Historical analysis of the understanding of childhood: the history of childhood and representation of childhood in culture as a social-historical phenomenon. Announcement of dignity in suspilnye testimony

Otzhe, what is the regularity of the development of the child in the history of the suspension? The dignity does not become ignorant, but changes with the new historical epochs. The dignity of a child of an archaic culture is meaningfully derived from the dynasty of a bitter child who lives in Russia or in Western Europe. The dignity of the child of the 1920s, pp. differ-

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There is a child of the child's ear of the XXI century. Yak zmіnyutsya dignity? D. B. Elkonin saw two onset laws: the improvement of the triviality of childhood; the serpent of the structure of the family.

The structure of the dynasty is the last of the clearly childhood periods: dynasty, early, preschool, young school, age-old. Appointments of the period of dynasty were no longer established in the history of the dynasty. For example, joining youth will tie in from the end of the First World War, from the ear of a technical revolution. Yunist - the period of preaching additional knowledge and wisdom in the region professional training... Pidlitkovy vіk bouv of visions in the end of the XIX - the ear of the XX century. through distribution in the hour of reaching the social and status of development and marginality of the position of the child from growing up and child support.

How do you see the change in the structure of the family? D. B. Elkonin talk about two versions of such a snake. First - the increase of the triviality of the child for the rakhunok "prilashtovuvannya" until the end of the new period. The friend is the serpent of the structure of the childhood by the way of "wedging in" new periods. On the current day, a friend's position will be adopted by the successful psychology. The presenter will advance the model of the serpent of the structure of the family.

Dignity is a period, stretching out like a child, to be in a position of productive and social activity of the partnership for the benefit and protection of grown-ups. You can see two phases: 1) the period of morphophysiological maturity and physical autonomy (the period of independent activity); 2) the period of becoming familiar with professional knowledge and tips, necessary for the transition to a new status.

In the early history of the era, since the level of publicity and social modernity is low, it was too young for a child to wake up early and did not experience special education. Immediately after the achievement of the singing level of the child's physiological maturity, he was included in the life of the grown-up. Instead of the technological development of the growth suspension, the profession grows more and more, and for those of the youth, the necessary period of special training, visions for the profession. The period of being overwhelmed by the simplest people of pratsi D. B. Elkonin is called subject-harmonious. The whole period is before the period of complete professional training. The period of schooling of recruiting for the mastery of theoretical knowledge, necessary for the professional development. preschool

32 Vikova psychology. Lecture notes

vik vinikak todi, if the child comes to see the experience of participation in the fun life and the head of the staff of the old school of social competence and organization in social roles and social roles.

Announcement of new periods of childhood transferring is not an acquisition, but an introduction of new periods, from the point of view of new enterprises, which dictate the development of productive forces and viral vicissitudes. Vklinyuyuyutsya period of dynasty, which will lead to decisions of new buildings. Tse zavdannya ovolodinnya subject matter ( whip subjects), Organization in the system social roles, Norms and rules, mastering the system and theoretical knowledge, attaching social competence and profession. The hypothesis about the development of the structure of dynasty, enveloped by the snake of the child in the system of social virobnichs and the growth of productive forces, was formulated by D. B. El'kon in the context of the negotiation of the problem of social and plot.

The given hypothesis negated the development of the robotics by A. L. Venger, V. I. Slobodchikova and B.D. Elkonin. Author vvazhayut, that in the history of suspension it is possible to see a period of stability and crisis of childhood. V stable period the structure of the dynasty is kept unconscious, appearing as the last of the periods, in which the suspension of the cultivation of the form of the child's spirits, the activity and activity of the child. For example, for a young school age, primary activity and school are characteristic of the institute of socialization. The preschool child is actively developing the type of model: gra, painting, lingering, writing and writing. Suspension in the skin period of childbearing proponents of health and wellbeing of the form of spіvpratsі - the normative type of performance and the institute of health. The crises of childhood are moments in the history of the suspension, if the structure does not provide for the optimal development of the child and the process of socialization.

Author vvazhayut, scho in this hour there are obvious signs of a growing crisis of dynasty. To them, there is a low motivation for the readiness of significant children to come to school, the widening of the manifestation of school maladjustment. Even before the problems and problems were a fraction of the number of scientists, now a significant number of children stink. There is a tendency to inform about those, that in the preschool age the formulation of the child's psychological readiness to school has not been preserved. One of the reasons for this

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the position of the field is in the fact that the onset of the breaks, the connection and the spіvpratsі of children in young groups is ruined. Over the last 20 years, there has been a growing number of one-kind children collectives, but every few children will be horizontal. Even earlier in the day, there will be little children in the vertical direction: in the same courtyard company there will be preschool children, school children and children, then at once the system of organizing the preschool education is such, while the children are in contact during the whole period. So, in a child's garden, young i I'm preparing a group vivodat on a walk okremo, the elders did not lie to the young. At school, first-class pupils are isolated from older children, the corridor is specially curved. This is how the differentiation of differentiation is realized on the basis of children’s informal groups, family and school children. Tim himself will ruin the formulation of the "ideal form of the closest possible" and the directness of the child to be included in the new form of play. In the pidlits of the other half of the 1990s. vinikak new tendency - nezhannya doroslishati. Pidlitkovy vіk is a marginal position: I’m no longer a child who is not mature enough. We will grow up with a mental development є we will grow up. To write this year's richly grown-ups in their creations: "I do not want to grow up, I want to become too old, like I є, to the one I bach, like to live old, and I don’t want to grow older than life, deceit, joy, nonsense." Earlier this kind of thought was not small and wide. The tendency is not mature enough, it is seen in the transition to a new status - the wedding crisis of dynasty. It is a textbook (3. Freud, A. Freud, D.B. Elkonin) as a period of autonomy from fathers and families, to grow up to protest and rebellion. I don’t want to move over the boundaries of the family, I don’t want to go to the autonomy. Celebration of the occasional food from the 1960s. Even earlier, for children, the perspectives of life were clearly visible, then the current maybut seems to be even unimportant. Growth of adult right-handed people, alcoholic, narcotic, emotional staleness is an obvious unpleasant tendency. On the thought of the authors, and of the appearances, to convey about those who have experiences happy suspension crisis to be seen in the crisis of childhood.

Already, in the history of the childhood, there are stable and crisis periods. The crises of the childishness with the help of the rosary between the older and the older children and the children of the children, which make the child look desperate for the child the kind of virtue proponated by the suspension. Zvidsy zboi

Historical analysis of the understanding "childishness"
Every day, whether a person is educated for food about those who are also dignity, dignity, dignity is the price of development and development. Ale only vcheni reason, but the period of paradoxes and deterioration, without which it is difficult to detect the development process. V. Stern, J. Piazhe, I. A. Sokolyanskiy and richly іnshikh. D. B. Elkonin said that there is a paradox in the child's psychology - a riddle of development, as it is necessary to establish a solution.
His lectures at the Moscow University D. B. Elkonin unconsciously started from the characteristics of the two main paradoxes of children's development, so that he could make up for the need for a historical approach to the development of a child. Clearly їх.
Lyudin, z'yavlyayutsya on the light, overpowering deprivation of the very elementary mechanisms for the education of life. For the physical budget, the organization of the nervous system, for the types of activity and methods for the regulation of people - the best in nature.
However, the camp at the time of the nation in the evolutionary row is similar to the fall of perfectness - the child lacks any ready-made behavioral forms. As a rule, for the food to be alive and in the line of creatures, that is more than a triumph of dignity, that of the people of the people. Thus, there is one of the paradoxes of nature, which is the sound of the history of childhood.
In the course of history, the development of the material and spiritual culture of the people grew without interruption. For a thousand years, human awareness has increased many thousand times. Ale after the same hour, the newcomer child practically did not change. Based on the anthropologists' data on the anatomical and morphological similarity of the Chromagnon and the bitter European, it is possible to let it go, but the new generation of the bitch people, in which the Sutta does not seem to be from the new generation of ten thousand.
How does one go, when there are some natural changes of mind and the level of psychic development, how is it a child at every historical stage of development of the suspension, which is not the same?
Dignity - the period, which is common from the new age to the new social and, from the same, psychological maturity; the period of becoming a child as a member of the human suspension. At the same time, the triviality of a child in the primary suspension is not equal to the duration of a child in the era of the middle age in our days. The stage of the dynasty of people is a product of history, and the stench is so strong until the change, like a thousand years of that. It is not possible to vivch the dignity of the child and the laws of its formation, the posture of the development of human suspension and laws, but the beginning of its development.
As a matter of fact, the theory of knowledge and the dialectics of guilt is formed from the history of the sciences, the history of the development of the child, the child of the game, the history of the mov. I will respect the development of a child on the history of pink, as the development of a child is seen as a development of a child in the development of a child, as well as a nervous development of children in older modern cultures.
The problem of the history of childhood is one of the most important in everyday childish psychology, since it is impossible to carry out either caution or experiment in the whole region. Ethnographers are kindly seen, as monuments of culture, as well as being able to see children and children. To navigate in quiet, not very frequent cases, if in the archaeological digs there are igras, it is obvious - objects of worship, which were put in graves in a long time ago, and the stench served the owner in sweeping light... Miniature images of people and creatures of vicorists were also used in the name of chaklunism and magic.
You can say that the theory overwhelmed the experimental facts. Theoretically, food about the historical proclamation of the period of childhood in the works of P. P. Blonsky, L. S. Vigotsky, D. B. Elkonin. The path of the mental development of the child, well-known to J1 S. Vigotsky, who does not comply with the laws of nature, the laws of maturation to organism. The development of a child's development in a day-to-day suspension, vvzhav vin, "mazovsim defined class sense". The very fact, it’s because it’s not a child, but it’s not a historical child.
So, in the literature of the 19th century, the number of children in the daily life of proletarian children. For example, in the study of the position of the robotic class in England, F. Engels relied on the sound of the comic, set up by the English Parliament in 1833, to clarify the minds of the work on the fabrications: children of unsuccessful fathers were playing the age of eight; their working hour was trivial 14-16 years.
It has been accepted that the status of a child's proletarian child will only be shaped in the XIX-XX centuries, if the child has begun to defend himself with the help of the legislation on the protection of the child. Zrozumіlo, it doesn’t mean that legal laws are adopted to preserve childhood for the working lower authorities of the suspension. Children in the middle of the world and the first for everything, the girl, and the whole year to see the robots, are necessary for the public life (to look after the little ones, the home robots, the children of the civil society robots). In such a rank, if in our hour there is a ban on a child, it is impossible to talk about the status of a child, social structures suspensions.
"The Convention on the Rights of the Child", adopted by UNESCO in 1989 and ratified by the majority of the country, is directed to ensure the development of the specialness of the child in the skin of the Earth. Historically, the understanding of childhood is not linked with the biological state of maturity, but with the singular social status, with the number of rights and obligations that govern the whole period of life, with a set of available for new types of activities and forms of activity. tsikavikh facts Bulo selected for the support of the idea by the French demographer and historian Philip ARIES. The bosses of this work are interested in the history of childhood in foreign psychology, but the prelude of F. ARIES himself is considered to be classic.
F. ARIES tsіkavilo, as in the course of history in the witness of artists, writers and witnesses of the childhood, and in what way was born in the history of history. Yogo doslіdzhennya in the hallucinatory artwork led yogo until the 12th century, art didn’t go to children, the artists didn’t magalize their images.
Childish images in the painting of the 13th century are deprived of their religious and allegorical subjects. Tse angels, numb Ісус and nogoedіtya as a symbol of the soul of the deceased. The image of real children is seen in painting. But, obviously, without respecting, how the child can take revenge on his own human will. As soon as there were children at the creators of the mystery, then the stench appeared like a change of grown-ups. Todi did not know about the particularity and nature of childhood. The word "ditina" dovgo is not only a precise meaning, yake nadatsya youmu at once. So, it is typical, for example, that in the medieval Nimechchina the word "child" was synonymous with "fool" for the priest.
The dignity respected from time to time to pass quickly and the little-valued Baiduzhism on the date of birth to childhood, on the thought of F. ARIES, was a direct consequence of the demographic situation of that hour, as a great people, a great child, and a great death. I know a lot of baiduzhost to childhood, like a French demographer, to serve in the 16th century of portraits of dead children. Їх death, we write, was now experienced as a really unjustified waste, and not as a whole zvychana podіya. A lot of baidujosti before children see how to judge painting, as not earlier than the XV11 century, if the first portraits of real children appear on the canvases of artists. As a rule, portraits of children of active and reigning individuals in childish... In such a rank, on the thought of F. ARIES, the vision of the childhood began to grow in the XIII century, its development can be traced to the history of painting in the XIV-XV1 century, but the evidence of the entire vision of the XVI century is constantly manifested in the end of the XVI century.
It is important to serve as an important symbol of the witch before childhood, on the thought of an adolescent, odyag. social camp... Only in the XV1-XVII centuries there was a special child of Odyag, who saw the child from the grown-up Tsikavo, and for the boys and children in the 2-4 years old, they were old enough to pay for the child. In addition, it seems that in order to recognize the boy as a man, he was dressed in a woman's costume, and the costume existed until the ear of our capital, unaffected by the change of suspension and augmentation to the period of childhood. Apparently, in rural families before the revolution, children used to dress the same way. Until the speech, the specialness of the child is taken there, there are no great insights into the robotic age and the height of the child.
Analyzing portraits of children in old-fashioned paintings and describing a child's costume in literature, F. Aries sees three tendencies in the evolution of a child's dress:
Feminizatsiya - a suit for lads a lot in which I repeat the details of a woman's clothes
Archaization - children are welcome in Denmark in the historical hour to be remembered in a seasoned modern fashion and a lot in which they repeat the overgrown costume of the past era (so the boys got short pants).
Vikoristannya for children of the ages of an extravagant oversized suit of the bottom (village clothes).
Yak pidkreslyu F. Aris, the shape of a child's costume has become the most popular manifestation of the great internal changes in children in suspension - now it’s the stench to fix an important place in the life of the grown-ups.
The insight of dynasty made it possible to describe a new cycle human life To characterize the vikovyh periods of life in scientific works XV1-XVII. Alas, the significance of these words is not due to the primordial wisdom. In the old-timers, the lives of the zodiac were brought together from the chotirma in time to fate, from several planets, from the twelve signs of the zodiac. Zbіg numbers have been reduced as one indicator of the fundamental unity of Nature.
In the area of ​​mystery of the appearance about the period of human life, there were images in the drawing of the columns of the Palace of Dozhiv near Venice, on engravings of the 16th-19th centuries, in painting, sculpture. people so, for example, in the list of the Palace of Dogs vik іgrashok symbolize children, who play with a wooden horse, lyalkoy, windmill and bird; shkilny vik- the boys get in to read, to carry books, and the girls to get in to vyazati; because of love and sport - young men and children walk on holy days at once; vіk vіyni ta lizarstva - lyudin, yak strіlyaє z rushnitsі; maturity - images of judging and insights.
Differentiation of the wakes of human life, including childhood, on the thought of F. ARIES, is shaped by the influx of social institutes, so that new forms of suspicious life, which are generated by the development of suspension. So, the early dynasty first appeared to be in the middle of the homeland, devilishly associated with specific spilkuvannya - "low" and "spoiled" of the little child. A child for daddy is just a garneny, amusing malish, with whom you can grow up, because you are pleased with the graces and when you have a lot of grasping and vikhovuvati. Such is the primordial, "family" concept of childhood. The desire to "dress up" children, "baluwati" and "undead" could only appear in the family. However, such a pidhid to children yak to "charming igrashok" never seemed to be unimportant.
The development of the suspension has called for a forge snake to the children. Vinikla nova concept of childhood. For the pedagogues of the 17th century, love before children was no longer in pampering and spirits, but in psychological interest until the beginning of life. In order to correct the behavior of a child, first for all that is necessary for the intelligence of the child, and the scientific texts of the XVI and XV11 years of the century have become more commented on the child's psychology. Apparently, it’s great educational ideas, please, those recommendations to take place in the works of Russian authors of the XVI-XVII centuries.
The concept of a rational vikhovannya, based on the suvor discipline, penetrates into the family life in the XVH1 century. Uvaga parents begin to practice all sides of a child's life. Along with the function of organizing the preparation of children to a grown-up life, it is not a family, but a special social institution - a school, poklikana vikhovuvati qualified pratsivniki and educated hulks. The school itself, on the thought of F. ARIES, viveladehood beyond the first 2-4 years of the mother's, father's vikhovannya in the family. The school of the head of its regular, well-ordered structure contributed to the further differentiation of that period of life, which is known by the word "dynasty". A universal world, which has given a new development of childhood, becoming a "class". Ditina joins the noviy vіk shoroku, yak tilki zmіnyu class. For the last time the life of the child and the dignity did not become such a shari. The class has become the primary factor in the process of differentiation of all groups in the middle of the child itself, or even adolescence.
By such a rank, according to the concept of F. ARIES, an understanding of childhood and youth, it is tied to the school and the class organization of schools, such as by these special structures, such as the preparation of a suspension for the purpose of providing children with the necessary professional social life.
The onset of Vikovy Rivn can also be called by F. ARIES s new form social life - by the Institute vіyskovoї service compulsory military service. Tse pіdlіtkovy, abo young wіk. The understanding of the "pidlite" called for a general education and training. The teachers began to exert great importance on the form of education and discipline, as well as in style and manhood, which they did not cheat before. The new orientation at once was seen in the mystery, in the winter, in the painting: "The new recruit now no longer seems to be cunning and prematurely aged from the paintings of the Danish and Spanish majesty of the 17th century - in the present - in the present Aries. A typical image of a Yunaki svoryuє R. Wagner in "Siegfried".
Last, in the XX century, the Persha svitova vіyna gave birth to the phenomenon of "youth svidomosty", presented in the literature of the "entrapped generation". "So, for the change of eposi, I didn’t know youth,” writes F. Aryus, “the era has come, in which youth has become the most valuable form." The skin period, history corresponds to a certain privileged by the age of that singular child of the human life: "youth is the price of privileges in the 17th century, dynasty - XIX, youth - XX".
Yak bachimo, before F.-ARIES was assigned to the understanding of the childhood, or, apparently, the problem of awareness of the childhood as a suspension phenomenon. If we analyze the concept of F. ARIES, it is necessary to remember the psychological laws of learning. Persh for everything, as I said. S. Vigotskiy, "you need to learn, you need to learn, you need to learn". I further detailed the process of learning, J. Piazhe received it, so that inevitably, he remembered the principles of divergence between the development of a real phenomenon and its reflective images.
The dignity of its own laws and, naturally, does not lie in the fact that artists repair the beasts of respect for children and depict them on their canvases. How to find out the bezel-less judgments of F. ARIES about those who see a picture of vdach, create art By itself, it is impossible to date all the necessary data for the analysis of the understanding of childhood, and it is not possible to wait with the author's notes.
Dooslіdzhennya F. ARIES repaired from Serednovіchchya, more often than not there are little plots from the images of children. Ale turbot about children, idea of ​​a vikhovannya, zeal, appeared back to mid-century. Already in Aristotle there are thoughts dedicated to children. Prior to the same work, F. ARIES was surrounded by the pre-sultanates of the dynasty of a European child from the support of the suspension and describing the history of the child's posture with a ring of socially-economical development of the suspension.
At the exhibition of documentary dzherel F. Aryus describes the wolf of the dynasty of noble people. So, the busy children of Louis XIII (an ear of the 17th century) can serve for a good illustration. At the poet's rock, Louis XIII has a violin and one hour spins. (Music and dances of children of noble families were taught from the earliest age). Tse Lui to rob still before I respect you, I screwed up a tree of a horse, a vintryak, a dziga (igrashki, which were given to children of that hour). Louis XIII had three fate, since for the first time he had taken part in the Holy Father's Day 1604, and he began reading to read it, and in the first time he began to read it. About p'yatіy - win gravitation with lals and in a picture, and in a lot of rockіv - with the shahi and in tenіs. Comrades in the games of Ludovik X1I1, bully pages and soldiers. Next to them is Lui grav at the hovanka and іnshi іgri. Among the rockets of Louis XIII, they set themselves in the guesses of riddles and charades. Everything has changed for these rockies. The little ones are too much for the bully, and the wickedness has a cholovic character. Win a start to start a mystery of love, shooting, gambling igor іverhovoy trip. For every hour I read the literature of the pedagogical and moralistic type. At the same hour, I started to open the theater and take care of the fate of the collective games for the grown-ups.
Alle, you can put a lot of the children’s attachments. One of them is taken from the XX century. A quick description of Douglas Lockwood's journey into the depths of Gibson's wilderness (Western Australia) and his fellowship with the aborigines of the Pintubi tribe ("come the lizard"). Until 1957, most of the people of this tribe, the Nicholas, did not bach the people, their contacts with the other tribes of the Buli were insignificant, and the people who were born were saved to an even greater degree by the culture and the way of life of the people of the Kam'yanovyi vik. All the life of the cikh of people, going through the wilderness, is zooseredzhena for fun and water. Women of the Pintubi tribe, strong vitrials, could for years walk through the empty space with an important vantage of fire on their heads. Children stench of the people, lying on the squeak, supplementing and helping one to one. The stench didn’t know about hygiene, didn’t know the reason for the donation. They did not have any stuffing, surrounded by wooden vessels for water. At the taboria, there were two or three spears, a stick of clubs for yams, for cropping wild berries and from a dozen wild lizards - some of the food supplies ... everyone went with the trees, like the bullets of crushed. In cold weather, nudity rocked the life of the cichs of people intolerable ... It is not surprising that on the ichtels there were tints of tints from the tables ... And for that, as the crest of the investments in the hand is in the correct position, all one does not fit into the hair, so as they need a handful of vimiti, but for all they did not get the lead. Cholovikov went to scratch his beard, the women left the gifts for a song, and they forgot about them without a bar. “The mirror,” writes D. Lockwood, “may not have been successful; I wish that earlier people didn’t show their images. I was wondering if I looked at myself in a new way ... The women were surprised at me only once.
The aborigines slept, lying on the squeak, without a carpet, or shrugged, cuddling for warmth up to two dingo dogs. D. Lockwood writes, that the little girl two or three rocky for an hour put her in her mouth either the majestic shmats of the cake, then the shmats of the meat of the creepy guanis, yaku won samispekla in a hot squeak. The youngest sister was bred, sat on the hand at the breast, and was sent with a can of carcass (from the reserves of the expedition), vityaguyuchi meatsopalchikamі. D. Lockwood glancing at the jar. Vona bula vilizane to blisk. Another one cautioned by D. Lockwood: "Before the start of an aboriginally burned bagatty, I’m stopping it from cold weather in the winter. Vona blew out a vugilya, so the fire spread to the head and zigriv. Vona Bula, without clothes, seemed to suffer through the cold and still did not cry.
A little more caution allows you to be more surprised at history. In the context of the analysis of the creative work of the mystery, with the folklore ilinguistic preliminaries, the ethnographic material is given important data about the history of the development of the child.
On the basis of the development of ethnographic materials, D. B. Elkonin showed that at the early days the development of human society, if the main way of adding to the life of the future adding to the life and living of primitive knowledge. " labor activity... yak pidkreslyuvav
D. B. Elkonin, a dignity of a victor, if a child cannot be included in the system of social reproduction without a doubt, a child cannot yet be opanuated by the common people due to the fact that it is so easy. As a result of the natural inclusion of children in the production process. On the thought of D. B. Elkonin, in order to improve at the hour, do not think about a new period of development over the already existing one (as in the case of F. Arins), but by way of a way of intricate insertion of a new period of development, to set up a new period of development to the hour. D. B. Elkonin Blisky Rise of the Particularities of Childhood in the Analysis of Plot-Role Grids and Detailed Consideration of the Psychological Peculiarities of a Young Schoolchild.
As already mentioned, food is about the history of childhood, about the links of the history of childhood from the history of support, the history of childhood in general, without the survival of the end of life in the end of life, rozroblyatsya to tsikh pir. From the point of view of a child's psychology, a child in a child of development historically means to study the transition of a child from the same age to one, to see a change in the specificity of a child in the middle of a child I wish the history of the childhood has not yet been tracked in the abundant world, the very formulation of the food in the psycho-logic of the XX century is important. I. If, Zgіdno D.B. Elkonin, on the rich nutrition of the theory of the mental development of the child is still dumb, then the path of decision can still be found. I bash my wines in the light of the historic vivchennya dynasty
Dynasty yak a subject of science
The science of the mental development of a child - a child of psychology - was born as a child of a psychological psychology in the end of the 19th century. At Newy's. Preyer will describe the results of his well-known wisdom behind the development of hairy blue, and I will respect the development of organs, motor skills, willpower, and there will be languages. Unimportant to those who were wary of the development of the child were carried out backwards after the appearance of the book of V. Preyer, his uncontested priority is to begin the atrocities of the study of the very early years of the life of the child, introduced into the child's psychological methods, which are analogous to the method of development. Look at V. Preyer from a random point of view as we see the new development of science in the 19th century. Vin, for example, considered the development of a child as a private option for a biological one. (I would like to go to say, at once, at once, at the same time, at the obvious adherents of the idea ...). However, V.Preyer first went through the transition from the introspective to the active awareness of the child's psyche. To that, behind the one-sided insights of psychologists, Vin has become the master of child psychology.
Actively think about the development of child psychology, which we had before end of XIX the capital, connected with the intensive development of industry, with a new level of suspicious life, but there was a need for a successful school. Vchitel_v tsіkavilo nutrition: how to read and educate children? Fathers and readers have ceased to look at the physical punishment as an effective method of vikhovannya - more democratic seven have appeared. Zavdannya rozumіnnya ditini became late afternoon. From the side, bazhannya intelligence to itself as a grown-up people sponded to the past to be put to the child's respect - only through the development of the psychology of the child to lie down until the mind of that, which itself is the psychology of the grown-up people.
Yake mice zaymaє child psychology in the light of their psychological knowledge? І. M. Suchenov wrote about those who psychology can't be better than anyone, like science about walking and development mental processes... Seemingly, genetic ideas (like the word genesis) have penetrated into the psychology of the genetic idea a long time ago. Mayzhe is not a big, eminent psychologist, who has dealt with the problems of the psychology of the past, which has not taken care of the child's psychology at once. In the whole region, the following people have been praised, such as J. Watson, V. Stern, K. Buhler, K. Kofka, K. Levin, A. Wallon, 3. Freud, E. Spranger, J. Piazhe, V. M. Bekhterov, D. M. Uznadze, S. L. Rubinstein, L. S. Vigotsky, A. R. Luriya, A. N. Leontyev, P. Ya. Galperin and I.
However, until one and the same object - mental development - is genetic and child psychology is two different psychological sciences. Genetic psychology is related to the problems of diagnosis and development of mental processes. Vona answers the food, "how to see those who are psychologically failing, how to appear to see them, see them, gifts, mimic or arbitrary advances, as M. see the processes, as a result of which thoughts." Genetic psychology, for the very same, the psycho-development, analysis of the formation of mental processes, can spiral on the results of later, children, but children themselves do not constitute the subject of genetic psychology. Genetic advances can be carried out on older people. We see the butt of genetic research can serve as an introduction to sound and hearing. In a specially organized experiment, in which vyprobuvani guilty, the voice will be given the height of the sound;
Create, develop, formulate a psychic phenomenon - this is the main strategy of genetic psychology. The path of experimental formulation of mental processes for the first time in the intentions of L. S. Vigotsky. "The method we use," wrote L.S. form, transform it into rukhomiy, the flowing stream of separate ones, eliminate one single moment ... The work of such an analysis must be made before experimentally revealing whether I look for a form of behavior not as a thing, but as a process of taking it in Russia, not before from the speech to the її parts, and from the process to the third moments ".
In the midst of early development in the process of development, the most representatives of genetic psychology are L. S. Vigotsky, J. Piazhe, P. Ya. Galperin. Їх theory, breaking up on the basis of experiments with children, as a whole and bringing up to the background genetic psychology. The well-known book by J. Piazhe "Psychology to Intellect" is a whole book of children, ideas. P. Ya. Galperin has solved the theory of a planned and stage-by-stage formulation of mental processes as the basis for the formulation of mental processes. Prior to genetic psychology, the experimental study of understanding, zdіysnene LS Vigotskyy is considered.
A child's psychology is a team and learn from any kind of psychology, but I can do it with special analysis units - the age of the child, or the period of development. Slіd pіdcresliti, scho wіk not to be made until the sum of the psychic processes, it is not a calendar date. Vіk, according to LS Vigotsky's definition, is a clearly closed cycle of a child's development, which has its own structure and dynamism. The triviality of age is determined by its internal wisdom: psychologic viku Do not be lost, Chronological or passport vik - deprives the coordinate of the view, that name of the grid, on the background of which the process of mental development of the child is seen, becoming its specialness.
On the basis of genetics, a child's psychology is about the period of a child's development, his changes and transitions from one to another. Then, following L.S. Typically childish psychologists, L.S. Vigotsky, A. Wallon, 3. Freud, D. B. Elkonin. Yak figuratively speaking D. B. Elkonin, the out-of-the-box psychology is the chemistry of the psyche, and the child psychology is more likely phyzik, so as I can help the great and singing rank of the organized "tilami" of the psyche. If the materials of a child's psycho-logical are used in the psychology of a child, then there is a stench to the chemistry process and nothing to say about the child.
The interconnection of genetic and child psychology is to indicate that the very subject of child psychology has changed historically. dityachoї psihologії rasshіryaetvozmozhnostі її practical vprovadzhennya. Krіm aktivіzatsії protsesіv navchannya i vihovannya, vinikla new scope of practice. Tse control Process detskogorazvіtіya, yaky slіd vіdrіznyati od zavdan dіagnostiki i vіdboru dіtey in spetsіalnі install. Podіbno before yak pedіatr stitches for fіzіcheskіmzdorovem dіtey, Kindergarten the psychologist is guilty of saying: what is the correct development and function of the child's psyche, but what is wrong, then why there are deviations to compensate for.
The specifics of the mental development of a child
Well, so is it a branch? What to be characterized by? Who is the principle behind the development of any kind of object? As is known, the object can change, or not develop. Growth, for example, is the key to the change of this object, including the mental process. There are processes that are prone to in between "less-more". Tse processes of growth in vlast and fair sense of the word. Growth against time and move in the coordinates of the hour. Head characteristic Growth is the whole process of some changes in the internal structure and the warehouse is included in the object of additional elements, without any changes in the structure of external processes. For example, the physical growth of the child is inevitable, and the quantity is increased. L.S. For example, growing the stock of sl_s without changing the functions of the mov.
Along with the many processes of growing growth, there can be seen processes and processes. During growth processes, there are only symptoms of symptoms, for which there are hundreds of changes in the systems and structures of processes. In such a period, leaps in the line of growth, which indicate the sutta of changes in the body itself, are promoted. For example, the internal secretions are ripening, and deep changes occur in the physical development of the mat. In some cases, if there are hundreds of changes in the structures and powers of the manifestation, I can do it right with the development.
The development, the first for everything, is characterized by bright changes, the appearance of new products, new mechanisms, new processes, new structures. X. Werner, LS Vigotsky and іnshі psychologists described the main signs of development. Naybіlsh important meanings: differentiation, separation of the previously beaten by one element; the appearance of new sides, new elements in the very development; perebudova calls between the parties to the object. In the quality of psychological butts, it is possible to differentiate the natural conditioned reflex on the position of the breast and the complex of posture; the appearance of a sign function in a childish vіtsі; a change by stretching the dynasty of systemic and sensible budov and svidomosty. Leather s cikh processes correspond to the list of criteria for development.
Yak showing L.S. It is important for that to know correctly those moments, like the middle loans, the mental development of the child, so that the specifics of the mental development of the middle development processes are important. L.S. Vigotsky development: preformed and unreformed types of development. The preformed type is a chain type, if on the very cob it is set, fastened, fixed, as the stages, as the manifestation (organism) has passed, so the final result, which is the manifestation to reach. Here everything is given from the very cob. The butt is a diaphragm development. Unimportant to those who embryogenesis has its own history (the tendency to speed up the lower stages is promoted, the new stage provides the inflow at the front stage), but it does not change the type of development. In the psychology of Bula, you can try to present the psychic development of the principle of mental development. Tse concept Art. Hall. Haeckel's biogenetic law is based on the basis: ontogenesis є short repetition of phylogenesis. Holom yak stisle the repetition of the stages of the psychic development of creatures and ancestors of the modern people.
Unreformed type of development of the best extensions on our planet. The development of the Galaxy, the development of the Earth, the process of biological evolution, the development of the suspension are carried out until new. The process of mental development of a child can also be applied to a certain type of process. Children of the ages develop in a rational way and reach the ages of development. From the very ear, from the moment of the child's birth, no stage is given, through which guilt is guilty to pass, not the man who is guilty of reaching. A child of development is an unreformed type of development, but an absolutely special process is a process, which is determined not from below, but from above, in a form of practical theoretical virtue, as it appears on the given development of a fairy tale, "). In the meantime, the specialness of a child's development. Yogo kintsevі form is not given, but set. The process of development, in addition to the ontogenetic one, is not going to fail at a ready-made level. The development of human beings is developed for a reason, such as being in a suspension. Zgidno L.S. Vigotsky, the process of mental development is the process of interaction of real and ideal forms. The head of a child psychologist is to simulate the logic of mastering ideal forms. Ditina does not immediately assimilate the spiritual and material wealth of the people. Ale the pose by the process of mastering the ideal forms in the uncomfortable development. To this end, the development of the mental development of the child is a special process. The process of ontogenetic development is a process that is not similar to that, an extraordinary process that takes place in a form of development
Strategies for the development of the psychotic child
The development of the theory is based on the strategy of education in science. I will go back to child psychology, where the level of theory is the form of the whole and the establishment of the science. A collection of childish psychology has been accumulated in the accumulated facts and changes in the temporal sequence. The whole team was guided by the strategy of caution. Apparently, even those who are pre-glazed at the sight of the minds of the rush have been developing, and every psychologist has done so. But for the development of a child's development, there are no practical possibilities ... The strategy of preventing the real progress of a child's development in technical matters, in which it spontaneously develops, has heaped up interesting facts, as it is necessary to see a system, it is necessary to bring and the underlying laws of the development process itself and the reason for the intelligence.
For Tsikh virіshennya zavdan psychologists vikoristovuvali strategіyu prirodnicho-Naukova eksperimentu scho konstatuє, yaky pozvolyaetustanovіt nayavnіst abo vіdsutnіst doslіdzhuvanogo yavischa for Pevnyi kontrolovanih minds vimіryati Yogo kіlkіsnі characteristics i datkachestvennoe Opis Obidvі strategії - sposterezhennya i konstatuyuchy eksperiment - widely poshirenі in dityachіy psihologії. Ale їkh intercourse becomes all the more obvious in the world that it’s clear that the stench doesn’t produce the ruinous reasons for the psychic development of people. This is why, because of caution, no statutory experiment can be actively injected into the development process, and it is only passive.
In this hour, a new strategy of development is intensively breaking apart - the strategy of forming mental processes, actively engaging in, prompting the process with the given authorities. This rank, the criterion for seeing the reason for development, can serve the success of the molding experiment.
The skin with the name strateg_y has its own history of development. As she spoke, the child of psychology resumed from simple observation. Magnificent factual material about the development of a child in the early days of the birth of fathers, seen by psychologists as a result of the development of vigorous children (V Preyer, V. Stern, Zh. Piazhe, N. A. Ribnikov, N. A. Menchinska , V. S. Mukhina, M. Kechku and I.). N.A.Ribnikov in the robot "Children of the schoolchildren yak material from child psychology" (1946) giving a historical sketch of the basic method of studying a child. Analyzing the meaning of the first foreign students (I. Ten, 1876;
Ch Darwin, 1877; V. Preyer, 1882), the appearance of which became a turning point in the development of child psychology, N.A. Simonovich, already in 1861, led a systematic guarding of Zarichovo with the development of children from their people up to 17 years.
Trivale is systematically watching over one and the same child, studying the behavior of the child, knowing all the history of the child's development, being close to the child, good emotional contact with him - all the more important to become positive and the authors carried out observations. Place one for one. Until then, as a rule, in the first diaries there was no one technique of caution, and their interpretation was often sub'active in nature.
Radianskiy psychologist M. Ya. Basov having broken the system of observational caution - the main, from the point of view, the method of child psychology. The admirable meaning of the naturalness and the vividness of the minds is cautious, describing how a caricature is such a situation, if an observer walks into a child's collective with a paper and an olive in his hands, a beastly glance at the child and every time. "A child is not a child in his own position, as a child does not move in the open space, looking at a sposter, but one and only one with his own person follows him and all you want to be a wiggle in the whole hour. , scho to a robot From the children the teacher himself is guilty of leading, who is the teacher and the child in the collective, which the child is encouraged to enter.
In the present hour, there are more psychologists before the method of caution, which is the main way of keeping children skeptical. Ale, as DB Elkonin often said, "the hospitality of the psychological eye is more important than the bad experiment." The experimental method is Tim and Chudovy, which is "thought" for the experimenter. Facts, recognized by the method of caution, are even more valuable. V. Stern, as a result, after the development of his daughters, prepared two-part information about the development of Movi. A. N. Gvozdov has also published a two-volume monograph on the development of children on the basis of the preservation of the development of their own single blood.
In 1925, in Leningrad, under the supervision of N.M. There they spent 24 years as a child for the first time and there they would see all the basic facts that characterize the first life of a child. Zagalnovidomo, the concept of developing a sensorimotor intelligence was prompted by J. Piazhe on the basis of the care of three of his children. Trivale (stretching out three rockets) the education of the parent class allowed D. B. Elkonin and T. V. Dragunova to give a psychological description of the adult's age. Ugorsk psychologists L. Garai and M. Kechki, who helped to promote the development of vigorous children, quilted, in order to introduce differentiation of the child's social position in the minds of the family. VS Mukhin first described the development of the behavior of two blue-twins. It is possible to advance, if it is already clear from what has been said, the method of cautioning as the head of the strategy until it has not lived up to itself, and until now, cannot be set sparingly. It is important, however, at the same time from this memory, that with the help of this method it is possible to see only manifestations, symptoms of development.
On the ear of a century, the boules of zrobleny first try the experimental dosage of rose-colored development of children. The Ministry of Education of France has replaced the visiting psychologist A. Bina with the development of methods for the selection of children at a special school. In 1908, the test examination of the child was repaired, and the pink rose scale was shown. A. Binet method of standardized treatment for skin veins. A little later, the American psychologist L. Termen proponed the formula for vimіryuvannya kofіtsієnta intelektu.
As it was building, a child of psychology went on a new path to development - mental health for the help of special establishments (tests) can be made and created. Ale of the hope didn’t come true. Soon it became clear that in the situation it was unattainable, because of the mental abilities to keep up with other tests. At 30-і rocky, Radiansky psychologist V.I. Asnin pidkreslyuvav, with hope psychological experiment service middle rivn solution of tasks, and then, like taking over a child, like a child over. In addition, for the last hour, the function of intelligence was considered by the psychologists as an indicator of the decline of the gift, which is to be lost in the invincible stretch of the life of the people. Until the present time, the presentation about the post-functional intelligence was greatly abducted, and in scientific psychology, it is practically impossible to repent.
For the additional method of tests in child psychology, it was held even more than a lot of time, but the stench is constantly being criticized for those that are based on the ideas of averaging the child, such as abstract psychological powers that are characteristic of a greater proportion of the population across the population. With such a vimіrі process of development of the viglaa, yak a uniformly growing straight line, de all sіkіsnі new cultivation.
Having taken into account the shortcomings of the method of development for the development of the process of development, the presenters have supplemented it with the method of long-term ("podovzhny") vivification of some and quiet children for a trivial hour. This gave the deyak a change - there was an opportunity to change the individual curve of the development of the skin child and to stand up, which would show the development of the normal norm, or else there was more to the bottom of the middle level. The longitudinal method allows the development of fracture points on the curve of development, in which there are sharp and negative destruction. However, this method is not a viable form of shortcomings. Having trimmed two points on the curved development, all one cannot be absorbed, but can be seen between them. The whole method also does not give the opportunity to penetrate behind the phenomenon, the intelligence of the mechanism of mental phenomena. The facts, by this method, can be explained by different hypotheses. There is no need for accuracy in the interpretation. In such a rank, with all the subtleties of the experimental technique, which will ensure the reliability of the experiment, the strategy of stating does not give smut nourishment: How to see between two points on the curve of the development? At the price of food can only answer the strategy of the experimental formulation of psychic manifestations.
Introduced into the child's psychology of strategy for the formulation of goiters by L.S. Vigotsky. Winning his theory of the budov-mediated mental functions for the formation of the power of the memory. During the statements of eyewitnesses, L.S. For the whole of meti vin vikoristovuvav in addition to the auxiliary, he connected the skin with a word with one of the Volga cities. Then, following the thoughts of the riches, win the moment to create the skin word according to the place associated with it. The whole method of the names of LS Vigotsky is an experimental genetic method, which allows the development of specific mental functions.
The strategy of the formation of mental processes has come to a head in the end of the great expansion in the radyansky psychology.
The cultural and historical concept of L.S. The genesis of the general psycho-functional dressings with the implantation of the sign by two people in the process of spilkuvannya, without the vikonannya of the role, the sign cannot become as an individual psychotic activity.
The theory of performance by A. N. Leontiev: whether the performance is in the form of a demonstration, instead of an operation and in the world it will form an old function. Rukh zdіysnyuєt here from the top to the bottom - from activity to function.
The theory of the formulation of P. Ya. The concept of formulation is more developed. However, everything that is trimmed with help is in the form of a laboratory experiment. How to relate the data of a laboratory experiment to real ontogenesis7 The problem of how to relate experimental genesis to real genesis is one of the most common and non-virulent peers. A. V. Zaporozhets and D. B. Elkonin were instructed on the significance of child psychology. The singular weakness of the strategy of formation consists in the fact that before the number of times it was stagnant before the formation of the cognitive sphere of specialness, and the emotional processes and needs remained the posture of experimental pre-life.
concept primary activity- D.B. Elkonina and V.V.Davidov, before the release of the strategy of formulating specialness not in laboratory minds, but in real life - the path of experimental schools.
The theory of "first-class life" І. A. Sokolyansky and A. I. Meshcheryakova, in the course of the formation of the psyche of deaf and dumb children.
The strategy of the formation of mental processes is one of the most successful childish psychology. This strategy is more adequate for the day-to-day intelligence of the subject of child psychology. The managers of the strategy of forming mental processes manage to penetrate into the essence of the child's mental development. Ale tse does not mean that it is possible to use the other methods of detection. Whether it is science, it will be the phenomenon of color of nature.


Pidruchnik. Obukhove L. F., Doctor of Psychology "Child (Vikova) Psychology"

Historical analysis of the understanding "childishness"

Dignity is a tse term, which means the cob period of ontogenesis, from the people to the age of the cob. Dynasty of hunters, early dynasty, preschool age and young school age, i.e. E. Trivan from the people up to 11 years.

Singingly, someone's dignity is tied with safety, carelessness, games, vitivka, navchannya, and for them dignity is a whole hour of active development, change and navchannya. As a matter of fact, dignity is a chain of paradoxes and rubbing, without which it is impossible to develop. Otzhe, what is the characteristic of this period?

It is noted that for what food is worth living and being in the line of creatures, that is even more than a triple dynasty, and that is the most reliable at the time of the nation. Bezperechno, Lyudin is the most thoroughly pure in nature. The process is supported by physical budo, organizing the nervous system, types of activity and ways of regulating. However, z'yavlyayutsya on the light, the lyudin is overpowered by the very elementary mechanisms for the preparation of life. Win is hectic and you can't stand up for yourself, you need to look after him, like staying there for a tricky hour. Thus, there is one of the paradoxes of nature, which is the sound of the history of childhood.

The history of the dynasty gave respect to the rich people. Vidatny fachіvets in the field of child and pedagogical psychology D.B. Elkonin wrote: “By stretching the efforts of the human history, the child's development point has become invisible. Ditina entered into a relationship with a deyakoy ideal form, that is, with an extended suspension, we develop culture, in which wine was born. The ideal form is to develop all the hour, and to develop in a strip-like manner, that is, it changes itself clearly ”(Elkonin D.B., 1995). Yogo word pidtverdzhuyutsya tim, but the people of the ages are not alike one by one. Otzhe, the root rank of the development of the psyche in ontogenesis.

An hour is not worth it. With the development of scientific and technical progress, the life of the suspension will accelerate and the camp of the child will gradually change. Earlier, the children were opanovy with primitive signs of pratsi, additionally helping the fathers to crumble the earth; the stench came to mind in the grown-ups, spostering after them and repetitively. With the development of scientific and technical progress and the emergence of new virobnichnye vіdnosynya, the practice has become more foldable, and for the development of them, one caution for the grown-ups has resulted in a deficiency. That said, it is necessary to learn from the process of growing up with different people and only then to start before the week of the week. Otzhe, a new stage of the creation of an accumulation of accumulated znaryad pratsi.

D.B. Elkonin having tied a period of a child's development with a periodized development of a suspension (Table 1)

Table 1. Period of the child's development according to D. B. Elkonin

We can, at the closest hour, we will be binding for the development of the suspension, great education... The price is tied into a perch with the development of computer technologies. It is uncomfortable to develop the framework of childhood indefinitely, because before the pedagogical and psychological psychology, it’s better for all the efforts to thoroughly develop the skills of learning the school programs in a short time.

To go, the triviality of the child is to be found in the straight line of the material and spiritual development of the suspension and to the creation of the same vernacular. There is a lot of the triviality of a child's life to lie in and from the material well-being of the family: because of the family’s life, the child’s first fix it.

Dignity is a term that means cob periodi ontogenesis from the people to the old age.

Ontogenesis is a process of development of an individual organism.

dignity- the period of the child's becoming a major member of the support, which is common from the new marital status to the new social and psychological maturity, the period of its development, change, new life.

In the course of history, the development of the material and spiritual culture of the people grew without interruption. A little after an hour of the newcomer's child, practically without changing. Along the lines of anthropologists, it is possible to admit that the new generation of the modern people, in whom the Sutta does not see the new generation, dozens of rockies are still alive. However, with some natural changes of mind, the development of a psychotic development, which a child can reach on the skin's historical stage, the development of a suspension is not similar.

The stage of the dynasty of people is a product of history, and the stench is so strong until the change, like a thousand years. The triviality of the dynasty in the primary suspension is not the triviality of the dynasty in the era of Serednyovichchya. This is not possible to develop the dignity and laws of its formation, the posture of the development of human suspension and laws, so that the process of development begins. So, as the triviality of a child is in direct abandonment from the level of the material and spiritual culture of the suspension, then the subsequent development of the history of the development of the child and the development of the child culture in ontogenesis, in all

The problem of the history of childhood is one of the most important in contemporary psychology, since it is unwise to conduct either caution or experiment in the entire region. Ethnographers are kindly seen, as monuments of culture, as well as being able to see children and children. To that, an experiment with facts overwhelmed the theory.

The food about the historical prowess of the periods of childhood, theoretically, in the works of L.S. Vigotsky, D. B. Elkonina, F. ARIES.

Zgidno L.S. Vigotsky, the development of the mental development of a child is not subject to the laws of nature, the laws of maturation to organism. Winnning, not a childish child, but not a historical child. So, in the literature of the 19th century, the number of children in the daily life of proletarian children. For example, F. Engels, in his pre-sledges, relied on the sound of the Communist Party established by the English Parliament in 1833; ; their working hour was trivial 14-16 years.

Historically, the understanding of childhood is linked with singular social status, with the number of rights and obligations that govern the whole period of life, with a set of forms of activity available for new types and forms of activity.

D.B. Elkonіn on osnovі vivchennya etnografіchnih materіalіv showing scho on rannіh schablyah rozvitku lyudskogo suspіlstva, if basic ways dobuvannya їzhі bulo zbiralnitstvo іz zastosuvannyam primіtivnih znaryad for zbivannya plodіv i vikopuvannya їstіvnih korenіv, ditina duzhe early priluchavsya to pratsі grown, practical zasvoyuyuchi method dobuvannya їzhі i vzhivanie primitive people.

With such a mind, there was no need, not an hour for the stage of preparation of children before their labor potential. The dignity of vinikak todi, having received D.B. Elkonin, if a child cannot be included in the system of a suspension system without a second, since a child cannot yet be supported by a number of people due to its folding. As a result of the natural inclusion of children in the productive work of life.

Bagato of civic facts was selected by the French demographer and historian Philip ARIES, who was a civic, as in the course of history in the hands of artists, writers, and who formed an understanding of the child's life and what people saw The breeders of the robots are interested in the history of childhood in foreign psychology, but the thought of F. ARIES himself is considered to be classic. At the presentation of the preliminaries of the imaginative mystery, literary and documentary dzherel F. Aries vvazhaє, the inspiration of the dynasty began in the XIII century.

The presenter of F. ARIES in the image-making mystery brought it to the top, right up to the 13th century. the mystery didn’t go to children, the artists didn’t get magical about their images. Images of children in the painting of the XIII century. to create a deprivation in relіgіyno-allegorical plots.

Tse angels, numb Ісус і golе child yak a symbol of the soul of the deceased. The image of real children is seen in painting. As soon as there were children at the creators of the mystery, then the stench appeared like a change of grown-ups. At that time, there was no knowledge about the particularities and nature of childhood. The word "ditina" dovgo is not only a precise meaning, yake nadatsya youmu at once. So, for example, in the middle Nimechchin, the word "child" was synonymous with the word "fool" for the priest.

Baiduzhism on the date to childhood, on the thought of F. ARIES, it was a direct inheritance of the demographic situation of that hour, as it was seen by a high nation and a great child mortality. I familiarized myself with the podolannya baiduzhost before dying, as I am a French demographer, and in the 16th century there were portraits of dead children. Їх death, write vin, was experienced as an ineffective waste of time, and not as a complete zvychana podiya.

It is not until the 17th century that portraits of real children appear on the artist's canvases for the first time on the paintings of artists. Tse bully, as a rule, portraits of children in flux and reigning in a child's life. In such a rank, on the thought of F. ARIES, the vision of the dynasty began in the XIII century, its development can be simulated in the history of the painting of the XIV-XVI centuries.

It is important to serve as a symbol of the serpent before childhood, on the thought of a presenter, odyag. In the middle of the century, like a little child, they went from pelyushok, they immediately put on a suit, they didn’t appear to look like an old-fashioned social stan. Tilki in

XVI-XVII Art. there is a special child of odyag, who sees a child from an old age. Tsikavo, for boys and girls from 2-4 years old, the odeag was the same and was stored in a child's dress. In addition, it seems, for the sake of recognizing the boy as a man, he was dressed in a woman's suit, and the suit was pulled up to the ear of our capital, unaffected by the change of suspension and a boost to the period of childhood. Apparently, in the rural households before the revo-Lucy, children and grown-ups were dressed the same way. Until the speech, the specialness of the child is taken there, there are no great insights into the robotic age and the height of the child. Yak fostered by F. Aryus, the shape of a child's costume has become the most popular manifestation of the great internal changes put to children in suspension: the stench of repairing an important place in the life of grown-ups.

The insight of childhood made it possible to describe the next cycle of human life. To characterize the period of life in the scientific works of the XVI-XVII centuries. Already vikoristovuvalasya terminology, still a feast to get used to the science and growth of the movement: dignity, adolescence, youth, youth, maturity, old age. Differentiation of the wakes of human life and, including childhood, on the thought of F. ARIES, is formed by the flow of special institutions, so that new forms of suspension life, which are generated by the development of suspension.

So, the early dynasty first appeared to be in the middle of the homeland, devilishly tied to specific spilkuvannyas - "low" and "spoiled" of the little child. For the pedagogues of the 17th century, love before children was no longer in pampering and discourse, but in psychological interest until the beginning of the century, and the scientific texts of the book of the 16th and 17th centuries of the psychology of comments from children. In the XVIII century. in the family life, the concept of rational education penetrates, and the function of organizing the preparation of children to mature life is taken on not only by the family, but by a special community institute - the school.

The school, the founders of its regular, well-ordered structure, was able to make a subtle differentiation of that period of life, which is denoted by the colloquial word "childhood". A universal world, which has given a new development of childhood, becoming a "class". Ditina joins the noviy vіk shoroku, yak tilki zmіnyu class. The class has become the primary factor in the process of differentiation of all groups in the middle of the very child and youth.

It is familiar to the concept of F. ARIES, an understanding of childhood and adolescence, linked to school and class organization of schools by special structures, set up by the suspension for the preparation of children to social life and to professional life.

The order of the analysis of the creation of the mystery, with the folklore and linguistic prelude to important data about the history of the development of the child is given the ethnographic material.

Otzhe, dignity is a historical phenomenon (its wickedness and triviality were changed by stretching out a table). The dignity in the primary suspension was short, in the middle it was trivial; the dignity of the lucky child was even more stretched in the hour and reminiscent of the folding types of activity - children copy from their games, who are young and old, family and professional, to master the basics of science. The specificity of the family is to begin with the social, economic and cultural development of the suspension, in every life, to wiggle and come to a child.

In such a rank, food about the history of childhood, about the connection between the history of childhood and the history of support, about the history of childhood in general, without the perception of something unhappily in the mind of a childish understanding of the childishness. XX century and I will sell it to you. From the point of view of the current psychology, it is historical to mean the transition of the child from the same kind of similarity to the point of view of the specificity of all the middle of the skin. I wish the history of childhood has not yet been tracked in the abundant world, the very formulation of food in the psychology of the 20th century is important.

Every day, whether a person is educated for food about those who are also dignity, dignity, dignity is the price of development and development. Ale only vcheni reason, but the period of paradoxes and deterioration, without which it is difficult to detect the development process. V. Stern, J. Piazhe, I. A. Sokolyanskiy and richly іnshikh. D. B. Elkonin said that there is a paradox in the child's psychology - the end of the development of riddles, which must be solved. His lectures at the Moscow University, D. B. Elkonin, unaware of the characteristics of the two main paradoxes of child development, so that he could make up for the need for a historical journey to the mind of a child. Clearly їх.

Lyudin, z'yavlyayutsya on the light, overpowering deprivation of the very elementary mechanisms for the education of life. For the physical budget, the organization of the nervous system, for the types of activity and methods for the regulation of people - the best in nature. However, when a child is born, be ready to have a form of behavior. As a rule, for which food is still alive and well in the line of creatures, that is more than a triple dignity, that is that without time for the nation. Thus, there is one of the paradoxes of nature, which is the sound of the history of childhood.

In the course of history, the development of the material and spiritual culture of the people grew without interruption. For a thousand years, the human awareness has grown in abundance. Ale after the same hour, the newcomer child practically did not change. Hearing on the anthropologists' data about the anatomical and morphological similarity of the Cro-Magnon and the bitter Europeans, it is possible to allow for the new generation of the bitter people, in which the Sutta does not see that dozens of new-born lively people.

How does one go, when there are some natural changes of mind and the level of psychic development, which is the reach of the child on the skin historical stage of development of the suspension, development? Dignity - the period, which is common from new marital status to general social and psychological maturity; the period of becoming a child as a member of the human suspension. At the same time, the triviality of a child in the primary suspension is not an expensive triviality of a child in the era of Serednyovichchya, but in our days. The stage of the dynasty of a people is a product of history, and the stench is so strong to the point, like a thousand years of that. This is not possible to develop the dignity of a child and the laws of its formation, the posture of the development of human suspension and laws, which is to start its development. The triviality of the dynasty is in direct abandonment from the level of the material and spiritual culture of the suspension.

As a matter of fact, the theory of knowledge and the dialectics of guilt has evolved from the history of philosophy, history of sciences, history of the development of children and children of food, history of the movement. I respect the development of a child on the history of pink, as the development of a child in ontogenesis, as a result of an unreasonable development of children in older modern cultures.

The problem of the history of childhood is one of the most important in everyday childish psychology, since it is unfortunate to conduct either caution or experiment in this region. Ethnographers are kindly seen, as monuments of culture, as well as being able to see children and children. To navigate in quiet rural vistas, if archaeologists know igras, stinks appear, as a rule, objects of worship, which were put in graves a long time ago, and the stink was used by the gentlemen in the pooled light. Miniature images of people and creatures of vicorists were also used in the name of chaklunism and magic. You can say that the theory overwhelmed the experimental facts.

Theoretically, food about the historical proclamation of the periods of the childbearing of boulevards in the works of P. P. Blonsky, L. S. Vigotsky, D. B. Elkonin. The development of the mental development of the child, it’s worthy of L. S. Vigotsky, does not admit to the laws of nature, the laws of maturation to organism. The go of a childish development in a bitter suspension "absolutely singing class sense". It’s not enough for a child, but for a child it’s not a historical one. So, in the literature of the 19th century, we know the number of witnesses in the daily life of proletarian children.

It is accepted that the status of the child of a proletarian child will be formed in the XIX-XX centuries, if, with the help of the legislation on the protection of the child, the child begins to defend himself. Zrozumіlo, tse does not mean, that legal laws are adopted and created to preserve the dignity for the working lower vernaculars of the suspension. Children in the middle and the whole year to see robots that are necessary for a suspicious production (look after babies, home robots, doyaky silskogo gospodarski robots). With such a rank, in our hour, there is a strong fence for a child, it is impossible to talk about the status of a child, not the position of fathers in the social structures of the suspension. "The Convention on the Rights of the Child", adopted by UNESCO in 1989 and ratified by a large number of countries, is aimed at securing the development of the special features of the child.

Historically, the understanding of childhood is not linked with the biological camp of immorality, but with the singular social status, with the number of rights and obligations that govern the whole period of life, with a set of forms of activity that are available for a new kind and forms of activity. Bagato of cikavih facts was selected for the confirmation of the idea by the French demographer and historian Philip ARIES. The breeders of the robots are interested in the history of childhood in foreign psychology, but the thought of F. ARIES himself is considered to be classic.

F. ARIES tsіkavilo, as in the course of history in the witness of artists, writers and witnesses of childishness, he was never seen in the history of history. Yogo experience in the hallucination of the creative art brought it to the time, right up to the 13th century, the art didn’t turn to children, the artists didn’t get magical about their images. Childish images in the painting of the 13th century are deprived of their religious and allegorical subjects. Tse angels, numb Ісус і golе child yak a symbol of the soul of the deceased. The image of real children is seen in painting. Nichto, obviously, without respecting, how the child is to take revenge in her human specialness. As soon as there were children at the creators of the mystery, then the stench appeared like a change of grown-ups. Todi did not know about the specialties and nature of childhood. The word "ditina" dovgo is not only a precise meaning, yake nadatsya youmu at once. So, for example, in the middle Nimechchin, the word "child" was synonymous with the word "fool" for the priest. The dignity of the venerated period is fast and low-value. Baiduzhism on the date to childhood, on the thought of F. ARIES, it was a direct inheritance of the demographic situation of that hour, as it was seen by a high nation and a great child mortality. I am familiar with podolannya baiduzhosti to childhood, as a French demographer, to serve in the 16th century of portraits of dead children. "Oh death, - write vin, - now I was worried as an unjustified vrata, and not as a whole natural podiya". Podolannya baiduzhosti before children see how to judge painting, not earlier than the 17th century, if first on the canvases of artists repaired portraits of images of real children. As a rule, there are portraits of children in flux, or a reigning one in a child. In such a rank, on the thought of F. ARIES, the vision of dynasty began in the XIII century, its development can be seen in the history of painting in the XIV-XVI centuries, but the evidence of the whole vision of the XVI century is constantly manifested in the end of the XVI century.

It is important to serve as a symbol of the serpent before childhood, on the thought of a presenter, odyag. Like a little child, she went overboard, she was put on a suit all at once, and she didn’t look like an old-fashioned social camp. Tilki in the XVI - XVII centuries there is a special child of odyag, who sees a child from an old age. Tsіkavo, for boys and girls from 2 - 4 years old, the ogyag was the same and was stored in a childish dress. In addition, it seems, for the purpose of recognizing the boy as a man, he was dressed in a woman's suit, and the suit was pulled up to the ear of our capital, unconcerned for the change of suspension and the growth of the period of childhood. Apparently, in rural families before the revolution, children and grown-ups wore the same clothes. Until the speech, the specialness of the child is there, there are no great insights into the robotic age and the height of the child.

Analyzing portraits of children in old-fashioned paintings and describing a child's costume in literature, F. Aries sees three tendencies in the evolution of a child's dress:

    feminizatsiya - a suit for lads rich in what repeats the details of a woman's clothes;

    archaizatsiya - give children in Denmark the historical hour to be remembered in a seasoned old fashion and a lot in which to repeat the grown-up costume of the past era (so the boys had short pants);

    vikoristannya for children of vishchi stan_s of an extravagant oversized suit of the lower stan_s (village clothes).

Yak fledgling F. Aris, the form of a child's costume has become a manifestation of the great inner wisdom of putting to children in suspension. Now children are fixing a more important place in the life of grown-ups.

The insight of childhood made it possible to describe the next cycle of human life. To characterize the vikovyh period of life in the scientific works of the XVI-XVII century, the term of the Victorian was used, as it is still a period of living in science and growth: dignity, adolescence, youth, youth, maturity, senility, old age. Alas, the significance of these words is not due to the primordial wisdom. For the old hours of life, they lived from the chotirma in time to fate, from several planets, from the twelve signs of the zodiac. The number of numbers has been reduced as one of the indicators of the fundamental unity of Nature.

In the area of ​​mystery of the appearance of the period of human life, there were images in the design of the columns of the Palace of Dogs near Venice, among the engravings of the 16th - 19th centuries, in painting and sculpture. In most of these creatures of the people, they are not only in biological stages, but in the social functions of people. So, for example, in the list of the Palace Dozhiv vibir igrashok symbolizu vik children; shkilny vіk - lads to vchachit read, trim books in their hands, and dvchatka vchaetka v'yazati; in love and sport - young people and children walk on holy days at once; vіk vіyni ta lizarstva - lyudin, yak strіlyaє z rushnitsі; maturity - images of judging and insights.

Differentiation of the wakes of human life, on the thought of F. ARIES, is being shaped by the influx of social institutions, so that new forms of suspension life are generated by the development of suspension. So, the early dynasty first appeared to be in the middle of the motherland, devilishly tied to the specific spilkuvannya - "low" and "spoiled" of the little child. A child for the fathers is just a darling, brave little boy, who can grow up, because of the satisfaction of the gratis and in the presence of a great deal of attention and vyhovuvati. Such is the primordial, "family" concept of childhood. Pragnennya "naydzhati" children, "baluwati" and "undead" їх could appear only in the family. However, such a pidhid before children yak to "charming igrashok" never seemed unimportant.

The development of the suspension has called for a forge snake to the children. Vinikla nova concept of childhood. For the teachers of the 17th century, love before children swung in psychological interest until the beginning of life. In order to correct the behavior of a child, it is necessary to have the intelligence of the child, and the scientific text of the 16th and 17th century, reminiscent of the comments of the child's psychology. Obviously, it’s great educational ideas, please, that recommendation to take place in the works of Russian authors of the XVI-XVII centuries.

The concept of a rational vikhovannya, based on the suvor discipline, penetrates into the family life in the XVIII century. Uvaga batkiv will fix all sides of a child's life. Along with the function of organizing the preparation of children to a grown-up life, they are not taken on by themselves, but by a special community institution - a school that has been favored by highly qualified workers and educated people. The school itself, on the thought of F. ARIES, gave birth to dignity for the first 2 - 4 years of the mother's, father's vikhovannya in the family. The school, the founders of its regularity, well-ordered structures, adopted a further differentiation of that period of life, which is known by the word "dynasty". A universal world, which has given a new development of childhood, becoming a "class". Ditina joins the noviy vіk shoroku, yak tilki zmіnyu class. For the last time the life of a child and dignity was not swallowed up on such thin shari. The class has become the primary factor in the process of differentiation of all groups in the middle of the very child and youth.

With such a rank, the concept of F. ARIES, the understanding of childhood and youth, is tied to the school and the class organization of the school. The upcoming Vіkovy Rivn also calls F. ARIES with a new form of social life - the Institute of the Vіyskovy Service and Obligatory Vіyskovoіy Obligation. Tse pіdlіtkovy, abo young wіk. The understanding of the pidlitka led to the general development of the awakening. Teachers began to think of great importance in the form of education and discipline, as well as in style and manhood, which they did not cheat before. A new oriєntatsіya at once was found in painting, in painting. "The recruit now no longer seems to be disingenuous, and for a while we will age with the pictures of Danish and Spanish mayors of the 17th century. Win is now an addictive soldier, imaging, for example, Watteau", - write F. Aries. A typical image of a Yunaki svoryuє R. Wagner in "Siegfried".

In the XX century, Persha svitova vіyna gave rise to the phenomenon of "youth svidomostі", represented in the literature of "lost generation". “So, for the change of time, I didn’t know youth,” writes F. Aryus, “the era has come, in such youth it has become the most valuable ... All I want to enter a new earlier and start a new one”. The skin period of history is indicative of the singing privileged wisdom and singing child of human life. Youth - the price of gratification in the 17th century, dynasty - XIX, youth - XX. Yak bachimo, before F. ARIES was assigned to the understanding of the childhood, or, apparently, to the problem of understanding the childhood as a suspicious phenomenon. Ale, analyzing the concept of F. ARIES, it is necessary to remember the psychological laws of learning. L.S. I am inevitably aware of the principle of divergence between the becoming of a real phenomenon and its reflexive images.

The dignity of its own laws and, naturally, does not lie in the fact that artists repair the beasts of respect for children and images in their canvases. As soon as one can see without a word the judgment of F. ARIES about those who see the painting of the hand, the artist does not create all the necessary tributes for the analysis of the child's understanding;

Dosslіdzhennya F. ARIES will be repaired from the middle of the year, more often than not, there will be little plots from the images of children. Ale turbot about children, ideas of vikhovannya, zeal, appeared back to mid-century. Already in Aristotle there are thoughts dedicated to children. The robot F. ARIES is surrounded by the pre-dynasty of a child of a European child from the vernaculars of the suspension and describing the history of the child's posture with a link with the socially-economical development of the suspension. At the exhibition of documentary dzherel F. Aryus describes the wolf of the dynasty of noble people. So, the busy children of Louis XIII (an ear of the 17th century) can serve for a good illustration. At the pianoforte, Louis XIII had a violin on the violin and immediately played (music and dances of children of noble motherland were taught from the earliest age). Tse Lui to rob still before I respect you, I screwed up a tree of a horse, a vintryak, a dziga (igrashki, which were given to children of that hour). Louis XIII had three fatefuls, if for the first time he took the fate of St. Rizdva (1604), he was already reading a lot, and in the first time he was writing. Five rocky winners have gravitas in a picture, and a number of rockies - with shahi and tenis. Comrades in games with Louis XIII, bully pages and soldiers. Next to them is Lui grav at the hovanka and іnshi іgri. Among the rockets of Louis XIII, they set themselves in the guesses of riddles and charades. In these rockies, everything changed. The little ones have become overshadowed, they have a cholovic character. Win a start to start a mystery of love, shooter, gambling igor and verkhovyi izdi. For every hour I read the literature of the pedagogical and moralistic type. At the same hour, I started to open the theater and take part in collective games for grown-ups.

Alle, you can put a lot of the children’s attachments. One of them is taken from the XX century. Tse describe the rise of Douglas Lockwood in the wilderness of Gibson (Western Australia) and his development with the aborigines of the Pintubi tribe ("come lizards").

Until 1957, most of the people of the whole tribe, the Nicholas, did not bach the people, their contacts with the other tribes of the Buli were insignificant. All the life of the cikh of people, going through the wilderness, is zooseredzhena for fun and water. The women of the Pintubi tribe, strong and vitrified, could for years walk through the empty space with an important burn on their heads. Children stench of the people, lying on the squeak, supplementing and helping one to one. Smells didn’t mention the hygiene, they didn’t know the reason for the child’s birth. They did not have any stuffing, surrounded by wooden vessels for water. The taboria buli has two or three lists, a spike of clubs, a zhorno for shaping wild berries and from fifty wild lizards - їkh din food stocks. Everybody went to the poluvannya with lists, like boules crumbled from a tree. In cold weather, nudity rocked the life of the tsikh people intolerable. D. Lockwood gave the aborigines a mirror and a comb, and the women tried to comb their hair with the ringing side of the comb. Ale and for that, as the crest of the investments, the hand is in the correct position, all one does not fit into the hair, so as it is required there was a sprinkle of vimiti, and for all the water was not drawn. Cholovikov went to scratch his beard, the women left the gifts for a song, and they forgot about them without a bar. “The mirror,” writes D. Lockwood, “may not have been successful, if earlier people didn’t show their images. , wіn zdivuvsya і sawnly glanced at themselves in the new ... Women when I was surprised at the mirror only once.

The aborigines slept, lying on the squeak, without a carpet, or shrugged, cuddling for warmth up to two dingo dogs. D. Lockwood writes, that the little girl two or three rocky for an hour put her in her mouth either the majestic shmat of the cake, then the little meat of the creepy guani, yaku she herself baked into a hot squeak. The youngest sister was bred, sat on the hand at the breast and guided with a can of carcass (from the reserve of expeditions), fingering the meat with her fingers. On the offensive market D. Lockwood glancing over the jar. Vona bula vilizane to blisk. Another one cautioned by D. Lockwood: "Before the party, the Aborigines burned bagatty, and then they seized it from the cold weather in the winter. her head, she blew out a vugilla, and the fire spread to the head and the fire. Vona Bula without clothes and suffered through the cold, but she still did not cry.

A little more caution allows you to be more surprised at history. In the context of the analysis of the works of the mystery, with the folklore and linguistic preliminaries, the ethnographic material is given important data about the history of the development of the child.

On the basis of the development of ethnographic materials, D. B. Elkonin showed that at the early days the development of human suspension, if the main way of adding the young people to the future їzhі and і vzhivannya primitive znaryad. With such a mind, there was no need, not an hour for the stage of preparation of children before their labor potential. Yak pidkreslyuv D. B. Elkonin, the family of winners, since the child cannot be included in the system of suspension production without a priori, the child cannot yet be recognized by the people due to their folding. As a result of the natural inclusion of children in the productive work of life. On the thought of D. B. Yelkonin, the idea of ​​a new period of development at the hour is not going to bring about a new period of development over the already obvious ones (as after having paid attention to F. virobnstva. D. B. Yelkonin Blisky Revealing of the Particularities of Childhood in the Analysis of the Analysis of the Subject-Role Gris and a Detailed Examination of the Psychological Peculiarities of the Young Schoolchild.

As already mentioned, food is about the history of childhood, about the history of childhood, about the history of childhood, about the history of childhood as a whole, without the virulence of the life of the children, the psychology of children, і continue developing dosі. From the point of view of the radians' psychologists, the vivchaty of the child of development is historically - meaning the vivchaty of the transition of the child from the same vykovo resemblance to the one, vivchaty of the peculiarity of the specificity of the period of the age of the child, I wish the history of childhood has not yet been tracked in the abundant world, the very formulation of food in the psychology of the 20th century is important. And if the theory of the psychotic development of the child is not enough, then the decision can still be made. І to bach vіn in the light of the historic vivchennya dynasty.