The length of the foreign Europe. Silske Gospodarstvo: Three Basic Tipi. Natural mind and resources

entry 3

Home characteristics of foreign Europe 3

1. Territory, cordon, position. 3

2. Natural mind and resources. 4

3. Population: building, migration, national warehouse, urbanization. 5

4. Gentleness: a place in the world, in view of the world. 7

5. Promise: head galusies. eight

6. Silske statehood: Three main teepees. eleven

7. Transport: main main lines and universities. 13

8. Science and finance: science and pre-parks and banking centers. fourteen

9. Vidpochinok and tourism: the main tourist region of the world. fourteen


Zarubizhna (according to the history of the SND) Europe has a loan of 5.1 million km 2 for a population of 500 million Cholovik (1995). Here, there are close to 40 sovereign powers that have been tied together with their own spirit of historical proportions, with their political, economic and cultural differences. Foreign Europe is one of the halls of civilization, Batkivshchyna of Great Geographical Indications, industrial revolutions, urban agglomerations, international economic integration. I wish, as you already know, the era of "Eurocentrism" has passed in the past, the whole region and in our days it is even more important in the world politics and economy.

Home characteristics of foreign Europe

1. Territory, cordon, position.

The territory of overseas Europe is to stretch from winter to winter (from Spitsbergen to Crete) by 5 thousand. Km, and at the entrance to the skid more than 3 yew. Km. In the midst of the European regions, it is big and mensh great, but in the greater part of its stench, it is occasionally small.

The economic and geographical position of the regions of the overseas Europe is based on two head rice.

According to the Pershe, the suspicion of the ciches of the land is one to one. With altogether small dimensions of the territory, little "glybin" and garnished transport "passages" of the land, or even without a middle distance, or divided by small spaces. Until then, it’s important to pass through such natural boundaries, as you don’t create significant crossovers for transport links.

In a different way, a seaside camp of the most important lands, a lot of those who have been rocked close to those who have sea ​​shlikhiv... Near the western part of the region there is a mismatch, in the distance from the sea, more by 480 km, in the mainland - by 600 km. All the life of Great Britain, Netherlands, Dania, Norway, Iceland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece for a long time has been closely tied to the sea, "daughter of the sea" - so you can tell about the skin from them.

A political map for the region stretching out in the XX century. I have become aware of the great changes of three: the first and the other warriors of the world and in the rest of the rock (the union of Nimechchina, the confusion of the independence of the Baltic countries, the fall of Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, the change of the suspicious harmony in the country)

In the foreign Europe, there are represented both republics, monarchies, united states, and federal powers.

2. Natural resources and resources.

Natural rethinks for the industry of overseas Europe went down with a great influx of redistribution of red copalins. However, its warehouse in private (platform) and private (warehouse) parts of the region is growing rapidly.

At the private part of the widening, like the ore coryns, they are tied with the Baltic shield and the zone of Hercynian folding, as well as the fires, "tied" the persh for everything before the siege chokhl by the platforms and the edge of the edge.

Among the Kam'yanovugilny basins, Rurskiy is especially visible in the FRN and Verkhnyo-Silezkiy in Poland, the middle of the oil-and-gas-bearing ones - Sєvєromorskiy, the middle of the gold ore - Lotarinskiy near Franz and Kiruna in Switzerland.

In the paved part of the country, the ore of the genus, both magmatic, and siege (bauxite) prodigious, are recovered, and the reserves of burning resources are much less here. Such a tectonic Budovian territory of a significant world explains the "incompleteness" of the set of brown copalins in the suburbs.

Hydroenergetic resources of the overseas Europe reach great, but fall in the main areas of the Alps, Scandinavian and Dinaric mountains.

Natural re-thinking for the Silskoy government, the region is very friendly and widely victorious at the same time stretching out the table. As a result, the reserves for the expansion of the crumbled lands are practically no longer available, and the "nurturing" on them is growing. That is why the coastal lands are not large, and the first for all the Netherlands, they continue to advance on the coast of the sea.

In the Netherlands, with a stretch of bagatooh storich beyond the help of dams and rowing of the sea, it is doubled to 1/3 of the entire territory of the country.

It is not for nothing that there is an order: "God opened the earth, and the Dutch - Holland." The draining of Lake Eisselmer, which was previously a sea trough, is completed, and the so-called "Delta-Plan" is going to be transferred to the Uzbeks.

Agroclimatic resources in the region are located in the subtropical zones, and in the subtropical zones. At Seredzemnomor'i stiyke, farming requires piece grain farming. Most of the cultivated lands in Italy and Spain.

The greatest natural changes for the implementation of the forest government may be in Sweden and Finland, de-perevazhayut types of forest landscapes: the foxes curl the lower and upper reaches, the shores of the small riches and lakes, go to the settlements. It is not for nothing that the people seem to say: "Finland is without a fox, that is, without wool."

Foreign Europe is also great and versatile natural and recreational resources.

3. Population: building, migration, national warehouse, urbanization.

By the same hour, the population of the foreign Europe became even more common. As you already know, it’s worth explaining, that a foldable demographic situation is characteristic of the development of the population of the region. The people of the country are going to see a natural decline in the population. Instantly change and change the warehouse of the population, a growing part of people who have been kidnapped.

All this has called for a big change of part of the region in the light system of the new migration of the population. Kolishnya s hour of the Great geographic views the head of the middle of emigration, the foreign Europe was transformed into the head of the world in the fire of labor emigration. Now there are 12-13 million foreign robots here, which means that some of them are not giants, but temporary guests-robots (in the name of "guest workers").

per national warehouse The population of the foreign Europe is one-sided: the majority of the 62 peoples in the region are referred to the European Moving Family. When there is a lot of controversy, the words of the word, the romance, the name of the group may have significant values. Those are the domineering and movs of the Ural family. Protect the ethnical map of the region, which was laid out over a thousand years, is not so simple. The order of the mono-national, here there are few powers with a folding national warehouse, in which the remaining hour is spared the warning of international warnings; with a butt of this kind you can serve Yugoslavia.

In all lands of the foreign Europe, the religion is Christianity. In Pivdenniy Europe, Catholicism is rapidly transcending, in Pivnichniy - Protestantism; and in the middle stench there are in the middle spines. Rome has the center of Catholicism - the Vatican.

Foreign Europe is one of the most densely populated regions of the world. With a great displacement of the population in a new one, a geographer will start working on it. The level of urbanization is one of those who find it in the world: in the middle, 73% live in localities, and in some regions more than 80% and 90% of the entire population. There is a large number of places in the thousands, and the hedge is even thicker. Proceedingly, stretching a thousand years, it was a Western European type of place, the roots of which lasted until the hours of the Roman Empire and the middle.

Rice is characteristic of the urbanization of foreign Europe ~ even more than the concentration of the population in the great places and small agglomerations, which are more here, not in the USA and Japan at once. Most of them are Londonska, Parizka and Reinsko-Rurska. U 70-i pp. due to the period of rapid growth of the places and agglomerations, there are growing populations from their centers (nuclei) from a number in the close and distant places, and at the same time, to a greater extent there are other "places" As a result, the number of people living in the central regions of London, Paris, Hamburg, Vidnya, Milana and other places has become more or less stable, or it has begun to feel fast. I will name the whole process in nautsi suburbanization.

It is clear from the forecasts of the level of urbanization in the region until the end of the XX century. can reach up to 85%.

4. Gentleness: a place in the world, in view of the world.

Foreign Europe, as a tsilisny region, borrowed the first place in the state government for the size of the industrial and the agricultural sector, for the export of goods and services, for the reserves of gold and currency, for the development of international tourism.

Zrozumilo, as an economical motz region in Persha Chergu vznachayut chotiri of the land, to enter into the "great family" of the land of entry - FRN, France, Great Britain and Italy. The country itself is the best with a wide range of summer galuzei and virobnits. Aleksandr spіvvіdnoshennya forces between them for the remainder of ten years of change. The role of the leader passed to the FRN, the economy of which on the paths of reindustrialization develops more dynamically. Great Britain, the "master of the world", has lost a lot of its own number of positions.

The most economical countries are Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium and Switzerland. On the basis of some of the leading regions, and the economy of the country, they are specializing in front of them on the sides, which they conquered, as a rule, were European or, as a rule, European or foreign. Small and middle lands are especially widely drawn in the modern economy. best viskogo rivnya The prevalence of economy in Belgium and Netherlands.

A special place on the economic map of the region is occupied by the land of the Western Europe, from the end of the 1980s. the transition from the coli-system and suspension power and centralized planning to the system based on market principles is considered.

5. Promise: head galusies.

"Discovered" of foreign Europe in the international geographic subdivision of the past 200 years since the beginning, which now has a lot to begin with the development of industry.

The region has more metal-working verstats, industrial robots, precise and optical attachments, automobiles, tractors, naphtha products, plastics, chemical fibers, not in the USA.

Mashinostroenie- provid the galuz of the industry of the foreign Europe, yak є yogo Batkivshchyna. 1/3 of all industrial products fall to the region and 2/3 of the export.

Machine-building, which is focused on labor resources, science base and infrastructure, the most difficult to great places and agglomerations, including the capital. But at the same time for the skin with the number of galleys of the machine itself, the types of its own particularity of organization.

Great Britain has a development of electrical engineering, electronics, adherence, aerospace industry, the area of ​​London is seen, from the development of verstatobuduvannya and automotive - the area of ​​Birmingham, textile machinery - the area of ​​Mangoduvannya;

One of the largest industrial universities in foreign Europe is the capital of the Ugorsk region, Budapest. Here more than 1/3 of all industrial products of the country can be found.

Ale є і such districts and іnіt tіlі lands, in which machines the buzzing is even more rosy. At the FRN, Belgium, Netherlands, Great Britain, Czech enterprises, there are galusa centers in the skin.

Chemistry in foreign Europe is borrowing another place for machinery. It is especially important to refer to the very "chemistry" of the land not only to the region, but to the whole world - FRN.

Until other times, the chemical industry was organized by the head rank on the Kamyan and the storm of the Vugilla, Kaliin and cooking salts, Pyrite and growing in areas of їkh vidobutku. The reorientation of the galuzy on the carbohydrate syruvina called for it before it was destroyed “to naphtha”. In the western part of the region, the destruction of the viraz persh for everything great centers naftokhimії in the estuaries of Thames, Seni, Rhine, Elbi, Roni, de tsya galuzi will go to the naptopererobka.

The largest university in the region of naphtha production and oil refineries was formed in the Rhine and Sheldi Estuaries in the Netherlands, in the Rotterdam region. In fact, I will serve the entire Zakhidna Europe.

In the gated part of the region, the destruction "to oil" is grafted to the stem of the refinery and naphtha-chemical complexes on the routes of the main naphtha and gas pipelines.

Heads of nafto-refining and naphtha-chemical enterprises of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ugorshchyna bully were prompted on the route of the international naphtha pipeline "Druzhba" and gas pipelines for which naphtha and natural gas... In Bulgaria, the reasons for naphtochimia are "destroyed" to the Uzbek coast of the Black Sea.

From the fire and energy government of the large lands of the foreign countries of Europe, they have borrowed naphtha and natural gas for a long time. The video clip and living in the UK, FRN, France, Netherlands have quickly passed. In the generalized part of the region, there is a lot of growth for the future, moreover, there is no style for stone (Poland, Czechia), but for a storm. Mabut, in all light of the dumb region, de bure vugilla grav bi has such a great role in the fire and energy balance.

Some of the most common drilling pools in the foreign Europe are located in Poland (Belhatuv), Czech (Pivnichno-Chesky) and Nimechchiny (Nizhnyo-Lauzitsky, Halle-Leiptsyzky).

There is a lot of TEC on the Vugilny Pools. Ale stench is also prompted in seaports(On a private holiday) and in great places... More and more influx into the structure and geography of power engineering - especially in France, Belgium, FRN, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ugorshchina, Bulgaria - we have added AES, which in the region are already more than 80 (div. Malyunok 51). On the Danube and its tributaries, on the Rony, Rhine, Duero, there is a HES or a whole cascade.

Most of the hydraulic units on the Danube, prompting on the cob of the 70s. in the gorge of the Zalizni gate with the spilny zusillas of Rumunia and Yugoslavia. Hydroelectric power station demand - 2.1 mln. KW, electric power supply - 11 bln. KW per year at rіk.

The metallurgical industry of foreign Europe was mainly formed before the ear of the scientific and technological revolution. Chorna metallurgy took away the development of the first for everything in the lands, as well as with metallurgical firing and (abo) syruvina, - FRN, Great Britain, France, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland, Czech Republic.

The Polish metallurgical base was formed on the basis of the Verkhnyo-Silezkiy kam'yanovugilny basin. Before the її warehouse, there are close to two dozen factories, and in this number two are two great combinates - "Huta-Krakiv" and "Katowice".

The idea of ​​other new developments in great metallurgical combinatizations was prompted by the expansion in seaports for the import of more high-quality and cheap gold ore and metal rubbish.

The most and the most successful of the combinats, which are equipped in seaports, are located in Taranto (Italy). Yogo toughness - 10 million tons of steel in Rіk.

For an hour it will not be great combinates, but small backwaters.

Nayvazhlivіshі galuzі color metallurgy - aluminіvіvі and popular industry. Alumina production is made in the regions, where bauxite reserves (France, Italy, Ugorshchina, Rumunia, Grecia), as well as in the regions, de nemany aluminum sire, ale vyroblyaetsya For an hour, the aluminum backwaters will be more and more interested in the Syrovina, to come from the edges of the country, and to develop by sea route.

Mіdna industry has taken away the greatest development from the FRN, France, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Yugoslavia.

Lisovian promiscuity, which focuses on dzherela sirovini, has been transformed into a hall of international specialization in Sweden and Finland, which has long since established the head "Lisovy workshop" of the region.

It’s easy prominence, because, as you already know, the indus- trialization of foreign Europe has been repaired, it has lost its meaningful world with a meaningful world. Quite old textile districts, which were formed on the occasion of the industrial revolution (Lancashire and Yorkshire in Great Britain, Flanders in Belgium, Lyonsky in France, Milansky in Italy), as well as Vinik in the 19th century. Odzkiy region of Poland is in our days. In an hour, it’s easy to make a promise to make it to Holy Europe, so make sure to reserve cheap working power. Thus, Portugal has transformed itself into a “garment factory” in the region. And italia s virobnitstva does not act only in the United States.

There are also lots of bugs in the bagatels of the country. national traditions from virobnitsvі furniture, musical instruments, virobіv from skla, metal, embellishment, іgrashok, etc.

6. Silske Gospodarstvo: Three Basic Tipi.

For the main types of agricultural products, a large number of countries will increase their consumption and supply in the first place on the foreign markets. In the agrarian mode, in the agrarian system of land ownership and land development, significant changes have been introduced, due to the transition from the universal state of the state to the great special gifts The main type of silskogospodarskogo enterprise has become a large, highly mechanized farm. Ale in Pivdenniy Europe is still rearing for land farming and other land farming for peasants-rent.

The heads of the galusies of the Silskoy Gospodarstvo of the foreign Europe are the development and the creation, which are widened everywhere, one by one. With the influx of natural and historical minds in the region, three main types of the Silskoy statehood have been formed: 1) Pivnichno-European, 2) Middle-European, and 3) Pivdenno-European.

For the pivnіchno-European type, expanded in Scandinavia, Finland, as well as in Great Britain, the transfer of intensive dairy production is characteristic, and in the service industry - fodder crops and silver cakes. The middle European type is adapted to the breeding of dairy and milk-meat directly, as well as pigs and poultry.

Much more than the highest level has reached the level of creation in Denmark, it has long become a galuzzi of international specialization. Tsia kraina is one of the most popular food and export products, milk, sir, pork, eggs. It’s not for nothing that it’s not easy to call the “dairy farm” Europe.

Roslinnytsvo is not deprived of satisfying basic consumption of the population in food, but th "pratsyuk" for food. Significantly, and in some part of the forest land is occupied by fodder crops.

For the pivdenno-European type, it is characteristic of the importance of the development of growth, while the creation of a different role. If I want to use the grain culture, the international specialization of the European Union, it should start in front of a variety of fruits, citrus fruits, grapes (which have found time to serve as a symbol of bitterness, olives). Uzberezhzhya of the Seredzemny Sea is the head "garden of Europe".

All the middle-sea Uzbeks of Spain and especially the region of Valencia are called "Uerta", that is, "Garden". Here you can grow fruits and vegetables, ale nibilshe - oranges, and a variety of trivia from the breast to the birch trees. For the export of oranges, Spain is a loan for the first time in the world.

Ribalism has long become a galuzzi of international specialization in Norway, Denmark and especially in Iceland.

7. Transport: main main lines and universities.

The regional transport system of the region is introduced in the main Western European type. For the distance, the transportation of the won on the basis of the price is transferred to the systems of the United States and Russia. Then, due to the safety of the transport grid, it is far ahead of you, occupying the first place in the world. Douzhe visok і the density of the roach, the role of international and transit transportation is great. Altogether, not very large cities stimulated the development of automobile transport, which now plays a leading role in transporting not only passengers, but also vantages. Merezha zaliznytsya in large lands will speed up, and great new buildings in the 50s - 70s. boules are typical only for the doers of the land Skhidnoi Europe(Poland, Yugoslavia, Albania).

The configuration of the transport network for the region is much more flexible. Alle the main frame, the main lines of latitudinal and meridional straight lines, which may be internationally significant, are set up.

River paths are also meridional (Rhine) or latitude (Danube) straight. The Rhine has a particularly large transport network, which transports 250 - 300 million tons of vantages to the river. When the Rhine-Main-Danube waterway was put into operation, which was the cause of the offense of the new water arteries of the foreign Europe, the guilt is guilty of maturity.

There are great transport universities in the mountains of the land and internal water routes. On the day, such universities are at sea ports, where service providers can be provided in advance of international transportation. Bagato ports (London, Hamburg, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Le Havre) are located in the girls-estuaries of the rik, which will knit them in the Glybin regions. All the stench was actually re-made in one port-industrial complex. For them, the characteristic development of the galuzei of the sea government and especially the so-called "port industry", which is good for the privilege of the overseas syrovin. The largest of them is Rotterdam.

Vantazoobіg Rotterdam port to become 250 - 300 million tons per rіk. Rosetting on one of the branches of the Rhine, 33 km from the sea, in the viconu of the function of the head sea gates for the European regions. In the Glybinny regions, there are watered roads along the Rhine and the Moselle, overland and highway roads, Naftogaz-wires.

Transport hemispheres of the regions may have a radial (single-center) configuration, like France has, de "all roads lead to Paris", or many centers, like, for example, FRN.

8. Science and finance: science and pre-parks and banking centers.

Behind the butt of the "Silikonovo Valley" in the United States, in foreign Europe, there is also a wealth of scientific and pre-historic parks, as well as the geography of science in a number of countries. Most of them are located in the outskirts of Cambridge (Great Britain), Munich (FRN). In France, in the Nice region, the so-called "Valley of High Technology" is taking shape.

Foreign Europe has 60 out of 200 of the largest light banks. Switzerland has long become the benchmark of the country-banking:

in the safes of the її banks lie half of all valuable papierіv svіtu. Especially seen is the "economic capital" of the land - Tsurich. I will stay for an hour in the land of the banker, having reworked and Luxembourg. But London is still the largest financial center in the world.

9. Vidpochinok and tourism: the main tourist region of the world.

As you already know, Europe is the leading region of international tourism. "Record holder of the world" for tourism - France, as well as 50 million Choloviks; tse means that on the skin Frenchman there is approximately one perpetual foreigner! Until the number of the most popular tourist regions, there are also Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Ugorschina, Portugal, Greece. And in such microdisciplines, such as Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, the service of tourists has long been the main source of income. Here, one hundred tourists fall on a skin resident.

Among the foreign Europe, most tourists are widely represented - Korekreatsionnye regions and two types - Primorski and Girski.

The head district of the seaside tourism is Seredzemnomor'ya, which is usually seen from 100 to 150 million Cholovik. Particularly popular are the Uzbeks of the Lagurian Sea, where there are snatches from the Alps of the Cote d'Azur (Riv'ara) with the center in Nice, the Uzbek coast of the Adriatic Sea in Croatia, the Uzbeks of Spain, the Balearic Islands.

The head district of Girskiy tourism - Alpi. The lower belt of the gir is victorious to be the head rank for likuvannya and pishokhid tourism, the middle - for engaging in girskolizhny sports, the upper - for mountaineering.

The order of the countries, "how to sell their own klimat", tourists and those who like to welcome "old stones of Europe" - memorials of the її places. Paris, Rome, Madrid (div. Malyunok 55), de in lime - crescent of the inhabitants of the city, melodiously, less, less priizhzhi became a kind of "tourist Mecca". There are also no tourists in London, Amsterdam, Western, Dresden, Praz, Budapest, Venice, Naples, Afin.

10. Guard dovkilla and ecological problems: podolannya load.

As a result of the high population density, long-standing industrial and agricultural development of the territory

the natural middle ground of the foreign Europe in the best world has become the geographic middle ground of the human suspension. All kinds of anthropogenic landscapes are widened here. Ale, overnight, the tse summoned up to the aggravation of the problems of nature protection and ecology.

All regions of the region should pursue a state-owned environmental policy and take all the more important steps in from guarding the midst. Seeing suvors of nature protection laws, the recognition of mass community organizations and the party of "greens", propaganda of victorious bicycles is being conducted, the border of national parks and other territories, which are protected, has been expanded.

Everything called for the first positive results. However, the ecological situation in Bagatyokh lands is still becoming more and more foldable. In the first place, it is carried out to Great Britain, Federal Republic of People's Republic, Belgium, Poland, Czech Republic.

Europe of foreign Europe on the principle of interconnected views ... do not know about the law foreign powers, they were respected for being beautiful ...

  • abstract >>

    2.3. Interpretation of results CHAPTER 1. ZAGALNA CHARACTERISTIC PRESCHKILNOGO VIKU IN PSYKHOLOGICHNOЇ LITERATURI. ... XIX and on the cob XX cent. yak in Europe, So and in America when vivchennі ... Significant additions at the development foreign vіkovoї psychology outside nіmetsky ...

  • 1 ... Overseas Europe will approve 39 sovereign powers, which will be developed beyond the scope of the territory (the middle of them are great, middle, small and so called "dwarf" powers - Monaco, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Andlenorra), Vaticania population of up to 10 million people), a form of sovereign rule (the majority of the territories of the region - republics and countries of Andorra, Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland - constitution I am organizing a territorial organization (Nimechchina, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Spain - federal states, the leading region of the region - unified states), a level of economic development, the structure and specialization of the government.

    2 ... The socially-economical state of the Foreign Europe has to share economically developed lands and the land with a transitional economy.

    powers Western Europe(On the 24th of the land with populations close to 370 million. Italy and Great Britain, according to the light classifications - the great promiscuous development of the land (included in the "great family" of the land).

    The third powers of Western Europe shall be brought forward to the Malikh promises to the provinces of the land. Lands of European Europe (all 15 counties with populations of 130 million Cholovik), go from centrally planned economy to the market system and state donation.

    GDP per capita in the regions of Western Europe is two or three times less than in the regions of Western Europe.

    3 ... There are a lot of insights from the countries to the region in the structure and specialization of the state. For example, in the economies of the FRN and Great Britain, the industry is growing rapidly, in Italy, Greece and Portugal to reach the top of the pitoma of the Silk state, and in Monaco, San Marino, Andorra and Liechtenstein after the domination of the sphere

    4 ... The population of the Trans-European Europe is characterized by a distinct national uniqueness, as it is important for the majority of the people in the region to be referred to the Indo-European Moving Family. Panuyucha Religiya - Christianity.

    The natural growth rate of the population is even very low (close to 1.5%) and in the suburbs (FN, Ugorshchina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, etc.) The population is occupied in the sphere of services. A very high level of unemployment (in the regions of the EU, it becomes close to 11.5% of work force). Population distribution is established in the main geography of the region (the level of urbanization in the regions of the region) is 70-90.

    For its economic potential, foreign Europe is approximately the same as the United States. A third of the world's scientific and technical potential and gross national product and a third of the world's patent fund have fallen to a part of the country’s region. There is a great part of the participation of the regions of Western Europe in the process of international affairs, in the system of svitogospodar calls: for the summit European lands to transform the United States in light export and approximate the position of the United States in light import of goods.

    Overseas Europe will establish, in the main, developed capitalist lands, in which the size of the view in the size of the soul of the population will become, in the middle, 28 yew. Dol. Tsei indicator in "old Europe" variyu from 16 yew. Valley in Portugal і 20 yew. Dol. in Greece, up to 59 yew. dollars in Norway and 67 yew. dollars in Luxembourg. The idea of ​​expanding the C on the Schedule of the lower income line was moved in the region of the Central European Union - Rumunia ($ 3,830) and I Bulgaria ($ 3,450)

    The western European countries have reached a high standard of living and the quality of life of the population. For the index of the development of the human potential of the entire country, the region is included in the rating group, and Iceland and Norway will enrich the list.

    The lands of foreign Europe lie down to the same ancient Christian civilization and may be rich in cultural, social, psychological and central attitudes. All the prices, imposed on the geographic proximity, could not help but accept the neighbors of the lands, the establishment of economic, political and political alliances and integrated relations. Throughout the process, it was especially feasible for the Other Svytovaya Vіyny, which in spite of the adoption of the Benilux Mitigation Union (1948), the European Union of Wughill and Steel (1951), the European Economic In danii hour teritorії zarubіzhnoї Єvropi dіyut 2 іntegratsіynih ekonomіchnih ob'єdnannya - Єvropeyska asotsіatsіya vіlnoї torgіvlі (ЄAVT) to yakoї incoming Kraina 3 - Shveytsarіya, dence, Іslandіya, Norvegіya, i Єvropeysky union (27 kraїn) Fate i іntegratsіynih blocks spriyaє zrostannyu The economies of the western European regions, due to their competitive rewarded on the light market, changing the position of Europe in the light of the state.

    Among the features that characterize the economy of the United Europe, there are the following:

      In general, foreign Europe is developing to achieve stable growth and GDP is growing steadily. However, інші regions of the world are developing at a greater speed, so that they can reduce the growth of Europe's pompous vagi in the world to a lesser extent. The remaining 20 years of growth in the European economy (2.6%) were in the American (4%), in the middle, by 1.4 percentage points. Tse does not allow Europe to supervise the United States on 1ShP per capita: in Danish hourly indicator (28 thousand dollars.) Become 65% American (44 thousand dollars.).

      It is necessary to bear in mind the inequality of economic development in the countries and regions of Europe. In the Danish hour, more confidence in the pace of growth among the older members of the EU and to reach the high pace of growth in the old countries, especially in the new countries, especially in the new countries, , 2 - 7.9%).

      Among the galuzev structures of the economy of the country, the region has the leading place in the field of loans - 65%, in the part of industry and business it falls to 30%, and in the Silk, liss government and ribalism - 5%.

    Galuzeva structure of the economy Traditionally, Europe is strong in its promises. On the її part of the attack, close to a third of the industrial products of the world. Among the most significant and most competitive galuses of the European economy - nuclear power, naftogazovy complex, automotive, aviation-space, electrical engineering, electronics and industrial high-tech galus, lightweight. Throughout the last ten years, the old and the crisis of traditional galuzei, especially black metallurgy, chemistry, textile industry, are being promoted.

    Europe has a different agro-industrial complex for the size of the US market. The Sylske statehood of Europe is growing to be extremely versatile: from the traditional halls of culture and development to the university's specialization, for example, in the marketplace. The efficiency of the Silskoy government in the region is visoka: with employment in the agro-industrial complex from 2 to 8% of the population, Europe will not only get enough food for itself, but the supply of products for export (grain, meat and dairy products, vegetables). Dwellers not dopustiti Creasy nadvirobnitstva and takozh for pіdtrimki konkurentospromozhnostі Vlasnyi virobnikіv on Rink zovnіshnіh ЄS launch large spіlnu sіlskogospodarsku polіtiku on yaku vitrachaєtsya bіlshe budget ЄS 40% (conducted pіdtrimka tsіn, straight subsiduvannya virobnikіv Pevnyi tovarіv, vstanovlennya іmportnih bar'єrіv on zovnіshnіh cordons ЄC, export subsidies).

    It is necessary to realize that there are many opponents in the foreign national politics, both in the middle and beyond the borders. The main argument is the rules for the functioning of a single internal market not in a whole world for the Silskoy government - one of the most sophisticated and unstable halls of economy, and the methods of its regulation are not discolored, more than the smallest ones. In the United States of America, in the course of the implementation of the policy, play, in the main, is generally ineffective virobniks of France, Netherlands, Dania and Ireland, and the main opponents are the highly effective government of Great Britain. In addition, food regulation of the market of agricultural products є the reason for the serious problems and the establishment of "trade wars" between the US and the United States.

    Most important sector of the economy of the European regions є sphere of services. It is harmonious to enjoy both tradition and new service. In Europe, the banking sector, trade, protection, health protection have traditionally high rates of accusations. Until the number of new types of services, which were canceled in the last ten years, there should be telecommunications and information services. Let me remember the role of tourism, and, moreover, especially the role of transport and communication, as it is through Europe to pass through the land and water transport arteries.