Name the main organization of the Third Reich. Who were the forces of the Third Reich before the ear of the USSR? fascist army

Name the main organizations of the Third Reich

AD - Allgemeinedienst - General Service
AHS - Adolf Hitler Schulen - Adolf Hitler Schools
AO - Auslandsorganisation
ASS - Allgemeine SS - Zagalnі vіyska SS
BD - Bereitschaftsdienst - Reserve Service
BDM - Bund Deutscher Maedel - Union of Nimetsky girls
BVP - Bayerische Volkspartei - Bavarska Narodna Party
DAF - Deutsche Arbeitsfront - Nimetsky Robot Front
DEST - Deutsche Erd und Steinwerke GmbH - Nimetska Corporation of Opening Robots
DFO - Deutsche Falken Orden - Nimetskiy order of the falconry
DJ - Deutsche Jungvolk - Yunі nіmtsі, youngest section "Hitlerjugend"
DJ - Deutsche Jaegerschaft - Nimetske mislivske partnership
DLV - Deutscher Luftsports Verband - Nimetske Power and Sports Partnership
DNVP - Deutschnationale Volkspartei - Nimetska National People's Party
DRL - Deutscher Reichsbund fur Leibe-subungen - Nimetsky Imperial Union of Physical Culture
DVL - Deutsche Volksliste - Register of Nimetsky Nationalities
DVP - Deutsche Volkspartei - Nimetska People's Party
EWZ - Einwandererzentralstelle - Immigrant Center
FdV - Festigung deutschen Volkstums
FJK - Feldjaegerkorps - SA Police Corps
GBA - Generalbevollmachtigen fur den Arbeitseinsatz - General Office of the Labor Office
Gestapo - Geheime Staats-Polizei - State Police
GFM - Generalfeldmarschali - Field Marshal General
HJ - Hitlerjugend - "Hitlerjugend"
HJD - Hitlerjugend Division - Division "Hitlerjugend"
HSSPF - Hohere SS und Polizei Fuhrer - Supreme Leader of the SS and Police
JM - Jungmadelgruppen - Molodsha vikova group of girls
JV - Jungvolk - Yune pokolinnya
KdF - Kraft durch Freude - Strength through joy
KfHB - Kyffhauuserbund - Veterans Union
KJVD - Kommunistischer Jugendver-band Deutschlands - Communist Youth Union of Nimechchini)
KLV - Kinderlandverschickung - Viviz kids
KPD - Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands - Communist Party of Nimechchini
KRIPO - Kriminalpolizei - Krimіnalna polіtsіya
LAH - Leibstandart Adolf Hitler - Hitler Special Protection Regiment
LD - Landdienst - Land Administration
LKPA - Landeskriminalpolizeiamt - Prussian Crime Police Department
LSD - Luftschutzdienst - Anti-Aircraft Defense Service
LSW - Luftschutz Warndienst - Notification Service
LSSAH - Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler - SS division "Adolf Hitler"
NAPOLA- National-Politische Lehranstalt - Sovereign political mortgage
NPEA - Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt - National Social Security Establish
NS - Nationalsozialist - National Socialist
NSBO - NS Betriebsorganisation - National Socialist Party
NSDAP - Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - National Socialist Nimetska Robot Party
NSF - Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaften - National Socialist Weekly Association
NSFK - NS Fliegerkorps - National Social Aviation Corps
NSHAGO - NS Handels und Gewerbeorganisation
NSKK - NS Kraftfahrkorps - National Socialist Motorized Mechanized Corps
NSKOV - NS Kriegsopferversorgung - National Socialist Service for Assistance to Victims of Vijni
NSRKB - NS Reichskriegerbund - National Socialist Union of Veterans of War
NSS - Nationalsozialistischer Schulerbund
NSV- Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt
OKH - Oberkommando des Heeres - Supreme Command
OKL - Oberkommando der Luftwaffe - Supreme Command with the help of power Nimechchin
OKW - Oberkommando der Wehrmacht
ORPO - Ordnungspolizei - Law Enforcement Police
OSAF - ObersterSA-Fuehrer - Head of SA
OT - Organization Todt - Todt Organization
PZ - Panzer - Tanks vіyska
PZK - Politische Zentralkommission - Central Policy
RAB - Reichsautobahn - Reichsautobahn
RAD - Reichs Arbeitsdienst - Nimetsky Robot Front
RADwJ - Reichs Arbeitsdienst der weiblichen Jugend
RAL - Reichsausbildungslager - Imperski Taboru Navchannya
RFSS - Reichsfuerer-SS - Reichsfuerer SS
RJF - Reichsjugendfuhrung
RJF - Reichs Jugendführer - Imperial leader of the youth
RKFDV - Reichskommissar fur die Festigung DeutschenVolkstums
RLB - Reichslehrerbund - Imperial readers' union
RLB - Reichsluftschutzbund -German Anti-Defense Union
RMBO - Reichsministerium fur die besetzten Ostgebiete - Ministry of Payback of Middle Territories
RMVP - Reichsministerium fur Volksaufklarung und Propaganda - Imperial Ministry of Public Education and Propaganda
RPA - Reichspropagandaamt - Іmperske management of propaganda
RSHA - Reichssicherheitshaupamt - Head of Imperial Security
RuSHA - Rasse und Siedlungs Hauptamt
RW - Reichswehr - Reichswehr
SA - Sturmabteilung - Sturmovy corrals
SAJ - Verband der Soziaiistischen Arbeiterjugend - Union of Socialist Robotic Youth
SD - Sicherheitsdienst - Security Service
SDP - Sudeten Deutsche Partei - Sudeten Nimetska Party
SIPO - Sicherheitspolizei - Security Police
SHD - Sicherheits und Hilfsdienst - Security and assistance service
SP - Transportkorps "Speer"
SPD - Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands - Social Democratic Party of Nimechchini
SRD - Streifendienst - Patrol Service
SS - Schutzstaffel - SS, security enclosures
SSEA - SS Erganzungsamt - SS management for the prize of recruits
SSHA - SS Hauptamt - Head of SS
SSHK -SS HelferinnenKorps - SS additional female building
SSTV - SS Totenkopfverbande - Pidrozdil SS "Dead head"
SSVT - SS Verfugungstruppe - Vіyska SS of special recognition
TeNo - Technische Nothilfe - Service for the provision of technical assistance
TD - Technischedienst - Technical service
USCHLA - Untersuchungs und Schlichtungs Ausschuss - Slovenian Arbitration Committee
VB - Volkischer Beobachter - Newspaper "Volkischer Beobachter"
VDA - Verein fur das Volkstum im Ausland - Union of Foreign Nationals
VoMi - Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle - Office for calls with ethnic names
VT - Verfügungstruppe - Vіyska of special designation
Waffen-SS - "Waffen-SS", vіyska SS
WBK - Wehrbezirkskommando - District Recruitment Office
WFA - Wehrmachtsfuehrungsamt - Ground Forces Operational Command
WFSt - Wehrmachtsfuehrungsstab - Operational control of the Supreme head command of the large forces of Nimechchini (OKW)
WEL - Wehrertuchtigungslager - Preparatory Tabori for the Service
WKR - Wehrkreis - Vijskiy district
W-SS - see Waffen-SS
WVHA - Wirtschafts und Verwaltungshauptamt - SS Administrative and State Administration

Pidrozdili NSDAP:

Sturmabteilungen (SA) - Storm corrals, Hitlerjugend (HJ) - Hitler's young,
NS-Frauenschaft (NSF) - National Social. female union,
Schutzstaffel (SS) - Guard corrals,
NS-Kraftfahrerkorps (NSKK) - National Social water corps,
Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps (NSFK) - National Social. lotny building,
NS-Deutscher Studentenbund (NSDStB) - National Social Nice student union,
NS-Deutscher Dozentenbund (NSDD) (destructions in linen 1944 r) - National Social. the union of viclates of vicious navchalnyh pledges.

Ob'єdnannya NSDAP, scho mali vlasne "legal person"

vlasne maino:

Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF) - Nimetsky robotic front,
NS-Volkswohlfahrt (NSV) - National Social. suspіlny dobrobut,
NS-Kriegsopferversorgung (NSKOV) - National Social help victims of guilt,
NS-Deutscher Aerztebund (NSDAB) - National Social nimetsky union of likars,
NS-Lehrerbund (NSLB) - - National Social union in chenie,
Beamtenbund - Union of Services,
NS-Juristenbund - - National Social union of lawyers.

Pidrozdili SA:

Nationalsozialistische Reiterkorps (NSRK), Reiter-SA - кіні підросділи СА,
Marine-SA - marine children of SA.

Pidrozdili DAF:

Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellenorganisation (NSBO) - organization of factory facilities,
Kraft durch Freude (KdF) - "Power through radio",
Reichskulturkammer - Imperial Chamber of Culture.

Інші national-social organizations:

Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund (NS-RKB) - Union of Imperial Warriors,
Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkaempfer-Bund (NSDFB) - National Social. nimetsky union of front-line soldiers,
Reichluftschutzbund (RLB) - Imperial Union of Anti-Military Defense,
Organization Todt (OT) - Organization Todt,
ReichsArbeitsDienst (RAD) - Іmperska pratsі service.
NS-Bund Deutscher Technik (NSBDT) - National Social nimetsky technical union,
Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Marinebund (NSDMB) - National Social nimetsky union of sailors,
Nationalsozialistische Handels- und Gewerbetreibende Organization (NS HAGO) - National Social. trade and repair organization,
NS-Rechtswahrerbund (NSRB) -
NS-Schulerbund (NSSB) - National Social. union of scholars,
Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV) - National Social Welfare,
NS-Wirtschaftsdienst (NSW) - National Social. Economic service.


AHS - Adolf Hitler Schulen
BDM - Bund Deutscher Madel
DAF - Deutsche Arbeitsfront (Nimetsky Robotic Front)
Deutsche Frauenwerk
Deutsche Gemeindetag
Deutsche Handwerk (Nimetske craft)
Deutsche Giedler ( nimetsky union settlers)
DJ - Deutsche Junge
DJ - Deutsches Jungvolk (Юні німці)
Deutsche Studentenschaft (Nimetske student)
Deutsche Ubungswirtschaft
Deutsche Volksbildungswerk (Nimetske narodne osvitu)
Hauptamt fur Erzieher
food of the wikers)
JM - Jungmadel (Discussion of young girls)
JM - Jungemanschenbund (Union of young cholovikiv)
NSDAP - Nationalsozialistische
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei nimetska robotic party)
NSBDT - Nationalsozialistische (National Socialist Union
Bund Deutscher Technik of Nimetsky Technologies)
NS-Dozentenbund (National Socialist Union
nimetsky associate professors)
NSD-Arztebund (National Socialist Union
nimetskikh licars)
NSD-Studentenbund (National Socialist Union
nimetsky students)
NSFK - Nationalsozialistische
Fliegerkorps corps lotsikiv)
NS-Frauenschaft (National-Socialist
female union)
NS-Gemeinschaft (1 1acional-socialist suspension
"Kraft durch Freude" "Power through joy")
NSBO - Nationalsozialistische
Betriebzellenorganization of the organization of work flow)
NSKK - NS-Kraftfahrer Korps (National Social
car building)
NS-Kriegsopferversorgung (National Socialist Organization of Assistance to Victims of War)
NS-Lehrerbund (National Socialist Union of Witnesses)
NS-Rechtswahrerbund (National Socialist Union for Lawyers)
NS-Reiterkorps (National Socialist Cavalry Corps)
NS-Schwesternschaft (National Social Organization of Nurses)
NSV - NS-Volkswohlfahrt (National-socialist suspension of goodness)
NSV - NS-Volksgemeinschaft
Reichsbund der deutschen Beamten (Imperial Union of State Services)
Reichsbund der deutschen Diplomandwirte
Reichsbund der deutsches Swerhorigen (Union of German Invalids by ear)
RdK - Reichsbund der Kinderreichen Deutschlands zum Schutze der Familie
Reichsluft Schutzbund
Reichsbund fur Leibesubungen (Union of cultural workers in the Reich)
Reichsstudentenfuhrung (Nimetske student)
SA - Sturmabteilung
SD - Sicherheitsdienst (Security Service)
SS - Schutzstaffeln
Technische Nothitse
WHW - Winterhilfswerkes

historically word "Wehrmacht" in the nymetskom provinces, there were built up forces, or be it a land, its meaning was lost in an hour when the NSDAP came to power.

The supreme head commander will take over the strongest forces of Buv Hitler; At the OKV warehouse there was a choice of management: operative check-up (A. Yodl), check-up and counter-check-up - Abwehr (V. Kanaris), economical check-up, which was the result of food supply and management of the Armenian government. The chief of staff of the Supreme Command Headquarters with the help of large forces was appointed General (since 1940 - Field Marshal) Wilhelm Keitel.

Organizational structure of OKW:

Supreme head commander: Fuhrer and Chancellor.

Head commander: Vіyskovy minіstr.


The Supreme Chief Commander and the Vice Minister: Fuhrer and Chancellor.

Commander of land flights.

Commander of the Vyskovo-sea fleet.

Commander of the Vyskovo-revolting forces.


The supreme head commander, the military minister and the head commander of the land forces: the Fuhrer and the chancellor.

Chief of Staff of Land Vіysk.

The head commander with the young forces.

Commander of the Vyskovo-sea fleet.

Commander of the Vyskovo-revolting forces.

At the warehouse, there are rates of accounting records, the names of the headquarters of the operational service. At the new entrance to the national defense (viddil "L" - operational viddil) and viddil call. Until the 8th September 1940, the fate was called not the headquarters, but the operational management of the foreign forces. Sheds 1939 wines becoming included also wіddіl presi and propaganda. The Chief of Staff of the Operational Order of the Order was sent without prior notice to the Chief of Staff of the OKW and informed about all the guesses. On the cob, V. Keitel, chief of staff of the headquarters of the headquarters.

Before the OKV warehouse, there were also (on the cob of wine):

  • Office of the European Economy and Ozbronnya (Thomas).
  • Capitalize on strong forces (Reinecke) together with legal and administrative documents.
  • Management of development and counter-intelligence (V. Kanaris).

The structure of the Wehrmacht Command

Kozhen birth was the head of his own head commander, chief of staff and headquarters, who were ordered to the chief of the operational service to the Wehrmacht, and that, at his own devil, to the chief of staff of the headquarters, on which Gitler was transferred to the head of the head commander.

In 1942, the rock was rattled about falling asleep "Signs of the shady peoples". The right of the city was given to the Minister of the Common Territories and the Inspector General of the Commonwealth of Independent States [Wehrmacht].


Before the ear of 1939, 12 army corps were formed from 38 divisions, with a total number of 582,000 people. Before the ear of the Other Holy War, the number of the Wehrmacht became 3,214,000 people, on 06/22/1941 - 7,234,000. In 1943, the number of the Wehrmacht reached 11 million people. All in 1939-1945 rr. in zbroyni sili Nimechchini bouly poklikanі 21 107 000 cholovіk.

The system of military rank in the Wehrmacht

When looking at the system, the title of the German Wehrmacht goes to the mother on the next moment:

  1. The skin from the warehouse of the Wehrmacht is small in its own system of vіyskovyh rank, which means it is derived from the three others.
  2. The skin of the warehouse is not small of a single system of Vyskovyh links. In the skin family, the services will have their own power.
  3. All individuals that entered before the warehouse given to the genus were divided into two main groups: b) vіyskovі officials. Every day the call of the servicemen and the officials of the service tried to achieve meaningful results.
  4. Vіyskovі officials were divided into three main groups, the skin of which is small of its power:
    1. vlasne vіyskovі officials;
    2. vіyskovі muzikanti;
    3. vіyskovі priests.
  5. Scientists of office schools have their own authority.
  6. A single call for the rank and file soldiers in the Wehrmacht, like the Red Army, (red army, black floater, rank-and-file) didn’t seem to be able to bring the whole of the middle family to the army. The ranks of the soldiers were named according to their specialty, sit down, and the name "Der Soldat" is just a name.


At night from 8 to 9 May 1945, Field Marshal Keitel, General-Admiral von Fredeburg and Colonel-General Stumpf signed an act about the unprotected capitalization of the Supreme Command of the defeated forces of Nimechchin.

Stay vіyskovі formvannya to the Wehrmacht bully rozbroєni until the spring of 1945 rock.

At the Nuremberg process, the international tribunal of visas for evil organizations

You can explain the lead nimts - 2 389 560 frіtsіv,

Potenti Japanese - 629635

Ugorts - 513 767 (they fought for Hitler even more seriously),

Austrian - 156682,

Czechs and Slovaks - 69 977,

Poles - 60280,

іtalіytsі - 48957,

French - 23136,

Yugoslavia - 21822 (clear stump, Croatian),

Moldavians - 14129,

Chinese - 12928 (just don't seem to me, but Chinese in the world are less, not Moldovans),

євреї - 10173 (Opochka, axis to you and Holocaust),

Korean - 7785,

Dutch - 4729,

Mongols - 3608,

fini - 2377,

Belgian - 2010

Luxembourgers - one thousand six hundred and fifty two

dantsi - 457,

іspantsі - 452,

qigani - 383,

Norwegian - 101,

Swedes - 72.

It is important: here do not enter those who were admitted directly at the fronts - for a total of close to 600 thousand. Chol., In the main, who was forcefully called out for action (for that, hto zoom in ours), and in the main European.

Figures for people, vserioz sprymє official version of history, descho unsupported. Absolutely unreasonable, the stars in the number of * vіyskovo-filled * took the style of the Hebrews. To go to the whole Finnish army, they didn’t get more than three hundred, why did they trim the synagogue there for them, and two of them were presented to the Zalizny Khrest, or ten thousand? More, less quiet Finnish people? For I do not want to mind, for the official is the history of the suffering, e, by a deyakoy unconsciousness.

French. Radyanska army to Paris, unfortunately, it didn’t come - sounds of style? Come voluntarily. Diviziya "Charlemagne", wine same "Charlemagne". First of all * volunteers * taken in full ponad twenty thousand, how many unsuccessful Frenchmen were driven in for the whole demand? IMHO, trochi more, nizh їkh bulo in the escadrilles "Normandia". Before the speech, all the widely advertised French "resistance", sponsorship yak by the retreats, and by the Comintern, having risen to the French mensh, at least 20 thousand. To the people.

Bachiv I chronicle ... go french poloneny - not about what kind of food, but what about what they took in the 40th. Walk in a fret, greatcoat is NOT hugging, rolls on the shoulders, helmets sit, muzzles sit. Like they have such a v_yna bula. Nimetsky generals set up a division in a bezvikhid camp, and, naturally, it was built. Tom should be so in civilization, the stench is not barbarians, but bitisya to the last. Before the French personnel officers, before the speech, there were no claims, the stench of their objections was vivid, and they vibrated clearly. The * population * itself did not want to seize their * freedom *.

Approximately the same can be said about the Dutch, Belgians and Luxembourgers. The number of Norwegian and Swedish poloneny is few and far between; Just as the same Frenchman had a lot of bursting in his own native and spontaneity of our soldiers, the Vikings were not violated, and the brotherhood of the Nordic peoples was tricking into a kind of rozstrilny ditch.

Okremo about іnshih brothers, words. The Bulgarians are not on the list, so as the stench was unambiguously brought in to send their way to the Skidny Front. Yugoslavia, as it is said, is the essence of the Croatians, Catholics, which were often used by punitive commanders. Even though we don’t think about the change and nationality, in the same world, in the same world, as well as in the western Ukraine, the smell of the tradition and methodically and mentally sent the Orthodox Serbs, the miraculous success of the Russians and the Russians.

The innocent sufferers of the type of Czechs, Slovaks and especially Poles were not regularly equipped with additional units to the Wehrmacht, and they would like us to get overcrowded, but half-heartedly, the hearts of those fighters were beating in the European breasts. Zanadot maliy KKD for such a number of biological reactors in a supercritical mode, and it is not possible to overconfirm the type "Viklikamo fire on itself".

Tsigani ... hmm. Nimtsi їkh were often victorious in the quality of development; vzagal, on the level of purely agent-based robots, the Abwehr will be in the edge of wine and not shy to zabobonam. Yak razvіdnikіv vikoristovuvali іvreіv, and mіstsevіh pіdlіtkіv - the rest of the textbooks, for wine and chocolate. Khvilinochku: up to 150 thousand served in the ranks of the Wehrmacht ... The community of Nimechchin was not afraid of the nation, and the state did not hesitate to know for a national or religious acquaintance when calling its community of people for military service.

Since the "no nationalities" are not guessed by the people, they were included at the time of the visit to the warehouse of the CPCP, if the list of buv bi is not less flexible. I accept the bagaty of the bullet, but the motivation of the "Sochevitsa" operation is more intelligent, and that is a lot of what we will see today. But the purpose is.

Otzhe, HTO BUV AGAINST US? Zagalom, it is already clear that abstract "fascists" have little to do with it: there are many thousands of full-grown italians, both of them and fascists - a speck in the sea on the smallest numbers of people, and now there are plenty of words. Nimtsi yak national socialism - even closer to truth, but the problem is that a freak show without a Distant Descent will become a number, and even write off the numbers on the first, as if not to go.

Dal. I guess one trivial fact - our statement about wine is formed from the position of species, and not functionality. The picture of a tank battle is a lot more than a lot of money, there is no tedious description of technological lancers and transport facilities, such as to produce two tank avalanches one by one. Dim і gurkit, gurkit і dim. All the time will be complemented by the worlds of strategy and the great plans of the heroically performed accusation and hands with the rest of the grenade in them. On the other hand, be it a warring side, the front and the line could not be alone without it. To start the warring side of the demand itself through the sukupnist, through all the warehouses, and not through the whole lot, and not through the symbols on the ensigns!

In our country, one can think of "labor" (say, if you need help from them). The boys, who stood on the boxes at the milling stations, the women, who were yelling at their own ... And yak call it quiet, hto pratsyuvav on the invading army? Does it smell like nationality with relevance?

What a thread Jean-Paul himself did not shoot in Russia, hey, hey, hey ... And when robots were drinking beer, they couldn’t afford to buy pennies for the collection of guns and tanks. I don’t need to get to the bottom of it, I’m the victim of the occupation, the isolation of the unwilling Europe. Himself to whom you want to get to the bottom.

The axis is, for example, Sevastopol. Our zmіtsnennya vipalyuyutsya in flamethrower tanks. Yakimi? A "Shabi 1-bis". And why should the punishers reprimand in the counter-terror ... the vibast, in the counter-guerrilla operations so in 1943? Well, you need, "soma" S-35 ... well, think about it. And what about all the French tanks in the Wehrmacht at all? 700? Three thousand? Well, it’s not bad, it’s not like it. And the car park: well, there is a demand, one part of it in the Wehrmacht is only the French virobnitstva. Why b tse, huh?

Well, garazd, they are evil wanderers. And the axis of brothers-words'yani. Czechs. They made another decent tank LT-38, which was a step in occupation, because they took Czechoslovakia without building one, they changed it to 38 (t). The tank of viyshov was better than the early T-IIIs, with our forty-fives he fought at once, that one in front of the BT did not passuvati. The Czechs delivered a single payback to Hitler from 1939 to 1942, and 815 cars brought 22 worms of 1941 to us. The evil of the Nazis were known in their memoirs, but without the help of additional help the stench would not have risen the hilnuti on the SRCP. Ale we will not be allowed to go to the hard times of Europe's reluctance. We will not, if we go back to 1942, our brothers delivered more than 5 yew to the Fuehrer. One armored vehicle - mostly self-driving on the 38 (t) chassis. We will not, we will not navigate from now on through the birch trees of 1945, the Czechs gave Hitler a third of technical technology, for a thousand odds, and a huge amount of armor of the best hardware in Hitler's cities for the whole life of the United States. Radianskoi army... Bidolakhi, so katuvati yourself. I don't need to deal with minomets, automobiles, construction pieces and details to V-2.

In general, the French and Czechs took care of the "accursed, insensitive and antipathetic" Fuhrer about 10 thousand rubles. A unit of armored vehicles. Rely on uvaz, only see yourself. If you respect and share in the technological lance of quiet virobes, there will be a lot more and more useful.

And two "reluctant people" gave here at least a part of anti-tank armor, a quarter of middle caliber artillery and half of an important artillery. Not without ammunition, clear pfenig. Guess who the ammunition flew to? Ні, not in Argentines.

Abo, say, "Focke-Wulf" -189 a.k.a. "Rama", an excellent spotter of artillery fire, for the reason that God knows the life of the Radians' soldiers. Yeah, yeah, in Bremen, they made about a quarter of them. Rashta - France and Czechia. And think about it and make it out of the "native" for Hitler's wickedness, say, Austrian ... the picture is still unattractive.

It’s okay to cheat, they were afraid of the gas chambers, they were afraid of the gas chambers, and they were praying in Stakhanov's way, the snares of rozcharuvati. We were afraid they wouldn’t use their innovative boxes, say, everywhere for Russian folks. That nіmtsі didn’t bother with them. It’s a pity that the British and communal agents, it’s a pity, they didn’t put pressure on them, and they didn’t put pressure on the labor. It’s like we were not instilled by the ringleaders of our propagandists of the old hours (we were afraid to imagine our satellites), for the whole light in an hour is new (pick the dirt in yourself and drive on Porady, for the dead left can be shrieked by the donkey).

I here do not roztіkaєtsya misyu on the tree, deciphering the entusiasm of the first enslaved, that uncommonly butoy.

I think it’s wise to go over to the specialties and visibility in my address to the kshtalt: and why are you thinking about it, so smart? Quotation on someone else's skin may not be a problem to be set in righteousness. Not a problem, I'll wait a bit. Only when I didn’t want to outrun, because I was born in the country, in which everything was transferred, it was firing, crushing, bombing and driving in, and not just giving the existential citizenship of a particular specialty. Driven, mіzh іnshim, my tribe, my people of the most ethnic nationalities. Don't need a new passport and change it to me in such a way as to the skin orderly terrorists.

Bring your natural honesty to the point of cynicism, I'll put it on one small document. Yak vidomo, comrade Stalin at his famous promo "Brothers and sisters" (he said so marvelously, some "sisters", some "sisters", I have a wav file), having called to the tactics of "hot land" Youmu was remembered more than once by ours, and by the foreign holy fools. However, there is little that I know, but in a specific order, what kind of regulations are busy, it is straightforward to fight against the fires of the specialties of the government, etc. Like, it’s like your old plant has drifted, blow into the village and our land, like it’s bulo to the community. I want to be on myself.

So our fit and unwilling brothers in Europe were not afraid for their life, but for the image of such. Well, they wanted to, they were lichtars and earlier they burned on the streets, waitresses brought beer, and the newspaper ranks reported about the results of football matches, or else it was too late. And because they wanted to, they were respected by the victims. At the doers navit є vistavkovy exhibits, on kshtalt Lidice abo Oradura (Skіlki Hatin in one Bilorus Bulo ...).

At the end there are a few digits. The Governor-General of Nimetske occupied 1/4 of the territory of Poland, which was won until the ear of the Other Svitovo. І there will be 271 factories. Poland cannot be called an industrial giant, the alley creek supplied the Reich with products worth 5.1 billion Reichsmarks in the same hour, as the route was checked on our territory, until 32 yew. Enterprises. From them, it was necessary to launch 200 (I did not lose the zero) and cut out products worth 4.9 billion Reichsmarks.

Visnovok: the words "vіyna" and "okupatsіya" in our and European lexicons describe absolutely different speeches, as it is impossible to identify them. I don’t want to be happy to sign up for the “martyred by Adolf” company; Rivnyat yourself with the tsim honest, good-natured and pratsovitim embraces for us humiliation.

The SRSR attacked "ob'ednana Europe" minus British, Greeks and Serbs (classical "neutrals" with the letter Ш helped the Fuehrer in the world of their possibilities). It is unreasonable to shukati with the difference between them, who fired in ours, and those, who gave cartridges to the criminals.

Wehrmacht "immovable and legendary"


A. Hitler and the best way to highlight the main principles of the life of his policy, directing on the conquest of the public panuvannya, were shaped by strong forces. That is why all the vіyskovі podії, wіth overwhelmed аnd wіdеd fоr аn thе hour of another svіtovа vіyny from the side of Nіmechchin, bу tіtіnіy tied with the Wehrmacht. The first serious croc at the development of the Wehrmacht will be carried out in the first three rocky days of this branch, at that hour, if the Nicholas were just getting ready to bare their aggressive course. Itself in the period from 1935 to 1938 rik clearly marked the structure of three types of fighting forces, the opening of the formation and birth of the family, the opening of the organization of operational management, and on the battlefields in Spain there were fights.

Kilksnogo growth and the order of the Wehrmacht to understand the order of human and economic resources Nimechchin took the Anschluss of Austria and the capture of Czechoslovakia in the 1938-1939 rock. For the entire Austrian army, 38 thousand people were included in the Wehrmacht warehouse. On the territory of Austria, a number of divisions were formed, including one tank. Trophies, seized from the Czechoslovak army, were used to equip 15 infantry and 3 tank divisions, formed on the territory of Nimechchina, for equipping with military equipment. Until the spring of 1939, the Wehrmacht had already collected 1131 thousand men and women in their warehouse 51 personnel division. This is the name of the peacetime army. For the establishment of aggression within the framework of a healthy policy, the conquest will require a large number of gains.

At the crescent of 1939, in Nimechchin Bula, a mobilization was prepared in advance for the prize for the prize of the reserve of the first Cherga and some additional groups. The breeders for the 1st spring of 1939, the nimetskі zbroynіs, grew up in a chotir time, reaching 4.5 million cholovіk. Until the end of the day, the structure of the Wehrmacht and its strategic leadership was formed, as it was basically lost in the invincible stretch of all the Other World War. The Wehrmacht, including three types of strong forces, as well as the SS.

Orientation to the continental character of the Vyskovyh diy began the value of the overland Vijski, on which 70% of the whole special storehouse fell foreign number good forces. With a tip of the Other Holy Land warriors Nymechchyny bullets were distributed to the army, designated as a reserve for combatants, and the army reserve, in which the new army was ready to go. The main strategic relations of the military army at the theater, or the strategic direction, was the group of armies. Before the її warehouse in the fallowing of the Maybut buildings included two or three Polish armies and one or two tank groups (more tank armies). The Polish army unified a number of corps, and up to five divisions were included in the leather.

The army reserve was started to carry out mobilization through the military districts, to prepare personnel for the active army in spare parts and to the military deposits. Vona also served as a dzherel for replenishment as a special warehouse of all kinds of evil forces. The protection of the tilovyh facilities and the camps of the veterinarians rested on it, the protection of the ailing ones, the safety of the needs of the Wehrmacht for the supply of goods, motor transport, fire-mastication, veterinarian materials The army of the reserve included pledges and territorial formations of military districts, military hospitals, and dislocations in Nimechchin.

The Vіyska SS actually represented the allied forces of the Nazi party. Before the warehouse of the active army, the stinks of the bullet were turned on for a cob of other holy war and ordered to the commanders of the day and the order, in which they were deprived of the operational information. Until 1939, the bullets were only surrounded by the military units of the SS, which were victorious for the security service and "put things in order" in the case of internal hvilyuvans. For the first time in 1939, the SS brigade of special protection "Leibstandarte" Adolf Hitler "became the SS brigade. Three divisions of the SS were formed in the first half of 1941, and two divisions were formed in the first half of 1941. The stench was formed especially due to the Nazi regime of particulars and bullets, according to the essence, the guards of the Hitler regime. The number of the military SS in the course of the war without interruption was constantly changing, and before the birch of 1945, 800 thousand people were replaced by the rock, which dropped close to 11% of the foreign number of the Wehrmacht.

The completion of the powerful forces of the Nicholas was based on the foreign military service introduced by the law on the prohibition of the Wehrmacht on 16 March 1935. In the 1940s, 27.6 million people were registered in the land of Bulo, among which were the people of the 1883-1919 years of the people. From them, 19.4 million boules were announced by the adherents before the service. Numerous human resources allowed Nimechchini's performance without interruption to increase their strength. For an hour to attack the SRCP, they had 7.3 million choloviks, and the stench was the most and I will push the machine, as if I knew the history of people. A great part of Vyskovoservices also took part in Vyskovs' actions, and the command warehouse was transformed by professionalism and significant battle progress.

The command to the Wehrmacht is great respect for the food professional training vіyskovyh cadres, including an ordinary warehouse and young commanders. At the same time, he was timid in knowing them of his own good and in great capacity within the framework of the tactics of new types of battle. A collection of new mobiles took place in the spare parts of the army, the reserve stretching for several months and was carried out according to practical needs. s main plans bullets of steps and learning of statutory provisions. The head of the respect was attracted by the volodinnyu zbroєyu. On trenuvannya and navchannya vicorists only fought cartridges and shells were carried. Tse one led to the second, ale did it to the front. Technical staff (repairmen, post-managers, repairmen, etc.) carried out additional busy(From two to six months).

especially visoki vimogi were presented before the training of young commanders. The non-commissioned officer is guilty not only of seeing all the functions of his children, but of the mother of the first management of more than a dozen people. It is important to have a large number of non-commissioned officers; they took the price of the call only for special training, which was trivial for six months and a number of times.

Officers from the number of young commanders prepared nine months at special courses. At the same time, he was afraid of those who were given a man already in the new world, having discovered the mystery of volunteering and organizing a battle with another child, so that he could be made up of one-sided battles. Yogi was trained as a commander of a zalnov_ysk, zdatny control over a large number of children, stronger artillerymen or interconnected with tanks. Velmi ridkisnyi bully vipadki vlasnennya officer ranks without navchannya vіyskovyh schools or on courses. Importantly, the price of all the services provided to non-combat units (financial services, physicians, and others).

Nimetsky vіyskovosluzhbovtsі knew their righteousness well, they got disciplined, they got stiff in battle. Great respect was drawn to the ideological obrobtsi. Aside from the theoretical postulates of the Nazis, they instilled ideas about the racial challenge of the nimts over other peoples, about the need to add a new "living space" for Nimechchin, about the inability of the Wehrmacht.

With the help of a single soldier, the command of the Wehrmacht was formed around parts of the military army, as a rule, from one and the same place. The navchannya in the army of the reserve took place in the boundaries of "svogo" vіyskogo district. Having removed the tight link between the spare part and the general part in the active army. Populate a new reserve infantry regiment, which formed from three battalions, such as few of the same numbers, and three small regiments of this division. Population from the cich battalions came only in the form of regiments. Let's take the rank of the spare part of the other families of the Vijsk. In order to save the steel, everyone saw their wounds and ailments in the warehouse of the military army.

Rocky Great Vіtchiznyanoї vіyni nimetski vіyska bully zmushenі bitisya in charge of allies of theirs, in the form of which were Finlandia, Rumunia, Ugorshchina, Italy and Slovakia. For the first time, Croatia, Spain and Vishist France were also encouraged to send their volunteers to the Great Front.

In 1941, in Italy, an expeditionary building was formed from three divisions of 62 thousand people. By the 5th serpnya vіn buv thrown into Rumunia and through the day taking part in the battles against Radianskih Vіysk on the western birch Bug, on the part of Mykolaiv. The Slovak community sent its elite "shvidka brigade" in a number of 3.5 thousand individuals to Skhid to help the Wehrmacht, and in lime began to form a 45-thousand-strong corps. Ale, actually, on the Radiansko-Nimetsky front, right up to the autumn of 1944, only two Slovak divisions were going on. The initiative to send Croatian volunteers "to fight against bolshevism" was shown by the head of the marionette regime of Croatia A. Pavelic on the day of Nimechchini's attack on the SRSR. With a stretch of the offensive months, the “Croatian 369th infantry regiment” was launched, a soldier dressed in a good uniform, from the spring of 1941 took part in the battles on the Skhidny front.

Spain sent one division to the Radyansko-Nimetsky front. It was formed on the basis of the principle of voluntariness; Already on the 13th of April 1941, the rock division of the Bula was planted in an echelon and straightened in the Nimetsky Vyiskovo place near Nuremberg. There the Spants changed their clothes to the Wehrmacht's uniform. A stripe on the right sleeves of his uniform with the word "Ispania" in the name of the Spanish sovereign ensign became an important sign. The "Blakitna Division" arrived at the front in Zhovtni 1941.

France has recruited volunteers to fight against the CPCP, they have been involved in professional parties and organizations. At the titles of the French Volunteer Legion, individuals from the age of 19 to 30 years were awarded, which were mali vishkil and were given good physical data. They were amazed for a skin volunteer for health with a full of two French service providers. 3 6 thousand legionnaires of the special 638th infantry regiment, inclusions to the warehouse of the 7th infantry division to the Wehrmacht. In 1941, the regiment of the battalion of battles to the Skhidny Front and in the chest took part in the battles against the Chervona Army.

Slide to mean that "volunteers" from France, Spain and Croatia, as well as Slovak and until the deyako mіri іtalіyski vіyska sutta roles did not grind. The stench served more to the purposes of Nazi propaganda, as it was pragmatic to present against the SRCP as "a chrestovy disappearance by the order of Europe and from the bolshovitsky nebezpeki." Chi did not indulge the Nimetsky team and special hopes for the development of Rumunia, Ugorshchina, Finland and other regions. Among them the finest fought hard. For the rakhunok the allies, they lied to other rows of the Skhidny front, at that hour, as the nimetsky vіyska zooseredzhuvali on the directness of the head strikes.

Defeat the Wehrmacht to Moscow in 1941, the rock was wicked in a zapovneni vrat, as it was a sign of a sign, but a command was given to a nemetsk. Vinik is incomplete in a special warehouse. To that acclaim in the Wehrmacht, the contingent of 1922 the fate of the people, which was planned to be victorious in the operations of 1942, was already transferred to the military army in the end of 1941. At the turn of the call and the Balkans, 17 divisions were thrown. At the same hour, through the important position on the Skhidny front, in 1942, a fence was introduced at the entrance for a special warehouse. Yogo was eaten in three months, and that is less often.

On the ear of 1942, A. Hitler turned up to the allies with the rumors about additional help, and with the readiness, they turned to the Fuehrer's beast. The Italians sent the 8th army (10 divisions) in a number of 220 thousand people to fight against the SRCP. Rumunia gave 2 armies, in which there were 15 divisions, and, besides, she made her more 11 divisions. From the Ugorshchyna, the 2nd army arrived in the warehouse of 10 divisions on the Great Front, the number of which was close to 200 thousand. All the times took part in the offensive of the Wehrmacht during 1942, and practically all the bullets were destroyed by Stalingrad. The play of the whole Italian did not take part in the Vyysk actions against the Red Army anymore, and the number of the Romanian and Ugrian Vijs quickly waned. In 1943, there were 136 thousand soldiers and officers of the Allied powers and 52 thousand foreigners in the Wehrmacht volunteers. In general, it is necessary to say that the hope of the Hitlerites for the improvement of the allies' efforts for the rakhunok of the allies did not work out. At that hour, they made a lot of effort against both Nimechchinoy and її allies, as they became shukati paths to go out.

The vast number of the powerful forces of the Nimechchin went up to 1944 until 1944. The system of total mobilization has entered into action. Just in 1941, only people who reached the 20th century and older were called to the military service, then in 1943-1944. - from 17 rockies, and from the fierce 1945 rock behind the rushnitsa they started to put on 16-year-olds. U 1943-1944 rr. in the Wehrmacht there were 9.4 million cholovik, but in the porous with the alternate rocks, the quality of this special warehouse was slightly degraded.

The change in the number of preparations in the army of the reserve of contingents of recruits called up to the establishment in 1942 of the initial Polish and reserve divisions. The stench was formed from the spare battalions, and a few were interrupted by the number of parts and services. On vidminu vid princely chambers The army reserves the divisions, the position of the boundaries of the Nimechchin was raised, and at once two employees were shown: the prizewinners were able to see the right and the paid off functions. Ale restless til, especially those of the partisans, often sniffing to interrupt initial process For that, the prizewinners didn’t take proper Vyskovo training. If we got close to the cordons of Nimechchin, most of them were quickly re-implemented in the regular division of the active army. I would like for the rakhunok them the command of the Wehrmacht has been trimmed in their order before the end of the day, and the preparatory process has been improved until the end of 1944. Not zabarilosya pozdatnosti of the action army.

Those who were growing at a loss sniffed the nimets' command of the Vishukuvati and non-standard ways of re-enhancing the active army. The procedure for carrying out total mobilization came to re-establish a special warehouse with the types of powerful forces. Even in 1942, Hitler ordered the Gering of the video from the warehouse of the UPU to 100 thousand people and organize them for the victorian in small days. Gering, which is not a statement in the speedy weakness of strength, proponuvv people twice as much, and just think of them as special aviation divisions, which were organized by the warehouse of the UPU. Hitler accepting his proposition. On the whole, 21 field divisions were launched. Ale, behind its battle-like yokes, the stench was very disruptive to the desires of the land forces, and those on the front appeared to be inappropriate. The important part of the bull was destroyed in the first half of 1943. Utsilimi with half-time staffed the іnshі pіkhotnі z'єdnannya. In 1943, the fall of the fall leaves was transferred to the warehouse of land flights.

Krim aviapolevich, in the warehouse of the UPU in 1943-1945 rr. the bulo was formed over ten so-called parachute divisions. On the ear of 1945, in the warehouse of the Naval Forces Buli, three marine divisions were formed. All the stenchs were like a land-based one, but they also did not appear to be too high, and the odds of this special warehouse were not familiar to ground combat.

Unimportant for all the Nazi warfare, the number of the 1942 Nymechchin army from the summer of 1944 was unimportant, while all the more marvelous (in 19457 - 375) In general, in the active army (without the UPF and the Navy), there were 3.7 million choloviks, including 214 thousand Ugrian soldiers and officers. The fact that the amount of knowledge on the final stage of the process has grown up, mav for Hitler's capital more important propaganda meaning, so as having created illusions among the Nimetsian people, they would not force the Wehrmacht to change and in any case it is possible to play. As a matter of fact, the battle was made for the Wehrmacht, a bullet in the meaning of the world of pilgrimage. At the same time, it is necessary to see that there are a lot of personnel divisions of the land forces that have saved a lot of publicity to the very last days win.

Difficult, as they were found at the front, the Hitler's team was forced to go in 1942 to the end of the additional parts of the world from the Radiansk Vyskovo, for quiet reasons they waited to serve the nimts. They commanded the cimi parts and entered the warehouse with the help of the non-commissioned officers and the officers of the Wehrmacht.

On the 25th of spring 1944, Hitler's special decree was denounced about the Volkssturm - militia group, ordered by the Nazi party. Before this warehouse included all the population of Nimechchin mine will become at times from 16 to 60 years, please wear the goods and not poke in the Wehrmacht. Propaganda zmalovuval Volkssturm yak symbol of the unity of the nation. It was transferred that it was not only that they would take part in the battles on the front, and that they would become the basis of the partisan corrals.

However, the Volkssturm failed to mislead the Nazi leaders. The numerical battalion, formed in the end of 1944 - the ear of 1945 rock and in which there were 1.5 million of individuals, little weak in training and bully nasty ozbroєni. When the enemy was first stuck with the enemy, the stench dropped. Only in the lower districts of Nimechchin, de in parts of the Volkssturm, there were a lot of members of the Nazi Party from the slave villagers, the stench was repaired by the stinking opir of the advancing Radianskiye. The very fact of the beginning of the Volkssturm is suggestive of those, that Hitler's Nimechchina took up her human resources, appeared in the crisis, and then in agony.

In the other half of 1944, women and children began to enjoy widespread acceptance in Nimechchin. Until the middle of the leaf fall, there were already 300 thousand individuals. Women changed their choloviks at military medical and headquarters installations, as well as in the searchlight parts of the UPU. Until September 15, 1945, 150 thousand women were called to the Wehrmacht, the chief rank for service in the military PPO. In 1945, women from 18 years were included in the Volkssturm warehouse. Most of the young people and children from the warehouse of the Volkssturm without any additional training were sent to the army.

By order of the OKV, on 28 birch 1945, the fate of all the information and part of the Wehrmacht was lost to the vicorists in battle, right into the battlefield. Protest of the number of people from 40 formed in 1945, the number of new divisions was very high. Among them, the division of vinyl tanks was seen in the modern 1945 rock. Organizationally, there were battalions of battalions that were sent to the central division of the Radiansko-Nimetsky front. The skin of them was full of groups of tanks. Tsi pidrozdіli ocholyuval young officers, scho little to see the tanks in close combat. At a special warehouse on the built-up buli faustpatroni, hand dimov garnets, protitank mini, etc. Groups on bicycles were oversubscribed, which increased their mobility. Rapt after the month and in the hour, hit the groups of tanks that were not very sensitive.

At the same hour, it was necessary to see that the battle against the Wehrmacht on the Skhidny front was negatively infused into the mood of the servicemen. At the very Nimechchina and the powerful forces, there were not many people who were not satisfied with the triviality, the lack of prospects and the continued advancement. Among the generals and officers, there was a growing stabbing by the methods of critical fighting with a strong fight from Hitler's side as a head commander, more that he could “stand to death” on the occupied lines led to an increase in the reduction and decrease in maneuverability. The generals were heavily shocked, and they were kindly asked by Hitler to dictate decisions in the field of operational mastery and tactics.

Ale Führer firmly pursued a course for the continuation of the war, and all were caught up in the hope of a possible result, having looked at the zradniks. For the advancement of morale and fighting effort, we are instructed by the order of the 22nd of 1943, in the Wehrmacht, the service of the national socialist capital. The headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht became the headquarters of the headquarters of the Wehrmacht, which cleansed General H. Reinecke. Hitler's headquarters "deyav for bezposrednymi employees" and made the best connection with the Imperial Chancellery of the Nazi Party (NSDAP). The similar headquarters of the bully were established at the head of the command of the kind of new forces. In groups of armies, armies and army corps, there were some new orders, in divisions, staffs were introduced, and in regiments and battalions, officers were sent to the national social security corps. Їх zavdannya bulo pіdvischennya rіvnya politicheskogo vikhovannya vіyskovosluzhbovtsіv. The stench of the number of officers was meant, as were the front-line reports and were transferred to the NSDAP.

Until the spring of 1944, all the officers on the national socialist basis were actively involved in the work. Ale tse did not lead to a polish polishnosti vіysk, and the activity of the cich officials wished to have an ambiguous reaction. The re-transfer of the oysters and those who received them gave them one to one in the official and soldier's middle. Denunciation has become a part of the manifestation. In the Vyskovy collectives, the growth and frostiness were weakened.

At the world close to the front to the cordons of Nimechchin, Hitler having pushed more and more to enliven the Nazi party in force. The idea of ​​a short swing on the life of the 20th April 1944 fate was replaced by the statutory announcement of honor in the Wehrmacht, the party was introduced. During the construction, one by one viskovosluzhbovtsi wandered their right hand forward up the hill with the viguk "Heil Hitler!" In addition, it was allowed to obtain membership in the NSDAP, as it was earlier, according to the law of 21 May 1935, that it was attached to the period of service of a member of the party in the foreign forces. For example, according to Hitler's decree, dated 20 May 1944, the military judges did not look any more at the military service, tied with political malignancies. From now on, the stench was passed on in the so-called people's judges, like the bully, according to the day, the leaders of the Nazis with the thinkers.

Creations in 1944 the grenadier divisions were renamed into the national grenadier division. The term "people" is guilty of the symbolic engagement of the army with the people. So the division itself began to be named, formed in the crescent of 1944, which was assigned to the numbers of the earlier broken-down divisions, transferred to their ancestors, the remnants of a special warehouse and boyovі traditions. Until the end of such divisions at the warehouse, the Wehrmacht was close to 50. The disciplinary and legal attorney had all the stinks ordered by the SS Reichsfuehrer to Himmler, which on the 20th of 1944 had a command of the army.

In general, the role of the Visk SS in ostanniy rik vіyni grew up very much. From the beginning of 1944, in the warehouse of the boule, all the international parts and the history were transferred. At the Zhovtni Buv of Formations, the first army headquarters of the SS (6th tank army SS). Before the earlier SS tank corps in 1944-1945 rr. reached seven army corps of the SS. A great number of officers of the land forces of the SS were assigned to the headquarters of the military SS from the assignments of the military ranks of the SS, and the officers of the military SS were at the top of the headquarters of the Wehrmacht. In 1944, the post-state national-socialist warriors appeared at the platoons and eddies. Tsiy posadi were honored by non-commissioned officers and soldiers - members of the NSDAP, well-recommended to themselves from the point of view. I thought it would be better to feel panic, to ignore the Fuehrer's order in my children, the main thing for which at that hour was the order to “stand to death” on the occupied frontier.

In such a rank, in the course of the Great Victory Day, the Nimechchini's criticality amid the grip of the failures to strengthen the support of the Chervonoi Army, it was too hard to drive on those rocks, as on the heels of the battle it was broken. In the Wehrmacht, the Bulo was as strong as possible in the inflow of the ruling party, they were instructed according to the type of the home Stalin's order 227 "No crock back" guerrilla warfare In the wake of the Voroga, the Wehrmacht has become more and more popular for the rakhunok, the allies and naval allies;

As soon as there is a nimetsky pizhot and artillery zbroi, then for its tactical and technical characteristics, there is very little seen in the radianskogo. In rocky vіyni vіdbuvalasya in the main only yogo modernizatsіya. Automatics and kulemeti became more thorough. In 1944, a new automatic assault gun MP-44, which unlocked the main parameters of the machine gun, the gun and the manual machine gun, was launched in 1944. In the case of the porous zychanyy gvintivkovym for her, the shortening of the cartridge. Її shop of boutique insurance companies for 30 patrons. Vogon flew the yak in single builds, and in short curls. Until the end of the war, Nimechchina let out a total of 400 thousand such guints, so about the masters of the viral culture of the zebra year and kazati. Since 1943, the Nimetsa fervor was widely victorious in the new individual anti-tank zbroy - the faustpatron. Vin is a disposable grenade launcher with an over-caliber cumulative grenade, penetrating 200-mm armor from a distance of 90 meters. I want in 1944-1945 rr. Buv nagodzheniy serіynyy vipusk faustpatronіv, їkh zasosuvannya did not give a high effect. It is well known that in the first half of 1944, less than 10% of Radiansk tanks were depleted by them.

The deyake was encouraged to report the Nimetsian army from the radians in the ministries. Once they stumbled into the Radiansky 120-mm minomers, they took up an analogous virobite. Since 1944, such a minomet has become a leader on the rebuilding of the infantry battalions of the Wehrmacht, which significantly pushed them into fire.

Already, the first few battles on the Skhidnoy front showed the versatility of armored vehicles to the owner of German medium tanks. Lobova armor did not pass 40 mm and penetrated 76-mm soldiers of the Radiansk T-34 tank. Trying to improve the armor by means of screening the frontal part of the tank did not see the problem of armor resistance. Since the end of 1942, the rock in Nimechchyna has begun before the production of more heavy-duty fighting machines: an important tank T-V I "Tiger-1" with an 88-mm harness, and for a little more money - a T-V "Panther" tank with a 75-mm fired harness. The middle T-IV tank was upgraded in 1943, and the release of the T-III tank increased. In 1944, the "Panther" and "Tiger" tanks were installed at the front as much as half of all armored vehicles. For its armor resistance, the stench overturned the T-34 tanks.

The order of the tanks of Nimechchin is small, there is a large number of assault harnesses and vinyl tanks. They didn’t wrap around the tanks at the sight of the tanks, but the stench of the bully was equipped with the signs of a large caliber. Prior to that, virobability was much cheaper than tanks. As the rest were recognized as the main thing for the present, then the assault forces were victorious, they were the chief rank of the defense. In the middle of 1943, if the Wehrmacht on all fronts of the impetus would go over to the defenses, this part of the middle of the armored vehicles would be incessantly shuffled. Since 1944, the rock is still spinning more, less tanks, and in modern 1945 the style has become, the style and the tanks. The result is a stagnation of assault harnesses in the fight with radians' tanks at the final stage of the battle, which is twice as big, below the standard anti-tank garmat.

The basis of the Lithuanian park of the Nimetsian UPU was formed by the boyov litaki, which were built until the ear of the Other Holy Week. In the course of the її the stench was modernized as the head rank for the improvement of the laboriousness of the movement and the strengthening of the recovery. The newcomers of the Lithuanians came to the Persha of Cherga in a blameworthy aviation, which was explained by the needs of defense. U 1943-1945 rr. The main nymetskiy vinischuvach substitute "Messershmitt" M-109 becoming "Focke-Wulf" FV-190, which developed the speed up to 625 kilometers per year. In 1944, the fate of Nimechchina began to vibrate reactive lithuania. Reactive vinischuvach Me-262, the speed of which reached 870 kilometers per year, stuck in the main yak with the PPO in the fight against the Anglo-American bombers, on the Skhidny front, the winners were not victorious. Even though in the first period of time there was a lot of useful literature behind their main tactical and technical indicators, then on the last stage of the stench there were already a lot of Radians.

In general, they took Nimechchini on the cob of the Great Victory Day, and they did good to improve the machine and overturned Chervon Army for the professionalism of a special warehouse, fighting the preparation of this vicious form of battle. Dealing with Moscow in 1941/42, the fate and the transitions before the protracted failure woke up the first crises, which gradually grew. New contingents arrived in the Nimetsky army for the same battle training, they did a lot. Decrease in the yak_snogo ryvnya of a special warehouse and the speed of the number of combatants for the command of the Wehrmacht to compensate for compensating for the equipping of the military with more thorough modernization and modernization of technology. Unimportant on the price, the battle of the Wehrmacht, in some cases, stood against the Red Army with a sharp change, I want it until the last days to continue to be prodded to become a strong and dreadful enemy.

Tanks and motorized vehicles for the Wehrmacht were greatly increased. For the efficiency of their performance, the stench until the end of the day was overturned by all the radians. The fighting power of the infantry divisions in the Wehrmacht and the Chervona Army until the end of the bully was approximately equal, but in the first period the stench outweighed the potential of the radioactive people two or three times. I would like to revive the Wehrmacht in the course of the war from the SRCP, which is well worth it, and for its quality it was not better than the Radiansky, but in some ways it would be more beautiful, if everything was removed. Until the end of 1944, the fate of the crossing of the Radianskiye Vіysk over the Nіmetskiye in the number of ozbronnya became a big deal, especially in artillery, tanks and litas.

Alle niyaki zusilla of the Hitler's Kerinstva in 1944 and 1945 rock already could not get overwhelmed. With a taste of uninterrupted blows from the outset and the approach of the bullets, more and more losses, more and more importantly, the destruction of the part and the release, without the need to prevent them from being loaded and ammunition. Before the inevitability of the strike, the Wehrmacht were not given the style about the extermination of the Third Reich, but about his own special person. Characterizing the encampment, Goebbels at his schoolmate on the 7th birch of 1945, writing down: "... nimetskі vіyska vtomilsya, hung in battles and I don’t want to fight more against the enemy ... We have a lot of such great forces, a great moment for the virgin ...

Protest, do not marvel at the crisis camp, in which Nimechchina was influenced by the ear of 1945, the Nimetsky vіyska until the very last days of the crisis, they continued to press forward against the advancing Chervonoy Army, manifesting themselves in all the unbelievable May. The professionalism of the command warehouse and the large number of rank-and-file soldiers began, the training of the soldiers and the advancement of combat actions, the pretensions to the attack on the SRSR, the effectiveness of the good fortune and vіyskovoї technology... We need to know that by extending all the war the Wehrmacht will become a strong and powerful enemy.

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3. Ear of Other Holy War 30-th rocky boules with no meaning "malikh viyn" and aggression. The culmination of becoming Armageddon 1939 - 1945 rock. In Asia, the Japanese Kwantung army seized Manchuria in 1931 - 32 rocky, practically without any attention to the order. At China's pislya

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Chapter 8 "First taking the blow on himself Sevastopol ...". The Tragedy of the Chornomorsk Fleet in the Rock of the Other Svitovoi 7 At the end of the summer of 1941. The friend of Svitova went to the Russian Crimea ... I furnish it - once again! - saw the Chornomorsky fleet on

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The evolution of the organization of the US pontifical division in the future and in the rock of the Other Holy Days of Kolya in the mid-80s. I, to a schoolboy, took Omar Bradley's book "Notes of a Soldier" in my hands, then, in addition to the text,

under order In the warehouse Type of Zbroyny strength role Rosemir part accommodation Nickname (((Prіzvisko))) patron deviz colora March talisman orderly viyni (((Війни))) Fate in Signs of awareness ninishniy commander see the commanders

The supreme commander in chief of the Wehrmacht Buv Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler.


Historically, the word "Wehrmacht" in the Nimetskomovnyh lands was the origin of the strongholds of the land, its meaning was eliminated within an hour of the arrival to the power of the NSDAP.

The supreme head commander will take over the strongest forces of Buv Hitler; At the OKV warehouse, there was a choice of management: operative checkout (A. Yodl), checkout and counter-checkout - Abwehr (V. The chief of staff of the Supreme Command Headquarters with the help of large forces was assigned General (from 1940 - Field Marshal) Wilhelm Keitel.

Organizational structure of OKW:

Supreme head commander: Fuhrer and Chancellor

Head commander: vіyskovy minіstr

Commander of the military forces 1938-1941

Supreme head commander and vice minister: Fuehrer and chancellor

Land commander

Commander of the Vyskovo-Sea Fleet

Commanding officer of the military forces 1941-1945

Supreme head commander, vice minister and chief commander of land commanders: Fuehrer and chancellor

Chief of Staff of Land Vіysk

Leader of the battle with the deadly forces

Commander of the Vyskovo-Sea Fleet

Commander of the Vyskovo-Revival Forces

At the warehouse, there are rates of accounting records, the names of the headquarters of the operational service. At the new entrance to the national defense (viddil "L" - operational viddil) and viddil call. Up to 8 serpnya rockets were called not by the headquarters, but by the operational management of the enemy forces. Attached to the rock of the wine becoming to include also the video of presi and propaganda. The Chief of Staff of the Operational Order of Operations without a second order to the Chief of Staff of the OKW and advised on all guesses. On the ear of the head of the headquarters of the headquarters Bouv Keitel.

Before the OKV warehouse, there were also (on the cob of wine):

  • Office of the European Economy and Ozbronnya (Thomas)
  • Capitalize on strong forces (Reinecke) together with legal and administrative documents
  • Management of development and counter-intelligence (Canary).

The structure of the Wehrmacht Command

Kozhen born vіysk mav of his head commander, chief of staff and headquarters, who were ordered to the chief of staff of the operational service to the Wehrmacht, and that in his own charge to the chief of staff of the rate for the chol, which was transferred to Hitler, who was the supreme head commander.

At the village of 1942, it was bared about falling asleep "Signs of the shady peoples". The right of the city was given to the Minister of the Common Territories and the Inspector General of the Commonwealth of Independent States [Wehrmacht].


Forces of the Nimechchiny on two parts of the boulevard, of the two lands, which were called collectively "National People's Army" (PDR) and "Federal Defense Forces" (Bundeswehr - FRN).


  • "Zbronosttsi Natsii": the Wehrmacht and parts of the special sign of the SS (1934-1939 rr.). Yaroslavl pedagogical visnik (Russian).

Div. also