Mislennya z Piazhe. Vchennya zhanna Piazhe about the child's intellectual development

At the early stage of scientific performance, we analyzed the repetitions of children in the development of intellectual tests, as well as the child itself. First of all, Piazhe having entered the wrong position, but for a child of a bad old man, it’s just a bit of a misnomer.

In a different way, after analyzing the results and the preliminaries held in the minds baby cage, In the course of which all the lovers and adolescents took place, children per hour great performance, Even if the children have been divided into 2 groups, they have seen the so-called. "Socialized" and "hiscentric" mova. Socialized mov - transfer of feedback from a specific response partner in connection, її function є injecting into a sales manager (form - information, criticism, order, cheating, threat, nutrition, response). its centric mov- mova "for myself", it is not a transfer of the general reaction of the dealer. The function of the social movement, according to Piazha, є expression - suprovid diy, їkh rhythm, “happy to grow”. Forms of esopian movi - repetition (echolalia), monologue, collective monologue.

To the phenomena of a childish mentality, also seen in Piazhe, are attributed: its centrism of the misery, realism, animism, artificalism.

his mission centrism- the price of the child's judgment about the light from her own bezposredny point of view, "fragmentary and special", tied with the child's unconsciousness vrahuvati someone else's point of view. Its centric targeting is an active cognitive position, the primary cognitive centering of the mind. His centrism, according to Piazha, is the basis of all the peculiarities of a child's mentality, it is manifested in realism, animism, and artificalism of a childish mentality.

realism of the message- the child's ability (on the singing stage of development) to look at objects in such a way that they can take a walk (for example, a month after a child for an hour of walking). Realism can be intellectualі moral. Intellectual realism is manifested in the explanation of that. Moral realism is manifested in the fact that the child is not responsible for the inner mind when the child is intelligent and judging about a new person by the apparent result.

animizm of misery- the price of skill up to zalous animation. Ditina nadіlyає speech (especially when you can collapse - objectively (car, train, steam boat, etc.) or in a sub-active way (mіsyats, son, rychka, etc.)) to the testimony, lives, in mind ...

misinformation artificalism to be manifested in the fact that everything is visibly looked at by a child as if it were not a human being, because of his will, or for a human being.

There are several features of the childish logic of Piazhe, including the following: syncretism(The global schematic and the sub-activity of the child's manifestations, the tendency to interfere with everything), transduction(Go from private to private, minayuchi to private), lack of quality before synthesis and alignment(Logic call between judgments of the day), insensitivity to rub, negligence to self-care, difficult to learn,impenetrability for admission.

In the whole, manifest assert complex characterization a childish mission, the basis of the complex is its centrism of the move and the mission.


§1. The theory of a child's misery

2.1 Sensorimotor periods



Moving is the whole process of bringing people together one by one behind the help of moving, the whole process of getting along with the help of moving, the whole form of showing the evidence. Yak mi bachimo, mova can be interpreted in a sensible way, but without a big world, I will give our respect. In connection with the cymbals, it is necessary to make sure that there are a large number of children assigned to the child's misinterpretation, but they are also very analytical. The axis of the wide range of possibilities of vivchennya movi (as one of the forms of vivchennya svidomosty) is an empirical way to present a special interest for psychologists.

The most ambitious and authoritative practice in tsiy galuzy is due to J. Piazhe. For the first time, with the suprazvichesky glybin and the breadth of hunting, given the systematic advancement of the particularity of the child's misinterpretation and moving. Particularly varto vidіliti deyakі deyakі especialty yogo prelіgennya and for the first time zastosovіy him klinіchny method. The whole method of cautioning the pole is in the fact that the child can sniff and write it down, which is the very best way to play it out. What's new here is that, at the same time, one cannot simply reestablish the messages, which gives the child the power to supply him with food, but he gives him the power to see everything, but he wants to be bi. I follow the child in the skin yogo, all the hour long, I’m laughing at it, I’m more and more vividly, I will be able to conceive a picture of the idea of ​​developing as much as possible. In your robot, you never have to spend time injecting existing theories, but instead of getting it right on the collection of facts and processing. Likewise, it is impossible not to mention the biological past author, who manifests itself in the non-special relativity of the development and classification of facts. The rest of the Pіazhe came to me with especial respect, we’ll get used to it before an hour to analyze and systematize the discourse on the rim of facts.

“We did our best,” Piazhe said, “to follow the facts croc by croc in that viglyad in every one of us experiment. We, slyly, it’s known that the experiment was started with hypotheses, but they only surrounded themselves with just a look at the facts ”.

§1. The theory of a child's misery

The theory of a child's misery is based on logic and biology. Win vikhodiv with ideas about those who are the basis psycho developmentє development to intellect. In a series of experiments wines, bringing their point of view, showing off, like rivin rose, intellect pour on the children’s mothers, on their spirits and memory. Children in the past did not bach and did not remember, on what level there was water in the vessels they received, as they did not know about the sound between the water and the cork, as one of the Sudins shouted. They told me about the power of the vessels they received, the character of their little ones changed, the stench repaired the vimalovuvati vodi (the same chi growth), as well as the cork.

In such a rank, Piazhe comes to a meeting, a stage of a mental development - a stage of development of an intellect, through which a child must pass through a step in order to form an all-more adequate scheme of the situation. The basis of the central scheme is once and for all logical misleading.

Having said that, in the process of development, it is necessary to adapt to the organism until the midst of the day. Intellect that and є we will cut the development of the psyche, but the very intelligence, the establishment of the correct scheme, will prevent adaptation until the next day. When we adapt, we are not a passive process, but we actively interact with the organism with the middle. It is necessary to develop a lot of activity, so as the scheme, which is important to Piazhe, is not given in a ready-made view of the people, not in the new world. The scheme is only in the process of active interaction with the middle, or, as he wrote to Piazhe, "the schemes are not in the sub, not in the object, the result of the active interaction with the object." One of the loving butts of Piazhe buvs the butt of a child, which is not the number of people who understand, which understandable meaning, sorting out the stones, playing with them, vibrating in a row.

The process of adaptation and the formation of an adequate scheme of the situation is perceived as a deed, with a child victorious, two mechanisms are used to induce the assimilation and accommodation. With the assimilation, the scheme is motivated, there is no change in the situation, navpaki, the people will get all the new changes crammed into the university, setting the framework of the same explicit scheme. The application of assimilation for Piazhe є gra, within the framework of which child pizna navkolishn_y light... Acomodation is tied to the change of the ready-made scheme when the situation changes, as a result of which the scheme is efficient and adequate, increasing the visualization of all the nuances of the given situation. The process of development itself, on the thought of Piazhe, for the development of assimilation and accommodation; until the singing between the child, it’s getting past the old scheme, and then the change, the vibration is more adequate.

§2. Development of intellectual people: period and stage of development

There are three heads during the development period:

1. Sensorimotor intelligence (from the people up to 1.5 years).

2. Specifically - operational (representative) intelligence (from 1.5-2 rockets to 11 rockets).

3. Formally operational intelligence (from 11 - 12 to 14-15 years).

The skin stage is characterized in two ways: positively (as a result of differentiation, accelerating the structures of the forward stage) and negatively (from the point of view of shortcomings and particularities, as there will be knowledge at the onset stage).

2.1 Sensorimotor periods

Prior to the development of the misdirection, Piazhe started with the analysis of the practical, substantive work of the child in the first two days of life. Win vvazhaє, how to wind around the abstract knowledge of the next shukati in the house, knowing not to come to the ready-made viglyad, the lyudin is guilty of "pobuduvati" yogo.

Spostering for the development of the power three children (daughters of Jacqueline and Lucienne and Sine Laurent), I saw 6 stages of sensorimotor development. The whole stage of the transition from innate mechanisms and sensory processes (to the standard of the octal reflex) to the forms of organized behavior, which is victoriously, nimbly. A child from a nation up to 1.5 - 2 rocky is characterized by the development of perceived and ruddy structures: to wonder, to hear, to wonder, to smell, to manipulyu, and to rob the price of innate tsikavosti until new light.

There are two types of sensorimotor intelligence:

Up to 7-9 months, if the centering of nemovlya on the vlasnom tili is spared;

In 9 months, if you see how to activate the schemes of practical intelligence in the open space.

The criterion for appearing to the intellect is that the victorious child of singing diy yak will be able to reach me. So, until the end of the first child, they see the sound of their behavior, and the result is that after pulling the pellet, I can, by the way, lie on this little toy. They also have a declaration about independent and permanently discovered objects. The "steel" of the object of the field is in the fact that now the child is not just a perceptual picture for a child; Previously, a nasty object yak bi “having pulled back his own sensation”, now it’s dumb to show activity in the joke of an object captured on his eyes.

Insha is important for the change - the podolanya of his absolute centrism, total lack of awareness. Dytina started to recognize herself (sub'єkta) from reshti to the ob'ktiv. The important role of the processes of maturation is also important, as it opens the capacity of cognitive development. But for the intellectual progress it is necessary to independently interact with the middle, manipulate objects, and bring it up to the re-creation and step-by-step thoroughness of the intellectual structures.

2.2 Period of specific (elementary) operations

Rozumovі zdіbnostі children reach the new rіvnya. A chain of cob stage of interior design, development of symbolic design, the formation of seven-letter functions, such as a rosy image. Warehouse for the evidence of the objects; ditina is known by names, and not by direct actions.

Specifically, the operational intelligence is stored in the onset of sub-periods:

Preoperative, preparatory (from 2 to 5 years);

First Rivn - the formation of specific operations (5 - 7 rockiv);

Another standard is the function of specific operations (8-11 rockets).

A lot of misinterpretations are sub-active, illogical in nature. Vlasne, the specialty of the type of targeting boules are shown and described by J. Piazhe at the early stage of creativity as the characteristics of his centric targeting.

Prosthoditality, as it is formed in the ontogeny of a logical system, Piazhe proonuvav to children (4 years and older) the establishment of a scientific character, which I will call "the zavdannya Piazhe". These are often called also "tests for the preservation of equity" (vagi, dozhini, obsyagu, numbers, etc.). Oskіlki all zavdannya of this kind motivated on zagalny principles, then for the butt, a test for saving obshygia is discernible.

Test for saving the amount of ridini. Step by step:

1. Show a handful of children two flasks with water or juice to the same view. To power up the baby, however, there is a small part of the baby in both flasks. It’s important, the little girl viznav, “drive the same way”. The statement of the vigilance of the problem. Pochatkove ravnist assessing the power of observationally superimposed perceptual similarities - equal in two vials of virivnyany.

2. Then the growths overflow water from one flask into a flask of іnshoi form, large and low. As a rule, the experimenter of the animal respect the child for the transformation: "Hang on, I'm being timid." A transformation is carried out, with such a perceptual similarity collapsing, if the price does not flow into the assessment of power.

3. Pislya transfusion repeat the food: "However, there is a bit of a line in two flasks?"

Call your children up to 7 rocky not to cope with the standard facilities for saving. Virishuchi zavdannya, preschool children demonstrate the specific, power of understanding about the preservation (steel, innovation) of the power of the object with the spacious, perceptual reincarnated - the "phenomenon of Piazhe". The most reliable facts in the child's psychology, the stench can be found in any child-preschool child. As a rule, the child would say that you are now less (or more) in one of the flasks, so that the mind of the whole day is not mindful of the power of the subject in the case of its perceptual reconfiguration. Todi ascertain the phenomenon of not being spared.

Doshkіlnik otsіnyuє ob'єkt yak globally, bezposeredno, hiscentric, relying on sprynattya. Win is "centered" on the present moment, and not in a snake at once thinking about those things that were seen before; do not pump, but in principle, you can zupiniti (water can be poured into the same flasks); focusing on one aspect (in terms of the size of the line), we cannot take two parameters at once (the size and width of the bottle). Also, the phenomenon of insecurity is a proof of the child's incapacity (until she reaches the seven-world age) to decentralization and lack of accessibility to induce a logical world.

That vipadku, if on re-powering "However, what is the number of Ridini in two flasks?" the child pidtverzhu the parity of power, it seems that it’s a sign of a sign. The test for saving is a criterion for the functionality of specific operations. Nagadaєmo, logical operations - a whole lot of ideas, which are characterized by turnover. The turnover is taken into account, for example, before the date of the date and the date of the date or the date of the date, when it appears Mizh A and B and Mizh B and A however. The idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bvikoristovuvati the principle of turnover is one of the main signs of the achievement of the stage of a specific operational mission.

The first version of the plant Piazhe - "test for inclusion in the bezlich" - transferring the whole part.

Test for inclusion in bezl_ch

1. To show a clue of known objects, for example, kvitiv. They are guilty of being divided into two classes (bili and chervons), the number of elements in the cichs is not the same (4 chervony and 2 bili).

2. Children ask food: "What is more - chervony kolorіv or kіtіv?"

3. The most distinctive view of the five-star child: "Chervonykh kvitiv is bigger."

Explanation of the Pіazhe also: the child is centered on the class and you cannot think about the class and the first class at once. If the child has repaired it, it’s okay to get it right (call me 7 rockies), then to inform about the improvement of the rosy nagness, about the appearance of reversibility, about the improvement of health up to decentralization, the operatively to form the structures. The child is old-fashioned, so two signs of an object are not tied between themselves, one cannot lie in one (for example, the form and the number of words). There is an announcement about the saving of young signs - the material of the object, dozhini, masi, ob'єmu, piznishe - about saving the hour, shvidkost. There is a building of the classification of objects and serialization (that is, orderly rostashuvannya in a row, for example, in the order of changing the size). Now, the child can be poured in without the need for a front end and for a logical misdirection to singular situations.

Social and cultural development You can accelerate or improve the speed of the development stage in the first place for the purpose of the one that you need the most common materials to borrow, work for the broadcast, etc. The transfer of ready-made knowledge (learning the correct views) is ineffective; development is growing, if people’s activity is growing, actively designing and self-regulation educational processes... Also for the development of the target (and especially for the development of the knowledge of their points of view), it is important to exchange ideas, negotiate and super lines with one-liners.

The transition to a concrete-operational mission will overwhelm all mental processes, moral judgment and building up to the point of contact with people.

However, all of the logical operations of the concrete - stagnate only to the real, visible objects and work with them, ordered by a specific snake, in which child the reality is presented.

2.3 Stage of formal (propositional) operations

Formal and operational structures are manifested in the building of a child mirkuvati, hypothetically and directly in the wisdom of the subject area, without specific support. Formal rational operations are the basis of the logic of the growth of the people, they are based on elementary scientific understanding, as functions for additional hypotheses and deductions. Abstractedly, it is necessary to build the rules of formal logic and combinatorics, so that it allows the possibility of visuvati hypotheses, inventing experimental revisions, and adapting the rules.

Especially noteworthy is the new progress in the experiments on the development of the simplest physical laws(The laws of the pendulum; the ways of making the non-barren ridin, how to remove the ridiculous color; bureaucrats, who pour on the filthiness of the material; for the growth of acceleration in case of abduction). The situation of the child of preoperative ryvnya is chaotic, “for good luck”; a child of a specific level of intelligence for larger organizations, a sample of a variety of options, a test of a variety of options, and a test of ideas. The flow of formal analysis for decile samples is taken without any pre-experiment with material and is used for folding a transmutation of all possible hypotheses. Only after the change of wines, the sight of the various wines and the special infusion of the skin from them have been refreshed. This type of behavior

Systematic testing of all possible combinations

Primed on new logical structures to characterize some of the most common propositional logic.

The child will have a good sense of intelligence and the theory that he will go to see the grown-ups, wandering beyond his own unprecedented awareness. It is hypothetical to introduce podlitka into the sphere of potential youthfulness; at the same time when an announcement is made, do not expect to be overturned and often overlook the real facts. Pіdlіtkovu form of cognitive hiscentrism Pіazhe calling it "the new idealism" pіdlіtka, so ascribing a lack of strength in practicality to the addition of more detailed light. If you don’t bear on yourself new social roles for grown-ups, for those who are old enough to go through the transitions, fix the new surroundings, and there will be residual intellectual decentration in the new sphere.

As for the period of transition from youth to an old age, Piazhe has a number of problems for the development of intelligence, its specialization. During the period of prompting life programs, from 15 to 20 years, it is possible to allow for the process of intellectual differentiation: to appear, in the first place, cognitive structures, to become stagnant in the skin and individual structures for specific tasks ...

§3. The theory of a child's centrism

Also, the concept of a child's centrism is borrowed as a central focus, in which it is crossed and picked up in one point of the thread, so that it goes through all points. Behind the help of the cich of threads, Piazhe to grow to the same extent all the development of rice, which characterizes the logic of the child and the transformation of the child from the awkward, disordered, chaotic helplessness in the suvorian dressings of the structural complex of causes. Now I will try to read the thought of Piazhe himself, by virtue of what the author should actually use to present his concept. This is how Piazhe is known in his first preschool, assigned to the function of child development. Many preschoolers come before the weekend, all of them can be brought up to two groups, which can be called a social and social promotion. For the first time in the world, for the reason, mind you, go to the front of your function. “Tsya mova is his centric, - say Piazhe, - the first for all that the child doesn’t talk about himself. Ditina speaks to herself, as if I would think in a voice. Insurance rates for international travel from 44% to 47% for children from 5-7 years and from 54% to 60% for 3-5 years. The first axis, grounded on a number of experiments, as well as on the facts of the winter, even come to the moment, when the child's thought is centered, so that the child thinks for himself, do not think about those who will be mindful of the point, not mind ...

Principle for the theory of Piazhe є diagram:

Out-of-Speech Autistic Missing

His centric message and his centric message

Socialized mova and logical misleading

His centric thought є by the industrial language, both authentic and socialized by the thought. For its structure, it’s not supposed to be authentic, but it’s not straightforward to satisfy the organic needs of the consumer, as with pure autism, and the beasts are also on the smartest addicted to the grown-up. It is characteristic that in their worlds Pіazhe spirals on Freud's theory: "I psychoanalysis arrives with an indirect path to a superbly similar result. addicted to іnshih (logical thought), інshiy - іntimny and that doesn’t give in to it (authentic thought) "(1, p. 350). However, injected zovnishnikh officials his centric aim is to socialize in action. An active ear of the whole process can be brought up to 7-8 rocks ("the first critical period"), As a result, the transition to the form of the missive, yaku Pіazhe naming socialized, pragmatist the completeness of the process.

We briefly familiarized ourselves with the basic facts and theses of the child's development of his centrism. It can be said that the very same experience with all her spirit has paved the way for the new child's psychology. Moreover, all of the other theories in the greater and lesser worlds were shown in the past.


Pіazhe - one of the most common and cited pre-epochs, the authority of such insights in the whole world and the number of post-donors does not change. The head is better in the fact that it was the first mind, that it was the first of all, that it was the child's misery, showing that it was the child's misnomer to see it as the misnomer of the older people. Methods developed by him for the development of intelligence have long become diagnostic and play a great role in modern practical psychology... These regularities in the process of rosum activity, such as the boules of the child, have become unshakable, unaffected by a great number of new facts about the child's misery. See the power of intelligence and form a childish mind with the greatest merit of Piazhe.

List of Victory Literature

1. Wallon A. Psychic development of a child. - M., 1967.

2. Vikova and pedagogical psychology / Ed. A.V. Petrovsky. - M., 1979.

3. Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V. Head and right from child psychology M., 1991.

4. Martsinkovskaya T.D. Genetic psychology of Jean Piazhe. - M., 2005

5. Obukhova L.F. Concept by Jean Piazhe: for and against. - M., 1981

6. Piazhe J. Vibrani Psychological Creation. - M., 1986

7. Theory Piazhe. History of foreign psychology. - M., 1986

8. Piazhe J. Piazhe J. Mova and the Missing of the Child. M., 1994

9. Elkonin D.B. Vibranі psychological pratsі. - M., 1989

10. Yaroshevsky M.G. History of psychology from antiquity to the middle of the XX century. - M., 1996.

Vchennya Zhanna Piazhe about the child's intellectual development.

6.1. Stages of scientific biography.
Yogo head theme became the vivchennya of the revolutions scientific knowledge, Laws of development to intellect.
Vchennya Piazhe is the search for the latest psychology of the XX century. The most reliable facts in child psychology.
Psychology also comes to science because it has become more rapid in its biological, philosophical and logical interests. We also transformed the traditional nutritional theory of knowledge into the field of child psychology and proceeded to an experimental transformation.
In 1920, the role of a psychologist was honored. Winning victories at the university and pratsyuvav in the classroom, conducting experimental preschool education for children, chatting without special entusiasm. However, soon Pіazhe know their own region until the end.
Philosophical considerations brought Piazhe to the thought that logic is not like a companion, but develops in a deed, and that the very psychology of an open mind. Already the first facts, recognized in the experiments with children on standardization, so called "test tests" were approved by the idea. Otrimani facts have shown the power of mental processes, Which lies in the basis of logical operations. From the quiet period of the central department of the Piazhe - to provide psychological mechanisms of logical operations, to establish the actions of determining stable logical logical structures to the intellect.
Period 1921-25 years - the ear of the robot Pіazhe according to the systematic previous genesis of Intellect. Himself, who are in the middle of a child's mind, I have a lot of ideas and thoughts about a private problem - I am aware of the ideas of tendencies, which I think are the wisdom of the child's mind and the idea of ​​the mechanics of the minds. Behind the help of the classy method, Piazhe has established new facts in the childish development. Find out about them:
the insight of his childish character, his centric character;
the peculiarities of the child's logic;
svєrіdne uyavlennya child about svit;
Basically, the clue: insight into his child's centrism. Egocentrism is the main feature of the mission, the rosum's position of the child is primed. Five books on child psychology, and a short amount of books on the background of living in the moving and rolling in the moving thoughts. I want to Piazhe rozumiv, I want my thought to be formed on the basis of the action.
In 1925-1929 rockakh - the beginning of the development of the child in the first two years of life, if the behavior (diya) is a sign of pink development. Now it’s winking to the verbal side of the story (the child is only manipulating objects). Results of the last week's release in three volumes. In cich doslidzhennyakh it is shown that the intellect in the child of the vine is up to the ovolodinnya moyu. Intellectual operations of the greatest level are prepared by sensorimotor work. The head of the psychologist is to simulate the reincarnation of natural reflexes in the development of the form of folding behavior.
1929-1939 rocky - provid until the end of the genesis of the number, number, space, hour, ruku and ін. The number of advances gave the opportunity to see the stage of specific operations and to add in them the scholarship of the logical structure of the intellect.
Introduce the understanding ugrupovannya. First, the child will have logical operations, the vicon will be grouped together - one and the same ideas and opinions, as they generate arithmetic and other groups.
1939-1950 rock - After continuing his career in the field of misinformation psychology. Win vivchav formulated to understand the rukah, hour, shvidkosti, uyavlenya about space and geometry.
The main problem is the communication of the intellect and the reception (evidence and similarity). Їm Bula shows the ymovirna nature of spirits.
In the same period of Pіazhe boulo, we carried out an experimental advancement of the transition from the date of the child to the date of the child, the characteristics of the formal operational assignment
Rik 1955 - After developing the hypothesis about the stage of intellectual development of a child and an adult. According to the hypothesis, three great periods can be seen in the intellectual development: sensor-motor, the period of preparation and implementation of specific operations, the period of formal operations.

6.2. Key insights into the concept of J. Piazhe.
The main result of Piazhe's scientific excellence is the Geneva School of Genetic Psychology. Ob'єkt of the center of science - vivchennya prokhodzhennya іntelektu. Smell to savor, how to form in a child's functional understanding: ob'єkt, space, hour, causality. Vona vivchaє the child's manifestation about the manifestations of nature. Also, to identify the special features of the child's logic and, the smut, the mechanisms of the child's cognitive intelligence, which are accustomed to the new picture of his behavior. For the discovery of cich mechanisms, prikhovanih, but all viznachayut, Pіazhe breaking out the method of klinіchnoі chasіdy.
The head of genetic psychology: the whole science of vivch, how to see the transition from some forms of pinkness to others, from the simple structure of pinky to more folding and what causes the changes in structural transformation. Vona vivchaє the similarity and insight to the mental lives of the child and the stratum of the people.
Three straight lines of genetic psychology: 1. problems, such as becoming an object; 2. technology of doslіgennya; 3. accumulation of facts;
What is the process of learning? How can I see a scientific understanding?
Basic provisions:
1. Reciprocating the whole and part. As a whole, it is clear to see from the part, the isolated elements are not. Хн For example, intellectual development of pragne to equalization, to development of special structures; 11-12 years - folding.
2. When you call me a child and a reality, you know it as a sub'ctom. Ale for the understanding, the sub'єct is guilty of zd_ysnyuvati dei with objects, so that this transformation is done.
In such a rank, the idea of ​​transformation is the central idea of ​​the theory of Piazhe. Have a be-yakiy dii sub'єkt і ob'єkt zmіshani. Dzherelo knowing to lie at the interface of the sub'єkta і ob'єkta.
3. Idea of ​​the design - the objectival meaning depending on the order of the structural design. The structure is the result of construction.
Sub'єkt, according to Pіazhe, tse organism, overpowering functional activity of attaching, as it is recessively entrenched and in power to any living organism. For the additional activity, the structure of the evaluation is observed. Functions - tse biologicheskogo power organism ways to interact with the middle. Two main functions: organization and adaptation - assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation - as a result of the latest injections, the sub'єkta will be included in the іsnuchі schemesдії. Accommodation - perebudova schemes, їх attachment to a new object.
One of the most important to understand in the concept of J. Piazhe is the understanding of the diagram of the action. The scheme of the show - the same place, which is taken in the show when it is repeated in different settings; tse structure on the singing pivnia of the rosum development. Structures are stored in the process of life, lie down to see and clearly develop at the later stages of development. Describing in detail the sub'єkta of efficiency, Piazhe practically does not open up the understanding of the object. Bo in the yogo concept of the object - all the material for manipuluvannya. The zm_st of a child's knowledge - all those who are awake to the knowledge and caution. Form of recognition - that scheme (big-mensh is zagalnaya) of the pink meaning of the sub'єkta, in which the call is included.
This is the lasting principle of preservation for Piazhe Polyag in that, in order to see a child like a beauty, like an asymmetric speech, picking up and taking care of it, for the sake of its powerful pink structure. The development itself is the price of a change of pan-rose structures. Piznannya - є a product of real actions, so you can be subscribed to an object.

6.3. Revealing his childish misdirection to his centrism.
Basically, reaching out to Piazhe - show him the child's centrism. Egocentrism is the central feature of the target, the rosy position is primed.
Children show:
1. "realism" - a child on the singing development of looking at objects in such a way that they do not need to be taken care of, so that I don’t have to talk in their internal affairs. For example, the month will follow me. "Realism" can be of two types - intellectual and moral. For example, the wood grips are wiry - intellectual; moral - the child does not take part in the assessment of the result, the internal mind and judge about the grades only by the last effect, from the material result.
A handful of early development, skin awareness about light for a child is true, for a new thought and richness it is not possible to see it. The child has signs to mend her iznuvannya, being a collection of part of the speeches. Postupovo, zavdyak dіyalnosti іntelektu, the stench is seen from them.
Children are developing:
- participatory stage;
- animizm (spiritualization);
- artificalism natural diseases for the analogy with the performance of people);
In addition, in parallel with the evolution of children, the phenomenon of light, direct from the implementation to the activity of the development of the childish ideas from the absoluteness to the reciprocity. If there is a view of the difference between the points of the eye and your own.
V experimental studies Having also shown that at the early stages of intellectual development, objects seem to the child to be important or light, meaninglessly awake (great speeches are important, small ones are light). The child's thought develops in the third direction - from realism to relativism. A handful of children are vvazhaє, say, in a dermal object є a special motor, which is the role of a vison in a Russian object. If the child is a little rosy, how the gloom collapses under the grip of the wind, then the deyaki of the word "light", "important" will take in its absolute meaning and pass in vividly.
His centrism summarizes such peculiarities of childish logic as:
- syncretism (the tendency to tie everything up);
- alignment (the visibility of the sound between the judgments);
- transduction (transition from private to private, minayuchi in the hall);
A child up to 7-8 years is not in the least logical operation of additional delivery and multiplicity (understanding power - if you can carry a lot of speeches).
His is a centric move, if a child speaks out of her own point of view, and does not get stuck on the point of view of a spy. Children are important to deprive them of the visibility of interest. It’s not worth the money to pour into the sponsor, and it’s really possible to do something about it.
It is his centric move to lay down the activity of the child herself and the type of social children (between the child and the grown-ups, between the children of the same age) 3 rock - 75% of the promotion; З 7 rockіv - his centric mova znikaє;
His centrism of the authorities is not only a child, ale and a grown-up there, devin fought with his own judgments.
Hiscentrism is a spontaneous position, which leads to the mental activity of a child in a turn; stench zberigayutsya on all life in people, scho zalishayutsya on low level of psychotic development. Behind the words of Piazhe, zvіlnitsya to his centrism, it means to understand those who have been taken sub'actively, to know your own place in the system of possible points of view. Hiscentrism is sacrificing a better position: decentration. In order to podolati his centrism, you need two minds: first - learn your “I” as sub'єkt і vidokremiti sub'єkt vid ob'єkta; the other is to coordinate your own point of view with іnshim.
The development of knowledge about oneself is a child's, on a thought to Piazhe, from social relations. Let the primus impose on the child a system of rules for the binding character.
In order to learn your “I”, you need to be aware of the primus, you need to interact with thoughts. Tsya vzaєmodіya with a lot of ill-fated children and grow up, more unevenness is even great. Ditina will start to grow old and at the same hour seize everything for herself, and not exchange thoughts. Tilki individi, which vvazhayut one one, can develop mutual control. This is due to the moment of establishment of cooperation between children.
Understand socialization. The term social has two young senses: a child and an adult (like a dzherelo information); social life between the children themselves: from 2 to 7 years - small socialization; I do not understand my I, I do not coordinate the point of view.
For Pіаzhe socialization - the whole process of adaptation to social center It’s a matter of fact, that a child who has reached the singing level of development, grows old to sleep with people. 7-8 years - health before socialization.

6.4. Stages of intellectual development of a child.
The stages are a whole lot, equal development, afterwards change one to one, moreover, on the skin level it can reach a relatively stable level. The process of development of the Intellect, in turn, will take shape from three great periods, during which the emergence and formation of three basic structures will take place:





1. Sensorimotor Intellect

A-centering on vlasnoy tili

1.Management of reflexes

0-1 month

2.first tips

1-4.5 months

3.Coordination of Zoru and Hapannya

4.5-9 months

By-activation of practical intelligence

4.cob of practical intellectu

8-12 months

5.differentiation of diagrams

12-18 months

6.A ear of schematics and problem solving

18-24 months

2. Representative intelligence and specific operations

A - preoperator Intellect

1.The appearance of symbolic function

2-4 rock

2.intuitive misleading

4-6 rocks

3.Intuitive misdirection (spiral into more subdivisions)

6-8 rocks

B - specific operations

4.Just operations

8-10 rock_v

5.System of operations (coordinate system)

9-12 rock_v

3. Representative intellectual and formal operations

A - the formation of formal operations

1.Logic and Combinatorics

12-14 rocks

B - completion of formal operations


From 13-14 years

The process of development of the intellect, for the most part, is built up from three great periods, during which the emergence and formation of three basic structures is seen. Sensory-motor structures are formed in a number of ways), є a system of rotary action), which are displayed materially and lastly, then specific operations are identified (the system is made, which is displayed in a sense, albeit based on the name of the data), on the point. In order to see the opportunity for the formation of formal operations. The period of the formation of formal logic, hypothetical deduction of the world.
Growth, according to Piazha, tse transition from the lower stage to the last. Before the front stage, I’ll step on. Whether it’s like a dia (ruh, misleading, a little bit), if it’s like a winn’t, if it’s not in the middle, or the posture of us is changing, and if it’s necessary to keep the behavior in the wilderness of the winter.
The order of passing through the stages is immaterial. Dressings with biological dosages. On the way, in which the structure of the ryvnovagi is manifested, to repair the grip of the activity of the child and the child's development.
In such a rank, the stage of intellectual development, Zg_ Piazhe can see the stage of mental development as a whole. More development is ordered by Intellect.
Bruner J. Psychology of Piznannya. M., 1977.
Obukhova L.F. Vikova psychology. - M.: Russia, 2001., 414 p.
Pіazhe Zh. Vibranі psychologіchnі pratsі. - M., 1994.

Food for self-control knowledge on the topic "Vchennya Zhanna Piazhe about the intellectual development of a child":
1. Name the main stages of the scientific biography of J. Piaget.
2. The main provisions of the concept of J. Piaget.
3. Make the visnachennya understand the accommodation, assimilation.
4. Give the value of his centrism and his centric moves.
5. Razkazhіt about the main features of the formation of stages of intellectual development of the child.
Tests on the topic "Vchennya Zhanna Piazhe about the child's intellectual development":
1.Phenomenon of mental development, indications of J. Piaget: a) his centrism, b) syncretism, c) distress.
2. As soon as Piaget looks at it, the most important role in cognitive development is to develop: a) grow up, as well as start, b) the child itself, c) decline.

On the thought of Pіazhe, the process of developing the intellect is seen as an offensive rank: the schemes are organized in the operation, and the development of certain types of cognitive growth is evolving. In the world of its own development, people will vikoristovuyut all the more folding schemes for organizing information and thinking of the world.

Zgіdno Pіаzhe, in the whole development it is possible to see a number of discrete, apparently growing stages, or period. Names given to the periods of advance: sensorimotor stage (from population up to 1.5-2 stages), preoperative stage (from 2 to 7 stages - from 1 to 7 stages - from the first stage of the stage of specific operations), stage of specific stages of 7 stages ) і stage of formal operations (to fix up at 12 years old and older). short characteristic tsikh stages are given in table. 2 (the table is given by)

The sensorimotor stage (from the people up to 2 years) - here the adaptation is going to be in the form of horny and last material children. There are no vikoristovuyt diy diagrams: viewing, happing, etc. - for learning with new knowledge. The sensorimotor stage is called the one that, when the child's intellect spirals to the given organs, at a time, it seems to be.

The preoperative stage (from 2 to 7 years) - according to J. Piazhe, you need to fix it at that hour, if the children are fixing their words and talking with their words and other symbolic means (imitation, gra). At this stage of misinformation, the child tends to be overwhelmed by concreteness, nevorotnosti, his centrism, and it is important to classify objects.

Through the preoperative stage, children learn the light in the main through their own power. The stench doesn’t hang around the broad theories about booths with cubes, babushka or dogs, but to repent with your own perverted admonition to induce specific knowledge. At the preoperative stage of a child, do not play around about the whole class of objects, as you can’t smell and think about the inheritance of a particular lancet pod. In addition, the stench is not a sense of the sense of a symbol and is known as an object. On the ear of the first stage of children, they are seriously put up to the name, but you cannot see the literal meaning of speeches, as they represent the stench. Until the end of the stage of the plant, the repetition of the new subject matter in different situations is schematized and, for additional symbolic tasks, is transferred from the internal plan. Until the end of the period, children learn that the words are moving є with different signs and one word can mean not only one, ale and a little bit.

The stage of specific operations (from 7 to 11 rockets) - here children fix the victorious logic. The stench of classifying objects and mothers can be right from the hierarchical classifications, built by mathematical understanding and comprehension of the law of preservation. For example, at the preoperative stage of a child, it is important to be intelligent, as a creature can be given a "dog" or "ter'or" at once. Winning one hour mother will be right only with one class. Ale Semirіchnі children іsumіyut, tho ter'єri - tse pіdgroupa vseredinі wide group - dogs. The smell can bachiti also and іnshі pіdgruppi, for example, for a group of "small dogs", such as ter'єri and poodles, and a group of "great dogs", such as golden retrievers and St. Bernards. Razmіrkovuyuchi such a rank, the stench to demonstrate the intelligence of the ієrarchії classes. At the stage of specific operations, children are described with logical operations of this type, and their mission becomes more and more similar to that of an older child. If ditina robit visnovok about nezmіnnіst kіlkostі deyakogo bezlіchі predmetіv, nezvazhayuchi on zmіni, vnesenі pіznіshe in їh prostorovomu roztashuvannі then vvazhaєtsya scho yogo mіrkuvannya zasnovanі on rozumіnnі mozhlivostі znovu rotate to vihіdnogo Georeferencing roztashuvannya predmetіv just for rakhunok zvernennya ruhіv, SSMSC led to danogo zmіni ... Otzhe, yogo mission is negotiable.

Vvazhayetsya, how rosumovy ness of this kind is tightly tied from the growth of building to "decentration" and how you want to lie in the form of operational structures. What are the structures? The word "operation" in the theory of J. Piazhe is an accurate sense. To be smart, you need to learn three speeches.

Persha. Operations - tse diy. True, the stench is not physical manipulations, the odds of staying only in mind. Prote, the whole process of the sensorimotor period.

Friend. For those who conduct their own casual operations, do not be for physical activities, but rather for the type of combination, ordering, and permutation of objects, that is, Ye.

Third. The operation cannot be realized by itself, but only in the middle of the orderly system of operations. And the order, organization of the system determines the form of a "group" or "ugrupovannya".

However, the new symbolic acts are all neatly linked to specific objects, from which the various physical acts were displayed: the child in the main thought about the series with physical about'єkts, about the operas in the order of specificity, the classifications. ...

If there are more sensorimotor intelligence with intelligence during specific operations, then we can talk about many of the main steps, beyond which the rest of the road in the first place.

Perche. The sensorimotor intelligence is more static, less ruhlivy. We look at speeches one by one, not ringing into one picture.

To a friend. Sensorimotor intelligence of only practical success. In case of operational missions, there is more interest in explaining and thinking. Tsia zmіna is tied with the development of evidence, so that it can bring up to the shortest clearer ways to achieve the goals.

Thirdє. Oscillations of sensorimotor intelligence are surrounded by real actions, as they appear from real objects, which are surrounded by vigorous, spacious-hour frames. Symbolic projects may expand the sphere of storing [12].

The stage of formal operations (from 12 years) is characterized by the building of operative abstract concepts. At all stages of the program, you can see all the logical options for thinking, declaring speeches, overlooking facts, realistically thinking about maybut, formulating ideals and thinking about sensible metaphors, inaccessible children young vik... For a formal-operational assignment, it is no longer necessary to link to physical objects, but to actual podіy. Vono allowing pidlitkam to put their own food for the first time: "And what will you, how can you ...?" ("And what, yakby I have said tse tiy people?"). It allows them to "penetrate into the thoughts" of these people and their roles and ideals.

How can you speed up the change of development stages and, for example, see the five-star child for specific operations? Even calling the food price "American", they also put it on a schoraza, if they came to the State. As soon as possible, the price of such an accelerated development is quite possible in the endless rakhunka. Winning, it is important not to speed up the change of stages, but to give the skinny child enough quantity primary materials On the cutaneous stage of growth, the area of ​​the intellect did not become overstimulated. In his forefathers J. Piazhe often analyzed the position of both "development" and "new". “Navcheni” is not synonymous with “development” for new ones. Shvidshe win schilnyy privnyat "navchannya" to revelation of knowledge, so come from a young dzherel, that is, E. Win protesting of yogo mastery, so inherited power activity of people. In such a rank, if the child appears to be remembered correctly, it’s because the one who’s been aware of the fact that, after having taken the wine city, he’d guessed it, it’s crazy to think. Ale Piazhe of perekonniy, which in all vypadvayutsya any fundamental development, only a few will stop working for the active design and self-regulation.

Zh. Piazhe has experienced, but not a clear change in the transition from the simplest types of adaptive behavior to the most highly reduced forms of intelligence. One virostaє from іnshy. To him to visit once, if the intellect of accusations is on the floor, it will appear until victorious in the land of abstract knowledge, the revolutions of the knowledge of the next shukati in the world.

We also developed a lot of repetitions: the knowledge not to come before us "in a ready-made viglyade". It’s not a "copy" of reality, even on the right there is not only a rejection of the enemy, as if our brain would have a photographic plate. Knowledge is also not something that we can accept when people are people. We are guilty of staying yogo. In a long stretch of rock-and-roll it is generally robust.

The theory of intellectual development of the Swiss biologist and philosopher Jean Piazhe is looking for a period from a child's age to reaching maturity. The main respect for Piazhe came to the development of the child's misdirection, and the first for everything - the development of a logical misdirection. It’s also about being missed as an older child.

V early hour Jean Piazhe, naming the development stages of intellectual development, but most often of them, is the sensorimotor stage, the preoperative stage, the stage of specific operations and the stage of formal operations. The sensorimotor and preoperative stage is a manifestation of pre-conceptual misdirection. At the end of the day, children are introduced only to a specific subject, which can be done in a natural and all manner, categorically and singly: not tied with a logical lance. Dytina rozumin in pershu serguzhennya for the analogue and through the rifle butt. The central feature of the pre-conceptual misdirection is its centrism (do not cheat with itsism). His centrism does not only encompass the peculiarity of childish logic, as insensibility to the point of being rubbed off, but a number of others: syncretism (the tendency to interfere with everything), transduction (from going from private to private, minus

Fixing, here for 7 years the child will develop in the same understanding of the target, if it is repaired, three stages of specific operations and develop at the stage of formal operations.

sensorimotor stage three years from a nation up to 2 years and last into 6 substages, every hour of which children lastly demonstrate such specialties and achievements: 1) crazy reflexesі do not think well, put before you a meta і see yourself in a new way; 2) Reflexes are transformed into repeated acts; 3) There is a public view of the results of the actions; 4) Growth of building up to coordination of actions, directing to the continuation of the victories in the interest of the enemy; 5) Investigation of new ways of rejecting cyclical results for oneself; 6) The emergence of buildings in a symbolic form. The main up-to-date period include coverage of coordinated rucks, such as material structures, such as aggregation, design of representation and intensity. We will especially remember the general stage of construction є the construction of a post-production object, so that the intelligence of an independent sub-sub-unit of an object.

preoperative stage typical for vіku vіd 2 to 7 rockіv, with two pіdstadіy. At the first substage, a new building was formulated before the representation of the sensorimotor structures to be assimilated, and the stink of guilt was attached to it. In addition, the child will establish a number of functional laws, true and societal, dovkilla: For example, the rationalization of the possibilities and deeds of deposits and correlations. Due to the peculiarity of children wiklikє the success of the intercourse of their mission. There is also a hostility, so that the thought is focused only on one aspect of the situation, often - on the most powerful point of view (its centrism), and all the points of view cannot be taken into account. A preoperative thought, besides, it’s taken on one, the most important aspect of the story, judging from us, does not follow the laws of logic or physical causality, but is intertwined with more associations for the sum. So, argumentation of children їх vchinkіv is not so absurd absurd vigados as a result of їkh bazhannya vypravdatisya for any price.

Stage of specific operations characterizes from 7 to 12 years and goes to two substages. At the first stage, pardons are being corrected, as the child is admitted to the preoperative stage, however, the stench is corrected in a reasonable way and not all at once. The sense of the meaning of the "concrete" operation is to be included in the name of the whole stage, in the fact that the operational solution of problems (ie, Rishennya, based on the werewolf rosy actions), is used as a solution for skin problems and to keep up with the problem. For example, a physical understanding will become a child in such a post-life: number, dovzhina and masa, square, vaga, hour and obsyag.

Stage of formal operations The winery is 12 years older and older. The system of werewolf operations, more coordinated, is entering the onset stage of development, formal operations, to repair at 11-12 years of age. Change earlier in the classifications about the growth in the building to the combinatorial target: the analysis of the physical basis, the child is able to change all the possible aspects and changes of the logs one at a time, the results of the qualifications The state of affairs - in a rosy plan and hypothetical - by aspects of the situation in a strictly established order means that a child can see things and situations that are not sensible in reality. So the power takes over the action, and from the form they manipulate and look at the view from the wickedness, that is, E. Not so, as the price of a child, as he is interrupted at the stage of specific operations.

At the boundaries of the skin stage and substage, Pіazhe not very quickly developed three levels: failure, partial success, success. In the rest of his theory, seeing the development is not like straightforward ruch from one stage to the beginning, and as a collapse along the spiral, which is characterized by the fact that the development and development of the target, characteristic of the front line, must be reconsidered, restructuring and integration high rivn... Іnvarіantnі kіlкісні aspects of zavdannya on the reworking of clay molds are known earlier than others.

We follow the principles of the theory of Piazhe, shifting the view into something like this and without knowing, the problem of novelty and spontaneity is lost. As with the cognitive structure, in which I will increase in the daytime, I wish it wasn’t new. Knowledge, is it the new knowledge? Moreover, what is the rite to come by the reason of the fact that the new knowledge is not unmistakably tied to other knowledge?

Інші the theory of development, to complement the basic theory, attributing the development of moral judgments, to perceptual development, development of the manifestation and memory, and all the lines of development are looked at from the point of view.