Formation of creative activity of young schoolchildren. Inspection of the understanding "creative activity Type of form of creative activity"

Psychology article. Features of development of creative activity of children of senior preschool age

Description of the robot: A proponated article about the special features of the development of the creative activity of the children of the senior preschool age. The statute is given to bude korisna for educators - psychologists, vikhovatel baby cage, Students.

Creative activity of senior preschool children

The Concept of a pre-construction social and economic development Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, it will be appreciated that this year's need for the maximum accessibility of cultural benefits and education for the citizens of Russia, including a thorough system of education of children and youthful creativity, as well as creativity. So the Federal State itself Holy Standard preschool insight into the middle of a deserted building, like a vin virishu, I will come:
- preserving and advancing the individuality of the child, the development of individual health and the creative potential of the skin child as a sub'kta of the child with people, light and himself.
A friendly period for the development of creative activity from a psychological point of view є a preschool dignity to those who are superbly addictive in every child, they have a great bazhanna to learn new lights. The pre-school children of L. S. Vigotsky, A. V. Zaporozhtsya, A. N. Leontyev know the ideas of a new type of activity - creative. The first is the freedom of the field in the fact that it is in the nature of the possibility of being thought before the situation, and not navpaki, as it was before. However, teachers and psychologists take into account the specificity of the activity of children of the senior preschool age. So, a lot of the components of creativity in all of them just fix the development, if sub'actively the child is gradually new.
For those who are preoccupied with the problems of development childish creativity It means that in the preschool child's life a number of rice appears, which characterizes her as a creator. At the same time, the manifestation of activity and innovation in the already mastered robotics in terms of maturity to the new wizard, the knowledge of the original methods of delivering buildings, victorious new species overturning.
Seemingly, the psychological basis of creative activity is a mental process, which is reflected in the current images of objects and situations, based on the results of their perception and understanding. Uyava in preschool dynasty is manifested in three stages of development, and in the third stage, in the senior preschool child the creative mind develops.
At the senior preschool child, the initiative is intensively developing a logical message. Yak bi vise creative development... Accumulation of practical ideas, singing the development of a dream, memory, discovering the situation in the best way for your own purposes. Ditina 6-7 rocky can be pragmatic to far (including explicitly) meti, vitrimuyuchi with a strong volova, stretching out to reach a trivial hour.
Analysis of scientific literature allowing me to see indicators of creative activity of children:
1. A high level of interest.
2. Health before fantasizing, understanding and modeling.
3. Having shown ingenuity, keenness and insight into new knowledge for oneself, ways of doing, shouting about food.
4. Manifesting radio emotions in the process of robots.
5. Living through the situation of success, enjoying the process of creativity.
6. Pragnennya to originality.
7. Having shown independence in robots.
8. Clever dolati is difficult.
The development of creative activity among older preschool children has their own rice, enriched with psychological and physiological features and development.
It has been established by the preschool teachers and psychologists that the creativity of the child in other spheres should be based on the specifics of the development, and in the new world it will begin with it.
For the formation of building up to creativity, there is an optimal sensitive period. They are introduced to them, how to show the preschool (L.S. Vigotsky, L.V. Zankov, V.V.Davidov, D. B. Elkonin, A.Z. psychological basis for creativity.
One of the most important mechanisms of successful creative development of the child є teacher... The role of the teacher is to accept the child's powerful creative activity. You can do it for your interaction, for the transfer of competence (breadth), insanely accepting the child and building up to the enchanting intelligence (emotional experience) from the side of the teacher. Without the cich of minds, it is ill-advised to talk about the creative development of the ditini. To the head teachers of the teacher є vintinya zatkaviti yogo, kindle the heart, develop activity into new creativity, not imposing strong thoughts and savor. The teacher is guilty of awakening in a child's life in his creativity, health, individuality, unrepeatability, faith in those who do good and beauty, bring joy to people.
One of the primary factors in the creative development of children is the establishment of the minds, the establishment of such an atmosphere, since the children of the winners have extra nutritional and interest, the need to maintain their creative positions, feel the drowsy, to reach the creative
In such a rank, all the way to the head, it is possible to grow a visitor, but a senior preschool age є in a sensitive period, the development of a logical aim, creative expression and creative activity.
In the general pedagogical process, the formation of creative activity is necessary - it is necessary to develop an all-purpose development of a specialty, as it can work in different types of activity. One of these types is design activity.

I respect all the beasts not only for the correctness of the formula from the mathematical point of view, but from the point of view of grammar, syntax, native language, but in the legacy of Russian language.

The knowledge for the robot based on the verbal and logical constructions of mathematical language, takes the form of the logical thinking of young schoolchildren on my native... The basis for such a project can be a formula for the power of arithmetic operations, for the meaning of mathematical understanding. Buttstocks of this type can be as follows:

Reinstall the truthfulness;

Know the pardons, etc.

The knowledge of such a character is effectively infused into the development of young schoolchildren's development on the basis of their new age and mathematics, which they have abbreviated. Formation of basic communal skills among young schoolchildren in mathematics and mathematics in the old (Ossetian) language on the cob stage serve as the foundation for the implementation of basic bilingual mathematics in grades 3-4.

Such a rank, the formulation of the communal qualities of mathematics, and serve as a complex of chiefs for the development of mathematics and young schoolchildren:

Design, designations for robots with terminology, symbols, diagrams, graphic images;

Head of the verbal and logical constructions of mathematics.

bibliographic list

1. Zhurko V.І. Methodological ambushes for assessing the quality of education at other schools // Izvestia RGPU im. A.I. Herzen. - 2010. - No. 5. - S. 23-25.

2. Zembatova L.T. Realization of the principle of polylingualism in the process of teaching mathematics in national schools. // European Social Science Journal. - 2011. - No. 3. - S. 44-48.

3. Zimova I. A. Psychological aspects of the new talk of earthly language / І. A. Zimova. - M .: Education, 1985 .-- 160 p.

4. Komensky Ya. A. Vibrani pedagogical create. At 2 t. / Ya.A.

5. Ushinsky KD Vibration pedagogical creativity. At 2 volumes / K.D. Ushinsky. - M .: Pedagogika, 1974 .-- T. 1. - 584 p.

A.M. Kasimova


Abstract: the statistic has a problem of developing the creative activity of a preschool child, which can be reached with the activity and independence of a child in preschool sanctuary.

Key words: creativity, activity, arts and crafts, artistic creativity, folk creativity, tradition, aesthetics.

© Kasimova A.M., 2013

The development of the creative activity of preschool children in the process of learning to decorative and applied art allows children to crack up, learn and master the development of artistic and creative activity. It is impossible not to wait with the thought of the seemingly radian psychologist D.B. Elkonina: “I just take it to respect, but in the early age of the child’s removal, it’s still poorly dismembered; and the child's misdirection ”. At the same time, it is necessary to mean that a positive infusion into the development of creative activity of preschool children will be found in the methods of correct pedagogical core. Ale persh nіzh lead a discussion about the development of the creative activity of preschool children as a psychological and pedagogical problem, in a very short way to talk about the peculiarities of preschool education.

In active form, creative specialties There are a number of nutritional factors that show the dzherel of the activity of people, the laws of their individual manifestation in different types of activity. These teachers, such as P.P. Blonsky, N. Ya. Bryusova, E.T. Rudnova, S.T. Shatskiy and ін. Ostann_y nagoloshuvav, so that the preschool children receive the need for spiritual experiences and in the turn of their enmity. The head of the vigilante, on the thought of the presenter, looked into the openings of the minds “for the better development of creative potential ... great people, - it is required to remove it for the manifestation of її їдповідні mind ". For the solution of our problem, it is especially important to build up the situation, breakdown in the previous psychologists L.S. Vigotsky, M.M. Volkova, A.I. Ignatyova, Ts.I. Kireenko, B.M. Teplova, P.M. Jacobson and about their psychological nature of childish creativity, its development by means of art.

As and all of the qualities of the specialty, the creative activity of the winery and the development in the process of creative activity, which is not a certain kind of callous light, for we see an incentive for thinking, or to feel that people come to life on their own. One of those who have found the best nutrition for child pedagogy and psychology at the link with the cymbals L.S. Vygotskiy drew attention to "food about creativity among children, about the development of creativity and about the meaning of creative robotics for the out-of-town development and the formulation of a child."

For the development of the creative activity of preschool children, there is a small number of gentry and straightforward, for example, a robot with small materials, which includes the vision of images of objects from fabrics, paper and natural material... Prodovuchi tsyu dumka, pre-vernacularly guessed visliv from the home of the Russian teacher V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky, which is by far the most important thing, but “it’s not so easy to formulate that development of specialness, її creative activity, like beating up to folk traditions, Rites, folk art". And vіdomy mistresstvoznavets N.D. Bartram, having caught a tsikava dumka, is zasnovana on the cautions, about those who are looking for a little game for a child who, as a vicon, is victorious with his own hands. “Rich, crushed by the child itself,” he wrote, “the living nerve is connected with him, and everything that will be transmitted to his psyche by the way, if it’s imperceptibly alive, intensively, very often to a fabulous way of doing something else. vigadki ".

The problem of the development of creative activity, which includes a creative process, as a result of which people do not happen, has not disappeared before, psychologists have taken up. For visnovka V.V. Davidova, A.N. Leontyev, Ya.A. Ponomariova and in. The main dzherel of creative activity in the appearance of demand, to

more general development and development of creative possibilities, as well as the spontaneous specialness of showing their creativity.

Well also creative activity? Marriage registry. Arefieva, the price for "the great level of activity of the people." A.M. Korshunov vvazhaє, who is creative activity in a special form of human activity, and how to take on the original and novelty of the product. Zgidno V.F. Ovchinnikov, “creative activity is one thing, because of the manifestation of specialness, to inform about the unique individuality, the building, and the non-standard solution”. Doslidnik A.I. Krupnov zaznachaє scho aktivnіst, of one side, yak rozumієtsya mіra dіyalnostі, rіven protіkannya Process vzaєmodії abo yak potentsіynі mozhlivostі sub'єkta to vzaєmodії, s іnshogo side, yak harakterizuєtsya sukupnіst іnіtsіativnih Act reasonably sub'єkta, obumovlenih Yogo vnutrіshnіmi protirіchchyami, oposeredkovanimi seredovischnі vplivami ".

Psychologists consider the activity of a particularity as a "group of special qualities, which summarize internal consumption, the tendencies of the individual to the effective mastering of the zonal activity, to the self-development of the new call." The problem of the activity of the specialness in the pre-admission of modern psychologists, such as B.F. Lomov, K.K. Platonov. D.B. Bogoyavlenska and ін., Opened in other aspects The structure and dynamics of development of intellectual, creative activity of particularity on the zalnoludskiy and vikovy ryvnya are detailed.

Moreover, the decorative and applied and artistic and creative processes are characterized by fakhivtsy-psychologists such as the involvement of the activity of the human target, stock factors є in reality, due to the creatively endowed individuality, natchnennya, yake led to the maximum realization and self-expression in the creative process. An important psychic component of creative activity is to take away new action, active reality, development in the process of robot memory, respect, awareness, misdirection, and intelligent development of children’s children, creative activity. "Be it a decorative and applied skill, to reclaim from the creation of new ideas about her."

The main components і power sprynatі navkolishnoї action є th subject matter, consistency, constancy. One of the primary features of the process of taking into account the physiological and psychological process can be taken into account by the past evidence and the establishment of vicious activity, social and psychological features of the sub'ect. Here I think about respect for details, schliness, interest, motivation for performance, emots_yny mill sub'kta at the time of the visit of practical work in the process of creative activity. The link with the tsim is up-to-date є dumka Є.І. Іgnatєva, which is the only meaning, " artistic creativity, Look at only the result of the creative activity, and the process of the image creation is not to be seen. " So, in some robots, the development of creative activity looks like a spontaneous process, so that life cannot be stuck in the minds of the mind, but it’s not called for sure, the child’s little child is not only constantly applied in front of a very mystical picture. , ale and with the power of yomuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuuyuyuyuyu, for the help of which the times are set. “The rosy development of a ditini,” wrote to O.M. Leontyev, - it is impossible to see the development of the mind from the mind

in general, because of the richness of the interests of the child, of the sentiment and of all the rice, which will make him spiritually unmasked. "

For artistic and creative activity characteristic, first for everything, i.e. zagalny groups Components Connection aktivnostі scho harakterizuyut subject-operatsіynu side i vklyuchayut in praktichnі Znannya osobistostі about Ti Chi INSHI Objects that yavischa sotsіalnoї dіysnostі i vіdpovіdnі їm umіnnya i navichki i, nareshtі, components, scho viznachayut spetsifіku sotsіalnoї aktivnostі i mіru її viraznostі (іnіtsіativnіst, samostіynіst, flatness as building up to trivial springs, podolannya tough). The original assessment of artistic creativity is given by V.S. Kuzin. "The virtue, - write vin, - as a result of which the artists create new original creations, which may be of great importance."

“Having become embarrassed” by the visibility of the authoritative vyshlivannyh, we can see the point of view of creative activity, as I have my own dzherela and parameters. The formation of creative activity is tied to the life of the people, to the knowledge of factors, which is infused into the formation of forms, methods and to the development of a worm, in connection with the efficiency of robotics and the development of creativity. strength, dzherel activity of people, knowledge of the laws of their individual manifestation. The child's pragmatic to the self-motivated joke of solving the problem, showing the cognitive interests and the consternation of creative activity. Stimulation of creative activity of a vigilante from the vigilante-pedagogue of such minds as they would be interested in a child until the beginning, a need for knowledge and nareshty, with regard to their mastery.

The development of the creative activity of the preschool child is maximal in terms of the possibility of manifestation of individuality, which can be reached with the activity and independence of the child in re-creative activity. We are guilty of thinking, but with the headlong glimpse of a new generation, a formulation of a new generation, which is not before repeating that which they were robbing before, but before the establishment of a new one, so as to form a creative, wine-loving people. Being a foldable characteristic of a specialty, the creative activity of the most special education, such as consumer, health, and value.

The head at such a post-presentation is the motivational aspect, so as to direct the specialness, method, attitude. At the same time, the level of activity is manifested in a kind of confusion to the point of performance, as well as a change in self-esteem, stimulating interest to the point of change. You can let go of the creative activity of the preschool teacher є directing the specialness on the self-reliance of problems, on the joke of new original methods of activity, how to rotate the specialness of the specialty until the mid-level subject matter is transformed. "All children, from the moment of recognition of their praise to the development of agility, need to form an artistically-shaped ear, and by a general change of mind to productive creativity."

The problem of the development of creative qualities of specialness in artistic and aesthetic performance has brought respect to the bagatokh fahivts. S.V. Napryklad Didenko will look at the aesthetic assessment of the activity as the form of the creative activity of children in the quality of the specialty for the mind of the organization wicked process on the stem of the system of emergency emotional-assessment situations, which include children in the background artistic performanceі organize on an aesthetic assessment of new action.

N.V. Diagilova doslidzhuvala stagei development of creative independence of children in the busy with imaginative mystery. Among the cichs and those of the last few years of creative activity, activity is interpreted as the activity of people in that sphere of activity, and the understanding of “creative activity” itself is revealed through the background of the understanding of “creativity”. Most authors (G.A. Davidova, V.T.Kudryavtseva, Ya.M. Ponomarova, A.G. Spirkina, O.N. Tikhomirova, etc.) A number of fakhivts, middle D.B. Bogoyavlenska, looking at creativity as a result of between explicit knowledge and in the basis of creativity as a situational did not stimulate activity, as it appears to be pragmatic to go for a given problem, which boils down to the activity of creativity on the basis of be of any kind of creative activity ".

Dumka L.S. Vygotsky about those who “by the creative power of the people call it the same, the new, all the same will be done by the creative power, whether I’m the kind of calling light, I’m living in my own mind, and I’ll sound tsіlkom spіvsuchna problematics of our doslіdzhennya. The creative power of the good mobility is the performance of the elements of the folk arts and crafts art, as well as a civil servant. At the same time, activity is the basis for the formation of cultural, spiritually rich, creative and active specialties.

Creative activity in the form of physical development, the formation of awareness, development of the mechanisms of the psyche and positive and individual powers of particularity, such as health, interest and scholarship. Moreover, the development of the cich of powers is seen in the creative activity of preschool children, in which three stages can be attributed: 1) the development of the cob practical minds and tools, 2) the formation of knowledge, 3) the development of the development of the development of the development

Also, I am creative activity in the preschool age because of the integral characteristic of the specialness, as the transfer of the child's praise to the independent joke of the problem of the child, including such components, as the motivational, voluntary, winter results.

bibliographic list

1. Aref'eva G.S. Success, knowledge, practice / G.S. Aref'єva. - M., 1988 .-- S. 138.

2. Bartram N.D. Igrashka Museum / N.D. Bartram. - M., 1928 .-- S. 170.

3. Bogoyavlenska D.B. Psychology of creative health / D.B. Epiphany. - M., 2002. -S. 24.

4. Vigotskiy L.S. Psychology of mystery / General. ed. V. V. Ivanova, comments. L.S. Vigotsky, V.V. Ivanova, join. Art. A.N. Leontyev. - 3rd ed. - M .: Mystetstvo, 1986 .-- S. 48.

5. Vigotskiy L.S. Psychology of mystery / General. ed. V. V. Ivanova, comments. L.S. Vigotsky, V.V. Ivanova, join. Art. A.N. Leontyev. - 3rd ed. - M .: Mystestvo, 1986 .-- P. 52.

6. Davidov V.V. Problems of developmental science / V.V. Davidov. - M., Pedagogyka, 1986.

7. Didenko S.V. Formation of creative activity of young schoolchildren in the minds of organizing aesthetically valued activity: abstract of Ph.D. dis. ... Cand. ped. sciences. - Kiev: 1987 .-- S. 13.

8. Diagilova N.V. Development of creative independence of young schoolchildren / N.V. Diagilova. -M., 2006 .-- P. 76.

9. Іgnatєv Є.І. Psychology of educational activity of children / Є.І. Іgnatєv. - 2nd type. additional. - M., 1961 .-- S. 6.

10. Korshunov A.M. Life of People: Social and Cultural Determination and Freedom // The Problem of People in Philosophy. - M., 1998 ..

11. Krupnov A.I. Psychological Problems and Preceding the Activity of People // Nutrition of Psychology. - 1984. - No. 3. - P. 29.

12. Kuzin V.S. Educational mystery and methodology of yogic vikladannya in cob classes / V.S. Kuzin. - M., 1984 .-- S. 127.

13. Leontyev OM Dіyalnіst. Svidomost. Specialist / O.M. Leontyev. - 2nd type. - M., 1977 .-- S. 63.

14. Leontyev OM Psychic development problems / О.М. Leontyev. - M., 1981.

15. Mordkovich V.G. Activity as a philosophical category // Suspension and political activity of workers. - Sverdlovsk, 1970 .-- P. 18.

16. Ovchinnikov V.F. Reproductive and productive activity as a factor of creative development of people / V.F. Ovchinnikov. - M., 1984 .-- S. 121.

17. Ponomarov Ya.A. Psychology of creation. - Voronezh, 1999.

18. Radjabov І.М., Pecherskiy Yu.V. Decorative and applied art for the development of the creative activity of schoolchildren / І.М. Radjabov, Yu.V. Pechersky. - Makhachkala, 2004. -S. 28.

19. Sokolnikova N.M. Educational mystery and methodology of viciousness in cob schools: navchalny messenger for students ped. universities / N.M. Sokolnikov. - M., Academy, 1999 .-- S. 121.

20. Soroka-Rosinsky V.N. Childish booth. From primus to volunteering / Pedagogical create. - M., 1991 .-- S. 134.

21. Shatskiy S.T. Pedagogical create in 4 volumes / S.T. Shatsky. - M., 1959 .-- T. 2. - S. 450.

22. Elkonin D.B. Child psychology / D.B .. Elkonin. - M., 1960 .-- S. 183.

ON. Kolesnikova


Annotation: the statistics show the nutritional relationship between the institutions of the community's support and the bodies of state power. Analyzed the progress and models of the community's support and state, including in the new stages of the historical development.

Key words: community activity, spivpratsyu, state organizations, institute of community support, models of interaction.

Spіvpratsya state institutions with huge support, including through dialogue with a wide number of community organizations, is of little importance for improving stability, reducing social stress, successful implementation sovereign policy, Including social reforms.

One of the reasons for this is that the current state has been appointed by the President of the Russian Federation, the State Institutes of the Community of the Russian Federation, (for example, with the development of the institutions of the community of the community and the rights of the people, with the codification and thoroughness of civil legislation, according to

© Kolesnikova N.A., 2013

The pre-development of childish creativity allows the vision of at least 3 stages to develop a creative vision: actually, for a reason, and for a heuristic one.

Naochno-dієve mislennya populist from dії in a young and early vіtsі. In the process of developing a naco-dyadnaya, the child's vision is formed in objects that are not just yogo call of power, And the same, which is necessary for the revision of the plant. The goal of building up a stretch of life and life is absolutely necessary for the development of be-like buildings themselves.

The development of a causal misdirection in children is to be repaired from the knowledge of the inheritance of their actions. A child of 4-5 years of learning has an interest in wandering around objects, their names and powers for the relationship and connection of appearances. To fix tsіkaviti not just objects, but dії with them, the interconnection of people and objects, interconnection of reasons and inheritance. A lot of children can see the planuvati diy over the real objects, instead of the movable material: in a word, in the text, in the text. Transmission and planning lie in the basis of creativity on the stage of causal-inherited mission. This is how the plot of fantastic reports and Kazoks pops up.

Breaking down the road, changing for the meaningfulness, and seeing the development of the mission continue to develop all the time in the period of new schools. More than that, vivchennya educational performance children show, before the end of the cob school and spasm a splash of pre-day activity.

“The pre-social activity of children at the stage of causal misdirection is characterized by two qualities: the growth of self-reliance, and the development of criticality of misdirection.”

The leaders of the child's independence will come to cheruvati to their missions; to set up preliminaries, visuvati hypotheses of causal and inherited deposits, to look at the facts from the positions of visunutih hypotheses. It’s healthy, without a sum, є the main changes in creativity on the stage of causal misdirection. The criticality of the misdirection is manifested in the fact that children are able to assess their own and others' ability from the point of view of the laws and rules of nature and suspension.

Oscillations in the world of growing up children are faced with a great number of situations, if it is uncomfortable to see one reason for coming, then in these kinds of reasons there is a lack of reason. There is a need for an early assessment of the situation and the choice of the meanless options and the great number of facts such as there may be a lot of inflow on the go. Vibir at the same time is based on a number of criteria, which allow the sound of the “zone of joke”, we are faster and more vibrant. Misleading, yake, spiraling on the criterion of a vibrant joke, allowing the virishuvati foldable, problematic situations, are called heuristic. It will take shape up to 12-14 rocky.

With such a rank, stepwise molding all the visions of the development of a child's creative approach to any given project, it is possible to give him the power to be able to win the true and creative specialty.

So, one of the most respected minds formulated the child of a young schoolboy є I'm creative... Helpful knowledge of any new subject is hard to come by without active intelligence, without being cleverly aware, and those who write about it in a handbook, say the teacher about it, without cleverly operating it in real images.

In the process of development, appear in a young school day, reconstruct the image of the image, which was connected with the submissions of the previously removed, or the root of the images, according to the description, the scheme, the little one, and the new creation of their image. , due to the new results, the combination, also to receive the given development.

Velma broadened a thought about those who uyava children are rich, the original uyavas mature, who little kid you are half alive in the light of your fantasies. However, already in the 30s of rock A. V. Vigotskiy showed how a child should develop step by step, into the world of singing to him. It’s unlikely that it’s fair to say about those who uyava children are rich and see the mature. It’s just that, I don’t have enough ado, children will explain in their own way those who are to be found in life, and when they are explained, they are often built up unsupported and original. Alekso, before the child, set a special task to do something, think up something, then it is a lot of children to be destroyed and see how it can be done, or to be victorious in a traditionally and unnatural way. Only by far not all children can be creative. The axis of the child's creativity needs to be developed.

Characterizing the presence of children, L.S. Vigotsky talking about the need for intelligence psychological mechanism if you see, and it’s not a matter of it, it’s impossible to make a sound without making it sound like it’s clear between fantasy and reality. “The creativeness of uyavi,” writes L.S. Vygotskiy, - to be in the direct state of wealth and versatility, which is great to the knowledge of the people, for that reason, it is a material that can lead to fantasies. Chim bagatshe dosvid people, tim more material, yakim volodya yogo uyavu. " Tsyu thought vchenogo slіd pіdcresliti especially, to that it is widely used і behind the cordon, and we have a broader thought about those who are a child of wild, unbounded imagination, who are built in the middle of the creation of yaskravі, inorganic images. Be it the involvement of an older, teacher in the whole process will deprive and ruin the fantasy, the wealth of which is not found in the way of being related to the older's fantasy. At the same time, it is obvious that there is no awareness of the child's mind and the strength of her imagination. The world of expanded awareness is developing a basis for the creative activity of children.

2 Help develop the creativity of young schoolchildren

2.1 Understanding the creativity of young schoolchildren

Analysis of the main psychological new ideas and the nature of the provincial activity during the period, the moment before organizing the creation of a creative process, such as the student at once with the teacher in the singing sense will be himself; organization in the whole trip on the subject of activity and methods of its re-implementation allow the possibility of accumulating creative information not only in the process piznannya, Ale і in such types of performance, yak stemі redefining specific objects, situations, appearances, creative sucking otrimani in the process of knowledge.

Psychological and pedagogical literature has a given problem of directing creative types of activity.

piznannya- "... the sanctity of knowledge, how to be intelligent as the process of creative activity, as the form of knowledge."

redefining- creative activity of scholars, scho to public pivotal knowledge, Services are developing with a cob to deny new chiefs and special knowledge.

stem- creative activity, which is the transfer of design by the scholars of cultural products in the pre-cultural areas.

Creative zasosuvannya knowledge- the power of scholars, how to transfer the knowledge introduced by the authorities in case of storing knowledge in practice.

Everything is permitted "Creative activity of young schoolchildren": Productive form of activity of scholars in the school, is directed to the sphere of education by creative knowledge of education, development, re-development, vikorstannya in the new quality of material and spiritual culture in the process of education

The cognitive motivation of the creativity of a young schoolboy is manifested in the form of sound activity, greater sensitivity, sensitivity to novelty, stimulus, situation, the emergence of a new in an evocative, high vibration in a new subject to a new age.

This is the dynamism of the child's own pre-childhood activity. Up to 7-8 years, the creativity of a young schoolboy often turns around in the form of self-directed nutrition and problems in relation to a new, unattended, expanding and pre-old range of scholars.

Tse to produce before, even in a young school, the main component creativity hundred problem, I will keep the child from being able to see the child until the new and burned up the child until the joke of inconsistencies, wiping.

The decision of pro-proponated and independent (side-by-side) problems in a creative child is often supervised by a manifestation of originality. There is also one important component of the creative principle, which bends the steps of dissimilarity, non-standardness, and lack of visibility.

2.2 Mind the development of creative health of young schoolchildren

Psychological and pedagogical science has repeatedly meant that, at once, in the minds of rapidly growing information, especially the meaning of development and activation of creative mission. Surely, in any activity, we are especially important not only to acquire the knowledge, but to vibrate the most significant of them, to zoom in on the food when eating.

Development of creative activity of scientists



Pedagogical profession for its own nature is creative. The ideas of ideology to insight in the minds of the savior are to rotate in the direction of the special-organized position of self-designation and self-development, self-development. Tsia strategic position of the teacher's message in a way of starting the priority of the educational activity, on the first place, put, in front, a special development of the scientific community.

Don't let Emily Zola's words become the motto of a skin reader of the year, so that all the spheres of our life can be felt: "Alone happiness in life is a step forward ..."

Zagalnovidomo, where the creative activity of the scientists can develop creatively the teachers. It is necessary for a creative person to cooperate with a creative spirit. Creative spіvpratsya mi razumієmo yak processes of interaction between readers and scholars in the reach of spіlnoї meti. In the spirit of creativity, health and opportunities of the participants in the activity (partners) are realized most of all: one more addition, the stench reaches the apparently new level of development.

Development of creative activity- the topic is even more relevant for the cob school and the role of a special one is introduced. The foundation of knowledge will be laid in the cob school, and the specialness of the child will be formed. It’s a pity, it’s possible to be spastered, right up to the middle naval rock for a first-class student, having so much urge to go to school, with a new, unheard-of rapt, the first day of the beginning of the day, pass the first draft until the next day.

Educational creative activity- the mind of the initial process is important. Zavdannya vchitel - navchit child independently see in vchalne zavdannya, bachiti її for okremami, similar one to one, zavdanny. Reliance on the creativity of scientists is one of the main principles of the establishment of positive motivation in the field. Universal acceptance of the formation of creative educational interests and independence among young schoolchildren in practice. Kozhen, a creatively creative teacher, will help him, vikoristovuchi his priyomi and the development of creative creative interests. The development of activity, supplementation, self-reliance, innovation, creative promotion to the right, to the cognitive performance, є to an important and necessary staff to stand in front of the teacher.

For the formation of creative and educational activity of schoolchildren, it is possible to study all methods, priyomiv, such as didactics. Explanatory - іlustrativniy - rozpovіd, elucidated, until, tables, diagrams - the formulation of young schoolchildren of cob knowledge. Vikoristannya of the reproductive method of development in the field of practical knowledge and skills. Problem-prickly, chastkovo-prickly, in short, to serve the development of the creative health of the schoolchildren. The need to form the creative and educational activity of the teacher of the shukati must be active and manage the initial educational activity. By means of means, it is possible to organize the organization of the systematic and systematic work over the development of scientists in the process of creation, the beginning of the work. Vykonuyuchi їkh, scientists opanovuyut with new knowledge, receptions of rosum dіyalnosti, zakryplyuyut and thoroughly smart and navichki.

A leather lesson is a centralized system of building, how to teach you to understand, to understand, to understand, to be smart, to learn. Because of the fact that the teacher is a teacher for this lesson, in the end of the day, to lay down the goals of the lesson, activity, self-reliance of scholars. The teacher is guilty of picking up such teachers before the lesson, as they served as the basis for learning the rules, establishing quiet connections, establishing regularities on the basis of precautions. The head of this type allows not only to conduct the lessons efficiently, but also to serve the development of the rosy performance and the development of the knowledge of the world, the lesson and the knowledge of the scholars. Because of that, the teacher was able to educate and group the school before the lesson, to learn more, creatively, for the children to start learning about the cob schools. As a matter of fact, to lay down in the frivolous self-reliance of the misery, in the absence of theoretical material with practical practicality. Stylish educational interest to form on small subjects in cob schools in different ways. In short, the mastery of the material will be taken into account at the same time, reference schemes, tables, which will become stagnant on the skin urine.

Even more important in a way є tsіkavіst. The elements of the tsikavosti are brought into the lesson in an unaccountable way, unsupported, wink at children with their own inheritance, feeling like a lively interest before the process of knowing, to help them easily learn to be a source material.

nayaskravishim emotionally Formation of educational interests є gra. Vikoristovuchi from the lesson to the lesson of the elementary-cognitive igor, learn to go to the gathering: gra - rozvaga to transform into grief - robot. In the process of grising at the urotsi of science, it’s uncomfortable for oneself to make a difference to the right, it’s necessary to get it right, adjust, tread. Gras to put the child in mind the joke, awaken interest before the change, and the stars - be smart, smart, clean, clean, clean, clean, see the rules of the greetings. Collective games develop moral qualities. Children to go to pressure to help comrades, to respect the interests of others, to stream their bazhanya.

Included in the process of navchannya schoolchildren, and games, moments, do not go to oblivion, but for the next lesson - knowledge of new material, its fixation and repetition, a robot with a handler and a child. Bagato іgry that has the right to be on the material of flexible folding, so that there is an opportunity to do it individually, to preserve the fate of robotic scientists with a growing knowledge. To keep the initial process tricky, children are more likely to be active, keen and have an hour of finding results.

It is important to activate the creative activity of scientists є to establish a link to the material that was readily available to the future. Great possibilities for the development of creative and educational activity of lads, self-realization, self-expression of the Russian language, which is to take revenge on the zeal, direct to the development of cich yaks.

The role of the development of creative and educational activity in the lessons of the Russian language is great, the robot is introduced with a handler. The teacher organizes the educational activity of scholars, the systematization of knowledge, the form of spelling tips, the development of the language, the moral and natural vikhovannyu. Pidruchnik to take revenge on the staff, how to develop the smarter world, bring, create, work. It’s quite an hour in the lessons of the Russian language to introduce self-contained robotic scientists. For the sake of stagnation, it is also a matter of knowledge, since it allows not only to reconsider the knowledge of the material passed, but also the possibility of continually repeating the material, by reading the material.

Great significance in the development of cognitive activity in the classroom is to conceal riddles, adherence, squash, іgri, vіrshi. All the forms are added to the development of the mission, the ability to drive, and the memory of children. Riddles in the classroom vikoristoyutsya yak in usn_y, and in writing forms on іnim topics, scho vyvchayutsya in the program of the Russian language school. Zavdannya can be good news. Here is the knowledge of the meanings of the word, the types of transport, the links with the new life and the development of the educational process. Be-like viglyadі robots riddles, when asked, orders to nadayut emotional injection on the development wonderful health children who are positively infused into their knowledge, minus and tips. The lads are of particular interest, because the stench of the zapadannya is not in simple zoshiti, but on the barvy little ones, or figurines near the leaves of the trees, around the trees, pictures of the tree, so that in the wilderness there is a reason for that. All the things that allow children to learn the meaning of words, how to learn, learn the vocabulary and formulate the knowledge of the words written and the correct implantation of important words in the sleep and letters of the message.

When you go out to the wicked, you can create a visnovka about the development of the educational activity of children:

1. The development of positive motivation at the level.

2. Safeguarding active and intensive robots in terms of message analysis of information.

3. Development of the word knowledge and activation of vocabulary information and vocabulary storage.

4. Adopting optimal organization of respect.

5. Ozbroєnnya by rational ways of zapam'yatovuvannya.

6. Vibrating the necessary rate of information retrieval.

7. Increase the pace of the robot.

8. Development and development of information space for a lesson.

9. Involvement to self-assessment of the process and the result of the authority's performance at the level of the corresponding scientists.

Razroblyayuchi the structure of the lesson, post-work time, it is necessary to vrahovuvati, scho

· branch the creative activity of scientists to lay aside the beginning of the flow on the side of the teacher, comrades, fathers, as well as special advice to the scientist himself;

· dzherelami creative activity can be:

o processes of initiation, which is how the process of organizing educational activity of scientists,

o reserve the specialties of the teacher and the teacher;

· forms show your creativity in busyness є:

o independence,

o individual creativity;

· minds Formation of creative activity є:

o maximum reliance on the active capacity of the scientists,

o conducting the initial process on the optimal development of educational institutions,

o emotional atmosphere of the beginning, positive emotional tone of the initial process.

Kintseviy result of the efforts of the teacher of the field in the transfer of specially organized activity of the teacher into the state of mind, so that the strategy of the teacher is to blame for the reorientation of the knowledge of scientists:

Great value for the development of creative activity of scientists accepting:

· The development of the situation, in which the study of zobov'yaziyy to bring his own thought, leads to him zhist arguments, facts, vikoristovuvati nabutі knowledge and dosvіd;

· The development of the situation, scho sponukaє learning to ask food for the teacher, comrades, it’s not clear, it’s better to comprehend the knowledge;

· Recension of tests, creations, creative robots, tied with joy, correctives, active jokes of the head;

· Nadannya help comrades with accelerated, clarified nezumіly;

· Vykonannya zavdan-maximums, rozrahovanih on reading additional literature, science dzherel and іншої polish dіyalnosti;

· Sponding to the appetite of new ways of seeing the plant, looking at food from different points of view;

· The development of the situation for a vilny choice of works, overwhelmingly sound and creative;

· Establishment of a situation exchange of information between scientists;

· The development of the situation of self-revision, the analysis of vlast knowledge and practical minds.

non-standard lessons

Non-standard lessons are not ordinary go to the victories of basic disciplines. The meta їх is borderline simple: revive the tedious, get creative, zatzikaviti povsyakdennym, so yak interest - tse catalyzer of all primary activity... Non-standard lessons are always sacred, if all the scientists are active, if the skin has the ability to show oneself in the atmosphere of success and the class becomes a creative team. Tsi lessons include all the patterns of forms and methods, especially such as no problem, Poshukova activity, interdisciplinary and internal subject calls, reference signals, notes and inshe. Know spirits, live a misnomer, break down and advance interest in the subject as a whole.

See non-standard lessons:

1. Lessons - ігri. Chi is not opposed to the gray process, but the synthesis is in the whole essence of the method. In such lessons, an informal atmosphere is created, іgry develop intellectual and emotional sphere uchn_v. The peculiarities of these lessons are those that are the starting point for the game, the lesson is to follow the rules of the grid, to make sure that there is a lot of money and interest to the side of the schoolchildren.

2. Lessons - kazki, lessons - more expensive spiral into the imagination of children and develop її. Conducting lessons - kazok can be in two options: if the basis is taken by the people or literary Kazka The other is to see the teacher himself. The very form of the kazka is close and intelligent to children, especially the young and middle age, and the first high school students go to such a lesson.

3. Lessons - zmagannya, quiz carried out at a good pace and allow to reconsider the practical and theoretical knowledge of a great deal of schoolchildren and others. Іgri - zmagannya can be invented by a reader or an analogue of popular TV zmagan.

A lesson like “What? De? If? "

The group of scientists has been divided into three groups, the distribution of home work, the preparation of the numbers of teams, the sheets with the names of the gravitas for the captains. Gras are stored in six stages.

1. Introductory word of the reader.

2. Rozminka - repetition of all key nutrition by those.

3. It will take an hour to think about food and a few points for the decision.

4. Gra “Scho? De? If? ".

5. Pidsumkiv delivery.

6. Conclude the word vicladac.

Lessons - dilovі іgri

Such a lesson is easy to carry out when repeated and publicized by those. Klas break into a group (2 - 3). The skin group will eliminate the problem and the solution. The exchange of employees is carried out.

Lessons type KBK

1. Privitannya teams (homework).

2. A warm-up. Commands give one feed to one.

3. Home office (rewrite on the code tape).

4. Viconannya on 3 - 4 zavdannya members of the team bіlya doshka.

5. Head of team captains (by cards).

6. Delivery of pidsumkiv.

4. Lessons, based on the іmіtatsії performances of the establishment and organization. Lesson - judgment, lesson - auction, lesson - birzha knowledge and so far. Problem-solving skills are presented to the students, creative skills are given, lessons are learned and professional role, the artistry of school students, the uncommonness of the mission is manifested.

Lesson - auction

Before the cob "auction" by the experts, the "sales pitch" of ideas is announced. Because of the idea "for sale", the author of the idea, which, having removed a higher price, becomes a winner. The idea is to go to the rosrobniks, how to ground your options. Auction can be carried out in two rounds. Ideas, if you went on another tour, you can get a vip practical knowledge.

5.Internet - lessons held in computer classes. Scientists can view all data without using the computer screen. The form is close for the middle and senior school age.

6. Song in English language. Victory of the written material stimulates the motivation and the less knowledge of the material of the master of the mechanism of the memory of the memory, so that it allows the memory of the material to be lost.

7. Navchalny movies at the lessons of English Movies. Growing up tips and tricks and tips and tricks of the ear, like being seen by a teacher and scholars of significant and time-honored vitrates.

8. Lesson "at a round table"

Vibrate leading і 5 - 6 commentators from the problems of those. Introduce the word of the reader. Vibrating the main directly by those and victories proponated to the food scientists, in the form of the solution of all problems. Leading prodovzhu lesson, win give the floor to commentators, took the whole class before discussing it.

Collectively, negotiating is attracting to self-reliance, activity, almost as a matter of honor to come.

9. Lesson - seminar

Lessons of this form are carried out after completion by those who have been given. Late is given the nutrition of the seminar busyness, so that the material given to the section and the interdisciplinary link is visualized. When listening to the best ideas on the delivery of food to the seminar, the teacher will lead the school to the lesson, and the national education before the lesson - the show from those given.

10. Lesson - zalik

You can do it in different versions. The first one - if the examiners are from the lessons of the week. The other - the examiners are more erudite, kindly mastered the topic of science, lankan skin lanka. In the end of the lesson, a bag is introduced. Vikoristovuєtsya and collective way of navchannya. For example, the decision is right with the offensive mutual revision. Klas break into a group, a consultant is appointed. Skin group will remove the cards - zavdannya. The first butt is shown by the consultant, and the experts are independent. Consultant coordinate and lead the field. The teacher is to follow the robot of everyone.

11. Vikoristannya computer programs on lessons. Characterize the individualization and the intensity of independent robots studies, advised of cognitive activity and motivation.

12. Lessons based on the forms, genres and methods of robotics, which are taken from the supportive practice: doslіdzhennya, vinakhіdnitstvo, analysis pershoderel, commentary, mozkov attack, interview, reportage, review.

"Mozkova attack"

The lesson is similar to the "auction". The group is divided into "generators" and "experts". The generator will be used for the situation (creative character). During the singing hour, learn to understand the variety of options for the proponent of the project, to focus on the dos and don'ts. At the end of the hour "in the battle" the "expert" enters. In the course of the discussion, one should try to improve the propositions and commanders to change roles. Give the scholars at the lesson the ability to promote, discuss, share ideas not only develop їх creative missionі advise the level, dovіri to vicladac, аlе аrе аrе і to rob the moment "comfortable".

13. Lessons based on non-traditional organization initial material: lesson in wisdom, intimacy, lesson "A backup to start a day".

14. Lesson - excursion in our hour, if the links between the countries and peoples are developing more and more wider and wider, knowledge of the national culture becomes a necessary element of the process of creation іnzemnoї movi... The student is guilty to conduct an excursion around the place, to tell the earthly guests about the self-confidence of culture.

15. Effective and productive form of education є lesson-performance. Preparation of the performance - a robot creator, like a spinning sound of a mobile spin of children and an opening of their individual creative health. This kind of robot is active for rozumov and movnu activity studies, developing їх interest to the subject.

16. Velmi in a tsikovoy and fruitful form conducting lessons є the lesson is holy. The form of the lesson is wider knowledge of the studies about the traditions and traditions of the peoples.

17. Lesson - Interview. The lesson -interv'yu is a simple dialogue with the exchange of information. This is the form for a lesson in vimag of retreatment training. Scientifically independent work on the staff for the literature recommended by the reader, prepare food, on how you want to correct the messages.

18. Lesson-ese. Glossary of short literary terms in the interpretation of the understanding "ese" as a kind of narrative, in which the main role is not to represent the fact, but to represent hostility, thought, association. This is a form of the lesson developing the psychic functions of scientists, logical and analytical misinterpretations.

19. Biparniye (integration) lesson

Lessons of this type are carried out in 2 - 3 victories at once. for example:

Mathematicians, physics and informatics

· Mathematicians, chair readers, virobnichesky navchannya.

It is composed of algorithms for solving problems from vicarious knowledge of mathematics, physics, etc.

The head of the perevaga Biparnye to the lesson of the field in the ability to integrate the system of knowledge into the scientific system, to help to reveal the interconnection of objects. Bipartite lessons in the activity of the skin study, so the class is required to getuwati before it is carried out: proponutize the literature on that lesson, please the public with practical advice. The stench will help the team of teachers, put in front of him a school of children, virobiti din і і vimogi.

20. Lesson-musical the development of social and cultural competence and awareness of the cultures of the Anglomous lands. Methodical rehearsals of creative creativity in the new earthly languages ​​and evidence. Seemingly, in Ancient Greece, a lot of texts were learned by themselves, and in many schools in France they were practicing at once. It is also possible to say about India, in a given hour in a cobweb school, abetta and arithmetic can be taught with the help of. A musical lesson with an aesthetic and moral wickedness of schoolchildren, more and more open to the creative health of the skin science. The directors of the musical at the stage turn out to be friendly psychological class, Decrease in volume. In bagatokh vipadkakh vіn serve as a distribution system, which reduces the pressure, renews the quality of education.

21. Project method we will continue to fill up the hour more and more. Winning for those who want to develop an active self-determination of the child and help them not just memorize and learn knowledge, because they are given school, but also have to stop them in practice. The project methodology is based on the cooperative nature of the project management while working on the project, as well as being able to work with it, є for its own sutta of creative and specialized learning. Vona transferring a high level of individual and collective results for the selection of the skin department according to the development of the project. The idea of ​​a robot of a group of scientists on a project is not specific due to the active communication of scientists. The design methodology is one of the forms of organizing pre-modern educational activity, in which science I take an active sub'active position. When choosing a project, the teacher is guilty of focusing on the interest and consumption of scientists, their capabilities and the special importance of the future of the robot, the practical significance of the result of the robot on the project. Vikonany project can be presented in the most different forms: articles, recommendations, album, collage, and a lot of them. Riznomanitni and forma presentation to the project: additional lead, conference, competition, sacred, performance. The main result of the robot on the project will be the actualization of the obvious and the new knowledge, the quickening and the clearing up and the creativity of the new minds. Robot on the project to get involved in the stages and urge to go beyond the scope of the initial activity in the classroom: vibrate those or problems with the project; the formation of the group of viconavts; development of the plan of the robot on the project, designation of terms; rozpodil zavdan middle schools; vikonannya zavdan, negotiated in the group of results formalization of the special result; calls on the project; assessment of the project. Robot behind the design methodology is in the form of scientists of the highest level of self-sufficiency in sound activity, coordination of their actions, active pre-slidnitsky, Vikonavskoy and communal relations. The role of the teacher of the field in the preparation of the scientists before the robot on the project, the choice of those who are needed to help the scientists with the planning of the robot, in the flow control and consultation of the scientists during the visit to the project on the rights of the sponsor. Otzhe, the main idea of ​​the method of projecting in the field is to shift the emphasis from a child's mind to the active rosum activity of scientists in the course of creative work.

22. Video tutorial - open up community competence English, Do not perebuyuchi in the land of movi, so vivchaєtsya, on the right side is very important. To this, we are very important to the teacher's staff for the establishment of real and explicit situations of communication at the level of the earth's movement and for the victories of the growth of robotics. Vikoristannya vіdeofіlmu additional help also to the development of different sides of the psychic activity of scholars, and, first for everything, respect and memory. Let's take a look at the classroom for an hour, the atmosphere of a spilnoy pictorial performance. In cikh minds, disrespectful scholars become respected. For this purpose, the schoolchildren need to report the singing zusil.

Modernization of coverage is not a matter of course without storing information communal technologies(ICT).

The rapid development of the suspension, the expansion of multimedia and grid technologies, allow the expansion of the flexibility of the ICT victorious school during lessons in a modern school.

Vikoristannya ІKT at new schoolchildren of educational subjects in school until the advancement of the quality of education. Practice showing how children

Z great success to master the basic material, if the ICT is included in the lesson;

The most significant old role of ICT in the plan of intellectual and aesthetic development of science;

To form іх information culture, as it is so necessary for the school for its possible social science;

The spiritual, social, cultural outlook of children is expanding.

V.G. Bolinsky saying: "Without pragnennya, there is no life to the new, no development, no progress." The words were said a long time ago. Todi about the computer technologies, not thinking. Ale, I’m going to be created, and words about a lucky teacher, who is ready to master everything new, innovation and success in the practice of his robotics.

In the given hour, ICT came to help the teacher, as they give the opportunity to revive the lesson, to become interested in the subject, more beautifully to master the material.

In addition, IKT in the classroom allow the teacher to realize the idea of ​​developing learning, to adjust the pace of the lesson, to speed up the working hour to the minimum, to help the self-interested robots learn the lesson more.

Pobudova schemes, the table in the presentation allows you to save an hour, more aesthetically to make out the initial material. The head of the department with a small change and self-check activates the respect of scientists, forms spelling and punctuation. Vikoristannya crosswords (inodi їkh invent scholars), initial tests, wiggle interest before the lesson, curb lesson tsіkavіshe and allow you to start preparatory work before the Central Television, іspitіv.

Vikoristannya ІKT on the skin urotsі, it is obvious, not real, that th is not necessary. A computer cannot substitute for a handler, because the technology needs to be victorious in a complex with obvious methodical methods in the hands of the teacher. It is necessary to find a victorious computer to educate it productively, docily and tsikavo. Іnformatsіynі tehnologії not tіlki polegshuyut access to Informácie, vіdkrivayut mozhlivostі varіativnoї navchalnoї dіyalnostі, її іndivіdualіzatsії that diferentsіatsії, ale i dozvolyayut anew on bіlsh Suchasnyj rіvnі organіzuvati himself protses navchannya, pobuduvati yogo so dwellers scientists LUVs bi Activity i rіvnopravnim Yogo member.

A fortunate teacher is absolutely guilty of being able to do so with new means that he wants to do so in order to preserve one of the most important rights of the scholar - the right to education.

Students, postgraduates, young people, who are victorious to develop the knowledge base in their own lives and robots, will be your best friend.

Marked by

creative activity children potential


2.2 Analysis of the same results


List of Victory Literature



The main method of illumination is the preparation of an advanced generation to a future generation. Creativity, creativity is a great way, which can be effectively implemented.

In modern schools, they are increasingly afraid to speak out on the knowledge of the knowledge of the ready-made information, to educate themselves as to the translation of the knowledge of the ready-made knowledge in the view of the specially presented social information, but not in the sense of the tradition of understanding the standard of information. The overwhelming challenge is the goal, the wisdom and the technology of education, to lead to a weakening of the internal motivation of scientists, the lack of demand for their creative potential.

Young schoolchildren, being sensitive for the development of creativity, special intelligence, allowing them to put in a friendly way for the development of specialty in general, self-development, self-realization, self-improvement, toughness. It’s a lot of prelude to the fact that the traditional system of education, as and earlier than the most widespread in schools, gave a lack of respect for the development of creative activity.

In order to insist on the need for suspicion in creative innovation specialties, we also need more in theoretical development of problems of creativity, in the development of nature and forms, I will show, stimulate and stimulate minds.

The problem of developing the creative potential of schoolchildren in recent years of education has become a trivial hour; them, as well as non-perevazhennya introduction of similar rosettes in the main plan of the cob school because of its re-entanglement.

In the experimental preliminaries of R. M. Granovskaya, V. N. Druzhinin, B. B. Kosov, A. A. Leontyev, T. N. Kovalchuk, N. E. Vishneviy, G. V. Terekhovoi, N. F. Vishnyakoviy that in. the nutritional development of the creative health of the scientists, especially the formulation in the new and the late business, is being watched.

meta doslіdzhennya: vivchit creativity yak pedagogical categoryі visit the paths і help develop the creative activity of the children of the young school age.

hypothesis: Storing in the course of the lesson of the system of creative workers to rob a positive infusion on the development of the creative activity of children of the young school age.

ob'єkt doslіdzhennya: creative activity of young schoolchildren.

item doslіdzhennya: development of creative activity in the cob school in initial process.


1. Vivchity and analysis of the standpoint of the problems of advancement in pedagogical theory and practice.

2. Concretizing the understanding of "creativity", "creativity", "creative potential".

3. Visibility of special features of development of creative activity in a young school

4. Development and implementation of the system of creative schools, directed to the development of the creative activity of young schoolchildren.

5. Viyaviti the effectiveness of the system and creative staff assigned to the development of the creative activity of children of the young school age.

methods doslіdzhennya: theoretical analysis of literature on the problems of pre-education, caution, questionnaire, pedagogical experiment.

Psychological and pedagogical literature in the region has an ambiguous designation of the category of creativity in the zagal and childish creativity of zokrem. In truth, from one side, creativity is a characteristic of activity: a special kind (creative activity - art, literature, science), for be it some kind of activity, as well as about the development, understanding, transition to the news.

On the other hand, the problem is tied to the psychological characteristics of creativity, and also tied to the problem of health. Seeing the understanding of creativity as a mechanism of development of activity in the meaning of the world connects two sides of the problem.

To work hard also to try to make the difference and the main components creativity. Seeing, zokrema, perceptual component (sparing, especially concentration of respect); intellectual (іntuytsіya, uyava, breadth of knowledge, nimbleness, independence, swiftness of the message, etc.); characterological (praznennya to vіdkrittіv, to volodіnnya facts, zdatnіst dіvuvatіsya, bezposrednіst).

Also, the nature of creativity is foldable and superintelligible. Most of the glimpses of creativity converge in the offensive: creativity- Specifically human phenomenon, clan, day-to-day characteristics of people.

creativity- a form of human activity, which will transform function.

Especially admirable is the role of creativity in the formulation of specialness of the child, Vigotskiy L.S. meaning that creativity is a normal and permanent companion childish development.

Formation and development of children's health before creativity is one of the topical problems of modern pedagogy, as it is especially awesome to stand in front of teachers, as work with young schoolchildren. Also, in the whole life, children are laid down in the minds of misleading, mirkuvati, creatively coming to the level of problems.

Psychologists have found that 37% of sixth children may have a high potential for creative activity, while the sevenfolds have an indicator to fall to 17%. Among the grown-ups, 2% of creatively active specialties are revealed.

On the thought of Kovalchuk T.M., creativity is the process of human creativity, which creates obviously new materials and spiritual values. For children of creativity, the sense of authority and qualities of specialness, necessary for the successful development of creative character, the joke of original, non-standard solutions in different forms, is raised. Creative excellence - specialness, built up to creative innovation and self-improvement.

Main warehouses creative specialties:

1.creative directing (motivation for self-expression on creativity, aiming at especially and suspiciously significant results);

2.creative potential (supremacy of intellectual and practical knowledge, Wrinkle and know how, the state of mind when posing problems and making a move based on intuition and logical thinking, giftedness in singing spheres);

3.Individual-psychological capacity (volitional character, emotional strength in difficult situations, self-organization, critical self-assessment, capturing the experience of the accomplished success, assimilation of people's spirituality to oneself

The creative goodness of the schoolboy is in the fact that it’s not traditional to go up to the level of quietness in their food, to see it in the out-of-the-way patterns, to the urgency of their own activity, to show

An indicator of creative development є creativity.

Unimportant on the trivial history of creativity, analysis of foreign scientific studies to the whole problem, having discovered the richness of intelligence), it is possible to simulate in neobehaviorism (A. Bandura, J. Rotter, B. F. Skinner, E. Tolmen), in particular, it is a particular place to come to the middle factor for the development of creative behavior in gestalt psychology (M. Wertheimer, K. Dunker, F. Perls), de main emphasis should be placed on the essence of all the characteristics of a particularity and organization of life, as well as the situation of the development of a plant, A. , K. Jung), that the motivational component of the identity as a determinant of creativity, in humanistic psychology(A. Maslow, K. Rogers, N. Rogers), as vvazhaє, in the cutaneous standard it is imperative to implicate creativity as a way of transforming self-actualization, however, social factors contaminate the given power, the creativity of the special

on happy stage The essence of creativity is most often alternatively: as formally dynamic or changing characteristics of the particularity of any other areas (perceptual, cognitive, emotional), as the power of the psyche.

Also, for creativity in psychological and pedagogical preliminaries, I recognize a complex of intellectual and special features of an individual, to create independent problems, to generate a great variety of origins. It is necessary to look at the creativity of the process and the complex of intellectual and special features of the individual that govern the special features.

Freedom of creativity in that, how you can become a creative, aesthetic aspect of individuality of specialness, which is formed from a critical analysis of one's own and someone else's beforehand; rosumіnnya and viroblennya new ideas; vmіnnya bachiti problem there, de іnshim everything is clear; Buildings quickly and boldly are seen from the point of view, due to the circumstances; A rosy іntuіtsії and aesthetic vision of the perfect result achieved.

The appearance of "creativity" and "creativity" can be evident, but the stench is far from the same. As the understanding of "creativity" is intertwined with specific psychological problems, and the understanding of the laws of productive rosum activity and features of the function of special qualities, the understanding of "creativity" includes in itself a rich diet, master of art that in.

To that end, creativity is perceived as an universal creative building up to productive activity and to become a “private” type of creativity in a wide sense, as an activity on the basis of a new, original, previously unheard-of.

Creativity, creative quality (vminnya) is formed in the process of activity.

In such a rank, creativity is the whole style (characteristic characteristic) of efficiency, and creativity is the price of individuality. psychological characteristics creative specialties. Sounds and the need for breeding cichs to understand, clarification of the subtleties and logical viginous formulas.

It's an hour to discuss the problem of creative activity, specialness, creativity, first for everything, a post about these criteria.

To value the level of creativity, J. Gilford saw 16 hypothetical intellectuals that characterize creativity. Among them:

· The speed of thoughts is the number of ideas that come up at the same hour;

· Dullness of thought - the building is switched from one idea to one;

· Originality - the quality of the ideas, which are seen from the foreign glances;

· Addictiveness - sensitivity to problems in the new world;

· Zdatn_st before the development of hypotheses;

· Irreality - the logical independence of the reaction to the stimulus;

· Fantastic - on the basis of the appearance of the appearance from the reality in the presence of a logical connection between the stimulus and the reaction;

· Building up to date problems, so that building up to analysis and synthesis;

· Good quality equipment, additional details, etc.

E.P. Torrance sees the main criteria for characterizing creativity:

· Lightness - the speed of visibility of textual enterprises;

· Gnuchk_st - the number of switching from one class of objects to the first one in the course of the messages;

· Originality - the minimum frequency of the given type to the same group;

· Accuracy of the vkonannya zavdan.

At our hour in the suspension, there are burrhliv snakes. Lyudin is mesmerized to react to them, but often he is not ready to go. In order to be able to see in the situation of permanent changes, to adequately respond to them, people are guilty of activating their creative potential, discovering their own uniqueness, uniqueness.

As a result of the analysis and use of the pre-sentient material by us, the structure and understanding of the "creative potential" became significant.

pid structure creative potential G.S. Samigullin intelligence is the essence of the main elements and components, which reflect in their integrity and interconnection the nature of creativity and the main characteristics of performance. The structure of the creative potential of the won includes elements (theoretical knowledge, focus on creativity, pre-slidnitsky character of performance); components (motivational-central, theoretical-analytical, reflective-projecting).

The stage of development of quiet components in the creative potential of the rivniv development creative potential:


Reproductive and creative,

The specialty, which is at the theoretical level of development of creative potential, leads to the understanding of the knowledge about the importance of the theory of creativity. On the reproductive-creative level (without the middle realization of the creative potential), the development of creative minds on the individual-reproductive level is being developed. The process of direct and systemic development of creative potential is characteristic of creative and reproductive level of development of creative potential; central and systemic development - author's rivny. The transition from one level to the development of creative potential to the point of success on the basis of readiness (psychological, scientific-pedagogical and practical) mastering the specialty of a greater level of development of creative potential.

As a result of the analysis and use of the material before it was heard, we have synthesized the meaning of the understanding “creative potential”. creative potential- a folding integrative phenomenon, which includes elements (theoretical knowledge; focus on creativity; pre-old character of performance); components (motivational-central, theoretical-analytical, reflective-projecting), how to know one's own turn in the general development of creative potential (theoretical, reproductive-reproductive, creative) і creative position of specialness (sposter, participant, analyst, presenter); tsіlіlіyuyut readiness of specialties up to effective efficiency.

1.2 Features of the development of creative activity in a young school

Vivchayuchi creativity as a universal building to creativity, then on the basis of specificity, I will show on the new stages and the dynamism of development in the specialty, so that it is necessary to complete the problem of respect of the problem. Ontogenesis of vivic development of the psyche of the individual through the life of specialness. The sphere of ontogenesis of creativity is included in special features development of creative individuality and development of the laws of the surrounding individual in the process of creative activity.

Young school age is a sensitive period for the development of creative activity, the child's spite is active and supple for her nature. Therefore, the important meaning of developing is the development of the creative activity of scientists as a food ryvnya of all types of activity in a young school age. Itself in pochatkov_y schools the most efficiently form in ministry of practice outside the box.

On the thought of L. І. Bozovic, the sense of the ontogenetic development of the field is in the fact that the child's deed becomes special. Because of the accumulation of human knowledge, wine is transformed into creative awareness, which leads to material and spiritual values, as it crystallizes in the new wealth of the human soul.

The formation of a specialness has been seen as an individual of freedom, as a transformation of him into a sub'kta of his life. Shlyakh the formulation of the specialness of the child of the pole in the step-by-step sound of the middle ground and the reincarnation of it into the active re-revolutionization of the middle ground, and its own power specialism.

Younger schoolchildren include children of I-IV classes from 6 to 10 years. Yak has already begun, the dermal stage is characterized by a special setting of the child in the system of suspicious forms. In connection with the life of the children of the development, the vik is remembered with a specific zmist: special relationships with people who are comfortable and special, providable for the given stage of development of greatness - gory, new people, pracea. On the dermal stage, there is also a system of rights, which the child is accused of, and the rules, which are guilty of the viconuvati.

The children of a young school have a clear turn of their pragmatism before they take a new, more mature camp in life and viconuvati new, important not only for themselves, but for those who want to work. The goal is to be realized in practice until the social establishment of a schoolboy and until the beginning of a new socially significant activity.

Gradually smart children with all the bright witnesses to the old age and psychological mood to become familiar, to bring up the knowledge that is typical of the naïve and game knowledge. Om zagalі not powerfully contemplating about some kind of folding and difficult. The stench is easy and carefree to put to everything, but not tied with the right-hand sides. Done to the sphere of knowledge, stench prodovzhuyut grati, and understand the mastery of the bagatokh in the meaning of the world, formally.

The naïve-іgrovy character of the knowledge, organically governing the children of the whole age, appears at the same time from the great formal power of the childish intellect. With a lack of living awareness and the lack of embryonic theoretical and educational processes, it is especially obvious that the power of children is rosy, and they are especially keen before mastery.

For a young school child it is even easier for a young schoolchild to master even more foldable ideas and forms of behavior (reading, rakhunok in the mind), so that he can tell about the great reserves of the child's sleepiness and the great power of the most formal, quick.

Children of the past see evidence of rubbing in the pink development of young schoolchildren: there is a lack of identity among the people who come to see children, and at the stage of their pink and moral maturity. It should be manifested in the fact that children come to school with a living life, or repair from the basics of getting to the human culture. The stench to master the letter language, at that hour it is absolutely natural to volodyut the rose language.

There is such an inconsistency between the manifestations of the intellect of children in the minds and games, from one side, and in the busyness from the letter to the rakhunka, dearly, it’s impossible to fix it by the people of the rose’s intelligence, - for all that sound to occupy and the real possibilities of children.

Young schoolchildren are empowered to grow up, to be educated, ale, as a rule, a stranger's reflexion. Nowadays, in the rosy peculiarities of the young schoolchildren, they are correct, formally, they are not very funny, and most often the unreality of the judgments, so that the obviousness of the new-game, the most expensive difficult.

Self-assessment of a young schoolboy is rich in what to find out from the assessments of a teacher and a father. Vona is specific, situational and tendencies to reassessment of achievable results and possibilities.

We have a lot of great meanings, but they are wide social motives- borg, vidpovidalnostі, as well as vuzkoobistі motives - prosperity, prestige. In the middle of the motives of the dominant motive "I want to trim the garnie assessments." At the same time, there is a ring of motivation to achieve success with the motivation for uniqueness of punishment, to more easy types original robots... Negative motivation "unification of inappropriateness" does not occupy a provocative mission in the motivation of a young schoolboy.

Razumovy development in the whole period to pass through three stages: persha - the development of diy z etalons according to the view of the forces of nature and motivation of their models; friend - usunennya rozgornutyh diy with etalons and formulating diy in models; the third - the assertion of models і transition to rosy actions with the authorities of speeches і іх vіdnosin.

The very nature of the child's misdirection is noticeable. The development of a creative target should be brought up to the point of awakening and memory, to the re-implementation of the process. It is important to correctly pour into the development process, for that, for a long time, it took place, that the child's misery is that the child's misdirection is that the little one is old-fashioned, that the child is more aware of it, intelligent, old smart. And at the same time, psychologists will not be able to summarize the fact that a child's target is clearly seen as an older child, and how to develop targeting is possible, only spiraling into the knowledge of the peculiarities of the skin condition. The child's misery appears even early, in all people it is quiet, if the child is in front of the child, the deyaka is zavdannya. The zavdannya price can be found spontaneously (think of a tsikavu gru), and maybe it is proponated to grow up specially for the development of the child's misinterpretation.

On the thought of Kravtsovo, N.N., the child's addiction is permanently tied to the knowledge of the new life and prompts her picture of the light. Ditina, gravely, experimenting, get ready to establish the causal links and fallowness. Winning the temptation to operate with knowledge, and when the child's tasks are determined, the child will magnetize, really trying and trying, but albeit we can see the tasks in mind. Ditina reveals her real situation and how she is with her in her own way.

Up to the number of psychologists, the young school student's new ideas were taken from the analysis, planning and reflection, the formation of specific operations and transition to the development of formal operational structures, intensive development of creative activity.

Vigotskiy L.S. vvvazvshis, very young school age є the period of active development of the mission. The price of development of the field is in the forefront in the fact that the winery is independent from the external intelligence, the internal intellectual activity, the system is completely intelligent. The development of the mind and memory is generated before the initial flow of intellectual processes.

Accumulation to the young school age of the great to the knowledge of practical actions, a sufficient level of development of a child, memory, misery, to move from the child almost to the best in his power. To play around in the performance of all the more flexible and foldable goals, the expansion of the development of voluntary behavior regulation.

Yak pokazuyut doslidzhennya Gurevich KM, Selivanova V.I., child of 6-7 rocky can be pragmatic to the far distant, vividly, at the same time, it’s worth reaching out for a tricky hour.

One of the most important teachers of the given period is that young schoolchildren can read it easily and successfully. The main value of the development of the field is not in the accumulated knowledge, but in the mastery of the knowledge and thoroughness of the robotics. Young schoolchildren are most often used not by the savage of the subject and the ways of their victories, but by their penetration in the whole subject: the stench with a great desire to take care of them, so good to go.

From a point of view, be it an object, it is possible to create a tsikavim, as the child sees success in the situation.

Young school age - the period of picking up, accumulating knowledge, the period of mastering is important. important minds rosum development in Tsі Roki є:

· Copy of bagatom diam and vislovlyuvannyam;

· Increased variability, suggestiveness;

· Straightforwardness of pink activity on those who repeat it internally.

The skin is from the tsikh of the authorities with the appearance, the head rank, its positive side, which is friendly for the development and development of the psyche.

Navchalny busy to serve as a new dzherel of the development of the educational forces of young schoolchildren. The great significance of man is vikonannya diy "about oneself", in the inner plane. In addition, vivid quality develops, special features appear not only in activity, but in the form of self-regulation.

for scientists cobs First of all, there is an order of magnitude of theoretical training, specificity, imaginativeness of knowledge. It is important to vikoristovuvati for the development of the psyche of the authorities in the children of the whole age, yaskrava uyava and emotion.

The peculiarities of the young school vika are glanced into the wonderful possibilities children, zumovlyuyut the given development of the out-of-the-box development and the factors of the formation of creativity from the out-of-the-box universal building to creativity.

1.3 Wholesome and how to develop the creative activity of young schoolchildren

A.G. Aleinikov stverdzhu, how creativity is possible and is required to read the child. Slid means to reach the broadened thought, but building up to creativity is a "gift of God" and that it is possible for creativity to be unhappy. However, the development of the history of technology and winemakers, the creative life of prominent students, the winners of the show, that all the smells were in order with a high (for their own hour) fundamental knowledge and a special way of thinking, and a special algorithm for presenting Moreover, the rest of them did not break up very quickly.

The organization of the modern school for the development of the development of the specialness of the transfer, the need for harmony in the beginning

Reaching it is possible with the use of modern methods of development, which transfer not only reproductiveness, but rather the development of an active and interactive development of knowledge.

Active methods of development are the methods of including scientists in the process of “knowledge acquisition” and development of the mission. The stench is permissible:

· Stimulate the activity of scientists;

· Create your own health;

· Nabuti vpevnenosti in sob;

· Make sure you have your own communication tips;

· The ability to formulate in the art of misinformation.

For the development of a creative target and creative mind, it is necessary to develop in the name of virishuvati creative staff, I will transfer systematically and lastly to re-create the action, to return to the new, spiraling into sub-active knowledge of scientists, to become the basis of a systematic, dialectical goal, to become a stable, productive, open-minded approach to creativity.

The development of the creative activity of scientists is healthy in the process of creative creative activity, in the stench of intercourse with the modern action and with the people.

Creative activity is a productive form of academic activity, it is focused on the development of education by creative awareness of knowledge, development, re-implementation, vikorstannya in the new quality of material organic and spiritual culture in the process of education

If I’m doing something, I’m also a creative person, you can imagine a show of singing workshops in front of the vigil. Mi dotrimuєmosya looked І. E. Unt, that such characteristics of creative establishments are inevitable, such as “that I can see from the scientists of creative activity”, in which the scholars are guilty “to know the way of virility, to find knowledge in new minds,” ...

The decision to be a prelude to the transmission of a theoretical and methodological strategy, in which it can be methodological input until the end of the day. The problem of the development of creative activity in the given hour comes from the positions of the system-functional, complex, special-organizational, individual-creative and the first steps.

Systemic pidhid, which sklav the general scientific basis of preliminaries, on the thought of G.V. Terekhova, є one of the most effective random methods scientific knowledge, Oskіlki allow for analysis, doslіjuvati, development of a singular object yak tsіlіsnu, one system. In the past, the systemic thinking allows one to discern in the same way the versatility of the different types of creative workshops and methods and methods; the importance of the development of different types of creative activity, so that the effectiveness of the development of the creative activity of scientists is not guaranteed.

Osobistіsno-dіyalnіsny pіdhіd at doslіdzhennі peredbachaє rozvitok tvorchoї aktivnostі molodshih shkolyarіv at protsesі dіyalnostі in hodі yakoї teacher not obmezhuє freedom Vibor (Poshuk) method vikonannya CREATIVE zavdan, zaohochuє konstruyuvannya cutaneous uchnem osobistіsnih CREATIVE produktіv, vrahovuє sub'єktivno-CREATIVE dosvіd uchnіv, іndivіdualno -psychological peculiarities of young schoolchildren, who will learn through the transformation and form of creative workers.

Creativity in the classroom at the school's school is guilty of being ordered by a single system of creative workshops, through yaku and learning to master, comprehend specific details, to understand the formulation of tips.

pid system creative zavdan There are a lot of people who are involved in creative work that are designed on the basis of innovative methods of creativity and are organized on the basis of new

The visions of groups of creative workers allow you to see the wizards of the systems of creative workers from the viewers of the groups of creative workers who are able to develop, learn, organize healthy creativity, practical creative schools The developmental function is to be of a primary, strategic nature and to prevent positive influx into the development of the creative activity of young schoolchildren. The cognitive function is focused on the expansion of creative awareness, the introduction of new methods of creative activity by the scientists. The essence of the organizational function of the field is in the split of style interest to creative activity and at the same time from the cognitive, basic, supporting for all systems and creative establishments. The practical function is focused on rejection of creative products by young schoolchildren in different types of practical activity.

The system of creative workers, on our thought, is literally infused into the misleading, mova, uyava, activity of the child. Creative work allows you to widely spiral into subtle awareness of the child and the whole sound from the concept of a special-oriented science. It is important that the creative work was of an evolving character.

Creative work is guilty, by the way, to penetrate the whole lesson from the ear to the end, right away from those lessons and goals and workshops put on the new one.

In such a rank, having analyzed the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of creative activity, we come before the onset of a visit:

1. With a clear phenomenological need to understand the "creativity" and "creativity" є presentation and the need for their development so as not to be afraid of the wickedness. Creativity is the whole style (characteristic) of efficiency, and creativity is the price of the individual psychological characteristics of creative specialty.

2. Young school age є a sensitive period for the development of creative activity, the little child is active and supple for her nature. The peculiarities of the young school are very much infused into the cognitive possibilities of children, the further development of the new development and the factors of the formation of creativity, such as the extraordinary universal building up to creativity.

3. Success in new and developed creative specialties is not only a matter of good quality knowledge and knowledge. Creativity is transferred to the development of special features, and in the whole development of the school is borrowed from one of the central missions. Ale taka school is guilty, but it is motivated by the unconventional principles of organizing the initial and violent process. Creativity and non-standard behavior at the prompting of school education is clearly interconnected.

4. Development of creative activity of children of a young school student can learn about the skin: at the level of mathematics, Russian language and reading, rhetoric, supportive knowledge, etc.

2. Experimental development of the problem of development of creative activity of children of the young school age

2.1 Diagnostics of the level of creativity of young schoolchildren

To develop the effectiveness of the training at the level of creative workers for the development of the creative activity of young schoolchildren, we carried out an experimental preliminaries, which took place in three stages. At the first Experimental experiment, children were diagnosed with a level of creativity.

Another stage of the experiment is the form - having polished at the lessons conducted with the scholars in the system of creative workers for the development of creative activity among children.

At the third stage - the control one - we have carried out an analysis of the results of the young schoolchildren's creativity.

Otzhe, meta experiment: the development of the efficiency of the system and creative staff for the development of creative activity among children.

The presenters took the fate of 28 students 2 "A" to the class of the KPK "School-kindergarten No. 6" in Brest. The skin school for the processing of the results in the experiment was assigned a serial number in an alphabetical list (supplement 1).

In this day, for the assessment of the level of creativity of the best, the test of Torrance's creative mission is widely used - adaptations of options, vikoniy Tunik O.O., a battery of creative tests, based on the tests of Gilford, adaptations of the options for the creativity of the creative mind ...

The robots were victorious about creativity Opituvl J. Renzulli.

Opituvlnik creativity - tse `` active '', which can be stacked in ten points, a list of characteristics of creative thinking and behavior, arrangements specially for identifying the manifestation of creativity, accessible to the most urgent care. The nurse's reserve is 10-20 chilines, in the fallowness of the number of estimates and admissions the doctor keeps.

The skin point is to be evaluated on the basis of the expert's caution for behavior to guide us to individuals in young situations (in class, at work, at gatherings, etc.) classmates, etc., as well as self-assessment (students of 8-11 grades).

The expert's skin point is to be judged by the scale, to avenge the chotiri gradations:

4 - permanently,

3 - often,

2 - inodi,

· 1 - seldom.

A general assessment of creativity є a sum of points for ten points (the minimum possible rating is 10, the maximum is 40 points).

creative Specifications:

1. Superbly supplementing in the regions themselves: constantly supplying power for nothing and for everything.

2. Visuvah a great number of new ideas or problems; often promoted independent, non-standard, original versions.

3. Vilny and Nezalezhniy in a twisted mind, sometimes hot in a superhevy; notions and promptings.

4. Chi Zdatny Rizikuwati; obtrusive and quick-witted.

5. Viddaє perevagu zavdannya, tied with a "rosum"; fantasizing, volodya uyavoyu ("tsikavo, it will become, yaksho ..."); manipuluє ideas (zmіnyu, retrospectively razroblyaє їх); to love engaging in stasis, polish and change of rules and regulations.

6. Volodya subtly feels humor and thinks out in situations that are not smart people.

7. I understand my impulsiveness and accept in myself, I am more inclined to accept the non-vicious in myself (a great manifestation of "typical female" interest for lads; little girls are not young and old) show emotional sensitivity.

8. Maє feels beautiful; I will give respect to the aesthetic characteristics of speeches and appearances.

9. I’ll get my head up and down; not to be afraid of being different from others; Individuals, do not get caught up in details; calmly put to the creative mess.

10. Criticism is constructive; it is not schillous to give in to authoritative thoughts without a critical assessment.

Processing Danih: The skin item should be evaluated and entered into a special list of reports (supplement 2).

rivn creativity

In our experimental experiment, we got rid of offensive results:

Table 1

Results of the constant stage of the experiment

rooms creative characteristics

soum baliv































From the same table, 1 vipliv, which viprobovanі may vіznіy rіven of creativity:

· The majority of scholars - 13 individuals, to become 46.4%, scored from 21 to 26 points, indicating the average level of creativity;

1 schoolboy (3.5%) having scored 13 points in total - at a new duzhe low rіven creativity;

· 5 vip tests (17.8%) may be high (from 27 to 33 points) and low (16-20 points) equal to creativity;

· In 4 scholars (14.2%) - even higher rіven - stench scored from 34 to 40 points.

describe formє step experiment

Within the framework of the molding stage of the experiment, on the basis of a systemic and especially-special approach, a system of creative schools was broken up, directed to the development of the creative activity of young schoolchildren in the initial process. The result of the function is a high level of development of the creative target, creative recognition, the establishment of methods of creativity by the scientists in the process of making a decision (supplement 3).

The success and the best in new life lies in the fact that a teacher can help to develop individual health, quality and talent of the skin. Here children can help themselves, as if there will be more nobility about themselves, about the specialness of their respect, memory, about thinking about spilkuvatsya. The solution to the problem of the reader is efficiently victorious at a complex of creative workshops, vicarious vimag of individual solutions, in the mind of realizing one's “I”.

Such creative work can be seen in the employment of rhetoric, reading, supportive knowledge ("Lyudina and svit").

Rizni vidi of creative directors take the vocabulary stock of young schoolchildren, which prodovzhuz obmezhenim, zokrema, according to the vocabulary of human vidnosin. The preservation of the words of a given group is of great importance for the correct norms of behavior. The main reason the lack of a stock of moral manifestations and ryvnya їkh zagalnosti, on the thought of psychologists, in the fact that a thematic group will be taken up by the schoolchildren spontaneously, empirically, without criticality from the side of the teacher.

You see, you see how to take the development of the creative activity of young schoolchildren:

1.tins and mimics as small as variability of the weary movement;

2. creativity creativity;


4. a robot with a vocabulary;

5. development of the game;

6. krylati words;

7. Responsiveness.

Effectively, if the methodology of all robots in the busyness is conceived as a gasp on the right, as a way of creativity from scientists and, obviously, from a teacher. To the students of the grasp of a serious, enthusiastic explanation of how to read the textual material, the setting of a problematic character with the introduction of a new plant, victorious games, cool plots, with the help of the active participants in the situation.

We didn’t get enough of the material before the lessons, so I’ll start learning about the development of the target, the creative health of the scientists, and I’m interested in the subject.

They made a non-standard form of lessons: lessons for the road, lessons for kazki, lessons for zmagannya, lessons of KVK, lessons of "Brain-ring". The productive way of introducing the system into the system is the method of cherguvannya plant, which is done in different ways, the establishment of the plant, development of the plant, which is to produce it to forgiveness and acceleration. They created problematic situations, and used to organize research on a whim. As a result, the learner starts playing the role of a presenter, which is new knowledge for himself. Children befitting themselves pratsyuvati independently, do not be afraid to take a pardon at the sight, to that, the stench of reason, as the teacher is ready to help him.

We are depriving ourselves of the deyakie priyoms, as Vikorists took part in the mathematics lessons for the activization of the creative misinformation of scientists. The development of a creative mindset in academics in the process of mathematics development by them is one of the topical faculties to stand in front of teachers in a modern school. The main way of such a development and development mathematical usefulness uchniv є zavdannya.

The functions of the plant are even more versatile: starting, developing, shifting, controlling. The skin is proponated for the revision of the scientists and can serve the specific goals of the new day. And all the same, the main meta is to develop the creativity of scholars, to trick them into mathematics, to bring mathematical facts to the "clue". In the classroom, great meanings were given the sound "uchen-uchen" (a robot in pairs, in groups). Children are happy to come up with puzzles, puzzles, іgri:

Gra "Know the numbers"

- standing up v pislyavitsi missed name numbers:

1. ... once see - ... see (see, one)

2. Not May ... rubles, but May ... friends (one hundred)

3. ... there is no war in the field (one)

4. Soul ... and bazhan ... (one thousand)

5. ... days of Balakanini are not part of one feat (one thousand)

6. ... people don't know - know everything ... (three, thirty)

7. ... do not rob the spring of spring (one)

Head over to the verses "Respect in your mind, not on your fingers"

18 sadzhantsiv in rows

planted schoolchildren vgarden,

here midnight s dovgimivousami

virost on 9 things va number of

I AM want, schob shvidko in andrespected

hand підійміть, hto ready.

skіlki vyishlo thererow?

skin day know - tailor

shiv 3 droplets, 7 kashketiv

A 15 days pass -

skіlki vin speeches sewing?

Zavdannya, how to conceive the very children:

1. There are 10 fingers on the hands. Finger swings on 10 hands? (50)

2. On the ridge there were 7 townspeople. Before them, a whale crawled and one buried. Are there any gorobts left on the ridge? (0)

3. What number of styles and letters, how many numbers in its name? (Hundred)

4. Why do you want to add all the numbers? (0)

5. Masa pivkhlibini - pivkilogram and pivbuhantsya. Yaka masa whole loaf? (1 kg).

6. Take two fathers and two saints to the theater, get only three incoming receipts. Yak can you bootie? (Hope, daddy, sin).

7. Yak from three sierniks to grow shit, not lamayuchi їkh? (Vi)

8. Name five days, not naming dates and names of days according to the calendar (the day after the day, the day before, today, tomorrow, tomorrow).

The riddle is a whole lot of food cunning, scho vimagaє vidpovid. Riddles zmushuyut child respectfully thought of the word in the skin, tied with the other words, they know the similarity and vision. Vyroblyayut at schoolchildren in the mind of seeing the smut, mainly in the understanding. For example, in mathematics lessons, we learned the following riddles:

be in love all won ledariv,

A її ice - dumb! (Dvіyka)

dovotelesiy Timoshka

to live on vuzenkoy road

yogo follow - your pratsi (Олівець)

hoch NOT drops, a s fields,

Chi not Quote, a s korintsy

growing s us

all zrozumіlim my(Book)

live v important books

cunning brothers

ten їх, ale brothers ci

give a fuck all on light(Figures)

As a result of bagatorazovyh change and accelerate, the child's mind will become more hospitable, and the wine itself will become more and more attractive. Children have a change from going to the top of the building, the building is growing ugly, especially to grow up near the top of the farm, which may have a few options for the solution, the factory on the combination of the building.

Mіrkuvannya scholars are lasting, proving, logical, and mova - clear, overconfident, argued. To develop an interest in the subject, to form the originality of the mission, in the mind of analyzing, breaking, using and storing knowledge in non-standard situations.

Even in the creative joke of the lungs, it didn’t change, so the ease with the goals set and, even more valuable, the tools for self-control and self-judgment develop.

An outstanding bureaucrat is an important official who is becoming a specialty at the same hour. The cognitive interest in the outwardly directing of the schoolboy's competence, and perhaps a significant role in the structure of his particularity. Influencing the cognitive interest in the form of specialness to take care of the low minds:

· Let's develop the development of interest (strength, glybin, stiykistu);

· Character (rich, broad interests);

· Myscem of great interest to the middle motives and their interaction;

· Svoєrіdnіstu interest in the educational process;

· Tangle of living.

Assigned to understand and be sure of a depth in the pour of an educational interest in the specialty of a schoolboy.

The teacher's skill in realizing the system of creative institutions on the basis of the vision of the complex of pedagogical minds was cleverly divided into several direct, skin-hard times, in the development of the creative activity of scientists in the development of systematic creative work.

The first straightforward is the implementation of a system of creative enterprises, based on the formation of objects, situations, occurrences, the accumulation of creative awareness through the development of the number of objects, the appearance of situations , ...

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