health. SPb., 2002.

6. Zhuravlyov V.I. Fundamentals of Pedagogical Conflictology. M., 1995.

7. Krutetskiy V.A. Psychology of navchannya and vikhovannya of schoolchildren. M., 1976.

8. Ksenzova G.Yu. Estimated teacher's competence: Textbook. method. posibnik. M., 1999.

9. Kuzmina N.V. Draw the psychology of the teacher's teacher: The psychological structure of the teacher's activity and the formulation of his specialty. L., 1967.

10. Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of specialties of vicladac and master of virobnicheskoy navchannya. M., 1990.

11. Kumeker L., Shane JS Freedom to read, freedom to read: A book for a reader. M., 1994.

12. Kukharev N.V. On the way to professional perfection: Book. for the reader. M., 1990.

13. Levites D.G. School for professionals, for Seven lessons for quiet, hto learn. M.; Voronezh, 2001 ..

14. Levitiv N.D. Children and pedagogical psychology. M., 1960.

15. Markova A.K. Psychology to professionalism. M., 1996.

16. Markova A.K., Nikonova A.Ya. Psychological features of the individual style of the teacher's performance // Zap. psychology. 1987. No. 5.

17. Mitina L. Teacher as a specialty and professional ( psychological problems). M., 1994.

Psychological suprovid of the teacher's individual style

The professional share of a skin psychologist is shaped in a reasonable way. In some schools, a psychologist pratsyuє for the future development of the initial mortgage: engage in the examination of innovators lighting programs, Z'yasovuє, we got a stench є new and relevant for practice, as it will take the intellectual and special development of scholars; development of recommendations for understanding the style of the teacher's skill in the minds of the new cultural center. In high schools, the psychologist implements a standard set of his professional obedience: psychodiagnostics, counseling, psychoprophylaxis, etc. With regard to the specifics of the school, it is possible that the psychologist is far from being a skinny psychologist - an autonomous façade, but in any case, he is guilty not of the teacher's reading, but of being guilty of him - because of the supervision of the psychologist's robot. Specifically, the zavdannya yogo polyagє in assimilated the subject of his activity and professional approach to robotics with him.

The subject of psychologist's activity is sub'active in people. Psychotechnology is the central role of the sub'active in people. The osvitn_y process is especially the self-assertion of the yak "I". Spіlkuvatisya, pratsiuvati with a teacher with such a rank, so that the new practitioner optimizes the social environment of the child, activates the educational functions social center... For the whole and the demand is an alloy of the professional and special in the robot teacher, so that the individual style of pedagogical activity. What is the nature of psychology?

The presenter style was given an ear of A. Adler's robots, as if he was an understanding "style of life", in the original version "living plan", or "expensive image". The style of life is the most characteristic feature of the dynamical theory of singularity. This concept, ideologically based on its essence, has a unique way of adaptation for the individual to life, especially in the plans set by the individual himself, the goals and methods of reaching. For Adler, the style of life includes a unique way of making rice, ways of behavior and a sound, which, taken as a matter of fact, begin to create a unique picture of the idea of ​​an individual.

INDIVIDUAL STYLE OF DIAALNOST The style of performance cannot be gracious to that. Forgive me, we can be without a specific action.

By changing the minds of changing the individual style of performance є: 1) the manifestation of the zone and lack of significance of performance, as a result of the fact that one and the same meta can be helpful for other children; 2) the practicality of the sub'єkta vibrati so that the individual system is designed to reach the best for new success.

The individual style of performance is characterized by an individual, self-conscious system of psychological problems, up to which people spontaneously use the method of the most beautiful visualization of their own (typologically summarized by ideas) At the same time, there is a twofold emphasis on the style of the individual and the middle.

The individual style is vibrated not only because it is more successful for them, but also because it brings more emotional satisfaction and comfort. Determination of any kind of activity preserves freedom, so that it allows one to manifest one's own individuality in the setting of industrial goals, the choice of tasks that are necessary for their achievement and realization of the head.

The style of pedagogical efficiency is there, and the teacher has freedom of self-expression. The teacher, bachachi of the development of the ways of demonstrating professional performance, can be intertwined with one, which is a stock of this style of performance. The zone of unimportance is sub'active and is located there, de one teacher to bash unimportant pedagogical decisions, in which to bach only one. Finesse to a high frequency of injections, meticulousness in robots is not loosely tied to disorganization in the process of injections, because of the inadvertent knowledge of the psychology of people around them before the development of an individual system of injections.

Step by step into the development of the style move by V.S. Merlin is an understanding individual with an individual style. The style of splitting looks like a match for the style of creativity. As a sign of A.S. Makarenko, the whistleblower is guilty of most accurately, overconfidently, rightly turning his mind and thoughts, he is guilty of being especially vigorous to his own conviction, manners of behavior, intonation of movement, is guilty of the day of the most pre-verbal tone.

Such a rank, one of the staff of a psychologic supervisor, is that, in the process of helping the teacher, he helps him to know either his own style of pedagogical activity, the most appropriate to individual specialties. Clever virobity style to inform about the ability of the reader to show their strong positive qualities with the help of professional skill.

Spіvvіdnoshennya typical and indivіdualny in the teacher's work

The word "style" in the cross-section of walnut movi means meaning for writing, so that it means rosy dyyalnosti. The style of the loan is well-positioned between the individual and the middle. On one side, the style emerges as a people, and on the other side, it appears in a way of being active (non-purposeful - behavior and straightforward - acting), re-creating the middle. The nature of the furnishings is a kind of subtlety of style and the twofold nature of its formulation and definition. For the glimpse of the opportunity to go to the phenomenon of style, or vivchayuchie individuality of the people, which gave rise to a style, or an analysis of the particularities of this performance, in the process of which style of wine.

Typically - something that can be wicked by a suspension and in the very suspension, and individually - formed by a given people, which is backed up by the wicked, individual development. Typically, in the teacher's work, it is typical for the singing group of fauns, who, for example, unite, for example, the creative spirit, the accumulation of new pedagogical ideas, etc. Typical are those rice, as the teacher bathes in the spirit and spirituality, which is characteristic of the professional and social middle class, de-wrap up a lyudin. Individual - tse risi, like the people themselves develop, - serenity, cold-bloodedness, etc.

In the vіtchiznyanіy psychologії accumulation of bagaty, the cultivation of indivіdual style dіyalnіstі. With an individual style, develop a reasonable style system of ways, or even more efficiently. Polar, individual-style priyom and efficiency can emerge from the typological powers of the nervous system, allowing people to reach the same high results. At the same time, whether a kind of individual style of performance can be formulated only for the mind of the subjectivism of the positive submission to her. The individual style is presented at once and as a singing way of turning the specialness to the really good effect of it, because of the idea of ​​shaping it in the background from the sub'kt actively and creatively putting it up to her.

You can talk about the individual style, and it is also very special, as it is a special, apparently independent kind of performance. The teacher has a great role to play in the development of the style of their development with the scholars at different stages of development. Psychological and pedagogical literature, on the basis of obvious knowledge, sees five of the most often developed styles of critical scholarship, but itself: autocratic (self-contained); authoritarian (possessive); democratic (reliance on the team and stimulation of self-reliance of scientists); іgnoru (practically assertion from the core of the scholarship, formally the vikonannya of its own obligations); non-posledniy (situational system and interdependence with scholars).

The individual style of pedagogical performance, the given teacher has a system of tips, methods, receptions, ways of building a building in the process of robotics. The complex of individual features of the teacher can be less than partly satisfied with professional vimogs. To that, the teacher, thanks to his spontaneously mobilizing his professional qualities, in that hour will compensate for the fact that those qualities must be given in order to overcome the achieved success. As a result, an individual style of performance emerges - a unique type of robotics typical for a given teacher in typical minds for a new teacher.

So, in situations with advancing vimogs up to the pace and rhythm of activity, the teacher with a ruptured type of nervous system and successfully gains a commitment for the development of his motor activity, building is easy to speed up and one goes to one. In quiet, active minds, the teacher of an inert type is criminally insulted. You can take advantage of the need to respond quickly to signals for transferring, increased respect before prophylactic visits. In the process of pedagogical dyyalnosti, the new one has a tendency to become systematic, rude in robots. It is always a good idea to make professional workpieces that will support this weak mission, so that in a situation of time pressure, it will be worthwhile.

With the effective and individual style of pedagogical performance, such a style, in addition to the teacher, is constantly aware of the optimal way of stimulating, reorienting and mobilizing educators, to the point of dreadful allowance for the situation. The singing algorithm of chih is given in the organization and regulation of the pedagogical behavior and characterizing that individual style.

Functions of an individual pedagogical style

In the methodology of style, the following functions are seen: 1) style є manifestation of integrity, individuality; 2) the style of the dressing with the singing straightened and the system of values ​​of the specialness; 3) the style of the viconuє compensatory function, in addition to assisting the individuality of the most effective way to stick to the middle.

The head in the pedagogical spilkuvanna is the cornerstone for the learning of the situation to success. The main respect of the rector is guilty, but it is straightforwardly based on constructive (schoolchildren must creep into the teacher’s assignment to oneself), positively (for its positive assignments of victories to learn the teaching of the categories of success), If a positive self-assessment of their primary health is formed in the knowledge, then the new will develop interest until the beginning. For the realization of this directly in the robotics with the studies, it is necessary to have an individual pedagogy to a child, the basis of which the teacher forms an individual style of powerful pedagogical activity.

I need to know and be smart about special features. It’s important that the price didn’t get in the way, that’s the rampage, the shaft, the time of entering, the “zagal”, if the individual specialty is actually consumed and the splash only when the bids were trampled. Scientists vvazhayut for more beautiful people, as it is faster to become more disciplined in flow, behavior of those who see it numb, adequately to the individuality of learning and to the structure of the lesson.

At the expense of the teacher of the village student - one of the most important nobles of the vikhovny injected into the specialty of the schoolboy. However, the reader does not want to have good relations with the scholars. There is a lot of reason to lie in the style of core, or because of the style of sharing with them, because of the individual style of pedagogical performance.

In order to realize the idea of ​​pedagogical efficiency in the country, the teacher needs to be willing to use a nasty, individual style. An important component of buzziness is the cognitive style as a stable, individual and psychological way of receiving and processing information. Vin is characterized by the "gostry" eye and mind of the teacher. The cognitive style includes: a) the backyard of the veiled in the vicious action, including the latent signs of a particular situation; b) reserve storage (note those that have not been requested this year, or perhaps tomorrow, tomorrow); c) perspective perspective (emergence of new, positive parosts, so that you can hide in your pedagogical solutions). The positive or negative traits of the teacher's professionalism are based on special features such as a sub'kta of pedagogical performance, the specificity of an object, universalism and change of pedagogical performance.

In general, it means a substitution for the strategy of perspective, in the course of practice until it is one to work for one, as a result, an hour of work to achieve the desired result. Todi the teacher "to admit the evil of the system for the hvist": the scenarios are created, which makes the behavior of the learner: reflexive control of the field in the beginning of the most active pedagogical minds, I become active with the internal minds,

Mind the pedagogical skill to re-create in order to achieve optimal health, if it smells like: 1) to replace the pedagogical "stuffing" (for one's own sutta to take the pedagogical effect); 2) create friendly stimuli (external and internal) for the actualization of the creative potential of the specialty of education; 3) to become a support for the achievement of pedagogical goals (for which it is necessary to include a constructive aim, it is very helpful to know those who can hide in their activity on this stage of the visit); 4) latency, taking into account specific situations, becoming more responsive, "working" and really adding to the success of the educational experience, as the teacher in my back is close, like no one else is rosy. Otzhe, a psychologist can help the teacher find out such minds, especially latent, and vrahovuvati in concrete pedagogical activity.

Good guilty readers are not anonymous, faceless, but motherly manners and personal appointees until the beginning of the day. If the teacher does not want to virobit the individual style in his professional performance, then it is not possible to take the author's position in the educational process and space.

Infusing the pedagogical situation on the manifestation of the special qualities of the reader

Go to the analysis of the situation, smartly can be divided into two groups. As a matter of fact, until the first approach, the situation is a great number of minds, not to include the people themselves and not to lie down. One hundred percent to the reader, this means that the pedagogical situation is clear as it is, and it is not necessary to stick with her in your robot. As a matter of fact, before another approach, the situation includes both the new surroundings, and the people themselves, who pour their presence into the situation. Todi emerge, well, be it a pedagogical situation, it is the teacher himself (who is injected into the studies) and by the scientists (their reactions).

Apply a different manifestation of special powers in the presence of the changes in the social situation to talk about those who do not take the same behavior in different situations. More can be said, that all the victorious masks are for the young people: in the skinny people there are “a lot of specialties”. Some of the foreign laws of people's reaction to this situation did not come to a head, nor could they lead to an adequate rationalization of the specialness through the uniqueness of the individual. An alternative to the out-of-town law was the implantation of ideographic methods, based on the clear structure of the specialty and individual style.

An individual style of behavior is a price that cannot be described by traditional overhaul extravagant characteristics... Winning for all the versatility of the forms of turning. Voice, manner of trimatisya, handwriting, navit create a mystery to bear on their own unique beat-up. In order to ensure the uniqueness of the visualization, a system of specially designed situations of success is required. Situations and failures emerge spontaneously in the context of pedagogical activity.

The situation of success is more effective in learning, but not the situation of failure. I want to see the teachers of the house, that the praise is praise and the minute to remember and want the best success, to find the most modest, to stimulate the activity of the child. Moreover, such a priyom (here it is possible to introduce and priyom, the names of A.S. Makarenko "advance praise") are not only not inclusive, but only allowance. For the sake of it, first of all, to present a vimogi, demanding the wickedness of the one to whom the stench of the atrocities is, psychologically, it is necessary to educate it to the last day. Knowing in the specialness of the skin science is the strengths that you can and need to creep into, being a non-uniform professional skin teacher.

The situational style of the teacher's interaction and learning is characterized by three different types: situational (situational), operational, and central. Situational type is manifested in the fact that the student is taught as a teacher, as for the revision of the pedagogical staff. Style after type "rob those, how I'm roaring." The operational style is characterized by the principle of "rob it like that, like I am", so as to instill in the child of being able to build their own minds. Tsinnisna - tse style vzaamin u Zagalom viglyadі- there can be twists and turns like this: "people are the world of everything," so that they do not get primed only from the positions of their efficient budgeting, but from the positions of mutual interest in the plan of human activity.

Analysis of the situation of the field in the pre-conflict, the emergence of minds and the reasons that destroyed the situation of the problem; vivchenni situations in її reality (reasons for її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї components and functions). The analysis of the situation is guilty of including the analysis of the trends of real and promising changes. You can see the analysis of the situation as well-planned: systemic - elementary (fragmentary); cob - pidsumkovy. The scheme of pedagogical analysis is guilty of being nasty and adequate to the situation. In such a rank, the analysis of the pedagogical situation is not a glance at the way, which is connected to the pedagogical idea from the realization in the concrete minds of the pedagogical process.

Indeed, the role in the implementation of the idea of ​​the "law of the situation": the change in sub'active difficulties with the change in active folding. Itself sub'active mind you to start a change in the developed human situation. The friendliness of the situation is to turn the step, as if it were shown, as the situation was given, allowing the reader to take advantage of the pedagogical process.

The singing type of the situation is zumovlyuyut a specific style of behavior. For example, the behavior of an eleventh-grader at an extravagant lesson and sacred "Ostanniy Dzvonik". With the help of greater intelligence in the pedagogical situation on the manifestation of the special qualities of the teacher, one can discern the psychological phenomena described by Thorndike and Lado. According to the "Law of the Thorndike Effectiveness", there is a connection between the situation and the general reaction of growth, if the process of establishing a connection between them is supervised or changed by the camp. The reaction, how to end by accepting the inheritance, closes up, if you don’t accept the inheritance, it’s damaging or uniqueness ("The Law of Lado's Effectiveness"). The identification of the laws of the situation with the mark of preventing unwelcome inheritance is tied to the development of situations, such as the potential dangers of little correction of non-desired behavior, especially in the quiet situations of sacrifices, situations

Infusion of the specialness of the teacher into the pedagogical situation

Naybіlsh yaskravі, but I will show individual styles of pedagogical activity can be promoted by the educators-innovators, who do not go by the traditional ways, but abandon the realization of the whole scope of pedagogical functions. Stink as much as possible in the func- tion of your professional performance and the specialness of the pedagogical situation, which allows you to efficiently use your own special injection for the educational process.

V.F. Shatalov, who is aware of the clear, mathematically accurate directing of the target, having completed the structure of the organization of the initial process, spiraling on the schematic cycle and the assigned material (the system of reference signals).

Democratic; Shevchenko effectively vikoristovuvati in navchannі uchnіvske samovryadvannya, open up the creativity of schoolchildren.

Pre-Slidnitskiy Pidhid B.I. Degtyarova before organizing studies on the permanent basis of the specialization. I show you the best ways to start learning about rational education and development of your self-knowledge.

Straightforwardness on the formulation of humane interests of teachers and scholars formed the basis of the pedagogical system of F.G. Deaka, yaka Bula, has been successfully implemented through the principle of the role of schoolchildren in the organization of the initial process. You can also be called the creative mind of Sh.A. Amonashvili, G.G. Kravtsov, Є.P. Ilya, S.N. Lisenkov, I.P. Volkova and ін.

The cumulative effect of pedagogical inflow with a certain amount of special parameters, with some important functions of the activity, is strong, as long as it allows the knowledge that there are some shortcomings in the behavior of this particular function and does not emphasize the importance of respect. In a posed life, a similar phenomenon is called the "conic" of the reader, it is itself that it must become the core of its professional specialty.

Features of the individual style of pedagogical activity

In the course of the development of the current labor tips, the collapse of the teacher's specialness is brought about by the gatherings of professional majesty, a specific system of methods of visualization of efficiency is developed - to form an individualized pedagogical style.

The individual style of the reader is a system of yogo efficiency, її functions and іnrarchіchno budov and can be characterized by an offensive rank:

Characteristics of the changes: 1) the opinion of the reader is important: a) on the process of initiation, b) on the process and results of the initiation, c) on the results of the initiation; 2) adequacy - inadequacy of the plan for the initial-vikhovny process; 3) efficiency - conservativeness among victors in the way and in methods of pedagogical activity; 4) reflectiveness - intuitiveness.

Dynamic characteristics: 1) dullness - tradition; 2) impulsiveness - safety; 3) stiffness - non-stiffness in relation to the attitude to the smallest situation; 4) stably emotive-positively placed before scholars - nestiyke emoticon; 5) the appearance of a special anxiety - the appearance of a special anxiety; 6) in an unwelcoming ecological situation, the directness of the reflexion on oneself - the directness on the surroundings - the directness on the others.

Effective indicators: 1) uniformity - heterogeneity of the level of knowledge of scientists; 2) stability - instability in science; 3) high - middle -low rivn I am interested in the subject. From what was mentioned earlier, it is important to integrate the style of pedagogical activity. So, the individualization of the misery is based on the special features of the professional majesty of the sub'єkta of pedagogical practice.

See the styles of the reader

  • 1. Emotional-impromptu. Orієnuyuchis it is important for the process of navchannya, the driver is insufficiently adequate in terms of performance to the endurance results; for a lesson, win vidbiraє most tsikaviy material, mensch tsikaviy (hocha and important) is often required for independent robotic scientists, based mainly on strong scientists. The teacher's activity is highly efficient: at the lesson, it is often the case to see robots, to practice collective discussion. However, there is a wealth, an arsenal of victorious methods of modernization to be confronted with low methodology, lack of presentation of consolidation and repetition of initial material, control of knowledge of scientists. The teacher's skill is characterized by intuitiveness, advanced sensitiveness in the fallowness of the situation at the level, special anxiety, numbness and impulsiveness. According to the knowledge of such a teacher of trocha and penetration.
  • 2. Emotional-methodical. They focus on the result, as well as on the process, step by step through all the initial material, not missing the consolidation, repetition and control of the knowledge of science. The teacher's activity is highly operative, rather than re-emphasizing intuitiveness over reflexivity. The teacher is pragmatic for activating the scholars, not for the calling, but for the peculiarities of the subject itself. The teacher is sensitive to the change of the situation at the level, especially anxious, altogether and penetrating according to the relationship to scholars.
  • 3. Reasoning-empirical. For the reader, the characteristic orientation to the processes and the results of the work is adequate to the planning, the efficiency, the perception of the intuitiveness and the reflexivity. The teacher learns to be less guilty of the varied methods of starting, I don’t expect to see the high pace of the lesson, don’t wait for the vicarious collective discussion. But the teacher himself speaks less, especially for the hour of learning, vzhayuyu for beautifully pouring into the study by an indirect way, giving the opportunity to see in detail to draw up a view. Readers of the style are less sensitive to changes in the situation at the level, they have a demonstration of self-amity every day, they are characterized by protection, tradition.
  • 4. Reasoning and methodical. Focus on the results of the training and adequately plan the initial process, the teacher is conservative

in the victorian in the way of pedagogical activity. Visoka methodicalness is united with malim, a standard set of methods of modernization, an experience of reproductive efficiency of scientists, and a good deal of collective discussion. The teacher of the whole style is driven by reflexivity, little sensitiveness to changes in situations at the level, I am safe in my endeavors.

The problem of compensation and individual style of performance

The problem of compensation in a large number of cases is seen as a joke of the regularities of substitutability of one daily or a lack of promising professionally important quality, and the problem of individual style of health is as Considering the problem of compensation from the positions of the psychological system and activity, V.D. Shadrikov is unique, but not about professionally important qualities, not to compensate for one one, but mutually one with one, they set up an individual system of their own, as they appear in an individual way of doing something. Compensation is not replacing some qualities with ones, but replacing one method of performance with ones.

Congruent communication - tse such a communication, in every case, verbal and non-verbal, transferred values... Non-congruence - if that, in which words, that behavior is conveyed to the most verbose details. It is important to note the incongruence of the behavior of the spy agent, as well as his own power and ability to effectively react to the new one. Self-control in spilkuvannya є the necessary approach to prevent incongruence of commune and include such a vmіnnya: to reveal your problems in hundred-ssunka with people; Buuvati predicts the dynamics of the cycle; set goals, reaching the goal of resolving problems; to choose an adequate way to implement it in practice; viroblyati new, common situations, criteria for assessing the success of interaction with people; control of the process of vikonannya plans; in times of demand for a moral situation and a good response.

The moral situation is included in the procedure for moral decision in such a situation, as there is not enough information to take the decision and at the same hour to get the maximum speed in the transfer of any variant to vchinka. A deliberately akumulyuyuly moral admission of people, іntuїtsіya yak bi "substitute" in the daytime the possibility of protecting all the "for" and "against" as well as the skin s options in vchinku.

Psychological Mechanisms of Individual Style Spilkuvannya

From mechanisms to the style of pedagogical performance Rise of individual-type specialties of the social-psychological relationship of the teacher and the scientists. The style of spilkuvannya has viraz: a) special features of the reader's communal abilities; b) reaching the level of responsibility of the teacher and vikhovanets; c) creativity and individuality of the teacher; d) the peculiarities of the academic team (V.A.Kan-Kalik, 1979, p. 66). Psychological and pedagogical literature describes the developmental styles of professional pedagogical spilkuvannya. There is such a great number of stupefying urgency of learning and learning by the teacher of the powerful individual style of learning with the scholars.

  • 1. Naybіlsh pіdnim style.
  • 2. To provide a productive style of pedagogical performance on the basis of friendly development.
  • 3. We will expand the style of spilkuvannya-distance, who would like to admit teachers, as well as pohatkivtsi.
  • 4. Spilkuvannya-distance in its "pure viglyad" to the singing world є a transitional stage to such a negative form, like spilkuvannya-usunennya.
  • 5. There is no less negative role in the robotics with the scientists of the civil and socializing-foreign countries, as it is also associated with the unwitting organizations that are productively pedagogical.

Pre-session allows you to intelligently see the chotiri groups of the best kerivniks from the point of view of the intensity of their education with the scholars. Before the first group, you can bring quiet teachers, like education with scholars, surrounded by high-school frameworks for daily meals (about science, about discipline), and not shy away from being too close to education with praise (about life, etc.). To another group, you can turn on the best kerіvnikіv, as it is obvious to push to a close spіlkuvannya zі senior pupils, but this is not possible. It’s because of the simple reasons: for some - after an hour's failure, for others - through the unpretentiousness of the scientists to the next level of skill, so as the reader would rather take the pose of a mentor, for they do not want to take sympathy for those who won’t The third group is made up by teachers, who are assigned to senior pupils as a leader, reproach with good faith and sympathy, for other reasons; However, in quiet situations, if it’s difficult to learn, it’s up to the teachers, and the best way to get along. The fourth group is a group of gurus, who are constantly working together with the scholars, and moreover, they go beyond the framework of the regular mentorship of a teacher and become a great step of trust and intensity.

Into the formulation of an effective individual style of activity of the reader, I pour in different sub-active and public officials, as well as psychological mechanisms, Knowledge of which is an obov'yazkova mind for the manifestation and approval of the high pedagogical culture of the teacher as a sub'kta of pedagogical virtue. An effective style is the one, if the teacher constantly knows the optimal way of stimulating and activating the scientists, the pedagogical situation that is permissively permissible in the process of reaching the goal of learning. The singing algorithm of the cich is recognized in the self-organization and self-regulation of the professional behavior of the readers and characterizes the one who has the individual style of pedagogical performance, about which the vish said.

Priyomi protistoyannya manіpuluvannyu

Pedagogical activity is full of situations, in which manipulance is manifested on the side of the participants light process... How can the reader to behave, as if he was stuck with a human-"manipulator"?

The first for all the zvіlnititsya from the idea of ​​"duty" (according to A. Ellis): allow yourself to be yourself and see about your spіprosecutor: "I'm afraid, and re-evaluate my lack of impatience, it's a pity, I'm not ready to be robbed. By such a rank, a teacher can become an actualizer.

The actualizer of the life is the process of development, and the process of learning, or the failure of the thinking, philosophical, sporadically, as it’s time-consuming, it’s possible to analyze useful lessons for yourself. You may have a pardon, a little old to correct your pardons, ready to help you, if necessary, and an old-fashioned creative robot.

It is necessary to develop the tactics of the man-"manipulator"; write a message about her food; Put on the basis of reason and legitimacy of such tactics, that is, discuss it. Iakshcho "manipulator" to hide with virases of the type: "So, tse, zychayno, even tsikavo", at that hour, as a matter of fact, I do not see an insignificant interest, that is, if you need to be stuck with a priyom, you will be allowed to put a "non-handler" “I don’t believe you”.

It is important to note the namiri, the goals and the "manipulator". Mozhlvo, the "manipulator" bazhaє shifting his attitude to the teacher. Dozіlno z'yasuvati, for what a slack, he wants to sinister his victim. Even more often, our guides give us "I am a servant." For example, if it seems to the reader that it is good lyudin To that, we can wait a little longer and see it through.

Corinthy mother is a firm position, it’s self-centered, but self-sufficient, self-sufficient people, who are self-reliant, persistent problems. Internally, the specialness is brought into being - the whole specialty is given by a mental compass (which can be set up and launched, or people who are close to children). Such a compass is constantly conceived for change in the presence of new authorities.

Against the manipulation of the skin of a person, it is self-dependently viral for oneself, the counter-approach to the urge of one's own individuality. It is possible to critically display the proponated lower priyomy and construct the power.

Ask the opponent of the Viklast for the same, altogether positively.

"Show, explain to me who is right."

Skip the deeds of fortune-telling.

Poshuk accepting prototype manipuluvannyu є to the communal creativity, to the shame and knowledge of the teacher of new buildings and methods of interaction with the scholars. For all the necessary advances in the community:

1) vmіnnya shvidko and correctly describe in the minds of spіlkuvannya; 2) vmіnnya correctly to plan your prom, correctly vibrate to the act of spіlkuvannya; 3) the knowledge of adequate skills for the transmission of the zmist; 4) security Zvorotn_y zv'yazyk... In the destruction of Lanok, it is more important to achieve good results. Wono be ineffective.

The structure of the situation means changing the situation according to its needs and goals. In the pedagogy, the teacher is actively involved in the position, which has been completed, and its re-implementation according to the pedagogical goals.

Pedagogical management of the transfer of an object to a vikhovannya is a study in a sub'kt samovikhovannya. With this, the teacher gradually includes in the process of revising the teaching staff of the academics themselves, moreover, the position of the teacher can be "prikhovanoi", and the children are middling, so go through the team. The methods and methods are important here, so that you can correct a positive result, you need to think about how to take advantage of the results. The stink of the attacker: 1) the people are guilty of being responsible for the fact that they can be tricked by people who are guilty for them; 2) Nicholas do not go to the people, I think, in a new way more nasty, less good; 3) spіlkuvannya, hundreds of people who are guilty of being active, guilty are not only in words, in spillover put to action, but in real action; 4) next, the person zumіla correctly open the text of the behavior of the person, so that the one who wants to tell his behavior.

The function of the situational analysis in the context of management - the development of the pedagogical sense of the situation; The designation of opportunities for the development and development of the pedagogical sense of the situation for the purpose of sanctity (education and science). Otzhe, the situational analysis will become the basis for the psychologically competent analysis of the participants in the pedagogical relations.

Power supply and power supply

  • 1. An individual style of pedagogical performance є a strong or situational psychological phenomenon?
  • 2. What kind of ideas about those who, according to the type of temperament, have an individual style of performance?
  • 3. In what situations is it possible to manifest the individual style of pedagogical performance?
  • 4. Who has the basic ideas of the individual pedagogical style from the individual approach to the student?
  • 5. What special features in the popular view and in the manner of the reader's behavior can be the information about this individual style of pedagogical performance? Hover butt.
  • 6. What kind of mobile and individual style of pedagogical performance in the minds of multimedia professionals?
  • 7. Sposter on the teachers, because of the specific difficulties, as they have in the robot, and the specificity of the individual style, which is focused on the most difficult times.
  • 8. Demonstrate the role of the situation of success / failure in the self-development of the specificity of the state of affairs in the developmental systems.
  • 9. Establish, as a rank, an individual style of robbing positive and negative influx on the viconuvana pedagogical activity.
  • 10. To see psychological mechanisms, how to inject success / failure into the self-development of specialness into the situation.
  • 11. To identify the system of receiving the status of the situation of success and the improvement of situations of failure (draw up a scheme).
  • 12. Look at the peculiarities of the teacher's opinion with the scholars in the everyday life situations: at the level, with the new material, in the madness with the class, with the individual revision of the knowledge of the scholars and the assessment

plan for the seminar

"Psychology to the style of pedagogical activity"

  • 1. Psychological features of the individual style of pedagogical activity.
  • 2. Infusing the style of pedagogical performance into the effectiveness of the initial performance.
  • 3. Peculiarities of education and assessment by a reader of situations in which the style of pedagogical performance is most likely to be manifested.
  • 4. Infusing the style of pedagogical socializing into the community culture missocials in the collective of scholars.

Basic literature

  • 1. Kan-Kalik V. A. Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical sports. Grozny, 1979.
  • 2. Kashapov MM Psychological foundations of the development of a pedagogical situation: Textbook. posibnik. Yaroslavl, 1992.
  • 3. Klimov E.L. Individual style of doing business. Kazan, 1969.
  • 4. N. V. Klyuva Psychological safety of pedagogical activity (technology of a psychologist's robot with teachers). Yaroslavl, 1998 ..
  • 5. Markova A.K., Nikonova A.L. Psychological peculiarities of the teacher's individuality to the individual style // Nutrition of psychology. 1987. No. 5.
  • 6. Merlin B.C. Drawing of the Integral Diligence of Individuals. M., 1977.
  • 7. Мітіна JI.M. Psychology of professional development of a teacher. M., 1998.
  • 8. Shadrikov DB. Goodness and health. M., 1994.
  • 9. Shadrikova І A. The role of pedagogical assessment among the professional teacher. Textbook. posibnik for stud. IV-V courses M., 1992.

Dodatkova Literature

  • 10. Bulkin AS. Success situation. Yak її open. M., 1991.
  • 11. Grimak L.P. Spіlkuvannya with you. M., 1991.
  • 12. Klimov EA. Individual style of activity in the presence of typological powers of the nervous system. Kazan, 1969.
  • 13. Merlin B.C. Lectures on the psychology of motives of people. M., 1991.
  • 14. Glasser W. Schools without nevdah. Per. from English Perm, 1972.
  • 15. Mitina L. Psychological aspects of the teacher. Tula, 1991.
  • 16. Orlov Yu.M. Convergence to individuality: A book for a teacher. M., 1991.
  • 17. Rogov A.I. The specialty of the reader: theory and practice. Rostov n / a, 1996 ..
  • 18. Shchurkova N.E. that in. New technologies of the civilian process.

Pedagogical skills, like і be-like іnsha, are characterized by the singing style of vikonannya. In the zealous sense of the understanding, the "style" is based on respect for the manifestation of what has become of the system and ways and for the acceptance of the development of activity.

The system is є stable rice, which appears in the minds of children, with those who are brought to visonuvati given the power. Those vikonannya style itself is formed at the sub'єkta of іyalnosti, amalgamated in the first place with individual and psychological features - the type of temperament, rice character, we will evolve the development of professional health and іn.

It is well-known to E. A. Klimov's designation that the style of performance in a completely psychological sense is “amalgamated with typological peculiarities of the style system of methods, how to develop among the people, but not until the most beautiful health of the given system of independent ... people spontaneously come out with the help of the most beautiful visualization of their typological understanding of individuality with the subject-minded minds of intelligence. " The price is especially suitable for the chair, so that the most beautiful performance can be reached by the manufacturer of an individual way of obtaining and using methods.

The skin has grown up as a human being, by the way of a pedagogical profession, at the time of the creation of a choice, and in what way was formulated by its own individual features. The individual qualities of a teacher in any kind of guilt of guilty of giving foreign psychological help to the given profession.

In addition, in pedagogical activity, it is possible to be treated as a type of profession " lyudin-lyudin", In the general order, it is necessary to provide psychological specialties to the side - scientists. For example, the style of robotics and education with the scholars of the cob class as well as the middle class, so the posture of it will be similar to the style of education, for example, the teachers of chemistry are very good

At his own school, the school’s victories in the style of performance will be meaningfully seen from the school teacher, including the same discipline.

In such a rank, the individual style of pedagogical performance is infused with three main officials:

1) individual-psychological specialties of the sub'єkta of social activity, including individual-typological, special and behavioral;

2) psychological peculiarities of self-activity;

3) specialties of scholars (vik, become, status, level of knowledge, etc.).

The main areas of manifestation of the individual style of pedagogical activity are:

Temperament (hour and speed of reaction, individual pace of the robot, emotional responsiveness);

The nature of the reaction to these pedagogical situations, as well as to the development of the educational institutions;

Vibir methods of navchannya;

Vibir zasobiv vikhovannya;

The style of pedagogical performance;

Zasosuvannya zasobіv psycho-pedagogical pouring in on uznіv, including the overwhelming of quiet kinds of zaokhochen and punishment.

It is necessary to realize that the formulation by the skin teacher of an individual style of efficiency is imposed on the natural environment for the vicariousness of someone else's pedagogical awareness, to invite the most advanced. It is important for the teacher to remember that the advanced knowledge is practically independent of the specialness of the author, and is a kind of extraordinary pedagogical knowledge and individuality of the pedagogue, the result of a quiet, direct copying of the teacher. The teacher with a large set of individual rice also has the most ways and means to achieve healthier performance, which is more important than involvement, and it is far from waiting for it to be far away.

The stench may simply not go well for the specialty and individuality, and if there is more pressure for his involvement, then he will reduce his efficiency. Advanced pedagogical advice is required not just to copy, but rather to think creatively: if we’re able to do it in a new way, the teacher is guilty of being guilty of being guilty of being self-conscious, that is, E. based on the assumption of advanced pedagogical advice.

Classification of styles of pedagogical activity in the presence of character.

Naybіlsh more vigorously disclosed about the style of pedagogical activity has been proponated by A.K. Markova.

According to the classification of styles of performance in this type of steel:

b) the level of representation of the operational and control and assessment stages at the pratsi;

c) dynamic characteristics (flexibility, stability, switching and in.);

d) efficiency (level of knowledge and knowledge of scientists, їх interest in the subject).

On the basis of the bullet of vision chotiri types of individual styles of the reader's performance (Table 5).

Table 5

teacher s emotive-impromptu style (EIC) See the representatives of the other styles in a different way to the process of starting. It’s logical and logical to explain the new material, but it’s possible to get it on with the help of the powerful explanations, but it’s going to make a sound with the scholars, without needing to talk about it and clarify it, because of the sound of yogi stench. After an hour, such a teacher grows up to a great number of scholars, and sometimes to strong ones, a little more in line with the pace of robotics and the day-to-day ability to be intelligent, inevitably to come to a day when there are weak scholars

The experience should be carried out at a fast pace, and it is often not possible to show the patience, if the scientists formulate the results independently. For the EIC teacher, it is not entirely adequate to plan the initial process: for the introduction at the level of wine, select the most important material, but for the less important, I want it to be important, we can use it for self-learning. Oskіlki smut in the class for such a teacher - interest and versatility, in its capacity there is a lack of presentation of consolidation and repetition of initial material, control of knowledge of scientists.

The main advantages of the emotive-impromptu style are the efficiency, the victoriousness of the great number of innovative methods of modernization. A teacher with a cim style often practices collective discussion, stimulates spontaneous learning about how to get involved, how to smell it, bit by bit, and call not overwhelm you yourself. All the peculiarities of the EIC reflect the obvious revaluation of intuitiveness over reflexivity, so that in the frequent unawareness of the reader, it turns out to analyze the effectiveness of one's own activity at the level.

For the reader emotive-methodical style (EMC) characteristic of the organization in the world of the process and the result of navchannya. Win an adequately planned initial process, step by step through all the initial material, respectfully follow the knowledge of all scientists - both the strong and the weak. Such a teacher is quickened by the efficiency, often changes in vision and robustness, practice of collective negotiation. After an hour of living, you will be able to hunt for the maximum number of scholars, often given an individualized experience. At the same time, in its capacity, there is a constant presence of consolidation and repetition of the initial material, control of knowledge of scientists.

Thus, in the opinion of the teacher from the EIC, the teacher from the EMC pragmatically activates the students not by the name of the development, but rather by the special features of the subject itself, which are very important in the case of a wide range of arsenal of methodical prizes. The analysis of the results in his own performance by such a teacher is more accurate, not at the teacher's level of EIC;

teacher s Reasoning-empirical style (PIC) one organization for the initial process and results, adequate to the planned initial process. In the case of the teachers of the modern styles of wine, they show less wine in the preparation and variation of methods, do not depend on the high tempo of the robot, before the practice of collective discussion, which was learned spontaneously

However, for an hour such a teacher of skin (like a strong one, so a weak one) gives you the opportunity to draw up a view in detail and say it yourself when you’re less important, vazayuyu for beautifully pouring on the science in an indirect way: through a story, learn direct suggestions.

With the explanation of the new material for the teacher from the PIC, the mind is the vision of the basic nutrition and logicality of the viklast, with an emphasis on the basic structures and causal links. Same tse є in yogo eyes I am interested in the material of scholars. The teacher from the PIC is permanently fixed, repeating and monitoring the knowledge of scholars. In his capacity, it is possible to help the deyak excel in reflexivity over intuition, so that he allows him to adequately analyze the effectiveness of his work, rather than intertwine the possibilities of spontaneous behavior at the level.

teacher s Reasoning Methodical Style (RMS) orientation is important for the results of the initial process and is adequate to the planned initial process. Among the representatives of the other styles of learning, the conservativeness in the practice of learning and methods of pedagogical performance is as follows:

In the process of living, the teacher from the PMC grows up to a small number of scientists, giving a skinny hour to see it, at which it is especially respectful to come to weak scientists. Gradually and systematically vikoristovyutsya consolidation and repetition of the initial material, control of knowledge of scholars. The visitor with the PMC is characterized by the tempo of the steps of reflexivity, so the reader is best to conduct an analysis of his own performance.

The development of cich chotiroh types is visualized in the styles of management, intelligence, behavior and cognitive styles of the teacher.

Styles of curriculum by the team in the teacher's work.

Pedagogical competence is tied in the first place to the management and technical competence of scientists, so it is absolutely impossible to respect the rightful vicarious classifications of the styles of the capitalism of K. There are three styles of philosophy: authoritarian, democratic and liberal-conniving. Yak pіdkreslyuє GM Andrєєva, the specificity of the skin s cykh styles are twisted in the type of accepted solution by the kerіvnik.

When Vikoristan authoritarian For the style of the core team, please, in the group, all the general public is planning to use a special core code. We are sobering that we are not going to be naked for the given moment of the day, the first thought is the initial one. Spіlkuvannya with the team is seen in the form of short razorizhennye, in a bossy tone. Kerіvnik doesn’t care about the need to set up his point of view, his order and fence. It’s so good for the respect of the community and for the members of the collective, its praise and condemnation of sub'active and not supported by any arguments. The internal psychological position of such a leader is not in the middle of the group, but above it.

For a teacher with an authoritarian style, the student is not a partner in spilkuvannyu, but an ob'yk in pouring. The teacher uniaxially accepts the decision, establishes strict control over the visibility of his vimogs, vikorystvuyu their rights without respecting the situation and thinking of scientists, not being concerned about the need to explain and argumentation of your child. During the last few years of learning, I’ve lost activity, I’ve seen the teacher’s self-assessment in my lessons, it’s a lot to decrease: the stench doesn’t last until the end of the day in my knowledge of them, but in the meantime

They were able to direct the scientists to the psychology of selflessness, and not to the mastery of knowledge and their development. Visitors with an authoritarian style of scholarship are often afraid and far from eager to cheer. The main methods of pouring such a teacher into the sciences are instructions, orders, notes. For teachers with an authoritarian style, low satisfaction with their profession is characteristic.

kerivnik z democratic with style, the whole team is screwed up to accept important group decisions, and the skin member of the group has the right to promote his ideas and discuss them as well. For the implementation of the adopted decision, everything is considered. Dumka group є the main factor in the acceptance by the clerk of this decision, ale take the decision before the visit obov'yazkovo. Kerivnik at all does not order, but promotes and raises, vikoristovuchi comradely. Praise and condemnation from one side is supported by arguments and joy, all the fence will be rimmed. Psychologically, such a leader sees himself as a member of the group, borrowing the position of all the middle of it.

A teacher with a democratic style of looking at learning as an equal partner in spilkuvanni. Winning scholars before accepting decisions, wishing to think about it, wanting to be independent, learning not only for success, but for special quality... As a result, at the lessons of such a teacher, schoolchildren often see the camp of contentment, peace of mind, and high self-assessment(Find weak scholars). Vchitelіv with a democratic style beckon to povazhayut and not to be afraid. In the quality of the methods, I pour in the stench of vikoristovuyt sponukannya, glad, prohannya. For such readers, satisfaction with their profession is characteristic.

at liberal-conniving Kerivnik styles are practically not vicarious in the possibilities of their kerivny plant, they are unique in giving direct prompts. I will carry out a role in the collective of informal leaders, it is themselves that I will lay down the plan of group certificates, the official certificate of the visitor if there are representative functions. In spіlkuvannі with pіdleglіmi in thіntonations we see baiduzhіst, praise and condemnation practically everywhere. Such a leader, psychologically, borrows the position "uncomfortable aside" from a group.

A teacher with a suitable style is important to accept independent solutionі encourage the transfer of the initiative to scholars and colleagues. The organization and control of the efficiency of scientists is not systematic, it is often irresponsible and confused. I can see it, I can fix it in a weakness and fix it in a new vice. A class with such a teacher fosters an unstable psychological climate, a vicious confusion, which is not in a state of virtue on its own due to lack of intellectual special maturity, And the teacher does not get involved in the revision of the number of conflicts.

You should be encouraged not to be afraid of such readers, not to be fond of. Straightening the inflow to the ukhn_v they have practically every day. Satisfaction with the profession among the readers with a liberal-conniving style, as a rule, is low, most often people in pedagogical activity are attracted to them, and the stench in them will not get caught.