Tom Soyur has a yak theme. Mark Twain "Fit Tom Soyur": description, hero, analysis of the creator. The main heroes and the characteristics of

Tom Soyur is one of the most beautiful childish images, if something was created by Mark Twain. Tom Soyur has Mark Twain with a typical image. For the boy є everything is typical for yogo vіku, middle class, hour, land. A very lively image of a boy. An airy madman, winey, non-vampiric, long-time cotton igor, Tom Soyur is not even a child prodigy, not a genius, who has hostile to his own vindictive talent and gifted. Navit the name of his hero Twain, having pushed the date like this, it sounded like b, like if it’s like it’s clap. It’s just the most gallant povnot, because here the creation of all types of special features of a normal, healthy child, and on the other hand, the hero of the novel will see a brightly twisted individual wisdom. It’s not just “type”, but rather “character”, the whole process is from rubbing and is still internal.

We are clearly Bachimo Tom and the radio of the skin with him. We wake up to us and todi, if empty, and todi, if we are drenched in tears, wonder at praying for Polly's new tit. In his heart live the joy of the image, the joy and the merriment, the dissatisfaction with school, fences, morals, and at the same time from this empty space, the child, overwhelmed by a violent fantasy, is healthy. Twain has no single line character. Everybody sees paradoxical speeches: ttka Polly knows that Tom is not “good”, but she doesn’t have a hand to punish the boy, “trash” Tom cannot enter because of Becky, but “good” Alfred will receive it.

The heroes of "Tom Souyur's Fetch" are lads-pids, who have not yet entered into life. Without a special stench to go to school, it’s a lot empty and quiet, when we are old enough, we see our own - to the neighboring and independent kind of grown-up people - interests. Takiy Tom Soyur. Naysuttєvish at Tom's vigilance - she’s awkward, she’s awkward, she’s hungry for life, but all the lads knew it’s overwhelmed, and when they grew older, they’d grown up, they’d live like that, “I’m dead, I couldn’t win the cold.” "good boy", like a walking dummy. Unbeknownst to them - children are inveterate and easy to fight against the dead nuisance of Puritanism in the beggars, in the family, in the schools. The stench will instinctively rise up against the established force of bourgeois morality. Social will go here on a different plan. Wines of dressings in images of grown-up people - daddy, witches, priest - and in the eyes of lads є a crowd of swarms of people in their own cottony virtues, which are unique. Tom hangs out from the note of Polly's tint, needs to go to church for a weekly service, I’ll reject the thrill of the teacher in school and forget about everything and see the great joy and sums. Conflict between the natural beginnings of life and the wretched local morality in "Tom Soyura" psychologic zmist... We will wrap ourselves up in a conflict between we live, a healthy boy-shibenik, and they stood up to them with a light of grown-up, boring people. The notification will be based on the all-pervasive antithesis of "mature" and "childish", which is a psychological modification of the characteristic antithesis of "natural" and "piece".

Nature in the world is not a call, brought by the writer to the life of heroes. Tse organic background of cotton life. A wide corpse for all pods in the lower reaches of the rychka in the wilderness, the cave in the beauty and fears, in the romance of the "rozbiynitskoy" life. Tom and yogo friends, who have become "pirates", celebrate the Sunday plat and spend a few days on Jackson Island: "It’s colder than gray wounds. nature ". Here we have the harmony of nature and the immaculate child's soul. Tom Souyur with a "heart-beating" identity in the forest and, having played a scene there with Robin Hood, turn around.

Those who are priced in Saint-Peterburg when they are old enough, are angry with children, because they are grown up because of their cleverness, and their thoughts begin to be rooted, Marnoslava, fear of a huge thought, the child's testimony is clearly visible.

Nayradikalny zasob perekonannya і vikhovannya from the point of view of grown-ups є club. Lyapasi, lyapasi, kalatala to snarl at Tom Soyur with a stretch of effort. At home on a new thimble with a thimble, Tіtonka Polly, and in schools, on thimble thimbles, walk in vchitelska ryzka. This spanking becomes an obsessive element of every moment, and it sounds like a whole lot of pedagogical procedures, as soon as it ceases to mention it. However, the system of violence against a child is effective in other forms. Order s physical methods primus іsnuyut і spiritual. One of the greatest intelligence in the life of grown-up people is religion. A yak in a floppy way, mercilessly with her, Tom Sauer! Yogo childish rosum vіlniy vіd tremulous masters of ritualism, religious attributes, zalnovіvnyh canons. Church service to direct a hallucinatory nudga on a new one. Vitivka with a poodle, like having a neymovirnuyu in the church before an hour of service, is a wonderful contrast to the manly church rituals. Before the church there is a poodle. And Tom has a beetle. The poodle "squeaked with its nose; little by little, the head of the yogi snatched up on his chest, and the lower slit poked a thief, as if it had spilled into it. a little closer, they were shaking in the face of a soundless smile, a lot of people were caught behind the faint and nasal hoot; and Tom was silently happy. " Let the poodle "forgetting about the beetle and spokyinisinko siv on the new one! Breaking through the divine heather, the poodle rushing down the aisle, never ceasing to squeal, noticing the church; .. until the end of the hour, everyone in the church sat with red-haired people, sniffing at the impressed smile. The child's vitivka gives Twain the opportunity to show how he goes to the church depriving Danin of "zalnopriyatіy", and propovіdі - ubivcha nudga. The church has a dumb, righteous piety, they giggle, but they don't preach boringly in hearing. Widow Douglas spent the whole hour "praying - oh yeah!" і wiklikє at Huck razdratuvannya. The lads obm_nuyut receipts, otrimanі for noticing verses from Bіblії, on the ribal gachki. As a result of Tom, who cannot name the one with the 12 apostles, ale zumiv viminyati need number kvitkiv, nagorozhuyu biblієya for the education of the part of the Evangelia. So, for Tom, "the church is rubbish in the context of the circus." This phrase is natural in the mouth of a dvadtsyatirichny boy. Ale vona characterizes the way to the church of an ordinary American of the 19th century.

Twain criticizes the deadening system school navchannya: Zubrіnnya, I will dull the routine, riots, beatings. School doesn’t hurt Tom’s soul only if the boy is alive with his lustful interests. School for Tom is "v'yaznitsya and kaydani", and an hour from a week to a week is "a day of torment." In acutely chronic scenes, how to depict the development of older adults and children, Twain shows how violence over the child's specialty is a guiding principle of official pedagogy. Itself against violence and revolt of the child. "Squeeze and tortured lads from decent homelands" try to cheer up the hassle-free volotsyuga of Gekovi Finnov, who alone in the world is the only one who wants to work, everything, as a matter of fact, doesn’t mean anything on the fence and around the fence. Beshketnik and rebel, Tom Soyur reproach Twain's cunningness to the very fact that, instinctively, he can see everything to himself, so he can stifle the power he is living in, feel the inner life. The priest’s sermons, teachers of the non-school school, teachers’s trips, and the thimble of titan Polly doesn’t pour on yogo internal light, I win zberiga all live the naturalness of my sentiments.

Tom hate schools and all kinds of intelligence: whoever wants to roam those who do not want to, are "so desperate". Not for nothing on the first story to the novel by Polly's titular viglyad of the hollow Tom "between the beds of tomatoes and the high bur'yanu". Lush grass, which grows beyond the gardening minds, is a symbol of nature of Tom Soyur, the image of a restless boy-Shibenik, instinctively rebelled against the values ​​of the mundane life of the community.

Ale, vidkidayuchi one - by-but - the intelligence of the daily life, Tom is ordered by the one - the bookish one. For a new, like for Don-Kikhot, a non-destructive law є everything that is found in books. To be a witness, you need to "sleep on a rough stone, wear a rough hair, suck your head with a chant, stand on a board." Bezposredn_y Huck marvel: now all the price? "- I don’t know. Tilka all the viewers are so timid; guilty but, so demanding. "- Well, it’s dumb, you have mercy, ni for scho!" "- And what about the inakshe? Without it it is impossible."

The testimony of Tom and Huck is mainly for bobbing and bobbing. For the author, the price is less comic; all the cim vin okreslyuє middle-class, virostyla Tom and Huck, the low culture of the American common people. Literate Tom Soyur and illiterate Huck Finn stand right on one and the same level of development. Ale їkh natural drive, thriftiness and mind to help їm by power go out with viscous output.

Prykmet, povir'iv, zaboboniv in the povіstі bezlіch; in a childish beggar the stench is playing an even greater role, but not in the sights of grown-ups: the stench is to curb the grubby "zhakhlivy". Ale, come to see, we will find and add є the podolan of that "terrible", not just the fun of Tom and Huck's fantasies. But there can be more hearts of all the important lads, but it’s not of any kind, if, if you add fear, it’s necessary to know before the abandoned picture, you can see the old rotting tree and the scrying images. Anyway: as few times as possible, it is necessary to return at night to the pantry with a dead cat on the motuz and the nobility, who flicker hear the roars and the living. In the most dead kitty, obviously, there is not a lot of tame and mysterious, but then you can serve as a way to catch warts. Rozmova Tom and Huck didn’t spend much time in the pantry, but the lads had a fierce glance at those who were living people who died and lay beneath the earth. "Quiet wind drove in the gilkah, and he was afraid that the souls didn’t have to screech, but they disturbed them ...

Yak ti thinksh, Gekko, to vouch for the dead, did they come before them?

Who knows, I don’t know! And it’s great here ... Isn’t it?

Having set up a trivial move: an offense pondered over a team, how to deliver non-residents until they are released. Then Tom whispers:

Hear-but, Gekko, how can you be built, didugan Williams chuє, what are we talking about?

Sly, chuє.

I know the move.

More beautifully than me, I could say “Mister Williams.” But I didn’t want to represent him. That’s how everyone called him - Didugan.

You need to be ordinary, if you are talking about a non-guy, Tom ... "

Meisterna pobudova stage in the storeroom real life buvaє an hour scary for zabonny vygadoks. The lads politely put their little life around them with "legalized" appearances and signs. The wandering dog drove to the booth of Johnny Miller, and the Nightyard drove the railing to the railing of the gank and the booth, and slept, - and none of the Millers died in the booth. One more episode: "A small green caterpillar pops up on a wet leaf from the dew. An hour from one hour two thirds of its til has gone, they are looking around, and then they have gone ..." If, having stood for a day in a big thought, with a tulub, we will take the burns, the caterpillar has gone over the point and started to rise in price in all its length, its heart has resembled joy, but it meant "the future will have a new suit. In the souls of children there is a bazhannya of all intelligence, reconversion and learning. Addictiveness to a strong person for fear and relish zaboniv.

In the fight against the pasty fears and real life circumstances, Tom Soyur's ludicrous character is formed. Win stood up for the innocent people at the head of Met Potter. However, the death of the whole snake is not just a sense of justice, ale і Marnoslavstvo. Unproductive imagination, energy, zhaga is suitable for shtovhayut yogo to everything, to be built not without security, vimagaє smіlivostі, vіdvaga, zuhvalostі.

In the case of Twain the humorist is excellently victorious in the building of the childish testimony of copying the navkolishn. The history of Tom and Becky is a light lyrical parody of the two grown-up couples: Tom is magnetized to the heart of a dunno; vіn grieve for її wіknom, і the servant vіlivа on a new vіdro memory; Tom domagaєtsya potsіlunku y "zaruchini", ale hatefully zbuzhu zealous Beki; Tom - the person and the person - guarding Becky in the furnace and relieving all the painful deaths. Win the whole hour of the school day. Axle, nareshty, "bilya turned out more than one paying, and Tom's heart sank. Mitya - and already in the yard, shallow, like an indian:" at the same time, glancing at Becky’s bikk. Win was worn around her with battle screams, taking off his cap and throwing it on the dakh, rushing into the ranks of the cotton, spreading it on the sides of the earth, stretching it out a little. Vona came in, pulled up nis and said: "Pf! You know, the stench of all ... Tom's cheeks have gone off. Winning from the ground, drooping, crushing and more and more wanting to get out." Smile and cheerleading to intertwine in the model of a lad. Humor will help Twain to penetrate deeply into the heart of a child, to pacify and show them healthier, fresher, more beautiful, well, in your hero. Lyubov Toma is not only poetical, ale in superficially tsikava. Yogo romance with Bekki is a love affair. Grant into love merrily, and it’s not a vapid word to come to Tom’s mind if he knows Becky’s new rules for her. The stage deyaky povіstі bear a parody character. So, epizod, in which Becky first appeared in front of Tom, throwing a letter to the negam, representing a parody of one of the most stereotyped situations of love story... At the bottom of Twain's stage, the scene is built alive and charming, without any humoristic details. For example, sometimes I read about those who Tom took care of the dear gift of love not with his hand, but with his toes, and because of the filthy knowledge of anatomy, he was not beating his heart, but close to a slunk. The humorous details give a superb touch to Twain's picture and give the impression of the irony.

Tom is associated with one of the novel's charming features - the atmosphere of the gris. Tom Soyur's fantasy is unimaginable - the force is poetic, as it takes away all the power of the soul, grabbing it from the toothy pouring out of the way, the power that Huck’s pulls before him and does not shy away from his friends. Imagine the behavior of agile children, Twain erase between the clear and the real. A graceful child in a clear light is alive in everyday life. Fantasia about bringing belongings to things Indian Joe, Sprague good-for-nothing- until the romantic and tragic transfer of Tom and Becky in the stove; gras into rogues - up to real bandits and vbivtsy. The volume of perekonaniya, which entrusted with the unnatural, dark lives of the monstrous and yaskraviy light, to eat in what is easy and simple. Win gra navit todi, if you just live.

Adding the "dialectic" of a child's soul, Twain shows how a skin object can be turned to a child of his own play, a cynical side. A young adult does not fall for a thought, so that the teeth can be tied up, be it an experience, except for those who are unacceptable. Tim for an hour in the virvana of Tom's teeth lurk for an unprecedented opportunity for an hour. “If Tom sent a snidge of a virus to school, all comrades, who were out on the streets, nibbled on you, so, as an empty one, who was installed in the top row of her teeth, allowed him to spit out, call us a new one, miracles.”

Angry with your heroes, Mark Twain marvel at the light of your eyes, as you open your way to penetrate the soul of the child. Cherguvannya pod_y in the world is given yak the last serpent of life of their enemies Tom. It’s not easy to smell the stink in front of the reader’s eyes, not in his own bezposredny, but in the beaten viglyad — such as the hero is tossing. Twain prompts his own creation to create the logic of the "open" childish svidomosty, in which one is the enemy vitisnyak inshe. Tom, like a true child, can’t think at once about rіznі speeches.

Yak can be seen from the eye of what was said, Tom is in everything and in the head and spontaneous. Try to be charming to his image. Ale at the same hour to finish the image of Tom Soyur folded: in a new one to enjoy super-verbose rice - a child's self-esteem and be generous; romantic versatility and solid practicality; awakening and letting go of an overwhelming fear; vysokorozvinnee respect for comradeship and naughty child ambition - nowhere and no one could not sacrifice a vatazhka, a "hero", the first vygadnik. Twain rozum_v, the share of the hero will be found in the one who can be guilty of the "moral principles" of the suspension, in every living. Having taken into consideration the scribe, the history of Tom Soyur can be promoted in two versions: in one of them, Tom can reach the highest honors, and in the other one, you can enjoy it.

The whole analysis, as if we were magical to show, is directed at those who respect the artist's image for the rights of the child's mother and dignity, on the specifics of the child's psychology. Strictly traveling and the beauty of pure, fresh, undisturbed svidomosty, Twain in his life shows the lights like that to bach a child - we clean, uncomplicated, naive, with loose farbs and clear color. Humor will help Twain to penetrate deeply into the heart of a child, to pacify and show them healthier, fresher, more beautiful, well, in your hero. The author's verdict and judgment have been compiled. The stench was the result of Twain's realistic method. Only the unfamiliar optimism of childishness in the camp of the boulevard overcomes the spiritual wretchedness of the upbringing. The world clearly sees the elements of the new in the creative method of Twain the realist. To become rich, foldable and versatile in terms of the heroes' characteristics, to replace the dry descriptions of the artist's pictures, to overtake the reader with his imagery and life, to show confessions in life Pictures of nature are organically intertwined with life. In "The Springs of Tom Soyur" realism and romanticism are presented in a folding alloy artist freedom books.

Marc Twain's "Fit Tom Soyur" is one of my favorite books. I read її quite developed. About the most popular speeches of Twain, they were raised in different wines, vividly and gradually. I’ll describe the sound of the American provincial town of St. Petersburg. In addition, there is a decent way of living there, ale vona sirka, boring and one-man.

The protagonist of the book is Tom Soyur - a twelve-hundred-year-old boy, an orphan, who turns out to be a sister of a deceased mother. At the napolyagannya pious titty Polly Tom of the temptations to take care of the wonderful rules: kindly walk around the table, dress up carefully, go to school, and take a church service on a weekly basis.

Tom reads a lot of literature, it is more useful, jokes of belongings and belongings. The hero of his love is Robin Hood, vilny and fair. Tom zanuryuєtsya in іnshy svіt, inviting vіdminniy vіd real, svіt tsіkaviy, with seasons, non-bezpek and tmennitsy. Freedom is dear to the one, who in his wide friends is the one who vibrates Huckleberra Finn - the high-street cotton, the blue p'yanitsa, "the wild bird," on weekly propaganda.

To that end, it’s boring to have a life, but it’s all to fix the opir of monotony. Win to rely on life "according to the rules", steadily їkh poruyuchi, wiklikє oburennya tіki. Tom is not a bastard, but a smart boy from a smart family, such as a brother of Sid, a quiet and rumor-hearted sneak. Internal rebellion is manifested in vigands and twists, in the late jokes of rozvag. It befits the foolishness of those who are not invented in a way that would not come into their heads. For example, it is possible to play in an episode, since Polly's talent, as if she was trying to kill her nephew, beat a parkan, and the one who passed over the lads in the lavishness of the busy busyness, not just the poppies of all the neglect of the alarms. Well, well, krym Tom, you can so blamefully avenge yourself on the armed, heartless Mister Dobbins for his zhorstoke assignment to scholars!

Obviously, in his twists and turns, Tom inno and I don’t know the world, but in the serious and insecure overcroppings, the boy will become vile and important to everyone. Having conquered the fear and having appeared at the judge as a witness, Tom took over the captor of the old man who had been invaded and told all the truth about the truth about the truth - the terrible and revengeful indian Joe. For the gentry, Tom does not compromise his beloved hero. Chi is not a skinny lad who is ready to eat a zhorstok. And even in the scenes, the joke for the visit from Tom's pyre is to be carried on like a young man has grown up. Winning not to be discouraged, not seeing Becky's fear, and I see that I can see that I can show myself as a fair person: smart, husband, funny and smart.

The story of Mark Twain has a raving plot. Chi is simply not worthy of being won. Mozhlivo, head hero far from expecting a truthful and overwhelmingly prankster, a little more into the breadth of your senses, less into the ostentatious "Approximately" of an open, hisistic and promising Sid. Tome has a lot of beautiful human qualities, the ones who are in possession at our hour. I would even recommend everyone to read the book.

Tvir of the famous American publicist and writer Mark Twain about fit two cotton people to become a favorite and read in our world. I don’t just love the cheese for the cotton people, but for the grown-ups, who will guess their empty dignity. The history of young America, the romanticism of some of the children of the United States is still alive.

History of writing "Tom Soyur's fit"

The First Tvir of the Serii Suitable for American Cotton Pops was published in 1876 by the author, at that hour more than 30 years were written to the author. Obviously, this played a role in the quality of the images of the book. America end of XIX the capital has not yet become slave-class, half of the continent has been "indian territory", and the boys have gotten sick of cotton. Behind the svidchennyi Bagatma, Mark Twain described in Tom himself, not only the real for yourself, but use all your world about it. Feel and emoticons are real, as they were eating cotton at that hour, and as they were feeding cotton and for the year.

Heads dіyuchі lycea- two friends, Tom, like a vikhovuє, і Huck, mischievous. Inexperienced in their fantasies і fit the insult to the boys є typical images, ale the head of the hero is Tom Soyur. He has a younger brother, a great rational and hearing, є high school comrades, slap-dumping behavior - Becky. As for any cotton, the head in life is tied with sprago and is suitable for the first cohannes. The unbearable thirst is steadily getting Tom with Huck in a good place, part of the zhaga, obviously, vygadan by the author, part - є real podіy. It’s easy to get used to such, as in the flow of the house, or going to the pantry at night. It’s useful to be interspersed with descriptions of the wicked floppy everyday life, the wicked wastelands, the joys of annoyance, to know the reality of the author's genius. The enemy describes the life of the Americans at that hour. Those who are drawn into happy holiday, Democracy and the spirit of freedom.

Chronicle of the Young of America (plot and main idea)

A small town on the birch trees of Missisin, in every inhabitant there was a suspension, unaffected by the main, racial and social innovations. The Negro Jim, in the slavery of the tit Polly, the half-breed Indian Joe, Judging Techer and his daughter Becky, the unprepared Huck and Shibenik Tom, Dr. Robenson and Trunar Potter. Tom's life is described with such a humor and with such naturalness, that the reader is forgotten, in the land of the country it is seen, as I will go with myself.

Khlopchisko Tom Soyur together with his younger brother, who is clearly positively, is waving the old tidy message of the death of mother. I read in school, on the street, fight, make friends and go to the beautiful one-page Becky. Once, having seen his old friend Gekelberra Fina on the street, with a stench, they held a polemic about how to remove warts. He has developed a new method of seeing for an additional dead cat, but it is necessary to visit the storeroom at night. All the significant ones are useful for those two beshketniks. To get into a confrontation with a great idea of ​​a bonus library in a nondil school, to break the fence at the vigilance to punish for the misunderstanding, as Tom in success in transforming into other individuals Everything except love to Becky.

Having become a witness of the beating and vbivstvo, two lads are going to be wondering about the need to blame everything for the grown-ups. Just a little pity for the old potter Potter, and for the universal justice, listen to Tom to be judged. Tim himself vryatuvav the life of the accused and putting his life in a mortally insecure. Pomsta іndіantsya Joe is altogether a real threat for the boys to navigate under the rule of law. Tim for an hour the novel of Tom and Becky gave a thrill, and at the same time it turned on the last one. Win suffering. Residual buzzed in tekti from the house from the unhappy kokhannya and as a pirate. Good, well є such a friend, yak Huck, who is fit to take on an adventure. Before them came and school friend - Joe.

The spring came to an end like that, as a blame for the bully. The heart of Tom and the rationality of Huck was forced to turn into a small place from the island on the river, because, if the stench was sounded, they were whispering in this place. The lads turned yaakraz for a burial of power. The joy of the grown-up Bula is so great that the cottonmen were not swallowed by the prochukhan. For a few days, they brightened up the life of the cottonmen with the help of the author himself. There was a lot of sickness, and Becky was far away.

Before the cob naval rock Judging Techer, having organized a party for children in honor of the People's Day, the daughters turned. More expensive on motor ships on the road, from the start and from the entrance of the pecher, so there could have been many and every day. Here is Tom's new advantage. Having made up with Becky, the stench doubled from the company until the hour of the drink and the stench in the stove. The stench glistened in the passages and grottoes, the torch, which illuminated the paths, zgoriv, ​​and the provisions did not rise with them. Being led by her husband, in which all his acceptance and performance of the growing man became known. Call of the vipadkovo stink came across Indian Joe, who had stolen a penny. Pislya faint on the stove Tom to know wihid. Children turned to home on the joy of fathers.

Tanya, poached in the stove, do not let me calm down, Tom rozpovіdaє all Gekovі, and the stench virіshuyut rewrite belongings Indіantsya. Cotton is returned to the stove. In addition, since Tom and Becky were safely vibrating from the labyrinth, Mishkoy Radoy decided to close the input to the fire. The price became fatal for the mestizo, he died in the oven from hunger and sprague. Tom and Huck were responsible for the riches. Oskilki belongings did not belong to anyone specifically, two lads became the masters of them. Huck, having taken the patronage of the widow Douglas, having consumed the opiku. Tom is so pretty now. Ale Gek zmіg winesti "svitsku" life is not more than three tizhnіv, and Tom, who is a beast on a birch tree near a hatini-barrel, declaring that none of the wealth can not be eliminated from the card of a "noble" rose. The romanticism of the two friends has not yet been crushed by the "golden child" and the cleverness of the suspension.

The main heroes and the characteristics of

All the main heroes of the story, the thoughts and the honor of the author, help him about dignity, his view of this very American world and geological values... If Huck scared, but you can’t live in discomfort, Tom didn’t feel ashamed: “That’s how you live like that, Huck.” In the case of cikh cottonmen, Mark Twain vipisu his position to human values, to the value of freedom and intelligence among people. Huck, who is more bawling than the filthy one, hangs out with Tom: “It’s just a shameful fight for all the people,” if we talk about the lack of strength in food sustenance. On a romantic aphid about dignity, written with a kind humor, a writer clearly tells everything brighten up small people, and hope, to take care of all life.

Khlopchisko, how to wriggle without mother and father. She became a little dad, the author is not vidkriva. In the aftermath, there is hostility, all of his most beautiful qualities Tom having been removed on the streets and in schools. Try to tint Poli, pinch your elementary stereotypes of behavior can not be successful. Tom is the ideal cotton and shibenik in the eyes of the cotton people in the world. On one side of the hyperbola, ale on the other side, mayuchi real prototypes Tom doesn’t carry everything more beautifully in itself, that you can carry in itself an adolescent cholovik. Win smilivy, we will sharpen the eyes of justice. In bagatokh epizodes, the same tsі yakosti vіn viyavlya in folding life situations. More than one rice, as you can’t do it like an American. Great value and interest. To be overwhelmed by the loss of history from a small fence, like a project of far-reaching ones. Covering with small cottony zabobons, Tom is an absolutely wicked lad, who is also a reader. Kozhen bach in a new little mirror to yourself.

Unprepared with a live father. P'yanitsya appears in the world only in pinks, which also characterizes the mind of the boy's life. Shiry is Tom's friend and a true comrade in every way. If Tom is a romantic and a leader in the whole company, then Huck is a solid mind and life, which is also necessary for a whole tandem. The respectable reader has a hostility, which Huck prescribed by the author, as a friend, the side of the medal of an unstoppable people, a huge man of America. The specialty is divided into two types - Volume and Huck, which are not very clear. In the coming uprisings, Huck's character is more likely to open up, and often, in the soul of the reader, there are two images of wandering and always getting sympathy.

Becky, tith Polly, Negro Jim and Metis Indian Joe

All people, on spіlkuvannі z who manifest themselves more and more beautifully in the character of the protagonist. There is a need for love in a divine of the same age, and a turbocharger about her is not safe in khvilini. Shanoblive, I want to be ironic, put to the tune, like a vitrach with all my strength, and Tom's virility by a fair, respectable whopper. The Negro slave, who is an indicator of modern America and the slavery to the slavery of all progressive communities, and Tom to be friends and with him, it is justifiably vazhayuy to him. The assignment to Joe's Indians by the author, and that means і Tom, is far from unambiguous. The romance of the Indian light at that time was not yet so idealized. Ale internal regret to the end of hunger in the oven of the half-breed characterizes not only cotton. The realities of the Wild Sunset can be seen in a whole image, cunning and horrible half-breed to take revenge on all their lives. Winning to see in the whole world, and the suspension allows you to see. That much I will condemn, as I would have been guilty buto for the villains and vbivtsi, mi not bachimo.

The continuation of the epic is suitable

Nadal Mark Twain wrote a few more stories about Tom and his friend Heke. The author grew up at once with his heroes, changing America. And even in the coming uprisings, there was no such romantic spirituality, but more and more girky truth of life. Aleksei in their realities - Tom, and Huck, and Becky took in their own beauty, embraced by them in their children on the shores of the Mississippi in a small place in the distant cities of the Russian capital - St. Petersburg. Zimi heroes do not want to be separated, and the stench is like that, and they become like ideals in the hearts of the lads of this era.

The theme of friendship and peace in Mark Twain's story "Come on Tom Soyur"
In the show "The Principles of Tom Soy Era", the main character is the boy Tom. He is even restless and constantly drunk in the history. Tom has a brother Sid. Ale Sid is not like Tom. Sid was respected as a good lad, and Tom was a rotten one. Ale Tom loves his brother all the same, I want Sid to tell about Tom titty Polly's vintages, the boys lived with them. Volume - good friend... Win to be friends with Gek, who wants friendship does not like tіtsі Polly. Tom Boo will be taken care of by the boy from the good family. And at Huck's father there was a p'yanitsyu.

Tom is at school, but Huck is dumb. Tom and Heck were mysteriously played one by one. Friendship of Tom and Huck went through a vip test. If Tom is virishiv, who doesn’t love, the lads flowed into the house. The stench has risen in price. But soon Tom wanted to turn home, and Huck didn’t want to have a daddy at his new home, for which Huck was no longer in love. The lads survived a lot in the high price, but later they turned to home. Tom і Huck has a bully mriya. The stinks wanted to know the belongings. The lads have come up with a groove for themselves. The stinks were whispered in the scarby stove. If you knew the stench, then Huck took away a lot of pennies and became pivnim to Tom... Ale potim Gekovi did not like the buti bagatim.

One widow took Yogo to herself and went to school. Kindness the woman pressed and scratched Huck, gave a clean ogyag. Tom Huck's minds, he didn't want anything at all, he was in control of everything. The lads appreciated their friendship, if they could and did it. Tse became, if Tom zakhavshis in one little girl. They were called Betty. Gekovi Betty didn’t vouch for that, so she was kindly wicked and always wore clean clothes. Ale, I think that Huck just didn’t want to involve such a friend, like Tom. Tom and Huck Bully friends. The stinks were able to viskonati their mriya. The stinks knew the belongings and helped the spymati of the villains.

I think that the friendship of the boys does not know, if the stench gets old. I would want the mother of such a friend, like Gek or Tom. Such friends are eager to tell the truth and to be able to turn into a bad thing.

It is easy to see two lads who came to the storerooms at night. Їх зав Tom and Huck were loved by the booties of the taverny. Nichne pantry itself і bulo tim mіscem, yak spovna satisfied with their puffs until fit. Those who have become witnesses of what stinks, boiled greedily. Sitting behind three great sedge breeches of fresh graves, Tom and Huck became mimic evidence of the welding of Indian Joe and Likar Robinson. Before the hour of the welding workshop, buv presence and Maf Potter. Joe, let's go to the lykar, after paying for the grave. Lіkar vіdpovіv, wіn wіn already finish paying by paying, alе indіanets having poured on the dodatkovo wine-city. Joe's inability to get a drink fired up, because he was most likely to see it. Word by word - і pochalasya bіyka. Likar with one blow, beating the non-man. Potter, re-tighten the welding, quietly and quietly. Ale not rozrahuvav his strength і leaning on the ground. If Potter came to you, the likar was dead, and in his own ruts he got a bit of power.

The murder of the Indians Joe, and all the change to Potter, which, obviously, was not a noble, as it was for good reason. Tom and Huck knew the truth, as everyone was back, sitting in ukritt. The lads were afraid of being on the side of the Indian, because they knew about the information about the crooked direction. Smells swore to no one to tell the truth about those who bach. Pochalosa ship rozsliduvannya. Indian Joe is witty against the innocent Potter, who was respected in the sound of Robinson's drug. There was a little bit widening in the world that Potter’s bidolah was straying for a new check. The lads were suffering dedals stronger, they were able to finish the summons. Aje stinks could vryatuvati innocent people, as none of them sensed anything. “The soul is good,” said Huck Finn. - If you give me some ribs, if you want a little bulo yourself. She stood up for me more than once, adding help, if it was important ”. "And me, Geku, win lagodiv snakes and gachki to wudok hooked", - Dodav Tom. Then, it turned out that on one bowl the lads were afraid of the Indian and Joe, and on the other - the torment of conscience. Do your best to overcome fear. Tom pіdnіmaє swear oath movchannya. On the judge's basis, everything is rooted in the pantry. Now the ugly indian Joe is angry at the punishment and fights in the course of the courtroom.

I started thinking: what are you talking about? Nareshtі tsya іstorіya b. Tse and what about that, hurting bi Potter? Then I didn’t have a chance to fight for my life and unique vision with the Indian Joe. Ale todі tse bouv bi not Tom Soyur. So yak Tom Soyur buv is kind, a chuy boy, I can't put up with injustice. Tom's pure soul hid the life of Potter, undeservedly invaded. Slid to signify the spirit of justice, which squeaked the friendship of Tom and Huck. Smells like brothers poured belongings. Huck is living with the widow Douglas for that hour. Having healed Gek yak lyudin, everything was in full swing, ale vin, yak from unbearable pain, tormented by everything. Win has already pushed pokivat p'yatami. Ale here priyshov to help Tom. Win explaining others, which an hour passі Huck zvikne, and then the stench at once pick up a gang, swear an oath and become a righteous rogue. First to talk about them, and the widow Douglas will write to Huck.

If love is up to the nearest peremahaє vlastny fear. Tvir for the povistu "Come on Tom Soyur"

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