Osvitni tekhnologii yak the basic scientific-methodical mechanism. Modern pedagogical technologies in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

    Design activity


    1. Visiting the plan.

    Preparation of winter posters, memorials, models, organizing and conducting shows, quizzes, contests, whistles, holding mini-dosligens, which will transfer the required presentation of the results, which are far from being an extra list of applications. design activity v pohatkov_y school.

    Informatization of education - the process of bringing the system of education in accordance with the requirements and possibilities of informational support.

  • - її ;
  • (Persh for everything, s text editorі presentation editor, dynamic tables); let go multimedia dzherels; actions with the tools of the commune

  • the root of the problematic situation,
  • zasosuvannya new knowledge,

Robotics technology with text

Meta technologies - outside of the text.

Zasib - three stages of robots with a text:

  1. before reading the text- viewing reading;
  2. for an hour to read the text - vivcaє citanna;
  3. writing the text- reflective reading, conceptual nutrition.
    Outside the text e
  • factual
  • subtext
  • conceptually

wiklik - realization of sense (comprehension to the wolf) - reflexion (mirkuvannya).

Wiklik stage:

Stage of realization of sense:

Reflexion stage:

Іgrovі technologies

  • bathe spіlnoї navichki collective dіyalnosti
  • to accumulate cultural traditions, introduced into the group by participants, teachers, learners of additional resources - innocent people, helpers, computer technologies and others.

Revision of the document


A.S. Korzhikova

Municipal budgetary legal mortgage

"Middle zagalnoosvitnya school No. 1 "

Maryinsky municipal district

This year's school is aimed at achieving new things, bittersweet to cover the life of important projects and problems. To what is it guilty of the education of the pupils, of the school of the cob?

Zvychayno well - cleverly reading. The first for everything, the experts have formed a universal navchalny diy (UUD). Federal powers are talking about us educational standards new generation. Shchob їkh realizovuvati, I have a need for vicity and vicoristovuvati in my pedagogical activity lucky educational technologies... Ale persh z'yasuєmo, also technology.

Yak write V.A.

P. I. Pidkasistiycharacterizes the technology of education (pedagogical technology) as directly in didactics, region scientific doslіdzhen on the basis of the principles and development of optimal systems, on the design of the educational didactic processes from the background with the given characteristics.

G.M. Kodzhaspirova gave an understanding of the cultural technology - a whole system of methods, receptions, crocs, the last time of the list of those who are not sure about the new generation, the development and development of the singularity of E., the system itself. Development and procedure of integration of components pedagogical process at the viglyad system, you can guarantee the result.

The basic ideology to the standard, the focus of the initial process on achieving the main results in the education of the costs of special measures and on the development of educational technologies.

Adapt to the special features of the new standards of advanced technology:

    technologies special-purpose developmental learn on the basis systemic approach

    technologies based on Rivneo Differentiation navchannya

    technologies based on initial situations

    technologies based on implementation design activity

    technologies based on "Built-in" systems of flow, industrial and bag appraisal v initial process

Submitting reports on skin technology.

Design activity

The technology is given for the transmission of a triad of scholars for the training and direct function of the reader: idea-implementation-product; as well as the passage of the onset stages of progress:

    Praise for the decision about the performance of any kind of performance (preparation before any visits, beforehand, preparation of layouts and in.).

    Formula of meti і zavdan dіyalnosti.

    Folding the plan and programs.

    Visiting the plan.

    Presentation of the finished product.

Preparation of winter posters, memorials, models, organizing and conducting shows, quizzes, contests, shows, holding mini-dos and donations, in order to transfer a presentation of the same results, which is far from a complete list of applied school projects.

Information and communication technologies

Informatization of education - the process of bringing the system of education in accordance with the requirements and possibilities of informational support.

Sanctuary activity on the basis of ICT:

    view (ale controlled) spaces of information dzherel,

    іnstruments "pre-layer" іnformation efficiency,

    the middle of the informational support of the initial process,

    to borrow a dull warehouse, a dull warehouse of chief groups,

    modern process control systems.

In the role of leading straight lines ІKT on the cob step, as a rule, they start offensively:

      the formulation of the first robotizers from the information- її joke and variety, ordering and zberigannya;

      development of information and communal services as one of the main tools of activity, you can find a simple robot general user tools(Persh for everything, s text editorі presentation editor, dynamic tables); let go multimedia dzherels; actions with the tools of the commune(Persh for everything, with the Internet).

Technology of problem-dialogue science

The given technology is one of the most effective ways of introducing new knowledge and transferring steps to a lesson:

    the root of the problematic situation,

    the formulation of the initial problem,

    actualization of the obvious knowledge for the solution of the initial problem,

    a rumor about a problem, a message of a new knowledge,

    zasosuvannya new knowledge,

    viraz of solution in the view of verbal tezi, schema, tables, artistic image, etc.

Robotics technology with text

The victoriousness of this technology allows the most effective way to start schoolchildren of self-taught reading and educate them for the development of the most important communal minds.

Meta technologies - outside of the text.

Zasib - three stages of robots with a text:

    for an hour to read the text vivcaє citanna;

    writing the text- reflective reading, conceptual nutrition.
    Outside the text e then displaying three types of text information:

    factual(About how to appear in the text in an explicit view);

    subtext(About how in the text to see in an implicit viglyad, read "mіzh ryadkіv");

    conceptually(The main idea is to the text, please, please).

Technology assessment of educational achievements

The technology of assessing the education up to now propones to carry out the assessment at the level in such a way as to be seen in the life. The student himself (in the dialogue with the teacher) evaluates his own competence, and the assessment is given in yakisniy form.

I will play a role in the technology assessment of the light until the rule of self-assessment. Yogo zasosuvannya allows you to read the skin study algorithm of your self-assessment. Startup will become comfortable, if you learn to be smart, you need to work and put your own mark on your own.

Technology for the development of a critical message

Allowing the development of a more critical targeting of scientists when organizing robots with different information jerels (specially written texts, handwritten paragraphs, video files, presentation of the teacher, etc.).

The motivation of the scientists before the introduction of new material is good, the students are taken to the self-reliance, the reflexion, and also the organizing team, the guy that individual robot at the level.

Meta technologies: find out the knowledge of self-miscibility, understanding, start the smut, structure and transmit information, you know about those who have seen a new wine for themselves.

The technology is based on a three-phase process: wiklik - realization of sense (comprehension to the wolf) - reflexion (mirkuvannya).

Wiklik stage: set up studies for reaching goals, actualization of knowledge, the ability to analyze your thoughts for how you eat.

Stage of realization of sense: actively construct new information, establish a link between the older ones and the earlier acquired material. At the first stage, the robot is without text (individual, in pairs, etc.).

Reflexion stage: analysis of only the passed process of mastering a new wolf and the same wolf. The ability to assess yourself and your comrades in the plan of increasing knowledge, as well as the process itself, methods and priyomy.

Іgrovі technologies

Allow the development of all types of universal activities of young schoolchildren:

    master the rules of behavior and roles in a group;

    view the possibilities of the groups themselves;

    bathe spіlnoї navichki collective dіyalnosti , Introduce the individual characteristics of the educational institutions that are necessary for the achievement of the game goals;

    to accumulate cultural traditions, introduced into the group by participants, teachers, learners of additional resources - innocent people, helpers, computer technologies and others.

Victory of modern educational technologies in the classroom, allow you to formulate a menu and tips for robots with information:

    know, comprehend, vikoristovuvati need information;

    analysis, systematization, presentation of information in the form of diagrams, tables, graphs.

    historical events and objects, with a whole self-manifesting signs of a history of history;

    problems emerge, how to get revenge in the text, to start a new way, to carry on the necessary information, to learn more about information.

lucky pedagogical technologies in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

“Be-like the power of technology can be,

abo mystestvom. Mystery is based on ін-

tuіtsіі, technology on science. All

to fix, technology to end,

Then we’ll save everything from the chat. "


At the concept of modernization, and in the new standards, the priority method of education is “Not the transfer of knowledge, but the development of specialness” of skin science.

In the Danish hour in the sphere Russian education cardinal changes are seen.

Standards of the other generation aim the teacher on the formulation of the schoolchildren of the universes

diy, as you can be sure of it only as a result of the effectiveness of the study in minds of the choice

with a victorious teacher of individual-organizational technologies,

vprovadzhennya remains especially relevant.

In a given hour in the pedagogical vocabulary, the understanding of pedagogical technology was introduced. However, in the first place, there is great reading and reading.

B. T. Likhachov also gives the following information: “Pedagogical technology is the supremacy of psychological and pedagogical attitudes, which includes a special set and composition of forms, methods, methods, accepting new skills, vicious tasks; won є organizational-methodical instrumental pedagogical process ".

I.P. Volkov also gave the following meaning: "Pedagogical technology - tse describe the process of achieving planned results in the present."

UNESCO - "Pedagogical technology is a whole systematic method of establishing, storing and valuing the whole process of victories and acquiring knowledge of technical and human resources and their interconnection, so that you can set your own forms of creation."

V. A. Slastonin, technology - the price and the last of the methods and processes of the transformation of the outgoing materials, which allows you to correct the products with the given parameters.

G.M. Kodzhaspirova gave an understanding of the cultural technology - the whole system of methods, receptions, crocs, the last time of the registration of those who are not responsible for the creation of the vykhovannya, the development and development of the singularity of E., the system itself is presented. The development of that procedural integration of the components in the pedagogical process of the viglyad system is designed to guarantee the result.

The winners have a problem - to re-create the tradition of learning, directing them to the accumulated knowledge, being smart, navichok, in the process of developing the specialness of the child.

For the implementation of the cognitive creative activity schoolboy in the initial process , Which gives the opportunity to improve the quality of education, it is more effective to vikoristovuvat the initial hour and to reduce a part of the reproductive activity of scientists for the reduction of the hour introduced on the week homework... The modern educational technologies are based on individualization, the distance and variability of the educational process, the academic mobility of the scientists, are not always in line with the level of education. School performances have a wide range of educational teaching technologies that become stagnant in the initial process.

In the minds of the implementation of the Vimog FGOS TOV the most relevant aretechnologies:

    Information and communication technology;Since it is of great importance, the scholar is guilty of information, it is necessary to use it, it is necessary to take care of it for the purpose of taking decisions, pratsyuvati due to the types of information, etc. For the first time, the teacher is guilty of reason, but in the informational support of the winners it has ceased to be the only one of the knowledge, as it was before. In some situations, the learner knows more, less guilt, and the role of a happy teacher - in a big world, the role of a guide in information.

    Technology for the development of a critical message

    design technology

    Technology of developing equipment

    healthy technologies

    Іgrovі technologies

    Modular technology

    technology maistern

    Case - technology

    Technology of Integrated Science

    Pedagogy of spіvrobіtnіtva.

    Rivne Differentiation Technologies

    Group technologies.

    Traditional technologies (class-less system)

Let me tell you about the actions of them.

1). Information and communication technologies

Informatization of education - the process of bringing the system of education in accordance with the requirements and possibilities of informational support.

Healthcare activity based on ІKT:

    view (ale controlled) spaces of information dzherel,

    іnstruments "pre-layer" іnformation efficiency,

    the middle of the informational support of the initial process,

    to borrow a dull warehouse, a dull warehouse of chief groups,

    modern process control systems.

In the role of leading straight lines ІKT on the cob step, as a rule, they start offensively:

    the formulation of the first robotizers from the information - їїjoke and variety, ordering and zberigannya ;

    development of information and communal services as one of the main tools of activity, you can find a simple robotgeneral user tools (Persh for everything, stext editor іpresentation editor , dynamic tables ); let gomultimedia dzherels ; actionswith the tools of the commune (Persh for everything, with the Internet).

Lessons from Vikoristan information technologies May a number of perevag before traditional lessons.

The lesson about information technologies becomes more useful for scientists, who, as a rule, become more effective at mastering knowledge; polishuєat the level of accuracy at the level.

Vikoristannya deyakikh computer programs Allowing the teacher’s work to be done: the teacher’s work, tests, revision and assessment of the quality of knowledge, and at the same time it will take an hour for the early workers (for the rakhunok of the one who made the materials).

Advancing the effectiveness of the lesson for rakhunok naochnost. Obviously, it is possible to reach it by the other methods (posters, pictures, tables, records on the books), ale computer technologies, bezperechno, open more and more high level of knowledge.

Possibility to demonstrate a manifestation, which in reality can not be pitied. Modern personal computers and programs allow for additional animation, sound, photographic accuracy and modeling of basic situations; visualization of preliminaries, processes and interconnections between objects.

Information technologies provide ample opportunities for individualization and differentiation of the future, and not only for the development of developed enterprises, but also for the development of self-education.

(Butt zavdan z russian movi on disk)

2). Technology for the development of a critical message.

Would you like to think about critical messages?Critical Missing - that type of misery, which additional help is critically placed before any firmness, do not take anything on the verge without proof, but if you see new ideas and methods. Critical misdirection - it is necessary to be mindful of freedom of choice, quality of forecast, and response to power decisions. Critical misdirection, such a rank, according to the essence - deyaka tautology, synonyms of yakisny misery

Allowing the development of a more critical targeting of scientists when organizing robots with different information jerels (specially written texts, handwritten paragraphs, video files, presentation of the teacher, etc.).

The motivation of the scientists to the development of new material is good, they take it to the point of self-reliance, reflexion, as well as organizing a team, a guy and an individual robot at the training.

Meta technologies: find out the knowledge of self-miscibility, understanding, start the smut, structure and transmit information, you know about those who have seen a new wine for themselves.( Vikoristannya signal traffic lights)

The technology is based on a three-phase process:wiklik - realization of sense (comprehension to the wolf) - reflexion (mirkuvannya).

Wiklik stage: set up studies for reaching goals, actualization of knowledge, the ability to analyze your thoughts for how you eat.

Stage of realization of sense: actively construct new information, establish a link between the older ones and the earlier acquired material. At the first stage, the robot is without text (individual, in pairs, etc.).

Reflexion stage: analysis of only the passed process of mastering a new wolf and the same wolf. The ability to assess yourself and your comrades in the plan of increasing knowledge, as well as the process itself, methods and priyomy.

The main methodical reception and development of a critical message

1. Priyom "Cluster"

2. Table

3. Initial brainstorming

4.Intelective workout

5. Zigzag, zigzag -2

6. Priyom "Insert"

7. Ese

8. Priyom "Koshik Idey"

9. Acceptance of "Skladannya sinkwine"

10. Method of control food

11. Priyom "I know .. / I want to know ... / Know ..."

12. Cola by water

13. Roll project

14. So - nі

15. Priyom "Chitannya with zupinkami"

16. Reception "Vzaimoopros"

17. Priyom "Overwhelming logical lantsyuzhki"

18. Priyom "Perekhresna Discusia"

3). Design technology.

The method of projects is not fundamentally new in light pedagogues. Winnick is on the cob of the ninth century in the United States. Yogo was also called the method of problems and connected with the ideas of the humanistic directly from philosophy and education, broken up by an American philosopher and teacherJ. Dewey, And also learn yogoV. Kh. Kilpatrik.It was extremely important to show the children to the specialty the appetite of the local nobles, as they can and are guilty of things in their life. A problem is necessary for a person, taken from real life Knowing is meaningful for the child, for the belief that it is necessary to reject the knowledge, new knowledge, as it is necessary for the family.

meta technologies- stimulate the interest of scientists to singing problems, how to transfer knowledge by means of a singing sum and through the project's activity, as transferring the transmission of these problems, while practically fixing knowledge.

At the current Russian school, the design system of modernization began to evolve in the 1980s - 90s, in conjunction with reforms school education, Democratization of being a teacher and academics, pushing active forms educational performance schoolchildren.

The technology is given for the transmission of a triad of scholars for the training and direct function of the reader:idea-implementation-product; as well as the passage of the onset stages of progress:

    Praise for the decision about the performance of any kind of performance (preparation before any visits, beforehand, preparation of layouts and in.).

    Formula of meti і zavdan dіyalnosti.

    Folding the plan and programs.

    Visiting the plan.

    Presentation of the finished product.

Tobto project - tse "p'yat P":

Problem - Design (planning) - Information post - Product - Presentation.

Shoste "P" to the project - yogo Portfolio, tobto a folder, in which selection of all work materials for the project, including blacks, days of planning and coming and going.

more important rule: The skin stage of the robot over the project is guilty of the mother of their concrete product!

Preparation of winter posters, memorials, models, organizing and conducting shows, quizzes, contests, shows, holding mini-dos and donations, in order to transfer a presentation of the same results, which is far from a complete list of applied school projects.

The robot behind this technique gives the ability to develop individual creativity of scientists, it is more learned to go to professional and social self-determination.

4). Technology of developing equipment.

The basis of the development is є "zone of the best development". Tse of the witness to behold the radianskiy of the psychologist L.S. Vigotsky.

Main idea polyagaє in that, where all knowledge, as it is possible to learn learning, to be divided into three views. The first species includes those that are already known. The third is tse, navpaki, those who are absolutely unacceptable. Another part is in the intermediate position between the first and the other. Central area of ​​development.

Razvivalne navchannya broke out from the end of the 50s in the framework of the school L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina.Christmas dayproblematic news be smart about such organization to occupy As a result of the teacher’s qualifications, I am active in the self-discipline of scholars in terms of their success, as a result of which I get more creative with professional knowledge, skills, intelligence.

technology problematic navchannya the transfer of organization by the certificate of the teacher of the independent educational performance of the scientists for the solutions of the main problems, in the course of which the new knowledge is formed in the scientists, in the mind and the tips, the development of health, creative mission that are especially significant qualities.

Problematic is the situation in the beginning of the day, the value of only todi is problematic, if the scientists are not advocating the problem of developing intellectual abilities, waking up from the scientists of the antiquity of the situation.
Yak troubled people can vistupati navchalnі zavdannya, Pitannya, practical work and so on. However, it is impossible to change the problem of the problematic situation. Problem zavdannya itself is not a problem situation, it can be a problematic situation deprived of singing minds. One and the same problematic situation can be a wiklican different types zavdan. V Zagalom viglyadі the technology of problematic science of the field is in the fact that the scientists are faced with the problem of the stench in the absence of the presenter's participation, or on their own, to follow the paths and the ways of seeing, i.e.

    I will be a hypothesis

    namіchayut і discuss ways of converting the truth,

    arguing, conducting experiments, cautioning, analyzing their results, flickering, bringing.

Behind the stage of cognitive independence of scientists, the problem is not to be found in three main forms: problematic wikklad, partial-sounding activity, and independent pre-modern activity. Naymencha is an educational self-reliance in young people with a problematic cycle: the introduction of new material is made possible by the cycle itself. Having posed the problem, the teacher of the open path її її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї і і іrіshennya, demonstrating to the scholars of the movement of the scientific message, zmushu їkh stuzhit behind the dialectical rubble of thought to the truth, to rob їх like bi speakers of the scientific trick. In the minds of the part-sounding power of the robot, in the main, it is to wicklade for the additional special food, which spontaneously teach up to independent peace, actively whispering about the problem around a part of the problem.

The technology of problematic science, both of which is technology, there are both positive and negative sides.

Perevagi technology problematic navchannya : Trying not only to get used to the knowledge of the necessary system of knowledge, to diminish and navigate, but to achieve viskogo rivnyaїх rosum development, the formulation of their building up to independent addition of knowledge by the way of power creative dіyalnosti; development of interest to the beginning; I will take care of the results and the navchannya.

shortcomings: great vitrati for an hour to reach the planned results, weak kerovanth in the cognitive performance of scholars.

5). Healthy technologies.

Forgetting the schoolchildren's ability to preserve their health for the period of being taught at school, the formation of new necessary knowledge, being less and more important for a healthy way of living, and for taking the knowledge away from the crumpled life.

Organization of primary activities with the education of the main students before the lesson with the complex healthy technologies:

· Dotrimannya sanitary - hygienic vimogs (more light, optimal thermal regime, good illumination, cleanliness), rules of safety technology;

Rational proficiency in the lesson (an hour, to the head of the robot) Guilty of becoming not less than 60% and not more than 75-80%;

Organizational readings initial pratsi;

· Suvor dozuvannya navchany navantazhennya;

· Zmіna vidіv dіyalnosti;

· Navchannya from urahuvannyam of provincial channels to receive information by scientists (audiovisual, kinesthetic, etc.);

· Miscellaneous and triviality of the cost of TCO;

· Inclusion in the lesson of technological priyomy and methods, how to accept self-knowledge, self-assessment of scholars;

· Pobudova lesson on educational training;

· INDIVIDUAL PIDHID to the knowledge of special opportunities;

· Formation of personal and internal motivation for the effectiveness of scientists;

· Friendly psychological class, the situation of success and emotional distribution;

Stress prevention:

robots in pairs, in groups, like on mіstsyah, so і bіlya doshka, de іvіdnі, bіlsh "weak" learning to see a comrade, stimulating scholars before victorian different ways decision, without fear of pardoning and rejecting the wrong view;

· Carrying out physical culture and dynamic pauses in the classroom;

· Reflexion is directed through the whole lesson and in the first part.

Stagnation of such technologies for additional help to preserve and improve the health of schoolchildren: polіpshennya psychological climate in childish collectives; enhancing the health of schoolchildren to robotics; increasing the concentration of respect; Decrease in indicators of sickness of children, level of anxiety.

Vikoristannya danih technologies allow for an hourly lesson in the development of the development of initial material, See an hour to spend independent robots, Normatively, the TCO has been fixed, which gives positive results in the field.

6). Іgrovі technologies.

Rivne navchannya and vikhovannya in schools in the significant world of viz. There is a team, some pedagogical process of learning on the psychology of a vivid and individual development of a child. The process of transferring psychological and pedagogical education of schoolchildren in the course of the development of the period of development with the aim of revealing individual options for development, creative health the skin child, the improvement of her powerful positive activity, the development of the unrepeatability of her specialness, the frequent need for pre-morbidity when the newcomers are given some unsuccessful behavior. It is especially important in the young classes of school, if only the people who are trained by the new people should repent, if the old people are old, in the bosom of which mental power and the quality of children are formed, the first for everything educational processesі putting to itself yak sub'єktu of knowledge (cognitive motives, self-assessment, health before spіvpratsі and ін.).

The link with the cym is the relevance in the boxes of game technologies for happy school... The rest of the hour published a collection of books from game technologies. I would like to refer to the robot AB Pleshakova “Game technologies in the initial process”, AV Finogenov “Game technologies in schools” and OA Stepanova “Prevention of school difficulties in children”.

The development of materials in the process of educational performance is forgotten by the knowledge in the small world and more, less material, with the development of any grains. It’s worth explaining, the first for everything, Tim, that in the middle it’s organically we’ll get the job.

At the vidminu from Igor vzagali pedagogical gram I will acquaint you- it is evident that it is clearly stated and indicative of the pedagogical result, which can be primed, seen in a clear view and characterized by an initial and cognitive directing.

The designation of the mission and the role of the game technology in the initial process, the addition of elements of the greetings, and now there is a lot of reason to lie in the mind of the teacher of the functions and classification of pedagogical schools.

In the developing games, in the whole field The main specialty- into the distance of one of the basic principles of science - from simple to foldable - from an even more important principle of creative activity - independently for health, if a child can climb to the "stele" of her abilities.

for the young shkіlnogo vіku the characteristic brightness and the serenity of the image, the ease of entering into the image. It is easy for children to be drawn into the activity, especially, into the game. The stench of self-organizing in a group group, prodding іgry with objects and there are unmatched grids.

efficiency didactic igors to lay down, in the first place, as a systematic victorian, in a different way, as a result of the straightforwardness of the programs of the Igor, at the same time with the usual didactic rights.

The game technology will be like a wholeheartedly approved part of the initial process that will be dealt with by a zest, a plot, a character. At the same time, the plot develops in parallel to the main change in the beginning, additional assistance to activate the initial process, to develop a number of basic elements. Folding of іgrovyh technologies from okremikh іgor and elements - a turbocharger of the dermal reader of the cob school.

For viznachennyam,gra- the whole kind of performance in the minds of situations, directing to the creation and development of suspicious information, in which one is stored and satisfied with self-directed behavior.

Classification of pedagogical Igors

1. By region of purchase:






2. According to (characteristics) the nature of the pedagogical process:








3. For the game technology:







4. For the subject area:

-mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental





5. For the game middle:

-without items

-with items



-high schools



-cyclic, with ships

Yakі zavdannya virіshu vikorystannya takoi form navchannya:

-Zdіysnyu more vіlnі, psychological control of knowledge.

-The reaction of scientists to the nearest future is notable.

-Pіdkhіd to scholars in navchannіy become more delicate and differentiated.

Navchannya in permissibility navchit:

Rozp_znavati, por_vnyuvati, characterize, rozkrivati ​​understand, obruntovuvati, zastosovuvati

As a result of the investment of methods of playing the game, the next steps can be reached:

§ to stimulate educational activity

§ to activate rosum's activity

§ instantly forgotten about the house

§ form an associative memory

§ to accept the motivation before the subject

All the same to talk about the effectiveness of the new process in the process of gris, yak є professional skill, scho maє

In such a rank, vicarious and innovative educational technologies, it is possible to overcome the onset of mutual discussion of problems:

1. Through the formulation, umin orinuvatisya in happy holiday Take the development of the specialness of scholars with an active community position in the face of folding life situations and positively resolves your problems.

2.Change the nature of the interaction of sub'єkts in the school system of education: teacher and student - partners, one-thinkers, equal members of the "one team".

3.Adjust the motivation of the scientists to the initial activity.

The child's positive motivation until the next day can be blamed for that, if you hit 3 minds:

    me tsіkavo those whom to teach me;

me tsіkaviy the one who should learn me;

me tsikavo yak me to chuck.

The visage of motivation to the initial efficiency has been zoomed in with the rich richness of the initial process. Where the development of the new aspects of the specialties of the scientists is concerned, the path is introduced into the initial process of the new types of activity of the scientists.

4. Give more respect to the education and modernization of modern pedagogical technologies, so that it is possible to change the methods of organizing the educational process, the nature of the interaction of the sub-systems, and the development of ideas.

However, the introduction of modern educational and information technologies does not mean that the stench will replace the traditional method of Victory, but will warehouse part... Also, pedagogical technology is a combination of methods, methodical receptions, forms of organizing initial activity, which is based on the theory of development and ensuring the planned results.

For the teacher, the stereotypes and the lesson are folded into the shape of the lesson. Winikak is majestically bazhannya go to start and correct the mercy, so I’m ready to see it. This is a problem to start and come up with: it’s easy for a teacher to play the role of an assistant, organizer of educational activity. happy system We will give the reader the opportunity to vibrate the middle of the helpless innovative methods of his own, to take a fresh look at the power of the robot.

It is necessary to comprehend in a new way the position, intelligence, and for whom it is necessary to change, and, first of all, change yourself.