Individual specialties of a new diagnostician. The method of vivchennya uyav. diagnostics in reality child's specialty

Meta of success: the degree of foldability, the degree of flexibility, the rigidity, or the rigidity of the degree of stereotypicality, or the originality.

Material of ustatkuvannya: three archways paper with a size of 10x16 cm without cells or lines. On the first arch, in the middle, there is a contour of a stake with a diameter of 2.5 cm. On the other sheet, in the middle, there is also a contour of an equal-sided tricycle on the second side of 2.5 cm. On the third, there is a contour of a square on the second side of 2.5 cm.

follow-up procedure

Dane until the end of the day to spend yak with one viprobuvanim, as well as with a group. Ale is more beautiful, the group is small, up to 15 cholovіk. In the last resort, the experimenter needs quilts, but they didn’t try to test them until the end of the test and didn’t show their little ones to them.

Testing is carried out in three stages. On the first stage of the test, give a leaf with a picture on the new contour of the stake, on the other - a tricycle and on the third - a square. The skin stage is followed by a repetitive instruction.

Instructions for the video: "Vikoristovuyu images on the whole arc geometric figurines, Pet the little ones. The quality of a baby is not worth it. How to fix the contour to your own application. Behind the stop signal pinch on the mumbo-jumbo.

An hour of mulling on the skin stage, the experimenter starts by the second. In the case of the skin, it will be worth 60 seconds.

When the end of the test of a viprobuvan is asked for a self-call and for the sake of powering up: “Did you give you zest? How much did you see you at the її Viconanie? "

Processing of results

The processing of the results and the value of the development of the development, the degree of the fixity of the appearance, the rigidity and rigidity, as well as the originality of the stereotypes, is carried out by the way of introducing the change and analysis of all three of them.

The value of the fold

The ability to be ascertained for the most common of the three malunks. You can use the scale to bark, so the barking power can be set to five equal folds.

The first rhyven: the contour of the geometric figuri is victorious yak is the main detail of the little one, the little one himself is downtime. without additional i is one figuru.

Another r_ven: the outline of the vicoristano yak will be the main detail, but the little one himself is the mother of the piece.

The third level: the contour of the vicorist is the main detail, and the little one is a singing plot, while additional details can be introduced.

Quarter Rings: the contour of the geometric figurine is sold as the main detail, ale small ones - the whole story is folded with the addition of figurines and details.

P'yatie rivn: the little ones are a folding plot, in which the contour of the geometric figurine is victorious as one of the details.

19. Technique "Intellectual portrait"

Zagalna characteristic

The technique is addressed to teachers. Vona is straightened on those who help to systematize the power of the child's health. The parameters, for which the assessment is carried out, start the basic operations and characteristics of the target, which are promoted in the course of interaction with the child.

A methodology is given, like all the methods of diagnostics of giftedness for teachers and fathers, not for the possibility of victorious classical psychodiagnostic methods, but, navpaki, it is guilty that one is warehouse parts a psychologist with a set of psychodiagnostic techniques.

Piznavalna sphere

1. The originality of the message is visuvati new, unsupported ideas, which are widely seen, far-fetched, banal.

To appear in misery and behavior of children, in spilkuvanni with one-leafs and grown-ups, in all types of their activity (it is clearly depicted in the character and themes of self-directed children, creation of history, construction).

2. Dullness of misrepresentation - the state of the art and it is easy to know the new strategy of the solution, to establish associations and go (in misleading and behavior) from the phenomena of the same class to the others, often far beyond the time.

To appear in the cleverness of the alternative strategy of dealing with problems, to promptly change the solution of the problem directly.

3. Productivity, for the sake of speed, and the desire to be attracted to look at the building before the generation of a great number of people.

Find out and can assess the number of options for the development of business problems and products of activity (projects, kids, create, etc.).

4. Building prior to analysis and synthesis. Analysis - line, post-dated, logically accurate processing of information, including allowance for distribution to warehouses. Synthesis, navpaki, - її synchronization, integration into a single structure.

A great deal of goodness is manifested in case of emerging logical enterprises and problems, and can be practically revealed in any form of childishness.

To emerge, in addition to special logical tasks, in themselves different types The child's performance, for example, is in practice before the collection, systematization of the materials.

6. The visoka of concentration evolves into two main features of the psyche: high step dimming into the task and the possibility of a successful "setting" (navigate if there is a transitional code) to receive information, so that it can be used until further notice.

We emerge in schliness to the fold and occasionally we are ready to take it (the other pole is characterized by a “low threshold of inclusion”, so we can turn into swift sickness, in the absence of a long time to engage in one right).

7. Memory - the memory of a child to remember facts, stories, abstract symbols, small signs - this is the best indicator of giftedness. However, it’s the mother who’s going to be on the road, not the one who has the most memory, but the one who’s built quickly and efficiently from the memory will need information.

Manifesting different types of memory (pre-construction and short-hour, meaningful and mechanical, figurative and symbolic and inn.)

Sphere of special development

1. The abundance of tasks. Many precursors take advantage of the quality of the given characteristics of the endowment. Dіyalnіst todі vistupaє efficiently development of zdіbnosti, if it is stimulated to obvyazyu, not to praetennyy otrimat the city, to compete in competitions, but in the first place - to be interested in zmistu.

Vyavlyayetsya in the spirit and behavior of the child. Dominating motivation can be a path of caution and demise.

2. Perfection is characterized by the practitioners to bring the product, whether of its own kind, to the appearance of the self high vimogam... As a matter of fact, highly gifted children do not get satisfied without reaching the highest standard of their robotics.

Vyavlyayetsya in the very different types of performance, to vyavlyayutsya in easy practicality and reprobably to the likelihood of the highest special standards.

3. Social autonomy - building and strengthening the Duma's greatness. In a child who does not care about the power of the preschool and young school age copying, the quality of the presence and characterization of the steps of the child's independence and independence - the qualities necessary for the young, and the mature.

To emerge in readiness to break through the point of view, to move like a prototype idea of ​​greatness, in a practical work and repair unconventionally, in an original way.

4. Leadership is called dominance in miscellaneous, In childish games and joint-them on the right, yes, yes, the child's first admission will accept the decision, but it is even more important in any creative activity.

Do not expect, but often є the result of an intellectual overdrive. Ditina zberigє in her own fondness in іnіh people, it is easy to get along with іnіnі children and grown-ups; showing innovation in spilkuvanni with one-liners, taking on the visibility.

5. Competitiveness - skill up to competitive forms of interaction. Adding to the result of the improvement and especially the difference is an important factor in the development of the specialness, the hardening of the character.

To appear in scholarship, for the part of the brother who does not want to participate in the activity, as the transfer of the competitive form of interaction.

6. The breadth of interests. Diversity and at the same time the child's interest is not only the evidence of the gift, but the result wicked robots... The basis of the quality of the highly gifted є great versatility and universalism. The breadth of interests is the basis of good news.

Vyavlyayetsya in practical activities nayrіznomanіtnіshim, dissimilar types of activity, in bazhannі try their strength in the spheres themselves.

7. Humor. Without building, it’s impossible to see creative people in the real life situations. The quality of life is manifested and shaped as a child. Won to the testimonies of being gifted and at the same time with this effective mechanism of the psychologic zahist.

Show humor richly, like life itself, it is easy to see how it is manifest, so it is visible.

yak otsinuvati

For the assessment of the speed by the method of polar points. The skin characteristic of the child's potential will be evaluated on a five-point scale:

5 - the assessment of the power of the specialness is rooted in goodness, it is clearly expressed, it often appears in different types of activity and behavior;

4 - power is vaguely twisted, ale appears briefly, with a lot of opposing power, the power is manifested even more rarely;

3 - assessing and opposing the power of the specialness in behavior and performance, one to one;

2 - the power of the specialness is more often turned and more often the power of the specialness appears, it is not assessed;

1 - it is clearly and often appears to be the power of the specialness, against the assessment, but to take into account in behavior and in all types of activity;

0 - views for the assessment of the given value (not may).

Processing of results

Add the views to the table. The result will be more efficient, as quickly as possible by the method of expert assessments, so that you can get the assessments from the educators who are well aware of these children.

The signs (or the arithmetic mean indicators, calculated according to the results of assessments of the number of teachers) can be presented graphically. Ideal result - two correct seven-yards. Ale at a real child, during an active assessment, make sure to enter a folding configuration star.

The graph to rob the information more directly, yes, the notice about those, in which direct we should lead the robot (graph 1).

Graph 1. Technique "intellectual portrait", butt motivate "graphic profile" child

Individual specialties of the future and development

You can see the individual specialties, in the case of the fallowing of this kind of quality among the people, you can see the advances:

The step of luster and glybin of images. You will be able to lay down in the emotional sphere of people and sensitivity. At a high level of growth, creative people have musicians, artists, writers.

Liveness and power to show. The creation is unbelievable and unnatural, to the authorities of the Kazakhs and to science fiction writers.

The stage of truthfulness and realism. Fantasies in the realm of unreal manifestations or fantasies.

Show latitude. The baggage of the zmistu uyav, immediately victorious manifestation from the spheres of life, from the future and past.

Satisfaction. Show Vikoristannya to achieve the set result.

Sensory type. Deal with hearing, healthy, or rosy images uyav. Opportunity to whichever type is very likely to be seen on individual and psychological features specialties.

Professionality of people. Dominate the consumer and the area of ​​activity without any need to lie down.

Looking at the real and individual specialties, you can see the appearance of those who do not show an image in the evidence, which are past and reject the information, by themselves interacting with the fields objectively, in reality. Vono rozvinne and manifest in a different way in any spheres of life of the people. First of all, it’s not rozvinnіst to rob the whole life of not emotional and everyday life.

Uyava in people is not rosy, but in a smart way to manifest itself in their activity and suspicious life. Individual specialties can be found in the fact that people develop beyond the stage of development by the type of images, such as the stench they operate most often.

The stage of development is characterized by bright images and glybin, from which the tribute of the past is reworked, as well as the novelty and evidence of the results of the process of overhaul. The strength and vitality of the image is easy to assess, if the product appears to be implausible and chimeric, for example, from the authors charming kazoks... Weak development can be seen to twist in a low level of pererobki uyavlen. If you are weak, it is difficult for you to follow yourself in the development of the buildings, as you will be able to see your specific situation on purpose. With a lack of developmental development, you may have an uncomfortable richness and profitability in the emotional plan of life. As a rule, a high level of development will be successful in people who are engaged in creative work - writers, artists, musicians, vchenikh.

Most of the differences between people appear according to the character of the dominant type. Most often people are engaged with the heaps of healthy, auditory, or rosy images. Ale є people who mean high growth all or most types of uyav. Tsi people can be brought up to the so-called of a different type... The lack of such a type is even more likely to reflect on the individual psychological specialties of the people. For example, people of the auditory aboard type often dramatize the situation in their thoughts, revealing the nature of an unsettled opponent.

Slid to mean that a man does not pop up with a rosy ugly. Uyava develops in a tight connection with the development of all specialties, in the process of new and vicious, as well as in the same way with misinterpretations, memory, by will and with respect.

It is important to note that some specific features of the field, which characterize the dynamics of development, are even more important. Wear your butts superficially early development show me. For example, Mozart started to put the music in chotiri rock, Rapin and Sєrov were painted in good rock. On the other hand, the increase in development does not mean that the process in more mature rock will stand on a low level. The Іstorії vіdomі vіdadі, since great people, for example Einstein, in dіdіnіvі didnіt іnіdіnіyu uvіyuyu, in an hour they began to talk about them as about genіїv.

It is important to re-evaluate the role in the creative process. Creativity is clearly linked to mental processes, including with reality. The stage of development for the first time is not less important for creativity, but, say, the stage for development of the target.

Psychology of creativity is manifested in all specific types: wine, scientific, literary, artistic, etc. find the minds creativity є the manifestation of singing experiences, which create the emotional tone of creative activity.

Uyava is a superstitious sutta manifestation of specialness. Uyava grow up in people for a number of signs.

Persh for all the individual freedom to turn in yaskravost_ images, Innovation, originality, accuracy. For some people, images of yaskravi, vivid, can be seen with images of spirits and manifestations of memory. L. Beethoven's playful music, as if he was already deaf, could create his own miracles. L.N. Tolstoy became aware of the fact that he was roaming, the facts, the bastard of the individuals with them, and he blundered them.

Yaskravіst, the power to be seen also in the meaning of the world emotional sphere. yaskravі pictures, Scho to be painted in real life, not so often to be recognized as a result of increased sensitivity. Feeling the fear of a snake to a person, they are clearly not safe, and, navpaki, they can not be safe from a person who has developed a sense of fear. In people who are not sensitive to the image, you should show signs of weakness and weakness.

Uyava people vistupaє as a representation of the power of specialness, yogo psychological will become at the given moment of the hour. Seemingly, the product of creativity, its form and form represent the specialness of the creator. This fact is known to be widespread in psychology, especially in the development of psychodiagnostic special techniques. Special tests of the projective type (Thematic apperception test - TAT, Rorschach test and in.) Are based on the so-called mechanism of projection, which is why a person in his own way can ascribe his special quality I will. Conduct a special system of analysis of products in fantasies and tests, a psychologist on the basis of which to judge a person who should have a product

There is a sense of individual, typological peculiarities of the people, connected with the specific memory, reception and misdirection of people.

In some people, you can be more specific, imaginatively taking light, as an internal appearance in the richness and rozmaitty of your fantasies. It seems about such individuals that they smell like an artist's type of misery. For priuschennyam, the artistic type of misinterpretation of physiological dressings with the dominance of the right brainwash. Among them, it is a great skill to operate with abstract symbols, understands. Tse people with domіuyuchim lіvoyu pіvkuleu brain.

Individual views beyond the level of reality, truthfulness... So, for some people, it is typical to fantasize in the area of ​​unrealistic manifestations, and not to go beyond the framework of everyday life.

The breadth is visible in the form of a stake of quiet areas of action, images of such an opera in the presence of people. For people with a wide open mind, one hour at once the manifestation of the most diverse spheres of nature in the past and the future, the past and the life of the history of people, the earth and the heavens, technology and the mystery of the earth. It’s not easy to get caught up in images of pure fantasy. Broadly yyavu zvvychay richly for zm_stom.

An individual characteristic you can serve yogo credibility, Tobto vmіnnya pіdporodkovuvati after the delivered zavdannyu, vikoristovuvati to achieve the desired result. People who are highly organized in reality, do not care about the versatility of being images, because they don’t take to respect the main straight lines, and how they are connected to them until they have associations.

If you are not organized in reality, you will quickly get involved in the work, like directly, like asking for fantasies, and starting to function for the type of vilny associations, turning into maddens.

The order of individual singularity can be served type of sensibility, which is importantly opera lyudin ( zorovi, rukhovi etc.).

Show your creativity individually, but you can also be tied to the process.

Uyava is also a visitor to the region professional performance people i home needs.

Meta doslіdzhennya - the degree of foldability, the degree of fixity, the appearance, the rigidity, or the rigidity of the degree of stereotypicality, or the originality.

Vikoristovuvani materials. Three arkusha paper with images: on the first - the contour of the stake with a diameter of 2.5 cm, on the other - the contour of the equal-sided tricycle on the second side of 2.5 cm, on the third - the contour of the square on the second side of 2.5 cm.


Date: 07/14/2012 viprobation: Wusata Inna

experimenter: Wusata I.Є. protocolist: Wusata I.

Go to experiment:

Processing of results:

1. Rivn foldability uyav:

    The contour of the vicorias, as the main detail, is the little bitty itself, the little part.

2 .According to the rigidity of the appearance and the stage of the fixation of images and manifestation.

    Gnuchka uyava is like all three babies on the plot.

3. Viznachennya step type.

    Typically. The original baby is the middle step of stereotyping.

visnovok: As a result of the experiment, the vyprobuvanny contour of vicoristas, as the main detail, albeit tiny little parts, all three little ones on the basis of those, the middle steps of stereotypes.

dosvid 2

Doslidzhennya creative uya

Meta doslіdzhennya - to give an assessment to the specialties of creative uyav.

Vikoristovuvani materials. Forms with nadrukovanim on new three be-in other words, for example: drops, road, boards; standard arkushi paper, handle, seconds.


Date: 07/14/2012 viprobation: Wusata Inna

experimenter: Wusata I.Є. protocolist: Wusata I.

Go to experiment:

A young ludin in black drops yichav in woody weather, on the road.

Buv boards Volodymyr went to home, the road was wet.

I spasmed from the windows of my apartment, when there were strong boards, the road was wet, and there was only one old man in the black chapel down the avenue.

Processing and analysis of results: 6 points

visnovok: As a result of the experiment at the vyprobuvanny middle of the steps of creativity - 5 points. The proposition of vikoristan has all three words without special supplementation, albeit in the original combination


Zavdannya 1.

Overhaul the main functions of the memory and describe five specific life situations in which the skin is actualized from them.

The memory of development has the following basic functions (processes): memorizing, saving, making and forgetting.

Remembering is the whole process of collecting and saving the information received.

Renovation is the whole process of memory, as a result of which there is an actualization of the mind that was fixed earlier to the mind of the psyche by way of the way from the pre-city memory and the transfer to the operative.

Zabuvannya is a process that is characterized by a step change in the ability to create and create material.

Saving is the phase of memory, which is characterized by the pre-prepared information taken from the received information in the prikhovanny camp.

dosvid 1

Evidence of fallow productivity

Meta doslіdzhennya - show by pouring pochutt_v on zapam'yatovuvannya.

Vikoristovuvani materials. List of 30 words. There are 10 of them who can be tied with a lot of satisfaction, 10 - with a lot of dissatisfaction, and 10 - with a baiduzhim. The first ones in the list are marked with a “-”, others - with a “-”, the third - “0”; papir (0), gift (+), nudga (-), dance (+), lamp (0), unhappiness (-), music (+), wound (-), vikno (0), travel (+), sadness (-), beauty (+), olіvets (0), mriya (+), stin (0), stealing (-), awesome (0), snake (-), luck (+), bury (-), penny (+), fever (-), cork (0), love (+), number (0), letter (0), vijna (-), zoshit (0), joy (+), deception (-).


Date: 07/14/2012 viprobation: Wusata Inna

experimenter: Wusata I.Є. protocolist: Wusata I.

Go to experiment:

Love (+), nudga (-), joy (+), vіyna (-), budіvlya (0), sadness (-), pennies (+), fever (-), vіkno (0), lamp (0), unhappiness (-), gift (+), dance (+), wound (-), poezia (+), mriya (+), beauty (+), music (+), olivets (0), stin (0), cork (0) number (0), letter (0) sews (0), deception (-).

visnovok: The results of the experiment in the viprobovan have more positive indications than the negative ones, in conjunction with the cym it can be said in garnishing mood and they re-enumerated the positive emotions.

dosvid 2

Memory in Image Technique

The methodology is stagnant at the professional board, vicarist in the group and individually.

Meta doslіdzhennya - vivchennya figurative memory.

Vikoristovuvani materials. Table with 16 images, seconds.


Date: 07/14/2012 viprobation: Wusata Inna

experimenter: Wusata I.Є. protocolist: Wusata I.

Go to experiment:

visnovok: The results of the experiment in the viprobuvanny have 13 points - it should be clear about those who have a normal Reflective memory.

dosvid 3

mechanical memory

Meta doslіdzhennya - find the dominant type of mechanical memory (hearing is abnormal).

Vikoristovuvani materials. The experimenter is ready to present to the viprobuvan 2 rows of 12 double-digit numbers (rows of innocent singing mathematical laws), seconds.


Zavdannya (topic):

experimenter: Whiskered І.

viprobation: Wusata I.

vik: 18 rock Pidloga: squads.

Self-feeling of viprobuvanny: Garne self-respect

Go to experiment:

visnovok: At the same time, randomly generated numbers:

In 1 series - 9; 2 series have 6.

The viprobuvanny good has a rooted rumor - a mechanical memory.

dosvid 4

smyslov memory

Meta doslіdzhennya - the infusion of meaningful links to the memory and the development of verbal material, as well as the memory of the memory when illuminating the logical links.

Vikoristovuvani materials. Seconds, ten pairs of words, between which it is easy to set up the words of the ring.

Ray - sun noise - water castle - doors

Мідь - lead steel - obid day - dobu

Souk - yalinka misst - bet rate - rowing

Rіk - mіsyats ruble - kopіyka zvіr - fox

Zero - the number of lis - witmіd eyes - wuho

Light - dawn oak - acorn nich - zirka

Mars - planet game - built shlyakh - road

Budinok - book riy - bjola garden - kviti

Nіzh - vidka godinu - kul hour - vіyna

Leaf - tsvyakh tree - plank board - parasolku


Zavdannya (topic):"Mechanical memory" Date: 07/14/2012

experimenter: Whiskered І.

viprobation: Wusata I.

vik: 18 rock Pidloga: squads.

Self-feeling of viprobuvanny: Garne self-respect

Change characteristic ................................................ ............

Go to experiment:

Ray - sun (+) noise - water (+) lock - doors (+)

Mid - lead (+) style - (-) day - add (+)

Bitches - yalinka (+) mіst - river (+) rates - rowing (+)

Рік - місяць (+) ruble - copy (+) zvіr - (-)

Zero - number (+) lіs - wedmіd (+) eyes - wuho (+)

Light - dawn (+) oak - acorn (+) nich - zirka (+)

Mars - planet (+) game - built (+) shlyakh - road (+)

Budinok - book (+) riy - bjola (+) garden - kviti (+)

Nіzh - vidka (+) year - hour (+) kul - vіyna (+)

Leaf - tree (+) flowers - plank (+) well without debris - parasolka (+)

Processing and analysis of results .

visnovok: As a result of the experiment of vip tests, repeating to myself the words and the staff of the whole wine, making the least number of words, all the bets after the bullets are easy to remember.

dosvid 5

Logical and mechanical memory

Meta doslіdzhennya - Prescribing logical and mechanical memory by the method of memorizing two rows of words.

vikoristovuvan_ materials... Two rows of words. In the first row there is a sense of the meaning of the word in words, in the other row there is a stench in the sound.

First row: Lyalka - grati, hammer - egg, knives - rizati, kin - sleigh, book - teacher, blizzard - fly, brush - teeth, drum - pioneer, snig - winter, pivn - shout, chornilo - zoshit, cow - milk, steam locomotive - yykhati, pear - compote, lamp - evening.

another row: Beetle - crust, comb - earth, compass - glue, dzvinochok - arrow, tit - sister, line - tram, fly agaric - sofa, comb - viter, cherevki - samovar, decanter - brothers, sirnik - vivtsya, grater-sea, droplets -bee, riba-pozhezha, saw-yachnya.


Date: 07/14/2012 viprobation: Wusata Inna

experimenter: Wusata I.Є. protocolist: Wusata I.

Go to experiment:

visnovok: The meaning of the words and the words is injected into the efficiency of the memory.

Meta doslіdzhennya: Visually, the degree of folding, the degree of fixity, the appearance, the rigidity and the rigidity of the degree of its stereotypicality, or the originality.

Material y ustatkuvannya: Three arkushi paper with a size of 10x16 cm without sheets or lines. On the first arch, in the middle, there is a contour of a stake with a diameter of 2.5 cm. On the other sheet, in the middle, there is also a contour of an equal-sided tricycle on the second side of 2.5 cm. On the third, there is a contour of a square on the second side of 2.5 cm.

follow-up procedure

Dane until the end of the day to spend yak with one viprobuvanim, as well as with a group. Ale is more beautiful, the group is small, up to 15 cholovіk. In the last resort, the experimenter needs quilts, but they didn’t try to test them until the end of the test and didn’t show their little ones to them.

Testing is carried out in three stages. On the first stage of the test, give a leaf with a picture on the new contour of the stake, on the other - a tricycle and on the third - a square. The skin stage is followed by a repetitive instruction.

Instructions for viprobud: "Wicked images on the whole arkushi contour of a geometric figure, paint the little ones. The beauty of the little one is not important. "Pinch it up".

An hour of mulling on the skin stage, the experimenter starts by the second. In the case of the skin, it will be worth 60 seconds.

When the test is finished, ask for a self-call and for the sake of feeding it: "Did you win the gift?

Processing of results

The processing of the results and the value of the development of the development, the degree of the fixity of the appearance, the rigidity and rigidity, as well as the originality of the stereotypes, is carried out by the way of introducing the change and analysis of all three of them.

The value of the fold

The ability to be ascertained for the most common of the three malunks. You can use the scale to bark, so the barking power can be set to five equal folds.

First rіven: the contour of a geometric figurine is victorious yak, the main detail of the little one, the little one himself is simple, without additional, it is one figurine.

Another rіven: contour vicoristano yak the main detail, albeit the little one himself, the little part.

Third stage: the outline is victorious, yak will be the main detail, and the little one is a singing plot, while additional details can be introduced.

Quarter Rivn: the contour of the geometrical figurine prodovzhuyu but the main detail, ale the little ones - the whole foldable plot with the addition of figurines and details.

P'yaty rіven: the little one is a folding plot, in which the contour of the geometrical figure vikoristan is one of the details.

The value of the nagness of the manifestation and the stage of the fixation of the images

The dullness of the manifestation is due to the fixation. The stage of the fixation of images starts with a number of small images, and reveals one and the same plot.

uyava bude nasty, If the fixity of the images in the perceived does not appear in the little ones, then all the little ones on the plot and hunt like the inside, so also the part of the contour of the geometric figurine.

fixity manifestation weakі the numbness of the middle, like two little ones for one і the same plot.

Meta doslіdzhennya: the degree of folding, the degree of fixity, the appearance, the rigidity, or the rigidity of the degree of its stereotypicality, or the originality.

Material y ustatkuvannya: three arkushi paper with a size of 10x16 cm without cells or lines. On the first arch, in the middle, there is a contour of a stake with a diameter of 2.5 cm. On the other sheet, in the middle, there is also a contour of an equal-sided tricycle on the second side of 2.5 cm. On the third, there is a contour of a square on the second side of 2.5 cm.

follow-up procedure

Dane until the end of the day to spend yak with one viprobuvanim, as well as with a group. Ale is more beautiful, the group is small, up to 15 cholovіk. In the last resort, the experimenter needs quilts, but they didn’t try to test them until the end of the test and didn’t show their little ones to them.

Testing is carried out in three stages. On the first stage of the test, give a leaf with a picture on the new contour of the stake, on the other - a tricycle and on the third - a square. The skin stage is followed by a repetitive instruction.

Instructions for vip testing:"Wicked images on the whole contour of a geometric figurine, paint the little ones. The beauty of the little one is not important. How to pick the contour to your own investigation. For the signal" Stop! "Pinch it up".

An hour of mulling on the skin stage, the experimenter starts by the second. In the case of the skin, it will be worth 60 seconds.

When the test is finished, ask for a self-call and for the sake of feeding it: "Did you win the gift?

Processing of results

The processing of the results and the value of the development of the development, the degree of the fixity of the appearance, the rigidity and rigidity, as well as the originality of the stereotypes, is carried out by the way of introducing the change and analysis of all three of them.

The value of the fold

The ability to be ascertained for the most common of the three malunks. You can use the scale to bark, so the barking power can be set to five equal folds.

First rіven: the contour of the geometric figuri vikoristovutsya yak is the main detail of the little one, the little one himself is downtime. without additional i is one figuru.

Another rіven: contour vicoristano yak the main detail, albeit the little one himself, the little part.

Third stage: the outline is victorious, yak will be the main detail, and the little one is a singing plot, while additional details can be introduced.

Quarter Rivn: the contour of the geometrical figurine prodovzhuyu but the main detail, ale the little ones - the whole foldable plot with the addition of figurines and details.

P'yaty rіven: the little one is a folding plot, in which the contour of the geometrical figure vikoristan is one of the details.

Technique "Intellectual portrait"

Zagalna characteristic

The technique is addressed to teachers. Vona is straightened on those who help to systematize the power of the child's health. The parameters, for which the assessment is carried out, start the basic operations and characteristics of the target, which are promoted in the course of interaction with the child.

A methodology is given, like all the methods of diagnostics of giftedness for teachers and fathers, not for the possibility of victorious classical psychodiagnostic methods, but, navpaki, is guilty of looking as one of the warehouse parts of the psychological diagnostics of a set of psychodynamics.

Piznavalna sphere

1. Originality of the message- the building of visuvati is new, unsupported ideas, which are widely seen, far-fetched, banal.

To appear in misery and behavior of children, in spilkuvanni with one-leafs and grown-ups, in all types of their activity (it is clearly depicted in the character and themes of self-directed children, creation of history, construction).

2. Misery- the building is quick and easy to know and new strategy of the solution, to establish associations and go (in misleading and behavior) from one class to the other, often far beyond the snake.

To appear in the cleverness of the alternative strategy of dealing with problems, to promptly change the solution of the problem directly.

3. Productivity, For the quickness, the misery beckon to look at the building before the generation of a great number of ideas.

Find out and can assess the number of options for the development of business problems and products of activity (projects, kids, create, etc.).

4. Health before analysis and synthesis. Analysis - line, postdovna, logically accurate processing of information, as well as allowance for distribution to warehouses. Synthesis, navpaki, - її synchronization, integration into a single structure.

A great deal of goodness is manifested in case of emerging logical enterprises and problems, and can be practically revealed in any form of childishness.

5. Classification and categorization - mental processes However, it may be of the utmost importance in the structure of new information, as transferring single objects to classes, groups, categories.

To emerge, apart from special logical tasks, in the very different types of child's activity, for example, in practicality to the collection, systematization of materials.

6. Visoka concentration of respect To rotate in two main features of the psyche: a high level of degradation in the task and the possibility of a successful “setting” (to navigate, if there is a changeover code), to receive information, to be aware of the opposite.

We emerge in schliness to the fold and occasionally we are ready to take it (the other pole is characterized by a “low threshold of inclusion”, so we can turn into swift sickness, in the absence of a long time to engage in one right).

7. Memory- the building of a child remembered facts, hypotheses, abstract symbols, small signs - the best indicator of giftedness. However, it’s the mother who’s going to be on the road, not the one who has the most memory, but the one who’s built quickly and efficiently from the memory will need information.

Manifesting different types of memory (pre-construction and short-hour, meaningful and mechanical, figurative and symbolic and inn.)

Sphere of special development

1. Zapholen_stom zm_stavdannya. Bagato doslіdnikіv vvazayut qiu rice with a provincial characteristic of giftedness. The power of this process is effective in the development of health, if you are stimulated by the objection, not to praise the city, to be able to compete, but in the first place - to be interested in the snake.

Vyavlyayetsya in the spirit and behavior of the child. Dominating motivation can be a path of caution and demise.

2. Perfectionism characterized by the pragmatism of bringing the products, whether they are their own performance, to the visibility of those who are looking for them. As a matter of fact, highly gifted children do not get satisfied without reaching the highest standard of their robotics.

Vyavlyayetsya in the very different types of performance, to vyavlyayutsya in easy practicality and reprobably to the likelihood of the highest special standards.

3. Social autonomy- Building and protecting the Duma's greatness. In a child who does not care about the power of the preschool and young school age copying, the quality of the presence and characterization of the steps of the child's independence and independence - the qualities necessary for the young, and the mature.

To emerge in readiness to break through the point of view, to move like a prototype idea of ​​greatness, in a practical work and repair unconventionally, in an original way.

4. Leadership I name the dominance in the interdisciplinary ones, in the childish games and on the right side of them, so let the child first accept the decision, but it is even more important in any creative endeavor.

Do not expect, but often є the result of an intellectual overdrive. Ditina zberigє in her own fondness in іnіh people, it is easy to get along with іnіnі children and grown-ups; showing innovation in spilkuvanni with one-liners, taking on the visibility.

5. Magic- smartness to competitive forms of interaction. Adding to the result of the improvement and especially the difference is an important factor in the development of the specialness, the hardening of the character.

To appear in scholarship, for the part of the brother who does not want to participate in the activity, as the transfer of the competitive form of interaction.

6. The breadth of interests. Riznomanitni and with a lot of admittedly stylish interest, the child is not only a witness of her giftedness, but the result of a wicked robot. The basis of the quality of the highly gifted є great versatility and universalism. The breadth of interests is the basis of good news.

Vyavlyayetsya in practical activities nayrіznomanіtnіshim, dissimilar types of activity, in bazhannі try their strength in the spheres themselves.

7. Humor. Without building, it’s impossible to see creative people in the real life situations. The quality of life is manifested and shaped as a child. Won to the testimonies of being gifted and at the same time with this effective mechanism of the psychologic zahist.

Show humor richly, like life itself, it is easy to see how it is manifest, so it is visible.

yak otsinuvati

For the assessment of the speed by the method of polar points. The skin characteristic of the child's potential will be evaluated on a five-point scale:

5 - the assessment of the power of the specialness is rooted in goodness, it is clearly expressed, it often appears in different types of activity and behavior;

4 - power is vaguely twisted, ale appears briefly, with a lot of opposing power, the power is manifested even more rarely;

3 - assessing and opposing the power of the specialness in behavior and performance, one to one;

2 - the power of the specialness is more often turned and more often the power of the specialness appears, it is not assessed;

1 - it is clearly and often appears to be the power of the specialness, against the assessment, but to take into account in behavior and in all types of activity;

0 - views for the assessment of the given value (not may).

Processing of results

Add the views to the table. The result will be more efficient, as quickly as possible by the method of expert assessments, so that you can get the assessments from the educators who are well aware of these children.

The signs (or the arithmetic mean indicators, calculated according to the results of assessments of the number of teachers) can be presented graphically. Ideal result - two correct seven-yards. Ale at a real child, during an active assessment, make sure to enter a folding configuration star.

The graph to rob the information more directly, yes, the notice about those, in which direct we should lead the robot (graph 1).