Human DNA molecule. Yak work geni, also RNA, nucleotides, bilka synthesis. Life code. So also DNA and yak vona pouring into the life of people Lyudske DNA

Names of facts

DNA is the scheme of our body, and without it, I would not be mali. This is a molecule that is intended to avenge genetic instructions for developing and promoting functions in the skin's living organisms.

DNA is in the skin cells of our organisms, which are often called viral. The DNA in our cells is just like our fathers, for which we have a lot of similar rice.

Vona maє shape sub-spiral, Similar to the majesty of the spinal descent, і skin feet on the tsikh gatherings are formed with a bet of nucleotides. If DNA is copied, some grants are found, and graces are made as mutations.

spindle axis tsikavikh facts about DNA, how to help you more beautifully to your mind.

DNA molecule

1. Bdelloid rooters - a whole range of microscopic creatures that have become females for 80 million years. The stench will multiply, and the DNA of those creatures is suspected.

2. Yakbi has brought you 8 years old drukuvati, one word per second, you bi it was 50 rocky, which overruled the genome of people.

4. You will transfer the transplantation of the cystic marrow into the DNA of your blood. donor DNA will be present, Shcho in the past led to grave areshtіv.

5. Have older brothers and sisters 50% of foreign genes, Yak and at the fathers with children.

6. DNA will run close to 1 million times per day in the skin of our body. Happily, our body has a folding system for updating. Yakby tsyogo not buto, tse would cause cancer or bend the clitin.

7. If on the right side are spineless, then board worms є by our closest relatives... We have more DNA, less targans and octopuses.

8. We would like to acknowledge that some families in Iceland have DNA, so they only learn from the Native Americans. Svidchennya vkazuyut on those who wikings brought the native American back to Europe close to 1000 years ago.

9. At the international space station є hard disk, titles " disc of immortality". Win to avenge the DNA of people like Lance Armstrong and Steven Hawking on the theme of a universal catastrophe.

10. Brook Grіnberg is a devil, as she watched all her life, as a child, she died in 20 years. Vcheni vvazhayut, scho її DNA can be the key to biological immortality.

Human DNA

11. Close 8 verses of our DNA are built up from ancient viruses, Yakі kolis іnfіkuvali people.

12. As a result of DNA from the last few years, the Polynesians went back to Chile in the 1300s and overtook Columbus, having set foot on the American land 200 rocky earlier.

13. Close 2 grams of DNA could be used to accommodate all the information, saved in a digital view.

14. Vcheni recorded a song from a cartoon("It" s A Small World After All ") in the DNA of bacteria, Yaka stiyka to radioactivity, and on the effects of a nuclear catastrophe, people in the future or in the form of life could know.

15. Zambian lykar John Schneeberger was subjected to sexual assault. Win implanting his tube with the blood of the people, and if they took blood from him for DNA, win zmig fool fakhivtsiv. I mean, yogo all the same into the distance zatrimati.

16. DNA of people at 99.9% of the same... Warehouse capacity remains 0.1 per cent.

17. Genetic change of ovum can replace the DNA of a human and due to the delay of spermatozoa. By such a rank, two people can become fathers of a child.

18.All your clients can have DNA stretched by 16 milliard kilometers, Yaksho її unscrew. It was approximately from the Earth to Pluto and back.

19. If I want to know the site, how to smell the genetic test on the sleek, how to confirm your behavior, so that astrology is "genetic in its own way", and it is not really a matter of seriousness.

20. 50 pieces of your DNA similar to that of a banana.

21. At the start of the meeting, it was decided that the period on the opposite side of the DNA would become 521 ric, and after 1.5 million years, the DNA could not be read, saved in a short view.

22. Through the ruinuvannya of DNA, it is small, as if it is not possible to clonuvati dinosaurs or even prehistoric creatures.

23. Nimetska police once took DNA samples for an hour of jewelery embarkation. The witnesses pointed out to the twins of Hassan and Abbas O. Obidva, they forgot the accolades, do not marvel at those who the police knew about those who one of them inflicted evil.

The stench couldn’t be significant, but it’s been smashing from them, so as DNA was practically identical, and because of the law of Nimechchini, it’s impossible to trim non-meanings of terms. By such a rank, the police did not have a choice, as they would allow them to be judged.

24. All people have non-African activities є follow the DNA of the Neanderthals.

25. On the way to the project of a dunce Hornslet by a Danish artist Christina von Hornslet u 2013 roci in glibok m_sce oceanBula lowered capsule for an hour. The capsule was filled with blood, hair and DNA of creatures. My project has become Saving your DNA, you can turn it into a vimerlі vidi.

What does DNA mean

What does DNA mean

"Information, laid down in the basis of Ііssііdіologіііnіy, poklikana preliminarily change all your nіsіsn bachennya svіtu, as at once from us, how to be in a new place, - from the minerals, roslin, tvarin and people to distant Zirokі Galaxies - for the most part is a neuromatically folding і superbly dynamic іluzіyu, not more real, not your current dream. "


1. Introduction

1. Introduction

Frequently shale super-bridges wicked food about the treatment factors in the decline rate and the reaction in the process of formation human specialties, Especially with the formulated complex of rice to humanism. Science is undeniable to bring, that the factor is irregularly intertwined with oneself: the decline in the possibilities can be realized only by the flowing of the last middle-class, and in the infusion of the inviting middle-class, the factors are inevitably intertwined with the mid-range.

Go to your own family, close the stake. Chi so tse? What are two factors together, one in one? How much can you fit in on the slump? What is it, then, what rank? The number of people who eat without food is determined as a result of the development of tribute to scientific advances.

In some robots, the knowledge of such scientific directions as genetics, epigenetics, as well as іssіdіology itself, as new system knowledge, interpreting a lot of science directly behind the help of more universal manifestations. In order to reveal, as laid down in the basis of іssііdіology, at my glance, open up additional information, from day to day in the minds of other establishments, power supply and help to expand the boundaries of human beings.

Bagatom vіdomo, іt's aesthetically vykhovannya and іdpovіdnі think of the middle class in the region necessary for the humanization of specialness. However, as a result of being infused with the most effective and straightforward, the skin ludin could maximally realize her inclinations for the good of those who needed the nobility to show all the spirits of health by changing the structure of the DNA of the home.

2. Looking at the genetic information from the positions of genetics and іісііdіology

2.1. DNA in official science

For the ear, you need to look at it, which is the DNA and the genetic code from the point of view of genetics.

On the ear of the last thousand years of vidbulasya vinyatkovo important importance: buv deciphering the genome of people - instructions, I will describe our predilection for you. The project to decipher the genome of new launches in 1990 was carried out by the authorization of James Watson (molecular biologist, geneticist) in the name of the National Health Organization of the United States. In 2000 cases, the structure of the genome was introduced to the robot, and the structure of the genome was expanded in 2003; Met the project bulo intelligence of the genome of the human species, the value of the sequence of nucleotides, which store DNA, and identification of 25-30 thousand genes in the human genome.

In the core of the skin cells of our body there is a vital center - DNA, the program of the evolution of all living things. Code of the whole giant thread-like molecule to avenge important information, Yaka regulates the power of the cell and the transfer of rice from generation to generation. Win can change as a result of mutations, which are positive and move to the side, friendly for the body, or in unpleasant, or nauseous in the mouth. The given information, stored in DNA, is stored according to the sequence of nucleotides (adenine, guanin, thymine and cytosine), set up a set of triplets (codons), which start the order of the formation of amino acid molecules into.

Evidence of nucleic acids should be observed by the Swiss chemist F. Misher, for a trivial hour injecting the nuclei of leukocytes, so that it can enter the storehouse with pus. The copy of the robot of the miraculous glorifier ended in success. In 1869, F. Misher revealed a new chemical spoluca in leukocytes, called yaku nuclei (lat.Nucleus - nucleus). Recent studies have shown that nuclein is the sum of nucleic acids. By the year, nucleic acids and boules have been revealed in both growing and growing cells, bacteria and viruses. And so it went on, that in nature there are two types of nucleic acids: deoxyribonuclein and ribonuclein. The difference in the names is to explain that the DNA molecule is to avenge the deoxyribose zucor, and the RNA molecule is to avenge ribose.

To reject the whole picture, it is necessary to describe a gene (in Greek. Genos - birth, walking), as a structural element of a chain of macromolecules, which is an elementary unit of decay, which is a singing specificity of the nucleotide.

The genome of human skin cells is close to 30-40 thousand genes, which are found in chromosomes, which are divided into dilenks - loci, so that it is a mistake to grow that gene. As a result of the sequencing of all genomic DNA, it was established that the human genome could avenge 25-30 yew. Active genes, which code for libraries and functional RNA, can become less than 1.5% of all genetic material. This is the part of non-coding DNA, which is often called "smitty DNA".

The genome of humans is composed of 23 pairs of chromosomes, the dermal chromosome is to avenge hundreds of genes, which are separated by space. In the middle of the world there is a revenge on the regulatory interface that does not code DNA.

The genes encoded information about the biosynthesis of a single polypeptide lancer with a singular amino acid sequence and about the structure of RNA molecules: matrix or information (code of the library), ribosomal, and such kind of transport. The average size of the human gene becomes 30,000 base pairs. Nykorotshy geni revenge only two dozen letters-nucleotides, for example, geni endorphins - bіlkіv, so vyklikayut vіdchuttya delightful. Geni of interferons are bile, as they seize people from different infections, maybe the size is close to 700 nucleotides. The one that found the gene, which is the code for one of the nucleotide cells - dystrophin, to avenge 2.5 million nucleotide pairs.

Smell vikonuyut a number of functions, one of which is a coding of the primary structure to a polypeptide (bile). In dermal cells (small erythrocytes, in those in the daytime nucleus), genes are produced, enzymes of replication and reparation of DNA, transcripts, components of translation apparatus (ribosomal proteins, aminosynthesis, phytoplasty) іnshі components, necessary for the conduct of "home government" of the church. Supervise the "home government" is closely related to the same n'yatoy of all generations. Lots of genes in the skin cells "move". The set of active genes grows in fallowness according to the type of tissue, the period of development of the organism, from the most recent or internal signals. It is possible to say that in the skin cells there is a "sound" of their own accords of geniv, which means the spectrum of synthesized m-RNAs, coded by them, and, apparently, the power of the cells.

The DNA itself does not take a direct part in the synthesis of the protein, but serve as a template to induce the matrix or information RNA molecule, into which the gene code (transcript) is transferred. In ribosomes, there is a "transfer" of the m-RNA code to the amino acid sequence of the protein synthesized on them (translation).

2.2 Alignment of DNA structure from the point of view of ііssііdіology and genetics

DNA, as a structure, will prevent the transfer of information from generation to generation and the implementation of genetic programs, development from the point of view of іісііdіologіology, it is also seen as an information base about all basic forms. The evolution of people and all the powerless forms of life is tied to a number of factors, one of which is the inclusion of interconnections in our DNA that govern the largest forms of self-confidence (proto-forms): dalinera, ruslin, mi tak Ісіііdіology іnterpreting that part of DNA, which is called work, as interconnection of the different level of covariancy (similarity) of mіzh different species proto-forms, that is, to prototype on the display of different proto-forms sfuurmm-forms (uyavlen), reformatted into a human type of misinterpretation. Our organisms have all the functions of organs and systems represented by thousands of protoform genes; including viruses and bacteria. It is important to mean here, human organism It is not only the supremacy of a few trillions of vlasny human cells, but also of 100 trilions of bacterial, foreign and fungal forms of self-awareness. Yak bachite, leave in the whole bio-conglomeration of the life of the creator of the human genome.

So, from what is said, it is possible to create a family, but the genetic code, representations of the richness of the last nucleotides, to take revenge in oneself not only the human, but to see the powers of the other forms of self-consciousness (prototypical forms)

The formation of such all kinds of different types (different forms) interconnection can be done for a reason, which is described in the іssііdіology. One of them is the principle of diffusion.

Diffusion(From lat. diffusio- poshirennya, roztіkannya, vzaєmne proniknennya chastinok rechovini one to one transmission of chastkovoyu utvorivsya pitched svoїh іndivіdualnih vlastivostey) dozvolyaє form-Creator some forms of the proto-basis sformuvati neobhіdny energoіnformatsіynih vzaєmozv'yazkіv for rakhunok zaluchennya dodatkovih іnformatsіynih fragmentіv, strukturuyut focal dinamіku іnshih proto-forms ...

Cutaneous samosvіdome іstota, viyavlenu in navkolishnomu prostorі, zdіysnyuє in fokusnoї dinamіtsі svoєї svіdomostі rіznoyakіsnі peretvorennya for rakhunok vprovadzhennya raznoprotoformnih vzaєmozv'yazkіv (іnformatsіynih fragmentіv) SSMSC, vzaєmodіyuchi of Pevnyi dіlyankami DNA peretvoryuyuchis in elektrichny іmpuls, pereproetsіruyutsya of neurons Shlyakhov for podalshoї in deshifruvannya such as to the brain, such as epiphys, hypothalamus, hypophysis and so on. As a result, it is necessary to establish the need for further development of the appearance of the image, to integrate the information, the general quality of the form.

In such a rank, all the visible types of proto-forms, including people, through the path of transgression in the informational field of vigorous information about spuurmm-forms, take part in the evolution (amplification) of one one in a straightforward manner. In general and in the field of evolution, the essence of diffusion is, so that it is possible to unrestrictedly re-project all the information about the information in the context of simple forms.

In an important way, I will also explain the mechanism of integration of multiform information in the structures of genes, є the photonic nature of the DNA of any living organism, the photonic basis of what allows the interconnection of the DNA of all the royal forms of self That is, everything that is individually missed, seen and experienced in the life of the earthly life as a human being, a creature, a tree, a mineral The mission of the given stink is to be found.

deyakі new naukovі doslіdzhennya also inform about the links between the information field and DNA. In 1990, a group of Russian physicists, molecular biologists, biophysics, geneticists, embryologists and linguists began to study the singing parts of DNA. With the help of a laser, the laser detects the given macromolecules voni viyavili, like a sponge, picking up light, and taking a photon from a spiral. The proof of this was the fact that the Khvil's picture was lost on the same day, after it had been overemphasized, the light prodzhuvav spirally twisted, if the physical DNA was not already there. The lack of control experiments showed that the energetic field of DNA is in its own right, as an energetic double, so as the picture was taken, it swelled the same shape, but it was a physical molecule, and the visualization of the image was canceled out.

The Chinese doctor Jiang Kanchzhen speaks about it in his robot "Theory of field control." Winning the possibility of direct transmission of information from one brain to the other radio and confirmed by numerical reports. " I respected earlier, genetic informationє DNA, in the molecules that the genetic code is to be found, altogether the modern physics allowed me to let it go, but DNA - the whole "cassette" because of the information record, and the material carrier of the bioelectromagnet signal. In other words, the electro-magnetic field and DNA is a complete genetic material, which is sensible in two forms: passive - DNA and active - EM-field. The first is the genetic code, which will ensure the stability of the organism. A friend in the camp of yogo zminity. For a complete supply of bioelectromagnet signals, as an instant revenge on energy and information. For their nature, such signals are the center of photons, quantum theory corpuscular-hwilovy powers».

At the presentation of the theory of the bule, an installation was installed, which "reads" information from the DNA of one living object and directs it to the first living object. In one of the previous years, the din was infused with an electro-magnetic field on the germination of the ogirkiv. The fruits grew up to bear the relish of the donor - dini, and the biochemical analysis showed that in the DNA there were some changes that were transmitted from generation to generation.

Carrying out a number of such experiments in genetics allowed the pre-gliders to let go, but the genetic code of the organism can be transferred not to the DNA molecules, but to the energetic - photon-sensitive - double.

2.3. We would like to update you on the information

Revolutionary and cutting-edge advances in science and genetics the rest of the rock Infection is approaching a new and even more central boundary, beyond which there is more valuable information about the injection of thoughts on the health and psyche of people. On a whole new frontier, іssііdіology, genetics and epigenetics are being developed, as well as science and self-development.

At all stages, we ask new food: how are our thoughts and emotions injecting mechanisms and signals into the middle of our genes? How can I pick up information, how can I help myself?

In all cases, it is often necessary to refer to those who have a human genome and the activity of their genes is strong to the point of introducing significant factors and behavioral reactions. Fallow stage od yakіsnіst i stabіlnostі psіhomentalnostі reaktsіy Lyudin on іnformatsіyu scho nadhodit zzovnі іnformatsіyu, aktivіzuyutsya vіdpovіdnі dіlyanki genіv scho generally produces Change log to fіzіologіchnih protsesіv appeared in novih Find our povedіntsі in psihіtsі (konfіguratsії) of SSMSC hour carols stіyky character. Ale, on the other hand, there is also a counterintuitive thought in the scientific medium: on the steps of harmony of psycho-mental processes, in the self-awareness of people, in transmitted from generation to generation. And from the іssііdіologicheskoy position, as I am reason, it is worth looking at the interdependent and mutually supportive processes that have been brought forward in the field of genetics, genetics, psychology.

Through the specifics of the developmental processes that occur in the genes, the new generations can receive information not only about new rice but about the functional activity of biological organisms, by the rank of codes in chromosome configurations. In other words, not only the size of the nose, eyes, vaga, vision, and some special features of the physiological constitution, the most characteristic for both fathers and the closest relatives, but also the type of character, great health, survivors, all the news , well, mali is not only a little bit in the life of the fathers, ala and the first blood representatives of both canopies, it is the basic information for the skin people to be used by people, a handful of people who call them singers, the most popular scenarios.

Uspadkovanі genetic programs do not necessarily manifest themselves secretly by our people. Some of the special patterns become obsessed until quiet times, as long as our life does not trawl so much as provocation (including). Imovirnіst of that, that we will grow up, whether we are sick, may be present in our genes permanently. However, the ailment will become unhealthy for us, as long as there is a specific way of not waking up the ancient spogad, but at the same time it is a gene that will get sick from tini. Likewise, the functionless functions of our physical body, and the processes are absolutely uncomfortable for us.

Ale for all, with all this is the side of the medal. Any type of slump is not all physiological and mental, but not better than the advanced creative activity of strong mental manifestations, which ruled before the moment of conceiving a child of those who were in power, and in the same way they passed І as be-a-kind of a clearer form, synthesized on the basis of the stylistic interaction of specific information and sub-active changes in her psychic realizations, to be taken into the flow of the same type of business with them according to the demands of their

This means that we will be able to adapt to the configuration of power self-awareness, in cardinally new in terms of quality, in the form of modernization, assimilated by modernized in a necessary direct and unintelligent in their structure, it is quite a lot to give such a vector As a result, giving a decrease in signs in the genetic code will not be so dominant anymore, because it will have to move in a smaller step, if it will be driven by strong sphuurmm-forms and not bending over and over again.

Along with that, in any direct way we will be active in the vibration, cry quietly, as it is transmitted by the fathers and in that they become powerful on the grounds, because of the fact that the genetic decline is also clearly manifested, if it changes, it will change, and it will be there will be manifested the best yakisnі, or egoistichnі s sfuurmm-forms.

Experimental data about the meaning of a positive target in DNA control, as a proof of what is said, it can be said about those who in general are of no importance for us;

Here it is easy to aim the butt of the American geneticist Bruce Lipton. With a handful of rockin 's specializations in the genetics of engineering, having successfully stolen a doctoral dissertation, becoming the author of a number of doslidzhen. The whole hour Lipton, as a rich genetics and biochemistry, viv, as lyudin is a singing biorobot, the life of which is ordered by the program recorded in his genes.

The turning point in the eyes of Dr. B. Lipton was the experiment he conducted in the end of the 1980s with the development of behavioral peculiarities. cell membrane... Before that, in science, it was important that the geni itself was found in the nucleus of the cell, and it began to pass through the membrane, and then it was not. However, B. Lipton's memories showed that the behavior of genes can be infused into a cell and create a change in its structure.

B. Lipton said: “It has long been seen that two people can have the same genetic tendency to cancer. Ale had a disease in one, and ni in the other. To what? The one that stinks lived in a funny way: one often saw the stress, not the other; they have a boule of developmental self-assessment and self-perception, a developmental move of thought. I can live the season, which is built by our biological nature; we can, for help, thoughts, viri and prazneny pour on our genes, including on the processes that go to molecular rivnі... By the way, I haven't come up with anything new. Stretch out to the doctors to see the placebo effect - if the sick person smells a neutral speech, it’s worth it, and it’s all about it. As a result, speech and justice have given us a lot of action. Ale, yak is not wonderful, scientific explanation I didn’t get too much of a manifestation. ”

The placebo effect is the smartest indication of the person who is able to manage their body. Yak vіdomo, efect spratsovuє, like lyudin's mentality, absolutely fondness for what he thinks, and as a result, we will get rid of the bazhan. V haunted life mi korystuєmosya tsim principle is everywhere. I want to marvel at the singing channel of TV, we change it to the new one. The whole channel, so chi іnakhe, potentially be present in our room, and in order to switch to a given frequency, it is necessary to be interested.

In the context of the history of these impulses, the same process occurs. As soon as for the help of the rosum, you have set up in resonance with the demand, you can start to remove the information - the one that you do not need. If the frequency is worse, the more harmonious will be the information.

Pidsumovyuchi everything is said, briefly it is possible to say that "people are in control of the genome." Dana is firm enough to rob the people of her own, but all of a sudden she is overwhelmed with new ideas for her share.

2.4. What rank can you most effectively inject DNA into a yak?

Zgіdno ііssііdіologіі, genome Lyudin code at vsіy svoїy uyavnіy neporushnostі i nezmіnnostі not Je absolutely fіksovanimi energoіnformatsіynim pokaznikom nashoї trivimіrnoї bіologіchnoї structuring through those scho DNA molecule yavlyaє themselves naybіlsh dinamіchnu Chastain bіologіchnogo organіzmu, bezperervno vipromіnyuє rіznoyakіsnі elektromagnіtnі field іntensivnіst i yakіsnі characteristics yakih change without interruption yak in full dovkilla, So and before the flow of internal psycho-bio-chemical processes.

Generating positive thoughts based on positive emotions cheery speeches... Apparently, negative thoughts give negative feedback. The first fact is that there is a huge inflow on those, like our clients.

Proceedings can also be said about the previous achievements in the field of genetics. During the American days, Glen Rain and Rollin McCreith, Doctorate of Sciences, who worked together with the Institute of Mathematics at the heart, demonstrated how kindly they were focused on thinking and thinking about how DNA looks in the way of thinking and “communicating” between biologists. In the course of one experiment, before, after all, it was possible for the DNA molecule to twist or twist. The twisting of the DNA spiral is tied to the renewal of the molecule, and the twisting of the front end of the cell. In the first experiment of viprobuvanii zmіg is inserted into the camp of DNA, once having moved from the vіdstanі close to the meter. As a result, some of the last few days were allowed to start (if they didn’t do it experimentally), but for some other reason, it is possible to pour into the processes on the clerical background and change the structure of DNA - that is our genetic code!

All our manifestations, emanations (thoughts), psychophysiological (almost), like the DNA molecule itself, obscure their own frequency of realizing and highly specific configurations of the electromagnetic field established by them. Already, the dynamism of the creative activity of the skin from functionally similar groups of genes is stimulated abo, navpaki, to be driven by an active manifestation in the structures of our self-awareness of all kinds of thoughts, feeling and pragmatic.

At any moment of our vision, in the absence of a stage of security configuration, in the information space of our self-awareness, the structure of DNA can be deprived of the singing dialogue. As soon as the focus is on, the dynamo changes its frequency, it immediately switches on before the process of generating the gene, so that it gets into the quality living creativity, Apparently, the sphere of presentation of interests immediately changes. It seems that everything is interconnected, not very useful, and I will explain why the processes occurring in one area are immediately followed by changes in everything.

It was determined and achieved stable changes with their good thoughts, positive feelings and self-centered, intellectual aspirations to the dynamics of gene activity in quiet DNA diversities, mi automatically (through the detection of singing in the open space-hour) clean structure to be more friendly (harmonious) furnishings. Be it a lyudin for the help of an unremitting altruistic intention, spiritual aspiration and style of healing focus in most countries, it is possible to fundamentally recast and modify the entire genetics of the genetics of the structure of creative activity.

To achieve this, I need to be more thorough, people. The essence of the polyagus' camp is in high-pitched intelligence and altruism, which is the answer to the tedious life for those who are likely to see a loss on vibors, of the kind of high-mindedness. As soon as it appears as if it was overstepped by the viconious, then it is important to look for the memory, but the stench is learned and at first sight - if the bullets are opened by some outsiders, but especially by you, and then, do not go overboard. Possibilities, aside, are simply not encrypted for a given moment.

Dwellers zvesti to mіnіmumu Quantity nespriyatlivih naslіdkіv our viborіv have skin of our іsnuє tіlki one nadіyny sposіb: namagatisya motivatsіyno vkladati to whether yak rіshennya yakomoga bіlshe Find our visokochuvstvennogo іntelektu i visokoіntelektualnogo altruїzmu, SSMSC in nevicherpnih realіzatsіynih mozhlivostі bezlіchі protoformnih napryamkіv, potentsіyno structuring our focal dynamism, in power by the very human principle of being shown, to be the main principles of the most harmonious human way of development.

But here it is important to brutalize respect for those who, on the level of altruism and intellectualism, can also be encouraged to infuse protoform diffusion, as it turns around at the view of the overwhelming activity of one in two warehouses. In order to be able to show altruism, if not at the same time, they are unsuccessful on the level of intellect, or else we can be intellectually, albeit in its territory. The first, and the other option is indicators of the substitution of the focal dynamics of self-awareness of people in a proto-form directly. Already, the harmony itself is not angry with altruism and intelligence, as it starts in іssііdіology as high-level intellectual altruism and high-sensitivity intellect represent the basis of the luvuvuumichesky, so human And also the prominence, mercy, spirituality, tolerance, honesty є the harmony of warehouses is a sign that we are directed towards human development.

Yak tіlki takі Vibor become natural Chastain lyudskoї svіdomostі, form-tvortsі DNA pochnut stіyko modulyuvati in geometrіyu expanse tіlki dinamіku visokochastotnih vipromіnyuvan, i automatic and (rezonatsіonno) zmіnyatsya ninіshnі minds іsnuvannya, SSMSC in nabagato bіlshomu stupenі will spriyati away rozvitku in lluuvvumіcheskom (lyudskomu) napryamku , nіzh all those who will drain our biologic tila at once. We will not become more cold-blooded, just blood plasma will come in a warehouse, budova cells will change, and a pair of chromosomal threads will quickly form in the structure of DNA, and a number of synthetic amino acids will also grow. It is the result of a series of mass mutagenic processes, in our biological organisms, in a possible type of nerve, vegetative, hematopoietic, sechostate, herbal, endocrine and dichal systems. For a year, before the activity of the main mass of DNA in the larger world changes from the spectrum of coarse-wave - low- and mid-frequency - equal to the photon type of energy-informational interactions in the most important reactions, when ,

Advancing the quality of mental processes in the future will be supervised by the rapid development of technologies in other fields of science. For example, all those tendencies that you would like to be able to do, navpaki, relax for help, exactly direct to a specific area and brain laser vipromynyuvan, You can make changes and style changes for ochikuvani. Approximately the same results can be achieved with the help of individual rosettes of special microscopic nanodevices (nanorobots), programmed on the side to insert into the chromosomal structure of the skin clutch, or for reconstructive skin cells. How will you be zd_ysnyuvatisya? Taking into the organism of decilkoh nanobots, I start to start to build up intensive self-duplication (for the development of obvious chemical elements in the organism), step-by-step - on the basis of the organisms - to build up the system ...

Conduct retailers on the basis of knowledge, in order to establish, as it is from the DNA of women of specialties, show the singing types of creative activity of the form-creators of self-awareness, and help to create the value of specialties for At the same time, I know at once that the DNA and genes will be able to display them, but in the future it will be possible to regulate the robot practically all the needed genes - to set a program for activating some and strangling them.

Ale at tsomu not potrіbno zabuvati about those scho Yakscho focal dinamіka pochne stіyko zagliblyuvatisya in realіzatsіyu yakihos egoїstichnih tendentsіy then vіdbudetsya pereorієntatsіya in svіti de zdatnostі to tsіlespryamovanogo vіrtualnomu modelyuvannyu vlasnoї forms will poslіdovno - in mіru pogіrshennya їh yakіsnіst - zmenshuvatisya i in kіntsі Of course, once again, it is possible to find out in quiet light, with a deeper technological and genetic potential for the continuous re-implementation of the forms we focus on and our universal health emerging from the outside.

Life gradually, - and in the closest fate, everything is more visible, - sooner grow up for the skin of us to sing between the quality of the vibrations, as it is to start the tendency of the closest stage of our life to live: low-quality living conditions with supervised ample opportunities for visokochastotnih CREATIVE realіzatsіy, vklyuchayuchi i vіdsutnіst zdatnostі nashogo bіologіchnogo organіzmu to samovіdnovlennya, abo E staєmo all bіlsh altruїstichnimi i visokoіntelektualnimi, postupovo pochinayuchi all bіlshoyu mіroyu usvіdomlyuvati currently CREATIVE activity Chastain novih spriyatlivih svіtіv of bіlsh garmonіynimi vіdnosinami in zhittі bulk, in addition chislі rozshiryuyuchi not only our creative people realize the possibility of realizing the possibility, ale and the power of the great light, for that the configuration of the forms that we focus on - the price and the configuration of the geometry of the space-hour (at the very least, the whole life): such

3. Visnovok

In some robots, it’s overwhelming to look at the scientific glances, as they indicate those that our genetic code is not static, but can change in response to the flowing callous officials, behavioral reactions. At the exhibition of the individual intelligence of the іssііdіology boules of the information on such nutrition: how is the structure of DNA represented? What is it possible for a human being, if it’s a form of being inserted into genetic information, embedded in a whole structure, and how efficiently is it possible to grow? Also, we will carry out a detailed analysis of science tributes to the health of people and whether it’s the only form of self-awareness to use genetic information.

It is possible to change the offensive visnovka:

slump i call-up officials, And also the psycho-mental activity of people is irregularly tied, in its own capacity, being the basis for the formation of new interconnections on the gene ration, as well as universesalization of the DNA structure of people and all living things;

Genetic information, as the supremacy of energy-information interconnections, includes not only human, but also the best information, which is passed on to us for additional identity genes, the structure of such organisms, the first time to develop into a human straightforward, through the mesmerizing of its focus dynamics, walk through the impossibility of protoformalizations; in the whole polyagaє the essence of the evolutionary development;

Diffuseness and the photonic nature of DNA allows for the uninterrupted reprocessing of all the processes of thinking about what is known, as well as the interaction of DNA from all the other forms of self-awareness, which is the reason for the formation of the old

Genetic program, passed on in recessions, do not expect to manifest itself inadvertently for the people, all to lie in the quality of healthy vibrations;

One of the most effective ways to add to DNA is the development of special features of such signs as high-sensitivity intelligence and high-level intellectual altruism; However, it is also important to remember that for the diffusion of all forms of self-awareness it is possible to re-examine the activity of one of these qualities, which are characteristic of one of the protoform strands;

Such a rank, unique in a specific skin type, a variant of the development of any individual sign, both biological and psychological, can be the result of both a unique genetic constitution (genotype), and a unique enjoyable life.

In any case, the quality of the mental state and individual specialties biological organisms of people, through these types of vibrations, change without interruption, flock either more rude or painful, which is an indicator of self-awareness of self-consciousness in prototyping, realizable, or We are so, like we are obvious to ourselves. I light, and people are also the same, as they are clearly, as we put before them, think about them, and will be with them.

In the course of the robot's work over this abstract, I shifted to the fact that we just needed the power to rewrite history, fixed in our genes, and by ourselves to change our share in that directly, in what we want to back up to ourselves. I also came to the newsletter, where new information about the structure, methods injected onto DNA, is presented in the іssііdіology, we can even more help in reading from other robots according to the description (abstract) of the genome. And the aim is to identify all genes (sequencing), the establishment of their functions, characteristics of the stanes, the known causes of ailing mutations and the potential for illnesses in the field of genetics, which can lead to new revolutions in genetics.

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Fokusna Dynamika - the whole head mechanism will show whether it is from Form-structures to the Space-Hour (the so-called “geometriya space”); Inertial formulation (dynamism) in the informational space of self-awareness SFUURMM-Form (give) about yourself and about new action. Everything that we subjectively imagine as a "light" and "reality", an industrial product of our fierce misleading and psycho-creation, we adapt it to characteristics the system of taking care of our Self-awareness.


5. Youth can be transferred from the same DNA to the younger.

6. Surkov O.V. Psychologist. Injecting stress on the gene rivni.

7.S.A.Borinskaya, N.K. Yankovskiy. Lyudina and її geni.

8. The power of thought is good for the genetic code of the organism.

9. What is the key to see DNA?

10. OV Oris, "Issіdіology. Immortality is available to skin ”, volume 15, published: VAT“ Tatmedia ”“ PIK “Idel-Press”, Kazan, 2012 r

11. OV Oris, "Issіdіology. Fundamentals ", 3rd volume, published: VAT" Tatmedia "" PIK "Idel-Press", Kazan, 2014 r

12. DNA is fed into the flow of evidence.

13. OV Oris, "Issіdіology. Immortality is available to skin ”, 13th volume, published: VAT“ Tatmedia ”“ PIK “Idel-Press”, Kazan, 2011 r

14. OV Oris, "Issіdіology. Immortality is available to skin ”, 14th volume, published: VAT“ Tatmedia ”“ PIK “Idel-Press”, Kazan, 2011 r

OV Oris, "Issіdіology. Fundamentals ", 3rd volume, published: VAT" Tatmedia "" PIK "Idel-Press", Kazan, 2014 r

Bruce Lipton "Biology viri"

All we know is that people, deyakі cries and, navіt, ailments are transmitted in the recession. All information about living and being is encoded in genes. So how can the woeful geni look, how do they function and how can they smell?

Otzhe, the nose of all genes, be it people or creatures, DNA. Dane was given the knowledge of DNA in 1869 by Iohann Friedrich Misher. Chemical DNA is a deoxyribonucleic acid. What does it mean? Yakim tsya acid carry in its own genetic code of all living things on our planet?

It is almost impossible to disassemble DNA. The people of the class have a lack of organisms, such as vikonuyut different functions. DNA rots into the nucleus. The nucleus is a small organelle, like a special membrane, and all genetic material - DNA - is stored in it.

Yake Budova DNA Molecules?

Persh for everything, clearly, is DNA. DNA is a chain of duzheduvga molecule, which folds into structural elements - nucleotides. Є 4 types of nucleotides - tse adenin (A), thymine (T), guanin (G) and cytosine (C). Lantsyuzhok nucleotides schematically viglyadaє by the offensive rank: GGAATTSTAAG. ... The axis is the sequence of nucleotides and the lance of DNA.

The structure of Bula DNA was deciphered in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick.

In one DNA molecule there are two lances of nucleotides, which are spirally twisted about one to one. How can the nucleotide lance be trimmed and twisted into a spiral? Denmark is the phenomenon of the power of complementarity. Complementarity means that one like one in two lances can change only one nucleotide (complementary). So, navproti adenine is dependent on varto thymine, and navpaki guanine is dependent on cytosine. Thus, guanine is complementary to cytosine, and adenine is complementary to thymin. Such a pair of nucleotides, like standing alone in a pair of lances, are also called complementary.

It can be schematically represented by the following rank:

G - C
T - A
T - A
C - G

Ci complementary bets A - T and G - C set cheery call Between nucleotides bets, and the connection between G і C mіtsnіsha nіzh mіzh A and T. The link is established strictly between complementary statements, so that the link between the G and A is not complementary is not a pity.

DNA “packing”, how does DNA become a chromosome?

Why would the nucleotide lance of DNA twist around one and one? Now you need it? On the right, where a few nucleotides are great and even more demanding is a lot of space, and there are some lances. There are many reasons to see the spiral twisting of two DNA strands around one. I will call this phenomenon a spiralization. As a result of spiralization, the DNA lance shorts 5-6 times.

Deyaki DNA molecules actively vikorizovuyutsya organism, and іnshі vikorizovuyutsya rarely. Such a rare occurrence of DNA molecules during spiralization is more compact "packing". Such a compact package is called superspiralization and shortens the DNA strand by 25-30 times!

How do you see the packaging of DNA spirals?

For superspiralizatsiya vikoristovyvayutsya gistonovy bilki, like a viglyad structure and a shearing structure or bobbins for threads. A spiral of DNA strand is wound on the "cat" - histone beads. In such a rank, the thread is already compactly packed and borrowed even a little bit.

If it is necessary to pick up the same DNA molecule, the process of "unscrewing" is carried out, so that the DNA strand is "scrolled" from the "cat" - a gistonovi (like a ball is screwed on it) and two spirals are unscrewed. And if a DNA molecule is found in such a twisted mill, then it is possible to use the necessary genetic information. Moreover, the reading of genetic information is only read from the twisted DNA strands!

The number of superspiralized chromosomes is called heterochromatin, And the chromosomes available for reading information - euchromatin.

So also geni, yak їх links to DNA?

Now let's get a good look, well, it's also geni. Seemingly, it’s a genius, it’s a group of blood, color of eyes, hair, shkiri and helpless powers of our body. A gene is a strictly singular DNA sequence, which is composed of a singular number of nucleotides, rosted in a strictly designated combination. Raztashuvannya in a strictly singing DNA meaning means that a particular gene is introduced to a particular gene, and it is unwise to remember the whole thing. It’s a dreary way to spend the same time: people live on a singing street, in a singing booth and apartments, and by themselves people cannot move to a small booth, an apartment, or on the other street. The number of nucleotides in a gene means that the skin gene has a specific number of nucleotides and cannot be more or less. For example, the gene, which code is viroblenya insulin, is stored in 60 pairs of nucleotides; the gene for the code for the hormone oxytocin is 370 nucleotide pairs.

Suvora, the sequence of nucleotides is unique for the skin gene and strictly assigned. For example, the sequence of ААТТААТА is the whole fragment of the gene, which is the code of the viroblast of the insulin. In order to eliminate the insulin, to vikoristovuyutsya the very same consistency, to deny, for example, adrenaline, vikorystovuyutsya the combination of nucleotides. It is important to reason that only the combination of nucleotides in the code of the "product" (adrenaline, insulin, etc.) is effective. Such an axis is a unique combination of the singing number of nucleotides, which should be on the "own point" - tse and є gene.

Krim genіv in lantsyuzі DNA roztashanі, so called "inconceivable endowment". Such non-coded sequence of nucleotides regulate the robot genes, additionally help the spiralization of chromosomes, meaning the cob and end of the gene. However, on this day, the role of the greatest is not to code the last words to be left unassigned.

So also a chromosome? chromosome state

The number of genes of an individual is called the genome. Naturally, the entire genome is uncomfortably bundled into one DNA. The genome of rosbit on 46 pairs of DNA molecules. One pair of DNA molecules is called a chromosome. So the axis of the same chromosomes in humans is 46 pieces. The skin chromosome carries a strictly singing set of genes, for example, 18 chromosomes contain genes that code for the number of eyes and so on. Nyposhirenіshі forms in viglyadі X or Y, ale є also і інші. In humans, there are two chromosomes of the same form, which are called guys (pairs). In connection with such features, all paired chromosomes are numbered - їх є 23 bets. Tse means, scho є pair of chromosomes # 1, pair # 2, # 3, etc. The skin gene is indicative of a singularity in one and the same chromosome. In the case of the lucky ones, the localization of the gene can be found for the fahivts, for example, by the next rank: 22 chromosome, on the shoulder.

Who has chromosome differences?

How does it grow more between chromosomes? What does the term dovge shoulder mean? At the same time, the chromosomes of the X form. The peretin of the DNA strands can go strictly in the middle (X), or it can go not centrally. If such a crossover of DNA strands is not centralized, then at the point of crossover, one point is even more, apparently, shorter. This kind of endpoint is accepted by the chromosome arm, and the short one - apparently - by the short arm. In chromosomes, the Y form occupies a large part of the shoulders, and the short ones are small (the stench does not appear on the schematic image).

The size of chromosomes is prone to: the largest є chromosomes of pairs No. 1 і No. 3, the smallest chromosomes of pairs No. 17, No. 19.

Most of the forms and sizes of chromosomes are developed according to their functions. Z 23 pairs, 22 bets є somatic and 1 pair - statues. What does it mean? Somatic chromosomes represent all the hallmarks of an individual, the particularity of his behavioral reactions, a spasmodic psychotype, that is, all the rice and the particularities of the skin of a particular person. And a pair of state chromosomes will become a human being: a cholovik or a female. There are two types of human chromosomes - tse X (ix) and Y (іgrek). As soon as the stench is smelled like XX (ix - ix) is a woman's price, and how XY (ix - igrek) is a cholovik in front of us.

Reduction of ailments and reduction of chromosomes

However, “breakdowns” of the genome occur, so that people develop genetic illnesses. For example, if in 21 pairs of chromosomes there are two present three chromosomes, people will be born with Down syndrome.

There are no signs of other "breakdowns" of genetic material, which do not lead to the diagnosis of ailments, but navpaki, give good power. All "breakdowns" of genetic material are called mutations. Mutations, which lead to ailments or the destruction of the authorities to the body, vvazayut negative, and mutations, which lead to the approval of new corny authorities, Vvazayut positive.

However, one hundred percent of the sickness, which people suffer today, is not transmitted during the recessions, but the deprivation of strength. For example, at the daddy's child, the tsukor will become popular. This does not mean that a child will be born with a bloody diabetic, but a child will be matisha for schism. Tse means that if a child will be ominous with malts and ferrous virobs, then a baby will develop a diabetic diabetic.

On this day to grow up is so called predicative medicine. Within the framework of this medical practice, people develop schlichnias (on the basis of the emergence of specific genes), and at the same time, recommendations are given - what kind of children do they need to start, as if it were right to work with the correct regime and do not take over.

How to read information encoded in DNA?

And how can you read the information, how can you get revenge in the DNA? Yak vikoristovu її power organism? DNA itself is a matrix, not simple, but coded. To read the information from the DNA matrix, you can transfer it to a special carrier - RNA. RNA is chemically ribonucleic acid. The DNA appears as it can pass through the nuclear membrane into the cell, and the DNA is added to such a state (it can only be found in the nucleus). The information is coded to be vikoristovuyutsya in the very clits. Otzhe, RNA is a carrier of coding information from the nucleus to the cell.

How does RNA synthesis take place, how does block synthesize behind additional RNA?

The DNA strands, which require "rakhuvati" information, are unrolled, and a special enzyme - "budwelnik" and synthesized parallel to the DNA strand complementary to the RNA lance. The RNA molecule can also be composed of 4 types of nucleotides - adenine (A), uracil (Y), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). With a lot of complementary є offensive bets: adenin - uracil, guanin - cytosine. It can be seen, on the basis of DNA, in the RNA uracil is victorious to replace the thymine. So the enzyme “bud_velnik” is right on the offensive: if you put A into the DNA strands, then U will come to the RNA thread, if G will come, and so on. Thus, from the skin active gene during transcription, a template is formed - a copy of RNA, which passes through the membrane of the nucleus.

How can you see the synthesis of the protein encoded by the singing gene?

Having left the nucleus, RNA was consumed into the cytoplasm. Already in the cytoplasm, RNA can be, like the matrix is ​​embedded in special enzyme systems (ribosomes), which can synthesize, the informational RNA being informed about the sequence of amino acids in the bottle. Yak vidomo, the protein molecule is stored in amino acids. How does the ribosome go to know, how does the amino acid itself need to be brought to the growing white lance? To work on the basis of the triplet code. The triplet code means that the sequence of three nucleotides of the lance of RNA ( triplet, napryklad, GSU) code one amino acid (in this type of glycin). Skin amino acid code triplet. And so, the ribosome "reads" the triplet, meaning that the amino acid needs to be introduced into the world to read information in the RNA. If the lancet of amino acids is formed, it will take a spacious form and become white, healthy and healthy for new enzymes, awakening, hormonal and other functions.

The block for any living organism is a gene product. Itself is the beginning of all the versatile power, the call and manifestation of the gene.

Підхід before the registration of the number of information ".

Option # 1

№1 The need for the alphabet for 8 characters. There are 20 symbols at random. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag about 4096 bit to revenge 1024 symbols. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kilobytes will be generated when 12288 bits will be revenged?

№4 How much is the pressure to the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to avenge 4096 characters, how can you get 1.5 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down in addition to the 16-character alphabet, when the volume of the first section is 1/64 part of a MByte?

No. 6 Loan every 4 sides, 30 rows each. The skin row has 50 symbols. All the time, the information is 4500 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

Option # 2

№1 Requirement for the alphabet for 16 characters. There are 25 symbols at random. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Іnformation obsyag about 1008 bit to revenge 1008 symbol. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kilobytes will be generated when 16384 bits will be revenged?

No. 4 I’m pushing for the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to avenge 8192 characters, how can you get 2 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down in addition to the 32-character alphabet, when the volume of the first section is 1/128 part of a MByte?

No. 6 Loan every 5 lines, 50 lines each. The skin row has 52 symbols. All the time, the information is 3250 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 3

№1 The need for the alphabet is 32 characters. At least 30 symbols are available. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag of 2160 bit to revenge 135 characters. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kilobytes will be generated by the amount of 20480 bits?

No. 4 I’m pushing for the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, what 5120 characters are to be revenged, how can you get 2.5 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down in addition to the 64-character alphabet, when the volume of the first section is 1/32 part of a Mb?

No. 6 Loan on 6 lines for 55 lines. The skin row has 60 symbols. All the time, the information is 7425 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 4

№1 The need for the alphabet for 64 characters. The occasional 35 symbols. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag about 4608 bit to revenge 144 characters. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kilobytes will become as a result of revenge 24576 bits?

No. 4 Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to avenge 6144 characters, how can you get 3 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down for an additional 128-character alphabet, when the volume is 1/16 part of a MB?

No. 6 Loans on 7 sides of 52 rows. The skin row has 54 symbols. All information may be in 9828 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 5

№1 The need for the alphabet for 128 characters. There are 45 characters at random. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag about 9792 bit to revenge 153 characters. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kylobytes will become as a result of revenge 28672 bits?

№4 How much is the pressure to the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to take revenge on 3584 characters, how can you get 3.5 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down for an additional 8-character alphabet, when the volume of the 1 / 8th part of a Mb?

No. 6 Loan on 8 lines for 53 lines. The skin row has 55 symbols. All the time, to avenge information in 14575 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 6

№1 The need for the alphabet for 8 characters. There are 50 symbols in every case. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag of 20736 bit to revenge 162 characters. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kilobytes will be generated when revenge 32768 bits?

№4 How much to push for the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to avenge 4096 characters, how can you get 4 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down for an additional 128-character alphabet, when the volume of the 1 / 4th part of a Mb?

No. 6 Loans for 9 lines, 54 lines each. The skin row has 56 symbols. All the time, the information is 20412 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 7

№1 Requirement for the alphabet for 32 characters. We have 55 symbols. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag about 43776 bit revenge 171 symbols. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kilobytes will be generated by the amount of 36864 bytes?

No. 4 I’m pushing for the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to take revenge on 2304 characters, how can you get 4.5 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down for an additional 512-character alphabet, when the volume is 1/2 part of MB?

No. 6 Loan every 10 lines, 60 lines each. The skin row has 57 symbols. All the time, to avenge information in 29925 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 8

№1 The need for the alphabet for 64 characters. There are 60 characters at random. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag of the occasion 1440 bit to revenge 180 symbols. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kilobytes will be generated by the amount of 40960 bits?

No. 4 I’m pushing for the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, what 5120 characters are to be revenged, how can you get 5 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down for an additional 32-character alphabet, when the volume is 1/64 part of a MB?

No. 6 Loan on 11 lines for 56 lines. The skin row has 58 symbols. All information is 26796 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 9

№1 Requirement for the alphabet for 128 characters. We have 65 symbols. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag of the occasion 756 bit to revenge 189 symbols. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

# 3

№4 How much is the pressure to the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to avenge 1408 characters, how can you get 5.5 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down for an additional 64-character alphabet, when the volume of this space is 1/32 part of a MByte?

No. 6 Loans for 12 lines, 58 lines each. The skin row has 59 symbols. All the time, to avenge information in 25665 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 10

№1 The need for the alphabet for 8 characters. We have 70 symbols. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Іnformation obsyag about 3168 bit to revenge 198 symbol. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

# 3

№4 How much to push for the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to take revenge on 8192 characters, how can you get 6 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to revenge on account of the additional 8-character alphabet, when the volume of the first 1 / 16th part of a MB?

No. 6 Loans on 13 lines for 58 lines. The skin row has 60 symbols. All the time, the information is 22620 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 11

№1 Requirement for the alphabet for 16 characters. The occasional has 75 symbols. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag of the occasion 6624 bit to revenge 207 symbols. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kilobytes will become as a result of revenge 53248 bits?

№4 How much is the pressure to the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to take revenge on 832 characters, how can you get 6.5 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down for an additional 128-character alphabet, when the volume of the 1 / 8th part of a Mb?

No. 6 Loan on 14 lines for 64 lines. The skin row has 61 symbols. All the time, the information is 20496 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 12

№1 The need for the alphabet for 64 characters. There are 80 symbols at random. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag vidomlennya 13824 bit to revenge 216 symbols. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

# 3

No. 4 I’m pushing for the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to take revenge on 14336 characters, how can you get 7 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down for an additional 64-character alphabet, when the volume of the first section is 1/4 part of a Mb?

No. 6 Loans on 15 lines, 60 lines each. The skin row has 62 symbols. All the time it is necessary to revenge information in 13950 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Option # 13

№1 Requirement for the alphabet for 128 characters. There are 85 symbols at random. What yogo information exchange?

№2 Informatsionny obsyag of 28880 bit to revenge 225 characters. Yaka pushing for the alphabet, for the help of what is the price of the occasion?

№ 3How many kylobytes will become as a result of revenge 61440 bits?

No. 4 How much is the pressure to the alphabet, for the help of which is written down, how to avenge 20480 characters, how can you get 7.5 Kbytes?

№ 5How many characters to take revenge on, written down for an additional 128-character alphabet, when the volume of the first half of a MByte?

No. 6 Loan on 16 lines for 61 lines. The skin row has 63 symbols. All information is 30744 bytes. Yak the urge for the vicious alphabet?

No. 7 DNA of a human (genetic code) can be used to identify a word in the chotiribukvenny alphabet, de cutaneous letter means the lanka of the lance of DNA, or a nucleotide. Is there information (in bits) to avenge human DNA, but to avenge approximately 1.5 x +1023 nucleotides?

№ 8 Z'yasuvati, the bit information is not a double-digit number (as a matter of fact).

Duzhe tsikava uzagalnyucha stattya, raju.

What is the same program? The program is a chain of information, which is a legacy of emotional information, which can be transmitted during recessions, or a life that can be added to our DNA and control over the robot. So our perception is about all the information recorded in the DNA. In order to be able to see it, how to see it, let's get rid of DNA.

DNA is the whole matrix of people, like our organisms, controlling all the functions of the body through the hormonal and nervous systems. DNA retains all the information about the genetic code of a human being, about his life, and also about the genetic memory, in the same way they call the memory of souls, for the Family Memory, all the same, ie.

DNA is the price of the first energy, it is laid in the people of people, to avenge the mother, it is necessary to induce subtle and physical body. Energy vibrates from our cells and leaves the electromagnet field near the people, which is called aura, an energetic field or a polish structure.

DNA to avenge the code of life or scenarios in one's own, for someone who is a person vibudovu his life. The code of life has a single structure, but it does not include in itself powerless copies, so we can talk about the different interpretations of the scenarios of the life of the people, to talk about the different options of the life of the people. It is possible to take, for example, the theory about іnuvannya dolі.

So the axis of the share - the tse і є of the program, is embedded in the DNA, ale von has no shape and no way to develop, there is no one way, according to how many people are. Ale the fair share of people, tied to their own characteristics, can not be open until quietly, as long as DNA is injected with generic and alien programs. Leave the stench of the presence in the genes, my vikonuєmo їkh program share, so that either the karma of the Rod is seen, or the apparent alien programs, otrimanі through ZMI. The axis is so and go, wondering about films, having read books, and then visually in life and scenarios, as we are going to put films and books in the house.

DNA has a built-in matrix of information, it plays the role of an energy catalyst and controls not only information and behavior, but rather all functions of human activity.

The DNA matrix is ​​a program that is blocked in people, if it is within the reach of 7-12 years of age, but it is understood that the DNA structure is driven by the frequency of hormones, which are approximately in the sevenfold age of virality. As a matter of fact, the development of the pineapple-like zone is suspicious, or the epiphiza, which is the main reception and transmission of information, as in the case of people, so in the wake of the widespread, people.

The ancient yogis behind the help of asanas and pranayas were magical due to the activation of the hypophysis, so that the child did not grow up early in the course of time, but they brought him to the end of the rock. Ale I sing you, that yoga is so happy, it is mostly false, and there is no way to go to the true majesty, there are already few fair monsters.

The state of maturity, how to repair from the activation of the hypophysis, to manifest itself in the child's emotions of malice, aggressiveness, and impulse. Pratsuyuchi with children, I remembered, that I can reach 7-8 riches, richly children draw in their "angelic" image. All prices are seen through those, where the child is found in the flow of hormones, as they are not forming a tooth flow.

With the flow of hormones into the hypophysis, the blockage of the DNA matrix is ​​seen, and the child is most often, I think he’s good, he’s absorbed, or the stench turns into a passive camp. To block the DNA from the child, she will grow into the middle of the suspension, impose on her the mercy of the image and the value. All the development of the DNA matrix and does not allow it to crack, so as in the presence of gracious images and installations, it is transmitted through the epiphiz, the DNA matrix, but there is no holographic structure, picking up the obsession of the installations from the children in the form of information.

The DNA matrix is ​​blocked by the factors of the outer and inner middle of the people.

Significant injection on DNA may be the following factors, such as:

Navkolishnє middle course: climate, ecology, toxins, radioactivity. It is important to understand that there is a place to break negative influx on the DNA matrix, as well as electric-magnetic fields, how to use electric attachments, antennas, concrete walls to reduce the energy of people. There is also a simple piece of loosening factors, about the inflow of which people do not get overwhelmed.

Muzyka: the injection of sounds on DNA was brought by the team a long time ago.

Mova: words are a great factor in pouring into people's personalities and their DNA program. For example, rooting out matyuk_v, blocking gene memory and adding a ruinous injection on DNA.

Films: behavioral stereotypes, obsessed with films, DNA programming.

Books: Patterns of Missing and Behavior of Characters Also Program DNA for Singing Functions.

Internal DNA injection:

Harchuvannya: їzha maє suttuviy flooded, so as I have positive or negative energetic charges and carry that information. It is also important to remember the memory of those who act in speech into our body through the shkіra and dichny paths.

Water: the water was crystal and the power was lost to the memory of information, so it is even more important to say that the water is p'є lyudin - I am dead or I live. Water is guilty of being structured;

Likki and all medications zobi, including homeopathic ones, to control the structure of DNA.

To go, where people are, is a whole living, rich and natural organism, a whole system, in which skin of a clitina it has its own identity and is infused into all of its clitins through an internal link. It is all true, that I have my own laws and rules, which are supported by these functions, which are embedded in the form of automatic programs in our mind and body.

We don’t think about those, like the process of etching, or to deliver the necessary elements for the life of the heart. Ale ours can also be supported by the teams of our testimonials. Tobto lyudin is good for her keruvati. Tse to bring a bezlich application. Just yoga, for example, may not only have control over the body, but over the body, the stench can control the rhythm of the heart. Bully vipadki, if yogis were buried in the ground, and through a spike of tizhn_v they were floated alive and unshkodzhenny, because it is also known that yoga Zusillians can hang in the frost on wet odeans.

It’s all the same to talk about those who are good at being cheruvati on the molecular level. This means that we can establish links to our DNA and to our knowledge. As long as our clients give evidence, we can establish contact with them and set a program. For example, on the ztsіlennya of what-nebudu zhvoryuvannya. Obviously, you can get in touch with the clients not all at once.

Yogis are practiced with rocks. If you don't have a small amount of will, you will be able to bring a positive result. In the light of the sickly sick people, if people, were caught from the nevilikovny ailments only to the one who was in the middle. There is also a placebo effect, like all of us will see a team, so that people will start their share, so that as many as possible will help us, whether it’s a technique or something, it will help us. All on the right in the power of our thought.

In order to establish contact with the clients, you need to get into resonance with them, so that you know your testimony with the testimony of the clients. It is possible to grow up in the process of meditation, if you send your respect, vicarious and concrete meta. If the clientele perceives the signal from our information, the stench enters into resonance with us - to see the interaction with our DNA, and at the same time to put on a program like DNA will be viconuable. Through contact with cells, you can reprogram and activate your DNA.

Mayuchi uyavlennya about DNA, you can talk about those, yak inject on lyudin development programs... Tobto the program is a mental installation of a pidvidomosti, which we can accept through any emotional admission. I wrote about those who show negative influx on DNA. So, the axis, through whatever the cich is injected into the people, absorbs the singing information, like in the old school setting it in the first place and in the flow to the target.

This is the installation to call ourselves an alien program - an informational virus in the minds of people. For example, marveling at some kind of film, Lyudin picked up the information about the behavior of the heroes, at the moment I looked at the film the brain of the people, I took the picture from the screen as a reality, so as not as a person herself was living the scenario of the film. And now guess what kind of filmy you wondered. And it is not surprising that in the minds of people there is a style of emotional fear and hatred. It’s not just that we’re already written about people about their love in books or about books — all the time to talk about a set of singing emotional information, which is a warehouse of specialness of people.

From TV screens to us, the whole river negative attitudes, Yaki connect us to the negative egregor. Egregor - the price of energy-informational flow about any object, which is formed on the basis of respect for new sub-sub-units, for example, the expert of politics, medicine, Egregor Roda, Egregor McDonald's, Egregore of the metro a.

It may also be a part of the generic programs - the emotional awareness, the experiences of our ancestors of the records in our genes, if the ground for its implementation is created, then the childbirth programs will repair the activation. We often say to people that the stinks are similar to their mothers, fathers, children and grandmothers, but I can't even understand what. We are similar to the representatives of their own Kin, if only in our genes there is written information about the stereotypes of behavior and emotions experienced by our ancestors. The axis and the living share of their ancestors and the kind of karma that is lived out is substituted for the one who should be on his way and viconuvati his significance.

In order to get involved in foreign and negative childbirth programs, to learn the new methods, as through the suspicion to establish links with DNA and to cleanse people from negative emotional information. I’ll tell you at once, that before such a cleansing is ready not a skinny person, so how to fix a global cleaning, everything goes to the surface: fears, attitudes, reconnection, emotional blocks, psychological traumas.

Zagalom, the psyche opens up. Lyudin, who’s not mentally stable, you cannot go through such cleansing. Through such methods, you can ask for a program: health improvement to the body, treatment of ailments, cleansing of negative information about the past, restoration of psychological and emotional trauma, renewal zalny ravnya energy, adjustment of any functions of the child, whether it be nagging, quickness or vitality, purification of the generic programs, purification of information transmitted by the partner's statuses, renewal of the hormonal, such nervous system , it is possible to assign absolutely a program of our pidsvidomosty, as through the establishment of a link to the DNA for almost a day.

Wonders? Magic? Calling ni. "Everything that people sound like miracles, only that one or the other step of knowledge." Everything is in our power, we can change our share, rewrite the scenarios of life, all we can lay down only from our will and from the power of success.

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