Psychological quality of people butt. Yogo character is complementary. Quality characteristics characterize the specialty, the quality of the specialty. Video: Correct for brewing good yokes

Yakіsnі changes in suspension and ієntаtsіya on the marketіsіnіnііy hіmіnіyuy tіnіnііnі attitudes of people, to speed up the interdisciplinary attitudes of the people, lamaut to fatigue stereotypes and ways of behavior. It is to be confirmed that, from the individual self-realization of the skin specialness, the scale of personal success and the development of the whole suspension is to be found. In order to realize yourself spiritually and socially, people need to recognize themselves, develop and develop their own place in a whole.

Specialist, who finished seeing master mortgage, We prepare poklikaniy buti to the managerial activity. For the whole of you, you need not only professional knowledge, but a little more in the field of social management, sociology of organization of business, psychology of robotics with people.Lyudin, who enters into a spilkuvannya with people (robot, navchannya, vidpochinok), take off and appreciate how special it is. Skin specialty has such psychological components as will, intellect, emotions. Lyudin is not going to pop up. specialty. Winning her in the process of labor activity, a huge vikhovannya and self-motivated. It’s important to me to be in control of my own activities, to assess them correctly and to understand the positions of the moral standards of the suspension.

Mechanism of the formation of the spiritual makeup of the specialness of a young robot is foldable. It is a special place for a new person to satisfy needs and interests. Consume you to start directing the people, є from the wandering sponses to the vchinks. The versatility of special needs is one of the right points of versatility and interest. Interest - the form will show one or more decilkoh requirements. For the formulation of interest, the most important inflow is to repair these materials socially think, In those who wiggle and pratsyuє lyudin. The interest behind the wicked is material, professional work, educational, collective, etc. Knowledge of the main interests of the particularity allows for the importance of motives and behavior. Interesting to be active and passive. Active interest is manifested in ease in knowledge, professionalism, and in. Passive interest is characterized by a weak manifestation of straightforwardness in performance. Zdatny, ale passive young ludin is not attainable for results, on those of zdatny.

I have a role to play in directing the special features of the visualization and reconciliation. Svitoglyad vislovlyuє zagalny glance of specialness in the world in general and in its own place in the new. Principles, like people who are put in front of people, pratsi, themselves, are based on their perekonannya. Clear and stylish reconciliation will help people to be straightforward, lasting, long-term difficult, not to spend badges in the importance of health. The one-sidedness of perekonan, perevazhannya in them the haunted, mishchans inevitably lead to the sound of huge contacts in the specialty, to the freezing of health. Struggle for the regular vykonaniya norms virobіtku, thoroughly organizing pratsi and technology virobnіtva, and in connection with the cym, the payment for vіdminna has been adjusted labor activity- butt will show great material implications. The robot only earns a high salary for a skoda of quality, for the unsparing operation of machines and mechanisms, with the butt of unhealthy material problems. The main thing is the formulation of special properties in happy suspensionє securing a harmonious understanding of interests with the interests of the suspension. It is necessary for the nobility of individual quality of the people to reach the goal of achieving the goal: their character, temperament, set to their own specialness, voluptuous character.

The character is an individual warehouse of the specialness of people, which appears in the peculiarities of behavior and being put before the new life, how to develop and appear in intelligence and spirituality, intelligent types for the way of behavior. In the walnuts, the "character" - tse "chasing", "prikmeta". Actually, the character is a whole lot of special features, like adding to a person who is tenacious in suspension. Likewise, as the individuality of the specialness is manifested in the peculiarities of the passage of mental processes (good memory, bagata uyava, pleasure, etc.) І in rice temperament, you can see yourself and in rice character. Before the authorities, the character is perceived as follows: pratsovitst, lynosch, intelligence, lack of balance, creativity, lack of creativity.

The peculiarity of the people is not characterized only by the tim, who is the one to rob, the ale and the tim, which is the most important. People who play on the basis of social interests and are distributed all over the world, praise in life to the fabulous, people can appear in their enormous behavior, in their children and children that are not the same, especially for the occasion. You can order with some people to see that it is difficult, to see it with the equal success of your connection, to love or not to love one or the same, but you are with a lot of meek, accepting. social groups(In the homeland, the friendly company, the labor collective, etc.). It is still because of the fact that there is an individualization of specialties in the group and what kind of development miscellaneous vidnosin in nіy, there can be formvatisya in one type of visibility, straightforwardness, boldness, principles, firmness of character, in the least - screeniness, breachiness, fearfulness, conformity, weak character. In the collective, as a group of high-level development, the development is most favorable for the development and development of the growing character of rice. The whole process of developing the optimal integration of specialness in the collective and for the development of the collective itself.

In the individual psychological views of both people, it is often the case that the dynamism of the psyche is so called. As it seems, with a clear parity of the motives of behavior and performance, with the same and quiet inflows, people seem to see one kind of one according to the variability, according to the impulsiveness, according to the manifestation of energy. So, one person is scholarly to the point of being sick, the one who is up to speed, one is in charge of the ease of awakening, and the one is cold-blooded, one sees the tough tin, the mimic, the small man, the hawkish person.

Zrozumіlo, dynamіchnі show people, there can be rich in what lies in the installations and the sound, in the form of the situation and t. P. Ale is insane, so individual views, About yaki yde mova, may and their own basis. It’s a matter of fact, that such ideas emerge in the child's life, appear in the very different spheres of behavior and activity and become especially persistent.

temperament - natural power nervous system people, scho we need a bezposredn_y infusion on the manifestation of character. Accepted development of chotiri tipi: sanguine, choleric, melancholy and phlegmatic.Sangvinik shvidko know people, life, it is easy to switch from one type of activity to the one that is not schilly to busy with one-man robot. A sanguine person needs to pick up patience from a vicious person who is not necessary for providzhennya right.

The choleric is a lyudin, easily awkward and brightly playful. Delicate and energetic in movement, gestures, images. Win can be rich and corny pratsyuvaty, overwhelm them with their entusiasm, or just draw in interest to efficiency, and more faith in reaching the goals, in a new set of settings. Choleric people have streams and patience, timeliness, self-control, judgment.

Melancholy is overwhelming, often engrossed in new surroundings, with the development of new people, movchazny, schilastic up to trivial internal experiences, depression, confusion, confusion.Win can be a good teacher, respectful, tactful comrade. In extreme situations, the new vinik has a panic camp, trouble, tightness. Melancholy need to give additional help in podolanny litter of toughness among people with people, in vikhovannaya decisions in folding situations.

A phlegmatic is a povilny, always a lyudin. Winners in behavior, streaming, weakly showing their respect, not being willing to talk to others, loving the clever organization of work, it is important to wake up from one type of robot to the smallest, often inert. Phlegmatic people need to be additionally helped to reduce their laxity, the speed of visibility of labor processes.

A strong character can be formed for whatever the power of the nervous system. It is most important to imitate the social minds of the life of the people, their svitoglyadu, perekonannya, samovikhovannya. Obviously, the choleric streamer is more important than the phlegmatic, as it is easier for a sanguine person to go to the robot in robots, and not his comrades in practice are melancholy.

Zrozumіlo, but not all people can be promoted for chotirma types. Food about the versatility of temperaments is not yet residual in science. Ale named tipi are accepted by the main ones. People who can be brought to such a high number of types often engage in life at the end of life.

In self-management, in special discipline, in accordance with moral principles and the specialness of people is manifested. Putting to its own specialness is one of the manifestations of the character of the people. It is unjustified to see the assessment of one's own camp in the team up to self-cultivation and conceit. The modesty and self-criticism of the guilt will follow the special guilt of the foreman, we will base our specialness on the basis of the practical value of our specialness, the obviousness of their successes in the minds of backburning cinnamon. Modesty is not to blame for being overshadowed by the protagonist of his thoughts. The nature of people in fallowness, as a result of their volitional activity, grows to be strong and weak. People with a strong character are straightforward, self-sufficient, smart, easy-going, show-off, discipline, men and smiles. People with a weak character, may be good thoughts and goals, passively show their specialties and good qualities, do not reach the serious successes of the great heroes.

Good health is a set of individual and psychological specialties of a specialty, so that the minds of the successful success of this performance and the emergence of ideas in the dynamics of young people are necessary for those who are not knowledgeable. As well as the singularity of the qualities of the specialty, it is shown to the people of the efficiency, as it took people for an hour, pedagogically rinked on the basis of the knowledge introduced, then the price is given by the state of mind of the knowledge of the reality to the present day. And if it’s Lyudin’s for their own minds not to cope with the vimogs, as they are visually active, then it’s possible to allow them to be admitted to a new visibility psychological qualities, In other words, the visibility of health. It doesn’t mean, zealously, that people cannot be impressed by the necessary memories and knowledge, but deprive those, that the process of mastering will drag on, yearning for significant efforts and for an hour of modest teachers, for supervised exertion of forces with the results of an independent trial. It’s not a big deal either because buildings can grow over the years.

Zdіbnostі - tse psihologіchnі powerlіvosti іtіsіstіtі, such as єwith her minds of singing kinds of dіyalnosti. Retail and special health issues. Prior to the first to recognize the sub-active qualities of the people, which are manifested in respect, thriftiness, memory, creativity, development, etc. To others, it is healthiness, which may be meaningful in the singing spheres of musical hearing, abstract 'yat і t. P. Special welcome to find a great development in the spirit of people, because the stench out-of-home health... When developing special qualities, it is necessary to take the makings and scholarships. Given the inclinations of the mind of the anatomical, physiological and psychological specialness of the people. Smell є one of the sub-active minds formulated health. For the natural schlichnosti, they have developed to the high proficiency of a professional, they need not only material and social intelligence, but they are easy on the touch of the very specialness.

In the middle of a bag of specialties, we store individuality, which is not very important for intelligence (rose). The stench is manifested in the peculiarities of the rosy spirit of the people, in the specificity of the rosy health. Rozumovy zdіbnostі represent the essence of singing qualities, which characterize the mission of this people. To such qualities, the mind is accepted: suppleness, suppleness, depth of thought, nimbleness and rupture of the mind, logic, proof, criticality of the message, and so on.

For additional thoughtfulness, the pragmatism of the people is new, for what it is to be learned in life, in pratsi, in the new. We will add to the name of a person, as it is pragmatic to know what a certain object, a subject, a subject, and reasonably rooted in the main, previously unseen reasons and causes.

Glybin rosumu. The value of the intellect is manifested in the building of people and in the understanding of the essence of a particular manifestation, in which it is clever to establish the basic, suttavi links between the appearances and in the middle of them.

Dullness and rupture of the rose. The quality of the building of the people is quickly included from the old people in the analysis of the podiatry and the quick way to set up new calls and the call, when you see the phenomenon, is a fact from an unknown point of view.

Logicity. The value of the rose characterizes the resistance to the rose-based process and starts from the analysis of aging - the synthesis, which is straightforward to the process of misdirection, the last, the appearance of the supplied nutrition, the correct problems of solving the problems.

Proof and criticality of the mind is imagined in the minds of people and gruntuvat their decision. Misleading people to build up proof and overconfidence todi, if I can bring my own decision for the grounding of reasoned arguments and facts.

The most important element of the social and psychological structure of specialness is the will. The will is to regulate the side of the property, I rotate in the building of the people, and in the building of the people, in the building of the people, in order to overcome the difficult times.

It seems like an act of volition is seen in the minds of a singing physical and psychological stress, like a volitional zusill, as it is characterized by a kind of energy, a vitrified way of thinking about a problem. yak show psychologic doslіdzhennya, Strength of volitional zoosillya of particularity, its strength and strength to lie in the sight, meaningfulness, level in relation to strength and character (including the type of temperament).The level of development of the will to emerge in the onset of the main volitional power of specialness: purposefulness, value, ease, vitality, independence.

Straightness - the aim of the specialness is to set and achieve the most important goals. The specialty of simple and clear goals in life (pratsi, navchanni) has been fixed. There is a lot of obsession in the robot of a lyudin, scho pratsyuє for 12-16 years. To dob (for example, the celebrities of the physicist Edison vvvazhav, but the geniality is at least 1% natchnennya and 99% "privacy").

Risk - the price of specialness is smart and well thought-out to vibrate the meta and the importance of the way to reach. A quick-witted person is good at the necessary moment to see all the communication and knowledge and firmly zupinitiya on a particular note or vibrate with the realization.

Lightness. The price of the power of specialness is manifested in the building, the trivial hour of directing and controlling behavior, as long as it is intended. The ludicliness of a lyudin does not fall for bad luck, he doesn’t feel bad about it, but he knows and knows how to mobilize his physical and mental strength for the victory of the set.

For vitrim (or self-mastery) to become aware of the power of specialness, as to be recognized in the state of the stream, physical and psychic manifestations (vchinki, emotsii), so that they will catch up to the attention. Vitrimka is especially necessary in folding, extreme minds, to clutter up the health and life of the people, who are honored, who are good

Independence є Volodya is the power of specialness, in the mind for the powerful initiative to set goals, it knows how to reach them. Independent lyudin does not check the prompts from other people, she doesn’t follow the tale, but she himself takes the decision and realizes it in practice.

An upcoming element of the social and psychological structure, which will stimulate the role in the activity of the individual, in the feeling and in the feeling. Feel like they are foldable, power and special features, which are manifested in the presence of any kind of injections. The experience of specialness, how to visualize singing acts, and emotions. Emotions є mental processes, on the basis of which they are established, almost like the power of specialness.

In psychology, the development of advances is somewhat special: moral (moral), intellectual (cognitive), aesthetic.Moral people are called emocyne; the assignment of specialness to the behavior of people and their own power. This kind of develops and develops in the process of the social activity of people and transforms the moral norms adopted in the suspension, in a particular collective. This experience is the result of an assessment of the reasons for the lack of conformity to moral norms, which are important for themselves and others. Before moral sentiments, one should feel sympathy and antipathy, hate and disdain, visibility and lack of personality, love and hate.

Intellectual feelings are an experience that arises in the process of intelligence. To the main intellectual (cognitive) minds, they are aware of: addictiveness, joy and excitement, pride in connection with the decisions of the employer, knowledge and enchantment in the event of bad luck, and nutritional status. Especially important is the development in people (in the minds of the transition of the economy to the market, there seems to be a new one as a motive for the joke of new adoptions and methods of robotics, fighting for the introduction of new moral practices, the formation of new ideas. Thus, the pragmatism of knowledge is really meant not only to intellectuals, but dictated by the moral objectivity of the people.

Aesthetic feelings become aware and evolve when people take in beauty. The sprymayuchi is more beautiful (for example, masterpieces of the art), the lyudin sees the beauty aesthetically, like a wicked bazhannya miluvatisya їm, sponding to all the new and new sounds with him.

To the systemic qualities of a particularity, it is necessary to carry out all the indices, to represent the sociality, belonging to the people. To the number of qualities, it is possible to introduce such public characteristics, such as a glimpse, reconsideration, patriotism, huge visibility, etc.

The manifestation of health, the formation of schism and development of the inclinations of the young people - one of the most important buildings of the clerk. On the development of health workers, the great infusion is to rob the team of workers, the very work. Young people need to wow love before doing something and thinking about the need to do it for the benefit of the suspension, with the evidence of the most important meaning of the most importantly corny pratsi and not trying to do it right, but thinking about it.

What are the positive qualities of human character for robots and a comfortable life in society that are most significant? How can you describe yourself more beautifully and include it in your resume? Let's get out. The nobility of their garbage in disguise, we prepared a transformation of positive qualities to characterize the people.


Tse pragnennya to order and purity. Accuracy is manifested in the callousness, in the bold way to speeches, in accuracy and relativity in the right-hand sides. The given rice is more attracted to women, for that for a man it is especially important to wiggle in a little animal until the end and attainment of purity. Remember: order in the house is order in the head.


Tse dbaylivya put to the obvious benefits, disrespectful vlasny or stranger. My idea is not only about material speeches, but about the mental strength and living energy of people. Given the ability to optimize the vitrati of any resources, to reach the great for saving the little.


The price of profit is reduced to profit. Korislivny people ruhak tilki osobista vigoda. Shirim and unkind people, the vigoda is not important, the stench to help and not to crave for nothing, so they add more money.


Chanoblive shutting up to feel good. Wait. Navigate quietly, if the situation does not accept anything and tactful brutality. Before speech, tsya rice dratuє khamiv. I want to boil myself, but there’s no way for people to get into a conflict with them. Involvement and weld for the belt zatikaє, and the place is pidkoryu!


It’s not just the way it’s seen to close people, but it’s up to a great glance, ideas and glances. The side of both the person and the woman is important, and such negative rice is also tied with it, as it is jealous. It is safe to talk about the necessity and the strength of the specialness, as it is due to the dignity of yakism.


It’s good manners and minds to behave in suspensions. Lyudin vichliviy vichlivy vikhovana s oochuyuchi nezalezhnaya vіd їkh social status... The price of knowledge and presentation of the rules of behavior in the society, the way to foreign power, nature, suspension. For vikhovanoi people, nikoli is not lousy.


Tse vminnya dotrimuvatisya rules and order. Lyudin is disciplined not only to obediently follow the established rules, but to be so disposed in a perfect hour, which has started on all important matters.


Tse affectionate і dbaylivaet to people. Chuinism and respect for the attitude to others, the pragmatism of additional assistance and attention to important situations, not checking anything in return. It is given the habits not to bring mittuvuyuyu, ale more desiring to appreciate it, and to the revealed kindness is often seen the same kindness and turbot.


Tse is a kindly shutter to the feeling of being sick. It’s not only the ability to vibrate with friendship with being a human being, but smartly being able to be sensitive and responsive to people. A good-hearted lyudin is pragmatic to a generous, welcoming spilkuvannya, for that there are not only true friends, ale and a lot of corny knowledge.


The importance of establishing contacts. Lyudin, yak of many communal bar'ers, it is easy to join a team and make friends. We are alive in a suspension, so in order to enter into a commune with those who are happy in any sphere of life. Lyudin, let’s help Volodya be more yaky, we don’t get lost alone.


The value of the people to give for those who have been assigned to accept the folding solutions and assess their heritage. The people are responsible for the squads, the mothers - for the children, the sportsmen - for the professional staff. Lyudin, as not to be afraid of his brothers on himself, will be able to see for himself that he is self-confident and mature.


The price of willingness to come to help, the state of mindlessly responds to the problem, to help in a folding situation. Plus the given quality is not only in kindly feel, ale and in self-perception of a kind people.


Tse of conformity to rules and attributions. In the life of rice, it is more connected from the daytime of the day; Especially appreciated in galuzy, de "hour - pennies". It is not a matter of lack of punctuality and in other spheres of life - every day you can see how you can sleep.


The price of readiness to accept the decision, in the absence of thought, is not to be afraid and not to be beaten. Rice - the value of the so-called parallel will, if you dare to engage in action. Tied tightly to the firm spirit and courage. It seems about ludicrous people: "The inner core".


Tsereza self-assessment, adequate to the appearance of power and intelligence. A self-critical ludina doesn’t stick to the thought, but it’s only vile, it’s healthier to put it on the side. Alle, it is necessary to remember about the middle of gold, and if you gain self-criticism, it is necessary to tell about the low self-assessment.


Tse vіdsutnіst to us to magnify ourselves. I’ll help mothers right with people who have reached a lot, and at all do not praise themselves on the skin. Modesty is not just the visibility of the hizuvannya, but the tactfulness of those who are put to the point of feeling sick. Given the yakness can manifest itself through the povaga to other people, as well as because of the rubbish obsession.


The process of building does not give in to fears. It seems that the smile of a man is not afraid of anything, but the fear is more apparent - not only lack of judgment, but rather a syndrome of mental disabilities. Smilivist is the price of a day in contrast to battles. Yak a butt, you may be afraid of a fire, ale vikonuvati your professional connection, do not give in to fear.


Price correctness and unprecedentedness. At the heart of this understanding lies the declaration about good and evil, the laws of payment for good and bad vchinki. Otsinayuchi podії, the specialness of victories і sympathy for someone is fair. Lyudin is just todi, if he is active.


Tse tolerance for people. Tolerance does not allow the division of people to representatives of their nations, ethnic groups and religions. A tolerant person does not accept someone else's point of view, and it is unlikely that he should allow himself to be rudely accepted. Tolerance is the need for a daydream.

good practice

The price of building is positively put before your robot. Pratsovitst - not only the willingness to give your strength and a special hour to the process of work, but the quality of work for the satisfaction. Lyudin, systematically wriggling out of a robot and not being able to spry his little girl with interest - a tyagar for the whole team.

Povaga to the smallest

The price of knowing the value of other people's glances. It is chaotic to talk about those who are special in skin people. In labor processes, the chain is binding, manifested in distance and subordination.


The price is positive for the assessment of the strong colors. The perfection is closely tied to the building of the people, and by themselves in ambiguous situations. The specialness of knowing the price is enforced, not being afraid of public appearances, in a stressful situation, you can take it in your hands. If you wonder at such a person, you might think: "Win knows how to rob".


Tse vminnya go to meti. Yakity is given powerfully strong people, Who do not give in to difficult and misfortunes. Simplicity in reaching goals and good plans in showing firmness to character and unpretentious spirit. invented specialties by power domagayutsya visot.


Tse vіdkritіst, impermissibility of deception on the basis of attitudes to the feeling of feeling. It is given the ability to speak about decency, morality and strong character. Chesna Lyudin is the head of the sp_vorzmovnik, for the one who knows the truth, I do not accept the truth, but I do not need it.

Feel the power

Self-study and assessment of its qualities, improvement of value and significance. Lyudin, who is a volodya of a yak, is unlikely to dare to dare a low vchinok, deception, or to win an awesome husky in a huge mice. The price is lower. For such people, it is important to find not the thought of the desperate, but the powerful assessment of their own wines.

Feeling humor

Tse vmіnnya sprymati the situation from the comic side. Even more beautiful - I know the comic side of everything. So, life is more cheerful, and people with such a human spirit are welcome. Feeling humor is an indicator of the mental health of a people. Inadvertently, some of the trivialities of life, even from the troublesome problems, can definitely be saved.


The price of readiness to travel from the neighbors is absolutely not necessary to recognize the nature. Generous people, for example, can engage in blessings - to help those in need, donate a lot of special funds. Navigate the most unfavorable people to appreciate the quality, and also to show the breadth of the soul.

They are unimportant on the basis of a certain degree of development in the way of specialness and importance, and in mental positions, which can be visualized when seeing and describing the main qualities (authorities):

    sociality , To be insensitive to individual, biological characteristics of people, the prevalence of social and cultural change;

    uniqueness - Freedom and non-repetition internal light specific specialties, sovereignty and lack of awareness of the prior social and psychological type;

    transcendence - pragmatism to go for "me", continuous development and creativity as a way of butt of specialness, in the possibility of self-elaboration and subtlety of calls and internal bar'єrіv on the way to merit and problems;

    integrity and sub-activity - preserving the inner unity and identity (self-worth) for all living situations living by it, Nadsituatively;

    activity and sub'activity - the state of mind and mind, the clearness of the first minds, the state of being a dull vigorous activity, the reason for the rise and taking of the price for itself;

    morality as a humanistic basis for the interaction with social light, praznennya is put up to of the greatest value, Equal value of the powerful "I", and not yak until the end of the achievement of the most "high" goals.

Reincarnating the power of the specialness does not exist on its own, but rather one from one, but to establish a dialectical superintelligence, intelligently surround and harmonize its manifestations in the process of living. So, morality is intertwined with activity and sub'activity, which are not allowed to be circulated in socially unacceptable forms. Uniqueness of additional help "to know" the problem of re-implementation of specialness in the process of socialization in "collective people" (K. Jung), conformist. The sociality of the pereshkodzhaє is the regeneration of the uniqueness and sovereignty of the specialness in its centric isolation. The purity of identity is the beginning of that facet of the minisculeness of the specialty, which additionally helps to preserve the identity. Pragnennya to transcending veda until the opening of primed reserves in specialties, promoting creativity and adaptive flexibility, not allowing specialties to be caught in the state of self-satisfaction.

All the qualities are not given to the specialness of the collection, but are the result of a tricky and folding process of forming or becoming special.

Control food up to those No. 6

    How do you begin to specialize in the positions of scientific psychology?

    Overreach the power of the specialty.

    Describe the installation to detect tendencies.

    Name the foreign and lasting ones going to the specialness.

    Describe the peculiarity of the self-organizing system.

Topic 7. Models of the structure of specialty Lecture 7. Models of the structure of specialty

Basic understanding:

specialty; concept of rice specialty; type of specialty; introvert; extrovert; іntuitsіya; vidchuttya; libido; introjection; the principle of satisfaction; the principle of reality; moral principle; psychologichny zahist; vitisnennya; zaprechennya; projection; rationalization; replacement; structure of particularity; zm_st specialty; straightness; dosvid.

Osobistіsnі yakosti - not іnshe, as warehouses character, yogo specialness. branch specialties spriy reminiscent of people, timid yogo raznobichnym. The special qualities allow you to correctly respond to new mockers and in spite of the best progress in your activity. tse sposib an effective victorian internal resources.

Rivn for the development of special dishes

The skin of a person is populated with a singing character and a set of special qualities, which in turn start the particularity of behavior and life priorities. With a stretch of life, deyakіyuyutsya change in the flow of new factors, deyakі zalishayutsya on all life.

Psychologists consider that the main stages of the formation of the character are found in the first five rocky life, the stench is far from being crumbled, going out of the living environment.

The main indicators of those criteria that shape the level of development of the specialty of being maintained are: building up to an active living position, level of awareness, directing the way of life, level of healthiness and intelligence, level of culture and intelligence.

From special qualities, lie a lot of life, fixing the choice and ending with the priority of performance for. As soon as Lyudin understands, I will need a lot of life, if I’m going to eat the bastard. At the same time, they are additionally assisted by such qualities as specialties, at least adequately assessing the performance and their capabilities. Navit if not high rivn of the genius peculiarities of the people, albeit with the assimilation of their individuality, depending on the possibility of becoming more effective, as the most important thing is to show the people’s health. Tim is bigger, with the help of the chief, the ability to develop special qualities.

The development of a child to obey from this nation. The complex process of interaction between batkiv, support and self-development. The head answer, obviously, is attributed to the family. Here you can start to know yourself as a kind of individual, learn about the options for the relationship with other people and the options for common reactions.

On this day, a thought was established that all show the human character to bathe in an early childhood. Three key groups of specialties are laid in an hour. It is always a matter of the period of life, the formation of ways, styles of behavior and tools in interaction with other people is seen.

Factor for the development of specialties

Yak tilki ditina fix it, fix it to myself, yak it will help a person, fix it, learn its place in the new light, fix the process of developing the basic yokes, including injecting the development of the sensitive sphere of life. There are a few key factors, which indicate the process of the ear:

  • active and pre-river storage of special bunnies;
  • self-service and self-control;
  • The ability to describe your experiences and explain the motivation of the children.

On the cob of becoming special

Vyhodyachi from vyshekazanogo, stavati zrazulyy to the ear of becoming special. Psychologists say two or three rocks. However, it is impossible to say that until the very moment nothing is seen. Actively and ideally prepare and formulate individual passages, communal health, temperament. Until the coming of five rockies, the child will rise to my own individual features To be in an active relationship with naukolishnyu action.

People are infused not only with family, but with support, school, friends. Tse the middle, madly, imposing a video beat on the behavior and form of a child. However, only close people can lay the foundation, the foundation. The stench itself vstanovlyuyut the environment, and to show the ways of interaction with all the family and with other people. So, as a child, she still does not know about the rules of behavior in a suspension of wines to use a butt on a child. This is often too much rice at children with fathers. Often the child will copy the model of the father.

Specialties of the quality of the people- cost-effective, biologically and socially sophisticated components of the specialty. If you have chosen all the special qualities of a people, you can make a new psychological portrait.

The quality of the specialties is accepted forpositive and negative... Well, for the qualities and how can the specialness be formed from only positive qualities?

quality featureshang outspecial features of mental processes, becoming and powers of an individual, his character, special temperament, specificity of behavior, interaction with other people, a middle class, himself, so that all individuals are especially psychological. Besides, the specialties of the quality of the peopleincludein new knowledge, in mind and tips.

There are few classifications of specialties and even more typologies of specialties, based on the same classifications. Psychologists of the head of the Tsikavila mystery human specialties and the stench was reddened to the surface.

Are there any more special people (not a professional psychologist) of the nobility about those who are very special? On the right, in the fact that the knowledge generates self-confidence, advancescomprehensibility... Lyudin, who knows how to perceive the quality of specialties, canmake sure you have it, And if you want to mean the way that straightrobots above you.

Also, I know about the peculiarities of thefeel good people, You can see the correct vibudovuvati and zberigati vidnosini.

The first stage is in any kind of transferring one to one, according to the essence and clarification of special qualities. With the first creation of two people (whether it’s a spy when you start a robot, or if you’re starting a man and a woman),need for knowledge, For a lyudin before you. It is not for nothing that in the resume it is necessary to add not only some information about robots and basic data, ale and pererakhovuvati specialties of quality, knowledge, information and navichki.

Also, as it is necessary for the nobility to develop their own specialties, it is important to know the special features of the people, it is important to remember, to the extent that it is possible to take advantage of the sense of the spirit of them.

Positive qualities of specialness develop, develop and develop, and negative people start to correct, change or become vicious.

A few more specialties on the positive and negativecleverly! Vono is based on the adopted rules and norms of morality and morality. It is necessary to think that it’s such a subtle matter, as the specialness of people, for the most part, it’s uncomfortable to disagree on the "black" and "bile".

The qualities of the specialties, which are accepted as negative, not absolutely, butshodonegative, in the same way, as and positive quality. For example, in a situation where it is necessary to stand up for oneself, aggressiveness (as it is taken with negative rice) becomes necessary and simply necessary.

Specialties of yakosti people and can booty yaklike, so i dribble... Vyroblyayutsya tі chi іnshі quality specialties аbо for flowing dovkilla and social (vikhovannya) Abo є pastryself-willed.

Bagato of brightness, rice, special features of behavior, health, the mind of a man in his own way,virobiti, so i vicornity.

Crazy, such special features are special, as it is practical not to succumb to snares, but all the "shortcuts" (well on yourself, well on others) are not so!

Lyudin is probably not going to change drastically, then I would like to compensate for one of her qualities for the development of others.

Negative human qualitiesThat’s not just a great list, but a great list. To the one they were re-insured against the deyak from them:

All rice and specialties are generated and for the most partbehaviorSo, ludicrous people all the hour and every breach, ice-cold and non-bald people didn’t help the robot, but wasn’t sure to continually lead to those who were.

The manifestation of that particular negative quality of life of the people themselves and / for other people, albeit for everyonenot virok... Having straightened over oneself, it is possible to polish the quality of one's life, to see those who are comfortable, and become happy.

Positive qualities of people

The list of the positive qualities of the people is also not endless, as is the list of negative figs. Mabut, the best to hang out and hang around like thispositive quality, Yak:

Positive quality generates and reportsvmіnnya and navichki: Vmіnnya friendship, love, reading, creating, pratsyuvati and so far.

In the statty "" You will know one more list of positive qualities of specialness.

It is possible to take note of, і a list of negative qualities of a people і a list of positive ones, including not only those qualities, how to turn the set of specialties to other people and society, but to ourselves, pratsi, speeches, light as a whole. All that is, for the specialness of the quality of the peoplemanifest in everything: Because of that, kim win pratsyu, before that, kim vіddaє perevagu.

It is rarely possible to see a person in the special presence of only positive human qualities. Ale without people, in the structure of the specialoverload such qualities.

Whether people have a mentally negative particularity of specialness, that is, over those who are different, they are guilty of being not a problem, but an incentive to development and growth.

Grow up like that, the negative boil is less, and the positive rice is overwhelmed,for the power of skin people!

In what direct way do you often get the best of yourself?