Categories of people in suspension. No one can’t afford to be discriminated against for acquaintance, social, posadovy and mine camp, stati, race, nationality, mov, put before the religion, perekonan, mice of living for any

The social role is a concept of status and role, which is one of the most popular theories in sociology. Be it Lyudin is a part of the suspension, the society and, according to the new vicon, have a number of functions, in conjunction with which, in the given concept, the specialty is a sub'ctom. Seemingly, American sociologists laid down the fundamentals of the concept of specialness, they were Bully R. Minton, J. Mead and T. Parson, and there is a lot of merit for the contribution of their own power and potential to the development of the status-role concept.

Social status and social role - there are basically two people who describe people. The individual, taking a singing place in the suspension, is locked in a huge position and right and right and right. Same position and design for a person. One hour a lyudin volodya decilkoma statuses, one of the main ones, abo basic, so the main status is the tse of profession abo posada people.

The social role is the whole function of the people, as they are the vicon within the framework of their social status in particular and the vrahoyuch, but in the same people there are only a few statuses, then, apparently, there are a lot of roles. Zagalnaya sukupnist within the framework of one social status - price є social set. Lyudina is a visitor of more social roles, as in the case of a new manager, she has a status and a position in the suspension.

The social role of people, who is working in a security agency, is fundamentally transformed into a role-playing set of the President of the country, and everything is smart and easy. For the first time, the American sociologist T. Parson has systematized the roles;

  1. The social role is the whole, which is regulated in some types of events. For example, the social role of the sovereign service is strictly framed, and the role of the person who serves as a chap is highly variable and individual.
  2. These roles are superbly emotional, and they are strict and streamlined.
  3. Social roles can be realized in a way of rejection. Tse lie in the social status, which can be lost or reached by people independently.
  4. The scale and commitment is more important within the framework of the same social role is clearly defined, but in others it has not been established.
  5. Determination of the role is motivated by special interests, for the sake of enriching the community.

It is important to remember that the social role - the whole model of behavior - is balanced between the role of the ochikuvannya and the character of the people. That is, it’s not a precise mechanism and scheme, as it can be found out from a specific social role, but the role behavior is specific in the fallowness of the individual characteristics of people. Once again, zakrypimo, the social role of the people is amortized by the specific social status, the rotated singing profession, the sphere of activity. For example, vicladach, musician, student, salesman, director, accountant, politician. The social role of the specialty is determined by an assessment from the side of the suspension, to grapple or to condemn. For example, the role of zlochintsya or povії is a huge condemnation.

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1. Spіvvіdnoshennya to understand "individual", "specialness", "individuality" with the understanding of "lyudin"

Lyudin is a very rich and multi-quality phenomenon, a product of suspension, natural taste, a sub'ct of culture, etc. To this, for his own sake, the turn of the children is understood by the children, who are the ones who: " lyudin" , " individ" , " individuality" , " specialty".

witness " lyudin" the image of the common kind of rice, the power of the human individual, its biological organization, the evidence, mova, the state of the art. In such a rank, it gives the very bogeyman and that borderline abstract characterization of the individual, diminished by his concrete image.

Understand well " individ" it means people as a single representative of the human race, which can be found at once to nature, and to the suspension, which is united in their own identity of biological authorities and social viglyad.

Alle yak individ dressings with suspension, which allows the ringing to be individual but individual and aspire to a special autonomy?

The problem of indivisibility has made respect for those in attendance and tied up with food, who can become oneself, self-reliant, unique specialty. Individualism is the unrepeatable freedom of some kind of phenomenon, near the essence, and, naturally, in the first place, it is perceived to the people, it is impossible to perceive something without it in the quality of individuality.

The value of individuality is to try to comprehend the importance of a specific sub'єct, which is a single parameter. Determination of value is the acceleration of a simple vision of the fact that people have become aware of the formation and development of their uniqueness. At the same time, the vicious accent of the brutalization to the people is not only not to get involved, but to serve as a permanent orintir and by means of the comprehension of human reality, the most important characteristic characteristic.

The nature itself is in a specialty not only of zagalnovy, but unique, unique signs that appear already on the genetic basis. The biological non-repetition of organisms is hard-coded by the genotype and will be able to survive with any kind of change. dovkilla... Chim is more broad in biology and development of individuals, it is in the midst of a camp to form from them in nature.

Likewise, the success of the function and development of the suspension of the transfer of the expression of the singing level of the versatility of its members. The very versatility of its members, the ability to clearly change individualities and the wealth of any kind of suspension and culture. Therefore, individual freedom of people is the law of social development. Tse and є so the titles are the paradox of individuality The success of the singing unification of the individuals, for example, professional, and suddenly it is impossible to realize without the care and development of the individualities of people and souls. In a whole sense of individuality, it is possible to develop a huge way of understanding people.

Individuality and uniqueness are not the same, but the same. The single fact of the emergence of individuality, which influences the popularity of the individual, does not depend on the value of the individual boot. Seeing the value of individuality through uniqueness є a formal characteristic, not tied to a zystical analysis.

Individualism is not built up to the specificity of the individual, it is not the same as the specificity. Tse is far from being the only sign of individuality. It is not for nothing in the antique philosophy of the wine vzagal not grave sutta roles in the characteristics of the individual bootty. The backwardness is straightforward to the glance of the ancient Greeks, who looked at the light of the old circle and the repetition of the boottea, was built up to the seat of the preference of the backwardness over the visionary vision.

The main reason for the fact that the non-repetition of an individual is not the same as an individual, the fact is that it has a designated individual and a general characteristic. The individuality of the way to the curvature of a single, bagatorny structure, is tied to the general statements about the specialty.

Those who show the individuality both on the biological, on the psychic, and on the social ravnya, I will explain why it is interesting to become interested in the sciences. Do not allow to talk about individuality as a biological, psychological and social problem.

Most importantly, the very term "individuality" means the unity of the versatile. Therefore, in order to deal with the problem of individuality, it is necessary to tell the person not only how to write, but how to close the system from the point of view of the whole. Lyudin is a unity of internal interrelationships of power.

Obviously, indivisibility є the system is unmistakably closed. "Acceptance" and "security" in the common world is necessary for the normal functioning of the system. In order for the individuality to be strong, it is to blame for the skin's time impenetrable for the new middle age, but with all its individuality, individuality is dependent on a part of the new age, in the post-winter

Yak tsіlіsna system individuality includes in itself, in Perche, zagalny rice, Power is individ as a representative of a biological species and human suspension; in a different way, special signs, which are attached to the participant of specific suspicious messages; in third, one by one signs, tied with the specificity of the biological organization, social otochennya.

The appointments of the power of the people, taken by themselves and not as simple as it is, are simple, but with the urahuvannya of all internal interconnection and integrity, - and to establish the individuality of the people. Sounds, as a concrete іsto and individuality of volodі to such a suspicious butty, in a kind of singular and remote, natural and social, not just a presence, but together, they are angry at the same time.

Individualism in a rational way is manifested in material light, organic nature and human suspension. There is a general understanding of the development of the form: substantive, biological and social. Until the number of the most foreign signs of indivisibility of being recognized: distinctiveness, consistency, self-consistency, unrepeatability, activity, as in this world of being entangled in all forms.

The value of individuality as a systemic, integral process of the field in the kintsev rakhunka is not in the overhauled rice, but in the vision of the head systematic factor, which makes sense of the whole situation. Such a daydreaming official of indivisibility, which is characterized by the very different characteristics, є self-confidence specific individa, This building is oneself, in the form of an independent thing within the framework of the natural, social, cultural whole.

Signs of singularity and non-repetition in connection with the cym are not the criterion of the understanding of individuality and the fact that they do not rotate the whole and self-contained character.

Daniy pidkhid is not intertwined with the fixation of the naked fact of uniqueness and non-repetition of individuality, but allows the creation of the internal structure and mechanism of function and development. Only on such a basis, it is possible not formally, but organically to include individuality in the background sound, to show its role in the same system, as an element of its own. Such an understanding gives the ability to connect with the processes and tendencies of social development.

Significantly in a whole connection, it is often unique, unrepeatable in individuality to pretend to be the very beliefs of the foreign, typical power of the people. Still, it’s right that the respect is right, but the pose is not like the sound of the ghostly individuality. Ale nevirna and іnsha extremeness - the reduction of individuality to the far-flung power of the people. І in that, і in the first place, the individuality of the vlasny value... In the first one, they are destructive in uniqueness and in vipadosti; in the other, they differ in uni versal. Yes, there is a clear understanding of a human being in one of the lonely and out-of-the-way authorities, the understanding of individuality and the very characterization of that particularity.

Individual view in the sense of individuality, if it is taken into autonomy yogo buttya. All people live in a suspension, albeit skinny, while living their individual lives, so that they see themselves at an apparently independent "butt point", and they allow them to actively, creatively manifest themselves in their own world. The individuality of a human being is not a style in the fact that the skinny individual is unrepeatable, if the moment of the individual is also laid down in this, and in that, the skinny representative of the human race is a tseremiy, self-made light, being inclusive, self-reliance.

Obviously, the independence of an individual spirals on its non-repetition, or one hour or on that foreign powers, Shho zv'zuyut yogo from birth. Skin іndivіlstіst nabuv its autonomy in front of the start of the role, as you see in the suspension. The axis of what is indivisibility is not possible as the absolute indivisibility of indivisibility from the most recent world. The essence of individuality becomes the self-confidence of the individual, so that it spirals on a permanent basis in relationship with the suspension.

The definition of individuality as a special form of buttha people in the suspension allows the biology of the development to be improved, but because of this it is given to people from nature, and in the suspension it is deprived of socialization. Vono are also straightened out against psychologism, so that they intertwine individuality with the sphere of evidence, psychological peculiarities of particularity. There is also the possibility of presenting the individuality as a special form of the character of a particular people, taken in one natural and social power.

2. Lyudina yak ob'єkt і sub'єkt suspіlnyh vіdnosin

The entire history of social social thought is brought to mind in the process of being discussed in the suspension processes: the life of the people, which is included in the mutual relations with other people in order to satisfy the demands of any kind. But not only the life of the people characterizes the value of the suspension, but the suspension of the form of the human being is like the weight of the mislead, which Volodya is my own and the most direct creative activity is the shape of the individual.

A special place in social structures loan suspension lyudin as the main, cob element of the whole structure, without which there is no social action, no connection and communication, no social news, Spіlnot і groups, nі social institutions and organizations. Lyudin immediately і sub'єkt і object of the most suspicious vidnosyn. It is correct to think that like people are also suspension; However, it is not less true that such privatization is such a member of the suspension. Yak justly respects the well-known Yugoslav sociologist Er. Lukach, "Lyudina is a product of a suspension of і th laws, and a suspension є as such, as it is є, in fact, it is a suspension of people, that is, in a new community, people, and not іnshі іstoti". Tse does not mean, meaning vin dal, but the Russian suspension will increase its visibility as a human being, or to visit the Persha as a human; ale tse means that a person is one of the factors that start suspension.

Lyudin - alive isstota So, volodya don’t mislead and move, build some wizards, and take them in the process of suspenseful work. From a biological point of view, a lyudin is the price of finding the steps for the development of creatures on earth. At that hour, the behavior of the creature will start to become instincts, the behavior of the people will start to be missed, by the senses, by will, by the step of understanding the laws of nature, suspension, and oneself.

3. Understanding freedom, її philosophical, ethnic and political and legal aspects

Sproschenskie-materialistic intelligence of the freedom of will of the people, but tying him only if necessary, to see the knowledge, in fact, liberating the people of the world of freedom. The French philosopher P. Golbakh meaning: "all of his children have a need for people. Yogo freedom of will is a chimera." For Büchner, freedom is the freedom of people with clasped hands, freedom of birds in the heart. Surely, if everything is unambiguously necessary, if there are no bad things, possibilities, if a person is a machine gun, then there is no need for freedom. If a person knows the need for something, then the price of knowledge may not change the position. Zlochinets, who perebuva at the vyaznitsa and "know" the need, does not become vіlnіm.

Є y іnshe interpretation of freedom, opposed to the pershіy. Freedom, vvazhayut, tse "the ability to fix it as you want. Freedom - tse the freedom of the will. The will - for your day depends on the will" ("Philosophical vocabulary". Per. With it. Ed. G. Shmidt. P.523). Katerina Velika said: "freedom is a whole thing if nothing else can be done to rob those that I do not want." In її vustah it sounds cute, won’t catch the oppression of freedom is not a necessity (it’s like it’s easier to handle it!), Skіlki primus.

Ale yak bootie with absolute freedom, why should the acting theoreticians-philosophers be voiced? The manifestation of such freedom is summarily.

In one French legend, there is a talk about the trial of a man, a yak, swinging his hands, hatefully smashing nіs іnshіy people. The accusations were made against him, but you just can't let your free hands be freed up. The ship's decision to drive it was written: accusations are guilty, so as the freedom to swing with the hands of one people will end there, decease them.

Freedom, as a bachimo, maybe not for the nobility of the people, as if from the pompous ones, and then they were obviously evil deeds of people. Freedom does not come into conflict with the elementary norms of life. Dimitrov at once declaring: "Fascism and the legal system - two speeches are absolutely insane"; "Fascism is the essence of the great capital of the bandy. The same is the regime of the ruling criminal." "Freedom" and "svavilla" for the "ruling criminal" is freedom, for the people - svavilla, terror.

Only a French legend has been introduced, demonstrating an elementary phenomenon: there is no absolute freedom, freedom is always available (and not only from looking at the obvious quiet framework for your health; and the іnshu assessment - in the іnshiy "vіdlіku system").

Uyavimo, that individual dosyag maximum or absolute freedom in light. Having become so awesome, the people are more intelligent, so that freedom turned into a boundless self-determination. "Through Freedom" is the title of the book by the American philosopher E. Fromm. The name is kindly conveyed to the sentiments of such people: "but for me this is freedom?" Having lost all the forms of fallowing, the individual vreshty-resht to become one of his own individual "self". Znikaє nature, suspension. Know the numerical ultrasound, as they holed and surrounded the freedom of the people, they did not rob him of the people close to him, tied him with singing speeches. "Lyudina vilna" - "tse means, vin samotniy". In "Brothers Karamazov" F.M. Worthy of the words of the Great Inquisitor, having cared for an important thought: "Nothing and nothing has come for the people, and for the human suspension, the unbearable freedom"

Freedom is not only the vibration of mobility (such a vibration is also the kind of primus), freedom is creativity, creativity, which is earlier than nothing. "The meaning of freedom as a choice is more formal than the meaning of freedom. There is only one moment of freedom. The right freedom is not only, if people are guilty of vibrating, but only, if they are guilty of vibrating. Here we come to a new meaning of freedom, freedom in reality. Through the freedom of people, you can create absolutely new life, new life of suspension and light. є making a hole in the whole world ".

The concept of freedom of N.A. Berdyaєva priznim є obgruntuvannya of what is good, freedom is є, first for everything, creativity. I like the moment of freedoms are not mali b on respect - vibir of the possibilities in material light anyway new situation- the creativity of the people is everywhere. But nevertheless, as bi did not impress us with the overwhelming pathos of this concept, we cannot wait for this derminism.

Deterministic philosophy has the freedom to think like the building of people and their children in view of their interests and goals, spiraling to the knowledge of active needs. Antonyms of the term "freedom" in such a kind of vistupaє "primus", so that the individual is injected into the flow of any inviting forces, in spite of its internal reconciliation, goals and interests.

The process of opposing freedom to a primus is fundamentally important, fragments of a primus are not the same need. For a moment, he brutalized the respect of B. Spinoza. "You vvazhaєte, - writing in his own opponents, - wins the growth of the need and the primus, or violence. The hatefulness of people to life, love, and so on. ("Vibrani create". U 2 T. M., 1957. T. II. S. 584 - 585). "I call this kind of riches, as I know and for the same reason the needs of my nature; in my mind, I call those who are not determined to be determined for being there and before acting. Those who have freedom and need not by antipodes, transferring the knowledge of the possibility of knowing freedom without any need or need.

Human awareness and science will show you how you can guide yourself to the first glance of the spiritual life of the people, the people who are already enlightened by the internal light of the people, or even the most inviting surroundings. Absolute freedom of will is the whole of abstraction from the real process of the formation of the willful act of people. Crazy, the volition of people, tied with a choice of goals and motives of performance, start in the main inner light, light of the light, ale internal light people, for the sake of witness is not a prototype of the call of the light, but of the imagination of the image of the call of the world It is an active determination of appearances in the light, an active natural need to appear in the light of the witness of a logical and psychological need, which is connected with human ideals, an image, an understanding. Moreover, the very aim of human activity is to lie in the basis of a vivid choice of the line of behavior of people, to start with interests, to discover in the course of this practical activity, to be in the form of a particular form of development of the house.

Really vіlne dіyu people vistupaє persh for all as vibіr alternative lines of behavior. Freedom є there, de є vibir: vibrate the goals of activity, vibrate the way, lead to the reaching of goals, vibrate vchinkiv in the singing life situation, etc. Based on the active choice of the situation є about the active understanding of the spectrum of possibilities, which begin by the way of the active laws and the minds of the minds, in which the laws of realizing their life, into the result of which it is possible. In the active light of the implementation of the skin pod, the forefront of the whole spectrum of possibilities. In the end of the day, in realizing in reality, we will only reject one of them, and the very one, for the purpose of building some part of it, is necessary, and partly, it is necessary to think about it. In the nature of the real situation, the choice is not guilty: the possibility is realized that is guilty of realizing in the current minds. For the winners of the people who are overwhelmed by the testimony, the situation changes. Knowing the laws of nature and suspension, people grow old to see and grow in energy; it can be brought in to the side of quiet minds, when such power can be realized. As a matter of fact, he is faced with a problem of choice: how is the possibility of guilty being realized for the additional work?

It can be seen that the situation of the choice can be explained without the obviousness of the active regularity of the events and appearances. I also give a choice for the situation є. of different minds, Necessary for її realizatsії. It is possible for those who do not overstep the observational laws, for the realization of what they need to understand. In other words, the world of versatility is directly proportional to the world of your need. However, the very situation of choice is not freedom, but it is not necessary to change the mind of freedom, of a vilnoe dey. The very act of a vilny intercourse with the vibration of the singing alternative in the situation of the vibration and the realization in action. The vibe of an alternative behavior is due to all the general attitudes of the people, and the stench in its own accord is the character of practical activity and this sukupnist knowledge, which is a human being. Knowing, on the yak, the sub'ct is spiraling in its own choice of alternatives, є first for all the knowledge of the need. Lyudina vibrates that line of behavior, as for a new man's inner need in the light of the obvious in his order of knowledge.

One of the aspects is to show human freedom є the building of the people to re-create the new world, the building of the person to re-create oneself and that new social, partly of which is the wine є. The change in the mindset of building oneself is also the outcome of the pre-social stage of the evolution of motherhood with the outcomes of systems with organic integrity. "At the points of transition from one I will begin to develop an object, which has an altogether great number of" steps of freedom "and is in the mind of the need to vibrate from a number of possibilities, as there is no need for a variety of specific forms of tension. development, ale th on that important furnishings, how to develop the object yak bi to create his own history "(Blauberg IV, Sadovskiy VN, Yudin YG" Systemic pidhid in modern science"//" Problems of the methodology of systemic awareness ". M., 1970. P.44).

Freedom (і I know the savage respect for the simplicity of N. Berdyaev's concept) є creativity, "the creativity of the one who didn’t beat him before."

All that is said is allowed to be true, but within the framework of the intrinsic concept of determinism, freedom can be assigned as a form of self-determination and self-organization of matter, which manifests itself in social development.

The problem of free will is closely tied to the problem of moral and legal attitudes towards people for their children. Just as a person by the force of the suppression of the death of that chi іnshiy vchinok, then guilt cannot be borne for the new moral chi and legal prominence. With the butt of such a vchinku є trauma or vvvivnie kvaltivnik in the order of self-defense.

People are responsible for the transfer of their opinion in front of the administration for their children. "Freedom and vision are the two sides of one whole - the knowledge of the common people. Freedom and the power of goal-setting action, the health of children in the knowledge of the right to take care of the reality, zasobi її dosyagnennya vіdpovіdayut ob'єktivnim minds zakonomіrnim tendentsіyam rozvitku dіysnostі - vіdpovіdalnіst same Je diktuєtsya ob'єktivnimi minds їh usvіdomlennyam i sub'єktivno postavlenoї methylene neobhіdnіst Vibor method dії, neobhіdnіst aktivnoї dіyalnostі for zdіysnennya tsієї methylene Freedom porodzhuє vіdpovіdalnіst, vіdpovіdalnіst napravlyaє. freedom "(Kosolapov R.I., Markov BC Freedom and visibility. M., 1969. P.72).

It is familiar to the scientific and philosophical sight, and freedom, and vision can be misleading only in the light, de іnu active sensibility, determinism. Accepting decisions and actions based on the knowledge of the active need, people are ready to formulate in their own way, feeling the prominence of the suspension for their own children. The rise in progress suspicious properties, Equivalent social institutions, with existing social institutions. And to say, if people do not have a vision to themselves, to their own conscience, in a new one seeming social calls and blue. The understanding of freedom to appear is tied and the understanding of repentance. The problem of freedom, which includes in itself the problem of cognition and social action, and one of the problems of the world, is connected in one end with dialectics, theory of knowledge and ethics, as well as philosophy of philosophy and philosophy.

Freedom is one of the main philosophical categories, which characterizes the day-to-day of the people and their life, and how they can live in the power of the specialness of misery and activities in view of their calls and bosses, and not for the reason

For the specialty of volodinnya by freedom - a whole historical, social and moral imperative, a criterion for individuality and development of a suspension. A sufficient amount of freedom and specialness, a strict regulation of information and behavior, bringing people to the role of a simple "guintic" in the social and technological systems of the Shkodi plant, as a specialty, as well as suspension. In the Kintsev rakhunka, the very founders of freedom and specialties, the building up of building is not just accustomed to the natural and social conditions of everyday life, but also the redefinition of the ideas of freedom. Obviously, it’s not something that can’t be something abstract, it’s more absolute freedom of people, not from nature, not from suspension, or, at the same time, concrete material included - nation, class, power.

Lyudina Suspilna Social Law

4. Freedom and order, rights and obligations of the people

Zhodna philosophical problem Singingly, the great social and political sounds in the history of the suspension are not small, as the problem of freedom. The problem is especially formidable to find oneself in a modern era, if all growing masses of people are drawn into the struggle for practical achievement.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is recognized and guaranteed the rights and freedom of the people, up to the Constitution. The rights and freedom of people are not to be found in the skin of the people, to be absolute and unaccustomed, to change and fix laws and regulations.

The Gromadian of the Republic, by virtue of his very greatness, has rights and does not have any obligations. Inozems that individuals, without a community, claim rights and freedoms in the Republic, as well as carry obligations that have been established for the community, even though it has not been transferred to the Constitution, laws and international treaties. The creation of the rights and freedoms of the people and the community is not guilty of violating the rights and freedoms of those of them, forcing them in a constitutional manner and community morality.

Kozhen has the right to be recognized as legal personality and has the right to seize his rights and freedom at all not to overstep the law in ways that include necessary defense. Kozhen has the right to be a judge of his rights and freedoms.

Kozhen has the right to reject qualified legal assistance. In vipadkas, passed by the law, it is legally possible to do it without koshtovno.

No one can’t afford to be discriminated against for familiarity, social, posadovy and mine camp, stati, race, nationality, move, put to the relevance, change, a moment of living for those who are around.

Kozhen has the right to live.

Nichto is not right to completely amuse the people of life. The death penalty will be established by law as a vinyatkov world of punishment for terrorist mischief, tying people out of the dead, and also for especially grave mischief, imposed at the hour of war, due to the condemnation of the right to pity for mercy.

Kozhen has the right to special freedom.

Aresht and imprisonment is allowed only in cases passed by the law in cases of violation or deprivation from the sanction of the court on the basis of the stipulated right of revocation. Without the authorization of the court, a person can be traced to a term for no more than seventy two years.

Kozhen, who has been arrested, who is accused of being accused of being accused of a crime, has the right to confess to the aid of a lawyer (zahisnik) at the moment, apparently, when he is being harassed, or when the accused is announced.

The popularity of the people is underdeveloped.

Nichto is not guilty of conceit torture, violence, or something violent, or something that would belittle people’s gidnіst, cause me to punish myself.

Kozhen has the right to a lack of privacy in his private life, to a special person and family, to take away his honor and goodness.

Kozhen has the right to a private depository and special deposits, leaflets, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other information. Obmezhennya ts'go right is admitted only in vipadki and in order, directly established by law.

State organizations, community organizations, planting individuals and providing mass information about crops to protect the skin community from being able to learn from this right and information about documents, solutions and information

Kozhen has the right to start and vkazuvat or not vazuvat their nationality, party and religious affiliation.

Kozhen has the right to corystuvannya with my native culture and culture, to the vibrant vibe of movi spilkuvannya, vikhovannya, navchannya and creativity.

Freedom of speech and creativity is guaranteed. Censorship is obstructed.

Kozhen has the right to properly trim and expand information in a way that is not protected by law. The change of views, which is to become the state secrets of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is established by law.

Propaganda is not allowed for any propaganda of the violent war of the constitutional harmony, the destruction of the integrity of the Republic, the loss of the security of the state, war, social, racial, national, religious, such

The skin, who is legally rewarded on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, has the right to be oversubscribed according to the territory and the choice of living, except for the types of people enlightened by the law.

Kozhen has the right to see for the borders of the Republic. Gromadians of the Republic may have the right to turn freely to the Republic.

Kozhen has the right to freedom of conscience.

The establishment of the right to freedom of conscience does not need to be zoomed in, but rather to interconnect foreign and civil rights and obligations before the state.

Gromadians of the Republic of Kazakhstan conceal the right to freedom of obedience. The power of community bodies is regulated by law.

Kozhen has the right to freedom of work, a strong vibe to the kind of professionalism. Primusova is only allowed to be admitted to the general court, or in the minds of a supervising military camp.

Kozhen has the right to think about it, so that we can help people in security and society, to win the city for work without any discrimination, as well as social security in the form of security.

To recognize the right to individually and collectively argue against the vicarious parties established by law in ways that are permitted, including the right to strike.

Kozhen has the right to vidpochinok. As a rule, the labor contract is guaranteed by the law, the triviality of the working hour, svyatkov_ days, I will pay for a small amount of money.

The vein is unfinished. It is not allowed to let the life out of the way, for reasons of court. Penetration into the life, virobnitstva th look around and obshuku is allowed to deprive vipadki and in order, established by law.

The Republic of Kazakhstan has a job to provide a living for the huge people. Let us assign in the law the categories of giants, as they require living, and hope for an affordable payment from the state living funds, according to the norms established by the law.

Hromadians of the Republic of Kazakhstan can have their mothers at private power, be it legally dribbled.

Vlasnost, including the right of success, is guaranteed by law.

Nichto can not be the mercy of his own mine, in the case of decisions of the court. Primusovy vіdchuzhennya lane for state needs in vinyatkovy vypadki, transferred by law, can be virobbed for the reason of rіvnotsіnnogo yogo vіdshkoduvannya.

Kozhen has the right to freedom of activity, vilne vikoristannya its own lane for any legitimate entrepreneurial activity. Monopolistic activity is regulated and is interconnected by the law. Unfair competition is fenced off.

The Gromadian of the Republic of Kazakhstan is guaranteed a minimum amount of money pay wagesі pensions, social security for wickedness, in case of ailments, invalidity, in the third year, and in accordance with the laws of law.

To volunteer for social insurance, the establishment of additional forms of social security and goodness.

Gromadians of the Republic of Kazakhstan may concede the right to health protection.

Gromadians of the Republic may claim the right to free-of-charge guarantees of medical assistance, provisions of the law.

The rejection of paid medical aid in state and private medical facilities, as well as for individuals who are engaged in private medical practice, are carried out at offices and in the order established by law.

The Gromadians will be guaranteed without koshtovnu middle education in the sovereign rulers. Medium coverage є obov'yazkovoy.

Gromadyanin has the right to be rejected on a competitive basis without koshtovny great education in the sovereign princely fortune.

Otrimannya paid coverage in private primary mortgages to be established at the offices and in the order established by law.

The state will establish the formalities of the standards of education. be-like chief pledges guilty of compliance with the standards.

The state is to set up a guard for a navkolishny middle-class, friendly for the life and health of the people.

Prikhovannya by posovyi persons of the facts and circumstances, which clutter the life and health of people, is pulling for itself the opinion of the law.

Gromadians of the Republic of Kazakhstan have the right to peacefully and without fighting, to hold meetings, meetings and demonstrations, go and attend. Corruption with the right can be interconnected by law in the interests of national security, community order, protect health, and protect the rights and freedoms of others.

Gromadians of the Republic of Kazakhstan may have the right to take part in the ruling power on the right without a priori, and through their representatives, they take a special turn, and also send individual and collective beastly to the state bodies and bodies. miscellaneous self-priming.

Gromadians of the Republic may have the right to rob and be deprived of the state authorities and organs of the self-righteous self-assembly, and also take part in the republican referendum.

Do not deny the right to rob and be deprived, take part in the republican referendum of the community, declared by the court not published, as well as indulge in moments of letting go of the will in the general court.

Gromadians of the Republic give up the right to access to the sovereign service. Vimogi, who are presented to the candidate for the position of the sovereign service, will be summed up only by the nature of the position of the government and will be established by law.

The skin of the crop is subject to the Constitution and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to preserve the rights, freedom, honor and honor of those individuals.

Kozhen zobov'yazaniya shanuvati sovereign symbols of the Republic.

Payment of legally established taxes, collection of taxes and other obligatory payments є by a bandage and by a bandage of skin.

Zakhist of the Republic of Kazakhstan є a sacred bond and a binding of the skin of a huge man.

The giants of the Republic are to the service in the order and types established by law.

The community of the Republic of Kazakhstan crop harvesting about the preservation of history cultural decline, Take care of the monuments of history and culture.

Gromadians of the Republic of Kazakhstan goiters take care of the nature and are set up to the natural riches.

The rights and freedoms of the people and the community can be surrounded only by laws and deprivation in this world, in which case it is necessary to protect the constitutional order, protect the great order, rights and freedoms of the people, health and morality of the population.

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Described by those: school tvir on the topic: About the role of people in suspensions.

"The role of people in suspensions".

Happy people live in suspensions, because of the smell of the smell, so they share their fate in those who are corny for all the suspensions on the right. Singingly, more than one civilized person can not live without support, even so buy life, even and satisfied with the development of moral consumption. If a person cannot live without a suspension, who can a suspension do without a human being?

Singingly, skinny pinkness, there is no such people, without any kind of ziroued suspension. Ale i navpaki. I vvazhayu, as there is no needless people, and the skin has its own role and the skin is cinnamon for them. How can you start, what role will be grati concrete lyudin? Would you be able to lay down the price of something that will be forgiven by a hard worker, a literate Fakhivt or a wealthy investor, or perhaps a politician?

I think that the skin of a human being itself vibrates, as the role of this person will be grateful in the suspension. I’m sure it’s awesome and good for you, you don’t care about it, it’s good for everything, to get it. The head is not good enough, singing "fall" tse, melodiously, is the key factor itself. Of course, there should be no misunderstanding of the situation, if everything will be wrong, as it was conceived, but maybe it is, and radically navpaki. However, I am wondering if Putin didn’t want to become a president, he became a president, and also, if Mendeleev would try so hard, vivchayuchi chemistry elements, Youmu b dreamed about the famous table.

It is also a matter of fact that those who are guilty of being responsible for the role of people, and that they cannot become bosses all at once, even if it is possible to do so, see if it’s more prestigious, they’re just a good protagonist, and the bosses themselves are fighting for you, as for the prize.

(Painting by Kazimir Malevich "Vidpochinok. Suspension in cylinders" 1908)

Viznovok especially for myself, I have broken the offensive: the people will take over the role in the suspension in the world of his indispensability. And if it’s quite irrelevant, it’s necessary to carry out a majestic robot in the same region, as in Narazi most requested. However, all at once from the vyshekazanim, varto vrahovuvati, that the fair world is not blameless, and those who are not even demanded this year, tomorrow may appear to be not needed and navpaki. From the same time, it is necessary for mothers and for her, or else we also need to do it in a good way, and we cook it before unsuccessful changes.

2. A lot of people in the collective and support

A child was born in the homeland. At the decline from their fathers, they have taken away the human physiological organization, the human for the obsyag, the structures, the brain. How is the testimony of the child's soul, or, in fact, what will be your thoughts, experiences, manifestations? Kim in stanne, yakim, what is the place for a loan in a suspension? Maybe, everything is meant for a share, and those middle-class people who have been drinking at the time of the people are not of any significance in their development and development? Maybe it’s like before the photo flicker appears step by step and the image appears on it all the time, so in people in the course of their development will be deprived of the clearer appearance of those, which is laid in the new one in the ready-made view, sometimes?

The history of humanity, the history of the skin individual, shows, but not so.

Lyudin, having been born, immediately consumed in the midst of people, saw them pouring in. The role of the middle man is magnificent. Spіlkuvannya with people the form is not only because of the peculiarities of behavior, but on the basis of the very people, their testimony.

Posposterіgayte for the child. From themselves early rock I’m going to pour in, and for the help of people who are willing to drink, I’ll use objects, I’ll use objects for the first time, I’ll repeat the first words after growing up, I’ll know the meaning, as I grow older I’ll take away the first knowledge about the world. In the games, in the spіlkuvannі with the elders, the child sprymє and with its own development, for the pouring daddy, which is also good and also disgusting.

Also, the testimony is not inherent in the ready-made view of the people as a supernatural power, but is formed as a result of life in the suspension. It is possible to create such a pattern: it is in the minds of the life of the demand that the clue of quiet moods, the discovery, the pragmatism and the interests of people, the solution of the peculiarities of their psychology, of their specialties.

In the case of roses, they are alive, such as "lyudin", "specialty", "individ". They have, slyly, richly spіlny, ale є y vіdminnostі. Understanding "lyudin" is a big place. I’m seeing the integrity of the human being, one of all the manifestations of both social and biological. And the word "specialty" is alive and well, because of all the social power of people, such as, for example, as a relationship with other people, a place in suspension. We are not to be classified in the whole range of biological features, say, the shape of the nose, the color of the eyes, etc. I, nareshti, "individ". They reprimand them, if they want to say about a ludin, yak about an okremiy, a lonely representative social group, Show the lured to the very power of zonnishnost, psyche or behavior.

For skin people are characteristic ti chi іnshi psychological features, Singing spiritual light: feeling, mood, character, goodness, interest, ideals, praznennya, perekonannya, etc. Madly, the child will reject the decline from his fathers in the middle of the suspensions, protest the start in which Lyudin lives. The behavior of people to lie down from their natural organization, natural features, say, by type nervous system, Temperament. One, admittedly, is more likely to be moved by some drastic behavior, which is more important than streaming to oneself; Ale pid injected life, vikhovannya, character of activity natural power the nervous system can change, that is, when the minds are friendly, it can develop, and when the minds are nasty, it can be lost. The specialness is formed with enticing glances, pretensions to the point of navkolishny, the nature of behavior, interests. Naybіlsh yaskravo psychological directness of specialness manifests itself in svitoglyadі.

How can I call myself a svitoglyad? Look people at nature, suspension, at their place in life, moral principles. Ale svitoglyad - it's not just a system of knowledge of people, but a change of people, based on the knowledge of people, yogo being brought up to the development of suspicious appearances. For example, that chi іnsha lyudin vivviv the great founders of Marxism-Leninism. What is possible only in the production of tales, how is it that Volodya is guilty of a Marxist svitoglyad? Surely, ni. Knowledge can be called a glimpse only todi, if the stench becomes a special perekonannya people, if the stench will be lingering until the next time, will be vtіlyuvatisya in vchinka, in practical scope. Svitoglyad can't help but pour into the behavior of the people, on the character of their life, and it’s not just an abstract knowledge, knowledge of people, but a perekonannya people.

Svitoglyad, look, perekonannya, ideals, sympathies and antipathies of the individual, naturally, not є native features, the stench is formed under the flow of suspense, in which wine is alive. The spiritual atmosphere of the whole suspension, thoughts, moods, praznennya, ponivni among the people who feel sick are infused into the new one.

Otzhe, lyudin, yogo testimony, behavior is a product of suspension and cultural center... In the words of Karl Marx, the day-to-day of the people "the supremacy of all the suspicious people". Tse lie in the fact that people live in suspensions, in a specific historical system human vidnosin... In this way, it is not a human being that is being shaped, but a singing, concretely historical type of specialness.

In the process of the historical development of the people, one suspension was changing, the minds were changing, the character of the people was changing, and it was brought up in the change and the manifestation, the ideal, the look. So, in the primordial way of life, if people were willing to do everything in a spil and natural way, and their testimony was going to be great to a special ransom, accumulation. The emergence of private power is the birth of the psychology of the master, the steaguvach. Lyudin, she is alive and well in the bourgeois suspension, enjoying the atmosphere of the whole psychology. With capitalism, psychology and morality of private power and profit, individualism and hisism have developed to extreme forms.

The appearance of private power, the change of suspicious forms of psychology - the psychology of collectiveism, solidarity. The axis, for example, is characteristic of the tribute of one of the young readers' experience, which is carried out by "Komsomolskaya Pravda". From 17446 people who sent the questionnaire to power supply, depriving 381 of the name of the only one life in the distance, a great one, only 342 surrounded their maybutn "home calm". And the big thing is important - 95.9 people have set before themselves the main goals: to serve the people, to bring grudge to people, statues of high-quality fakhivtsy, mayters of their own right, People from the great years. The views of young people can be easily influenced by the psychology of the people, against the new, socialist ideas. We are developing a new specialty, based on new needs and interests. All the time to talk about those, the world of religious and bourgeois ideologists about human nature, as about the new and unintelligible, amused presentation.

Religious ideologists preach the same ideas of divine concord: everything in light, in the life of people is somehow designated by supernatural forces. If so, it means that if you are driven to the capitalist, be patient, instill obedience, praying and regaining the city in the life beyond the grave. Other ideas played into the hands of the exploiting classes, the stench of the stench brought the working people to passivity, surrender, to the point of being in revolutionary actions.

Ale lyudina is not only a product of suspension, singing social mindsі obstavin, and th creator of minds. Win the building, redecorate the furnishings, your life. In the Radiansky Union, and because of the socialism in their lands, the exploitation of the people by the people, prompted a new, socialist support. In their practical activity, people reimagine both their everyday life, and their inner light, in which the activeness of specialness, creative character, and freedom are manifested.

Ale schob changes the life of the suspension, demanding the nobility of the laws of its development. The smell may be of an active character, i.e. As it is not known, then it is my rabbi, as it is known and victorious in its practice, it is becoming a creator, freedom is built up. Chim vishche, rich in knowledge of people, tim more productive in the redevelopment of light. І only in suspensions, de nemaє attracting і frosty classes, de panu suspicious power, stems of ryvnі and real power for all - pratsyuvati, to welcome, to welcome the participation, to actively participate in life.

A communal light-looking, based on the scientific intelligence of nature and suspension, on the understanding of the people for the knowledge of these laws, for the change, for the improvement of the life of the people, for the inducement of the happy real life for all working people. To that, the people were active and healthy, directing them to the suspenseful activity. Religion will explain the development of the light by means of supernatural forces. The whole yogo system is based on illusions, inadvertently attracting people in life, loose will, directing on unreal hopes, unrepentant fears, reconciling citizens, grief, common to those who are more fortunate.

People with bright glances at life may have a lot of interesting, praznennya, tsili. Lyudina is active in terms of her appearance before the phenomenon, as I can see value in her eyes, as meaning. Religion orіntu I respect people for a great light, and people send people to the center of illusions with respect, interest, and praise. Even if a person checks in front of him, his life, the worldly life, is almost always pragmatic in the last life, now the bazhan will be with her. As a result, people are passive in the collective, suspense, win to transfer their hopes, their happiness to an unreal light, see from the right nobles to their good, inspire. A person appears in a casual position due to the fact that in his decisions it is guilty to come from a wrong manifestation - to believe in a life beyond the grave. Such look at the disorientation of the other, give that illusion of vitality and insight into one real life.

In such a rank, think about the material life of the suspension, the particularity of the economic harmony, the character of the common people, the spiritual atmosphere, how the panun of ideology is infused on the formation of the psychology of the skin member of the whole suspension. The suspension, divided into the class of rotten and fit, has a natural resistance to the interest of these classes. The socialist suspension has a lack of social oppression, there are a lot of other classes with other interests, and the idea of ​​being in panic psychology and ideology.

However, in our suspicion there are people who are not really from quiet relics of the past. How can I explain? Also, the testimony of people is formed in the process of life in a suspension. Why is it that in our land, de panun science іdeology, vіruchі in God?

Just for the butt of two members of our suspension. One was born in the religious family, and the one was born in the family of atheists. On the very cob, the children indulged in the middle of the day, began to fight for a moment. Let me explain the fact that it is important for a large number of different people to go from religious families. This means that a person has entered into a kind of life, may also be of great schliness, interest, look, molded into one of the first collectives - the family.

In one and the same understanding in the fallowness of the vikhovannya, it is possible to contribute a growth. The French philosopher of the 18th century Helvetsi wrote from the drive, like the devil's mother, the godly mother, the word "honesty" wicked away from the declaration about black discipline, then the patron saintly 'Iazane with vchinki, cinnamon Batkivshchina.

In view of his friendships, interests, shaped in the family, people are put in a fashionable way until the next life, taking their respect on one, not like the other, in a way, he is third. These ideas, as a result of talking with people, reading newspapers, books, etc. I'll do it. And the great world has a lot of vykhovannyam, flowing in bezposednogo otochennya.

With the introduction of the religious ideology, you have been able to indulge in people with an unruly family. It’s tied to be with him, but his life was not far away, his life appeared to be self-evident, his friends cheated him, didn’t come to help. Znevira, pesimism, self-reliance, fear of frightening a person with a disdainful attitude to relіgії, wіn know nіy rozradі. І in the sub-categories the relevance is explained not by the overnatural involvement, but by the way of life, injected with micro-middle-class, otochennya.

Ale і vіruchі, being members of our suspension, can not fail to see in the inflow of communist ideology. They often listen to radio, read newspapers, work in teams. Religion in їхній evidence is acting to go to the background, everything is less important than the beginning of the behavior, interest. Lyudin can be seen from among the midst of the all. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya todі, if it expands its connection with the suspension.

In the minds of the socialism of the working people, the work is not as good as it’s good for everyone, but because it’s socially and politically and spiritually based, in the way the skin feels a part of the spirit, which is close to their own people. in vilniy pratsi for the benefit of the suspension and for the benefit of skin people. In the general sense, the suspension of the system, developed by socialism, is the system, the skin element which develops gradually to the first.

find social decisions, The primary center of the socialist suspension, which will ensure that there is no connection with the suspension as a whole, in its various spheres, is the collective. We are happy to help people in the new social networks, we have a community of people in the big world, we are more effective in our business, and we are especially interested in pouring into it. Collective as a form of social spirits of people, they are seen as a form of social spirits, but in a new specialty they are not only singing social roles, but rather in the spirituality of their own people.

A team of workers, which is developing and developing in the capacity of the main center of socialist suspension, including in its most important particularities and transitions to socialism. The socialist labor collective, for its social nature, is a union of people who are strong in the social sense, in both the socially and in the joint fashion with the other collectives to work, robots, collegial staff, intellectuals of the republic, representatives of the nation. Yak zaznacheno in priynyatomu chervnі in 1983 roku Zakonі about trudovі collectives in Tsikh ob'єdnannyah spіlna Praca zdіysnyuєtsya in ambushes tovariskogo spіvrobіtnitstva i vzaєmodopomogi, zabezpechuєtsya Yednist Reigning, Gromadska i NKVD іnteresіv, utverdzhuєtsya principle vіdpovіdalnostі skin before i collectives collectives for skin pratsіvnika. The working collectives will take care of a great deal of intelligence by the forebears to link their workers with the good-hearted members of the collective, with the well-being of the community's support.

All prices are in the roots of the development of the socialist labor collective, it is quietly shared by the workers at the capital enterprises, which are going to become the owner and in the interests of the collective in the name of "K. Marx. On the basis of capitalistic forms of communication of people, to defend one uncompromising person for their interests, the workers and the capital, the working and the capitalist, the socialist labor collectives, and they are all in the same social group. They do not only develop and develop collective forms of performance, but collective evidence and behavior of people, if a skin member of the collective thinks about the special success, and about the help of their robots, comrades, does not solidify.

Itself in the socialist labor collective it is laid down and formed such an important quality of specialness, as a moral basis for the spiritual light, as the reason for the significance of the common prats is not only for themselves especially good, but for the success of the collective happy people Feeling the ruler of his share, his land. In the collective, to take up and become involved, to develop in specific for new reasons and reasons, in the ideological and moral potential of the suspension, and in the power of the socialist suspension of the et al, to learn to behave in the morale of the people

More important is the value in the successful release of economics, social and administrative buildings, the new people have a collective mind. Collectively negotiating big problems, building a community's thoughts on the right to improve the organization of work, changing the order of discipline, organizing the right hour, improving the community service and helping people get involved

The process of mastering the specialness of values, norms, and attitudes of the administration is not only given to the labor collective, but in some collectives and groups that are significant for the specialism. A specific collective of skin, as such, is not in its own way ordered by a set of social values ​​(material and spiritual), necessary for the formation of socially active, spiritually rich, and social specialties. By virtue of the interconnection of the main goals, the fervor of which the functional and functional collectives are developed, - the versatile (labor), the knowledgeable (the boss), the artistic (say, the composer's team or the collective of the artistic self-made. spiritual order, which is known to be in an unequivocally ordered collective, it is not in the snake itself, by its own nature, such a large-scale, foldable and rich-faceted task, as the formulation of a civil, universally advanced, spiritually rich specialness.

A real way for the development of such a team is more viskogo rivnya, Greater high social rank and greater broad social opportunities - social support in general. Kozhen, on the other hand, is a part of the whole social spirit of a specific team - the vigilant, the bossy, the vigilant, the scientific-preliminaries and so on. To the fact that the active specialty is included in the activity and education in the middle of the collective, and at the same time for the purpose of energy it is included in the mainstream, teaching, reproduction of the values ​​of social life and the culture of social life, the culture of the posture of the inter-community and so on, we have a lot of training in our social and spiritual development. Allegedly, such development does not linger on self-development of a particularity, but it turns out and breaks in the number of efficiency and development in the middle of the team, but there is no need for growth.

By the world, the development of the fair of collective wages in the labor collective is in progress and the development of active victories creative potential specialties both in the versatility of labor, as well as in spirituality, in the possibilities of a creative, intellectual compilation, and a spirit of skill in the hour of labor.

However, with all the importance, I am pouring into the collective for the development of specialness, for the development of the spiritual light, it is impossible for the process of helping, for some specialness of the child's life, how to go through the collectives, like the self-indulgence of the individual from other people. Important is the role of the collective in the formulated specialness of the polarity itself in the fact that all the forms flow into the spiritual world of the people, that they become stagnant in the collective, they can achieve success only in that way, if they are individually unrepeatable of the special power of the skin and rice. Vikhovna the role of the team of growing up in the world, in the way individual specialties warehouses of people and the urahuvannya of cich specialties, it is connected to the form of a well-known and active community of socialist suspension, which volodya is a Marxist-Leninist, culturally glaring, moral