Your creativity is a test. Test "Creative potential

Choose one of the proponated versions of the views.

1. Chi vvazhaєte Vi, who knows you can be polished:

b) dumb, vin і add garnies like that;

c) so, ale only de in chomu.

2. Do you think Vi, you can take part in the significant changes of the new world:

a) so, at big;

c) so, in deyaky vipadkah.

3. Chi vvazhaєte Vi, what actions from your ideas would bring significant progress in those spheres of activity, in yakiy Vi pratsuєte:

b) so, for friendly surroundings;

c) deprived in action of the world.

4. Chi vvazhaєte Vi, in the future you will see such an important role that you can change in principle:

a) so, melodiously;

b) the price is small;

c) it is possible.

5. If you are viral, if you think you are, do your repairs:

b) often think not to zoom;

c) so, often.

6. You have to do the right thing. Do you see?

a) so, I don’t miss you;

b) I don’t miss you;

c) everything is based on the nature of the community.

7. You have to do the right thing. Do you see?

b) I am pleased with the tim, whom they got up to;

c) so, ale only if it befits you.

8. Yaksho on the right, you don't know the yaku Vi, you don't be like what you want Vi to know about everything:

b) it’s dumb, you want to see if you’re deprived of it;

c) dumb, you only want to satisfy your art.

9. If you are aware of bad luck, then:

a) for an hour you persist against a healthy deaf;

b) deprive the tsyu zatiya, so as a matter of fact, it’s unreal;

c) prodovzhuet work your right, if you are, obviously, go over the unfinished ones.

10. In your opinion, the profession needs to be selected from:

a) their abilities, given prospects for themselves;

b) stability, the need for the profession, consumption;

c) perevag, I will take care of it.

11. More expensive, could We easily get on the route, on which one have already passed?

b) it is dumb, afraid to beat the road;

c) so, ale only there, de art has been honored and forgotten to you.

12. Immediately, you can say that you can guess everything when you say:

a) so, without pratsі;

b) you cannot guess everything;

c) mem'yatovuєte only those who ask you.

13. If you feel the word in a word you do not know, you can repeat it in warehouses, without pardon, to find it I don’t know its meaning:

a) so, without difficulty;

b) so, it’s easy to forget;

c) repeat, or not call correctly.

14. At the great hour You will see the pass:

a) zalishatisya at one, pomirkuvati;

b) perebuvati in the company;

c) You baiduzhe, why will you be alone, or in the company.

15. Wee take care of the right. Virіshuєte pinch the tse busy if only todі if:

a) on the right it is finished and it will be created for you by a viconano;

b) We bolsh-mensh are satisfied;

c) You have not yet gone into the zrobiti.

16. If we are alone:

a) love the world about how to navigate, maybe abstract speeches;

b) be-yaku price namagaєtesya know sob concretely busy;

c) Just love thinking, but about the speeches that are tied to your robot.

17. If you want an idea to grab you, then you will start thinking about it:

a) as a matter of fact, if you are going to reboot;

b) You can rob the whole thing only one at a time;

c) only there, if it is not even noisy.

18. If you see the idea:

a) you can see her if you listen to the arguments of the opponents;

b) get lost in your duma, if you don’t listen to arguments;

c) Change your thought so that you can appear strong.

Lift the eyepieces, as you typed in, with the following rank:

for type “a” - 3 points;

for type "b" -1 point;

for the match “v” - 2 points.

Also, 4 - 5 clever points will appear on the “reshittsi management”, which characterize you from the developmental positions. Circle all the points with a contour, and draw a picture on the spot, when you have objectively gone to self-assessment, and you can perfectly match the characteristics of your surroundings.

For example, yakbi Wee were selected according to the "reshitsi" position 9.1, and according to the text "Rishuchi Vi?" If they turned out to be not funny, it means that in one of them they looked like they were lacking in objectivity, they were evil.

At the end of the presentation of the results, the leather participant should be able to prepare for himself a variety of visnovki, so come in, the program for an in-depth specialty.

At the end of the busy weekend, the end of the week I'll go back to the testimonial malim for groups as a whole.

The key to the test "Conflict and specific?"


33 or less points... You are overwhelmingly peaceful, but overwhelmed by the lack of singing in power and possibilities. Tse, zychayno, does not mean that you will be oppressed by being a wicked one. And all the more fun will not interfere with you! You are good-natured to criticism from below, but be afraid of criticism from above.

34 -44 points... If you are moderately aggressive, if you successfully walk through your life, there is a reflection in you to achieve ambition and self-esteem. With criticism of We are friends, as well as Vona Dilov and without claims. However, do not expect to see her in the capture. There is a lot to lay down in your mood.

45 or more points... You are overwhelmingly aggressive, at the same time, you are overwhelmingly harsh to some people and neurologically important. You are encouraged to reach the managerial "top", to work on the most powerful methods, and to seek success, to sacrifice the interests of those who wish. Before criticism you put it in two ways: take criticism from the top in a big way, not too bad for an hour. You can forward criticism below.

As long as seven points each and more nutrition We scored three points each and less points for each nutrition period - one each, then the vibuhi of your aggressiveness will be quicker ruinous, not constructive. Your protégé to the people is jealously and provocatively Conflict Situations, Yakikh could be unique.

As well as seven points each and more food We took away one point each and three points each for less food, then We are superbly closed. It doesn’t mean that you may not be lured away from aggressiveness, but you can’t drive it all the way.

The key to the test "Rishuchi Vi?"

From 0 to 9 points. You are even more naughty. Step by step and from whatever I drive, I will greatly appreciate all the "for" and "against". Yaksho to fall into the cross-section of the dignified solution to the one, from the majestic lodges. Persh nіzh zvazhitsya yakiy krok, dovgo rejoice and often take half of the solution. At the gatherings and narads, you will be able to see, you want to know the smilism and redness on the sidelines. Ale do not namagatesya vypravdati all the time, as far as your "natural" nature is concerned. Hi, most often it is a boy. It’s easy for you to live and pratsyuvati. I do not care for you by knowing, eruditing, admitting, such a rice character, as being irresponsible, I can reduce your "kofіtsієnt korisnostі". Few, I will pay great attention to you, you can and send. It is not easy to change the character in a snazzy way, it is possible. To find out about the money, risky to take a decision on the authority of the court - it will not help you.

From 10 to 18 points. You take care of the solution carefully, and do not give in to serious problems, as it is necessary to virishity to the chilin. Please feel free to call me, if you have enough for an hour. The axis of that will fix you to the end of the sum of money, it will appear from the point of view of “shake down” everything, “uselessness” with the vyshestochnye kerivniki, I want food for your ryvnya. Pay more for your advice, if you please, if I will correctly say it. I dare say, rejoice in the kimos from the colleagues, your pidleglikh, altogether in order to misinterpret yourself.

From 19 to 28 points. Look at the riches. Your logic, consistency, and how you come to the problem, and the headache - will help you to improve your nutrition and health correctly. Pay on yourself, you don’t ignore the happy ones, if you don’t give them so often. Accept decision until the end of the day, but if you see pardon, you don’t sell for the first time in honor of the uniform. Everything is good. Ale, get hungry and become obsessed. Do not respect the worthless consultations for quiet meals, in which there is a lack of competence.

From 29 points and more. Chi is not fun - you are unaware of the understanding. You must be competent in all aspects of your performance and do not care about the need for thinking. One-of-a-kind decisions, the right to one-axial decisions, critical ones, one hundred percent of them will be haunted by you, as you are not going to get ready for an hour. You are impressed, if they call you a human laughable and volovim, if you wish, it’s not the same as it was said at your address. To establish oneself in such a Duma among the people who feel like it, whoever, see the intelligent propositions of those who are. Go through the graves painlessly, they are very good, but they are not guilty, but not Ve. Vira and the imperfection of your thoughts is a serious shortcoming. Such a rice character, such a method of robots, bring the initiative to the pidleglich, to the independent actions. Tse vikhovuє in them is nonsense, the very thing, as a matter of fact. All the price is not for the criminality of the right, the start of a serious shkodi psychological climate team, zavazhaє pratsyuvati. You don’t need to minify robot style!

The key to the test "What is your creative potential?"

23 or less points. Your creative potential, unfortunately not great. Is it possible, did Vi just underestimate themselves, their health? Vіri in its power can lead you to the thought, but we didn’t think about creativity. You need a psychological analysis of your situation in order to know how to do it directly for the development of your creative potential.

24 - 48 points. You have all the normal potential. You can make those qualities that allow you to create, but you have problems, such as galvanize the processes of creativity, at any time, your potential allows you to creatively show yourself, if you, viciously, will please you.

49 and more points. You have a significant creative potential, which will give you a wide range of creative possibilities. As long as you can fix your health, then you will have access to the best forms of creativity.

    Test "Your creative potential" Meta: find creative potential. If it’s important for you, then try zyasuvati what kind of creative potential you have. If you are already an artist or a musician, then, obviously, passing the test is not to blame for your interest. Choose one of the options. 1. Chi vvazhaєte vi, scho navkolishniy you can be polished: a) so; b) dumb, vin і add garnies like that; c) so, ale only de in chomu. 2. If you think you can, you yourself can share the fate of the significant changes in the new world: a) so, in the majority of the family; b) dumb; c) so, in deyaky vipadkah. 3. Chi vvazhaute vi, how deyaki from your ideas would bring significant progress in those spheres of activity, in yak vy pratsuute: a) so; b) so, for friendly surroundings; c) deprived in action of the world. 4. Chi vvazhaєte vi, in the future you will see such an important role that you can change in principle: a) so, melodiously; b) the price is small; c) it is possible. 5. If you virishute razpochati yakus diyu, chi think vi, do your repairs: a) so; b) often think not to zoom; c) so, often. 6. If you see you bazhannya to be busy with the right, you absolutely don't know: a) so, you are not familiar with it; b) you can't be tricked into being unavailable; c) everything is based on the nature of the community. 7. You have to be engaged in an unknown right. Chi vidchuvaєte vi bazhannya to reach the level of detail: a) so; b) be satisfied with the tim, whom they got up to; c) so, just like you should be like. 8. Yaksho on the right, yaku you don’t know, to be like you, you want to know everything about her: a) so; b) it’s dumb, you want to see if it’s better than you; c) dumb, you only want to satisfy your art. 9. If you know bad luck, then: a) for an hour you persist, in spite of a healthy deafness; b) deprive the tsyu zatiya, so as a matter of fact, it’s unreal; c) prodovzhuet work your right, if it’s obvious, go over the unfinished. 10. In your opinion, the profession needs to be vibrated, go out of: a) your abilities, which have given prospects for yourself; b) stability, significance, requirements of the profession, consumption; c) overwhelm, if you can take care of it. 11. Get more expensive, could you easily fly on the route, on which you have already passed? a) so; b) it is dumb, afraid to beat the road; c) so, ale only there, de art was honored and forgotten to you. 12. Immediately, you can think of something as if you were saying: a) so, without pratsi; b) you cannot guess everything; c) mem'yatovute only those who ask you. 13. If you feel a word that you don’t know, you can repeat it in warehouses, without mercy, and do not know its meaning: a) so, without difficulty; b) so, if the word is easy to forget; c) repeat, or not call correctly. 14. At a great time in your will: a) get lost at one point, think; b) perebuvati in the company; c) you baiduzha, you will be alone or in the company. 15. Wee take care of the right. Vyrishute fix the tse to be busy if: a) on the right is finished and it will be created to you as a vison; b) you big-mens are satisfied; c) you still do not have everything in the way. 16. If you are one: a) love the world about how to nave, you can, abstract speech; b) be-yaku price namagaєtesya know sob concretely busy; c) Just love thinking, but about the speeches that are tied to your robot. 17. If I want an idea for you, then you will start thinking about it: b) you can work on the whole; c) only there, if it is not even noisy. 18. If you see an idea: a) you can see it if you listen to the arguments of the opponents; b) get lost in your duma, if you don’t listen to arguments; c) Change your thought so that you can appear strong. Draw the eyepieces, as you have typed, with the following rank: for the type "a" - 3 points; for type "b" - 1; for type "in" - 2. Meals 1, 6, 7, 8 start between your supplementation; nutrition 2, 3, 4, 5 - faith in oneself; meals 9 and 15

    - steel; nutrition 10 - ambition; food 12 and 13 - "hearing" memory; pitannya 11 - memory of Zorov; pitannya 14 - your pragnennya will be independent; nutrition 16, 17 - abstract building; Nutrition 18 - the steps of health maintenance. Zagalna sum of typed points will show the level of your creative potential. 49 and more points. You have a significant creative potential, which presents you with a wide range of possibilities. As long as you can save your health, then you have access to the most popular forms of creativity. From 24 to 48 points. You have a whole lot of normal creative potential. You possess those qualities that allow you to create, if you have any problems, such as galvanize the processes of creativity. At any time, your potential is to allow you to express yourself creatively, if you want to please. 23 or less points. Unfortunately, your creative potential is not great. Ale, can you just underestimate yourself, your health? Vіri in its power can lead you to thought, but in vіdnіtnі didnіt before creativity. Have fun with it and use this rank to solve the problem.

Revision of the document
"Test" Your creative potential ""

    Test "Your creative potential"
    Meta: viyaviti creative potential.
    If it’s important for you, then try zyasuvati what kind of creative potential you have. If you are already an artist or a musician, then, obviously, passing the test is not to blame for your interest.
    Choose one of the options.
    1. Chi vvazhaєte vi, you know you can be polished:
    a) so;
    b) dumb, vin і add garnies like that;
    c) so, ale only de in chomu.
    2. Chi think vi, you yourself can take the fate of the significant changes in the new world:
    a) so, in most cases;
    b) dumb;
    c) so, in deyaky vipadkah.
    3. Chi vvazhaєte vi, how the actions of your ideas would bring significant progress in those spheres of activity, in yakiy vi pratsuєte:
    a) so;
    b) so, for friendly surroundings;
    c) deprived in action of the world.
    4. Chi vvazhaєte vi, in the future you will see such an important role that you can change in principle:
    a) so, melodiously;
    b) the price is small;
    c) it is possible.
    5. If you are viral, you are happy, if you think you are, please, do your repairs:
    a) so;
    b) often think not to zoom;
    c) so, often.
    6. Chi vidchuvaєte vi bazhannya to take care of the right, you absolutely don’t know yaku:
    a) so, I don’t miss you;
    b) you can't be tricked into being unavailable;
    c) everything is based on the nature of the community.
    7. You have to be engaged in an unknown right. Chi vidchuvaєte vi bazhannya to reach in nіy thoroughness:
    a) so;
    b) be satisfied with the tim, whom they got up to;
    c) so, just like you should be like.
    8. Yaksho on the right, yaku you don't know, you should be like you, who you want to know about everything:
    a) so;
    b) it’s dumb, you want to see if it’s better than you;
    c) dumb, you only want to satisfy your art.
    9. If you know bad luck, then:
    a) for an hour you persist against a healthy deaf;
    b) deprive the tsyu zatiya, so as a matter of fact, it’s unreal;
    c) prodovzhuet work your right, if it’s obvious, go over the unfinished.
    10. In your opinion, the profession needs to vibrate, go out from:
    a) their abilities, given prospects for themselves;
    b) stability, significance, requirements of the profession, consumption;
    c) overwhelm, if you can take care of it.
    11. Get more expensive, could you easily fly on the route, on which you have already passed?
    a) so;
    b) dumb, afraid to beat the road;
    c) so, ale only there, de art was honored and forgotten to you.
    12. Immediately, you can say that you can guess everything when you say:
    a) so, without pratsі;
    b) you cannot guess everything;
    c) mem'yatovute only those who ask you.
    13. If you feel a word that you don’t know, you can repeat it in warehouses, without mercy, you don’t know its meaning:
    a) so, without difficulty;
    b) so, if the word is easy to forget;
    c) repeat, or not call correctly.
    14. We have a great time in your will:
    a) get lost at one, think;
    b) perebuvati in the company;
    c) you baiduzha, you will be alone or in the company.
    15. Wee take care of the right. Virishuєte pinch the tse busy with only todі, if:
    a) on the right it is finished and it will be created for you by a viconano;
    b) you big-mens are satisfied;
    c) you still do not have everything in the way.
    16. If you are one:
    a) love the world about how to nav, mozhlvo, abstract speeches;
    b) be-yaku price namagaєtesya know sob concretely busy;
    c) Just love thinking, but about the speeches that are tied to your robot.
    17. If I want an idea for you, then you will start thinking about it:
    a) as a matter of fact, if you are going to interrupt;
    b) you can work on the whole;
    c) only there, if it is not even noisy.
    18. If you see the idea:
    a) you can see her if you listen to the arguments of the opponents;
    b) get lost in your duma, if you don’t listen to arguments;
    c) Change your thought so that you can turn out to be strong.
    Lift the eyepieces, as you typed, with the following rank:
    for type “a” - 3 points;
    for type "b" - 1;
    for type "in" - 2.
    Nutrition 1, 6, 7, 8 vis-à-vis your supplementation;
    nutrition 2, 3, 4, 5 - faith in oneself; meals 9 and 15

    steel; nutrition 10 - ambition; food 12 and 13 - "hearing" memory; pitannya 11 - memory of Zorov; pitannya 14 - your pragnennya will be independent; nutrition 16, 17 - abstract building; Nutrition 18 - the steps of health maintenance.
    Zagalna sum of typed points will show the level of your creative potential.
    49 and more points. You have a significant creative potential, which presents you with a wide range of possibilities. As long as you can save your health, then you have access to the most popular forms of creativity.
    From 24 to 48 points. You have a whole lot of normal creative potential. You possess those qualities that allow you to create, if you have any problems, such as galvanize the processes of creativity. At any time, your potential is to allow you to express yourself creatively, if you want to please.
    23 or less points. Unfortunately, your creative potential is not great. Ale, can you just underestimate yourself, your health? Vіri in its power can lead you to the thought, but we didn’t think about creativity. Have fun with it and use this rank to solve the problem.

It has long been seen that people are happy because they are busy with their love for the right and take away satisfaction. But I don't think it’s a lot of this year’s hto see myself calmly at my workmanship. Chi is not the one who did not choose the right amount of action? Still in the last century, the great artist verno bulo said: "Do not buy crows as a cow, do not let the frogs go to the wretches!" Ale yak, what is your meaning? About the doctor pedagogical sciences Iryna Yuriyivna Sokolova, professor of the department of teacher-pre-teacher of TSPU.

All to obey for the people

In my hour, good practice in the technical technical room, I helped students with the vocabulary of the professional way, - Iryna Yuriyivna. - Nachebto, I’m surprised, people have a mathematical warehouse, and intelligence is a diplomat, so, maybe, you’re not needing a verstat, but to manage people. Potential in skin people, it is important to immediately see and develop. Kozhen for us to come to earth with the same inclinations, tobto physiological features and the type of nervous system. Intellect is formed in the process of wickedness, initiation, as a result of the mindset for the rest of the quiet and difficult times. Sotsializuyuchis, the child will either develop her natural talents, or get them into kut. The head of the batkiv on the whole stage is a sposterigati, more like a child: baby, dance, fold history, spivati, buuvati butovoverkhovi budinka or pick up herbaria.

The great significance of the value of lіvorokostі is righteousness. Oskіlki vіdomo, lіva pіvkulya, wоuld fоr domіnuyuchim in right-handers, іdpovіdaє for the logic, analysis, speech-processing ability, for the collection and processing of factual information, mathematical health... The rights of inspiration are based on the idea, imagery, imagination, processing of non-verbal information, musicality, spaciousness of understanding and emotsii. In children up to 7 years of age, the brain is in the stage of formation, it is actively developing an intercourse, and left-handedness can be accustomed to that. Schob rozp_znati, as the hand is provid, it is necessary to go through the onset of probes.

Test for viznachenya lіvorokostі-righteousness

    Visnachiti providny eyes. Children will be able to marvel at the kaleidoscope or watch the trumpet (until the end of the day).

    Interlacing of the fingers: the upper position of the thumb (L, R).

    Cross your hands on your breasts: "Napoleon's pose", with your hand lying on top - L, P.

    Viznachennya size of the bosom of the great finger.

    The venous system is more developed on yakiy rutsi (L, P).

    Visually, the yak hand is 1-2 mm wide.

    Posposterіgati, from which legs begin to work.

    With the trim hand handle, fork, spoon, brush the teeth, swelling.

    As a hand to adhere.

10. With a hand rіzhe papіr, vіdmikє doors.

More than half of the views P is right-handed, L is left-handed, and for three choices of food left-handedness has appeared. Developing the health of children of the need, going through the functions of the dominant drink.

types of specialties

I.P. Pavlov, having proponated the classification of types of specialties, is based on the peculiarities of the mentalities of the nervous system. Dividing all people into three types, depending on the mechanism of the robot and the interaction of the right abo livogo pivkuly.

artistic type specialties (active functions of the right pivkuly) - lyudin sprymє svit through images, not analyzing and not giving meaning to details.

rose type(The active function of a child) - a person is mentally sick to the point of being logical, giving in to an analysis, a pro-insurance situation.

middle type- the most widespread, according to the importance of both the left and the right drink, between the logical desires and the artist's spirits.

Pre-treatment of psychophysiology to inform about those who, by nature, in the skin of people laid the potential of the "miser" and the "artist" - creative specialties It is tied to the survival of being formed by the power of the nervous system, the functions of the brain, on the basis of which the versatile health of people and the kind of giftedness develops. Ale, sorry, in modern schools children develop the type of "miser" more, without particular respect for the artistic type. In such a vipad, it is not possible to conceal the even more important potential of specialness, through the gracious vibe of the professional way.

M.S. Kagan is visible in the structure of the skin peculiarity of five potentials:

1) Gnoseological. Beginning with the knowledge of natural and social light, and knowledge of health and wellness. The set of information to lay down in the natural warehouse of the rose, coverage and practical information about the specialty.

2) Axiological potential of specialness. The whole system of values ​​(ideals, aspirations, goals, reconciliation), which is acquired by people in the process of socialization.

3) Creative. Otrimanie from nature and self-victorious building up to what is happening, to creative and ruinous, productive and reproductive practice, as well as the steps of realizing it in this sphere.

4) Communicative potential. It is characterized by the degree and form of the community, the character and the culture of good contacts with other people. The essence of the interdisciplinary spirit is twisting in the paradigm of social roles.

5) Artistic potential of specialness. The level of artistic needs, the intensity of their victories, the way they are satisfied.

In the skin of people, there are three “I” s in different proportions. Іndived - is a lyudin yak biologicheskaya іstota, who live behind the program of nature, yogo zavdannya: save yourself, see. The specialty is a lyudin yak isstota, yak live in a singing suspension and put it in place of the suspension. Individualism is a person who can live behind a powerful program, set his own goals, create, create. The specialty of visibility is not only due to its character and temperament, but due to its general nature and knowledge, a system of values ​​and building up to communion due to its own light. Vishcha zavdannya be-like people - developing individuality, spiraling on the potential of specialness.

Temperament type

Also in pohatkov_y school It is possible and necessary to evoke the type of temperament of the child, - the commentary of the teacher-psychologist, - which can be found in the physiological processes in the brain and in the relationship: excitement, galmuvannya. Extrovert (choleric, sanguine) - impulsive features, Introverts (phlegmatic, melancholy) are reflexive types, capricious to inner experience, closed behavior.

Impulsive-reflective - two sides of one of the ways educational performance, The knowledge of the peculiarities of what is important to the reader in the process primary activity 100% to the skin. So, the bulo is revealed, individual specialties reflective science ("more ripe") is most often inert nervous system and kindly take the information visually. Impulsive schoolchildren, as a rule, flaunt the nerve system, more beautifully take the information by ear, to think of psychophysiology, the stench gets involved - "early to ripen." When prompting the initial-cognitive activity, it is even more important to determine the role of impulsive-reflectiveness for the effective formulation of the intellect and the development of the child's potential.

For the value of impulsive-reflexivity, an offensive test can be passed.

Impulsive-reflective test

The methodology is used for diagnostics of cognitive style, impulsive-reflectiveness. Danish cognitive style individual views in schilnost_ accept the solution shvidko abo pov_lno. A certain amount of style power manifests itself in the minds of unimportance, if it is necessary to have the correct vibe from the action of the powerless alternatives. Impulsive viprobovanі vyshlі quickly reactivate in a situation of multiple choices, with a whole hypothesis, we can see without analysis of all possible alternatives. For reflective testing, characteristic expectations, the rate of response in a specific situation, hypotheses to be reconfigured and refined in a way, the decision to take on the basis of a forward-looking analysis is a sign of alternative objects.

procedure carried out

Viprobuvanny is presented with 2 trenches, along with 12 main arches, on the skin at the top there is an image of a known object (figure-etalon), and at the bottom it will be stitched in two rows of 8 May, identical images of the same object, of the same identity ... Viprobuvaniy is guilty of knowing and giving the image, in a way that is identical to the figure-etalon.


“Infect you with one picture and a few similar ones. You need to know exactly the same picture on the whole little one, like the one that is in the mountains, and show it. For cob training, you will be shown two demonstration cards. It is not so easy to get away from it. Knowing the picture that is better, I will as much as possible go to the mountain, and show it all at once. "

Processing and interpretation


Rooms vvazhayutsya evil to the right, from top to bottom.

demo 1 - 1; demo 2 - 5;

sheet - 4; steam melt - 7; Quote - 1; lamp - 8; vedmezha - 4; kishka - 1; cowboy - 8; eyepieces - 4; kurcha - 5; litak - 1; knives - 5; paying - 5.

Indicators of impulsiveness / reflectivity:

  1. latency hour of the first form (sum);
  2. there is a great number of pardons.

Reflective individuals are found in the field of medicine in the hour of the appearance and below the medicine in the number of grants, to the same as the impulsive individuals in the lower medicine in the hour of medicine.

In the middle, approximately 2/3 of the vibrations are brought up to reflective and impulsive tests, 1/3 - on two special categories of tests, which I call “smart / accurate” and “general / inaccurate”.

People with an impulsive style quickly hang hypotheses in the situation of an alternative vibor, with a great stench admitting a lot of gracious decisions. For people with a reflexive style, navpaki, a characteristic higher confidence rate of acceptance of the decision, apparently the stench admits few pardons due to the real forward analysis of hypotheses.

Visible views to Intellect

At the same time, with the growth of the child, the intellect grows, - Iryna Yuriyivna prodovzhu, - and even up to 10 years, you can use the type of intellect. H. Gardner saw all types of intellectu, having learned that he was taking care of your child, you can step-by-step send him to that professional area.

    linguistic intelligence- lyudin vikoristovu ізні modern styles for the transmission of information (sings, writer, editor, journalist).

    musical intelligence- Lyudin will be rejected with satisfaction from the work, listening and listening to music (musical viconavets, composer).

    Logic-mathematical intelligence- Lyudin vmіє doslіdzhuvati, misinterpret categories, know the interconnection between structures through the manipulation of symbols, signs, schilia to the order of dіy (mathematician, teachings).

    spacious intellect- Lyudin vmіє sprymati ob'єkti through images, razgortati a picture in the mind, open spacious compositions (architect, engineer, surgeon).

    Tilesno-kinesthetic intelligence- people see their needs and hopes to build up to the ruins, realizing navichki in sports, vikonavskiy mystery, in handy pratsi (dancer, athlete, mechanic).

    missocial intelligence- people are welcome to help and understand the needs of the people, to catch the mood of people, to convey their behavior (political leader, teacher, psychotherapist, diplomat).

    internal intelligence- Lyudin is in charge of his senses, he is in control, he is in control of it in the transmission and processing of information (for example, a religious leader, a philosopher, a writer).

    Intellect naturalist- Doslijuvati building live nature and the connection between the components (biologist, botanist, farmer, brewery, veterinarian).

vibir shlihu

Beruchi to uvaga visnovok I.P. Pavlova about those who are lyudin - “a system that grows and grows independently, adapts to itself and knows as much as possible” I’ll look at the temperament, the type of specialness, that type of intelligence, I don’t want to forget about the important principle of harmony of this, mental and spiritual nature, ”a psychologist summarizes. Unrealized by stretching the life of the building can lead a person to ailment. It is also important to follow the principle of sound activity, as during the choice of a profession or a loving justice, the satisfaction has ceased, - the sound is new. Here comes into force the principle of self-actualization - which is both necessary and important for the present moment - and self-realization - the possibility of practical health conceived.

For a professional self-designation in the schoolchildren, a psychologist is guilty of a child, a little bit of a moment can be taken into account by a dad and directed to the necessary direct. The wake of professional self-designation is 17-20 years, but it is possible, and earlier, not just intelligence, but the feeling that you want to engage in life. For a grown-up, the scheme of choosing a profession is the same, to finish the job, but loving to engage in a child, which brought satisfaction, when it comes to interests, vibrate a new or change an old profession.

Yuliya Savelyova

Trainer cards before the test


Lyudin's skin wants once from life to melodiously glimpse over him, like he’s alive, who’s not the same kind of skinny comes the day before, why’s the last time it’s going to be new, but innovation isn’t yelling for you? It’s not possible to lay aside the fact that some people are creatively apologetic, a humane warehouse of a mind or a mathematical one. Is it mechanically necessary to go to the top of the most common everyday problems, such as getting ready for the day, the root of the powerful image, the robot, and getting to the tidy up in the apartment, or trying to get the job done?

In the character of skin people creative health However, mothers can be concretely straight. Ale tse does not mean, as a human being, endowments in one form of performance, absolutely hopeless in the other. Calling ni. To emerge, creative health of the order with the intellectual trenuvannyu and the right right, you can reach even a lot of things.

The value of the creative potential of the people is important and necessary, there is a great deal of the manifestation of creative health, in which the type of specialness of the people themselves, the nature of their life and svitoglyad is important. Creative thinking is promoted by people in different types of activity, and at the same time - with a general mind. Creative people are eager to screw up the respect of those who feel like they are, to be uncommon, not to be misled. Often, the manifestation of a creative approach is to change, when people are tested, for professional affiliation: the rice is valued for everything from people who apply for a capital plant and take up a huge amount of activity. There is a clear lack of useful psychological tests, which are indicative of the creative health of the people, and the lower the guidance of the people from them.

The book will give you the power of value, for your creativity. Well, for all of you it will be necessary to maximally accept food from the proponated tests. Please, that recommendation will give you not only information before thinking, but help you radically change your life.

Test Creativity i vi

1. What is the meaning of the word creativity?

a) for me creativity is the essence of the fundamentally new, the ability to transform to oneself, to fantasize and create;

b) I didn’t have a nicholas for an hour, and the bazhannya was making fun of such speeches;

c) me to be created, the ability to create is not given to everyone;

d) creativity is a continuous, uninterrupted joke of new ideas and possibilities.

2. On the robot, you were given a pre-plan, ale duzhe tsikave creative zavdannya. Yak will you soon see yogo viconuvati?

a) I will take care of it in the robot's booth;

b) I will try to better manage my basic requirements, and send, directly to the robot, I’ll take care of the visitor’s support;

c) I don’t do any work ahead of schedule;

d) immediately g.

3. You go around the museum and find a picture with abstract images: gurts, brush strokes, tricytes. Do you think about it?

a) the original tvir of the art;

b) some kind of nonsense;

c) someone, mabut, doesn’t need to do something;

4. Show you a cartographic focus. What is your reaction?

a) even tsikavo, how did it happen?

b) all tricks are deception;

c) I'm magical to repeat the trick;

d) do not trick me.

a) some fiction;

b) light, classic literature;

d) it’s not a good idea: come in handy, detectives, etc.

6. What do you think at that moment, if you have to engage in boring work?

a) if everything ends;

b) yak bi її uriznomanitniti;

c) for me be-yak robot tsikava;

d) I don’t think anything, I’m just shy.

7. How do you behave in suspensions?

a) I’m quieter, I’m getting over it in tіnі;

c) I behave naturally;

d) I will try to visit the center of uvagi.

8. You have seen a great hour. Yak vi yogo will you spend?

a) at home in front of the TV screen;

b) I will try to catch everything: be amazed at the TV, chatting with friends, etc.;

c) I will assign everything to my hobby;

d) I'll do my homework right.

9. How do you find out an hour every hour of new and original ideas from your problems?

a) nі, nіkoli, that I і will not be prudent;

b) I have a couple of original ideas in my head;

c) periodically;

d) even more rarely.

10. Do you wake up in the New Year's Saints?

a) so, I am shy in front of the skin New rock;

b) I do not paint on my own;

c) so, if I have a great hour;

d) I don’t bring any satisfaction.

11. What's the same?

a) a mental breakdown, when someone wants to create, create and create again;

b) it’s a pity, I don’t know;

c) tse takі rіdkіsnі hviliiny, whісh thеrе аrе appearing rіdkіnіh masterpieces;

d) with impatient checks on their arrival.

12. Do you do your design in your apartment, do you change it from time to time?

a) I love post-life, ale inodi vinikak bazhannya schhos zmnity;

b) schotizhnya obov'yazkovo minya ya-nebud;

c) I change it regularly, but not often;

13. Yaky vidi sport zmagan vіddaєte revagu vіdviduvati?

a) football, basketball, hockey;

b) gymnastics artist, figure skating;

c) athletics;

d) checkers, checks.

14. De vіddaєte the courage to sign off?

a) in the movie;

b) in the park;

c) in restaurants;

d) at home.

15. You have seen vigadati, namalyuvati, ale from the first try you didn’t get it. Are you ready to turn around until you are busy?

a) I will not turn my head until I turn;

b) I will turn around, if I do not see it;

c) maybe bootie, if there is some time;

d) I will not throw the tse busy until quiet feast, leave it, never see it.

16. If you wonder about the film, you have a thought, how yakby you will be a director, then you remembered the stage?

a) nі, not vinikє;

b) tsya dumka vinikak, ale ridko;

c) tsya dumka for an hour to peer glance over and over again;

d) only in that case, if there are obvious shortcomings in the scenario and a group of actors.

17. If you were in school, did you like to write?

a) simply hated;

b) I started to gurgle;

c) I love mirkuvati, I love my thoughts;

d) less bulo baiduzhe.

18. Yak vi vvazhaєte for more expensive prices?

a) on a car - no one who does not lie down, at any moment it is a virus, wherever you want;

b) on lіtaku - tse duzhe shvidko;

c) on ships - it's beautiful and romantic;

d) on the road - a lot of people and new enemies.

19. What special world and creativity for you?

a) preparing exotic herbs;

b) writing a book, painting;

c) tidying up can be creative;

d) active activity in the regions themselves.

20. We got to know the people on the phone and asked him about the show. Yakim vi yogo sobi yate?

a) I have no options in my head;

b) navishto fantasize, all one does not vgadaєsh;

c) me not tsikavo, like win viglyada;

d) I have a perfectly developed іntuitsіya, and I can make a difference without pratsi, as I see it, Volodar of that chi іnshiy voice.

21. You go along the street, explain the way before you zvratayutsya with passages. At the end of the display:

a) I don't know;

b) show with your hand to the required side;

c) fix it in detail, explain where you need to go, de-burn it, etc.;

d) I don’t vzagalі zzmovlyayu z not know. key

We scored from 21 to 50 points

Help you to embarrass you - creativity in your life is practically every day, you are a pragmatist, and you have absolutely nothing to do with everything. If you do better than the wrong, be afraid of any innovations. You will be afraid that your creative decision will be wrong. Think about how you can live this way. Even creativity can change to beautiful light around you!

We scored from 51 to 80 points

You might not want to write a book, a melody or a new tune, ale, unaffected by the price, you have insanely creative inclinations. You can make a unique automatism in diyah, you can add to your life tsikave, as uriznomanitnity її. It's boring for you. Mozhlivo, minutia of nothing is not varsity, and such a standard of speech allows you to poke light at all your versatility.

We scored from 81 to 110 points

You can be grateful - a creative streak once at the time of additional help to you virishuvati, you will not be bored. You may be happy with your colleagues and bosses. At your house you carry joy, periodically change the position of speeches in I turn the side... So you can write with yourself.

We scored from 111 to 147 points. We can talk about those who, your creative people are strong, can go to God for an hour. The everyday life is to lead you out of yourself, and you don't want to accept it like that, like you won’t. Your creative work often goes over admissible boundaries, and you sometimes find problems. Slow down the wraps, and harmony will melodiously come to your life.

Chi test love vi fantasuati?

It’s a role that’s fantasizing for people is even more important, and especially because it’s an extraordinary specialty. Fantasia is a combination of creative sensibilities and intellectual images, depending on the mood of the people, looking at navkolishn_y light... In bagatokh vipadkah, the very imagination helps people to know their "I", additionally helps to know their own powerful way of self-expression and the ability to know the place in life.

On the other hand, it’s good to fantasize about an important psychological warehouse, whether it’s a psychological self-regulation and relaxation Fantasia of additional help to more clear understanding of the needs and specialties, and hence, more clear purpose of giving and advancing the motivation of creative activity.

Ale as for the old Greek philosopher Aristotle, be it the building of the people and their quality and value, if they appear and go in the world - according to the principle of the "golden mean". To that, like people with a common imagination, so and constantly living in the world is psychologically unsettled, since they do not conceal the possibility of thinking about reality in general, some of them are greeted by that but also.

For an additional test, you can zyasuvati, for some reason the zdatn_st of fantasizing is rooted in you.

1. Do you love vie buwati in nature and look out for beauty?

a) I don’t show myself without my life;

b) I see it;

c) dumb, oskіlki I too much urbanization ludin.

2. Do you do it well?

a) nі, not even worse;

b) I don’t like it and I don’t like being busy;

c) so, there is one of my talents.

3. Do you love vi gotuwati?

a) I hate messing around in the kitchen;

b) if there is no way to go, then ...;

c) so, me become like a gotuvati myself.

4. How can you increase your respect for visiting robots?

a) so, I start working, do not accept third-party thoughts;

b) mute, often for no reason, I rapt forgiven forgiveness that it isn’t worth mentioning to the viconuvanoi robot;

c) as a rule, I control my respect;

5. As soon as you get your hands on your own library, what kind of books will you find?

a) books in the "fantasy" genre;

b) detectives and fighters;

c) books of different genres.

6. What role, on your thought, you see in the company?

a) I am the soul of the company;

b) I can be in the center of respect for the settings;

c) one z bagatokh.

7. Is your love for a geometric figure?

a) square;

c) tricycle.

8. Do you want to create your own clothes?

a) I grumble fashion magazines, only if I have more time to do it, and even make it up to myself ... vibration;

b) as a rule, I only use it only if my friends steal something from a newcomer;

c) so, I’m not just busting, I’m just starting to create a self-styled model of my wardrobe.

9. Chi bach wi ni?

a) so, even more often, moreover, in a large number of their colors, and a lot of them are lost in the memory of the future;

b) bachu, ale duzhe rіdko;

c) nі, I don’t bach.

10. What kind of art is closest to you?

a) literature;

b) music;

c) painting.

11. Yakbi you have a bouv vibir, in which color did you decorate your bedroom?

a) tse boules b only pastel toni;

b) vibrav bi viklikayut dark;

c) warm: zhovty, orange ...

12. How often do you want to be built, why did you still bach (de javu)?

a) nicoli;

b) even more rarely;

13. For what principle do you rob gifts?

a) I bathe in a store in Perche, where I get a hand;

b) I get a gift from the original;

c) I mamagayus vgadati, scho lyudin bazhaє otrimaty as a gift.

14. Yakbi vi buli a charmer, then for what time did you choose the right for your own magical magics?

15. Yak vi are installed before the computer іgor?

a) not the mind, why the stench so attracts people, even if they are stained with styles for an hour, that and coristi from them niyakoi;

b) do not run into a computer a year-friend at a great hour;

c) I try to finish it often, the odd odor develops a logical misnomer.

16. Yakbi vi bully the president, then why did you think to develop the chergu in the first place - is there a mystery of science?

a) I am not aware of my role;

b) intelligence, science;

c) in my opinion, a mystery, as it is not, I will need some help.

17. See if you are going to the carnival. Which one of the pro-proponated carnival costumes have you seen?

a) a suit of pikovoy ladies;

b) terminator;

c) seafood.

18. Do you know any sexual positions?

a) from 1 to 3;

b) from 3 to 5;

c) to finish the bagato.

19. Yakby you were sent to pay for admission to the party, as you were while away your admission?

a) reading, reading and reading bi;

b) zrobiv bi rises on historical mіstyakh;

c) rozvazhavshis b.

20. Reveal, scho vi celebrity artist Who was asked to write a creature, which symbolized your father’s fatherland, who would you see?

b) a swan;

c) cat. key

We scored from 20 to 35 points

You see people from not rich fantasies and pretend to be beautiful for a dozen of transforming ways and methods. All in all, it’s possible, so that I’ll make you feel like a boring person or a boring person. Due to the development and rationalization, your soul is not strong until the rapids and bazhan. You need to develop your imagination, to be astonished at speech and manifestation from other sides and life, not just by reason, but by a lot.

We scored from 36 to 47 points

You can say, scho fantasize - your love is busy. However, the knowledge of the world does not give you an active assessment of the effect. Moreover, your imagination will help you to develop creative potential, so that it is not just your life that will brighten up, but the life of those who feel good. Try not to load into rationalism and pragmatism, and everything will be just wonderful for you!

You have scored from 48 to 60 points. You can tell with good luck, as soon as you see it from real action. Spend most of your hour in the world and fantasies. Be safe, so that you will be aware of it, but once and for all you will stop developing reality and thinking, it is important to speed up your life. Zvychayno, as a lyudin is able to achieve a rozvinenu uyavu, it's just wonderful, ale, as it seems, in the world of nobility. Descend to the dark earth and come to know and accept the moments in reality. Poorte, the price is not so neatly foldable - it’s just too easy to want to. Take all giblets from life, and good luck to you!

Test your quest to misstate

The whole test will allow you to make a difference, as much as the mystery is significant for you, as it is a place that borrows from your life, it is very much infused into your activity: why is it a sense of life for you, it is wonderful to pass you through the hallway anyway, once again. Maybe, you need to come to more than an hour of beauty, how can your soul be drawn to it? You can learn all about it by passing the test.

1. Soon there will be a premiere of a new performance by the famous director. Your friends from nig are stranded, receiving receipts. How are you going to play in a given situation?

a) I will definitely connect to my friends, and if I skip this, I just don’t have the right;

b) I dare to spend an evening in front of the TV show, not be drawn to the theater and wondering for a long time, as people have grown up to play the fool on the stage;

c) I'm going to the show, if I ask for it;

d) depending on the mood and for a few hours.

2. Yakbi vi buli as a writer, in what genre did you create your creation?

a) shvidshe for everything, in detective;

b) the fantastic;

c) melodiously, opening bi-historical create;

d) for the mood.

3. You love painting, and half of your friend is interested in spending an hour beautifully, only not in a picture gallery. in and:

a) try to pinch your other half of relish before painting;

b) you will go to the show one by one;

c) you know the one who will break your drowning in painting;

d) to have a chance to say goodbye to painting.

4. Do you often go to the opera?

a) I am not going to miss the zhodnaya premier;

b) I am vibrated once per pivrok;

c) me to ask the question is important, if it was the last time;

d) I don’t vvazhayu vіdvіduvannya theater tsіkavim busytam.

5. Can you name some composers?

a) chimalu quantity;

b) a dozen or so zgadati zmozhu;

c) five-shit;

d) one-two.

6. Have your own hand and a clean arch paper. You will become:

a) malyuvati;

b) write a single sheet;

c) turn the handle in your hands;

d) I will put a pen, and from a piece of paper I’m not going to hurt: a birdie, a ribka, a boat, etc.

7. How often do you see the display of pictures?

a) I will not miss the show;

b) inodi;

c) you can get it one or two times and go to the yakyis vistavtsi;

d) I am not mindful in painting. key

We scored from 0 to 12 points

About you, you can say nasty: you are not a mystery man. Practicality is in your power, you will devote the whole great hour to the right, and vitrachati to your friend, to those who can touch the beautiful, you don’t climb. Now? So, perhaps, it’s catastrophically not in the hour and in the introduction of shows, concerts, theaters - for you it is not allowed to break up. Good position for dylovoi people, Ale well, krym earnings of pennies, on light є more tsikavogo style! Try something new in the evocative way of your life, you can see something new for yourself.

We scored from 12 to 24 points

Your goal is for people who are healthy, practicality, love to be beautiful. You magnetize your skills so that you don't miss anything new in the mystery of the art, and, without thinking, in the rumors about the mystery, you see yourself even harder and harder.

You do not just admire the miraculous pictures, hear good music, or marvel at the miraculous staging of the performance - you see, enjoy the mystery. However, if you do not forget about the material side, just right - you don’t throw everything right, just for the sake of drinking for the premiere, if you hear a new song, or see if it’s a display. Unimportant to your practicality, vi, at the same hour, humanly sensitive and chuiny, well, you can, sometimes lead you. You love mystery and intelligence. Maybe bootie, you can’t try to play music or paint on calls - but raptom?

Vee scored from 24 to 36 points Vee, pose by any means, put up to creative people. Mystery has become a deity for you and for the first time, you are ready to live your life. However, it is not safe, that your sacrifice of service is more and more aware of you in reality. I like bi didn’t get you good from looking at the miraculous statue, like bi didn’t cherish your hearing uninvolved music, don’t forget, besides, you’re not missing the spheres of life. Mozhlivo, you will be able to make more respect on them, so that you will slightly urge your life.

Test Naskіlki your imagination is guilty

The whole test will allow you to value, insofar as your imagination is rooted, as it is so necessary for creativity. In addition, people, overwhelmed by their boisterous imagination, live their life more and more, as a rule, they have a life that changes from day to day. You can put it to such people - it is easy for you to pass the test.

1. Look at an abstract picture, look for everything:

a) її basic background;

b) as if you were okremi obrisi, how can you think of imaginative images;

c) a set of barvy beaches that are drastically acting on your eyes.

2. You hear the music, yak you should be like you. Xtos її vimikaє. Your reaction:

a) turn it on at once;

b) if you don’t mind the fact that the music was impressed, you won’t sound in your head from the first to the last chord;

c) you are all one.

3. Do you read vi in ​​the horoscope?

c) Inodi stink to tell the truth.

4. Do you like wee fiction?

a) so, even more;

b) I can’t bear it;

c) I read it.

5. What color do you associate with the word of love?

b) gold;

c) chervonia.

6. What do you want to know once in your life?

and incoli;

b) permanently;

c) if yak, everything is in my mood.

7. How often do you visit someone else?

a) dear ce robiti, tim more, but it is wonderful for me to be thrown in;

b) it's a pity, I don’t think I’m overconfident, I’m starting to play, but all the same it’s worth it;

c) I don’t know and don’t like rosigruvati.

8. Do you feel smart and feel jealous that your partner is not sensible for reasons?

c) trail.

9. Do you still have a lot of spilkuvannya?

a) so, I already have a lot of rock_v merging with some and the same people;

b) dumb, I am a non-perpetual person;

c) in principle, as much as possible, but I still like to know new people.

10. Curl up on the steel, will you forget about those, yak, who should you put?

a) not eating, smut - it is shvidshe to start before the meal;

b) extravagantly, though b, everything on the table was beautiful and appetizing;

c) I always switch on my imagination, and also gotuvati їzhu and service style - the whole purpose of mystery.

11. At night, waking you up a terrible gurkit. Your thoughts:

a) the shafa fell;

b) vibrated vіkno;

c) Vіyna was respected.

12. You read a book from a tsikava. Get to the culmination of the creation and the visit, where there are only a few sides of the text on the day. in and:

a) stir up a little more strongly and try to get them, be a good way;

c) you have absolutely no interest in the whole book.

13. How would you like to tell your friends the history of history?

a) dry, short and clear, vicious only facts;

b) yaskravo i barvysto, start up in reports of inventory found details;

c) not just a little more, but slightly embellished podії, scho are seen.

14. Do you see a perevagu say or hear?

a) say, and I tell the tsikavo, that people hear me when they open their mouths;

b) spontaneously, hearsay, especially as the sp_vrozmovnik razpov_daє shche tsіkave і new;

c) in the fallowness of the surroundings and quietly, which is on my behalf.

15. Would you like to see the yak to the robot?

a) one-man, well-known, which is reduced to automatism;

b) I can’t go back to the same robot;

c) a robot that needs a lot of thought and needs to fly a thought, but a new working day is not similar to the one. key

We scored from 15 to 25 points

Your put before the people, we will absolutely amuse the fantasies, I still want the power to develop. Shvidshe for all you are no worse than balakuchi, catch your thoughts shortly, clearly and finish dryly, vazhayuchi, it’s not so hard to spend an hour on empty words. When you are out of fancy, you shouldn't try your power in quiet areas, you really need to, - you know fiasco, get busy with your priestly right.

We scored from 26 to 35 points

If you don’t get too fancy, put yourself in the category of such people who can talk about being beautifully trained, and achieving success in a serious business. And all that, your development will allow you to understand and accept a lot in your life. Until then, please, go creatively, but, however, do not ask you to respect all the “for” and “against”, look at all the possible options. Your uyava will help you with life's nourishment, and it is also important in its own right.

You have scored from 36 to 45 points. You are put to the type of people who are accepted as divas and dreamers. From the very dynasty, we carried them into their own worlds, revealing to themselves romantic heroes from some kind of books. Likewise, the versatility has divided your life into two parties, one of which is close to you, the splinters you have invented yourself, and the one, real, which does not fit into the framework you have invented. Your problem is that the open space of the obvious has been widespread, and it does not overshadow the mystery of action. Try to marvel at life more confidently, to make you feel painless in real life.

Chi wee test for creative specialty

You can make yourself more creative with human creativity, more and more, how much of your high creative potential can be achieved smoothly. The Danish test will help you z'yasuvati tse. I would like to take into account the furnishings that are necessary for achieving the greatest nutritional response.

1. Yaka muzyka befit you the best?

a) burn classic music- wake up in me noble habits and bear over everyday life;

b) I give a revaguer to the versatile dance music;

c) befitting a Vitchiznyan the best, alternative to music.

2. How do you feel about seeing Raphael's "The People's Venus"?

a) I am hungry with cottage cheese and I vvazhayutsya, but I didn’t make sense of anyone who smashed people;

b) good picture, Ale tse zanadto is old, that is to be amazed at the ones, you need your own;

c) I understand, well most tvir mystery, ale the glance of yogo not a wicked in me of any sentiments.

3. Would you like to know your close friends and friends, do you have any musical health?

a) the stench vvazhayut, but at me є insane musical health;

b) the stench vvazayut, so I can covet singing successes on the musical tereni, if I will develop my health;

c) it’s a pity, as it wouldn’t have been musical goodness in my days.

4. A friend ask you to paint your portrait, what is your reaction?

a) you have a chance to see, the splinters have long tried to try to become a portrait painter;

b) wait to see that kind of thing, if you are not even a good person, you are afraid of portraying one;

c) navіdrіz vіdmovlyaєtesya, oskіlki vvazhaєte, scho in the lack of the world volodyte talent of painting.

5. What's the best time for you?

a) I vvazhay for beautifully sitting on large-scale models, giving a lot of respect for the other details themselves;

b) love active children abo energіynі vidi sport;

c) sv_y option.

6. Your number of spіlkuvannya - tse:

a) galasliva company, youth party with buying alcohol, dancing music, etc .;

b) your number to finish off the beggars, and you don’t want to be happy with your friends, you don’t know if you’re sleeping with your friends;

c) you can easily know the spilnuyu from Bagatma, but if you are not able to see the ferry, you are far from us, so how can you be deprived of those people, who may have something to see.

7. What can you see to yourself to rob that chi inshu robot, if you know in advance, will you bring you a vigoda?

a) I have no problems with everything; I do not have a hard time to tackle the trophy for an excellent result;

b) so, if it is even more needed, ale vzagal, in general, there is little to be expected;

c) dumb, I quickly fix nervuvati and then cease all my respect for robots.

8. If your friend starts to critically evaluate the fruit of your creativity, see:

a) do not berate at the price of any respect, vvazhayuchi, but all genii did not be blamed by their accomplices;

b) having ignored your heart, you will wait for your comrade's dumkoy, but you will be more vaulted for the luscious one;

c) the flywheels will wait for a while, if they get lost in memory and in vrahuvati, all of them are respected.

9. Your room is:

a) nothing special: everything is neat and clean, and order is your best friend;

b) your room is clearly necessary, if you need to fix something;

c) you pragnet to order, if you don’t want to go far, but it’s the best place to introduce your favorite collection of racing cars (leaflets, beer cans, lialoks, etc.).

10. It seems to everyone that you are a talented lyudin, but how can you assess yourself?

a) the posture of any summaries, so vono i є: "I am genіy, get sumnіvi"; that is not with me, that against;

b) you know about your success, ale, you are far from geniality;

c) you do not think your robots are genial, or tsikavim, if you want to think about it.

11. What do you want to do with the people?

a) I respect you for the first time;

b) smut for me - a whole lot of exposure, eyes, smiles;

c) I respect the manner of speaking and hearing.

12. Yak vi declare your maybut?

a) I will achieve success on the lost waste, which I didn’t want;

b) I reject vishta svita, And there we will wonder;

c) I follow in the footsteps of my fathers.

13. Your creative jokes ended in failure. Will you be robiti?

a) I am satisfied and I fix the analysis of the power, the mind of the mind, in which the pardons have come;

b) zoosumіlo, I’ll get agitated, I don’t pin up my dіyalnіst;

c) I sleep, like a sirnik, and I can’t bear it even more emotionally, so I’m hitting, but then, through the slackness, I forget about everything and continue with frivolous jokes. key

We scored from 8 to 14 points

As for the Kazati, with all your efforts and zusil v and people, about whom to speak, there is absolutely no relation to creativity. Obviously, you should be like all those who are the product of human creativity, but not for the new, and all your zusillas marni. So that you have a smartness to some kind of creative activity even more smoothly, so you yourself will close your road to the whole divine light. If you have a chance to live, if you’re worth an idea, then if you don’t come into reality, if you’re involved in life, you will be stylish, if you’re not aware of the idea that we’ll take care of it. If you don't sleep up, don't get tired, the smut - the mother of the bazhannya, and everything else is easy to reach.

We scored from 15 to 24 points

Pose with all sorts of ideas, you have all changes of mind and creative specialties. First of all, it’s not an ordinary thing, please, let’s rest on your laurels, you’re still sick and your health needs to develop and distance. Surely, you are a creative person, if you don’t have a patience for an hour for the robot above you. Terpіnnya and work - and you have everything. If you want to, then you can covet success on any creative tendency. Ale bida in that, you don’t expect to sing in your own and vvazhaet for beautifully take care of the larger "serious" right. Do not give up, you might as well, you will still shrink from your share.

You have scored more than 25 points. Your talent is clearly lost, and you need to declare about yourself. God Himself has commanded you to be engaged in creativity, moreover, you have all the chances to seek success and you can boldly rozrahovuvati for good luck. You literally zhoplyuyuyutsya everything, with whom you, if you didn’t get stuck, and you yourself є the master of a unique gift. Do not commit your greetings to zdrіsnikіv, because bachiti and create, and your enemies will lie to you.

Do you have a test of Rosvinene?

1. What do you think about before going to bed?

a) I plan to inform you for tomorrow;

b) the world is based on the іnshіy planetі;

c) I am so tired, I blush, I just kick in the post.

2. If you read books, will you identify the heroes for yourself?

a) s romantic;

b) strong and independent;

c) I am amazed at the plot of the heroes.

3. Where do you want to film barvy, colorovi ni?

a) so, even more often;

b) inodi;

c) nі, nіkoli.

4. How can you see a child's name, how can you call yourself, without training, ekspromtom?

a) I often shy like this myself;

b) I can tell, or I will spiral around on the plot only of a fictional movie or only of a book I have read;

c) it is unlikely that I can see the tsikave.

5. To find out that you have opinilis in an unknown suspension. Є Imovirnist, you will not be more aware of people who are here. You will find yourself in the center of uvagi, you have seen the distribution. What will the plot of your announcement be?

a) rozpov_m name history, I'll come up with a Yaku at the moment, I will be the head participant of what I will be;

b) rozpov_m real history, The plot of the vibe in the presence of the mood of the presence;

c) I'd like to tell you about politics, mods and other sports news.

6. Did you want to come back at a given moment?

a) on a blue liner, which cross the Pacific Ocean;

b) in the jungle;

c) in a comfortable swimming pool of a five-star hotel.

7. How do you contribute to the understanding of "style"?

a) first for everything, originality;

b) I vvazhayu the understanding of the far-fetched, іnіkо I do not see a single style, nor in dress, nor in behavior;

c) to build me up, so that one style is added to help my individuality and, apparently, seen from NATO.

8. Do you like to be amazed at the picture, how to depict the nature?

a) so, madly;

b) keep everything in my mood;

c) I can’t say, but I don’t want to bring you any special satisfaction.

9. How do you see yourself on the minds of other people in different situations?

a) so, even more often;

b) to finish up rіdko;

c) practical nicoli.

10. To realize that you have become boring with a rapt. Why are you playing, why are you enjoying yourself?

a) in my opinion, krashchiy zabavitsya vіd nudgi - zanuritsya in svіt mriy;

c) my nicoli is not boring, even if my style is drowsy.

11. If you read books, don’t fall for a dumka about those who could write more beautifully?

a) so, so dumkies are often judged;

b) such thoughts appear, ale ridko;

c) dumb, such dumoks are not victorious.

12. Yak vi think, what is life beyond the grave?

a) so, isnuє;

b) it is important to say;

c) I think it's not.

13. Yak vi are you going to paint?

a) the whole view of the mystery of the zvivo tsіkaviv me;

b) vvazhayu, scho tse busy - marna waste for an hour;

c) I am not particularly interested in painting, but I do not want to be like, to mean I have the right to be shown.

14. Chi wonder vi at khmari?

a) so, even more often;

b) inodi;

c) even more rarely.

15. Would you like to turn around in your past?

a) so, especially in deyakі period;

b) it is important to say;

16. Yakbi you have the opportunity to turn in your past, why would you want to change?

a) a love situation;

b) revise іnshu coverage;

c) visit the country.

17. How do you value in people?

a) kindness, life;

b) generosity;

c) Intellect.

18. To find out, how you threw the lies, wondered at the window, and there everything is covered with snow. Would you like to be present at your place?

a) looks like a charming lis;

b) give up, an hour zupiniv;

c) melodiously, find out about the problems with transport.

19. Would you like to find a fortune if you took an hour off your car?

a) in the era of the Renaissance;

b) on the cob XX century;

c) in maybutny.

20. Do you often hear classical music?

a) do it often;

b) from vid to vipad;

c) I hear practically nikoli.

21. Do you lead a vie?

b) in his youth "indulging" tsim;

22. Do you want to see it?

b) it is important to accept;

23. See if you go by autumn forest... Do you have any thoughts with you?

a) enjoy the beauty of nature;

b) sorry, how old it was;

c) think about every problem and problem.

24. Does it befit you to smash with children?

a) so, tse duzhe tsikavo;

b) even more rarely, everything is based on the character of the child;

c) it’s dumb, I’m not busy with my soul.

25. Do you make yourself a kind person?

a) it’s dumb, I’ll finish it;

b) I can't say;

c) I don’t think about it.

26. De vyvazhaєte for more beautiful vіdpochivati?

a) on nature;

b) de happen;

c) in the place.

27. Do you often get bored with Chi?

a) practical nicoli;

b) inodi;

28. What are you going to do before being imprisoned?

a) so, in the meaning of the world;

b) even more rarely;

29. What do you remember about your child?

a) so, madly;

b) only around the moment;

c) may be dumb.

30. How can I make you feel like a spy?

a) I think so;

b) no worse;

c) shvidshe for everything, dumb.

31. What do you think about before the new rock is coming?

a) I cleanse the non-vicious one;

b) about the gifts;

c) about those who are the best to hold sacred.

32. Why do you want to be built, how are you great in your life?

a) so, be built;

b) mayzhe is dumb;

c) I don’t forget about it.

33. Chi namagaєtesya vi otochuvati yourself with beautiful objects?

a) so, if possible;

b) only in the world of need;

c) I see the pass of the busy one. key Yaksho among your views, the option "a" Then you can say that you have a miraculous lack of imagination in your misery. You often get promising associations, one thought is not unmistakable to bring to the bottom. You, madly, creative lyudin, і, shvidshe for everything, you know about it yourself. Practically you are not bored, everything will be built for you in a tsikavim and new, so you bachiti the beauty of a new light to see the midst of the most common manifestations of action. Your thought is rich in something similar to a child's eye-gazing, life itself for you is very rich and barvy. If you are fully engaged, you can engage in creative work, however, if you are a robot, you can bring your own, elements of creative and innovative approach to all the right things, constantly supervise you.

Yakshcho among your views, reboot option "b" That is imaginatively misleading you, madly, Your creative health can be promoted, alright, better for everything, you yourself do not particularly want it. If you most often see a realistic look at life, then romance in all manifestations will give you a bit of powerless happiness. As a matter of fact, you have mercy - the image of the misery and the creators of goodness did not entice people to the tough and rational, navpaki, the stench was full of their mind, and the chefs of all could be more beautifully happy with all the nutrition.

Yaksho in the middle of your views, the option "in", then you are not guilty of misery. You are a borderline realist lyudin, take a rational look at the navkolishniy light. It is important for you to vibrate from the number, you do not have the power to change the mood and the loss of introspection. Before creativity, you put yourself with a delicious cook, but at the same time you will take in, that there is not a lot of attention to you, so do not be afraid of any attempts to get close to a new one and try yourself in a selection of roles. Ale, maybe, you can take a look at the light, but you can really get your life and knowledge new. At least, you won't lose your rationalistic look, but at the same time you can come up with something new.

Test Naskilki vi musical?

Is music close to you? Do you feel the tremulous sounds of your heart? And maybe buti, do you like to fold melodies? If you are invited to the food, you can, if you see it as if you were thinking, play the music, or if you say goodbye to your world, where the main role in the whole voice is not to understand the music, but to hear it.

1. Do you love you, if you are at home, or in suspension, do you have a melody like you?

a) slyly, I just cannot stream myself, inodi do not marvel at the zaprechennya otchuyuchih, not satisfied with my "musical tales";

b) I love naspivuvati like my song, ale only at home and only at home, since I am not sensitive, except for the closest people;

c) it behooves me to be deyaki of the psyche, if only I hear the rumor, and not sleep.

2. Do you match the rhythm with your fingers on the table?

a) to be like, through scho at me great problems who to hear from;

b) if the melody is even rhythmic and beautiful, it should be like “drumming” with my fingers, because the price does not bring any peace of mind;

c) through my hearing, I am vvazhaya for beautifully unique similar experiments.

3. Yaku muzyku you vvazhaєte for more beautiful hearings for an hour or so, what kind of music is directly screwing you up?

a) I have already spent a long time choosing for myself an orientation to rock (grunge, pop, classical, etc.) and from quietly namagayusya and dotrimuvatisya, who are not sprinkled on the other musical styles that straight;

b) I like practically all music in a straightforward way, listening to whether good music will bring me great joy, so in all things I do not see one thing;

c) I don’t pay any special respect for the music, and I can only get by without it, but in that case, if I’m going to be able to vibrate, I’m choosing something like that.

4. How do you put it before your home or your robots is constantly turning on guchna music?

a) a change in such a camp of speeches should be more like that, most often I myself turn on the voice;

b) everything is good in the world, so that I can only listen to good music, but only I can hear it;

c) I don’t like if music is “b'є on wuhah”, and through the price I can enter into a conflict with those who feel comfortable, who are more important than listening to them.

5. Do you take a player with you, virushayuchi kudi-nebud?

a) so, do not marvel at those who are rich in pennies іde on batteries, the player supervodzhu me everywhere, where didn’t throw me a share;

b) I love to carry a magnetophone with me, or if I pick it up, I will not get tired of it anymore, if I have forgotten to take him to Chergov's trip, even on the road, and without that being able to read the tsikavi speeches;

c) I don’t bother, the player is still necessary in the road, at least, I do well on trips without it.

6. What about those who want to create a career in show business?

a) in my soul, I am still trying to sell the world, I would like to think that it’s like this and I want to lose it;

b) I mean, in my childhood, but now I don’t import, but it’s the most beautiful option;

c) a little thought of Nicholas did not occur to me, because from the very childhood I was making a career in the first place.

7. Would you like to see the video on top of musical instruments?

a) so, in my childhood I went to a musical school, and from quiet time I saved good gri on the guitar (piano, violin, etc.);

b) I am not grasping musical schools, Ale, unaffected by the price, for the help of friends and a self-reader, I have mastered a musical instrument, on which I play in a tight friendly company;

c) I can’t grate on musical instruments, so I don’t feel the hour and the bazhannya, I’ll see it.

8. Do you often forget to remember the words pisen?

a) I know to remember all the pictures of my beloved viconautsa, and my memory does not bring me any difficulties;

b) I forget to remember the deprivation of those pictures, as they should be better for me, because they are often spicy in a friendly company;

c) to be forgotten in the main song, as it often turns on the radio, and moreover the price is displayed.

9. Have you ever wondered if you wanted to attend one of the musical concerts?

a) so, I was at one of the concerts of my beloved group (spivak, spivachki), and I was rewarded with an unforgettable feud;

b) I haven’t ever been on such a visit, but I am amazed at the concerts on TV because I am pleased, and when the available opportunity has come, I’m sure I’ll speed up;

c) I don’t like spending an hour, for that I don’t like drunken music, and I import it, but I can only cut it off from individual listening. key Most of your views are to be categorized as "a" You may not be able to figure it out - you should be able to find the number of found shanuvalniks in the musical genre. The visibility of the voice and hearing is not overwhelming for you in the fact that you can cheerfully zarahuvat yourself to the lavish musicians, or, take, creative people, with an obvious pull towards the "vocal-instrumental" mystery. Most often people who are similar to the warehouse of mimovoly reach for professional music and, if they do not play themselves, then, at any time, they are close to the stage and the factories in friendly companies.

As far as your internal warehouse is concerned, the best view will be taken from category "b" Then you put yourself up to the so-called "middle peasants", as you listen to the music in a way that will make you happy. Allegedly, to finish the deprivation of a small shipment (for example, going to some kind of concert), and from the roster of "lovers" were re-qualified as fans of music.

Well, what about your presentation to the musical masterpiece to visualize the views from the category "in" Then it is important to bring you to the hot shanuvalniks of creativity of a kind. You will be satisfied with the scraps of musical compositions of the young styles, and have reached you absolutely vipadkovo, I wish you can do miraculously without them. If you are included in the rumor, then the most frequent thing for your loved ones to act is, or bazhannya to the authorities. You do not want to miss anything else, as only try yourself in the same genre of art.

Chi test with your own hands

In order to make sure that you care for the help given to the test, you need to refer to food unambiguously: "so" or "ni".

1. Have you been busy with any painting or deception?

2. Do you often see the sum?

3. If you say something good, do not decorate it with any details, why should the hearer be better off?

4. Show your initiative on robots?

5. Qi can you characterize your handwriting as rosy, inaccurate?

6. When you vibor, do you have a shit, do you cherish the vigorous likeness, not the joy of those people?

7. Did you go on, if you didn’t follow you, why did you mechanically repair the little figurines in the fields of your notebook on a boring day?

8. How do you find out about your image, how do you listen to music?

9. Do you like to write and report papers?

Creative potential I am already zgaduvav, I like to feed my readers, I vvazhayut for myself with an intellectual stench. Call me the song, I will feed the people themselves quietly, as the stench of appraising my creative health. І in the whole experience I know the vicorist ten-point

Z books Zrostannya biznesu pіd zbіlshuvalny sklom author Viger Patrik

Chapter 5 The Potential of the Company's Assets Seeing the Knowledge of Only Viter ... From Bob Dilan's Writings? Є three ways to increase the potential of assets: to move resources in a zone with a high potential for growth, to change the warehouse of the portfolio or to stimulate markets, in some cases

Z books Yak z hobi zrobiti business. monetization of creativity the author Tyukhmeneva Anna

Chapter 6 Potential evil and scandalousness Surely, in the light of a lot of speeches that you can't buy for a penny, but tell me the right way, my partner: if you ever tried to buy it without a penny? Ogden Nesh "Zhakhlivi people"? At types great company 31% overseas growth

Buzan Toni

3 books Buti Bagatim the author Sviyash Oleksandr Grigorovich

З books Social education. Misia - zrobiti svit we shrink author Lyons Thomas

Pick up your collective potential One more simple thought. One person can see one bit of energy. And two people - two times more, as the stench will be flooded with the same food. Three people - three times more, and so on.

Viber is one of three options for skin nutrition.

1.Chi vvazhate vi, so navkolishniy you can be polished:

b) dumb, vin і add garnies like that;

c) so, ale only de in chomu.

2. You yourself can share the fate of the significant changes in your midst;

a) so, in most cases

c) so, in deyaky vipadkah.

3. Well, really, what actions from your ideas would bring significant progress in the sphere of your activity

b) so, for friendly surroundings;

c) in the act of the world.

4. Chi vvazhate vi, in the future play such an important role is played, that you can fundamentally change:

a) so, melodiously;

b) maloimovirno;

c) it is possible.

5. If you vyrishute razpochati yakus diyu, chi sing vi, come on, do your repairs:

b) I often wonder;

6. Chi vidchuvaєte vi bazhannya take care of the right, you absolutely don’t know yaku:

a) so, inadvertently it was screwed up;

b) you can't be tricked into being unavailable;

c) everything is based on the nature of the community.

7. You have to be engaged in an unknown right. Chi vidchuvaєte vi bazhannya to reach in nіy thoroughness:

b) be satisfied with what you have achieved;

c) so, how should it be fitting for you.

8. Yaksho on the right, yaku you do not know, you should be like, who you want to know about everything:

b) it’s dumb, you want to see if it’s better than you;

c) dumb, you just want to be satisfied with your tsikavist.

9. If you know bad luck, then

a) for an hour you persist against a healthy deafness;

b) deprive the tsyu zatiya, so as a matter of fact, it’s unreal;

c) sell your law

10. In your opinion, the profession needs to be selected from:

a) their abilities, given prospects for themselves;

b) stability, significance of the profession, consumption;

c) overwhelm, if you can take care of it.

11. More expensive, we could easily fly on the route, on which we have already passed:

b) dumb, you are afraid to beat the road

c) so, ale only there, demeanity has been vouchsafed to you.

12. Immediately, you can guess everything you say:

a) so, without pratsі;

b) often you cannot ask;

c) mem'yatovute only those who ask you.

13. If you feel the word you don’t know, you can repeat it without mercy:

a) so, without difficulty;

b) so, if the word is easy to forget;

c) so, albeit not calling correctly.

14. Have a great time in your will:

a) zalishatisya at one, pomirkuvati;

b) perebuvati in the company;

c) baiduzha, walk along.

15. You will be busy with the right. Virіshuєte pinch the tse busy, if:

a) on the right it is finished and it will be created for you by a viconano;

b) you big-mens are satisfied;

c) you have not yet penetrated all the damage.

16. If you are one, then:

a) love the world about how abstract speech;

b) try to know your specific busyness;

c) love thinking about the speeches that are tied to your robot.

17. If I’m looking for an idea, you’ll start thinking about it:

a) as a matter of fact, if you are going to interrupt;

b) you can work on the whole;

c) only there, if it is not even noisy.

18. If you see the idea:

a) you can see her if you listen to the arguments of the opponents;

b) get lost in your duma, if you don’t listen to arguments;

c) Change your thought so that you can appear strong.


for the skin vibration of the variant of the type "a" - 3 bali;

for the skin vibration of the variant of the type "b" - 1 point;

for the skin vibration of the variant of the form "v" - 2 bali.


Yaksho in sumy we typed 49 and more points- there is a significant creative potential in you, which will give you a wide range of creative possibilities. As long as you can fix your health, then you have access to the best forms of creativity.

From 24 to 48 balloons. You have a whole lot of normal creative potential. You make those qualities that allow you to create, if you have any problems, such as galvanize the processes of creativity. At any time, your potential is to allow you to show yourself, if you, vividly, will help you.

23 or less points. Unfortunately, your creative potential is not great. Ale, maybe you just underestimated yourself, your health? Vіri in its power can lead you to the thought, but we didn’t think about creativity. Have fun with it and use this rank to solve the problem.

Here there will be a file: /data/edu/files/e1454955731.doc (Form of views (Your creative potential))