Psychology of out-of-town health. Druzhinin V.N. Volodymyr Druzhinin - psychology of out-of-home health


Psychology of out-of-town health.

Peredmov until the third time

We can take into account the fact that the main difficulties in the development of health benefits are due to the fact that health benefits are significant. On a living, pre-scientific level, the wisdom of health, I would have, is not difficult. However, over the scientific development of the problem of health in such a world, there are heavy thoughts, which were formed in the previous period. More than in the hours of Aristotle and the middle school scholasticism, there was a glimpse of the deyaky prikhovanie "yakosti", "strength", "daytime" and the like.

First, in 1923, Edward Claparede, professor of the Geneva University, tried the dates of health care, because of the foldability of the staff and physical power individa, yaku taken pid kut zoru yogo practical sucking(Realization) ", then after 20 years the Radiansky psychologist BM Teplov wrote:" I do not allow the theory of being gifted, I don’t allow the theory of being gifted, as I don’t allow the hypothesis of those who are good but such a theory. In Denmark, the hour is not yet good. Moreover, if you try to put together theories, or hypotheses about the nature of being gifted, at the same time, the reserves of positive knowledge, which are at once volodya, shkidlivi. The general theory is to blame for the result of the great robotics on the basis of concrete facts and private laws. In the prelude to the giftedness of Radianska Psychology, only a few attacks before, and the scientifically refined material, like my volodya, as long as it is not great. "

The first Vidomy Radiansky psychologist S. L. Rubinstein wrote at the very same hour: “Hello ... in the arsenal ... mental processes... Tom is happy science psychology has grown in the meaningful world in the struggle against the psychology of health ... Vazhayuyu on the price, the first time to introduce the understanding of "health" into the system of psychological science, it is also necessary to raise awareness of the right wolf. "

The monograph by V.N. the initial plan zagalno-sacred school»I was published in 1995. I saw a couple of times and gave the best assessment both from the side of the academic community, as well as from the side of practical educational institutions.

The book is to take revenge on unique material for the occasional vislov of the main approaches to the development of out-of-the-box intellectual health with great author's interpretation and assessment. The author of the theoretical and experimental-diagnostic approach to the day-to-day and structure of intelligence, creativity and diagnostics, development creative health.

The book is written and written in a clear and scientific way, describing the modern instrumental diagnostics, intelligence and creativity that would be correct for everyone who wants to be psychologically.

Doctor of Psychology, Professor,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education V.D.Shadrikov

April, 2006

The book is based on a course of lectures, which I read at the Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow School of Management. Lomonosov and faculties cobs LNA.

However, I didn’t mind popularizing, explained by "aziv" and T. D. The book is given - a part of uninterrupted dialogue between members of the professional spirit. It is mainly written for faculty psychologists and for 4-5 year students. I have tried to rule the facts, giving in to theoretical interpretations in the world of need. Dotrimana tsya mira - judge the chitachev.

Іnuvannya and development of psychology of health as a scientific direct psychology of vitality in the Radiansky period of crops in Pershuvaya Cherga B.M. Teplov and his school. It is impossible not to see the admiration of the glimpses of the glimpses, the wealth of factual results and methodical wizards.

Another name is the name of K. K. Platonov, whose book "Problems of Health" for the last hour has become the headline standard for victories and psychology practitioners. I want K.K. Platonov to be a popularizer in the big world, a theoretician, and in a big world a practitioner, an experimenter and a methodologist (who started out on the basis of this monograph), the role of psychological robotics in the development of great.

U 60-70-ti rocky before the robot in the field of psychology of health, it was divided into a number of private areas: the development of mathematical, mental, literary and other health. A link to the tsim of the road to ask about V.D.Shadrikov. The viznyana psychology of goiters is due to the low level of pre-existing programs in the field of professional and out-of-town health, and smarter - to the innovations of robotics from understanding the theoretical foundations of the psychology of out-of-home health.

It is possible to name more than a dozen of Russian preliminaries, as they made their contributions to the roster of problems of psychology and psychodiagnostics of health. Chastkovo price is broken in the bottom. Author, whose robots I vipadkovo, because through not knowing not guessing, I am encouraged to vibrate me.

The book is assigned, as in the name of the title, to the problems of psychology and psychodiagnostics of mental health, to that, in this period of time, there is a lack of awareness and distribution in the field of psychology of special health, the psychology of professional health, and so on. Practically, without delving into the visibility of the new problem. The author is not fakhіvets in the whole region, albeit pratsі vіtchiznyh and foreign pedagogical psychіvіy to get the latest information.

The author of postgraduate students and sportsmen in the laboratory of health psychology, the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, whose presenters gave material for the book: E.G. Aliev, A.N. Voronin, T.V. Galkin, N.M. Gnatko, E. Yu. Samsonova, N. ... V. Khaz-tv, L. G. Khusnutdinova, A. E. Chernin, F. M. Yusupova.

I especially want to help AB Barsukov and EV Tolokonnikov for help in preparing the manuscript.

It is now natural for the Russian brewed commercial motivation, before the preparation of another vision, the offensive of the world has pushed me forward. In the first place, part of the material is inevitably old and the need for additional improvement, new interpretations, etc. By the way, the last 5-6 years by psychologists (both in our country, and beyond the cordon), take the new results in the field of psychology of health. She actively worked in a straight line and was the author of a series of books on laboratory psychology of health at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In addition, they submitted to the light of the fundamental monographs by V.D.Shadrikov, V.S. Yurkevich, E.A. Golubova, M.A. B. Epiphany, which complement and polemicize bit by bit against the proponated your respect of the book.

In a different way, I lost my critical appreciation, grasped by my colleagues, and corrected it into the text, and a number of chapters have been rewritten and updated with new material. I have also made a number of unjustifiably categorical assessments and visnovs, as they are present in the text of the first vision: tolerance, unfortunately, is deprived of rock.

In 1996, the Academy of Sciences published the book "Psychodiagnostics of Outlying Zdibnosti", which is a speed (about one third) version of the first version of Psychology Outlying Zdibnosti. To take revenge on those shortcomings, about which I have already written vishche.

In this view, there are several changes and additional parts, assigned to psychometrics, intelligence, models of intelligence, theories of creativity, development of out-of-the-way health. Greater details of the concept of the structure of home buildings and their development. The robot has included materials for new educational specialists and graduate students of IPRA.

I am in a vyachny view "Peter" for the request before the meeting. It is an honor to be seen in the series "Maystri Psychology", as it does not match my current scientific achievements. More importantly, I think about the importance of scientific problems, as I am due to the power of the will and due to the circumstances I am engaged in.

Chapter 1 Problems of Health Psychology

History of health care and development of problems of psychology of health

The meta of this book is a viklad of the theoretical foundations of the psychology of the out-of-the-way health of people (intelligence, building up to the present, creativity). They analyze most of the views and inputs to models of the intellect (R. Cattell, C. Spirman, L. Thurstone, D. Wexler, J. Gilford, G. Eysenck, E. P. Torrance and others), Experiments in the field of advancing out-of-home health, describe the current instrumental psychodiagnostics, intelligence and creativity. Original methodical outlets Kerovano is the author of a laboratory at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is maddening to screw up the informative intensity, correctness of the Wiklade, the integrity of the author's scientific position to the whole book of respect for everyone who is interested in psychology, pedagogy, sociology.

Global Intelligent Health.
The term "Intellect", krym svogo scientific significance(Yake, the skin theorist has his own), like an old cruiser with turtles, formed without the help of the common people and popularized tlumachen. The referral of the authors, as in this world of the subject, took up more than one hundred pages. Tom will be able to short look and the most acceptable interpretation of the understanding by the understanding "Intellect".

The main criteria for the vision of the intellect as an independent reality and function in the regulation of behavior. If we talk about intelligence as a deyakoi zdatnosti, then in the first place it spirals on yogo adaptation value for people and food creatures. Intellect, yak vvazhav V. Stern, є the deyak zhalnіst zdatnіst pristosuvannya to new living minds. An adherent act (according to Stern) is the process of living a life created by a child who has been helped by an explicit ("mental") equivalent of an object, by which he is "in mind" (or, according to Ya. A. дії "). The directors of the whole solution to the problem and the sub'єkt is ok here and now without any specific behavioral samples, right and one-time: probes, reconversion of hypotheses to go to the "inner plan of the project".

Peredmova until the third day 3
Author's view 5
Author's view 7
History of health care and development of health psychology issues 9
Problems of out-of-town buildings (intelligence, building before the beginning, creativity) 14
Literature 17
Factor models for intelligence 25
Model Ch. Spirmen 26
L. Thurstone Model 29
J. Gilford's model 30
Model R.B. Kettell 31
Іnshi іnrarchіchnі models (S. Barth, D. Veksler, F. Virnoyu, L. Humphreys) 35
Monometric pidhid 37
Cognitive models for Intellect 41
R. Sternberg Model 42
Інші cognitive models 47
M.A.Kholodnoi's concept of mental awareness 49
literature 54
Psychometric respect 56
J. Raven's progressive matrices 63
D. Wechsler test 66
Test Strukturi Intellect 77
literature 84
Psychogenetics of outlying health 85
Injection of the middle to the Internet connection 98
Development of intellectual and special
wonderful health stretching life 106
software literature
Psychophysiology to Intellect 112
Model A. N. Lebedova 115
Functional asymmetry of the brain and health 117
Russian School of Differential Psychophysiology 122
Healthy women and people 125
Specialty and Intellect 131
Literature 138
Special theories of specialties and statements about intelligence 140
Doslіdzhennya zvichnykh announcement about health 144
Psychosemantic model of health representation in witness 149
literature 156
Creativity and performance 158
The problem of building up to creativity.
Concept of reduction of creativity to Intellect 170
Creative excellence і її living shlyakh 173
Creativity and diagnostics 185
J. Gilford and E.P. Torrance's concept of creativity 185
Concept by M. Vollach and N. Kogan 190
Concept by S. midnik 193
"Theory of investment" by R. Sternberg 198
Pidkhid V. N. Druzhinina і N. V. Khazratova 201
literature 210
Psychogenetics of creativity 213
Forming creativity and building up to date 219
Learn, creativity and intellectual 241
literature 244
Zagalny Intelligence and School Success 247
Zagalny Intellect i professional activity 250
Zagalny intelligence and creativity 252
"Same model" 254
The structure of the outbound intellectu. Impl_kat_vnoy model 257
Chotirivimirna model 261
The prevalence of initial success from the development of okremikh
smart buildings 264
literature 266
Diagnostics of the structure of the intellect (R. Amthauer's test) 278
Diagnostics of non-verbal creativity (short version of the Torrance test) 283
Diagnostics of mathematical intelligence (test of mathematical analogies) 312
Diagnostics of verbal creativity
(Adaptation to the test of S. mednik - adult and large varieties) 324
Basic terms 349.

Psychology of out-of-town health. Druzhinin V.N.

3rd ed. - SPb.: 2007 .-- 368 p.

The meta of this book is a wiklade of the theoretical foundations of the psychology of the out-of-the-way health of people (intellect, building up to the present, creativity). They analyze most of the data from the models to the intellect (R. Kettella, C. Spearman, L. Turstone, D. Wexler, J. Gilford, G. Eysenck, E. P. Torrance and others), Experiments in the field of advancing out-of-home health, describe the current instrumental psychodiagnostics, intelligence and creativity.

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Zavantazhiti: Rghost

Peredmova until the third day 3
Author's view 5
Author's view 7
History of health care and development ... 9
Problems of out-of-town buildings (intelligence, building before the beginning, creativity) 14
Literature 17
Factor models for intelligence 25
Model Ch. Spirmen 26
L. Thurstone Model 29
J. Gilford's model 30
Model R.B. Kettell 31
Інші ієрахічні models
(S. Barth, D. Wexler, F. Virnoyu, L. Humphreys) 35
Monometric pidhid 37
Cognitive models for Intellect 41
R. Sternberg Model 42
Інші cognitive models 47
M.A.Kholodnoi's concept of mental awareness 49
literature 54
Psychometric respect 56
J. Raven's progressive matrices 63
D. Wechsler test 66
Test Strukturi Intellect 77
literature 84
Psychogenetics of outlying health 85
Injection of the middle to the Internet connection 98
Development of intellectual and special
of wonderful health with a stretch of life 106
software literature
Psychophysiology to Intellect 112
Model A. N. Lebedova 115
Functional asymmetry of the brain and health 117
Russian School of Differential Psychophysiology 122
Healthy women and people 125
Specialty and Intellect 131
Literature 138
Special theories of specialties and statements about intelligence 140
Doslіdzhennya zvichnykh announcement about health 144
Psychosemantic model of health representation in witness 149
literature 156
Creativity and performance 158
The problem of building up to creativity.
Concept of reduction of creativity to Intellect 170
Creative specialty and life of life 173
Creativity and diagnostics 185
J. Gilford and E.P. Torrance's concept of creativity 185
Concept by M. Vollach and N. Kogan 190
Concept by S. midnik 193
"Theory of investment" by R. Sternberg 198
Pidkhid V. N. Druzhinina і N. V. Khazratova 201
literature 210
Psychogenetics of creativity 213
Forming creativity and building up to date 219
Learn, creativity and intellectual 241
literature 244
Zagalny Intelligence and School Success 247
Zagalny intelligence and professional performance 250
Zagalny intelligence and creativity 252
"Same model" 254
The structure of the outbound intellectu. Impl_kat_vnoy model 257
Chotirivimirna model 261
The prevalence of initial success from the development of okremikh
smart buildings 264
Literature. 266
Diagnostics of the structure of the intellect (R. Amthauer's test) 278
Diagnostics of non-verbal creativity (short version of the Torrance test) 283
Diagnostics of mathematical intelligence (test of mathematical analogies) 312
Diagnostics of verbal creativity
(Adaptation to the test of S. mednik - adult and large varieties) 324
Basic terms 349

The monograph contains the results of recent and foreign psychologists in the field of psychology of foreign educational health (intelligence, creativity, health until the beginning). It is to be guided by the tribute, recognized by the author and by the spartists in the course of the development of health, the development of structures, as well as during the development of psychodiagnostic techniques. Particular respect has been given to the problems of social intelligence and creative health. The book is designated for psychologists, pedagogues of philosophers and other faculty in the field of humanities.


At the heart of the book is a course of lectures, which the author read at the Faculty of Psychology of the MDU IM. Lomonosov and the faculty of cob classes of the MPDU. Spіlkuvannya with hearsayers, except for the fact that they are in the order of the most powerful thoughts, є an incentive before writing the text: it is easier to tell the student to see the different sides, not to tell them about the inevitable singing.

However, I am unique in the material of the position “from top to bottom”, and I also don’t think about popularizing, explaining terminology, “aziv,” etc. It’s clear that it’s easy to read, to read it, which is already volodin’s professional talk, and is always more productive. Book, I want a monologue in form letter writing, - a part of the uninterrupted dialogue between the members of the professional spirit. Otzhe - the book was written for the fakhivts - psychologists. I will try the viclast in the main facts, giving in to the most powerful theoretical interpretation of what is needed in the world. Dotrimana tsya mira - judge the chitachev. I want to vibrate for the ubiquity of the Wiklade: won the Wiklikan for sub-active reasons (it is important to know the meaning of the links between the young shmats of information), so that they are active - the obvious incomprehension of our knowledge about mental health.

The development of the psychology of health as a scientific one in the radian period of the life of the vital psychology of crops, in Pershu Cherga, B. M. Teplov and his school.

Peredmov until the first time .............................................. ........................ 3

Peredmov to another vidannya .............................................. ...................... 5

Chapter 1. PROBLEMS OF PSYCHOLOGISTS OF ABILITIES .................................. 7

History of doslіdzhen and development of problems of psychology of health. 7 Problems of out-of-town buildings (intellect, pre-new building, creativity) ... 12

Literature ................................................. .................................................. ... 15

Chapter 2. LEGAL INTELLECTUAL ZDIBNOSTI .............................. 16

Factor models for intelligence ............................................... ........................ 23

Model Ch. Spirmen .............................................. ......................................... 24

L. Thurstone's model .............................................. ......................................... 27

J. Gilford's model .............................................. ....................................... 28

Model by R.B. Kettell ............................................ ......................................... 29

Inshi іnrarchіchnі models (S. Barth, D. Veksler, F. Virnoyu, L. Humphreys) ... 33

Monometric pidhid ................................................ ............................... 35

Cognitive models for intelligence ............................................... ..................... 39

R. Sternberg's model .............................................. ....................................... 40

Інші cognitive models ............................................... ............................ 45

The concept of mental awareness of M.A.Kholodnoi .......................................... .. 47

Literature ................................................. .................................................. ... 52

Chapter 3. DIAGNOSTICS INTELEKTU ............................................. ...... 54

Psychometric respect ................................................ ......................... 54

J. Raven's progressive matrices ............................................. ................ 61

D. Wechsler's test .............................................. ............................................... 64

Test structure for Intellect ............................................... .......................... 75

Literature ................................................. .................................................. ... 82

Chapter 4. ROSVITOK INTELEKTU ............................................. ........................ 83

Psychogenetics of outlying health ............................................... ................ 83

Injection of the middle to the Intellect branch ............................................. ........... 96

Development of intelligence and special educational health by extending life ......................................... 104

Literature ................................................. .................................................. ... 108

Chapter 5. INTELLECT IN THE STRUCTURE OF PSYCHIC ........................................... .. 110

Psychophysiology to Intellect ................................................ ....................... 110

A. N. Lebedev's model ............................................ ...................................... 113

Functional asymmetry of the brain and health ..................... 115

Russian School of Differential Psychophysiology ............................ 120

Healthy women and men .............................................. ............... 123

Specialty and Intellect ............................................... .................................... 129

Literature ................................................. .................................................. ... 136


The great theory of specialness and the declaration of intelligence .................... 138

Past health announcements ........................... 142

Psychosemantic model of health representation in witness ..... 147

Literature ................................................. .................................................. ... 154

Chapter 7. ZAGALNI CREATIVITY OF ZDIBNOSTI ............................................ 156

Creativity and performance ............................................... ............................ 156

The problem of building up to creativity. Concept of reduction of creativity to intellect ............................................. 168

Creative excellence and life path ............................................ ..... 171

Creativity and diagnostics .............................................. ...................... 183

Concept of creativity by J. Gilford and E. P. Torrance ........................... 183

Concept of M. Vollach and N. Kogan .......................................... .................... 188

The concept of S. mednik. .................................................. ............................... 191

"Theory of investment" by R. Sternberg ........................................... ........... 196

Pidkhid V. N. Druzhinina і N. V. Khazratova ...................................... ......... 199

Literature ................................................. .................................................. ... 208

Chapter 8. DEVELOPMENT OF CREATORS OF HEALTH ................................. 211

Psychogenetics of creativity ................................................ ....................... 211

Forming creativity and building up to date ............................................ . 217

Learn, creativity and intellect ............................................. ....... 239

Literature ................................................. .................................................. ... 242

Chapter 9. THE STRUCTURE OF THE BIG HALLS ......................................... 244

Foreign Intelligence and School Success ............................................. ... 245

Zagalny intelligence and professional activity ................................ 248

Zagalny intelligence and creativity .............................................. ................. 250

"Same model" .............................................. ..................................... 252

The structure of the outbound intellectu. Simplistic model ............................ 255

Chotirivimirna model ................. 259

The prevalence of primary success in the development of additional intellectual health ......................................... ......................... 262

Literature .................. 264

PISLYAMOVA ........ 266

SUPPLEMENTS ........... 276

Diagnostics of the structure of the intellect (R. Amthauer's test) ........................... 276

Diagnostics of non-verbal creativity (short version of the Torrance test) ...... 281

Diagnostics of mathematical intelligence (test of mathematical analogies) ....... 310

Diagnostics of verbal creativity (adaptation of the test. S. Mednyk - adult and grown-up options) ... 322

Basic terms ................................................ ........................... 347

Інші news on topics:

  • Chapter 3. Diagnostics of Intellect - Psychology of out-of-town health - Druzhinin
  • Chapter 4. Development of intellectual property - Psychology of rural health - Druzhinin
  • Chapter 5. Intellect in the structure of the psyche - Psychology of out-of-town health - Druzhinin
  • Chapter 8. Development of creative health - Psychology of out-of-town health - Druzhinin
  • Chapter 6. Sub'єktivna paradigm in preliminaries of health. - Psychology of out-of-town health - Druzhinin
  • Chapter 3. Test "Namalyuy people" as a method of diagnostics to intellect - diagnostics to intellect by the method of drawing test - S.S. Stepanov
  • Chapter 7. Out-of-the-box health - Psychology of out-of-home health - Druzhin
  • Chapter 1. Problems of psychology of health - Psychology of outside health - Druzhinin
  • Chapter 2. Outbound intellectual health - Psychology outbound health - Druzhinin
  • Chapter 9. The structure of the out-of-house buildings - Psychology of out-of-the-way buildings - Druzhinin
  • Recommended literature - Diagnostics of Intellect by the method of drawing test - S.S. Stepanov
  • Chapter 1. Kіlkіsna іntelektu assessment in the system of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics - Diagnostics to intellectu by the method of drawing test - S.S. Stepanov
  • Chapter 1. Is it a psychic reality? (Causes of crisis of testological theories to intellect) - Psychology to intellect - Kholodna M.A.
  • Chapter 2. CREATIVE ZDIBNOSTI: VISIBLE SPECIFIC ABILITIES - Psychology of creative health - Bogolenskaya D.B.
  • 5.3. Special features of the organization of the mental hour in the context of the problem of intellectual health - Psychology to intelligence - Kholodna M.A.
  • Chapter 2. Educational activity as an indicator of mental development - Diagnostics of intelligence by the method of drawing test - S.S. Stepanov