Self-assessment factor. Abstract: Self-study and development. Mind the form of high self-assessment

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Students, postgraduates, young people, who are victorious to develop the knowledge base in their own lives and robots, will be your best friend.

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Explains the note

1. Self-assessment of children preschool education

1.1 Equivalent self-assessment

1.2 Infusion of a naukolishny middling on the self-assessment of children of preschool age

2. Development of special features of the form of self-assessment of preschool children

2.1 Vivchennya factors, scho infuse into self-assessment of children of preschool vika

2.2 Productive methods for the formation of an adequate self-assessment


List of vikoristanikh dzherel

supplement A

dodatok B

supplement B

supplement G

Explains the note

The development of the growing generation in the suspension is the subject of a special turbine. Yoo succeed in starting a single and uzgodzhenstyu to wiggle in the plenum of the community witch, who was in power in the state military installations, of the same community. The basis of the unity is a renewed interest of the state and family of the new generation, who are all formulated and harmoniously deceived, who are suspicious to the suspense, who were sent to the Fatherland. Fathers are guilty of the intelligence of A.S. Makarenko about those who "vikhovannya children - to find the area of ​​our life ... More correct vykhovannya - our happy old age, vikhovannya vikhovannya - our maybut grief, our sacrifice, our fault before other people, before our land." Vykhovannya his child was not looked at as a special person on the right, but as a vikonannya of the community’s obovyazyu in front of the suspension. We can be successful in the development of children in the family, if it’s clear that the mind and the mind are clear, the way and the way they are.

The child has begun to return to herself, all the more clear is called in the sponucal forces and inheritance of her own wisdom. We are able to connect with them, so that self-confidence develops among preschool children - the intelligence of what they are, like volodya's qualities, like being put up to new times and why should the price of life be taken into account. Changing the mind to the development of self-awareness - seeing oneself as one of the people, like seeing oneself in the early childhood. Ale, joining the preschool education, the child learns only the very fact that it’s true, in fact, I don’t know anything about myself, about my own sweetness. Pragnuchi buti yak old, a child in an early life does not give up her powers. It is obvious that it will appear in the period of three crises.

It is not easy to finish off the primed and correct thoughts about yourself and from a young preschool child, who will simply ascribe to them all the positive, grown-up prizes, often I don’t know what the stench is about. On the porous school at the child's house, the noviy rivn of self-awareness. Win is characterized by the design of the child's "internal position" - to reach the stylized system and identity to oneself, to people, to the newest light. The internal position of the child has become a point of departure for the development and development of new baguettes, sprouts, volovae specialties, which are manifested in their independence, easeliness, independence, quality.

It’s up to self-confidence in a child of an older preschool age, on a view of children of a senior preschool age, to go outside the present hour and to assess the number of children, as well as may be. Ditina spryman and estimate those who were with him in the past, magatsya mirkuvati about those who can trample in maybutny. About the price of making children eat, such as: "I will become yak, if I become small?" Razmіrkovuyuchi about maybutn, children of preschool wіku to ward off statues of people, overwhelmed with singing prideful qualities: strong, kind, smіliviy, intelligent, etc.

Preschool age is characterized by the fact that in this given age children are given great significance by assessments that are given to them by grown-up people. Ditina does not check such an assessment, but actively solicits herself, praises the praise, and tries to deserve it. Likewise, in preschool children they give positive or negative self-esteem to vigorous qualities.

Self-assessment of two sides - change (knowledge) and emotion (delivery). Knowing about yourself, referring to the knowledge about others or about the ideal. As a result, the judgment is made about those who are more beautiful at the sub'єkta, or better, not at the others, or at the ideal. In such a rank, self-assessment is the result of an individual understanding of oneself, and not just a statement of one's own peculiarities, reaching the results of any obvious possibilities. That self-assessment does not lead to self-recognition. Remaining - it is necessary to change the mind of self-assessment, but not more. Self-awareness manifests itself as being put to oneself as to being special, as if unhappy with oneself, as if thinking about oneself as about being special. At the connection with self-assessment, there are such special qualities, such as self-talk, conscience, pride, Marnoslourism, ambition.

Samootsinka vikonuє a number of functions:

1. Knowing yourself (what I stand for, including for the suspension);

2. I will predict (well, I can);

3. Regulatory (how I am guilty of robiti, how to behave, how not to waste self-talk to myself, mother peace of mind).

Otzhe, self-assessment is common to what has already been reached, so is the "project of the future" (which I can reach with my health, special qualities).

Self-assessment is the aim of people being aware of the importance of their special performance in the suspension and assessment of oneself, of powerless qualities and feelings, dignities and shortcomings, and in the way of being closed.

Self-assessment has a great role in the life of skin people, it is especially important, if only the character is only wicked, that is in children, so the stench is intensively developing skin day and inflating new special qualities.

The inflow of self-esteem is not only about putting people to life, but about the sphere of interests and future prospects, as well as about putting people to the point of exhilarating. Manifesting in the manner of behavior, rosy, self-assessment often reflects real changes and shortcomings of people.

Self-assessment of the people - the whole self-perception, put to oneself and manifest about oneself. Lyudin, whose self-assessment of the head, creates an atmosphere of honesty, vidpovidality, spirituality, love. Such a person sees himself as important and necessary, he sees that we become short of the fact that we are in a new sense. Tilki see your hair high value Lyudin is good at bachiti, take care of and preserve the high value of these people. The view of self-esteem can only be formulated in the atmosphere of such a family (country, administration, work collective, school), to be adopted, whether it is an individual view of the truth, to reflect the fact that it is not true and the rules dermal price nevid'єmna part vzaєmin.

The self-assessment in the child is one of those who have found the building for the successful development of their life.

Of great importance in the formation of self-assessment is the style of the family vikhovannya, accepted in this value.

A preschooler to give himself to his close grown-ups, to wiggle. As the assessments and deception in the family do not reflect the specific and individual characteristics of the child, then his manifestation for something else, including for himself, to appear in a song.

Psychologists have stitched the development of self-awareness of preschool children in the form of the peculiarities of the family wicked. Children, with precise statements about themselves, wiggle around in their homes, children come to them for a good enough hour; positively assess their physical and rosumovy data, even if they do not vvazhayuyut the development of the food, not at most one-liners; predict school success. Tsikh children often laugh, but not as gifts; punish, in the main, type of spilkuvannya. Children from underestimation of self-awareness to grow in the rooms, in which they do not take care of them, rather than hearing; low estimate, often dorikayut, punish, inodі - with outsiders; not to clear up their achievements in school and significant achievements in the general life.

meta: vivchennya facts into the self-assessment of children of preschool age.

ob'єkt: development of self-assessment.

item: Factually, it’s injected into the formation of an adequate self-assessment of children of preschool age.

hypothesis: If you create a welcoming atmosphere for the children in the garden and at home, you will be able to adapt the training methods that I have proclaimed, and rightly so, we will be able to create a normal day for children.

self-assessment preschool child method

1. Self-assessment of preschool children

1.1 Equivalent self-assessment.

Self-assessment can be either optimal or suboptimal. With an optimal, adequate self-assessment, the sub is to correctly assess one's abilities and health, to be critical to oneself, to be less real wondering at one's own bad luck and success, to hope to put in front of oneself on the success of the day, as it is possible. Until the assessment of the reached wine, go not only with your own little worlds, but get ready to transfer, as it is supplied to the people, friends and relatives. In other words, self-appraisal is adequate є with a continuous joke of the real world, so that without a big reevaluation, even without criticality to its own intelligence, behavior, performance, experience. This self-assessment is the most beautiful for specific minds and situations.

To the optimal self-assessment of the "high rivnya" І.2 higher than the middle rivnya "(luddin deserves a price, indulge himself, indulge himself), as well as" mediocre rivn "(luddina prefers to himself, although he knows his weak sides and is self-conscious)

In case of suboptimal self-assessment, it can be overwhelmingly envious or underestimated.

On the basis of inadequately envisioned self-esteem among the people, the wrong idea of ​​oneself, the idealization of the image of one's own specialness and abilities, one's value for those who feel good, for the out-of-town justice. In such cases, a lyudin is able to ignore misfortunes for the sake of preserving a high-class assessment of himself, his own wives and a ref. Vidbuvatsya guest emotsіine "vіdshtovhuvannya" everything, I will ruin the manifestation of myself. The perception of real action is made to be made to be inadequate - purely emotional. The rational grain of the assessment will increase. To this, it is justly respectful of the initiative, the scrapping is done, and the active assessment of the results of the robot is unjustly underestimated. Unsuccessful postings as the legacy of many steps or unfavorably formed furnishings, nor in any world do not lie in the very specialty.

Lyudin, because of envious inadequate self-assessment, does not bother her, but all the prices are the inheritance of great pardons, linen, knowledge of marriage, goodness or wrong behavior. vinika vazhke emots_yny mill- Affect of inadequacy, the main reason for which is the stiffness of a stereotype formed by an envious assessment of one's own specialness. As soon as the self-assessment is plastic, I will change from the point of view to the real, I will be right, to lose with success and decrease in case of failure, then we can take the development of specialty, so as to be able to make the maximum effort to achieve

Self-assessment can be underestimated, to be lower than the real possibilities of specialness. Call the price to produce to the point of being uncomfortable in your own, fearfulness and outwardness of daring, unhappiness to realize your health. Such people do not set important goals for themselves and be surrounded by the decisions of the ever-growing buildings, but they are too critical to themselves.

Zanadto visoka or zanadto low self-assessment to ruin the process of self-regulation, to ruin self-control. It is especially useful in spilkuvanny, de individuals with enlightened and underestimated self-assessment appear to be the cause of conflicts. In case of envy of self-confession, confrontation comes through sparingly confronting the other people and affectionate care of them, backward and unprimed behavior at their address, intolerance to someone else's thoughts, and I will show an outrage. Low criticality to yourself is imbued with the help of thoughts, as the stench imitates the smallest inconsistencies and the lack of a list of judgments.

With an underestimation of self-esteem, confusion may be due to the overwhelming criticality of people. The stench even more vimoglivі to itself and even more vimoglivі to the others, do not forgive a misfortune, or forgiveness, grasping little by little. I, I want to try to get out of the most beautiful sponukans, all the same, the reason for the conflicts is that there’s little that can be tolerated systematically “pilyannya”. і dіy.

The effect of the inadequacy of the question is how to try to cleanse oneself out of the real situation from the envious self-assessment and to preserve the self-assessment. Tse lead to the destruction of the wrong people. The experience of the image and injustice allows us to perceive goodness to ourselves, to fall asleep in our eyes, to respect ourselves we tolerate or scrutinize. Tse beating people in their eyes and being dissatisfied with themselves. The need for envy of self-judgment is satisfied and in response to the need for change, so that one should get involved in self-preparation. Conflicts with people will inevitably arise, as may be the announcement about the given specialness, health, energy and value for the suspension. Affect of inadequacy - a tse psychological zajist, won by an hourly call, not the scrutiny of the head office, but the very background of suboptimal self-esteem, which is the reason for the denunciation of unhappy people.

1.2 Infusion of a naukolishny middling on the self-assessment of children of preschool age

Are the stars taken for self-assessment? A collection of - the price of the child's assessment of the fathers, as it manifests itself as a result of vaginosity. Ditina sprymaє її unambiguously, like bile and chorne, so chi ni - without transitional tones. As soon as the dads show themselves madly to accept the child, such as the wine appearing on the light, then the child will be put to himself good, seeing, how the child is loved and bazhaniy. If the daddy sees the child (the child does not want to see the child, the child is not that stat, which he wanted, for the child of ill health), then the child sees his own inaccuracy, negatively put to himself and I take the price of what I want to do, I fix it.

After about two rockets, self-assessment started to differentiate: "If I am hungry, I am angry, and sitiy is good!" for "So, I am often banging, but then I paint well and in my lot of dishes!" Here they were gaining a style of vikhovannya, acceptance in the family. .... ” As long as the vikhovannya is one-sided, but one does not accept the development of behavioral types (the child will only be praised for being punished, or not beaten), then the inadequacy turns into inadequate self-assessment.

Krim diy are important and words. Those who say daddy, projecting their own ochіkuvannya or hoping for a child, also get into the child's memory. Words grown up can become a "travel guide through life" in one vipadku or "shkidlivy pleasures", everything is necessary to work strictly navpaki, in іnshomu: "You are so glorious, the same is not so good as I am"; "You will obov'yazkovo become a dental likar, vіlish my world, even without reaching me"; "Golly, rozrahovuvati only on yourself, and do not relax, until you reach whatever you want!" ... At the end of the stage of a child's self-assessment, one can lay down the peculiarities of the family's military policy.

But not all pedagogical cunning ends up well. And for fathers, and for children, nature has given characteristics, as it is impossible to change. Some people have a lot of low self-assessment, and their natural camp (P. Volkov will describe people like “you want to live in nirkah”, I want the stench to vibrate to the palace). In those volodaries of a strong nervous system, that overworld activity of self-assessment, navpaki, is envious, and criticism does not hamper any action on them.

Often buvaє, scho tsi risi "are transmitted at the recession", even though the dad does not fight, virostaє htos is marvelously similar to them. And boo, that strong, energetic fathers have a low, sensitive child, who is not like them: check, how will you shout, biting, you will never stop, but the child reads so and read a book. Abo, navpaki, in asthenic, tendential fathers, the child appears to be great, fat and active, driving them with his skin. It is important to vrahovuvati and to the needs, and to the awareness of "father and child", which will become an intelligence, in order to be reconciled, or rather confrontation to be overcome.

Often fathers come up with something that is guilty of being a child in an ideal, but if they do not see them, they give them for the price, they don’t need merit, because they just didn’t bully included in those, fathers, plans. Moreover, the child is not impressed by low self-esteem and the perception of inferiority, it’s not easy to put on the new as the majestic hopes, and you don’t come before the charm. I, navpaki, it is necessary to diligently note the worth, to see in the child's power of rice.

Praise and criticism may be the fault of the mother. It is not possible for all those who are to beat the child, to praise without care, to bark for all the way - it may not be so. If the criticism will overwhelm the praise, then the child is almost unicatized with the fathers. I, criticizing a child (as a matter of necessity), it is necessary to know for which one can be praised, for example, for independence, for intelligence, willpower. Moreover, in the end, it is necessary to listen to the hope, that the child thought the criticism and quickly corrected everything.

It is especially neatly necessary to attend to the children, both two and more. Є daddy, as the door pulls the children, put one in the butt. It’s obvious that it’s worth being aware of the self-centeredness of children, they’ve felt a bit of creepiness in their father’s love and dislike for someone who is constantly exalted.

In fact, self-assessment is the value of being real and ideal, and children, especially children, love to create their own ideal. For an hour the stench I want to be similar to the heroes of books, or the dull films, but the problem is that it’s not enough. As a result, the development of the flooring is great, but the self-assessment does not fall to zero.

Nayprykrіshe, so it is worth being, a big world, the smartest, the intelligent, who know and the addictive pidlіtkіv. The stench itself is the most and the most unhappy with myself and may cause low self-esteem. For lightweight children, who live this year's day, do not think about the future and do not score their heads with ideals, since everything is in order with self-assessment.

Accepted vvazhati, scho vysoka samootsenka - tse zavzhd good, and low - disgusting. It would seem that our shortcomings are the continuation of our merits. Optimism, performance, activity and creativity of people with high self-esteem can turn into low self-criticism, aggressiveness, intelligence. And pesimism and inappropriateness in their powers are low in their opinion; Foldable from non-singularity of sturdzhuvati, which is more beautiful from the types of self-perception. Would you like to clarify what kind of values ​​are there in any situation?

Self-assessment from early childhood form vikhovannya. Low self-assessment does not allow the child's health to rise up. And above all the lofty thoughts about oneself may not be safe, so that the child will be attributed to its unseen glories and unrealistic perspectives, and, moreover, in the future, misery, if life will soon put everything in its place.

It’s very important, it’s necessary to take a child’s pragmatic to an ideal, in a self-satisfied way, and not even a well-known specialty. Ale, in the first place, you need to zoom in and explain to you that you can only do it in a deed of copyright before the ideal approach. Explain to the child, that if the ideal is not created enough, if you cannot change the real for yourself, then you need to change the idea of ​​the ideal. And, most importantly, you need to fall in love with yourself like that, for good reason.

Vykhovannya self-assessment in a child is one of those who have found a building for their life. Of great importance in the formation of self-assessment is the style of the family vikhovannya, accepted in this value.

There are three styles of family vikhovannya:


With a democratic style, first for everything, be sure to keep the interest of the child. Zgody style.

With a permissive style, the child is fed up with himself.

A preschooler to give himself a helping hand to his close grown-ups, to wiggle. As the assessments and deceptions in the family do not reflect the specific and individual features of the child, the child's self-awareness is created by creation.

The minds of the child in the family are adequate and the child's behavior is inadequate. Children who have underestimated self-assessment, are unhappy with themselves. Tse vidbuvatsya in the family, de daddy constantly condemn the child, or put envy in front of him. Dytina vidchuva (Do not seem to be a child who is not ugly, because of a complex, because of which he is unhappy.) Inadequacy can also manifest itself through envious self-esteem. Tse vіdbuvatsya in the family, deity often praise, and for the child and to give the gift of gifts (the child is called to the material wine). The child is punished just as badly, the system of vimoga is just as bad.

Adequate uyavlennya - there is a need for a rogue system of punishment and praise. Victory overwhelmed and praise in the presence of a new one. Ridko be given a gift for a gift. For families, children grow up with a high, albeit not envious self-esteem, respect for the specialness of a child (for those interests, gustos, hundreds of friends, and for friends) to meet with ample vigilance. There is no vdayutsya to the humiliating punishment and I want to praise, if the child deserves merit. Children with low self-esteem (not necessarily too low) creep into the booths with greater freedom, ale tsya freedom, on the day, - lack of control, a trace of baidujosti to old children and one to one.

School success is an important criterion for assessing a child as a specialty from the side of grown-ups and one-sided. Putting to oneself yak to the knowledge of a meaningful world will be based on family values. The child's first plan is to go to the first place, as the most turbulent of his father - the pride of prestige, hearing, etc. At the self-consciousness of a little schoolboy, accents are shy, since the father is not at home, but at the moments in his school life ("The class with the vikon doesn’t dme?" negotiate or negotiate formally. To finish the baiduzhi food: "What will it be like at school?" early on, it is brought to the general form: "Nichogo special", "Everything is fine". Fathers ask and the vicious rivn of the house of the child - those who claim to primary activity and everybody. Children with a high housekeeping house, enchanted by self-assessment and prestigious motivation to develop only on success. Oh, the statement about the future is so optimistic.

children s low rivnem Household and low self-esteem do not pretend to be rich in maybut and in the present. The stench of not setting high goals in front of oneself, and constantly gaining knowledge of one's own abilities, quickly resigning to this level of success, which is on the cob of the earliest times.

Particularly special in all cases can be anxiety. Visoka anxiety of nabuva stiffness in case of persistent dissatisfaction with navchannya from the side of the fathers. Supposedly, the child is ill, having seen her classmates, it is important to get involved in the process of starting. It’s hard to get old, it’s anxiety, fear of death, it’s disgusting, wrong. The same result can be achieved in a situation, if the child is able to finish it successfully, if the little dad is able to clean up the big one and present envy, unrealistic vimogi.

Through the buildup of anxiety and the low self-esteem associated with it, one can decline at first glance, and fail to become successful. The inability to bring up to a number of other specialties - the bazhanna thoughtlessly follow the instructions of an older, child only for insights and patterns, the need to evoke innovation, formal mastery of knowledge and methods.

Growing up, dissatisfied with the falling productivity of the child's primary robot, more and more to be used for food in conjunction with him, as well as the emotional discomfort. Go close the circle: uncomfortable specialties of the child see for their initial performance, the low performance of the performance of the viclik is in the opinion of the reaction of those who are in particular, and the negative form of the reaction in their It is possible to change the settings and assessments of the fathers. Close to grown-ups, concentrating respect on the most successful children. Do not condemn yogo for some shortages, diminish the level of yogo anxiety and try to receive a successful vikonannya of the chiefs of the headquarters.

Another option is demonstrativeness - the specialness of the specialness, tied to the demand for success and respect for oneself. With the help of demonstrativeness, win over a few people who have grown up to children, who see themselves as abandoned, "disliked" in the family. Ale buvak, the child will have a lot of respect, but not satisfied with the hypertrophied consumerism in his / her contacts. Vimogs envied to grown-ups are not presumed to be reckless, but navpaks, the most popular children. Such a child will domagatisya uvagi, violate the rules of behavior. ("Don't bark more beautifully, don't do it better"). The zavdannya matured - dispenses with notations and povchan, as it is possible to be respected less quickly, I will not be respected on light provinces and karati for great (say, in the form of a planned trip to the circus). Price is much more important for an older person, lower dbaylive shutter to an anxious child.

As for a child with a high anxiety, the main problem is that she is not praised enough for her grown-ups, but for a demonstrative child, there is little praise.

The third option is "see from reality". Try to be in a quiet mood, if in a child demonstrativeness comes from anxiety. Children may have a strong need for respect for themselves, but they cannot realize their own anxiety. The stench is a little pompous, to be afraid of the viciousness of unhappiness for their behavior, to be afraid of the vicious ones who have grown up. Unsatisfied with the need in respect to lead to the growth of even more passiveness, to accelerate and so lack of contact. With the growing activity of children, show respect for the results of the initial efficiency and the jokes of the nobility of creative self-realization, it is easy to achieve a relatively easy correction of development.

2. Development of special features of the form of self-assessment of preschool children

2.1 Vivchennya factors, scho infuse into self-assessment of children of preschool vika

On the cob to the experiment, I conducted self-assessment diagnostics of children in the child's cage №22 "Balbobek".

In order to make them more beautiful than children, I carried out with them the method "Budinok - Tree - Lyudin". The projective method of advancing the specialty of the bull was propounded by J. Buck in 1948. It can be grouped more thoroughly and tested.

The essence of the test methodology for the malunky polyagaє in the offensive:

The obshtezhuvany will be taught on a small house, a tree and a man.

To carry out an opituvannya for a breakdown of the plan.

Vvazhaєya, scho interaction between a budink, a tree and a people is a zorov metaphor. If you bring all the little ones into the show, then you can completely mention those who are efficiently seen in our life. (Dodatok A)

While carrying out the whole methodology and watching over the children, I knew psychological features... Then I carried out diagnostics under the name "Drabinka". The methodology is intended for detecting the system and the child's appearance about those who are judged by themselves, who, on their own mind, how to assess the people and how to relate to the manifestation of themselves. (Dodatok B).

Also for the confirmation of the results, I carried out one more diagnostics - "Smіshni cholovіchki". The meta of the tsієї methodology - z'yasuvati rіven of the child's self-assessment. There were two methods behind the bags:

20% - self-rated

30% - average self-assessment

50% - low self-rating

Having failed and analyzed all the methods and caution, I came to such a position, which is especially important, the main role in the formulation of adequate self-assessment of children, to borrow daddy. Also, in order to maximize the positive and bring to the minimum the negative influx of family on the child's child, it is necessary to remember the internal psychology officials, may out of value:

* Take an active part in the life of the family;

* Just know the hour to talk to the child;

* Tackle the problems of the child, take a closer look at all the difficulties in their life and additional assistance in developing their own minds and talents;

* Do not put pressure on the child of any onslaught, in addition to helping them themselves independently take decisions;

* Mati uyavlennya about the development of the stage in the life of the child;

* Povazhati the right of the little girl on her own dummy;

* In the middle of the stream, the instincts of the wickedness are put up to the child, to the equal partner, who simply leave the volodya with a lesser life;

* The leader is put to the pragmatism of all the members of the motherland of the robot and self-justified.

Krim family members on the self-assessment of the child injected baby cage... Putting the whistle blower up to a child, yak, і is a form of putting children in a group up to a child, so as a whistle blower є with a butt and great authority.

Even in children's gardens, schools and lighting installations The axis of Kazakhstan has already been successful in realizing the coverage of the program "Self-knowledge". To be busy, on some children it is more beautiful to know oneself, some people and navkolishn_y light through the understanding of suspension values. It’s not a waste of time for children to be busy. Employed by "self-knowledge" is even more beneficial to formulate an adequate self-assessment of children.

2.2 Productive methods to infuse an adequate self-assessment into the mold

In order to plunge into the self-assessment of children, I watched from fathers and conducted a conversation with them on the topic "Adequate self-assessment of a child."

The meta of the tsієї of madness was in order to explain to the fathers, that the self-assessment is also adequate and that the foundation of the friendly minds is adequate for the successful development of the self-assessment of the child.

I handed out the message of madness to all the daddies “10 important rules for the fathers ", in which the letters are written, please, according to the themes of ours. (Dodatok V)

After the spent rage with the daddy, I went to see the children. I bully razroblenі korektsіynі robots for children with a low level of self-assessment and okremotorektsіynі robots for children with advanced level of self-assessment. In the morning, for those who have low and middle self-assessments, they felt grateful in іgri.

Gra "Zrobi compliment susidov". The meta of the tsієї gri pіdvischiti the level of self-evaluation of the child. Tse will be seen for the rakhunok of that, who is a child, I sense the speeches about myself, how to speak to him, and he will be aware of the whole thing, step by step forgetting about his inadequacies.

Gra "Praise Yourself." Meta tsієї gri polyagє in that, as a child to praise himself and reason, what a good wine, as at a new glory, self-esteem.

Gra "What robiti?" Meta gri - to take a self-assessment of a child, so do not lose heart, do not get tired of others, turn in beautiful and happy good moments. (Dodatok G). Graceful for children because of underestimation of self-assessment in crumbling and movable igry, I got mad at the hustle and bustle, giving them head roles in that gri plot.

At the next stage of the robotics process of establishing a positive self-assessment among children, the training will be given the name “I’m great!”.

Tse buli individual robots, in the course of which children were given feasible zeal. Pislya їkh vikonannya child won the card with the words "Ty good fellow!", "Ty smart!" and so on, from his beloved hero from the show, or from a cartoon.

In the childhood, because of envious self-assessment, I myself spent my own time with the vigilante and the individual trainings, and even though I saw it quietly, but the bullets were prepared for the children because of the underestimated self-assessment.

We celebrated with the name “Dzerkalo”. The meta of the tsієї gris - let the children see the specialness of these people, their individuality and unrepeatability.

Gra "Zrobi compliment susidov". At the end of the day, you should know the positive and positive qualities of your own suspicion.

Gra "What robiti?" Meta tsієї gri navchit child of solidarity, spіvperzhivannya comrade, friend, which need additional help or pіdtrimka.

After all the robots were carried out, I re-carried out the diagnostics of "Drabinka" and "Smishnі cholovіchki", to reconsider the residual results. In the case of the bag, as it turned out, the results became more beautiful, the children from the underestimated self-assessment became better in their own, and the children with the enchanted self-assessment became the bacity good quality not only in sob, but in those who feel:

50% - average self-assessment

50% - temporal self-assessment.


In an hour before our meta bullet has been added to the self-assessment of the children of the preschool age. I won Bula Viconan.

It is far away for us to carry out a caution for development of self-assessment and intelligence, which is the rank of wonders, in the absence of minds.

All the factors that are added to the self-assessment of children are given in detail by us.

The hypothesis of the ball has been successfully approved. Having created a friendly mind in the garden and at home, my fathers were able to grow up and normalize the level of self-assessment in children, who rated themselves less positively. Everything went, the zabdyaki besidі with daddies, held by іgor, training and for individual robots with children.

Since we were working with children over the formation of adequate self-assessment only in the cage, they were not screwed up to their fathers, then we obviously didn’t manage to fix all the friendly minds for children, it didn’t happen to form self-assessment. Fathers play a leading role in the development of self-assessment in their children, the stench of guilty coming at one time, if the child is asking for it. Oskilki child will require a moral education, in the first place, on the side of the fathers, absolutely marnim will be carried out without the presence and participation of such a robot.

The role of the hauler in the garden is also very important. That will spend most of the child's day in the child's garden. In addition, the guilty party is responsible for controlling the adequacy of the self-assessment of children. Guilt is guilty of the quest, that all think the bully in the norm, and even polish the self-assessment of the child is even simpler, the whistle-blower is enough for all the deprivation of the skin of the child for an hour.

The managers of my robots, my fathers and children, became closer one to one, they became more spilkuvatisya, they became one to one.

The children began to love themselves, care for their children and listen to their thoughts, and also the children became kind and fair in relation to one to one.

supplement A

Diagnostic techniques.

Test "Budinok - Tree - Lyudina"

The technique is based on two stages: on the first - the child is a small child, on the other - a conversation is held, if the child is described and explained by him. Instructions: "Namalyuy the booth yaknaykrashche". Slide an hour, staining the little ones. For that, as a child, to finish the picture, ask him to paint a tree, and then people. Leave the child pratsyuє over the little one, need to help him, і robiti notatics, how to feel the stained hour, how to see in the painted pauses (before the hour of painting what details of the winnickle, like a tree of trivial), waking up normally after the image , shattered by the child's comments and captured by him emotsiy.

Skіlki on top of the booth?

Tsei booths tseglyany, wood or something like, something?

What are your booths? (Yaksho is dumb, then what is it?)

If you have painted a set of booths, you have thought, who is this gentleman?

Ty b hotiv, what kind of booths buv yours? To what?

Yakby tsei booth buv yours: yaku kimnatu ty b sob vibrav? Would you like to live in this booth?

Tsey booths are here far away and close?

What do you think about, if you are astonished at a bunch of booths?

About win tobi nagadu?

Tsey budinok gracious, good-natured?

A wine similar to one of the best bungalows, but what about the chimos?

Yak the weather for a whole little one?

Why not vistachaє in a booth?

Kudi veda dorіzhka from the booth?

Yakbi came to see a lyudin, who b tse buv?


What a tree?

Is there a tree for us?

How close is the tree?

Is the tree alive?

Why is the tree alive?

Chi is dumb by the tree like a dead part? Yaksho є, yaka sama?

Why did the tree go (I'm dead)?

The tree is lonely, but for a hand є інші?

Yak ti thinkєsh, yak the weather for the whole little one?

Chi є on little viter?

Show me, in what bik dme viter?

Do you think about a tree?

What about you nagadu?

Is the tree healthy?

Is the tree stronger?

Yakbi ti virishiv namalyuvati sun, where would you bother?

Who is the tree for you? To what?

Who needs a tree the most?


Tse boy chi divchinka?

How many rockies?

Tse your relative, friend of someone who is not?

About whom you think, if you painted?

Who is it to rob? De to be found?

Do you think about it?

Who is it?

What thoughts come to your mind, marvel at a new one?

Who are you nagadu tsya lyudin?

Is Qia Lyudina healthy?

Why do you think so?

Is Qia lyudina happy?

Why should you be so built?

How are you seeing people?

Yaka the weather for a little one?

What does Tsya Lyudin want most? To what?


Kozhen baby slid look yak self-portrait of a child. The analysis of the baby is carried out in the onset of the following:


1 lesson. Samootsinka i rivn domagan

Vibir of the profession is also a vital topic, like love. I inheritance of a professional vibration for skin people are not less significant, not a vibration of a companion of life. If there is no way to be programmed, it will allow both in that and in the first place to create a non-compassionate vibration. It's good. To that end, take it for a ludin, imposing, pidkazane, do not know the most beautiful sponkans, and not citizens, viklikatime vіdtorgnennya, as only people will not cause the release of the will and the state of mind. Chi є a chance to make such a vibe, why “didn’t it hurt for an aimless life of rock?” Є. For all the needs of the mother of the wihіdnі data. Without them, how can you solve the problem? Dani, as it is necessary to be in the process of choosing a profession and planning a professional career, in the first place, the psychological specialness of the people. The inner life of the people, and the inner life of the people, manifest themselves to follow the singing laws, like the vivch and describe the psychology. Ignorance of these laws does not make us feel guilty, as if we were to be suvoried for nothing: a man, who hates his robot, we’ll reject life, not just our own, but we’ll feel good.

The program "Psychology and Vibir Professions" will help you grow into yourself, learn your strengths and weaknesses, learn the pluses and minuses of young professionals. In our work, we put together a special professional plan and plan for the project "My future profession".

At the skin level, you will learn new things about yourself, or about the profession for the help of special staff and the right. The information, rendered for the help of psychological tests, is confidential, so secret. In such a rank, the persha umova of our robots -confidentiality.Another important mind is the breadth of food. If you give an admittedly untrue opinion on nutrition, if your behavior in new situations is concerned, then the test results will be unreliable.

In the course of the skin lesson, there is a control test, which is stored for five meals. For five correct views, you will deny the estimate "vidminno", for chotiri - "good" and so far. You will be vikonuvati at home alone, and at home.

  • Most of the tests are based on self-assessment. In order to accurately assess your ability, lack of mother in her specially ordered and specially adapted and revised methods. It is necessary to know that scale, according to how they are estimated. And everybody's got it. They have been respected for a long time that Lyudin is the world of all speeches. Does it mean that the skil of people - styles and vimіryuvalnyh attachments?

Zavdannya number 1. "Who am I?"

With a stretch of 5 quills, ten times in a smart way, give a reference to the food: "Who am I?" Write down the messages so that the stench comes into your head.

Do you know the word "presentation"? Vono means a public presentation, a display of a choice or a new story, a book, a restaurant. At the presentation, it is planned to show the goods by a person - to admit that they are overwhelmed and if they are inadequate.

self-presentation- the price of being aware of or knowing to yourself to other people. We can imagine if the new company, repaired to the institute, took control of the robot. The meta of presentation is to make people feel friendly about themselves. Psychologists vvazhayut, scho hostility about a man to wrap himself up in a pershuyu spilkuvannya with him. And you may want to ask for help. It’s easy to get involved in hostility: for your needs, you regularly use the important events, the housekeeping, without relish, don’t get used to it, speak out of place, etc. Correct the filthy enemy nagato foldnish.

Respect for food "Who am I?" If you could come up with no more than 5 characteristics, but you don't want to curl up in front of you, or just forget about yourself, if you don't have the most obvious characteristics (“I’m a human being, learn,” etc.) ... Ale if you will be so streaming in a real presentation, your sponsor will be able to "get" your image himself.

About the analysis of the change of views. Why do critical voices occur among them? It is possible, and in the life of you, you are overbearing your inadequacies, vipinati. Touch the radios of André Maurois: “Nicholas do not talk nasty about yourself. Your friends are best served for you. "

Roles and biographical characteristics ("Yunak", "Divchina", "Sin", "Daughter") are most often developed. Beast of respect, with such characteristics in your self-portrait. As much as possible, you can present yourself with formal characteristics in your life, in order to be able to sign up to millions of people. What is your individuality? Did they forget about her, or are they dumb?

Boo, how the development is supposed to spin about the same and those - their flood, common with other people, plans for maybut. For an hour, problems appear like this, as it is unrecognizable to start your children.

At what time do the words stand in your views - in the present, maybe even last? What about the stink of a pose for an hour? As much as the majority of ideas are carried over to the last ("I am a promising athlete"), you can, you still have a good time for new, overwhelming, dumb old photographs, great success.

Buvaє so, you don’t live, but get ready to live. “If I go virost ..., If I start ..., If I make friends ..., If I buy a car ..., if I stay awake ...” and it is so far to endlessness. Planning - on the right is good and necessary to navigate. However, buvah, life will turn into a great fun with intermediate finishes. Appreciate all the hopes for the future, why are you thinking of this year's day and the year's day?

Do not worry about Maybut - it didn’t come to life at all.
Bury it gone - it’s dead.
Live today!
Only in a new soul to work at the same time with God!

Henry Longfellow

As soon as your views of your presence have passed, today and in the future, it means that you have a chance to see your life.

The test, which is a vikonali scho, is based on your self-assessment.

self-assessment - the value of evaluating yourself. Tse vimіryuvalny attachment, which is dependent on yourself. There are a lot of techniques that will help you learn in the whole book, as well as based on self-assessment. It is so important to him that he will fit exactly. If the information is not correct, it will not be correct and it will be incorrectly verified.

Zavdannya number 2. "What am I?"

1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10

Zavdannya number 3. "Samy samy".

The leather scholar will reject the leaf, for which fault he is guilty of writing the name of quiet children and young people of the class, who are the first in the nominations “most intelligent”, “found” and “most beautiful”. The teacher picks up the leaves and reads the name. Three-chotiri prisvischa, as it happens most often, sign up for doshtsi. The winners can be awarded symbolic prizes, certificates, signs. Tsya right zmushuє ponder, naskіlki vlasna otsenka zbіgaєtsya s іnkoyu people.

  • About those, as the negative self-assessment is not safe, we are preceded by the history of the genial physics of the Erenfest. Bagato nin is famous for the day, they nourished it for the sake of it. Yogo help is of no value. Yogo was seen by the inshis. The tragedy of the Erenfest Bula underestimated the self-assessment. Win was determined to be right. Once, I wondered if I was absolutely immortal and ended my life by suicide. I don't know much about it.
  • However, the glory did not hurt the great actress Greta Garbo, who is too small to underestimate her self-esteem. She has no friends, she has no friends. There was a bully, so dull and uncomfortable in her own, that she could not know in the presence of people. Vinyatok is timid only for stage partners and operator. The holy vona meant one in her majestic castle.
  • Tsі absolutely dissimilar people with such small proportions of bully are inevitably talented and successful in professional activity. The reason for this unhappiness was the underestimation of self-assessment, so that the lack of acceptance and love for oneself, the lack of knowledge of one's own capacity.

American psychologist William James viviv the self-assessment formula, which I call the formula of happiness:


Rіven domagan specialties- tse pragnennya to reachmeti tієї mіri folding, on yaku lyudin vvazha to itself zdatnim.

People who volodyutrealistic Rivne home, grow in style, more ease in reaching their goals, greater productivity in relation to people, the level of domination of those that are inadequate to their health and abilities.

Debtness between households and real possibilities of the people before the fact that they start wrong to assess themselves, their behavior becomes inadequate, they failemotsіynі behold, p_vischenaanxiety ... From the point of view of self-assessment and motivation to achieve success in different types of activity.

There are only two ways to promote self-assessment:

1) seek success in any activity;

2) reduce the level of domagannya.

Reach out at once and only give in to great people.

  • Einstein was building a building, one fine day, one of the most famous people in the world. People wondered if they were just as wonderful as the theory of viability. Before the speech, he himself explained his theory as follows: a cholovik to sit with a garnenkoy dvchinoy - and an old man to fly is uncomfortable. If you happen to sit on the baking plate, the chilin will be drawn indefinitely. Price and quality.
  • Once the captain of a transatlantic liner proponuvav you vibrate be-yak cabin. Einstein, having said that you must absolutely say no to me, win. ready to podorozhuvati want on the steering wheel. Winning disrespect for fame, pennies and titles. Happiness for the new was formed by robots, grids on the violins and floating on the wrists. (D. Carnegie, Small facts about good see people, M., 1993).

As long as your meta is life in harmony with oneself and with light, it is necessary, so that the housekeeping will be successful. The problem is that the success of the skin mind is in its own way.

How do you contribute to the understanding of "success"?

Zavdannya No. 4. "Success - tse ..."

With a hand of 3 chilines in a smart way, give a message to the food: "So are you so successful?" Write down the messages so that the stench comes into your head.

Otzhe, you have learned with the best understanding of psychology - "image of I", "self-perception", "self-presentation", "self-assessment", "rivn domagan".

Give feedback on the food of plant number 4 on your own, indicating the option that you choose to be correct.

Zavdannya number 5.

Food for the lesson.

1. Generally assess yourself by calling yourself:

a) self-reliance, b) self-assessment , B) self-presentation, c) self-perception.

2. For self-assessment in the pershu cherga pouring inє:

a) rivn domagan, B) addiction; c) good quality, d) health.

3. The most important principle of psychodiagnostics is called:

a) congruence, b)confidentiality, C) tolerance, d) loyalty.

4. "Formula of Happiness" viviv:

a) Pavlov; b) Sel; v) James, d) Hippocrates.

5. The validity of the results of the dough injected is yours:

a) thickness , B) criticality, c) friendliness, d) independence.

Lyudin is a part of the society, and for new it is important to put the people in love, the assessment of their qualities, addiction. Ale not mensh is important for us і self-assessment, set up to ourselves, how to form in people, stretching out all their life. As a result of the government's assessment of its merits and lack of resources, there are many things to be kept in suspensions, such as loans, and steps of social activity.

In the psychology of self-assessment, there is a complex of the manifestation of people about themselves, which were formulated on the basis of a relationship with others. Tsi manifestation of an important role in the formulation of the image of the powerful "I" anyway.

Svidomo chi unrecognizable, ale we depend on themselves for themselves with the same and estimated from the position "more beautiful", "better" or "the same, like all". It is important to be appraised in Pershu Cherga, significant for the quality of the production. For example, for a young nobleman I will become the first chvert of the 19th century, I will be a normal mirkuvati about those who are more beautiful or better than a dance mazurka, not Lieutenant Rzhevsky. And for the bitchy people, the value is not important, and it is not appreciated.

In such a rank, in the basis of self-assessment of socially significant values, without which it is uncomfortable to assimilate oneself as a great leader in a given suspension and in a given hour.

Zrozumilo, well, you can assess yourself in a smart way, you will be more aware of the situation, if you are pleased with yourself and are similar to yourself, and in the last hour, your little children will be tempted to experience the guest of dissatisfaction, if you are taking care of yourself. Ale self-assessment is a part of a specialty - a chain of education, you might want to change, or not lie down in a situational way to yourself. Nawpaki, self-assessment of corigu tsei indicator:

  • Lyudin with a lofty thought about himself say: "I just think so, it is absolutely uncharacteristic for me", and try to forget about the pardons.
  • And to the one who has low self-assessment, navpaki, I will emphasize respect on my pardons, if I’m going to carte myself for them, think about those who are “guilty because of life, who’s crooked, who can’t really do it”.

See and і івні self-assessments

Psychology sees two types of self-assessment: adequate and inadequate. Sometimes we talk about the optimal and suboptimal self-assessment, because they themselves are inclined to think so powerfully that people should powerfully assess themselves a trifle of middle age, but sooner the norm, less vision. The insha is on the right, on the top of my head.

adequate self-assessment

Adequate self-assessment in this world is correct to depict the health and quality of specialness, so that the people manifest themselves about themselves, as they appear to be a real speech. Such a manifestation may be like a + sign, so a sign -, even people are not ideal. For example, if a person speaks, when he stepped on a sound, it may not be a belittling of the power of health in the music, but the estimate is adequate.

Self-assessment is infused into the whole behavior of people and their attitudes to themselves and to other people. So, with adequate self-assessment of individuals:

  • correctly estimate the rate of their own wealth and health;
  • to set before oneself realistic goals, as in the snake of reaching;
  • it is good to critically wonder on your side;
  • get rewarded to transfer the results of your own vchinki.

I am interested in people with adequate self-assessment and important people. Ale їkh dumku vіn tezh otsіnyu adequately, more expressing on the power of the statement about the cinnamon chi skoda their own diy.

inadequate self-assessment

Self-assessment of two types is inadequate: underestimated and envious. The stage of inadequacy of the new age. Self-judgments of the level of Trochi Vishche or Trochi lower than average - to reach a wider phenomenon, and the stench may not appear in the behavior of the individual, not to spoil his life and interaction with those who feel. Visibility into the whole range is possible only for additional special psychological tests. And the self-assessment of the middle is not necessary in Korea, because a person deserves a lot of praise and self-confidence, and no one has tried to self-help.

Ale trap (and uneasy), but self-assessment is far from optimal and meaning, or even lower than the average level. In general, it’s worth fixing a serious infusion on the vchinki of people, which can lead to inadequate behavior and to feel sick.

Individual specialties of people due to the envy of self-assessment

People with an overwhelmingly envious self-assessment can be quickly taken care of in any collective - the stink of being in plain sight, all the joy, all the keruvats and dominating the skryz. These people are characterized by the following specialties:

  • the stench is too busy to appreciate its versatility and its significance;
  • do not take away criticism, іkh draughty someone else's thought, as we don’t get rid of them;
  • they often conceal a complex of perevagi, vvazayuchi themselves with everything right;
  • navalnі and navіt zarozumіlі;
  • provide help and support for those who feel comfortable;
  • in their misfortunes and problems, they call on other people;
  • do not think about their weak sides, or see them for being strong, for example, obstinacy for being enthusiastic, but impudent for being silly;
  • often appear to be a demonstrative type of behavior, to love the behavior of a show off;
  • may be smart enough and fearfully put to the point of feeling sick.

Such a thought is perceived, which is more beautiful than a mother's envy of self-assessment, not an underestimation. But here everything is hidden in the rіvnya - people who value themselves highly, may be even more unacceptable.

Self-rating underestimated

People with a level of self-assessment are significantly lower than the average, it is not possible to immediately mention, especially in a collective. The stench does not shy away from being in plain sight і are built simply modest. However, in the process of combining them, they are far from being distinguished by quality:

  • insanity and overwhelming protection;
  • the accumulation of ideas of the first people and the post-demand in the first place;
  • pragnennya reshape vіdpovіdalnіst including і for their own graces on the shoulders of the desperate;
  • a complex of inconsistency, such as a legacy of that, overwhelming variability, inconsistency;
  • overwhelming visibility to oneself and others, perfectionism;
  • weakness, revenge and health;
  • gravely because of low self-esteem, the stench doesn’t mean it’s not a matter of everyone to bring their “toughness” and to cheat inadequate vchinki.

Underestimated self-assessment may be a deterrent to people of his family, only the price of his family. The stench of stinking in my misfortune and obsessed with pity for myself, but not to help the problems of my loved ones. Even more often those, who have a low level of self-assessment, do not have any affection or love.

self-assessment structure

In the structure of self-assessment, psychologists see two components: cognitive and emotional:

  • The cognitive component (from the Latin cognition - knowledge) includes the knowledge of people about themselves, their health, intelligence, abilities, weaknesses and strengths. The whole component is formed in the process of self-knowledge and is richly injected into the level of self-assessment. Self-assessment is inadequate, as a rule, it is tied either because of not seeing reality by the manifestations of the power of “I”, or because of it’s not formed.
  • The emotional component is the price of bringing an individual to himself and to the occasion of his own power. , Yak mi see to oneself, even super-verbose: praise and lack of praise, self-talk, for example,.

The evidence of these two components is purely theoretical, in real life, the stench is associated with unreasonableness - our knowledge about our own quality is always well-fed.

Factories that pour on the self-assessment form

Self-assessment is inadequate - it’s all rotten, it’s causing discomfort and problems, and the very people, and they’ll improve. Is it possible that an individual is wrongly declared about himself? Why should a self-assessment be formed?

social officials

The basis of self-assessment is laid down in the child, from that moment, if the baby learns his "I" and starts to make up for himself with the children and grow up. In both preschool and young school children, they cannot adequately analyze their own qualities and their behavior; therefore, the estimated sphere is to form more and more when growing up. Remember, yak at V. Mayakovsky: “A tiny bit of sin came to the daddy, і energized a cry: - So good? And what is it so rotten? "

People with a sensitive psyche in the big world are experiencing through their failures and through the assessments of those who feel better, not less emotional.

  • Lyudin, who has a melancholy rice, who is sick and tired of navigating through the insignificant vypadkovy respect and memory of yogo dovgo.
  • A phlegmatic person, he can’t help him with respect for respect.
  • Closed, unsociable through the assessments of people who feel less, less comradely extroverts. From their side, through their scholarship to demonstrative behavior, they often suffer from envious self-esteem. Ale and uniqueness of people, as they see the courageousness of people, people do not care for themselves the kind of the others, anger the sick, unworthy of combining with them.

To add an individual specialty of specialness, it’s crazy, to infuse self-assessment on the form, but the vector is set in front of the social middle ground. Є і another important factor, the dressing with the assessment of the people of the Vlasny "I".

rivn domagan

Mi all pragnemo up to the chogos in life, put before us the whole. I aim of development: I want to make money for a new apartment, I want to create a viable business, and for someone, a trip to the sea is the border of my family. The step of folding, difficult to meet or zavdannya, yaku viznacha for himself a lyudin, and є the level of your home.

So the very thing and self-assessment, the level of building can be either adequate or inadequate. Adequate such, de tsіlі adapt to the possibilities of the people. As a student of a school with poor knowledge and low scores according to DI, submit documents to a prestigious capital university, then the new one is clearly inadequate, the rivn of the house is obviously inadequate. And if a good learner seeks to enter before the initial mortgage, he should be afraid of failing, then the rivn of the house is low. And those, and іnshe nasty.

Rivn domagan is formed under the incessant successes and failures, which supervise people on the living path, and, in their own heart, pouring into the form of self-assessment. And even an athlete, who constantly set the bar, through yak cannot be re-rattled, to become more enchanting in his strength and in the ability to seek success. This underestimation of the level of domagan does not take the development of self-promotion and virility in oneself.

But psychologists still vvazhayut, how a low rivn is better than a high one and poured nasty into the formulation of the specialness and position in the suspension. Win to rob the people of socially passive indifference, not to shy away from success.


Possibility of changing one's self-assessment towards more adequate people. Especially it is typical for adults, and when they are already there, specialties will be added, if people understand that the assessment of their strengths and abilities is incorrect and will make them achieve success and fucking fucking pouring into all the blue ones.

Self-assessment is done on a self-help basis, I want the help of a psychotherapist or a psychologist-consultant in especially neglected cases. It is simpler to advance self-assessment, but to lower it inadequately envy. More precisely, mind, if there is a self-assessment, it goes down, but more often for all the stench of not accepting and navit.

Even though the individual has learned that his self-assessment is inadequately envied, it means that it is critical to wonder on himself, but also, not such self-assessment is envied in the new person. Whatever the reason, it’s on the right track.

It’s a heartless joy to be able to advance self-assessment. Alle with a little bit of varto rozibrat, in which spheres you underestimate yourself. Wouldn't I be more in control of you, for why would you not be able to promote self-help? You write on the okremomu arkushi in the storehouse of the main regions, in which people are realizing:

  • visit people;
  • professional skill (or vibration of the profession);
  • callousness;
  • rіven knowledge,;
  • drowning;
  • family.

You can do it yourself more importantly. And now assess your success in these spheres on a 10-point scale. If the assessments will be three or five points, then you have self-assessment in the boundaries of the norms, or it is possible to adjust. And if it is just lower than 5, then the region will go to hell with special respect.

Think, to whom you are importing, what in this area you are not successful? And why don't you vistachaє, why don't you see yourself more singing, try to tell yourself and find yourself happy? Vipishit on okremomu arkushi what you do not vistachaє. І fix the problems, assimilate the shortcomings.

Yak bachite, nothing folding. And if you wanted a "charming pill" or a ready-made recipe, it’s so dumb. People are all good, we have problems too. Alle, you can give a piece of zagalnye pleasures for self-assessment:

  • Stop beating yourself up with others. Remember, the skinny ludin is unique, who is not more beautiful, but simply better. And your challenge is in the way you see them.
  • Wonder about and try to polish everything as beautifully and lightly as possible. Make a mistake, keep in mind the process of seeing and try to avoid negative thoughts more - the stench attracts bad luck.
  • If I can fix it, if I can do it, be successful, if you come before the check.
  • Have a laugh. Smile is the best tool that will bring our camp to the positive. It’s not less important that there’s a lot of people who will feel good about us.
  • Write on papyrtsi all your virtues and reread them often, especially if you see the inability and fear of failure.
  • Be more aware. Do not go to waste, beastly to the people for help and assistance.

For the advancement of self-assessment, it is even more important to grab and praise the people who feel comfortable. That is, to know your own goodness, or drowning, in which you can covet success, and do not get frustrated and demonstrate success. Paint, knit, vishivati ​​with a chrest, pick up pictures from plastic plugs or take pictures of non-vicious hmari. I share my successes, seek praise. Infection with the development of spilkuvannya in social framing, the process of development is awkward.

Introduction ................................................. .......................... 3

1. Self-assessment. Understand, see, structure .............................. 4

2. Development of self-assessment .............................................. ........ .eight

2.1. Step of development of self-assessment ..................................... 10

2.2. Factories, which are injected into the development of self-assessment .......... ... .14

2.2.1. Semeyni factor .......................................... 14

2.2.2. Social factors .................................... ... 16

2.2.3. The principles of "self" .................................... .... 18

Visnovok ................................................. .................... ... 21

List of Literature ................................................ ............ .23


Іntensivne salary nashogo suspіlstva, Yogo demokratizatsіya i gumanіzatsіya pіdvischuyut vimogi to formuvannya aktivnoї, tvorchoї osobistostі i roblyat Especially znachuschimi doslіdzhennya problems Formation regulatory protsesіv scho dozvolyayut lyudinі vistupati spravzhnіm sub'єktom svoєї povedіnki i dіyalnostі, samostіyno viznachati prospects svogo rozvitku, and Roads i zasobi їh implementation.

In the middle of the city, as they summarize the form of mechanisms of self-regulation, the central place is to develop self-consciousness, so that the level of activity of the sub-unit, the formation of the most important special children,

Self-assessment is the most important psychological factor in the formation of the initial activity of scientists, and the role in the formation of individual features and specific characteristics is significant. Nutrition, tied with development, is included in the number of central problems of pedagogical and vital psychology.

Think for yourself to be pledged in an early child, and the development and thoroughness of this is seen by stretching out the life of the people.

Theoretical problems of self-assessment were known to be most thoroughly discussed in the works of B.G. Anan'va, L.I. Bozovic, I.O. Kona, M.I. Lisina, A.I. Lipkina, V.V. Stolin, І.І. Lesnokova, E.V. Shorohovoy, W. James, C. Cooley, J. Mead, E. Erikson, K. Rogers and in. Negotiate nutrition for the ontogenesis of self-assessment, roles in the formulation of specialty and self-awareness, structure and functions.

In a given robot, the understanding of self-assessment, development of self-assessment, as well as the development of self-assessment of specialness will be described.

1. Self-assessment. Understand, see.

Self-assessment of specialness is value, as we hope to be individual for ourselves or we will limit our qualities. The main criterion for self-assessment is the system of special messages of the individual. The main function of self-assessment is a regulatory one, at the stage of which there is a new establishment of a special choice, and it’s fixed, so that it’s unquestionably stable and independent of the specialty, which is correct when the signal is called. According to the psychologist V.V. Stolin, self-assessment of the price "the testimony of the sovereign identity is independent of the young minds of the middle class." It is also possible to say that self-assessment is of the essence, if people assess themselves in different regions, give an assessment to their own qualities (addiction, sexuality, professionalism).

adequate self-assessment

Self-assessment is injected into the efficiency of performance and the formulation of specialness in all stages of development. Adequate self-assessment of people’s performance in their own, allowing them to successfully set and achieve goals in their care, business, special life, creativity, we need such brownish qualities as healthiness, adaptability Low self-assessment of a fearful person who has not been singed in a accepted solution.

Visoka self-assessment, as a rule, is not a successful person, but not a profession - be it politics, business, representatives of creative specialties. However, the broadening and vaping of enlightened self-assessment, if people are looking at a lot of thoughts about themselves, powerful talents and health, at that time, they are real achievements, on the thought of experts in these most modest regions, they imagine. Why so? Practical psychologists do not often discern two types of behavior (motivation) - pragmatic to success and unfortunate failure. If a person sees the first type of target, the adjustments are more positive, and my respect is less emphasized on the difficult, and in the general sense of the thought that is lost in the society, is simply less meaningful for the new market itself. Lyudin, who walks from a different position, is less of a schilny to a risik, shows more care and is not often aware of his fears in his life, but he goes to the point of being bound with several tricycles. This type of behavior, perhaps, does not allow one to take self-assessment.

Low (underestimated) self-assessment and reasons

The low (underestimated) self-assessment is not sufficiently amazed by the inflow and assessment of the fathers in the children, and in the frivolous life - by the out-of-the-box assessment of the society. Whoa, so, what a child in a child gives an underestimated self-assessment of the closest relatives, it seems: "You can't go out there!" Some of the dads sinister "the tyranny of obligations", they are vicious when the child is almost overwhelmed, as this can lead to the emotional scruffy and scootie. Often the elders seem to say: "You are guilty of behaving even decently, so is your father Shanovana Lyudin", "You are guilty of hearing from all your mother." The child has a model of etalon, in the context of the realization of some kind of wine becoming bi good and ideal, even though it doesn’t come true, it’s not like the etalon (ideal) and reality. The self-assessment of the specialness is infused with the images of the ideal and the real I "- the greater the dissatisfaction of the people with the reality of their lives and the lower of their lives.

Older people have underestimated self-esteem of specialness to be seen in quiet vapors, as the stench is of great importance to those of the children, for example, to play with children. At the same time, it is possible, it stinks, but bad luck is also a valuable resource for information, and also that individuality is not less unique than that of other people. It is also important є nutrition about the criteria for assessment and self-assessment (how and how should you assess it?)

Self-assessment and reason

Boo so, what a daddy, if the most relatives of a child are smart, they are overwhelmed, they want to know how they are (a) kindly read vіrshi because they are on a musical instrument, because they are smart and mean school, they eat so much in a garden Seeing the dramatic experiences, the fragments of their assessment beyond the real scale, according to which construction they appear, they are far from very high. In cich vipadkah, the father's estimate of gravelly hotness is envied, the child's cognitive dissonance is wicked in the period, if the strong criteria for adequate self-assessment have not yet been violated. The reason for the envy of the level of self-assessment changes to the decline, to the child's psycho-trauma, because of the strong, but not in the bigger life.

Perfectionism and the level of self-assessment

Perfectionism - the practice of providing maximum perfection criteria in quiet areas - it is not easy to serve as another reason for envy or underestimation of self-esteem. The problem is that the criteria for assessments in quiet areas can be understood, and reaching the perfect level in all possible ways (“being a witness of all things”) is rather unfortunate. At the end of the day, to promote self-assessment of people (in fact, to develop self-assessment more adequately), it is possible to visualize the regions with larger criteria and formulate the self-assessment in them.

self-assessment structure To be seen by the glimpses of the past as being composed of two components - cognitive and emotional, which function in unreasonable unity. The first imagining of people’s knowledge about themselves is a different stage of formality and publicity, the other one is being placed before oneself, so that “an affect on oneself” is accumulated. Knowing about himself Lyudin nabuv in the social context, and the stench will inevitably "grow" with emotions. However, the distinctiveness of the visual components on the basis of the same internal differentiation character, in connection with the development of the skin, they have their own specificity. It means that the self-assessment is functional in two forms - inbound and in private (partial, concrete, local).

Naybilsh vivchenim є nature, characteristics and dynamics of private self-evaluations, showing the evaluation of a sub''count of their specific manifestations and qualities; I am glad to see the problem and form and function of the self-assessment. All minds are like the same change, which shows the steps of self-teaching of specialness. The highest self-promotion is associated with the maximum activity of the individual, the productivity of the creativity, the realization of the creative potential. Such an idea to the mindfulness of the fabulous self-assessment does not leave a message in the light of the sub''kta of self-satisfaction, critically put to itself as a sponcous power of development, the people are consumed in self-esteem. The first theoretical approach to the cleverness of the outward self-assessment is realized in preliminaries, in order to create a structured system of private self-assessments, which is in continuous interaction with oneself. At the same time, there is a lack of awareness of the intrusiveness to oneself until the mere availability of private self-evaluations. The same reasoning of the foreign self-assessment allows one to characterize it according to the provincial tendencies, which appears in the function of private self-assessments - in the world of adequacy, criticality, reflexivity, and stiffness.

Analyzes accumulated in the last few days, allowing us to see the characteristics of private and private self-evaluations. Zagalna self-assessment on the small level, the development is characterized by the growth of the image of the psyche, the specialness, of the physical tributes; In a small world of consistency, coordination, integration of private self-evaluations, stability and dynamism of the system. Private self-assessments It is not only the specificity of the object that is developed in them, but the level of significance for the particularity, the world of publicity and the emancipation of the most important assessments. Indicators, in the early world, to be applied to the same form of self-assessment function, are presented, as a rule, in viewpoints: self-assessment appears to be adequate - inadequate, inadequate - low, stable - even singing - not singing, etc.

Self-assessment of functionality in a functional modality: a categorical, traditional form of assessment by a subjective of one's own qualities, but also problematic, but realizing ambiguous assignment to oneself, behind our statements, determination of an analogous reflexive

2. Development of self-assessment

Our self-assessments are a series of unique cognitive schemes, which have passed the information about specialties and organize new information from this aspect.<Я>... At the same time, self-assessment, especially when it comes to health and potential, special features, turning and singing flow of the house. And it’s for me to stay away from the powerless minds. A slap, hvalkuvatiy with friends, you can more modestly estimate yourself in a relationship with a teacher. As it seems, self-assessment can simply be self-asserted, stemming from a more sympathetic enemy about oneself.

Ambiguous and self-assessment criteria. The individual evaluates himself with two ways: 1) the way of setting the level of his own households with the objective results of his performance and 2) the way of making oneself against the other people. Chim vishche rіven domagan, tim more important than їkh satisfaction. Successes and failures in any kind of activity really add to the assessment of individual health in a whole kind of activity: failures, most often, underestimate the home, and success grows. Not a less important moment of determination: assess yourself, individ by yourself, indifferently to yourself with others, not only your own power, but the whole social situation as a whole. The home self-assessment of specialness is strongly infused with the same individual specialties and those that are very important for her to assess the quality of the purity. There were a lot of private self-evaluations. Judging by them about a man, I don’t know the system of its special values, that which itself is the quality of the sphere of activity is the main for the new, it’s unwise.

Self-assessment is not on a regular basis; The assignment of new assessments can change the values ​​of those acquired earlier. For example, a schoolboy, successfully building an education, we will vazha ourselves zdibnim learn. I am proud and pleased with myself, I want to be known as the best: their success is in the positive reactions of the viewers, in order to see the message in the family and in the excitement of welcoming social resonance. However, a positive self-assessment may appear shaken as a result of being seen at examinations, or at times, if in the same time the value of success will be brought to a different plane by some non-athletic athletes, let us say, Besides, in the world of growing up a high school student it is possible to see that success in the new world does not bring happiness or guarantee of success in life situations. In general, the general self-assessment can be lowered, or altogether positive. Є three moments, suttuvich for self-assessment. In the first place, the important role in the formulation of the image of the real<Я>in the image of the ideal<Я>, T.E. Zyavlennyam about those who wanted a bout. Who can reach in reality the characteristics that are primary for new ideals<образ Я>That one is guilty of the mother's temple self-assessment. Well, Lyudin is aware of the characteristics and reality of her own achievements, her self-assessment, all the same, if she is low.

Another factor that is important for the formulation of self-assessment, interlocking with the internalization of social reactions to a given person. In other words, Lyudin is smart about herself so, like, on my mind, on my mind. I, nareshti, another glance at nature and the formation of self-assessment of the field in that, when people assess the success of their actions and manifested through the prism of their identity. It’s not because it’s just a matter of being good at being wrong, but because of the fact that it’s right and wrong. In general, the picture is seen in such a rank that people report the great Zusils in order to achieve the greatest success.<вписаться>into the structure of the suspension.

It is especially susceptible to self-assessment, not indifferent to the fact that one should lie in the basis of the power of judgment of people about oneself or the interpretation of the judgments of these people, individual ideals, or cultural expectations of the subtype.

2.1. Step up the development of self-assessment

Early vik. A lot of children already in the early days are aware of their successes or failures in the performance of their own emotional reactions to them. The majority of children are simply aware of the achievement of the result; dekhto sprymau succeed in failure, apparently, with positive and negative emotions. At the same time, the group is more likely to try to show self-judgment, and in the main it is not possible to achieve success in activity. Ditina is not just happy to succeed, but rather shows a sense of pride, demonstrating her dignity in a vivid and vivid way. However, to find such elementary self-evaluating reactions in the whole time in the region of birth.

Close to 3.5 rocky in children, it is also possible to promote massive reactions to successes and failures, the obvious rank of being linked to self-assessment. Evidence of the results of the child's performance is assessed as fallow from all health, and the result of his performance is related to the special capabilities and self-assessment.

Self-assessment of a child, having learned how to hang out until it is possible, can be approximately three-chopped rocky on the basis of self-determination with other people.

Until the middle preschool age Some of the kids are thinking and assessing correctly for themselves, their success, failure, special quality, and not only in games, but also in other types of intelligence: new, practical

So it’s until the end of the day to look like one more crochet on the way before the normal education in school in the future, so as with the ear of school life, the child is gradually able to assess himself in different types of performance, and self-indulgence shut up.

A special role in the planning and forecasting of the results of the special development of the child is shown about those who, as a child of a young age, receive and evaluate their fathers. That’s a good thing for inheriting and one hour at a time when the child’s positively placed on her mind, fix it on her psychology and behavior is the most powerful inflow. It has been established among children of the early age, that it is more common for the fathers to flow into their children from three to eight years, and between the boys and the children, they have a singing vividness. So, among the girls, the psychological injection of the fathers began to appear earlier and more often than not among the boys. From three to eight rocky rockies from three to eight rocky from three to one hour. As soon as there are lads, the stench is significant to change from the flowing fathers in an hour from five to seven rockies, that is, three rocky less.

At the senior preschool child children give a great value to assessments, which are given to them by grown-up people. Ditina does not check such an assessment, but actively solicits herself, praises the praise, and tries to deserve it. All the information about those children who have already entered the period of development, are sensitive for the formation and improvement of new motivation to achieve success in a number of life in the midst of special authorities, in the future in the future in the future

Young school student. A special feature of the children of a young school age, as they are born with preschool children, is even more willing to take care of the best before school; Children will increase their visibility to the authority of the grown-up people, and may even carelessly accept their assessments. Navit characterize yourself as a specialty, the young schoolboy in the main will repeat what is said about the grown-ups.

Tse bezposeredno embrace such an important special affirmation, to be locked in this vice, as a self-assessment. There is no need to lay down on the nature of the assessments, which give the grown-up children and their successes in different types of performance. Young schoolchildren also develop self-assessments of the younger types at a meeting of the preschool children: adequate, envious and underestimated.

Self-assessment in a young school student is being shaped, the head rank, and given the grades of the teacher.

Children are especially important to give their intellectual abilities, as the stench is appreciated by them. It is important for children that the assessment is positive.

Pidlitkovy vіk. The head of a new rice, appearing in the psychology of a child as a child of a young school age, is a very high level of self-awareness. At the same time, the demand is clearly expressed in the need to correctly assess and vikoristovuvati in reality, to form and develop health, to bring them to the level, on which the stench is found among older people.

At the same time, children become especially sensitive to the thought of one-story and grown-ups, they are faced with the problems of a moral and ethical character, tied up, zokrem, with intimate human bonds.

Childhood - as one of the only names for the adult - the whole hour of becoming a true individual, self-reliance in the modern world and in pratsi. In the case of children from a young age, the children will be able to show their confidence in the state of the art and to control their behavior, their thoughts and feelings. Pidlіtkovy vіk - a whole hour of sharpened pragmatism to the knowledge of the self-assessment, to the formation of the intrinsic, intransigent image of "I".

In the period between 12 and 14 rocks, when describing oneself that other people, go to see the children from the earliest years, they will fix the victorious judgments, including in the self-description the words “one day”, “may be” on the position of evaluating relativism, about the clarification of ambiguity, inconsistency and intelligence of special manifestations of people.

In the cob period (10-11 years), a lot of growths (approximately close to a third) give themselves in the main negative special characteristics... Also, it is a preference for oneself to be taken over and over, at times from 12 to 13 years. However, there is a lot of positive changes in self-perception, the growth of self-cultivation and a higher assessment of myself as a specialty.

In the world of growing up, a collection of globally negative self-assessments of children become more differentiated, characterizing behavior in social situations, and also in private.

In the development of reflexion, so that building is learned by children dignity and shortcomings, spontaneous tendencies yak bi protylezhny character. In the earliest period of adolescence, children are taught in the main only in their life situations, because of their character, nareshty, global specialties.

2.2. The factories, which are injected into the development of self-assessment

2.2.1. family factors

Even though the form didn’t fill up the family, it’s still the best unit of the suspension. Itself in the homeland, the child is the first to come, who love him, who accept him so, like win є, supervise him or her success or failure. As a lot of psychologists are involved, in the first five years of life among people, the structure of specialness is basically formed, the foundations of the self-concept are laid. The child's period is especially spilling and non-self-reliant, it is self-contained in all of these, in which one is satisfied with the increase, for there is no need to increase its consumption. To that, it is even more important to inform people, and the first for all the fathers about the problems, difficult and inheritances, when the child is wrongly identified.

Self-assessment is tied to the size of the family and the seniority of the middle of the children. Among the pre-teenagers of Coopersmith, 70% of the children, who had a low and average self-assessment, did not become the first. At the same hour in the group of high self-rated first-timers, 42% of children were deprived of it. The first and only children in the family, mabut, perevagi: mind, in which stench grows, more friendly to form a high self-esteem.

Due to the tribute of the past, the boys with a high self-assessment of their brothers and sisters turned out to be very close, less confusing. The harmony of the stosunka, judging from us, expands beyond the boundaries of the family, more than the self-assessment, without providing good volodinnya technology of social contacts, allowing the individual to show their value, not reporting. Dytina added to the family's state of mind before spivpratsi, in the sense that it is because of love, turbo and respect. All this is the basis for social development. The family of this type is jealous and supernatural, but it is not easy for children to develop.

I can tell the mother of lads with a high self-assessment, I know the stench of more than half of my friends. I navpaki, a third of mothers lads with low self-esteem, it is practically impossible to know how to be friends with the same people. All in all, I would like to know that there is no need for a daddy, it is possible to raise awareness of the child's mistrust before them, who have been informed by their assessment of their role and position in the family.

The low self-assessment is tightly tied with the attempts of the father to formulate the child's health before adaptation, that is, to adaptive behavior. Tse turn in offensive vimogs to new: hearing; visit to other people; the fallowness of the grown-ups in the haunted life; coolness; conflict-free interaction with one-liners. Judging from us, success, reach in the minds of people, and not on the basis of special achievements, leading to the formation of low self-esteem.

Pragnennya daddy put children in a pidlegle, a fallow campsite until a decrease in self-assessment. The child in the whole situation appears to be psychologically overwhelmed, it’s not a fault of his own, and he’s not aware of the power’s special value.

Mother of children with a high self-esteem is satisfied with the relationship with one child. The children themselves also respected the dad as a boss with a special person. The particularity of the family of such a group of polyagus is important in the clear, long-term establishment of new importance in the accepted decision, and in the absence of significance to show authority and prominence. One of the fathers will take care of the main solutions, with the rest of the whole family. The fewer principles of decision-making for small meals are generally accepted collectively. According to the standard of family behavior, to creep in such a family of fantasies. Here is a panu atmosphere of mutually doviri, the skin member of the family sees for ourselves we will include it in a homemade cola. In a large number of types, the main decision is taken by Batko, ala, for the formation of a high self-assessment, it is more important to see those who are trying to compete with all the seven. In such a rank, self-assessment develops among children in the family, grows up and becomes solid.

2.2.2. social officials

As it is already said vishche, the self-assessment is formed in a young school age. Alle, there are also private self-assessments, such as situational and building conversations. The collection of private self-assessments wicks situational changes in the life of people: success or failure, making it up to themselves with others, pouring in to the society, etc.

If the self-assessment of people is started with a thought about new people, then let us look at it, that the representatives of other classes will have the maximum. The position, taken in by young people, is not based on their power, but on the social status of the fathers. That is a whole lot of fun, but in the youthful vision of the power of value, it starts with the thought of relatives, friends, suspects, but not a huge prestige like that.

Decrease of the out-of-the-box self-appraisal due to the incessant experimental misfortune supervises people with thoughts about death, and the revision is highly valued for the health of the wikipedia, it is more important to raise the level of self-appraisal of the other things. For deyakim danimi, the promotion of home-made self-talk, in addition to private success, grows more often, not less of a decrease in the amount of bad luck.

On the thought of the American psychologist Ruth Wile, who critically analyzed the real empirical pre-life, the appearance of or the real failure in self-judgment in the face of the experimental failures of the possibility of a certain moment of life. specific qualities, as they know the value in the experiment; In addition, as Lyudin assessed dzherelo information about his hit or success and some win in the dovirya dzherel. Wylie came to visnovka, so in most cases "people are not afraid of self-assertiveness, but rather self-righteous ones. At the same time, it seems, whether it is an experimental or a living situation to experience and be appraised by a subjective in the light of one's own pre-city awareness, including the first self-talk. Ludin's failure to reduce self-help will survive, be it private, the failure is even more important, less calm and unforgettable.

2.2.3. The principles of "self"

When a person becomes aware of himself, there is a lot of reason to think about it, especially as a group assessment. For inwardly sympathetic thoughts, self-assessment is advancing, unwelcoming ones - to fall. It is not easy to get the ruin to be too strong, moreover, at the same time with the head self-assessments, they often fluctuate densely and so, as the assessment of those who have not gotten overwhelmed without an average estimate. For example, among people, they recognize from a certain group of assessments, at the end of an hour the zealous house of mankind moves, to go beyond the quietness, like boules, like positive ones.

principle INTERIORIZATION OF OTHER'S ASSESSMENTS... The changes, given the positive assessments, "the image of me", such as social and moral attitudes, are more significant, such as the testing of thoughts, which are significant for a certain individual (for example, comrades in robots), but in the assessment of , if your thoughts are dispersed. Nareshty, small people are not the same sensitive and receptive to other people's thoughts, fixing them in every way, and ending with all the power of the power "self", according to the bazhan of the others. Psychological folding of the interiorization is done experimentally. The members of the decile small groups of virobnichs (five-seven people in the skin) received an assessment of the organisation and quality of the skin, including themselves, and the transfer, as to evaluate him on the basis of the quality of the skin. Three indicators were randomly given: self-assessment; ob'ktivna group assessment, otrimana by way of averaging assessments, given to the individual by his fellow robots; peredbachuvana group assessment. Z'yasuvalosya, why people with high self-assessment rejected the group's assessment, not people with low self-assessment; The transfer and the active group assessments also turned out to be tied. On the other hand, there are self-assessments and pending assessments of the results, lower self-assessments and active group assessments. Only 40% of individuals with a high self-assessment rejected a high group assessment, and only 26% of individuals from an average self-assessment rejected an average group assessment. More than half of the individuals with a high self-rating gave a low group rating for the scale of average qualities.

Internalization of other people's thoughts, transferring and social development, and attributive processes (please, people in some way attribute to those who are not assigned to themselves, criteria.

The principle of social equality... I want a lot of elements of our "I" to be purely descriptive, factual, in a large variety of stinks of spitefulness and motivational thinking on the surface, as far as it goes, or as a matter of fact. In the first place, the individual will make his explicitly "I" go by, or maybutnim, and his domagannya - with the accomplishments. In a different way, it’s because of the people.

The first moment of images is already in the famous formula of W. James:

samopovaga =


Some people are unbearably disgusting, but win is a friend, and not a little bit of a mitten, the only one that is overwhelmed in the district. Chim vishche rіven domagan, tim more important than їkh satisfaction. The legitimacy of James' formula is not only brought to life by admiration, but by the lack of special experiments, but to show that the success and failure of the home, whether it is good or bad luck, is well suited to the self-image.

But the process of social development is bilateral. Individual sprymau and assess themselves in terms of their own, and for those of them - by their own. Winikak nutrition: if "іншого" lie in the basis of "I", but if, navpaki, "I" serve as a point of reference, a referent of the "іншого"? If you want your self-knowledge to be important, people are impatient to judge yourself more easily, less about others, and more confide in such judgments, especially if you tell me about the inner walls, motives, etc. Zvidsy y priliv'ya: "A stranger's soul is a dark fox." For those who are to be rendered to us "without prior knowledge of ourselves," in the capacity of folding the process of attribution (attributing to our own powerful powers).

If I want private self-assessments, important indicators, indicators of how people can “bounce” themselves, the stench still gets too local and does not allow judging about the structure and dynamics of self-awareness of specialness as a whole. You need to store the human "I" in one thing, it will be necessary to build on the folding preliminaries and theoretical models.


Self-assessment bagatorіvneve, іnrarchіchno organized education, like a functional sub-system, very specific characteristics and regularity of development, a system-creating factor, like in the case of unacceptability, it will start to develop In the capacity of self-assessments, there can be in the appearance of direct self-assessments of subjective assessments (internalized thought of the others), the transformation of the sub'kta to its own emotional-demanding spheres, to nonspecific situational minds for an so that before the analysis of the power of the subject (vchinku) and appear in their own power.

The most effective way to prevent the development of the problem and the reasons for self-assessment as to the mechanism of self-regulation and the very control of the problem, so that the formation of the subjective before the analysis of the subject, the way to itself and the results of development, assessment criteria.

Self-assessment is guilty of looking at the unity of the structural I functional characteristics, As it is realized in different areas of life of the sub'kta and can be presented in the form of structurally dynamic models, which can be foldable in the way of elements, minds and directly in the development of self-presentation

Self-assessment is good to fix the great inflow for the whole living shlyakh tієї chi іnshoi people. People with low self-esteem are mentally inclined to passivity, new and less popular. Tsi people are overwhelmingly sensitive to criticism, vazhayuyu pidtverdzhennym their dissension. Stink is not ready to take compliments. Most often, low self-assessment becomes the cause of permanent self-determination. Those who are thinking about themselves, rob a glimpse into our whole life. And those whom we can reach in life, we can say, directly lie down to themselves, because of our self-assessment.

In such a rank, knowing oneself, one's self-esteem and factors, which inject into development and becoming, can mean changing the life of skin people.

List of Literature

1. Andrєєva G.M. Social psychology... Third view. - M .: Science, 2004.

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Tetyana Radchenko
Understanding about the self-assessment of the children of the senior preschool child

self-assessment- the judgment of the people about the manifestation of the visibility or the weakness of the quietness, the power of the ordinary people with the singing rank, etalon. In other words - a price estimate for oneself. Self-assessment is a simple fact of witnessing in a variety of views in a preschool age, but a few components are formed even in a preschool age.

self-assessment- a price assessment of the specialness of oneself, one's abilities, qualities and the middle class. Stake to the core of the specialty. Self-assessment is the most important behavior regulator. In the morning, it is the very self-judgment to lie down between people and those who feel comfortable, their criticism, self-reliance, placed before successes and failures.

Self-assessment is tied in with the ryvnem of people’s domagan, that is, by the step of difficult to reach goals, as to put the stench in front of oneself. The difference between households and people and their real possibilities leads to the formation of an incorrect self-assessment, since the behavior of the specialness becomes inadequate - the emotional perception is increased, anxiety has increased. Self-assessment will be recognized as an active turn in that, as a person appreciates the versatility and the results of the performance of these people.

Self-assessment is a value, which is attributed to an individual or to our own qualities. In the capacity of the main criterion for assessing the appearance of a system of special messages of the individual. The main functions, which are self-assessing, are regulatory, on the basis of which the establishment of a special choice is revised, and it is secured, so that the stability and independence of the specialty are guaranteed.

See self-assessments:




Inadequate (envious, underestimated)

The strength of self-judgment is to lay in the success and failure in the activity and in the desperate people. The style of self-assessment does not change among the people in the presence of the situation, and the non-level is strong until the thoughts of the people who feel sick.

Adequate self-assessment- is correct, not envious or underestimated of one's abilities, one's own amiability and one's own mission among people.

Children with adequate self-assessment and mental analysis of the results of their own performance, rewarding for the cause of mercy. Smells in your own, active, time-consuming, quickly switch from one activity to the other, easy on the way. Stop sp_vpratsyuvati, help them, comradely kind. In the situation of failure, there is a reason for the reason and the choice is often lower. Let the children be pragmatic until they succeed.

Children with inadequate self-esteem even ruhlivi, non-trimmings, quickly switch from one type of activity to another, often do not bring the right message to the end. The stench is not strong in analyzing the results of your actions and in vchinks, you will get stronger if you are, including even folding "zavdannya" all at once. The stench does not understand your failures. Smell to shy away from being in plain sight, to advertise your knowledge and mind, to look at the smallest lads, to brutalize yourself. On busy days, such children can vikrikuvati z mistsya, comment in the voice of the driver, grimace.

Children with underestimated self-assessment unrepentant, unmarketable, underwhelming, movable, scooted. The stench is even more sensitive, ready to cry at any moment, not to sputter and not stand up for yourself. It is important for children to be anxious, not in their own way, it is important to be included in the activity. Smell of zdaleg_d are seen from the view of the building, which are built in foldable, but when an older person is growing up it is easy to cope with them. Dytina, because of her underestimated self-assessment, is to be built up. Children, as a rule, may be low social status in a group, they are in the category of zelody, they don't want to be friends with them. The name of the most often less attractive children. The reasons for the individual peculiarities of self-assessment in the senior preschool child are educated by the development of the mind for a skin child.

In some inadequately vipadkah zavischena samootsіnka in older doshkіlnomu vіtsі obumovlena noncritical representations to dіtey side of matured, bіdnіstyu іndivіdualnogo dosvіdu i dosvіdu spіlkuvannya of odnolіtkami, nedostatnіm rozvitkom zdatnostі usvіdomlennya Me i rezultatіv svoєї dіyalnostі, nizkim rіvnem afektivnoї uzagalnennya refleksії i. In those who are formed as a result of overwhelmingly envied grown-ups on the side, if the child will reject only negative assessments of her actions. Here, the self-assessment of the vison will register the function. The testimony of a child yak bi “turns on”, I don’t sense traumatizing and critical ones respecting their address, not thinking of unacceptable failures for new ones, not schilic and analytical reasons.

Formation of self-assessment to pass the steps:

Nondifferentiation of the placement of the child to the assessment of the child from the side of the grown-ups;

The emergence of a differentiated quest to assess their own wenches from the side of the grown-ups;

The emergence of building self-assessment of your own children;

The emergence of buildings before self-assessment is not only vchinki, but a little bit of a kind of emotional stanіv;

The appearance of building up to self-consciousness, i.e.

There is a large number of officials for the development of self-assessment:

1. Sem'ya. If the child is on the light, there is no new message about those who need to be guided, as well as from the new self-assessment criteria. Dytina spirals on to see how old they grow up, on those assessments, as they give a stench to them.

2. Вік. Є prejudice, so that the adequacy of self-assessment is advancing. Self-assessment of the grown-up people for a greater number of indicators is more realistic and objective, less youthful. The children of a senior preschool child often assess themselves positively, but fail to tie up with the singular surroundings.

3. Mіzhosobistіsnі vіdnosini. The process of developing human specialties is not to be pinned down by a stretch of life. Self-assessment can also be shaped by the stretching of the life of the people, being filled up with admiration as in spilkuvanny with other people, as well as by being treated to oneself. Mіzhosobistіsne spіlkuvannya maє in conjunction with tsim colossal meaning. Deficiency of spilkuvannya in the form of underappreciated assessments of health, far on the lance - the appearance in the nature of self-assessment.

For a child, it is even more important not just to spilkuvannya, but to spilkuvannya with grown-ups. A good-natured shrine to the child from the side has grown up є one of the head minds of its development.

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